CC - Item 6A - One Year Professional Services Agreement for Engineering ServicesCity Council Meeting February 11, 2020 Page 2 of 7 engineering areas and the staffing flexibility that contracting with a firm offers. Additionally, in hiring an engineering firm, the City would not be hiring a full time Associate City Engineer, Civil Engineer Assistant, and Public Works Inspector. All Engineering services would be handled by the selected engineering firm. The City of Rosemead released a Request for Proposal (RFP) for engineering services (Attachment A) and six (6) proposals were received by the deadline of October 10, 2019. The firms that submitted proposals were: • Infrastructure Engineers • Interwest Consulting Group • Onward Engineering • Quantum Consulting, Inc • Transtech • Willdan The six (6) proposals were reviewed by Chris Daste’, the Director of Public Works for the City of Rosemead and a peer colleague- Chau Vu, the Public Works Director from the City of Bell Gardens. After scoring each proposal, Interwest, Onward, Transtech, and Willdan were invited for an interview process. This gave the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and the Director of Public Works an opportunity to meet each firm’s team of experts and assess which firm’s strengths that best matched the needs of the City of Rosemead. At the end of this process, based on their proposal and the interview, Transtech was selected to provide their engineering expertise to the City of Rosemead. DISCUSSION The RFP for engineering services was released on September 26, 2019, with a posting on the City’s website and distribution to prospective firms. Proposals were due on October 10, 2019 and the City Clerk received six (6) responsive proposals. No proposal was submitted after the deadline. Chris Daste’ the Director of Public Works with the City of Rosemead and Public Works Director Chau Vu from the City of Bell Gardens reviewed and independently scored the six (6) proposals (Attachment F). Four (4) firms (Interwest Consulting, Onward Engineering, Transtech and Willdan) were advanced to the interview process which included: City Manager Gloria Molleda, Assistant City Manager Ben Kim, and Director of Public Works Chris Daste’. Each firm introduced their team, made a formal presentation, discussed staffing costs, and answered questions related to their role as it pertains specifically to the City of Rosemead and each firm’s ability to fulfill the Scope of Work (Attachment B). City Council Meeting February 11, 2020 Page 3 of 7 The following is a summary of the four (4) firms interviewed: Position Staff Member Credential(s) Transtech Engineers, Inc. Transtech was established in 1989 and has a staff of approximately 100 Engineers, Building Officials, Project Managers, Inspectors, Traffic and Transportation analysts, Designers and support personnel. Transtech works at approximately 40 agencies. Transtech proposed the following key personnel to staff Rosemead: Contract Principal Ahmad Ansari Registered Civil Engineer, 30 years’ experience serving as City Engineer, Public Works Director, Division Manager $700M CIP budget in Orange County City Engineer Michael Ackerman Registered Civil Engineer, Resident Engineer Academy Registered Civil Engineer, Resident Engineer Academy Project Manager Okan Demirci Registered Civil Engineer, Qualified Stormwater Designer, Project Manager for over 10 years. Sr. Traffic Planner Jana Robbins Professional Transportation Planner (PTP) #479 25 years Traffic Planning experience Sr. Construction Inspector Jeffrey Hirsh 25 years’ experience in general engineering, public works and building projects, utilities, striping, grading pavement rehabilitation. Position Staff Member Credential(s) Interwest Consulting Group Interwest Consulting Group currently serves over 100 cities, counties and state agencies. Interwest employs over 430 employees that perform a multitude of services including Engineering, Inspection, Plan Check, Project Management, IT, Building and Safety. Interwest Consulting Group proposed the following personnel to staff Rosemead: Chief Operations Officer Michael Kashiwagi Principal Engineer, Civil Engineer, 42 years municipal experience at various high-level positions, President of Public Works various high- level positions, President of Public Works Officers for California League of Cities City Engineer Joe Indrawan Principal Engineer, Civil Engineer, 35 years civil Engineer Experience at a multitude of agencies Construction Manager/ Inspector Tom Marnocha CESSWI (Certified Erosion, Sediment & Stormwater Inspector), 35 years Management Experience, Construction Management Public Works Inspector Paul Keizer 35 years’ experience in public sector, Certificate of Construction Inspector Traffic Engineer Samir Nuhailey Principal Engineer, Traffic Engineer, Civil Engineer, Over 30 years’ experience in the public sector City Council Meeting February 11, 2020 Page 4 of 7 Position Staff Member Credential(s) Willdan Engineering: Willdan Engineering has been in business since 1964 and is a subsidiary of Willdan Group Inc. Willdan is a publicly traded company and offers a multitude of services including Civil Engineering, Environmental Compliance and Permitting, Traffic Engineering Stormwater Engineering. Willdan's proposed the following personnel to staff Rosemead: Contract Manager/General Engineer Vanessa Munoz Principal Engineer, Traffic Engineer, Professional Traffic Operations Engineer, 22 years’ experience City Engineer Maged El-Rabaa Civil Engineer, 34 years’ experience, Section Head of Los Angeles County Major Projects Public Works Inspector Edward Cox 39 years’ experience in Public Works Inspection Field including underground utilities, street Improvements, stormwater Traffic Engineer Jeffrey Lau Principal Engineer, Traffic Engineer, 16 years’ experience in Traffic Engineering Positions Staff Member Credential(s) Onward Engineering: Onward Engineering offers a multitude of city services including General Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Project Management, Construction Inspection Services. Onward's Engineering proposed the following personnel to staff Rosemead: Principal in Charge Majdi Ataya, P.E. Principal Engineer, 38 years’ experience in a Multitude of Engineering related positions City Engineer Jonathan Wu Civil Engineer, Project Management Professional (PMP) 27 years’ experience in roadway, water, drainage, sewer. Served as a City Engineer at several agencies. Traffic Engineering Lead Ignacio "Nacho" Ochoia Civil Engineer, Registered Traffic Engineer, Traffic Operations Engineer, 36 years’ experience in the traffic field. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement for Transtech to provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services and to execute a Professional Services Agreement for the term of one (1) year. CONCLUSION Although all four firms were qualified to provide engineering services to the City of Rosemead, it was felt that Transtech stood out as the best match for the City of Rosemead. Transtech demonstrated a clear understanding of the unique challenges the City of Rosemead currently faces regarding its aggressive CIP’s program. Transtech understands that staffing has an ebb and flow and demonstrated significant depth and understanding that adequate staffing today, may be City Council Meeting February 11, 2020 Page 5 of 7 too much tomorrow. Conversely, Transtech has the necessary staffing on board and additional staff can be seamlessly added should the current climate change. Transtech has a clear understanding of the regional issues in the San Gabriel Valley as they are also on board at several local cities such as Alhambra and Temple City. Additionally, Transtech clearly demonstrated that they believe that they are a team in unison with City staff, with the goal of making Rosemead an even better place to live. This is also demonstrated by Transtech’s Community Benefit Enhancement (CBE) where Transtech is actively involved in City and other Community Events and causes. FISCAL IMPACT The cost for the engineering services will be based on the hourly rates included in Attachment C. After meeting with City Staff, during the negotiation process, Transtech agreed to lower their hourly rates for the City Engineer, Traffic Engineer and City Encroachment Permit Inspection Services (see fee schedule Attachment C). Listed below is a breakdown of the proposed annual fees for each of the firms: Interwest Consulting Group Classification Hours/Week Hours/Year Hourly Rate Annual Fee City Engineering 25 1300 $160 $208,000 Traffic Engineering 8 416 $160 $66,560 PW Permit Inspection 20 1040 $105 $109,200 Total $383,760 Onward Engineering Classification Hours/Week Hours/Year Hourly Rate Annual Fee City Engineering 25 1300 $150 $195,000 Traffic Engineering 8 416 $150 $62,400 PW Permit Inspection 20 1040 $110 $114,400 Total $371,800 Transtech Engineering, Inc. Classification Hours/Week Hours/Year Hourly Rate Annual Fee City Engineering 25 1300 $145 $188,500 Traffic Engineering 8 416 $145 $60,320 PW Permit Inspection 20 1040 $90 $93,600 Total $342,420 Willdan Engineering Classification Hours/Week Hours/Year Hourly Rate Annual Fee City Engineering 25 1300 $160 $208,000 Traffic Engineering 8 416 $188 $78,208 PW Permit Inspection 20 1040 $115 $119,600 Total $405,808 City Council Meeting February 11, 2020 Page 6 of 7 The contract does not commit the City to expend a specified amount for this service; however, the contract shall be for an amount not-to-exceed $342,420 from the date of the executed Agreement. Funding is provided through several sources including the General Fund, Measure R Fund, and Measure M Fund (Attachment D). As part of the FY 2019/20 Adopted Budget, the City Council approved three positions in the Engineering Division to implement the engineering services: An Associate City Engineer, Civil Engineering Assistant, and Public Works Inspector. In addition, the City Council approved a budget of $200,000 from the General Fund and $200,000 from the Measure R Fund to fund engineering and other professional services in the Other Professional/Technical Services account. The two existing Other Professional/Technical Services accounts currently have a combined remaining FY 2019/20 unspent balance of approximately $284,888.60. Staff is proposing to contract out engineering services to Transtech consulting firm for an amount not-to-exceed $342,420. Staff is further requesting the City Council approve a budget adjustment to reduce salary and benefits budgets for the three Engineering positions currently budgeted in the Engineering Division and to transfer the resultant budget of $294,000 to the corresponding “Other Professional/Technical Services” accounts (Table 1). Account Amount Account Amount 101-3035* : Salaries & Benefits - General Fund 152,300.00$ 101-3036* : Salaries & Benefits - Proj. Mgmt 94,300.00$ Sub Total 246,600.00$ 101-3035-5299: Other Professional/ Technical Services 246,600.00$ 225-3035* : Salaries & Benefits - Measure R Fund 23,700.00$ 225-3035-5299: Other Professional/Technical Services 23,700.00$ 226-3035* : Salaries & Benefits - Measure M Fund 23,700.00$ 226-3035-5299: Other Professional/ Technical Services 23,700.00$ Total 294,000.00$ Total 294,000.00$ To Table 1 Budget Adjustment From TRANSTECH ENGINEERS, INC. NEGOTIATED FEE SCHEDULE Engineering Services Proposal for the City of Rosemead Need/Budget Estimates, Scope of Services and Staffing/Fee Rates/Budget Levels CITY ENGINEERING/CIP MANAGEMENT Needs/Budget Estimates: Based on the service demand over the recent several months of Transtech Engineers in the interim City Engineer role, as well as the size of the City’s current Capital Improvement Program (CIP), it is estimated 25 hours per week would be required for the scope of services listed below. Scope of Services: 1. Providing routine day to day city engineering which requires registered California Professional Engineers License; 2. Interacting with and representing the City at regional agencies such as County of Los Angeles, Caltrans, LA Metro in discussing regional issues, grants and projects that impact or are beneficial to the City; 3. Providing general management of the City’s CIP program. The scope of work for the general CIP Program management involves providing the City updates on the status of various CIP projects, overseeing and coordinating with project consultants assigned to each CIP project to perform tasks such as design, surveying, soils engineering, construction management, inspection, labor compliance federal compliance, etc.; 4. Providing Conditions of Approvals for permit applications by utility companies; 5. Providing Conditions of Approvals for p private development applications related to work within Public Street right-of-way; 6. Acting as extension of City staff in overall project management of all projects under the City’s CIP; 7. Making recommendations for best management practices course of action with respect to the CIP projects; 8. When requested by the PW Director, assisting in preparation of City Council Agenda Staff Reports for various stages of CIP development and implementation such as bid advertisement, award of construction, co-op agreements and joint powers efforts; 9. Attending City Council meetings and presenting or assist in presentation of complex engineering related items and respond/resolve questions and concerns. 10. Reviewing plans related to work within Public Street right-of-way submitted by private developers for development projects (fees for this is paid from Plan Review Fee to be paid by the Developer); 11. Reviewing Parcel and Tract Maps (fees for this is paid from Plan Review Fee to be paid by the Developer); 12. Interacting and coordinating efforts with Planning Division in private Development review and approval; 13. When requested, attending Planning Commission meetings to respond questions related to conditions developed and/or plans checked by Transtech for development projects (fees for this should be paid in addition to base fee from Plan Review Fee to be paid by the Developer); 14. Based on specific scope of work and fee approved by the PW Director, performing actual work related to a specific CIP projects (such as design, surveying, soils engineering, construction management, inspection, labor compliance federal compliance, etc.), and/or preparing RFP/RFQ as directed by TRANSTECH ENGINEERS, INC. NEGOTIATED FEE SCHEDULE Engineering Services Proposal for the City of Rosemead Need/Budget Estimates, Scope of Services and Staffing/Fee Rates/Budget Levels department director to retain consultants to provide such services for special funded complex CIP projects where complex design expertise may be required; 15. Selecting design engineers and/or architects, coordinating efforts with design engineers and/or architects as well as other City Departments to keep the CIP on schedule and within the budget; TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Needs/Budget Estimates: Based on the service demand over the recent several months of Transtech Engineers in the interim Traffic Engineer role, as well as coordinating efforts with the City’s current traffic engineering service provider, it is estimated 8 hours per week would be required for the scope of services listed below. Scope of Services: Routine day to day traffic engineering, responding to citizens’ traffic related concerns; traffic counts, data analysis, Warrant studies and recommendations for traffic control devices and red curbing, Review of traffic control plans to support Public Works permit process; Reviewing Traffic studies review in conjunction with private development review process (fees for this should be paid in addition to base fee from Traffic Review Fee to be paid by the Developer); Assisting in preparation of traffic related Conditions of Approvals, Assisting in preparation of Traffic Commission Agenda Staff Reports and attending Traffic Commission meetings as required. Note: Preparation of Traffic Studies, Complex Analysis and Reports are excluded and if within Transtech Engineers’ expertise, may at the direction of the City be engaged through separately approved RFP or Task Order process to perform such professional work. PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION Needs/Budget Estimates: Based on the service demand over the recent several months of Transtech Engineers in the interim Public Works Construction Inspector role, as well as high demand by major utility companies such as SGV Water, So Cal Edison, So Cal Gas, Cable Communication, etc. for under-grounding, mainline and service line replacement which often requires night work/inspection to minimize the impact on traffic and road/lane closures, it is estimated 20 hours per week would be required for the scope of services listed below. Scope of Services: Routine day to day inspection of public works permits related to residential or commercial development work within the public right of ways, utility cuts, utilities mainline and service line replacement, under-grounding, routine maintenance type work such as pavement, sidewalk, curb&gutter, driveway, ADA ramp repairs. Note: Duties related to permit technician which so far has been performed by Transtech Engineers Inspector are excluded. It is assumed that the newly recruited Management Analyst as City staff in Public TRANSTECH ENGINEERS, INC. NEGOTIATED FEE SCHEDULE Engineering Services Proposal for the City of Rosemead Need/Budget Estimates, Scope of Services and Staffing/Fee Rates/Budget Levels Works Engineering Division will perform these duties as related to permit processing and interaction with permit applicants at the public counter. Staffing/Fee Rate/Budget Levels: NOTE: These estimates are NTE budget levels. Invoices and fees charged are based on actual hours for services rendered. CONTRACT Classification hrs/week hrs/year Hrly Rate Annual Fee City Engineering/CIP Program Oversight 25 1300 $145 $188,500 Traffic Engineering 8 416 $145 $60,320 PW Permit Inspection 20 1040 $90 $93,600 GRAND TOTAL (CONTRACT) $342,420 Attachment E Draft Professional Services Agreement PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES (TRANSTECH ENGINEERS, INC.) 1.PARTIES AND DATE. This Agreement is made and entered into this this ____ Day of ___, 20___ (Effective Date) by and between the City of Rosemead, a municipal organization organized under the laws of the State of California with its principal place of business at 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California 91770 ("City") and Transtech Engineers, Inc., a limited liability corporation, with its principal place of business at 13367 Benson Avenue, Chino, CA 91710 ("Consultant"). City and Consultant are sometimes individually referred to herein as "Party" and collectively as "Parties." 2.RECITALS. 2.1 Consultant. Consultant desires to perform and assume responsibility for the provision of certain professional services required by the City on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Consultant represents that it is experienced in providing Engineering consulting services to public clients, is licensed in the State of California and is familiar with the plans of City. 2.2 Project. City desires to engage Consultant to render such ongoing professional Engineering consulting ("Services") as set forth in this Agreement. 3.TERMS. 3.1 Scope of Services and Term. 3.1.1 General Scope of Services: Consultant promises and agrees to furnish to the City all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, and incidental and TRANSTECH ENGINEERING, INC. Page 2 of 17 customary work necessary to fully and adequately supply the professional Engineering consulting services necessary for the Project, herein referred to a "Services". The Services are more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. All Services shall be subject to, and performed in accordance with, this Agreement, the exhibits attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations. 3.1.2 Term. The term of this Agreement shall be for a one (1) year period from the Effective Date shown above, at the sole and absolute discretion of the City, unless earlier terminated as provided herein. Consultant shall complete the Services within the term of this Agreement and shall meet any other established schedules and deadlines. 3.2 Responsibilities of Consultant. 3.2.1 Control and Payment of Subordinates; Independent Contractor. The Services shall be performed by Consultant or under its supervision. Consultant will determine the means, methods and details of performing the Services subject to the requirements of this Agreement. City retains Consultant on an independent contractor basis and not as an employee. Consultant retains the right to perform similar or different services for others during the term of this Agreement. Any additional personnel performing the Services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall also not be employees of City and shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and control. Consultant shall pay all wages, salaries, and other amounts due such personnel in connection with their performance of Services under this Agreement and as required by law. Consultant shall be responsible for all reports and obligations respecting such additional personnel, including, but not limited to: social security taxes, income tax withholding, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and workers' compensation insurance. 3.2.2 Schedule of Services: Consultant shall perform the Services expeditiously, within the term of this Agreement. Consultant represents that it has the professional and technical personnel required to perform the Services in conformance with such conditions. In order to facilitate Consultant's conformance with the Schedule, City shall respond to Consultant's submittals in a timely manner. Upon request of City, Consultant shall provide a more detailed schedule of anticipated performance to meet the Schedule of Services. 3.2.3 Conformance to Applicable Requirements: All work prepared by Consultant shall be subject to the approval of City. 3.2.4 Substitution of Key Personnel: Consultant has represented to City that certain key personnel will perform and coordinate the Services under this Agreement. TRANSTECH ENGINEERING, INC. Page 3 of 17 Should one or more of such personnel become unavailable, Consultant may substitute other personnel of at least equal competence upon written approval of City. In the event that City and Consultant cannot agree as to the substitution of key personnel, City shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement for cause. As discussed below, any personnel who fail or refuse to perform the Services in a manner acceptable to the City, or who are determined by the City to be uncooperative, incompetent, a threat to the adequate or timely completion of the Project or a threat to the safety of persons or property, shall be promptly removed from the Project by the Consultant at the request of the City. 3.2.5 City's Representative: The City hereby designates the City Manager, or his or her designee, to act as its representative for the performance of this Agreement ("City's Representative"). City's Representative shall have the power to act on behalf of the City for all purposes under this Agreement. Consultant shall not accept direction or orders from any person other than the City's Representative or his or her designee. 3.2.6 Consultant's Representative: Consultant hereby designates Ahamd Ansari, or his/her designee, to act as its representative for the performance of this Agreement ("Consultant's Representative"). Consultant's Representative shall have full authority to represent and act on behalf of the Consultant for all purposes under this Agreement. The Consultant's Representative shall supervise and direct the Services, using his/her professional skill and attention, and shall be responsible for all means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for the satisfactory coordination of all portions of the Services under this Agreement. 3.2.7 Coordination of Services: Consultant agrees to work closely with City staff in the performance of Services and shall be available to City's staff, consultants and other staff at all reasonable times. 3.2.8 Standard of Care; Performance of Employees: Consultant shall perform all Services under this Agreement in a skillful and competent manner, consistent with the standards generally recognized as being employed by professionals in the same discipline in the State of California. Consultant represents and maintains that it is skilled in the professional calling necessary to perform the Services. Consultant represents that all employees and subcontractors shall have sufficient skill and experience to perform the Services assigned to them. Finally, Consultant represents that it, its employees and subcontractors have all licenses, permits, qualifications and approvals of whatever nature that are legally required to perform the Services, including a City business License, and that such licenses and approvals shall be maintained throughout the term of this Agreement. As provided for in the indemnification provisions of this Agreement, Consultant shall perform, at its own cost and expense and without reimbursement from the City, any services necessary to correct errors or omissions which are caused by the Consultant's failure to comply with the standard of care provided for herein. TRANSTECH ENGINEERING, INC. Page 4 of 17 3.2.9 Laws and Regulations: Consultant shall keep itself fully informed of and in compliance with applicable local state and federal laws, rules and regulations in any manner affecting the performance of the Project or the Services, including all Cal/OSHA requirements, and shall give all notices required by law. Consultant shall be liable for all violations of such laws and regulations in connection with Services. If the Consultant performs any work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, rules and regulations and without giving written notice to the City, Consultant shall be solely responsible for all costs arising therefrom. Consultant shall indemnify and hold City, its officials, directors, officers, employees and agents free and harmless, pursuant to the indemnification provisions of this Agreement, from any liability to the extent found to be arising out of any failure to comply with such laws, rules or regulations. 3.2.10 Insurance: Consultant shall maintain prior to the beginning of and for the duration of this Agreement insurance coverage as specified in Exhibit B attached to and part of this agreement. 3.2.11 Safety: Contractor shall execute and maintain its work so as to avoid injury or damage to any person or property. In carrying out its Services, the Consultant shall at all times be in compliance with all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations, and shall exercise all necessary precautions for the safety of its employees appropriate to the nature of the work and the conditions under which the work is to be performed. Safety precautions as applicable shall include, but shall not be limited to: (A) adequate life protection and life saving equipment and procedures; (B) instructions in accident prevention for all employees and subcontractors, such as safe walkways, scaffolds, fall protection ladders, bridges, gang planks, confined space procedures, trenching and shoring, equipment and other safety devices, equipment and wearing apparel as are necessary or lawfully required to prevent accidents or injuries; and (C) adequate facilities for the proper inspection and maintenance of all safety measures. 3.3 Fees and Payments. 3.3.1 Compensation: Consultant shall receive compensation, including authorized reimbursements, for all Services rendered under this Agreement and shall not exceed Three Hundred Forty-Two Thousand Four Hundred Twenty Dollars ($342,420.00) from the Agreement date and in accordance with consultant’s proposal dated October 10, 2019. Consultant’s proposal is hereby incorporated and found in Exhibit “A”. Extra Work may be authorized in writing, as described below, and will be compensated at the rates and manner set forth in this Agreement. 3.3.2 Payment of Compensation: Consultant shall submit to City a monthly itemized statement which indicates work completed and hours of Services rendered by Consultant. The statement shall describe the amount of Services and supplies provided since the initial commencement date, or since the start of the subsequent billing periods, TRANSTECH ENGINEERING, INC. Page 5 of 17 as appropriate, through the date of the statement. City shall, within 30 days of receiving such statement, review the statement and pay all approved charges thereon. 3.3.3 Reimbursement for Expenses: Consultant shall not be reimbursed for any expenses unless authorized in writing by City. 3.3.4 Extra Work: At any time during the term of this Agreement, City may request that Consultant perform Extra Work. As used herein, "Extra Work" means any work which is determined by City to be necessary for the proper completion of the Project, but which the parties did not reasonably anticipate would be necessary at the execution of this Agreement. Consultant shall not perform, nor be compensated for, Extra Work without written authorization from City's Representative. 3.3.5 Prevailing Wages: Consultant is aware of the requirements of California Labor Code Section 1720, et seq., and 1770, et seq., as well as California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 1600, et seq., ("Prevailing Wage Laws"), which require the payment of prevailing wage rates and the performance of other requirements on "public works" and "maintenance" project, as defined by the Prevailing Wage Laws, and if the total compensation is $1,000 or more, Consultant agrees to fully comply with such Prevailing Wage Laws to the extent they are applicable to Consultant. City shall provide Consultant with a copy of the prevailing rates of per diem wages in effect at the commencement of this Agreement. Consultant shall make copies of the prevailing rates of per diem wages for each craft; classification or type of worker needed to execute the Services available to interested parties upon request and shall post copies at the Consultant's principal place of business and at the project site. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees and agents free and harmless from any claim or liability arising out of any failure or alleged failure to comply with the Prevailing Wage Laws. 3.4 Accounting Records. 3.4.1 Maintenance and Inspection: Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to all costs and expenses incurred under this Agreement. All such records shall be clearly identifiable. Consultant shall allow a representative of City during normal business hours to examine, audit, and make transcripts or copies of such records and any other documents created pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to the Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement. 3.5 General Provisions. 3.5.1 Termination of Agreement. TRANSTECH ENGINEERING, INC. Page 6 of 17 Grounds for Termination: City may, by written notice to Consultant, terminate the whole or any part of this Agreement at any time and without cause by giving written notice to Consultant of such termination, and specifying the effective date thereof, at least seven (7) days before the effective date of such termination. Upon termination, Consultant shall be compensated only for those services which have been adequately rendered to City, and Consultant shall be entitled to no further compensation. Consultant may not terminate this Agreement except for cause. Effect of Termination: If this Agreement is terminated as provided herein, City may require Consultant to provide all finished or unfinished Documents/ Data and other information of any kind prepared by Consultant in connection with the performance of Services under this Agreement. Consultant shall be required to provide such document and other information within fifteen (15) days of the request. Additional Services: In the event this Agreement is terminated in whole or in part as provided herein, City may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as it may determine appropriate, services similar to those terminated. 3.5.2 Delivery of Notices: All notices permitted or required under this Agreement shall be given to the respective parties at the following address, or at such other address as the respective parties may provide in writing for this purpose: CONSULTANT: Transtech Engineers, Inc. 13367 Benson Avenue Chino, CA 91710 Attn: Ahmad Ansari Tel: (909) 595-8599 CITY: City of Rosemead 8838 Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Attn: Chris Dastè Tel: (626) 569-2158 Such notice shall be deemed made when personally delivered or when mailed, forty- eight (48) hours by certified mail or deposit in the U.S. Mail, first-class postage prepaid and addressed to the party at its applicable address. Actual notice shall be deemed adequate notice on the date actual notice occurred, regardless of the method of service. TRANSTECH ENGINEERING, INC. Page 7 of 17 3.5.3 Ownership of Materials and Confidentiality. Documents & Data; Licensing of Intellectual Property: This Agreement creates a non-exclusive and perpetual license for City to copy, use, modify, reuse, or sublicense any and all copyrights, designs, and other intellectual property embodied in plans, specifications, studies, drawings, estimates, and other documents or works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, including but not limited to, physical drawings or data magnetically or otherwise recorded on computer diskettes, which are prepared or caused to be prepared by Consultant under this Agreement ("Documents & Data"). Consultant shall require all subcontractors to agree in writing that City is granted a non-exclusive and perpetual license for any Documents & Data the subcontractor prepares under this Agreement. Consultant represents and warrants that Consultant has the legal right to license any and all Documents & Data. Consultant makes no such representation and warranty in regard to Documents & Data which were prepared by design professionals other than Consultant or provided to Consultant by the City. The Documents & Data are intended for use solely with respect to the project for which they were prepared. Any reuse or modification by City shall be at City’s sole risk. Confidentiality: All ideas, memoranda, specifications, plans, procedures, drawings, descriptions, computer program data, input record data, written information, and other Documents and Data either created by or provided to Consultant in connection with the performance of this Agreement shall be held confidential by Consultant. Such materials shall not, without the prior written consent of City, be used by Consultant for any purposes other than the performance of the Services. Nor shall such materials be disclosed to any person or entity not connected with the performance of the Services or the Project. Nothing furnished to Consultant which is otherwise known to Consultant or is generally known, or has become known, to the related industry shall be deemed confidential. Consultant shall not use City's name or insignia, photographs of the Project, or any publicity pertaining to the Services or the Project in any magazine, trade paper, newspaper, television or radio production or other similar medium without the prior written consent of City. 3.5.4 Cooperation; Further Acts: The Parties shall fully cooperate with one another and shall take any additional acts or sign any additional documents as may be necessary, appropriate or convenient to attain the purposes of this Agreement. 3.5.5 Attorney's Fees: If either party commences an action against the other party, either legal, administrative or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to have and recover from the losing party reasonable attorney's fees and all costs of such action as part of prevailing party’s total damages as determined by court of competent jurisdiction or as agreed upon by the parties in settlement. TRANSTECH ENGINEERING, INC. Page 8 of 17 3.5.6 Indemnity and Defense. a. Indemnity and Defense To the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify and hold harmless Agency and any and all of its officials, employees and agents (“Indemnified Parties”) from and against any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses, including legal counsel’s fees and costs, to the extent caused by the negligent or wrongful act, error or omission of Consultant, its officers, agents, employees or subconsultants (or any agency or individual that Consultant shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the performance of services under this agreement. Consultant’s duty to indemnify and hold harmless Agency shall not extend to the Agency’s sole or active negligence. b. Duty to Defend In the event the Agency, its officers, employees, agents and/or volunteers are made a party to any action, lawsuit, or other adversarial proceeding arising from the performance of the services encompassed by this agreement, and upon demand by Agency, Consultant shall defend the Agency at Consultant’s cost or at Agency’s option, to reimburse Agency for its costs of defense, including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs incurred in the defense of such matters to the extent the matters arise from, relate to or are caused by Consultant’s negligent acts, errors or omissions. Payment by Agency is not a condition precedent to enforcement of this provision. In the event of any dispute between Consultant and Agency, as to whether liability arises from the sole or active negligence of the Agency or its officers, employees, or agents, Consultant will be obligated to pay for Agency’s defense until such time as a final judgment has been entered adjudicating the Agency as solely or actively negligent. In no event shall the cost to defend charged to the design professional exceed the design professional's proportionate percentage of fault. 3.5.7 Entire Agreement: This Agreement contains the entire Agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings or agreements. This Agreement may only be modified by a writing signed by both parties. 3.5.8 Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Venue shall be in Los Angeles County. 3.5.9 Time of Essence: Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this Agreement. 3.5.10 City's Right to Employ Other Consultants: City reserves right to employ other consultants in connection with this Project. TRANSTECH ENGINEERING, INC. Page 9 of 17 3.5.11 Successors and Assigns: This Agreement shall be binding on the successors and assigns of the parties. 3.5.12 Assignment or Transfer: Consultant shall not assign, hypothecate, or transfer, either directly or by operation of law, this Agreement or any interest herein without the prior written consent of the City. Any attempt to do so shall be null and void, and any assignees, hypothecates or transferees shall acquire no right or interest by reason of such attempted assignment, hypothecation or transfer. 3.5.13 Construction; References; Captions: Since the Parties or their agents have participated fully in the preparation of this Agreement, the language of this Agreement shall be construed simply, according to its fair meaning, and not strictly for or against any Party. Any term referencing time, days or period for performance shall be deemed calendar days and not work days. All references to Consultant include all personnel, employees, agents, and subcontractors of Consultant, except as otherwise specified in this Agreement. All references to City include its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers except as otherwise specified in this Agreement. The captions of the various articles and paragraphs are for convenience and ease of reference only, and do not define, limit, augment, or describe the scope, content, or intent of this Agreement. 3.5.14 Amendment; Modification: No supplement, modification, or amendment of this Agreement shall be binding unless executed in writing and signed by both Parties. 3.5.15 Waiver: No waiver of any default shall constitute a waiver of any other default or breach, whether of the same or other covenant or condition. No waiver, benefit, privilege, or service voluntarily given or performed by a Party shall give the other Party any contractual rights by custom, estoppel, or otherwise. 3.5.16 No Third Party Beneficiaries: There are no intended third party beneficiaries of any right or obligation assumed by the Parties. 3.5.17 Invalidity; Severability: If any portion of this Agreement is declared invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. 3.5.18 Prohibited Interests: Consultant maintains and warrants that it has not employed nor retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for Consultant, to solicit or secure this Agreement. Further, Consultant warrants that it has not paid nor has it agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for Consultant, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. Consultant further agrees to file, or shall cause its employees or TRANSTECH ENGINEERING, INC. Page 10 of 17 subconsultants to file, a Statement of Economic Interest with the City's Filing Officer as required under state law in the performance of the Services. For breach or violation of this warranty, City shall have the right to rescind this Agreement without liability. For the term of this Agreement, no member, officer or employee of City, during the term of his or her service with City, shall have any direct interest in this Agreement, or obtain any present or anticipated material benefit arising therefrom. 3.5.19 Equal Opportunity Employment: Consultant represents that it is an equal opportunity employer and it shall not discriminate against any subcontractor, employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, national origin, handicap, ancestry, sex or age. Such non-discrimination shall include, but not be limited to, all activities related to initial employment, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination. Consultant shall also comply with all relevant provisions of City's Minority Business Enterprise program, Affirmative Action Plan or other related programs or guidelines currently in effect or hereinafter enacted. 3.5.20 Labor Certification: By its signature hereunder, Consultant certifies that it is aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the California Labor Code which require every employer to be insured against liability for Worker's Compensation or to undertake self- insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and agrees to comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the Services. 3.5.21 Authority to Enter Agreement: Consultant has all requisite power and authority to conduct its business and to execute, deliver, and perform the Agreement. Each Party warrants that the individuals who have signed this Agreement have the legal power, right, and authority to make this Agreement and bind each respective Party. 3.5.22 Counterparts: This Agreement may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original. 3.6 Subcontracting. 3.6.1 Prior Approval Required: Consultant shall not subcontract any portion of the work required by this Agreement, except as expressly stated herein, without prior written approval of City. Subcontracts, if any, shall contain a provision making them subject to all provisions stipulated in this Agreement. [Signatures on next Page] TRANSTECH ENGINEERING, INC. Page 11 of 17 CITY OF ROSEMEAD TRANSTECH ENGINEERS, INC. _______________________ ________ By: _____________________ Gloria Molleda, City Manager Date Name: __________________ Attest: Title: ____________________ _______________________ ________ Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk Date [If Corporation, TWO SIGNATURES, President OR Vice President AND Secretary, AND CORPORATE SEAL OF CONTRACTOR REQUIRED] Approved as to Form: By: ____________________ ______________________ ________ Name: __________________ Rachel Richman Date City Attorney Title: ___________________ TRANSTECH ENGINEERING, INC. Page 12 of 17 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES/ RATE SCHEDULE TRANSTECH ENGINEERING, INC. Page 13 of 17 EXHIBIT B INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Prior to the beginning of and throughout the duration of the Work, Consultant will maintain insurance in conformance with the requirements set forth below. Consultant will use existing coverage to comply with these requirements. If that existing coverage does not meet the requirements set forth here, Consultant agrees to amend, supplement or endorse the existing coverage to do so. Consultant acknowledges that the insurance coverage and policy limits set forth in this section constitute the minimum amount of coverage required. Any insurance proceeds available to City in excess of the limits and coverage required in this agreement and which is applicable to a given loss, will be available to City. Consultant shall provide the following types and amounts of insurance: Commercial General Liability Insurance. Consultant shall maintain commercial general liability insurance with coverage at least as broad as Insurance Services Office form CG 00 01, in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate, for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage. The policy must include contractual liability that has not been amended. Any endorsement restricting standard ISO “insured contract” language will not be accepted. Business Auto Coverage on ISO Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 including symbol 1 (Any Auto) or the exact equivalent. Limits are subject to review, but in no event to be less that $1,000,000 per accident. If Consultant owns no vehicles, this requirement may be satisfied by a non-owned auto endorsement to the general liability policy described above. If Consultant or Consultant's employees will use personal autos in any way on this project, Consultant shall provide evidence of personal auto liability coverage for each such person. Workers Compensation on a state-approved policy form providing statutory benefits as required by law with employer’s liability limits no less than $1,000,000 per accident or disease. Excess or Umbrella Liability Insurance (Over Primary) if used to meet limit requirements, shall provide coverage at least as broad as specified for the underlying coverages. Any such coverage provided under an umbrella liability policy shall include a drop down provision providing primary coverage above a maximum $25,000 self-insured retention for liability not covered by primary but covered by the umbrella. Coverage shall be provided on a "pay on behalf' basis, with defense costs payable in addition to policy limits. Policy shall contain a provision obligating insurer at the time insured's liability is determined, not requiring actual payment by the insured first. There shall be no cross- TRANSTECH ENGINEERING, INC. Page 14 of 17 liability exclusion precluding coverage for claims or suits by one insured against another. Coverage shall be applicable to City for injury to employees of Consultant, subconsultants or others involved in the Work. The scope of coverage provided is subject to approval of City following receipt of proof of insurance as required herein. Limits are subject to review but in no event less than $1 Million per occurrence. Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions Insurance as appropriate shall be written on a policy form coverage specifically designed to protect against acts, errors or omissions of the consultant and "Covered Professional Services" as designated in the policy must include work performed under this agreement. The policy limit shall be no less than $1,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate. The policy must "pay on behalf of' the insured and must include a provision establishing the insurer's duty to defend the Named Insured. The policy retroactive date shall be on or before the effective date of this agreement. Insurance procured pursuant to these requirements shall be written by insurers that are admitted carriers in the state of California and with an A.M. Bests rating of A- or better and a minimum financial size VII. General conditions pertaining to provision of insurance coverage by Consultant. Consultant and City agree to the following with respect to insurance provided by Consultant: 1.Consultant agrees to have its insurer endorse the third-party general liability coverage required herein to include as additional insureds City, its officials, employees and agents, using standard ISO endorsement No. CG 2010 (or otherwise consistent with the insurer’s endorsement). Consultant also agrees to require all contractors, and subcontractors to do likewise. 2.No liability insurance coverage provided to comply with this Agreement shall prohibit Consultant, or Consultant's employees, or agents, from waiving the right of subrogation prior to a loss. Consultant agrees to waive subrogation rights against City regardless of the applicability of any insurance proceeds, and to require all contractors and subcontractors to do likewise. 3.All insurance coverage and limits provided by Contractor and available or applicable to this agreement are intended to apply to the full extent of the policies. Nothing contained in this Agreement or any other agreement relating to the City or its operations limits the application of such insurance coverage. TRANSTECH ENGINEERING, INC. Page 15 of 17 4.None of the coverages required herein will be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement of any kind that has not been first submitted to City and approved of in writing. 5.No liability policy shall contain any provision or definition that would serve to eliminate so-called "third party action over" claims, including any exclusion for bodily injury to an employee of the insured or of any contractor or subcontractor. 6.All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval, modification and additional requirements by the City, as the need arises. Consultant shall not make any reductions in scope of coverage (e.g. elimination of contractual liability or reduction of discovery period} that may affect City's protection without City's prior written consent. 7.Proof of compliance with these insurance requirements, consisting of certificates of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required and an additional insured endorsement to Consultant's general liability policy, shall be delivered to City at or prior to the execution of this Agreement. In the event such proof of any insurance is not delivered as required, or in the event such insurance is canceled at any time and no replacement coverage is provided, City has the right, but not the duty, to obtain any insurance it deems necessary to protect its interests under this or any other agreement and to pay the premium. Any premium so paid by City shall be charged to and promptly paid by Consultant or deducted from sums due Consultant, at City option. 8.Certificate(s) are to reflect that the insurer will provide 30 days notice to City of any cancellation of coverage. A ten (10) day notice to City shall apply to nonpayment of premiums. Consultant agrees to require its insurer to modify such certificates to delete any exculpatory wording stating that failure of the insurer to mail written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation, or that any party will "endeavor" (as opposed to being required) to comply with the requirements of the certificate. 9.It is acknowledged by the parties of this agreement that all insurance coverage (except Professional Liability and Workers’ Compensation) required to be provided by Consultant or any subcontractor, is intended to apply first and on a primary, noncontributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self-insurance available to City. 10.Consultant agrees to ensure that subcontractors, and any other party involved with the project who is brought onto or involved in the project by TRANSTECH ENGINEERING, INC. Page 16 of 17 Consultant, provide the same minimum insurance coverage required of Consultant. Consultant agrees to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this section. Consultant agrees that upon request, all agreements with subcontractors and others engaged in the project will be submitted to City for review. 11.Consultant agrees not to self-insure or to use any self-insured retentions or deductibles on any portion of the insurance required herein and further agrees that it will not allow any contractor, subcontractor, Architect, Engineer or other entity or person in any way involved in the performance of work on the project contemplated by this agreement to self-insure its obligations to City. If Consultant's existing coverage includes a deductible or self-insured retention, the deductible or self-insured retention must be declared to the City. At that time the City shall review options with the Consultant, which may include reduction or elimination of the deductible or self-insured retention, substitution of other coverage, or other solutions. 12.The City reserves the right at any time during the term of the contract to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the Consultant ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial additional cost to the Consultant, the City will negotiate additional compensation proportional to the increased benefit to City. 13.For purposes of applying insurance coverage only, this Agreement will be deemed to have been executed immediately upon any party hereto taking any steps that can be deemed to be in furtherance of or towards performance of this Agreement. 14.Consultant acknowledges and agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part of City to inform Consultant of non-compliance with any insurance requirement in no way imposes any additional obligations on City nor does it waive any rights hereunder in this or any other regard. 15.Consultant will renew the required coverage annually as long as City, or its employees or agents face an exposure from operations of any type pursuant to this agreement. This obligation applies whether or not the agreement is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until City executes a written statement to that effect. TRANSTECH ENGINEERING, INC. Page 17 of 17 16. Consultant shall provide proof that policies of insurance required herein expiring during the term of this Agreement have been renewed or replaced with other policies providing at least the same coverage. Proof that such coverage has been ordered shall be submitted prior to expiration. A coverage binder or letter from Consultant's insurance agent to this effect is acceptable. A certificate of insurance and/or additional insured endorsement as required in these specifications applicable to the renewing or new coverage must be provided to City within five days of the expiration of the coverages. 17. The provisions of any workers' compensation or similar act will not limit the obligations of Consultant under this agreement. Consultant expressly agrees not to use any statutory immunity defenses under such laws with respect to City, its employees, officials and agents. 18. Requirements of specific coverage features, or limits contained in this section are not intended as limitations on coverage, limits or other requirements nor as a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific reference to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue, and is not intended by any party or insured to be limiting or all inclusive. 19. These insurance requirements are intended to be separate and distinct from any other provision in this agreement and are intended by the parties here to be interpreted as such. 20. The requirements in this Section supersede all other sections and provisions of this Agreement to the extent that any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Section. 21. Consultant agrees to be responsible for ensuring that no contract used by any party involved in any way with the project reserves the right to charge City or Consultant for the cost of additional insurance coverage required by this agreement. Any such provisions are to be deleted with reference to City. It is not the intent of City to reimburse any third party for the cost of complying with these requirements. There shall be no recourse against City for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto. Consultant agrees to provide immediate notice to City of any claim or loss against Consultant arising out of the work performed under this agreement. City assumes no obligation or liability by such notice but has the right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve City. Infrastructure Engineers Proposal Proposal to ProvideCity Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering ServicesRFP No. 2019-13 Prepared forOctober 10, 2019 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services RFP No. 2019-13 Prepared for October 10, 2019 3060 Saturn Street, Suite 250 Brea, CA 92821 Tel.: (714) 940-0100 Fax: (714) 940-0700 www.infrastructure-engineers.com October 10, 2019 Chris Dasté, Director of Public Works City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Subject: Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services, RFP No. NO. 2019-13 Dear Mr. Dasté: As a fully integrated firm, we connect knowledge and experience across various disciples to solve complex challenges that cities face in their unending quest to improve or rehabilitate infrastructure, meet the needs of the public and business owners, while enhancing the quality of life within the City – all on constrained budgets. For more than 25 years, Infrastructure Engineers has assisted cities in the quest to balance needs versus budgets by providing contract staffing for city departments – most often with less financial outlay than hiring city staff, and by using our design engineering acumen to provide viable alternatives and watch-dog construction management tailored to keep your needs and expectations in the forefront. We are able to provide value-added service because we offer turn-key engineering – from initial studies and master plans through engineering design, plan reviews, and construction management of those projects to final acceptance by the City Council. We have had the honor of providing these very services to the City of Rosemead in the past; we believe we have proven our total commitment to your City, your staff and your constituency. Projects we completed for the City include the following:  I-10 Ramp Safety Analysis - Phases 1 and 2  Marshall Traffic Safety Analysis  Garvey Avenue Sewer Improvement  SSMP Audit and Certification  Rosemead Park Pedestrian Lighting Project Our staff is our asset. As such we offer a full complement of highly experienced designers, city engineering staff, plan reviewers, and construction management and inspectors to properly design, review and oversee your capital improvement projects. Our team will be led by Steve Forster, a 23-year veteran Director of Public Works for the City of La Mirada. Steve is a Senior Vice President with Infrastructure Engineers. As such, he has the authority to do whatever it takes to meet your project expectations, schedules and budgets. We are excited about the opportunity to work with the City again and we would welcome an opportunity to discuss our proposal with you. If you have any questions for us, please contact Steve at 714-947-0100, ext. 5120 or by email at sforster@infengr.com. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely Infrastructure Engineers Farzad Dorrani, MS Steve Forster Chief Operation Officer/ Sr. Vice President/ Principal-in-Charge Program Manager Page | i Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services CONTENTS 1. Approach and Scope of Work ................................................ 1 2. Project Team, Key Personnel and Resumes ....................... 12 3. Company Qualifications ....................................................... 23 4. References ........................................................................... 28 5. Pending or Previous Litigation .............................................. 29 6. City's Standard Professional Services Agreement ............... 30 7. Addenda Acknowledgement ................................................. 31 Page | 1 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services 1. Approach and Scope of Work It is our understanding that the City of Rosemead wishes to partner with an experienced professional engineering firm to provide city engineering and traffic and civil engineering support services. The firm must be familiar with all aspects of municipal government and be able to provide turnkey services to the public works and other related City departments. Infrastructure Engineers is experienced and highly skilled at doing just that. We have been successfully providing the highest caliber of services to many cities, including the City of Rosemead, for more than 25 years. In addition, the following presents our understanding of the services requested by the City. The ideal engineering design team must prepare plans and specifications in accordance with general engineering practices and in compliance with funding source requirements. The engineering design team will also oversee bidding processes and contract awards that meet the City’s standards. The construction management staff must understand the sensitivity of the documentation, traffic control, public outreach and funding requirements. Understanding the City’s budgeting format, procedures and practices is vital. Experience in managing various funding sources for the City’s projects is essential and demonstrated capability and resources to apply for grants as well as comply with funding sources’ requirements is necessary. Infrastructure Engineers has been partnering with small to mid-sized cities throughout Los Angeles and Orange Counties for decades, so we know cities’ procedures and practices, and we have a long history of obtaining funding for public works projects for many Southland cities. Ultimately, the City needs a firm that can engage and manage the members of its organization as extensions of City staff. Team members must gain the respect and confidence of City staff in their ability to carry on this important responsibility for the next five to six years. Based upon the City’s request for proposals (RFP) and our understanding and knowledge of the City, we offer a team that is exceptionally qualified to provide professional engineering services for the following reasons: We have provided many of these very services to the City of Rosemead in the past, providing us with an understanding of the City and its needs. We specialize in providing services to municipalities; we are able to streamline complex projects, enabling us to meet expedited project schedules. We are familiar with the City’s operations, its staff and the community, which will save the City valuable time by eliminating the learning curve. For many clients, including the City of Rosemead, we take projects from inception through construction close out; therefore, we are familiar with all phases and aspects of capital improvement and public works projects. The individuals on the team are supported by our entire staff of professionals and support personnel, thereby ensuring that our staff and services are responsive to the City’s needs. For the past 15 years, we have been successful in applying for and receiving grant funding for various public works projects. Our team is thoroughly familiar with grant writing and funds administration of public works projects. Page | 2 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services Approach This section provides our approach to the various types of engineering services required by the City of Rosemead. We have broken the approaches down by types of services requested in the City’s RFP. City Engineer We are proposing Douglas Benash, PE, QSD, to act as City Engineer at City Hall part-time, as needed. Doug has more than 25 years of experience in municipal engineering, construction management, contract administration, design experience, and regulatory compliance. We will adjust hours depending on project volume and workload. Cesar Roldan is our proposed City Engineering Manager. Cesar will follow a schedule that is best suited to the City. In addition to the responsibilities noted in our approach, below, Cesar will also oversee the activities and responsibilities of the team performing plan reviews, inspections and construction management. City Engineer services include program and project management; permit plan reviews; feasibility studies; preliminary engineering; design engineering, plans and specifications; oversight of construction management and inspections, surveying including right-of-way engineering and mapping services to implement federal-aid highway projects. Other responsibilities of the City Engineer will include the following: Attending meetings with the City Council, Planning Commission, City staff, public officials, community leaders, developers, contractors and the general public, when directed by the Director of Public Works or City administration. Analyzing the City’s short- and long-term project needs, taking into consideration the economic means of the City. Based on analysis, the City Engineer will recommend and administer short- and long-term programs to meet City needs. Preparing and presenting a bi-weekly status report on all engineering activities to the Director of Public Works. Reviewing and commenting on planning related projects, such as conditional use permits, site plans, subdivision maps, etc. Providing consultation and recommendations on various engineering issues including traffic congestion, street signs and water services. Researching engineering questions and issues and providing recommendations and solutions. Advising the City regarding engineering, construction financing and grant and grant funding opportunities available from other governmental agencies and research, writing and submitting all engineering-related grants as part of regular duties. Making recommendations regarding land development project control, which may include environmental and planning studies for NEPA and CEQA compliance. Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with City staff, utility companies and other agencies, as needed. Cesar Roldan has been in municipal service for his entire 21-year career, providing public administration, project management, and program administration. He was responsible for project management oversight of capital improvement projects within the Department of Public Works for the City of El Monte. Page | 3 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services Meeting with City staff to review the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and specific projects; reviewing project scope, schedules, cost estimates and reviewing PS&E. Maintaining a plan review comment and correction log for all capital projects. Infrastructure Engineers’ internal process includes a final review of this log prior to recommendation for approval of the plans. Conducting field reviews, as needed, to ensure the City’s needs are addressed in the project scopes of work. This includes coordination, utility research and coordination, environmental and preliminary engineering. When requested, overseeing PS&E in support of various projects and the City’s CIP, including support of the bidding phase with requests for information (RFIs) and addenda; construction phase with RFI submittals, change order review, construction observation and City reports; project closeout with as-builts, manuals, and project files. The City Engineer and assigned support staff will assist with other engineering tasks as assigned by the Director of Public Works or City administration. Engineering Plan Check, Planning and Development Engineering Services In coordination with Cesar, the City Engineering Manager, these services will include but are not limited to the following tasks: Review subdivision projects Final map review and approval with signature authority per the City of Rosemead’s Municipal Code and the Subdivision Map Act Grading plan checks Sewer plan checks Storm water plan checks Traffic signal and traffic control plan checks Review and comments of traffic impact reports The City Engineer and Senior Plan Check lead will attend meetings of the Planning and Community Development Divisions, meet with City staff, public officials, community leaders, developers, contractors and the public, when requested Review environmental and planning documents, such as NEPA and CEQA, for transportation, capital improvements and planning projects Staff will provide CIP review, review of subdivision projects, and perform engineering related to residential development projects Staff will review and comment on planning programs and private land development projects Staff will provide engineering consultation in connection with the City’s Planning and Development Divisions Engineering staff will prepare studies and PS&E for development projects Staff may establish performance, labor and material bond amounts and development fees Construction management staff will provide field inspection during construction Page | 4 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services Construction and Contract Management Services At Infrastructure Engineers, we understand that successful implementation of construction projects can only be achieved through carefully devised strategies that address the specific needs of a job and take every component of the project into consideration. We believe that, while the fundamental framework for successful delivery of a project remains the same, each client has unique specifications and concerns. It is our job to be your advocate and see that those issues are satisfactorily addressed. We have proven ourselves to be an outstanding client agent, as evidenced by our work on dozens of public works and capital improvement projects. Our approach to managing construction begins with our thorough understanding of the City's needs, not by making assumptions, but through thorough review and evaluation of pertinent documents and plans and, more importantly, by carefully listening to you - the client. Only then will our team members devise tailor- made strategies, procedural guidelines, benchmarks, and other implementation tools to complete the project. The following list provides a work plan for Infrastructure Engineers' project approach, always performed with an eye to quality assurance and your ultimate project goals. Prepare bids and supervise bid procedures to conform to federal guidelines Prepare construction contracts and provide administrative services Evaluate contractor’s baseline schedule and updates Monitor and control schedule Conduct a pre-construction meeting Update cost reports and construction billing forecasts Monitor project budget Provide project status reports Verify contractor progress payments Respond to and facilitate requests for information (RFI) Review and facilitate all submittals and shop drawings Provide and maintain logs for RFIs, reports, request for quotations, change orders, correction notices and stop work notices Review change orders Negotiate and expedite change orders Manage the testing and inspection process Claims avoidance, claims and analysis, claims resolution Complaint and concern resolution Provide construction inspection and testing Project punch list, start-up operations and closeout Construction management is a juggling act – keeping all the balls in the air: maintaining budgets and schedules, reviewing contractor requests and change orders, maintaining a safe work site, answering questions, all while looking out for the best interests of the City. Page | 5 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services Special Funding Administration Our subconsultant, Avant-Garde, Inc., will perform special funding administration. Tasks will include the following: Review agreement and labor compliance requirements with the project team and determine the specific labor standard parameters applicable for the construction project. Notify appropriate state agencies of project awards within five days of award Set up and maintain all compliance files and documents relating to prevailing wage activities. Set up and maintain Labor Standards Enforcement Files for contractor and all subcontractors. Attend pre-construction meeting to discuss prevailing wage requirements and postings with contractor and subcontractors in detail. Review contractor’s compliance with all state and federal required postings, such as the prevailing wage rates and equal employment opportunities policies as well as the contractor’s Affirmative Action Plan and verify contractor’s DBE compliance prior to construction award. Provide information and data on trades and trade classifications performing on the project. Provide the City with a Prevailing Wage Compliance Release Form for each participating contactor and subcontractor as evidence they have met their prevailing wage compliance obligations. Ensure compliance with project DBE requirements. Prepare Caltrans reimbursement request of federal funds Maintain proper project files and documentation as required by Caltrans Local Assistance Procedure Manual. Labor Compliance Audit Activities Avant-Garde will receive, monitor, and review all reports pertaining to labor compliance required to be submitted by the prime contractor and its subcontractors in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations. These activities will include the following: Monitor project compliance with the payment of prevailing wage rates. Disseminate and post wage determinations applicable to project. Ensure that certified payroll records are submitted by contractor and its subcontractors. Conduct employee field interviews to confirm worker classification and wage rate of the project workforce conforms to the applicable Davis-Bacon Wage Decision. Reconcile weekly Certified Payroll Reports (CPR) and supporting documentation with wage decision and employee field interviews. Perform continuous and timely monitoring reviews of CPRs and related submissions for compliance. Monitor the submittal of Training Fund Contribution Reports. Monitor workforce utilization reports to verify trade and apprenticeship participation. Identify violations and investigate complaints of underpayment to workers. Notify the City regarding delinquent, uncertified, inaccurate, or improperly completed payroll records and recommend appropriate corrective action for lack of strict compliance. Identify wage underpayment through audits of payroll documents, during onsite employee interviews or by complaints filed by workers on the project. Calculate and recommend to the City the amount of wages that the City will withhold from the contractor’s payments/retention. Page | 6 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services Prepare documentation that list the week endings worked, the name of the worker, trade classification, number of hours worked, rate paid, correct prevailing wage rate and the amount due each worker. Prepare, submit, and file reports and all required forms to appropriate parties. Prepare documentation for disbursement of back wages, training funds, and/or penalties due. Gather, prepare, and coordinate all necessary documents for hearings and represent the City at such hearings in accordance with the federal and state labor code and the California Code of Regulations. Document and file final resolutions. Traffic Engineering Services Our staff will provide full-service traffic engineering services to the City, based on need and workload. Services offered will include but are not limited to the following tasks: Advise and assist the City’s departments, commissions, committees and the City Council on various traffic-related issues and provide interface with regional and state transportation agencies. Provide advice and traffic engineering support to the Public Works Director, including the preparation of engineering reports, in response to requests for traffic signal installation, traffic signal modification, new stop signs, new crosswalks, traffic channelization and speed zones. Research and prepare grant applications (i.e., HSIP, OTS and ATP) for traffic safety studies and improvements. Identify, review and develop recommendations for corrective measures at locations experiencing accident rates higher than normally anticipated. Compile and submit reports on traffic engineering-related activities. Provide analysis and comment on traffic impacts of proposed development projects. Identify, review and develop recommended mitigation measures for locations with high rates of traffic accidents. Attend Commission and City Council meetings, as needed Provide advice to City staff on the maintenance and operation of the City’s traffic signals, prepare traffic signal timing plans and prepare traffic signal construction plans and specifications. Coordinate with other departments on traffic-related issues. Review, analyze and respond to complaints and inquiries. Page | 7 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services Engineering Design Services for Public Works Projects Infrastructure Engineers will provide full engineering design services in support of public works projects. Under the direction and supervision of the Public Works Director, our team of engineers will follow the approach listed below for engineering projects: For typical CIP projects, the process consists of conducting project kick-off meetings with City staff and assisting the Public Works Director in reviewing the project. Specific design criteria addressed during meetings will include infrastructure lifespan, preferred rehabilitation strategies, cost limitations and, most importantly, potential cost savings that can be addressed in the design. To assist with CIP planning and project implementation, our staff will conduct the following tasks: Develop a master schedule for all phases of the assigned program and all capital projects contained in the program, including clear identification of milestones for all facets of work. Maintain communication with the Public Works Director, including monthly written status reports and project status meetings, as needed, in addition to reviews at 35%, 65%, 95% and 100% levels of completion. Although monthly reports will be provided, Infrastructure Engineers will proactively keep the Public Works Director informed of any new developments, issues or factors involved in the project and alternatives to solve any unforeseen items. In addition to communication, Infrastructure Engineers staff will prepare agendas of special items that warrant discussion at project status meetings and prepare and distribute minutes with action items to involved parties. Convene an initial meeting with key design team members and City Public Works staff to review and confirm the detailed project scope, schedule milestones, construction objectives, and other pertinent project details. During this meeting, design criteria and parameters will be discussed, established for each of the various elements, and incorporated into the project. Useful records pertaining to the proposed work may exist, such as existing improvement plans, maps, as- built drawings, utility plans, reports, studies, and other pertinent information within the projects’ limits. Additionally, there may be proposed improvements that will affect the design of the project. The design team will review these existing records and incorporate them into the design program as appropriate. The City, county and utility companies will be contacted, and any information obtained will be used as a part of the base map. Perform land surveys for the project. Perform a site investigation to evaluate the existing condition of items pertaining to the design. During this investigation, locations of damaged or distressed features will be inspected, confirmed and summarized, if required. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility compliance will be reviewed and non-compliant features noted. Existing drainage patterns will be reviewed for street projects so that any changes to eliminate ponding can be identified. Page | 8 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services Conduct fieldwork to verify the locations of surface utility features within the project limits. During the field investigation, validate the locations of other special features and items, such as traffic signal loops. In conjunction with information researched, notify affected utility companies of the impending project. Surface features requiring adjustment will be identified and properly coordinated with the corresponding utility company. If the proposed improvements interfere with existing utilities, we will arrange to have potholes taken by the utility company. If the utility company has prior rights, we will negotiate with a contractor to pothole the area for a fee as part of extra services. We will provide the City with copies of all correspondence with the utility companies compiled in a book report at the submittal of 95% plan completion, to ensure due diligence and follow-through with the utility companies. A base map will be prepared and used for the preparation of the construction drawings. This will show existing features necessary to depict the intended work within the project. As- built plans, field measurements and field survey work will be used for the compilation. Field survey work will be limited to those items and areas necessary for the proposed design. For example, this includes obtaining adequate topography and cross sections in areas of street widening, as necessary, for proper tie-ins and street cross-fall. This approach is anticipated to present cost savings to the City while maintaining intent and quality of work. Prepare plans to City standards utilizing base mapping and agreed improvement concept. Appropriate City, APWA or Caltrans standards will be utilized, and additional detailing will be included, as necessary, for adequate bidding and construction purposes. Prepare a comprehensive set of technical specifications. All bid items required by the plans or otherwise needed to accomplish project construction will be thoroughly described in the general provisions and included in the contractor's bid list. Prepare a construction cost estimate for verification of project budget and assistance during the contractors bidding process. Measurement of units will be contained in the specifications with additional detail for lump sum items, as necessary. Unit prices will be derived from current bid information on similar work within the area. Infrastructure Engineers will prepare PS&E submittal package for City’s review at certain milestones, depending the scope of work for each project. These milestones are usually at 35%, 65%, 95% and 100%. A final set of signed Mylar plans, along with specifications and estimates, will be submitted to the City for bidding purposes. Upon completion of PS&E, Infrastructure Engineers will coordinate with the City Clerk to present to City Council for approval. All council meeting agendas will be coordinated through the Director of Public Works. In addition to the initial project definition and program development meeting, continuous coordination and updates will be required between the design team and the Public Works. Progress reports will be provided at appropriate intervals and, as necessary, to document project status. Meetings are generally anticipated after significant submittal milestones and when required to address specific design and coordination issues. In addition, the Director of Public Works will be continuously informed of work status and issues through email, phone and facsimile communications. Infrastructure Engineers will prepare as-built plans based on the red mark-up plans provided by the contractor at the end of project construction and submit to the City for their retention and filing. Page | 9 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services Construction Management and Inspection Services Infrastructure Engineers will provide the City with the following construction management, administration and inspection services during the construction phase of the program: Inspection of construction projects, including storm drain and pipeline relocation, street improvements, traffic signal improvements, roadway widening, striping, traffic control, utility protection (with relocation if required) and project quality control. Specialty inspection, City retained, for concrete work, electrical/telemetry, structural, and equipment testing and schedule the appropriate inspector and associated certification for the tasks being supervised. Document management (i.e., shop drawings, RFI, change orders, monthly reports, progress payments, memos, meeting minutes, etc.). Coordination of meeting with City representatives, contractors and other agencies related to the project. Coordinate geotechnical and materials testing by City retained laboratory. Constructability reviews. Schedule and chair pre-construction meetings with City staff, affected agencies and contractor, and prepare meeting minutes. Establish coordination and communication procedures and implement among all participants. Coordinate site mobilization of contractor. Provide and maintain contract administration and full-time project inspection. Review contractor’s CPM schedule and monitor updates on a weekly basis. Prepare comprehensive monthly reports with construction updates; monthly reports will consist of the progress, compliance, issues with their corresponding solutions, submittal log sheets, change order log reports, clarification log report, testing log report, photos, etc. Log compliance of environmental documentation and best management practices (BMPs). Evaluate all contractor claims and coordinate the resolution of conflicts in the plans and/or specifications, contractor- suggested design changes, and design changes necessitated by unforeseen field conditions. Establish and implement procedures for processing and expediting RFI, requests for clarifications (RFC), shop drawing submittals, material and equipment sample submittals, contract schedule adjustments, change orders, substitutions and payment requests. Verification of materials and construction equipment, all facility construction, street restoration and site improvements. Verify contractor protection of existing survey monument and their restoration. Page | 10 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services Ensure compliance with all permitting requirements, agency requirements and local regulations. Monitor contractor’s safety program and performance as required for compliance with Cal/OSHA. Monitor the maintenance of the project record drawings during construction and the final preparation of as-built drawings after project completion. Prepare final punch list and verify completion of punch list items by contractor for final acceptance by City. Assist in project closeout and assemble all warranties, guarantees, and operation and maintenance manuals. Submit final construction management report summarizing the project history, including major problems, claims and recommendations, actions taken for corrective action. Outside Grant Funding Sources Obtained The Infrastructure Engineers team has written and been awarded countless grants for our clients in the past, including many funding sources that our clients were not aware of. We are always on the lookout for funding sources for public works projects. We have extensive knowledge of funding and grant opportunities and designated staff are focused on this task so that we may assist our clients in stretching their infrastructure and development budgets. For example, the following chart lists grants and funding procured by Infrastructure Engineers for our city clients: Grant Project Awarded Amount I-710 Funding Lynwood $7,200,000 Bell Gardens $5,000,000 Bell Gardens $4,900,000 Huntington Park $4,900,000 Metro Call for Projects Cycle 2015 Intersection Improvements (Florence Ave at Ira Ave & Jaboneria Rd) $992,072 Active Transportation Program City Wide Safety Enhancement $802,000 RAC Grant Various Streets $76,860 Safe Routes to Schools Bell Gardens HS, Suva ES & IS $319,530 Safe Routes to Schools City Wide Outreach $170,000 Page | 11 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services Grant Project Awarded Amount Economic Development Initiative Community Center Restrooms $198,000 Safe Routes to Schools Bell Gardens HS, Garfield ES $361,680 Safe Routes to Schools Multiple Schools Construction $337,280 Federal Dept. of Transportation Eastern Ave Resurfacing $800,000 CIWMB Eastern Ave Resurfacing $16,250 FTA Ford Park Transit $396,000 Highway Safety Improvement Emergency Vehicle Preemption $164,623 Metro Call for Projects 2013 Eastern & Florence Avenue $2,200,182 Highway Safety Improvement Eastern Ave. and Lubec St. $220,000 Highway Safety Improvement Garfield Ave. and Loveland St. $220,000 Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant Citywide Complete Streets Plan $162,375 Metro Federal Section 5310 Senior Bus Vehicle Replacement $64,000 Page | 12 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services Program Manager Steve Forster Principal-in-Charge Farzad Dorrani, MS General Engineering Services Yunus Rahi, PhD, PE, TE Discipline Lead Aidan Mousavi Engineering Associate Gabriel Gutierrez Engineering Associate Kevin Roque Engineering Associate Brenda Perez Engineering Assistant Traffic Engineering Steve Hilton, TE Discipline Lead Brenda Corona Engineering Assistant Shawn Mousavi Engineering AssociateHany Henein, PE, LSConstruction Manager/Resident Engineer Construction InspectorsMossad Rizkalla Imad Zureiqat Malcolm Weatherbie City Engineering Services Douglas Benash, PE, QSD City Engineer Cesar RoldanCity Engineering Manager Map Checking Nick Servin, PE Mai Jirayus, PE Tawfik Shafik, PLS Plan Reviewers Nick Servin, PE Mai Jirayus, PE Funding & Grant ApplicationsAvant-Garde, Inc. Labor Compliance Avant-Garde, Inc. 2. Project Team, Key Personnel and Resumes This organization chart illustrates our proposed team for this on-call contract. The chart shows our lines of management and communication, both between disciplines and with subconsultants. Steve Forster, our Program Manager, will be the primary point of contact for the City of Rosemead. As a senior vice president, Steve has the authority to marshal any resources needed to meet your needs and schedules. Our Principal- in-Charge, Farzad Dorrani, is our Chief Operation Officer. He has high-level responsibility to ensure the complete satisfaction of the City of Rosemead. Page | 13 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services Resumes of Key Personnel Steve Forster – Program Manager Steve Forster has more than 28 years’ experience in design, administration, finance, and management of municipal capital projects. He was the Public Works Director for the City of La Mirada for 23 years and he has more than 5 years’ experience in private engineering and construction management services. Steve has been responsible for capital improvement program (CIP) projects totaling more than $50 million per year as Public Works Director. He has relevant experience in all aspects of municipal public projects, including buildings, public and private infrastructure, capital improvement planning and financing, grant management, labor compliance, project reporting, engineering, and maintenance. Relevant Experience Compton Street Improvement Program, City of Compton. Responsible for construction management and project oversight for more than 80 streets in the City of Compton. The project consisted of slurry seal, cape seal, street reconstruction, ADA improvements, sidewalks and traffic signal modifications. The project budget was $1.1 million. Safe Route to School Project, City of South Gate. Responsible for Cycle 8 and 9 projects in the City of South Gate that included street rehabilitation, signal modifications, ADA improvements, signing, striping and pedestrian improvements. The project budget was $1 million. State Street Park, City of South Gate. Responsible for construction management and project oversight of this project that consisted of development of an 8-acre passive park with playground, restrooms, parking lot, landscaping, pedestrian access, lighting, and storm water improvements. Project budget is $2.5 million. Street Rehabilitation Project, City of South Pasadena. Responsible for construction management and project oversight of this project that consisted of 2,000 feet of commercial and residential street rehabilitation, water line improvements, pedestrian accessibility and landscape repair. The project budget is $800,000. Farzad Dorrani, MS – Principal-in-Charge Farzad Dorrani is the Chief Operation Officer of Infrastructure Engineers. As such, he has the authority to ensure all contracts are managed and completed to complete client satisfaction. Farzad also has the authority to marshal resources to keep projects on schedule and within budget. He has 30 years of experience as a project manager on a variety of civil engineering projects. He has worked extensively on major infrastructure and public works improvement and rehabilitation projects throughout Southern California for various agencies, such as the cities of La Puente, Montebello, Anaheim, Irwindale, and Malibu, as well as the Alameda Corridor-East Construction Authority. Farzad’s Education Civil Engineering Coursework - Construction Management BS, Business Years of Experience: 28 Education MS, Civil Engineering BS, Civil Engineering Years of Experience: 30 Page | 14 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services experience includes roadway design projects, parks, and downtown revitalization design projects, contract procurement, construction management, project management and administration. Relevant Experience Principal-in-Charge, Lincoln Park Improvement Project Design Services, City of Anaheim. Responsible for project management and design review for this project that will Improve the park’s traffic movement, parking, pedestrian access, drainage, roadway pavement, install a raised median with a park monument sign, and provide infrastructure for a future restroom building. Principal-in-Charge, ATP CYCLE 2 Community Linkages to Civic Center and Long Beach Boulevard, City of Lynwood. The project involves many pedestrian improvements, including sidewalk widening, crosswalk enhancements, landscaping, and street lighting. Health, educational, and recreational facilities are located nearby the study area. The project will likely benefit pedestrians walking in the corridor for recreation as well as those accessing the nearby facilities. The corridor also connects to a Metro Green Line station, so pedestrians may use the corridor as a means to access public transportation. The project will also include speed trailers to enforce the speed limit in nearby school zones. Infrastructure Engineers is providing project management during the entire course of the project. This has included a kick-off meeting, project development and design review meetings, preparation of design documents for the City to obtain funding approval, progress meetings, preparation of agendas and minutes, preparation and updates of project schedule, and project cost management. Project Manager, HSIP Cycle 8 Project- Various Intersection Improvements, Bell Gardens. This project involved design and assistance for bidding on two traffic signal system upgrades for the Intersections of Eastern Avenue and Lubec Street; and Garfield Avenue and Loveland Street. Project Manager, HSIP Cycle 7 Project - Various Intersections Improvements, Montebello. Infrastructure Engineers is providing the preparation of PS&E for roadway improvements, pavement rehabilitation, concrete improvements, ADA improvements and utility adjustments at three intersections: Garfield Avenue and Whittier Boulevard, Garfield Avenue and Via Campo, and Via Campo and Findlay Avenue. Project Manager, ATPL Federally Funded Project, ATPL 5373, Citywide Safety Enhancement - ATP FY 2014-15 & 2015-16, City of Bell Gardens. This project involved safety improvements to the intersections at Eastern Avenue and Lubec Street Intersection and Garfield Avenue and Loveland Street Intersection. Infrastructure Engineers provided PS&E, project management, administration, construction management and inspection, fund administration and labor compliance for this project. Project Manager, Montebello Boulevard Bike Lane and Sidewalk Improvement Project Phases I & II, Montebello. Infrastructure Engineers provides providing preparation of plans, specifications and estimates for roadway improvements, pavement rehabilitation, concrete improvements, utility adjustments, ADA improvements, a class II bike lane, traffic signal improvements, pedestrian lighting, landscape and irrigation plans along Montebello Boulevard. Infrastructure Engineers will also provide project management and contract administration, and construction management and inspection services. Project Manager, Eastern Avenue and Florence Avenue Regional Surface Transportation Improvements, City of Bell Gardens. The project will be the construction of two westbound left-turn lanes with a new west-bound dedicated right-turn lane to increase the intersection capacity in the westbound direction. The Page | 15 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services intersection will undergo new pavement reconstruction. Traffic signal system components for the intersection are being upgraded as well. Douglas Benash, PE, QSD – City Engineer Douglas Benash has more than 25 years of experience in municipal engineering, construction management, contract administration, design experience, and regulatory compliance. In working with small jurisdictions as a City Engineer, he has been involved in all aspects of the projects that cities have designed and constructed. This includes coordinating with local, county, state and federal agencies, and various utilities to ensure successful project completion. Douglas understands the level of detail and problem- solving skills required to complete high-profile projects on time and within budget. He provides this level of expertise as projects are developed, designed and constructed. Douglas also manages capital improvements, providing quality design and management of public works projects to our client cities. He oversees and reviews the designs, studies, investigations, plan checks, surveys and funding requirements for projects. He also facilitates and assists agencies in the bidding process, awards of contracts, initiation of construction and construction and project closeout. Douglas oversees proper file documentation, particularly for federally or state-funded projects, labor compliance, funding administration and project acceptance and provides full construction management. Relevant Experience City Engineer, City of Bell Gardens. Responsible for division-wide, high-level leadership, management, supervision, and administration of an engineering division, its staff, and extended resources. Plans, directs, supervises, and reviews activities of the division, including CIP projects, land development, and databases. Works with all phases and types of municipal infrastructure projects and all levels of personnel to see those projects through to successful completion. City Engineer, On-call City Engineering Services, City of La Palma. Responsible for implementing and managing the Capital Improvement Program; managing public works projects, including the design and contract bidding process, survey, inspection and project management for the City's public works projects. City Engineer, City of La Palma. Douglas acted as the City Engineer at the City of La Palma for three years. His tasks included reviewing design professional proposals to prepare project construction documents, coordinating and scheduling with staff, managing the Capital Improvement Program, overseeing the staff management through project completion and providing analysis of requests for information, change orders, time/material verification and project closeouts. Douglas also worked on a variety of projects including, but not limited to, street improvements with concrete repairs and ADA improvements on local residential streets, La Palma Avenue and Valley View street improvements, Community Center flooring, and engineering water well casing improvements. City Engineer/Deputy Director of Public Works, City of Monrovia. Douglas managed the engineering operations for the City, inclusive of budget, development and redevelopment projects, capital improvements, regulatory compliance, general and traffic engineering, utilizing the staff to complete the priority projects of the Department. In addition, he had continued and Education BS, Civil Engineering Registrations/Certifications Registered Civil Engineer, CA, No. 53935 Years of Experience: 25 Page | 16 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services initiated several programs to implement environmental accords focusing on storm water, flood control, LEED building standards and utility impacts for the City. Douglas also performed general engineering duties for the City, including procuring design professionals to prepare project construction documents, performing plan check services, initiating construction contract procurement procedures, managing projects to completion, providing analysis of requests for information, change orders, time/material verification and project closeout. Projects included building construction and renovation, site designs, integration of private development improvements, heavy and light rail projects, street construction, street improvements, storm drain improvements, underground water and sewer improvements, including coordinating various funding sources, regulatory compliance, and managing the engineering and field staff of the Public Works Department. Cesar Roldan – City Engineering Manager Cesar spent 18 years in service to the City of El Monte, providing public administration, project management, and program administration. He was responsible for project management oversight of capital improvement projects within the Department of Public Works. Cesar also managed construction projects associated with public infrastructure and facilities, reviewed construction contracts, provided professional support, and technical engineering expertise to ensure conformance with federal, state, county and local procedures and guidelines as well as providing project design plans and specifications. During his tenure with the City of El Monte, Cesar held the following positions and responsibilities: Senior Management Analyst  Responsible for updating the Public Works and Utilities Director and City Engineer on new policies, procedures, and programs that affect the City  Administered and oversaw contracts; budget analysis preparation, monitoring, and reporting; provided administrative support through research, analysis, report writing, and recommendations; and other related work that was needed to assist the Engineering Division and Public Works Department  Prepared division budget and monitor annual operating costs  Oversaw the NPDES program – attended monthly meetings, drafted the annual report to the Regional Water Quality Control Board – Los Angeles Region, coordinated industrial/commercial inspections and oversaw compliance of MS4 Permit  Oversaw the Solid Waste Contract  Issued and oversaw requests for proposals for professional services, Notice Inviting Bids for construction services and authored staff reports for Planning Commission and City Council meetings Senior Engineer  Coordinated with City Attorney’s Office and various departments on the execution of contracts, agreements and Memoranda of Understandings.  Oversaw bid process and proposal analysis, administered and mitigated potential change orders and authorized payments Education Master of Public Administration Years of Experience: 21 Page | 17 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services  Produced Notice of Completions for substantially approved contracts  Worked with auditing agencies to ensure compliance with applicable rules and regulations and proper implementation of project budgets  Provided oversight of the design and construction of storm water management and drainage projects  Worked with consultants and agency personnel on developing programs for short- and long-range public works projects  Wrote conditions of approval on all commercial and residential development projects  Provided oversight, plan review and approval of site plans and subdivision maps in accordance with established standards  Authored staff reports and made presentations at City Council meetings  Interacted with various public agencies; Caltrans, County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works, Union Pacific Railroad, Water purveyors and agencies, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Los Angeles County Assessor's Office, and various neighboring cities Hany Henein, PE, LS – Construction Manager/Resident Engineer Hany Henein has more than four decades of civil engineering design and land development experience that spans all areas of public works engineering. He designs, directs, and manages a wide variety of CIP projects - planning, directing, and managing all activities for a variety of CIP and maintenance projects, including the preparation of plans, specifications, designs, cost estimates, bid packages, and schedules. He reviews and checks subdivision tract and parcel maps, lot line adjustments, map corrections, and easement deeds prior to their recordation. He has been responsible for checking engineering improvement plans, such as grading, street improvements, storm drain, water, sewer and reclaimed water, and their related bonds to insure proper inclusion and conformance to necessary public works and city standards. Relevant Experience Construction Manager, Suva Street Rehabilitation and Pedestrian Improvements, City of Bell Gardens. Hany was responsible for the oversite and construction of this federally funded project. The project consisted of .5 mile of commercial street rehabilitation and pedestrian improvements. The project Education MBA BS, Civil Engineering Registrations/Certifications Registered Civil Engineer, CA, No. 33090 Years of Experience: 42 Page | 18 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services included the installation of pedestrian improvements adjacent to Suva Elementary School and the surrounding area. Construction Manager, Washington Boulevard Rehabilitation and Pedestrian Improvement, City of Montebello. Hany was responsible for the development and oversite of the project. The $800,000 federally funded project included pavement rehabilitation, bridge modification, bike lanes, pedestrian improvements, entryway signage, ADA improvements, traffic calming and median island landscaping. The project was completed on time and under the contract amount. Lead Design Engineer, Firestone Boulevard Improvements, City of South Gate. Firestone Blvd included more than 2.5 miles of street, pedestrian and bike improvements. The most significant challenges were to the pedestrian improvements - to provide ADA access and walkability in the community. Unique features included landscaping, rail crossings, traffic calming, bike lanes, and measures to include features for community identification. Senior Engineer, Public Works Department, City of South Gate. Met with developers and guided them through the City’s processes, discussed Public Works conditions of approval, initiated conditions of approval for tract, parcel maps, conditional use permits, and site plans. Calculated bonds, and plan check and inspection fees. Wrote the slate for the City’s conditions of approval and introduced new forms for bonds and how they were to be calculated, based on unit prices fixed by the City. Provided technical support to inspectors during the design phase. Project Manager, Public Works Department, Contract Administration, City of Riverside. Responsibilities included documenting pre-construction conditions, identifying potential problems that may arise during the course of construction, and holding pre-construction meetings. Reviewed, approved, and monitored construction schedules, oversaw construction and provided technical support to inspectors, monitored project budgets, and coordinated with utility companies. Initiated, negotiated, and approved contract change orders, as necessary. Coordinated construction activities with other city departments, other agencies, and the community. Senior Engineer, Public Works Department, Land Development, Capital Improvement, City of Corona. Provided guidance to private developers to meet city requirements with regard to conditions of approval and fees to insure a successful development and overall pleasant experience with the City. Reviewed and checked subdivision tract and parcel maps, lot line adjustments, map corrections and easement deeds prior to recording. Responsible for checking engineering improvement plans, such as grading, street improvements, storm drain, water, sewer and reclaimed water and their related bonds. Page | 19 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services Steve Hilton, TE – Traffic Engineering Lead Steve Hilton has more than 35 years of experience in traffic engineering and transportation planning. He has provided city traffic engineering support services to the cities of Pico Rivera, Montebello, Monrovia, Bell Gardens, La Puente, Simi Valley, Solano Beach and Santee. Steve also served as the City Traffic Engineer for the City of Monterey Park for 13 years. His experience includes preparation of traffic engineering grants, studies, investigation and response to citizen inquiries and complaints; reviewing traffic accident data; plan, design, recommendations and supervise traffic improvement projects. Steve also reviews development projects; prepares conditions of approval, coordinates with consulting firms, as well as county, state and federal agencies; makes presentations to City Councils, Planning Commissions, Traffic Commissions, Public Works Commissions, community groups, city departments, consultants, lawyers and courts. In addition, he is recognized as a traffic accident reconstruction expert and expert witness. Relevant Experience Senior Traffic Engineer, Systemic Safety Analysis Report Program (SSARP) Intersections Evaluation Study, City of Baldwin Park. The City was issued a request to evaluate high accident intersections within its boundaries. This SSARP evaluated one high-risk roadway segment and seven intersections that had reported accidents that occurred within 300 feet for a three-years period from January 1, 2015 through January 1, 2018. As a result of this report, the City of Baldwin Park will be able to obtain a list of prioritized intersections, collision types, possible collision factors of the accidents and countermeasures to improve traffic safety within the City via Caltrans. Senior Traffic Engineer/Project Manager, Stop Sign Warrant Study - Garvey Avenue and Corak Street, City of Baldwin Park. Infrastructure Engineers was contracted by the City of Baldwin Park to conduct this traffic safety analysis and examine the feasibility of installing stop signs at the intersection of Corak Street and Garvey Avenue. Residents had concerns relative to vehicular speeds, traffic collisions, near misses and pedestrian safety at the intersection. The objective of this study was to evaluate intersection safety and determine the need and warrant requirements for installation of stop sign control devices at the intersection to improve safety. Senior Traffic Engineer/Project Manager, Stop Sign Warrant Analysis - Cleveland Avenue & 7th Street, City of Montebello. Infrastructure Engineers had been contracted by the City of Montebello to evaluate traffic safety and the need for stop sign installation at the intersection of Cleveland Avenue and 7th Street. Residents within this area had indicated their concerns relative to vehicular speeds, traffic safety and pedestrian safety. This analysis included a field review to identify existing conditions, collection of traffic counts, speed data and review of traffic collision history. Each of these elements were evaluated as part of this traffic study. Senior Traffic Engineer/Project Manager, Speed and Volume Traffic Counts, Lincoln Avenue between Via Paseo and Hay Street, City of Montebello. In response to a request by City Traffic Commission, a 24-hour speed and volume traffic count Education BS, Civil Engineering Registrations/Certifications Registered Traffic Engineer, CA, No. 2422 Years of Experience: 35 Page | 20 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services was conducted at two locations on Lincoln Avenue. Count results were presented to the City as supporting information to respond to the Traffic Commission’s initial request. Project Manager, Parking Demand and Additional Parking Feasibility Study – Lincoln Avenue and Howard Avenue, City of Montebello. Provided oversight of Infrastructure Engineers staff during the completion of a Parking Demand and Additional Parking Feasibility Study for an area served by street segments of Lincoln Avenue and Howard Avenue. Concerns had been raised by the community in recent months regarding the lack of parking spaces and unfulfilled demand for on-street parking. This report detailed the results of a field investigation of off- and on-street parking spaces, analysis of parking utilization within the five adjacent multi-family residential complexes, and the study findings and recommendations to address residents’ concerns about parking. Senior Traffic Engineer/Project Manager, Engineering and Traffic Survey, City of Hawaiian Gardens. This study provided recommendations to verify the increase or decrease of posted speed limits within existing City boundaries based on data and the survey results. A total of 23 survey locations were selected to maintain consistency with previous City surveys. Spot speed surveys were conducted at 23 locations in conformance with state law for establishing speed limits. The streets were driven by a California-registered traffic engineer. The majority of the 23 segments had the necessary justifications to current posted speed limits as previously adopted and posted. All segments were reviewed in detail including traffic volumes, collision history, adjacent land uses, roadway characteristics and field observations. Senior Traffic Engineer/Project Manager, Left- turn Delay Study - Florence Avenue and Eastern Avenue, City of Bell Gardens. The City had received numerous complaints regarding traffic congestion and signal timing at the intersection of Florence Avenue and Eastern Avenue. The predominate complaint described difficulties for eastbound Florence Avenue traffic to turn left onto northbound Eastern Avenue before the traffic signal turned red. A proposed 5-second reduction in pedestrian clearance was recommended to allow an additional 5 seconds to be allocated to other traffic movements within the intersection. The signal controller assigned time to movements based on demand identified through vehicle detection and allocated the extra time to left-turns if the demand was detected. Senior Traffic Engineer/Project Manager, Engineering and Traffic Survey, City of Huntington Park. An engineering and traffic survey were conducted to update the speed limits of certain streets within the City of Huntington Park arterial and collector street network. The study provided recommendations to verify, increase or decrease posted speed limits within existing city boundaries based on the data and the survey results. A total of 45 survey locations were selected to maintain consistency with previous City surveys. Spot speed surveys were conducted at 45 locations in conformance with state law for establishing speed limits. The majority of the 45 segments had the necessary justifications to support current posted speed limits as previously adopted and posted. All segments were reviewed in detail including traffic volumes, collision history, adjacent land uses, roadway characteristics and field observations. Page | 21 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services Yunus Rahi, PhD, PE, TE – General Engineering Services Lead Yunus Rahi, PhD, has more than 25 years of experience in major civil engineering, traffic and transportation engineering, and planning projects. He was the contract Deputy City Engineer for the City of Temple City; Consultant City Traffic Engineer for the cities of Alhambra, Temple City, Monrovia, Commerce, Monterey Park, and San Bernardino; and Resident Engineer for public works construction projects funded by federal, state, local governments, SRTS, SR2S, HSIP, STPL, MTA and ARRA programs. Yunus was the Program Manager for capital improvement projects for local agencies, including applications for project funding, federal and state funds reimbursement requests, local agency disadvantaged business enterprise plan preparation and renewals, federal and state fund obligation and project close-out reports, attendance and representation in agency and community meetings; and successfully completed major civil, transportation and traffic engineering projects for various local cities and agencies, school districts, private developers, as well as regional, county, state and federal government agencies in Southern California. Relevant Experience Project Manager, Montebello Boulevard Street Widening, Bike Lane and Sidewalk Improvement, City of Montebello. Responsible for leading the design and PS&E preparation of this on-going, ATP Cycle 2-funded project, currently in the bid advertisement phase. This roadway improvement and construction project involves widening 1.3-mile segment of Montebello Boulevard, a major arterial street providing freeway access through slightly rolling area and includes construction of longitudinal retaining walls to support landscaped parkway and sidewalk along the widened side of roadway, in addition to median improvement, storm drain improvement, bike lane, ADA corner and curb ramps, signal modification, street lights and signing and striping plans. Project Manager, Community Linkages to Civic Center and Long Beach Metro Station, City of Lynwood. Responsible for leading the design and PS&E preparation of this on-going ATP Cycle 2-funded project, which involves many pedestrian improvements, including sidewalk widening, crosswalk enhancements, ADA ramps and crosswalks, signing and striping, landscaping, and street lighting. The project also includes speed trailers to enforce the speed limit in nearby school zones. Infrastructure Engineers is providing project management during the entire course of the project. Project Manager, Signal Synchronization and Bus Speed Improvement, City of Huntington Park. Responsible for leading the design and PS&E preparation of this on-going Metro Proposition C-funded project, which involves upgrading signal systems and relevant safety improvements along 3 major north- south corridors of the City and includes “hard wire” signal interconnect systems including remote access capabilities, changeable message signs, signalized pedestrian crosswalks, striping and signing. Education PhD, Civil Engineering MS, Civil Engineering BS, Civil Engineering Registrations/Certifications Registered Civil Engineer, CA, No. 59183 Registered Traffic Engineer, CA, No. 1726 Years of Experience: 25 Page | 22 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services Program, Design and Construction Management of Rosemead Boulevard Safety Enhancement and Beautification Project, City of Temple City. As the City’s Consultant Deputy City Engineer, participated, directed and coordinated all aspects of planning and design efforts and implementation process of the multi-agency funded $40m project, ranging from application for funds to various federal, state and local public and private agencies and fund management to constructability review of final plans, design element changes (including bicycle and pedestrian facilities, transit facilities, public arts, roadway striping and signage), bid preparation, advertisement, award and construction management of various pavement, public arts, and safety elements. Provided Resident Engineer services per Caltrans project management manual and prepared the final close-out documents. Resident Engineer Services for Washington Boulevard Pavement Rehabilitation and Goods Movement Improvement Project, City of Commerce. As the City’s Consultant Resident Engineer, participated, directed and coordinated all aspects of design efforts and implementation process of the multi-agency funded $30M project, ranging from fund management, design element changes (including cross-walks, rigid and flexible pavements and pedestrian facilities, transit facilities, goods movement, roadway striping and signage and traffic control devices), to bid preparation, advertisement, award and construction management of various pavement, goods movement, and safety elements. Provided labor compliance services and project management per Caltrans project management manual. Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities Design Plans: Del Mar Avenue, City of San Marino. Designed and prepared pedestrian and bicycle facilities improvement plans for the City. Developed pedestrian and bicycle elements, including in-roadway lighted crosswalks, rectangular rapid-flashing beacons (RRFB), enhanced pedestrian push buttons, bike lanes and routes, sharrows, signage and striping. Prepared construction specifications and estimates. Construction and Design Management for Safe Route to School Plans: Various School Sites, City of Commerce. Provided program and construction management services to safe route to school projects for various school sites for the City. Developed pedestrian and school safety elements, including in- roadway lighted crosswalks, rectangular rapid-flashing beacons (RRFB), enhanced pedestrian push buttons and traffic signals. Provided labor compliance services and prepared project close- out reports Caltrans project management manual. Construction and Design Management for Safe Route to School Plans: Various School Sites, City of Alhambra. Provided program and construction management services to safe route to school projects for various school sites for the City. Developed pedestrian and school safety elements, including in- roadway lighted crosswalks, rectangular rapid-flashing beacons (RRFB), enhanced pedestrian push buttons and traffic signals. Provided labor compliance services and prepared project close- out reports Caltrans project management manual. Page | 23 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services 3. Company Qualifications As a fully integrated firm, we connect knowledge and experience across various disciples to solve complex challenges that cities face in their unending quest to improve or rehabilitate infrastructure, meet the needs of the public and business owners, while enhancing the quality of life within the City – all on constrained budgets. For more than 25 years, Infrastructure Engineers has assisted cities in the quest to balance needs versus budgets by providing contract staffing for city departments – most often with less financial outlay than hiring city staff, and by using our design engineering acumen to provide viable alternatives and watch-dog construction management to tailored to keep your needs and expectations in the forefront. We are able to provide value- added service because we offer turn-key engineering – from initial studies and master plans through design, plan reviews, and construction management of those projects to final acceptance by the City Council. We have had the honor of providing these very services to the City of Rosemead through our General Public Works & Professional Engineering Services contract during years 2016 through 2018 - we hope we have proven our total commitment to your City, your staff, and your constituency. We can provide a full spectrum of professional services to the City of Rosemead, which includes the services listed below. Building & Safety Plan Checking Planning-Related Studies Staff Augmentation Civil Engineering Traffic & Transportation Engineering CIP Management Project & Construction Management NPDES/MS4 Compliance & Monitoring Environmental Review Architectural & Facilities Design Fund Administration/Grant Services We have had the honor of providing these very services to the City of Rosemead through our General Public Works & Professional Engineering Services contract during years 2016 through 2018 - we hope we have proven our total commitment to your City, your staff, and your constituency. Page | 24 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services Firm Experience Miscellaneous Alleys and Cliffwood Industrial Park - Projects 7315, 7316, 7317 & 7461, City of Brea Infrastructure Engineers was engaged by the City of Brea to provide engineering design for the street rehabilitation and waterline improvements for the following projects: Rehabilitation of Alley East of Redwood Ave. between Birch St. and Ash St., Project 7315 - This project involves reconstruction of the asphalt pavement, concrete pavement, curb, and two driveways. Rehabilitation of Alley East of Puente St. between Joyce Dr. and Walling Ave., Project 7316 – This project will reconstruct the asphalt pavement, concrete pavement, construct 4-foot wide gutters and driveway. Rehabilitation of Streets and Waterline Improvements for the Cliffwood Industrial Tract, Projects 7317 & 7461 – This project will replace approximately 5,500 linear feet of existing water mains and the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the commercial streets in the Cliffwood Industrial Park. The project also includes the removal and replacement of existing damaged sidewalk, concrete curb and gutter, curb ramps, cross gutters, and localized AC pavement, along with the adjustment of existing utilities to grade, traffic signage and striping, traffic control, and all other improvements required to complete the project. Los Flores Boulevard Street and Median Island Improvements, City of Lynwood Infrastructure Engineers provided design, project management, and construction management and inspection for the Los Flores Boulevard street resurfacing project. The Lynwood City Council and residents of the Los Flores Boulevard neighborhood celebrated the opening of the revitalized two-way street that traverses the neighborhood and serves Lincoln Elementary School. Improvements to Los Flores Boulevard, from State Street to Bellinger Street, included creating a safer pickup/drop-off school zone, beautiful draught-tolerant landscaped medians, street resurfacing, sidewalks replacement, new curbs and gutters, traffic striping, and water service line replacement. During the design phase of the project, Infrastructure Engineers helped to facilitate three community meetings, which were held to discuss the specifics of the project and to receive and incorporate Page | 25 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services input from attendees. The results of these meetings provided Infrastructure Engineers’ design engineers with the input to design a project that met the community’s expectations while providing safer traffic control for the school and its students. In addition, the project serves to refresh the neighborhood by providing pleasing, drought-tolerant landscaping that runs the length of the street, affording a peaceful interlude to the community. These outreach meetings also served to bring the community together, not only to look towards the next phases of improvements, but also to develop a neighborhood watch program. Montebello Boulevard Bike Lane and Sidewalk Improvement, City of Montebello Phase I of the Montebello Boulevard Bike Lane and Sidewalk Improvement project included a complete land survey of the entire project length, right-of-way engineering, and preparation of land dedication documents for the City to obtain the rights-of-way for the preparation of bid documents as part of the next phase of the project at Montebello Boulevard (Lincoln Avenue to Paramount Boulevard). The scope of work under Phase II of the Montebello Boulevard Bike Lane and Sidewalk Improvement project included design, preparation of plans, specifications and estimates for roadway improvements and widening, pavement rehabilitation, concrete improvements, utility adjustments, ADA improvements, Class II bike lane, traffic signal improvements, pedestrian lighting, and landscape and irrigation. Infrastructure Engineers oversaw the geotechnical investigation services to determine the subsurface characteristics of the roadway section, landscape and irrigation services to prepare PS&E. Infrastructure Engineers is also providing project management, contract administration and construction management and inspection services, preparation of daily reports, review of change orders and progress payment requests, and coordinate soils testing service. Eastern Avenue and Florence Avenue Regional Surface Transportation Improvements, City of Bell Gardens During the course of providing engineering design services to the City of Bell Gardens, Infrastructure Engineers staff noticed there was always a backup of traffic at the intersection of Eastern Avenue and Florence Avenue – part of a major commercial district in the City. To avoid this backup, motorists were traveling around the area, through neighborhoods, and merchants along the commercial district were experiencing the loss of business from these actions. Infrastructure Engineers staff met with local residents who were able to provide additional knowledge of the problems at this intersection, thereby providing additional compelling reasons why this project needed to be put in place. The City of Bell Gardens missed a deadline for MTA’s Call for Projects for this intersection improvement project. Taking a proactive approach, Infrastructure Engineers appealed to the MTA for funds, which were subsequently awarded in the amount of $2.1M. Infrastructure Engineers staff then took the project to the I-710 Early Action TAC to obtain an additional $1.2M in funds – thus costing the City of Bell Gardens ZERO Page | 26 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services money. Awarded funds will pay for all design and soft costs, construction, and construction management for the project. In addition, while conducting a field reconnaissance, Infrastructure Engineers staff noticed a school in the area where children were crossing a major street with no signal. Because of a curve in the street, the radius of the bend was obscuring the existing signs that warned motorists of the upcoming crossing zone. We were able to create a case for the City to procure additional funds to have a signal designed. HSIP Cycle 5 Street Safety Improvements on Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, City of Lynwood The City of Lynwood applied for HSIP funds and was subsequently awarded the amount of $376,100 for improvements to Imperial Highway and Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard. This project consists of the installation of crosswalks, pedestrian signals, signs and traffic bulb-outs. Also included are installation of advanced yield lines, which requires vehicles to stop in advance of the crosswalk, improving lines of sight between pedestrians and drivers on a multi-lane approach; installation of a raised median island in the center two-way left-turn lane to provide pedestrian refuge; installation of a pedestrian-activated, overhead flashing beacon or pedestrian signal to alert motorists when a pedestrian is present in the crosswalk; installation of curb extensions on the northeast and southeast corners, requiring removal of a through travel lane in the northbound direction. To facilitate this improvement, restriping of the northbound approach provided a right-turn only lane. Modification was made to the traffic signal to provide protected left-turn phasing to improve intersection control of conflicts between pedestrians in the crosswalk and motor vehicles turning across it. City of Montebello As an exclusive municipal contract provider to the City of Montebello, Infrastructure Engineers provides city engineering, traffic engineering, on-call engineering and subdivision plan check, engineering design, construction management, construction inspection, grading inspection, and NPDES compliance services. We have provided street improvement plan check on more than a dozen street projects, including Union Street, Market Place Drive, Washington Boulevard, greenwood Avenue, and Olympic Boulevard. Other services we provide include updating the current Sewer Rate Study Report, staff augmentation at the City, urban stormwater program for commercial and industrial IC/ID inspections, stop sign warrant studies, traffic calming studies, and traffic signal timing reviews. The Montebello Hills Specific Plan area comprises 488 acres on a former oil field, it provides for development of up to 1,200 Page | 27 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services residential dwellings on 174 acres and 314 acres of open space. The City of Montebello has adopted a land use plan, a circulation plan, an infrastructure plan, a public park and trails plan, development regulations, design guidelines, and implementation procedures to ensure that development of Montebello Hills is implemented consistent with the City’s General Plan. In 2018, Infrastructure Engineers was retained by the City to review the Montebello Hills final subdivision maps, land survey maps, mass grading plans, geotechnical and geological reports, wastewater report, sewer improvement plans, traffic report, traffic signals, street improvement plans, hydrology study, drainage report, storm drain plan, Water Quality Management Plan, Low impact Development, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, and NPDES compliance. City of Baldwin Park Infrastructure Engineers has been working with the City of Baldwin Park for 18 years. We have provided public works engineering plan check services (on-call map checking), off-site plan-check services, city engineering, inspection, engineering design, various staff augmentation services, a Building Official, structural plan check services, and interim building inspector services. City of Huntington Park Infrastructure Engineers provides the following engineering services to the City: Reviewing proposed final tract maps, parcel maps, boundary adjustments and legal descriptions for conformance with local and state ordinances and law Reviewing proposed grading, drainage, and improvement plans for private and public development Recommending conditions of approval for proposed development projects Establishing performance and labor and material bond amounts when required and ascertaining posting of securities and other development fees within the proper time sequence for development review Providing field inspections of work performed by contractors for public and private construction projects, and at the proper time recommending notices of completion and acceptance of the work Page | 28 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services 2 3 5 Rialto 1 Moreno Valley Temecula Palm Desert San Bernardino Coachella Calexico 4 4. References The map below shows the cities for which Infrastructure Engineers has provided the very services requested in the City’s RFP. The references are for cities where we have performed a broad spectrum of services through on-call contracts. 1. City of Baldwin Park Sam Gutierrez Director of Public Works Phone: (626) 813-5255, Ext. 460 Email: sgutierrez@baldwinpark.com 2. City of Bell Gardens Chau Vu Director of Public Works Phone: (562) 806-7770 Email: cvu@bellgardens.org 3. City of Montebello Danilo Batson Director of Public Works Phone: (323) 887-1460 Email: dbatson@cityofmontebello.com 4. City of Huntington Park Ricardo Reyes City Manager Phone: (323) 582-6161 Email: citymanager@hpca.gov 5. City of Hawaiian Gardens Ernie Hernandez City Manager Phone: (562) 420-2641, ext. 201 Email: ehernandez@hgcity.org Page | 29 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services 5. Pending or Previous Litigation Infrastructure Engineers does not have any pending or previous litigation over the past five (5) years related to our firm's work Page | 30 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services 6. City's Standard Professional Services Agreement As a previous consultant to the City of Rosemead, Infrastructure Engineers is familiar with your Standard Professional Services Agreement and we will comply with all aspects of the Agreement without comments. Page | 31 Proposal to Provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services 7. Addenda Acknowledgement Infrastructure Engineers acknowledges receiving Addendum 1; we are in agreement with the terms and conditions stated in that addendum. Interwest Consulting Group Proposal October 10, 2019 Response to RFP No. 2019-13 for City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services Prepared for the City of Rosemead Public Works Department 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 By Interwest Consulting Group, Inc. Michael Kashiwagi, PE Chief Operations Officer 15140 Transistor Lane Huntington Beach, California 92649 O | 714.899.9039 C | 916.206.2238 15140 TRANSISTOR LANE ● HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 ● TEL. 714.899.9039 ● www.interwestgrp.com October 10, 2019 Chris Dasté, Director of Public Works City of Rosemead Public Works Department 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 RE: Response to Request for Proposal No. 2019-13 for City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services to the Public Works Department Dear Mr. Dasté, Interwest Consulting Group is pleased to present this proposal to the City of Rosemead to provide a range of City engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services to the Public Works Department. Interwest provides these same services to public agencies throughout California. We currently serve more than 100 cities, counties and state agencies including the municipalities of Eastvale, Bell, Costa Mesa, Rancho Palos Verdes, Corona, Lomita and Yorba Linda, just to name a few. We have reviewed RFP No. 2019-13 and our proposal has been crafted and submitted for the purpose of demonstrating our ability and intent to provide the services outlined. With more than 430 employees, we are large enough to serve all of the City’s public works’ needs, yet small enough to ensure that we maintain focus and are responsive to the needs of the City. One of the primary advantages of partnering with Interwest is the depth and breadth of our consultant bench. We employ a large number of engineers, construction managers and inspection staff, allowing our proposed team to take on a wide variety of more complex or federally funded projects that require a resident engineer or multiple inspectors to address properly. As detailed in Section 2, our key personnel have been proposed specifically to address the City’s needs throughout the term of the contract. Our proposed Engineering staff are not only individually qualified and experienced, but also have considerable experience working together on numerous recent projects for municipal clients similar to the City of Rosemead. I will serve as the City’s Principal-in-Charge. As Interwest’s Chief Operations Officer, I am an authorized representative of Interwest Consulting Group and able to bind the firm to all commitments made in this proposal. My contact information is: Michael Kashiwagi, PE 1540 Transistor Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92649 mkashiwagi@interwestgrp.com O: 714.899.9039 | C: 916.206.2238 As of the date of submission, we have received, reviewed, acknowledge and have incorporated into our proposal Addendum No. 1, dated September 30, 2019. Page 1 15140 TRANSISTOR LANE ● HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 ● TEL. 714.899.9039 ● www.interwestgrp.com We appreciate this opportunity to present our qualifications to the City, and we look forward to the opportunity to continue serving your community and cultivating our relationship with the City of Rosemead. We stand ready and available to complete the work outlined in the RFP and our proposal remains valid and binding for a period of 90 days. Please contact me if you have questions or concerns. Sincerely, Michael Kashiwagi, PE Chief Operations Officer Interwest Consulting Group Page 2 Table of Contents COVER LETTER TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 Approach and Scope of Work .................................................................................... 4 Understanding of the Project ............................................................................... 4 Scope of Work ....................................................................................................... 4 Scope of City Engineer Services ..................................................................... 4 Scope of Traffic Engineering Services ............................................................ 6 Scope of On-Call Engineering Services .......................................................... 6 Approach to Providing Services ........................................................................... 7 Approach to City Engineer Services ............................................................... 7 Approach to Traffic Engineering Services .................................................... 15 Approach to On-Call Engineering Services .................................................. 16 SECTION 2 Project Team, Key Personnel and Resumes ......................................................... 20 Project Organization Chart ................................................................................. 20 Resumes of Key Personnel .................................................................................. 21 SECTION 3 Company Qualifications .......................................................................................... 56 Experience and Proven Ability on Similar Projects ............................................ 56 SECTION 4 References ................................................................................................................ 61 City of Rancho Palos Verdes City of Bell City of Eastvale City of Corona City of Costa Mesa SECTION 5 Litigation ................................................................................................................... 62 SECTION 6 City's Standard Professional Services Agreement .............................................. 62 SECTION 7 Addenda Acknowledgement ................................................................................... 62 Fee Proposal has been submitted in a separate envelope. Page 3 SECTION 1 Approach and Scope of Work UNDERSTANDING OF THE PROJECT In RFP No. 2019-13, the City of Rosemead seeks qualified professional consultants to provide City Engineer Services, Traffic Engineering Services and On-Call Engineering Services under the direction of the City’s Director of Public Works. Anticipated services include, but are not limited to, serving as its City Engineer, managing right-of-way encroachment permits and inspections, managing private development projects entitlement, writing conditions of approval, reviewing development plans for public and private projects, reviewing subdivision maps, managing citywide Capital Improvement Projects and performing additional services requested by the Director of Public Works. SCOPE OF WORK We have reviewed the services requested in the City’s RFP No. 2019-13. Should Interwest be selected by the City of Rosemead, we are prepared to provide all of these services. Proposed Interwest staff detailed in Section 2 will be prepared to provide the services listed below, as well as any other related services the City of Rosemead may need during the contract term. SCOPE OF CITY ENGINEER SERVICES City Engineer Services – Interwest’s City Engineer will maintain a presence at City Hall on a consistent schedule to be negotiated between Interwest and City management. The City Engineer will remain flexible if the schedule needs to be adjusted over time to accommodate cyclical workload and project volume variations. Typical services may include: • Attending Commission and City Council meetings, as needed; • Attending meetings with City Staff, public officials, developers, contractors and the public, as needed; • Providing guidance and technical assistance to City staff on public works and engineering, policies and procedures, and then preparing, implementing and enforcing policies and procedures; • Representing the City as City Engineer during meetings with other agencies, county, state and/or federal; • Administering assessment and/or community facilities district and bond issue projects; • Preparing and reviewing CIP budget for inclusion into City Annual Budget; and Page 4 • Reviewing documents and reports from other agencies pertaining to City infrastructure or public works matters and providing recommendations to staff on appropriate responses or actions. Coordination with Stakeholders – Interwest staff will coordinate, consult and provide input to other departments and agencies, as needed. Emergency and Disaster Relief Services – Interwest will stand prepared to provide engineering and public works plan review and inspection services in the event of a local, regional or national emergency or disaster. In such a situation, we will coordinate directly with the City to provide needed staffing resources and will be prepared to work both inside and outside of regular business hours. Interwest staff have also been involved in preparing emergency management & operational plans. Grant Administration and Compliance – Interwest staff will work with the City's grant administrator on grant-funded projects to prepare additional paperwork as necessary for grant compliance, and advise City Staff as to grants or other funding available for public works projects and, when so directed, initiate and prepare applications for such funding or grants. Management Services for CIP/Public Works Projects – Interwest will provide design and project construction and contract management services for public works projects and other select capital improvement projects. Typical services may include: • Conducting bid opening and bid analysis; • Conducting pre-bid meetings; • Directing and supervising contractor work; • Monitoring labor compliance; • Preparing contract change orders; • Preparing project plans, bid specifications, and Notice Inviting Bids; • Preparing staff reports and other documents as needed for contract approval; • Preparing staff reports and other documents as needed for project acceptance; • Responding to inquiries and preparing addenda to bid specifications as needed; and • Reviewing project invoices for accuracy and contract compliance. Private and Public Development Projects – Interwest staff will provide plan review of grading, drainage and improvement plans for private and public development projects. Public Right-Of-Way Encroachment Permits – Interwest staff will manage plan review and inspection services for all public right-of-way encroachment permits to confirm compliance with applicable codes, regulations, policies, standards and best practices. Our fully trained permit technician will also able to handle encroachment permits issuance. Public Works Inspector – Interwest will coordinate with Department/Division management to provide a Public Works Inspector on-site at City Hall and at project sites as needed. The Public Works Inspector will inspect ongoing work in the public right-of-way and address all issues in a timely manner. Public Works Planning or Zoning Review – Interwest staff will provide plan review of private development project plans submitted for planning or zoning review related to public works issues, Page 5 including conceptual or preliminary plans, architectural plans, site plans and preliminary grading plans. Services during this entitlement process may include but are not limited to: • Reviewing project applications, plans and related documents; • Identifying major public works issues to be addressed through the planning process prior to plan check submittal (grading, off-site improvements, traffic, etc.); and • Writing conditions of approval (COAs) related to public work issues to be imposed on the project through the planning process. Subdivision Map Act Projects – Interwest will provide review services for projects submitted under the Subdivision Map Act and related provisions of the City's Municipal Code, including but not limited to tentative and final maps, lot mergers, lot line adjustments, certificates of compliance, dedications, vacations and easements. These services will include but are not be limited to: • Reviewing applications, maps, legal descriptions, deeds, and related documents; • Providing red line documents and writing corrections; and • Writing conditions of approval to be imposed on tentative maps. SCOPE OF TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES Interwest staff will provide traffic engineering services that include but are not limited to: • Conducting traffic reviews and preparing reports with recommendations for stop sign warrants, crosswalk installation and removal, traffic calming, speed surveys, accident histories and other general traffic safety and related issues; • Preparing and making presentations to Traffic Commission and City Council regarding traffic reviews and recommendations; • Preparing Conditions of Approval (COAs) for projects; • Reviewing and providing comments on proposed development projects pertaining to traffic issues (traffic impacts, site access and circulation, parking, etc.); • Reviewing and providing comments on traffic impact studies prepared by other consultants for development projects; and • Reviewing and providing engineering judgement on traffic safety issues raised by City staff, the Traffic Commission and the public. SCOPE OF ON-CALL ENGINEERING SERVICES Interwest staff will provide additional on-call engineering services that include but are not limited to: • Assisting the City in the design, management, construction management, inspection, administration and processing Federal and State funded projects; • Assisting with the Capital Improvement Program; Page 6 • Conducting private development application reviews; • Consulting on infrastructure design, construction and/or operations; • Performing miscellaneous engineering tasks, feasibility studies, investigations, and other duties as directed by the City. • Performing the lead role in the engineering review, coordination and technical administration of assessment districts and bond issue projects to provide coordinated, cost-effective projects; • Providing general consulting and technical advice; • Providing grant application processing assistance; • Reviewing and certifying design plans, specifications and cost estimates for City capital projects; and • Reviewing private development construction plans, mapping and projects for compliance with City adopted design standards, subdivision standards and UBC and related work as required. APPROACH TO PROVIDING SERVICES Interwest’s Engineering staff have a wealth of experience providing identical services to municipal clients throughout Southern California with requirements that are very similar to the City of Rosemead. Our project approach is informed by our experience, but adaptable to the needs of each client. APPROACH TO CITY ENGINEER SERVICES As requested in the RFP, Interwest proposes a City Engineer to serve on-site under the direction of the City’s Director of Public Works. Our City Engineer will provide comprehensive services, including managing right-of-way encroachment permits and inspections, managing private development projects entitlement, writing conditions of approval, reviewing development plans for public and private projects, reviewing subdivision maps, managing citywide Capital Improvement Projects and performing additional services as requested. Interwest will work directly with the Director of Public Works or his designee to determine a consistent schedule for on-site City Engineer services at City Hall. Our City Engineer will be supported by the key Interwest engineering staff presented in Section 2. Our approach for selected City Engineer services are detailed below. Development Plan Review Interwest has the collective, diverse team of people and experience to perform a full range of Engineering Plan Check services. More importantly, we possess the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively integrate the necessary engineering services with the client’s staff to create a design plan check process that is coordinated, consistent and predictable. Interwest provides plan checking services for all improvement plans related to private development (excluding building and related plans), including of a variety of street improvement plans (widening, rehabilitation, and new); grading plans (mass grading, rough grading and precise grading); parcel/final Page 7 maps; dedications, easements, vacations, quitclaims and parcel mergers; lot line adjustments; storm drainage plans; hydrology and hydraulic calculations and reports; and storm water compliance documents, i.e., Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP), Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP), Low Impact Design (LID) reports; as well as a variety of other types of construction improvement plans, , street, sewer, water improvement plans, traffic signal improvement plans, and on-site improvement (grading and paving) plans. In addition to individual plan check review, we are able to provide independent review of technical studies and reports, traffic studies, geotechnical reports, and render appropriate review of the analysis and proposed mitigation. We view our role and mission as facilitating the efficient delivery of high quality design plan check projects by:  Taking a partnering versus regulatory approach;  Balancing the need to ensure conformance to standards and regulations with the need for predictability, uniformity and efficiency;  Having a goal of “no surprises” for the applicant and the client; and  Creating an internal team which provides a seamless design plan review process to prevent unintentional “games of gotcha” for project applicants. All plan reviews will be evaluated by the project manager for quality control of the plan review, the level and quality of comments from the review, consistency with similar reviews, the avoidance of late hits or “gotcha” comments, the evaluation of the design professional’s submittal and whether they are addressing prior comments or have justifiable reasoning in their designs that may allow leniency from standards. The project manager will meet with the design professional and their client if prior comments are not being addressed. We have found this will get the process back on track or provide the project owner/client with a more realistic schedule based on their design professionals’ actions. The discussion above describes Interwest’s philosophy and approach of “how” we do our work. A typical scenario for “what” we do related to the review and processing of final maps, landscape plans, improvement plans, hydrology and hydraulics calculations and plans, and traffic engineering and operations plans and reports, follows:  Interwest will provide plan reviews for final maps, improvement and landscape plans. Review includes evaluation of required reports, studies, grading and improvement plans, and design professional’s recommendations. Each plan review is assigned to a design plan reviewer with oversight of the project manager. The assigned design plan reviewer will be committed to the project and will furnish all subsequent submittal reviews for the project. This maintains a consistent review and avoids “late hit” comments. Page 8  Each plan review will be accompanied with a letter summarizing the red-line comments. This letter will be addressed directly to the applicant’s engineer or landscape architect, with a copy to client staff and the applicant. A complete red-lined set of drawings and any reports will be returned to the design professional for use in their corrections.  The project manager will meet with the Design Professional and client staff to review comments or to delineate the standards which are not being met to assist in the timely completion of the review and meeting the maximum goal of two plan reviews. If necessary, the third review will confirm that all previous comments have been addressed. This meeting can take place in the Design Engineer’s office, if desired so that minor comments/discrepancies can be immediately addressed and the improvement plans and reports can be deemed technically correct and submitted for signature approvals.  We will meet with other client staff and outside agencies, as needed, to review their progress and/or their comments.  Interwest can provide structural engineers to assist in any structural reviews, for any of the assigned projects. We can provide these reviews concurrently with the improvement plan reviews and within the stated timeframes.  Map checking will be overseen by professional engineer’s licensed to practice land surveying or by licensed Land Surveyors.  Engineering review of grading permit/applications is highly dependent upon the complexity and location of the proposed grading. A single lot entitled commercial grading permit application will be reviewed differently from a hillside lot or subdivision, or a project adjacent to a drainage corridor.  Soils reports will be evaluated and confirmation of recommendations will be included on the plans. Boundary conditions will be evaluated to maintain continuity with surrounding properties and maintain existing drainage patterns.  Construction erosion control and post construction water quality control will be reviewed for compliance with the storm water quality management permit in effect Public Works Construction Management Services PRE-CONSTRUCTION / BIDDING / AWARD PHASE Constructability | Contract Document Review | Bid Support: Review of the construction plans and contract documents prior to bidding and report to the City any areas where there may be an opportunity to save money or find areas that can be corrected prior to the bid, resulting in more competitive bids and fewer construction change orders (CCOs). This assistance is provided during the bidding process. During the bidding process, if so directed, the Interwest Team will be available to answer bidders’ questions, prepare drafts of addenda or clarifications to the PS&E and assist in reviewing bids and recommending a contract award. Pre-Project Photographs | Video: The Construction Inspector will document the condition of the project as well as the adjacent areas prior to the contractor mobilizing, thus minimizing any dispute that may arise regarding existing vs. construction damage. Page 9 Pre-Construction Meeting: We will organize or attend the pre-construction meetings prior to the Notice to Proceed being issued. Meeting notes and a list of invitees and attendees will be distributed. Construction Support: During construction, we will provide supplemental support to the City and construction management section for construction inquiries. This support includes: • Reviewing and preparing responses to RFIs; • Reviewing Contractor submittals and shop drawings for compatibility with design; • Reviewing and providing recommendations of change order proposals; • Performing final review/evaluation & assisting with the preparation of punch list for work deficiencies; and • Preparing record drawings of the completed projects based upon the redlined set of as-built plans. CONSTRUCTION PHASE Project Schedule | Submittal Review: A realistic schedule that meets the requirements of the contract documents is critical to the success of the project. Our team will constantly monitor the schedule, noting and making the City aware of any critical path slips, as well as any opportunities to compress the schedule that may arise. Further, timely and thorough submittal review is critical to a project. Examples of activities include: o Coordinate, review & approve the Contractor's proposed schedule for completion of project; and o Review contractor's schedule, update submittals for conformance to master schedule and contract documents. Document Control: We use the proven method of controlling documents through the system developed and used by Caltrans. We will apply consistent procedures to track all documentation, regardless of project size and location. Doing so will result in a standard documentation and filing system across the board for capital projects. As a result, records retrieval will be quick and efficient. Work activities include: Potential Pitfalls: Resulting in: Interwest Solutions: -Having bidding documents which are not consistent with City standards -Inadequate time allotted for PS&E approvals by City Engineer and City Attorney’s office -Slow response time to Contractor RFIs and other requests -Delays in bidding and construction which can lead to higher costs -Misinterpreted contract documents which can lead to CCOs and delay claims -Utilize experience to build realistic project schedules that properly account for all reviews and approvals -Respond expeditiously to Contractor RFIs and other requests to minimize CCOs and delay claims -Utilize constructability and specification reviews by experienced staff to identify the most efficient construction methods and to minimize CCOs Page 10 o Maintain all project documents, drawings, contract change orders, contractor submittals, shop drawing and correspondence in electronic form and hard copy. o Maintain at the project site an up-to-date copy of all contracts, drawings, specifications, addenda, change orders & other modifications, in good order & marked to record all changes made during construction. We track documents, including all correspondence. o Ensure an office engineer is available for projects with significant document control needs, and all files will be set up by our office engineer, regardless of size. o Maintain a digital photographic library & significant activities. o Maintain RFI, submittal and change order logs. Ensure consultants and engineers respond within contract time frames. We track the number of days submittals are outstanding and with a particular party on a weekly basis and report this information to the appropriate staff. o Monitor Contractor and the sub-contractors regarding compliance with prevailing wage rates and affirmative action requirements applicable to the project including a Labor Compliance Program in accordance with AB 1506 and the Davis-Bacon Act. Our inspectors and office engineers are trained on the appropriate forms and techniques necessary to conduct these compliance activities. o Collect and review, for compliance with all State and Federal regulations, certified payroll records requirements. Weekly | Monthly Construction Meetings: We would attend and chair weekly or monthly project meetings with the contractors and stakeholders. We can prepare the agenda and discuss schedule, budget, changes, safety issues, etc. This has proven to be an important step to getting the project on schedule early. Change Order Review/Dispute Resolution: Our team will review any requests for contract change orders to verify the work is necessary and outside of the contract, and we will negotiate the best way from the City perspective to pay for the work, whether that is time and materials, unit prices, or a negotiated amount. We will advise City as to their effect on the contract time and cost. We can perform independent estimates of proposed change order work when necessary or when directed by the City. The Construction Manager will then make a recommendation for approval, which according to the City policy, will ultimately need approval by the Public Works Director. Materials Testing Management: We will coordinate and schedule the materials testing services to acquire the necessary services, and reports, in the most efficient manner. Compaction Control: We will coordinate compaction testing with the soil engineering firm to verify all compaction conducted meets all requirements and specifications. Progress Payment Processing: We will review progress payments and verify quantities/unit prices, amount due, certified payroll, appropriate rates, etc. If the review shows the progress payment is accurate, we will then recommend payment and circulate it to Project Manager for additional review, signature and approval. Agency Coordination: We will coordinate any work with other agencies to maximize contractor efficiency and keep the project on schedule. Page 11 PROJECT CLOSE-OUT PHASE Punch List Completion: Our Inspector will generate and make the contractor aware of deficiencies as they occur in the field. We will encourage the contractor to repair or replace work that does not meet the specifications when it is identified. Interwest will oversee the complete performance of all punch list items and final clean-up before contractor moves off-site. Each punch list item is personally signed off by a member of our team, and all items must be signed off before the construction manager signs the list as complete. Record Drawings and Other Documents: Our Construction Manager will review the record drawings with the Inspector for accuracy & completeness prior to acceptance of the project. This is monitored weekly. At the end of the project, we will obtain from contractor all record (as-built) drawings: O&M materials, attic stock, contract required documents, lien releases, & written warrantees. Geotechnical Report: Our Construction Manager will obtain a complete geotechnical report with all test results, logs, and correspondence from the geotech prior to releasing their final payment. Final Report: Our team will prepare a final report for the project that recaps the costs, schedule, successes, and lessons learned to the City and the Project Manager for use in preparing the City Council Notice of Acceptance Staff Report. An inventory of the “wrap up” tasks for construction management activities include: o Administer post-construction training of custodial, maintenance, operations and grounds staff for all new equipment, systems and finish materials. We intend to invite the appropriate City maintenance personnel to the final walk-through of the project so they may ask questions and review the work. We understand that the project is built for the end-user, which is usually the maintenance department on behalf of the citizens. o Coordinate final testing, documentation and regulatory inspections. We require all materials testing and special inspection documentation to be in a final report in chronological order. o Advise on substantial and final completion and liquidated damages. o Evaluate any contractor claim, negotiate and resolve claim issues. Recommend approval or denial by the City. o Establish a warranty process and schedule six months and eleven months warranty walks. o Oversee the complete performance of all warranty repair items. Document Archive: Once the project is complete, we will turn over all project documents in archive form to the City. Design Interwest has provided city engineering services for local agencies from conceptual design planning through construction phase. This cradle-to-grave model has provided invaluable insights and elements of design which result in successful plans, specifications and estimates. Project Designs have incorporated management of sub-consultants’ designs, grant funding compliance, easements and/or right-of-way to design, environmental and other permitting requirements as necessary for the project. Interwest has delivered project designs with specifications, plans and estimates for: Page 12  Accessibility improvements including curb ramps and sidewalk;  Roadway widening, frontage, and sidewalk improvements;  Asphalt concrete overlay and rehabilitation/reconstruction of roadways;  Slurry Seals/Micro-Surfacing, Cape Seals, Rubberized Seal Projects;  Drainage Improvements; and  Traffic calming improvements. Interwest is very familiar with engineering standards and specifications used throughout the state:  APWA Standards and Specification;  Caltrans Standard Plans and Specification;  Caltrans Highway Design Manual; and  California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Public Works Inspection Services As requested in the RFP, Interwest proposes a Public Works Inspector to provide services both on-site at City Hall and at project sites throughout the City. Interwest will work directly with the Director of Public Works or his designee to determine a schedule for the Public Works Inspector to be on-site at City Hall. GENERAL APPROACH Utilizing construction inspection services through Interwest is an extremely valuable strategy for delivering cost-effective, high quality municipal services. We inspect a variety of capital improvement, development, and utility project elements such as: roadway rehabilitations, new park developments, building and utility projects on an “as-needed” basis, streets, driveways, sidewalks, curb and gutters, pedestrian ramps, drainage improvements, parks, buildings, open space amenities, trails, traffic signals, playground equipment and sports fields plus related services including sewer lift stations, sewer, domestic water, reclaimed water and street lighting. We have a proven track record of providing all of these services. Our Inspectors will ensure that all work conforms to the project construction documents, City Codes and Ordinances including the City Grading Code and Manual, APWA “Greenbook” Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, AWWA Standards, County Public Works Standards, State and Federal Building Codes related to site accessibility as well as Title 24 and ADA requirements, Caltrans’ Local Programs Manual, the City’s Quality Assurance Plan for Federal and State Funded Projects and all applicable prevailing wage laws including the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts. Page 13 Our team of professionals proposed for this assignment has extensive career expertise in the public works industry. Our local knowledge in combination with our depth of experience translates into better, more consistent decision making. This provides the City with excellent value not only today in cost for services, but more importantly in the future while operating the infrastructure. All Inspections shall be carried out using City established policies and procedures with the highest quality staff in a timely and professional manner. We shall be an advisor and advocate and provide services with the best interest of the City in mind. QUALITY CONTROL For all projects we will create and apply tailored management systems that work and will carefully monitor program effectiveness, closely tracking work quality, quantity, and cost. Delivering projects under aggressive schedules requires careful management, administration, and oversight of project development teams from inception to completion with committed, complete ownership of all aspects. Despite this approach, some projects may fall behind schedule. If this occurs, Interwest will quickly review the reasons for the delay, identify options for getting the project back on track, and implement the selected option after consulting with the City. Scope, schedule and budget impacts of the delay will be scrutinized to ensure critical elements are not jeopardized by implementation of the corrective action. GUARANTEED DELIVERABLES There are several important areas of work requiring special attention for project management, construction management, and construction observation to ensure successful completion of a project: Standardization & Maintenance of Project Documentation – In order to effectively combat claims, it is vitally important that the construction manager and inspector follow a uniform standard to ensure that potentially volatile issues are dealt with in a timely, accurate and consistent manner. Interwest has instituted such a system and has a proven track record of helping its clients to avoid costly claims. Monitoring Quality & Objectiveness of Field Personnel – Our construction supervisors routinely check the files and performance of our construction inspectors. Regular training meetings are conducted at which changes in rules and regulations are discussed. Of critical importance are the storm water compliance rules and the requirements of the general construction permit on City projects. Public Relations – Public works projects that impact residents and businesses present unique, non- technical challenges which must be addressed throughout the life of a project. Interwest staff will work closely with these stakeholders to make them aware of the project, its status and any changes that are made. Our assigned staff possesses the non-technical skill set needed to navigate the public relations arena. Construction Inspections (Including SWPPP/Storm Water Compliance) – Our Inspector, as well as any other field personnel performing services will document all work, quantities, contractor and subcontractor personnel and equipment, visitors, and field orders on a daily basis. Page 14 APPROACH TO TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES Interwest staff provide a variety of traffic engineering services. We tailor our services to our clients’ needs. Examples of traffic engineering services we commonly provide include: • Preparation of engineering studies in response to citizen requests for traffic control device installations and modifications, such as stop signs, traffic signals, crosswalks, traffic channelization and speed zones. These studies will typically include the review of traffic collision, traffic count and/or speed survey data, field review of existing traffic control devices and motorist/pedestrian/bicyclist behavior, corner sight distance analysis, minimum stopping sight distance analysis, warrant studies based on the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD) and City standards/guidelines, discussions with City staff regarding the findings and recommendations, preparation of concept/final plans, as needed, and a report summarizing the findings and recommendations. If requested, the study will also be presented at community meetings or City Council meetings. • Preparation of traffic impact analysis reports, including discussions with City staff regarding study intersections, project opening year, approved projects and any project concerns, a review of the site plan regarding internal circulation and external access, a field review of existing intersection geometrics and any unusual conditions, traffic count data collection, project trip generation and assignment, level of service analysis based on City guidelines/standards, identification of significant project impacts, proposed mitigation measures, and a report summarizing the analysis, findings and recommendations. • Review of traffic impact studies prepared by others, including the review of on-site circulation and project access, study intersections, project trip generation and assignment, level of service methodology and assumptions, accuracy of analysis and conclusions, appropriateness and feasibility of proposed mitigation measures, and preparation of comment memo. • Preparation of signing and striping plans, traffic signal plans, traffic control plans and traffic calming plans. These tasks will generally include the collection of existing plans for the street segment or intersection, field review to compare the plans to existing conditions, traffic data collection, as-needed meetings with City staff to ensure complete understanding of the desired design and to discuss/clarify any options, timely revisions in response to plan review comments, and signed and stamped final plans, specifications and cost estimate. The plans and specifications will be prepared in accordance with City standards, the CA MUTCD and other applicable standards. • Address school-related traffic concerns, including meeting with school staff, parents and residents, field observation of behavior, data collection as-needed, analysis of the need for speed feedback signs, crossing guards, crosswalks, stop signs, flashing beacons, etc., recommendations and a summary of findings and recommendations. Page 15 • Private and public development plan review for traffic-related plans, ensuring that the plans are in compliance with City and other applicable standards. The reviews will include recommendations for approval (conditions of approval). • Review of traffic signal timing plans and collision data for intersections, with recommended adjustments. We will provide technical advice to City’s staff in connection with the maintenance and the operation of the City’s traffic signal facilities. • Assistance in the development of relevant policies. Many changes are taking place in transportation engineering that cities need to be prepared for. They include SB 743 regarding changes to how traffic studies are prepared for CEQA, including the use of vehicle mile traveled (VMT) instead of intersection or street segment level of service (LOS) to determine a proposed project’s significant impact. The state is currently finalizing the regulations. Cities need to develop their own policies and fee programs in response to these new regulations to protect their interests. Autonomous (self-driving) cars are already being tested. Their potential impacts are unknown. They could increase the number of trips but reduce the needed parking. The transportation engineering profession, as well as our own traffic engineers, is tracking their development. • Preparation of grant applications for funding from Federal, State, and regional agencies for traffic safety studies and improvements. • Assist construction inspectors in the interpretation of plans, specifications and other contract documents for assigned projects. • Support public involvement and community outreach for selected traffic and transportation projects. Tasks may include attendance and participation in public meetings, creation of various education and outreach materials such as project flyers, PowerPoint presentations, etc. • Prepare small-scale pavement marking, signage, delineation and concept plans. • Investigate traffic issues including site observation, and collision analysis and recommendations. • Assist in preparing requests for proposals and grant applications. Our professional staff of transportation and traffic engineering consultants can provide a host of additional services, at the City’s request. APPROACH TO ON-CALL ENGINEERING SERVICES Interwest Engineering staff are prepared to provide a host of as-needed, on-call engineering services to the City of Rosemead. Below, we provide examples of our project approach for specific services. Capital Project Delivery Delivering Capital Projects under aggressive schedules involves management, administration, and oversight of project development teams from inception to completion. Project Management to Interwest means complete ownership of all project aspects including project delivery, funding, project development and budgeting. This approach has advantages because this keeps the continuity, Page 16 institutional knowledge, momentum, and key community contact person consistent throughout the project life. Interwest has been successful in delivering Capital Improvement Projects by fostering an environment where there is a sense of urgency for every single capital project, regardless of size. This is our standard approach because the reality is the quality of life for residents can be impacted in many ways – from congested interchanges, potholes in city streets, gaps in the bicycle network and broken or cracked sidewalks. Interwest will perform the following services, as needed to achieve the City of Rosemead’s goals:  Develop project descriptions and scopes to determine budgets and delivery schedules;  Assist in the identification and procurement of necessary regulatory permits;  Prepare necessary internal communications to provide the City with regular status updates regarding project schedule, budgets, potential issues and other items of interest or concern;  If requested, prepare City Council staff reports, technical memoranda or issues papers on projects;  Conduct project outreach to external stakeholders as directed by the City;  Manage the design team during the preparation of final plans, specifications and estimates;  Manage project bidding and oversee construction support and construction management and inspection;  Ensure the process is performed in adherence to Federal Agency (i.e. FHWA/FTA) guidelines; and  If requested, provide leadership and guidance to City staff in the management of the Capital Improvement Program. Grant Application Processing Our dedicated Grant Writers and Grant Administrators can provide the following services to the City of Rosemead: Grant Fund Research and Writing: Interwest prides itself on not just writing grants, but securing grants. Our team is committed to exploring available Federal, State and local grant opportunities and will continue to develop competitive applications to secure critical financial support for the City’s projects. Grant writing will be part of a strategy to implement the City’s priorities. The Interwest grant writing team has secured millions of dollars from state, federal and regional local programs including:  Safe Routes to School  Active Transportation Program  Sustainability Planning  Community Development Block Grants  Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality  Highway Safety Improvement Program  Transportation Enhancement Activities  Regional Surface Transportation Page 17 Grant Fund Track Record: Interwest’s track record of grant success is because of the team’s expertise in preparing concise, yet comprehensive grants that strategically link strong project descriptions and project merits to the key elements of the grant. We continuously monitor for grant funding changes, attend grant webinars, seminars and informational forums to stay up to date on current policies and programs. In the course of providing consulting services to municipal clients, Interwest regularly assists our clients in obtaining available grant funds for applicable projects. Since 2010, Interwest has helped our clients obtain $35,253,850 from intergovernmental funding sources. Funding Administration: Interwest has experience in both grant writing as well as grant administration from securing grants to project close out. Our team has direct experience working with staff from the Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, California Department of Transportation, California Transportation Commission, Councils of Governments and other local regulatory agencies. Our team understands that the key to grant management is ensuring grant funding is fully leveraged and that all requirements pertaining to the funding are fulfilled. Grant management is proactive planning before the project starts to ensure that funding is maximized in all phases of project delivery and local funds are kept minimal. Funding Compliance and Reporting: Our staff can take responsibility for oversight of the project throughout its duration. We will adhere to grant agreements and reporting requirements. In this way, we ensure the City meets the grant program performance measures so no funding reimbursements are in jeopardy. Interwest will see that objectives are met within the specified time, costs incurred are within budget, and all activities are reimbursable costs in compliance with funding programs. Funding Reimbursement and Close-Out: Finally, our team will ensure that the grant funded project is delivered and all grant reimbursements are received. We monitor grant compliance throughout the project life cycle, including appropriate invoicing and regular checking on grant procedural requirements so as not to jeopardize any eligibility of grant reimbursement. We take a proactive approach to ensure the appropriate steps are taken before problems arise, not after. We will take the lead or provide assistance in federal paperwork to Caltrans Local Assistance, California Transportation Commission, MPOs or other local agencies. We have direct experience in participation of federal audits on federally funded projects and have received positive audit reviews. This is possible through our team’s meticulous oversight of records and documentation using our custom crafted CIP budget tracking tool. This allows for efficient project close out and accountability of funding expenditures as required for both the grant fund program and local agency. Regulatory Permitting: Our staff will ensure the regulatory permits are in compliance with Federal, State, and Regional agencies. Our team has direct experience working with Regional Water Quality Page 18 Control Board, Army Corp of Engineers, and Cal EPA. We understand the importance of complying with permit requirements, particularly regarding the discharge of storm water. Stormwater Although the City’s RFP did not specifically request engineering services related to storm water compliance, Interwest specializes in providing these services and would gladly provide comprehensive services to the City of Rosemead, as needed. We cooperate with local agency partners to implement storm water quality compliance guidelines as mandated by the Regional Water Quality Control Board National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements – specifically, the Regional Boards’ latest MS4 permit. We will represent the City of Rosemead as a co-permittee of the MS4 permit and attend necessary meetings with the LA County Flood Control as principal permittee, and prepare the annual report and other related reports. Our staff provides technical guidance to the Plan Check and entitlement groups and development community by providing interpretation of Regional Water Quality Control Board permit requirements and associated storm water quality compliance guidelines. We will also conduct public outreach campaigns as required by NPDES permit to make public aware of critical water quality issues. Interwest will assist in providing technical and material support to upper management and in-house staff regarding complex hydraulic and hydrological related issues. We will also review development plans to ensure that plans submitted by private developers are in compliance with drainage and floodplain management policies by conforming to local agency standards, drainage ordinances, and floodplain development policies. The Interwest Storm Water Compliance Team will also support the client in implementing the requirements of the client’s MS4 Permit. This includes:  Performing field inspections to ensure compliance with the MS4 permit;  Permitting Best Management Practice (BMP) compliance for private storm water quality filtration devices; and  Compiling and filing all relevant documentation related to all permits, including required annual reports to the State Development of Storm Water Quality Implementation Plan. Page 19 SECTION 2 Project Team, Key Personnel and Resumes STAFFING ORGANIZATION CHART The following organization chart shows the key personnel we propose to provide the requested services to the City of Rosemead. Following this page, we include detailed resumes for each of the staff proposed to provide services to the City of Rosemead. Page 20 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Michael Kashiwagi, PE Chief Operations Officer | Principal-in-Charge Mike has served as a Public Works Director for more than 20 years and has more than 42 years of municipal engineering and public administration experience in both the public and private sectors. He provides technical assistance and support to city managers, elected officials, and the community on public works programs, policies, activities, and projects. Mike is currently the Chief Operations Officer for Interwest Consulting Group. Over the past 17 years, he has served in Executive Management level positions for many cities throughout California including the Town of Atherton, City of Folsom, City of Lincoln, City of Eastvale, and City of Wildomar. While serving in these positions he oversees the implementation of high priority projects, creates and implements important programs and initiatives, advises and guides implementation of key public policies, performs organizational reviews, and identifies and implements system and process improvements to streamline and improve service delivery. He is often called upon to negotiate and resolve sensitive, political, and controversial program, policy, and project issues. Mike has served as President of the Public Works Officers for the League of California Cities. He currently facilitates and teaches many topics as part of the Public Works Institute a national credentialing program administered by the American Public Works Association (APWA). He participated in the development of the APWA Accreditation Program and has conducted onsite evaluations of many Public Works organizations seeking accreditation. Mike was awarded the Top Ten Public Works Leader of 2001 from the American Public Works Association and in 2004 received the James L. Martin Award from the California League of Cities for excellence and commitment to the League and Public Works Profession. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE Public Works Director 2008-2010 City of Wildomar 2010-2012 City of Eastvale Mike personally led the successful transition of public works, planning, building and safety, and code enforcement services from the County of Riverside to the City of Wildomar and Eastvale. Together with key Riverside County staff, he has developed the detailed processes, protocols, and agreements necessary to accomplish the seamless and cooperative transfer of responsibilities and services. Mike also conducted detailed reviews of Riverside County services transitioned to the City to determine the most cost effective and efficient delivery methods and strategies. Necessary management systems were developed and implemented to monitor and track activities associated with planning and development entitlement reviews, engineering and building plan reviews, code enforcement cases, and street maintenance works orders. Mike also created fiscally prudent and conservative operating and capital improvement budgets based upon available funding sources and revenues. He oversees and is responsible for all aspects of public works, planning, building and safety, and code enforcement. EXPERTISE Program and Project Management EDUCATION University of California, Berkeley Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering REGISTRATIONS CERTIFICATIONS Professional Civil Engineer State of California | C33176 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS League of California Cities Public Works Officers Department President | 1997-2001 California Rebuild America Coalition Board Member and President 1998-2002 Sacramento Asian Sports Foundation Board Member| July 2001-2004 Sacramento Asian Pacific Chamber of Commerce Board Member | February 2002-2004 American Public Works Association Leadership and Management Committee | 1998-2000 Accreditation Council | 1997-2000 Page 21 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Public Works Director 2003-2008 City of Elk Grove Mike oversaw the development and implementation of the Public Works Organization of the newly incorporated City through the creation of various management systems, programs, and services including: a $269 million Transportation Improvement Program to support the build-out of the City’s General Plan; a Preventive Maintenance Program to protect and preserve city assets; a Pavement Management System; Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan; Neighborhood Livability Plan; Countdown Pedestrian Head Program; Strategic Plan for Geographic Information Systems; Intelligent Transportation System; Transit Services System; Flood Emergency Response Plan; and acquisition of the City’s first Corporation Yard. In addition to developing and implementing the Public Works organization, Mike oversaw the day-to-day activities of the organization including; Transportation Planning and Program Management, Traffic Engineering, Traffic Management, Maintenance Operations, Development Engineering Review, Construction Inspection Services, Capital Improvements, Building Safety and Inspection, and Water Resources. Public Works Director 1995-2003 | City of Sacramento Deputy Director of Public Works 1993-1995 | City of Sacramento Transportation Division Manager 1991-1993 | City of Sacramento Mike oversaw the Department of Public Works consisting of a workforce of 733 employees and an annual operating budget of $100 million. He was responsible for a wide range of services including fleet and facility maintenance, street maintenance, solid waste, on-street parking, animal control and kenneling, traffic engineering, development review and process, transportation and facility design and construction, transportation planning, and right-of-way management. Mike provided leadership and guidance for implementation of the Department's four strategic initiatives: continuously improved the Department's competitive business position; sought opportunities to increase public awareness of Public Works services and programs, and reached out to community stakeholders to meaningfully involve them in decision-making processes; cultivate employees as department and community shareholders who are responsible and accountable for their actions; and served as advocate on behalf of issues and ideas which benefit our customers and set the example for others to follow at the local, regional, and state level. Department Manager, Civil/Transportation 1988-1991 | CH2M Hill Project Manager, Civil/Transportation 1979-1988 | CH2M Hill Mike directed the operations of the department, including monitoring project execution and quality control to maintain a high degree of technical and professional excellence, fiscal management, and staffing. Project experience included the design of street and underground utilities for road systems and site development projects. AWARDS 2002 National Public Works Project of the Year: Structures Greater than $10 Million, National award from the American Public Works Association for the Joe Serna, Jr. California Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters Building. 2002 National Public Works Project of the Year: Structures $2 - $10 Million, National Award from the American Public Works Association for the South Natomas Community Center and Library. Page 22 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Regional Project of the Year for 2000, Sacramento Area Council of Governments for the California State University at Sacramento (CSUS), Bike/Pedestrian Access Project ("Hornet Crossing"). Way to Go! Award from Renew America and the Transportation Environment Network for the Neighborhood Preservation Transportation Plan (NPTP). National Bronze Award from the Solid Waste Association of North America for Integrated Waste Management. Outstanding Achievement Award, State of California's Office of Traffic Safety's for the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program. Ahwahnee Community Livability Award which is given to projects that encourage and integrate community support in designing and building more livable environments to enhance quality of life, for the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program. Excellence In Transportation Award from the California Department of Transportation, California Transportation Foundation "Tranny Award”, and the Safety Center Incorporated's Innovative Program of the Year Award for the Captain Jerry Program. Page 23 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Joe Indrawan, PE CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer Joe has more than 35 years of civil engineering experience, including 30 years of service with municipal agencies. His diverse experience allows him to bring a clear understanding and considerable depth to any project, contributing to the successful delivery of all projects. Joe possesses excellent communication skills, providing high level customer service in a professional manner at all times. Joe is a strategic thinker and an innovative problem-solver, making him a strong asset to all projects. PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE Municipal Services Engineer | City Engineer 2012-2019 Interwest Consulting Group Joe acted as a contract City Engineer for the City of Eastvale, managing day-to- day operation of Public Works/Engineering staff, Land Development and Capital projects teams, preparing and managing operational and capital projects budgets, and handling general public complaints related to right-of-way and traffic issues. He represented the department at City Council meetings, Planning and Public Safety Commissions meetings, as well as other agencies and/or utility meetings. He established quarterly utility coordination meetings to ensure utility projects were scheduled appropriately with City-owned projects. In addition, Joe established and implemented development plan review processes and procedures, including subdivision map review check list. During his tenure with the City of Eastvale, Joe was instrumental in the acquisition process of more than 4,000 streetlights from the SCE, and conversion of these lights to LED lights. Civil Engineering Manager | Land Development | CIP 2003-2012 City of Chino Joe served as Acting City Engineer in City Engineer’s absence. He managed Land Development, Capital Improvement, Transportation Planning, Permit, Development Review/Plan Check and Inspection Services and ensured that all functions complied with Federal, State and Municipal standards and regulations. Joe participated in the preparation and implementation of goals, objectives and operational and CIP budget of the Engineering Division. He prepared the Measure I project list; and oversaw the preparation of grant applications. Joe reviewed and approved public improvement plans and specifications, engineering calculations/studies, subdivision maps and survey documents. He participated in the development of General Plan Amendment and reviewed CEQA. He acted as a liaison with other cities, counties and agencies. Joe updated and oversaw the implementation of Development Impact Fees Programs, prepared staff reports to the City Council and Planning Commission and attended respective meetings, as required. Key Accomplishments - Successfully managed the planning and development of the first phases of The Preserve and College Park Specific Plans, including Chaffey College and Ayala Park Expansion - Effectively oversaw the construction of $10M storm drain and street widening projects, $5M nitrate treatment plant, $4M waterline, and other CIP projects - Successfully trained and mentored a number of junior engineers to process and manage land development projects and perform plan check activities EDUCATION MS, Civil Engineering, Rice University BS, Civil Engineering, University of Indonesia Fundamentals of Personnel Laws for Managers and Supervisors Funding Public Works Programs Contract Administration & Change Orders Core Curriculum CEQA/California Land-Use & Planning Law Advanced Subdivision Map Act REGISTRATIONS CERTIFICATIONS Professional Engineer State of California No. C44779 Page 24 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com - Represented Chino in partnership with the City of Ontario in the development of Mill Creek Recreation Plan - a regional storm water quality management plan for the New Model Colony & The Preserve Associate Civil Engineer 2000-2003 City of Chino Joe supervised City staff of engineers, technicians and inspectors. He managed major land development projects (i.e., residential, commercial and industrial), and oversaw plan check activities and collection of user and development impact fees. Joe acted as a construction manager and administered contracts for CIP projects, reviewed PS&Es, processed bids, and negotiated contract change orders. He prepared Request for Proposals (RFPs), selected qualified firm(s) and administered contracts for engineering consulting services. Joe administered Community Facilities, Assessment, and Landscape & Lighting Districts. He investigated public complaints and provided solutions. Key Accomplishments - Facilitated a successful collaboration among several developers and agencies for the development of Sub-Area I - a nearly 10 Million square-feet industrial complex, which included a $2M Kimball Avenue Street and Storm Drain project - Successfully implemented inter-departmental plan check procedure Associate Civil Engineer | Assistant Civil Engineer 1988-2000 City of Corona Joe managed entitlement projects and performed plan check activities for residential, commercial and industrial developments, including writing conditions of approval (COAs) and staff reports to the City Council. He managed the NPDES Stormwater Program, managed and administered contracts for CIP projects, reviewed and approved PS&Es, processed bids, and negotiated contract change orders. Joe managed and supervised consultants to perform engineering/construction management services, and oversaw the preparation of master plan studies of infrastructure facilities. Key Accomplishments - Managed successful developments of South Corona, Corona Ranch, Chase Ranch and Mountain Gate Specific Plans - major master planned communities of more than 6,000 acres of residential and commercial developments - Successfully implemented NPDES Program since its inception in 1990 - Served as a member of the Stormwater Advisory Committee and the California Stormwater Task Force - Presented papers on storm water program at the International Erosion Control Convention in 1998 & 1999 Page 25 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Paul Keizer Public Works Inspector Paul is a seasoned public works inspector with more than 35 years of experience in the public sector. He is very familiar with all relevant codes and regulations and has a demonstrated track record of successful delivering high profile construction projects in a cost-effective manner, keeping the public and everyone involved with the project safe. Paul communicates well with city government, contractors and the public to achieve a properly constructed end product. PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE Public Works Inspector 2019 - Present Interwest Consulting Group, Inc. | CA Paul provides public works inspection for cities throughout Southern California. Supervisor Contract Construction 2006 - 2017 County of Los Angeles | CA Paul inspected multiple Waterworks Districts projects such as the Topanga Booster Pump Station, Topanga Oaks Waterline, Marina Del Rey Waterline and Malibu Feeder Project, Malibu Canyon Tunnel and Kanan Dume Tunnel lining projects. He supervised multiple water tank relining projects including the installation of new roofs, manways, ladders and entire sections of tanks. Paul inspected sewer lining projects including Marina Del Rey sewer and manhole lining projects. He was Inspector-in-Charge of multiple storm drain projects including Avenue K Phase I & II. He reviewed and oversaw the inspection of pavement preservation projects, and was Division Safety Coordinator for 2 years. Head Construction Inspector 2002 - 2006 County of Los Angeles | CA Paul supervised the Westchester Permit Office and approved and issued road permits and oversaw a staff of 6. Permits included service cuts, driveway aprons, storm drain connections, movie permits and encroachment permits within the jurisdiction. He oversaw the inspection of sewer lines, storm drains, sidewalk, curb and gutter, catch basins and roadways for home developments. Senior Construction Inspector 1994 - 2002 County of Los Angeles | CA Paul served as Resident inspector for various storm drain projects including Dominger Ave. Pump Station and Drain, Doris Coast Pump Station and Drain, and Cherry Ave. Drain in the City of Lakewood. He inspected multiple emergency sewer projects, and inspected multiple low-flow diversion projects. Construction Inspector 1989 - 1994 County of Los Angeles | CA Paul inspected underground storm drain lines and connections after project completion. He operated underground TV camera inspecting sewer lines and well casings. Senior Road Maintenance Worker 1987 - 1989 County of Los Angeles | CA Paul oversaw and assisted paving, concrete and cleanup crews at LA County’s Watts yard. He was in charge of youth gang crews and general relief workers. Paul assisted in performing monthly street inspection, rating the quality of each street in his jurisdiction. EDUCATION Certificate for Construction Inspection, East LA College 40 units of supervision courses, Cerritos College 12 units of inspection courses, Orange County Community College Specialized inspection courses offered through Los Angeles County ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE Road Maintenance Worker County of Los Angeles, 1985 Road Laborer County of Los Angeles, 1983 - 1985 Page 26 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Tom Marnocha, QSP, CESSWI Construction Manager | Construction Inspector Tom brings more than 35 years experience in the areas of construction management, inspection, planning, schedule analysis, project management, billings and payments, contract administration and compliance, field engineering, quality assurance, and materials testing for a variety of public works, residential and transportation projects. He possesses a vast array of certifications, including his certifications in QSP (Qualified SWPPP Practitioner) and CESSWI (Certified Erosion, Sediment, and Storm Water Inspector). These two certifications allow Tom to serve as an inspector, monitoring Storm Water Prevention Plans ensuring they are adhering to all California rules and regulations. Tom’s diverse background allows him to bring a deep understanding and expertise to cities and government agencies on large, complex, high-value construction projects. Projects range from small city projects to multi-million dollar projects including parks, fire stations, street improvements, and community buildings. Tom is an expert in using the Contract Manager Document Control System which facilitates his ability to collaboratively work with all parties ensuring projects are well managed and brought to a successful completion. PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE Construction Manager |Construction Inspector 2011 – Present Interwest Consulting Group | CA Provides a variety of services to clients in the Southern California region, including construction management, public works construction management and observation, inspection, and SWPPP inspections. He currently provides public works construction management and inspection services on a variety of projects throughout the City of Yorba Linda: - Bastanchury Road improvement Project – Provided CM services for the road widening and resurface, filterra installation, new sidewalk, curb and gutter and streetlights. Traffic signal improvements. - Culver City, Pedestrian Improvement Project – Provided CM services for multiple locations for new handicap ramps and street corner configurations. Pedestrian crossing signal pole improvements. - Culver City, Washington Place Resurface – Street widening and resurface with sidewalk, handicap ramp and curb & gutter installation. Signal improvements for pedestrian crossings. - Town Center Yorba Linda – Provide oversight and CM services for the Town Center development which is a multiple phase multi year improvement project development. - Richfield Widening Project - Approximately 500 lineal feet (LF) of new curb and gutter, sidewalk and retaining wall. Coordinated utility relocations, survey and materials testing. - Hidden Hills Storm Drain Lining Project - 1500 LF of storm drain lining which includes the flushing, video documentation and lining installation. - Bastanchury Road - Project involved the installation of two intersections of new traffic signal poles and head, traffic loops, interconnect communication conduit, construction of new horse trail with fencing, sidewalk and handicap ramp construction. - Richfield/ Buena Vista Street Light Improvement Project - Project included relocating Edison power lines, installation of new traffic signal EDUCATION Associates of Science Civil Engineering Technology Northwest Wisconsin Technical Institute REGISTRATIONS CERTIFICATIONS CESSWI Certified Erosion, Sediment & Storm Water Inspector |2305 QSP, Qualified SWPPP Practitioner| 22064 CALTRANS Post Earthquake Inspections & Safety Evaluation CALTRANS Sampling & Testing Construction Materials NICET, Level II Certification AWS, Certified Associate Welding Inspector Nuclear Density Gauge Operator Troxler Electronic Laboratories PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS ACIA, American Construction Inspector Association AWS, American Welding Society National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies SSPC, The Society for Protective Coatings Page 27 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com poles, signal heads and safety lighting, traffic loops and advanced loops and restriping. - Yorba Linda Medical Office Building - Approximately 10,000 sq. ft. of medical office space. Interwest performed grading, roadwork and sidewalk improvement inspections. - Corta Bella, Heritage, Vista Vel Verdes, Amalfi and Encanto - New residential housing developments totaling more than 500 homes. Interwest performed the grading and SWPP inspections for all three projects. - Traffic Signal – Provided construction management and inspection for new construction of traffic signal at Richfield/Buena Vista ensuring compliance to the plans and specifications. - Yorba Linda Water District Phase 1 Water Main – Replacement of 5,000 LF of 18” water main. Provided oversight for the city which included compliance to the required traffic control and completion of the final striping to the city standards. - Traffic Signals – $500,000 new construction project consisting of traffic signals at two intersections. ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE Tom performed construction management and inspection services on a contract basis. - Pier Avenue Streetscape - $4 million project, which had several funding sources including a $1.2 million federal ARRA Grant from the State Water Boards. The primary goals for this project, for the City of Hermosa, was to improve the aesthetics of the street and improving pedestrian accessibility, parking, landscape and hardscape. Pier Avenue is the City's “main street” in the downtown area connecting Pacific Coast Highway to the City's Municipal Pier and Pier Plaza. Pier Avenue is one of the few MTA Bus Routes in the City and will include new bus shelters and other transit related improvements. - Civic Center Median (City of Garden Grove) - This project involved replacing the existing landscaping and irrigation on a busy road. Project also involved installing a perimeter decorative mow strip and a city monument with lighting. - Garden Grove Euclid Intersection Improvement Project - This project included widening the right turn lane on north bound Euclid to east bound Garden Grove, including adding protective barriers at the corner. The project also included adding decorative sidewalk crosswalks and a garden wall at the NE corner of the intersection. - Freedom Park -$10 million, 23-acre park project in the City of Palm Desert that received the California Park and Recreation Society’s (CPRS) Award of Excellence. Served as Construction Manager for the project, which included underground utility construction; clearing and grubbing; irrigation and landscape installation; rough and finish grading for baseball fields, volleyball courts, tennis courts, skate park, play equipment, and soccer field with an underground drainage system; concrete site improvements; curb and gutter; asphalt parking lot; a Snack Bar and Men’s/Women’s Restroom facility per City of Palm Desert specifications and plans. Coordination with Coachella Valley Water District on the placement of a future well site was a major component of the project. - Palm Desert Redevelopment Agency - Served as the owner’s representative on this $4 million, 8,200 sf Visitor Information Center project. Responsible for quality control and construction safety oversight. Conducted daily meetings and conferences; and received, managed, and Page 28 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com distributed submittals. Managed all contract administration and compliance. Staff also provided pre-construction (including a biddability/constructability review) and construction management services. - Rancho Mirage Santa Rosa Villa Housing Project - Provided pre- construction services, and construction management and administration- related services for the City’s low-income housing project. Was on site daily serving as owner’s representative. Ensured construction safety oversight, quality control, progress payments, contract administration/compliance, and document control. - Rancho Mirage Public Library - A new $15 million public library, a one- story civic library building of approximately 43,000 square feet on a 9-acre site located along Highway 111 between San Jacinto Drive and Paxton Drive. The building interior floor plan consists of offices, classrooms, a commercial kitchen, a conference room, a dining room, lounges and reading rooms. The site development incorporates two transition roads and parking lots, civil grading/soil export work, architectural surface feature improvements, and irrigation and landscaping. - Hathaway Park Improvements - As Construction Manager, provided construction management services for the installation of new playground equipment at Hathaway Park for the City of Lomita. - Capital Improvement Projects - Construction Manager and Inspector for capital improvement projects in the City of Lomita ranging from street repair to the construction of new municipal facilities. Coordinated and scheduled appropriate design services, reviewed completed plans and specifications, prepared or supervised the preparation of bid packages, reviewed bids and provided general engineering supervision during construction. Tracked all project correspondence using Expedition. - “H” Street Bridge - Provided construction management services for this unique lead abatement/bridge painting project for the City of Sacramento, which was the first fully contained, lead paint removal project on a steel bridge in California as regulated by the promulgation of the EPA’s Title 10. Full containment and redundant systems were required to contain lead paint waste. In addition to knowing the requirements of the lead abatement regulations, he supervised two other inspectors who assisted in the quality assurance program. Routine ambient conditions were taken periodically throughout the day including air temperature, steel surface temperatures, relative humidity and dew point temperature. After abrasive blasting, the inspection team visually inspected the steel surface for cleanliness and anchor profile. After each coat of paint dried, the inspection team randomly tested the dry film mil thickness to assure conformance to the specifications. Other aspects of the project included the repainting of the bridge and maintaining the traffic flow of 45,000 vehicles per day as the work proceeded. (SF 330: 1995/1995) Page 29 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Hamid Abedzadeh, PE, QSD CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer Construction Manager | Construction Inspector Hamid is a registered engineer who has held supervisory and management positions for more than 14 years, managing up to 20 professional and technical employees and projects budgets up to $40 M. He has extensive experience in construction management, material testing, geotechnical engineering, consulting and leadership with a proven track record in delivering complex projects on time and in budget. PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE Senior Civil Engineer 2018-Present Interwest Consulting Group Hamid provides construction management, inspection, material testing and geotechnical engineering services to Interwest’s municipal clients. Senior Resident Engineer | Senior Civil Engineer | Civil Engineer 1990-2018 Orange County Public Works Senior Resident Engineer – Hamid held this position for 10 years in the County’s Construction Department managing construction of capital improvement projects. He was responsible for interacting with the public and other agencies, administering projects, managing staff, recommending alternative solutions to conflicting issues, responding to submittals and requests for information, accepting construction materials and traffic control plans, compensating the contractors and negotiating contract change orders. During this time, he supervised up to 9 professional and technical staff, managed projects up to $40M and negotiated multi-million dollars contract change orders. Senior Civil Engineer – Hamid worked in this position for over 5 years, managing the Materials Laboratory and Geotechnical/Pavement Section. Responsibilities included managing up to 20 professional and technical staff, preparing annual budgets, approving equipment procurement, preparing reports and accepting or rejecting construction materials. Civil Engineer – Hamid worked for the Planning and Development Services Department for 14 years, reviewing reports, checking plans and issuing permits. He worked closely with planners, home owners, developers, designers and outside agencies. Project Engineer 1988-1990 Zeizer Geotechnical, Inc. Hamid managed the geotechnical aspects of projects including a twenty million cubic yard grading project in Chino Hills Area. His duties consisted of interacting with the projects’ proponents, overseeing and scheduling field technicians, assessing project progress, evaluating field conditions, performing subsurface explorations and preparing reports and plans for private and public works projects. Staff Engineer 1986-1988 Soil and Testing Engineers As a staff engineer, Hamid inspected the ongoing grading operations, checked shallow and deep foundations, performed subsurface explorations and material testing, evaluated site conditions, interacted with the project proponents, provided recommendations, and prepared reports. EDUCATION Master of Science, Civil Engineering, University of Tennessee in Memphis (formerly Memphis State) Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, University of Tennessee in Memphis REGISTRATIONS CERTIFICATIONS CA Registered Civil Engineer | C51298 Qualified SWPPP Developer ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE Laboratory Manager, H.V. Lawmaster 1984-1986 Page 30 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Ciros Ganji, ICC Construction Manager | Construction Inspector Ciros has more than 20 years of experience in construction, construction inspection, geotechnical testing and design on a number of projects for local cities, government agencies, and private developers. He successfully completed many Capital Improvements Projects, numerous mainline underground utility projects and commercial tract developments. He is an expert in flood control, sewers, drainage, AC and PCC paving, traffic control, roadway excavation, soils testing, concrete inspection and major public works projects. He has been responsible for inspecting and reviewing proper traffic control plan; detecting and locating faulty materials; maintaining daily inspection reports; and preparing final punch lists. He has great communication skills responding to citizen complaints and providing quality customer service. In addition, he has prepared and maintained project documents including labor and equipment records and labor compliance reports. Ciros is familiar with construction project scheduling. He has worked very well with all members of private and public agencies and was highly respected for his efforts. PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE The following are projects for which Ciros acted as consultant project inspector. Hetzler Road Pedestrian Trail Improvements Project | City of Culver City Ciros provided Inspection for construction of 13,000 SF CMU retaining walls and 15000 SF of color PCC sidewalk on Hetzler road. His responsibilities included; inspecting line grade, size, elevations and locations of improvements for 5000 LF of PCC wall drain, performing daily construction inspection and recording detailed daily and picture reports, Verify /authorize progress payments with contractors and Culver City project manager, monitoring SWPPP and the BMPs implementations and comply with the NPDES permit and to ensure contractor compliance with contract plans and specifications. Additionally, he assisted with pay quantity estimates, contract change orders, as-built drawings, and attending weekly meeting & tracking construction schedules. AT&T ODAS antenna (Outside Distribution Antenna System) | City of Beverly Hills Ciros performed inspection for installations and construction inspection of 75 cell phone antenna towers on City of Beverly Hills. Conducted an ongoing inspection of work-in-process to ensure that the final product met drawings and specifications. Maintain a daily field reports and as-built plan, construction photographs documenting progress on problem areas and include appropriate photographs in monthly progress reports. Observes work in progress to ensure that procedures followed and materials used conform to specifications. Observes work in progress to ensure that procedures followed and materials used conform to specifications. Inspect storm pipes, sidewalks, wheelchair ramps, sewer and street lights a according to plan. Fire Station 71 | City of Fontana Responsible for conducting detail inspections of construction work to ensure contract compliance with plans and specification. Inspecting of installation new sewer and water main and storm drain installations. Writing weekly inspection reports to ensuring complying with erosion control and storm water management plans. Completed and maintained records pertaining to construction progress including daily reports, monthly pay estimates and job expenditures. Check and inspecting irrigation and landscaping for Miller Park east of project. Project Cost: $19 million (design-build). EDUCATION Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering California State University, Long Beach REGISTRATIONS CERTIFICATIONS International Code Council | 8343027 ICC Certified Special Soil Inspector Nuclear Certified ACI Certified SWPPP and NPDES Certified Page 31 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Jurupa Hills Project | City of Fontana Responsible for performing daily construction inspection to ensure contractor compliance with contract plans and specifications and recording detailed daily inspection. Assisted with pay quantity estimates, contract change orders, as- built drawings, and tracking schedules. Inspecting line grade, size, elevations and locations of improvements. Preparation and negotiations of the right of way acquisitions with the affected property owners. Design sidewalks and driveway approaches retaining walls on Citrus, Solver and Santa Ana Avenue. Project Cost: $2.8 million. Foothill to Cypress / Randall to Merrill / Oleander to Arrow Fiber Optic Installations Street Improvement and Traffic Signal Project | City of Fontana Responsible for performing daily construction inspection for trenching and installation fiber optic cable for traffic signal installations. Inspecting detours to satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer. Inspecting construction progress payments and setting pre-construction meeting. Inspect street construction, asphalt, curb and gutters, sidewalks, driveways, curb ramps, storm water installation on Randall and Merrill Avenue. Inspecting proper bedding and backfill of utility trenches, construction of roadway courses and scheduling all requires construction testing. Project Cost: $4.3 million. Roman Avenue Street Improvement | City of Palm Springs, City of Desert Hot Springs, County of Riverside Perform and supervise the inspection of construction work by contractors, prepare daily reports and verify and authorize progress payments with contractors and other public agencies. Inspect construction which included retaining wall, curb and gutter, removal and replacement of concrete sidewalks, public works construction of cross gutters, concrete curb ramps, driveways, installation of waterlines and sewer lines, placement of Portland Cement, slurry and chip sealing. Inspect and generating punch list and supervise preparation of “as-built” records. Project Cost: $7 million. Coachella Valley and Mission Spring Water District | City of Indio, City of Thousand Palm, County of Riverside Responsible for inspecting pipe line installation, line and grade verification, documents and picture recording, detailed daily inspections. Responsible for monitoring SWPPP and the BMPs implementations and comply with the NPDES permit requirements. Also, responsible for performing daily construction inspection to ensure contractor compliance with the contract plans and specifications and recording detailed daily inspection reports. The Cove Project | City of Palm Spring, Caltrans - District 8 Responsible for inspections of all construction activities to ensure contractor compliance with contract plans and specifications and recording detailed daily inspections. Oversee Inspect monitor field work, work schedules and inspection phases. Participated in numerous safety programs and strictly enforced safety and health requirements on the site. Page 32 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Chuck Stagner Construction Inspector Chuck is a construction inspector with more than 35 years of experience serving municipalities in his field. He has been involved of all aspects of various public works projects and is knowledgeable of State & County Public Works regulations as well as MUTCD, SWPPP and OSHA requirements. Chuck is an accomplished professional who prides himself on providing quality, timely services in a friendly, collaborative way. Over his career, he has served as Project Manager, business owner, and a part of a team, giving him unique insight and the managerial skills to promote communication and satisfaction at all levels. PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE Inspector | Construction Manager 2016-Present Interwest Consulting Group Chuck provides management services and inspections on Caltrans and public works projects. His duties included conducting weekly meetings and setting & monitoring budget controls, RFIs, & RFQs. Chuck provided inspection services for civil road improvement projects following MUTCD, SWPPP, and OSHA guidelines throughout the construction process. He often represented clients as the main liaison between contractor, residents and businesses while maintaining a friendly, hands-on managerial approach. Inspector | Construction Manager 2011-2016 Civil Source Engineering, Inc. Chuck provided management services and inspections on Caltrans and public works projects. His duties included conducting weekly meetings and setting & monitoring budget controls, RFIs, & RFQs. Chuck provided inspection services for civil road improvement projects following MUTCD, SWPPP, and OSHA guidelines throughout the construction process. He often represented clients as the main liaison between contractor, residents and businesses while maintaining a friendly, hands-on managerial approach. Foreman | Superintendent 2008-2011 Bannaoun Engineering, Inc. Chuck managed LA County Public Works Projects consisting of grading, paving, underground utility relocation & retaining structures. He was responsible for scheduling as-builts, billing, subcontractors, employees and other utility agencies all while maintaining a positive working environment for all parties. Foreman 2006-2008 Alliance Street Works Chuck worked closely with the project manager to manage quantities and billings for various public works projects. He was responsible for scheduling, wet & dry underground utility installation, subcontractors and up to 25 employees. Chuck saw to the successful completion of $11 M worth of projects for Cathedral City. Owner 1994-2004 C. Stagner Enterprises, Inc. Chuck was the owner and operator of this underground utility contracting company. He installed utility backbone systems and oversaw everyday activities for public works and private projects ranging from $50K to $1M. Chuck handled all aspects of his business, from managing cost controls and bidding to scheduling of equipment, employees and business activities. REGISTRATIONS CERTIFICATIONS Best Management Practices (BMP) Certificate Holder OSHA Competent Person Certification OSHA Confined Space Certification Page 33 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Secretary | Treasurer | Superintendent 1980-1994 A & L Construction, Inc. Chuck oversaw everyday activities for this underground utility contractor. He managed various projects and crews of up to 70 union employees and handled all aspects of project and business, cost controls, estimating/bidding, scheduling of equipment, employees and business activities. Projects that Chuck helped manage include Irvine Center Drive and most major Parkways for the City of Aliso Viejo. Page 34 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Daniel Garcia, PE, REA, CPP CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer Dan is a licensed civil engineer with extensive city engineering and project management experience. He has served in senior and executive management public works positions with the cities of Maywood, Costa Mesa, Norwalk, El Segundo, Solvang, Culver City and Novato. Dan brings to each project experience and expertise in the areas of Capitol Improvement Program management, Private Development, Grading, Parks and Land Use, Water Resources and Transportation Planning. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE City Engineer | City of Maywood As City Engineer, Dan is responsible for developing a Capital Improvement Program that includes a $1 million USEPA Sewer Replacement Project, coordinating with the Gateway Cities on the I-710 mitigation and developing projects for submittal for funding of Early Action I-710 fund. He coordinates efforts with such agencies as the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), Caltrans, and Gateway Cities and the County of Los Angeles. Interim City Engineer | City of Costa Mesa Dan served as Interim City Engineer and Program Manager for Fairview Park reviews and recommended grading plans for the Building Division that include the Chargers Training Facility and Lions Park Community Facility and Library. He coordinates efforts with such agencies as the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), Caltrans and the County of Orange. City Engineer | City of Norwalk Notable projects while serving as City Engineer include completing the design and right of way phase of the $22 million Firestone Bridge project and implementing $6 million in I-5 mitigation projects. Dan coordinated efforts with such agencies as the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), Caltrans, and Gateway Cities, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Southern California Edison and the County of Los Angeles. Public Works Director/City Engineer | City of Solvang Dan’s responsibilities included the implementation of the Capital Improvement Program and maintenance of streets, storm drains, private development, transit, sewer collection, sewer treatment, water distribution, wastewater treatment, building maintenance and solid waste. He coordinated city issues with regional agencies such as the Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG), the Public Works Coordination Council, the Sanitation Agencies Management Association (SAMA) and the Central Coast Water Agency (CCWA). § Obtained approval from the State of California for a $10.2 million Revolving Fund Grant for water treatment on Well Number 3 in the Santa Ynez River. § Reviewed private development including grading, paving, storm drain and sewer. § Implemented the development of a new Skate Park § Street Improvements, Water and Sewer Replacements (various locations) § Obtained two new buses for Solvang Transit § Wrote LOMRs (Letters of Map Revisions) for FEMA affected parcels EXPERTISE Project Management City Engineering CIP Management EDUCATION Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering California State University, Long Beach Masters Public Administration California State University, Long Beach REGISTRATIONS CERTIFICATIONS CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer | 45710 Registered Environmental Assessor 5640, Cal-EPA Certified Permitting Professional D11308 SCAQMD Page 35 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Assistant City Engineer | City of El Segundo § Completed the construction of the Douglas Street Gap Closure Project ($39 million) § Implemented $1 million seismic retrofit of the City’s 3.1 MG Water Reservoir. § Completed construction and audits for the Douglas Street Gap Closure § Street Improvements, Waterline and Sewer Replacements (various locations) § 118th Street Improvements – Included reconstruction of street and coordination with BNSF Railway and Metro for the replacement of deteriorated rail with concrete paneled rails. Principal Civil Engineer | City of Novato Dan was responsible for the management of both private and Capital Improvement Projects. He successfully obtained approvals through presentations to City Council, Planning Commission and Design Review Committee and also coordinated with the Planning, Building, and Parks and Recreation Departments within the City. Externally, he coordinated with Marin County, the Army Corps, the Coastal Conservancy, special Districts and the public. He was also responsible for FEMA Flood Districts and encroachment permits. § Private Development Review – As the Principal Civil Engineer in charge of Private Development, Dan coordinated with Developers and their Engineers through the City’s Design Review, Planning and City Council processes in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act, implementing Conditions of Approval and other State and Federal requirements. This included advocating for the City’s interests in the design of these developments. Senior Civil Engineer | City of Culver City As manager of the Capital Improvement Program and Sewer Collection System, his role included the coordination of industrial waste, air quality management, assessment districts and recycled water. § Coordinated the Amalgamated Sewer Agreement with the City of Los Angeles. This included making capital improvements to the telemetry system for meters detecting the flow in and out of Culver City. § Managed the Sewer Assessment District – This included coordination with the Los Angeles County Assessor regarding changes in customer water billings and capital improvements. § Analysis of the Braddock Sewer Pump Station Improvement which led to the overhaul of the Culver City Sewer Master Plan. § Instrumental in Sewer Replacements & Street Improvements (various locations) ADDITIONAL PROJECT EXPERIENCE Scottsdale Pond Reconstruction, City of Novato, CA As the Program Manager for park projects, Dan managed the California Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program Grant ($200,000) with the County of Marin. This project drained, re-graded and installed new park equipment to this hydraulically significant pond. Prefabricated Park Building Installations (various park locations), City of Novato Provided design and installation of prefabricated park structures such as Restroom and Storage facilities to match various park needs. Page 36 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Firestone Bridge over the San Gabriel River Project, City of Norwalk Serving as Project Manager, he completed the design and right-of-way phases as City Engineer/Project Manager. Interstate 5 Widening Mitigation Projects (Completed Design and Construction), Los Angeles § Norwalk Boulevard/San Antonio Blvd. from Rosecrans Ave. to Florence Avenue. § Rosecrans Avenue/Bloomfield Ave. from Carmenita Ave. to Imperial Highway. § Pioneer Boulevard from Imperial Highway to Florence Avenue. § Union Street/Paddison Street from Firestone Boulevard to San Antonio Blvd. Metro Expo Line Construction Management, Los Angeles, CA As Construction Manager representing Culver City, Dan implemented Change Orders and Requests for Information regarding unforeseen utility conflicts. Sepulveda Boulevard Beautification Project (between Culver Boulevard and the southerly Culver City city-line). As Construction Manager, Dan provided construction oversight and implemented significant changes in the field for this project. Page 37 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Robert Eisenbeisz, PE CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer Robert is a California Registered Civil Engineer with nearly 35 years of experience in civll and traffic engineering. Prior to joining Interwest, he served most recently as the Public Works Director / City Engineer for the City of Rialto, where he managed and supervised capital construction projects including street pavement rehabilitation, street widening improvements, park improvements, building facility improvements within an approximate $200 million 5-year CIP delivering projects with an overall annual average value of $20 million. Robert also managed Maintenance and Operation services including street maintenance and repairs, park maintenance, building/facility maintenance and fleet services. He managed an annual department operating budget of approximately $15 million, supervising approximately 45 full-time employees. Robert also previously worked for the City of San Bernardino for more than 10 years, serving as City Engineer, Interim Director of Public Works, Traffic Engineer and Senior Civil Engineer. PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE Senior Plan Check Engineer 2019 – Present Interwest Consulting Group | CA Robert provides civil and site development plan check reviews for Interwest’s Southern California clients. Public Works Director / City Engineer 2015 – 2019 City of Rialto Robert was responsible for all activities and programs delivered by the Public Works Department, including various divisions consisting of Engineering, Capital Project Delivery, Pubic Works Construction, Maintenance and Operations, Utilities, and Fleet Services. City Engineer 2007 – 2015 City of San Bernardino Robert managed and supervised the activities and programs of the City’s Engineering Division, including the supervision of subordinate staff in the development of policies, goals, and objectives related to traffic engineering, real property, capital projects, public infrastructure, right-of-way permits, and inspection services. Additional tasks include advising the Public Works Director, City Manager, Mayor and City Council on complex engineering, construction, transportation, traffic and land development issues. Robert developed and administered an annual operating budget and an annual 5-year Capital Improvement Program, as well as providing review and approval of land development projects and related public infrastructure improvements, supervision of permit and inspection services, and management of capital construction projects. Interim Director of Public Works 2013 City of San Bernardino Robert managed and supervised four divisions, including Engineering, Operations and Maintenance, Fleet Services, and Integrated Waste Management. Duties included the supervision of Public Works employees, management of operating budgets, and directly reporting to the City Manager, Mayor and Council on matters involving the City’s public infrastructure, municipal services, maintenance activities, land development, buildings, real property and facilities management. EDUCATION Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering California State Polytechnic University Pomona, CA REGISTRATIONS CERTIFICATIONS CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer | 54931 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Public Works Association, Inland Empire Branch, Board Member and Past President American Society of Civil Engineers Institute of Transportation Engineers Riverside-San Bernardino Traffic Engineers Association Page 38 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Traffic Engineer 2007 City of San Bernardino Robert supervised the City’s Traffic Engineering Section and the City’s Traffic Management Center. Duties included the review of development projects; traffic impact studies; traffic circulation, operations, and safety studies; as well as supervision and management of the design and construction of traffic signals, striping plans, and other traffic related capital projects. Senior Civil Engineer 2004 – 2007 City of San Bernardino Robert supervised the City’s land development and traffic engineering activities. Duties included the review of development projects; subdivisions; traffic circulation studies; operations analyses; and safety evaluations. Additional duties included supervision and management of the design and construction of traffic signals and other traffic related capital projects. Additional duties included management and supervision of personnel, work schedules, performance evaluations, employee interviews, and training. Technical duties included responsible charge of design and quality control in the preparation of traffic signal plans, construction documents, reports, calculations, and engineering analyses. Project / Office Manager 1999 – 2004 Tetra Tech, Inc. Robert’s duties included office management, project management, and civil engineering for land development and public infrastructure projects. Office management duties included preparation of annual business and marketing plans; management of work schedules, and personnel supervision. Personnel supervision duties included interviewing and hiring employees, employee performance evaluations, and employee training. Project management duties included the preparation and management of project schedules and budgets. Technical duties include responsible charge of design and quality control in the preparation of improvement plans, construction documents, engineering reports, calculations, and analyses related to several large subdivision development projects. Project Manager 1985 – 1999 Krueper Engineering & Associates Robert’s duties included management of various development and transportation projects, supervision of subordinate employees. Project related duties included supervision and management of project schedules and budgets for development and transportation projects, including engineering design, plan checking, construction support, and engineering analyses. Transportation/Traffic Engineering duties included design of traffic signals, preparation of traffic studies, neighborhood traffic management plans, operational studies and safety evaluations. Development related duties included design of grading plans, retaining walls, drainage plans, storm drains, retention/detention basins, flood mitigation plans, subdivision engineering, utilities, water distribution plans, sanitary sewer plans, and street improvements, Additional duties included accident analyses, accident reconstruction, highway design evaluations, and technical reports. Page 39 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Ludwig Smeets, PE CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer Ludwig has over 40 years of experience in the civil engineering profession, including 15 years in the public sector, and over 25 years with private consulting firms serving public entities and private land developers. PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE Senior Project Manager 2017-Present Interwest Consulting Group Ludwig provided Design and Construction Management for various transportation and parks Capital Improvement projects with the City of Costa Mesa as a consulting engineer. He was the construction manager and resident engineer responsible for 5 construction projects with budgets ranging from $1M to $5M. Each of these were delivered within budget and on time. His design experience was also instrumental in overseeing the design of 3 transportation projects, which were produced to meet a challenging schedule leading to timely bidding and start of construction. President | Senior Project Manager 2003-2016 GHD | Winzler & Kelly | Norris-Repke At Norris-Repke, Ludwig’s primary duty was to oversee all departmental functions of the corporation. He managed capital improvement projects, private development and re-development projects, and supported the operations and marketing needs of the firm. In 2009, Mr. Smeets and his 3 partners sold the firm to Winzler & Kelly, and three years later the firm was sold again to GHD. Throughout these shifts in ownership, Ludwig continued to manage numerous public works improvement projects including arterial highway projects for the Cities of Villa Park, Westminster, Irvine, Inglewood, Lynwood, Stanton, Rancho Cucamonga, Tustin, Costa Mesa, County of Los Angeles, San Gabriel, Moreno Valley, and the City of Placentia, Buena Park, Anaheim, Downey, Pico Rivera, as well as the Port of Long Beach, Port of San Diego, City of Chula Vista, Lake Elsinore, and the City of San Diego. These projects included coordination and/or the management of other sub- consultants, funding applications (including OCTA and Caltrans), environmental documentation, right-of-way acquisitions, and construction administration and inspection. Additional public works experience includes extensive plan checking of plans completed by other sub-consultants or other in-house design teams, managing pavement rehabilitation projects, preparation of hydrology studies, Water Quality Management Plans, NPDES compliance studies and several project studies and reports for various agencies. Engineering Manager 1994-2003 Vpoint Associates | NV After 20 years in Southern California, Ludwig moved to Las Vegas, Nevada and joined Vpoint. During his 9 years in the Nevada area, he was involved in one of the largest development increases in the country, including the project management of three large master planned communities – 1,100 acre McDonald Ranch, the 660 acre Sunset Greens, the 2,000-acre Lake Las Vegas, plus casino/hotel development, sewer system expansions, the Las Vegas transportation beltway design and construction management of various projects, and numerous other developments in Northern Nevada. His clientele included many private developers plus the Cities of Las Vegas, Henderson, Pahrump, Mesquite, Clark County, and the City of Reno. The private EDUCATION B.S. Civil Engineering California State University, Long Beach Command & General Staff College, Ft. Leavenworth, KS, U.S. Army REGISTRATIONS CERTIFICATIONS Registered Civil Engineer, CA | 37221 Registered Civil Engineer, NV | 11105 Registered Civil Engineer, AZ | 28642 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Member, American Public Works Association (APWA) Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Member, National Society of Professional Engineers Member, Society of American Military Engineers Page 40 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com development work included all approvals and meeting all requirements leading to full entitlements for the properties in question. Public Services Director | Senior Civil Engineer 1991-1994 City of Whittier After the Whittier Earthquake, Ludwig joined the City of Whittier and undertook responsibility for the Earthquake Damage-Related Improvement Projects, which included the repair of all damaged infrastructure within the city limits. In this position, he was responsible for the immediate repair and reconstruction of the city’s damaged water system, and the additional task for the City’s Landfill Expansion Program. During his three years serving the City, Ludwig completed all earthquake damage-related improvement projects and expanded the Whittier Landfill by nearly 100 acres. Director of Engineering | Vice President 1985-1991 Tait & Associates During his five years with the firm, Ludwig managed both survey and engineering teams and completed projects ranging from residential and commercial development to oil company related work. He also obtained the company’s first municipal agency projects. Ludwig also began his experience working on private developments, multiple residential and commercial subdivisions, entitlements, tract and parcel maps, from development review application through full private and conforming public improvements as required and in conformance with the Subdivision Map Act and all development requirements. Included within the work to approval was obtaining environmental approvals with CEQA and NEPA, and the Coastal Commission, if applicable. Designer | Project Engineer | Associate Engineer 1972-1984 City of Fullerton While attending night school at Cal State Long Beach and working for Fullerton during the day, Ludwig became proficient in roadway and arterial highway design, as well as sewer and storm drain design for numerous projects. As an Associate Engineer, Ludwig provided full project involvement in obtaining the preliminary engineering through final project acceptance of two grade separation projects – the Lemon Street Underpass and the Gilbert Underpass, both grade separations under the UP and SF Railway lines through the City of Fullerton. Ludwig worked closely with 5 consultant teams, the City’s surveyor, design team, inspection team, the right-of-way agents, and the railroads. Military Service 1970-2004 U.S. Marine Corps | U.S. Army Reserve In addition to 2 years as an active duty draftee in the Marine Corps during Vietnam, Ludwig has worked for over 32 years as a military reservist, engineering and artillery officer. While he commanded combat arms troops and units, he planned and executed numerous operational exercises by completing several active duty tours and deploying for up to 13 months to various U.S. and NATO operations around the world, including Republic of Korea (1984, 1985, 1989, 1991, 1994), Panama (1995), Norway (1998), Bosnia/ Herzegovina (1995), Germany (1982 and 1984), Kuwait (1991), Ukraine and Russia (2001 & 2004). As a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve, Ludwig feels very confident in his management of personnel and the resources associated therewith. The experience has been most beneficial and has carried into his private career as well. Page 41 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Kevin Ko, PE, QSD CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer Qualified SWPPP Developer Kevin has multiple years of experience providing civil engineering services. His projects included services for drainage, grading, site planning, storm water quality and utility projects for jurisdictions. His many years of working with others is evident in his ability to provide excellent service to clients and complete tasks in an accurate, timely and friendly manner. PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE Assistant Engineer 2015-Present Interwest Consulting Group As an Assistant Engineer, Kevin has designed a number of pavement rehab projects, handled citizen requests for service, provided construction administration and inspection on construction projects and worked with the team’s Associate Engineer on Project Funding including Prop C, Measure R, Gas Tax, STPL and Grant projects. Kevin has also provided plan review on development projects and undertaken preliminary engineering studies to address infrastructure issues. Kevin is an adaptable individual who addresses new challenges exceptionally well. Civil/Structural Engineering Intern/Civil Designer 2013-2014 Sato & Associates, Inc. Collaborated with a team of professional engineers to develop civil construction plans for various small to large scale commercial land development projects in various counties in the State of Hawaii. Performed calculations and prepared reports for grading, erosion control, drainage, storm water quality, and water and wastewater systems as required for permit acquisition. Coordination with municipal agencies to address submittal review comments and compliance issues during approval process. Worked independently on at least five small projects (under 5 acres) simultaneously, throughout design phase with minimal supervision. Highlighted Projects for Sato & Associates include: • Kalialinui Bridge repair: structural analysis and reinforcement design; Kapahulu Ave/Kihei Place Parking Lot: Drainage, grading, site planning, and storm water quality; Lanihau Shopping Center: drainage, grading, and utilities (fire, water, sewer); Nimitz McDonald’s: storm water quality; Park Lane Ala Moana: site planning and utilities (fire, water, sewer); Puhi Warehouse: drainage, grading, site planning, and utilities (fire, water, sewer); Puunene Shopping Center: utilities (fire, water, sewer); Quality General Baseyard: utilities (fire, water, sewer); Services Rentals Kona: drainage, grading, site planning, and utilities (fire, water, sewer); Wasa Electrical New Building: drainage and storm water quality Engineering Student Intern 2011-2013 Hawaii Department of Transportation-Highways Division Assisted with coordination between branches to provide division Deputy Director with ongoing project status updates. Researched and produced documents to support Deputy Attorney Generals in highway-related litigations and for document requests granted by Hawaii’s public records law. Developed GIS-like database to utilize Google Earth to store geographical information of data for traffic incident related claims. Occasionally offered assistance to other branches to expedite completion of project tasks. EDUCATION BS, Civil Engineering University of Hawaii Manoa, HI Construction Project Management Prestressed Concrete Design Supplemental Graduate Coursework, 2013 REGISTRATIONS CERTIFICATIONS CA Registered Civil Engineer| 88495 Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) Page 42 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Kris Hanson Assistant Engineer Kris provides environmental and stormwater engineering assistance to Interwest clients in Southern California. His duties include conducting commercial/ industrial and municipal facility storm water inspections and collecting inspection information for NPDES Annual Reporting; conducting construction site inspections to ensure Construction General Permits are obtained and all Storm Water Plans are being followed; plan checking and approving Water Quality Management Plans (WQMP) for new development projects; conducting post-construction site inspections to ensure proper Best Management Practices (BMPs) have been implemented and that all BMPs function as they should during rain events; plan checking Grading and Storm Drain Plans for new development projects; and attending County and State Storm Water Program meetings to keep clients up to date with City, County or State storm water requirements. PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE Assistant Engineer 2015-Present Interwest Consulting Group Kris currently manages the City of Eastvale’s storm water program to ensure businesses, residents and construction sites stay in compliance with City and State storm water regulation, and helping to educate inspectors, developers, and residents about storm water requirements from City, County and State levels. He reviews, comments and approves WQMPs, Grading Plans, and Storm Drain Plans for new development and redevelopment projects. Kris performs post- construction site inspections to ensure WQMP BMPs have been installed and perform correctly during and after storms. He attends NPDES Flood Control, or State meetings for updates to the storm water program, and conducts construction site, municipal, residential, and industrial/commercial storm water compliance inspections and records data for NPDES Annual Reporting. Kris completes and submits the NPDES Annual Report annually for City of Eastvale. He responds to resident/business water issues via email, phone call or City Sourced application. NPDES Assistant 2012-2015 City of Norco / Riverside Water District Kris conducted municipal and industrial/commercial facility inspections to ensure storm water regulations were followed to help meet Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirements. He compiled information and evidence collected in the field from various business or construction site inspections for data compiling for later use in the City’s NPDES Annual Reporting. Kris developed and edited small design projects primarily of storm water drainage systems for specific elements of Norco infrastructure using AutoCAD. He reviewed WQMPs and performed construction site inspections and post-construction site inspections for WQMPs. Kris gained experience working with Low Impact Development (LID) and BMPs for businesses and construction sites within the City of Norco to resolve developer issues in relation to MS4 Permits and Construction General Permits. EDUCATION BS, Environmental Engineering University of California, Riverside REGISTRATIONS CERTIFICATIONS Engineer in Training (EIT) certification (passed Fundamentals of Engineering exam, State of California) Currently completing education for Qualified Stormwater Practitioner (QSP) Certification TECHNICAL SKILLS AutoCAD; Flowmaster; SewerCAD; WaterGEMS Page 43 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Samir Nuhaily, PE, TE CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer CA Registered Professional Traffic Engineer Samir is a registered professional Civil and Traffic Engineer in the State of California. He is also a seasoned public works professional and an effective manager, dedicated to delivering successful projects. He has earned both a B.S. and an M.S. degree in Civil Engineering and also holds teaching credentials as an engineering college professor. Samir has extensive experience in the delivery of complex building and infrastructure programs and has held middle, senior, and executive level positions in public and private sector organizations. He has a proven record in leading and managing large teams of managers, architects and engineers to deliver high performances and exceed established targets. Additionally, he possesses an expert level of competence in the design and construction of infrastructure systems and associated utilities, as well and in transportation planning and traffic engineering. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Senior Engineer 2019 - Present Interwest Consulting Group Samir serves our public agency clients throughout Southern California as a senior engineer. Head of Design Management | Department Director | Construction Advisor | Program Manager 2006 - 2019 GCC Over a span of more than a decade, Samir held multiple positions serving both private and public sector organizations. During that time he held the following positions across the globe. - Program Manager: April 2015 to Present KAUST University, Saudi Arabia - Construction Management Advisor: November 2011 to April 2015 Public Works Authority (PWA), Qatar - Director of Project Management Department: March 2009 to November 2011 Secure Engineering, UAE - Head of Design Management: May 2006 to March 2009 EC Harris, UAE Senior Civil Engineer | Principal Manager | City Traffic Engineer 1985 - 2006 City of Chula Vista | CA Samir served the City’s Engineering Department for a period of more than 20 years, holding the following positions: - City Traffic Engineer: 2003 to 2006, Manager of the Transportation Division - Principal Manager: 2000 to 2003, Manager of the Project Design and Management Department - Senior Manager: 1997 to 2000, Manager of the Advanced Planning and Wastewater Divisions - Supervising Engineer: 1989 to 1997, Immediate Supervisor of the Planning and Construction Divisions - Design and Resident Engineer: 1985 to 1989, Design and Construction Divisions EDUCATION M.S. and B.S. in Civil Engineering, San Diego State University REGISTRATIONS CERTIFICATIONS Professional Civil Engineer, CA | C45044 Professional Traffic Engineer, CA | TR2258 College Professor Credentials in Engineering, CA | 12485 Certified Competent Toastmaster, 2004 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PMI Global Congress and Symposium, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 Leading Complex Projects and Improving Business Performance, September 2008 Development Services Management Academy, November 2005 Franklin Covey Academy, the Four Roles of Leadership, January 2001 Franklin Covey Academy, the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, April 1999 Page 44 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Ruth Smith, TE, PTP CA Registered Professional Traffic Engineer Professional Transportation Planner Ruth is an experienced traffic engineer and transportation planner with nearly 40 years of experience. She began her career in the private sector, preparing traffic impact studies, then moved to the public sector as a Senior Traffic Engineer for the City of Santa Ana for 14 years. Ruth then returned to the private sector, where she not only prepared traffic impact studies, but also used her past experience to perform a variety of traffic engineering and transportation planning duties for client cities, including serving as contract City Traffic Engineer. Ruth’s wide-ranging and unique experience in both the public and private sectors makes her a valuable asset. Her municipal experience impressed upon her the importance of ensuring that traffic impact studies for private development are correct and complete, and that site access and on-site circulation are fully addressed. Ruth also has a rich background in neighborhood traffic plans, starting with managing the Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan, Speed Hump and Permit Parking programs in the City of Santa Ana, to more recently assisting the Cities of Temecula, Brea, San Marino and Costa Mesa in preparing neighborhood traffic plans to reduce cut-through traffic and speeding. PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE Traffic Engineer 2016-Present Interwest Consulting Group Ruth currently provides traffic engineering services to several cities. She provides on-site assistance to the City of Costa Mesa three days per week, preparing reimbursement requests for OCTA projects, including interfacing with OCTA staff, managing and responding to citizen requests, assisting with the Bicycle Walking Committee and finalizing the Bicycle Management Plan, handling neighborhood traffic management plan requests, investigating the use of golf carts/low speed vehicles on public streets, and handling a variety of other tasks. Ruth also provides Traffic Engineer services to the City of San Marino, conducting investigations into citizen requests, preparing a variety of traffic studies and presenting them, with recommended actions, to the Traffic Advisory Commission, and providing support and advice as needed. She also provides traffic engineering services to the Cities of Wildomar, San Juan Capistrano, Bell, Atherton, Merced and Chowchilla on an as-needed basis, including preparing RFPs, reviewing traffic impact reports and trip generation, providing guidance on developer payment of traffic improvements, responding to citizen requests and school traffic concerns, preparing and reviewing work zone traffic control plans, implementing grant-funded programs, and reviewing permit parking programs. Project Manager | Traffic Engineer II 2008-2016 Willdan Engineering | CA Ruth managed a variety of projects, including writing proposals, selecting appropriate staff to work on the projects, setting up and managing budgets, and invoicing clients. She performed traffic studies for client cities and private developers and served as the contract City Traffic Engineer for the City of Placentia for five years, working on-site two half-days per week. She was also contract City Traffic Engineer for the Cities of Los Alamitos and Temecula and the Consultant Traffic Engineer for the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. Her traffic study experience included preparing and reviewing traffic impact studies, preparing neighborhood traffic management and parking plans, preparing traffic impact analyses for proposed developments and for Project Study Reports/Project Reports for proposed highway improvement projects, preparing parking EDUCATION B.S., Civil Engineering California State Polytechnic University, Pomona REGISTRATIONS CERTIFICATIONS CA Registered Traffic Engineer | 1650 Professional Transportation Planner (PTP) Certificate PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) President, SoCal Section (2007-2008) American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Orange County Traffic Engineering Council (OCTEC) ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE Associate/Assistant Traffic Engineer Weston Pringle & Associates/WPA | CA 1978-1986 Page 45 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com analyses for existing and proposed developments, conducting Engineering and Traffic Surveys to set speed limits and conducting traffic signal warrant and stop signs studies. She also presented study results and recommendations to Traffic Safety Commissions, Planning Commissions and City Councils. Senior Associate 2002-2008 Urban Crossroads, Inc. | CA Ruth managed a transportation planning group of five employees. In addition to supervising the preparation of traffic impact, parking, trip generation and on-site circulation studies and reports, she also interfaced with clients and municipal staff, coordinated work with civil engineering and environmental consultants, and appeared before planning commissions, city councils and boards of supervisors. She prepared studies for a variety of developments, both large and small, including planned communities, commercial developments, warehouses, distribution centers, churches, an asphalt plant, wineries, and PR/PSRs for new and existing freeway interchanges. Ruth collaborated with developers, their architects and civil engineers to redesign on-site circulation plans and project access to improve traffic flow and meet jurisdiction requirements. She worked on in-fill projects and the remodeling of existing sites, and supervised the preparation of signing and striping plans related to development projects. Senior Traffic Engineer 1988-2002 City of Santa Ana | CA Ruth supervised groups ranging from two to five employees & administered the City’s neighborhood traffic calming program (including traffic diverters and speed humps); handled citizen requests for stop signs, parking restrictions, crosswalks, etc.; managed the Santa Ana Pedestrian Safety Task Force; reviewed traffic study reports; and managed citywide traffic counts. Ruth administered the Integrated Traveler Information Sharing system, part of the Traffic Management Center, which provided automated real-time traffic information to the public through highway advisory radio, highway advisory telephone, cable TV, and kiosks ($348,000 grant). Ruth applied for and administered two Office of Traffic Safety grants ($219,000) to improve pedestrian safety citywide. She also successfully submitted grant applications for Safe Routes to School (SR2S) projects, for a total of $2,000,000 in grants for pedestrian safety improvements. She designed and implemented an overhead signage program to guide motorists to Civic Center and Downtown areas and made presentations to the City Council, City Commissions, the Environmental and Transportation Advisory Committee, schools, business groups, and neighborhood associations. Due to staff rotation, at various times Ruth was also responsible for street striping plans and construction zone traffic control plans. Because of this, she was responsible for coordinating with Caltrans on several freeway projects, including the SR 55 widening project. Ruth was on the APWA committee that produced the 2001 Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (WATCH), she developed the Neighborhood Traffic Plan and Speed Hump programs, and Neighborhood Parking Management plans, and she administered a citywide speed limit update, the Traffic Control Devices Inventory, and the Accident Data Base. Page 46 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Nicole Jules, PE CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer Director, Traffic Engineering Services Nicole has over 20 years of progressive professional experience and a results- oriented track record. She has managed a variety of complex, controversial public works improvement projects in both private and public employment and enjoys being a civil servant. Her 13-year career spans all aspects of civil engineering, including working in a variety of environments. Her well-rounded experience has developed an ability to work successfully with varied clients and communities. Nicole has expertise in understanding how to balance good engineering with practical and feasible solutions. She has provided services that include traffic signal design and construction, geometric design, traffic impact studies, traffic circulation and parking analyses, construction staging, and traffic control plan design. Additionally, she is proficient in roadway design, curb, gutter, sidewalk and median design, precise grading and storm drain facilities. Her experience includes project management for the construction of storm drain facilities, roadway rehabilitation projects, a landslide stabilization project, and park improvements. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Director, Traffic Engineering Services 2017-Present Interwest Consulting Group Nicole serves as Interwest’s Director of Traffic Engineering Services. Deputy Director of Public Works 2014-2017 City of Rancho Palos Verdes | CA Nicole performed advanced engineering work in planning, organizing, and directing the day-to-day activities of the Public Works Department. She managed and oversaw the administrative division as well as supervise the design, construction, maintenance and operation of streets, public structures, parks, water and sewer systems, and other City public works projects. Nicole provided engineering assistance and coordination to other City departments and managed professional consultants and contractors on public works improvement projects. Assisted in preparing the Department budget and Capital Improvement Plan. Reviewed the preparation of plans for overall projects, including design study reports, environmental impact statements, and traffic engineering reports as well as review departmental staff reports for City Council and advisory board meetings. Nicole served as staff liaison to the Infrastructure Advisory Committee, Traffic Safety Committee and the Palos Verdes Peninsula Transit Authority. Provided leadership and support to a team of 16 dynamic individuals to follow-through with the goals of the organization. Senior Engineer 2009-2014 City of Rancho Palos Verdes | CA Nicole managed several large capital improvement projects, resulting in major improvements to the City's infrastructure and roadway network. Implemented a 7-year roadway rehabilitation program to preserve the City's roadway infrastructure. She managed projects and maintenance activities within the City's rights-of-way. Administered the City's encroachment permit and parking permit programs. Supervised and managed a team of 5 consisting of Associate Engineers, Assistant Engineers, Permit Technicians and Public Works Inspectors. Nicole also improved the Department's delivery of customer service by streamlining permit requirements and coordinating permit activities with other departments. EDUCATION Bachelor of Science., Civil Engineering University of California, Irvine Irvine, CA Master of Planning: Transportation Planning University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA REGISTRATIONS CERTIFICATIONS CA Registered Civil Engineer| C65984 AFFILIATIONS Member of the American Public Works Association (APWA) Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Member of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Page 47 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Traffic Management, Rancho Palos Verdes - Project Manager and staff liaison providing various municipal traffic engineering improvements, including traffic signal maintenance, signing and striping plans, investigating citizen requests for traffic controls and traffic safety analysis. 25th Street Roadway & Drainage Rehabilitation, Rancho Palos Verdes - Project Manager for construction of storm drain improvements and roadway resurfacing along 25th Street in the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. This $500,000 project included 36” HDPE pipe, an outlet structure, several drain inlets, asphalt rubber and metal beam guard rail modifications. San Ramon Drainage & Landslide Stabilization, Rancho Palos Verdes - Project Manager of a $4 million landslide stabilization project on private property in the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. The project included construction of 36” HDPE storm drain pipe, an outlet structure, over 75,000 tons of highly engineered imported fill, 4” subdrains, v-ditches, landscaping and irrigation. Principal 2004-2009 Priority Engineering Inc. | Torrance, CA As a consulting engineer, Nicole provided professional engineering services to municipal and private clients. Services included signal design, geometric design, project management, traffic and parking studies. Managed a team of 12 professionals. Senior Engineer 2002-2004 City of Rancho Palos Verdes |CA Nicole managed several large high-profile capital improvement projects, including museum improvements, storm drain enhancements, landslide stabilization, lead remediation, pavement rehabilitation, traffic improvements and transportation management strategies. Directed and managed a host of consultants and contractors. Coordinated with other City Departments on complex development projects and also participated in leadership development activities. Associate Engineer 2001-2001 City of Torrance | CA Nicole was the Project Manager for several capital improvement projects including water main improvements, storm drain connections and pavement rehabilitation. Managed the city's pavement management system. Newton/Madison Street and Water Improvement, Torrance – Construction Manager of water main construction and roadway rehabilitation on Madison Street and Newton Street. This $2 million project included water main, storm drain, curb, gutter, sidewalk, and roadway improvements. Assistant Engineer 2000-2001 City of Signal Hill | CA Nicole facilitated the City's capital improvement program. Prepared project plans, specifications and cost estimates. She managed several consultants and contractors and coordinated construction activities with other City departments. Responsible for the City's pavement management system and inspected small- scale projects within the city's rights-of-way. Successfully designed two water- system modification projects and managed a CDBG funded residential demolition project. Annual Pavement Management/Slurry Seal Program, Signal Hill – Project manager of City of Signal Hill’s annual pavement maintenance program. This $500,000 program included slurry-sealing about ½ of City of Signal Hill’s residential streets. Page 48 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Project Engineer 1998-2000 Parsons Transportation Group | Lynwood, CA Nicole was the project engineer for the surface design group of the Alameda Corridor - Mid Corridor project. Designed roadway, signing/striping, traffic signal, and landscape improvements in the Cities of Compton, Lynwood and Los Angeles. Coordinated sub-consultant design criteria and plan submittals with the lead design team. Design Engineer 1998-2000 RBF and Associates | Irvine, CA Nicole prepared precise grading, storm drain, street improvement, signing, striping, signal and traffic control plans for various clients. Managed small design projects for several cities in Orange County. Research Assistant 1995-1996 University of Southern California | Los Angeles, CA Nicole assisted with the management and coordination of an integrated advanced transportation management system which evolved from existing freeway and arterial traffic management systems in the Irvine area of Orange County. Transportation Engineering Assistant 1994-1998 KOA | Monterey Park, CA Nicole conducted traffic impact studies for various clients throughout southern California. Managed transportation/circulation studies for the City and County of Los Angeles. Designed and prepared traffic signal, signing, striping and traffic control plans for several municipalities in Southern California. Engineering Student Assistant 1990-1994 Caltrans-District 12 | Santa Ana, CA Nicole assisted with the analysis of real-time traffic data and information concerning operation of the freeway system in Orange County, as a student assistant in the Transportation Management Center (TMC). Page 49 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Alan Perkins Traffic Engineering Technician Alan is a public works professional with more than 30 years of experience providing a variety of traffic engineering services to municipal public works departments. Over his career, he has acted as a supervisor and mentor to traffic engineering technicians and has provided guidance and direction to professional and technical staff regarding traffic engineering issues. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Traffic Engineering Technician 2019 - Present Interwest Consulting Group | CA Alan currently serves the Cities of Wildomar and Oxnard, providing as-needed traffic engineering support services. For the City of Wildomar, Alan prepared and reviewed traffic signal timing sheets for the Clinton Keith Village Development project. This project included use of signal timing software (Synchro) to optimize signal operations along Clinton Keith Road at five intersections along the corridor. In the City of Oxnard, Alan acts as a traffic signal systems specialist, currently evaluating the City’s traffic signal communications system and citywide signal operations. This work will result in a report, complete with recommendations for systematic improvements and programmatic maintenance. Principal Traffic Engineering Technician Senior Traffic Engineering Technician Traffic Engineering Technician 1997 - 2019 City of Lancaster| CA Alan acted as a supervisor in the City of Lancaster’s Traffic Engineering Division. He assisted in developing and implementing the Section’s Capital Improvement and Operating Budgets and participated in the preparation and implementation of Transportation Master Plan, Traffic Calming Program, Safe Routes to School Master Plan, Citywide Traffic Signal Timing and Coordination Plans, and Design Guidelines, Standards and Policies. Alan planned, coordinated and prepared complete bid packages for various traffic improvement projects, including the design and preparation of project plans, specifications and cost estimates, RFP/RFQs, and consultant management. He identified and proposed potential public works improvement projects related to multimodal safety and provided construction management and technical direction to field staff. Alan prepared Federal, State and Metro grant applications and ensured compliance with grant requirements. He prepared and reviewed various traffic engineering reports and studies and assisted with conducting site plan reviews and developing conditions of approval for new developments located within city boundaries. Alan was responsible for reviewing traffic-related plans associated with development projects and capital improvement projects located within city boundaries and for the operation of the Advance Traffic Management System. He prepared and implemented traffic signal timing and coordination plans and was responsible for communicating with city residents regarding any questions, comments or complaints received by the Traffic Engineering Section of the Development Services Department. EDUCATION ITS Tech Transfer Training: Fundamentals of Traffic Engineering, Applying Systems of Engineering Principals to ITS Projects in California, Traffic Signal Design: Complete Streets Application, Traffic Signal Design: Engineering Concepts, Construction Inspection of Traffic Signals, Adaptive Traffic Control Systems, The ABC’s of Safe School Access, Safely Sharing the Streets, Synchro and SimTraffic, and Safety and Traffic Control for Work Zones. Other Various Trainings Completed: Supervisory for the First-Time Supervisor, Workers Comp for Supervisors, FEMA Courses, Fundamentals of Project Management, Building an Ethical Organization, Conference on Professional and Personal Enrichment. Fundamentals of Inspection Practice Proficient in: Microsoft Office, Synchro, SimTraffic, Warrants, AutoCAD, QuicNetPro, Crossroads Analytics, and various other traffic software Page 50 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Public Works Construction Inspector 1991 - 1996 City of Lancaster| CA Alan inspected various public works construction projects for conformance with project plans and specifications. Traffic Signal Electrician 1991 City of Lancaster| CA Alan was the lead worker responsible for the operation and maintenance of traffic signals. Traffic Signal Technician 1988 - 1991 City of Lancaster| CA Alan managed the operation and maintenance of traffic signals. Foreman Traffic Signal Construction | Electrician 1984 - 1988 Paxin Electric, Inc. | CA Alan was responsible for the construction of traffic signals and interconnects per plans and specifications throughout southern and central California. He was also responsible for the installation of electrical systems in commercial and residential buildings, parks, and parking lots. Page 51 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Joseph Mullaney, EIT Associate Engineer Joseph possesses years of experience providing civil engineering services in the public arena working with various municipalities. He has extensive experience in design, investigation and coordination of fiber optic systems. He also is familiar with FTTP design regulations. He is known for his ability to efficiently multi-task on projects providing our clients with a broad range of services. He is consistently professional and exercises good judgment in his handling of all matters. PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE Engineering Associate 2018 – Present Interwest Consulting Group Joseph provides engineering support for various clients in Southern California. He also works with contracts and proposals to ensure client satisfaction. Manager 2011 – 2018 Watermans Joseph redesigned and implemented a new beach theme restaurant. He oversaw all aspects of daily operations, including staff management and inventory control. He was also responsible for cost analysis. Owner 2015 – 2016 Ediee He was the founder and entrepreneur of a specialized sunglass company that focused on bamboo and wooden framed sunglasses. He successfully sold his partnership. Project Engineer 2009 – 2011 SRS Petroleum Services Joseph oversaw multiple construction projects. He was responsible for daily operations, including management of contracts, executing scope of work, and minimizing risk exposure for employees. He also maintained project schedules, purchase orders, sub-contractors, and worked with clients to ensure client satisfaction. Design Engineer 2008 – 2009 Utility Consultants Inc He designed and engineered fiber optic distribution networks for telecommunication networks. He also maintained strict compliance with FTTP and secured documentation standards. Intern 2007 Cubellis As an intern, Joseph worked on various land development projects. During this time he also gained and enhanced his skills in various programs, including AutoCAD, Microsoft Excel, Adobe, MathCAD, MATLAB, and GT STRUDL. EDUCATION BS, Civil Engineering, University of Massachusetts REGISTRATIONS CERTIFICATIONS Engineering-in-Training (EIT), CA | 22461 Page 52 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Emily Stadnik Grant Writer | Grant Administrator Emily has 15 years of experience performing a variety of municipal engineering duties for local government and public utilities, including development plan review and project entitlements, capital project management, administering Federal, State, and local funding (including grants) necessary for capital project delivery, overseeing municipal stormwater programs, and collaborating with a variety of Federal and State agencies to procure necessary regulatory permits. PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE Senior Engineer | Grants Manager 2018-Present Interwest Consulting Group | Ontario, CA Emily provides municipal engineering and grant management services to Interwest’s clients. Manager of Planning 2018 San Miguel Band of Mission Indians | Highland, CA As the Manager of Planning, Real Estate & Development, Emily helped develop and build a strategic plan for a municipal Planning Department, including Building, Engineering, and Community Development operations. She identified needs to implement a Department plan and municipal operations, acting as a front facing point of contact for all tribal government development and construction projects. Senior Engineer 2017-2018 Tri Lake Consultants | Perris, CA Emily served as a municipal engineer for City of Perris, City of San Jacinto and March JPA, specializing in land development project oversight, plan check services, capital improvements, and inspection services. Senior Engineer 2015-2017 City of Menifee | CA Emily organized the City’s multi-agency coordination efforts. She managed and organized development projects for Land Development Division staff and consultants, and helped to administer Federal, State, and local funds for capital improvement projects. Emily managed and oversaw the City’s stormwater program, streetlight acquisition efforts, and energy efficiency program. Senior Program Analyst / Technical Specialist 2011-2015 Southern California Edison | Rosemead/Irwindale, CA As a Senior Program Analyst for the Local Public Affairs Business Unit, Emily managed the department’s Geographical Information System (GIS) Mapping and Geospatial Analysis Portfolio, including team oversight and training. As a Technical Specialist for the Government and Institutions Segment, Customer Service Business Unit (CSBU), Emily served as the special project strategy development and implementation lead. As a Technical Specialist for the New Construction Organization, Customer Service Business Unit (CSBU), Emily was responsible for the application of CPUC mandated Energy Efficiency programs to non-residential mechanical and electrical construction design plans for energy efficiency compliance and maximization. She helped to calculate potential energy savings/incentives, and prepared written and verbal recommendations, including design modifications to improve energy efficiency outcomes. EXPERTISE Development Plan Review & Entitlements Program/Project Management Construction Management Strategic Policy Development Regulatory & Environmental Compliance EDUCATION Master of Arts, Public Administration California State University, San Bernardino San Bernardino, CA Concentration in business administration fundamentals and advanced technologies Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering California State Polytechnic University Pomona, CA Emphasis in transportation design and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Member, Western Riverside Council of Government (WRCOG) Regional Street Light Review Panel 7/2015-2/2016 ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE Technical Consultant Independent Consultant | Rancho Cucamonga, CA 2010 - 2011 Associate Engineer City of Corona | CA 2005 - 2010 Project Manager / Design Engineer RKA Civil Engineers | Walnut, CA 2004 - 2005 Page 53 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Grace Alvarez Grant Writer | Grant Administrator Grace is a seasoned Planning Manager with more than 32 years of municipal experience and a passion for public service. Over her career, she has served the Riverside County Transportation Commission and the City of San Jacinto and acted as a consultant, providing her with the unique opportunity to see municipal processes from multiple perspectives, as a City, County and private employee. Grace has cultivated years of expertise in transportation planning and programming and is knowledgeable of all applicable state and federal requirements and processes, as well as local concerns and considerations for transportation projects. She has a solid track record of successfully delivering projects and addressing problems, and is bilingual in English and Spanish. PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE Special Projects Manager 2018-Present Interwest Consulting Group / Tri Lake Consultants Grace provides a full array of project management services to Interwest’s / Tri Lake’s Southern California clients, including grant writing, request for authorization/allocation of funding, procurement of professional architectural and engineering services, right-of-way certifications, construction bid advertisement, grant reporting, invoicing, and final report of expenditures. Planning and Programming Manager 2007-2017 Riverside County Transportation Commission In this position, Grace managed the planning and programming of transportation projects and programs for the County of Riverside, Riverside County member cities, and various transit and rail agencies. Her responsibilities also included the day-to-day development and management of funding and planning programs administered by the Commission, such as Measure A, State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ), Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG), Active Transportation Program (ATP), and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) formula funding programs. Grace also handled the obligation and allocation of funding for Commission projects, as well as assisting the Commission member agencies with the obligation and allocation of funding approved by the Commission. Executive Assistant to the City Manager and City Engineer 1985-2007 City of San Jacinto During her tenure with the City of San Jacinto, Grace held various positions, including Community Development Administrative Clerk; Administrative Assistant to the City Manager and Deputy City Clerk; and Administrative Assistant to the City Manager and City Engineer. Her exposure to several municipal departments during her time at the City of San Jacinto afforded Grace a well-rounded education in local government and a strong foundation upon which she based the rest of her career. EDUCATION BA, Administration – Public Administration Concentration, California State University, San Bernardino Page 54 I NTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwestgrp.com Ann D. Herner Grant Writer | Grant Administrator Ann holds over 20 years of experience in the public and private engineering sector as a Project Manager/Engineer. Her experience includes project management, oversight of design through construction, and funding accountability of various transportation projects. She consistently meets project schedule requirements and stays within project budgets. She has provided both long/short-term onsite support and staff augmentation for local agencies. Ann is also knowledgeable with the Federal Aid process for funding state and federal projects as well as securing these grants. Her in-depth knowledge of the Federal Aid process and project delivery has assisted local cities in planning and implementing projects on time without risking their state and federal funds. PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPE RIENCE Grant Writing 2011-Present Interwest Consulting Group Ann brings grant opportunities to cities and provides strategies in securing funding for capital projects. Ann is the lead grant writer for some of Interwest’s clients. In the past 5 years, Ann has contributed to the preparation and submittal of grants which has secured millions of grants for cities in bike and pedestrian improvements, traffic signal improvements, intelligent traffic systems, pavement rehabilitation, and safe routes to school improvements. She is well verse in state/federal grant funds including: CMAQ, RSTP, SRTS/SR2S, HSIP/HRRR, ATP, CDBG, and other locally administered funds. Transportation Programming and Federal/State Funding Administration 2011-Present Interwest Consulting Group Ann brings transportation programming and fed/state funding expertise to local agencies and MPOs, and serves as the lead person for some of Interwest’s clients. She has worked extensively with Caltrans Local Assistance, California Transportation Commission (CTC) and the Federal Highway Administration on state and federally funded projects and programs. Her in-depth knowledge of federal/state funding allows for efficient troubleshooting that results in creative and realistic solutions to overcome obstacles and deliver projects. Ann has managed millions of dollar projects providing oversight on federally funded projects, from design to construction and project close out. By understanding the network of transportation funding policies and programming in both the local, state and federal level, Ann is able to navigate and plan for projects to be constructed on time as well as optimizing available funding. Specific services have included: ü Development and implementation of project budget and project tracking ü Project delivery through Caltrans Environmental/NEPA, Right of Way approval, Design, and Construction phase, including Federal Authorization Approval, CTC Allocation Request, Invoicing submittals, Contract procurement for design and construction, Project reporting and Final Expenditure Report. ü Assist Cities with financial audit and reporting from Caltrans ü DBE assistance, implementation and goal calculation ü Recommend FTIP Amendments for project planning and delivery ü Recommend funding obligations and de-obligations to ensure projects maximize funding opportunities ü Assist in the development and review of MPOs’ CMAQ funding guidelines ü Assist MPOs in federal programming procedures and “Calls for Projects” EXPERTISE Transportation Project Management Technical Specification Writing Caltrans Local Assistance Federal-Aid Process & Project Delivery Grant and Funds Management Grant Writing Federal Transportation Funding and Financing Pavement Management - StreetSaver EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering University of California, Davis REGISTRATIONS CERTIFICATIONS 40 Hour Hazardous Material Training Certification 1998 ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE Transportation Capital Project Management Interwest Consulting Group 2000-Present Accessibility Improvement Program | ADA Compliance | ADA Transition Plan Interwest Consulting Group 2003-Present Page 55 SECTION 3 Company Qualifications EXPERIENCE AND PROVEN ABILITY ON SIMILAR PROJECTS The following are a selection of recent and/or current projects for which Interwest has provided Public Works Management and Inspection and Traffic Engineering services to local municipal clients. I-15 | Limonite Avenue Interchange Project | City of Eastvale: Interwest represented the city as a liaison and representative on this multi-agency project with a total cost of $56M. The services include plan review, project management and construction support to ensure a very tight timeline is adhered to. Construction is anticipated to finish a month early to avoid going through two holiday seasons. We have successfully overcome the greatest coordination challenge which is to work simultaneously with a 15-mile long I-15 Fastrack project that goes through the project site. Street Light Acquisition and Conversion Project | City of Eastvale: Interwest staff was part of the city core team to negotiate and completely manage the acquisition and then LED conversion of over 4,000 streetlights from SCE with a total cost of $4.2M. The LED conversion was financed through a 20-year bank loan that will be paid off from the combined savings of a lower LED energy cost and a lower maintenance cost. In addition brighter LED lights are beneficial for overall traffic safety as well as security for the community. ATP-Cycle 4 Grant Awarded for Bike Network & Connectivity Project | City of Eastvale: Interwest is providing grant management services on an $8M grant for more than 4 miles of bike and pedestrian connectivity along Harrison Avenue and Scholar Way. These stretches of trails will connect the Santa Ana River Trail System at the south to the City of Ontario’s New Model Colony project at the north. The trails and paths will connect schools, parks, shopping centers and many communities. Interwest Transportation and Project Management teams are currently involved in the preliminary design phase of the project and anticipate being involved through the construction phase as well. Page 56 Intersection Improvement Projects at Pacific Highway (SR-1) / Walnut Street and Western Avenue (SR-213) / Palos Verdes Drive North | City of Lomita: The City retained Interwest to provide construction management on this intersection improvement project. Construction was estimated to last 90 working days pending our constructability review. These projects were undertaken in order to ensure the safe operation of the mentioned intersections. Areas of construction included channelization, striping, traffic signals and lighting upgrades, curb, gutter and sidewalk repairs, ADA curb ramp construction, installation of signs, markings, delineation, intersection detection system and construction of PCC bus pads. On-Call City and Traffic Engineering Support: | City of Maywood: Interwest Traffic Engineers currently provide daily on-site traffic engineering support and resources which include responding to citizen requests, evaluating traffic safety concerns, overseeing neighborhood traffic calming requests and reviewing traffic control plans. 60th Street and Heliotrope Avenue Traffic Diversion Project | City of Maywood: The project generally consists of the complete installation of street improvement measures at 60th Street and Heliotrope Avenue, including the installation of colored concrete pavement, curb and gutter, curb ramps, crushed miscellaneous base, landscaping, local depression, sidewalk, traffic striping and pavement markings, removal and replacement of roadway signs, cold milling, and paving. The project also includes the demolition and removal of existing asphalt pavement, curb and gutter, curb ramps, local depressions, sidewalk, excavation of unclassified material, grading and traffic control. Interwest provided project and construction management and inspection of this project, including all street, pavement, curb and gutter, island and access ramp work and the installation of signs, striping, and landscape work. Our engineering team also reviewed and presented alternatives to address roundabout navigation issues encountered during the implementation of this ambitious City project, the goal of which was to improve the safety of drivers, pedestrians and large commercial trucks, all of which had had previous trouble at this intersection. The construction contract for this project is $370,000 and a budget of $450,000 and the project was completed in 2018. Project Management Services | City of South Pasadena: An Interwest Traffic Engineer currently serves the City of South Pasadena as a Project Manager, providing Interim City Engineering Services in support of the City’s Capital Improvement Program. He has acted as the Resident Engineer and Project Manager of several projects including: the 2018 War Memorial Building Improvement Project; 2018 Fire Department Emergency Operations Center Upgrades Project; 2018/2019 CNG Facilities Upgrade Project; 2018/2019 Bicycle Parking Project; 2019 City Facilities Re-Cabling Project; and the 2019 City Hall Courtyard Renovation Project. Page 57 Pavement Rehabilitation (Resurfacing) Project FY 2018/2019 | City of Maywood: Beginning in September 2018, Interwest has provided Project Management, Construction Management and Inspection on this project funded by Gas Tax, SB 1, and Measures M & C. This project has a $1 million construction contract and $1.2 million budget. The project primarily consists of the resurfacing and repairs of various City streets, and work includes the construction of asphalt concrete overlays; localized street reconstruction; header cutting and cold milling of existing asphalt concrete; the removal and reconstruction of damaged concrete improvements including curb, gutter, sidewalk, curb ramps, cross gutter, and spandrels on the streets to be resurfaced; adjustment of existing utility manholes and valve frame and covers; replacement of traffic signal loop detectors; the installation of permanent traffic striping and raised pavement markers; and miscellaneous appurtenant work. Traffic Engineering Services | City of South Pasadena: Interwest’s Director of Traffic Engineering Services currently serves as a Traffic Engineer for the City of South Pasadena, responding to and evaluating citizen requests for neighborhood traffic controls and developing a city-wide Neighborhood Traffic Management Program in coordination with the City Manager’s office and the South Pasadena Police Department. Arlington Drive Improvements, a Measure M OCTA and Storm Channel Improvement Project | City of Costa Mesa: This was a project funded by multiple sources including OCTA and Drainage Improvement funds, which required continuous documentation and adherence with OCTA procedures. This project consisted of reducing the potential for major storm damage within the areas west of Newport Boulevard and Arlington Drive behind the Orange County Fairgrounds. Construction included a complete increase in storm drain sizing followed by the construction of a bio-swale for low flows and the reduction of pavement through Arlington Drive to a length of 4,800 lineal feet. Additionally, a multi- purpose, bike/pedestrian and skating recreational trail was constructed meandering along the bio- swale south of Arlington Drive, and safety-lit crossings were added to protect pedestrian traffic between the existing schools and a park north of the street crossing to the fairgrounds on the south side. Aesthetically pleasing landscaping along the project length was another positive addition to the affected area. Tasks included finalizing the plans and specifications for bidding purposes, advertising for bids, and administratively presenting the project to the City Council for award. Interwest provided continuous project management and inspection throughout the project duration. We also reviewed and approved project submittals, interfaced with the public, prepared progress payments to the contractor, and coordinated with the funding agencies. Residential Streets Rehabilitation Project Area 7 Phase II | City of Rancho Palos Verdes: Interwest was awarded a contract for Public Works Inspection Services for Phase II of the Residential Streets Rehabilitation Project FY 16-17, Area 7. In the second phase of this process, Interwest provided Page 58 construction oversight of the installation of Asphalt Rubber Aggregate Membrane (ARAM), slurry seal, striping, signing and markings and a combination thereof at various locations throughout Area 7. Pedestrian Safe Bus Stop Linkage Project on Hawthorne Boulevard | City of Rancho Palos Verdes: Interwest provided construction management and inspection services on this project which provided pedestrians with safe access to eleven bus stops on both sides of Hawthorne Boulevard between Crest Road and Palos Verdes Drive. The project consisted of placing approximately 13,000 linear feet of sidewalk and improvements which required: traffic control, construction survey, removal and replacement of sidewalks, curb and gutter and cross gutters, construction of curb access ramps, asphalt concrete pavement repairs, traffic signs, and adjustments of utilities to grade. Riverfront Park Improvements | City of Maywood: This project is an addition to the City’s existing Riverfront Park and extends the park to the east and south from the intersection of Walker Avenue and 60th Street. The project includes site grading, new landscape improvements, irrigation systems upgrades, concrete walkways extensions, walkway lighting, new vegetated trellises for anti-graffiti measures, addition of park amenities and furniture, and hydroseeding for new park grass. Interwest provided project management, construction management and inspection of all project elements including the installation of the underground irrigation and electrical lines, the placement of ADA compliant concrete walkways, and the installation of park lighting and amenities for the BBQ areas and materials for the anti-graffiti trellises. The budget for the City portion of the project was $450,000 and construction was completed in September 2018. Pavement Slurry Seal Project FY 2018/19 | City of Maywood: This project consists primarily of the slurry sealing and repairs of various City streets, including crack sealing; applying Type II emulsion-aggregate slurry; the installation of permanent traffic striping and raised pavement markers; removal and replacement of non-standard speed bumps; and miscellaneous appurtenant work. Construction began in July 2018 and completion in late September 2018 and funding for the project was received from Gas Tax and SB 1 funds, with a $890,000 construction contract and $970,000 budget. Interwest has provided Project and Construction Management and Inspection of the aforementioned project elements, as well as adjacent school crosswalks improvements and the installation of new speed humps. East 19th Street, Safe Route to School Project from Church Street to Irvine Ave | City of Costa Mesa: This was a federal project requiring continuous documentation and strict compliance with the Caltrans Local Assistance Program Guidelines Manual. Tasks performed by Interwest staff included finalizing the plans and specifications for bidding purposes, advertising for bids, accepting the bids, and administratively presenting the project to the City Council for award of project to the successful bidder. The Interwest team provided the continuous project management and inspections from the beginning of work through project completion and audit. Implied tasks also included the review and approval of project submittals, providing information and updates to the public, preparation of Page 59 progress payments to the contractor, and continuous coordination with the funding agency. The East 19th Street project was a 4,700 lineal foot street traffic calming project with a total of 7 intersections. Each intersection had bulb-outs at all corners, reducing the street widths to one lane in each direction, which effectively reduced the traffic speed for the entire segment - thus providing traffic calming. Each of the bulb-outs included landscaping and irrigation to support the plant palette. Each intersection was also repaved after grinding to create acceptable grades. Monuments and supporting lighting were also provided for this segment as well as improved traffic striping to accommodate the sharing of the street with bicycles. Placentia Avenue Median Improvements for Wilson Street to Adams Avenue, a Highway Safety Improvement Project | City of Costa Mesa: This was a federal project requiring strict adherence with the Caltrans Local Assistance Program Guidelines Manual. This project consisted of converting existing 6,800 lineal feet of striped medians into raised landscaped medians, thus physically separating opposing directional traffic. The street segment, which fronts a City park and a high school, also included class II bike lanes within the street section. The raised landscaping included native trees and plantings as well as aesthetically placed boulders and cobblestone paving. Interwest staff finalized the plans and specifications for bidding purposes, advertised for bids, and presented the project to the City Council for award to the successful bidder. The Interwest team provided project management and inspections for the duration of the project. Additional tasks included the review and approval of project submittals, providing information and updates to the public, preparation of progress payments to the contractor, and continuous coordination with the funding agency. Polopolus-Lewis Development Traffic Impact Analysis | City of Eastvale: Interwest reviewed the trip generation table for a multi-use project surrounded by residential neighborhoods and adjacent to a large sports complex with soccer fields, equestrian facilities and a concert venue. The proposed project included fast food restaurants, a coffee shop, a high-turnover restaurant, retail commercial, a gas station, medical office, a hotel, and a Civic Center with a government office building and library. The complicated trip generation table included a mode shift (for walking), internal capture and pass-by reductions. Their assumptions regarding mode shift, pass-by reductions and government office trip generation rates were carefully reviewed, as were their worksheets for determining internal capture based on NCHRP 684 Internal Trip Capture Estimation Tool. Some of their results did not make sense and they were advised to reassess their assumptions and check their work before proceeding with the traffic analysis. Page 60 SECTION 4 References The client references listed below will attest to Interwest’s ability to provide the Engineering services we propose to the City of Rosemead. City of Rancho Palos Verdes Doug Willmore, City Manager 310.544.5202 | dwillmore@rpvca.gov City of Bell Joe Perez (former Community Development Director) Community Development Director, City of South Gate 323.563.9529 | jperez@sogate.org City of Eastvale Bryan Jones, City Manager 951.703.4411 | bjones@eastvaleca.gov City of Corona Michele Nissen, Assistant City Manager 951.549.0029 | michele.nissen@coronaca.gov City of Costa Mesa Bart Mejia, City Engineer 714.754.5291 | baltazar.mejia@costamesaca.gov Page 61 SECTION 5 Litigation Interwest Consulting Group does not have any pending or previous litigation over the past five (5) years, including personal and property, involving the firm or its principals. SECTION 6 City’s Standard Professional Services Agreement We have reviewed the City of Rosemead’s Draft Professional Services Agreement, incorporated into the City’s RFP. We are prepared to execute such an Agreement and will comply with all aspects of the Agreement, should Interwest Consulting Group be selected to provide these services to the City of Rosemead. SECTION 7 Addenda Acknowledgement As of the date of submission, we have received, reviewed, acknowledge and have incorporated into our proposal the following RFP Addenda issued by the City: • Addendum No. 1 – Dated September 30, 2019 Page 62 Onward Engineering Proposal City of Rosemead - City Hall October 10th, 2019 City Clerk’s Office 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Attn: Ericka Hernandez - City Clerk SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13 TO PROVIDE CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Onward Engineering (OE) is pleased to submit our proposal to the City of Rosemead to provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering, and General Engineering services. OE is committed to raising the bar in providing customized consulting services to public agencies. We credit our success working with agencies to our standards of preparedness, initiative, honesty and transparency; our emphasis on maintaining open lines of communication with the City; our use of public outreach tools to garner positive public perceptions of projects; our embrace of technology based tools which enable speed and accuracy; our refined and proven approaches and methodologies to the project process, and most importantly our highly qualified team members. Our proposed City Engineer for this contract is former City Engineer Jonathan Wu. Jonathan has over 27 years of experience including acting in the capacity of City Engineer for the City of Lawndale, City of El Monte, City of Baldwin Park, and City of Hawaiian Gardens. Since El Monte and Baldwin Park are close to Rosemead, Jonathan is familiar with the area, the potential stakeholders, and the external agencies, and he can coordinate with them accordingly. Jonathan is a registered Civil Engineer, Project Management Professional (PMP), and has completed the Caltrans Resident Engineers Academy. He understands the intricacies of City Engineering and can truly step in as your advocate in this role. He is intimately familiar working with multiple agencies such as Caltrans, Flood Control Districts, Water Districts, County, Transportation Commissions, and the general public. His experience involves organizational analysis, analyzing staff resources, understanding abilities to meet organizational goals, and developing recommendations for improvement. Jonathan is aided by Traffic Engineering Lead, Ignacio Ochoa. Ignacio “Nacho” Ochoa has harnessed 36 years of experience in the public works sector, including being appointed as Orange County Chief Engineer and Director of the Orange County Engineering Division, and as Interim Public Works Director. In addition, Jonathan has the support of a full design team of project managers and project engineers, as well as a construction management and inspection team with experience on various types of CIP projects. I would like to thank the City of Rosemead for the opportunity to submit our qualifications. If you have any questions or would like any additional information, please feel free to contact me any time by phone: (714) 533-3050, email: mataya@oe-eng.com, or fax: (714) 948-8978. I have read, understand, acknowledge and accept all of the statements in the City’s general terms and conditions, with no exceptions taken. This proposal submittal will remain valid for a period of Ninety (90) days. We look forward to continuing our successful relationship with the City of Rosemead and we thank you for the opportunity to serve you and your City. We acknowledge receipt of Addendum No. 1. Thank you, Majdi Ataya, PE President pages sections Table of Contents COVER LETTER APPROACH, SCOPE OF WORKSECTION 11 1 Firm Profile & Executive Summary 4 City Engineering & Project Management Scope of Services 6 Project Controls 7 Project Management Approach 8 Design Engineering Scope of Services (Outline) 9 Drone Mapping & AutoCAD 3D Renderings 10 Approach to Design Engineering Quality Assurance & Quality Control 11 General Approach to Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Construction Permitting 12 Construction Management & Inspection Scope of Services (Outline) 13 Public Outreach 14 Approach to Construction Management & Inspection Quality Assurance & Quality Control PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL AND RESUMESSECTION 215 15 Project Team Organization Chart 16 Key Personnel Resumes COMPANY QUALIFICATIONSSECTION 336 36 List of Projects 44 Federal and State Caltrans Funding Experience REFERENCESSECTION 445 45 List of References 46 Sub-Consultant’s Biographies ADDITIONAL RESUMESAPPENDIX47 SECTIONS 5, 6, 771 LITIGATION, AGREEMENT & ADDENDUM STATEMENTS 1APPROACH, and SCOPE OF WORK SECTION It is the mission of Onward Engineering (OE) to provide a new standard of consulting services to our clients. In doing so, we wish to improve the quality of life in the communities that we serve. MISSIONSTATEMENT CITY ENGINEERING PROJECTMANAGEMENT DESIGNENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION STAFF AUGMENTATION PLAN CHECKING PROFESSIONALSERVICES INCORPORATED2004 AS A CORPORATION IN THE STATE OF CA.15 YEARS INBUSINESS FIRM HISTORY 300 S. HARBOR BLVD. SUITE 814ANAHEIM, CA 92805 FIRM ADDRESS 30EMPLOYEES STAFF COUNT FIRM PROFILE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City of Rosemead is a charming small town in the heart of an urban environment. A diverse place, with a population committed to honoring tradition, uniting in diversity, and evolving for the future. Our company, Onward Engineering (OE), is the perfect partner for the City on this assignment. OE has always promoted its brand as small-firm personalization and responsiveness, with big firm experience and resources. We have put together a top-notch, diverse staff, from different personal backgrounds and with a varied professional resume. Our staff is the heart of our business, but we have surrounded them with technological resources to help them exceed expectations on every project they take on. We understand that the City of Rosemead is looking for a firm to provide City Engineering services, as well as as-needed project management, design engineering, construction management, and inspection services. There are 10 projects slated for 2019/20: 1. Valley Boulevard Resurfacing Project Phase II ($1.8 million) Rehabilitate the asphalt pavement on Valley Boulevard from Rosemead Boulevard to the east City limit. This project is a continuation of the Valley Boulevard Resurfacing Phase 1 project that extends from the west City limit to Rosemead Boulevard. The pavement on Valley Boulevard was last resurfaced in 1998 and is showing signs of deterioration. The project will involve cold milling the existing asphalt pavement, constructing a rubberized asphalt overlay, adjusting utility manhole/vaults to grade, and restoring the traffic striping and pavement markings. 2. Walnut Grove Resurfacing Project ($28,000) OE has provided Design services for Arterial and Collector Resurfacing on many projects, including in the City of Brea, City of Hesperia, and City of Irvine. OE has provided CM and Inspection services for Residential Repairs on many projects, including in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, City of San Bernardino, and City of Pico Rivera. In addition, multiple members of our design team are certified by OCTA to evaluate pavement and recommend pavement strategies. Our team is also familiar with alternative environmentally friendly rehabilitation methods. 1300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 1APPROACH, and SCOPE OF WORK SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services 3. Various Residential Street Repairing ($610,000) The Public Works Department is requesting a CIP project to rehabilitate the asphalt pavement on several residential streets as identified in the Pavement Management Program (PMP). The proposed project will include residential streets identified in the PMP as having a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) in the “poor” to “very poor” range. The project will involve cold milling the existing asphalt pavement, constructing a rubberized asphalt overlay, adjusting utility manhole/vaults to grade, and restoring the traffic striping and pavement markings. OE has provided Design services for Residential Repairs on many projects, including in the City of San Bernardino, City of Alhambra, and City of Diamond Bar. OE has provided CM and Inspection services for residential repairs on many projects, including in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, City of Anaheim, City of Brea, and City of Laguna Beach. 4. Annual Slurry Project ($370,000) This project entails slurry seal within city streets bound by the I-10 Freeway, San Gabriel Boulevard, Garvey Avenue, and the east City limit. This is an ongoing annual project to slurry seal designated areas of the city on a 5-7-year cycle and preserve and extend the life of the city’s street pavement. This project will involve the application of a “Type II” asphalt emulsion seal coat on the pavement surface and restoration of the traffic striping and pavement markings. The seal coat will provide an additional wearing surface and help prevent water from infiltrating and damaging the street pavement. OE has provided Design services for Annual Slurry Repairs on many projects, including in the City of San Bernardino and City of Diamond Bar. OE has provided CM and Inspection services for Annual Slurry Repairs on many projects, including in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, City of Anaheim, City of Lake Forest, and City of Laguna Beach. Slurry Seal projects require an emphasis on Public Outreach and Coordination/Phasing of the contractors schedule. OE is familiar with how to maintain a positive public perception for these types of projects. 5. Localized Pavement Repairs ($345,000) The Public Works Department is requesting a CIP project to repair localized pavement failures such as potholes, sinkholes, and old utility trench cuts. While the City’s streets are in generally good condition (Pavement Condition Index of 77 per the Pavement Management Program), there are numerous locations around the city where large potholes have formed, small sinkholes are undermining the street pavement, or old utility cuts have subsided, creating a roadway nuisance for residents and drivers. This project will involve the localized removal of the pavement failures, backfilling and/or re-compaction of the underlying roadway base material, and construction of solid asphalt patches to restore the pavement at each location. OE has provided Design services for Localized Repairs & Full Reconstruction on many projects, including in the City of Newport Beach, City of La Habra Heights, City of Diamond Bar, and City of Lomita. OE has provided CM and Inspection services for Localized Repairs and Full Reconstruction, including in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, City of Diamond Bar, and the City of Brea. 6. Rosemead Boulevard Median Landscaping ($205,000) This project will update the landscaping and irrigation within the median islands on Rosemead Boulevard from the I-10 Freeway to the north City limit. The landscaping along Rosemead Boulevard has become dated and neglected, and in need of freshening up. This project will bring in new attractive low-maintenance, drought-tolerant trees and ground cover to replace the old landscaping and enhance this high-visibility corridor. The project will also include a new smart irrigation system to conserve and use water more efficiently. OE has provided design services for Beautification & Landscaping on many projects, including in the City of Costa Mesa and City of Diamond Bar. OE has provided CM and Inspection services for Beautification & Landscaping, including in the City of Rancho Rancho Cucamonga, City of Diamond Bar, and the City of Pico Rivera. 2300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 1APPROACH, and SCOPE OF WORK SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services R O AD RESU R F A C ING7. Sidewalk Replacement Project ($105,000) This CIP project aims to replace damaged or uplifted sidewalk sections citywide. The City’s sidewalks can often be damaged or displaced by parkway tree roots, creating potential trip hazards for residents and pedestrians. This is an ongoing project to remove and repair the damaged sidewalk sections and reduce the number of trip hazard claims. OE has provided Design services for Sidewalk Replacements on many projects, including in the City of Lake Forest, City of San Bernardino, City of Diamond Bar, and City of Chino Hills. OE has provided CM and Inspection services for sidewalk replacements, including in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, City of Manhattan Beach, and the City of Diamond Bar. 8. Alley Way Improvements ($123,400) The Public Works Department is requesting a CIP project to rehabilitate the asphalt pavement on a number of alleys as identified in the Pavement Management Program (PMP). The proposed project will include certain alleys identified in the PMP as having a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) in the “very poor” range. The project will involve cold milling the existing asphalt pavement, constructing a rubberized asphalt overlay, and adjusting utility manhole/vaults to grade. OE has provided Design services for Alley Way Improvements on many projects, including in the City of La Habra and City of Costa Mesa. 9. ADA Curb Ramps ($65,000) This CIP project aims to construct curb ramps at street intersections where none exist, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Complete Streets Policy. The ADA curb ramps will be installed in high pedestrian areas, primarily in the vicinity of schools and commercials districts in order to improve accessibility for individuals in wheelchairs and the visually impaired. This project will involve the saw-cutting and removal of concrete sidewalk and curb & gutter, and construction of new curb ramps including detectable warning panels at various locations identified by City staff. 10. Sidewalk ADA Master Plan ($60,000) The Public Works Department is requesting a CIP project to develop a sidewalk master plan that complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the City’s Complete Streets Policy. The sidewalk master plan will identify the street segments where sidewalk is either missing or not compliant with ADA standards. The master plan will also identify street intersections and other locations where ADA curb ramps are missing or not compliant with ADA standards. The master plan will serve as a guide for identifying and budgeting for future capital improvement projects. OE has provided Engineering services for ADA Ramps on many projects, including in the City of Rancho Cucamonga (expedited Design), Lake Forest (Design and CM/Inspection), City of San Bernardino, City of Manhattan Beach (Design and CM/Inspection), City of Diamond Bar, and City of Torrance (Design and CM/Inspection). Our specialty is road and parkway improvements, however we have experience on other types of projects, such as water, sewer, storm drain, and parks/facilities. Our team has completed multiple award-winning park projects, including the APWA Award Winning Riverview Park in Bellflower and the CMAA Award Winning Ricardo Lara Park in Lynwood. We also noted that the City had $2,296,000 in unfunded projects. OE will draw on its team’s experience as former City Engineers, Program Managers, Traffic Engineers, and Directors of Public Works to find ways to get more project funding, so we can help the City achieve its short- term and long-term goals as it moves towards its mission of beautifying residential neighborhoods and commercial corridors throughout the City. $3,723,200 80% $925,300 20% P A R K S & FACILITIES 3300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 1APPROACH, and SCOPE OF WORK SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services CITY ENGINEERING & PROJECT MANAGEMENT SCOPE OF SERVICES CITY ENGINEERING Acting as the City Engineer and implementing/managing the City’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Direct and support all traffic engineering and traffic operations services for the City Advise City staff on regulations and ordinances affecting Public Works Serve as RE when required pursuant to Caltrans/Federal requirements Managing public works projects from A-Z (planning, design, bidding, survey, CM, and inspection) Coordinate with outside agencies to process PS&E and to gather review and approval Obtain any permits necessary from outside agencies for public works projects (including Caltrans) Review and approve plans and bid documents prepared by City of other consultants prior to bidding Review and approve grading plans and inspect/approve work Administer/process tentative parcel and subdivision maps Coordinate engineering for private development with Building Official Review and approve plans for public right-of-way improvements and recommend issuance of NOC Ensure landscape and root control devices are in accordance with City master list of trees Implement/manage City’s Sewer System and Water Master Plans Manage encroachment permit program, review application, and issue permits Coordinate with Finance Director to monitor and report received funds for public works programs Ensure regulatory compliance public works programs Coordinate with public regarding existing and future projects and field questions and complaints Attend City Council meetings and other meetings when necessary Establish and maintain relationships with other public agencies (utilities, neighboring cities, Caltrans) Establish and maintain relationships with City stakeholders (residents, businesses, school districts, etc.) Provide administrative direction to Community Services personnel Prepare and prove reports and analysis as requested Assemble and maintain on-site all records necessary for a municipal engineering office Assist in preparation of Maintenance and Water divisions and Capital Improvement budgets annually Recommend pavement rehabilitation methods (slurry seal, overlay, reconstruction, ARAM, ARHM, etc.) Establish performance, labor, and material bond requirements Establish financial assurances (bonds and securities) for private development Monitor legislation and developments relating to Public Works and develop improved policies Ensure regulatory compliance pertaining to engineering (including funding source requirements) Recommend, manage, and supervise maintenance and repairs of infrastructure Provide technical engineering assistance with City building projects Provide additional engineering services as directed by the City 4300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 1APPROACH, and SCOPE OF WORK SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services ENVIRONMENTAL, PRELIMINARY, & RIGHT-OF-WAY ENGINEERING SERVICES Identify & develop a Scope of Work for Capital Improvement Projects & Prepare RFP. Coordinate the review & evaluation of proposals. Submit Award Recommendations to the most qualified consultant. Administer Consultant Contracts relating to the phases of Capital Improvement Projects. Administer a complete and detailed Project Description. Delineate a Project Study area for a Technical Analyses and Environmental Documentation. Coordinate Legal Descriptions & Plat Maps preparation of Right-of-Way acquisitions. DESIGN MANAGEMENT Once the planning has finished, the design phase will be initiated. These services includes: Monitor and facilitate design consultants’ Plan Checking with all pertinent agencies Review Plans and Technical Specifications for completeness and constructability Prepare a Master List for all plan check comments and responses Review the Engineer’s Estimate for accuracy & Provide Value Engineering Reviews Provide reports for Grant requirements Perform a Pre-Construction Survey, and prepare Bidding Documents Prepare necessary federal forms/reports for Authorization to Proceed with Bidding BIDDING MANAGEMENT Once the design PS&E has been completed and accepted by the City, we initiate the bidding phase. Prepare Council Reports and present at council meetings. Assist in bidding of projects (including Responding to RFIs) Assist in Pre-Qualification of bidders. Provide response to bidders during bidding period. Upon bid opening, provide Bid Analysis. Conduct Reference Check on the low bidder. Conduct State License and Insurance Check on low bidder. Make Recommendations and Prepare Contract for the successful bidder Prepare necessary Federal Forms and reports for authorization to proceed with construction. PLANNING MANAGEMENT Project Federal, State, and Local Programs Funding Analysis and Acquisition. Design a Scenario Analysis for roadway or drainage segments. Draft a Traffic Impact Analysis along with Scenarios. Community Coordination and Public Outreach activities. Stakeholder meetings and coordination. Preparing a Master Project Budget and a Schedule. Requests for Proposal (RFP) Preparation for design consultant selection. Develop criteria for design consultant selection. Evaluate design candidates and make recommendations Prepare and review contracts for the selected design consultants 5300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 1APPROACH, and SCOPE OF WORK SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services COST CONTROL One of our core corporate philosophies is honesty and transparency. We use Advanced Financial Software to prepare invoices and reports, which allows the City to request billing statements at any time in the billing cycle. We can also send a real-time report of hours and expenses, letting the City of Rosemead easily compare proposed resources to resources used and/ or remaining. DOCUMENT CONTROL OE understands that the City of Rosemead utilizes VPM for inspection documentation. We are familiar with VPM, which is a web-based project management system built for public agencies. In fact, we are aware the developers at VPM have worked directly with Rosemead to develop some of the product features. We can easily utilize VPM for any of the City’s projects if requested. OE operates on a cloud filing system that will be used on all documents and folders to ensure proper documentation and transparency. We map all of the City’s standards, folder structure, templates and document formats and store it on our cloud-based ENTERPRISE account for implementation. This cloud-based account allows for secure, remote access and review of our entire filing system by City staff, to ensure that documentation and filing is done in compliance with the project requirements. Each City staff member attached to the project will be able to select a password which provides access to view, upload, or download any of the project files (PS&E/Schedule/Utility Logs/Field Observations/Daily Reports/Photo Diaries, etc.)without having to change the City’s existing IT framework. This document control system is also compliant with Caltrans’ LAPM filing requirements. Additionally, this flexibility allows the City staff access to the project files anywhere and on any device, as well as provide access to select files (like photos) to other collaborators. OE utilizes a set of technology-based Project Controls equipped with specialized tools designed to seamlessly store, access, share and disseminate the details of all project-related records and information. These Systems are capable of advancing the progress of infrastructure projects in multi- faceted ways, such as delivering immediate, real-time project-related updates; providing 24/7 access to City project personnel; and the processing of complex data and accounting for all project variables to then calculate solutions for working toward maximizing production, schedules, and to quantify error-mitigating analysis to prevent set backs. As a result, the City benefits from great increases in project transparency, collaboration, clarity and communication, the reduction of errors, and the increase in both productivity and time efficiency, thus both meeting and exceeding project scheduled deadlines, and reducing costs for the City. SCHEDULE CONTROL The OE team values time, for both our clients and our team members. To keep projects efficient, on track, and to maintain transparency, our investment in scheduling tools include Microsoft Project and Microsoft Primavera, along with course participation by our in-house staff. Every time we submit a proposal, we prepare a Critical Path Method (CPM) schedule which corresponds to our resource allocation chart and fee proposal. CPM scheduling is highly useful as it allows OE to digitally input, analyze, modify, and share project scheduling. When preparing the schedules, OE consider resources, tasks, relationships and durations. OE makes use of this information to maximize efficiency. When awarded a contract, our team updates the schedule with the Notice to Proceed date. This is then imported into our proprietary solution “Onward Collab” which the City will then have full access to. From there, OE can seamlessly document and assign tasks and subtasks. The result is that the details and the progress of the project would be available at all times to be tracked by the City and by our QA/QC team in real-time. Project Managers are then enabled to assess the workload of every team member at any given time, so that immediate adjustments can be made to the project. For example, if additional resources are needed to meet a milestone, the City would have immediate access to all change details. This system also allows for back and forth dialogue regarding a specific task or subtask. The full conversation addressing that item is centralized and can be reviewed at any point. Another view that can be utilized is the Board View. This shows buckets of tasks, with each bucket representing a team member. Moving tasks by a drag and drop, this gives the City clarity as to who is doing what and how much work is on their plate. OE STAFF ARE EXPERIENCED IN BOTH: MICROSOFT PROJECT MICROSOFTPRIMAVERA PROJECT CONTROLS 6300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 1APPROACH, and SCOPE OF WORK SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services APPROACH TO PROJECT MANAGEMENT By implementing this approach, we feel that we are pro-actively ensuring quality and the successful management of any given project. These steps correlate to the Project Management Institute Standards for Project Management. 5 STEP PROJECT MANAGEMENT APPROACH 3 COMPONENT QUALITY POLICY SYSTEM OE will fulfill the City’s needs and comply with all statutory and regulatory obligations with emphasis on safety, quality, schedule and maximum cost effectiveness. Our team pride themselves on the quality of the engineering services provided, making great efforts to assure that each project is of the highest quality, exceeding the needs and expectations of our valued Clients. & CLOSING EXECUTE INITIATE PLAN CONTROL Develop Goals Visit Project Site Establish Objectives Identify Stakeholders Direct Execution Manage Execution Provide QA Manage Team Manage Stakeholders Distribute Information Closeout Project Prep Lessons Learned Comply With Document Control Define Scope Select Team Calculate Budget Calculate Schedule Plan Communication Document Control Set QA/QC Plan Monitor & Control Work Verify & Control Scope Control Schedule Control Cost Perform QC Report Performance Control Risks 4 2 3 5 1 1 Quality Assurance / Quality Control Manual (Design & Construction Projects) 2 The Standard Operating Procedure 3 The Project Quality Control Plan (The Project/Site Specific QC Plan) The City of Rosemead is requesting Project Management services that will include attending meetings, assessing and establishing project goals, strategies, and cost limitations, communicating with the City to keep them apprised of a project’s status, providing agendas and minutes for various meetings, preparing and submitting project scheduling progress updates, monitoring and controlling a project schedule, budget and quality, along with proactive general Project Management services. 7300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 1APPROACH, and SCOPE OF WORK SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services TASKS DELIVERABLES KICK-OFF MEETING meeting minutes & agenda RESEARCH & REVIEW AVAILABLE DATA existing records matrixcopies of existing recordsroadway & right-of-way utilities UTILITY & RESEARCH NOTIFICATION utilities notification log contact matrix first, second, & final utility notices correspondence records-each utility SITE EVALUATION records & photographsautocad survey filespavement markings inventoryroadway signage inventory TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY survey notes topographic survey basemap CAD survey files GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION pavement reportcore samples TRAFFIC IMPACTANALYSIS & STUDIES traffic index reportreviews & researchcollision data/recommendationswarrant studiestraffic signal installationsstop sign installations FEDERAL & CALTRANS COORDINATION ENVIRONMENTALSTUDIES environmental report LANDSCAPING CONCEPT TASKS DELIVERABLES BASESHEETS street base mapsright-of-way base mapsutility base mapsCAD & PDF file 30% PS&E 30% plans specifications &construction cost estimate digital & hard copy DRAINAGE STUDIES drainage report RIGHT-OF-WAY 65% PS&E 65% PS&E package hard & soft copy 90& PS&E 90% PS&E package hard & soft copy TASKS DELIVERABLES 100% & FINAL PS&E complete setfinal documents plans & maps 24”x36” double matt 4mm Mylar stamp/wet signed bid specscover sheetsigning & striping sheets PS&E package digital/electronic copypertinent correspondence TASKS BID ASSISTANCE & CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT DELIVERABLES respond to RFI’sprepare & issue addendareview submittals & shop drawingsattend kick-off & other monthly meetingsassist in permits & regulatory agenciesreview/approve change ordersconduct final walkthroughprepare construction punch listcertify completion All design and construction plans will adhere to the Standard Plans for Public Works Construction (latest edition) and the Traffic Control Plans will adhere to the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (latest edition). PS&E will be developed using the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction “Greenbook” (latest edition). DESIGN ENGIN E E R I N G SCOPE OF S E RVI CES DESIGN ENGINEERING SCOPE OF SERVICES for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services 8300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 1APPROACH, and SCOPE OF WORK SECTION PHASE 3FINAL DESIGN BID ASSISTANCE & CONSTRUCTIONSUPPORT PHASE 2PRELIMINARY DESIGNPHASE 1SITE RESEARCH 1168. 8 9 F S 1168. 0 5 F S 5% M A X10% MAX 1168 . 1 9 F S 1168 . 2 7 F S 2% M A X 11’11.72’4’10% MA X 1168 . 1 4 F S 1168. 6 0 F S 1168.72 FS 1 168 .50 FS R20’ R6.5 R7’454’ 4’ 2’ 1167. 7 1 F L 1168 . 4 1 T C 1167. 6 9 F L 1168. 3 9 T C 1167. 5 0 F L 1167. 5 0 T C TYPE 3 - R = 2 0 ’ CAS E A 1167 . 4 1 T C 1167 . 4 1 F L 1167. 5 7 T C 1168.90 FS 1167. 6 3 F L 1168. 7 7 F S 8.33 % M A X 2% M A X 2% MAX 6.53’ 8’ Isometric Ramp DetailHorizontal Ramp DetailWhen working on projects requiring ADA Curb Ramp compliance and accuracy, OE utilizes the latest AutoCAD Civil 3D design software to draft the project plans. OE’s design team has extensive experience with the software and can use it to its full potential. The Civil 3D environment dynamically links objects, providing instant results of material quantities and costs as design changes are implemented. The software also provides us with tools to simulate the drainage of surface run-off, instantly calculate grades at any given point on the surface of the design and visualize the designs in 3-dimensions as they would appear when constructed. The combination of these tools assists in efficiently and accurately developing the optimal design for any project involving ADA Ramp design. When performing site assessments, certain conditions allow for capturing high-resolution aerial photographs using our drone. The aerial photographs allow us to accurately denote site surface features, utility notification markings, and areas of excessive pavement cracking/failure for digout locations, as well as providing us with highly detailed reference data that cannot be achieved through traditional site evaluation methods. The above images, collected for previous projects, demonstrate the level of detail that can be collected using drone technology. The aerial photos collected are stitched together to create complete street segments with very high levels of detail. Our team has three remote pilots licensed by the FAA to fly drones for commercial use. ADA RAMP DETAIL SITE SURFACE FEATURES DRONE MAPPING AUTOCAD 3D RENDERING SAMPLES 9300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 1APPROACH, and SCOPE OF WORK SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services 21 3 Plan checks ensure that the plans meet the 5 C’s: consistent, clear, correct, constructible, and complete. Our Project Engineers and Project Managers recognize that quality is the result of several processes. It requires many individuals performing many appropriate activities at the right time during the plan development process. Quality Control does not solely consist of a review after a product is complete. It is an approach and a realization that quality is something that occurs throughout the design process. Quality Control means performing all activities in conformance with valid requirements, no matter how large or small their overall contribution would be to the design process. Good CAD techniques, attention to detail, and ensuring plans are correct and useful to the contractor are also essential to quality. OE’s design team follows the Firm’s established design policies, procedures, standards and guidelines in the preparation and review of all design products for compliance and good engineering practice, as directed by the Project Quality Control Plan. SUBMITTED DOCUMENTS THREE LEVELS OF REVIEW PRIOR TO EACH SUBMITTAL 1INITIAL PEER REVIEW 2PROJECT MANAGER REVIEW 3QUALITY ASSURANCE&QUALITY CONTROL REVIEW GROUND LEVEL Drafting & Calculations Document Formatting QUALITY ASSURANCE LEVEL Document Completion Ensure “Biddable” Plans PROJECT MANAGEMENT LEVEL Design Intent Compliance Project Intent ComplianceQUALITY ASSURANCEQUALITY CONTROLAchieving design quality is the foundation for keeping costs under control during construction. Nothing is more important than design quality. It must be stressed during all stages of project delivery, including concept development, preliminary design, detailed design, and bid and award. Effective Construction Management (CM) begins during design because the costs of CM, including change orders and claims, are largely determined by design quality. Emphasizing design quality and design clarity is the surest way to minimize the amount of change orders and construction costs. There is no better or more effective way to control total project costs and return on investment than producing well-documented, well designed plans and specifications (PS&E). Quality assurance is a proactive measure taken to ensure the systems and procedures are in conformance with the City’s requirements and expectations. Plans and specifications must be of high quality, which means they must be clear and understandable, complete, accurate, consistent, and constructible. 3 TIER REVIEW ALLOWS FOR ERROR MITIGATION ON THREE SEPERATE LEVELS OF DETAIL APPROACH TO DESIGN ENGINEERING QA & QC 10300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 1APPROACH, and SCOPE OF WORK SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services 11300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 1APPROACH, and SCOPE OF WORK SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services . PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT INSPECTION OE’s team of inspectors are very flexible. Many of them have experience working directly for public agencies, with experience handling more than one project at a time and adjusting to a varying work pace. This is essential for Public Works Inspections, where the Inspector will be requested to move from site to site quickly and seamlessly. OE is currently providing public works inspection to multiple Cities, which means we know what public agencies expect and can efficiently deliver personnel to exceed expectations. We can provide inspections on encroachment permits, public works construction, and related work. INSPECTION ON CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS OE has a team of inspectors to take on any Capital Improvement Project. Our Inspector will be the City’s feet on the ground, advocating the best interest of the City, keeping the Contractor on task to ensure safety, quality, and compliance with the contract documents. This ensures active monitoring and documentation of jobsite and project progress. It also provides notes on labor, weather, progress, key items, and field observations, paving the way for clear documentation of existing condition, progress of construction, and final field conditions. Our inspectors are well versed with Caltrans and Greenbook Plans & Specifications. Our inspectors are well-versed in the construction of different projects with varying levels of complexity. We understand the City’s desire to have a bench of inspectors to provide inspection services for a variety of Public Works, streets, curbs, gutters, sewers, storm drains, culverts, traffic signals & movement, sidewalks, small buidings, park projects to include parkways, landscaping, recreational and sanitary facilities, ball field lighting, and minor electrical layouts, and other CIP projects. PRE-CONSTRUCTION The Inspector will review PS&E and become familiar with the Contractor’s preliminary schedule while making suggestions to the CM. The Inspector will also attend pre-construction meetings and answer questions as necessary. The inspector will review construction progress schedules regularly, verify schedules are on track, identify deviations, and issue corrective actions to bring the project back on schedule. CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION Our team can provide continuous inspections and construct a project according to specifications. Our Inspectors will also prepare Daily Construction Reports and Weekly Statement of Working Days, monitor compliance with City’s Construction Demolition & Recycling Ordinance, review soil compaction and materials testing certifications of compliance, and coordinate with City regarding quality of work completed. Our inspectors will take photos and video prior, during, and after construction and will prepare a Daily Photo Diary which will be available with the Daily Report in real-time to the City. Additionally, the inspectors will assist in monthly progress payment recommendations by making measurements of bid items. TRAFFIC CONTROL & JOB SAFETY The Inspector will check that all OE personnel are wearing white hard hats, OSHA approved vests, and rubber soled-shoes at all times on the jobsite. Inspector will provide inspection of traffic-related work, monitor traffic control to ensure pedestrian/vehicular safety, minimal disruption, safe access, and provide inspection of all traffic-related work. Additionally, Inspectors are to establish and implement job safety procedures in compliance with CAL-OSHA requirements, monitor contractor’s compliance with established safety program, respond to deficiencies and hazards, and investigate, report on accidents, observe construction safety, public safety and convenience, and report discovered problems to City. PROJECT CLOSE-OUT Inspector shall prepare in-progress punch lists at completion of each project phase until completion. The Inspector will direct and notify contractors about non-compliance and correct compliance problems as discovered. At the end of the project, the Inspector must confirm final field quantities to CM and will provide complete measurements and calculations to administer progress payments and make recommendations for payments. GENERAL APPROACH TO CIP CONSTRUCTION PERMITS TASKS DELIVERABLES FINALWALK-THROUGH &INSPECTION IOR red - lines contractor red - lines CM coordination records final as-built documentation AS - BUILT PLANS preliminary punch list final punch list inspector’s non - compliance notice non - compliance notes PUNCH LISTS completion recommendations NON - COMPLIANCE ITEMS final report of completion COMPLETION RECOMMENDATIONS final payment recommendations FINAL PAYMENT REQUESTS final project files (per LAPM) final project report as - built drawings digital set of drawings construction files CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTATION SUBMIT FILES non - compliance notes LABOR COMPLIANCE contractor certified payroll records CM payroll review notes employee interview forms employee interview reports PROJECT RECORDS JOB CONTROL DOCUMENTS DCRs PROJECT SCHEDULE CORRESPONDENCE BID SCHEDULE RFIS (BI) WEEKLY STATUS REPORT SUBMITTALS WEEKLY STATEMENTS OF WORKING DAYS CCOS & PROGRESS PAYMENTS CONSTRUCTION CHANGE ORDERS LAB & FIELD TEST REPORTS CERTIFIED PAYROLL RECORDS MATERIALS DELIVERY TICKETS LABOR COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION MONTHLY CONSTRUCTION PAYMENTS PROGRESS REPORTS & PHOTOS MEETING MINUTES GUARANTEES & CERTIFICATIONS A F F I D AV I T S / L E A S E S / E A S E M E N T S TASKS DELIVERABLES PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING meeting agenda & minutes CONSTRUCTABILITY REVIEW RFI COORDINATION assist in RFI review SUBMITTAL REVIEW submittal log stamped submittals recommendations TASKS DELIVERABLES (BI) WEEKLY PROGRESS MEETINGS meeting agenda & minutes weekly statements working days report status reports SCHEDULE REVIEW construction schedule updates COMMUNITY COORDINATION community coordination records discussion notes date of discussions actions taken CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION daily reports working day statements daily photo diary raw image files & video (digital) TRAFFIC CONTROL traffic control notes JOB SAFETY COMPLIANCE safety infraction reports CHANGE ORDERS change order notes change order recommendations ensure accurate records quantities ensure records back-up LABOR COMPLIANCE contractor certified payroll records CM payroll review notes employee interview forms employee interview reports MATERIALS TESTING CONSTRUCTION STAKING CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTATION WATER QUALITY & SWPPP for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services 12300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 1APPROACH, and SCOPE OF WORK SECTION PHASE 2CONSTRUCTION PHASE 3POST-CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTIONDOCUMENTATION PHASE 1PRE-CONSTRUCTION CM & INSPECTION SCOPE OF SERVICES PUBLIC OUTREACH OE has the tools and skills to build complex, dynamic maps to keep the public informed. Any stakeholders affected by our work can easily access our interactive maps online to see detours, phasing, temporary parking, street closures, and basic project limit information. OE would manage the site and content in accordance with City requirements, updating the maps in real time, and in-turn providing the City of Rosemead with convenient, easy-to-access content oversite and to disseminate valuable information. Palomino DriveProspect Valley Drive Gold en Springs Drive C a s a L o m a D riv e Ballena Drive Armitos Place Diamond Bar BoulevardSan Leandr o Dr i veGold Rush Drive P o m o n a F re e w a y To view project pages and maps, please visit us at: www.oe-eng.com/dbarea5 We also offer the option of hosting these informative web pages on a separate sub-domain linked directly to the City’s website. This allows OE to directly produce and update all public notices (PDFs), project information and updates, and dynamic maps without requiring city time and resources through the process. OE establishes project hotlines to provide businesses, residents, and City staff 24/7 access to project personnel. The City will be provided with a hotline for this project that can function as the contact number for the duration of the project life cycle. All calls are tracked, so a call log can easily be generated and saved, with caller information, time of call, and voice-mail. Upon setup, callers will be greeted by a brief pre-recorded introduction, after which a vocalized menu will offer key options for helpful project information, such as street closures, parking restrictions and schedule changes. They will then have the option to be routed to a task specific staff member. This system is completely customizable, where the contact person can be changed throughout the course of a project, and the system works even if phases are handled by different consultants. This available resource provides peace of mind to the community, knowing the option to voice their concerns and obtain information is a phone call away. This method of consolidation also means less headaches for the City. Public outreach is a critical aspect of any project, but it is often overlooked. OE places an emphasis on public outreach for the interests of residents, businesses and stakeholders to provide positive public perception of the City, reduce City costs, and garner public buy-in. 13300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 1APPROACH, and SCOPE OF WORK SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services INTERACTIVE WEB MAPSWEB PAGETELEPHONE HOTLINE Through our years of Construction Management and Inspection Services experience, we’ve come to understand that success comes through a solid QA/QC plan, implemented from the onset of a project. For each project we undertake, OE implements protocol from a detailed in-house QA/QC manual that defines roles, responsibilities, expectations, review requirements, and quality standards of all documents and procedures within the firm. We’ll monitor the contractor’s Quality Control Program. We will implement quality assurance as we conduct thorough inspections of street, sewer, storm drain, parks and facilities to ensure the work is accurate and in compliance with local, State, and Federal regulations. Reports will be kept tracking submittals, tests performed, samples taken, non - compliance reports, and inspection and testing associated with non-compliant work. We’ll submit all documentation to the City Public Works Staff. Our Construction Inspectors will review the contractor’s weekly and daily schedules before work each day and will closely coordinate with the Contractor to establish an understanding of the critical activities and work to be inspected. Our team brings considerable experience with keeping projects on track - experience gained on many public works construction projects in Southern California. We believe it is imperative that we have a full understanding of the timeline of each project, from beginning to end. We can personally build CPM schedules and handle the monthly updates with the responsible agencies. We make a point, at the start of every project, to specifically tailor the QA/QC program and work plan to the specific project needs. OE’s team approach to project controls is to achieve estimating, cost control, and scheduling objectives through conscious planning and execution of the work, and through the continuous monitoring of cost, schedule, quantities, and performance. tools and control documents to support the Change Management Process and the preparation and review of change orders for City approval. The Change Management Control is used for early warning and approval for the control of deviations in engineering cost, cost of material and equipment, and construction during all project phases . IMPLEMENT communications to provide the City with advanced long-term visibility necessary to make proactive and informed decisions. FACILITATE construction teams with the control tools and documents to accurately estimate, plan, and monitor work to meet the project’s cost, schedule, quantities, and performance. PROVIDE opportunities in a timely fashion so impacts to cost, schedule, quantities, and performance are realized and minimized or avoided. The primary focus is early identification of opportunities or potential risks, then finding alternative solutions to quickly implement corrective actions. IDENTIFY These are the goals we strive to achieve while simultaneously managing the various aspects of project controls. APPROACH TO CM & INSPECTION QA & QC 14300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 1APPROACH, and SCOPE OF WORK SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services 2PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL AND RESUMES SECTION 15300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 2PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL and RESUMES SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services Resumes of OE’s Key Personnel (identified by the orange headers of each staff member) begin on the following page. Resumes for all remaining personnel that are listed on this organizational chart are located in the Appendix page at the end of this proposal. MAJDI ATAYA PE 38 yearsexperience BS Civil Engineering - CSULBMPA Full Coursework - CSULBLICENSED Professional Engineer #39392 former Dir. Public Works/City Engineer PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE& QA/QC MANAGER 32 yearsexperienceRASHID SYED BS Civil EngineeringBA Public Administration - CSULBMPA Public Administration - CSULB Design & Construction Experience CARLOS LOPEZ 33 yearsexperience AA Civil Engineering Tech. - LAC former Supervising Inspector Drain/Flood Control Channel Inspector RON BRAHS 32 yearsexperience CALTRANS Coordination Experience Heavy Trenching & Utility Relocation Safety Training Traffic Control CHRIS BOREN 14 yearsexperience Public Works Inspector Levels 1 & 2 Experience: Federally Funded Projects Experience: CALTRANS Nuclear Densometer Work 32 yearsexperienceTIM STANLEYInspector CERTIFIED Caltrans CTM-375 AC Pavement In-Place Density / Caltrans CTM-201 Sample Preparation / Caltrans CTM-539 Concrete / Caltrans CTM-533 Ball Penetration. Public Works Inspector Coursework Computer Technology Coursework JOE ZAMARIPPA 30 yearsexperience CERTIFIED P W Construction Inspection - Santiago Canyon College JAMES GREENFIELD 16 yearsexperience former Public Works Inspector Experience - Roadway Projects ERIC NUNEZICBO 29 yearsexperience AA Degree - Cypress CollegeCOURSES Construction Coursework - Fullerton CollegeACI Concrete Field Testing CERTIFIED ICBO CommercialBuilding & D3 Water DistributionICBO EDUCATION Electrical, Building, ADA, Mechanical, Plumbing, Energy & Green Code, Occupancy.OSHA Safety Training MICHAEL NGUYEN 31 yearsexperience Mechanical Engineering Coursework - Cal Poly Pomona Supervising Construction Inspector CONSTRUCTIONINSPECTORS CITY ENGINEER 27 yearsexperience BS Civil Engineering - USC MPA Civil Engineering - USCCERTIFIED Project Manager ProfessionalQSD Qualified Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Developer LEADTRAFFIC ENGINEER IGNACIO OCHOA PE, TE, PTOE 36 yearsexperience BS Civil Engineering - CSULBLICENSED Professional Engineer #35217REGISTERED Traffic Engineer #1183PROFESSIONAL Traffic Operations former Traffic Engineer former Director & Chief Engineer 27 yearsexperience BS Civil Engineering - USC MPA Civil Engineering - USCCERTIFIED Project Manager ProfessionalQSD Qualified Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Developer BS Civil Engineering - CalPoly PomonaLICENSED Professional EngineerACI Concrete Field TestingICBO Building Inspector # 89482 former Anaheim Public Works Manager Experience: VersaCAD & InRoads Bilingual (English & Spanish) 35 yearsexperience BS Civil EngineeringMPA ManagementLICENSED Professional Engineer #31236CALTRANS Resident Engineer & Office Engineer Academy 18 yearsexperience BS Civil EngineeringCCM Certified Construction Manager - CSULB Viterbi School of Engineering - USC ED FERNANDEZ PE, ICBO 38 yearsexperience CONSTRUCTIONMANAGERS 40 yearsexperience BS Civil Engineering-CalPoly PomonaMA Public Administration - CSUFPE Registered Civil Engineer #34820APWA Member - American Public Works AssociationOCTA Technical Steering Committee 36 yearsexperience BS Civil Engineering - CSULBLICENSED Professional Engineer #35217REGISTERED Traffic Engineer #1183PROFESSIONAL Traffic Operations former Traffic Engineer former Director & Chief Engineer 38 yearsexperience BS Civil Engineering - CSULBMA Military ScienceLICENSED Professional Engineer (CA - #37221 / NV - #11105 / AZ - #28642)US ARMY Command & General StaffAPWA American Public Works AssociationASCE American Society of Civil Engineers SAME Society of American Military Engineers Engineers 14 yearsexperience BS Civil Engineering-CSUFLICENSED Professional Engineer #78314PLS Professional Land Surveyor QSD Qualified Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Developer 24 yearsexperience BS Civil Engineering - CSULBMS Civil Engineering - CSULB REGISTERED Civil Engineer R/W Association/Negotiation/ Aquisition Resident City Engineer: Caltrans PROJECTMANAGERS 32 yearsexperienceRASHID SYED BS Civil EngineeringBA Public Administration - CSULBMPA Public Administration - CSULB Design & Construction Experience 21 yearsexperienceANDY BUIPE BS Civil Engineering (CSULB)BS Construction Engineering CERTIFIED AutoCAD/Civil3D (WestechOSHA Construction Safety & Health 30 hrs. Certificate Training 18 yearsexperienceDAYTON LOWE CERTIFIED USCAD & CIVIL3DCERTIFIED OCTA: Pavement Assessment/Rehabilitation Method & Recommendation Civil Engineering Tech & Construction Management Coursework - Broward 12 yearsexperienceRYAN DENNISPE BS Civil Engineering MINOR Environmental Engineering LICENSED Professional Engineer CERTIFIED AutoCAD & Civil3D - SAIT 26 yearsexperienceSTEVE MACBRIDE AA Drafting Technology - Alfred UniversityCERTIFIED USCAD & Civil3D PROJECTENGINEERS ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING since 2001 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION since 1987 LANDSCAPE & ARCHITECTURE since 2019 CL SURVEYING & MAPPINGTOPOGRAPHICSURVEYING/MAPPING since 2007 SUBCONSULTANTS JONATHAN WUPE, PMP, QSD 14 yearsexperience BS Civil Engineering-CSUFLICENSED Professional Engineer #78314PLS Professional Land SurveyorQSD Qualified Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Developer BRIAN ELKINSCCM JONATHAN WUPE, PMP, QSD ROBERT DOSSPE JUSTIN SMEETSPE, PLS, QSD IGNACIO OCHOA PE, TE, PTOE JUSTIN SMEETSPE, PLS, QSD LUDWIG I. SMEETSPE DONALD HOPPEPE FRANK SANCHEZ QUALIFICATIONS Years of Experience 38 BS Civil Engineering - CSULB, 1981 MPA Full Coursework - CSULB, 1993 PE Registered Civil Engineer #39392 (former) Deputy Director for the City of La Habra (former) Chief Engineerfor the City of La Habra FIELDS OF EXPERTISE ROADWAY WATER DRAINAGE ADA CURB RAMPS SEWER PARK BEAUTIFICATION BIKE LANES & TRAILS Majdi Ataya, PE Principal-In-Charge & QA/QC Manager BACKGROUND Majdi is the QA/QC Manager and Principal-In-Charge of Onward Engineering. Majdi Ataya, Professional Engineer and Former Deputy Director and City Engineer for the City of La Habra’s Public Works Department, is a seasoned engineer with over 37 years of solid and diversified experience in the public works sector. He is extremely familiar with the process of project management and design. He is a highly effective communicator and manager with an outstanding assimilation ability. Majdi is able to adapt and relate to all levels of management, and retain high energy levels and enthusiasm for the project at hand. Majdi understands the importance of excellent communication with public agencies and will be a dependable extension of your staff. EXPERIENCE NEIGHBORHOOD STREETS IMPROVEMENT - PHASE I The City of ANAHEIM Majdi acted as the Principal-in-Charge for the City of Anaheim on this project which encompassed street improvements on a number of residential neighborhoods. The goal of this project was to restore surface integrity, improve the ride quality and safety of the residential streets, as well as mitigate any potential trip and fall hazards. These large-scale residential neighborhood rehabilitation projects involved parkway improvements by resurfacing the pavement, removal and replacement of ADA access ramps, sidewalk, curb, gutter, concrete aprons and cross gutters, and driveway approaches. The project limits for phase I were split into ten neighborhood areas: (1) The Biscanye Neighborhood is bound by Crestwood Lane to the north, Brookhurst St to the east, Katella Avenue to the south, and Gilbert St to the west. The scope included 109,760 sf of reconstruction and 110,483 sf of slurry seal; (2) The Academy/Bel Air Neighborhood is bound by Lincoln Avenue to the north, Dale Avenue to the east, Orange Avenue to the south, and Beach Boulevard to the west. The scope included 263,302 sf of reconstruction, 201,012 sf of slurry seal, and 4,256 sf of sidewalk; (3) The Greenleaf-Hampton Neighborhood is bound by La Palma Avenue to the north, Gilbert Street to the east, Crescent Avenue to the south, and the Anaheim City Limit to the west. The scope included 1,073,430 sf. of reconstruction, 494 tree trimmings, 15 tree removals and 75 new trees; (4) The Devonshire Neighborhood is bound by by Buckingham Street and the Riverside (91) Freeway to the north, Gilbert Street to the east, and the Santa Ana (I-5) Freeway to the south. The scope included 245,498 sf of reconstruction with a residential population of 1,551; (5) The Gaymont/Elmlawn Neighborhood is bound by Orange 16300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 2PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL and RESUMES SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services Avenue, Stonybrook Drive, and Ball Road to the north; Dale Avenue, Magnolia Avenue, and Gilbert Street to the east; the Anaheim City Limit to the south; and Beach Boulevard to the west. The scope included 397,521 sf of reconstruction and 201,012 sf of slurry seal; (6) The Tanglewood Neighborhood is bound by Imperial Highway to the north, Yosemite Drive to the west, Kellog to the east, and Orangethorpe Avenue to the south. The scope included 339,901 sf of reconstruction, 358,598 sf of slurry seal, 18,255 sf of sidewalk improvements. In addition, large tree removals were made for the interest of this neighborhood; (7) The Key Lane/ Westchester Neighborhood is bound by Orange Avenue to the north, Yosemite Drive to the west, Beach Blvd. to the east, and Cerritos to the south. The scope included 933,402 sf of reconstruction and 664,515 sf of slurry seal; (8) The Rowland Neighborhood is bordered by Broadway to the north, Magnolia to the east, Rowland to the south, and Kenmore to the west. The scope of work involved pavement resurfacing; (9) The Rio Bravo neighborhood is bordered by Camino Manzana, Calle Granada, and Calle Tampico to the north, Eucalyptus Drive to the east, Santa Ana Canyon Road to the south, and Via Cortez to the west. The scope of work included pavement resurfacing, as well as improvements to alley intersections and driveway approaches; (10) The Jerillee Lane neighborhood is bordered by the I-91 freeway to the north, Imperial Highway to the east, Santa Ana Canyon Road to the south, and Lakeview Avenue to the west. The scope of work included 312,892 sf of asphalt reconstruction and 63,422 sf of slurry seal. Coordinating with the local residents was essential on this project. DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS & CITY ENGINEER The City of LA HABRA Majdi was responsible to plan, budget, schedule, direct and coordinate a comprehensive Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to maintain, operate and upgrade the city’s infrastructure. The CIP includes: highways, local streets, traffic signals, median beautification, alleys, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, waterline infrastructure, sewer line infrastructure, storm drain infrastructure, and other public facilities. Review and approve design plans, specifications, contracts, inspections and approve construction. Review, and approve developer maps, plans, and agreements. Majdi coordinate work with federal, state, county, city and special district agencies at all levels. A partial list of projects includes: Schoolwood Drive Street Widening Project, Euclid Street Bridge/Street Widening Project, La Habra Boulevard Rehabilitation Project, Prepare RFP for Neighborhood Traffic Management Program, Design and construction of Townhomes, Lambert Rd. & Idaho St. Intersection Widening, La Habra Blvd., Harbor Blvd., & Cypress Street Improvements, La Habra Boulevard & Harbor Boulevard Traffic Signal Interconnect, Modification of Traffic Signals at Lambert Road & Palm Street and Other Locations, Construction of Coyote Creek Channel Improvements, Comprehensive Inflow and Infiltration Study Entire Sanitary Sewer System, Street Rehabilitation, Water, & Storm Drain Improvements for Russell & Other Streets, La Habra Citywide Pavement Management Program, La Plaza Channel Improvements, Construction of La Bonita Park Phase 2 Development, Construction of La Bonita Park Phase 1 Development, Storm Drain & Parkway Beautification on the eastside of Harbor Blvd., Euclid Street and Idaho Street Rehabilitation, Seismic Retrofit & Structural Repairs on Puente Hills Water Reservoir, Imperial Highway Smart St. from the LA/OC Line to Rose Dr., and Beach Blvd / Lambert Road Median Beautification Project. 7-YEAR ANNUAL RESIDENTIAL & ARTERIAL ROADWAY REHABILITATION - 2010-2018 The City of DIAMOND BAR Majdi was the Principal-in-Charge to the City of Diamond Bar for 7 years. 2010 and 2011 were awarded as separate contracts, with an additional 3-year contract awarded for 2012–2014. In 2015, the City of Diamond Bar awarded OE yet again. The project sizes and costs were: 2010: 11.8 miles of arterial & residential streets ($908 K), 2011: 19 miles of arterial & residential streets ($1.8 M), 2012: 10 miles of arterial & residential streets ($1.1 M), 2013: 13 miles of arterial & residential streets ($1.3 M), 2014: 14.5 miles of residential, arterial & collector streets ($1.8 M), 2015: 14 miles of residential, arterial & collector streets ($1.75 M) and 2016/2017: 16.6 miles of residential and collector streets ($1.58 million). The general scope of work for each year’s project included localized R&R patching, grind and overlay, cape and slurry seal, traffic loops, traffic striping, and required heavy traffic phasing and traffic control review. OE assisted the City through the project bidding phase, developing text and stipulations for the bid package to ensure contractor availability during the desired working months. Due to the proximity to freeways, OE also coordinated with Caltrans to obtain encroachment permits for the City for four of the projects, which was essential. 17300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 2PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL and RESUMES SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services QUALIFICATIONS Years of Experience 27 BS Civil Engineering - USC MSCivil Engineering - USC PMP Project Manager Professional QSD Qualified Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Developer FIELDS OF EXPERTISE ROADWAY WATER DRAINAGE ADA CURB RAMPS SEWER PARK BEAUTIFICATION BIKE LANES/TRAILS Jonathan Wu, PE, PMP, QSD City Engineer BACKGROUND Jonathan is a registered Civil Engineer with over 27 years of experience in public works. He is certified by the Project Management Institute as a Project Management Professional (PMP) and is a Qualified SWPP Developer. Jonathan has a BS and MS in Civil Engineering from the University of Southern California (USC). Jonathan has experience working for Caltrans as a Construction Manager and Resident Engineer. He also provided construction management to the Cities of Anaheim, Rancho Cucamonga, Diamond Bar, and Placentia, where he was involved in delivering multi-million-dollar CIP projects. Jonathan has also performed as interim City Engineer/Principal for the City of El Monte and City of Baldwin Park. Throughout his vast experience, Jonathan was responsible for supervising and managing the on-site construction work in accordance to the contract documents, plans, specifications, and code requirements. He was also responsible for reviewing the daily, weekly, and critical path work schedule for potential delays or conflicts and communicating any potential issues to the contractor. Jonathan also has experience with multi-agency coordination, and working with Caltrans, the County, and utility companies – to name a few. EXPERIENCE CITY ENGINEER The Cities of EL MONTE / BALDWIN PARK /HAWAIIAN GARDENSJonathan Wu performed tasks as City Engineer that included: reviewing design professional proposals to prepare project construction documents, coordinating and scheduling with staff, managing the Capital Improvement Program, overseeing the staff management through project completion, and providing analysis of requests for information, change orders, time/material verification and project closeouts. Jonathan managed the engineering operations; inclusive of budget, development and redevelopment projects, capital improvements, regulatory compliance, general and traffic engineering, utilizing the staff to complete the priority projects of the Department. He performed general engineering duties for the Cities, these included procuring design professionals to prepare project construction documents, perform plan check services, initiate construction contract procurement procedures, manage the projects to completion, provide analysis of request for information-change orders-time and material verification, and project closeout. Projects included building construction and renovation, site 18300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 2PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL and RESUMES SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services designs, integration of private development improvements, street construction, street improvements, storm drain improvements, underground water and sewer improvements, including coordinating various funding sources, regulatory compliance, and managing the engineering and field staff of the Public Works Department. STAFF AUGMENTATION AND PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES The City of DOWNEY Jonathan provided professional engineering and program management services for the City of Downey to manage the environmental, preliminary engineering, right-of-way engineering, final design and construction of capital improvement projects for the City. The tasks specifically include Planning Management, Environmental Management, Design Management, Bidding Management, and Construction Management. Planning Management encompasses providing project funding analysis for Federal, State, and Local Programs; conducting Design Scenario Analysis for roadway or drainage segments; coordinating and assessing Traffic Impact Analysis and Scenarios; conducting community coordination and public outreach activities; preparing a master project budget and schedule for active projects; preparing Requests for Proposals for design work; developing criteria for design consultant selection; evaluating design candidates and making recommendations; and preparing and reviewing contracts for selected design consultants. Environmental Management covers identifying and developing scope of work for Capital Improvement Projects; preparing RFPs for environmental, preliminary, and right-of-way engineering services; coordinating the review and evaluation of proposals for environmental, preliminary and right- of-way engineering services; administering consultant contracts related to environmental, preliminary and right-of-way engineering phases of capital improvement projects; defining a complete and detailed project description and delineate project study area that will meet needs of technical analyses and environmental documentation; coordinating legal descriptions and plat maps preparation of right-of-way acquisitions (may be required); and coordinating the preparation and completion of RFA package on federally funded projects for Caltrans. Design Management tasks include monitoring the design consultants’ plan checking with all pertinent agencies; reviewing plans and technical specifications for completeness and constructibility; preparing a master list for all plan check comments and responses; reviewing the engineer’s estimate for accuracy; providing value engineering reviews; providing reports for grant requirements; performing a pre-construction survey and preparing bidding documents; preparing necessary federal forms/reports for aut horization to proceed with Bidding. Bidding Management and Construction Management include all tasks involved in the bid process including prequalifying bidders, providing responses to RFIs, providing a bid analysis, conducting reference checks and license and insurance check on the low bidder, make a recommendation for award, prepare contract for the successful bidder, prepare necessary federal forms for authorization to proceed with construction, and then providing full construction management services including project closeout. 7-YEAR ANNUAL RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION The City of DIAMOND BARJonathan was the Construction Manager to the City of Diamond Bar on the 7-Year Annual Residential Rehabilitation Project which included annual arterial and residential roadway maintenance projects for the past 7 years. The work also encompassed curb ramp improvements citywide as part of each year’s project. The project sizes and costs were for 2011: 19 miles of arterial and residential streets at $1.8 million / 2012: 10 miles of arterial and residential streets at $1.1 million / 2013: 13 miles of arterial and residential streets at $1.3 million / 2014: 14.5 miles of residential, arterial and collector streets at $1.8 million. The general scope of work for each year’s project included localized Railroad patching, grind and overlay, cape and slurry seal, traffic loops, traffic striping, and required heavy traffic phasing, along with traffic control review. Due to the proximity to freeways, coordination with Caltrans to obtain encroachment permits on four of these projects was essential. 19300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 2PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL and RESUMES SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services Ignacio Ochoa, PE, TE, PTOE Lead Traffic Engineer & Project Manager BACKGROUND Ignacio “Nacho” Ochoa has harnessed 36 years of experience in the public works sector, starting his career off in the County of Orange as a Junior Civil Engineer. In 2007, he was appointed as County Chief Engineer and Director of the Orange County Engineering Division, and in 2012 he was chosen as Interim Public Works Director and continued to serve in both roles. During his time as the Director of Orange County Engineering/Interim Public Works Director, Ignacio managed a staff of over 1,000 employees and oversaw the design, construction, and maintenance of roads and regional flood control facilities in the County of Orange. He was responsible for an annual budget of approximately $600 million. Furthermore, he directed Orange County Flood, Orange County Inspection, Orange County Operations & Maintenance, Orange County Road, Orange County Survey and Project Management, and Orange County Watersheds. EXPERIENCE CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER The City of LONG BEACHIgnacio was the interim City Traffic Engineer in the City of Long Beach. He oversaw the Design and Construction section which is responsible for monitoring the timing of approximately 550 traffic signals citywide; preparing and reviewing design plans for roadway striping, traffic signal installations and upgrades and speed humps; and reviewing traffic control requirements for utility work. Ignacio worked closely with the Traffic Operations Division which is responsible for keeping the city’s 550 traffic signals operating 24 hours a day and the maintenance of nearly 3,600 parking meters. This division provides traffic signal maintenance and parking meter maintenance and collection support to the entire city (Belmont Shore and all the Marine Bureau area parking lots included) and the City of Seal Beach. Finally, as the City Traffic Engineer, he coordinated with the Transportation Programs Division. The Division also administers the annual Rideshare Survey required by the South Coast Air Quality Management District, to promote ridesharing and carpooling to reduce emissions in the city in particular and the Los Angeles basin in general. MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD AT SEPULVEDA WIDENING The City of MANHATTAN BEACHIgnacio was the QA/QC Manager on this project to provide design engineering services to the City of Manhattan Beach on the Manhattan Beach Boulevard and Sepulveda Boulevard Widening project. The proposed project limits include the intersection of Manhattan Beach Boulevard and Sepulveda Boulevard to accommodate dual left turn lanes in the northbound to westbound, QUALIFICATIONS Years of Experience 36 BS Civil Engineering - CSULB, 1980 PE Registered Civil Engineer #35217 TE Registered Traffic Engineer #1183 PTOE Traffic Operations Engineer FIELDS OF EXPERTISE ROADWAY WATER DRAINAGE ADA CURB RAMPS SEWER PARK BEAUTIFICATION BIKE LANES & TRAILS 20300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 2PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL and RESUMES SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services eastbound to southbound, and westbound to northbound directions. The City of Lawndale is east of the project area, the City of Redondo Beach is south of the intersection, El Segundo sits to the north, and the Pacific Ocean to the west. Commercial businesses can be found throughout the project limits. The purpose of the project is to increase the operational capabilities of the intersection. This was accomplished by adding dual left turn lanes to the westbound, northbound and eastbound lanes. Northbound and southbound Sepulveda will have five travel lanes; two left turn lanes, and three through lanes. Eastbound and Westbound Manhattan Beach Boulevard will have five travel lanes; two left turn lanes, two through lanes and one dedicated right turn lane. CITY ENGINEERING SERVICES (2015-2016) The City of WEST COVINA Ignacio was the City Engineer to the City of West Covina on an interim basis. Duties included planning, organizing, directing and coordinating the various engineering functions of the City, including design, construction, and maintenance of public works; reviewing work in progress and approving final designs, specifications, estimates, and contract documents for street, sewer, storm drain, bridge, and other projects; providing direction for the Building and Maintenance divisions; approving a variety of policy and procedure changes and revisions; participating in special projects of department; reviewing actions and effectiveness of the respective divisions; directing the preparation and maintenance of records; field notes, reports, maps, plots, deeds, benchmarks, monuments, and similar engineering information and record; directing the review and approval of final subdivision maps and improvement plans; confer with subdividers, contractors, and engineers on matters relating to subdivisions and public works design and construction; providing engineering information and advice; reviewing and approving the work of engineering consultants engaged by the City; preparing and administering the annual budget for the Public Works Department; and establishing and administering programs for the continued development of the staff. 1 million gallons per day, and the bridge deck was picked up on one end to adjust cross-fall.. ANTONIO PARKWAY AND LA PATA AVENUE WIDENING PROJECT The County of ORANGEIgnacio provided Construction Management supervision through the completion of the high-profile Antonio Parkway and La Pata Avenue Widening project. The $25 million project spanned 1.5 miles, from Ladera Ranch to 1,000 feet south of Ortega Highway, and included 900 LF of bridgework across San Juan Creek. Antonio Parkway was widened from four to six lanes—40 feet to accommodate the two additional lanes of traffic and a sidewalk on each side. Bridgework included parkway improvements, a raised median, channel bank revetment at the south abutment, compaction grouting, and structural testing. The widening of the bridge and roadway occurred simultaneously and included grading and cement-treated soil, 3,691 LF of RCP storm drain, riprap for environmentally friendly drainage filtering, dry utility installations, 4,993 PVC pipe, utility conduits, four fire hydrants, traffic signal improvements and loops, signing and striping, video detection, and a Class I designated bike lane with special bicycle signal loops. The construction also included 448 LF of CIDH pile retaining wall with 42,000 pounds of steel reinforcement. Furthermore, the project required the installation of domestic, reclaimed, and non-potable waterlines as well as sewer installation and mainline trunk rerouting. The scope also included a dewatering and effluent treatment system onsite that handled 1 million gallons per day, and the bridge deck was picked up on one end to adjust cross-fall. INTERIM DIRECTOR, ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 2012-2014 The County of ORANGEIgnacio was the Interim Director and Chief Engineer. He was responsible for a budget of approximately $600 million in 18 budgeted funds; 1,000 employees including Administrative Services, Orange County Facilities, Planning, and Engineering. Furthermore, he launched key initiatives to support department and County of Orange priorities including a Succession Development Program; Mentoring Initiative; employee driven recasting of the department’s Mission, Vision, and Values; Statement of Commitment from the leadership team to Orange County Public Works employees, Public Works Women’s Forum and instituted regular communications with staff in writing and through personal meetings. Ignacio provided key leadership role for the department and was its voice with elected officials and other agencies. 21300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 2PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL and RESUMES SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services QUALIFICATIONS Years of Experience 14 BS Civil Engineering - CSUF, 2007 PE Registered Civil Engineer #78314 PLS Professional Land Surveyor CERTIFIED QSD/QSP #00852 (prior) OCTA Certified in Pavement Rehabilitaiton Experienced SWPPP Preparer SKILLED AutoCAD & Civil3D FIELDS OF EXPERTISE ROADWAY WATER DRAINAGE ADA CURB RAMPS SEWER PARK BEAUTIFICATION BIKE LANES & TRAILS Justin Smeets, PE, PLS, QSD Project & Construction Manager BACKGROUND Justin has 14 years of experience in civil engineering design, municipal engineering and facilities design, construction management, and construction administration. Using AutoCAD Civil 3D, Justin handles managing and developing engineering plans and specifications, mapping, executing land development and grading design projects, conducting earthwork calculations, and incorporating typical designs. He is proficient in federally funded projects and familiar with the Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Justin has successfully taken multiple projects from the initial federal funding application, to the Preliminary Environmental Study, to E-76 approval, and all the way through construction of audited federally funded construction projects. He has experience managing construction projects and handles planning and running kickoff meetings with the contractor, reviewing project submittals, RFIs, CCOs, checking contractor invoices against field quantities, and coordinating daily construction details with the contractor and inspector. He has completed multiple SWPPPs and erosion and sediment control plans per the latest Construction General Permit. Justin is continuously increasing his skills in modern design software, and his knowledge of industry design standards. EXPERIENCE WALNUT STREET/SEWER MAIN INFRASTRUCTUREIMPROVEMENTS The City of WHITTIER Justin was the Project Manager for the City of Whittier for the Walnut Street Water and Sewer Main Infrastructure Improvement Project. The proposed project limits included 3,000 feet of Walnut Street, from Pickering Avenue to Painter Avenue, which consisted of commercial buildings as well as single-family and multi-family residential developments. OE removed an existing 6-inch cast iron water main and a 6-inch VCP sewer main and replaced them with 12-inch and 10-inch mains, respectively. All laterals and intersecting mains were to be reconnected and sewer manholes reconstructed. The existing PCCroadway was to be replaced from curb to curb following the replacement of the water and sewer mains. Areas of sidewalks in disrepair were to be repaired, and ramps were to be retrofitted or reconstructed as needed to meet ADA requirements. DEL AMO BOULEVARD REHABILITATION The City of CERRITOS Justin was the Project Manager for the Del Amo Boulevard, which is a major arterial oriented east/west and is used as a thoroughfare to adjacent cities. The project limits consist of a 22300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 2PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL and RESUMES SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services total of approximately 2,900 linear feet (approximately 0.55 miles) of Del Amo Boulevard between Pioneer Boulevard and Norwalk Boulevard. The project is limited to the north half of the street as the south half is under the City of Lakewood’s jurisdiction amd includeded rehabilitation of pavement, concrete removal and replacement of damaged curb, gutter and sidewalks, identifying and addressing storm water drainage concerns, reconstructing curb access ramps and driveways with the latest ADA standards, and updating signing, striping and traffic loops. Overgrown trees are present throughout the project limits and were significantly impacting roadway, sidewalk, and gutter conditions. Close collaboration with the selected landscape architect was necessary to ensure all issues regarding tree root infiltration are addressed to accommodate both the civil and landscape designs and to ensure that the City receives a cohesive package of civil, landscape, and irrigation plans. The plans also included Low Impact Development (LID) Improvements to divert urban run-off from the storm drain system. YALE AVENUE REHABILITATION PROJECT The City of IRVINEJustin acted as a Project Manager for the City of Irvine. Yale Avenue serves as a major arterial for the City of Irvine and varies between a 2-lane arterial with bike lanes to a 4-lane arterial with bike lanes and raised medians. Because of the project’s proximity to Caltrans right-of-way, traffic control through the I-5 bridge overcrossing required obtaining a Caltrans Encroachment Permit. Using a geotechnical report that identified 12 pavement borings, OE identified the best option to restore the roadway’s Pavement Condition Index (PCI) back to 100: dividing the proposed structural section into two segments. The first segment used a 2-inch mill and a 2-inch Rubberized Hot Mix Asphalt Type G (RHMA-G) overlay with full depth structural sections where the street was severely deteriorated. The second segment used a 6-inch mill and placement of 2.5 inches of RHMA-G over 4 inches of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) in the street with a 2- to 2½-inch transitional grind at the bike lanes. This also corrected ADA deficiencies for sidewalks and ramps. SKYLINE, BLUEBIRD CANYON, & SUMMIT DRIVE STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT The City of LAGUNA BEACHJustin was the Construction Manager for the city of Laguna Beach. The project limits were split into three areas: Area A (Skyline) includes 934,523 sf, Area B (Lower Bluebird Canyon) includes 158,057 sf, and Area C (Summit Drive) is 185,961 sf. The work included variable grind and overlay in some areas, and Type I Slurry Seal in other areas. There was 2,562 square feet of French Drain that was installed in Area A. A 4” drain line was connected to a catch basin in Area A as well. The specifications also called for new traffic signal poles at the Skyline Drive, Crestview Drive, and Fern Street Intersections. The project also encompassed parkway and curb and gutter improvements, signage and striping. SPRING STREET AT BELLFLOWER AND LAKEWOOD BOULEVARD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT The City of LONG BEACH Justin was the Project Manager for the City of Long Beach for two intersection widening projects along Spring Street. The first project is along Spring Street at Bellflower Boulevard and the other is along Spring Street at Lakewood Boulevard. The goal of the project was to implement congestion management and reduction strategies at these intersections to improve capacity and movement for future volumes. The project included design work for raised medians, traffic signal modifications, turn pocket extensions, utility relocation and utility adjustments. The existing conditions at the intersection of Spring Street and Bellflower Boulevard included a single left turn lane in each direction, three through lanes in each direction, and dedicated right turn pockets for all intersection legs except for the west leg. The intent at this intersection was to extend the left turn pockets for the north, east and south legs. The project also extended the southbound right turn pocket. The existing conditions at the intersection of Spring Street and Lakewood Boulevard include Dual left turn pockets in all directions, three through lanes in all directions and dual right turn lanes from southbound Lakewood Boulevard to westbound Spring Street. The future capacity required an increase in pocket lengths for the left turn pockets in each direction on Spring Street along with an increased length of the dual right turn pockets on southbound Lakewood Boulevard. 23300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 2PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL and RESUMES SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services QUALIFICATIONS Years of Experience 38 BS Civil Engineering - CSULB MA Military Science PE Registered Civil Engineer #37221 US ARMY Command & General Staff APWA Member - American Public Works Association ASCE Member - American Society of Civil Engineers NSPE Member - National Society of Professional Engineers SAME Member-Society of American Military Engineers FIELDS OF EXPERTISE ROADWAY WATER DRAINAGE ADA COMPLIANCE SEWER PARK Ludwig I. Smeets, PE Project Manager BACKGROUND Ludy has over 38 years of civil engineering experience with focus on Project Management and Construction Management. He also has experience in the design of civil engineering projects such as street, sewer, water, and storm drain projects. Ludy has management level experience working in public works departments in cities throughout Southern California. His experience includes public agency budgeting, project implementation, project design, PS&E development, contract bidding, award administration, construction management and project closure reporting. He has selected, directed and managed consultants, architects and engineers as required in order to meet public works department goals and objectives. He has supervised and trained city staff engineers and inspectors. His many responsibilities included providing project management for federal and state funded projects. EXPERIENCE TELEGRAPH ROAD & MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS The Cities of DOWNEY & PICO RIVERA Mr. Smeets provided both the plans and specifications and project construction oversight to construct a new raised median island through a segment of Telegraph Road and several areas of intersection widenings to provide traffic calming throughout this project area. Reconstruction and pavement grind and overlay was also included within this project, as well as the construction of a 1,180 linear feet of bio-swale. PROJECT MANAGER - BALL RD./SUNKIST ST. INTERSECTION & ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS The City of ANAHEIMMr. Smeets provided Project Management services to widen this city intersection for the enhancement of traffic ability through this intersection and improve access to and from the 57 freeway. This project included additional right-of-way acquisition and roadway dedication, curb realignment, pavement analysis, reconstruction, and private property on-site improvements. ORANGE AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENT The City of LONG BEACHMr. Smeets provided Design Engineering services on this capital improvement project for the City of Long Beach. The project included the design to widen and provide pavement reconstruction of 5,400 lineal feet of roadway. Several options of improvements were provided. One option was to demolish the entire PCC pavement and replace with an asphalt over an aggregate base over subgrade. The second option was to merely 24300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 2PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL and RESUMES SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services crack seal the existing PCC and add a 2.5-inch AC overlay. The third option was to crack seal the number one lane in each direction, and then grind and pave the number two and parking lane to the edge of gutter entirely throughout this nearly one-mile street segment. The third option was constructed. CITY ENGINEER - WATER FACILITIES OVERSIGHT / LANDFILL EXPANSION / CITY WATER SYSTEM REPAIR & RECONSTRUCTION The City of WHITTIER After the Whittier Earthquake, Ludy joined the City of Whittier as the City Engineer overseeing the water facilities – production wells, treatment/storage and distribution; sewer facilities (treatment and collection), and the additional task for the City’s Landfill, to include the expansion plan. During his tenure at the City, Ludy had the added responsibility for the Earthquake-Damage-Related-Improvement Projects, which included the repair of all damaged infrastructure within the city limits. In this position, he was responsible for the immediate repair and reconstruction of the city’s damaged water system. During his three years at the City of Whittier, Ludy completed all earthquake damage related improvement projects within the City of Whittier and expanded the Whittier Landfill by nearly 100 acres, thereafter leaving the public sector to join the private consulting field, once again.of improvements were provided. One option was to demolish the entire PCC pavement and replace with an asphalt over an aggregate base over subgrade. The second option was to merely crack seal the existing PCC and add a 2.5-inch AC overlay. The third option was to crack seal the number one lane in each direction, and then grind and pave the number two and parking lane to the edge of gutter entirely throughout this nearly one-mile street segment. The third option was constructed. ARTESIA BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENTS The City of LONG BEACH Mr. Smeets provided Design Management to repave, rehabilitate, and direct street reconstruction as needed throughout this arterial street segment of nearly 5,800 linear feet of Artesia Boulevard in the City of Long Beach. The roadway was both rehabilitated and reconstructed throughout this segment and included 5 major intersections. Traffic and accessibility to the adjacent businesses was a major challenge to this project. BOLSA CHICA STREET ENHANCEMENTS & IMPROVEMENTS The City of WESTMINSTER As the Project Manager, Mr. Smeets provided design plans & specifications for this 6,800 lineal feet street widening and landscaped median island construction project. This project provided for a raised, fully landscaped median island, provided drainage solutions, street pavement improvements and reconstruction, as well as restriping of the intersections to accommodate additional turning pockets and free-moving right turns. CULVER DRIVE & WALNUT AVENUE STREETS INTERSECTION STUDY The City of IRVINE Mr. Smeets provided Project Management services to coordinate the preliminary design and project report for the proposed addition of a northbound lane on Culver Drive and an eastbound lane on Walnut Avenue. The purpose of the project was to increase the intersection capacity and reduce congestion in the area. Construction was estimated to be at $3.3 million. Important elements in determining the design concepts included right-of-way acquisition, environmental study and impact report, the relocation of existing landscaping and traffic analysis. DESIGN MANAGEMENT - SAN GABRIEL BLVD. IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTY The City of SAN GABRIEL Ludy acted as the Design Management of the entire 5,800 linear feet to include 4 major intersection improvements. The scope of work involved intersection and roadway widenings, as well as pavement reconstruction, rehabilitation, and traffic signal modifications, signing and striping. 25300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 2PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL and RESUMES SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services QUALIFICATIONS 40 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE BS Civil Engineering - CPP, 1979 MA Public Administration - CSUF PE Registered Civil Engineer #34820 (member) APWA: American Public Works Association OCTATechnical Steering Committee and TAC PRESIDENT City Engineers Association-Orange County AREAS OF EXPERTISE ROADWAY WATER DRAINAGE ADA COMPLIANCE SEWER PARK BEAUTIFICATION BIKE LANES Donald Hoppe, PE Project Manager BACKGROUND Donald is a highly motivated and goal-oriented professional with experience in project and organizational management, conflict resolution, team development, critical thinking, analysis, and budgeting for the public works industry, with a record of achieving outstanding results. Donald credits his record of meeting all goals and objectives with the ability to manage multiple projects and meet deadlines to his highly organized approach and an extremely strong work ethic. This, combined with a total commitment to excellence in all facets of job assignment, enables him to operate as an effective team player, working effectively with the City council, City manager, executive directors, technical personnel, skilled and non-skilled employees, the public, and outside public agencies. These excellent communication and presentation skills, along with his aquired skills acumen, brings a trusted and effective project manager to the table. EXPERIENCE DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING - CIP PROJECTS The City of FULLERTONDonald was responsible for providing CIP projects for the City of Fullerton and the City’s former Redevelopment Agency, performed through an 8 year period. Along with an in-house staff of 40, Donald was involved in various fields of discipline, including public works design for all adopted CIP projects, construction management, water system design, NPDES compliance and monitoring, private development, public right of way interface, traffic engineering and traffic signal operations. In addition, Donald handled the City of Fullerton’s departmental coordination with the Engineering Director and the airport manager for Fullerton’s last remaining General Aviation Airport in Orange County. Donald’s part ensured sound and accurate management of the airport funds, as its operation is a primary business center on the west border of the City. Donald’s involvement included: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENTPreparing/presenting the department’s $24 million op. budget. PLANNINGCoordinating with the public infrastructure on behalf of the various private development projects and implementing the former RDA specific plan process. CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DEVELOPMENTDeveloping the City’s 5-year CIP with a typical total cost in value ranging from $25 million to $45 million. COUNCIL SUPPORT/INTERFACEAttending all City Council meetings as Director of Engineering, and providing direct support to City Council through the City Manager’s office. 26300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 2PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL and RESUMES SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services MAJOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS $29 million Community Center $12 million Library Expansion and Remodel $4 million/year Arterial and Residential Street Reconstruction $750k/year Signal Modification/Upgrades/Coordination $210 million Combined Funding for 2 Grade Separation Projects - (Acting Lead Coordinator & Oversight In Combination with OCTA.) $25 million 814 Space Parking Structure for City’s Transportation Center DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING & ACTING DIRECTOR OF MAINTENANCE The City of FULLERTON Donald held the Director I position for the City of Fullerton. His responsibilities included advising the City Council, the City Manager, and other city departments on issues pertaining to municipal maintenance, operations and capital improvements. Donald also represented the City in such matters before civic groups, the public and other agencies. Additionally, Donald served as the acting City Manager during the City Manager’s absence. In this role, Donald was responsible for planning, organizing and directing the activities of the Maintenance Services Department, the Engineering Department and the City’s Municipal Airport, and working alongside the 155 employees of the Maintenance Department. These roles included maintaining the City’s buildings, facilities, parks, trees, medians, storm drains, sewer mains, streets, alleys, sidewalks, and automotive equipment. Donald was additionally involved with the City’s enterprise fund, for the water and sewer utilities, where The Water System Manager/Deputy Director of Engineering reported to him, and directed on-going water system operations. The Engineering Division includes approximately 40 FTE’s which is a mix of professional engineers and support staff. The airport staff consists of 6 FTE’s and provides business support at the only remaining general aviation airport in Orange County and is also an independent self-supporting enterprise fund. A description of Donald’s tasks includes the following: ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENTDonald reorganized and streamlined the entire department, reducing employees from 208 to 150 without loss of productivity or customer services, saving over$1,000,000 annually. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Donald prepared, presented, and managed the department’s $19 million operating budget. The department has never overspent the budget appropriation during his time there. MANAGE FOR PERFORMANCE Donald developed and supervised an Advanced Analysis Team to conduct performance audits, productivity studies, and bench-marking programs to measure efficiency and effectiveness with both the public and private sector. His efforts won the American Society of Public Administration’s “Excellence in Local Government” award in 2000 for the Productivity Improvement Program. EMPLOYEE RELATIONS Donald reduced labor unrest and employee grievances from four per-month to an average of one per- year. He also served as a key team member for management in the labor negotiations with the Police Officer’s Association, the Police Management Association, and the Firefighter’s Association. CUSTOMER SERVICE Donald developed customer service surveys to determine citizen satisfaction with the services provided by the department both directly and indirectly. 27300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 2PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL and RESUMES SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services Frank Sanchez, PE, PMP Project Manager QUALIFICATIONS 24 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE BS Civil Engineering - CSULB, 1994 MS Civil Engineering (Construction Management) - CSULB, 1998 PLS Professional Land Surveying Course Work - Santiago Community College, 2004 PE Registered Civil Engineer #61325 AREAS OF EXPERTISE ROADWAY WATER DRAINAGE ADA COMPLIANCE SEWER PARK BEAUTIFICATION BIKE LANES FS BACKGROUND Frank has over 24 years of civil engineering experience with focus on Project Management and Construction Management. He also has experience in the design of civil engineering projects such as street, sewer, water, and storm drain projects. Frank has management level experience working in public works departments in cities throughout Los Angeles County. His experience includes public agency budgeting, project implementation, project design, PS&E development, contract bidding, award administration, construction management and project closure reporting. He has selected, directed and managed consultants, architects and engineers as required in order to meet public works department goals and objectives. He has supervised and trained city staff junior engineers. His many responsibilities included providing project management for federally funded projects, and state funded projects. He successfully administered ISTEA, SAFETEA-LU, MAP-21, HSIP and ATP Federal projects in accordance with the Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM). Frank managed the design, funding and construction of public works capital improvement projects for streets, parks, water, sewer, storm water and other public facilities. Frank has also served in one of the Cities of Los Angeles County as a FEMA Floodplain Coordinator in charge of floodplain issues, processing letters of map revision and management of the City’s participation in the Community Rate System (CRS). EXPERIENCE MORNING CANYON ROADWAY RECONSTRUCTION The City of DIAMOND BAR Frank provided construction support services to the City of Diamond Bar on the Morning Canyon Road Reconstruction Project. Morning Canyon Road is a two-lane residential road beginning at Diamond Bar Boulevard and ending with a cul- de-sac nearly 4,000 feet to the northwest. The project entailed repairs to Morning Canyon from Diamond Bar Boulevard to Stonepine Drive approximately 950 ft. due to excessive roadway damage caused by tree root intrusion. The project also includes realigning the curb and moving it 8 feet closer to the roadway centerline, resulting in the elimination of the existing parking lane, and preserving the existing trees. Furthermore, relocating the sidewalk to the new back of curb alignment, resulting in a wider parkway area being backfilled with Class A Top Soil and topped with 2 inches of mulch. Three (3) new LACPW catch basins were required to be constructed, one at the beginning of the curb re-alignment, across from Stonepine Drive, the other on the 28300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 2PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL and RESUMES SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services south side of Presado Drive and the third at the end of the curb return alignment before Diamond Bar Boulevard. The fourth catch basin located at Canyon Park Drive and Morning Canyon Road was abandoned to preserve a tree across from Canyon Park Drive. Furthermore, work included localized dig outs for specific areas affected by the tree roots with a uniform grind and asphalt overlay, and preparing striping and signage plans to encompass parking and no parking areas. PROJECT MANAGER WITH ONWARD ENGINEERING The City of REDONDO BEACH Frank served as a Project Manager in the City, to fill the need for a temporary vacancy that lasted 8 months. Frank provided the City with various roles and tasks including project management, design engineering, review of plan preparation, specification preparation, plan-checking, inspection services, construction management & support, peer review, and engineering counter work. Here is a partial list of projects that Frank worked on during his time as project manager: PCH & Torrance Boulevard Widening; Residential Street Project; Artesia/Aviation NB Right-Turn Lane Project; PCH/Torrance Northbound Right-Turn Lane; Palos Verdes WB Right-Turn Lane at PCH; Inglewood at Manhattan Beach Blvd. Southbound Right-Turn Lane Project; PCH Arterial Improvement Study Project; Improvements at 190th Street & Beryl Street. AVIATION BOULEVARD RESURFACING PROJECT - STPL FUNDED The City of REDONDO BEACH Frank was the Project Manager for the City of Redondo Beach on the federally funded street resurfacing project along Aviation Blvd. from Manhattan Beach Blvd. to Marine Ave. The project included developing the Preliminary Environmental Study (PES) and submitting it to Caltrans. The design scope included a 2” cold mill, a 5” AC removal, some areas of full depth removal and replacement, ADA improvements for curb ramps, utility cover adjustment, traffic loop replacement, and striping. During construction, the project required thorough and file management. AVENIDA DEL NORTE & RIVIERA PARKING LOT RESURFACING The City of REDONDO BEACH Frank was the Project Manager for the City of Redondo Beach on the Avenida Del Norte Resurfacing and Riviera Parking Lot Resurfacing Project from Catalina Avenue to Elena Avenue. The project included an initial field analysis and investigation of the existing failing improvements and necessary ADA upgrades. The project also required developing the plans to include pavement resurfacing, curb and gutter construction, curb ramp construction, cold milling, parking lot design analysis, pavement overlay and striping improvements. The project involved coordination with all of the surrounding adjacent businesses during construction to provide a seamless and efficient schedule and construction approach. LONG BEACH CIVIL ENGINEER The City of LONG BEACH As the City of Long Beach’s Civil Engineer, Frank was involved in all aspects of public works projects. He was responsible for increasingly complex tasks as required to meet department goals and objectives. Frank has a strong background in design and project management, prior to having the title of Civil Engineer, Frank was an Associate Civil Engineer for the City of Long Beach for one year. As such, he performed engineering tasks in the planning, design, estimating and construction of streets, utilities, park facilities, buildings and other structures in accordance with City of Long Beach standards. Prior to that he was an Assistant Civil Engineer for the City of Long Beach for two years, assisting senior engineers in the development of PS&E’s for various public works improvement. CITY OF DOWNEY SENIOR CIVIL ENGINEER The City of DOWNEY Frank functioned as the Senior Civil Engineer in charge of public works projects as related to City of Downey’s street, utility and facilities improvements. Frank managed and administered consultant contracts for design, construction inspection, materials testing, right-of-way acquisition and relocation assistance. 29300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 2PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL and RESUMES SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services Eduardo Fernandez, PE, ICBO Construction Manager QUALIFICATIONS 42 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE BS Civil Engineering - CPP, 1997 PE Registered Civil Engineer C66929 ACI Concrete Field Test Technician ICBO Concrete Building Inspector#89482 VersaCAD & InRoads Experience Fluent in English & Spanish FIELDS OF EXPERTISE ROADWAY WATER DRAINAGE ADA COMPLIANCE SEWER PARK BEAUTIFICATION BIKE LANES BACKGROUND Eduardo has more than 42 years of experience in major construction projects in both public works and private development, and 10 years of experience administrating and inspecting municipal construction projects. He is extremely familiar with the process of project management with design, construction management, and inspection. In the past he has performed duties as an Owner’s Representative, Associate Project Engineer, Senior Inspector, and Construction Supervisor earning him a diverse experience in the Civil Engineering field. Eduardo previously worked for the City of Irvine and was an Owner’s Representative, Associate Project Engineer, and Senior Inspector. During this time, he was managing all aspects of the construction project, from the pre- construction meeting to the final acceptance and accounting. Throughout his vast experience, Eduardo was responsible for supervising and managing the on-site construction work in accordance to the contract documents, plans, specifications, and code requirements. He was also responsible for reviewing the daily, weekly, and critical path work schedule for potential delays or conflicts, and communicating any potential issues to the contractor. Eduardo also has experience with multi-agency coordination, and working with Caltrans, the County, and utility companies – to name a few. Eduardo’s expertise is in Public Works capital improvement projects which includes: construction of roadways, storm drain facilities, traffic signals, streetscape, parks, and bridge structures. EXPERIENCE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES MANAGER The City of ANAHEIM Eduardo managed the Public Works Development Services Section. His responsibilities included providing engineering oversight, leadership, and personnel management for the Development Services Section and its staff. Eduardo also managed any coordination with other Public Works divisions and sections, Public Utilities, Planning, and Community Services Managers for timely review of development projects, capital improvement projects (CIP) , and permit issuance. Moreover, he supervised and directed the activities of the section such as employee selection, work assignments, performance evaluations, employee development, disciplinary action, and complaint resolution. Eduardo developed and implemented section goals, objectives, policies, budges, and priorities such as development and updates of Municipal Code, engineering procedures, standards and guidelines. He also planned, budgeted, scheduled, directed and coordinated a 30300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 2PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL and RESUMES SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services comprehensive land development engineering review and permitting program to maintain, repair, and construct the city’s infrastructure. The development projects included: highways, local streets, traffic signals, median beautification, alleys, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, waterline infrastructure, sewer line infrastructure, storm drain infrastructure, and other public facilities. Furthermore, Eduardo reviewed and approved design plans, specifications, grading, WQMPs, inspections, and approved construction. He also coordinated work with federal, state, county, city and special district agencies when necessary. A brief summary of the stakeholders Serviced while at the City of Anaheim included: - Anaheim Residents, General Public, Commuters and Business owners - - Caltrans - - Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) - - Orange County Water District - - Neighboring Cites; Yorba Linda, Placentia, Fullerton, Buena Park, Garden Grove, Orange - - Anaheim City Departments; Public Utilities, Community Services, Planning - The Irvine Company, Lennar, Brookfield Homes, Integral Communities - - AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Time Warner - - The Gas Company & Southern California Edison - NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTIAL STREETS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - PHASE I The City of ANAHEIM Eduardo was the Construction Manager for the City of Anaheim on this project which encompassed street improvements on a number of residential neighborhoods. The goal of this project was to restore surface integrity, improve the ride quality and safety of the residential streets, as well as mitigate any potential trip and fall hazards. These large-scale residential neighborhood rehabilitation projects involved parkway improvements by resurfacing the pavement, removal and replacement of ADA access ramps, sidewalk, curb, gutter, concrete aprons and cross gutters, and driveway approaches. The project limits for phase I were split into ten neighborhood areas: (1) The Biscanye Neighborhood is bound by Crestwood Lane to the north, Brookhurst St to the east, Katella Avenue to the south, and Gilbert St to the west. The scope included 109,760 sf of reconstruction and 110,483 sf of slurry seal; (2) The Academy/Bel Air Neighborhood is bound by Lincoln Avenue to the north, Dale Avenue to the east, Orange Avenue to the south, and Beach Boulevard to the west. The scope included 263,302 sf of reconstruction, 201,012 sf of slurry seal, and 4,256 sf of sidewalk; (3) The Greenleaf-Hampton Neighborhood is bound by La Palma Avenue to the north, Gilbert Street to the east, Crescent Avenue to the south, and the Anaheim City Limit to the west. The scope included 1,073,430 sf. of reconstruction, 494 tree trimmings, 15 tree removals and 75 new trees; (4) The Devonshire Neighborhood is bound by by Buckingham Street and the Riverside (91) Freeway to the north, Gilbert Street to the east, and the Santa Ana (I-5) Freeway to the south. The scope included 245,498 sf of reconstruction with a residential population of 1,551; (5) The Gaymont/Elmlawn Neighborhood is bound by Orange Avenue, Stonybrook Drive, and Ball Road to the north; Dale Avenue, Magnolia Avenue, and Gilbert Street to the east; the Anaheim City Limit to the south; and Beach Boulevard to the west. The scope included 397,521 sf of reconstruction and 201,012 sf of slurry seal; (6) The Tanglewood Neighborhood is bound by Imperial Highway to the north, Yosemite Drive to the west, Kellog to the east, and Orangethorpe Avenue to the south. The scope included 339,901 sf of reconstruction, 358,598 sf of slurry seal, 18,255 sf of sidewalk improvements. In addition, large tree removals were made for the interest of this neighborhood; (7) The Key Lane/ Westchester Neighborhood is bound by Orange Avenue to the north, Yosemite Drive to the west, Beach Blvd. to the east, and Cerritos to the south. The scope included 933,402 sf of reconstruction and 664,515 sf of slurry seal; (8) The Rowland Neighborhood is bordered by Broadway to the north, Magnolia to the east, Rowland to the south, and Kenmore to the west. The scope of work involved pavement resurfacing; (9) The Rio Bravo neighborhood is bordered by Camino Manzana, Calle Granada, and Calle Tampico to the north, Eucalyptus Drive to the east, Santa Ana Canyon Road to the south, and Via Cortez to the west. The scope of work included pavement resurfacing, as well as improvements to alley intersections and driveway approaches; (10) The Jerillee Lane neighborhood is bordered by the I-91 freeway to the north, Imperial Highway to the east, Santa Ana Canyon Road to the south, and Lakeview Avenue to the west. The scope of work included 312,892 sf of asphalt reconstruction and 63,422 sf of slurry seal. Coordinating with the local residents was essential on this project. 31300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 2PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL and RESUMES SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services Brian Elkins Construction Manager QUALIFICATIONS 18 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE BS Civil Engineering - UK, 1997 CCM Certified Construction Manager, Engineering & Management - CSULB FIELDS OF EXPERTISE ROADWAY WATER DRAINAGE ADA COMPLIANCE SEWER PARK BEAUTIFICATION BIKE LANES BACKGROUND Brian is a Highly effective and competent Construction Manager with over 18 years of hands-on experience in the public sector working for municipalities (City, County, and State Agencies). With a proven track record resulting in effective inspection of public works for dozens of high profile and complex projects, Brian is uniquely qualified in providing a full spectrum of inspection services. His experience includes supporting initial design reviews and selecting architecture and engineering design firms, assisting city councils with awards, issuing RFI field data, schedule and deviations reviews, assisting in the planning and budgeting, materials testing and interactions with community leaders and business owners. Added to Brian’s list of qualifications includes technical strengths in geotechnical engineering, construction materials testing, construction inspection and materials site studies and investigation. Brian additionally has a documented track record of maximizing performance in large budget projects with high levels of complexity, and he is consistently recognized for delivering projects on time and under budget. EXPERIENCE 2018 STREET SLURRY REHABILITATION - ZONE 10 The City of LAGUNA BEACHBrian provided his Construction Management skills on this annual rehabilitation project for the City of Laguna Beach. The project limits were in three different regions within the City: One: Canyon Acres Drive, Arroyo Drive, Woodland Drive, & Laguna Canyon Frontage Road; Two: The residential streets of Loma Terrace & Y Place in downtown Laguna Beach; Three: Streets between Thalia Street and Cress Street. Construction entailed removal and reconstruction of AC pavement, AC pavement patching, grind and overlay, miscellaneous paving on native material, removal and replacement of AC berms and curbs, weed killing and crack sealing, application of Type I slurry seal, traffic control, traffic striping, utility adjustments, and other improvements. AREA 6 RESIDENTIAL & COLLECTOR STREET SLURRY SEAL & OVERLAY REHABILITATION PROJECT The City of DIAMOND BARBrian provided Construction Management and Inspection services to the City of Diamond Bar on this Community Development Block Grant Area 6 Residential Neighborhood Improvement Project. The project limits included approximately 63,360 feet (12 miles) of residential and collector streets located within Area 6, with slurry seal and overlay work. Brian provided 32300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 2PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL and RESUMES SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services effective communication with the City, updated RFIs, Submittals, and CCO Logs, and helped ensure compliant work with the Contractor and Inspector. Brian also participated in public outreach services to the affected neighborhoods to ensure a seamless construction process and maintain a positive public outlook for the City of Diamond Bar. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION & INSPECTION SERVICES FOR SLURRY SEAL NON-ARTERIAL STREETS, ZONE B - PW 2018-05A The City of LAKE FOREST Brian provided Construction Management and Inspection services for the City of Lake Forest on the Slurry Seal Non-Arterial Streets, Zone B Project. The intent of the project was to rehabilitate several streets within the City. The Scope of Work included identifying locations for 2” grind and overlay, as well as 4” dig-outs. The remaining streets were slated for slurry seal for Zone B (non-Arterial Streets). STREET & CURB RAMPS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT The City of HERMOSA BEACH Brian provided full time Construction Management services for the City of Hermosa Beach on the Citywide Street and Curb Ramps Improvements Project. Brian also provided specific schedule information for City residents and made himself available for resident coordination with regard to access as well as any other resident coordination or project concerns. STREET CURB RAMP IMPROVEMENTS The City of SANTA MONICA Brian acted as full time Construction Manager, lending his services to the City of Santa Monica toward street and curb ramp improvements. This project consisted of the removal of existing asphalt pavement and replacement of approximately 10,000 tons of new rubberized asphalt pavement (ARHM). Construction included removal and replacement of new curb and gutters, sidewalks and ADA compliant handicap ramps and adjustment of various utility manholes in the roadways and P CC Improvements within the project limits. PAVEMENT OVERLAY & INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT The City of CULVER CITYBrian provided full time Program Management, Construction Management & Inspection Services on this $10.1 million-dollar project. The project consisted of the removal of existing asphalt pavement and replacement of approximately 10,000 tons of new rubberized asphalt pavement (ARHM). Construction will include removal and replacement of new Curb and Gutters, Sidewalks and ADA Compliant Handicap Ramps and Adjustment of various utility manholes in the roadways and PCC Improvements within the project limits. CITYWIDE STREET REHABILITATION PROJECTS The City of SEAL BEACH Brian provided full time Construction Management, Inspection and oversight for several street rehabilitation projects throughout the City of Seal Beach, totaling $6.3 million dollars. Project elements included reconstruction/rehabilitation/constructon of ADA compliant curb ramps, sidewalks, curb and gutter, traffic control, signing and striping, grind and overlay, slurry seal, and installation of water mains and storm drains. Brian’s responsibilities included verifying the completion of daily reports and that daily accounting of quantities constructed for the improvements were accurate. Brian’s oversight resulted in the success of multiple projects that were completed within budget and ahead of schedule. 8-YEARS CITYWIDE STREET REHABILITATION PROJECTS The City of COVINA Brian provided full time Construction Management and Inspection oversight for Citywide Street Rehabilitation projects throughout the City of Covina for eight years, with a total construction cost of $5 million dollars. Project elements included grind and overlay, slurry seal, installation of water mains and storm drains, and construction of ADA compliant curb ramps, sidewalks, and curb and gutter, as well as construction of PCC bus pads. 33300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 2PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL and RESUMES SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services Robert Doss Construction Manager QUALIFICATIONS 35 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE BS Civil Engineering MBA Management LICENSED Civil Engineer #31236 CALTRANS Resident Engineer & Office Engineer Academy FIELDS OF EXPERTISE ROADWAY WATER DRAINAGE ADA COMPLIANCE SEWER PARK BEAUTIFICATION BIKE LANES RD BACKGROUND Robert has more than 35 years of experience in civil engineering. As a results-oriented project manager, Robert’s strengths include strong analytical skills, proven successful negotiating, consistency in quality performance, demonstrated positive proactive actions, composure while under pressure, consistency in delivering superior service tailored to individual customer needs, superb leadership traits, organizational scheduling and planning skills, quick problem solving, work prioritizing, productivity maximization, and great foresight. He has worked in many facets of Public Works Engineering including Traffic Engineer, Project Manager, Construction Manager, City Engineer, Caltrans Resident Engineer and Public Works Director.As Construction Manager, his specific duties include managing design development and construction oversight; reviewing project plans, specifications, and cost estimates; maintaining cost and schedule control including developing and updating the master schedule; managing the bid/award process; administering consultant and construction contracts; overseeing the resident inspection team as well as materials testing and deputy inspection teams; conducting weekly progress meetings; processing and tracking project correspondence and documentation including RFI’s, submittals, shop drawings and RFQ’s; reviewing, evaluating, and negotiating construction change orders; preparing and presenting City Council and Board staff reports; facilitating work related to warranties; and managing project closeout. EXPERIENCE CITY OF STANTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTENGINEERING DEPARTMENT The City of STANTONRobert managed the Public Works Department and Engineering Department for a city with a population of 40,000. Robert directed personnel, made City Council presentations, interacted with public citizens and controlled a budget of over $12 million annually. In addition, Robert managed the construction of $16 million in capital improvement projects, including design, budgeting, and construction; the projects were completed ahead of schedule with a savings of $1 million dollars. PROSPECT AVENUE CORRIDOR ENHANCEMENT The City of SANTEERobert managed on-site construction services representing SANDAG and the City of Santee for the construction of a $12 million project to rebuild one mile of a major street, including underground utilities and new landscape improvements. The project was completed while maintaining access to local businesses and residents.. 34300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 2PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL and RESUMES SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services KNOTT AVENUE REHABILITATION The City of STANTON Robert supervised design and construction for one-half mile of major urban highway including streetscape revitalization. Knott Avenue is a major thoroughfare in the northwest Orange County area and required replacement of very old utilities under the roadway. CHAPMAN AVENUE REHABILITATION AND BEAUTIFICATION The City of STANTON Robert supervised design and construction for this one-half mile of major street rehabilitation including streetscape revitalization. This project was a prototype for all future arterials in the community, and it involved neighborhood meetings and environmental issues. SAN JOAQUIN HILLS ROAD The City of NEWPORT BEACHRobert oversaw the design and performed construction management for 1.5 miles of major arterial street improvements, including two signalized intersections in hillside terrain. This project required an additional study of sediment transport because the storm drains flowed into sensitive streets that drained directly into the ocean and provided sand to the beaches of Orange County. INTERSTATE 5 / RED HILL District 12 CALTRANS, ORANGE COUNTY, CA Acting as Resident Engineer, Robert oversaw this $20M freeway construction project, including demolition and construction of a new bridge. The project involved major night work because freeway lanes could only be closed between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. This bridge expansion was a cast-in-place concrete box girder span. STATE ROUTE 57 District 12 CALTRANS, ORANGE COUNTY, CA As the Resident Engineer, Robert oversaw this seismic retrofit project of a concrete bridge over Tonner Canyon including expansion of an existing bridge and steel casings around existing columns. This project involved environmental issues because the stream was a habitat for endangered species. STATE ROUTE 22 District 12 CALTRANS, ORANGE COUNTY, CA As the Resident Engineer, Robert oversaw this seismic retrofit project of a concrete bridge over the UPRR railroad, including expansion of an existing bridge and steel casings around existing columns. The project involved major night work because trains were constantly crossing during daylight hours. This bridge expansion was a cast-in-place concrete box girder span. STATE OF CALIFORNIA TRANSPORTATION CALTRANS, SANTA ANA, CA As the Resident Engineer, Robert managed for the construction on more than $100M worth of transportation construction projects. His responsibilities included daily coordination with contractors and inspectors on freeway projects throughout Orange County. Robert managed change orders, design revisions, and cost projections, using Caltrans standards and specifications. Most projects required federal and state funding, which involved extensive paperwork and final reports. These projects were completed on time with no construction claims. THREE-YEAR SLURRY SEAL PROGRAM The City of STANTON Robert provided construction management for 2 million square feet of slurry seal application per year over a three-year period to seal all residential and collector streets in the city. 35300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 2PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL and RESUMES SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services STAFF AUGMENTATION EXPERIENCE DOWNEY City of STAFF AUGMENTATION & PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES OE is providing the City of Downey professional engineering and program management services to administer and manage the environmental, preliminary engineering, right-of-way engineering, final design and construction of capital improvement projects for the City. The tasks specifically include Planning Management, Environmental Management, Design Management, Bidding Management, and Construction Management. Planning Management encompasses providing project funding analysis for Federal, State, and Local Programs; conducting Design Scenario Analysis for roadway or drainage segments; coordinating and assessing Traffic Impact Analysis and Scenarios; conducting community coordination and public outreach activities; preparing a master project budget and schedule for active projects; preparing Requests for Proposals for design work; developing criteria for design consultant selection; evaluating design candidates and making recommendations; and preparing and reviewing contracts for selected design consultants. Environmental Management covers identifying and developing scope of work for Capital Improvement Projects; preparing RFPs for environmental, preliminary, and right-of-way engineering services; coordinating the review and evaluation of proposals for environmental, preliminary and right-of-way engineering services; administering consultant contracts related to environmental, preliminary and right-of-way engineering phases of capital improvement projects; defining a complete and detailed project description and delineate project study area that will meet needs of technical analyses and environmental documentation; coordinating legal descriptions and plat maps preparation of right-of-way acquisitions (may be required); and coordinating the preparation and completion of RFA package on federally funded projects for Caltrans. Design Management tasks include monitoring the design consultants’ plan checking with all pertinent agencies; reviewing plans and technical specifications for completeness and constructibility; preparing a master list for all plan check comments and responses; reviewing the engineer’s estimate for accuracy; providing value engineering reviews; providing reports for grant requirements; performing a pre-construction survey and preparing bidding documents; preparing necessary federal forms/reports for authorization to proceed with Bidding. Bidding Management and Construction Management include all tasks involved in the bid process including prequalifying bidders, providing responses to RFIs, providing a bid analysis, conducting reference checks and license and insurance check on the low bidder, make a recommendation for award, prepare contract for the successful bidder, prepare necessary federal forms for authorization to proceed with construction, and then providing full construction management services including project closeout. LA PALMA City of CITY ENGINEER SERVICES (2014-2017) OE was tasked with providing a City Engineer to the City of La Palma on a part-time basis. Tasks for the City Engineer included review of design professional proposals to prepare project construction documents, coordinating and scheduling with staff, the management of fiscal year 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17 Capital Improvement Program, providing oversight of staff management of public works projects to completion, and providing analysis of requests for information, change orders, time/material verification and project 3COMPANY QUALIFICATIONS SECTION 36300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 3COMPANY QUALIFICATIONS SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services closeout. Projects included street improvements with concrete repairs and ADA improvements on local residential streets, La Palma Avenue and Valley View street improvements, Community Center Flooring, and engineered water well casing improvements. Our City Engineer also provided development review to establish project conditions of approval working with the Community Development Department on McDonald’s restaurant remodel, Centerpointe commercial development parking improvements and industrial parking/stormwater improvements including filing of environmental documentation per CEQA. Preparation and presentation of City Council staff reports and Traffic Safety Committee reports. Our City Engineer worked with staff in preparing OCTA grant funding applications for street and storm drain improvements; and documentation preparation to maintain OCTA Measure M street improvement funding. We also coordinated with the City of Cerritos for the bridge replacement project on La Palma Avenue/Del Amo Avenue Coyote Creek crossing; this project involved coordination between Orange County and Los Angeles County funding agencies, OCTA, and Metro. The City Engineer worked with staff to coordinate storm drain improvements, sewer improvements, traffic engineering services, and regulatory compliance as well as providing direct coordination with field staff of the Public Works Department WEST COVINA City of CITY ENGINEER SERVICES (2015-2016) OE was tasked with providing a City Engineer to the City of West Covina on an interim basis. Duties included planning, organizing, directing and coordinating the various engineering functions of the City, including professional engineering work as related to the design, construction, and maintenance of public works; assigning the design of projects to subordinate engineers or consulting engineers; reviewing work in progress and approving final designs, specifications, estimates, and contract documents for street, sewer, storm drain, bridge, and other projects; providing direction for the Building and Maintenance divisions; approving a variety of policy and procedure changes and revisions; participating in special projects of department; reviewing actions and effectiveness of the respective divisions; directing the preparation and maintenance of records; field notes, reports, maps, plots, deeds, benchmarks, monuments, and similar engineering information and records; directing the review and approval of final subdivision maps and improvement plans; confer with subdividers, contractors, and engineers on matters relating to subdivisions and public works design and construction; providing engineering information and advice; reviewing and approving the work of engineering consultants engaged by the City; preparing and administering the annual budget for the Public Works Department; and establishing and administering programs for the continued development of the staff. LONG BEACH City of CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER SERVICES (2015-2016) OE was tasked with providing a City Traffic Engineer to the City of Long Beach. Our City Traffic Engineer oversaw the Design and Construction section which is responsible for monitoring the timing of approximately 550 traffic signals citywide; preparing and reviewing design plans for roadway striping, traffic signal installations and upgrades and speed humps; and reviewing traffic control requirements for utility work. OE also worked with the Investigations section which is responsible for traffic safety investigations and records maintenance; conducting stop sign and traffic signal warrant studies, coordinating with Long Beach Unified School District on school traffic safety issues, periodically updating speed limit, parking and other traffic regulation issues; processing requests from constituents for parking regulations, and 37300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 3COMPANY QUALIFICATIONS SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services preparing parking regulations for oversized vehicles. Our City Traffic Engineer also worked closely with the Traffic Operations Division which is responsible for keeping the city’s 550 traffic signals operating 24 hours a day and the maintenance of nearly 3,600 parking meters. This division provides traffic signal maintenance and parking meter maintenance and collection support to the entire city (Belmont Shore and all the Marine Bureau area parking lots included) and the City of Seal Beach. Operations is also responsible for maintaining the city’s street signs, street striping and legends, red/green/white and blue curbs, and thermoplastic applications throughout the city. The Division also provides support to the Police and Fire Department; emergency response to storms and accidents, and the annual Long Beach Grand Prix. Finally, our City Traffic Engineer coordinated with the Transportation Programs Division. The Division also administers the annual Rideshare Survey required by the South Coast Air Quality Management District, to promote ridesharing and carpooling to reduce emissions in the city and the Los Angeles basin in general. LA HABRA HEIGHTS City of CITY ENGINEER SERVICES (2007-2009) OE provided a City Engineer and Engineering Support services to the City of La Habra Heights, from 2007 to 2009. In this capacity, OE was responsible for developing standard drawings, ensuring quality on all CIP projects, public coordination, presenting at City Council meetings, project management, and procuring ARRA, FHWA, and FEMA funding for various CIP projects. Support services included design, construction and project management services, construction inspection, full service plan check, and counter review services. LA HABRA HEIGHTS City of STAFF AUGMENTATION (2007-2009) OE provided Staff Augmentation services to the City of La Habra Heights, filling in for the City’s Building, Planning, and Engineering departments over a 3-year period. Among the positions we filled in was a City Engineer and Building Official. OE reviewed all improvements coming through the City, in total over 100 grading plans and over 300 building improvement plans of various levels of complexity for fiscal years 2006-2007, 2007-2008, and 2008-2009. OE additionally reviewed existing building codes, drafted new codes, ordinances, and office procedures; drafted and reviewed adoptive ordinances; and assisted in resolving legal conflicts and court cases. OE provided construction management and inspection for all CIP projects as well. SANTA FE SPRINGS City of STAFF AUGMENTATION SERVICES (2012-PRESENT) OE currently serves the City of Santa Fe Springs by providing staff augmentation services (project management, program management, design engineering, construction management, and inspection) on most the City’s Capital Improvement Program. The City had eliminated their Redevelopment Agency and the scarcity of resources has necessitated that the City bring OE onboard to manage and staff ongoing and scheduled capital improvement projects. OE is currently providing multiple Senior Project Managers to act in a multi-faceted role. 38300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 3COMPANY QUALIFICATIONS SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services FULLERTON City of STAFF TRAINING & PLAN CHECKING (2005-2007) OE provided Plan Check and Staff Training services for the City of Fullerton Engineering Department, from 2005 to 2007. OE plan-checked 52 private development and CIP projects. Projects included St. Jude Medical Building Phase 2, CVS Drug Store, Home Depot, Sam’s Club, SoCo District Improvements, and 47 additional projects. OE staff also developed plan-checking standards and trained City staff on the new plan check methods and procedures. DESIGN ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE City of STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT ALHAMBRA OE provided the City of Alhambra with Design Engineering services for the FY17-18 SB1 Street Rehabilitation Project (RFP 2M18-8). The project entails the rehabilitation of a total of approximately 21,972 feet (4.2 miles) of asphalt concrete (AC) streets located within the City limits and a small portion of street located within the City of South Pasadena. The project is financed using SB1 funds with an estimated construction budget of $954,000 Initially, the City was considering reconstruction, but the cost to rehabilitate the proposed street segments is $2,227,066 based on the reported PCIs and preferred reconstruction methods. To remain within the allotted budget of $954,000, OE prepared a cost-benefit analysis to maximize the budget while utilizing multiple rehabilitation methods. HESPERIA City of CDBG RESIDENTIAL STREET IMPROVEMENTS, C.O. NO. 7150 OE provided the City of Hesperia with Design Engineering services for the FY2018-19 CDBG Street Improvements Project. The project consists of constructing approximately 8,550 linear feet of streets. The project limits included Ash Street from Seventh Avenue to Eleventh Avenue (~2,850 linear feet), Larch Street from Seventh Avenue to Eleventh Avenue (~2,850 linear feet), and Wells Fargo Street from Seventh Avenue to Eleventh Avenue (~2,850 linear feet). The streets are located within a residential zone and are to be upgraded from dirt roadways to 26” wide asphalt concrete pavement with an inverted crown design. Additionally, all surface utility appurtenances were to be preserved/modified to accommodate the new roadways and driveways of the adjacent residences were tied into the streets. 39300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 3COMPANY QUALIFICATIONS SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services DIAMOND BAR City of 7-YEAR ANNUAL RESIDENTIAL/ARTERIAL ROADWAY REHABILITATION OE provided Management and Design Engineering services to the City of Diamond Bar on their annual arterial and residential roadway maintenance projects for an annual period of 7 years. Years 2010 and 2011 were awarded as separate contracts. The City awarded OE an additional 3-year contract for 2012– 2014. In 2015, the City of Diamond Bar awarded OE yet another annual rehabilitation project. The project sizes and costs were: 2010: 11.8 miles of arterial & residential streets ($908 K), 2011: 19 miles of arterial & residential streets ($1.8 M), 2012: 10 miles of arterial & residential streets ($1.1 M), 2013: 13 miles of arterial & residential streets ($1.3 M), 2014: 14.5 miles of residential, arterial & collector streets ($1.8 M), 2015: 14 miles of residential, arterial & collector streets ($1.75 M) and 2016/2017: 16.6 miles of residential and collector streets ($1.58 million). The general scope of work for each year’s project included localized R&R patching, grind and overlay, cape and slurry seal, traffic loops, traffic striping, and required heavy traffic phasing and traffic control review. OE assisted the City through the project bidding phase, developing text and stipulations for the bid package to ensure contractor availability during the desired working months. Due to the proximity to freeways, OE also coordinated with Caltrans to obtain encroachment permits for the City for four of the projects, which was essential. COSTA MESA City of NEWPORT BOULEVARD WIDENING IMPROVEMENT PROJECT OE is providing the City of Costa Mesa with design engineering services on the Newport Boulevard Widening Improvements Project. The project consists of widening a portion of southbound Newport Boulevard to accommodate a fourth through lane and improve its Level of Service from the current F rating (ranging from 1.10 to 1.30). The section of roadway to be enhanced extends approximately 2,700 linear feet southwest from 19th Street to the Superior Avenue turn-off located northeast of 17th Street. The project is located within Caltrans jurisdiction and requires traffic signal modifications, utility and street light relocations, and right-of-way acquisitions to accommodate the additional through lane and right-turn pockets. IRVINE City of YALE AVENUE REHABILITATION OE provided Design Engineering services to the City of Irvine on the Yale Avenue Rehabilitation project on Yale Avenue from Deerfield Avenue to the I-5 Overpass. Yale Avenue serves as a major Northeast/ Southwest arterial for the City of Irvine. This segment of Yale Avenue varies between a 2-lane arterial with bike lanes to a 4-lane arterial with bike lanes and raised medians.The limits of this project were entirely within residential neighborhoods with Heritage Park and a fire station located at the northwest corner of Yale Avenue and Walnut Avenue. The first segment from Deerfield Avenue to approximately Edgmere Avenue entailed a 2” mill and a 2” Rubberized Hot Mix Asphalt Type G (RHMA-G) overlay with some full depth structural sections where the street is severely deteriorated. The second segment of roadway from Edgmere Avenue to the I-5 Overpass required a 6” mill and placement of 2.5” of RHMA-G over 4” Hot 40300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 3COMPANY QUALIFICATIONS SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services Mix Asphalt (HMA) in the street with a 2” to 2½” transitional grind at the bike lanes. This project also corrected ADA deficiencies for sidewalks and ramps. Our design team checked for existing roadway signs and striping for compliance with both the City standards as well as the 3R federal design requirements. Another important aspect of this project was its proximity to Caltrans right-of-way. Traffic control through the I-5 bridge overcrossing required obtaining a Caltrans Encroachment Permit. LONG BEACH City of SPRING ST. AT BELLFLOWER & LAKEWOOD BLVD. INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENS OE provided the City of Long Beach with design engineering services for two intersection widening projects along Spring Street. The first project is along Spring Street at Bellflower Boulevard and the other is along Spring Street at Lakewood Boulevard. The goal of the project was to implement congestion management and reduction strategies at these intersections to improve capacity and movement for future volumes. The project included design work for raised medians, traffic signal modifications, turn pocket extensions, utility relocation and utility adjustments. The existing conditions at the intersection of Spring Street and Bellflower Boulevard included a single left turn lane in each direction, three through lanes in each direction, and dedicated right turn pockets for all intersection legs except for the west leg. The intent at this intersection was to extend the left turn pockets for the north, east and south legs. The project also extended the southbound right turn pocket. The existing conditions at the intersection of Spring Street and Lakewood Boulevard include Dual left turn pockets in all directions, three through lanes in all directions and dual right turn lanes from southbound Lakewood Boulevard to westbound Spring Street. The future capacity required an increase in pocket lengths for the left turn pockets in each direction on Spring Street along with an increased length of the dual right turn pockets on southbound Lakewood Boulevard. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT & INSPECTION EXPERIENCE RANCHO CUCAMONGA City of HERMOSA AVENUE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT OE provided inspection services to the City of Rancho Cucamonga on the Hermosa Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation project. The project limits were from Main Street to Arrow Route. The project included an Asphalt Rubber Hot Mix (ARHM) overlay, asphalt concrete pavement, cold plane, adjusting manholes, and water valve covers. It also included installing traffic signal detector loops at Hermosa and Arrow, and we installed another set of traffic signal detector loops at Feron Blvd. and Hermosa Ave. This project also required traffic control. RANCHO CUCAMONGA City of RAMONA AVENUE STORM DRAIN & REHABILITATION OE provided inspection services to the City of Rancho Cucamonga on the Ramona Avenue Storm Drain & Pavement Rehabilitation project. The project limits were from Foothill Boulevard to South of the Pacific Electrical Trail. The project included the installation of approximately 1,000 LF of 60” RCP, construction of 3 manhole structures, installation of 2 laterals and catch basins, as well as a junction structure. 41300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 3COMPANY QUALIFICATIONS SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services ANAHEIM City of NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTIAL STREETS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - PHASES I & II OE provided full Construction Management and Inspection Services for the City of Anaheim on this project which encompassed street improvements on a number of residential neighborhoods. The goal of this project was to restore surface integrity, improve the ride quality and safety of the residential streets, as well as mitigate any potential trip and fall hazards. These large-scale residential neighborhood rehabilitation projects involved parkway improvements by resurfacing the pavement, removal and replacement of ADA access ramps, sidewalk, curb, gutter, concrete aprons and cross gutters, and driveway approaches. The project limits for phase I were split into ten neighborhood areas: (1) The Biscanye Neighborhood is bound by Crestwood Lane to the north, Brookhurst St to the east, Katella Avenue to the south, and Gilbert St to the west. The scope included 109,760 sf of reconstruction and 110,483 sf of slurry seal; (2) The Academy/Bel Air Neighborhood is bound by Lincoln Avenue to the north, Dale Avenue to the east, Orange Avenue to the south, and Beach Boulevard to the west. The scope included 263,302 sf of reconstruction, 201,012 sf of slurry seal, and 4,256 sf of sidewalk; (3) The Greenleaf-Hampton Neighborhood is bound by La Palma Avenue to the north, Gilbert Street to the east, Crescent Avenue to the south, and the Anaheim City Limit to the west. The scope included 1,073,430 sf. of reconstruction, 494 tree trimmings, 15 tree removals and 75 new trees; (4) The Devonshire Neighborhood is bound by by Buckingham Street and the Riverside (91) Freeway to the north, Gilbert Street to the east, and the Santa Ana (I-5) Freeway to the south. The scope included 245,498 sf of reconstruction with a residential population of 1,551; (5) The Gaymont/Elmlawn Neighborhood is bound by Orange Avenue, Stonybrook Drive, and Ball Road to the north; Dale Avenue, Magnolia Avenue, and Gilbert Street to the east; the Anaheim City Limit to the south; and Beach Boulevard to the west. The scope included 397,521 sf of reconstruction and 201,012 sf of slurry seal; (6) The Tanglewood Neighborhood is bound by Imperial Highway to the north, Yosemite Drive to the west, Kellog to the east, and Orangethorpe Avenue to the south. The scope included 339,901 sf of reconstruction, 358,598 sf of slurry seal, 18,255 sf of sidewalk improvements. In addition, large tree removals were made for the interest of this neighborhood; (7) The Key Lane/ Westchester Neighborhood is bound by Orange Avenue to the north, Yosemite Drive to the west, Beach Blvd. to the east, and Cerritos to the south. The scope included 933,402 sf of reconstruction and 664,515 sf of slurry seal; (8) The Rowland Neighborhood is bordered by Broadway to the north, Magnolia to the east, Rowland to the south, and Kenmore to the west. The scope of work involved pavement resurfacing; (9) The Rio Bravo neighborhood is bordered by Camino Manzana, Calle Granada, and Calle Tampico to the north, Eucalyptus Drive to the east, Santa Ana Canyon Road to the south, and Via Cortez to the west. The scope of work included pavement resurfacing, as well as improvements to alley intersections and driveway approaches; (10) The Jerillee Lane neighborhood is bordered by the I-91 freeway to the north, Imperial Highway to the east, Santa Ana Canyon Road to the south, and Lakeview Avenue to the west. The scope of work included 312,892 sf of asphalt reconstruction and 63,422 sf of slurry seal. The project limits for phase II were split into three neighborhood areas: (1) The Kings Court Neighborhood is bound by Ball Road to the north, Euclid Street to the east, Katella Avenue to the south, and Brookhurst Street to the west. The scope included 1.1 million sf of grind and cap and 1.1 million sf of slurry seal; (2) The Velare Neighborhood is bound by Orange Avenue to the north, Gilbert Street to the east, Ball Road to the south, and Magnolia Avenue to the west. The scope included 260,677 sf of grind and cap and 327,499 sf of slurry seal; (3) The Sabina Neighborhood is bound by La Palma Avenue to the north, Harbor Boulevard to the east, Sycamore to the south, and the Anaheim Boulevard to the west. The scope included 152,605 sf of grind and cap, 185,494 sf of slurry seal. Coordinating with residents was essential on these projects. 42300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 3COMPANY QUALIFICATIONS SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services LAGUNA BEACH City of 2017-2019 STREET & SLURRY SEAL REHABILITATION - PHASES I, II, & III OE provided full Construction Management and Inspection Services for the City of Laguna Beach on Phases I, II, and III of this project. The project limits for Phase I (2017) were split into three areas: Area A (Skyline) included 934,523 sf, Area B (Lower Bluebird Canyon) included 158,057 sf, and Area C (Summit Drive) included 185,961 sf. The project limits for Phase II (2018) covered three different regions: Area A: Canyon Acres Drive/Arroyo Drive/Woodland Drive/Laguna Canyon Frontage Road, Area B: Residential streets in downtown (Loma Terrace, Y Place), and Area C: streets between Thalia Street and Cress Street. The project limits for Phase III (2019) included two areas, Area A: Coast Royal, and Area B: South Laguna Village. These areas are in South Laguna Beach, from the neighborhoods between West Street and 10th Avenue/Sunset Avenue. The work included variable grind and overlay in some areas, and Type I Slurry Seal in other areas. There was 2,562 square feet of French Drain that was installed in Area A. A 4-inch drain line was connected to a catch basin in Area A as well. The specifications also called for new traffic signal poles at the Skyline Drive, Crestview Drive, and Fern Street Intersections. Lastly, the project encompassed parkway and curb and gutter improvements, signage and striping. Due to the residential element involved, OE provided Web Maps and a Project Hotline for affected residents, keeping them updated and informed through out the life of the project. PICO RIVERA City of TELEGRAPH ROAD BEAUTIFICATION IMPROVEMENT - HSIP/PROP C OE provided Construction Management and Inspection services to the City of Pico Rivera on the Telegraph Road Beautification Improvements & Rehabilitation. The project limits were on Telegraph Road, between Rosemead Boulevard and Passons Boulevard and on Rosemead Boulevard between Telegraph Road and Vista Del Rosa. This high profile project was funded by the Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) and Proposition C. A portion of the project limits were in the City of Downey, and multi-agency coordination was essential for the successful completion of the project. Telegraph Road is a major residential and commercial thoroughfare running east-west. The roadway rehabilitation comprised of reconstruction of heavily deteriorated areas, including the Telegraph Road and Lindell Avenue intersection. The work also included a 2.5” grind and ARHM overlay. The project also called for curb and gutter, sidewalk, curb ramps, and landscape median improvements. The landscape component entailed fine grading, automatic irrigation installation, constructing a moisture barrier, and placement of over 16,000 tons of mulch, nearly 2,000 shrubs, 85 trees, and 50 brown trunk palms. This project was hailed as a landmark project for the City, and a ribbon cutting ceremony was held to celebrate the completion of work. DOWNEY City of GARDENDALE ST. PAVEMENT REHABILITATION-FED. NO. STPL-5334 (047) OE provided Construction Management and Inspection Services to the City of Downey for the Gardendale Street Pavement Rehabilitation Project. The project involved the reconstruction of failed pavement sections, cold-milling of the existing pavement, subgrade compaction, and construction of an asphalt pavement base course, leveling course, and rubberized asphalt overlay. The scope of work also included the installation of new fire hydrants, repairs to water mains, and water main installations through pressure testing and flushing. Concrete improvements included curbs, gutters, cross-gutter spandrels, alley approaches, cross gutters, ADA-compliant ramps, and sidewalks, as well as adjusting manholes and utility covers to grade, survey monument preservation and restoration, installation of traffic loops, signing and striping for one lane in each direction, and Class II bike lanes. The work was completed on time. 43300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 3COMPANY QUALIFICATIONS SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services City of LA HABRA Hacienda Rd. & Fullerton Rd.Realignment Project FHWA FundedCity of SANTA FE SPRINGS I-5 at Florence Ave. WideningProject CAL-TRANS City of DIAMOND BAR Chino Hills Pkwy & Chino Ave. Street Rehabilitation City of PICO RIVERA Rosemead Blvd. Rehabilitation Project BELLFLOWER Woodruff Ave. & Palo Verdes Ave. Rehabilitation City of DOWNEY Gardendale St. Pavement Rehabilitation Project City of Bellflower Blvd. & Woodruff Ave. Rehabilitation City of REDONDO BEACH Aviation Blvd.Rehabilitation Project STPL Funded OE has provided Design and Construction support services on several Federally Funded projects, including ARRA, FHWA, and CDBG projects, and projects requiring Caltrans coordination. We know the District 7 Caltrans office and we guarantee Caltrans LAPM compliance on any project. City of CERRITOS Studebaker Rd. StreetImprovements City of LYNWOOD Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.Rehabilitation Project City of LA HABRA La Habra Blvd. Rehabilitation Project City of SANTA MONICA Lincoln Blvd. PavementRehabilitation City of NORWALK Bus Shelter ReplacementProject City of LYNWOOD Otis St. ImprovementsProject City of IRVINE Red Hill Ave. Pavement Rehabilitation Project City of LA HABRA Hacienda Rd. & Fullerton Rd.Realignment Project City of LA MIRADA Adelfa, Foster, MarquadtRehabilitation Projects ARRA Funded TORRANCE Sidewalk Repair I-135 Handicap Accessibility City of City-Wide Bus Stop Accessibility Improvement City of PLACENTIA Sidewalk/Pedestrian Accessibility (Phase II COMMERCE Bristow Park Neighborhood Rehabilitation City of COSTA MESA Bay St. & Ford Rd. Alley Reconstruction City of Rosini & Rosewood Neighborhood Rehabilitation City of REDONDO BEACH Citywide Curb Ramp Improvements (Phase III) City of HAWAIIAN GARDENS 2011-2012 Residential Rehabilitation Project City of LAKE FOREST ADA Access Ramp Improvements Phase 7 CDBG Funded City of COSTA MESA Placentia Ave. Median Installation & Landscaping City of PICO RIVERA Telegraph Rd. NeighborhoodBeautification/Rehabilitation HSIP Funded Federal City of COMMERCE City-Wide Bus Stop Replacement Project FTA/TDA Funded ARHP Funded OE’s 3 UNIQUE APPROACHES 1 Our cost control, scheduling, execution, and monitoring the cost, schedule, and performance. 2 Emphasis in exercising safety, quality, and open lines of communication with the City staff and the public. 3 Knowledge in Caltrans, Federal Funding and coordination. FEDERAL FUNDING & STATE CALTRANS EXPERIENCE 44300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 3COMPANY QUALIFICATIONS SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services (714) 765-6935 klambaz@anaheim.net 200 S Anaheim Blvd, Anaheim, CA 92805 KAL LAMBAZ Project Manager (now in the City of Pico Rivera) (562) 801-4965 mheredia@pico-rivera.org 6615 Passons Boulevard Pico Rivera, CA 90660 MONICA HEREDIA, PE Deputy Director & City Engineer ALVIN PAPA City Engineer (562) 570-6386 alvin.papa@longbeach.gov 333 W Ocean Boulevard, Long Beach, CA 90802 (now in the City of Fontana) (909) 350-7632 kyoung@fontana.org 16489 Orange Way, Fontana, CA 92335 KIMBERLY YOUNG Assistant City Engineer (626) 570-5062 scamorlinga@cityofalhambra.org 111 S. First Street, Alhambra, CA 91801 STEPHANIE CAMORLINGA Engineering Associate 4REFERENCES SECTION for the 45300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services 4REFERENCES SECTION GEOMAT Inc. offers a comprehensive range of services in geotechnical engineering and the testing of construction materials. The firm’s technical staff is trained in various aspects of soil and rock sampling and testing of construction materials both in the field and laboratory. Their team includes civil/geotechnical/ structural engineers, geologists/engineering geologists and stormwater quality professionals All project managers at GeoMat are California Registered Civil and/or Geotechnical Engineers with professional engineering experience concentrated in soil/geotechnical engineering design and material testing. GeoMat’s personnel have tested concrete for all types of projects. These projects include buildings, roads, bridges, tunnels, airports, utilities, and convention centers, to name a few. GeoMat’s certified inspectors are able to evaluate concrete to ensure compliance with contract design and specifications using modern testing equipment and procedures. Geotechnical Services Haytham Nabilsi, PE Project Manager P: (951) 688.5400F: (951) 688.5200 9980 Indiana Ave. Suite 14 Riverside, CA. 92503 CL SURVEYING & MAPPING is a Certified DBE, MBE and SBE Land Surveying Firm. Their team of surveyors provide clients the most cost efficient, professional and personalized services in the industry. Their Principals are all experienced, licensed land surveyors and are signatory to the labor agreement with the Operating Engineers Local 12. This provides access to a pool of surveyors to staff any size project. Working with clients in the Public and Private sector, they prepare Records of Survey, Parcel Maps and Parcel Map Exemption Applications (Lot Line Adjustments), Tract Maps, & Legal Descriptions and ALTA Surveys. Topographic Surveying Lam LeProfessional Land Surveyor P: (909) 484.4200F: (909) 484.4229 1269 Pomona Rd. Suite 108Corona, CA 91710 ECORP CONSULTING Inc. is a California “S” Corporation that specializes in assisting government agencies and private clients with a wide range of environmental services including technical expertise in land use planning; biological, cultural, and water resources; and regulatory compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Clean Water Act, federal and state Endangered Species Acts, NHPA, and other laws and regulations. ECORP provides support over the life of a project, from initial baseline studies; to environmental planning, documentation, and review; permit negotiation, liaison with resource agencies, and mitigation design; and through to construction supervision, monitoring, and compliance reporting. ECORP is a Federal Small Business. Environmental Consulting Jesus “Freddie” OlmosSr. Environmental Scientist P: (714) 648.0630F: (714) 648.0935 1801 Park Court Place. Bld. B, Ste. 103Santa Ana CA. 92701 SITIO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Inc. is a collection of designers, trades and supporters focused on applying the principles of landscape architecture to outdoor design at all scales, each providing their talents and time to build a company that reflects their professional goals. Sitio’s designers have worked on a variety of project types with other landscape architecture firms, past and present, and their success is rooted in their professional relationships. Private residential, public parks, multi-family housing, master planned communities, municipality projects, education, medical and religious campuses, commercial and retail centers, and complete streets initiatives are all within their capabilities and can be developed from the schematic phase, through concept planning and on to construction documentation. Sitio also provides landscape construction administration. Landscape Architect, Pablo Cortez (PLA# 6373) leads Sitio with his own varied experience and organizational skills to help design and create living, vibrant outdoor spaces. Landscape & Architecture Pablo CortezPresident & Principal Architect P: (657) 217.6169pcortez@sitioila.com 323 N. Resh StreetAnaheim, CA 92805 for the 46300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services 4REFERENCES SECTION Andy Bui, PE Project Engineer QUALIFICATIONS 21 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE BS Civil Engineering - CSULB, 1998 BS Construction Engineering -University of Technology, 1991 PE Registered Civil Engineer #78996 PMP Project Management Training OSHA 30 hrs. Construction Safety & Health Training Certified MicroStation/Inroads Suite Training CERTIFIED AutoCAD & Civil3D-Westech College FIELDS OF EXPERTISE ROADWAY WATER DRAINAGE ADA COMPLIANCE SEWER PARK BACKGROUND Andy has developed 21 years of experience in Civil Engineering design, development, preparation and coordination for roadway and sewer, water, rough and precise grading and storm drain improvement plans, hydrology studies, and storm water data reports. He has a working knowledge in serving the Public Works sector in traffic and transportation Capital Improvement Projects (CIP), and the private sector working on civil-site and mixed- use development projects. His experience further extends to public and private roadway, highway and freeway interchange infrastructure design, transportation and traffic operations management engineering, and in meeting compliance with Caltrans, Private and Local Agencies Standards and Specifications (LAPM). He has performed engineering construction support services for CIP project design, worked in traffic modifications, and executed utility coordination design with CPUC. He is also well versed in the planning and processing of Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E) along with design and-build construction plans delivery, and he is proficient with the design standards and requirements for Local Public Works, Caltrans, Metro, and State Agencies. Andy also holds an expansive skill set in Civil Engineering Software Design Infrastructure, Architecture and Structure plans, AutoCAD and Civil 3D software. EXPERIENCE TRAFFIC ENGINEERING ROADWAY, HIGHWAY, & FREEWAY DESIGN CALTRANS, PRIVATE & PUBLIC (CIP) Andy performed Design Engineering services on private agencies, CIP Public Works and oversight State Caltrans land development projects. The work involved roadway widening and rehabilitation, streetscape design, and prepared traffic management plan studies for intersection geometrics, lighting and sign illumination and signal plans and PS&E preparation, striping modifications. Andy performed calculations for overhead sign structure and roadside sign design, completed PD, HOV lanes, FasTrak lanes, construction area sign plans and GAD plans design, and design-build and PS&E. For staging constructions, Andy prepared traffic control and traffic handing plans, and he prepared closure and detour plans for signing and striping.. FY 17-18 SB1 STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT The City of ALHAMBRAAndy provided the City of Alhambra with Project Engineering services for the FY17-18 SB1 Street Rehabilitation Project (RFP 2M18-8). The project entails the rehabilitation of a total of approximately 47300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services 21,972 feet (4.2 miles) of asphalt concrete (AC) streets located within the City limits and a small portion of street located within the City of South Pasadena. The project is financed using SB1 funds with an estimated construction budget of $954,000 Initially, the City was considering reconstruction, but the cost to rehabilitate the proposed street segments is $2,227,066 based on the reported PCIs and preferred reconstruction methods. To remain within the allotted budget of $954,000, OE prepared a cost-benefit analysis to maximize the budget while utilizing multiple rehabilitation methods. WALNUT STREET & SEWER MAIN INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS The City of WHITTIERAndy was a Project Engineer for the City of Whittier. The proposed project limits included 3,000 feet of Walnut Street, from Pickering Avenue to Painter Avenue, which consisted of commercial buildings as well as single-family and multi-family residential developments. OE removed an existing 6-inch cast iron water main and a 6-inch VCP sewer main and replaced them with 12-inch and 10-inch mains, respectively. All laterals and intersecting mains were to be reconnected and sewer manholes reconstructed. The existing PCCroadway was to be replaced from curb to curb following the replacement of the water and sewer mains. Areas of sidewalks in disrepair were to be repaired, and ramps were to be retrofitted or reconstructed as needed to meet ADA requirements. CAMERON AVENUE SEWER REHABILITATION PROJECT The City of WEST COVINAAndy performed Project Engineering services for the City of West Covina on the Cameron Avenue Sewer Main Rehabilitation Project. This project upgraded the sewer main on Cameron Avenue between Citrus Street and 750 feet east of Inman Road. The improvements, classified High Priority by the City’s Sewer System Management Plan, entailed upsizing the 10-inch sewer main to a 15-inch vitrified clay pipe using the pipe bursing method. Six manholes and approximately 27 laterals were part of the project, and alignment of the sewer was about 10 feet south of the centerline. The sewer main was connected to a 10-inch Los Angeles County line about 200 feet west of Citrus Avenue. OE contacted the County to recommend expediting its upgrade so all work could be done at once. RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL & RETAIL LAND & SEWER DEVELOPMENT DESIGN & PS&E The Cities of IRVINE, LAKE FOREST, PALM DESERT, MORENO VALLEYAs a Senior Project and Design Engineer, Andy performed design services for a variety of land development projects. His responsibilities included street, sewer, water and storm drain improvements plans, as well as rough and precise grading plans and preparing PS&E. Andy’s tasks included Tram Station (LRT) civil site design (Depot Layout), QA/ QC and constructability plans review integration with roadway improvements, grading for ADA compliance, drainage and associated landscaping urban infrastructure design for a planned project in LA. Andy also performed feasible studies and developed the design plans and preparations for tentative maps, improvement plans on street grading and drainage, site development, sewer and water for various master planned community, condominium and single family subdivision projects for the Cities of Irvine, Lake Forest, Palm Desert, Palm Springs, Coachella Valley, Beaumont, Moreno Valley, and the Coutnies of Riverside and San Bernardino. INGLEWOOD AVE. AT MANHATTAN BEACH BLVD. WIDENING The City of REDONDO BEACH Andy is providing full Project Engineering services for the City of Redondo Beach. In addition to Design Engineering services, OE has assembled a team that can complete environmental analyses, environmental, and right-of-way appraisal and acquisition services. The proposed project limits include the intersection of Inglewood Avenue and Manhattan Beach Boulevard. The southbound lanes of Inglewood Avenue, north of Manhattan Beach Boulevard, currently consist of one left turn lane, two through lanes, and a right turn lane which operate at LOS E in the AM and LOS F in the PM. The purpose of the project is to increase the operational capabilities of the intersection. This is accomplished by adding a dedicated right-turn lane on southbound Inglewood Avenue to increase the through traffic to three lanes. 48300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services Rashid Syed Project Engineer QUALIFICATIONS 35 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE BS Civil Engineering - Hyderabad Polytechnic BA Public Administration- CSULB MPA Masters in Public Administration - CSULB FIELDS OF EXPERTISE ROADWAY WATER DRAINAGE ADA COMPLIANCE SEWER PARK BEAUTIFICATION BIKE LANES BACKGROUND Rash possesses over 35 years of solid experience in the public works sector. Rash has a wide range of experience on a variety of Inspection and Construction Management projects. As an Associate Engineer, he provided public agencies with various tasks including design engineering, plan preparation, specification preparation, plan-checking services, inspection services, Construction Management and support, peer review, stakeholder coordination, public outreach, and staff support. He is proactive in identifying potential obstacles before they occur. Rash has successfully taken multiple projects from the initial Federal funding application, to the Preliminary Environmental Study, to E-76 approval, and all the way through construction of audited Federally Funded construction projects. EXPERIENCE TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATION PROJECTS The City of CERRITOS Rash served as the Construction Inspector on multiple traffic signal improvements in the City of Cerritos including: Gridley Road / Target Development, Del Amo Boulevard / State Road, South Street / Shoemaker Road, Del Amo Boulevard / South Street, Studebaker Road / Senior Housing, Bloomfield Avenue / Del Amo Boulevard. ROSECRANS AVENUE AT PURCHE AVENUE TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION PROJECT The City of CERRITOS Rash served as a Construction Inspector for the Carmenita Road reconstruction project. The project limits were from Artesia Boulevard to Alondra Boulevard. The scope of the work included removing and replacing damaged asphalt pavement, removing and replacing the damaged curb and gutter, and grind and overlay of the existing street. The project also required traffic striping and traffic control. The approximate construction cost was $529,000. ARTESIA BOULEVARD RECONSTRUCTION (PHASE II) The City of CERRITOS Rash served as Construction Inspector on this project on Artesia Boulevard from Clarkdale Avenue to Norwalk Boulevard. This project was a multi-agency project with the City of Artesia. It was fully funded by the City of Cerritos, but the westerly boundary joined with the City of Artesia. Rash worked with the City of Artesia from beginning till end to obtain approval. The scope of the work included grind and overlay. 49300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services ARTESIA BOULEVARD RECONSTRUCTION (PHASE I) The City of CERRITOS Rash served as Construction Inspector on this project on Artesia Boulevard from Carmenita to Bloomfield Avenue. During the design phase, Rash was involved in selection of the consultant, and managing the design. He was the Construction Manager and inspector on this project. The work include rehabilitation using Asphalt Rubber Hot Mix. CARMENITA ROAD RECONSTRUCTION (PHASE II) The City of CERRITOS Rash served as a Construction Inspector for the Carmenita Road reconstruction project. The project limits were from Artesia Boulevard to South Street. This street had existing median islands. The median curb was uplifted. The scope of the work included removing and replacing the uplifted median curb, damaged asphalt pavement, removing and replacing the damaged curb and gutter, and grind and overlay of the existing street. The project also required traffic striping and traffic control. Rash also managed the project design phase, including project design review during the design phase. SKYLINE/BLUEBIRD CANYON/SUMMIT DR. REHABILITATION The City of LAGUNA BEACH Rash provided inspection services for the city of Laguna Beach. The project limits were split into three areas: Area A (Skyline) includes 934,523 sf, Area B (Lower Bluebird Canyon) includes 158,057 sf, and Area C (Summit Drive) is 185,961 sf. The work included variable grind and overlay in some areas, and Type I Slurry Seal in other areas. There was 2,562 square feet of French Drain that was installed in Area A. A 4” drain line was connected to a catch basin in Area A as well. The specifications also called for new traffic signal poles at the Skyline Drive, Crestview Drive, and Fern Street Intersections. The project also encompassed parkway and curb and gutter improvements, signage and striping. PARKS CONSTRUCTION The City of CERRITOS While at Cerritos, Rash provided inspection services for multiple park projects within the City. These ranged from large 25 acre parks with community centers, sports complexes with multiple play areas, and small community pocket parks. Some of the parks in which Rash provided Inspection services include: Cerritos Park East (32 acres) Heritage Park (15 acres) Liberty Park (34 acres) Bettencourt Park (2.5 acres) HIDDEN CREEK, MOORE STREET, AND ARTHUR PLACE INDUSTRIAL AREA The City of CERRITOS These streets are located in the industrial area of the City. Rash managed the design and then provide inspection on the project. This required heavy coordination with the property owners. The scope of the work included, removing and replacing the damaged AC areas, removing and replacing of damaged curb and gutter, and sidewalk. 183RD STREET RECONSTRUCTION The City of CERRITOS Rash served as Construction Inspector on this project on Artesia Boulevard from Carmenita to Bloomfield Avenue. During the design phase, Rash was involved in selection of the consultant, and managing the design. He was the construction manager and inspector on this project. The work include rehabilitation using Asphalt Rubber Hot Mix. 50300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services Steve MacBride Project Engineer QUALIFICATIONS 26 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AADEGREE Drafting Technology- Alfred College CERTIFIED AutoCAD & Civil3D FIELDS OF EXPERTISE ROADWAY WATER DRAINAGE ADA COMPLIANCE SEWER PARK BEAUTIFICATION BIKE LANES BACKGROUND Steven MacBride has garnered 26 years of experience in Project Engineering and as a Project Engineer for OE, he is responsible for performing and coordinating detailed designs on arterial roadways, utility coordination for major relocations on high profile projects and assisting in coordination efforts on multiple projects. In Addition, Steven has an extensive knowledge of AutoCAD, and is certified in Civil 3D. EXPERIENCE DEL AMO BOULEVARD ROADWAY REHABILITATION The City of CERRITOS Steven was the Project Engineer for Del Amo Boulevard, a major arterial oriented east/west and is used as a thoroughfare to adjacent cities. The project limits consist of a total of approximately 2,900 linear feet (approximately 0.55 miles) of Del Amo Boulevard between Pioneer Boulevard and Norwalk Boulevard. The project is limited to the north half of the street as the south half is under the City of Lakewood’s jurisdiction. The project requirements included rehabilitation of pavement, concrete removal and replacement of damaged curb, gutter and sidewalks, identifying and addressing storm water drainage concerns, retrofitting or reconstructing curb access ramps and driveways with the latest ADA standards, and updating signing, striping and traffic loops. Overgrown trees are present throughout the project limits and were significantly impacting roadway, sidewalk, and gutter conditions. Close collaboration with the selected landscape architect was necessary to ensure all issues regarding tree root infiltration are addressed to accommodate both the civil and landscape designs and to ensure that the City receives a cohesive package of civil, landscape, and irrigation plans. The plans also included Low Impact Development (LID) Improvements to divert urban run-off from the storm drain system. CAMERON AVENUE SEWER REHABILITATION PROJECT The City of WEST COVINASteve performed Project Engineering services for the City of West Covina on the Cameron Avenue Sewer Main Rehabilitation Project. This project upgraded the sewer main on Cameron Avenue between Citrus Street and 750 feet east of Inman Road. The improvements, classified High Priority by the City’s Sewer System Management Plan, entailed upsizing the 10-inch sewer main to a 15-inch vitrified clay pipe using the pipe bursing method. Six manholes and approximately 27 laterals were part of the project, 51300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services and alignment of the sewer was about 10 feet south of the centerline. The sewer main was connected to a 10-inch Los Angeles County line about 200 feet west of Citrus Avenue. OE contacted the County to recommend expediting its upgrade so all work could be done at once. ALTON PARKWAY LEFT TURN LANE The City of IRVINESteve provided Project Engineering services to the City of Irvine on this project to add a left-turn lane on Alton Parkway into the south entrance of the Irvine Civic Center. The project limits were on Alton Parkway between Harvard Avenue and Murphy Avenue. The roadway previously had a median on Alton Parkway from Harvard Avenue, stopping just shy of Murphy Avenue. The median was mixed landscape and hardscape (hardscaping across the bridge), with access points for Orange County Flood Control District north and south of the San Diego Creek overpass. The project called for removing the hardscaped median on the existing bridge deck and designing a different hardscape median to accommodate a left turn lane into Irvine Civic Center. The left turn lane was 220 feet in length with a 90-foot taper. The scope of work also entailed constructing new curbs, asphalt patching, and irrigation/landscaping modifications including replacing new roadway signs, legends and striping. OE also evaluated and addressed drainage issues created by the proposed left turn lane. The construction contract was in the amount of $223,831.46. Work was completed in January 2015, 10 days ahead of schedule, and with no change orders during construction. BERRY STREET & IMPERIAL HIGHWAY SEWER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT The City of BREASteve was a Project Engineer for this Sewer Main Replacement Project in the City of Brea. The project spanned 3,000 LF from Lambert Road to Imperial Highway (within Caltrans right-of-way), and on Imperial Highway from Berry Street to the Orange County flood control channel. This project required the coordination of with Union Pacific Rail Road (UPRR) and filing for a Caltrans encroachment permit, due to the segment within Caltrans right-of-way. The design of this project was split in two phases in order to accelerate the portion on Lambert Road where a roadway overlay was separately planned. The ultimate design included the installation of 100’ of 10” VCP, 2,570’ of 12” VCP, 300’ of 15” VCP and a total of 15 new manholes. Special sewer bypass designs were required at the railroad crossings in order to maintain railroad access at all times. OE also coordinated utility relocations for Chevron Oil AT&T, and Water Department & Storm Drain lines which were in conflict with the proposed line. In an effort to avoid future maintenance and access issues, a new alignment was proposed for the sewer main that would avoid encroachment in Caltrans Right of Way. 7-YEAR ANNUAL RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION PROJECT The City of DIAMOND BARSteve provided Project Engineering services to the City of Diamond Bar. Years 2010 and 2011 were awarded as separate contracts. The City awarded OE an additional 3-year contract for 2012–2014. In 2015, the City of Diamond Bar awarded OE yet another annual rehabilitation project. The project sizes and costs were: 2010: 11.8 miles of arterial & residential streets ($908 K), 2011: 19 miles of arterial & residential streets ($1.8 M), 2012: 10 miles of arterial & residential streets ($1.1 M), 2013: 13 miles of arterial & residential streets ($1.3 M), 2014: 14.5 miles of residential, arterial & collector streets ($1.8 M), 2015: 14 miles of residential, arterial & collector streets ($1.75 M) and 2016/2017: 16.6 miles of residential and collector streets ($1.58 million). The general scope of work for each year’s project included localized R&R patching, grind and overlay, cape and slurry seal, traffic loops, traffic striping, and required heavy traffic phasing and traffic control review. OE assisted the City through the project bidding phase, developing text and stipulations for the bid package to ensure contractor availability during the desired working months. Due to the proximity to freeways, OE also coordinated with Caltrans to obtain encroachment permits for the City for four of the projects, which was essential. 52300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services Ryan Dennis Project Engineer QUALIFICATIONS 14 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE BS Civil Engineering - University of Calgary, 2005 MINOR Environmental Engineering-University of Calgary, 2005 PE Registered Civil Engineer, APEGA CERTIFIED AutoCAD & Civil3D FIELDS OF EXPERTISE ROADWAY WATER DRAINAGE ADA COMPLIANCE SEWER PARK BEAUTIFICATION BIKE LANES BACKGROUND As a Project Engineer for OE, Ryan leads the design team by performing and coordinating detailed designs on public works projects. Ryan has over 14 years of experience. He received his degree in Civil & Environmental Engineering from the University of Calgary and is a Registered Civil Engineer in Albert, Canada. He possesses an ability to produce drawings, layouts, sketches, maps, and graphic representations of engineering designs. He also has extensive knowledge of AutoCAD Civil 3D. Ryan provides support during the overall engineering and design effort. EXPERIENCE WALNUT STREET & SEWER MAIN INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS The City of WHITTIER Ryan performed as Project Engineer for the City of Whittier for the Walnut Street Water and Sewer Main Infrastructure Improvement Project. The proposed project limits included 3,000 feet of Walnut Street, from Pickering Avenue to Painter Avenue, which consisted of commercial buildings as well as single-family and multi-family residential developments. OE removed an existing 6-inch cast iron water main and a 6-inch VCP sewer main and replaced them with 12-inch and 10-inch mains, respectively. All laterals and intersecting mains were to be reconnected and sewer manholes reconstructed. The existing PCCroadway was to be replaced from curb to curb following the replacement of the water and sewer mains. Areas of sidewalks in disrepair were to be repaired, and ramps were to be retrofitted or reconstructed as needed to meet ADA requirements. RESIDENTIAL STREET REHABILITATION & ANNUAL WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT The City of LA HABRA Ryan was a Project Engineer for the City of La Habra. The project spanned an 8-centerline-mile area. The scope of work included field surveying the existing roadway surfaces, curb & gutter, and gathering locations for all surface utilities to be adjusted or protected, as well as determining the pavement treatments on each stretch of roadway. The project involved reconstructing 1,440 LF of curb and gutter, 10 curb ramps, 7,645 SF of 6-inch pavement reconstruction, 900 tons of asphalt reconstruction, and 1,100 tons of slurry seal. In addition to the roadway resurfacing, the project also involved replacing 1,200 LF of water main along with valve and service replacements at various locations. 53300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services CAMERON AVENUE SEWER REHABILITATION PROJECT The City of WEST COVINARyan performed Project Engineering services for the City of West Covina. This project upgraded the sewer main on Cameron Avenue between Citrus Street and 750 feet east of Inman Road. The improvements, classified High Priority by the City’s Sewer System Management Plan, entailed upsizing the 10-inch sewer main to a 15-inch vitrified clay pipe using the pipe bursing method. Six manholes and approximately 27 laterals were part of the project, and alignment of the sewer was about 10 feet south of the centerline. The sewer main was connected to a 10-inch Los Angeles County line about 200 feet west of Citrus Avenue. OE contacted the County to recommend expediting its upgrade so all work could be done at once. FY 2017-18 SB1 STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT The City of ALHAMBRARyan provided the City of Alhambra with Project Engineering services for the FY17-18 SB1 Street Rehabilitation Project (RFP 2M18-8). The project entails the rehabilitation of a total of approximately 21,972 feet (4.2 miles) of asphalt concrete (AC) streets located within the City limits and a small portion of street located within the City of South Pasadena. The project is financed using SB1 funds with an estimated construction budget of $954,000 Initially, the City was considering reconstruction, but the cost to rehabilitate the proposed street segments is $2,227,066 based on the reported PCIs and preferred reconstruction methods. To remain within the allotted budget of $954,000, OE prepared a cost-benefit analysis to maximize the budget while utilizing multiple rehabilitation methods. GREENSTONE PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT The City of SANTA FE SPRINGSRyan was the Project Engineer for the City of Santa Fe Springs. The project limits were Lakeland Avenue to Sunshine Ave and Sunshine Avenue from Greenstone to Shoemaker Avenue. The surrounding business included heavy commercial and industrial with mostly large truck traffic. The existing roadway was severely distressed asphalt that had alligator cracking throughout the roadway. Working with the city we came up with an alternative approach to give this roadway extended life. The method of reconstruction we used was Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC). Since we knew that we didn’t want to impact the businesses, then this method drastically reduces the cure time of traditional concrete down to hours instead of days. It uses a machine similar to an asphalt paving machine in order to place a low slump concrete that is then compacted with a roller. This method lowers the downtime for residents and businesses and because it uses paving machines then it can be completed quickly and at a much lower cost per square foot.The scope of work included 317,500 square feet of pavement reconstruction, 1,270 lineal feet of curb reconstruction, 2,700 square feet of sidewalk reconstruction, 1,510 square feet of cross gutter reconstruction, 6,800 square feet of driveway reconstruction and 26 manhole adjustments along with various other items of work. DEL AMO BOULEVARD PAVEMENT REHABILITATION The City of CERRITOSRyan was the Project Engineer for the Del Amo Boulevard Project. Del Amo Boulevard is a major arterial oriented east/west and is used as a thoroughfare to adjacent cities. The project limits consist of a total of approximately 2,900 linear feet (approximately 0.55 miles) of Del Amo Boulevard between Pioneer Boulevard and Norwalk Boulevard. The south half is under the City of Lakewood’s jurisdiction. Requirements included rehabilitation of pavement, concrete removal and replacement of damaged curb, gutter and sidewalks, identifying and addressing storm water drainage concerns, retrofitting curb access ramps with the latest ADA standards, and updating signing, striping and traffic loops. Close collaboration with the selected landscape architect was necessary to ensure all issues regarding tree root infiltration are addressed to accommodate both the civil and landscape designs and to ensure that the City receives a cohesive package of civil, landscape, and irrigation plans. The plans also included Low Impact Development (LID) Improvements to divert urban run-off from the storm drain system. 54300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services Dayton Lowe Project Engineer QUALIFICATIONS 18 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE COURSEWORK Civil Engineering Technology & Construction Management- Broward University OCTA Certified for Pavement Rehabilitaiton ConstructionSupport Experience CERTIFIED AutoCAD & Civil3D FIELDS OF EXPERTISE ROADWAY WATER DRAINAGE ADA COMPLIANCE SEWER PARK BEAUTIFICATION BIKE LANES BACKGROUND As a Project Engineer for OE, Dayton performs and coordinates detailed designs on arterial roadways, utility coordination for major relocations on high profile projects and assistance in coordination efforts on multiple projects. He possesses an ability to produce drawings, layouts, sketches, maps, and graphic representations of engineering designs. He also has extensive knowledge of AutoCAD, Autodesk Civil 3D, Eagle Pointe Civil package and others. Dayton provides support during the overall engineering and design effort, including the preparation of design drawings and calculations. He is experienced in developing residential, commercial, and industrial conceptual site plans from the preliminary phase to final construction documents; knowledgeable in the design of gravity sanitary sewer systems; skilled in the design of sanitary sewer pump stations and force main systems; accomplished in the design of water mains for residential, commercial and industrial projects; practiced in the design of drainage systems; talented in preparing drainage calculations for effective and efficient drainage systems; and familiar in the design of grading plans for storm water drainage and ADA compliance. Dayton is also extremely proficient in preparing and submitting packages to governmental agencies to obtain required permits for construction and in the design of roadway layouts including intersections, roundabouts, turn-lanes and travel lanes. EXPERIENCE RED HILL AVENUE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT The City of IRVINEDayton provided design engineering services to the City of Irvine for this ARRA-funded pavement rehabilitation project. The project included preparing PS&E, including plan and profile, striping and signing plans, traffic control and phasing plans and detour plans. The scope of work consisted of rehabilitating approximately 3,300 LF of roadway on Red Hill Avenue, from Deer Avenue to Reynolds Avenue. Red Hill Avenue is a major 6 lane arterial that runs parallel to the State Route 55 Freeway and serves as a non-freeway alternate route for commuters. Our design included portions of grind and overlay, full depth reconstruction, ARHM cap, removal and replacement of 4,500 LF of curb gutter, 1,500 SF of sidewalk, installing ADA-compliant ramps, and installing video detection systems at intersections, as well as various related improvements. To minimize extended traffic delays and expedite the construction schedule, OE designed a detour plan, routing 55300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services commuter and truck traffic around the construction site. OE also coordinated with both the City of Irvine and the City of Santa Ana, whose jurisdiction included parts of Red Hill Avenue, to ensure equity in the project for both stakeholders and to gain project approval. The final plans included City of Irvine, City of Santa Ana and Caltrans Standards as applicable in each jurisdiction. OE actively processed submittals through all reviewing agencies and ensured the project design proceeded smoothly and successfully. FY 2017-18 SB1 STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT The City of ALHAMBRA Dayton provided the City of Alhambra with Project Engineering services for the FY17-18 SB1 Street Rehabilitation Project (RFP 2M18-8). The project entails the rehabilitation of a total of approximately 21,972 feet (4.2 miles) of asphalt concrete (AC) streets located within the City limits and a small portion of street located within the City of South Pasadena. The project is financed using SB1 funds with an estimated construction budget of $954,000 Initially, the City was considering reconstruction, but the cost to rehabilitate the proposed street segments is $2,227,066 based on the reported PCIs and preferred reconstruction methods. To remain within the allotted budget of $954,000, OE prepared a cost-benefit analysis to maximize the budget while utilizing multiple rehabilitation methods. IDAHO/MONTANA/WASHINGTON AVENUES. PAVEMENT REHABILITATION The City of SANTA MONICA Dayton was the Project Engineer on this project that involved evaluations of existing residential roadways in preparation of roadway rehabilitation final design. The scope of work included performing on-site inspections of existing curb and gutter, existing sidewalks and the existing pavement conditions to determine the recommended pavement rehabilitation alternatives. In addition, the work entailed preparing the pavement rehabilitation plans, striping plans, construction details, specifications, and estimate. WASHINGTON BOULEVARD ROADWAY WIDENING PS&E The City of COMMERCE Dayton was the Project Engineer on this project in the City of Commerce approximately 3 miles from the City limits to the I-5 Freeway to the ultimate roadway width of 80 feet to provide a third travel lane in each direction. In addition, civil design services were provided for all utility coordination, relocations, modifications and adjustments. The project involved extensive utility facilities modifications, including a 12-inch water main relocation, 2- and 4-inch low pressure gas main relocations, transmission and distribution power pole relocations, telephone facility relocations and adjustments of meters, pull boxes, and manholes. The project required coordinating with Southern California Edison, AT&T, California Water Company, Gas Company and Los Angeles County in preparation for creating the Utility Disposition Plans. YALE AVENUE REHABILITATION PROJECT The City of IRVINE Dayton acted as a Project Engineer for the City of Irvine for the Yale Avenue Rehabilitation Project. Yale Avenue serves as a major arterial for the City of Irvine and varies between a 2-lane arterial with bike lanes to a 4-lane arterial with bike lanes and raised medians. Because of the project’s proximity to Caltrans right- of-way, traffic control through the I-5 bridge overcrossing required obtaining a Caltrans Encroachment Permit. Using a geotechnical report that identified 12 pavement borings, OE identified the best option to restore the roadway’s Pavement Condition Index (PCI) back to 100: dividing the proposed structural section into two segments. The first segment used a 2-inch mill and a 2-inch Rubberized Hot Mix Asphalt Type G (RHMA-G) overlay with full depth structural sections where the street was severely deteriorated. The second segment used a 6-inch mill and placement of 2.5 inches of RHMA-G over 4 inches of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) in the street with a 2- to 2½-inch transitional grind at the bike lanes. This project also corrected ADA deficiencies for sidewalks and ramps. 56300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services Chris BorenConstruction Inspector 14 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE LEVELS I & II Public Works Inspector Experience in Federally Funded & CA State Caltrans Projects Experience with Nuclear Densometer Work AREAS OF EXPERTISE ROADWAY WATER DRAINAGE ADA COMPLIANCE SEWER PARK BEAUTIFICATION BIKE LANES BACKGROUND Chris is a Senior Construction Inspector at Onward Engineering. He has a variety of certifications and has taken part in multiple training programs over his years of experience. Chris’ 10 years of experience includes a plethora of projects, and he advocates safety and quality at the jobsite. His accuracy and efficiency in the field ensure a successful project. Chris’ work will always include making sure that the contractor is efficient with his time and acting in the best interest of the City as their advocate in the field. PROJECT EXAMPLES RAMONA AVENUE STORM DRAIN & PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT City of RANCHO CUCAMONGAChris provided inspection services to the City of Rancho Cucamonga on the Ramona Avenue Storm Drain & Pavement Rehabilitation project. The project limits were from Foothill Boulevard to South of the Pacific Electrical Trail. The project included the installation of approximately 1,000 LF of 60” RCP, construction of 3 manhole structures, installation of 2 laterals and catch basins, as well as a junction structure. 19TH ST. HELLMAN AVENUE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION City of RANCHO CUCAMONGAChris provided inspection services to the City of Rancho Cucamonga on the 19th St. Hellman Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation project. The project limits were from Haven Avenue to West City Limit, and Hellman Avenue from Baseline Road to 19th Street. The project included a Grind and Asphalt Rubber Hot Mix (ARHM) overlay, adjustments to manholes, water valves, and gas valves. It also included the installation of traffic loops, traffic signs, striping, and traffic signal video detection. In addition, the project called for traffic control for the duration of the project. HERMOSA AVENUE PAVEMENT REHABILITATION City of RANCHO CUCAMONGAChris provided inspection services to the City of Rancho Cucamonga on the Hermosa Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation project. The project limits were from Main Street to Arrow Route. The project included an Asphalt Rubber Hot Mix (ARHM) overlay, asphalt concrete pavement, cold plane, adjusting manholes, and water valve covers. It also included installing traffic signal detector loops at Hermosa and Arrow, and another set of traffic signal detector loops at Feron Blvd. and Hermosa Ave. This project also required extensive traffic control. 57300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services 2013/14 LOCAL STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION SLURRY SEAL The City of RANCHO CUCAMONGAChris provided inspection services to the City of Rancho Cucamonga on the Local Street Pavement Rehabilitation Project. This project required an overlay of various streets in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. The scope of work included a Type II Slurry Seal, routing, with rubberized and AC crack filling, weed abatement, the installation of plastic thermo markings, and striping. The work was done on an area of approximately 625,371 SY. CHINO HILLS PARKWAY & CHINO AVENUE STREET REHABILITATION The City of DIAMOND BAR Chris was the construction inspector for the City of Diamond Bar for this STPL-funded project. The site spanned 1.25 miles along Chino Hills Parkway, from the north city limit to the south city limit, and Chino Avenue, from Chino Hills Parkway to the eastern city limit. The scope included grind and ARHM overlay, 783 SF of local R&R, and minimal PCC curb, gutter, and sidewalk replacements. A constructability review was conducted prior to construction commencing, and noted several additional reconstruction areas along with several ramp upgrades to add to the scope. In addition, paving was coordinated to be completed at night to minimize traffic congestion. RESIDENTIAL AREA 1B & ARTERIAL ZONE 7 ROAD MAINTENANCE PROJECT The City of DIAMOND BARChris was the Inspector on the City of Diamond Bar’s Residential Area 1B & Arterial Zone 7 Rehabilitation Project. The Area 1B and Zone 7 project consisted of 8.9 miles of residential streets, 1.3 miles of collector streets, and 2.5 miles of arterial roadways. For the annual project OE was tasked with providing a design for rehabilitating the streets in a manner that meets the City’s tight budget. Each street was individually inspected to determine the most cost effective remedy. The scope of work entailed 29,000 SY of chip seal, type II slurry seal, 5,235 tons of AC overlay, 210,000 SF of cold milling the existing pavement to a variable-depth of 6’ from the edge of the gutter, removal and replacement of 2,249 tons of AC pavement, adjusting 127 manhole frames and covers, and 147 water & gas valve covers, and installing 6 traffic loop detectors. Furthermore, an elementary school was within the project limits, which made construction scheduling and phasing for both the pavement and striping operations essential in order to provide safety and accessibility during the beginning and end of the school day. BRISTOW PARK NEIGHBORHOOD REHABILITATION PROJECT The City of COMMERCEChris provided inspection services on this CDBG-funded project roadway project in the City of Commerce. The Bristow Park Neighborhood Rehabilitation Project was constricted by the I-5 Freeway to the north, BNSF Railroad to the south, the City of Los Angeles Boundary to the west and the 710 Freeway to the east. The project covered approximately 4,900 LF of roadway. During the design phase a cost-benefit analysis was conducted to provide the City with multiple rehabilitation alternatives, including conventional full-depth reconstruction, Asphalt Rubber Aggregate Membrane (ARAM), Asphalt Rubber Hot Mix (ARHM), Inter-layer Systems and Cold-In-Place Recycling (CIR)/Full Depth Reclamation. Multiple design coordination meetings were additionally held between the City, OE and other stakeholders during design to ensure the most complete design possible. A combination of full-depth reclamation and reconstruction and Grind & Overlay was the selected rehabilitation method. Construction also included replacing damaged sidewalk, installing 25 new ramps and upgrading 13 more to meet ADA compliance, reconstruction of cross-gutters, and replacing street signs, trimming tree roots and installing barriers. BELLFLOWER PERMIT INSPECTIONS The City of BELLFLOWERChris provided inspection services to the City of Bellflower to closeout a backlog of 150 construction permits. The permits included those pulled by SoCal Edison, local water and gas agencies, home owners, and commercial property owners. The project required coordinating with agencies that pulled each permit, scheduled inspections, addressed deficiencies in work, and closed out each permit. 58300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services Joe Zamarripa Construction Inspector 30 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE CERTIFIEDPublic Works Construction Inspection-Santiago Canyon College AREAS OF EXPERTISE ROADWAY WATER DRAINAGE ADA COMPLIANCE SEWER PARK BEAUTIFICATION BIKE LANES BACKGROUND Joe is a Public Works Inspector with 30 years of experience in construction as an Inspector. His typical duties have included providing daily construction reports, documenting labor and equipment on-site each day and hours worked; measuring, calculating, and recording all construction quantities, and taking work and site photos. Joe’s experience includes projects of all sizes. His accuracy and efficiency in the field ensures a successful and well-documented project, from construction through closeout. His work includes making sure that the jobsite is safe and that the contractor is efficient with his time. PROJECT EXAMPLES LOCAL STREETS REHABILITATION PROJECT The City of NORWALKJoe served as the primary inspector in this project in the City of Norwalk to rehabilitate multiple street segments within the City. Twenty-one streets with a total of 3.6 centerline miles were included as part of this project. These limits were within the two blocks of Highdale Street between Elaine Avenue and Ibex Avenue and had a PCI rated less than 25, Very Poor. The streets were adjacent to Edmondson Elementary School. The replacement of the deteriorated pavement and accessibility ramps was important to improving the safety of the school zone and extending the useful life of the streets. The rehabilitation work involved street repaving including curb and gutter repairs, slotted cross gutter replacements and pedestrian accessibility ramps at intersection corners to meet current standards. CALTRANS HIGHWAY 94 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT The City of SAN DIEGO Joe served as project inspector for the general contractor on the Caltrans Highway 94 Improvement Project. Project construction included 3,950 LF of 16 feet high masonry soundwall, 125 LF of cast-in-place concrete barrier, hillside grading, new irrigation, and new landscaping. Joe was responsible for leading weekly safety meetings and implementation of safety plan. Special protective measures were put into place concerning Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA), such as temporary orange fencing to deter workers and equipment from entering restricted area. All underground utilities were marked prior to excavation of soundwall footings and protected in place. Heavy coordination between Caltrans district manager, Caltrans inspectors, and effected residence allow project to be completed on time and within budget. 59300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services LAGUNA WOODS BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT The City of LAGUNA WOODS Joe was construction inspector responsible for directing all phases of project, including demolition, grading, trenching of footings, concrete formwork, falsework, steel rebar placement, and placing of concrete. A total of 270 cubic yards of concrete was placed. Construction included 1,295 SF area of rock riprap on upstream side of bridge and re-grading of flood control channel. A comprehensive traffic control play was in place which included detour signs to redirect neighborhood residents. Extra care and consideration was provided to nearby residents considering the project being located within a gated retirement community. ANNUAL STREET REHABILITATION & SLURRY SEAL PROJECT The City of IRVINEJoe served as inspector for the City of Irvine on this 7.2-million-dollar capital improvement project. The scope of work included removal and replacement of 45 ADA ramps, 2,000 LF of curb and gutter, and 5,400 SF of city sidewalk. Also included in project scope was grind and overlay, Type I and Type II RAP Slurry seal, adjusting 110 manholes and 464 valves, and installation of 50 traffic loops. Intensive traffic control along Barranca Parkway was necessary due to crossing intersections during grind and overlay operations. Due to the nature of this project, it was necessary to actively respond to all resident questions and addressed needs to the community and City. COTTONWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ADA SWITCHBACK RAMP PROJECT The City of AGUANGAJoe served as the inspector for this switchback ramp project. Responsibilities included layout of trenching for masonry retaining walls, grading, steel rebar placement, forming and placement of concrete ramps, landings, and ADA steps. Joe inspected all work to ensure work is performed according to plans and specifications. The project included 220 LF of 6 feet wide ADA switchback ramp, 4 sets of 8 feet wide concrete ADA compliant steps, and 560 LF of masonry retaining wall. School was in session during construction. Joe had weekly meetings with school district construction manager and school principal to coordinate material deliveries and operation of heavy equipment, to ensure the safety of students and faculty. ORANGE TERRACE COMMUNITY PARK PROJECT The County of RIVERSIDEJoe was the inspector on the Orange Terrace Community Park Project in the City of Riverside. Project scope included 275 LF cast-in-place concrete retaining walls, sidewalks, 7 ADA ramps, 4 sets of concrete bleachers, 2 adult-sized baseball diamonds, 2 soccer fields, 2 playground areas with rubberized surface, and 2 parking lots. Joe inspected all work to ensure work is performed according to plans and specifications. Regular meetings with City of Riverside Public Works Project Manager and Publics Works Inspectors contributed to the success of this project. Heavy supervision was required to guarantee successful completion of the project and ensure resident satisfaction throughout the construction phase. PAD K AT THE MARKET PLACE SITE WORK PROJECT The City of IRVINEJoe was the inspector in charge of grading, layout, forming, placing of concrete on this project. Project scope included 420 LF of curb and gutter, 620 LF of 6 feet wide ADA path of travel sidewalk, and 7 ADA ramps with truncated domes. A total of 130 cubic yards of concrete was placed. Joe was responsible for inspecting all work to ensure compliance with plans, specs, and ADA requirements prior to placement of concrete. Coordinating with asphalt contractor, and striping company was essential to ensure compliance in all ADA parking spaces and paths of travel throughout parking lot. 60300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services Carlos Lopez Construction Inspector 37 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AA Civil Engineering Technology - LA College Extensive Utility Relocation Experience Drainage Inspection/Flood Control Channel Inspections AREAS OF EXPERTISE ROADWAY WATER DRAINAGE ADA COMPLIANCE SEWER PARK BEAUTIFICATION BIKE LANES CL BACKGROUND Carlos is a Construction Inspector with 37 years of experience in public works inspection. Carlos has worked for 19 years as a Senior Construction Inspector and 4 years as a Supervising Construction Inspector for the County of Orange. His knowledge of the County Construction Manual is unmatched, and his experience is on roadway projects and heavy drainage projects. His projects required extensive utility relocations. On each project, he was responsible for performing quality assurance inspections to achieve compliance with the Contract Documents, plans, and specifications on all phases of construction such as drainage, paving, structures, grading, sewer, water, electrical installation, sign installation, and landscaping items. Carlos brings the knowledge and experience necessary to make on-site decisions and to coordinate effectively with the Resident Engineer to ensure that a project is a success. PROJECT EXAMPLES BELLFLOWER PERMIT INSPECTIONS The City of BELLFLOWER Carlos provided inspection services to the City of Bellflower to closeout a backlog of 150 construction permits. The permits included those pulled by SoCal Edison, local water and gas agencies, home owners, and commercial property owners. The project required coordinating with agencies that pulled each permit, scheduled inspections, addressed deficiencies in work, and closed out each permit. GLASSEL STREET BRIDGE WIDENING The County of ORANGE Carlos served as the Construction Inspector on this bridge widening project on Glassell Street over the Santa Ana River. Construction included phased traffic detours, curb and gutter, sidewalks, steel piles, pile caps, abutment extensions, precast girders, bridge restrainers, decorative retaining walls, AC bridge approaches, bicycle/pedestrian bridge undercrossing, temporary and final relocation of irrigation main and lines. Carlos coordinated utility relocations to keep the project on schedule. He was tasked with coordination of extensive utility relocations. Carlos inspected the utility relocations being performed by each respective utility company to ensure that they met applicable permit requirements and confirmed that the horizontal and vertical location of the utility was in accordance with the requirements of the utility agreement and the construction contract drawings. Carlos performed all duties of inspector, 61300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services including diversion of river flows, installation of phased traffic detours, earthwork, line and grade for street improvements, driving of piles to specified bearing and tip elevation, forms, reinforcing steel bar, concrete placement for bridge structures, fabrication of concrete strength test specimens, measuring and calculating quantities for progress payments, coordination with OC Water District for river flow diversions, performing a force account analysis resulting in a savings to the County, and preparing Contract Change Order drafts. PALOS VERDES BOULEVARD REHABILITATION, I-121 The City of TORRANCECarlos provided inspection services to the City of Torrance on the Palos Verdes Boulevard Rehabilitation Project. The scope of work included rehabilitating Palos Verdes Boulevard between Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) to the City of Torrance southern city limits. The roadway rehabilitation included variable depth cold-milling and overlay, and full-depth repairs on severely deteriorated areas. The project also included concrete improvements to curb, gutter, sidewalks, driveway aprons, cross-gutters, traffic signal upgrades, and new Class 2 bike lanes. Furthermore, the scope of work entailed repairing and lining a sewer pipe, catch basin modifications, landscaping, irrigation, cobblestone hardscape, ADA ramps, and traffic striping. WILDCAT WAY REHABILITATION PROJECT The City of BREACarlos provided inspection services for the Wildcat Way Rehabilitation Project in the City of Brea. The project limits are on Wildcat Way from Lambert Road to the Brea-Olinda High School driveway. The scope of work entailed removing and reconstructing curb ramps, installing three 8 ft. truncated domes on the existing curb ramp, installing a 4 ft. truncated dome on the existing curb ramp, 31,500 SF of variable depth from 0” to 2”, and 1,800 tons of rubberized asphalt overlay. Furthermore, the project required removing and constructing 750 SF of sidewalk, furnishing and adjusting 11 water gate valves, adjusting 11 manhole frames and covers, traffic striping, and traffic control. LINCOLN BOULEVARD REPAVING PROJECT - FEDERAL GRANT The City of SANTA MONICACarlos served as the Construction Inspector to the City of Santa Monica on the Lincoln Boulevard Paving Project which was funded utilizing Federal Transportation Grant. The project limits were at Lincoln Boulevard from the I-10, to the South City limits. Construction was done on Lincoln Boulevard, an undivided arterial roadway, which provides access through commercial portions of Santa Monica, intersecting other major arterials such as Pico Blvd. and Ocean Park Blvd., while also serving as a primary travel route through the City, carrying traffic to multiple points including Marina Del Rey, Pacific Palisades, and LAX. In addition to the roadway rehabilitation, the work entailed constructing a concrete bus lane on Lincoln Blvd., repairing the concrete sidewalks, driveways, and access ramps. The work also entailed enhanced striping and traffic signal installation. This project required extensive coordination with businesses and stakeholders as a result of the construction affecting them the most. HARBOR BOULEVARD & ADAMS AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT The City of COSTA MESACarlos was the Construction Inspector for the City of Costa Mesa project, funded by Measure 2, State-Local Partnership Program, and Traffic Impact Fee funds. The project required adding a third dedicated left-turn lane eastbound on Adams Avenue, a second dedicated right-turn southbound on Harbor Boulevard, and lastly, extending the northbound left-turn lane on Harbor Boulevard. It consisted of major widening along the southerly side of Adams Avenue near the intersection. The project also included decorative crosswalks at the Harbor Boulevard—Adams Avenue intersection, traffic signal modifications, median alterations, landscaping, and a general grind and overlay of the roadway. Harbor Blvd. & Adams Avenue are two heavily used arterial roads that provide access to multiple businesses and shopping centers, and access to the Orange Coast College, as a result of the construction heavy traffic control was required. This project was identified in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) executed by OCTA, Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, and Huntington Beach for the Garfield Avenue—Gisler Avenue Bridge over the Santa Ana River. 62300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services Michael Nguyen Construction Inspector 31 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 60 UNITS Mechanical Engineering- Cal Poly Pomona AA DEGREE Industrial Technology 16 YEARS Inspection for The County of Orange AREAS OF EXPERTISE ROADWAY WATER DRAINAGE ADA COMPLIANCE SEWER PARK BEAUTIFICATION BIKE LANES BACKGROUND Michael is a Supervising Construction Inspector with 31 years of experience in public works inspection. Michael worked for 16 years as a Construction Inspector to a Supervising Construction Inspector for the County of Orange, the highest attainable position in the County’s inspection series (Principal Construction Inspector was converted to Administration Manager I recently). His typical duties include providing daily construction reports, documenting labor and equipment on-site each day and hours worked; measuring, calculating, and recording all construction quantities, ensuring safety for construction site and NPDES compliance for State/Regional Water Quality Control Boards, and taking work in progress and site photos. While at the County of Orange, he was known as the Slurry King due to his ability to document and track quantities in a precise way. PROJECT EXAMPLES AREA 6 RESIDENTIAL & COLLECTOR STREET SLURRY SEAL & OVERLAY REHABILITATION PROJECT The City of DIAMOND BARMichael was the Inspector to the City of Diamond Bar on this Community Development Block Grant Area 6 Residential Neighborhood Improvement Project. The project limits included approximately 63,360 feet (12 miles) of residential and collector streets located within Area 6, with slurry seal and overlay work. Brian provided effective communication with the City, updated R FIs, Submittals, and CCO Logs, and helped ensure compliant work with the Contractor and Inspector. Brian also participated in public outreach services to the affected neighborhoods to ensure a seamless construction process and maintain a positive public outlook for the City of Diamond Bar. ADA ACCESSIBILITY ASSESSMENT PROJECT The City of DIAMOND BARMichael was an Inspector for the City of Diamond Bar. The scope of work included performing a citywide field review of curb ramps, sidewalks, driveways, parking stalls in City right of way, and drainage diverters and preparing an engineering report evaluating and completing a risk management analysis for the non-ADA compliant areas. 2017 SLURRY SEAL PROGRAM (I-139 / I-159) The City of TORRANCEMichael served as Construction Inspector on this $2.5 million dollar project which covered three residential neighborhoods, as well as Camino de la Costa from Calle Miramar to the City limit; Madison Street and Hawthorne Boulevard service road 63300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services between 240th Street and Skypark Drive; 240th Street from Hawthorne Boulevard to Madison Street; and arterial and collector streets on Anza Avenue, from Calle Mayor to Sepulveda Boulevard, Ocean Avenue from the Pacific Coast Highway to Torrance Boulevard, along with Madrona Avenue south of the Prairie Avenue Bridge to Sepulveda Boulevard. Four City parking lots were also slurry sealed. ADA CURB RAMP PROJECT The City of MANHATTAN BEACHMichael was the Inspector on this project, with limits covering 19 intersections and 37 curb ramps. This was a CDBG funded project and was completed on an expedited schedule. MIDWAY CITY STREET AND STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE I & II, BOUNDED BY HAZARD AVENUE, NEWLAND STREET, BOLSA AVENUE AND BEACH BOULEVARD The County of ORANGEMichael served as Supervising Construction Inspector on this $10 million-dollar project. The work consisted of street and drainage improvements within the unincorporated neighborhood of Midway City, included the following streets: Adams Street, Jackson Street, Van Buren Street, Monroe Street, Jefferson Street, Wilson Street, Harper Street, Washington Avenue, Madison Avenue, Roosevelt Avenue, and Hazard Avenue. A portion of the project, Hazard Avenue between Monroe Street and Wilson Street and the north-south alleyway parallel to and adjacent to Beach Boulevard, lies within the City of Westminster. The work included removal of existing facilities, site clearance, grading and reconstruction of roadway pavement, curb and gutters, sidewalk, driveway approaches, curb ramps, catch basins, storm drains, pre-cast RCB, junction structures, and tree replacement. Drainage improvements join the existing Bolsa Avenue storm drain as an interim condition. NARCO CHANNEL (FACILITY J04) RESTORATION IN LAGUNA NIGUEL REGIONAL PARK The County of ORANGEMichael served as Sr. Construction Inspector on this $905,491 project. The purpose of this project was to improve water quality in the Narco Channel in Laguna Niguel Regional Park by reducing bacteria, nutrient and sediment loads through restoration of a portion of the channel and wetlands and establishing various riparian plants and shrubs within and on the banks of the channel to act as filter to capture sediment and debris and absorb dissolved minerals and nutrients. The restoration included clearing and grubbing, water diversion, NPDES BMPs installation, unclassified excavation, installation of chain link fence, grouted rip-rap rock revetment, irrigation system, planting of trees and shrubs on channel banks, remove-install of debris net/posts, and additional nine months maintenance and implementation of BMPs. Michael coordinated with all project stakeholders, drafted change orders, facilitated RFI responses, performed daily reports, and processed progress payments with justification backup data. ANTONIO PKWY WIDENING-FROM 0.1 MILE SOUTH OF BENJAMIN AVENUE TO 0.3 MILE SOUTH OF OSO PKWY & BRIDGE WIDENING OVER THE WILDLIFE CORRIDOR The County of ORANGEMichael served as Sr. Construction Inspector on this $4,604,376 project. The work consisted of the widening of the southbound side of Antonio Parkway, which includes a wildlife undercrossing (bridge), roadway, associated curb and gutter, and new sidewalks on both sides of the road. The wildlife undercrossing work included widening the existing 235-foot long box girder portion of the existing bridge, and lengthening the southbound side with a two-span continuous reinforced concrete slab bridge. The bridge widening construction work was constructed in accordance with the “Bridge” section of the Caltrans Standard Plans and Caltrans Standard Specifications assuring bridge widening construction operations to avoid Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA), specifically within the canyon and watercourse areas and to avoid any impacts to areas identified in the Special Provisions as to be protected. Traffic phasing was critical and crucial due to limited horizontal space on the bridge width where contract change orders were granted for unforeseen conditions in the field that the approved plans did not anticipate and shared traffic between vehicular and bike lanes. Michael coordinated with all project stakeholders, drafted change orders, facilitated RFI responses, performed daily reports, and processed progress payments with justification backup data. 64300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services Eric Nunez Construction Inspector 29 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AA DEGREE - Cypress College, CA COURSEWORK Construction- Fullerton College, CA COURSEWORK Water Distribution & Treatment- Santiago Cnyn. College ICBO Continuing Education in: Electrical, Building, Mechanical, Plumbing, ADA, Energy & Green Code, Occupancy, Fire Resistance. ICBO CERTIFIED Commercial Buildings ICBO CERTIFIED D3 Water Distribution OSHA Safety Training AREAS OF EXPERTISE ROADWAY WATER DRAINAGE ADA COMPLIANCE SEWER PARK BACKGROUND Eric has obtained 29 years of experience as a Construction Inspector, Building Inspector, Water Inspector and Project Manager. His experience includes a diverse background encompassing office buildings, retail centers, industrial facilities, warehouse and distribution centers, restaurants, mixed-use single and multi-family residential neighborhoods, utility infrastructure and historical buildings. Eric has successfully inspected and oversaw all stages of large projects including earthquake retrofits, grading, concrete, retaining walls, framing, electrical, plumbing and mechanical systems, new construction remodels, water and sewer projects, road remodels and construction while meeting project scheduling objectives. Eric’s ability to interact effectively with architects, engineers, subcontractors, and city officials in a detail-orientation and precise manner while applying multi-tasking capabilities enables him to identify and resolve problems with tact and discretion. Eric is well-versed in Title 24 chapter 11A and 11B, and he can effectively manage budgets involving multiple sources of funding. PROJECT EXAMPLES BREA BLVD. SLOPE REPAIR PROJECT City of FULLERTON Eric was the Construction Inspector for this $44,296. project located on Brea Boulevard by Panorama Road. This Citywide project involved the installation of 7-tiers of retaining wall 80 feet in length, from the sidewalk level to the ascension at the top of the slope. The contract was to use a combination of concrete pilings (located on the upper level) and pressure treated wood. Concrete caissons were excavated, steel cages were installed and concrete was placed, as per the plans. Three-inch steel poles were placed at a space of three feet apart, and excavated material was placed in layers of 12” and compacted. After compaction, the slope was planted to prevent slope failure. BROOKDALE & HIGHLAND WATER MAIN & SEWERREPLACEMENT PROJECT City of FULLERTON Eric provided inspection services on the Brookdale & Highland Water Main & Sewer replacement Project where he Oversaw the abandonment of an existing 6” sewer main and 5 existing sewer manholes, and the installation of 800 feet of 8” VCP sewer main and reconnection of 6 new manholes. Eric additionally oversaw the repair of existing water lines and the installation of new earthquake valves for reservoirs and DCDA water meters. 65300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services WILSHIRE AVE., MARGARITA DR. & DOLORES DR. WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT & SEWER & STREET IMPROVEMENTS City of FULLERTONEric served as Construction and Water Inspector for the City of Fullerton on the $1,027,406.00 Wilshire Avenue, Margarita Drive and Dolores Drive Project. The project included 2,600 feet of 12” DIP, 60 feet of 10” DIP, 45 feet of 8” DIP, and 60 feet of 6” DIP, 11-6”, 13-12” and 2-10” valve assemblies, 8 Fire Hydrants, 1-1” air release, and 33-1” services using existing water meters on Wilshire Avenue. Eric also inspected the placement of 798 feet of 8” SDR-35 sewer main, 6 sewer manholes, the reconnection of 12-4” sewer laterals and removal of 4 existing manholes on Margarita Drive and Dolores Drive. CURB, GUTTER & SIDEWALK RECONSTRUCTION City of FULLERTONEric served as Construction Inspector for this $269,190 project. This project involved replacement of 310 linear feet of curb and 12” thick gutter. The contract required placement of 28,500 square feet of sidewalk, 190 square feet of asphalt paving, 24 sidewalk access ramps, 2,300 square feet of driveway approach and 460 square feet of alley approach. The contractor installed 200 lineal feet of 1.5 inch street light conduit and 10 pull boxes. LEMON ST., ROSSLYN AVE., STATE COLLEGE BLVD. & BALCOM AVE. SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT - PHASE I & II City of FULLERTONEric served as the Construction Inspector for the City of Fullerton. The project included inspected the placement of 3,727 lineal feet of 8” V.C.P, 569 sewer lateral connections and 19 feet of 8” V.C.P pipe, 1,724 lineal feet of 21” VCP pipe, 149 feet of jackbore 42” steel casing, and 1-48” and 10-60” sewer manholes. Eric also oversaw the remodeling of sewer manhole shelfs, abandonment of 12 existing sewer manholes and the installation of 21-48” and 1-60” sewer manhole, as included in the contract. The project had a budget of $1,912,358. WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT City of FULLERTONEric served as the water main inspector for the Water Main Replacement Project for the City of Fullerton. The work consisted of approximately 3,510 linear feet of 8” DIP, 275 feet of 6” DIP and 1,130 linear feet of 12” DIP water mains. Included in the work was the installation of 100 service laterals, 12 fire hydrants, an upgrade of 4 large water maters and two 2” blow offs. There were 10 tie-ins for this project; one 8” tie-in at the corner of Cornell Avenue and Walnut Avenue, one 8” tie-in at the corner of Cornel Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue, one 12” to 10” tie-in on Skyline Drive, 12” to 6” tie-in at the intersection of Skyline Drive and Linda Vista Drive, one 8” on Verona and Paseo Dorado, one 6” to 6” on Sierra Vista Drive and West Fern Drive, one 12” connection to a 8” at Skyline Drive and Miramar Drive and one 12” to 10” on Skyline Drive. Eric was also the inspector for the backfill, compaction, and paving of trench. The project had a budget of $580,000. EDGECLIFF DRIVE SEWER REPAIR PROJECT City of FULLERTON Eric served as the Construction Inspector for the Edgecliff Drive Sewer Repair Project for $470,000 in the City of Fullerton. The project included minor repairs and slip-lining an existing sewer main located in the canyon behind the homes on Edgecliff Drive, Raymond Avenue, Kroeger Avenue, Shadow Lane, Skyline Drive, Linda Vista Circle, Cerritos Drive, Grandview Drive and Balcom Avenue under the Union Pacific Railroad tracks. The locations were all fairly inaccessible due to the location in the canyon and under railroad tracks. It was decided that slip lining was a viable alternative to digging up and replacing the sewer line and laterals. 66300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services Ron Brahs Construction Inspector 35 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Safety Training Experience in Caltrans Coordination Experience in Traffic Control Experience in Trenching AREAS OF EXPERTISE ROADWAY WATER DRAINAGE ADA COMPLIANCE SEWER PARK BEAUTIFICATION BIKE LANES BACKGROUND Ron Brahs has been involved in the construction inspection and public works sector for over 35 years. His project responsibilities have included simultaneous inspection of multiple public works projects. Ron has inspected projects encompassing: water, sewer, storm drains, pipelines, curb and gutter, sidewalks, asphalt concrete placement, street rehabilitation, and street restoration. As an inspector, Ron oversees project work and ensures contract and design compliance. He documents labor and equipment allocations as well as daily work in daily construction reports. Ron has gathered a great deal of knowledge and is adept at proposing effective and efficient solutions for problems that arise. Ron collaborates with project stakeholders, and is an effective communicator on the job. PROJECT EXAMPLES SIDEWALK/PEDESTRIAN ACCESSIBILITY PROJECT - PHASE II City of PLACENTIA Ron was the construction inspector on the $245,000 CDBG Funded Project for the City of Placentia to field verify, design and prepare a bid package for the removal and replacement of non-ADA compliant curb ramps and sidewalk locations that are listed in the City’s ADA Transition Plan. This project entailed replacing a total of 71 curb ramps along Kraemer Blvd., McCormack Lane, and Yorba Linda Blvd. Additionally, the work included sidewalk/ driveway improvements along Kraemer Blvd. within the curb ramp replacement limits. The project called for conducting field verification of each location and identified the necessary ADA compliance upgrades. The locations where there was critical geometry or grades were checked to identify the final removal and replacement limits. The project was designed to include all required CDBG Section 3 verbiage in the project specifications, and that the project scope/bid schedules were set up in such a way that maximized the City’s budget. This included setting up alternate bid schedules in the bid package to avoid budgetary overrun and so that the City could spend the allocated amount. MADISON STREET & SKYPARK DRIVE RECONSTRUCTPROJECT City of TORRANCE Ron was the Construction Inspector on the Madison Street and Skypark Drive Reconstruction project in the City of Torrance. The project limits include the Skypark Drive and Madison Street intersection, Skypark Drive from Madison St. to Hawthorne Blvd. 67300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services and Madison St. from Skypark Drive to Lomita Boulevard. The project limits have two lanes running in each direction, with a two way left turn lane which becomes a solid striped median in some areas. The project limits also have a raised median with stamped concrete at the Hawthorne Boulevard project limits. The City of Torrance Land Use Element classified the project limits as general commercial. The project included reconstruction of the AC within the project limits, removal and replacement of sidewalk, curb and gutter, curb ramps, and driveways, minor landscaping, and installation of traffic signal equipment including new video detection systems. The reconstruction method differs, with portions of the roadway being reconstructed with AC over Cement Treated Soil (CTS), and other areas called out for AC over CMB. The work also entails rehabilitation of the Meadow Park parking lot located adjacent to the Torrance Municipal Airport on the east and a shopping center on the west just south of the project limits. PUBLIC WORKS & PERMIT INSPECTIONS The City of LANCASTERRon provided Inspection services on a variety of projects in the City of Lancaster over the course of one year, including street rehabilitations and reconstructions, striping, and street lighting projects. Ron recorded manpower and quantities, and ensured quality of work and site safety. Work required daily interacting with residents and businesses, while some work was done at night. RESIDENTIAL STREET REHABILITATION PROJECT - AREA C City of TORRANCERon was the Construction Inspector on the Residential Street Project for Area C. Area C consists of sixteen residential streets bounded by Dominguez Street to the north, Van Ness Avenue to the east, Torrance Boulevard to the south, and BNSF Railroad to the west. The scope of work entailed removing the existing asphalt pavement by cold-milling/excavation, removal of existing concrete curb and gutter, removal of portions of sidewalk, driveway approaches and concrete curb ramps, the construction of variable height PCC curb and gutter, new PCC driveway approaches and driveway curb depressions, cross-gutters, alley approaches, sidewalk, traffic loops, and the reconstruction of pavement with asphalt concrete and base material and the replacement of existing traffic striping with appurtenances. ATLANTIC AVENUE/FIRESTONE BLVD. INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS The City of SOUTH GATERon provided inspection services for the City of South Gate on this $6 million project. The project limits were on two arterial streets: Atlantic Avenue from Firestone Boulevard to Patata St. (~1,300 LF) and Firestone Boulevard, from Dorothy Avenue to Atlantic Ave. (~2,200 LF). The project involved the widening and realignment of the intersection to increase the number of thru, left turn lanes, the length of turn pockets, and right turn lanes. In addition to the widening, the scope entailed a concrete approach to the intersection; concrete intersection; grind and ARHM overlay; four legs of the intersection; 50,000 SF of sidewalk, 1,850 LF of curb and gutter, 2,100 LF of DIP waterline and 2,840 LF of recycled waterline, and 4,656 LF of median island curb with decorative landscaping and a city monument sign. This project was funded with Measure R, MTA and other state funding sources, and required the preparation of an award package and the continued upkeep of project files, invoices, reports and submittals in accordance with Caltrans’ LAPM. LINCOLN BOULEVARD PAVING PROJECT The City of SANTA MONICARon provided inspection services on this project for the City of Santa Monica. The project limits were on Lincoln Blvd, from the I-10 to the south Santa Monica City limits. The estimated cost was $2.8 million funded by Federal Transportation Grant. This portion of Lincoln Boulevard is an undivided arterial roadway which provides access through commercial portions of Santa Monica, intersecting other major arterials such as Pico Blvd. and Ocean Park Blvd., while also serving as a primary travel route through the City, carrying traffic to multiple points including Marina Del Rey, Pacific Palisades, and LAX. The work included very extensive coordination with businesses and stakeholders. Construction took place at night, and required careful coordination and cleanup. 68300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services James Greenfield Construction Inspector 18 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Former Public Works Inspector Roadway Projects Experience Knowledge On Up-To-Date ADA Accessibility Design Standards, Compliance & Requirements Experience as Liason Between Community, City, & Contractor & Community Relations AREAS OF EXPERTISE ROADWAY WATER DRAINAGE ADA COMPLIANCE SEWER PARK BEAUTIFICATION BIKE LANES BACKGROUND James is an experienced Public Works Inspector, skilled with the values of effective communication. His experience covers over 18 years. In addition to work in the private sector, James worked for the County of Los Angeles Public Works for 5 years as an Inspector. His duties were roadway re-construction, grind & overlay, curb & gutter, cross gutters, sidewalk, drive aprons, bus pads, catch basins, ADA ramps, AC paving, ARHM paving, and median landscaping. PROJECT EXAMPLES ATLANTIC AVENUE STREET RECONSTRUCTION The City of COMPTON James provided inspection services on Atlantic Avenue between Arlington Avenue and E. Compton Blvd. The portion between Arlington Ave. and Rosecrans Ave. is a commercial area and was a complete reconstruction of all sidewalk, curb & gutter, aprons, and roadway. After all the unclassified excavation had taken place, the plans were found to be unworkable due to grade increases to facilitate poor gutter flow along Atlantic Ave, and the project was shut down for over a month while engineers decided on an alternative approach. The original plans would have had some of the existing commercial business entrances to have a step or two up, or a step or two down to accommodate the new grade. Since part of the roadway, and all the curb & gutter and sidewalks were gone, James put the project on site management while the new plans were being finalized. James was on site to ensure public safety, and a lot of the work went on time & materials. The project required requests for additional funding to the Board of Supervisors, and numerous change orders had to be made. The project took 8 months, and over $750,000 to complete. WILMINGTON AVENUE BEAUTIFICATION The City of COMPTON James provided inspection services on this federally funded variable grind & overlay project, between the 105 freeway, and El Segundo Boulevard which included new bus pads, and special custom-built community beautification bus shelters, custom benches, construction of new medians, lush median landscaping, and palm trees along the east and west sidewalks. Sections of sidewalk were done with decorative pavers. James mitigated several community concerns and acted as liaison between the contractor and the community while this project was completed. One of the stipulations in the contract was that the contractor make available 10% of the labor jobs to local citizens. James processed progress payments, kept daily logs and ensured the project was completed to the community’s satisfaction. 69300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT INSPECTION The City of CARSONJames provided permit inspection services for work performed in the public right-of-way. Inspections were scheduled based on permits issued by the City to various transportation, utility, residents, businesses, and other companies. The permits included encroachment, excavation, traffic control, and street closures. James inspected each project from start to completion, including arranging pre-construction meetings, walking job-sites with the contractor, inspecting work, and signing off on permits. MULBERRY DRIVE REHABILITATION The City of WHITTIERJames provided inspection services on the grind & overlay of Mulberry Avenue for 2 miles between Colima Road and Greenleaf Avenue using conventional AC. This project had 8 bus pads, 12 ADA ramps, curb & gutter, minor sidewalk repair, and commercial drive aprons. Extra precaution had to be taken during grinding and paving as Union Pacific Railroad operated within the limits of the project. There were 49 manholes which required raising, and complete re-striping. James provided all daily logs detailing personnel and equipment, as well as all materials and quantities used during construction. 134TH PLACE, 135TH ST., 136TH ST., RECONSTRUCTION The City of INGLEWOODJames provided inspection services in the City of Inglewood, between Inglewood Boulevard and Shoup Avenue for the reconstruction of the roadway. The County of Los Angeles was trying an alternative method of subgrade stabilization and were using Miracloth between the subgrade and the base material. James ensured the contractor followed the manufacturer’s recommendations on installation and compaction techniques required for this product. There were some additional concrete repair and trees to remove and replace. James ensured proper construction etiquettes were followed and work was performed in a safe, and timely manner. CEASAR CHAVEZ AVENUE REHABILITATION The City of LOS ANGELES James was the inspector on this project requiring grind and overlay using conventional AC, ADA ramps, curb & gutter, sidewalk, driveway apron repair. The work was done between North Gage Avenue and North- Eastern Avenue. This was a community outreach project and James had to work closely with the city to include local labor when possible. PIONEER BOULEVARD REHABILITATION The City of WHITTIERJames was the inspector on this grind and overlay project between Saragosa Street and Slauson Avenue. Work also entailed ADA ramps, curb and gutter, commercial drive aprons, sidewalk. As grade was altered to improve storm water flow, some curbs had to be constructed between the sidewalk and property line. Project included freeway on and off ramps. 100’ Cross-gutter had to be constructed across entrance to Pioneer High School. TRACKS AT SEGMENT 2 & 3 The City of BREAJames provided Inspection services for this project entailing the construction, soil remediation and grading of a multi-use trail that is approximately 1,300 linear feet in length consisting of a bike trail, stairs, bike trough, and a pedestrian path that is located in the formerly rail road property north of Birch St., between the Brea Canyon Flood Control Channel and Brea Blvd. The project also called for construction of a restroom and plaza facility in the formerly rail road property, located north of Birch St., between Brea Blvd. and State College Blvd. 70300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com APPENDIX for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services 5PENDING OR PREVIOUS LITIGATION STATEMENT SECTION 6CITY’S STANDARD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT SECTION 7ADDENDA ACKNOLWEDGEMENT SECTION ONWARD ENGINEERING does not have, nor has it ever, been involved with any litigation affecting its ability to perform the services requested by this RFP. OE is in good financial and legal standing and we have no planned office closures or mergers. ONWARD ENGINEERING has reviewed the City of Rosemead’s Professional Services Agreement and will comply with all provisions stated herein and has no exceptions. ONWARD ENGINEERING acknowledges receipt of, and agrees with, all of the terms and conditions stated in Addendum No. 1. 71300 S. Harbor Blvd. Suite 814Anaheim, CA. 92805www.oe-eng.com 5,6,7LITIGATION, AGREEMENT & ADDENDUM STATEMENTS SECTION for theREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2019-13to provide city engineering, traffic engineering and general engineering services Quantum Consulting Proposal PROPOSAL FOR RFP No. 2019-13 To PROVIDE CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING, AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES S E M F 0 47 CIVIC PRIDE Nr. COAPORATEO Quantum Quality Consulting, Inc. Consulting Engineering Services October 10, 2019 Mr. Chris Daste Director of Public Works City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 SUBJECT:PROPOSAL FOR RFP 2019-13 TO PROVIDE CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Dear Mr. Daste, We are pleased to submit our proposal with statement of qualifications to perform City Engineering, Traffic Engineering,and General Engineering Services for the City of Rosemead. Quantum Quality Consulting, Inc. is a full service civil engineering consulting firm exclusively serving municipal clients in Southern California for over 20 years. Quantum Consulting is a California corporation licensed to provide professional civil engineering services including City Engineer, traffic and transportation engineering, civil design, plan review and checking, City surveyor services, program, project, and construction management, inspection, staff augmentation, and grant administration among others. We are uniquely qualified to provide the referenced services for the City of Rosemead, as we have provided similar services for cities such as Hermosa Beach, Gardena, Azusa, Lawndale, and Palmdale. Most recently, Quantum entered into agreements with the Cities of San Fernando, Culver City, and Laguna Niguel to provide On-Call General Civil Engineering Services. Additionally, Quantum is currently providing On-Call Traffic Engineering Services for the cities of Chino, Lomita,and Santa Monica. We possess the depth of experience and staffing to meet and exceed your expectations. Our list of repeat municipal clients is evidence of our dedication in providing the highest quality services with the utmost sensitivity towards the businesses and residents,the city staff, and the public officials. Frank Bigdeli, P.E., the Principal in Charge, proposed City Engineer and main contact person, has served the contract City/Traffic Engineer for the City of Gardena, Lawndale, and Azusa, and as Public Works Director for the City of Hermosa Beach. He has more than 35 years of widely varied experience in the field of civil engineering,traffic engineering and construction management including years of experience managing various CIP programs. He can be reached at: 2720 Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 100,Torrance, CA 90505 P: 310.891.3994 I F: 310.891.3995 Email:fbigdeli@thequantumconsulting.com 2720 Sepulveda Boulevard,Suite 100,Torrance,CA 90505 P.310.891.3994 I F.310.891.3995 I www.thequantumconsulting.com Mr. Daste October 10, 2019 Page 2 Nasser Abbaszadeh, P.E., is the proposed Project Manager/Engineer. He has most recently served as Director of Public Works and City Engineer for the Cities of Laguna Niguel, Lawndale, and San Juan Capistrano. Mr. Abbaszadeh has overseen various functions of the Public Works Department, including administration and budgeting, capital improvement project delivery and contract services management. He is very familiar with all facets of engineering and public works for Southern California Cities. Douglas Preble, P.E., P.L.S., Q.S.D., is the proposed Civil Engineer. Mr. Preble has more than 45 years of widely varied experience providing services in civil engineering, project design, construction management, project management, plan and tract map checking, and other civil engineering services. He has managed numerous projects throughout Southern California including paving rehabilitation, storm drain, water pipeline projects and street improvements projects for the cities of Lake Forest, Lomita, Gardena, Azusa, Carson, Manhattan Beach and Compton. He is also licensed as a surveyor with the State of California. Mr. Preble has performed as lead designer and program/construction manager for numerous projects exceeding$100M in construction value. Bijan Vaziri, P.T.E., is the proposed Traffic Engineer. With over forty years of experience in the field of traffic engineering, Mr. Vaziri Mr. Vaziri is well-versed in all matters including speed surveys, signal design and operations, intersection design, traffic control plans for construction activities, plan check, traffic engineering operation, study and placement of traffic control devices, management of transportation CIP projects, transportation planning studies, traffic management programs, neighborhood traffic control, management of traffic signal system and the TOC. He has extensive experience with current signal system and traffic engineering design and operation software. We have the read the RFP and Addendum No. 1 in its entirety and our proposal conforms to all technical and contractual requirements as listed in the RFP. The proposal is valid for a period of 90 days from the date of this submittal. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. S y _ Frank Big ieli, P.E. Principal Attachment: Proposal Fee Proposal in separate sealed envelope PnvrOSAL FOR RFP NO. 2019-13 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND ftii GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Table of Contents SECTION 1:APPROACH AND SCOPE OF WORK 2 City Engineer Services 2 Traffic Engineering Services 4 On-Call Engineering Services 7 SECTION 2: PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL AND RESUMES 7 Key Personnel 7 Organizational Chart 8 Staff Resumes 8 Frank Bigdeli, P.E 8 Nasser Abbaszadeh, P.E. 12 Douglas Preble, P.E. 14 Bijan Vaziri, P.T.E. 18 SECTION 3:COMPANY QUALIFICATIONS 21 Track Record 22 Breadth of Services 22 Relevant Project Experience 24 SECTION 4: REFERENCES 30 SECTION 5 30 SECTION 6:CITY'S STANDARD PSA 30 SECTION 7:ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 30 FEE PROPOSAL 30 PkvrOSAL FOR RFP NO. 2019-13 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES SECTION 1: APPROACH AND SCOPE OF WORK Quantum understands the City of Rosemead is seeking qualified consultants to provide City Engineer, Traffic Engineering and On-Call General Engineering Services. Quantum will provide all the services delineated in the RFP provided by City of Rosemead. These will include, but are not limited to: City Engineer Services 1. Our proposed City Engineer will manage plan review and inspection services for all public right-of-way encroachment permits to confirm compliance with all applicable codes, regulations, policies, standards, and best practices. 2. Our proposed City Engineer will provide a public works inspector presence at City Hall and within the City as necessary to adequately inspect ongoing work in the public right-of-way and address issues as they arise. 3. Our proposed City Engineer will provide plan review of grading, drainage, and improvement plans for private and public development projects. 4. Our Proposed City Engineer will provide plan review of plans submitted for planning or zoning review for public works issues. This may include conceptual or preliminary plans, architectural plans, site plans, and preliminary grading plans. Services will include but may not be limited to the following: Reviewing project applications, plans, and related documents o Identifying major public works issues to be addressed through the planning process prior to plan check submittal including but not limited to grading, off-site improvements, and traffic o Writing conditions of approval related to public works issues to be imposed on the project through the planning process 5. Our proposed City Engineer will provide review of projects submitted under the Subdivision Map Act and related provisions of the Rosemead Municipal Code. This includes but may not be limited to tentative and final maps, lot mergers, lot line adjustments, certificates of compliance, dedications, vacations, and easements. Services will include but may not be limited to the following: o Reviewing applications, maps, legal descriptions, deeds, and related documents o Providing redlined documents and writing corrections o Writing conditions of approval to be imposed on tentative maps o Providing pick-up and delivery of documents at City Hall and maintaining a log of reviews in process and their status accessible at any time by City staff 6. Our proposed City Engineer will provide city engineering services, including but not limited to the following: o Attend meetings with City staff, public officials, developers, contractors, and the public as needed o Attend Commission and City Council meetings as needed QUANTUM CONSULTING PkvrOSAL FOR RFP NO. 2019-13 tat CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND kit.k.„& GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES o Review documents and reports from other agencies pertaining to Rosemead infrastructure or public works matters and provide recommendations to staff on appropriate responses or actions o Provide guidance and technical assistance to City staff on public works and engineering, policies, procedures 7. Our proposed City Engineer will provide a city engineer presence at City Hall, with a consistent schedule agreed upon by Quantum and the City. Hours may be adjusted over time depending on project volume and workload. 8. Our proposed City Engineer will provide design and project construction and contract management services for pi ihlir wnrkc projects and other select capital improvement projects to bP fdeterminefd. Services will include but may not be limited to the following: o Prepare project plans, bid specifications, and Notice Inviting Bids o Conduct pre-bid meetings o Respond to inquiries and prepare addendums to bid specifications as needed o Conduct bid opening and bid analysis o Prepare staff reports and other documents as may be needed for contract approval o Direct and supervise contractor work o Monitor labor compliance o Promote and Enforce Project Safety o Prepare contract change orders o Review project invoices for accuracy and contract compliance o Prepare staff reports and other documents as may be needed for project acceptance o Maintain all project documents and files on behalf of City o When applicable, work with City's grant administrator on grant-funded projects to prepare additional paperwork as necessary for grant compliance 9. Our proposed City Engineer will provide advice to City staff as to grants or other funding available for public works projects and, when so directed, initiate and prepare applications for such funding or grants. 10. Our proposed City Engineer will coordinate, consult, and provide input to other departments and agencies as may be required. 11. Our proposed City Engineer will prepare, implement, and enforce policies and procedures. 12. In the event of a local, regional, or national emergency or disaster, our proposed City Engineer will provide engineering and public works plan review and inspection services as required to appropriately respond to the emergency, including after regular business hours. QUANTUM CONSULTING PiwrOSAL FOR RFP NO. 2019-13 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Traffic Engineering Services Our Traffic Engineer and his team will provide traffic engineering services,including but not limited to the following: 1. Review and provide comments on traffic impact studies prepared by other consultants for development projects We have conducted and reviewed over 200 Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning studies, Traffic impact Reports, EIR-Circulation, and peer reviews of traffic impact reports and EIRs. We have coordinated with the City and other traffic consultants hired for private and public projects with the scope of study,provided background data such as City's thresholds and approved methodologies and the cumulative traffic data. We identified, reviewed and developed recommendations for mitigation measures focusing on impact reduction ofneighborhood streets that are functioning as collectors. 2. Review and provide comments on proposed development projects pertaining to traffic issues including but not limited to traffic impacts, site access and circulation,and parking 3. Prepare conditions of approval for projects Over the years, we developed an effective procedure to evaluate and process the new developments leading to meeting conditions of approval and issuance of permits. The following are the highlights: a) Upon the first contact of the developer with the City, we formed a so called "Concept Review Committee". This committee was formed with representatives of City Planners, Building and Safety, Transportation, Fire/Police, City attorney, City Manager Office and the developer and his/her technical team including the architect and the contractor. We reviewed every aspect of the new proposal development testing its conformance with City's requirements and policies live in front of the developer. Because of the sea of knowledge that the developer received by attending this concept meeting, many times this lead to rethinking of design and concepts before the next or new submittals. b) Now that the plan is more city friendly, we requested a traffic impact study be prepared for the proposed development. c) We asked that a "scoping report"be prepared by the developer's consultant showing the trips generation, trips distribution, the affected intersections and driveway be identified. d) Upon our review of the scoping letter, we approved preparation of traffic impact study. e) We reviewed the draft and final traffic impact report, identified the potential significant impacts and identified the mitigation measures. With cooperation of other players, we listed the conditions of approval of the project before scheduling for the Planning Commission or City Council or other pertinent boards. We have been convinced that the above procedure always works and therefore, we have no reason not to recommend the same for the fine City of Rosemead. 4. Review and provide engineering judgement on traffic safety issues raised by City staff, the Transportation and Public Safety Commission,and the public QUANTUM CONSULTING 4 PiwrOSAL FOR RFP NO.2019-13 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND tr'r GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES As city staff and consultant, we have established the software program of traffic accident records with cooperation of enforcement authority and in concert with California Highway Patrol SWITRES accident information program. For over 20 years, we provided monthly traffic accident reports and collisions diagrams to decision makers including extensive study of factors attributing to collisions, preceding movements, direction of travel, collision types, other factors attributing and summarized details. We attended in court subpoenas, court hearings, citation support hearings, update surveys and citywide collision trend studies defending the city in law suits. We have over 30 years of experience attending Transportation Commissions and response to their safety concerns representing the public as well as inputs from City's departments. We have conducted detailed safety studies using the available enforcement records and other State sources, We have provided the intersection and corridor safety index analysis. We have identified the spots in the city where common collision factors exist and recommended a short term and long term plan to satisfy City's Zero Tolerance policy or similar programs. We have submitted "easy to read and to follow"reports to share with public using available communication media. 5. Conduct traffic reviews and prepare reports with recommendations for issues including but not limited to stop sign warrants, crosswalk installation and removal, traffic calming, speed surveys, accident histories, and other general traffic safety and related issues We have prepared and reviewed many traffic engineering studies associated with all kinds of traffic control devices(about 80 studies),roadway modification/closures(12 studies),driveway modifications over 50),signal modifications(about 120 sites)and many turn restrictions,roadway queue and delay studies, travel demand study, downtown circulation studies, traffic safety analysis including a complete review of traffic collisions history trends and hot spots identity, speed studies and speed limit designation and certification, traffic calming measures, special events and circulation issues as well as private or public site developments. These analyses would be conducted using all the tools available including traffic modeling based on thresholds established or to be established by the City of Rosemead. Quantum is familiar with all the scope listed above either collectively or individually. We have investigated traffic signal warrants and all way stop warrants for over hundreds of intersections for many cities that we have either worked for or provided consulting services. We have conducted other traffic and transportation studies as named above such as sight distance analysis,signal coordination, signal and safety lighting, circulation and access studies and neighborhood calming. We have prepared and reviewed and certified over 200 traffic signal plans for 3 cities of Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Gardena and many more providing signal timing plans. We have developed signal interconnection system at 5 major arterials in West LA area. We have prepared citywide re-striping plans for Beverly Hills. We have conducted plans for Santa Monica corridor(State Route 2)involving bike lanes, median design and safety delineation. ITS plans for Transit priority on Olympic, Wilshire and Sunset Boulevards with the City of LA coordination. We established emergency re-routing signal CIE QUANTUM CONSULTING 5 PhurOSAL FOR RFP NO. 2019-13 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES timing plans for well received signal coordination plans on 3 parallel arterials when Freeway 10 was closed due to the 1994 earthquake. Specifically, as City Traffic Engineer, we provided review and approval of 110 traffic signal plans for the City of Beverly Hills,about 50 plans for the Metro Purple line extension,30 plans for Santa Monica Parkway re-construction project, 20 plans for signal transit priority in West LA, plans relating to placement of CCTVs at 20 locations and reviewed plans for transit priority along 3 major corridors Wilshire, Olympic and Santa Monica Boulevards). Further, we reviewed signal plans for placement of red light cameras (18 locations). We prepared plans and reviewed other's work pertaining to signal interconnection and network systems. 6. Prepare and make presentations to the Transportation & Public Safety Commission and City Council regarding traffic reviews and recommendations. As a long term City Traffic Engineer, we regularly attended and provided presentations and responded to questions to the Traffic and Parking Commission, Planning Commission, City Council, Public Works commission, Police Commission, Recreation and Parks Commission and many combined citizen/city staff committees and advisory boards. The following are additional services worth mentioning that Quantum Traffic Engineering team can accommodate if desired by the City: 1. Review the City's available traffic collision data base and advise City staff on traffic issues involved. 2. Provide technical input to city staff with signing and striping changes, signal equipment upgrades and parts, collision analysis, speed limits, traffic volume data and other work performed by City staff, including drafting responses to citizen complaints or media requests. 3. Conduct Parking Demand studies. Recommend capacity improvement. 4. Prepare temporary traffic control plans for City's CIP projects or review the work of others for temporary lane or roadway closures due to private construction, equipment delivery,temporary parking removal, Public Utilities lane or roadway closure requests. Temporary partial or full use of street right of way for community events and any other traffic control plans required by the City of Rosemead. 5. Prepare or Review traffic control plans for City's capital improvement projects and advise City on potential issues. 6. Update City with new MUTCD standards for traffic signals that need to be implemented/updated. Prepare plans, specifications, estimates (opinions of construction cost) and other design related documents. 7. If applicable,assist the City with red light camera project initiation or expansion. Provide technical support for projects managed by city's other departments such as Police, Fire, Parks, Planning, Building and Safety pertaining to Traffic, Circulation, parking and transit. 8. Assist the City with funding request applications such as "Call for Projects"-ATP State funding - SSARP State funding-and applications to other funding sources and programs. QUANTUM CONSULTING 6 P,—OSAL FOR RIP NO. 2019-13 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 9. If needed, assist traffic Signal Maintenance Technicians with signal timing and signal communications, central computer signal system, data collection, report preparation, Maintenance log and signal/striping plan layout and plan check. 10. Provide other professional consultant services as directed by the City. On-Call Engineering Services Our proposed design and project engineers will provide municipal engineering services on an "on-call or as needed" basis for various duties assigned by the City of Rosemead. Services may include, but are not limited to the following: General consulting and technical advice Private development application reviews Infrastructure design, construction and/or operation Assistance with the Capital Improvement Program Reviewing and certifying design plans, specifications and cost estimates for City capital projects Performing the lead role in the engineering review, coordination and technical administration of assessment districts and bond issue projects to provide coordinated and cost-effective project Reviewing private development construction plans, mapping and projects for compliance with City adopted design standards, subdivision standards and UBC and related work as required Assisting the City in the design, management, construction management, inspection, administration and processing Federal, State and Agency funded projects Assisting the City with processing grant applications Miscellaneous engineering tasks,feasibility studies,investigations,and other duties as directed by the City of Rosemead SECTION 2: PROJECT TEAM, KEY PERSONNEL AND RESUMES Key Personnel The following table lists our highly experienced key personnel available to provide services to the City of Rosemead. Team member Role(s) License(s) Experience Principal in Charge/ I Registered Civil Engineer, CA i 1 Frank Bigdeli, P.E. 35 years IProposedCityEngineeriNo. 51973 I Nasser Abbaszadeh, j Registered Civil Engineer, CA Project Engineer/Manager I 35 years P.E. i No. 39370 I I Registered Civil Engineer, CA I Doug Preble P.E. Senior Civil Engineer I I 45 years No. 20969 QC QUANTUM CONSULTING 7 PrwrOSAL FOR RFP NO. 2019-13 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Registered Traffic Engineer,CA f Bijan Vaziri, P.T.E. I Senior Traffic Engineer No. 2076 46 years 1............................... 1_..........................._ _... ...... .... .. ._.__.__._.._,_.._.... .... .. ._._ ....... i................................... ._ . ......_. Organizational Chart City of Rosemead Public Works Department Principal/City Engineer Frank Bigdeli, P.E. Project Manager Nasser Abbaszadeh,P.E. Senior Traffic Engineer Senior Civil Engineer Brian Vaziri, P.T.E. Douglas Preble, P.E., QSD Support Staff Support Staff Staff Resumes QCFrank Bigdeli, P.E. Principal in Charge/ City Engineer Education Mr. Bigdeli has over 35 years of experience in the management of i+ M.S.Civil Engineering,Old public works programs and projects in various capacities. He Dominion University B.S.Civil Engineering,Old recently completed his services as the contract City Engineer/Traffic Dominion University Engineer for the City of Gardena for over 12 years and has served Years of Experience as the contract City Engineer/Traffic Engineer for the Cities of 35 Azusa, and Lancaster. He has also served as the contract Public Works Director and City Engineer for the Cities of Lawndale and ciE QUANTUM CONSULTING 1711)11- P4..,-OSAL FOR RFP NO. 2019-13 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Registration Hermosa Beach. He also served as the consulting CIP manager cities r Registered Civil Engineer,CA such as Culver City and Compton and served as the program Civil No.51973 manager for the Los Angeles County Internal Services and Public Professional Affiliations Included Works Departments (ISD & PW) in the aftermath of the Northridge r American Society of Civil Earthquake. Engineers(ASCE) r American Public Works Mr. Bigdeli has provided engineering consulting services for over 50 Association(APWA)cities in Southern California in the Counties of Los Angeles, Orange, r National Society of Ventura as well as the Inland Empire. Professional Engineers NSPE) Additionally, he has managed projects ranging from the City of American Water Works Culver City City Hall Improvements Project, master water& sewer Association(AWWA) studies for the Cities of Compton, Gardena, and Azusa, and various r Los Angeles County City and County Engineers Association other projects spanning the full spectrum of civil engineering discipline. He has worked extensively with multiple funding from local, State, Federal, bonds and propositions and Measures sources to develop programs and projects for our client Cities. He provides compliance and QA/QC oversight for the implementation of projects. Relevant Experience City Engineer, Multiple Cities He recently completed his services as the contract City Engineer/Traffic Engineer for the City of Gardena for over 12 years and has previously served as the contract City Engineer/Traffic Engineer for the Cities of Azusa, and Lancaster. Additionally, Mr. Bigdeli has served as both Public Works Director and City Engineer for the Cities of Hermosa Beach, Lawndale and Lancaster. Measure R Projects, City of Gardena, CA Quantum has performed program management services to the City of Gardena for all Measure R and Measure M projects. Mr. Bigdeli's team provided traffic signal evaluation for the development of this project and then the Quantum team provided grant research, grant writing services, and continues to provide grant administrative services. These efforts have resulted in a total funding allocation of over $20 Million for the City of Gardena. Of that amount, $8,165,000 is under contract with Metro for three arterial projects. We are continuing to provide project management services implementing the solicitation of design services, performing design review and constructability review and value engineering.Quantum also prepared PSR/PSRE's for the Measure R projects for the Cities of Gardena and Hermosa Beach. Some of his extensive and varied project experience include: QUANTUM CONSULTING PwrOSAL FOR RFP NO. 2019-13 41.11101 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND si GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Principal in Charge, Highway Safety Improvement Program, Gardena, CA Mr. Bigdeli's team provided the initial traffic engineering study for the Highway Safety Improvement Program HSIP. These efforts have resulted in a total funding allocation of over$567,000 for the City of Gardena.This grant funded the Rosecrans Ave/Purche Ave Traffic Signal Improvement Project. We are continuing to provide project management services implementing the solicitation of design services, performing design review and constructability review and value engineering. Principal in Charge, Pacific Coast Highway/Aviation Blvd. Mobility Improvements, Hermosa Beach, CA Under his direction and utilizing Measure R funding, the Quantum Team has developed the project and worked with Caltrans to provide PSR, PA&ED for the proposed major improvements.The project integrates major improvements to the highway, provides pedestrian improvements throughout the length, develops bicycle lanes and routes, improves transit access and will smooth traffic flow and improve business access through the corridor. The project is ongoing. Principal in Charge, 2008, 2012 and 2015 Pavement Management Programs, Gardena, CA The Quantum team prepared the initial Pavement Management Program PMP and has provided subsequent updates every three to four years for the City of Gardena. The plans have been utilized to acquire funding for the improvement projects. The most recent update was recently completed. Gardena has just over 100 centerline miles of streets. Quantum performed the Pavement Management Study for the City of Gardena with quality service, on time and within budget. The services included analyzing the existing pavement system, assigning a Pavement Condition Index PCI) rating for citywide sections of the paved roadway. A five-year plan to improve the condition of the roadway system was prepared. Overall condition has been improved under Frank's direction to a PCI of 92. Principal in Charge, Foothill/Alameda Intersection Improvements, Azusa, CA Mr. Bigdeli directed the Quantum team providing intersection evaluation and design services and construction management for the intersection improvements at the Foothill Boulevard/Alameda Street in Downtown Azusa. This work involved a new pedestrian island, a new crosswalk, access ramps and a new pedestrian actuated traffic signal. Principal in Charge, Citrus Crossing/Citrus Avenue Pedestrian Access and Improvements& Streetscape, Azusa, CA Under Mr. Bigdeli's direction, Quantum provided design and construction inspection for new intersection upgrades, pedestrian improvements with reconfigurations on the Citrus Avenue and Foothill frontages of the Citrus Crossing retail center development. The intersection was upgrades with full ADA access, pedestrian signal control, and coordination with the Los Angeles County TSSP Traffic flow system). Principal in Charge, Citrus Foothill Boulevard/Flood Control Access Project,Azusa, CA k1 QUANTUM CONSULTING PiwrOSAL FOR RFP NO. 2019-13 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND0GENERALENGINEERINGSERVICES Under direction of Frank Bigdeli, Quantum provided concept design services for a project for the City of Azusa. The improvements included access ramps, new sidewalk, fencing, crosswalks, and traffic signals. This design included configuration of flood control crossing facility, reconfigured traffic signals with pedestrian facility, new dryscaped pedestrian walkway from high traffic areas, pedestrian crossing facilities and access to local school by off street routing. Principal in Charge, Azusa Village Center(Block 36)Offsite Utilities Project, Azusa, CA Mr. Bigdeli provided complete oversight and traffic engineering services for this project which included sewer, water relocation and gas relocations, electrical distribution under-grounding, telephone and CATV under-grounding and new signalized intersection configuration for an in-fill redevelopment site in Downtown Azusa.The project required new intersection work within Foothill Boulevard, a primary arterial street. Coordination with affected business owners and residents was essential. Careful implementation of traffic control plans was also coordinated to avoid peak hour traffic. Quantum provided design services, management and full time construction inspection services. The services included scheduling with City staff and, monitoring all aspects of the contract including RFI's, change orders, payment requests, and final contract close out. Principal in Charge, Sidewalk & Pedestrian Safety Improvements, Lomita, CA We completed the Citywide Sidewalk and Pedestrian Safety Improvements design and construction management for the City of Lomita. Quantum provided engineering design, construction management and inspection services under Mr. Bigdeli's direction. The work consisted of new signage, radar speed control signage, concrete sidewalks, curb ramps per ADA, curb and gutter, removal and replacement of trees, intersection striping and signage installation at various locations throughout the City of Lomita.The construction cost for this project was $220,000. On behalf of the City of Lomita and the City Council, we received a letter from the Public Works Director informing us that they are very pleased with the work that our team has done on this project. Principal in Charge,Vermont Avenue Street Improvement, Gardena, CA Quantum Consulting provided engineering design, construction management and construction inspection services.Quantum Consulting prepared full PS&E for street and intersection rehabilitation improvements to Vermont Avenue from El Segundo Boulevard to Rosecrans Avenue. Project included AC paving, new Sidewalks, planting new trees, striping and traffic signs. QUANTUM CONSULTING PrwrOSAL FOR RFP NO. 2019-13 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 4:C Nasser Abbaszadeh, P.E. Project Manager Education With over thirty-five years of experience in the field of Civil M.S.in Civil Engineering, Engineering, Mr. Abbaszadeh has been responsible for CSULB B.S.in Civil Engineering, administration & budgeting, maintenance functions for CSULB infrastructure that includes buildings, parks, trails, green belts and capital Improvement project delivery among other things. Years of Experience 35 Prior to his retirement from the City of Laguna Niguel, he served as Director of Public Works and City Engineer for that respective city.Registration Registered Civil Engineer,CA He has also held the same position for the Cities of Lawndale and Registered QSP and QSD,CA San Juan Capistrano. Through his many years of public service, Nasser has acquired strong communication and leadership skillsProfessionalAffiliationsIncluded y LA County Executive Advisory which he will bring to the table for the City. Committee on the NPDES permit i LA County City&County Engineers Association Relevant Experience Director of Public Works and City Engineer, Cities of Laguna Niguel, Lawndale and San Juan Capistrano The Public Works Department(PW) is the"infrastructure"guardian for any city.As Director of Public Works, Mr. Abbaszadeh oversaw Capital Improvement Project delivery, environmental services, contract services management, subdivision, grading, and site improvement services, permitting and inspection services, multi-year capital improvement project program and traffic engineering for the aforementioned cities. City Engineer and Assistant Public Works Director, City of Azusa During his long career with City of Azusa, Mr. Abbaszadeh provided engineering and maintenance services for numerous projects within the city. He also worked on maintenance of the infrastructure within the city. Project Manager, PBS&J, City of Irvine While working with PBS&J, Mr.Abbaszadeh was part of the project management team that oversaw the design and construction of numerous projects.Some of these include the widening of Main Street in the City of Irvine and the widening of Route 55 in Orange County. Deputy City Engineer, City of Duarte QC' QUANTUM CONSULTING PnvrOSAL FOR RFP NO. 201943 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES As Deputy City Engineer, Mr. Abbaszadeh was responsible for completion of Design and Specifications for Public Works Projects, contract administration, surveying, traffic engineering and federally funded programs. Assistant Transportation Engineer, Caltrans, City of Los Angeles As assistant transportation engineer at Caltrans, he served as a Field Inspector in Construction Branch; Project Designer in Project Development; an investigator in Traffic Operations; Structural Designer in Bridge Department (Sacramento); and a Transportation Planner in Transportation Planning Branch. QUANTUM CONSULTING PnVrOSAL FOR RFP NO. 2019-13 0141" .CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND i GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES LIE Douglas Preble, P.E. Project Manager/Civil Engineer Education Mr. Preble, our proposed project manager/civil engineer, is M.S.Civil Engineering continuously available and responsible for coordination of all B.S.Civil Engineering MBA,Business contacts with the City. He will be in constant communication with Administration the City. Following his educational development at Stanford University, Mr.Years of Experience r 45 Preble has 45 years of experience in the field of civil engineering, contracting, and business management. He has worked for various Registration public and private entities such as Caltrans, Edison, Orange County Registered Civil Engineer,CA. Sanitation District, Engineering Contractors as well as consulting Civil No.20969 Registered Surveyor,CA. firms. He is a well-seasoned registered civil engineer with Qualified SWPPP Developer management and contracting skills that complement any program. QSD) He is well versed in interacting with the public,city staff,contractors and other professionals. Professional Affiliations Included American Society of Civil Mr. Preble recently provided City Engineer services including the Engineers(ASCE) day to day civil engineering services at the City of Azusa providing D National Society of engineering services including permitting, plan checking, Professional Engineers NSPE) development review, engineering design, inspection supervision Los Angeles County City and and coordination with the public, developers, contractors, County Engineers Association engineers, agencies and other City departments. He currently provides City Surveyor services to the City of Lomita. He also provides grading plan check and project inspection services for the City. He has recently completed the design of$44 million in bond funded water main replacements and additional facilities for the Compton Municipal Water Department,totaling 25 miles now in service.The six replacement projects were designed, constructed and are in service for the water department. He also designed 15 miles of sanitary sewer system replacement and upgrade as six projects for the Public Works department of the City of Compton, much of which is now in service. Mr. Preble provides project management, design, technical support, grant services, plan check, City surveyor services and quality control for Quantum Consulting. He is based at the Quantum Consulting office in Torrance, California. QUANTUM CONSULTING PnwrOSAL FOR RFP NO. 2019-13 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Relevant Experience City Engineer Services,Azusa, CA Under Frank Bigdeli, P.E. (Contract City Engineer) Mr. Preble provided on site City Engineering services for over a year including the day to day civil engineering at the City of Azusa. Services included providing engineering plan check, permitting, development review, engineering design, construction management, inspection supervision, coordination with the public, developers, contractors, engineers, agencies and other City departments. During this period worked with development projects including a shopping center, three condominium developments, a downtown mixed used project, new Target store, and new senior facilities and coordinated with civil construction management on a new 600-acre residential development. He supervised construction management on the University Expansion. Provided design of limited infrastructure and worked with the County Traffic Signal Synchronization System to upgrade traffic flow through the City. City Engineering Services, Gardena, CA He recently provided plan check services for three current Measure R roadway improvement projects in the City. As senior engineer at Quantum Consulting he provided design services to the City of Gardena as directed by Mr. Bigdeli (Contract City Engineer, part time). He supervised the design of street improvements for 178th Street & Budlong Avenue and recently provided drainage study and preliminary design for the Vermont Avenue Storm Drain Restoration project which consisted of restoration of four 60-year-old 72" Corrugated Metal Pipes (CMP) due to significant subsidence of Vermont Avenue. He also provided architectural and engineering design and construction management for a replacement restroom facility at Arthur Johnson Park including bid ready plans, specifications and estimate and construction management. City Engineering Services, Lawndale, CA He provided plan check, project review, and map check services for projects within the City. He provided construction management services for the Hawthorne Boulevard improvements project under Mr. Bigdeli, City Engineer and Director of Public Works. Project Engineer, Project Manager, Van Ness Raw Water Main,Torrance, CA Prepared bid ready plans, specifications and estimates for four and one half mile water main to service two new municipal water wells in the north of the City, one in a City park and one adjacent to an adult school and connected to a water treatment system and reservoir at the south side of the City. The project included establishment of design criteria, pipe alignment and sizing. The project required a 24-inch HDPE pipeline with fabricated steel pipeline segments, crossings of thirty-two petroleum pipelines, four tunnels and extensive site design to provide the interconnection of the three new wells, the treatment facilities, and the reservoir to improve the water supply in the south of the City. Due to the location of the pipeline through major portions of the City, extensive traffic control design was also required. Project Engineer, Project Manager, Descanso Water Main,Torrance, CA QUANTUM CONSULTING PnvrOSAL FOR RFP NO.2019-13 1161— CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES The design team is preparing to generate plans and specifications a new one and one half mile water main to service new municipal water well in the wellfield portion of the City.The project includes a new retention structure and drainage connection to a facility that discharges to the County SD. Project Engineer, Manager,Water&Sewer Bond Improvements, Compton,CA Prepared bid ready plans, specifications and estimates for twelve projects including utility coordination, establishment of design criteria, pipe alignment and sizing. The projects provided 45 miles of water&sewer main improvements,with a bond funded budget of$65M.The designs utilized the Quantum prepared citywide model and master plan on which Mr. Preble was part of the team. Trench paving restoration designs and pedestrian facility/access replacements were included in the project designs. Existing pipelines were designed to be replaced using ductile iron pipes varying in sizes from 8 inch to 16 inch. Project included replacement of existing hydrants plus adding new fire hydrants to upgrade system preparedness and meet current standards.The project funding was from water system improvement bonds based in part on the water system model and master plan prepared by Quantum Consulting in which Mr. Preble was a part of the team. Design, Citywide Sidewalk and Pedestrian Safety Improvements, Lomita, CA Project manager for the Citywide Sidewalk and Pedestrian Safety Improvements design and construction management for the City of Lomita. Quantum provided engineering design, construction management and inspection services for this project. The work consisted of concrete sidewalks, curb ramps per ADA, curb and gutter, removal and replacement of trees, intersection striping and signage installation at various locations throughout the City of Lomita.The construction cost for this project was$270,000. On behalf of the City of Lomita and the City Council,we received a letter from the Public Works Director informing us that they are very pleased with the work that our team has done on this project. Oris Alley Street Improvements and Water Main Replacement, Compton,CA Mr. Preble provided project management services for this project and Quantum design team prepared complete project plans, specifications and estimate for reconstruction of through alley and tee configured alleys with local business pedestrian alley access, roadway alley approaches, gutters, sidewalk, reconstruction/replacement of water distribution pipeline with all appurtenances, service connections and miscellaneous work complete to provide a complete improvement of the existing facilities.This project included all public and utility notifications;surveying,potholing,environmental protections, demolition, removals, disposals, testing, trenching, repairs, paving, infrastructure restoration, structures restorations and utility identification. Design included the detail drawings for the water pipe replacement, the throughway improvements, paving replacement, and other details to complete the work. Northwood Avenue Sewer Replacement&Roadway Construction,Compton,CA Mr. Preble managed Quantum design team providing design for the construction of VCP sewer main, installation of manholes, re-establishment of sewer laterals. Quantum prepared final sewer plans, specifications and estimate and provided construction documents interpretation, consultation and QUANTUM CONSULTING 16 PnwrOSAL FOR RFP NO. 2019-13 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES support during the bidding phase of the project. Street improvements were provided by other engineers and combined for a consolidated project. Quantum construction support team assisted the City in preparing bid addenda as required to provide clarification to contract documents and responses to Requests for Information (RFI) and Requests for Clarification (RFC) and provided shop drawing and review of Contractor's submittals of proposed materials, change order review and met with City to discuss change orders and construction issues. Vermont Avenue Improvements, and Signalization, Gardena, CA Provided the PSRE for the project which the City received grant funding(Measure R)for the upgrades for this north south arterial through the City. The project improved signals and increased access to businesses along the corridor. We provided project management for the work. CLE QUANTUM CONSULTING PnwrOSAL FOR RFP NO. 2019-13 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND a „ ) GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES CIEBijan Vaziri, P.T.E. Pr oiect Manager/Traffic Engineer Education Our proposed Traffic Engineer Mr. Bijan Vaziri, P.T.E. has over forty M.S.Civil-Traffic Engineering, years of experience in municipal traffic engineering field including USC r B.S.Civil Engineering, thirty-one years as the Traffic Engineer for the City of Beverly Hills. University of New Mexico- He's currently providing on-call traffic engineering services for the Albuquerque cities of Hermosa Beach, Gardena, and Lomita and Bakersfield. Years of Experience Please see his resume below for further description of his 46 experience and qualifications. Registration With over forty years of experience in the field of traffic Registered Traffic Engineer,engineering, Mr. Vaziri has been responsible for the management,CA TR No.2076 direction and coordination of municipal traffic engineering Professional Affiliations Included activities and administration of city traffic plans, traffic projects, Institute of Transportation Engineers- capital programs related to traffic and safety improvements. He r Examination Division provides investigation, warrants, and design for system upgrades, Department of Consumer has conducted a number of traffic safety studies and has Affairs TE Exam Subject implemented many safety measures such as geometric design Matter Expert modifications. Signal timing and programming street restriping to improve safety, speed studies and safety mitigations, red light camera program, street realignment to improve speed control, median and vertical striping design and pioneered diagonal crosswalk design to improve safety. He recently retired from the City of Beverly Hills as the City Traffic Engineer after 31 years of service. During his illustrious career Mr. Vaziri has developed programs and projects to improve and enhance the traffic environment in Southern California for which he has received many awards and accolades by city staff,public officials as well as his peers. Presently, he conducts peer review for Quantum Consulting traffic and parking projects as well as the review of traffic impact studies and EIR reviews, the review of traffic control plans and traffic signal plans. Since 2016, he is providing on-call traffic engineering services for the cities of Hermosa Beach, Gardena, and Lomita and has also served as the Traffic Engineer for over ten other municipalities Mr. Vaziri is also experienced with the submission of the Caltrans funding programs such as SSARP, ATP, HES and has acquired over$ 9 million in funding opportunities for transportation Capital QUANTUM CONSULTING o-•a Pn...-OSAL FOR RFP NO. 2019-13 f CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Improvement Projects from Federal, State and County sources for over 12 different projects. Relevant Experience City Traffic Engineer, City of Beverly Hills(1985-2016) Conducted and reviewed traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning studies, safety studies, parking studies, signal design and operation and signal network administration preparing timing and coordination plans, Traffic Impact Reports, EIR-Circulation, volume-speed-delay studies, traffic flow improvements in select corridors of the City. Managed a number of Capital Improvement projects. Provided review of speed control, parking regulations, striping, signage, and traffic calming, participated in Joint projects with West Hollywood and Los Angeles and procured many Local and Federal funding opportunities for Transportation projects. Established diagonal crosswalk design first city in California) resulting in 60%reduction of Auto/Pedestrian collisions. Specifically, he initiated the process of reviewing temporary traffic control plans since 1995 and prepared a guideline document as effective ways to review these type of plans. Mr. Vaziri initiated preparation of streets and alleys masterplan in 1987 and 20 years later provided update based on many years enforcement of the plan. Mr. Vaziri reviewed a number of EIR documents focusing in transportation element. To name a few he has reviewed and commented and appeared in hearings regarding the EIR for Cider Sinai Medical Complex Expansion Plan-Los Angeles, 20th Fox expansion plans in Culver City, Metro Purple line expansion to the sea, a 76 story commercial building at Constellation Ave. - Century City, Barney's and Sack's 5th Ave Department Stores in B. H., Montage, Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills Hotels expansion in Beverly Hills. He also prepared and reviewed over 20 Capital improvement projects generated by local governments of the Cities of Beverly Hills, Los Angeles and adjacent jurisdiction in joint projects. On-Call City Traffic Engineer and Plan Check Services, Multiple Cities, CA Mr. Vaziri is currently providing on-call traffic engineering services for the cities of Lomita,Chino,and Santa Monica, which he has recently done for the cities of Hermosa Beach and Gardena. These services include plan checking of new development and redevelopment projects as well as CIP related city projects. He also reviews traffic planning studies, safety studies, parking studies, traffic impact reports, EIR, signal operation and signal network administration. Review Major Project Traffic Control Designs, Gardena, CA Mr. Vaziri provided signalization and striping review for the Quantum Program Management of the Measure R projects to upgrade arterial routes through the City. He provided the in-house traffic control review for these Measure R arterial projects in multiple locations in the City. Traffic Control Design for Pipeline Projects, Compton, CA Prepared the traffic control for the projects which included 15 miles of pipeline replacement within the City. Also provided the input on a restoration of intersection signal equipment and signage QUANTUM CONSULTING PnwrOSAL FOR RFP NO. 2019-13 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER ANDc4____)GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES upgrades. Sunset Park Traffic Circulation Plan,Santa Monica, CA Responsible for the traffic calming elements and intersection design to re-route the pass- through traffic impacting residential neighborhoods. Recommended a series of measures to be implemented in three phases: 1- Immediate safety and traffic control measures, 2-Make short cuts non-attractive, re-route them back to arterials,3-Close the neighborhood entirely to short-cuts by providing new OP alternatives such a new roadways and extensions. Downtown Parking Master Plan Studies, Bakersfield,CA Conducted a comprehensive parking study and master plan for Downtown Bakersfield resulting in adoption of revise parking plan and management for the City with minimum costs. Studies included Quantum staff work in the City for field traffic and parking review. Traffic Organization,Senior Traffic Engineer, City of Tehran (76-84) Engineer in charge of Traffic Operation Division, representing the organization in the City's Planning Commission. Involvement in the design of City's Freeway and Arterial System,transit network, and traffic management plan for a city of 12 Million population. Assistant Transportation Engineer, Consultant firm of LLG-Playa Del Rey(73-76) Prepared traffic impact studies- Prepared parking analysis studies -Conducted field data collection- drafting signal plans- drafting striping plans- prepared presentation diagrams. LE QUANTUM CONSULTING P...,. OSAL FOR RFP NO. 2019-13 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES SECTION 3: COMPANY QUALIFICATIONS Quantum Consulting has been privileged to provide municipal engineering services including civil engineering,traffic engineering,transportation planning, program management,staff augmentation,plan check review and certification, city engineering services, project review and project design services to municipalities throughout Southern California. We are well-versed in the myriad of issues including technical as well as community involvement related specifically to plan checking services and CIP program. We possess the depth of experience and staffing to meet and exceed your expectations. Our team of professional traffic and civil engineers, designers, program/construction managers, and support staff are well versed in matters related to municipal engineering having served both as city employees and consultants. For over 25 years, Quantum Consulting has provided municipal civil and traffic engineering and public works administrative services; staff augmentation; design services; traffic systems engineering, Infrastructure Planning services; construction management and inspection services; and CIP funding procurement and administrative services exclusively for cities in southern California. Over this period, Quantum Consulting has also provided on-call traffic and transportation engineering services for many municipalities such as the Cities of Hermosa Beach, Lawndale, Azusa, Gardena, Palmdale, and Lancaster. We are currently providing on-call traffic engineering plan check services for the cities of Chino, Lomita, and Santa Monica. We have provided similar services for the cities of Gardena, Hermosa Beach, and Bakersfield. CIP projects and Council initiated projects such as stop signs,traffic signals,etc. Our services have been performed in accordance with all applicable regulations, standards, and Municipal Code, and California Vehicle Code. We have provided coordinated project design and management with the County to implement the TSSP program to expedite traffic flow through multiple municipalities, most recently the City of Hermosa Beach. We have provided coordinated project design and management with the State of California to implement the SSARP program to enhance safety through multiple municipalities. We have provided traffic signal design, operations, and programming. We have performed warrant studies for signage and signalization programs. We have conducted studies relating to traffic control devices such as stop and turn restrictions, geometric design and modification of roadways, transportation planning and parking models, vehicular and pedestrian safety analysis and improvement projects. We have provided peer review of traffic and transportation impact reports and EIRs to the following cities in recent years: Azusa, Carson, Culver City, Gardena, Hermosa Beach, Lawndale, La Puente, Newport Beach, Norwalk, and several others. QUANTUM CONSULTING 0 P,...,, OSAL FOR RFP NO. 2019-13 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES We have provided infrastructure project development, design, management, construction management, inspection, pavement management and sewer infrastructure design services for more than $100 million worth of improvements in the last five years. We seek ways to save agencies in terms of cost and time. Most recently, while providing services for multiple projects for the City of Lake Forest, we found ways to coordinate and merge tasks among several projects and revise down our fee schedules. Our professional engineers are accustomed to balancing both a high level perspective for project efficiency and a hands-on, granular involvement for quality assurance. Our extensive list of repeat municipal clients is a testimonial to our dedication in providing the highest quality services with the utmost sensitivity toward the City's residents, staff, and public officials. The following is a partial list of the cities for which Quantum has provided various types of municipal engineering services: Chino Carson Arcadia Palmdale Santa Monica Azusa Cerritos Fullerton Lawndale Redondo Beach Baldwin Park Culver City Gardena Lomita Bakersfield Beverly Hills City of L.A. Hermosa Beach Los Angeles Santa Monica Burbank Commerce Inglewood Manhattan Beach Hawthorne California City Compton Irvine Newport Beach Torrance Caltrans County of L.A. La Puente Norwalk Lancaster Track Record As an established full service Southern California engineering consulting firm: We continue to complete all of our projects on time and within budget We complete our services to the satisfaction of public works department staff, municipal management staff, council members, and the surrounding communities Quantum has never asked for any additional fees from any client beyond our approved contract Quantum has never been involved in any legal actions against any of our municipal clients due to our services Breadth of Service. On-Call Civil Engineering — We provide on-call civil engineering design services for all aspects of municipal CIP programs. We are currently on retainer to provide on-call engineering services for the cities of Culver City, Manhattan Beach, San Fernando, and Laguna Niguel. We have provided these services for cities such as Gardena, Lomita, Hermosa Beach, Lake Forest, Irvine, Azusa, Commerce, Palmdale, Lancaster, and California City. On-Call City Engineer/Public Works Director Services — We provide contract city engineering and public works administration services. We have provided these services for the cities such as Gardena, Azusa, Hermosa Beach, and Lawndale. QUANTUM CONSULTING A P....,r OSAL FOR RFP NO. 2019-13 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND L i GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES On-Call Traffic Engineering—We provide on-call traffic engineering services to include plan checking, including the review of traffic impact reports and EIR documents for both public and private developments, signal design and system management, warrant studies for traffic control devices, traffic committee management, etc. We have provided these services for many municipalities such as the cities of Chino, Lomita,Santa Monica, Bakersfield, Hermosa Beach, Lawndale, Beverly Hills,Azusa, Gardena, and Commerce. Program/Project Management — Provide management of CIP programs to include program development of cyclical programs, develop and locate funding sources. Provided PM services for the County of Los Angeles during the aftermath of the Northridge Earthquake Roadway Design —Completed street and roadway improvements, including pavement replacement, rehabilitation and overlay designs for the Cities of Azusa and Gardena. Pavement Management Program — Completed pavement management studies for the cities of Gardena and Azusa Staff Augmentation— Provided staff augmentation and support for the cities of Lawndale, Gardena, Azusa, Culver City, Hermosa Beach as well as LA County ISD Plan Checking— Provide plan checking services including tract and subdivision maps, and surveys for the cities of Lomita, Azusa, and Gardena Master Planning — Completed Master Water and Sewer for the cities of Azusa and Gardena and facilitated the ground work in obtaining over$100 million in bonds and grants for the improvements. Completed Master Drainage Plan for City of Gardena. Incorporated GIS system for Azusa. Prepared Master Parks Plan for Gardena Construction Management and Inspection — Completed CM&I for the 600 acre Rosedale Development for the City of Azusa, which included five miles of roadway, two parks, sewers, storm drains, detention basins, sidewalks, curb and gutter and utilities for City of Azusa Potable and Recycled Water Design—We have completed water bond improvements, wells, pumps, structures and additional appurtenant projects for many cities. We completed $44M water bond projects (6 projects) all of which have been completed by the Municipal Water Department of Compton. Sanitary Sewer Design—We have completed $20M in sewer replacement and rehabilitation projects total of 6) for the Compton Department of Public Works. Architectural - Design of the Carson Community Center and Azusa City Hall upgrades EIR-CEQA— Provide EIR and CEQA documents for the corresponding projects Grants—Application and administration for numerous cities yielding over$100 million in grant awards from various Local, County, State and Federal Sources QUANTUM CONSULTING fa0 Pn ,,-OSAL FOR RFP NO. 2019-13 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Relevant Project Experience For the past 20 years, Quantum has committed to provide the best experience for each one of its municipal clients. From quality to efficiency,we make it our goal to provide the best services every time. The following represent some of the cities for which Quantum Consulting has provided Civil and Traffic Engineering services over few years. These projects demonstrate the experience of our staff that encompasses all aspects of professional consulting services as delineated in RFP. City Engineer Services City Engineer Services Our Principal, Frank Bigdeli, recently completed his services as the contract City of Gardena City Engineer for the City of Gardena. Over the course of 12 years, Frank oversaw and managed projects citywide, was directly involved in grant acquisition efforts and oversaw day to day operations at the Public Works Departments. City Engineer Services Quantum recently provided City Engineer Services for the City of Azusa.The City of Azusa scope of services provided by Quantum was similar to those delineated in this RFP. City Engineer Services Quantum provided City Engineer Services for the City of Lancaster. The City of Lancaster scope of services provided by Quantum was similar to those delineated in this RFP. City Traffic Engineer Mr. Bijan Vaziri recently completed over 30 years of experience in practically City of Beverly Hills all aspects of traffic engineering studies and operation, planning and CIP. Addition information is provided as a part of Mr. Vaziri's qualifications for becoming Traffic Engineer of on-call service to the City in his resume. On-Call Contracts On-Call Engineering Quantum is currently under contract with the City of San Fernando to Services provide professional engineering services. City of San Fernando On-Call Engineering Quantum is currently under contract with Culver City to provide Services professional engineering services. City of Culver City QUANTUM CONSULTING 24 wr PnvrOSAL FOR RFP NO.2019-13 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES On-Call Engineering We are currently on-call to provide professional engineering services for the Services City of Laguna Niguel. We are responsible for traffic and civil project design City of Laguna Niguel throughout the entire city. On-Call Engineering Quantum Consulting is currently under contract to perform on-call design Design&Public Works services for the City of Manhattan Beach. We are currently designing storm Inspection Services drain improvements at various location in the City, new ADA improvements City of Manhattan Beach adjacent to a City park and Senior Villas Complex, and a striping project within City limits on Rosecrans Avenue. Quantum Consulting provides inspection services for the City of Manhattan Beach. Two recent simultaneous projects were the Harrison Greenberg Foundation Roundhouse Aquarium Beautification Project & Manhattan Beach Pier Utilities and Round House Exterior Improvements Project. Currently, we are inspecting the slurry seal project at various locations throughout the City and parking lot improvements project. On-Call Engineering, Quantum Consulting performs on-call grading plan check and inspection, Grading Plan Check and and city surveyor services to the City of Lomita.Services including plan check City Surveyor Services related to EIR for various new developments for the City of Lomita City of Lomita Community Development Department. Mr. Douglas Preble is currently providing City Surveyor services to the City of Lomita. He additionally provides grading plan check and project inspection services for the City of Lomita Community Development Department. On-Call Traffic Plan Quantum currently performs plan checking services including review of Checking Services traffic impact studies, reviews EIR traffic impact reports, reviews traffic City of Chino signal plans, reviews traffic signal coordination plan and review of traffic control plans for the City of Chino. On-Call City&Traffic Quantum Consulting recently provided Contract Public Works Director/City Engineering and Public Engineer and staff augmentation for the City of Hermosa Beach for over two Works Interim Director years. During our tenure, we assisted the City in implementing numerous Services CIP programs including Pacific Coast Highway Mobility Project by obtaining City of Hermosa Beach $100M from various sources including Measure R and Caltrans Cap M & SHOPP grants. In addition,our services included plan checking, preparation of citywide engineering and traffic surveys and traffic impact analysis report. On-Call Engineering Quantum Consulting provided on call engineering services including plan Services check, construction management, and public works inspection services for CLE QUANTUM CONSULTING 25 PiwrOSAL FOR RFP NO.2019-13 ink CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES City ofAzusa the City of Azusa for a period of two years. During this time, we provided public works inspections for all public and private facilities within or affecting the right of way, including pavement rehabilitation, drainage, sewer and water facilities, traffic control. This work included public outreach to assure coordination with residents and businesses to maintain access to individual properties during construction. Each individual project was completed on time and within budget. On-Call Civil and Traffic Quantum Consulting recently provided on call engineering services for the Engineering Services City of Gardena for three years. During this time, we have provided public City of Gardena works inspections for all public and private facilities within or affecting the right of way, including pavement rehabilitation, drainage, sewer and water facilities, traffic control. This work included contact with residents and businesses to assure the maintenance of appropriate access to individual properties during construction. Each individual project was completed on time and within budget. Project Experience—Civil and Traffic Engineering Cycle 2 Storm Drain Quantum Consulting is currently preparing complete project plans, Infrastructure specifications and estimate for rehabilitation of storm drains citywide in 13 Improvements Project locations. New CCTV investigations are under way for condition assessment City of Manhattan Beach of the various locations. Design will include new paving section and striping at the replacements to provide a complete restoration where possible. Rosecrans Avenue We are currently designing striping plan and curb ramp improvements for Resurfacing Project the Rosecrans Resurfacing project for the City of Manhattan Beach. We are City of Manhattan Beach preparing plans, specification and estimate (PS$E) including ADA compliant curb ramps, curb and gutter, and striping for this project. The total length for this project is 3300 LF. Manhattan Senior Villas Quantum is currently providing engineering design services for City of ADA Pathway Project Manhattan Beach's ADA pathway project. The project consists of design of City of Manhattan Beach new ADA accessible pedestrian ramp structure and pathway from the public sidewalk through the parking lot to the entrance of the Senior Villas Complex and adjacent City Public Park. Cycle 1 Sewer System Quantum Consulting prepared complete project plans, specifications and Improvements Project estimate for reconstruction of sewers in 9 locations determined to be most City of Manhattan Beach severe in various streets and rights of way. The project required replacement of approximately two thousand (2,000 LF) feet of existing T QUANTUM CONSULTING 26 Pr vrOSAL FOR RFP NO. 2019-13 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND 40 a4,i GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES sewer and point repairs at other locations. Design included new paving section, striping, curb and gutter, sidewalk, approaches, cross gutters, and ADA improvement at the replacements to provide a complete restoration where possible.The project was recently completed.We are now evaluating and performing the design for their storm drain system. Neighborhood Traffic We are presently conducting circulation study for the south-east segment and Circulation Study of Santa Monica and preparing recommendations to control the high City of Santa Monica volume of by-pass traffic in residential neighborhoods. We are currently presenting over 20 mitigation recommendations to the City. Downtown Bakersfield We recently completed a Masterplan Parking Study of the downtown area Parking Study for the City of Bakersfield. Our services consisted of review of existing City of Bakersfield parking conditions, policies, and enforcement mechanisms, and provide recommendation to improve the parking infrastructure, enforcement and management for the next 20 years. We conducted parking counts for existing City parking garages, and on-street parking locations during peak and non-peak periods. City has already begun implementing our recommendations. Measure R Highway Quantum team has provided the initial traffic engineering study for the Safety Improvement Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). These efforts have resulted Program in a total funding allocation of over $567,000 for the City of Gardena. This City of Gardena grant funded the Rosecrans Ave/Purche Ave Traffic Signal Improvement Project. We are continuing to provide project management services implementing the solicitation of design services, performing design review and constructability review and value engineering. Van Ness Water Main & Quantum Consulting has recently provided design services for the Van Ness Storm Drains Project Water Wells Transmission Main of 3.5 miles in length. This project includes City of Torrance construction of a water transmission main in Van Ness Avenue from two groundwater well sites located off Van Ness Ave., north of the 405 Freeway, the design of an area storm drain piping system in Purche Ave. near Well No. 12 to 182nd Street and the design of a storm drain line from the reservoir and Well No. 7 facility to Plaza Del Amo for disposal of well discharges and for reservoir cleaning. The Quantum team prepared all necessary documents including permits and CEQA. Purche Avenue Storm The Quantum design team has completed the design of the area storm drain Drain Project piping system in Purche Avenue, 185th Street, Van Ness Ave and 182nd Street.The existing condition of the residential area was problematic due to t 1 QUANTUM CONSULTING P....,, OSAL FOR RFP NO.2019-13 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES City of Torrance flooding. The new storm drain pipes were required to be at minimal cover to allow connection to existing storm drain facilities and to maintain flow. The design was 30" reinforced concrete pipe, portions of eccentric shape and approximately one half mile in length. La Carretera Park Quantum is currently providing engineering design services for City of Modifications Torrance's modifications to La Carretera Park. The project consisted of City of Torrance designing a new picnic area, playground facilities, basketball court and relocating electrical panels. Well No. 13 is located at the park where it will be connected to the transmission main for which Quantum is providing design services. Our services were completed on time and within budget. Village Pond Park Quantum Consulting provided constructability review of the Plans, Improvement Project Specifications and Estimate for the Village Pond Park project in the City of City of Lake Forest Lake Forest. We performed general review of the project plans and specifications and visited the site to determine the level of effort required to provide a thorough constructability review of the proposed contract documents for the project. The scope of the constructability review of the work included determination of plan and speciation describing the work to be done,checking each mark, line,word, symbol on the drawings,verifying all notes,existing conditions,bubble references,abbreviations and symbols, checking for missing details or conflicting details,and evaluation of table of contents, bid schedule, bid items,etc. Foothill/Alameda Quantum provided intersection evaluation and traffic engineering services Intersection for the intersection improvements at the Foothill Boulevard/Alameda Street Improvements in Downtown Azusa. This work involved a new pedestrian island, a new City of Azusa crosswalk,access ramps and a new pedestrian actuated traffic signal. Vermont Avenue Storm Quantum Consulting provided project management,preliminary design and Drain Restoration drainage study services for the Vermont Ave Storm Drain Restoration City of Gardena project. This project consisted of restoring of the four 60-year-old 72" Corrugated Metal Pipes (CMP) on Vermont Ave just north of Artesia Blvd. This project was an emergency restoration project due to several inches of subsidence on Vermont Avenue. Greenleaf Street Quantum Consulting prepared complete project plans, specifications and Improvement estimate for reconstruction with Proposition 42 funding of approximately City of Compton four thousand (4,000 LF) feet of roadway, intersection and pedestrian improvements. Design included signal rehabilitation, signage, paving section, striping, curb and gutter, sidewalk, approaches, cross gutters, and QE QUANTUM CONSULTING 28 PnvrOSAL FOR RFP NO. 2019-13 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND r GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES ADA ramps to provide a complete roadway improvement with traffic control restoration from Alameda St. to Long Beach Blvd. Project construction has been completed and the project accepted. Sidewalk and Pedestrian We completed the Citywide Sidewalk and Pedestrian Safety Improvements Safety Improvements design and construction management for the City of Lomita. Quantum City of Lomita provided engineering design, construction management and inspection services for this project. The work consisted of new signage, radar speed control signage, concrete sidewalks, curb ramps per ADA, curb and gutter, removal and replacement of trees, intersection striping and signage installation at various locations throughout the City of Lomita. Citrus Crossing/Citrus Quantum provided design and construction inspection for new intersection Avenue Pedestrian upgrades, pedestrian improvements with I reconfigurations on the Citrus Access and Avenue and Foothill frontages of the Citrus Crossing retail center Improvements and development. The intersection was upgrades with full ADA access, Streetscape pedestrian signal control, and coordination with the Los Angeles County City of Azusa TSSP (Traffic flow system). Hawthorne Boulevard Through a grant from MTA the City of Lawndale completed a revitalization Revitalization Project project of a two-mile stretch of Hawthorne Boulevard which included City of Lawndale improvements to intersections, traffic signals, pavement, sidewalks, medians, landscape and streetscape. Quantum Quality Consulting provided project management to obtain the MTA grant, prepared conceptual design, design, and formulated and implemented a community awareness program for this project. Quantum provided project and construction management and inspection for this project. New Temple Park Quantum recently provided engineering design services to the City of South Modular Restroom El Monte for the New Temple Park restroom facilities. The preconstructed Project restroom was purchased through Restroom Facilities Inc to be delivered and City of South El Monte installed on site. The project consisted of designing potable water supply, pad, sewer system, power supply, landscape, concrete facilities, irrigation, new decorative fencing, and new security fencing for the area. The project was required to be processed through the division of State Architect. QUANTUM CONSULTING mac, PrwrOSAL FOR RFP NO. 2019-13 CITY ENGINEER,TRAFFIC ENGINEER AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES SECTION 4: REFERENCES Quantum is glad to provide the following references to the City. Tom Bakaly, Former City Manager, City of Hermosa Beach Chief Executive Officer, Beach Cities Health District 310) 374-3426 ext. 118 I tom.bakaly@bchd.org Alan Kreimeier, Administrative Services Director, City of Jurupa Valley Former Administrative Services Director, Cities of Azusa, Lawndale, and Norwalk 951) 332-6464 I akreimeier@jurupavalley.org Prem Kumar, City Engineer, City of Manhattan Beach 310) 802-5368 I tbirthisel@citymb.info Tristan Malabanan, P.E. Project Manager, City of Beverly Hills 310) 285-2512 I tmalabanan@beverlyhills.org Hien Nguyen, P.E. Assistant City Engineer, City of Compton 310) 605-5539 I hnguyen@comptoncity.org SECTION 5 Quantum is proud to state it is not and it's never been involved in any pending litigation that may affect its ability to provide its proposed solution or ongoing maintenance or support its products and services. SECTION 6: CITY'S STANDARD PSA Quantum Consulting has reviewed the City's Standard Professional Services Agreements and will comply with all aspects of the Agreement. SECTION 7: ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Quantum has received Addendum No. 1 and agrees with the terms and conditions stated in the addendum. FEE PROPOSAL Our fee schedule can be found in a sealed, separate envelope. QUANTUM CONSULTING Transtech Engineers, Inc. Proposal Submitted To i(l l CITY OF ROSEMEAD O City Clerk's Office 8838 E. Valley Blvd. OSE EAD Rosemead, CA 91770 i,,,l.,\ ti,,,.,ll 1, 11 \,tt,rig ., Attn: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk Due Date:October 10,2019 at 10:30 AM Submittal Requirements:5 bound copies,1 PDF file on flash drive TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE Cit En ineering, Traffic General Engineering Services rt. 4 RSEMEAD CITY AL H 8838 E . VALLEY BLVD . :, . Immo se ' Z. 21111Ii ..;..'-' i` ' ` .yf'1.14.444;441*- u I$ d s ., qk ,tea _ NV S a I r qZc 4 ??z 3t s2 *I Ate` r Or- -: 1: --1 s. iiki,.),- -4.t.- Submitted By TRANSTECH ENGINEERS, INC. Contact Person: AU TRANSTECII Ali Cayir, PE, Principal 1f Est. 1989 E: ali.cayir@transtech.org Transtech Corporate Headquarters 13367 Benson Avenue C: 714-883-8677 TRANSTECI1 Chino,CA 91710 0: 909-595-8599, Ext. 121 Transtech.org www.transtech.org 855.595.2495(toll-free) 417 October 10, 2019 TRANSTECh Est.1989 CITY OF ROSEMEAD City Clerk's Office 8838 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Attn: Ericka Hernandez,City Clerk Subject: TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Dear Ms. Hernandez: Transtech Engineers, Inc. is pleased to submit this proposal for the subject services. This cover letter provides an executive summary of our proposal and provides highlights of our relevant experience and qualifications. Company Profile: Established in 1989, Transtech (a California Corporation) is a multi-disciplinary full- service engineering consulting firm. Transtech is currently providing municipal services to approximately 40 agencies, and has extensive experience working with governmental agencies in a mixed staff/consultant environment for approximately 30 years. We have a good understanding of governmental issues and budgetary complexities, which include but are not limited to policies and procedures. Our staff and resources include approximately 100 engineers, building officials, project managers, designers, plan checkers, inspectors, construction managers, traffic and transportation analysts,technicians,administrative support personnel,and contract/subcontract staff. We consider our staff as an extension of City Staff, and work in the same structure and hierarchy as other City Staff, and coordinate and interact with various City staff members and departments accordingly. s43 A+RatingISOCertifiedISO9001 Better Business Bureau Accredited (BBB)with A+ Rating Sial• sroI We are a full-service municipal consulting firm. Our service capabilities include: City Engineer, City Traffic Engineer, V Building & Safety Services, Building Official Development Review, Public Works Building Inspection, Plan Check, Permit Engineering, Plan Check, Inspection, and Public Technician, Building Evaluations, Code Works Staff Augmentation Enforcement,& Related Staff Augmentation Civil Engineering, Freeways and Interchanges, V Grant Writing Local Streets and Roads, Sewerage, Water and V Labor Compliance Storm Drain, Pavement Management System, Planning Support Grading Studies V Traffic and Transportation Planning and Eng Staff Augmentation V Water Resources Engineering CIP Program Management V Surveying, Mapping,ALTA, Right-of-way Eng Construction Management and Inspection V Emergency and Disaster Response, Support Federally Funded Project Management and Recovery Services CDBG Project Management 3.3367 Benson Avenue I Chino,CA 91710 I T 855 595 2495(toll-free) I transtech.org I ISO 9001 Certified October 10,2019 Page 2 of Cover Letter Subject:Technical Proposal to Provide City Engineering,Traffic Engineering&General Engineering Services l4A. Familiarity with the City of Rosemead: Transtech and our staff is very 1 familiar with the City of Rosemead. Currently we are the interim Citycitr,EAD Engineer providing Public Works Inspection, as well as CIP Project Management and Traffic Engineering as directed by the City. Our current services also include plan review for private developments and Public Works projects as well as supporting the Public Works Director regarding Traffic Commission and City Council items. Transtech also represented, secured, and, obtained $27 Million for four major transportation projects in the City on behalf of the City of Rosemead for Metro's 710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects under Round 2 applications. Previously, Transtech also assisted the City of Rosemead's Public Works Department as staff augmentation and engineering support for engineering projects,plan check support,traffic investigations, peer review of transportation projects, and completion of traffic analysis for various projects within the City. We also assisted in presentation of these items to the Traffic Commission. Transtech staff was involved in the successful preparation of two transportation grant applications for Metro(Call for Projects) and Caltrans(HSIP)which awarded the City a total of approximately$2.5 Million in grant funds,Transtech prepared relevant Traffic engineering documentation for the following grants: V 2015 Metro(MTA)Call for Projects,Garvey Avenue Regional Access&Capacity Improvement Project, Award Amount: $2,315,305 V 2015 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 7, Installation of HAWK System at Mission Drive/Ivar Avenue, Award Amount: $241,300 Experience in local area and region, and regional agencies (CALTRANS, LA METRO, LOS ANGELES COUNTY,SCAG): Our staff members have extensive experience not only as City Engineers and Building& Safety Officials, but also have direct intimate knowledge and experience with the local area and region, as we provide similar services to approximately 40 agencies,which include several surrounding and local communities, including Temple City, South El Monte, Alhambra, Monterey Park, Azusa, West Covina, Commerce,and Cudahy. We always have staff members nearby,who can respond to urgent requests and emergencies with a moment's notice when needed. We work effectively with LA METRO, Caltrans, Los Angeles County, and SCAG. Experience in Grants: Our team has a proven track record in obtaining outside grants for its client cities. Our staff works with our client cities to find potential funding sources, and to prepare competitive applications for various programs. Just recently, our firm obtained approximately $80 Million in funding from METRO for the 710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects under Round 2 applications, including$9 Million for Monterey Park,$27 Million for Rosemead,and$76 Million for Alhambra. We also obtained approximately$150 Million under Round 1 projects for our client cities. Additionally,after funds are awarded to a client, our experienced staff provides assistance to ensure compliance with applicable funding program requirements, including preparing necessary clearance approvals (environmental, utilities, ROW), processing E-76 authorizations, reimbursement reporting, and managing projects. Local Firm: Our resources and staff are always within the nearby area,and always available to respond to the City's needs and requests in an efficient manner on short notices consistent with our "Same Day Response” motto. We have extensive experience in managing contracts acting as staff extension with a turnkey service approach. Few of the agencies where we provide similar services in the nearby local area include the Cities of Temple City,South El Monte,Alhambra,West Covina,Azusa,Commerce,Monterey Park,and Cudahy. BMWMa.”' fl's_..4)TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDETRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES October 10,2019 Page 3 of Cover Letter Subject:Technical Proposal to Provide City Engineering,Traffic Engineering&General Engineering Services Staff Longevity: Transtech is well known in the industry for our staff longevity. Most of our employees have been with Transtech for many years and have several second-generation staff members,who have joined Transtech following their parents'footsteps. Well Qualified Team with Proven Experience: One of the unique qualifications of Transtech and its staff is that we serve as City Engineer, City Traffic Engineer, Public Works Permit Inspector, CIP Engineer/Manager, Building Official, Plan Checker, and Building Inspector for a number of agencies. We have extensive experience working with Public Agencies in similar assignments, including experience in dealing with Public Agency Staff, City Council, Boards, and Commissions. Our staff members are involved in many local and national ICC and CALBO committees,and are involved in the development of local and national guidelines and codes. Organizations and positions we are involved with are as follows: APWA(American Public Works Association) Commissioner; CALBO Outreach/ ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) Communications Committee CMAA(Construction Management Association V Chair; ICC Sustainability Membership Council of America) V Chair; ICC LA Basin Chapter Inspection ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) Committee CCCA(California Contract Cities Association) V ICC Los Angeles Basin Chapter Board of League of California Cities Directors ICC(Code Council for the International Building V ICC Building Officials Membership Governing Code) Council CALBO (California Building Officials)V ICC Code Development Committee Vice Chair Commissioner; ICC Codes&Standards Council V ICC Technology/Web Advisory Group Commissioner; CALBO Green Committee ICC LA Chapter Accessibility Committee Commissioner; ICC/CALBO CA Exam Committee V Commissioner; CALBO State Licensing Boards IAS Accreditation Committee Committee Electronic Plan Check: Transtech provides Electronic Plan Check, including ePlanSoft, Bluebeam, or PDF based files on Dropbox. Transtech will provide access to City staff to plan check tracking data through ePlanSoft and Dropbox. City staff can access the tracking system to check status of the plan reviews on real time. We offer the electronic plan check platforms at no cost to the City. Readily available experienced in-house staff: Transtech has well experienced in-house staff readily available to commence with the services upon the City's authorization. Cost Effective, Customer Friendly, Responsive Services: Transtech is well known in providing cost effective services, on time and within budget project delivery, with customer friendly and responsive approach. Community Benefit Enhancement (CBE): We formally offer our clients a special service as part of our community commitment that we have branded as "Community Benefit Enhancement" or "CBE". Supporting civic and community activities demonstrates Transtech's commitment to the progress,health, and well-being of the communities we serve. This is something that we take pride in as a company. In services and partnership with our client cities,we have a proven record of active engagement in City and tam,esa.kib,...._TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECII CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES October 10,2019 Page 4 of Cover Letter Subject:Technical Proposal to Provide City Engineering,Traffic Engineering&General Engineering Services Community events. This could include involvement or presence at City programs or events, supporting local businesses through the chamber, youth events, hosting workshops, sports, scholarship opportunities, community service, managing homelessness challenges, public safety, crime prevention, or any other community benefit that the City wishes us to be a part of. Our goal is not just to serve as an engineering consultant which is what we are best at, but also be an active community partner with our clients,to further enhance the City's reputation as an ideal community to live, invest,work, and play in. If selected by the City, our Contract Principal-in-Charge will be Mr. Ansari, PE, who is a former Director of PW/City Engineer with over 30 years of experience in several municipalities, including Moreno Valley and Rialto,he managed PW Departments and their CIP. Also,he served as Division Manager at the Orange County PW Department in charge of their 7-Year, $700 Million CIP projects. He will oversee our assigned staff, directing and monitoring the work and efforts by the Transtech technical team, and ensure timely/efficient/cost effective completion of the assigned projects/services. We believe our team is well qualified to perform the services requested Successfully providing similar services to many agencies for 30 years. Proven track record in on time and within budget project delivery. Multi-disciplinary engineering consulting service capabilities to provide an array of expert technical staff. Ability to work collaboratively with agencies and communicate effectively with diverse audiences at public forums. Committed to producing a high-quality work product and deliver a high level of customer care. Commitment of principal level management and involvement throughout the contract duration. Well experienced in-house staff readily available to commence with the services upon City's authorization. As required by the RFP,we hereby agree that our submittal is valid for 90 days. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal. If you should have any questions, or require additional information, please contact me below. Sincerely, 616").4\e" Ali Cayir, PE, Principal Email:ali.cayir@transtech.org Direct Cell:714-883-8677 Office:909-595-8599, Ext. 121 Website:Transtech.org L—it,C1MV-) TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANS/FI CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES aiumnimmumumir T,„ Table of Contents TRANSTECh Table of Contents Section Page 1. Approach and Scope of Work 1.1-1.13 2. Project Team, Key Personnel and Resumes 2.1-2.44 3. Company Qualifications 3.1-3.22 4. References 4.1-4.6 5. Litigation History 5.1-5.1 6. City's Standard Professional Services Agreement 6.1-6.2 7. Addenda Acknowledgment 7.1-7.1 SINIII11112 11;;.41: 01L MNciTECHNICALPROPOSALTOPROVIDETRANSTEC{I CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES wr:i 1 . Approach and Scope of Work TRANSTECh 1. Approach and Scope of We 1.1 Understanding CITY OF ROSEMEAD: The City of Rosemead is an urban suburb located in the San Gabriel Valley, bounded on the north by the cities of Temple City and San Gabriel,on the west by Monterey Park,Alhambra,and the unincorporated Los Angeles County community of South San Gabriel, on the south by Montebello, plus by El Monte and South El Monte on the east. The City is 5.5 square miles(2,344-acres)in size. Rosemead is a working-class suburb with a diverse population base. According to the 2010 Census, the City had a population of 53,764.The estimated makeup of the City was 4.7%White,0.3%African American,60.3%Asian,33% Hispanic/Latino(of any race),and 0.7%Non-Hispanic Other. As a substantially built-out city, Rosemead only added 259 residents to its population during the last decade(2000-2010). Rosemead's appeal as a new kind of small town in the heart of an urban environment is accomplished by honoring tradition, uniting in diversity, and evolving for the future. This is evident in Rosemead's Key Organizational Goals which aim to: Beautify residential neighborhoods and commercial corridors by improving public areas including infrastructure and community facilities. Enhance public safety and quality of life and the overall community environment and opportunities for residents through programs,services,education,and recreation. Ensure the City's continued financial viability and stability in order to continually meet these goals and provide basic services to the community by actively pursuing quality economic development. Today, the city boasts that its goals include the improvement of quality of life offered in Rosemead in a business- friendly atmosphere conducive to continued economic growth and prosperity. The city offers a desirable and affordable community in which to live and a dynamic and expanding business sector that is an economic growth engine for West Coast commerce. VISION 2020: OSE 1114KS3:;,I4 Vision 2020 aril Strategies and Action Items Key Organizational Goals Vision 2020 STRATEGY 3:Beautification aodlnfrastructure In the year 2020, Rosemead will be recognized as a Continue efforts to enhance the condition and general welcoming and thriving small town community in the appearance of the City's public infrastructure and the heart of an urban environment. Rosemead residents public right-of-way, as well as private properties within from different cultural backgrounds will unite in diversity the community. and will get to know their neighbors through family- oriented amenities and programs.The City's boundaries ACTION ITEMS will be distinguished by its attractive appearance and A. Install WiFi infrastructure at all city facilities commitment to sustainability.B. Establish a five-year Capital Improvement Program CIP) master plan, city tree master plan,and Class A bike lanes master plan C. Develop a program that will establish maintenance services for city infrastructure and facilities D. Upgrade the signal management system to improve traffic flow TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECH CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 1. Approach and Scope of W4 1.2 a PUBLIC WORKS: City of Rosemead,California Public Works City of Rosemead,CA Government City Departments Public Works Organizational Chart Engineering Graffiti Abatement Organic Waste V Public Transportation Public V Sanitation Services(Trash) works V Solid Waste Street Sweeping and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Engineering lalnteaance DivisionVTreeMaintenanceProgram Pavement Management Street Maintenance/FieldUtilitiesCIPDesign&Construction Services Public Transit Facility Maintenance The Engineering Division is responsible for the design, • Street Sweeping Parks&Landscape Sanitation Fleet Maintenance supervision and inspection of all street, highway, • Contract Administration Graffiti Abatement sidewalk and bike path construction;all City surveying • Pet Pertnttslnspection Special Events Traffic Commission Parks&Open Spaces and mapping operations including maintenance of • NPDESPenult compliance Street Sweeping the City's street and utility records; management of the storm water-and sewers including the design, operation and maintenance of sanitary sewers and storm sewer systems; the review of land use changes for public works feasibility; the research and development services supporting the solid waste management program;and the preparation of various studies relating to Public Works. BUDGET AND CIP: CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CA The CIP financial plan has a goal of fully maintaining the City's infrastructure with a zero backlog of preventative and routine maintenance. In doing so, the ANNUAL BUDGET allocation of funds to address infrastructure and capital needs present today will Fiscal Year 2019-2020 lead to savings tomorrow.All operational expenses associated with the fiscal year 2019/20 CIP projects have been addressed in the operating budget. CAPITAL I MPROVEMENT City ofl ImprovRosemementCalifornia Capitol Improvement Program Budget Summary by Major Categories 0 PROJECTS FY 2019 FY2018 FY 2019 Estimated FY 2020 Y Amended FY 2018 Amended Year-End Requested v_-•z v Expenditures: Budget Actual Budget Total Budget 0'44. Capital Projects 1,123,100 53,454,597 54,150,850 $1,000,000 54,500,800 Total Expenditures 54,123,100 5 3,454,597 5 4,150,850 5 1,000,000 $4,500,800 GA :$PARK N2019 FY 2018 FY 2019 Estimated FY 2020 Amended FY 2018 Amended Year End Requested Funding Sources: Budget Actual Budget Total Budget General Fund 5 57,000 5 806,798 5 285,000 $ 260,000 5 445,000 State Gas Tax Fund 1.165,055 981.250 360,000 800,000 RMRA 581 Fund 1,226,600 914,800 Local Transportation Grant Fund 100,000 37,000 37.000 133.000 Proposition C Fund 650,000 619,768 325.000 110,000 500,000 Measure R Fund 766,100 590,636 503,000 151,000 692,000 MeasureM Fund 350,000 693.000 52,000 700,000 Air Quality Mgt.District Fund 50,000 30,430 Street 1.1ght,ng District Fund 50.000 141,910 100,000 30,000 CDBG Fund 316.000 Capital Projects Fund 2.200,000 Total Capital Projects 4,123,100 53,454,597 $4,150,850 51,000.000 54.500.800 11ouseast 2 i y.0,,TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECII CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 1. Approach and Scope of We 1.3 Requested Services City Engineering Services: Manage plan review and inspection services for all public right-of-way encroachment permits to confirm compliances with all applicable codes, regulations, policies,standards,and best practices. Provide a public works inspector presence at City Hall and within the City as necessary to adequately inspect ongoing work in the public right-of-way and address issues as they arise. Provide plan review of grading,drainage,and improvement plans for private and public development projects. Provide plan review of plans submitted for planning or zoning review for public works issues.This may include conceptual or preliminary plans, architectural plans, site plans, and preliminary grading plans. Services will include but may not be limited to the following: Reviewing project applications, plans,and related documents. Identifying major public works issues to be addressed through the planning process prior to plan check submittal including but not limited to grading,off-site improvements,and traffic. Writing conditions of approval related to public work issues to be imposed on the project through the planning process. Provide review of projects submitted under the Subdivision Map Act and related provisions of the City's Municipal Code. This includes but may not be limited to tentative and final maps, lot mergers, lot line adjustments,certificates of compliance,dedications,vacations and easements.Services will include but may not be limited to the following: Reviewing applications, maps, legal descriptions,deeds,and related documents. Providing redline documents and writing corrections. Writing conditions of approval to be imposed on tentative maps. Provide city engineering services, including but not limited to the following: Attend meetings with City Staff, public officials,developers,contractors,and the public as needed. Attend Commission and City Council meetings as needed. Represent the City as its city engineer. Review documents and reports from other agencies pertaining to City infrastructure or public works matters and provide recommendations to staff on appropriate responses or actions. Provide guidance and technical assistance to City staff on public works and engineering, policies, and procedures. Provide a city engineer presence at City Hall, with a consistent schedule agreed upon by the selected firm and the City. Hours may be adjusted overtime depending on project volume and workload. Provide design and project construction and contract management services for public works projects and other select capital improvement projects to be determined. Services will include but may not be limited to the following: Prepare project plans, bid specifications,and Notice Inviting Bids. Conduct pre-bid meetings. Respond to inquiries and prepare addendums to bid specifications as needed. Conduct bid opening and bid analysis. Prepare staff reports and other documents as may needed for contract approval. Direct and supervise contractor work. Monitor labor compliance. Prepare contract change orders. Review project invoices for accuracy and contract compliance. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECFI CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 1. Approach and Scope of W 14 Prepare staff reports and other documents as may be needed for project acceptance.When applicable,work with City's grant administrator on grant-funded projects to prepare additional paperwork as necessary for grant compliance. Advise City Staff as to grants or other funding available for public works projects and,when so directed, initiate and prepare applications for such funding or grants. Coordinate,consult,and provide input to other departments and agencies as may be required. Prepare, implement,and enforce policies and procedures. In the event of a local, regional, or national emergency or disaster, provide engineering and public works plan review and inspection services as additional work as required to appropriately respond to the emergency, including after regular business hours. Traffic Engineering Services: Provide traffic engineering services,including but not limited to the following: Review and provide comments on traffic impact studies prepared by other consultants for development projects. Review and provide comments on proposed development projects pertaining to traffic issues including but not limited to traffic impacts,site access and circulation,and parking. Prepare conditions of approval for projects. Review and provide engineering judgement on traffic safety issues raised by City staff,the Traffic Commission, and the public. Conduct traffic reviews and prepare reports with recommendations for issues including but not limited to stop sign warrants, crosswalk installation and removal, traffic calming, speed surveys, accident histories, and other general traffic safety and related issues. Prepare and make presentations to Traffic Commission and City Council regarding traffic reviews and recommendations. On-Call Engineering Services: Provide municipal engineering services on an "on-call or as needed"basis for various duties assigned by the City. Services may include,but are not limited to the following: General consulting and technical advice. Private development application reviews. Infrastructure design,construction and/or operation. Assistance the Capital Improvement Program. Reviewing and certifying design plans,specifications and cost estimates for City capital projects. Performing the lead role in the engineering review, coordination and technical administration of assessment districts and bond issue projects to provide coordinated and cost-effective project. Reviewing private development construction plans, mapping and projects for compliance with City adopted design standards,subdivision standards and UBC and related work as required. Assisting the City in the design, management,construction management, inspection,administration and processing Federal,State Funded Projects. Assisting the City with processing grant applications. Miscellaneous engineering tasks,feasibility studies, investigations,and other duties as directed by the City. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 1. Approach and Scope of WI 1.5 Service Approach CUSTOMER CARE AND RESPONSIVE SERVICE APPROACH Our services are founded on the principals of Total Quality Management for Total Customer Care and Satisfaction. All telephone calls or e-mails received are returned within the same working day,or the following day.We take pride in our"Same Day Response"motto. Transtech also provides a 24-hour emergency contact number to its clients. Customer Care means highest quality customer service.Transtech is committed to providing"Customer Care" to the City,City's patrons,including responding quickly and effectively to the walk-in,telephone,and electronic inquiries of the public related to our services.Responsiveness is an integral part of Transtech's"Customer Care" service approach. Our Contract Principal will meet with the Client's Project Manager frequently for service evaluation and address any areas for improvements. Responsiveness is an integral part of Transtech's "customer friendly" service approach. While our service is always on an "as needed"basis,our responsiveness is on"full-time"basis. Transtech understands the importance of being able to expedite certain projects,when requested,by the City. Transtech has sufficient staff and resources to expedite projects. We have a structured approach to execute projects in an efficient manner that makes Transtech capable of providing the City with the highest quality product. Transtech has established guidelines and policies,including written manuals on quality control,project management,and design procedures for its staff and for its contract cities. These guidelines ensure a consistent approach to the execution of assignments undertaken by our organization in compliance with City's specific procedures,standards and requirements. Transtech is an ISO 9001 certified firm in Quality Management Systems,this certification is based on a number of quality management principles including a strong customer service focus. GENERAL APPROACH At Transtech,we have a long-established structured approach to execute projects in an efficient manner that makes Transtech capable of providing the client with a high-quality work product. Transtech has established guidelines and policies, including written manuals on quality control, project management, and design procedures for its staff. These guidelines ensure a consistent approach to the execution of assignments undertaken by our organization. The following paragraphs describe our general approach to deliver projects in an efficient and cost-effective manner. A project specific approach will be provided for each assigned project and will become part of the specific contract for the specific project. Protect Management: Our approach is to provide proactive management and attempt to identify potential issues and problems in advance and take corrective actions before they become problems. This requires extensive hands-on knowledge, experience and management skills of the people involved in managing the project. Our team members have extensive experience and a proven track record in managing large and complex projects and bringing them to a completion on time and within budget. Approach to Cost Control and Change Orders: We evaluate project costs and develop feasible mitigation measures to minimize additional costs. We work as a team to solve problems or make modifications in the field to address unforeseen conditions or owner generated changes in a cost-effective manner. Approach to Scheduling and Timely Completion of Protects and Schedule Recovery: The baseline schedule should properly identify the project scope,critical path,project milestones,target dates,phases and sequences of work, and activity durations. When significant activities show that they are slipping from the baseline, we work with the contractor to develop recovery plans. Management of Documents: We use a cloud based electronic file management system. All construction forms, daily dairies,weekly statement of working days,etc.are stored in our cloud based electronic filing system which is categorized per Caltrans documentation system. We provide these documents at the end of the project to n,1 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 1. Approach and Scope of Wt 1.6 the client in as organized files as well as pdf files.Our clients can also have access to these in real time. Safety and Security: We hold meetings with the contractor to review and discuss safety and security requirements, OSHA conformance,emergency security and safety procedures,and enforce security and safety responsibilities. Funding Closeout:We prepare necessary closeout documentation required by the funding agencies,submit final reimbursement documentation,follow-up on the reimbursements,and final funds balance report or follow the City's project closeout procedure if using general funds. Project Closeout: We recognize that closeout is an important part of the construction process. It signifies that the new facility or infrastructure is ready to be used. We methodically handle all closeout tasks to ensure a smooth transition from construction to full use or occupancy. Methodology for Communication to Inform the City on Work Progress: Key project team members will attend periodic project progress meetings with City staff throughout the project duration. Electronic Common Project Information and File Sharing Platform: We create and provide access to project participants for a common project information and file sharing platform. This system is cloud based and accessible at all times. COORDINATION WITH CITY Transtech has extensive experience working in a mixed staff/consultant environment, below are the methods we utilized to ensure an effective and efficient coordination,and close and positive working relationship with City Staff. Key project team members will attend periodic project progress meetings with City staff throughout the project duration. We will maintain and establish a close working relationship with City staff. We will manage assigned projects, carefully control costs and resources,and complete assigned work on schedule.We will provide progress reports to the City Engineer at regular intervals. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS&MONITORING Transtech will also develop and provide monitoring information to the City that shows achievement of the performance standards, and that personnel are providing helpful and courteous service to customers. The monitoring may include, but is not limited to,customer feedback through written questionnaires, interviews,and observations. EMERGENCY RESPONSE In the event of a local or regional emergency or disaster, our staff will be available to assist and provide necessary services as directed by the City. EXPEDITED/OFF-BUSINESS HOURS/WEEKEND SERVICES Transtech staff has the recourses to provide additional resources to accommodate such requests. If the City requests inspection services or any other services, Transtech staff will provide additional resources to accommodate the requests during those times. TIMELY AND ACCURATE INVOICING Transtech uses an electronic staff time tracking and timecard system. Employees are required to enter their timecards on a daily basis electronically. The timecards are reviewed at the end the week by the employees'direct supervisors, and then approved by Project Managers. Invoices are generated from the timecards, with backup timecards provided with the invoices. ELECTRONIC ONLINE PORTAL FOR PLAN CHECK AT NO COST TO THE CITY Transtech provides Electronic Plan Check, including ePlanSoft, Bluebeam,or PDF based files on Dropbox. We offer this to our client cities at no additional cost. Transtech staff will meet with City staff to determine the electronic plan check workflow details to tailor to City's requirements. If ePlanSoft is desired by the City,we will assist the City in setting up a platform providing access to City and applicants via a web portal so that applicants may electronically submit plan review application and 07 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECH CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 1. Approach and Scope of We " 1.7 upload necessary documents. Following applicant's successful submittal of the electronic plan review application thru ePlanSoft portal, Transtech's plan reviewers automatically gets notified and conduct the plan review electronically. Transtech will provide access to City staff to plan check tracking data through ePlanSoft and Dropbox. City staff can access to the tracking system to check status of the plan reviews on real time. Sample Electronic Plan Check submittal platform is shown below: Sample City Website under the Public Works Page with Sample Welcome,Instructions,and Login Page to the electronic access to the online portal for plan check.for the City's online portal for plan check. Welcome to the City of ce i•Arai) 0 0©0 0 0 Rosemead's Public Works Online Portal for Plan Check OSE EAD Rome cwemment- Ysimrs- Rea-Ideas- Business- _ontara- I want To. To Begin Using GoPost: i Create a user account by clicking 11r Create an Account"link to the right. o Provide your contact informationIIi_ a V•+a m. NI1.including First Name,Last Name, E^•• Email Address,Phone Number, Password(at least 8 characters in M,, P, e, liPublic, HIHA Public Workstt length)and Address.Woro...anA,.twM rvorvs sq'YAaeaa Ergr ar :q aga ne rt,OieTf Click"Save",and you will be directed o •n,vW.. to the plan submittal portal. P,A.ic Tranµmrlacbn electronic Plan",a=Y 5amu110n5•rvk•s(hash)p" Wn"selMM1e`° ronlcabmRyR your Sche Waste You will also receive an email See PlanSubmRaal street Someone and StermWater CUJutanPmmbon oaee..0 including your login information.You InsbuttlwnformoreTmeMamt•name Program IN,ectoa ofi..,nmrm, 90 nn a"moral tamdtes leJ,)„g31,g can use this login information(email qrequirements„ Koff p»d«P and password)to access the portal See' Guideline tosubmit your City Hall by going to the City website,and i°s electronkally. 9959 E.Valley lead Rosemead. CA911]4 click on"Electronic Plan Checks". ensoft gplaoPost RcuraMOparaaan Uocum.& Mal.R9eawnenb SyPot Cr0.Monday•Th madayCONTRACT ADMINISTRATION APPROACH 7ir Local Assistance r Procedures Manual Department of Transportation Division of Local Assistance Caltrans provides a safe,sustainable,integrated and 2o StateofCaliforniaefficienttransportationsystemtoenhance1 JU California' s economy and livability.For contract administration,we follow guidelines described in Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual(LAPM).LAPM has been prepared to aid California local agencies scope,organize,design,construct and maintain their public transportation facilities when they seek Federal Highway Administration(FHWA)funded federal-aid or state funding.This manual describes the processes,procedures,documents,authorizations,approvals and certifications,which are TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE Jim NstEch CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 1. Approach and Scope of WI 1.8 required in order to receive federal-aid and/or state funds for many types of local transportation projects. Maintaining complete and accurate files is a very important aspect of managing federally funded projects. Generally, whenever the local agency is unable to produce requested data or information,it is assumed by reviewing personnel that the required actions were either never performed or not properly recorded. Organized project files can minimize these negative assumptions. Organization and content of the project file is one indicator of effective and efficient management of the project by the resident engineer. COMMUNITY INFORMATION APPROACH We understand that some cities have a highly engaged community. For certain projects additional community engagement and outreach efforts may be a necessary component to the successful implementation of a project. If requested, Transtech can provide an effective public outreach, including setting up a construction information website, toll free project call number, project e-mail, twitter account, hold community information meetings, provide public information via e-mails on web sites. We have also developed project specific logos for larger projects at the request of the City.We also have the ability to set up a live feed for corridor projects or any other innovative outreach components the City wishes. A sample view of one of our construction web-sites is provided, please visit washingtonblvdcommerce.com. 6 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD PROJECT OME ABOUT PROJECT PRO.:E:;:JPGATES CONTACT USS CITY OF COMMERCE W,F, WELCOME TO WASHING]ON BLVD CONSTRUCTION PROJECT WEBSITE! f .1 i " FIND(VTMORElFORMATIONABE rrpeC.:-r--RxRESs.1':',/E•- 6 1' PUBLF:MEETINGS RQ40CLCSURES,1,nCRESSP-OTOS AND - l`" iMOFt l'-'il,._..,...,„ ; -;:,.,,, , : 3.it o III Q1 Project Updates Contact Us we.meawn ME gong__ kWh Jt YAM Mil'l ueth ns. rmbmies§photo sal comments and,Vrvcrns about nrzttu YM orrastar uidelaa The prep.t 3 CO J aO L.......iFBTECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECII CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 1. Approach and Scope of WI 1.9 SCHEDULE APPROACH Our approach to Scheduling and Timely Completion of Project and Schedule Recovery includes having the contractor prepare a baseline schedule,which identifies the project scope,critical path,project milestones,target dates,phases and sequences of work, and activity durations. When significant activities show that they are slipping from the baseline,we work with the contractor to develop recovery plans. Below are samples of schedules we work with and are sample project schedules,which includes project programming/planning,design,construction. Preliminary Schedule(10-0617) ANnamor Court Protects•PALM COURT PATIO ALL DATES SHOWN ARE DEPENDENT ON ACTS COMPLETION OF T'S TASKS,AND SELECTED CONTRACTOR'S ABILITY TO PROCURE,FABRICATE,INSTALL DESIRED MATERIALS PER AG SPECS AND TIME FRAME ID -ase Name Wmla Sian Fnnn Preaec al 01100, 1 1 De ember I I F 1 rA 1 I 1u8 tuts 11011 110129 * e1 11/19 i 1fog J 1211!"AO 1 13117 I tNL i) at I 1R 1114 rat 7 JM (a,, X18 ?R$ 11 1/11 DESIGN PHASE 23 Fri Tee 1 I I I Il days 1016/17 1177/17 r i First meetingoenmen ACO and CSD to discus 0 Fn Fn IWe r I i I I Protects days 10'&17 10/6/17 i i 1 l I 3 ACO submits compete plans.tech specs to BD tor 0 Fri Fn Lica• 1 i Plan Check Qlyslpr1Q117 10/21Y17 I Time Allowance for BD expelled fast review 5 Fn Th i3 dayslOf20717 1026717 5 BD tokens comments toACO 0 Thu TIM 4* deye8026/17 10/26/17 i 6 Trine allowance for ACO to revise plans and 3 Fri Tua6 i i 10001,nn final pians toBD daye10/27/17 10/31/17 I ACO resubenns revised plats and technical sped lo 0 Toa Tues6 elb 11038 1iBOforreviewdays10f31/171031/17 6 Time Alm Pnilwlry SeMe*110.0F171 Almanac Cain PnHeste-PALM CWITPATIO ALL DATES SI80Rf1 ARE DEPEI6FM ON ACts CmPLEVON OF IPS TAME AND SELECTED CONIRACTORB AWRY TO PROCURE.FABRICATE MBTMLMIMED MAMMA PBI ACM=MDMEMOS rot for a,I 1 n rrroo,I'4 J nn l in"72/ve'v/14 11unl 1 N retain L la/11.E I ;a lrinr an f s I 1/1 I>1e thIMMUs 10 CALE7DAR DAY ADVERTISEMENT 10 Wed Tens I10- Time aepet PERIOD deveWIYt7 II/7/17 f7 blue Mclennan eller ACOmeplrmlid mwwae 0 Wed Wel7FSrl I1 ACO dela coarseprse pdays 111/1/ 1urandie C I Days WMEdomaa9(Aimenden ahaio - - - an T2 hours before tor cPa00/Preliminary Schedule(1041.17) 12 PLANS At Ahearn.Coen Prolecb•PALM COURT PATIO n Rete.andOwn FAds AU.DATES SHOWN ARE DEPENDENT ON ACTS COMPLETION OF ITS TASKS.AND SELECTED CONTRACTORS ABRTY TO PROCURE FABRICATE.INSTALL DESIRED MATERIALS PER AG SPECS AND TIME FRAME ID Task Name 4,441.. sou re. P,,../i rwwpr13CCAPPROVmBtlAnevml.aSena trwe.pR.Ra ui I,osI m,s l 1e::l 11,I,15 1 '''l tun l 11¢81 13, I 1vlo veil I r2 11112111 VI I UN 1 It l:;.1 I'mt 10.e 1 at 3rr VIIIINVITINGBII3tFullysealedmrtadaproteidbwltatret0heToagO1{`, 1th wean ln o MO 11/28/17 la BID ADVER 2, CC AWARD OF WI/TRACIICC meet at 4nM1.1431 37 NTPwith mauaWlpawwnet/teOnnceem meed 0 Toa Tea3D 11+1/70 4 i 4 bCantracse atpeoon mooting dlyl111617 1128/17 fs sodmye CONTRACT EXECUTION PHASE ADVERTD Si Mamas mrcure entaat oae/epenor 8Wed Tue00 I12AH7 16'18 C.c.a.Y hep:non Imre Pal 1 31 MateramproonmenlItabncabon canobbd.and 0 Tee Tuer31- I lfa ---- they ere reedy lalhmegnrtoere dope 1/0.18 12/18 T........&WM..2/ Mag Cone-an a,NeCIVCp/eW/eiaa0 rim i'adaml 1/ Pte-casinsam Meet2 sill Cee0xb.ACO. 0 Wed We033FSr1 1- CSD dope 1/1018 1/10N6day21TonealmaceEsfurac1sgmieePro xaeaed cadxo. SI CONSTRUCTION DATES SETBY ACO 27 Man Tue 7. 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This helps to identify project potential issues before they become issues and ensure project delivery on time and within budget. Screenshot of a current project on Smart Sheet are provided as an example. r2 MP COIJ9CILCNALx 4- C Cr a Sr-artsbeet Int ILS, 'tsps''app.snarts0eetcom-biome------_ - A- • MPCOUNCIL CHAMBERS RENOVATION 15001 TC EL MONTE NSW PROJECT DESAND CMC1 16137 COM GARFtELD MULTIMODAL DESIGN PSE 16357 HP STATE STAl File AIoHs 0Actions Forms Q ;Gant Vi.w• y Fila Anal• 8• I L 5 A• A - S• _--i. J •r INN A 09 © Db 1 • $ • % f .0, .00, A i Teak Mame Dv- SMrt EM Pr Calrlplele Status 7 01 21:110: 02 2018 03 2016 CO. 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Approach and Scope of We 1.11 COMMUNITY BENEFIT ENHANCEMENT Supporting civic and community activities demonstrates Transtech's commitment to O 4 the progress, health and well-being of the communities we serve. This is something that we take pride in as a company. In services and partnership with our client cities, we have a proven record of active engagement in the City and the Community.Taking this engagement to the next level,we formally offer our clients a special service as part j of our commitment that we have branded as "Community Benefit Enhancement" or CBE". This could include involvement or presence at city programs or events, supporting local businesses through the chamber, youth events, hosting workshops, sports, scholarship opportunities, community service, managing homelessness challenges, public safety, crime prevention, or any other community benefit that the city wishes us to be a part of.Our goal is not just to serve as an engineering consultant which is what we are best at, but also in being an active partner with our clients,to further enhance the City's reputation as an ideal community to live, invest,work,and play in. This service could also be for consulting services for potential city staff training or workshops, funding strategy advisement,future development projects,attendance of special meetings on behalf of the city,or any unanticipated programs beyond our scope of services on which the City normally would not consult with us. We are deeply committed to maintaining our partnership with our valued customers, its community, and remain open and enthusiastic to receiving input on how to best serve the City's needs today and in the future to further enhance the City's reputation as an ideal community to live, invest,work,and play in. Below are some recent CBE programs we have started,facilitated and/or were part of. CAL POLY POMONA'S TRANSTECH ENGINEERS MONTEREY PARK'S 5TH ANNUAL GERANIUM SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM FESTIVAL AND ARTWORK In honor of our 017 4. _ The Transtech iik 30th year in Team joined IVII. ENGTEERING ri business,we 7 the City of TRANSTECH °o°°' CaIPotyPor•.,,:, wanted to give Monterey Park F back and leave an at the everlasting legacy h^ , Geranium 1-'• for young adults in Festival,this the STEM field.We 4_3,I , I y has become an are very proud to 11' `'"7f''• ' e 1 annual A announce that we Transtech Engineers r} workshop we r - _ S, FI tip have partnered tilL,host for thef'" 1,.,,:,,,, with Cal Poly youth.The Pomona and have Transtech created the Transtech Engineers Scholarship Program. team proudly hosts a STEM Booth focusing on The scholarship will give$3,000 each,annually to five Science,Technology, Engineering and Mathematics students in the Civil Engineering Department who have a games for the children attending the festival.We 3.0 GPA or higher and have completed at least 2 years of used this as an educational opportunity to share our their major.This gift was inspired in part by the team love of engineering with the youth of the community members and interns who attended Cal Poly Pomona. through an interactive booth where we built small The education and skills gained through a polytechnic catapults and a personal spider web!The youth and education at Cal Poly Pomona have proven to be a our Transtech team members who facilitated the valuable asset to our company.We wanted to show our activities enjoyed this immensely! appreciation by supporting the next generation of engineers for many years to come! ASO I 4;. , TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTFCH CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 1. Approach and Scope of W 1.12 GIRLS LEADERSHIP AND MENTORING (GLAM) HIGH SCHOOL ENLISTEE RECOGNITION CEREMONY WORKSHOP AT BELL'S MAGNOLIA SCIENCE ACADEMY THROUGH"OUR COMMUNITY SALUTES" The Transtech L Transtech was L- ,1..0 I, _....1_....1Team volunteered _ m r -4 ., r 0k' - honored to be 4 — their Saturday to i „ ' part of the High be part of an II I ' (School Enlistee t ! incredibly t'jRecognition impactful and S Dinner inspiring panel of Ceremony women at the 6th through the r "• 3, r' ;"'•`,`ice pili 1'.... 41•: I. .j.Y !J Annual Girls i, nonprofit le! Is : 1 ,y'Leadership and ii S, A#organization Mentoring(GLAM) 14r Our Workshop. Hosted Community by Magnolia Science Academy in the City of Bell,the Salutes".The Ceremony took place in Pico Rivera. It workshop included young women between the ages of recognized and honored high school enlistees and 10 and 17.The purpose of the workshop is to empower their commitment to military service as well as young women in the community to advocate for provided parents and guardians of enlistees with themselves and others while making positive life choices community support as their son or daughter so they can become the leaders we all know they can be! transition into military service.Transtech was proud Our team members shared their experience about being to be part of such an honorable event and wishes the first generation college graduates,first generation Latina best of luck to the new enlistees,We Salute You!We Americans,and balancing the cultural differences in value the importance of community support and today's world. It was an incredibly rewarding experience recognize the courageous, patriotic young adults who to be able to share our personal stories about how we will serve in the U.S.Armed Services after graduation were able to overcome obstacles on our journey to and join the 1%of Americans who serve in uniform. success. TEMPLE CITY YOUTH COMMITTEE PEDESTRIAN SAFETY CONCERTS IN THE PARK BOOTH The Transtech The Transtech N ' `? Team volunteer Team their time and at - I participates in a no cost to the City 7 I SII' III) series of prepared traffic a. • `-`' i 1- summer i 41j,t/ :,Y t safety brochures concert events working together Y OFLE C is put on by our with the youth ti:client IMillii Acommittee to agencies.As y , "r- i' > . I t art of oureducatether =; ,:,. I PY community about Communityfir,.- • • road safety for 1 nrt.F Benefit motorists, pedestrians,and cyclists.This particular event Enhancement(CBE)program that includes was held to coincide with another City event to be able community service,the Transtech team hosts an to capture many community members.Transtech joined interactive booth with treats and games for the thee Temple City Youth Committee in hosting the attendees.These booths are sometimes customized booth that focused on pedestrian safety and included for youth activities including engineering STEM surveys for the community to fill out related to the types related games. of traffic improvements they would like to see around the City,their frequency of using different modes of transportation (walking,cycling,driving),and other traffic related questions. All TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDETRANSTECII CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 1. Approach and Scope of We 1.13 EMBRACING LATINA LEADERSHIP ALLIANCES TRAFFIC ENGINEERING WORKSHOP AND ELLAS) PEDESTRIAN SCHOOL SAFETY DISCUSSION Transtech annually 41 F *` As part of their 111141F API° hosts engineering CBE Program P,,• workshops at the K Transtech staff ELLAS Annual411P!..,...IC. . ' IN hosted a j of Empowermentiiijworkshop with Conference.The ' 4\.1 _ the Temple CityAitstworkshopisaimedYouth to encourage Committee i students to pursue ' - going over the J 1 or an academic career 1 I a a L 1 ` ` specific traffic 4 ' ( so' in a STEM field. concerns that Our team shares they brought their personal up at prior events regarding the area around Temple experiences in college majoring in Civil Engineering as City High School.The workshop highlighted what well as their transition to their careers.The workshop is goes into preparing a traffic engineering report and to empower young women in the community to the various items that recommendations are based advocate for themselves and others while making on such as existing conditions,traffic counts,field positive life choices.Transtech is a big supporter of the observations,accident history,etc.The workshop Embracing Latina Leadership Alliances(ELLAS)was also an open discussion and reviewed the organization and has worked in partnership with this possible options/projects addressing the concerns nonprofit for almost a decade through volunteering and the youth committee had around their High School. mentoring.Over 300 young women in middle school and From there at no cost to the city as part of our CBE high school from LA County participate in the conference program,we conducted an engineering traffic which included panels and workshops. ELLAS facilitates analysis of existing conditions and potential traffic mentorship and leadership development opportunities improvements near the school and presented these to benefit young Latina students encouraging them to to City Council. During our field work we conduced pursue higher education.The organization helps traffic counts.Students part of the Youth Committee facilitate academic and leadership opportunities assuring also participated in the count collected process as a higher education for young Latina women. part of our CBE program.We met before the count times and did a training workshop and partnered each student with a traffic engineering count technician so they could watch how we collect the data. In addition,the Temple City Youth Committee hosted a Quality of Life Pop-Up event at the Library. Transtech staff,School District Staff,Sherriff,and others participated in an open discussion panel about the meaning of traffic safety, personal experiences with traffic and potential improvements that could be made in the City. aflithi TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECIi CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, KeyPersonnel and TRANS lEG/-I Resumes 2. Project Team, Key Person and Resumes 2.1 mss Project Organization Chart 1 to fk). SE EAD \ lud.1,'.timall lu cn,\nu•rita \ tz,=--.4.- Alkikr.) di AHMAD ANSARI,PE Principal City Engineer Contract Principal 1....1.1;- 1111i4N, t., ' fr_/M_ J 2. 0 ,,,, 0, fit.,..„.,.4. DAVID RAGLAND,PE,PLS, MICHAEL ACKERMAN,PE, I JOSEPH DE PERALTA,PE, I ALAN PANGAN,PE,QSD I OKAN DEMIRCI,PE,QSD,QSP QSD,QSP QSD,OSP,QISP QSD Sr.Engineer CIP Project Manager Sr.Engineer Sr.Engineer Sr.Engineer p te. _cal°711 MELISSA DEMIRCI,RSP RICHARD GARLAND,TE JANA ROBBINS,PTP,RSP KAREN VIGIL,EIT,PTP,RSP JEFFREY KAO,PE,CBO,CASp Project Manager(Grants/Traffic) Sr.Traffic Engineer Sr.Traffic/Transp.Planner Associate Traffic Engineer Sr.Engineer Municipal Eng.Services I c.. r..)...f",,,? diik ' iliteA AL PAGAN' MARIO MAGLIOCCHETTI JEFFREY HIRSH SELIM BOUHAMIDI I ALI CAYIR,PE Sr.Construction Manager,Sr. Sr.PW Inspector Sr.PW Inspector Office Eng.Dep RE,Federal ! Sr.Engineer Supervising Insp. Funding and Labor Compliance QC/QA,Tech and Mngmnt Support Approximately 100 staff available Our staff and resources include approximately 100 engineers,project managers,designers,plan checkers,inspectors,construction managers,traffic and transportation analysts, technicians,admin support personnel FOLLOWING ARE CAMEO RESUMES OF THE ABOVE STAFF MEMBERS: AHMAD ANSARI,PE,Principal City Engineer,Contract Principal 30 years of experience. aig Former Director of PW/City Engineer in several municipalities, including Moreno Valley and Rialto, 4...) where he managed PW Departments and CIP. Served as Division Manager at the Orange County PW Department in charge of their 7-Year,$700M Road, Flood,Bikeway CIP projects. As City Engineer/PW Director, he was responsible for the management of CIP for various Cities from initial planning and development thru construction,preparing RFP's, hiring and overseeing consultants. Also served as Interim City Manager for the City of Rialto. a / TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECII CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Personr md Resumes 22 MICHAEL ACKERMAN,PE,QSD,QSP,QSIP,Sr.Engineer Over 20 years of experience. i% Served as Project Design Engineer,Project Manager,and Construction Manager/Resident Engineer on a number of projects. Served at various Cities under Transtech's City Engineering Contracts, including Temple City, Huntington Park,and Alhambra. Prior experience includes working for Caltrans as Civil Transportation Engineer; and for City of San Bernardino as Associate Engineer under City Engineer of the Division of Public Works in the Department of Development Services. OKAN DEMIRCI,PE,QSD,QSP,CIP Manager P Over 9 years of experience. Serves as CIP Program Manager and Assistant Public Works Director and Assistant City Engineer at Transtech's Contract Cities. irl V Completed Caltrans Resident Engineer Academy, very familiar with the management and administration of federally funded projects in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM). Strong knowledge of MS Project, Primavera,AutoCAD. Completed the Caltrans Resident Engineer Academy and is very familiar with the management and administration of federally funded projects in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual LAPM). DAVID RAGLAND,PE,PLS,QSD,QSP,Sr.Engineer ill. L f -Over 30 years of experience. V Performs map checks including review of tentative parcel maps, lot line adjustment, perfecting deed and final parcel map. V He serves as Principal Project Manager for the design,construction and management of a variety l of projects, including: Master Planned Communities; Major infrastructure projects for public agencies (Freeway Interchanges, Roadways, Water, Storm Drain and Sewer Facilities and Master Plans); Commercial, Retail and Residential Development; Infrastructure Master Plan Studies and Development. ALLEN PANGAN,PE,QSD,Sr.Engineer V Over 30 years of experience. Experience includes working for City of Palmdale(22 years)and City of Simi Valley(1 year). Prior experience includes working at US Navy, Naval Mobile Construction Battalion. V Performs plan checks,and inspections for various cities under Transtech's municipal contracts. JOSEPH DEPERALTA,PE,Sr. Engineer,QSD,Sr.Engineer Over 30 years of experience. olk Experience includes working as contract/consultant City Engineer, Plan Checker, Design Engineer 1`--• for various Cities. ti V Managed multi-discipline of wide variety of projects from the initial conception, planning, budgeting,scheduling,preliminary engineering to final engineering and completion of construction Experience in the management and administration of federally funded projects in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual(LAPM). JEFFREY KAO,PE,CBO,CASp,Sr.Engineer Over 20 years of experience in public works and city engineering. Experience includes working at various Cities as Plan Checker. aQ V Has extensive experience in Building Codes,plan check including building,grading and NPDES plan Of reviews,code interpretations and resolving code related construction and plan check problems on a broad range of residential and commercial projects. UMiti TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECH CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Persona and Resumes 2.3 RICHARD GARLAND,TE,Sr.Traffic Engineer V Over 35 years of experience in traffic engineering and transportation planning, having been Servedinvolved asinmany City TrafficaspectsEngineerofthe for severaltransportation cities infield. Southern California where he has been involved with traffic signal design and operations, permit parking programs, citizen requests on traffic and LA' ' parking issues, analysis of stop sign requests, public hearings, speed surveys, and neighborhood traffic control.In this capacity,he served as staff liaison for the Public Works Commissions and prepared reports and gave presentations at Planning Commissions and City Councils. Conducted traffic impact,transit,parking,circulation,safety,and traffic control studies for a variety of locations and situations, ranging from individual development projects to regional planning efforts. JANA ROBBINS,PTP,RSP,Sr.Traffic/Transportation Planner V Approximately 25 years of experience in the field of traffic and transportation engineering and filii planning. V Serves as the Transtech representative for Traffic Engineering Services at various Cities, prepares if traffic safety and calming studies,stop and signal warrants/studies,traffic impact studies,traffic calming reports, responds to requests from Public and City Officials and attends Traffic Commission, Planning Commission,City Council Meetings as well as Design Review Board meetings. Contacts, meets with local residents representing city staff in assisting in the resolution of local traffic problems and concerns. Attends community forums and neighborhood block meetings to discuss and answer questions about current and future traffic conditions. Prepares traffic impact studies for projects in Southern California,of which involves the coordination with many local and regional agencies. MELISSA DEMIRCI,RSP,Project Manager(Grant Writing,Traffic),Municipal Eng.Services&Client Relations Approximately 10 years of experience in Project Management, Transportation and Traffic I Engineering,and Grant Writing.She also is one of our lead for our municipal engineering services. L / V Civil Engineering Degree from Cal Poly Pomona. V Serves as one of Transtech's representative for Traffic Engineering Services at various Cities, prepares traffic safety and calming studies, stop and signal warrants/studies, traffic impact studies, traffic calming reports, responds to requests from Public and City Officials and attends Traffic Commission. Well versed in Caltrans and Local Assistance construction filing and document system. Served as Office Engineer and Community Outreach for the Rte 71/Mission Grade Separation Project(Federally Funded,$40M),Washington BI Widening and Reconstruction Project(Federally Funded,$38M),and the Bogert Trail Bridge Widening Project ($5M). Her rolls included all community correspondence, community meeting presentations and organization, public notices,etc. KAREN VIGIL,EIT, PTP,RSP,Associate Traffic Engineer 7 V Approximately 7 years of experience.eiV Assists in the preparation of traffic safety and calming studies, stop and signal warrants/studies, traffic impact studies,calming reports,responding to requests from Public and City Officials. i-° V Attends Traffic Commission meetings at various Transtech Contract Cities and assists in presentations of reports. V Civil Engineering Degree from Cal Poly Pomona Prepares grant applications for transportation related projects. AL PAGAN!,Sr.Construction Manager,Sr.Supervising Inspector V Over 35 years of experience.s , V Extensive experience in general engineering/public works and building construction projects. In t these capacities, he has been responsible for private and public works construction projects in Type A al' Ai and Type B construction more than$1B. V Serves as job superintendent and construction manager, supervising inspector for various Alle MN TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Persona and Resumes 2.4 Transtech contract cities. Significant experience in the construction of affordable housing and mixed-use projects for non-profit corporations,for-profit developers,and public agencies. Experience includes both working for public agencies and private sector. JEFFREY HIRSH,Sr. Inspector pi_ V Over 25 years of experience. Extensive experience in for general engineering/public works and building construction projects. Works as Public Works inspector for a number of agencies under Transtech Contracts. He has broad knowledge of standards and procedures for public agencies,including the Green Book,Caltrans, and has extensive experience in traffic control,safety and OSHA compliance requirements. 10 hr OSHA Safety Training. MARIO MAGLIOCCHETTI,Sr. Inspector V Over 25 years of experience. till, V Experience includes both in general engineering/public works and building construction projects. Worked in the capacity of foreman,site superintendent and project manager. In these capacities, he IL`1111has been responsible for more than $500 million worth of private and public works constructiondlt ..w projects in Type A and Type B construction. Works as Public Works inspector for a number of agencies under Transtech Contracts. He has broad knowledge of standards and procedures for public agencies, including the Green Book, Caltrans, and has extensive experience in traffic control,safety and OSHA compliance requirements. SELIM BOUHAMIDI,Office Engineer,Deputy RE,Federal Funding and Labor Compliance V Over 15 years of experience.AVMA, Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles. V BA,Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles. Serves as Assistant Resident Engineer,Office Engineer and Assistant Project Inspector on a number of Construction Projects. Graduate of the Resident Engineer Academy,Caltrans and LAPM/Federal-aid Process Training Class. Extensive experience in the management and administration of federally and state funded projects in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM). Works closely with various Funding Agencies, including Caltrans Local Assistance, and local agencies to successfully secure federal-aid for various construction projects. ALI CAYIR,PE,Principal,Sr. Engineer,QC/QA,Technical and Management Support Aft V Over 30 years of experience. 2. Project Team, Key Person - and Resumes 2.5 MMINMINIIIMINIMINIMMIIIIII AHMAD ANSARI,PE,Principal City Engineer,Contract Principal Mr. Ansari, a Principal at Transtech, provides any contractual or technical supportand QC/QA if and when needed. Mr.Ansari has over 30 years of past experience in City and County Public Works and has worked for various Public Agencies as Public Works Director,City Engineer, Project Engineer, Plan Checker, Designer, including for the Cities 111 of Moreno Valley, Rialto, Perris, Pomona and Burbank, as well as for the County of Orange Public Works Department as CIP Manager. He has a broad knowledge of 16,,.4. municipal government operations, including preparation and presentation of staff reports/resolutions to city councils,committees and interaction with public,various city departments,city council and other governmental agencies. He has managed full-time staffing levels of up to 123, and served as the responsible in liF lif charge of numerous multi-disciplinary teams dealing with the business of public works including: Capital Improvement Program project management and delivery f Real Property/Right of Way acquisition and management Traffic and Transportation engineering EDUCATION Private Development/Entitlement process review and approval BS Civil Engineering& Maintenance and Operations including roads,storm drains,sewers,parks,facilities, Architecture, USC traffic signals,signs/striping,fleet Resident Engineer Academy, • Special Districts, Landscape/Lighting Assessment Caltrans Electric Utility Real Estate Participation in Economic Development/Job Creation incentives through effective infrastructure improvements REGISTRATION Registered Civil Engineer Mr. Ansari served at senior executive management staff at several municipalities in Licensed Real Estate Broker Southern California. Most recently, he managed the Orange County Public Works' 7- year Capital Improvement Program comprised of roads,flood and bikeway improvement HIGHLIGHTS projects throughout the County. He has a broad knowledge of local government 33 years of past experience operations, including preparation and presentation of agenda reports to advisory in City and County Public boards, commissions and city councils. He is well versed in public outreach and Works interaction with citizenry groups,committees and stakeholders. Mr.Ansari has excellent County of Orange Public working relationship and rapport with regional and sub-regional Works-Administrative governmental/regulatory agencies. He has represented cities/county at League of Manager II California Cities,CSAC/CEAC organizations,and APWA. City of Moreno Valley- Public Works Director/City Public Works and City/County Engineering past positions held Engineer County of Orange-Administrative Manager II City of Rialto-Public Works • City of Moreno Valley-Public Works Director/City Engineer Director/City Engineer City of Rialto-Public Works Director/City Engineer City of Perris-Public Works • City of Perris-Public Works Director Director City of Pomona-Deputy Public Works Director/Assistant City Engineer City of Pomona-Deputy City of Burbank-Senior Civil Engineer Public Works Director/Assistant City Multi-Million-Dollar/Complex Infrastructure Projects Managed Engineer County of Orange-Public Works, Roads- City of Burbank-Senior Civil Crawford Canyon Rd (Construction Phase) Engineer Edinger Bridge Replacement(Construction Phase) Hazard Ave Bikeway(Planning/Public Outreach Phase) Oso Pkwy/Antonio Intersection (Planning/Design Phase) Oso Pkwy/SR-241 Toll Rd Bridge(CM Augmentation/Bidding) Brea Cyn Rd Widening(Planning/Funding) isti#•. — TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Persona and Resumes 2.6 Live Oak/Trabuco Rd Safety Improvements(Design/Bidding) Santiago Cyn Rd Safety Improvements(Planning/Public Outreach) County of Orange-Public Works, Flood- Lane Channel Improvements(Design/Bidding) Fullerton Creek Ph. 1 (Construction) San Juan Creek Ph.4,5,6(Construction) City of Moreno Valley-Public Works Nason/SR-60 freeway Interchange Moreno Beach/SR-60 freeway Interchange Theodore/60 freeway Interchange Heacock Channel Morrison Park Fire Station City's Corporate Yard Administration Building Reche Vista Realignment Nason Extension/Cactus Widening Traffic Management Center City of Rialto-Public Works Riverside/I-10 freeway Interchange Pepper Ave Extension and Pepper/I-210 freeway Interchange Rialto City Park Veterans memorial Park Jerry Eaves Park Riverside Ave Fire Station Renewable Energy/Power Generation at Wastewater Treatment Plant Foothill Blvd Improvements City ofPerris-Public Works Perris Blvd Resurfacing Ramona Expwy Raised Medians, Landscaping and Resurfacing City Council Chamber Renovation City of Pomona-Public Works Mission Blvd Resurfacing and Parkway Landscaping Mission/SR-71 Grade Separation Variety of Water Bond Utility Improvements City of Burbank-Public Works Five-Points(Burbank/Victory Blvd's) Intersection Realignment Former Lockheed Building 85 Acquisition, Hazardous Waste Abatement and Demolition Glenoaks Blvd Resurfacing Amt TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person - and Resumes 2.7 MICHAEL ACKERMAN, PE,QSD,QSP,QISP,Sr.Engineer rkaP V Mr.Ackerman has over 20 years of experience. A• Ilk At Transtech,he has been working as a Sr.Engineer at various Transtech City Engineering Contracts. He has served at various Cities under Transtech's City Engineering Contracts, 4, , including Temple City, Huntington Park, and Alhambra. Mr. Ackerman managed Engineering and CIP attended and coordinated with COG Regional Transportation4 Planning, GWMA Gateway Water Management Association, and Los Angeles Upper Reach 2 Storm Water Management Group. He is very familiar with the local and regional agencies and goals. He has a broad knowledge of municipal government operations, t including preparation and presentation of staff reports/resolutions to city councils, committees and interaction with public,various city departments,city council and other governmental agencies. Mr.Ackerman's experience also includes working at Caltrans and other agencies: Caltrans District 8: Mr.Ackerman was a civil transportation engineer for Caltrans District EDUCATION 8 where he was involved in the design and construction of various projects. Bachelor of Science in Construction Division: In the Construction Division, Mr. Ackerman was Resident Engineering,the University Engineer for various projects,including: of Iowa o Watson Wash Bridge Replacement Right(Rte 40) Land Development Desktop,o Replacement of Drains and Earthwork(Rte 40) AutoCAD Civil 3D,and o Fenner Overhead Bridge Replacement (Replacement of two bridges over BNSF Microstation Certification- Railroad, Rte 40). Westech College Design Division: Designed plans,specifications,and estimates for the rehabilitation of Route 10 freeway from the Riverside/San Bernardino County line to Beaumont. REGISTRATION Traffic Operations Division: Performed studies and analyses to interpret and Registered Civil Engineer mitigate above average accident volume areas on highways and freeways. Also, he performed traffic studies. CERTIFICATIONS Resident Engineer Academy, City of San Bernardino: Mr. Ackerman held the position of Associate Engineer under Caltrans City Engineer of the Division of Public Works in the Department of Development Services. Water Pollution Control He was involved in many projects including Development Review and Plan Check,design Compliance on Construction and review of Street Improvement Plans, Rough and Precise Grading Plans,Sewer Plans, Sites for Resident Engineers, Storm Drain Plans,Street Lighting Plans,Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans,Water Caltrans Quality Management Plans, Geotechnical Reports, and Hydrology/Hydraulic Studies, Asphalt Pavement land development, industrial, commercial, residential, and transportation development Fundamentals: Design, projects including Tract and Parcel Maps. He also directed and performed plan check of Construction,and improvement plans submitted by developers to the City. Also, he represented the City Rehabilitation of San Bernardino at the South Tehachapi Management Team meetings, coordinated Construction Program with San Bernardino County Flood Control and FEMA for the certification of City levees Management Workshop, and updating of the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), and oversaw permitting and FHWA tracking of Land Development Projects through the Division of Public Field Office Procedures Works/Engineering. In addition to this, Mr. Ackerman has worked intimately with Course,Caltrans Planning and Building and Safety Divisions on Land Development Projects. California Work Zone Inspection—High Speed,City of Huntington Park: Mr. Ackerman worked as contract City Engineer under Caltrans Transtech's municipal services contract and later as City Engineer and Interim Director Asphalt Concrete Inspection of Public Works under the City. and Rehabilitation Strategies,Caltrans As City Engineer,Mr.Ackerman performed the following responsibilities: Planned,coordinated,and directed the activities of the Engineering Division; TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECH CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Persona nd Resumes 2.8 HIGHLIGHTS Supervised the preparation of designs, specifications, plans, estimates and reports 20 years of experience in involved in the construction of public works engineering projects, such as storm City Engineering. drains,sewer systems,and water facilities; Experience includes working • Reviewed and approved engineering plans,specification and contract documents; for Caltrans and City of San • Analyzed bids and supervises the preparation of contracts; Bernardino. Supervised building construction by outside contractors on special projects; At Caltrans,served as Provided technical assistance and consults with other departments, agencies, Resident Engineer for many commission,and other bodies on engineering matters; projects. Prepared reports for the various governing bodies concerning economic comparison, At City of San Bernardino, environmental impact studies, subdivisions, land use conversion, and capital worked under the City improvements Engineer,and was Planned, coordinated and directed the traffic engineering functions of the City responsible for Capital including traffic control device installations,traffic studies and local and regional area Projects. traffic growth management; Extensive experience in Site visits to various locations to conduct field and construction inspections, working with Caltrans. surveying,and perform other engineering activities; Extensive experience in Administered the use of revenue obtained through subventions from the State and NPDES requirements.County; Extensive experience in the • Represented the Division to other City departments, elected officials and outside management and agencies; explained and justified Engineering Division programs, policies and administration of federally activities; negotiated and resolved sensitive,significant and controversial issues; and state funded projects in • Managed and participated in the development and administration of the Engineering compliance with Caltrans Division budget; participated in the preparation of and implement budgetary Local Assistance Procedures adjustments; Manual (LAPM). Coordinated Engineering Division activities with those of other departments and Served as Resident Engineer outside agencies and organizations; provided staff assistance to the City Manager on several Federally Funded and City Council; prepared and presented staff reports and other necessary Projects. correspondence; Directed the work involved in the custody of maps,charts and other records dealing with City owned facilities; Supervised and evaluated subordinate staff; Responded to citizen inquiries and resolve difficult and sensitive complaints;and Participated on a variety of boards and commissions; attended and participated in professional group meetings; stayed abreast of new trends and innovations in the engineering field. Public Works Projects Experience: Mr. Ackerman has also served as Project Design Engineer, Project Manager, and Construction Manager/Resident Engineer on a number of projects. Partial listing of projects representative of his project experience on recent projects include: Project Engineer for City of Commerce, Garfield Avenue Telegraph Road to Malt Avenue Street Improvements; Eastern Avenue Pavement Overlay Stevens Thru City Boundary; Garfield Avenue and Slauson Avenue Intersection Improvements; Washington/Ayers Intersection: Prepared PS&E.Federally funded projects as part of Stimulus Program. Project Engineer for City of Baldwin Park, Francisquito Avenue Overlay Project; Ramona Boulevard Overlay Project: Prepared PS&E. Federally funded projects as part of Stimulus Program. Project Engineer for City of San Bernardino, Sewer upgrade project: Preparation of a project PS&E for upgrade of main sewer lines at various locations per the City's Sewer Master Plan. Project Engineer for City of Commerce- Master Sewer Study Telegraph Corridor re- vitalization project: Documentation of existing system. Design capacity analysis M7).TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person and Resumes 2.9 based upon land use designations.Produced master plan study report for the project along with cost estimates. Resident Engineer for Rosemead Safety and Enhancement and ADA Improvements Project. Served as the Resident Engineer for the Rosemead Safety and Enhancement Project. The project includes widening and reconstruction of 2 miles of Rosemead Boulevard, including new medians, bike lanes, signals, sidewalks, curb & gutter, street lighting, landscape, street scape. The project is federally funded and is managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Cost 20M. Principal CM/Resident Engineer for Valley Boulevard Rehabilitation and ADA Improvements Project (Federally Funded), Alhambra: Project involved reconstruction, pavement overlay, medians, landscape, curb and gutter, sidewalk, traffic signals and other misc.improvements. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Project also involved coordination with Caltrans for work at the 710 Freeway ramps under Caltrans Encroachment Permit. Project was completed in various phases, including nigh time construction for several phases,to minimize inconvenience to public on this heavily travelled major Arterial. Principal CM/Resident Engineer for New Avenue, from North to South City Limit Rehabilitation and ADA Improvements Project(Federally Funded),Alhambra: Project involved reconstruction, pavement overlay, curb and gutter,sidewalk,traffic signals and other misc. improvements. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Project also involved coordination with Caltrans for work at the 1-10 Freeway ramps under Caltrans Encroachment Permit. Principal CM/Resident Engineer for Garfield Rehabilitation and ADA Improvements Project (Federally Funded), Alhambra: Project involved reconstruction, pavement overlay, curb and gutter, sidewalk, and other misc. improvements. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Principal CM/Resident Engineer for City of San Bernardino, Via Duct Boulevard/2nd Street Realignment Project: Prepared PS&E and served as Construction Manager/Resident Engineer. Project Engineer for CSUSB (Cal State SB University) San Bernardino Main Access Road: Prepared PS&E and provided construction administration for the project. Project involved design of a new roadway for a length of approximately 1.5 miles, and include street, medians, landscape, lighting,traffic signals, water, sewer, storm drain and various other utilities. Project Engineer for CSUSB(Cal State SB University) Perimeter Road for CSUSB Palm Desert Campus: Prepared PS&E for the project. Improvements included street, water,landscape,grading,drainage,street lighting and various other improvements. Project Engineer for CSUSB (Cal State SB University): Campus Health Center Expansion: Prepared PS&E for the project for grading, utilities and civil engineering. Project Engineer for University of California, Riverside-West Campus Infrastructure: Prepared West Campus Infrastructure Development Design/Study, which identified utility and surface infrastructure requirements, and how these improvements could be phased to accommodate proposed campus growth,for an area of 236.8 acres to support approximately 5 million gross square feet of academic, research, support, and student housing facilities.. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTEC{I CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Personr Ind Resumes 2.10 OKAN DEMIRCI,PE,QSD,QSP,CIP Manager Mr. Demirci has approximately 10 years of experience. Mr. Demirci serves as Assistant Public Works Director, Assistant City Engineer, CIP Program Manager at Transtech's Contract Cities and provides technical and management support. 00s. Mr. Demirci completed Caltrans Resident Engineer Academy, very familiar with the fp • management and administration of federally and state funded projects in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM). a Mr.Demirci works as Project Manager on various projects(including federal and state funded projects)from project inception to closeout. 4 Examples of his project experience includes: City of South El Monte, Assistant City Engineer/CIP Program Manager/Resident Engineer (Transtech serves as Contract City Engineer): Mr. Demirci coordinated Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) program at the City.As part of his responsibility, Mr. Demirci prepared PS&E packages, coordinated bid advertisement, bid opening, EDUCATION bid analysis, contract award, pre-construction meetings, provided construction MBA, Brandeis University, management as resident engineer, coordinated project close out, and state/federal Massachusetts projects grant closeout activities. Mr. Demirci also coordinated professional services BS, Engineering,Sabanci procurement by preparing RFPs, and oversees various consultants on City's CIP University,Turkey program. Highlighted projects are: HSIP Cycle 6 & 7 Program: Managed 5 separate Traffic Signal, Lighting and HIGHLIGHTS Street Improvements Federally funded HSIP projects through all phases Registered Civil Engineer including federal grant management, design phase coordination, Qualified Stormwater construction phase coordination, project closeout, federal grant closeout. Designer and Practitioner Cost$2.7M QSD/QSP) Federal CDBG Program: Managed City's FY 17/18, 18/19 CDBG projects Serves as CIP Program through all phases including federal grant management, design phase Manager,Assistant Public coordination, construction phase coordination, project closeout, federal Works Director and grant closeout.Cost$1.5M Assistant City Engineer at City of Chino,CIP Project Manager/Resident Engineer:Mr. Demirci worked as City's Transtech's Contract Cities. CIP manager. As part of his responsibility, Mr. Demirci prepared PS&E packages, Completed Caltrans coordinated bid advertisement, bid opening, bid analysis, contract award, pre- Resident Engineer Academy, construction meetings, provided construction management as resident engineer, very familiar with the coordinated project close out, and state/federal projects grant closeout activities. management and Mr. Demirci also coordinated professional services procurement by preparing RFPs, administration of federally and oversees various consultants on City's CIP program. Highlighted projects are: funded projects in Citywide Alley Paving Improvements, Federally Funded (CDBG): Asphalt compliance with Caltrans pavement,various concrete improvements(sidewalk,driveway,curb ramp, Local Assistance Procedures sidewalk,etc.).Cost:$0.5M Manual (LAPM). El Prado Rd Reconstruction Project: Asphalt full depth reclamation (FDR), Strong knowledge of MS concrete improvements (sidewalk, curb ramp, curb & gutter, etc.), traffic Project, Primavera,AutoCAD signal,signing and striping.Cost:$3.0M City of Monterey Park,CIP Project Manager/Resident Engineer:Mr.Demirci worked as City's CIP manager. As part of his responsibility, Mr. Demirci prepared PS&E packages,coordinated bid advertisement, bid opening, bid analysis,contract award, pre-construction meetings,provided construction management as resident engineer, coordinated project close out, and state/federal projects grant closeout activities. Mr. Demirci also coordinated professional services procurement by preparing RFPs, and oversees various consultants on City's CIP program. Highlighted projects are: mm TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECIJ CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Persona and Resumes 2.11 Parks & Rec Master Plan Development and Construction of Improvements at 13 parks (including picnic shelters, playgrounds, irrigation systems installations and ADA improvements).Cost$1.5M Citywide Parking Lot Reconstruction and Various City Facility Restoration/Maintenance (including Cascades Waterfall Restoration, City Pool Maintenance,Various other City facility maintenance). Cost$2.5M City of Temple City,CIP Program Manager/Assistant City Engineer(Transtech serves as Contract City Engineer): Mr. Demirci worked as City's CIP manager.As part of his responsibility, Mr.Demirci prepared PS&E packages,coordinated bid advertisement, bid opening, bid analysis, contract award, pre-construction meetings, provided construction management as resident engineer, coordinated project close out, and state/federal projects grant closeout activities. Mr. Demirci also coordinated professional services procurement by preparing RFPs, and oversees various consultants on City's CIP program. Highlighted projects are: City's Annual Pavement Management Program: Prepared and managed City's PMP since 2013. He coordinated in preparation of bid packages following recommendations from PMP and managed projects in PE and CE phases.Annual cost:$1.5M Pedestrian and Bike Safety Improvements on Temple City Blvd,El Monte and Various Locations Citywide (HSIP Federally Funded): Worked as project manager in PE and CE phases of federally funded projects. These projects were managed in compliance with applicable federal requirements. Cost: 1.5M Council Chambers Renovation and ADA Improvements Project: Served as Project manager, the improvements included complete reconstruction/renovation of the Council Chambers with new seating,dais, carpet, lighting, AV system, and new ADA compliant bathrooms, new ADA compliant access to the building.Cost$0.5M. Rosemead Safety and Enhancement and ADA Improvements Project: Served as the Office Engineer for the Rosemead Safety and Enhancement Project. The project included widening and reconstruction of 2 miles of Rosemead Boulevard,including new medians,bike lanes,signals,sidewalks, curb&gutter,street lighting,landscape,street scape. The project is federally funded and is managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Cost$20m. City of Cudahy, CIP Manager/Coordinator: Mr. Demirci served as CIP Program Manager/Coordinator. As part of his responsibility, Mr. Demirci prepared PS&E packages,coordinated bid advertisement, bid opening, bid analysis,contract award, pre-construction meetings, construction phase coordination, post construction project close out, and state/federal projects grant closeout activities. Highlighted projects are: Pedestrian Safety Improvements, (ATP Funded):Served as Project Manager for this federally funded $1.0M project. Project includes construction of pedestrian safety improvements such as curb extensions, installation of traffic devices,signs,striping. Lugo Park, Soccer Field Project (CDBG Federally Funded): Served as Project Manager for this $1.6M federally funded project. Project includes construction of a regulation new soccer field with artificial turf on existing baseball field,DG walking path,landscaping,parking lot expansion,concrete plaza, lighting, drainage, bathroom and concession stand ADA improvements. The project is CDBG federally funded and being managed in compliance with applicable CDBG requirements.Cost$1.6M J TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECk CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person and Resumes 2.12 City of Commerce, CIP Manager/Coordinator: Mr. Demirci served as CIP Program Manager/Coordinator. As part of his responsibility, Mr. Demirci prepared PS&E packages, coordinates bid advertisement, bid opening, bid analysis,contract award, pre-construction meetings, construction phase coordination, post construction project close out, and state/federal projects grant closeout activities. Highlighted projects are: Slauson Avenue ADA Improvements and Tree Replacement Project: Served as Project Manager for this$1.2M ADA Improvements and tree replacement project. City's Annual Pavement Management Program: Managed City's PMP since 2015. He coordinated in preparation of bid packages following recommendations from PMP and managed projects in PE and CE phases. Annual cost:$4.5M Washington Boulevard Widening and Reconstruction Project (Federally Funded), City of Commerce ($30M). Transtech provided CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector,Office Engineer Services. The project includes widening and reconstruction of 2.7 miles of Roadway (including approx. 3,500 tons rubberized AC overlay).The project is federally funded and being managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. iiiit 0 ; TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECH CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person and Resumes 2.13 DAVID RAGLAND,PE, PLS,QSD,QSP,Sr. Engineer v ! Mr. Ragland is a civil engineer and land surveyor has over 30 years of diverse experience in It a wide variety of projects in civil engineering. He has managed numerous multi-disciplinary teams dealing with the planning, engineering, entitlement, environmental permitting, development and construction of urban and rural development,and public works projects. Ir4` His experience also includes special emphasis on complex grading and hillside developments y.. has worked on the civil engineering and development of more than 40,000 acres of hillside properties),preparation of due diligence and project feasibility analysis,through conceptual planning and design to entitlement and construction. P Following is a partial listing of projects representative of Mr. Ragland's diversified experience: General Civil Engineering Projects: A number of projects in Los Angeles County, San Bernardino County and San Diego County,including roadway,drainage,water,sewer improvements. Parkway Business Centre: Design and construction of the 460 Acre industrial park EDUCATION including South Poway Parkway for ADI Properties, Inc. Also served as Assessment Humboldt State University, Engineer for Communities Facilities District. CA, Bachelor of Science Campus Parkway Roadway: Design of a new roadway for a length of approximately 2 miles, and included street, medians, landscape, lighting, traffic signals, water, sewer, REGISTRATION storm drain and various other utilities. Registered Civil Engineer CalState University Main Access Road: Design of a new roadway for a length of Licensed Land Surveyor approximately 1.5 miles,and include street, medians, landscape, lighting,traffic signals, water,sewer,storm drain and various other utilities. HIGHLIGHTS Cannon Roadway and Sewer: Design of approximately 2 miles of roadway and 36-inch Civil engineer and land sewer pipe and pump station. This project required careful consideration to pipe surveyor with approximately buckling due to the extreme soil conditions of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Special 30 years of diverse bedding techniques were used along with special coupling of the pipes to allow for experience in a wide variety potential deflection as the bridge abutment and road fill settled. of projects.Lopez Canyon Roadway and Sewer: Design and construction of over 5 miles of roadway Managed numerous multi- sewer ranging up to 36 inches in diameter. disciplinary teams dealing • Sorrento Valley Boulevard: Design and construction of 4 miles of roadway. with the planning, Drainage and Sewer Protects: engineering,entitlement,Northpark Boulevard Sewer Extension: Half mile gravity sewer main extension for environmental permitting, University Park Subdivision in the City of San Bernardino. Project required special development and structural designs and encroachment permitting for crossing 100' aqueduct right-of- construction of urban and way. rural development,and University Park Storm Drain Design: Design of storm drain system with pipes ranging in public works projects. size from 18 to 60 inches and trapezoidal channel design for 4500 cfs. In the past 10 years,at Eagle Bice, Muscupiabe Land Area Infrastructure Master Plan (Devore area in San Transtech, has been working Bernardino) Drainage,Sewer and Water Master Plan: Approximately 500-acre area for as Engineering Manager and future 1,100-unit master planned community. The providing 2. Project Team, Key Persona nd Resumes 2.14 agencies(Freeway Penasquitos Canyon Trunk Sewer: PS&E for two miles 36-inch gravity sewer including Interchanges, Roadways, design study reports.City of San Diego Water,Storm Drain and • Ranch Santa Fe Road: Relocation and rehabilitation of 1.5 miles of sewer main. City of Sewer Facilities and San Marcos Master Plans). Arrowhead Springs Drainage, Sewer and Water Master Plan: 4,000-acre site at the o Commercial and Retail foothills of San Bernardino Mountains, and includes 1,500 to 2,000 residential units, Development. 1,000,000 square feet of commercial and office space, 199-acre/18-hole public golf o Master Planned course, renovation and reuse of the historic Arrowhead Springs Hotel with a new 115 Communities. room annex, new 300-room hotel,a conference center, 14-acre corporate office area. o Residential Development. • Otay River hydrology study and dam breach analysis: 22,000-acre Otay Ranch project o Educational/University in Chula Vista. Flows up to 33,000 cfs were studied for the Otay River. Infrastructure Master Plan Water Projects: Studies and Development. • City of San Diego, Green Valley Water line design and construction. 5000 feet, 30" Extensive experience in Reinforced concrete water line and pressure reducing station and details for connection working with Caltrans and to a 60-inch San Diego County Water Authority Pipeline. County of Los Angeles. City of San Diego, Structural arch and encasement designs for road crossings over Extensive experience in various SDCWA pipelines up to 108 inches in diameter. NPDES requirements. City of San Diego, Design and construction of Mercy Road pressure booster. Extensive experience in the • City of San Bernardino, Design of 3500 feet of 20 to 36-inch ductile iron water management and transmission main for the development of University Park. administration of federally • City of San Bernardino, Design of over 10,000 feet of 8 thru 12-inch DIP water main for and state funded projects in water distribution. compliance with Caltrans City of San Bernardino, Structural arch design for road crossing over the Dept of WaterLocalAssistanceProceduresResources109-inch Santa Ana pipeline. Manual (LAPM). City of San Marcos Structural arch and encasement designs for road crossings overEstimatedvaluationof various SDCWA pipelines up to 108 inches in diameter. projects that Mr. Ragland Design of 30-inch CMLC steel water transmission main and pressure reducing stations.has been involved is Included structural designs for hanging the waterline on a bridge. approximately City of Carlsbad, Design of many thousands of feet of PVC and DIP water lines for1,000,000,000. multiple subdivisions in the City with Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the Olivenhain Water District. Master Plans: San Elijo Hills Specific Plan. Provided planning, engineering, surveying services for the design and development of the 2,000-acre 3,500 dwelling unit Specific Plan and Master Tentative Map. Shandin Hills Specific Plan. Provided planning engineering services for the preparation of the Specific Plan and Tentative Map. The project is a proposed 240-acre 1049 dwelling unit community. Arrowhead Springs Specific Plan (including annexation into the City): 4,000-acre site, which includes 1,500 to 2,000 residential units,1,000,000 square feet of commercial and office space, 199-acre/18-hole public golf course, renovation and reuse of the historic Arrowhead Springs Hotel with a new 115 room annex, new 300-room hotel, a conference center, 14-acre corporate office area. Eagle Bice, Muscupiabe Land Area Infrastructure Master Plan Drainage, Sewer and Water Master Plan: Approximately 500-acre area for future 1,100-unit master planned community. The project also included a full infrastructure (roadways, storm drain, water,sewer, parks,and utilities) needs and assessment. University Development Master Plan: Approximately 200-acre site in association with the City of San Bernardino,Watson Development and Cal-State SB for the development of 200 residential, mixed use, live-work, retail, office and student housing, educational and training facilities and offices. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person! and Resumes 2.15 ALLEN PANGAN,PE,Sr.Engineer Mr. Pangan has over 30 years of experience. His experience includes working for City of Palmdale and City of Simi Valley. His prior experience includes working at US Navy,Naval Mobile Construction Battalion. His experience includes working as contract/consultant Civil Engineer, Plan Checker, Design Engineer for various Cities. He managed multi-discipline of wide variety of hr_ . '° y projects from the initial conception, planning, budgeting, scheduling, preliminary engineering to final engineering and completion of construction.His experience includes 4:4 dealing, coordinating and navigating thru the permitting processes with municipal, county and state level and other governmental agencies, architects and consultant, utility companies,and regional entities, including Caltrans,Water Quality Board,AQMD, US Corps of Engineers,Department of Dams and Water Resources,Union Pacific Railroad and others. He coordinated the design and approval of various Capital Improvement Project Plans, the construction and project completion acceptance of the same. EDUCATION Bachelor of Science in Civil He has extensive experience in standards and procedures for public agencies, including Engineering,California State the Green Book,Caltrans,and has extensive experience in traffic control,safety and University Northridge OSHA compliance requirements. REGISTRATION He has extensive experience in communicating/working with the public/adjacent Registered Civil Engineer, property owners,and being proactive in dealing with complaints and comments and California and Nevada minimizing project impacts. HIGHLIGHTS He has a broad knowledge of municipal government operations, including preparation 23 years with the Local and presentation of staff reports/resolutions to city councils,committees and Cities, including Palmdale interaction with public,various city departments,city council and other governmental and Simi Valley agencies. Prior experience with US Navy, Naval Mobile Functional Experience Summary Construction Battalion Capital improvement Program Administration. Project Management. Site Reviews and Construction Inspection. Traffic Control Review. Responded to citizen inquiries and resolve difficult and sensitive complaints;and Construction Progress Review. Construction Compliance review with approved plans and specifications, and in compliance with applicable standards (Greenbook, Caltrans, LA County, Local City Standards). Coordinate with Contractors and Consultants. Investigate field problems affecting property owners or contractors and resolve or refer to appropriate personnel. Review cost estimates and bids. Provided technical assistance and consults with other departments, agencies, commission,and other bodies on engineering matters. Site visits to various locations to conduct field and construction inspections, surveying,and perform other engineering activities. Coordinate and review the work of outside consultants and contractors,and review and recommend payments for billing on contract services. Coordinate public works activities with other agencies, including Los Angeles I TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECk CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person and Resumes 2.16 County,Caltrans, Utility Companies and other jurisdictional agencies involved in the projects. Professional and technical municipal engineering work in land development processing. Permit and bond oversight. NPDES compliance. Private and Capital Improvement Plan Check. Public, Developers and Engineering Consultants Interface. Construction Surveying. CAD Design and Mapping. Preparation of Plans,Specifications and Cost Estimates. Design striping and signing plans. Design traffic signal plans. Manage City Master Plan of Drainage. Provide technical assistance to floodplain administrator. Hydrologic and Hydraulic review. Hydrologic modeling. Development and advisory board review. Easements,deeds, lot merger review. Design and prepare plans for public works projects including streets and storm drains and detention basins by researching project design requirements, performing calculations and preparing material and cost estimates. Plan check,and processing of public and private improvements per City standards. Prepare visual presentations and reports. Identify and make recommendations on traffic safety by performing high accident analysis,crosswalk studies at school zones,and keeping accident database up to date. Evaluate traffic operations at intersections, mid-blocks,and work zones. Perform traffic studies and data collection using volume counts,accident rates,and speed zone surveys. Prior Employment 2010-2018 Sole Proprietor of AP Civil Engineering,Civil engineering consulting services 1988-2010 City of Palmdale,CA,Department of Public Works. 1983-1988 VSE Corporation Camarillo,CA Defense Contractor 1983-1984 City of Simi Valley Simi Valley,CA, Public Works. 1977-1983 United States Navy,Full-time employment in Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 4 gia# 0,•./ L--) TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECII CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person - and Resumes 2.17 JOSEPH DEPERALTA,PE,QSD,Sr. Engineer Y Mr. Peralta has approximately 30 years of experience. His experience includes working as i, contract/consultant City Engineer, Plan Checker, Design Engineer for various Cities. He I managed multi-discipline of wide variety of projects from the initial conception, planning, ila budgeting, scheduling, preliminary engineering to final engineering and completion of construction. His experience includes dealing, coordinating and navigating thru the permitting processes with municipal, county and state level and other governmental agencies, architects and consultant, utility companies, and regional entities, including Caltrans, Water Quality Board, AQMD, US Corps of Engineers, Department of Fish and Game, Union Pacific Railroad and others. jr His civil engineering experiences includes various tasks that are associated but not limited 1 to the following: o Street&rehabilitation improvements o Site improvements o Storm Drainageg o Sewer&Water EDUCATION o Utility planning&construction BS in Engineering o Mass&precise grading o Hydrology&Hydraulic Analysis&Report REGISTRATION o Street Marking,Signing&Striping Registered Civil Engineer o Street Lighting Qualified SWPPP Developer o Erosion Control Plans o Hydrology&Hydraulic Report HIGHLIGHTS o Storm Water Plans/NPDES Compliance Experience includes working o Tentative tract/parcel Maps for Local Cities o Retaining wall engineering Managed and designed a o Public Work Contract Documents&Specifications variety of Public Works o Public Work Plan check Projects. o Construction phasing&Traffic Control Managed CIP Projects and o Legal documentation&review consultants at various cities. o Quantity take off&Cost Estimating Experience in the o City Plan Checker management and o In house QC Plan Checker administration of federally o Coordination&Processing funded projects in o Supervise Construction compliance with Caltrans o Construction Documentation&Bidding Local Assistance Procedures o Prepare&review Request for Proposal Manual(LAPM). Experience in the application He has taken seminars and training on Qualified SWPPP Developer,Practitioner,hydrology, of CAD systems including and hydraulic. He is computer proficient and experienced with various engineering design AUTOCAD, LAND software applications, including AutoCAD, Land Development, Civil3d,WSPG storm water DEVELOPMENT DESKTOP hydrology and hydraulic software,Autoturn. Mr. De Peralta worked as contract municipal CIVIL,and other engineering engineer under different consultants. He was directly involved with the day to day application programs management, agency coordination, and delivery of capital projects. He has a broad and diverse experience in the design and management of public works projects in highway design, drainage and stormwater design,water distribution,sewer design, residential and commercial site development, right of way acquisition, pavement design and pavement management. In addition,he has had extensive experience with the approval process and contract administration of for federal and state funded project implementing the Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM). fikt TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECH CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person' and Resumes 2.18 Some of significant projects he has worked on include: o Montebello Blvd.Street Widening Conceptual Plans o Westmoreland Blvd.Street Improvement o Vail Ave.Street Improvement o Via Luneto Sewer and Street Improvements o JFK Professional Office—Tentative Parcel Map& Plot Plan o Arcadia Water,Corona—Water line relocation and upgrade o Nova Homes,Corona—63 Acres Mass Grading&Drainage$10M o City of Irvine—Alton Parkway Left Turn Lane to Civic Center$1M o City of La Mirada Area A& B Street and Handicap Ramp Rehabilitation,$5M o City of Newport Beach—Ocean Blvd and Marguerite Ave PCC Pavement and Handicap Ramps Reconstruction,$5M o City of Diamond Bar Street Rehabilitation,$2M o City of Industry 66KV Electric Power Substation Facility,$15M o City of Industry Metro Link Station,$7M o City of Industry Auto Mall Complex along Gale Avenue,City of Industry,$7M o Industry Hills Hillside Land Development&Handorf Road Extension and Realignment, 6M o Gale Avenue,Jellick Ave.and Auto Mall West Street Improvements,$3M o Gale Avenue Widening&Street Realignment,$5M o Waddingham Way(New Street), Ferrero Road and Old Ranch Road,$3M o Gale Avenue Widening,Green Drive Ext.,Wal-mart Site Improvements,$5M o Azusa Avenue and Railroad St.Street Realignment and Widening,$4M o Parriot Place West(new street)Street and Off-site Improvements,$3M o Carport Solar at Industry Metrolink Station,$11M o Grand Avenue—Valley Blvd. Intersection Street Widening,$8M o Seventh Avenue UPRR Grade Separation,$11M o Plan check of the Industry Business Center Rough Grading Plans,$10M o Various existing City of Industry Streets Rehabilitation and Reconstruction improvements i.e. Temple Ave, Vineland Avenue, Portion of Gale Avenue, Green Drive,Valley Blvd., Fairway Ave., Hacienda Blvd., California Avenue, Proctor Avenue, various Reclaimed and Domestic water lines o Prepared tentative parcel map for Mr. Jammal Anabtawi's property in Rowland Heights o Prepared tentative parcel map for Mr. Richard Reed's property in the City of Walnut o Laguna Niguel Sport Center development, including storm drain engineering o McVicker Canyon Park,City of Lake Elsinore L44,,_.tom' TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECH CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person - and Resumes 2.19 JEFFREY KAO, PE,CBO,CASp,Sr.Engineer Mr. Kao has 20 years of experience and has been working at Transtech as Deputy Building Official, Senior Plans Examiner, On-Site Over the Counter Plans Examiner and performed plan checks for a variety of residential and commercial projects in Cities of Alhambra,South Pasadena and Temple City. Mr. Kao has broad knowledge of building and safety operations, including working in the capacity of Deputy Building Official and Plans Examiner. As Plans Examiner, he is responsible for examination and approval of architectural and structural plans submitted to municipalities for a wide variety of projects ranging from small residential additions to large, multistory commercial and industrial facilities. As Deputy Building Official,he provides necessary code interpretations,and coordinates with agency staff and departments,and applicants on building and safety related issues. He also provides over the counter plan check as Deputy Building Official/Plans Examiner. EDUCATION His past experience includes working as a structural engineer for 4 years at a structural University of California, design firm. He was involved in various projects, including Mid-rise Steel Commercial Los Angeles(UCLA), Buildings, Steel Industrial High Bay Facilities, Wood Framed Public/Private Schools and Masters in Civil Education Centers, Reinforced Concrete Masonry Studios and Auditoriums and Engineering with Spreading Footing, Mat, Pile Foundation Design. His diversified experience gives him an emphasis in Structural excellent knowledge and understandings of"both sides of the counter." Earthquake Engineering California State Mr. Kao has extensive experience in Building Codes, plan check including building, Polytechnic University grading and NPDES plan reviews, code interpretations and resolving code related Pomona, BS in Civil construction and plan check problems on a broad range of residential and commercial Engineering projects. REGISTRATION HIGHLIGHTS California Registered Civil • Bilingual in Chinese Engineer no.66742 Computer Aided Drafting:AutoCAD, Microstation California Certified Access • Computer Aided Structural Analysis:SAP,STAAD Specialist no. 755 Chinese Cantonese and Mandarin Speaker Extensive experience in Structural Plan Check CERTIFICATIONS Experience includes working as structural designer at a structural firm. Certified Building Official • Served as Deputy Building Official for a number Contract Cities California Building Plans Examiner Knowledge of Building and Safety Procedures: CalGreen Inspector Building and zoning codes and ordinances that are enforces and implemented at CalGreen Plans Examiner the city Mechanical Plans Quality customer service Examiner Procedures and techniques of permit processing and process for plan review and Plumbing Plans Examiner inspection Building Inspector Sound judgement in interpretation of codes and regulations Exemplary communications(oral and written), public relation Project and Task Related Experience Working in Transtech's client cities: Provides technical information and assistance to engineers,architects,contractors, and general public Assists permit technicians in taking in plan check submittals TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Personrend Resumes 2.20 Ensures that contractors provide proper documentation and valid license at time of permit issuance Researches building plan check status Reviews plans to verify that all work proposed on plans is compliant with the code currently in effect Resolves issues diplomatically and tactfully Answers questions, concerns, or issues that residents, contractors, engineers, or business owners have regarding code Verifies with business license division that the occupancy group matches the type of use going into the tenant space Works closely with planning in resolving major projects by verifying key points on plans matched with planning's standards. Calculate fees for plan check and permits Reviews permit applications and issues permits Project Experience working in Complex Projects(Partial List): 1439 W Main,Toyota Wondries—Building and grading plan check 700 N Stoneman, 70 condo units—grading plan check 500 S Marengo, Home Depot Expansion—building plan check 1139 W Main, BMW Expansion—grading plan check 1 W Hellman, new medical office building—grading plan check 113-117 N Palm,7 condo units—grading plan check istiw•lot... 441 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECII CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Persona and Resumes 2.21 RICHARD GARLAND,TE,Sr.Traffic Engineer Mr. Garland has over 35 years of experience in traffic engineering and transportation e ` .planning, having been involved in many aspects of the transportation field. He has conducted traffic impact,transit, parking,circulation,safety,and traffic control studies for a variety of locations and situations,ranging from individual development projectsqa t'' to regional planning efforts. His experience includes the planning, design,and analysis of transportation facilities for airports,central business districts,redevelopment areas, ports, neighborhoods, and institutions. He has conducted transportation studies fors' ,` numerous development projects, including the construction or expansion of office t buildings, hospitals, shopping centers, residential developments, industrial sites, r schools, hotels, and recreational facilities. Specific examples representative of Mr. Garland's experience is cited below. NMunicipal Traffic Engineering — Served as City Traffic Engineer for several cities in aut Southern California where he has been involved with traffic signal design and aimi,.. _ operations, permit parking programs, citizen requests on traffic and parking issues, analysis of stop sign requests,public hearings,speed surveys,and neighborhood traffic EDUCATION control.In this capacity,he served as staff liaison for the Public Works Commissions and MS Civil Engineering, prepared reports and gave presentations at Planning Commissions and City Councils. University of California, The cities where Mr. Garland has been employed as the Traffic Engineer include: Berkeley Carson; Manhattan Beach; Hermosa Beach; El Segundo BS Civil Engineering, Parking Studies-Conducted parking studies for the City of Orange,the Santa Ana Civic Vanderbilt University Center, downtown Manhattan Beach, the Santa Monica Ocean Park Redevelopment Area, Beverly Hills, and the Chinatown Redevelopment Area. These studies were REGISTRATION prepared for proposed commercial,office,and recreational development. Developed a Professional Traffic permit parking program for the City of Coronado and established permit parking zones Engineer, P.E.—State of in the City of Carson, including the residential areas surrounding the 30,000-seat California StubHub Center. Recreational Facilities — Conducted an access and parking utilization study for the EXPERIENCE HIGHLIGHTS beach parking lot in Santa Monica to assist the City of Santa Monica with an Ocean Park Over 35 years of experience redevelopment plan. Prepared an access, circulation, and parking study for the Laurel in Traffic Engineering. Canyon dog park located adjacent to Mulholland Drive in Los Angeles. Conducted an Served as City Traffic access and parking study for Sand Dune Park in Manhattan Beach.Conducted a traffic Engineer for many Cities, study for a sediment removal project at Littlerock Reservoir near Palmdale. Prepared a including: parking and access study for a bike trail project in Santa Ana. Prepared the conceptual o Carson design plans for a bike path along the Dominguez Channel levee in Carson. Conducted o Manhattan Beach traffic impact and parking studies for numerous high school stadium construction o Hermosa Beach projects throughout southern California. o El Segundo Environmental Studies - Prepared the traffic/transportation components of several Traffic Engineering hundred Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs), Negative Declarations (ND/MNDs), and experience includes: Environmental Impact Statements(EISs)in compliance with CEQA and NEPA standards. o Serving as City Traffic Developed mitigation monitoring programs in response to the significant adverse traffic Engineer and circulation impacts that were identified. o Airport Access& Flood Control/Watershed Protection Projects — Prepared the traffic/transportation Circulation component of the EIR for the Santa Clara River Levee Project (SCR-3) for the Ventura o Transportation Planning County Watershed Protection District. The project is located adjacent to the City of o Development Oxnard. Prepared the traffic/transportation component of the Initial Study/MND/EA Access/Circulation for the Sespe Creek Levee Improvements Project for the Ventura County Watershed o Port Access&Circulation Protection District. This project is located near the City of Fillmore. Conducted the traffic analysis for the EIR for the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California's Lake Perris Pollution Prevention and Source Protection Program in Riverside County near Moreno Valley. Conducted the traffic analysis as a component of the EIR for the Sun Valley Watershed Management Plan in Los Angeles.The study included an analysis J TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECH CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person and Resumes 2.22 of the impacts of pipeline construction along roadways in the San Fernando Valley section of Los Angeles. Prepared the traffic component of the EIR for the San Gabriel River Master Plan for the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works. Pipelines/Linear Construction Projects-Conducted the transportation analysis for the Pacific Pipeline EIR/EIS, a proposed oil pipe extending from Santa Barbara to the Los Angeles harbor area including segment alignments within Ventura County. Conducted the transportation analysis for an alignment of the Pacific Pipeline that extends from the Bakersfield area of Kern County to the LA harbor. The analysis addressed construction impacts on highways and rail lines for the proposed project as well as several alternatives. Conducted the traffic analysis for the construction of the North Hollywood Interceptor Sewer in the City of Los Angeles.Prepared the traffic component of the negative declaration and mitigation monitoring program for the construction of a 96-inch sewer pipe that was installed in the public right-of-way of Lomita Boulevard in the cities of Los Angeles and Carson.The pipeline project was a component of a major pipeline installation project administered by the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts. Port/Harbor Planning-Conducted a multi-modal transportation study for the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles to identify deficiencies in the transportation system into, out of, and through the harbor area.The analysis focused on the movement of goods by highway, railroad,and pipeline.Conducted traffic analyses for various development projects in the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, including the West Basin Improvement Plan,the Pier 300 container terminal,the Hugo Neu-Proler scrap metal terminal,the GATX liquid bulk terminal,the Pier A container terminal,the harbor lead track rail improvements, the Pier 300 dry bulk (coal) terminal, the Berth 212-215 container terminal,and the Berth 100 container terminal. Power Lines/Power Plants - Conducted the transportation impact analysis for the Devers-Palo Verde power transmission line project that extends from the Phoenix area of Arizona to the Colton/Redlands area of California. The project alignment extends through Riverside and San Bernardino Counties in California and Maricopa and La Paz Counties in Arizona. Conducted the transportation impact analysis for the Alturas Transmission Line EIR/EIS,a power line that extends from Alturas in northern California to Reno, Nevada. The analyses for these power line projects addressed the project's impacts on highways,rail lines,and aviation activity. Developed an evacuation plan for the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant in San Luis Obispo County.The study identified evacuation routes in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties and developed procedures for maintaining traffic flow along the evacuation routes. Airport Planning - Conducted access, circulation, and parking studies for Honolulu International Airport, Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, Burbank Airport, John Wayne- Orange County Airport, San Diego Lindbergh Field, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport,and San Francisco Airport. Military Bases - Conducted a traffic analysis to evaluate the impacts of homeporting three aircraft carriers at the Naval Air Station North Island in Coronado(San Diego),one aircraft carrier at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Bremerton, WA, and one aircraft carrier at Everett Naval Station near Seattle. These studies were a component of an EIS that was prepared for the U.S. Navy. Conducted a traffic study for a proposed expansion of Fort Irwin National Training Center in San Bernardino County. Conducted an alignment study for a proposed road at Edwards Air Force Base. Conducted a traffic study for the Air National Guard base at the Van Nuys Airport in the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles.Conducted a traffic analysis for a proposed expansion of operations at the Point Mugu Naval Air Station in Ventura County. School Access and Safety—Has conducted the planning,design,and analysis of traffic, access, and parking facilities for schools throughout southern California. This experience includes numerous elementary, middle, and high schools as well as early PAIIMNWA}+ TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person - and Resumes 2.23 education centers,stadiums,gymnasiums,and performing arts centers for Los Angeles Unified School District,San Marcos Unified School District,Vista Unified School District, South Bay Union School District,Santa Ana Unified School District,Irvine Unified School District,Poway Unified School District,Solana Beach School District,Long Beach Unified School District, Montebello Unified School District, Pomona Unified School District, Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District, Palm Springs Unified School District, San Diego County Office of Education, Claremont Unified School District, and charter schools. Commercial Development - Conducted traffic and parking studies for numerous commercial developments such as Malibu Colony shopping center, Downey Landings, Carson Marketplace, Palmdale factory outlet center, Rite Aid in Ridgecrest, Cerritos Jaguar dealership, Cabazon factory outlet center, Antelope Valley Mall in Palmdale, Lakewood Center Mall expansion, Wal-Mart/Toys-R-Us in Covina, Kalama River retail development in Fountain Valley,Smith's Food and Drug center in Gardena,Continental Park retail and theater center in El Segundo, Target shopping center in San Dimas, Manhattan Village Mall in Manhattan Beach,Galleria at Tyler in Riverside,Mall of Victor Valley in Victorville,Lake Elsinore factory outlet center,Champion Chevrolet dealership expansion in Manhattan Beach,and Lakewood Business Park. al 44004-TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECEI CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person. and Resumes 2.24 JANA ROBBINS,PTP,Sr.Traffic/Transportation Planner rftai Ms. Robbins has over 25 years of experience in the field of traffic and transportation i engineering and planning. Ms.Robbins serves as the Transtech representative for Traffic Engineering Services at various Cities, prepares traffic safety and calming studies, stop t and signal warrants/studies, traffic impact studies, traffic calming reports, parking studies, responds to requests from Public and City Officials and attends Traffic Commission, Planning Commission, City Council Meetings as well as Design Review Board meetings. On behalf of client Cities,she reviews traffic impact studies and parking analysis submitted by developers, and represents contract Cities at Commission meetings when these projects are reviewed. She works directly with staff in the departments of public works, planning, engineering and community development at each client city.She also contacts,meets with residents representing city staff in assisting in the resolution of local traffic problems and concerns. After meeting with residents, she prepares and presents reports and recommendations to various city staff and agencies. She has also attended community forums and neighborhood block meetings to discuss and answer questions about current and future traffic conditions. She also prepares traffic impact studies for development projects in Southern California, which EDUCATION involves the coordination with developers,as well as local and regional agencies.She has Business Administration,developed traffic models and performed impact analyses utilizing state-of-the-art California State Polytechnic software. University Classes and Seminars Her project experience includes: Through ITE Professional City of Alhambra, Contract Traffic Engineering Support: As part of Transtech's Development Municipal Services Contract, Ms.Robbins serves as the Transtech representative for Traffic Operations Studies Traffic Engineering Services. In this capacity she prepares traffic safety and calming Traffic Safety studies, stop and signal warrants/studies, traffic impact studies, responds to City Traffic Control Devices requests, citizen complaints and attends Traffic Commission meetings. She also Elements of Design reviews traffic impact studies submitted by developers, provides traffic study Transportation guidelines (scoping) to consultants preparing TIA's and represents the City at Management planning commission and council meetings when these projects are reviewed and presented. Part of her duties also includes assessing safety for pedestrians, buses and bicycles by reviewing master plans completed for transit and bicycles as well as REGISTRATION safe walk to school routes. Professional Transportation • City of Commerce,City of Monterey Park and City of Temple City;Contract Traffic Planner(PTP)#479 Engineering Support: As part of Transtech's Municipal Services Contract, Ms. ITE Member Robbins serves as the Transtech representative for Traffic Engineering Services. In this capacity she assists the City Engineer with traffic safety requests, reviews and prepares traffic scoping documents for new developments, reviews traffic impact EXPERIENCE HIGHLIGHTS studies submitted by consultants to the City and provides comments for areas of 24 years of experience. concern as the Cities representative. She also attends meetings with potential Serves as Transtech developers, development services department and engineering staff representing representative for Traffic traffic engineering. Engineering Services at Preparation of Traffic Impact Studies(TIA): These studies are prepared to assess various Cities. transportation impacts of proposed developments and to determine the changes in Extensive experience in traffic and traffic control devices that will be needed in the future with the added preparing traffic safety and development or land use change.The preparation of TIA's includes;Identification of calming studies,stop and impact mitigation plans, coordination with City or agency planning and traffic signal warrants/studies and engineering departments. This includes the supervision of field technicians and in traffic impact studies and the field collection of traffic related data,preparing a local traffic model,conducting parking analysis a level of service analysis at each study intersection and street segment, Extensive experience in identification of mitigation measures and report preparation.Some sample project's handling requests from that Ms. Robbins has been responsible for preparing include: OMR 17 MIN t.' TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person and Resumes 2.25 Public and City Officials. o University of Riverside—West Campus Study Extensive experience in o Cal State San Bernardino—Campus Expansion Project presenting projects at Traffic o Industry East- Development of 6 Million Square Foot Industrial Park for the City and Transportation of Industry Commission, Planning and o Arrowhead Springs Specific Plan TIA Council meetings. o Private Development Projects TIA's: Shandin Hills—250 Single Family Housing Tract in San Bernardino GFR Housing—160 Single Family Housing Tract in San Bernardino Apple Valley Plaza—Shopping Center with Movie Theater in Apple Valley— Parking Occupancy and TIA Big Bear Plaza—Shopping Center in Big Bear Lake Quartz Hill—Shopping Center and Housing in Quartz Hill LA County Baker—Carl's Junior fast food in Baker CA East Valley Water District—Corporate Yard in San Bernardino Laguna Beach Corporate Yard—City of Laguna Beach City of Industry—MRF facility, Park and Ride City of Montebello—Park and Ride El Segundo Self Storage in El Segundo Loma Linda Housing in Loma Linda Queen of Angels Church—Riverside Condo Development project—San Gabriel City of Palmdale—Residential Mixed Use TIA City of Corona—Commercial Center, Industrial Center City of Anaheim—Car Wash,Gas Station and Market City of Chino—Andy's Burgers o Traffic Impact Reports for Master Plans and Specific Plans for City Clients: Master Plan of City of San Juan Capistrano Downtown Area o CMP Traffic Monitoring Program: City of Alhambra City of Inglewood City of Compton City of Temple City City of Huntington Park Engineering and Radar Speed Survey for Various Cities: This task included the radar field survey, field observations, and calculation of 85th percentile speeds, preparation of overall city maps and preparation of final report.Various Cities some of which include: City of Inglewood City of Long Beach City of Alhambra City of Lynwood City of Upland City of Bell City of Hacienda Heights City of Commerce City of Malibu City of Santa Monica City of Culver City Jana is Certified Radar Technician by the Rio Hondo Police Department School Site Review: This task includes the observation and analysis of school sites as related to traffic and safety.This includes suggesting drop off/pick up procedures for parents and buses, driveway assessment and signage, field review of existing signing, striping, school drop off, pick up, school crosswalks, sidewalks, crossing TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECEI CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person and Resumes 2.26 guard locations and the identification of future measures that will improve the traffic safety.Some schools included: Ganesha Elementary in Pomona Emery Elementary in Alhambra Montvue Elementary-Pomona Unified School District Alhambra High School in Alhambra Mark Keppel High School in Alhambra Benton Middle School-La Mirada School District City of Alhambra—City-wide as needed City of Temple City—6 schools for funding and City-wide as needed City of Huntington Park—City-wide as needed City of Torrance—32 schools SRTS assessment City of Commerce—4 schools City of Baldwin Park—12 schools City of Rosemead—3 schools General Plan Updates, Circulation Elements and TIA: Preparation of circulation element and TIA for the City's General Plan update. Identification of impact mitigation plans, coordination with the City planning and traffic engineering department and Caltrans. This included the supervision of field data, traffic modeling, level of service analysis, identification of mitigation measures and report preparation. City of San Bernardino City of Calimesa Parking Occupancy Studies for Various Cities and Developers: This task included conducting existing inventory counts in the field and developing future demand for parking models, preparing shared parking analysis, preparing parking variance reports for developments,accumulation and generation reports. Reports have been prepared for a variety of developers for shared parking or variance needs or for traffic calming needs in housing tracts. Sample projects include: City Lawndale — entire City to assess the probability of a residential permit district;City of Inglewood for deficient parking in residential areas;Apple Valley Plaza for parking variance,City of Alhambra for public parking structures, Huntington Park general on-street parking occupancy and parking policy,and various private developments to look at parking occupancy and demand. Specialty Studies: Travel Time and Delay, License Plate Studies, Pedestrian Movement Studies, Bicycle Usage Studies, Truck Movement Studies, On Street Parking Assessment in Commercial Districts, Assessment of Cut-Thru Traffic for various Agencies and Private Developers. Preparation of the Traffic Portion of HSIP,SR2S,TIGER Grants and CALL for Projects Funding Applications and PSRE documents: Following is a list of successful grant applications: City of Alhambra—Valley Blvd Median Projects, Pedestrian Safety Grants City of Huntington Park—ATP 2 and ATP 3 City of Cudahy—ATP 3 and HSIP City of Inglewood—Crenshaw S Curve Project,Century Blvd Gateway Project City of Carson—Avalon Freeway Ramp Improvements City of Commerce — Washington Blvd Improvements, Atlantic Blvd Goods Movement City of Hermosa Beach—Traffic Signal Upgrades City of Temple City—Safe Route to School, Bike Route Plans, HSIP As a Traffic consultant Ms. Robbins is called upon to complete a variety of traffic reports and research interacting with developers,community members,architects,Cities Public TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECII CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person - and Resumes 2.27 Works Departments, City Community Development Departments, Planning Departments,Counties Public Works,Traffic and Lighting,Regional Planning and Caltrans at local and regional levels. Some of the Traffic Manuals and reference materials that Ms. Robbins works with on a daily basis include: ITE Trip Generation Manual California Edition Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices(CAMUTCD) A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets(AASHTO) Highway Capacity Manual (HCM);California Vehicle Code(CVC) TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECH CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Persom and Resumes 2.28 MELISSA DEMIRCI,RSP,Project Manager(Grant Writing,Traffic),Municipal Eng.Services&Client Relations Ms. Demirci has approximately 10 years of experience in Project Management, w k. Transportation and Traffic Engineering,and Grant Writing. She has her BS Degree in t Civil Engineering from Cal Poly Pomona. She is well versed in Caltrans and Local Assistance construction filing and document system. She served as Office Engineer responsible for all Caltrans documentation as well as Community Outreach for the Rte 71/Mission Grade Separation Project (Federally Funded, $40m), Washington BI Widening and Reconstruction Project(Federally Funded,$38m),and the Bogert Trail111 Bridge Widening Project ($5M). Her rolls included all community correspondence, 0community meeting presentations and organization, public notices,etc. lea Ms. Demirci also prepares grant applications and helped facilitate over$20 million in funding for clients' public works and transportation improvement projects. She has worked in the Public Works Department and assists in the preparation of staff reports, contract administration, RFP preparation, CIP Budget preparation, bid analysis, libudgeting,traffic safety and calming studies,stop and signal warrants/studies,traffic impact studies, traffic calming reports, and responding to requests from Public and EDUCATION City Officials. She also prepares grant applications for transportation related projects BS,Civil Engineering,Cal Poly including detailed figures, diagrams, and exhibits. Ms. Demirci regularly attends Pomona Traffic Commission and City Council Meetings presenting on various items. Her Prior experience includes working as in the Energy and Environment Department of the HIGHLIGHTS Mayor's preparing infrastructure grants and project management for 3 years at the Serves as a Traffic Analyst City of Los Angeles while completing her civil engineering degree at Cal Poly. Engineer for several Traffic Authorities and Traffic Examples of her project experience includes: Commissions Secured over$20M in federal Traffic and Transportation Engineering Experience(2010-present) and state grant funds for Traffic Commission: As part of Transtech's Municipal Services Contract, Ms. various agencies Demirci also assists in the preparation of traffic safety and calming studies,stop Completed Caltrans Resident and signal warrants/studies, traffic impact studies, calming reports, responding Engineer Academy to requests from Public and City Officials. She also attends Traffic Commission Very familiar with the meetings and assists in presentations of reports. management and Focused Parking Studies for Various Cities and Developers: This task included administration of federally conducting existing inventory counts in the field and assisting cities to come up funded projects in with solutions to parking demands. compliance with Caltrans Engineering and Radar Speed Survey for Various Cities: This task included the Local Assistance Procedures radar field survey,field observations, and calculation of 85th percentile speeds, Manual(LAPM) preparation of city maps and preparation of report.Various Cities some of which Served as Office Engineer for include:City of Alhambra and City of Temple City Rte 71/Mission Grade School Site Review: This task includes the observation and analysis of school Separation Project(Federally sites as related to traffic and safety. This includes suggesting drop off/pick up Funded,$40M project). procedures for parents and buses,driveway assessment and signage. Served as Office Engineer for • Safe Route to School Program: This task includes field review of existing signing, Rosemead Boulevard striping, school drop off, pick up, school crosswalks, sidewalks, crossing guard Complete Streets Project locations and the identification of future measures that will improve the traffic Federally and State Funded, safety. Sample programs were conducted for: City of Alhambra — City-wide as 20M project). needed;City of Temple City—City-wide as needed;City of Huntington Park—City- Prior experience includes wide as needed working as in the Energy and Environment Department preparing infrastructure lb TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECM CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person - and Resumes 2.29 grants and CIP project Public Works Department Experience (2010-present): As part of Transtech's management for 3 years at Municipal Services, Ms. Demirci provided services to various client cities as assistant the City of Los Angeles. to the Public Works Director and City Engineer. Her tasks include: Preparation of CIP Budget (5-year CIP budget $100M+) and attend and participate in meetings and conferences with City boards and commissions, City departments,public officials,professional organizations and contractors regarding requirements for public works projects, land development/subdivision projects and other matters relating to areas of assigned responsibilities.As well as prepare Staff Reports and Presentations for Council Meetings,Commission Meetings,and Ad-Hoc Committees as well as a variety of reports,correspondence and special studies. Grant Writing Experience (2010-present): Ms. Demirci also prepares grant applications for transportation projects, awarded grants she worked on, below is a partial listing: City of Rosemead:2015 Metro (MTA) Call for Projects, Garvey Avenue Regional Access&Capacity Improvement Project,Award Amount:$2,315,305 City of Rosemead: 2015 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 7, Installation of HAWK system,Award Amount:$241,300 City of Monterey Park:2015 Metro(MTA)Call for Projects, Monterey Pass Road Complete Streets Bike Project,Award Amount:$1,993,627 City of Alhambra: 2013 Metro (MTA) Call for Projects, Alhambra Ped Improvement/Walking Viability Project on Valley,Award Amount:$323,427 City of San Gabriel: 2015 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 7, Signal Safety Enhancements Project,Award Amount:$569,800 City of San Gabriel: 2016 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 8, Install overhead flashing beacon,Award Amount:$270,200 City of Huntington Park: 2015 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle III, Citywide Uncontrolled Crosswalk Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Project,Award Amount:$1,757,000 City of Huntington Park: 2016 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle II, Uncontrolled Crosswalk SRTS Ped Safety Project,Award Amount:$1,032,000 City of Cudahy: 2015 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle II, Wilcox Avenue Complete Streets and SRTS Project,Award Amount:$1,344,000 City of Cudahy:2015 Metro(MTA) Call for Projects,Cudahy City Wide Complete Streets Improvement Project,Award Amount:$2,134,449 City of Cudahy: 2015 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 7, Salt Lake Ave Safety Project,Award Amount:$363,180 City of Cudahy:2016 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle III,Atlantic Ave Bicycle and Ped Enhancement Project,Award Amount:$1,784,000 City of Pico Rivera: 2016 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 8, Sign Improvements,Award Amount:$696,300 City of Commerce: 2013 Metro (MTA) Call for Projects, Commerce Goods Movement Atlantic Blvd:Washington to Como,Award Amount:$631,137 City of Commerce: 2016-17 Rubberized Pavement Grant Program (Cal Recycle), Award Amount:$281,400 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECII CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Personr md Resumes 2.30 KAREN VIGIL,EIT, PTP,Associate Traffic Engineer Ms. Vigil has over 5 years of experience in Transportation and Traffic Engineering, and i ' Grant Writing. She has worked in the Public Works Department and Building and Safety Department and assists in the preparation of staff reports, contract administration, RFP 4 1 a preparation, bid analysis, budgeting, traffic safety and calming studies, stop and signal i rr warrants/studies, traffic impact studies, traffic calming reports, parking studies, and responding to requests from Public and City Officials. She also prepares grant applications for transportation related projects including detailed figures, diagrams, and exhibits. She has helped facilitated about $15 million in funding for clients' public works and transportation improvement projects. Examples of her project experience includes: a Public Works Department Experience(2016-2017) fl;Rosemead-Assistant City Traffic Engineer As part of Transtech's Municipal Services, Ms. Vigil worked for one year in the City of Rosemead as assistant to the Public Works Director and City Engineer. Her tasks included EDUCATION the following: BS,Civil Engineering,Cal Poly Pomona 2013 ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS Prepare Staff Reports and Presentations for Council Meetings, Commission HIGHLIGHTS Meetings,and Ad-Hoc Committees Serves as a Traffic Analysts and Associate Engineer for REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL'S several Traffic Authorities Prepare Requests for Qualifications and Proposals (RFQ's and RFP's) to hire and Traffic Commissions. consultants and outside contractors to perform services for City projects. Serves as assistant to City Analyze submitted proposals and bids Engineer and Public Works Prepare staff reports for City Council meetings. Director preparing budgeting,contract TRAFFIC COMMISSION management,staff report Traffic Commission items coordinator. writing,and misc. items. Point of contact for Traffic Commission related items. Bilingual in both written Prepare staff reports for Traffic Commission items. and spoken Spanish Attend and participate in Traffic Commission meetings. Extensive experience in diagram and conceptual PLAN CHECK REVIEW preparation for design. Participate in the plan check, review, and processing of plans for private Secured over$15M in developments affecting city streets, sewers, drains, and related public works federal and state grant facilities and ensure that they all meet City imposed requirements. funds for various agencies Coordinate with other departments such as Planning and Building Department for Plan Checks OTHER TASKS Respond to inquiries and requests for information from the general public, contractors,and other agencies. Prepare memos, letters,and field reports in the course of performing work. Assist in the preparation of Engineering Division budget. Attend and participate in meetings and conferences with City boards and commissions, City departments, public officials, professional organizations and contractors regarding requirements for public works projects, land litt TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECH CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person and Resumes 2.31 development/subdivision projects and other matters relating to areas of assigned responsibilities. Prepare a variety of reports,correspondence and special studies. Traffic and Transportation Engineering Experience(2010-present) Temple City,Alhambra, Rosemead, Commerce, Monterey Park Huntington Park, Cudahy Traffic Commission: As part of Transtech's Municipal Services Contract, Ms. Demirci also assists in the preparation of traffic safety and calming studies, stop and signal warrants/studies, traffic impact studies, calming reports, responding to requests from Public and City Officials. She also attends Traffic Commission meetings and assists in presentations of reports. Focused Parking Studies for Various Cities and Developers: This task included conducting existing inventory counts in the field and assisting cities to come up with solutions to parking demands. School Site Review: This task includes the observation and analysis of school sites as related to traffic and safety. This includes suggesting drop off/pick up procedures for parents and buses,driveway assessment and signage. Safe Route to School Program: This task includes field review of existing signing, striping, school drop off, pick up, school crosswalks, sidewalks, crossing guard locations and the identification of future measures that will improve the traffic safety.Sample programs were conducted for: City of Alhambra—City-wide as needed City of Temple City—City-wide as needed City of Huntington Park—City-wide as needed Grant Writing Experience (2014-present): Ms. Vigil also prepares grant applications for transportation projects,awarded grants she worked on include: City of Rosemead: 2015 Metro (MTA) Call for Projects, Garvey Avenue Regional Access&Capacity Improvement Project,Award Amount:$2,315,305 City of Rosemead: 2015 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 7, Installation of HAWK system,Award Amount:$241,300 City of Monterey Park: 2015 Metro (MTA) Call for Projects, Monterey Pass Road Complete Streets Bike Project,Award Amount:$1,993,627 City of Alhambra: 2013 Metro (MTA) Call for Projects, Alhambra Ped Improvement/Walking Viability Project on Valley,Award Amount:$323,427 City of San Gabriel:2015 Highway Safety Improvement Project(HSIP) Cycle 7, Signal Safety Enhancements Project,Award Amount:$569,800 City of San Gabriel: 2016 Highway Safety Improvement Project(HSIP)Cycle 8, Install overhead flashing beacon,Award Amount:$270,200 City of Huntington Park:2015 Active Transportation Program(ATP)Cycle Ill,Citywide Uncontrolled Crosswalk Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Project, Award Amount: 1,757,000 City of Huntington Park: 2016 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle II, Uncontrolled Crosswalk SRTS Ped Safety Project,Award Amount:$1,032,000 City of Cudahy: 2015 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle II, Wilcox Avenue Complete Streets and SRTS Project,Award Amount:$1,344,000 City of Cudahy: 2015 Metro (MTA) Call for Projects, Cudahy City Wide Complete Streets Improvement Project,Award Amount:$2,134,449 J TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTEC{I CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person md Resumes 2.32 City of Cudahy: 2015 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 7, Salt Lake Ave Safety Project,Award Amount:$363,180 City of Cudahy: 2016 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle III, Atlantic Ave Bicycle and Ped Enhancement Project,Award Amount:$1,784,000 City of Pico Rivera: 2016 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 8, Sign Improvements,Award Amount:$696,300 City of Commerce:2013 Metro(MTA)Call for Projects,Commerce Goods Movement Atlantic Blvd:Washington to Como,Award Amount:$631,137 City of Commerce: 2016-17 Rubberized Pavement Grant Program (Cal Recycle), Award Amount:$281,400 Building and Safety Department(2014-Present) Ms. Vigil also provides support to our Building and Safety Department and assists our Building Official with necessary reports,plan check processing,permit technician tasks,as well as other Building and Safety duties across multiple agencies as part of Transtech's Municipal Services Contract. 7 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECFI CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Persona and Resumes 2.33 AL PAGAN!,Sr.Construction Manager/Sr.Supervising Inspector Mr. Pagani's career spans 35 years in a supervisory capacity in Southern California itfr`'. involving all aspects of construction. His career includes all levels of construction including all aspects of construction such as infrastructure, streets reconstruction, pavement rehabilitation, traffic signals, street lighting, roads, wet and dry utilities, various vertical construction (parking structures, libraries, civic centers, schools, 411114 ;oppi medical facilities, historical restoration,and adaptive reuse projects). k.4"" `Mr. Pagani has worked for Transtech for approximately 15 years, and served as Sr. Construction Inspector and/or Construction Manager for a number of projects. Some of the significant projects are listed below: Washington Boulevard Widening and Reconstruction Project (Federally 14111. x 4;._ Funded), City of Commerce ($30m). Currently providing CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector,Office Engineer Services. The project includes widening yI P and reconstruction of 2.7 miles of Roadway (including approx. 3,500 tons rubberized AC overlay).The project is federally funded and being managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. EDUCATION Eastern Avenue Street Rehab Project,City of Commerce.Transtech provided BA CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. Funded by MBA Measure AA Funds. Project is being inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Project involved Full CERTIFICATIONS Depth Reclaimed Pavement Rehabilitation. DBIA SR2S, BTA and Pavement Rehabilitation Projects (State Funded), City of USG BC Temple City. Transtech provided CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office LCI Engineer Services. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with ACI Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Project involved pavement AISC rehabilitation (rubberized AC overlay), curb and gutter, sidewalk, traffic signals, utilities,and other misc. improvements. HIGHLIGHTS Valley, 1-710 Freeway Interim Improvements and Fremont Widening and 35 years of construction Reconstruction in the City of Alhambra. Services included design, experience serving as job construction management, and inspection. The projects included grading, superintendent and major roadway improvements, including removal/demolition of various construction manager. buildings for additional right-of-way and reconstruction of buildings behind Experience includes both new right-of-way,infrastructure,utilities,pavement,drainage,water,sewer, working for public agencies landscape, street lighting, traffic signal, pavement improvements. Projects and private sector. were funded by Federal Funds, and was managed and inspected in Experience includes all types compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual in compliance of PW improvements,local with Federal Funding Requirements. Coordinated with project participants, roads, pavement including Caltrans,County of Los Angeles,City of Alhambra and MTA. rehabilitations,water,Rosecrans Roadway Widening, 405 Freeway Ramp Widening, (Federally sewer,storm drain,traffic Funded), City of Hawthorne. Transtech provided CM/Resident Engineer, signals,striping,grading, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. Project was inspected and managed in utilities. compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Cal OSHA 10-hour City Hall Addition,City of Commerce($6m). Transtech served as construction construction certified manager. The project involved construction of a new 20,000 SF addition to the City Hall and remodel of existing City Hall. University Park Development Project in the City of San Bernardino. Transtech served as construction manager. The project included grading, roadway, infrastructure,drainage,water,sewer,improvements related to a residential and commercial site development. Transtech also provided civil engineering design services for the project. City of Commerce, City Hall Addition and Library Modification. Transtech Aait J TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person and Resumes 2.34 served as construction manager. The project involved construction of a new 20,000 SF addition to the City Hall and remodel of existing City Hall and modifications to existing Library as necessary. City of Alhambra First Street Parking Structure (4 story 276 spaces). Transtech served as turn-key program manager, including design, construction management, building plan check and inspection. City of Alhambra 45,000 sf Public Library and 2 Level 200 car Underground Parking Garage. The project included extensive grading for 2 levels of underground garage,shoring,2 story library,2 levels of underground parking garage,utilities,street paving,sidewalk,and landscape. Transtech served as turn-key program manager, including design, construction management, building plan check and inspection. Mr. Pagani's experience with other firms include: As a contractor, Al has significant experience in the construction of affordable housing and mixed-use projects for non-profit corporations, for-profit developers, and public agencies. He constructed over 2,000 housing units including rental apartments, townhomes, condominiums, and transitional housing for families, seniors,and persons with special needs. He is very familiar with various funding sources for these projects,including State and Local Housing and Redevelopment Programs, Low Income Housing Tax Credits, Tax Exempt Bonds and Conventional Financing, Historic Tax Credits, and HUD Section 202 & Section 811 Programs. Some of recent projects completed by Al include: Bell Air Summit Apartments 30 Retrofit and renovate units of two-story apartments/town homes. San Pablo Senior Apartments 82 Unit Senior Apartment Building 1 story podium parking deck. Villa Santa Fe Apartments 81 affordable apartments complex comprised of 10 building with pool and playground amenities. Vinton Avenue Apartments 35-Unit four-story apartment complex over two levels of subterranean parking. Los Angeles Unified School District,Valley Region Elementary School No. 10 Project,52,000-SF,$25M K-12 project.Winnetka,CA Los Angeles Unified School District,Valley Region Elementary School No. 12 Project,50,000-SF,$28M K-12 project. North Hills,CA Los Angeles Unified School District, Central Region MacArthur Park Elementary School Addition,a 37,400-SF,$18M K-12 project.Los Angeles,CA Los Angeles Pierce College, Center for the Sciences, 100,000-SF, $43M classroom and laboratory project.Woodland Hills,CA Los Angeles City College, Martin Luther King Library.40,000-SF,$25M library and classroom project. Los Angeles,CA Los Angeles City College,Science and Technology classroom,48,000-SF,$24M classroom and laboratory project. Los Angeles,CA West Los Angeles Community College Math and Science Buildings,60,000-SF, 40M classroom and laboratory project.Culver City,CA West Los Angeles Community College General Classrooms and Student Services Buildings, 100,000-SF,$43M project.Culver City,CA Los Angeles Mission College, Family and Consumer Studies Building, 73,000- SF,$39M culinary arts project.Sylmar,CA U` TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECH CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person and Resumes 2.35 JEFFREY HIRSH,Sr.Construction Inspector IJeffrey Hirsh has approximately 25 years of experience in general engineering/public works and building construction projects. He has worked in the capacity of foreman, site superintendent and project manager. In these capacities, he has been involved in a wide variety of private and public works construction projects in Type A(General Engineering)and Type B(Building)construction. He has knowledge of standards and procedures for public agencies,including the Green Book,Caltrans,and has extensive experience in traffic controlsafety and OSHA compliance requirementsMr. Hirsh also has experience in inspecting federally funded projects to ensure compliance with the Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. He also has extensive experience in communicating/working with the public/adjacent property owners, and being proactive in dealing with complaints and comments and minimizing project impacts. His experience at Transtech as public works inspector, includes: PW Inspections at various Transtech Contract Cities. He provides inspection HIGHLIGHTS for public works improvements including local roads, pavement 25 years of experience in rehabilitations, water, sewer, storm drain, traffic signals, striping, grading, general engineering/public utilities. works and building Washington Boulevard Widening and Reconstruction Project (Federally construction projects. Funded), City of Commerce ($30m). The project includes widening and Worked as PW inspector for reconstruction of 2.7 miles of Roadway (including approx. 3,500 tons a number of agencies under rubberized AC overlay). The project was federally funded and managed in Transtech Contracts. compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Experience includes all types Lugo Park Artificial Turf Soccer-Field and Park Project in the City of Cudahy, of PW improvements, local which included reclaimed water irrigation. The project was CDBG Federally roads, pavement Funded($1.6m) rehabilitations,water,Temple City HSIP Project,Traffic Signal Imp and Pavement Rehab(Federally sewer,storm drain,traffic Funded), City of Temple City. Project involved traffic signal improvements, signals,striping,grading, pavement rehabilitation(rubberized AC overlay),traffic signals,utilities,and utilities. other misc. improvements. Cal OSHA 10-hour Eastern Avenue Street Rehab Project,City of Commerce.Transtech provided construction certified CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. Funded by Measure AA Funds. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans LAPM. Project involved Full Depth Reclaimed Pavement Rehabilitation. ($4.Om) City-Wide Annual Street Rehab Project ($3.2m), City of Commerce. Improvements included city-wide AC full depth reclamation. Slauson Ave Tree and SW Replacement,City of Commerce($1.5m) Metrolink Station Improvements,City of Commerce($0.5m) Jeffrey's prior experience includes: 2013-214, PSBI Parking Structure Construction Sr.Superintendent Construction of a 6-level parking structure for the City of Alhambra. All budgetary and supervisory site management responsibilities. 1995-2013, Harwood Homes, Inc. Vice President - Construction/Forward Planning Managed 35 Development Projects-SFR/Multi-Unit/Commercial TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECII CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person. and Resumes 2.36 Raw land development through onsite construction, including final and post occupancy. Supervised all aspects of planning, development and construction processes. Responsible for construction of 2000+single family homes. Responsible for construction of 850+attached units. Successfully developed and completed multiple commercial project sites including strip centers and a large,automated car wash facility. Supervised 20+Construction Superintendents. Managed bidding processes, procedures and estimation, including managing 5 Purchasing Managers/Agents. 20+year track record of job site safety controls with zero significant job site accidents,and zero Cal-OSHA violations. Compliance Management for all codes,conditions and ordinances. Implemented industry standard customer service system. Functioned as forward planning liaison to Civil Engineering Firms. Served on Project Evaluation/Selection Committee for 15 years. 1992-1995, Overland Company Site Superintendent—SFR Tract Home Development 1985-1992, Cambridge Development Customer Service Manager—Tract Home Development Site Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECII CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person and Resumes 2.37 MARIO MAGLIOCCHETTI,Sr. Construction Inspector I Mr. Magliocchetti has approximately 30 years of experience in general J- engineering/public works and building construction projects. He has worked in the p capacity of foreman, site superintendent and project manager. In these capacities, he has been responsible for more than$500 million worth of private and public worksMal " construction projects in Type A and Type B construction. He has knowledge of G }1 standards and procedures for many public agencies, including the Green Book, and has extensive experience in traffic control, safety and OSHA compliance requirements. He has participated on numerous multi-disciplinary teams dealing 1 ` ,\ILL= with the architecture and engineering for urban and rural development, al ' • „ , e' infrastructure,and public works projects. iil i hl 11, 1 11; 11' 11 I .1 y .1 '\ l h Mr. Magliocchetti also has experience in inspecting federally funded projects to 1,I` I ' 11 ' ensure compliance with the Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. He also HIGHLIGHTS has extensive experience in communicating/working with the public/adjacent property owners,and being proactive in dealing with complaints and comments and 30 years of experience in minimizing project impacts. Some of the major projects where Mr. Magliocchetti has general engineering/public served as Public Works Inspector are as follows: works and building construction projects. City of San Bernardino,Contract Public Works Inspector: Provided inspections Worked as PW inspector for as contract City Inspector for FY 2015/16 Street Rehab and Sidewalk ADA a number of agencies under Improvements($4m construction). Transtech City Engineer City of Temple City, Contract Public Works Inspector: Provided inspections as Contracts. contract City Inspector for various projects. Extensive experience in City of Commerce, SR2S, Bus Shelter and Sidewalk and ADA Improvements NPDES. Project: The project involved installation/reconstruction of Bus Shelters, Inspected numerous sidewalks and ADA Ramps under FTA Federally Funded Program. Construction federally funded projects in Cost was$1.5m. compliance with Local City of La Habra Heights, Pavement Rehab Project: The project involved Assistance Procedures pavement rehabilitation (overlay, slurry seal, R&R) on various streets. Manual,as well as projects Construction cost was$2m. under Caltrans'jurisdiction. • City of Alhambra-Fremont Avenue and Valley Boulevard roadway,median and Experience includes all types landscape improvements: These projects involved construction of roadway, of PW improvements, local raised median, striping, traffic signal loops, sidewalk, planters, landscape and roads, pavement irrigation improvements. Total construction cost for both projects was$13m. rehabilitations,water, City of Commerce-Tubeway Street Reconstruction: This project involved sewer,storm drain,traffic construction of roadway, striping, traffic signal loops, and sidewalk signals,striping,grading, improvements. Construction cost was$1m. utilities. City of Hawthorne-Rosecrans, Hindrey, 405 Ramp: This project involved roadway widening and reconstruction, traffic signals, utility undergrounding, water, sewer, electrical, raised median, sidewalk, planters, landscape and irrigation improvements. The project was coordinated with Caltrans for improvements at the 405/Hindery ramps. Coordination with local businesses has been imperative to maintain a positive image for the City as construction took place in a very busy commercial district. Construction cost was$3m. City of Alhambra-Polo Club Parking Lot: The project included extensive grading and over excavation, demolition of existing buildings, underground electrical system, pavement, planters, walls, landscaping, irrigation, lighting and various concrete improvements. Construction cost was$1m. y ,...„. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECII CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Persom and Resumes 2.38 City of Alhambra Redevelopment Agency-Main Street Facade Project: The project involved construction of seismic upgrade and new facade improvements on a City block under the CDBG funding program. Construction cost was$4m. Ati TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Persona and Resumes 2.39 SELIM BOUHAMIDI,Office Engineer,Deputy RE,Federal Funding and Labor Compliance kivor Mr. Bouhamidi has over 15 years of experience, and serves as a Project Manager/Coordinator at Transtech Contract Cities on as-needed basis. His experience includes CIP management, coordination with City Departments, Utility Companies, Caltrans, other Regulatory Agencies, Developers,Consultants, Contractors, and overall management and coordination of a variety projects from design thru plan review and approvals and construction. He also served as Assistant Resident Engineer, Office Engineer and Assistant Project Inspector on a number of Construction Projects. He is well versed in Caltrans and Local Assistance Procedures in federally funded project management. Examples of his project experience includes: City of Palm Springs, Bogert Trail Bridge Widening Project (Federally Funded). Served as Office Engineer, Inspector. In the final 3 months of providing CM/Resident Engineer,Inspector,Office Engineer Services. The project is federally funded and being managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. City of Palm Springs, Vista Chino/Farrell Drive Right Turn Addition and Signal Improvement Project(Federally Funded Served as Office Engineer, Inspector. In EDUCATION the final month of providing CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer MA, Urban Planning, Services. The project is federally funded and being managed in compliance with University of California, Los Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Angeles. Washington Boulevard Widening and Reconstruction Project (Federally Funded), BA,Anthropology, City of Commerce ($30m). Served as Deputy RE, Inspector, Office Engineer University of California, Los Services. The project includes widening and reconstruction of 2.7 miles of Angeles Roadway. City of Temple City, Rosemead Boulevard Reconstruction Project (Federally HIGHLIGHTS Funded): Served as the primary Office Engineer for the Rosemead Boulevard Resident Engineer Academy, Reconstruction Project. The project involved widening and reconstruction of Caltrans approximately 2 miles of Rosemead Boulevard. Work also included pavement LAPM/Federal-aid Process reconstruction, medians, landscape, ADA improvements, sidewalk, curb and Training gutter,streetlights, pedestrian lights,traffic signals, bus shelters,street furniture, SR2S Funding Workshop, artwork. Cost$21m. Caltrans City of Pomona/Caltrans, Rte 71/Mission Grade Separation Project (Federally Metro FTIP Workshop Funded: Served as one of the Office Engineers for the State Route 71 and Mission Metro Call for Projects Boulevard Grade Separation Project. The State Route 71/Mission Boulevard Funding Workshop Interchange project involved removing the existing at-grade Mission Metro ATP Funding Boulevard/State Route 71 intersection and constructing an interchange by grade Workshop separating Mission Boulevard over State Route 71. Cost$40m. Extensive experience in the • City of Moreno Valley, Street Improvements Project, Cactus Avenue between management and Lasselle Street and Nason Street and Along Nason Street between Cactus Avenue administration of federally and Iris Avenue: Served as Staff Inspector as well as Office Engineer, provided and state funded projects in Federal and Labor Compliance services and served as staff inspector to support compliance with Caltrans the principal inspector. The project in general consists of the ultimate width street Local Assistance Procedures improvements along 1) Cactus Avenue between Lasselle Street and Nason Street Manual(LAPM).and 2) Nason Street between Cactus Avenue and Iris Avenue. The funding for Also worked for the City of both projects is approximately$20 Million including$1 Million in anticipated State Riverside Urban Planning Local Partnership Program(SLPP)grant monies for the Cactus Avenue project. Department. New Avenue, from North to South City Limit Reconstruction Project (Federally Funded),Alhambra: Served as Deputy Project Manager,Staff Inspector as well as Office Engineer, provided Federal and Labor Compliance services and served as staff inspector to support the principal inspector for this federally funded,approx. 1,300,000 project, which involved reconstruction, pavement overlay, medians, TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECH CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person and Resumes 2.40 landscape,curb and gutter,sidewalk,traffic signals and other misc.improvements. Valley Boulevard,from Campbell to 710 Freeway Reconstruction Project(Federally Funded),Alhambra: Served as Deputy Project manager, Staff Inspector, provided Federal and Labor Compliance services for this federally funded, approx. $3m project, which involved reconstruction, pavement overlay, medians, landscape, curb and gutter,sidewalk,traffic signals and other misc. improvements. 41. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE IRA,NSTEC/i CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person and Resumes 2.41 ALI CAYIR, PE,Sr.Engineer,QC/QA,Tech and Mngmnt Support Mr. Cayir has over 30 years of experience in engineering. He has participated on numerous multi-disciplinary teams dealing with the planning and development of civil P`:'--Al and traffic engineering, urban and rural development, and public works projects. He k ,, served as Principal Project Manager for the design, construction and management of a f -variety of projects, including: f Public Works and Infrastructure Improvements Educational and University Campuses Institutional Commercial and Retail Transportation and Parking Facilities Residential and Master Community Development h Mr. Cayir served as contract City Engineer, Traffic Engineer and Interim Public Works EDUCATION Director for many municipalities in Southern California. He has a broad knowledge of BS Engineering municipal government operations, including preparation and presentation of staff MBA reports/resolutions to city councils,committees and interaction with public,various city Project/Construction departments,city council and other governmental agencies. Management, UC Irvine Municipal Engineering Assignments(past and present) REGISTRATION City of Alhambra-Contract City Engineer/City Traffic Engineer Registered Civil Engineer • City of Temple City-Contract City Engineer/City Traffic Engineer Licensed Gen Contractor A • City of Commerce-Interim City Engineer/City Traffic Engineer/PW Director Licensed Gen Contractor B • City of Hanford-City Traffic Engineer City of La Habra Heights-City Engineer/City Traffic Engineer HIGHLIGHTS City of Pomona-Interim City Engineer 30 years of experience in • City of Commerce, Interim W Director/City Engineer/Traffic Engineer City Engineering. City of Bellflower, Deputy City Engineer Served as contract City City of Cudahy,CIP Manager Engineer and City Traffic City of San Bernardino,CIP Manager Engineer for many Cities. • City of Huntington Park,City Engineer City of Alhambra-Contract City Engineer/City Traffic Construction Management Experience Engineer. Mr.Cayir has served as CM,PM,RE for numerous construction projects. He has extensive City of Hanford-Former City experience in Federally Funded Projects. Mr.Cayir also served as contract City Engineer Traffic Engineer. for many municipalities. Some of the significant projects where Mr. Cayir served as City of La Habra Heights- CM/PM/RE/Project Principal include: Former City and Traffic Washington Boulevard Widening and Reconstruction Project (Federally Funded), Engineer City of Commerce ($30m). Transtech provided CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector, City of Pomona-Former Office Engineer Services. The project includes widening and reconstruction of 2.7 Interim City Engineer.miles of Roadway(including approx. 3,500 tons rubberized AC overlay).The project City of Commerce-Assistant is federally funded and being managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Public Services/City PW Procedures Manual. Engineer. Rosemead Boulevard Improvements Project, City of Tempe City(Federally Funded) Extensive experience in 20m). Transtech provided CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer grant programs. Secured Services. The project included widening and reconstruction of 2 miles of roadway over$20m in funding for including approx. 6,000 tons rubberized AC overlay). The project was federally during last 2 cycles of MTA funded and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Call for Projects Manual. Applications. Cactus Avenue and Nason Street Improvements and 135' Span Bridge Project, City Extensive experience in of Moreno Valley ($21m). Transtech provided CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector, working with Caltrans, Office Engineer Services. The funding included State Local Partnership Program 0.air mi mose-k4,4,.,.f, TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECII CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Person. and Resumes 2.42 County of Los Angeles and SLPP) grant and was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local other regional agencies and Assistance Procedures Manual. Utility Companies. Rte 71/Mission BI Grade Separation Project (Federally Funded) City of Pomona Extensive experience in 40m). Transtech provided CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer NPDES requirements.Services. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Extensive experience in the Assistance Procedures Manual.Caltrans was the oversight/jurisdictional Agency. management and Bogert Trail Bridge Widening Project(Federally Funded),City of Palm Springs($5m). administration of federally Transtech provided CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector,Office Engineer Services. The and state funded projects in project is federally funded and being managed in compliance with Caltrans Local compliance with Caltrans Assistance Procedures Manual. Local Assistance Procedures • Eastern Avenue Street Rehab Project, City of Commerce ($1.Sm). Transtech Manual (LAPM). provided CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. Funded by Served as Resident Engineer Measure AA Funds. Project is being inspected and managed in compliance with on several Federally Funded Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual.Project involved Full Depth Reclaimed Projects. Pavement Rehabilitation. 2016 Street Rehab Project,City of Commerce($4m). Transtech provided Design and CM, Inspection Services. SR2S, BTA and Pavement Rehabilitation Projects(State Funded),City of Temple City 2m). Transtech provided CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Project involved pavement rehabilitation rubberized AC overlay),curb and gutter,sidewalk,traffic signals,utilities,and other misc. improvements. 710 Freeway Interim Improvements and Fremont Widening Project (Federally Funded), City of Alhambra ($15m). Transtech provided CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Project also involved coordination with Caltrans for work at the 710 Freeway ramps under Caltrans Encroachment Permit. Via Duct Boulevard/2"d St Realignment and Metrolink Parking Facility, City of San Bernardino ($6m). Provided CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. New Avenue,from North to South City Limit Rehabilitation and ADA Improvements Project (Federally Funded), City of Alhambra ($2m). Provided CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Garfield Rehabilitation and ADA Improvements Project (Federally Funded), Alhambra ($2m). Provided CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Main Street Rehabilitation, from West to East City Limit Project, City of Alhambra 3m). Provided CM/Resident Engineer,Inspector,Office Engineer Services. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. CSUSB(Cal State SB University)San Bernardino Main Access Road: Prepared PS&E and provided construction administration for the project. Cost$5m. City of Commerce, Rosewood Community Center. Transtech was retained by the City to take over the management of this multimillion-dollar facility which was 2 years behind schedule. Within 5 months, Transtech brought the construction to substantial completion level allowing the City to start the move-in process, and 2 months after,the facility was opened to public use. Currently,Transtech is assisting the City in claims analysis and change order resolution. Construction Cost:$15m. Aik itk TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDETRANSTECH CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Persona and Resumes 2.43 City of Alhambra Downtown Revitalization Program: Involved 11 projects,including Renaissance Plaza (multi-plex theater, public plaza with fountain and unique art features, restaurants, retail, 800 space parking structure), Fremont Plaza modifications/reconstruction of existing buildings for lease by ToysRUs and Party City, construction of a new 30,000 SF store for PetSmart, and various other retail buildings)and Downtown Revitalization (modification/upgrade of existing buildings for Starbucks,4 Restaurants and various retail businesses). (Cost:$80m). City of Alhambra 4 parking structures: Transtech served as turn-key project manager, including management of design, construction, building plan check and inspection, federal funds, labor compliance for 4 parking structure projects. Chapel: 4 stories, 300 space structure; First Street: 4 stories, 276 space structure; Garfield: 5 stories, 800 space structure. Cost $15m; North First Street Mosaic: 5 stories, 320 space structure,Cost$6m. Civil Engineering Experience 1-710 Freeway Interim Improvements and Fremont Widening and Reconstruction: Transtech provided Turn-key Services, including Program Management, Construction Management, Design, Surveying, Right-of-Way Engineering, and Environmental. The project included major roadway improvements, removal/demolition of various buildings for additional right-of-way and reconstruction of buildings behind new right-of-way, traffic signals, infrastructure, utilities, pavement, drainage,water,sewer, landscape,street lighting,traffic signal, pavement improvements. Project was funded by Federal Funds,and was managed and inspected in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Cost$15m). University Park Development/San Bernardino: The project included 2 miles of new roadway, sewer, water, utility and extensive hill side grading for a master planned residential and commercial development on 130-acre site across from the San Bernardino State University. Cost$40m. City of Torrance,Crenshaw Reconstruction,Skypark Improvements,190th/Crenshaw Widening: Design, construction management services, including inspection, surveying, resident engineer, federal compliance, labor compliance. Project was funded by Federal Funds, and was managed and inspected in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Cost:$5 m. Valley Boulevard Widening and Reconstruction project which is funded by State and Federal funds and required complete project and environmental report, including Right-of-Way, Relocation, SHPO, NEPA,SEQA, Noise, Parking, Economic, Hazardous Materials technical studies, and processed through Caltrans and FHWA. Construction cost($6m). Carlsbad to San Diego Rail Trail Project Report,which is funded by State and Federal funds and required complete project and environmental report, including Right-of- Way,Relocation,SHPO,NEPA,SEQA, Noise,Parking,Economic,Hazardous Materials technical studies,and processed through Caltrans and FHWA. City of Commerce's Tubeway and Yates Avenue Rehabilitation Project. The projects involved roadway rehabilitation and reconstruction. Transtech also provided construction management services for the project. Cost:$300,000. City of San El Monte Annual Street Rehabilitation Program, 98, 99, 00, 01. The projects involved roadway rehabilitation and reconstruction,storm drain,water and sewer design on various streets.Cost:$3,000,000. Alameda Corridor Agency East (ACE) Rail Grade Crossing Improvement Project encompassing 6 agencies and 14 locations in Los Angeles County. Work involved roadway realignment and reconstruction, signalization, traffic control, and construction phasing as well as related improvements such as storm drain, water, MR TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 2. Project Team, Key Persorn and Resumes 2.44 sewer landscaping, underground utilities,etc. Cost$5,000,000. City of Alhambra Annual Street Rehabilitation Program,94 through 01. The projects involved roadway rehabilitation and reconstruction, storm drain, water and sewer design on various streets. Transtech also provided construction management services for the project. Project Cost:$3,000,000. Project Principal for design of City of San Clemente's annual street rehabilitation program. The project involved roadway rehabilitation and reconstruction,storm drain,water and sewer design on various streets. Cost$1,000,000. Reconstruction and rehabilitation of Crenshaw Boulevard and Skypark Avenue(two separate projects) in the City of Torrance. Cost$3,000,000. Valley Boulevard street medians, striping, landscape, and irrigation improvements, Alhambra,Cost$600,000. Traffic Engineering Experience Design and management of a variety of traffic and transportation engineering projects, including traffic signals (more than 1000 locations), traffic signal interconnect system, street lighting, traffic control, signing and striping design; signal timing and coordination studies; traffic signal management studies; traffic safety projects(OTS) including traffic control device inventories and speed surveys; traffic impact and parking studies for more than 100 projects;and feasibility studies for traffic control measures,freeway access,bikeways and street improvements.Mr. Cayir has also served as consultant Traffic Engineer for various agencies in Southern California. Project Manager/Engineer for the preparation of ramp metering, count station, traffic signal, highway lighting, sign lighting, construction signing, pavement delineation, communication, and other traffic related plans for several state highways and freeway improvement projects involving Caltrans Districts 7,8 and 12. Project Manager for the preparation of traffic signal modifications and installation, interconnect and radio corrected time base system installation plans and estimates in conjunction with traffic signal synchronization projects for various arterials in Los Angeles County including Garvey Avenue, El Segundo Boulevard, Crenshaw Boulevard, Slauson Avenue, Rosecrans Avenue, Arrow Highway and Huntington Drive/Alosta Avenue/Foothill Boulevard. Signal modification improvements included equipment upgrades, signal phasing upgrades and installation of radio correct time base units (WWV) for signal coordination as well as physical intersection improvements. Project Manager for the preparation of signal timing and coordination plans for multiple locations on major arterials in Los Angeles County including Main Street, Garvey Avenue, Crenshaw Boulevard and Slauson Avenue utilizing state-of-the-art computer software. Project Traffic Engineer for the proposed Materials Recovery Facility in the City of Industry.This project involved the preparation of a comprehensive area wide traffic impact study to identify the potential impacts associated with development of a proposed Materials Recovery Facility(MRF) in the City of Industry. The study area encompassed 32 intersections and several freeways such as SR 60 and SR 57. The study also included an evaluation of cumulative impacts associated with 22 planned projects located within the sphere of influence of the study area. In addition, separate analyses were conducted to determine the potential impacts of developing the MRF at alternative sites. isk. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECH CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 3. Company Qualifications TRANSTECh 3. Company Qualifications 3.1 Company Profile Established in 1989,Transtech(a California Corporation)is a multi-disciplinary engineering consulting firm. We are accustomed to working with governmental agencies and have good understanding of governmental issues and budgetary complexities, which include but are not limited to policies and procedures. Our staff and resources include approximately 100 engineers, building officials, project managers, designers, plan checkers, inspectors, construction managers, traffic and transportation analysts,technicians, admin support personnel, and contract/subcontract staff. We consider our staff as an extension of City staff, and work in the same structure and hierarchy as other City staff, and coordinate and interact with various City staff members. Transtech is currently providing municipal services to approximately 40 agencies, and has extensive experience working in a mixed staff/consultant environment for approximately 30 years. Service Capabilities We are a full-service municipal consulting firm. Our service capabilities include: City Engineer, City Traffic Engineer, Development V Building & Safety Services, Building Official Review, Public Works Engineering, Plan Check, Building Inspection, Plan Check, Permit Inspection,and Public Works Staff Augmentation Technician, Building Evaluations, Code Civil Engineering, Freeways and Interchanges, Local Enforcement,&Related Staff Augmentation Streets and Roads, Sewerage, Water and Storm V Grant Writing Drain, Pavement Management System, Grading V Labor Compliance Studies V Planning Support Staff Augmentation V Traffic and Transportation Planning and Eng CIP Program Management V Water Resources Engineering Construction Management and Inspection V Surveying, Mapping,ALTA, Right-of-way Eng Federally Funded Project Management V Emergency and Disaster Response, Support and CDBG Project Management Recovery Services List of Current Municipal Services Contracts City of Temple City City ofAlhambra Building & Safety Services: Building Official, Plan V Building & Safety Services: Building Official, Plan Review, Inspection, Permit Technician Review, Inspection, Permit Technician Engineering Services: City Engineering, Traffic V Engineering Services: City Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Design,Construction Management, CIP Engineering, Design, Construction Management, CIP Project, Management, PW Inspection, Federally Project, Management, PW Inspection, Federally Funded Project Management Funded Project Management City of Commerce City of Bell Building & Safety Services: Building Official, Plan V Building & Safety Services: Building Official, Plan Review, Inspection, Permit Technician Review, Inspection,As-Needed Permit Technician Engineering Services:City Engineering,Traffic City of West Hollywood Engineering, Design,Construction Management,V Building & Safety Services: Inspection, Plan Review, CIP Project, Management, PW Inspection, Plan Permit Technician Check, Federally Funded Project Management City of Hawaiian Gardens City of Cudahy Building and Safety Services: Building Official, Plan Building&Safety Services:Plan Review Services Review, Inspection, Permit Technician Engineering Services: City Engineering, Traffic City of Downey Engineering, Design, Construction Management, CIP V Building&Safety Services: Plan Review, Inspection Project Management, PW Inspection, Federally UTC Corporation/City of Riverside Funded Project Management Building & Safety Services: Plan Review, Inspection, City of South Pasadena and Support Building & Safety Services: Building Official, Plan City of Hemet Review, Inspection, Permit Technician V On-call Building & Safety Services: Plan Review, City of West Covina Inspection Riverside County Economic Development Agency ittm,_ TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 3. Company Qualifications 3.2 Engineering Services: City Engineering, Traffic V Engineering and Building Services: Engineering, Engineering, Design,Construction Management,CIP Building Evaluations,&Surveying Project, Management, PW Inspection, Federally City of Rosemead Funded Project Management,and PW Plan Check V Engineering Services: City Engineering, Traffic City of Seal Beach Engineering, Design, Construction Management, CIP Building & Safety Services: Building Official, Plan Project, Management, PW Inspection, Plan Check, Review,As-needed Inspection Federally Funded Project Management Public Works Services:Public Works/CIP Inspection City of South El Monte City of Claremont V Engineering Services: City Engineering, Traffic Building & Safety Services: Building Official, Plan Engineering, Design, Construction Management, CIP Review, Inspection Project, Management, PW Inspection, Plan Check, City of Azusa Federally Funded Project Management Building&Safety Services:Building Plan Review,As- City of Monterey Park needed Inspection V Building & Safety Services for PW Projects: Building San Manuel Indian Reservation plan check and inspection services on City CIP Building Building & Safety Services: Building Official, Plan projects under PW Department Review, Inspection V Engineering Services: Engineering Support, Traffic San Manuel Casino Engineering,CIP Management, PW Plan Check Building & Safety Services: Building Official, Plan City ofSan Marino Review, Inspection V City Traffic Engineering Services: City Traffic San Bernardino County Housing Authority Engineering Engineering and Building Services: As-Needed City of Chino Engineering, Building&Safety Support V CIP Management Services: CIP Management Services. City of Placentia City of Rancho Cucamonga Development/Public Works Plan Check: V Development/Public Works Plan Check: Development/Public Works Plan Check Development/Public Works Plan Check City of Beaumont City of San Fernando Engineering Services: Engineering Support Staff V On-call Engineering Services: Engineering Services Augmentation City of Anaheim City of Big Bear Lake V Engineering Services: Engineering Services Engineering/Public Works Services: Design, Public City of Manhattan Beach Works and Construction Inspection, Construction V On-call Engineering Services:Engineering Services Management City of Santa Ana City of Thousand Oaks V On-call Services: Engineering, Technical and On-call Engineering Services:On-call Engineering Administrative Support Services City of Rialto V On-call Construction Management and Inspection Services: Construction Management and Inspection Services. City of Menifee On-call Engineering Services: Engineering Services City of Culver City On-call Engineering Services: Engineering Services City of Lynwood On-call Engineering, Plan Check, Construction Management Services:On-call Services City of Ontario On-call CIP Management Services: On-call OP Management Services At A TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 3. Company Qualifications 3.3 Map of Current Client Agencies Transtech services the following cities in various capacities for both full services and on-call. San Fernando Big Bear Lakc* Thousand Oaks San Manuel Reservation San Manuel Casino South Pasadena* *San Marino *Aria Claremont* *Rancho Cucamonga *Rialto Alhanl.• *TcmpleOty West Hollywood* Monterey P Rosemead *West Covina r..,..w South El Monte Ontario Culver City'""'"Chino Gauntly of Riverside Commerce *Whittier el *PicoRivera UTCJfbversidc BhyCuda Lynwood* * 'Y Bcaumotd Manhattan Beach* Hermosa Beach*Placentia Anaheim Hawaiian Gardens Seal Beach* Santa Ma Hemet Menifee TRANSTECII Costa Mesa Licenses and Certificates in Diversified Fields Professional Licensed Engineer(PE,SE, ME, EE) ICC Certified Residential Building, Electrical, Mechanical Professional Licensed Traffic Engineer(TE) Plumbing Inspector Professional Licensed Land Surveyor(PLS)ICC Certified Combination Inspector Professional Transportation Planner(PTP)ICC Certified Fire Plans Examiner Licensed General Contractor A and B ICC Certified Permit Technician Qualified Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Developer • ICC Certified CalGreen-California Green Building Plan QSD) Examiner Qualified Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan ICC Certified CalGreen-California Green Building Practitioner(QSP) Inspector General Permit Qualified Industrial Stormwater ICC Certified CA Residential Mechanical Inspector Practitioner(QISP)ICC Certified Building Official ICC Certified Plumbing Inspector UPC ICC Certified CA ICC Certified Building Code Official Commercial and Res Plumbing Inspector ICC Certified Sustainability Professional ICC Certified Accessibility Plans Examiner ICC Certified Building, Electrical, Mechanical&Plumbing • ICC Certified Accessibility Inspector Electrical Plans Examiner CASp,California Access Specialist ICC Certified Commercial Building, Electrical, Mechanical& • IAPMO Certified CA Residential Mechanical Inspector Plumbing Inspector Our staff members are involved in many local and national ICC and CALBO committees, and are involved in the development of local and national guidelines and codes. Organizations and positions we are involved with are: APWA(American Public Works Association) Commissioner;CALBO Outreach/Communications ASCE(American Society of Civil Engineers) Committee CMAA(Construction Management Association of Chair; ICC Sustainability Membership Council America) Chair; ICC LA Basin Chapter Inspection Committee ITE(Institute of Transportation Engineers) ICC Los Angeles Basin Chapter Board of Directors TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECH CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 3. Company Qualifications 3.4 CCCA(California Contract Cities Association) V ICC Building Officials Membership Governing League of California Cities Council ICC(Code Council for the International Building V ICC Code Development Committee Vice Chair Code) V ICC Technology/Web Advisory Group CALBO(California Building Officials) V ICC LA Chapter Accessibility Committee Commissioner; ICC Codes&Standards Council V Commissioner;CALBO State Licensing Boards Commissioner;CALBO Green Committee Committee Commissioner; ICC/CALBO CA Exam Committee IAS Accreditation Committee Partial List of Various Projects JSANI.1J Ei i San Manuel Band of Mission Indians-Building and Safety, Plan Check, Inspection Services for Casino i,w0F I551 _ Expansion/Development Project($700M):Transtechs`r / j1 " ' serves as the Building Official, Plan Checker and r:.."`.... n Inspector for the Tribe. u1 a _- ''+er•!r•! o0 r -- i Currently we are providing Plan Check and Inspection71 rws , 1 services for Casino's expansion program,which includes casino renovation, hotel entertainment center, parking structure, pedestrian bridges, alignment of entry and exit roads,and various other e,,., cs xa mss. improvements. Previously,we completed a multi-phase remodel of the entire casino floor, including 5 new restaurants,3 I1I 0 I 1lit new bars, retail stores,food court,executive offices, ft f li Zt ' Ili' I j i chiller plant, bridge,and 50,000 SF of new gaming t R 9 Ill f 1 ' If r2'- area.Transtech provided plan check, inspection, r 'ti' r a r r IrI • I t l tk Building Official services. I i ii.? Ir t C t r a r .- Transtech is also providing traffic engineering and civil4 ' engineering plan review. The Alhambra (Project Value: $57.8M): Located at 88 S Garfield Avenue, 2 S Garfield Avenue, 100 & 150 E Main St. Transtech provided full plan review as well as iF ' R ICI S(- inspection services of for this development whichAI-; L includes 260 apartment units, 4-story parking garage, A, t„ ^ar_-` 72,000 sq ft 2-story retail building, 16,730 sq ft 1-story I r retail building, and 23,000 sq ft 1-story retail building. t4•1 •i4+ le i •'.F i; Wit' 1:' 4,...4, _ This project is located in Alhambra. 7 l ="i I. • : .. .: Transtech also provided Map Check Services,including Or 40.0 1` _ - i - review of Tentative Parcel Map, Lot Line Adjustment, Perfecting Deed and Final Parcel Map, Off-site Improvements PW Inspection,and Building Inspection Services for this project. A moi- TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRA NSTECII CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 3. Company Qualifications 3.5 NEW TEMPLE CITY MIXED-USE The Terraces(Mixed-Use Development(Project Value: 5915 TEMPLE CITT ELCO..TEMPLE CITY CA 91100 19M): Located at 5935-5953 Temple City Blvd in Temple City. Transtech is currently providing full plan rra• fir•review for the 4 Story Mixed-Use Development which includes a one level basement garage,61 condominium V units as well as ground level and basement parking and n 7,250 SF of commercial retail space/restaurant.ill o Transtech also provided Map Check Services,rig'fl including review of Tentative Parcel Map,Lot Line 4 U Lill-11 - r' • lIlt '' e,' `' °Adjustment,Perfecting Deed and Final Parcel Map, EAST ELEVATtON'VIEW FROM TEMPLE CITY BLVD.I Off-site Improvements PW Inspection,and Building Inspection Services for this project. Temple City Camellia Square (Project Value: $15M): Transtech provided full plan review as well as inspection services, the project included a shopping center with an underground garage and 4 total buildings as follows: a one-story 6,600 SF building; a two-story 25,700 SF building, a two-story 4,500 SF building;and,a two-story 43,400 SF building.tr '''. 1;1 Ati. . i • Transtech also provided Map Check Services,including review of Tentative Parcel Map, Lot Line Adjustment, IL I _- ,' Perfecting Deed and Final Parcel Map, Off-site rw vi A VImprovements PW Inspection,and Building InspectionI' Services for this project. Linden Walk Residential Development(Project Value: c 18.5M):Transtech provided full plan review as well as r inspection services for this development which Y i included 74 Single Family Dwellings. This project isit,-,-' located in Temple City. q- '.%, 1 ' 'f; ; Transtech also provided Map Check Services,including sae. ` i i ., ,, 1 Ir review of Tentative Parcel Map, Lot Line Adjustment, 1 PerfectingDeed and Final Parcel Map, Off-site4 '111'1111, 3" • -- ©. 'lfl fen lith,W Improvements PW Inspection,and Building Inspection i•.,. Services for this project. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECII CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 3. Company Qualifications 3.6 mi Blossom Walk Residential Development (Project Value: $5.7M): Transtech provided full plan review as i 1 or ` i L well as inspection services of for this development mi which includes 24-unit condominiums and 4 single family homes.This project is located in Temple City. Transtech also provided Map Check Services,including z'''' • . t- i4..r " ": .j p . nnipi review of Tentative Parcel Map, Lot Line Adjustment, I Perfecting Deed and Final Parcel Map, Off-site Improvements PW Inspection,and Building Inspection tji.ieir-r_.ar Services for this project. Illi Pacific Plaza (Project Value: $30.3M): Located at 11 S 3rd St (condo) and 300 W Main St (retail). Transtech II`-. provided full plan review as well as inspection services of for this development which includes 120 condo units w % a7 , ,1 r r 1 ' and retail space below. This project is located in at, `:Alhambra. Transtech also provided Map Check Services,including nti I' P, __. wa t Fv' i '=: •, review of Tentative Parcel Map, Lot Line Adjustment,f Perfecting Deed and Final Parcel Map, Off-site arm Improvements PW Inspection,and Building InspectionaGs mi.}+ Services for this project. Midwick Collection (Project Value: $13M): Located at O 2400 S Fremont Avenue. Transtech provided full plan review as well as inspection services of for this development which includes 36 single family dwellings t l-,jII ® • s and 28 townhomes.This project is located in Alhambra. I !..1a~t „ M Transtech also provided Map Check Services,including 1 I ,. ® u. I review of Tentative Parcel Map, Lot Line Adjustment, i i y 1 el tsar . I 1 Perfecting Deed and Final Parcel Map, Off-site F Improvements PW Inspection,and Building Inspection c Services for this project. Casita de Zen (Project Value: $21M): Located at 28 N 3rd St (condo) and 235 W Main St (retail). Transtech provided full plan review as well as inspection services of for this development which includes mixed use ili,I'j 11 project with 92 condos on top, and retail on bottom. Ii I 1 ' This project is located in Alhambra. ii f II ( I i t.1 Transtech also provided Map Check Services,including f, , +!1 •1 /I 1 I 1 , ' 1t • review of Tentative Parcel Map, Lot Line Adjustment, fi a . ii--Perfecting Deed and Final Parcel Map, Off-site N Y- ' it Improvements PW Inspection,and Building Inspection it, Services for this project. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 3. Company Qualifications 3.7 Alta Med Medical Group (Project Value: $4M): Located at 1900 E Slauson Ave.Transtech provided full plan review as well as inspection services of for this development which includes a new mixed-use building of office space and an adult day care with new on grade 04, - parking.This project is located in Huntington Park.7 1 Transtech also provided Map Check Services,including E 1 tri ! review of Tentative Parcel Map, Lot Line Adjustment, s Perfecting Deed and Final Parcel Map, Off-site Improvements PW Inspection,and Building Inspection Services for this project. Pg." Main Street Collection(Project Value:$23M): Located at 410 W Main Street. Transtech provided full plan 1,;. review as well as inspection services of for this development which includes 4-story mixed-use project with 8,200 s ft retail space,52 condos,9 live/work units, I 19 townhomes and 6 shopkeeper units.This project is Ikwal located in Alhambra. Transtech also provided Map Check Services,including i I I 1 II review of Tentative Parcel Map, Lot Line Adjustment, Icy t E 1;: °"I Perfecting Deed and Final Parcel Map, Off-site 1 a a j`: Improvements PW Inspection,and Building Inspection t P I',1'-Services for this project. wow IF DaVita Alhambra Dialysis Center(Project Value:$2M): Located at 1237 E Main St.Transtech provided full plan review as well as inspection services of for this 4 - ,,,,,;i development which includes 1-story 14,125 sq ft 9t,- r i6 medical office.This project is located in Alhambra. a.'-' Transtech also provided Map Check Services,including review of Tentative Parcel Map, Lot Line Adjustment, Perfecting Deed and Final Parcel Map, Off-site Improvements PW Inspection,and Building Inspection Services for this project. IIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIPIIIIIIPIIIIIIIIIIIIMPPIIPPIIIIIIIIIIIIIPIIIIIPIIII 820 Mission Development LLC(Project Value:$10M): fes'+. •^ ; r Located at 820 Mission St.Transtech provided full plan review as well as inspection services of for this fi development which includes construction of new office 1 I I; building with one residential unit above, new 15 unit P 4 I . townhome cluster with office fronting Mission Street r i with one-level subterranean parking, convert existing 1. 03-story industrial building into 9 residential units, j n I construct 13 townhome units.This project is located in South Pasadena. 116 *4r* 4,-,2.00,-,,,4 I•aN TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDETRANSTECII. 41 CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 3. Company Qualifications 3.8 County of Riverside Economic Development Agency, a Facility Evaluation: Located at 450 E. Alessandro BlvdAli. _T' *"'' ••• lir ', Transtech provided Facility Evaluation Services 1 v -` ". _• system and a code compliance evaluation of the entire i 1 5 Acre property including a 16,826 SF office building, i i 4 / outdoor theater,and several assessor structures. County of Riverside Economic Development Agency, Facility Evaluation: Located at 41888 Motor Car Pkwy Transtech provided Facility Evaluation Services including an accessibility compliance review to allow the 297,033 SF 5-story office building to operate as an ouressential services facility. imiS s tet^:0 1 HAL-HAYS Construction, Inc., Industrial Facilities X! r Maintenance Building and Safety Services: Transtech J is an exclusive team partner with Hal-Hays CONSTRUCTION I N C.J Construction, which provides maintenance services to k. U7 industrial facilities and utility companies. Transtech serves as the Building and Safety Services Team providing all necessary services to, including plan check, inspection and permitting. UnitedOne of the clients is UTC Corporation/City of Riverside:Building&Safety Services: Transtech servesTechnologiesasUTC's Riverside Manufacturing Facility's Building Official, and manages and processes all necessary PROJECT PICTURES NOT AVAILABLE permits for this approximately 15 acre closed building DUE TO SECURITY RESTRICTIONS. area high security industrial facility thru the City of Riverside. With annual revenues around $75B, UTC serves customers in the commercial aerospace, defense and building industries and ranks among the world's most respected and innovative companies. UTC's Riverside Facility is part of the Aerostructures business unit and produces composite bond components for the world's newest airplane platforms, such as the Airbus A350 XWB and A320neo,the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, Bombardier C Series, the Mitsubishi Regional Jet and the Embraer E2. Allak..".* TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 3. Company Qualifications 3.9 SAMPLE PROJECTS REPRESENTATIVE OF TRANSTECH'S CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION EXPERIENCE IN TYPE B-BUILDING PROJECT(PARTIAL LIST) City of Alhambra Civic Center Library Project($25M): o,. r Transtech provided plan check, inspection, t• construction management, and owner representative r iw_ services, the project included construction of a 45,000 llIRI''1 SF Library with an underground parking garage. Mosaic Parking Structure (City Project-Project Value: t 6M): Transtech provided design/build program f manager, construction manager, full plan review as I1 well as inspection services of for this development which includes 5 story parking structure.This project is located in Alhambra. 1 4,s I ;,, I K 3: Renaissance Plaza($15M): This project was located in F the City of Alhambra and included a parking structure, f ° 10 plex movie theater, retail, and plaza. Transtech x r served as the City's Building Official, Plan Checker and Inspector for this project including constructionlit3 [.. manager of the parking structure, public plaza, and I I I e Y k n i 1 other improvements. J 1 IN Rosewood Community Center($25M): Transtech was retained by the City of Commerce to take over the management of this multimillion dollar facility which R was 2 years behind schedule. Within 5 months, Transtech brought the construction to substantial 7-- v,' completion level allowing the City to start the move-in i!process,and 2 months after,the facility was opened for ma,3k w r public use. titi,4_ i TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECk CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 3. Company Qualifications 3.10 Garfield Avenue Parking Structure ($8.5M): This project included a 5-story level, 600 space parking structure as part of the Alhambra Redevelopment i i Agency and Downtown Redevelopment. Transtech 1° 111111 i i provided plan check, inspection, construction management and owner representative services. t Y,4 1 , f ) • ifl 1 First Street Parking Structure($3.5M):This project is in the City of Alhambra and included a 4-story level, 276 space parking structure.Transtech provided plan check, 14 0 .t, 11011 t .- inspection, construction management, and owner r representative service. li . Chapel Parking Structure ($3M): This project is in the r City of Alhambra and included a 3-story level,250 space parking structure. Transtech provided plan check, inspection, construction management, and owner I representative service. i Riverside County Transportation Commission,Corona Main Street Metrolink Parking Structure and 1 I ! Pedestrian Bridge(25M): This project is in Corona and Ky 1 ' included 6 level, approximately 1,000 space parkingifIstructure, and a pedestrian bridge over railroad tracks. o Transtech provided inspection and construction management services for the construction of this41411,- ' . federally funded project. 6'*/ TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE T12ANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 3. Company Qualifications 3.11 1 j E ;.,* City of San Bernardino Santa Fe Depot/Metrolink Parking Structure and Historic Santa Fe Depot d 1 Renovation Project($25m): This project included The Parking Structure involved the construction of a 3-level parking structure for 350 cars. Historic Santa Fe Depot I eria. s Renovation involved renovation for adoptive reuse of 60,000 sf historical Santa Fe Train Depot. Transtech provided Transtech provided building code plan check, constructability review, building code inspection, construction management, construction inspection, materials testing/inspection, and program management services for these 2 projects, located at the site of Historic Santa Fe Depot area. TACC Cultural Center Development ($100M): This i was in Lanham, Maryland; Transtech provided11 - 4,', project Y plan check, inspection, construction management and4, 1 - 'ice`{ owner representative services for the construction of i; 310,000 SF cultural center, which included an Olympic Pk -. sized swimming pool, indoor full basketball court,w: N i museum, performance center, restaurant, religious 4 t:' f-: center,and monastery. A rly,=lli Aid-- L i` City of Commerce City Hall Addition ($8M): This t project included construction of 20,000 SF addition to existing the City Hall. Transtech provided construction management and inspection services. it 1 I l• Ilii'` 1 eti .t ,_ , TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECII CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 3. Company Qualifications 3.12 PROJECT EXPERIENCE IN OTHER ENGINEERING DISCIPLINES: SAMPLE PROJECTS REPRESENTATIVE OF TRANSTECH'S CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND INSPECTION EXPERIENCE IN TYPE A-GENERAL ENGINEERING,PUBLIC WORKS ROADWAY,AND INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS PARTIAL LIST) i Washington Boulevard Widening and Reconstruction Project 30M): Transtech provided CM/CI/Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. Theg project included widening and reconstruction of 2.7 miles of Roadway,Traffic Signals,Street Lighting, Landscape, Improvements at 1-5 and at 710 Freeways ramps. The 1 project was federally funded and was managed in compliance with1111- Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. The project was also at1 * hi ° + L . e Caltrans Oversight Project. AWARD: This project was recognized as one of the Project of I the Years as part of the 2017 American Public Works Association (APWA) BEST Award, in the category of Transportation Projects. Rosemead Boulevard Improvements Project ($20M): Located in the A$ City of Temple City, this was a Federally Funded project. Transtech1 provided construction management, resident engineer, inspection, i, labor compliance, and office engineer services. The project included1 1.4 F II! protected bike lanes, widening and reconstruction of 2 miles of roadway(including approx.6,000 tons rubberized AC overlay). 4 z; - Cactus Avenue and Nason Street Improvements and 135' Span no Bridge Project ($21M): This project was part of the State Local my 4-';'w,--,-Partnership Program SLPP Grant in the City of Moreno Valley($21M). iiii"Transtech provided construction management, resident engineer, 1 inspection,and office engineer services. ir,+ - t-..r 4,-- AWARD: This project was recognized with a project1117.1 r ,; •-'i achievement award by the Construction Managementf`' 41Association of America(CMAA)for Construction Management Services under the Public Works Category for $11M-$50M ranged projects. Rte 71/Mission BI Grade Separation Project($40M):This project was a Federally Funded project located the City of Pomona and included construction of a bridge/grade separation. Transtech provided construction management, resident engineer, inspection, labor compliance, and office engineer services. Caltrans was theaiMP'oversight/jurisdictional Agency. 421, 00,-.1, TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 3. Company Qualifications 3.13 n— of " ,4 , "' ..7,,'+ ,,, t, Bogert Trail Bridge Widening Project ($5M): Located in the City of u '- Palm Springs,this project was a Federally Funded project. Transtech provided construction management, resident engineer, inspection, labor compliance and office engineer services. The project involved bridge widening, retrofit,and beautification elements. 26th Street Rehab and Metrolink Station ($1M): This project was Federally Funded in the City of Commerce and included rehabilitation of 26th Street, and Metrolink Station parking lot rehab, station r, , platform improvements, landscape, and lighting.Transtech prepared 0 the PS&E, as well as provided construction management, resident engineer, inspection, labor compliance,and office engineer services. WI ATP Citywide Crosswalk and Pedestrian Safety Improvement Project k , ($1.2M): e Cy, project d e 4. routes to schoolLocated pedestrianinthitysafetyofCudahimprovementsthis near schoolsincludeand pedestrian activity centers. Transtech prepared the PS&E, as well as WI 0 w" L '" ': provided construction management, resident engineer, inspection, i labor compliance,and office engineer services. fir ~ Eastern Avenue Rehab Project ($1.5M): Located in the City of Commerce, this project was funded thru City's Measure AA Funds. i ' ", The project involved Full Depth Reclaimed Pavement Rehabilitation. y.'16,,,r j"• • _ ' . Transtech prepared the PS&E, as well as provided construction management, resident engineer, inspection, labor compliance and 0"... office engineer services. AWARD: This project was recognized as one of the project of Orit the year awards as part of the 2017 Outstanding Local Streets71andRoadsProjectAwardProgramintheCategoryofRoadsfor Efficient & Sustainable Road Maintenance, Construction & Reconstruction Projects. i.-;? El Monte, Temple City Blvd, and Various Citywide Locations HSIP Projects($1.8M): Located in the City of Temple City,this project was x° ' 'i a Federally Funded through Highway Safety Improvement Project e i . HSIP) program. It included asphalt roadway resurfacing, markings &ri': A striping, traffic safety improvements such as updated traffic signal a ( w, 4`" heads and speed radar feedback signs, and updated street signage. i ' kr I. it h*Transtech prepared the PS&E, as well as provided construction ri.. management, resident engineer, inspection, labor compliance, and office engineer services. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 3. Company Qualifications 3.14 Middleton Street Elementary School Safe Routes to School i Improvements Project ($500K): Located in the City of Huntington 1Park, this project was part of the Safe Route to School program and 1 . 1I s.. T `_s, included pedestrian safety improvements, bulb outs, ADA compliant 0."1."' PCC curb ramps, sidewalk improvements, updated signage, striping, and markings. Transtech prepared the PS&E, as well as provided IOW construction management, resident engineer, inspection, labor compliance, and office engineer services. f"" Temple City Citywide Pavement Rehabilitation Pro ect Located in the City of Temple City, this project included citywide construction of slurry seal to various streets.Transtech prepared the PS&E, as well as provided construction management, resident engineer, inspection, labor compliance,and office engineer services. i-. Via Duct Boulevard/2nd St Realignment and Metrolink Parking Facility- 6M): This project was Federally Funded and located in the i'1 . 1 City of San Bernardino. Transtech provided construction 1 management, resident engineer, inspection, and office engineer services. xrx ' 1 '''- '44 3•t 4' lf 111164"i I.1 ''Slauson Avenue ADA Improvements and Tree Replacement Project I ($1.SM): Located in the City of Commerce, this project was funded f $ j thru City's Measure AA Funds. The project included removal of 149 F I '.4 r 0 ! r;; 41k overgrown Ficus trees that displaced the sidewalk in some areas up to ii, `jr- : ,, I: .. • 2 feet high and replaced them with new ADA compliant sidewalk and 4- ' I .' ' 4 planted 433 drought tolerant trees in their place. Transtech prepared i':,. „ the PS&E, as well as provided construction management, resident r4 ' w engineer, inspection, labor compliance,and office engineer services. Parking Lot Improvements Projects ($550K): Located in the City of e sif ' : Temple City, this project included new parking lot signage, asphalt x, s" : <, resurfacing, construction of trellis, new lighting, electrical vehicle X41IL charging station infrastructure, landscaping, and drainage.Transtech provided design,construction management,and inspection services. i Mitt ti--TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECH CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 3. Company Qualifications 3.15 El Monte,Temple City Blvd,and Various Citywide Locations HSIP 4 Projects ($1.8M): This project was a Federally Funded project i4 through the two separate Highway Safety Improvement Project l' (HSIP)program. It included asphalt roadway resurfacing, markings 6410 t Y_0 & striping, traffic safety improvements such as updated traffic 1, • signal heads and speed radar feedback signs, and updated street i signage.Transtech assisted in the grant document preparation for funding and provided design, construction management, and inspection services. a, aii sa Garvey Ranch Basketball Court Improvements ($200K): This A aR ; project included construction of new PCC basketball court tet* Y •:_:-', 14•,,,,..-_,' installation,striping, basketball hoops,fence,and PCC walkway in Monterey Park. Transtech provided bid package preparation, project management,and coordination. 4 r W 4 17 tit Citywide Parks Improvement Project ($2.5M): This project r';' a ' 4 6;,, included installation of park equipment (playground, picnic pI shelters, benches), construction of ADA improvements, and too various PCC improvements at 13 parks in the City of Monterey Park.Transtech provided CIP project management which included bid package preparation, project management,and coordination. wb s r t ill:i • 4,- ''.11 Almansor Park Improvements Project ($2.5M): This project was at Almansor Park in the City of Alhambra and included construction of new basketball courts, restroom facilities,shade structure, new rv.drainage systems, new lightings, and updated landscaping and v , + .I. of . ry ~ irrigation, and PCC walkways. Transtech prepared the PS&E Bid Package, as well as provided construction management and e , 4- --;—,,,•:. inspection services. ete TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 3. Company Qualifications 3.16 Slauson Avenue ADA Improvements and Tree Replacement f Project($1.5M):This project was located in the City of Commerce, Transtech prepared the PS&E as well as provided construction 1314 I management and inspection services. The project included y removal of 149 overgrown Ficus trees that displaced the sidewalk 4.I,i, in some areas up to 2 feet high and replaced them with new ADA r '"" ' ' compliant sidewalk and planted 433 drought tolerant trees in their 1 4 place. Salt Lake Park Splash Pad Project($1M):This project was located at Salt Lake Park in the City of Huntington Park.Transtech provided construction management, resident engineer, inspection, and office engineer services. ice, 4 Lugo Park,Soccer Field and Park Improvements Project($1.6M): gt This project was partially funded through CDBG funds in the City of Cudahy. Transtech prepared the PS&E as well as provided mit construction management and inspection services for a regulation a soccer field with artificial turf on existing baseball field,DG walking path, landscaping, parking lot expansion, concrete plaza, lighting, drainage, bathroom and concession stand ADA improvements. Mktga-. d- EXPERIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING, MASTER PLANS, FEASIBILITY STUDIES, FACILITIES NEEDS ASSESSMENT PARTIAL LIST) San Elijo Hills Specific Plan.Provided planning,engineering,surveying services for the design and development of the 2,000-acre 3,500 dwelling unit Specific Plan and Master Tentative Map in the City of San Marcos. Shandin Hills Specific Plan. Provided planning engineering services for the preparation of the Specific Plan and Tentative Map. The project is a proposed 240-acre 1049 dwelling unit community in the City of San Bernardino. Drafted the Specific Plan and prepared the master tentative map. Arrowhead Springs Specific Plan (including annexation into the City). Approximately 4,000-acre site at the foothills of San Bernardino Mountains, and includes 1,500 to 2,000 residential units, 1,000,000 square feet of commercial and office space, 199-acre/18-hole public golf course, renovation and reuse of the historic Arrowhead Springs Hotel with a new 115 room annex, new 300-room hotel, a conference center, 14-acre corporate office area. Eagle Bice,Muscupiabe Land Area Infrastructure Master Plan(Devore area in San Bernardino).Drainage,Sewer and Water Master Plan: Approximately 500-acre area for future 1,100-unit master planned community. The project also included a full infrastructure (roadways,storm drain,water, sewer, parks, and utilities) needs and assessment and cost analysis for this future development. University Development Master Plan (San Bernardino). Approximately 200-acre site in association with the City of San Bernardino, Watson Development and Cal-State SB for the development of 200 residential, mixed use, live-work, retail, office and student housing, educational and training facilities and offices for Cal State SB University. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 3. Company Qualifications 3.17 University of California, Riverside, West Campus Infrastructure. Prepared West Campus Infrastructure Development Design/Study, which identified utility and surface infrastructure requirements, and how these improvements could be phased to accommodate proposed campus growth,for an area of 236.8 acres to support approximately 5 million gross square feet of academic, research,support,and student housing facilities. City of Monterey Park,City Public Works Yard. Evaluation and Needs Assessment for new Yard. City of Commerce,Washington Boulevard Overlay Project: Prepared PS&E for the rehabilitation of Washington Boulevard between the I-5 Freeway and Atlantic Boulevard in the City of Commerce. The project involved coordination with Caltrans, and was federally funded and required processing for E-76 through Caltrans Local Assistance. Cost$1M. City of Baldwin Park,Francisquito Avenue Overlay Project: Prepared PS&E for the rehabilitation of Francisquito Avenue between west and east city limits in the City of Baldwin Park. The project involved coordination with Caltrans, and was federally funded and required processing for E-76 through Caltrans Local Assistance. Cost 1.4M. CSUSB (Cal State SB University) San Bernardino Campus Access Road: Prepared PS&E and provided construction administration for the project. Improvements included approximately 1-mile street, water, landscape,grading,drainage,street lighting and various other improvements. Cost$5M. CSUSB (Cal State SB University) Perimeter Road for CSUSB Palm Desert Campus: Prepared PS&E for the project. Improvements included street, water, landscape, grading, drainage, street lighting and various other improvements. Cost$1M. City of San Bernardino Campus Parkway Roadway Design: Prepared PS&E as well as provided construction management and inspection services for the project. Improvements included street,water,sewer,storm drain, landscape,street lighting,traffic signal,and signing and striping. Cost$6M. Alameda Corridor Agency East(ACE)Rail Grade Crossing Jumpstart Improvement Project: Prepared PS&E for Federally Funded Jump Start Improvement Package#1-Rail Grade Crossing Improvements for Alameda Corridor Agency East(ACE). Project involved 6 agencies and 14 locations in Los Angeles County. Work involved roadway realignment and reconstruction, signalization, traffic control, and construction phasing as well as related improvements such as storm drain,water,sewer landscaping, underground utilities,etc. Cost$8M. City of Glendale I-5/Colorado Off-ramp Realignment: Designed the realignment and reconstruction of the I- 5/Colorado Off-ramp, including roadway, drainage, signal, striping and traffic control under Caltrans Encroachment permit.Cost:$1m. City of Torrance Crenshaw and Skypark Reconstruction Projects: Prepared PS&E for Federally Funded reconstruction/rehabilitation of Crenshaw Boulevard and Skypark Avenue(2 separate projects).Transtech also provided construction management services for the project. Cost:$3M. City of Commerce-Street Rehabilitation Program, Tubeway and Yates Reconstruction/Overlay: Prepared PS&E for 2 projects. The projects involved roadway rehabilitation and reconstruction, storm drain, water and sewer design. Transtech also provided construction management services for the project. Cost:$0.5m. Riverside County Economic Development Agency: Real Estate Division, Engineering and Construction Services on various housing,real estate and infrastructure projects. City of San Bernardino,Sewer upgrade project: Preparation of a project PSE for upgrade of main sewer lines at various locations per the City's Sewer Master Plan. Cost:$1.2M Penasquitos Canyon Trunk Sewer: PS&E for two miles 36-inch gravity sewer including design study reports. City of San Diego. Ranch Santa Fe Road Sewer Project: Relocation and rehabilitation of 1.5 miles of sewer main. City of San Marcos(by Transtech's VP, David Ragland while employed with another firm). City of San Bernardino Water Projects: Design and construction management of 3500 feet of 20 to 36-inch ductile iron water transmission main in the City of San Bernardino for the development of University Park. Design of over 10,000 feet of 8 thru 12-inch DIP water main for water distribution. Structural arch design for road crossing over the Dept of Water Resources 109-inch Santa Ana pipeline. City of San Bernardino, Northpark Boulevard Sewer Extension. Half mile gravity sewer main extension for University Park Subdivision in the City of San Bernardino: Project required special structural designs and encroachment permitting for crossing 100'aqueduct right-of-way. City of San Bernardino, University Park Storm Drain Design. Design of storm drain system with pipes ranging in size from 18 to 60 inches and trapezoidal channel design for 4500 cfs. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECH CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 3. Company Qualifications 3.18 City of Riverside Water Projects. Water distribution analysis and computer modeling for University of California Riverside West Campus expansion infrastructure project. CSUSB (Cal State SB University, Campus Health Center Expansion. Prepared PS&E for the project for grading, utilities and civil engineering. TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE: Transtech is currently providing various Traffic and Transportation Engineering contract services to several agencies and serves as contract traffic engineer for a number of municipalities. We advise our client cities on actions needed to comply with County, State, and Federal regulations related to City streets, traffic regulation and traffic management. We provide technical expertise and recommendations, and conduct necessary surveys and prepare reports on traffic related issues, and present them at Commission and/or Council Meetings. We prepare traffic safety and calming studies,stop and signal warrants/studies,traffic impact studies,respond to City requests,citizen complaints, and attend Traffic Commission meetings. We review traffic impact studies submitted by developers, provide traffic study guidelines to other consultants preparing TIA's,and represent the City at planning commission and council meetings when these projects are reviewed and presented.We also assess safety for pedestrians,buses and bicycles by reviewing master plans completed for transit and bicycles as well as safe walk to school routes. Following are various traffic engineering projects and studies completed by Transtech: FULL TRAFFIC IMPACT REPORTS&PARKING ANALYSIS Client Project Title Brief Summary Private Colton Reche Canyon Gas Station Prepared Comprehensive Area Wide Traffic Impact Study Developers Retail, Colton Industrial Project, to Identify the Potential Impacts Associated with Each Anaheim Mixed Use Project Development Private Big Bear Galleria in City of Big Bear Full Traffic Impact Analysis for A Commercial and Shopping Developer Site in Big Bear Lake. City of San City General Plan Update Transtech Prepared the Circulation Element And Bernardino EIR/Traffic Study for The City's 2005 General Plan Update. The Proposed Land Use Plan and Its Impacts Were Analyzed. The Study Included Approximately 100 Intersections And 80 Street Segments. Future Traffic Condition Scenarios Were Developed Using State-Of-The- Art Transportation Planning Modeling Software. City of San Juan Master Plan for Downtown Area Determine the Historic Town Center Master Plan's Capistrano Potential Impacts on The City of San Juan Capistrano's Transportation System and To Identify Strategies for Improving the Transportation System's Overall Effectiveness Through A Multimodal Approach. Private Shandin Hills TIA in the City of San Traffic Assessment of Project Impacts of The Proposed Developer Bernardino Master Plan Community Which Is Comprised of Housing, Commercial and Schools. UC Riverside West Campus Development Project Determine Potential Impacts on The Surrounding Circulation System with The Development of An Expanding Campus,Site and Student Enrollment. City of Lawndale City-Wide Parking Study The Study Took A Comprehensive Look at The Parking Supply and Demand Issues That Explain the Parking Deficiencies in The City.The Study Conducted A City-Wide Occupancy Survey of Both On-Site and On-Street Parking and Described Options Developed to Address the Deficiencies. tiTECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 3. Company Qualifications 3.19 FULL TRAFFIC IMPACT REPORTS&PARKING ANALYSIS Client Project Title Brief Summary City of Industry Grand Central Material Recovery Prepared Comprehensive Area Wide Traffic Impact Study Facility, Restaurant Depot,Costco to Identify the Potential Impacts Associated with These Developments. City of San San Elijo Ranch Development Prepared An EAR/Traffic Impact Study for A 3,200 Unit San Marcos EIR/Traffic Study Elijo Ranch Development Project. The Study Area Encompassed A 5 Mile Radius from The Center of The Development. City of Torrance City-Wide Safe Route to School Evaluated Existing Signage, Striping and Traffic Conditions Project Around 32 Schools in The City of Torrance. This Included the Preparation of Safe Route to School Maps and Recommendations for Each School. City of Pedestrian Study Produced This Report as Part of An Effort by The City of Huntington Huntington Beach to Evaluate the Impacts of Main Street Beach Two Block and Three Block Street Closures During Weeknight Surf City Events and Weekend Events. Various Cities Cudahy, Carson, Alhambra, Temple Preparation of Full PSRE Traffic Project Reports for Various City,San Gabriel, Huntington Park Funding Applications. This Included Analysis of Existing Condition, Future Conditions, Level of Service, Accident History,And Recommendations. ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE Client Project Title Brief Summary City of Alhambra Garfield Avenue Lane Reduction Preparation of Study Assessing the Potential for Reducing the Review Number of Travel Lanes and Parking Near the City's Business Center to Improve Traffic Flow and Safety. City of Temple Daines Street Preparation of A Traffic Analysis to Review Existing Corridor City Operations Including an Assessment of Pedestrian Safety Along the Corridor. Presentation of Report and Recommendations to City staff,Traffic Commission and City Council. City of Commerce Various Focused Traffic Impact Preparation of Several Traffic Studies to Identify and Evaluate Analysis with Emphasis on Safety the Traffic Impacts in Particular Safety as A Result of The New Washington Boulevard Street Configuration. City of Commerce Focused Traffic Impact Study and Preparation of A Traffic Study to Identify and Evaluate the Safety Review Traffic Impacts of Modifying the Median Islands in Front of McDonalds And Costco Facilities and Provide Recommendations to Improve Vehicular Safety. City of Inglewood Crenshaw"5"Curve Safety Review A Safety Assessment of Traffic Conditions Along Crenshaw Boulevard Between Manchester Boulevard And 79th Street. The Assessment Was Needed Due to The Horizontal Curve, The High Number of Accidents That Occur Annually Along This Roadway. City of Alhambra Various Streets to Assess the Impacts As Part of Ongoing Efforts to Improve Safety, Reduce of Cut-Thru Traffic. One included a Accident Potential and Improve Traffic Conditions on Pine Multi-Jurisdictional Review with the Street Between Huntington Drive and Atlantic Boulevard, City of South Pasadena for the Pine Studies Were Conducted and Recommendations Developed Street Cut-Thru Traffic Assessment for City Council's Consideration. Project Went Through City Council, Traffic Commission Review as Well as Included Coordination with City of South Pasadena. illioWI TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 3. Company Qualifications 3.20 ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE Client Project Title Brief Summary City of Alhambra Traffic Calming Studies on Norwood, A Review of Existing Traffic Patterns and Volume Entering Elm Street, Marguerita Avenue, and Exiting These Streets to Assess the Magnitude of Traffic Garvey Avenue, Glendon Way, Shorb Currently Using Residential Streets in Order to Bypass Street, Front Street, Main Street Congestion on Adjacent Major Streets. Information Was Presented to City Staff and Recommendations and Improvements Presented to The Traffic Commission. City of Temple Traffic Calming Studies on Encinita A Review of Existing Traffic Patterns and Volume Entering City Avenue,Arden Street,Olive Street and Exiting These Streets to Assess the Magnitude of Traffic Currently Using Residential Streets in Order to Bypass Congestion on Adjacent Major Streets. Information Was Presented to City Staff and Recommendations and Improvements Presented to The Traffic Commission and City Council. City of 2012 to 2017 Various Traffic Calming A Review of Existing Traffic Patterns and Volume Entering Huntington Park Corridor Studies. Including studies on and Exiting Studied Streets to Assess Vehicle Traffic, Parking Pacific Boulevard, State Street, Gage Impacts,And Pedestrian Safety on These Streets.Information Avenue, Florence Avenue Was Presented to City Staff and Recommendations and Improvements Presented to the Traffic Authority. City of Inglewood North City Traffic Calming Traffic Calming Study for The Residential Area Bordered by Centinela Avenue to The South,La Cienega Blvd To the West, La Brea Avenue to The East and Slauson To the North. Transtech Prepared an Initial Review of The Traffic Patterns and Volume Entering and Exiting the Above-Mentioned Neighborhood. City of Alhambra Mark Keppel High School (School Site Relocation of An Existing School Crosswalk in Front of The Review) Mark Keppel High School and The Relocation of The Crosswalk.This Project Went Thru School District and Council Review. City of Alhambra Fremont School and Various Studies Included a Site Assessment of Current Drop Off and Elementary Schools in the City Pick Up Policies as Well as Review of Existing Signage and School Site Review) Striping. Recommendations for Valet Programs and Updated Signage and Striping. City of Temple Longden Elementary School (School Review of Traffic Volume, Parking Conditions, Existing City Site Review) Circulation Surrounding the School Site. Recommendations Included New Valet Lanes, Turning Prohibitions, Upgraded Signage and Striping.Presentation to Traffic Commission and City Council. City of Rosemead Francis Elementary School, Rice Tasks Involved an Assessment of Existing Drop Off Elementary School, Monterey Vista Procedures and Traffic and Parking Needs Surrounding Each School, Willard Elementary School School, Report Preparation and Recommendations for School Site Review) Updated Signage, Parking Areas Valet and Warrants for Additional School Crossing Guards. Presentation of Report and Recommendations to City Staff and School District Personnel. City of Inglewood John Wilder Academy (School Site Comprehensive Review of Drop-Off and Pick-Up Operations Review) and Traffic and Pedestrian Circulation at Wilder Academy. This Project Went Through Council Member, Academy and Council Review. A 400.-7 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDETRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 3. Company Qualifications 3.21 ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE Client Project Title Brief Summary Pomona Unified School Site Assessments and Traffic Cortez Elementary School, Montvue Elementary, Rio Rancho School District Circulation for(5)school sites(School Elementary, Philadelphia Elementary, Dudley Elementary. Site Review) Whittier School School Site and Traffic Circulation Benton Middle School District Assessment(School Site Review) City of School Site Review & Assessment of Nimitz Middle School, Hope Elementary School,San Antonio Huntington Park Crosswalks, Crossing Guards, & Elementary,South Region Elementary School Signage(School Site Review) Various Cities Various Focused Reports Prepared Prepared Traffic Review with Existing Conditions Analysis, for Public Works or Traffic Dept. Observations, Counts for The Preparation of Various Preparation of Warrants for All- Warrants Using CAMUTCD and CVC.Went to PW and Traffic Way Stop, Traffic Signals, Beacons Commission and Pedestrian Devices) Various Cities Preparation of CMP Data Information Included Peak Hour Count, LOS Analysis and Preparation of Data Required for Letter Report. CMP Submittal) Various Cities Citywide Engineering and Speed Prepared the City-Wide Engineering and Speed Surveys. Surveys (Preparation of City-Wide Transtech Staff Is Radar Certified with The Rio Hondo College Engineering and Speed Survey) Justice Center. City of Alhambra Main Street Master Plan, Lowes, Preparation of Traffic Scope, Meetings with Consultants as Kensington Mixed Use, BMW Representative of The City, Review of The Traffic Studies, Expansion, Medical Office, Recommendations and EIR's Prepared for Each Proposed Commonwealth Plaza, Nissan Development Project. Represent the City at Planning and Expansion, Pacific Square Retail, Council Presentations of Larger Projects. Alhambra Campus (Peer Review of Traffic Studies Prepared by Outside Consultants Submitted to Client Cities) City of Alhambra Review of Development Projects in Surrounding Cities that May Affect Alhambra(Hotel Projects from MP) (Peer Review of Traffic Studies Prepared by Outside Consultants Submitted to Client Cities) City of Temple The Terraces,Camelia Square, Mixed Use Project(Peer Review of Traffic Studies Prepared by Outside City Consultants Submitted to Client Cities) City of Inglewood Hollywood Park(Peer Review of Traffic Studies Prepared by Outside Consultants Submitted to Client Cities) UC Riverside 2nd Phase of West Side Campus (Peer Review of Traffic Studies Prepared by Outside Consultants Submitted to Client Cities) EXPERIENCE IN GRANT WRITING: Our team has proven track record in obtaining outside grants for its client cities. Our staff works with our client cities to find potential funding sources,and to prepare competitive applications for various programs.Just recently, our firm obtained approximately $80m in funding from METRO for 710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects under Round 2 applications,including$9m for Monterey Park,$27m for Rosemead,and$76m for Alhambra. We also obtained approximately$150m under Round 1 projects for our client cities. Additionally, after funds are awarded to a client,our experienced staff provides assistance to ensure compliance with applicable funding program requirements, including preparing necessary clearance approvals (environmental, utilities, ROW), processing E-76 authorizations,and managing project. City of Monterey Park:2018 Active Transportation Program(ATP)Cycle 4,Citywide School and Crosswalk Safety Improvements Project,Awarded Funding Amount:$1,367,000 10L,....____ e''k.4".. 7 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 3. Company Qualifications 3.22 City of Monterey Park: 2018 Highway Safety Improvement Project(HSIP) Cycle 9, Signal Safety Enhancement Project,Awarded Funding Amount:$540,000 City of Alhambra:2018 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 9, Pedestrian Safety Improvements at Signalized Intersections Project,Awarded Funding Amount:$600,000 City of South El Monte: 2018 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP)Cycle 9, Signal Safety Enhancement Project,Awarded Funding Amount:$876,000 City of Beaumont: 2018-19 Rubberized Pavement Grant Program (Cal Recycle), Awarded Funding Amount: 299,500 City of Commerce: 2018-19 Rubberized Pavement Grant Program (Cal Recycle), Awarded Funding Amount: 348,600 City of Commerce: 2016-17 Rubberized Pavement Grant Program (Cal Recycle), Awarded Funding Amount: 281,400 City of Huntington Park:2016 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle II, Uncontrolled Crosswalk SRTS Ped Safety Project,Awarded Funding Amount:$1,032,000 City of Cudahy:2016 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle III,Atlantic Ave Bicycle and Ped Enhancement Project,Awarded Funding Amount:$1,784,000 City of San Gabriel:2016 Highway Safety Improvement Project(HSIP)Cycle 8, Install overhead flashing beacon, Awarded Funding Amount:$270,200 City of Pico Rivera:2016 Highway Safety Improvement Project(HSI P)Cycle 8,Sign Improvements Project,Award Amount:$696,300 City of Vernon:2016 SCAG Sustainability Planning Grants Program, Transit Route Feasibility Study, Awarded Funding Amount:$60,000 City of Rosemead:2015 Metro(MTA)Call for Projects,Garvey Avenue Regional Access&Capacity Improvement Project,Awarded Funding Amount:$2,316,000 City of Rosemead: 2015 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 7, Installation of HAWK Project, Awarded Funding Amount:$241,300 City of Monterey Park:2015 Metro(MTA)Call for Projects, Monterey Pass Road Complete Streets Bike Project, Awarded Funding Amount:$1,994,000 City of San Gabriel: 2015 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 7, Signal Safety Enhancements Project,Awarded Funding Amount:$570,000 City of Huntington Park: 2015 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle III, Citywide Uncontrolled Crosswalk Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Project,Awarded Funding Amount:$1,757,000 City of Cudahy:2015 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle II,Wilcox Avenue Complete Streets and SRTS Project,Awarded Funding Amount:$1,344,000 City of Cudahy:2015 Metro(MTA)Call for Projects,City Wide Complete Streets Improvement Project,Awarded Funding Amount:$2,134,000 City of Cudahy:2015 Highway Safety Improvement Project(HSIP)Cycle 7,Salt Lake Ave Safety Project,Awarded Funding Amount:$363,000 City of Commerce: 2015-16 Rubberized Pavement Grant Program (Cal Recycle), Awarded Funding Amount: 204,500 City of Commerce: 2014-15 Rubberized Pavement Grant Program (Cal Recycle), Awarded Funding Amount: 145,200 City of Alhambra: 2013 Metro (MTA) Call for Projects, Valley Boulevard Ped Improvement/Walking Viability Project,Awarded Funding Amount:$323,000 City of Commerce:2013 Metro (MTA) Call for Projects, Atlantic Blvd: Washington to Como Goods Movement Project,Award Amount:$631,000 ota TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECH CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 4. References TRANSTECh 4. References 4.6 CITY OF CUDAHY CALIFORNIA lncorporalnd November 10, 1960 P.O.Box 1007 5220 Santa Ana Street Cudahy.California 90201-6024 323)773-5143 Fax:(323)771-2072 June 27,2016 RE:Reference Letter for Transtech Engineers,Inc.(i.e.,Transtech) To Whom It May Concern: I have had the privilege and fortune of working with Transtech Engineers, Inc at two very different cities in my 16 year City Manager career. As the City Manager for Temple City(i.e.,very affluent and predominantly Asian population)and City Manager for Cudahy (i.e., lower income and predominately Latino population), Transtech provided (i.e., and still provides) a variety of contract services including: City Engineering; City Traffic Engineering; Public Works Engineering, Management / Plan Check/Inspection;Development Engineering; Capital Improvement Projects Program & Grant Management; and "As-needed Professional Services" inclusive of planning, design, project management,construction management and inspection. Moreover, Transtech has assisted both communities in obtaining millions of dollars in highly competitive grant funds while also managing a number of federally funded projects, from initial grant funding applications through the completion of project construction. Over the years,I have unequivocally found Transtech's work and conduct to be extremely ethical, professional, timely, and a tremendous value for their client cities through their excellent project value engineering efforts. Should you have any questions, please contact me at your earliest convenience in the office at (323) 773-5143 ext. 226, via cell phone at {323) 868-2126 or email at jpulidoecityofcudahyca.gov Sincerely, ose E. Pulido City Manager TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE IRANS1ECI1 CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 4. References 4.5 of C 0/yjh\ 1` 9mk City of Commerce pl Public Works & Development Services Department February 27, 2018 SUBJECT: Reference Letter - Services provided to the City of Commerce by Transtech Engineers, Inc. To Whom It May Concern: The City of Commerce is exceptionally satisfied with Transtech's services. They have always provided the highest quality staff, work product, and services, in an efficient and cost-effective manner, while having the best interest of the City in mind. They are very responsive, and immediately address any and all requests the City may have. They are problem solvers and on-time for all of their assignments. Transtech Engineers, Inc. has been providing various contract engineering services to the City of Commerce for the past 17 years. These services include support for City Engineering, Construction Management, Design, CIP Project Management, Staff Augmentation for Public Works Engineering/Management, and Traffic Engineering. Transtech also provides As-needed Professional Services, inclusive of planning, various building and safety related support including permitting, plan review, and inspection, as well as any other services the City may need. Transtech's staff has always been extremely responsive to the City's needs, and most recently served as the turn key construction managers for one of the region's largest infrastructure projects, the Washington Boulevard Widening and Reconstruction Project, which had a total budget of $38M. This project also was recently recognized as Project of the Year by the American Public Works Association (APWA) in the category of Transportation. On behalf of the City, I highly recommend Transtech's services. If you have any further questions, you can contact me directly at 323-722-4805 or at mbabaki@ci.commerce.ca.us. Sincerely, Maryam B- ' It-PE Director of Public Works & Development Services Department City of Commerce 2535 Commerce Way•Commerce,California 90040•(323)722-4805•FAX(323)726.6231 •www.ci.commerce.ca.us 4••• IFFderl TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE Ti rismch CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 4. References 4.4 City of Alhambra Development Services Department a,mr b_.1 Alli.February 13,2018 i Ga'uay I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation for Transtech Engineers,Inc. la ibe San Gabriel Valley Transtech Engineers,Inc. has been providing full Contract Building and Safety Services as well as City Engineering Services in the capacity of Building Official,Permit Technician, South/,:crStreet Building Inspector, Building Plan Check, City Engineering,City Traffic Engineering, Public Californiaai orbra nia Works Plan Checks,CIP Management,Construction Management,Grant Management„ 91801 and as-needed Professional Services inclusive of planning,design,project management, and construction management to the City of Alhambra for nearly 25 years. Based on mine and other staff's professional experience with Transtech and their staff, the City of Alhambra is extremely satisfied with their services over the years.They continue to provide the highest quality work,have always been professional,efficient, cost effective,while having the best interest of the City in their mind. Their commitment to quality and quick responsiveness for any needs the City may have sets them apart from others. I can confidently recommend them for their services. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Best Reg, ds, r, Marc Castagnola Development Services Director City of Alhambra 626)570-5041/mcastaanola@citvofalhambra.org tiga_.,.... TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSIT(II CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 4. References 4.3 SELO May 29, 2019 Subject: Transtech Reference Letter for Contract City Engineering, Traffic Engineering, CIP Project Management, and Public Works Plan Review and Inspection Services Transtech Engineers, Inc. was selected and currently provides full-service City Engineering Services, including a designated on-site City Engineer and Public Works Permit Technician and Inspector. The Transtech Team provides all engineering related services to the Public Works Department including CIP Project Management, Bid Analysis, Traffic Engineering, Grant Writing and Administration, and other engineering related services. The staff have provided excellent quality of services to the City of South El Monte, with a high attention to detail and customer service. As Public Works Director, I work directly with their staff and based on my professional experience with Transtech as well as my staff's and the City's,we are very satisfied with their services. I can confidently recommend them for their services. Transtech provides the high-quality professional staff and work. Transtech team is professional, efficient, and cost effective, while having the best interest of the City in their mind. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Rene Salas Public Works Director City of South El Monte - Department of Public Works 1415 N. Santa Anita Avenue, South El Monte, CA 91733 626) 579-6540 Ext. 3040 rsalas@soelmonte.org TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRAk3IFCII CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 4.. References 4.2 ttom.. 4 +^, i Y = 196° 9701 LAS TUNAS DRIVE I TEMPLE CITY I CALIFORNIA 191780-2249 I (626)285-2171 June 25,2018 Subject: Transtech Engineers,Inc.Reference Letter for Services Provided to Temple City To Whom It May Concern: As the Community Development Director for Temple City, I highly recommend Transtech Engineers, Inc. for building and city engineering services. Transtech has provided contract Building and Safety Services and City Engineering Services to Temple City since 2012,and the City has been very satisfied with their services.Transtech staff have consistently provided high quality service in an efficient and cost-effective manner. They are highly responsive to any issues or requests that the City may have, and their work is consistently completed in a timely and professional manner. Transtech provides full building and engineering services for Temple City in the capacity of Building Official, Building Inspection (as needed), Building Plan Check/Review, City Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Public Works Engineering, Capital Projects Management, Construction Management,Grant Management,and related professional services as requested. Transtech provides excellent customer care and service not only internally to City staff but also to the public who frequently interacts with them through their Building and Safety Services. Based on my experience with Transtech and based on positive feedback I have received from my staff and our customers,I highly recommend Transtech for building and city engineering services. If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me directly. Sincerely, Michael D. Forbes Community Development Director 626)285-2171 x4305 mforbes@templecity.us om/ TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 4. References 4.1 Following are requested 5 references from local area agencies where we provide similar Municipal Services: Client Name:City of Temple City(Year started and completed: 2012—Ongoing Service) Services Provided: Building Official, Building and Safety Plan Check,City Engineering, Public Works Plan Checks, Traffic Engineering, CIP Design, Construction Management, Inspection, Federally Funded Project Management Contact: Bryan Cook, City Manager;T: 626-285-2171; E: bcook@templecitv.us Client Name:City of South El Monte (Year started and completed: 2018—Ongoing Service) Services Provided: Contract Engineering, City Engineer,Traffic Engineer, Plan Check, Inspection, CIP Management Contact: Rene Salas, Public Works Director; T: 626-579-6540, Ext. 3040; E: rsalas@soelmonte.org Client Name:City of Alhambra (Year started and completed: 1993—Ongoing Service) Services Provided: Building Official, Building and Safety Plan Check, Inspection and Permit Technician, City Engineering,Public Works Plan Checks,Traffic Engineering,CIP Design,Construction Management, Inspection, Federally Funded Project Management Contact: Marc Castagnola, Development Services Director, 626-570-5041; E: mcastagnola@citvofalhambra.org Client Name:City of Commerce(Year started and completed: 2003—Ongoing Service) Services Provided: Building Official, Building and Safety Plan Check, Inspection, as needed Permit Technician, Public Works and Development Map/Plan Check and Inspection, Traffic Engineering, CIP Management, Design,Construction Management, Inspection, Federally Funded Project Management Contact: Edgar Cisneros, City Administrator;T: 323-722-4805; E: ecisneros@ci.commerce.ca.us Client Name:City of Cudahy(Year started and completed: 2012—Ongoing Service) Services Provided: Building and Safety Plan Check, Engineering, CIP Management, Design, Federally Funded Project Management, Contact:Jose Pulido, City Manager;T: 323-282-5582; E:jpulido@cityofcudahyca.gov Following are Reference Letters. aim TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 5. Litigation History IRA NSTECI-I 5. Litigation History 5.1 Following is Transtech's 5-year litigation history provided by our Insurance Agency. TRANSTECH ENGINEERS,INC. Prepared by,Dealey Renton&Associates,Inc. October 9,2019 5 YEAR CIVIL LITIGATION HISTORY Jurisdiction Policy Year Date Claim Jt/Claimant Paid Loss Expense Total Loss Outcome of Indemnity (Defense) Notice 12/31/2019-2020 No Claims 12/31/2017-2018 No Claims 12/31/2018-2019 No Claims 12/31/2017-2018 No Claims Los Angeles 12/31/2016-2017 Closed 6/25/17 OA9201884/ N/A 3,210 N/A County Diesel Machine Works,LLC 12/31/2015-2016 No Claims 12/31/2014-2015 No Claims too.,,,, U Ile' MIN TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECH CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 6. City's Standard Professional TRANSTECh Services Agreement 6. City's Standard Profession: ?.rvices Agreement 6.1 Following are comments we received on the contract from our insurance agency for City's review. If selected by the City, we will appreciate a discussion with the City's contract administrator to discuss the final contract language. 3.5.4 Cooperation:Further Acts. The Parties shall fully cooperate with one Notwithstanding the foregoing,either party another,and shall take any additional acts or sign any additional documents a^—nay be reserves the right to deny a request to perform necessary,appropriate or convenient to attain the purposes of this Agreement. any additional acts or execute or deliver any such additional instruments or documents that 3.5.5 Attorney's Fees. If either party commences an action against the in any way might increase either party's other party,either legal,administrative or otherwise,arising out of or in connection with contractual or legal obligations or risks. this Agreement.the prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to have and;;over from the losing party reasonable attorney's fees and all other costs of such actio as part of prevailing party's total damages 3 5.6 Indemnification Consultant shall defend; indemnify and hold the attributable to the non-prevailing party's City,its officials,officers.employees.volunteers and agents free and harmless from any proportionate percentage of fault as determined and all claims,-demands,-causes-of-action: costs, expenses, liability. loss, damage or by a court of competent jurisdiction. injury, in law or equity. to property or persons, including wrongful death,inany mannerrernansingoutofor-incident-to-any aU€gedracfs.omissions or willful misconduct of Consultant. its officials.officers,employees,agents.consultants and contractors ansing out of or in connection with the performance of the Services,the Project or Jhis Agreement.including n pan o,ciK,r, ,without limitation the payment of all consequential damages and'a$omey'sfees and otherrelatedcostsandexpenses:'Consultant-shaU- sten,-at-Co(sultant s-iWt-c'sL--expense and risk:-arty-and allsuchaforesaid-suit .-actionsar other legal-proceedings-eteveryldnd that may-be brought or instituted against-City;itsduectors,-officials:officers:employees. agents-or-volunteers. Consultant shall-pay--and satisfy-any-judgment,-award-©r decree that maybgrendered against City or-its-directors.offiaalsotticers:-employees,agents Or volunteers in any such suit,action or other legal proceeding.- Consultant shall reimburse City and its directors.officials,officers,employees.agents and/or volunteers,for any and petentei sniceaalllegalexpensesandcostsincurredbyeachoftheminconnectiontherewithorui enforcing-theindemnity-herein puwided. Consultant's obligation to indemnify shall not be restricted to insurance proceeds,if any,received by the City.its directors.officials officers, employees.agents or volunteers 8 Certificate(sl are to reflect that the insurer will provide 30 days notice to City of any cancellation of coverage Consultant agrees to require its insurer to modify EXHIBIT D such certificates to delete any exculpatory wording stating that failure of the insurer to mail written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation.or that any INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS party will"endeavor"(as opposed to being required)to comply with the requirements of the certificate. r Swat-am.. twice.f.'"'Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions Insurance as appropriate shall be written 9. It is acknowledged by the parties of this agreemen t iat al in5uranC+covetage; on a policy form coverage specifically designed to protect against acts, errors or required to be provided by Consultant or any subcontractor.is intended to apply omissions of the consultant and'Covered Professional Services"as designated in the first and on a primary.noncontributing basis in relation to any other insurance or policy must specifically include work performed under this agreement The policy limit self-insurance available to City. shall be no less than 31.000.000 per claim and it the aggregate The policy must'pay on behalf of the insured and must include a provision establishing the insurer's duty to 10 Consultant agrees to ensure that subcontractors.and any other party involved defend'The policy retroactive date shall be on or before the effective date of this with the project who is brought onto or involved in the project by Consultant. agreement. provide the same minimum insurance coverage required of Consultant Consultant agrees to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all General conditions pertaining to provision of insurance coverage by Consultant responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the reqConsultantandCityagreetothefollowingwithrespecttoinsuranceprovidedbyagreementswithosubcontractors section.Consultant agrees ag upon project walillConsultant: agreements and others engaged in die project will be submitted to City for review. t Consultant agrees to have its insurer endorse the third party general liability 11.Consultant agrees not to self-insure or to use any self-insured retentions or tAdanonsie.Owes coverage required herein to include as additional insureds City,its officials, deductibles on any portion of the insurance required herein and further agrees employees and agents.using standard ISO endorsement No CG 2010 with an that it will not allow any contractor,subcontractor.Architect.Engineer or otherwei011""""""0f edition prior to 1992.Consultant also agrees to require all contractors.and entity or person in any way involved in the performance of work on the project canter's endorsenentj subcontractors to do likewise. contemplated by this agreement to self-insure its obligations to City.If Consultant's existing coverage includes a deductible or self-insured retention,the deductible or self-insured retention must be declared to the City.At that time the City shall review options with the Consultant.which may include reduction or elimination of the deductible or self-insured retention.substitution of other coverage,or other solutions. 12.The City reserves the nght at any time during the term of the contract to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the Consultant ninety 190) days advance written notice of such change If such change results in substantial additional cost to the Consultant,the City will negotiate additional compensation proportional to the increased benefit to City. tam lie, kt,,,i11.1 )4TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECII CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 6. City's Standard Professiol Services Agreement 6.2 Below is Transtech's current Insurance Certificate. A` 0CROg CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DAE(MM4YYI THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND. EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURERISI. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER.AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or he endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED.subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsementls). PRODUCER CONTACT Dealey.Renton 8 Associates ROME Mane Swaney FAX 790 E Colorado Blvd..#460 EDtC No Eat/ 626-S44-3070NEweNol Pasadena CA 91 101 ADOREEss mswaney©dealeyrenton corn MSURERiS)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC If Ucc'J5e,7 00'0734 INSURER A Travelers Indemnity Co Of Connecticut 25682 INSURED TRA`.EN.'-Or INSURER B Travelers Property Casualty Co of Amen 25674 Transtech Engineers.Inc. 13367 Benson Ave INSURER C.Hartford Casualty Insurance Co 29424 Chino CA 91710-3009 INSURER D.Berkley Insurance Company 32603 INSURER E INSURER F COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:928673361 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HA'.'E BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT.TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN.THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS MSR AODL SUER' POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE MSD MND POLICY NUMBER IMWDD/YYYYI IMWDO/YYYYI LMITS E X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 68051-1737478 12/3112018 12/31/2019 EA'-::____- E $1 000.000 _ CLAIMS-MADE n OCCUR 11 000.000 X Cantracwal Lab 510 000 X XCU Included 5 1.000,000 GENt AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER GENERAL AGGREGATE $2 000.000 — 1 POLICY n PE-r n LOC PRODUCTS.COMP,OP AGG 52000.000 OTHER5 a AUTOMOBILE UABBJTY 8=4F 174c4: 1213112018 12/3112019 COcsMBIISaCtaent¢D) WAITMIT 5 1 000.000 ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person, S OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS BODILY INJURY.:Per acoae^t S X HIRED X NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $AUTOS ONLY _AUTOS ONLY Per acadent) X NoOwnedAuobs 5 E X UMBRELLA LMB X OCCUR JU4F17414. 12/31/2018 12/31/2019 EACH OCCURRENCE $$5 ODD DOC EXCESS LIAR CLAIMS-MUSE AGGREGATE 5 000.332 DEC X =ETENT'-.ON5n C WORKERS COMPENSATION 72'W'EG.A5O8A 9/1/2019 911/2020 X I P ATUTE I I ERM AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY Y i N ANYPROPRIETCRPARTNER€XECUTIVE n EL EACH ACCIDENT 51.000.000FICER.MEMBEREXCLUCED'' N A Mandatory in NH) E L DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE 5 1 000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS beova E L DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $1 000.000 D PotessonalLabllrty AEC9.02574901 12/31/2018 12/31/2019 Pei Cuter 2000.000 Annual Agpr 2 000.000 DESCRIPTIONOFOPERATIONS/LOCATIONS IVEHICLES(ACORD 101.Additional RemarksSchedule.may beattached i1 morespace is req eed) Umbrella policy Is follow-form to its underlying Policies:General Liability/Auto Liability/Employers Liability. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION 30 Day Notice SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. For Proposal Purposes Al /U)RVFftRFPRF RFNTATIVE 1 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016103) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD ikA` veru, TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 47 7. Addenda Acknowledgment TRANSTECh 7. Addenda Acknowledgment 7.1 Transtech received and acknowledges the following Addenda: MAYOR: City of (JJeL tettMAR0AxrrCLARKV .J til" MAYOR PRO TEM:MMIIIIMINMNMMNOMIMMNMMOMMMMIMMMM SANDRA MOMENTA 8838 E.VALLEY BOULEVARD P.O BOX 399 COUNCIL MEMBERS: ViDi ROSEMEAD.CALIFORNIA91770 SEAN DANU TELEPHONE(626)569-2100 POLLY LOW FAX(626)307.9218 STEVEN LY CITY OF ROSEMEAD ADDENDUM No.t To all prospective bidders for the Request for Proposal No.2019-13 TO PROVIDE CITY ENGINEERING,TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 1. Please note the underlined modifications to the Cover Page and Section "E. Contact"page: 1. Cover Page and Section E.Contact a. Please direct any questions or concerns regarding this RFP to Chris Daste, Director of Public Works via email: cdaste@cityofrosemead.org no later than 2 days weeks prior to the RFP due date. Answers to submitted questions will be posted on the Cities'website. b. Please note the deletion of the word weeks to days on the cover page and page A-3 of the RFP. 2. The rest of the Request for Proposal as originally issued shall be used in submitting proposals, and an acknowledgment of receipt of this Addendum No.1,shall be acknowledged in the cover letter. BY ORDER OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD Dated: September 30,2019 Chri. •: e/i irect.r of Public Works i 4ia>A;' TECHNICAL PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE TRANSTECh CITY ENGINEERING, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND GENERAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Willdan Engineering Proposal City Engineering, Traffic Engineering, and General Engineering Services RFP No. 2019-13 Proposal October 10, 2019 CITY OF ROSEMEAD             Cover Letter October 10, 2019        City of Rosemead  City Hall  City Clerk's Office  8838 East Valley Boulevard  Rosemead, CA 91770  Attention:  Ms. Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk  Subject: Proposal for City Engineering, Traffic Engineering, and General Engineering Services, RFP No. 2019‐13  Dear Ms. Hernandez:  The City of Rosemead is seeking a consultant to provide city engineering, traffic engineering, and general engineer‐ ing services to streamline the process for designing, engineering, and managing various City public and private de‐ velopment projects. Willdan has been providing extension of staff and on‐call engineering design services for over  55 years and is well suited to continuing our partnership with the City to achieve a fast‐track approach for the  City's public improvement and private development projects.  Willdan's proposed staff members are experienced working together as an integral part of municipal agency exten‐ sion of staff and on‐call improvement projects. As a multi‐disciplinary firm, we have a full complement of resources  to provide additional staffing as well as technical support and research. Briefly, Willdan offers:  Strong Contract Manager Ms. Vanessa Muñoz, PE, TE, PTOE, will serve as Contract Manager and will be the main contact for the city en‐ gineering, traffic engineering, and general engineering contract. In her 22‐year career, Ms. Muñoz has ac‐ quired comprehensive public works experience, including project management, design and construction sup‐ port of civil infrastructure, traffic, landscape architecture, and structural projects. She has worked directly for  public agencies providing engineering services as extension of staff and project‐specific projects for various  cities within Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Fresno, and Northern California counties. This  extensive experience is invaluable in providing the perspectives needed to assist the City with delivery of  needed services and projects.  City of Rosemead and County of Los Angeles Knowledge Having worked with and in the City of Rosemead as City Engineer and Traffic Engineer for 21 years, we possess  a keen understanding of the City's goals and objectives. We are highly familiar with the City's policies, proce‐ dures, funding resources, guidelines, and standards. This knowledge and experience enables us to quickly initi‐ ate projects and respond appropriately to City staff input and/or concerns. Team members such as Ms.  Vanessa Muñoz, PE, TE, PTOE; Ms. Joanne Itagaki; Ms. Jane Freij; Ms. Diane Rukavina, PE; Mr. Jason Brown;  and Mr. Frederick Wickman, PE, have all provided services to the City of Rosemead.  In addition, our team members offer extensive expertise with County of Los Angeles standards, guidelines,  processes, and procedures. Through working with the County directly or by serving our Los Angeles County  clients, our entire team offers strong backgrounds with County codes and regulations. Team member Mr.  Maged El‐Rabaa, PE, our proposed City Engineer, offers wide‐ranging experience working for the County for 24  years in such capacities as Department of Public Works Section Head and County City Engineer where he rep‐ resented the County working with 26 Los Angeles County cities to implement cooperative infrastructure im‐ provement projects and engineering services.  City of Rosemead  October 10, 2019  Page 2    Extension of Staff Expertise Willdan has pioneered extension of staff services in California since our inception. Initially serving as Dairy Val‐ ley's – now City of Cerritos – City Engineer, extension of staff services are the core of Willdan's growth. Since  that time, our extension of staff services have expanded to include positions such as Traffic Engineer, Building  Official, Director of Public Works, Planning Director, City Surveyor, staff project managers and engineers,  building plan checkers and inspectors, construction managers and inspectors, and case planners. Serving in  these capacities, our team members such as Ms. Vanessa Muñoz, PE, TE, PTOE; Ms. Joanne Itagaki; Mr. David  Knell, PLS; Mr. Farhad Iranitalab; PE, TE; and Mr. Salvador Lopez Jr. are often in charge of formation and imple‐ mentation of capital improvement programs, project‐specific management and execution, and environmental  and general planning. This specialized expertise instills a high awareness of the vital importance of project  schedule and budget adherence.  State and Federal Grant-Funded Project Expertise Willdan has assisted local agencies with navigating the processes for state‐ and federal‐funded projects, in‐ cluding project conception, permitting through appropriate oversight agencies, completing and processing  required grant forms, and closeout in conformance with the Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Our  proposed Contract Manager Ms. Vanessa Muñoz, PE, TE, PTOE, along with our General Engineering Project  Managers Mr. Rafael Casillas, PE; Mr. John Hidalgo, RLA; Mr. David Knell, PLS; Mr. Mohsen Rahimian, PE, GE;  and other civil and traffic engineering support team members possess extensive expertise with grant‐funded  projects. Proposed team member Ms. Jane Freij specializes in labor compliance and DBE goal setting and com‐ pliance. Our construction managers and inspectors possess strong hands‐on experience with Caltrans method‐ ologies.  State and Federal Grant Funding Expertise Willdan has staff such as Mr. Jeffrey Lau, PE, TE; Ms. Nicolle Spann, EIT; and Ms. Rosa Kang who are highly pro‐ ficient in acquiring state and federal funding through HSIP, ATP, Urban Greening, Proposition 68, SB‐1,  Measures M and R, and other funding sources. They efficiently and effectively prepare the myriad of docu‐ ments required to file the necessary project applications and authorization documentation for traffic‐ and  transportation‐related funding and competitive grant applications for our client cities. Our proposed grant  funding administration team member Ms. Diane Rukavina, PE, specializes in grant administration through Cal‐ trans Local Assistance Together, these team members offer the City of Rosemead vast knowledge of local/  state/federal funding availability, procurement, and administration from a myriad of funding sources.  As requested, Willdan guarantees that contents of this proposal are valid for a period of 90 calendar days from the  date of this submittal. In accordance with the City's Addendum No. 1 dated September 30, 2019, Willdan is ac‐ knowledging receipt of the addendum in this cover letter.  We are confident our services, coupled with our City of Rosemead project experience, provide the best advantage  for the City. We hope we have conveyed our sincere and passionate interest in continuing our working relationship  with the City by providing exemplary services for this very important contract. If there are any questions regarding  our services or submittal, please contact our proposed Contract Manager, Ms. Vanessa Muñoz, PE, TE, PTOE, by  mail at Willdan Engineering, 13101 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405, Industry, CA 91746; by phone at (562)  908‐6200 extension 6225; by cell phone at (562) 447‐6844; or by email at vmuñoz@willdan.com.  Respectfully submitted,  Willdan Engineering         Vanessa Muñoz, PE, TE, PTOE  Director of Engineering      Table of Contents Section 1 – Approach and Scope of Work ............................................................................................. 1  Project Intent and City's Expectations ....................................................................................................................... 1  Contract Services Approach Overview ...................................................................................................................... 1  Project Approach ....................................................................................................................................................... 2  Methodology ......................................................................................................................................................... 3  Communication Approach ..................................................................................................................................... 3  Technical Approach ............................................................................................................................................... 4  Typical Scopes of Work .......................................................................................................................................... 5  Project Controls ......................................................................................................................................................... 8  Quality Assurance .................................................................................................................................................. 8  Schedule Management .......................................................................................................................................... 9  Cost Management and Financial Accounting ........................................................................................................ 9  Section 2 – Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes ..................................................................... 11  Project Team ............................................................................................................................................................ 11  Key Personnel .......................................................................................................................................................... 12  Contract Manager ................................................................................................................................................ 12  City Engineering Key Team .................................................................................................................................. 12  Traffic Engineering Key Team .............................................................................................................................. 13  General Engineering Key Team ............................................................................................................................ 13  Technical Support Team ...................................................................................................................................... 16  Resumes .................................................................................................................................................................. 16  Section 3 – Company Qualifications ................................................................................................... 47  Firm Profile .............................................................................................................................................................. 47  Financial Stability ................................................................................................................................................. 47  Core Competencies .................................................................................................................................................. 47  Extension of Staff ................................................................................................................................................. 47  Survey and Right‐of‐Way Engineering ................................................................................................................. 48  Geotechnical Engineering .................................................................................................................................... 48  Environmental Compliance and Permitting ......................................................................................................... 48  Utility Coordination and Permitting .................................................................................................................... 49  Civil Engineering .................................................................................................................................................. 49  Stormwater Engineering ...................................................................................................................................... 49  Traffic Engineering ............................................................................................................................................... 49  Landscape Architecture ....................................................................................................................................... 50  Grant Funding ...................................................................................................................................................... 50  Pavement Engineering ......................................................................................................................................... 50  Plan Review ......................................................................................................................................................... 51  Construction Management and Inspection ......................................................................................................... 51  Labor Compliance Management and Oversight .................................................................................................. 52  Assessment District Administration ..................................................................................................................... 52  Relevant Experience ................................................................................................................................................ 53  City of Rosemead Experience .............................................................................................................................. 53  Other Municipal Agency Experience ................................................................................................................... 53  Section 4 – References ....................................................................................................................... 62  Section 5 – Legal Disclosures .............................................................................................................. 64  Section 6 – City's Standard Professional Services Agreement ............................................................. 65  Section 7 – Addenda Acknowledgement ............................................................................................ 66  Fee Proposal ...................................................................................................................................... 67    Section 1 – Approach and Scope of Work Project Intent and City's Expectations Willdan's review of the City's Request for Proposals found it is consistent with services we provide on a daily basis  for our other municipal clients. We have provided these same services over the past 55 years and are highly famil‐ iar with – and, more importantly, possess strong expertise in – the services typically required to fulfill city engi‐ neering, traffic engineering, and general engineering services contracts.  Similarly, the purpose of the City's Request for Proposals is to provide city, traffic, and general engineering services  that include managing, planning, organizing, supervising, and performing a variety of field and office civil and  transportation engineering work for local‐, state‐, and federally‐funded projects, including – but not limited to –  planning, environmental clearance, preliminary design, design survey, geotechnical engineering, right‐of‐way engi‐ neering, and final design. Also required are services for reviewing development and capital improvement projects;  performing technical studies; assisting the City with major transportation improvement projects, including prepar‐ ing plans, specifications, and estimates for a variety of improvements. These may encompass improvements for  streets; parks and other public facilities; drainage, sewer, and water systems; bridges, culverts, and retaining walls;  and pavement rehabilitations with curbs, gutters, sidewalks, access ramps, and driveway approaches.  It is expected the consultant will provide staff to act in the capacity of city engineer and public works inspector  with a consistent schedule at City Hall as agreed upon by the consultant and the City.  Contract Services Approach Overview On‐call engineering and extension of staff services  are at the core of Willdan's foundation. Our staff in‐ cludes former public agency or contract agency staff.  Therefore, we understand the importance and pur‐ pose of as‐needed contracts and are very familiar  with the processes and procedures for such services.  This relevant experience of our dedicated and availa‐ ble key personnel is what best suits Willdan to pro‐ vide the City with the requested services.  Our history of working with on‐call contracts has well prepared our staff to respond to all requests for services in a  positive, efficient manner. Our firm's commitment to responsive service and successful project delivery has given  us a reputation as a firm that can be trusted to listen and deliver an end product our clients envision and embrace.  We begin our approach to this work by adhering to these basic principles:   Approach each project with spirit of resourcefulness and excellence in service   Maintain high standards of technical quality   Seek appropriate solutions that fit project   Conduct business with truthfulness and high ethical standards  Willdan understands the unique aspect of working under an on‐call contract. Success in working with this type of  contract is dependent upon understanding a variety of elements that may be encountered, such as.   Short project durations and minimal lead times for assignments may be required   Flexibility in service assignments, understanding work to date, and coordinating completion of project  tasks already started by agency staff is crucial   Availability of staff to work assignment as it develops is often critical to moving that project forward   Efficient use of resources is important for project assignments that are relatively small   Consistent, organized project management is vital due to potential number of projects in process    Willdan Success on Rosemead Projects      Willdan's management approach has been proven on past  City of Rosemead task order assignments to be effective in  delivering services on time, within budget, and to the City’s  satisfaction.     Regular attention to quality assurance and control is particularly important as short‐term projects may  limit the number of interim review steps often associated with a project‐specific contract  As one of the largest full‐service civil engineering and  planning firms in the western United States, Willdan  leads the industry in delivering highly qualified staff  in all aspects of municipal and infrastructure engi‐ neering, public works contracting, public financing,  planning, building safety, and construction manage‐ ment services. In California alone, Willdan's staff has  performed work for over 80 percent of the cities and  counties – often under on‐call and extension of staff  contracts. Willdan’s services and in‐house support  disciplines encompass traffic, civil, structural, ge‐ otechnical, right‐of‐way, city, and special district engineering; urban and regional planning; program/construction  management and inspection; plan, study, and report review; building safety; drainage and flood control; mapping;  and other services such as GIS, utility coordination and relocation, and landscape architecture.  We have the capability to deliver superior staff on short notice. Willdan takes an innovative approach to staffing to  address surges and reductions. We cross‐train staff assigned to our municipal clients so – as workload fluctuates –  team members can assume multiple roles while maintaining high‐quality performance. For example, we assign a  plan checker to the City who has capabilities and qualifications as an inspector. Regardless of the demand or  schedule, Willdan understands that efficient communication of project goals and challenges is essential to capital‐ izing on our full resources and delivering the highest quality and most cost‐effective services to the City.  Thus, the City of Rosemead can be assured that, in hiring Willdan, they benefit from the expertise, experience, and  professionalism needed to be successful in delivering high‐quality projects and services on time and within budget.  Project Approach Our approach to serve the City on this contract is  based upon our 55‐year history of serving public  agencies. Willdan utilizes a management approach,  whereby each assignment is undertaken by a project  team. Each project is assigned to a senior member of  our staff with the background, experience, and avail‐ ability best suited for the assignment.  For this assignment, we propose Ms. Vanessa Muñoz,  PE, TE, PTOE, to serve as Contract Manager and as  General Engineering Services Manager; Mr. Maged  El‐Rabaa with over 34 years of experience in munici‐ pal engineering to serve as City Engineer; and Mr.   Edward Cox with 16 years of experience in public  works inspection to serve as Onsite Public Works   Inspector.  Willdan has designated a team to provide as‐needed  general engineering support to the City for specific  project/task work orders. The fundamental goal of  Willdan's team is to provide the City with the highest  level of support in completing the as‐needed special  tasks. This will require close personal coordination between Willdan and the City. To accomplish this, we will con‐ duct interactive meetings with City staff throughout the course of each assignment to ensure all issues are ad‐ dressed. Our team has a broad variety of talent and experience in city engineering; development review; public  works permitting and inspection; capital improvement project design, inspection, and contract     Approach and Methodology Benefits to City     Tried and true approach and methodology promotes  good interaction among all team members  Produces quality work on time and within budget  All team members fully understand project scope and  challenges  Opportunities to provide City and stakeholder input and  discuss project in detail  Best‐suited, agreed‐upon course of action mitigates fu‐ ture misunderstandings  All team members understand their role on the project  and what is expected  Successful completion of many other public agency on‐ call assignments and – in particular – for City of  Rosemead, ensures Willdan's team understands City  processes and possesses technical skills vital to ensuring  projects receive necessary attention, objectives are met,  schedules are kept, and each task stays on budget    Corporate‐Wide Resources to Meet Project Demands      Over 350 staff members located in 12 engineering of‐ fices  Corporate‐wide resources offering over 1,280 employ‐ ees in 60 offices nationwide  Wide range of discipline markets and expertise such as  public works engineering, construction management  and inspection; energy; and financial analysis    administration; facility and infrastructure maintenance and repair; surveying; and soils investigation. Combined  with our understanding of the desired services and our experience with the City of Rosemead, Willdan can assist  the City with successful completion of all engineering matters.  Willdan will commit the appropriate staff to ensure specific projects, as well as the overall contract, are successful.  Our intended approach is to:   Fully understand each project requested by the City   Review each project scope of work in detail with the City   Agree on course or extent of best‐suited action   Proceed with project accordingly  Having successfully completed many other assignments of this type for the City of Rosemead and other agencies in  Los Angeles County, Willdan's proposed team understands City and County processes and possesses the technical  and communication skills that are vital to ensuring each task receives the necessary attention, objectives are met,  schedules are adhered to, and project tasks are within budget.  Methodology Willdan's methodology focuses heavily on client service and communications. As a firm with a strong public agency  orientation, many of our client relationships are long term and ones in which our staff develops intimate familiarity  with City staff, since we very often serve as an extension of City staff. As such, it is extremely important that our  presence on each assignment is seamless.  Willdan's staff assigned as extension of city staff, such as City Engineer, most often work independently of the gen‐ eral engineering services project teams, since they are generally working directly for and with City staff as City  staff. In this instance, the project team’s role is subservient to the primary assignment and only comes into play on  a support basis or on a project‐specific basis, such as for additional services for capital improvement project de‐ sign, reviewing tract and parcel maps, and structural assessments.  Communication Approach Willdan recognizes that effective, ongoing co‐ operative communication between all parties  over the course of any assignment is essential  to successful project completion. This commu‐ nication starts with a project kick‐off meeting  where the objectives and expectations of the  City for each awarded project are clearly artic‐ ulated and understood by Willdan. In addi‐ tion, agreed‐upon methods and scheduling of  formal reporting are established with identifi‐ cation of individuals to be involved in the pro‐ ject's decision‐making process. This sets forth  accountability and responsibility for informing and facilitating the project.  As the project progresses, communication continues through regular correspondence, teleconference discussions,  and meetings with City staff seeking direction on issues that may arise and keeping City staff apprised of the pro‐ ject. Clear and concise progress updates are provided. Emails and teleconferences are utilized whenever possible  and appropriate to minimize City staff time spent in meetings.       Technical Approach As Contract Manager, Ms. Vanessa Muñoz, PE, TE,  PTOE, will serve as the single point of contact to City  staff. Upon receipt of a project assignment or award,  Ms. Muñoz will analyze the project and assign a Pro‐ ject Manager with the appropriate qualifications and  experience to ensure tasks are completed in accord‐ ance with the City's goals and visions. Together, they  will select qualified team members to provide tech‐ nical support for the project.  Ms. Muñoz will convey all‐important matters to the assigned Project Manager and the selected project team as  appropriate. The Project Manager will, then, take full responsibility for understanding the project requirements,  detailing the project scope requirements, and estimating the fee to complete the project effectively and efficiently.  The assigned Project Manager will maintain the team members assigned to the project from beginning to end. This  means the same individuals responsible for design elements are the same individuals reviewing shop drawings,  preparing as‐built plans, or responding to questions during the bidding or construction process. This management  approach has been proven on past projects to be effective in delivering projects on time, within budget and to the  client’s satisfaction.  Key components of this approach are:  Project Initiation  Our project approach includes our dedication to meet early with City of Rosemead staff to finalize the scope,  schedule, and process, as discussed above. The assigned Project Manager – together with Ms. Muñoz – will hold a  kick‐off meeting with key Rosemead staff outlining the project schedule, specific needs, and project information as  appropriate. The Project Manager will prepare the meeting agenda and notes and provide them to Rosemead's  staff in a timely manner. Once approved by the City, Willdan will await a notice to proceed from the City of  Rosemead. At this point, we will begin preliminary engineering and the project officially begins.  Project Objectives  The objectives of any project are essentially the objectives of the City of Rosemead. Prior to initiating Willdan’s ef‐ forts, a thorough understanding of Rosemead's concerns and objectives is essential to ensure project success. Will‐ dan will work closely with City staff and other involved agencies to identify specific goals, objectives, and chal‐ lenges. The initial project scope and needs assessment are vital since the City of Rosemead and other involved  agency’s goals could impact the schedule and overall cost.  Project Scoping  Once the Project Manager has identified the City of Rosemead’s goals for a project, he/she will work with Ms.  Muñoz to develop a comprehensive scope that clearly identifies the various tasks and associated deliverables – a  critical component to ensure an effective and attainable project schedule. Willdan will develop a detailed scope of  work that adheres to the sequence of tasks necessary to provide for project planning and design. Development of  a comprehensive scope of work will aid Ms. Muñoz in minimizing miscommunication among all project team mem‐ bers, including City of Rosemead staff and respective stakeholders.    Elements of Approach      Fully understand project scope and client objectives  Review each project in detail  Agree on course of action  Assess and approve    Scheduling  Scheduling is a key component in any design process or project assignment. It enables the team to effectively de‐ liver an on‐time, within‐budget project. It provides City staff and other reviewing agencies with the information  they need to mobilize resources for timely reviews of project deliverables. The schedule allows the project team to  mobilize appropriate staff in a timely manner to perform the tasks necessary for each deliverable.  After task requirements are identified, the Project Manager will work closely with Ms. Muñoz to determine staff  availability. He/she will then allocate tasks to staff members, depending upon the workload and skill sets relative  to the scope. Each Project Manager will review if DBE goals need to be met and select qualified subconsultant  firms to meet the City of Rosemead’s goals as appropriate. The Project Manager will provide the qualifications of  the selected DBEs for the City's approval, if required by City staff.  To best meet the objectives of a design process schedule, Willdan uses Microsoft Project scheduling software to  regularly monitor the project's progress. Critical path methodology is used, and resource and cost loading are in‐ cluded when appropriate. Specific critical path items and key critical decisions that affect project progression are  identified on a continuous basis.  Progress Reporting  Ms. Muñoz will develop regular progress reports to be delivered electronically to key City of Rosemead staff using  a standard memorandum format developed by our team. Regular progress meetings will be conducted by Ms.  Muñoz to acquire information, keep staff informed of key design decisions, and obtain staff concurrence on pro‐ ject issues.  Staffing and Resource Management Plan  Willdan is completely committed to providing the staffing and resources required to complete projects under this  contract on schedule and with high quality. To ensure we meet this commitment, we prepare labor projections for  all projects. Projections are made for each individual project and then aggregated by the technical director to pro‐ duce division/office‐wide labor needs and identify shortages or surpluses.  Labor planning for this contract will be conducted on an individualized basis. Ms. Muñoz, together with each as‐ signed Project Manager, will identify the staff required to complete each awarded project and calculate the hours.  This data will be input into our project staffing needs plan on a weekly basis. If the City awards Willdan a significant  amount of work, Willdan will hire additional personnel, if needed, to provide additional support as necessary.  For activities that do not require a specific person (i.e., draftsperson, technical aide, word processing, etc.), this  estimate will be done on a position basis. Project staffing assignments will match the experience of personnel with  the degree of project complexity. Because resources are often shared for any given project, our project managers  are very involved in our staff workload projections.  Typical Scopes of Work Willdan is very familiar with services typically required in providing city engineering, traffic engineering, and gen‐ eral engineering services to Southern California cities. We have reviewed the requirements for this contract as pre‐ sented and find they are consistent with the services we have provided for other cities. The following presents  brief, typical scopes of work for various discipline services that may be needed under the City's services contract.  These typical scopes are intended only as a guide. A specific scope of work will be provided to the City for each  project assigned or awarded to Willdan  City Engineer Support Functions  At this time, Willdan commits Mr. Maged El‐Rabaa, PE, our proposed City Engineer, to be at City Hall on a routine  basis for an agreed‐upon number of hours per week. Based upon the City’s needs, the routine hours at the City for  Mr. El‐Rabaa are flexible and can be adjusted to various combinations to balance coverage of work as well as budg‐ etary considerations. Mr. El‐Rabaa will be available on an as‐needed basis in addition to the routinely scheduled  hours at the City.       Mr. El‐Rabaa’s approach to the assignment will depend largely upon the specific needs of the City at any given  time; however, he will generally start each day with a review of ongoing work efforts, new work efforts that have  been assigned, and discussion with City staff. Many of these efforts will be self‐directed, except as otherwise given  general or specific direction from the City, as deemed appropriate.  For work efforts while at the City, such as project management, technical advice, and preparation of City Council  agenda items, Mr. El‐Rabaa will work closely with City staff to coordinate specific tasks and provide appropriate  input when needed. He will make necessary contacts with private developers, other public agencies, and other City  departments on an as‐needed basis. To more fully understand all issues relating to specific projects, Mr. El‐Rabaa  will research available records at the City, make field reviews as appropriate, and hold discussions with City staff.  At the end of each day, he will review the events of the day, schedule any remaining needed efforts by City staff,  and establish a preliminary list of efforts for his next regularly scheduled day at the City.  From time to time, the city engineer duties may require Mr. El‐Rabaa to be contacted while not at the City. In such  cases, he will routinely check for messages – both at the City and at Willdan – to keep current with ongoing issues  and formulate and deliver timely responses. This may require him to coordinate with or assign work efforts to City  or Willdan staff. Whenever feasible, he will be available for direct communication while away from his City Hall  office. His typical scope of services would entail:  1. Maintain regularly scheduled office hours at City Hall for agreed‐upon number of hours per week. Additional  hours may be requested on as‐needed basis.  2. Prepare and/or administer long‐ and short‐range public works programs.  3. Provide technical advice to City personnel assigned to public works activities.  4. Advise City as to engineering and construction financing available from other governmental agencies and pre‐ pare and initiate applications for such funding.  5. Provide technical assistance for all public works infrastructure issues.  6. Prepare drawings, diagrams, graphs, charts, databases, spreadsheets, and tables using common desktop, com‐ puter‐aided design, and/or GIS software programs.  7. Develop, review, and update engineer’s reports for special assessment districts such as landscaping and light‐ ing districts.  8. Develop and update capital improvement plans and developer fees and assist Public Works Director on annual  Capital Improvement Program budget.  9. When directed, analyze City’s needs and prepare and administer long‐ and short‐range capital improvement  programs consistent with economic capabilities outlined in City's Capital Improvement Program budget.  10. When directed, review and provide written comments on planning programs and land development matters.  11. Attend meetings such as City Council, LACMTA, Technical Steering Committee, Technical Advisory, and other  meetings, as requested.  Onsite Public Works Permits and Inspection  1. Provide construction observation inspection of permit work within City streets and rights‐of‐way.  2. Check plans and specifications and provide construction administration and observation for City projects de‐ signed by third parties.  3. Prepare transportation and encroachment permits in accordance with City procedures, as required.  4. As a City agent, receive and process requests for inspection services.  5. Provide construction contract administration and construction inspection.       Traffic Engineering Support Functions  1. Provide information to City staff on traffic engineering policies and procedures related to public works.  2. Prepare staff reports, presentations, memoranda, and other materials and information for public meetings.  3. Respond to citizens’ requests, questions, suggestions, complaints, and concerns, as requested.  4. Assist and implement as‐needed emergency work, as directed by City staff.  5. Attend meetings and make presentations with staff to City Council, advisory committees, residents, business  owners, and agency representatives, as requested.  6. Attend and conduct meetings for Traffic Safety Committee, as requested.  7. Coordinate with property owners and residents, as directed by City staff.  8. Provide traffic engineering support services, as needed.  9. Prepare CAD exhibits, public outreach material, complex Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, and Power‐ Point presentations, as directed, for variety of traffic engineering topics.  Capital Improvement Projects Design  1. Prepare plans and specifications for City projects such as buildings, roads, and bridges.  2. Provide design survey, construction survey, real property engineering services, civil and  traffic design, and  construction administration and observation for City projects.  3. Provide special engineering reports regarding such matters as infrastructure improvements, soils reports, mas‐ ter plans, traffic operations, assessment district formation, developer fees, etc.  4. Coordinate with utility companies for relocating affected utilities.  5. Process plans and specifications through other agencies for review and approval in connection with special  funding programs and permits.  6. Prepare preliminary scoping, budget estimates, and project schedules.  7. Coordinate design with and obtain required approvals and permits from City departments, utility companies,  and other stakeholder agencies.  8. Assist City with public engagement regarding project design, as necessary.  9. Assist City with project CEQA and NEPA environmental impact review by drafting environmental checklist  form, notice of exemption, statutory worksheet, and other required documentation.  10. Prepare design surveys, geotechnical investigations, construction plans, specifications, and construction cost  estimates, including services of approved subconsultants necessary to accomplish work.  11. Attend preconstruction meetings and respond to bidders’ questions.  12. Tabulate and review bid documents received.  13. Draft reports and assessments for City information and action.  Development Review  1. Review tentative maps and other submittals for land divisions and proposed developments and make recom‐ mendations related to engineering matters.  2. Check improvement plans for facilities for compliance with zoning requirements, City design standards, and  adopted building codes.  3. Provide field inspection of construction of improvements by private developers and recommend notices of  completion and acceptance of work.    4. Review, check, and provide written recommendations on land use applications to appropriate City staff.  5. Establish performance, labor, and material bond amounts, when needed, and require posting of such securi‐ ties and other development fees within proper time sequence of development review.  6. Provide such necessary and related functions as are normal City practices for review of private developments.  Right‐of‐Way Engineering and Map Review  1. Review final and parcel maps for technical accuracy, conformance with tentative maps, and compliance with  Subdivision Map Act.  2. Perform engineering and boundary surveys.  3. Prepare legal descriptions, grant deeds, and easements with certification by licensed land surveyor.  Grant Funding Applications  1. Gather data for existing traffic volumes, speeds surveys, collision reports, road geometrics, school attendance,  and demographic data.  2. Compile information from City staff regarding prior projects and identify safety issues at candidate locations.  3. Obtain latest grant processes and procedures to determine qualifications, criteria, and proper application for‐ matting. Contact funding agency to discuss projects and ensure they meet funding criteria and timelines.  4. Collect research data regarding health benefits of possible project improvements and programs and identify  any health issues of targeted population.  5. Take site photos to highlight project location's existing conditions.  6. Evaluate anticipated safety and mobility benefits of candidate project(s).  7. Prepare warrant analysis, if needed, for proposed traffic control device(s) and conduct vehicle and/or pedes‐ trian volume counts.  8. Prepare supporting documents, including charts, spreadsheets, cost estimates, collision diagram(s), vicinity  map, location map, concept plans, and/or summary report(s)  9. Prepare infrastructure and non‐infrastructure project schedules, as applicable.  10. Complete online and/or printed application forms and assemble required documents into grant application  package in appropriate formats.  Project Controls Quality Assurance Quality assurance and control are critical to ensuring sound design practices are applied and quality deliverables  are produced. Mr. Frederick Wickman, PE, will serve as Quality Assurance Manager overseeing the quality assur‐ ance and control activities. Typical activities include assigning the appropriate technical staff, selecting the proper  project technical approach, establishing a project schedule that meets Willdan and City deadlines, and determining  the proper level of quality review. The four levels of review for deliverables are:   Level 1 – peer review only   Level 2 – peer review and editorial review (documents)   Level 3 – peer review, editorial review, and professional engineer review   Level 4 – all elements of Level 3 plus additional reviews by specific technical experts  Mr. Wickman will assign senior staff members experienced in the required disciplines and not directly involved in  the project to implement project‐specific quality assurance and control activities. Each senior staff will report di‐ rectly to Mr. Wickman but work closely with our Project Managers in carrying out quality review and oversight.    Schedule Management Our project‐specific Project Managers will promote team communication, collaboration, and proper documenta‐ tion in managing all project phases. They will prepare a work plan that provides definitive directions to the project  team as agreed to by the City during the initial kick‐off meeting. The plan will address staffing and assignments,  scope of work, deliverables, budget, and schedule with milestones.  The schedule will be updated monthly to reflect actual and forecasted completions. Our assigned Project Manag‐ ers will monitor all project progress weekly to anticipate and forecast potential issues and develop an advanced  strategy to proactively mitigate problems before they impact the schedule. They will keep City staff informed of  the overall schedule, including advanced notification of any necessary adjustments or actions to keep the project  on track. Our approach to allocating resources and managing the schedule is outlined below.   Assign staff with appropriate level of expertise to develop and deliver submittals correctly and avoid  costly schedule delays   Ensure project requirements are clearly understood by all team members and reinforced through fre‐ quent team communications and meetings   Develop thorough meeting minutes and hold team accountable for deadlines   Identify issue(s) and assign extra support and effort if schedule indicates project elements need adjusting   Create detailed project schedule outlining all tasks, including quality assurance and control efforts and  tasks to be performed by City staff – with completion dates necessary to achieve schedule goal   Consistently use project tracking tools, such as issues and decision logs, monthly progress reports, and  schedule updates   Frequently update City staff on task progress and discuss corrective measures to maintain schedule  Cost Management and Financial Accounting Willdan’s approach to cost control considers minimizing both design and construction costs. This starts with ensur‐ ing project assignments are given to the appropriate staff with the expertise that aligns with the needs of the pro‐ ject – with the goal of minimizing learning curves. Accurate budget cost control is achieved through application of  several different cost tracking methods. This includes tracking progress, i.e., percent complete, and comparing to  costs incurred to assess the project’s budget status. Our engineering design labor costs will be monitored through  weekly reports generated by our accounting system.  Willdan uses Deltek CostPoint accounting software – a Caltrans‐ and federally‐compliant software tracking system  for time and financial reporting providing enhanced compliance features to help municipal agencies track project  services and costs. The key benefit of the Deltek system is the advantage Costpoint offers government contractors  through unparalleled project management, accounting, labor reporting, and compliance features. It was built spe‐ cifically for – and has been adopted by thousands of – government contractors and earned the trust of federal  agencies and their auditors. It helps ensure Willdan has total Defense Contract Audit Agency compliance and keeps  us in sync with DFARS and SOX compliance. By utilizing this software, Willdan has successfully passed pre‐audit and  post‐audit approvals for projects subject to Caltrans conditions and processes.  Willdan maintains a current Caltrans approved indirect cost rate for federal‐aid projects that is fully compliant with  48 CFR Part 16.301‐3 Limitations, 49 CFR Part 18 Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative  Agreements to State and Local Governments, and 48 CFR Part 31 Contract Cost Principles and Procedures.      Willdan’s financial accounting system is main‐ tained on the accrual basis of accounting. We  maintain an integrated job order cost account‐ ing system for recording and accumulating costs  incurred under our contracts, wherein on‐call  contract project assignments/task orders and  subcontractors are assigned individual project  sub‐codes. Willdan’s accounting system is capa‐ ble of segregating direct from indirect costs. In‐ direct costs methodology and allowable costs  are consistent with all federal accounting re‐ quirements.  Willdan will meet all City of Rosemead require‐ ments for billing. During the project start‐up pe‐ riod, Ms. Muñoz will meet with City staff and  review the submittal requirements and format for consistent monthly reporting of project costs. The intent will be  to confirm that our format and invoices will meet the City's requirements. Willdan will then create invoices, review  them with City staff for the first several months to ensure smooth processing, and eliminate identified issues. All  systems will be tested to ensure the City of Rosemead has all necessary data in a format that is required for each  project assigned.       Section 2 – Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes Willdan has carefully selected our team to offer the  City a complete package of services to provide exten‐ sion of staff and on‐call civil, traffic, and general engi‐ neering services in support of the City's capital im‐ provement and development projects. Our team has a  broad variety of talent and experience in city engi‐ neering; development review; public works permitting  and inspection; capital improvement project design,  inspection, and contract administration; public facility  and infrastructure maintenance and repair; surveying; and soils investigation. Combined with our understanding of  the desired services and our experience with the City of Rosemead, Willdan can assist the City with successful com‐ pletion of all capital improvement and development projects.  Project Team Willdan's team members selected for the City's civil engineering, traffic engineering, and general engineering ser‐ vices contract are identified in the organization chart presented below. The organization chart identifies the key  personnel selected to serve as City Engineer, Onsite Inspector, Traffic Engineer, Traffic Engineering Deputy, and  general engineering project‐specific Project Managers. The chart illustrates the reporting relationships and project  roles for Willdan's team along with a listing of available staffing resources and their respective disciplines. These  staffing resources may be called upon to serve the City as technical support team members for projects assigned d  under the City's contract. Staff presented are representative of the caliber and quality of Willdan's entire staffing  resources. This is far from an exhaustive list of our resources and is shown to assist the City in evaluating the cali‐ ber and depth of our staff. Resumes for our key staff team members are provided at the end of this Section 2.    Project Team Goal      The fundamental goal of Willdan's team is to provide the  City with the highest level of support in completing the on‐ call and extension of staff task orders.  Our corporate philosophy puts the client first and we work  tirelessly to achieve our clients' community visions.    Key Personnel Contract Manager Ms. Vanessa Muñoz, PE, TE, PTOE, will serve the City of Rosemead as Contract Manager and as the City's main  point of contact. In this role, Ms. Muñoz will apply her strong managerial capabilities to allocate sufficient staffing  resources for each project awarded under the City's city, traffic, and general engineering contract. She has over 22  years of experience serving as designer, project engineer, project manager, and principal‐in‐charge. Ms. Muñoz is  an accomplished civil and traffic engineer for multi‐discipline/agency infrastructure projects – providing innovative  quality designs that ensure project delivery within budget and schedule. Her experience includes street widening,  median and roadway realignment, pavement rehabilitation, signing, striping, traffic signal, and bicycle facility im‐ provements funded through various federal funding sources. A brief profile summarizing Ms. Muñoz's role, regis‐ trations, and experience is provided below. A comprehensive resume detailing her relevant experience is provided  in the Resumes subsection of this Section 2 – Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes.  Vanessa Muñoz, PE, TE, PTOE Project Role   Contract Manager   General Engineering Services Manager  Summary Profile   Professional Traffic Operation Engineer   Civil Engineer, California No. 67583     Traffic Engineer, California No. 2341   22 Years' Experience  Experience that Benefits City of Rosemead   Project Study Report Task Manager, Firestone Boulevard Capacity Improvements, City of South Gate   Traffic Engineering Task Manager, Firestone Boulevard/Atlantic Avenue Street Improvements, City of South Gate   Project Manager, Glenoaks Boulevard HSIP Cycle 7 and Resurfacing Improvements, City of San Fernando   Traffic Engineering Task Manager, Paramount Boulevard Urban Renovation and Complete Street Improvements, City of Para‐ mount   Project Manager, Palos Verdes Drive North Bicycle Lane RPSTPLE/SR2S Improvements, City of Rolling Hills Estates    In addition to our proposed Contract Manager, Ms. Vanessa Muñoz, PE, TE, PTOE, our project team is comprised of  staff with expertise in all facets of the disciplines required for the needed services. The key project team members  below will support Ms. Muñoz by providing leadership for the disciplines identified in our project team organiza‐ tion chart. Brief profiles summarizing our team members' roles, registrations, and experience are provided below.  A comprehensive resume detailing their relevant experience is provided in the Resumes subsection of this Section  2 – Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes.  City Engineering Key Team Maged El‐Rabaa Project Role   City Engineer  Summary Profile   Civil Engineer, California No. 45655     34 Years' Experience  Experience that Benefits City of Rosemead   Section Head, County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works   City Engineer, County/City Cooperative Infrastructure Improvements, County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works   Senior Project Manager, Qatar Education City Building and Infrastructure Improvements, Qatar Foundation   Senior Project Engineer, Qatar Education City South site Infrastructure and Landscaping Improvements, Qatar Foundation   Acting General Manager – Contracting Division, Qatar Building Company  Edward Cox Project Role   Onsite Public Works Inspector  Summary Profile   Apprenticeship Program, United Association Local 250     39 Years' Experience       Experience that Benefits City of Rosemead   Construction Inspector, Caruthers Park Stormwater and Urban Runoff Capture Improvements, City of Bellflower   Construction Inspector, Imperial Highway Improvements, City of Inglewood   Construction Inspector, Water Infrastructure Improvements, City of Santa Monica   Construction Inspector, Annual Resurfacing Improvements, City of Rolling Hills Estates   Construction Inspector, SR2S Cycle 9 Improvements, City of Inglewood   Construction Inspector, Equestrian Crossing Safety Improvements, City of Rolling Hills Estates    Traffic Engineering Key Team Jeffrey Lau, PE, TE Project Role   Traffic Engineer   General Engineering Project Manager ‐ Traffic Design and  Plan Review  Summary Profile   Civil Engineer, California No. 83887   Traffic Engineer, California No. 2835     16 Years' Experience  Experience that Benefits City of Rosemead   Traffic Engineering Designer, Firestone Boulevard Capacity Enhancement, City of South Gate   Traffic Engineering Designer, Firestone Boulevard/Atlantic Avenue Street Improvements, City of South Gate   Traffic Engineering Task Manager, Tweedy Boulevard HSIP Street Improvements, City of South Gate   Traffic Engineering Designer, Glenoaks Boulevard HSIP Cycle 7 and Resurfacing Improvements, City of San Fernando   Traffic Engineering Designer, Palos Verdes Drive North Bicycle Lane RPSTPLE/SR2S Improvements, City of Rolling Hills Estates  Joanne Itagaki Project Role   Traffic Engineering Deputy  Summary Profile   34 Years' Experience      Experience that Benefits City of Rosemead   Project Manager, Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Study, City of Rosemead   Project Manager, Countywide Crash Rate Development and Analysis, County of Los Angeles   Traffic Engineering Deputy, Traffic Engineering Services, City of Norwalk   Traffic Engineering Deputy, Traffic Engineering Services, City of Rolling Hills Estates    General Engineering Key Team Rafael Casillas, PE Project Role   General Engineering Project Manager – Civil Design and Plan  Review  Summary Profile   Civil Engineer, California No. 68234     32 Years' Experience  Experience that Benefits City of Rosemead   Project Manager, Arterial Street Resurfacing, City of Paramount   Civil Engineering Task Manager, Garfield Avenue Corridor Improvements, City of Paramount   Civil Designer, Lakewood Boulevard and Del Amo Boulevard Hot Spot Intersection Improvement, City of Lakewood   Civil Engineering Task Manager, Pavement Rehabilitation and Fishburn Avenue Improvements, City of Bell   Civil Engineering Task Manager, Centinela Avenue Street Improvements, City of Inglewood  John Hidalgo, RLA Project Role   General Engineering Project Manager – Landscape Architec‐ ture Design and Plan Review  Summary Profile   Landscape Architect, California No. 3551   Contractor C‐27, California No. 713613     29 Years' Experience    Experience that Benefits City of South Gate   Landscape Architecture Task Manager, Firestone Boulevard Capacity Enhancement, City of South Gate   Landscape Architecture Task Manager, Tweedy Boulevard HSIP Street Improvements, City of South Gate   Landscape Architecture Task Manager, Paramount Boulevard Urban Renovation and Complete Street Improvements, City of  Paramount  David Knell, PLS Project Role   General Engineering Project Manager – Survey, Right‐of‐ Way Engineering, and Map Review  Summary Profile   Land Surveyor, California No. 5301     43 Years' Experience  Experience that Benefits City of Rosemead   Survey/Right‐of‐Way Task Manager, Firestone Boulevard Capacity Enhancement, City of South Gate   Survey/Right‐of‐Way Task Manager, Firestone Boulevard/Atlantic Avenue Street Improvements, City of South Gate   Survey/Right‐of‐Way Task Manager, Glenoaks Boulevard HSIP Cycle 7 and Resurfacing Improvements, City of San Fernando   Survey/Right‐of‐Way Task Manager, Palos Verdes Drive North Bicycle Lane RPSTPLE/SR2S Improvements, City of Rolling Hills  Estates   Survey/Right‐of‐Way Task Manager, Drummond Avenue Widening and Realignment HSIP Improvements, City of Ridgecrest  Mohsen Rahimian, PE, GE Project Role   General Engineering Project Manager – Geotechnical Engi‐ neering, Testing, and Study Review  Summary Profile   Civil Engineer, California No. 73396   Geotechnical Engineer, California No. 3059     32 Years' Experience  Experience that Benefits City of Rosemead   Geotechnical Engineering Task Manager, Firestone Boulevard Capacity Enhancement, City of South Gate   Geotechnical Engineering Task Manager, Firestone Boulevard/Atlantic Avenue Street Improvements, City of South Gate   Geotechnical Engineering Task Manager, Glenoaks Boulevard HSIP Cycle 7 and Resurfacing Improvements, City of San Fer‐ nando   Geotechnical Engineer, Palos Verdes Drive North Bicycle Lane RPSTPLE/SR2S Improvements, City of Rolling Hills Estates   Geotechnical Engineer, Drummond Avenue Widening and Realignment HSIP Improvements, City of Ridgecrest  Diane Rukavina, PE Project Role   General Engineering Project Manager – Grant Administra‐ tion  Summary Profile   Civil Engineer, California No. 36380     38 Years' Experience  Experience that Benefits City of Rosemead   Funding Administration Task Manager, Tweedy Boulevard HSIP Street Improvements, City of South Gate   Funding Administration Task Manager, Glenoaks Boulevard HSIP Cycle 7 and Resurfacing Improvements, City of San Fernando  Funding Administration Task Manager, Paramount Boulevard Urban Renovation and Complete Street Improvements, City of  Paramount   Funding Administration Task Manager, Drummond Avenue Widening and Realignment HSIP Improvements, City of Ridgecrest Nicolle Spann, EIT Project Role   General Engineering Project Manager – Grant Application  Summary Profile   Engineer‐in‐Training, California No. 156551     5 Years' Experience       Experience that Benefits City of Rosemead   Traffic Engineering Designer, West Santa Ana Branch Bicycle Trail STP Application, City of Paramount   Traffic Engineering Designer, Lakewood Boulevard Regional Corridor Capacity Enhancement, City of Lakewood   Traffic Engineering Designer, Pacoima Wash Bikeway, Mountain Recreation Conservation Authority/Pareto Planning & Envi‐ ronmental Services, County of Los Angeles   Traffic Engineering Designer, Federal Safe Route to School Program, Cycle 2 Non‐Infrastructure Improvements, City of South  Gate   Traffic Engineering Designer, Systemic Safety Analysis Report, City of La Cañada Flintridge  Jane Freij Project Role   General Engineering Project Manager – Labor Compliance   Summary Profile   20 Years' Experience      Experience that Benefits City of Rosemead   Labor Compliance Task Leader, La Brea Avenue Pavement Reconstruction – Phase II, City of Inglewood   Labor Compliance Task Leader, La Brea Avenue Intersection Realignment – Phase III, City of Inglewood   Labor Compliance Task Leader, Glendora Avenue and Temple Avenue Street Improvements, City of La Puente   Labor Compliance Task Leader, MetroLink Railroad Station Parking Lot Expansion, City of Rialto   Labor Compliance Task Leader, Third Street Improvements, City of Davis  Robert Sun Project Role   General Engineering Project Manager – Environmental Per‐ mitting/Studies  Summary Profile   19 Years' Experience      Experience that Benefits City of Rosemead   Environmental Planner, Long Valley Road/Valley Circle Boulevard/U.S. 101 On‐Ramp Improvements. City of Hidden Hills   Environmental Documentation and Permitting Task Leader Manager, Urban Greening Bicycle Trail, City of Lynwood   Environmental Documentation and Permitting Task Leader Manager, Caruthers Park Stormwater and Urban Runoff Capture  Improvements, City of Bellflower   Environmental Documentation and Permitting Task Leader Manager, Firestone Boulevard Capacity Enhancement, City of  South Gate   Environmental Documentation and Permitting Task Leader Manager, Live Oak Street Mitigated Negative Declarations, City of  Cudahy   Environmental Planner, Artesia LIVE Phases I and II, City of Artesia  Jason Brown Project Role   General Engineering Project Manager – Construction Man‐ agement and Inspection  Summary Profile   28 Years' Experience      Experience that Benefits City of Rosemead   Supervising Construction Inspector, On‐Call Inspection Services, City of Pomona   Supervising Construction Inspector, On‐Call Public Works and Land Development Inspection Services, City of Long Beach   Supervising Construction Inspector, On‐Call Inspection Services, Liberty Utilities   Construction Manager/Supervising Construction Inspector, On‐Call Inspection Services, City of Downey   Supervising Construction Inspector, Citywide Traffic Signal Modifications, City of Lakewood   Supervising Construction Inspector, Arcadia Downtown 2000 Revitalization, City of Arcadia   Supervising Construction Inspector, Transit Priority, City of Santa Monica  James McGuire Project Role   General Engineering Project Manager – Assessment District  and Bond Review and Administration  Summary Profile   27 Years' Experience        Experience that Benefits City of Rosemead   Project Manager, Clean Water Fee, County of Los Angeles Flood Control District   Project Manager, Hollywood Entertainment District, Los Angeles County   Assessment District Administrator, On‐Call Assessment District Services, City of Arcadia   Assessment District Administrator, On‐Call Assessment District Services, City of Artesia   Assessment District Administrator, On‐Call Assessment District Services, City of Pomona    Technical Support Team The team identified below will provide technical support to all our key team members identified above for services  requested by the City involving city engineering, traffic engineering, and/or general engineering.  Name  Years of  Experience Name  Years of  Experience Civil Design and Plan Review Grant Application  Tyrone Peter, PE  14  Rosa Kang  19  Ronald Stein, PE  8 Environmental Permitting and Studies  Alexis Escobar, EIT  3  Salvador Lopez Jr.  20  Rafael Suarez  9  Christine Kudija, AICP, JD  32  Bernardo Reyes  18 Construction Management and Inspection  Melvin Gillard  21  Larry Brown  34  Patricia Hernandez  1  Barry Knutson  36  Randy Shadowen  23  Chad Meelker  27  Traffic Design and Plan Review Joseph Putrino  39  Farhad Iranitalab, PE, TE   34  Glenn Stanley  20  Manoochehr Adhami, PE, TE   39 Assessment District and Bond Review and Administration  Robert Burch  27  Chris Fisher  21  Kevin Custado, EIT  5 Utility Coordination  Reginald Greene  21  Sheila McCracken  31  Landscape Architecture Design and Plan Review Tamara Boeltl  32  Brian Nguyen, RLA  19 Structural Design  Carlos Espinoza  13  Gary Gordon, PE  34  Survey, Right‐of‐Way Engineering, and Map Review Richard Uhlmann   38  David Krommenhoek, PLS  23 Hydrology/Hydraulics  Susana Barrientos  20  Chris Stone  24  Geotechnical Engineering, Testing, and Study Review Kenneth Krieger  34  Ross Khiabani, PE, GE  40 NPDES, SWPPP, and WQMD Design and Review  Afshin Mantegh  19  Christopher Kelley, PE, QSD/P  14  Ramon Calbay  41  Joseph Bellomo, PE, QSD/P  16  Michael Corral  13 Quality Assurance Management  Joseph Ritchey  33  Frederick Wickman, PE  31  James Rotondo  21   Resumes Resumes for our contract management and key staff are presented on the following pages.       Vanessa Muñoz, PE, TE, PTOE Contract Manager/General Engineering Services Manager Profile Summary Education:  BS, Civil Engineering, California Polytechnic State University, Pomona  Registration:   Professional Traffic Operations Engineer    Civil Engineer, California No. 67583    Traffic Engineer, California No. 2341  Experience:  22 Years    Ms. Vanessa Muñoz is an accomplished engineer for multi‐discipline and multi‐agency traffic and transportation  projects and has designed over 700 signalized intersections and supervised completion of over 1,000 projects for a  variety of large‐ to small‐scale projects. Her area of expertise includes traffic impact studies, engineering and traffic  surveys, design and operations, municipal engineering, and operational analyses. Ms. Muñoz is responsible for  analysis, coordination, and preparation of plans, specifications, and estimate for traffic signals, signing, striping,  traffic control, flashing beacons, street lighting, interconnect, parking lots, street widening and resurfacing pro‐ jects. She has performed street lighting inventories for master plans, developed design plans and performed en‐ ergy audits for street lighting conversions and street lighting upgrades. Ms. Muñoz serves on an on‐call basis as the  City Traffic Engineer for the Cities of Rolling Hills and Inglewood and has served in a traffic engineer capacity or as  City Traffic Engineer for the Cities of Arcadia, Camarillo, and Fontana.  Ms. Muñoz has secured funding through the Safe Routes to School (SR2S) and Highway Safety Improvement Pro‐ gram (HSIP) grants and has managed projects that include federal funds such as SRTS, HSIP, ARRA, STIP, and STPL.  She is extremely familiar with the Local Assistance Procedures Manual and has coordinated the approval of  NEPA/CEQA, understands the procedures for allocation of construction funds and issuance of the E‐76 form.  Relevant Project Experience Urban Greening Bicycle Trail, City of Lynwood, California. Principal‐in‐Charge/Quality Assurance Manager respon‐ sible for ensuring availability of staffing resources and leading in‐house quality assurance program for the engi‐ neering efforts required to develop a sustainable, integrated, and efficient design for a bicycle trail within the com‐ munity consistent with the City's year‐round recreational programs. The $2.85 million, 1.2‐mile project improve‐ ments are being designed to meet the City's general plan objectives and incorporate landscaping and decora‐ tive/commemorative points‐of‐interest along the trail. The ultimate bicycle path will provide safe connectivity be‐ tween parks, bus and light rail transit stops, city hall, and other City attractions and shopping areas. Willdan is  providing full engineering design services encompassing field survey, right‐of‐way engineering, geotechnical engi‐ neering and inspection, landscape architecture, environmental documentation, preliminary and final design, drain‐ age and water quality, utility coordination, traffic design, and safety and visibility lighting design.  Long Valley Road/Valley Circle Boulevard/U.S. 101 On‐Ramp Improvements. City of Hidden Hills, California. Prin‐ cipal‐in‐Charge/Quality Assurance Manager responsible for ensuring availability of staffing resources and leading  in‐house quality assurance program for the engineering efforts required to improve traffic congestion and pedes‐ trian access at the Long Valley Road on‐ramp intersection. The improvements encompass sidewalks, right turn‐out  lane, paved public parking lot and staging area for City entry, on‐ramp sidewalk, shoulder paving, and other im‐ provements at the heavily congested intersection of Long Valley Road and U.S. 101 on‐ramp. Willdan is providing  civil, drainage, landscape architectural, and traffic design; environmental compliance documentation; survey; ge‐ otechnical engineering and materials testing; grant funding administration; utility coordination; NPDES, SWPPP,  and erosion control; right‐of‐way engineering; and construction support for this Measure R improvement project.  Firestone Boulevard Capacity Enhancement, City of South Gate, California. Project Study Report Task Manager  responsible for oversight and report finalization services required for a project study report equivalent for the cor‐ ridor improvements from Alameda Street to Hunt Avenue. The improvements involved roadway widening from  four to six lanes; pavement rehabilitation; landscape and hardscape medians; median lighting; sidewalk, curb and  gutter, and driveway approach reconstruction; ADA‐compliant ramps; parkway trees; artistic elements and corri‐ dor entrance monument; bus shelter and bus turnouts; and traffic signal modifications. Services provided included    civil, traffic, pavement, and drainage engineering; landscape architecture, survey and right‐of‐way engineering;  and utility relocation.  Palos Verdes Drive North Bicycle Lane RPSTPLE/SR2S Improvements, City of Rolling Hills Estates, California. Pro‐ ject Manager responsible for overall project management and oversight for engineering design provided for a $4  million improvement project adding bicycle lanes between Crenshaw Boulevard and the west city limits. Willdan  provided preliminary and final design and construction management for the 1.26‐mile roadway widening. The im‐ provements were necessary to accommodate a second through lane at major intersections to increase capacity  and add 5‐foot bicycle lanes within a 200‐foot right‐of‐way.  Glenoaks Boulevard HSIP Cycle 7 and Resurfacing Improvements, City of San Fernando, California. Project Man‐ ager responsible for overall project management and oversight for engineering design required for the HSIP Cycle  7 intersection improvements. The design involves traffic signal modifications to protected/left‐turn phasing and  non‐landscaped raised medians for the length of the turn pockets at Arroyo Street, Griswald Avenue, Grand Boule‐ vard, Maclay Avenue, Haring Avenue, and Orange Grove Avenue. The project also involves 1.27 miles of street re‐ surfacing between the east and west city limits.  Paramount Boulevard Urban Renovation and Complete Street Improvements, City of Paramount. California.  Traffic Engineering Task Manager responsible for providing and overseeing all traffic engineering services required  for street improvements necessary to transform Paramount Boulevard from a four‐lane arterial roadway into a  scenic, multi‐modal complete street corridor lined with shade trees and LED lighting to foster a more walkable and  vibrant downtown atmosphere. The improvements involved traffic‐calmed vehicle lanes with bulb‐outs, two mid‐ block pedestrian crossings enhanced with rectangular rapid flashing beacons, new traffic signal, LED street and pe‐ destrian lighting, parklet, bus shelters, new sidewalks, monument signs, and drought‐tolerant streetscaping.  Firestone Boulevard/Atlantic Avenue Intersection Improvements, City of South Gate, California. Traffic Engineer‐ ing Task Manager responsible for providing and overseeing all traffic engineering services required for improve‐ ments between Firestone Boulevard limit and south city limit. The improvements involved asphalt‐rubber hot mix  overlay, street widening, street trees, raised landscaped medians, irrigation system, ADA‐compliant curb ramps,  concrete repairs, traffic signal modifications, communication conduits, and signing and striping. Willdan assisted  the City through the planning process by developing a concept plan and presenting it to city council and affected  business owners and residents. Willdan provided civil and traffic engineering design, pavement engineering, design  survey, landscape architectural design, public outreach, and utility coordination.  US 101/Lindero Canyon Road Interchange and Roadway Widening, City of Westlake Village, California. Traffic  Engineering Task Manager responsible for providing and overseeing all traffic engineering design required to widen  the roadway and bridge between Via Colinas and Agoura Road from two lanes to three lanes in each direction. Por‐ tions of curb and gutter and raised median along Lindero Canyon Road were removed and reconstructed to accom‐ modate the widening. The north‐ and south bound on‐ and off‐ramps were modified to incorporate the widened  roadway section. Traffic improvements, including associated traffic signal modifications and signing and striping  were included. Pedestrian facilities on the bridge over State Route 101 were reconfigured to eliminate the side‐ walk on the north side of the bridge and provide a combination bike path/sidewalk on the south side of the bridge.  Part of the bridge modification involved removing and replacing the deck overhangs.       Maged El-Rabaa City Engineer Profile Summary Education:  BS, Civil Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson  Registration:  Civil Engineer, California No. 45655  Experience:  34 Years    Mr. Maged El‐Rabaa possesses well‐developed decision‐making, organization, and negotiation skills. His in‐depth  engineering background involves project and construction management capabilities for delivering complex pro‐ jects while adhering to high quality and safety standards. Mr. El‐Rabaa's expertise encompasses program manage‐ ment, engineering design, and construction management of small to extremely large infrastructure and building  projects. His previous experience includes 24 years with the County of Los Angeles in such capacities as Depart‐ ment of Public Works Section Head and County City Engineer where he represented the County working with 26  Los Angeles County cities to implement cooperative infrastructure improvement projects and engineering services.  Relevant Project Experience Two Free Zones, Qatar Free Zones Authority, Qatar. Director responsible for serving as liaison, providing input to  senior management pertinent to delivery of services for establishing the zones to provide worldwide investors with  business opportunities within Qatar, and leading a team of designers, project managers, commercial managers,  planning managers, and support and administrative staff responsible for overseeing ongoing capital projects in  both zones.  Qatar Education City, Qatar. Senior Project Manager responsible for supervising a team of planners, designers,  project managers, contract and commercial managers, quantity surveyors, support and administrative staff, and  consultants to design and construct various large and complex infrastructure and building projects such as roads,  water, chilled water, storm water, irrigation, landscaping, central plants, and car parks in accordance with the ap‐ proved budget, schedule, quality, and safety requirements. Other responsibilities encompassed managing prepara‐ tion and approval of tender and contract documents, scopes of work, bid evaluation, and contract award and ad‐ ministration  County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works, Los Angeles, California. Section Head responsible for:   Major projects comprised of road improvements, bridge replacements and rehabilitations, bikeways, and  rail/highway grade separation projects   Coordinating implementation of projects with agencies such as California Department of Transportation, Los  Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Federal Emergency Agency, cities, and railroad com‐ panies in Southern California   Working directly with County’s Chief Executive’s Office to develop legislative proposals on transportation is‐ sues   Developing and implementing comprehensive program for road construction projects with outlay of $500 mil‐ lion per year   Representing County Supervisors on various committees related to transportation and rail planning within the  County  County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works, Los Angeles, California. City Engineer responsible for:   Representing County with 26 cities within Los Angeles County   Working closely with Director of Public Works and City Engineers of various cities in implementing public  works projects, including County/City cooperative infrastructure improvement projects and engineering ser‐ vices     Acting as County Engineer of unincorporated County areas responsible for development and execution of ma‐ jor infrastructure projects   Coordinating design and construction of City/County improvement projects and delivering engineering ser‐ vices to cities and unincorporated county areas   Assisting cities with developing capital improvement construction programs   Managing design of projects, preparing tender documents, and advertising projects for construction bids   Evaluating submitted bid proposals, awarding contracts, and managing construction phase – ensuring comple‐ tion of projects within established schedule and budget  County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation, Los Angeles, California. Section Head responsible for:   Managing projects varying in size, scope, cost, and complexity, including development of a new park, new soc‐ cer complex, new gymnasium, new water sport complex, and various tenant improvements   Managing review and approval of design plans, preparing project specifications and estimates, and obtaining  required approvals from respective authorities   Manage bid process, including advertising, receipt and evaluation of bids for construction, award of contracts,  and construction phase of projects by monitoring execution and progress until completion in accordance with  approved budget, schedule, quality, and safety requirements  Additional County of Los Angeles experience includes:   Land Development Division Geology and Soils Section Principal Civil Engineer Assistant responsible for per‐ forming subsurface investigation and preparation of geotechnical reports for design and construction of major  public works and tract developments projects   Planning Division Floodway and Floodplain Section Senior Civil Engineer Assistant responsible for preparing  floodway and floodplain maps of major natural watercourses within County for design and construction of ma‐ jor flood control facilities   Planning Division Environmental Section Civil Engineer Assistant responsible for reviewing and preparing vari‐ ous environmental documents to assess environmental impacts resulting from design and construction of vari‐ ous public works projects         Edward Cox Onsite Public Works Inspector Profile Summary Education:  Apprenticeship Program, United Association Local 250  Experience:  39 Years    Mr. Edward Cox is highly skilled in the utility coordination process from preliminary design through construction.  His expertise includes identifying and resolving utility conflicts; coordinating and working with multiple utility agen‐ cies with utilities impacted by project construction; reviewing and documenting the progress of the utility reloca‐ tion effort; identifying permitting requirements for both aerial and underground utility construction; and recom‐ mending construction methods that best suit the project as well as the utility being relocated. Mr. Cox collaborates  with the design team to prepare utility relocation plans that are constructible and adhere to applicable federal,  state, and local requirements.  Mr. Cox also serves as a construction inspector for various types of public works projects, including stormwater  capture and treatment projects, utility installations, and street improvements. He possesses extensive experience  assisting with public outreach efforts for public works construction projects.  Relevant Project Experience Caruthers Park Stormwater and Urban Runoff Capture Improvements, City of Bellflower, California. Construction  Inspector responsible for providing inspection for this $8.2 million project. The project includes a channel drop in‐ let, pneumatic gate dam, diversion structure, two pretreatment devices, one pump station, installation of new  pumps, motors, mechanical and storm drain piping, valves, underground storage reservoir, building construction,  water quality skid, electrical equipment modifications, electrical power, electrical service coordination, instrumen‐ tation and controls, planting, irrigation, playground, and splash pad to support the stormwater and runoff capture  system.  Imperial Highway Improvements, City of Inglewood, California. Construction Inspector responsible for providing  inspection for 1½ miles of street improvements between Prairie Avenue and South Van Ness Avenue. The project  involved cold milling existing AC pavement, asphalt concrete overlay, remove and replace driveway approach, side‐ walks, curb and gutter, alley and intersection ADA‐compliant curb ramps, AC pavement, PCC pavement, PCC bus  pads, signing and striping, traffic signal modifications, and other related improvements.  Water Infrastructure Improvements, City of Santa Monica, California. Construction Inspector responsible for  providing inspection for EPA‐funded water improvements in 17th Street between Pearl Street and Ocean Park  Boulevard, Ocean Park Boulevard between 14th Street and 18th Street, Ocean Avenue between Pico and Bay  Street, Ashland Avenue between Third Street and Fourth Street; Grant Avenue from Sixth Street and Lincoln Boule‐ vard.. The improvements entailed installing over 4,800 linear feet of 8‐ and 12‐inch water mains, gate valves, fire  hydrants, and other work  Annual Resurfacing Improvements, City of Rolling Hills Estates, California. Construction Inspector responsible for  providing inspection for resurfacing improvements to Bluemound Road, Elmdale Drive, Kingspine Road, Latigo  Lane, Rollingwood Drive, and Palos Verdes Drive North. Willdan provided design, bidding, construction manage‐ ment and observation for the 2018 annual resurfacing project.  SR2S Cycle 9 Improvements, City of Inglewood, California. Construction Inspector responsible for providing in‐ spection for state‐funded ADA improvements and other miscellaneous PCC repairs.  City‐Wide Street Rehabilitation, City of Hawaiian Gardens, California. Construction Inspector responsible for  providing inspection for CDBG‐funded street resurfacing improvements under the City's 2017/18 program. The im‐ provements involved resurfacing with asphalt‐rubber hot‐mix to prevent more serious and costly deterioration;  reconstructing damaged and/or uplifted concrete sidewalks, curbs. gutters, and drive approaches; reconstruction  damaged AC and PCC pavement; and installing new ADA‐compliant curb ramps.    Equestrian Crossing Safety Improvements, City of Rolling Hills Estates, California. Construction Inspector respon‐ sible for providing inspection for rectangular rapid flashing beacon and in‐roadway warning light installations at  equestrian crossings near the intersection of Rolling Hills Road and Palomino Ranchos Trail and Palos Verdes Drive  North and No Name Street. The work involved procurement and installation of four flashing beacons, two in‐road‐ way warning light systems, pull boxes, conduit, poles, signing, and striping. Willdan provided design, bidding assis‐ tance, and construction management and inspection services.  Citywide Street and Alley Improvements, City of Inglewood, California. Construction Inspector responsible for  providing inspection for resurfacing 16 centerline miles of existing asphalt pavement roadway, laying slurry seal on  18 centerline miles of roadway, and reconstructing two centerline miles of alleys. The improvements encompass  curb and gutter, sidewalks, ADA‐compliant ramps, cross gutters, dig‐outs, crack routing and filling, slurry seal, cold  milling, ARHM overlay, traffic detector loops, and pavement delineation for 83 street segments throughout the  City. Willdan provided construction observation and materials testing services.  La Brea Avenue Intersection Realignment and Reconstruction, City of Inglewood, California. Utility Coordination  Task Leader responsible for all utility identification, coordination, and utility communications for the two‐phased  $8.5‐million, federally‐funded improvements to reconfigure street intersections; construct street improvements;  install traffic signals at Brea Avenue, Market Street, Spruce Avenue, and La Palma Avenue; and reconstruct pave‐ ment on La Brea Avenue between 104th Street and Hawthorne Boulevard. The street improvements project scope  entailed PCC bus pads, minor concrete with utility frame cover adjustments, new traffic signal and modification of  two existing traffic signals, sidewalks, driveways, median curbs, automatic irrigation system, tree planting, striping,  and signage.  Chittick Field/Hamilton Bowl Stormwater Retention Basin, City of Long Beach, California. Utility Coordination  Task Leader responsible for all utility identification, coordination, and utility communications for renovating the  athletic facilities located within the County of Los Angeles' Hamilton Bowl stormwater retention basin. All sur‐ rounding streets drain into the 19‐acre site that had a low‐flow pump station in addition to the main pump station.  The renovated facility included a new underground low‐flow drain system connected to a new low‐flow pump sta‐ tion. A new irrigation system was installed for the natural turf areas and newly landscaped embankments, athletic  field improvements, and ADA‐compliant ramps and sidewalks.  Glendora Avenue and Temple Avenue Street Improvements, City of La Puente, California. Utility Coordination  Task Leader responsible for all utility identification, coordination, and utility communications for the improvement  project. The Proposition C and STIPL‐funded project involved improvements to Glendora Avenue from Nelson Ave‐ nue to Temple Avenue and Temple Avenue from Lanny Avenue to Greycliff Avenue.  Cedar Avenue/SCRRA Storm Drain Improvements, City of Rialto, California. Utility Coordination Task Leader re‐ sponsible for all utility identification, coordination, and utility communications for improvements to distribute  stormwater runoff flow to local receiving stations. The improvements entailed 2,000 linear feet of HDPE, man‐ holes, catch basins, junction structures, and other improvements. Willdan provided evaluation of stormwater run‐ off and necessary facilities to handle flow exceeding the local facility capacities, hydrologic/hydraulic evaluations,  design, construction engineering, construction management, inspection, and materials testing.  Ayala Drive Widening and Improvements to Jerry Eaves Park North and South Parking Lots, City of Rialto, Cali‐ fornia. Utility Coordination Task Leader responsible for all utility identification, coordination, and utility communi‐ cations for the street improvements. Improvements to the Jerry Eaves north and south parking lots included as‐ phalt repairs, grading for the new south parking lot, asphalt paving of the south parking lot, new lighting, landscap‐ ing, ADA improvements, planting, and other appurtenant work. The Ayala Drive widening improvements included  removing and replacing damaged asphalt, widening the existing street section, ADA improvements, two new traffic  signals, new landscape medians, decorative cobble rock, traffic markings, and other appurtenant work.       Jeffrey Lau, PE, TE Traffic Engineer/General Engineering Project Manager – Traffic Design and Plan Review Profile Summary Education: BS, Civil Engineering Polytechnic State University, Pomona  Registration:  Civil Engineer, California No. 83887    Traffic Engineer, California No. 2835    Doppler Radar Operator  Experience:  16 Years    Mr. Jeffrey Lau possesses expertise with various facets of traffic engineering, including field investigations, traffic  data collection and analysis, traffic design, and project management. Mr. Lau has been involved in field work, de‐ sign, and drafting on a variety of traffic engineering projects, including traffic signals, signing and striping, street  lighting, and construction traffic control. He has assisted with preparation of traffic impact studies and analyses,  plan reviews, and engineering and traffic survey studies, and re‐certifications/updates. Mr. Lau is highly proficient  in numerous traffic software programs such as AutoCAD, MicroStation, Synchro, HCS+, PC‐Warrants, AGi32, and  Crossroads Collision Database.  Relevant Project Experience Coyote Creek Bicycle Trail and Park, City of Los Alamitos, California. Traffic Engineering Task Leader responsible  for oversight of traffic engineering services provided for the bicycle trail and park improvements. The improve‐ ments encompassed new sculptural/artistic gates, landscaping, and wayfinding and interpretive graphics/features  at trailheads at Katella Avenue and Willow Street, Oak Academy Park and Oak Street, Cerritos Avenue, and Los  Alamitos Boulevard and Norwalk Boulevard. The project involved removing and reconstructing deteriorated pave‐ ment sections and adjusting water valve covers to grade. Permits for environmental clearance and construction  were obtained through a collaborative effort with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers along with a negotiated coop‐ erative maintenance agreement with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works.  West Santa Ana Branch Bicycle Trail STP Application, City of Paramount, California. Traffic Engineering Task  Leader responsible for oversight of traffic engineering services required to prepare an ATP Cycle 3 application for  the City's bicycle trail improvement project. The necessary application documents were completed and narrative  questions were researched and answered. Services encompassed attending meetings; gathering collision data; re‐ searching grant application projects by reviewing City master plans, general plans, and regional plans; performing  field investigations; preparing cross sections and alignment concepts; assessing conflicts; identifying right‐of‐way  takes; assessing environmental impacts; and preparing an engineering estimate.  Garfield Avenue Class II Bicycle Lanes ATP Application, City of South Gate, California. Project Manager responsi‐ ble for overall project management and oversight for preparing an ATP Cycle 3 applications for the City's bicycle  trail improvement project. The necessary application documents were completed and narrative questions were  researched and answered. Services encompassed attending meetings; gathering collision data; researching grant  application projects by reviewing City master plans, general plans, and regional plans; performing field investiga‐ tions; preparing cross sections and alignment concepts; assessing conflicts; identifying right‐of‐way takes; as‐ sessing environmental impacts; and preparing an engineering estimate.  Long Valley Road/Valley Circle Boulevard/U.S. 101 On‐Ramp Improvements. City of Hidden Hills, California. Traf‐ fic Engineering Task Leader responsible for traffic engineering design and studies required to improve traffic con‐ gestion and pedestrian access at the Long Valley Road on‐ramp intersection. The improvements encompass side‐ walks, right turn‐out lane, paved public parking lot and staging area for City entry, on‐ramp sidewalk, shoulder pav‐ ing, and other improvements at the heavily congested intersection of Long Valley Road and U.S. 101 on‐ramp. Will‐ dan is providing civil, drainage, landscape architectural, and traffic design; environmental compliance documenta‐ tion; survey; geotechnical engineering and materials testing; grant funding administration; utility coordination;  NPDES, SWPPP, and erosion control; right‐of‐way engineering; and construction support for this Measure R im‐ provement project.    Firestone Boulevard Capacity Enhancement, City of South Gate, California. California. Traffic Engineering Task  Leader responsible for traffic engineering design and studies required for the corridor improvements from Ala‐ meda Street to Hunt Avenue. The improvements involved roadway widening from four to six lanes; pavement re‐ habilitation; landscape and hardscape medians; median lighting; sidewalk, curb and gutter, and driveway approach  reconstruction; ADA‐compliant ramps; parkway trees; artistic elements and corridor entrance monument; bus  shelter and bus turnouts; and traffic signal modifications. Services provided included civil, traffic, pavement, and  drainage engineering; landscape architecture, survey and right‐of‐way engineering; and utility relocation.  Glenoaks Boulevard HSIP Cycle 7 and Resurfacing Improvements, City of San Fernando, California. Traffic Engi‐ neering Designer responsible for providing traffic engineering design required for the HSIP Cycle 7 intersection im‐ provements. The design involves traffic signal modifications to protected/left‐turn phasing and non‐landscaped  raised medians for the length of the turn pockets at Arroyo Street, Griswald Avenue, Grand Boulevard, Maclay Ave‐ nue, Haring Avenue, and Orange Grove Avenue. The project also involves 1.27 miles of street resurfacing between  the east and west city limits.  Lakewood Boulevard Regional Corridor Capacity Enhancement, City of Lakewood. Traffic Engineering Task Leader  responsible for oversight of traffic engineering services provided for 1½‐mile complete street/green street im‐ provements between the north City limit and Del Amo Boulevard to provide for a regional bicycle path in compli‐ ance with the Gateway Council of Governments Active Transportation Plan and improve pedestrian access to re‐ tail/commercial establishments. The design entailed coordination of pedestrian and bicycle movements into the  current County Traffic Signal Synchronization Program, undergrounding utility distribution and transmission, Green  Streets storm water quality treatment, and drought‐tolerant landscaping. Other improvements involved upgraded  traffic signal equipment to improve safety, bicycle parking and lockers, improved transit stops, sidewalk additions  within the corridor to meet ADA requirements, street resurfacing, and irrigation. Willdan provided preliminary and  final design, NEPA/CEQA documentation and permitting, transit partnering outreach, Corridor Committee meeting  participation, and construction funding application preparation.  Paramount Boulevard Urban Renovation and Complete Street Improvements, City of Paramount, California.  Traffic Engineering Designer responsible for providing traffic engineering design for improvements required for  street improvements necessary to transform Paramount Boulevard from a four‐lane arterial roadway into a scenic,  multi‐modal complete street corridor lined with shade trees and LED lighting to foster a more walkable and vibrant  downtown atmosphere. The improvements involved traffic‐calmed vehicle lanes with bulb‐outs, two mid‐block  pedestrian crossings enhanced with rectangular rapid flashing beacons, new traffic signal, LED street and pedes‐ trian lighting, parklet, bus shelters, new sidewalks, monument signs, and drought‐tolerant streetscaping.  Palos Verdes Drive North Bicycle Lane RPSTPLE/SR2S Improvements, City of Rolling Hills Estates, California. Traf‐ fic Engineering Designer responsible for providing traffic engineering design provided for a $4 million improvement  project adding bicycle lanes between Crenshaw Boulevard and the west city limits. Willdan provided preliminary  and final design and construction management for the 1.26‐mile roadway widening. The improvements were nec‐ essary to accommodate a second through lane at major intersections to increase capacity and add 5‐foot bicycle  lanes within a 200‐foot right‐of‐way.       Joanne Itagaki Traffic Engineering Deputy Profile Summary Education:  BS, Civil Engineering, California Polytechnic State University, Pomona    Fundamentals of Traffic Engineering, Institute of Transportation Studies    Fundamentals of Traffic Signal Design Safety through Construction and Maintenance Zones,     Institute of Transportation Studies    Transportation Demand Management Alternative Work Hours Seminar, Orange County    Transportation Authority    Transportation Demand Management Ridesharing Seminar  Registration:   Doppler Traffic Radar Operator  Experience:  34 Years    Ms. Joanne Itagaki possesses experience serving as Traffic Advisor to the City of Rosemead and as Traffic Engineer‐ ing Deputy for the Cities of Norwalk and Rolling Hills Estates. She is responsible for analysis, coordination, and de‐ sign of a variety of projects, including preparation of traffic impact studies, engineering and traffic surveys, and  design projects.  Ms. Itagaki previous experience includes investigating citizen's requests for various items, including parking re‐ strictions, stop signs, and traffic signals for the City of Los Angeles. She also analyzed vehicle counts and vehicle  occupancy for high‐occupancy vehicle on‐ramp access lanes for Interstate 210 while at Caltrans.  Relevant Project Experience On‐Call Traffic Engineering, City of Rosemead, California. Traffic Advisor responsible for providing traffic engineer‐ ing services on an on‐call basis, including attendance at city council and/or traffic commission meetings to address  traffic issues, programs or projects. Traffic engineering services for the City included review and analysis of citizen  inquiries such as parking restrictions and stop sign analyses.  City Traffic Engineering, City of Norwalk, California. Traffic Engineering Deputy responsible for providing traffic  engineering services on a routine basis. This assignment included assistance with planning, organizing, supervising  and performing a variety of field and office professional civil and traffic engineering work; planning, designing, and  reviewing construction of community development projects; supervising or performing technical studies; serving  as project engineer for major capital traffic and transportation improvement projects; coordinating traffic signal  timing and maintenance with public services staff; overseeing operation of the City's Traffic Management Center;  and performing related duties as required.  City Traffic Engineering, City of Rolling Hills Estates, California. Traffic Engineering Deputy responsible for provid‐ ing traffic engineering services on a routine basis. This assignment includes assistance with resident and business  concerns; review and comment on traffic and parking impact studies; analysis and comment on development traf‐ fic and circulation patterns; review of traffic signal timing and traffic control plans; preparation of work orders; and  review of traffic signal, signing and striping plans. This assignment requires preparation of staff reports and attend‐ ance, as needed, at Traffic and Safety Committee, City Council, and Planning Commission meetings to support City  staff.  On‐Call Civil and Traffic Engineering Services, City of Los Alamitos, California. Transportation Planner responsible  for managing and assisting with a variety of field and office traffic and transportation engineering projects involv‐ ing planning, designing, and reviewing development and capital improvement projects; performing technical stud‐ ies such as circulation, parking, traffic impact; and providing third‐party review of a wide‐range of traffic studies to  determine if further studies would be required and providing required elements of the study to the City's devel‐ oper; meeting with the developers and developers' civil and traffic engineers as necessary; approving the final traf‐ fic study; and preparing the conditions of development.       On‐Call Engineering Services, City of La Puente, California. Transportation Planner responsible for managing and  assisting with a variety of field and office traffic and transportation engineering projects involving planning, design‐ ing, and reviewing development and capital improvement projects; performing technical studies such as circula‐ tion, parking, traffic impact; and providing third‐party review of a wide‐range of traffic studies to determine if fur‐ ther studies would be required and providing required elements of the study to the City's developer; meeting with  the developers and developers' civil and traffic engineers as necessary; approving the final traffic study; and pre‐ paring the conditions of development.  Condominium Development Traffic Study, City of Lawndale, California. Traffic Study Analyst responsible for as‐ sisting with a traffic assessment of a proposed small condominium development to determine if a regular traffic  impact study should be prepared. Project trip generation, distribution, and assignment were performed. Existing  traffic counts and existing and future level‐of‐service calculations for the study intersections, provided by the City,  were reviewed to determine if the project would add enough trips to any of the study intersections to require a  full traffic impact study. A report summarizing the findings and recommendation was prepared.  Garfield Avenue Corridor Improvements, City of Paramount, California. Traffic Study Task Leader responsible for  providing and overseeing traffic data collection and study analysis required for street improvements between the  north City and the south city limits. The design involved street widening to accommodate a third lane in each direc‐ tion; street resurfacing; two concrete intersections; concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, and driveway approach  reconstruction; catch basin construction; streetscape improvements for raised landscaped medians and modifica‐ tions to existing medians; two entry monument signs; and traffic signal modifications at nine locations along the  Garfield Avenue corridor. Services included civil, traffic, and drainage engineering; survey and mapping; utility relo‐ cation; landscape architecture; and pavement management.  Firestone Boulevard Capacity Enhancement, City of South Gate, California. Traffic Study Task Leader responsible  for providing and overseeing traffic data collection and study analysis required for the corridor improvements from  Alameda Street to Hunt Avenue. Performance of these responsibilities required expertise and knowledge in read‐ ing and interpreting legal descriptions and preparing the right‐of‐way takes. The improvements involved roadway  widening from four to six lanes; pavement rehabilitation; landscape and hardscape medians; median lighting; side‐ walk, curb and gutter, and driveway approach reconstruction; ADA‐compliant ramps; parkway trees; artistic ele‐ ments, corridor entrance monument; bus shelter and bus turnouts; and traffic signal modifications. Services pro‐ vided included civil, traffic, pavement, and drainage engineering; landscape architecture, survey and right‐of‐way  engineering; and utility relocation.  Systemic Safety Analysis Report, City of West Covina, California. Traffic Studies Lead responsible for performing  technical studies in support of the systemic safety analysis evaluation for the City’s entire roadway network. The  SSAR analysis identified high benefit/cost ratio safety projects that were competitive in previous HSIP funding cy‐ cles. The analysis involved 76 countermeasures identified in the Local Roadway Safety Manual and categorized as  signalized intersections, non‐signalized intersections, and roadway improvements. Each recommended counter‐ measure was analyzed for crash type, coefficient reduction factor, life expectancy, federal funding eligibility, and  potential to work in a systemic approach.       Rafael Casillas, PE General Engineering Project Manager – Civil Design and Plan Review Profile Summary Education:  BS, Civil Engineering, Public Administration, University of La Verne    Civil Engineering (196 units), California State University, Los Angeles    Architecture Studies, Phoenix Institute of Technology  Registration:  Civil Engineer, California No. 62834  Experience:  32 Years    Mr. Rafael Casillas possesses vast experience managing local public works departments and capital improvement  projects. Mr. Casillas' direct responsibilities involve overseeing local municipal agency capital improvements for  public facilities, roadways, water systems, sewer mains, storm drains, and traffic signals systems. In addition to his  design experience, he is highly adept with project schedule management, quality and project budget control, accu‐ rate construction estimates, construction support, and funding administration required for federal, state, and local  grants.  Mr. Casillas possesses expertise in supervising project teams consisting of civil designers, consultants, and contrac‐ tors and is very knowledgeable in local municipal codes, California Environmental Quality Act, and Subdivision Map  Act compliance.  Relevant Project Experience Rosecrans Boulevard and Studebaker Road Hot Spots Arterial Intersection Improvements, City of Norwalk, Cali‐ fornia. Civil Engineering Task Manager responsible for civil engineering services required for the intersection im‐ provements. The project entailed adding north‐, south‐, east‐, and west‐bound left turn lanes, east‐ and south‐ bound right‐turn overlap phasing, increasing west‐ and north‐bound left‐turn‐pocket storage on both streets, 2‐ foot widening within the existing streets rights‐of‐way, median island modifications, street light relocation, street  resurfacing, and signing and striping modifications.  Garfield Avenue Corridor Improvements, City of Paramount, California. Civil Engineering Task Manager Civil Engi‐ neering Task Manager responsible for civil engineering services required for street improvements between the  north City and the south city limits. The design involved street widening to accommodate a third lane in each direc‐ tion; street resurfacing; two concrete intersections; concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, and driveway approach  reconstruction; catch basin construction; streetscape improvements for raised landscaped medians and modifica‐ tions to existing medians; two entry monument signs; and traffic signal modifications at nine locations along the  Garfield Avenue corridor. Services included civil, traffic, and drainage engineering; survey and mapping; utility relo‐ cation; landscape architecture; and pavement management.  Lakewood Boulevard and Del Amo Boulevard Hot Spot Intersection Improvement, City of Lakewood, California.  Civil Designer responsible for assisting with design of street improvements required for the improvements. The  project includes widening the west side of Lakewood Boulevard north of Del Amo Boulevard, modifying and re‐ moving the median island on Lakewood Boulevard, widening the south side of Del Amo Boulevard, modifying the  median island on Del Amo Boulevard, modifying the traffic signal, relocating street lights per street/median island  modifications, widening Lakewood Boulevard and the box culvert/channel wall, obtaining a Los Angeles County  construction permit and license agreement for work within the channel, and extending Del Amo Boulevard Class 2  bike lanes east of Lakewood Boulevard and converting the bike path to recreational path.  Centinela Avenue Street Improvements, City of Inglewood, California. Civil Engineering Task Manager responsible  for civil engineering services required for improvements between La Cienega Boulevard and Florence Avenue. The  project encompassed street resurfacing; reconstructing damaged and uplifted concrete sidewalk, curb, gutter, and  drive approaches; installing ADA‐compliant access curb ramps, including truncated domes; installing concrete bus  pads and a new transit shelter with bench and trash receptacle; and installing signing and striping.  Fishburn Avenue Improvements, City of Bell, California. Civil Engineering Task Manager responsible for civil engi‐ neering services required for the pavement rehabilitation project. The improvements encompassed resurfacing    with asphalt‐rubber hot mix to prevent more serious and costly deterioration that would lead to complete recon‐ struction; reconstructing damaged and uplifted concrete sidewalk, curb, gutter, and drive approaches; reconstruct‐ ing damaged AC and PCC pavement; installing ADA‐compliant access curb ramps, including truncated domes; in‐ stalling AC speed humps, new HDPE‐pipe storm drain system on Fishburn Avenue; and installing signing and strip‐ ing.  Arterial Street Resurfacing, City of Paramount, California. Project Manager responsible for overall project man‐ agement and oversight for the resurfacing project. The scope consists of approximately 2,700 lineal feet of street  improvements, cold milling, rubberized asphalt overlay, curb ramps, sign and pavement legend replacements, and  miscellaneous concrete repairs.  Centinela Avenue Safety Improvements, City of Inglewood, California. Civil Engineering Task Manager responsible  for civil engineering services required for raised median island component of this HSIP – Cycle 8 project. The City  received nearly $1.4 million in grant funding to construct raised median islands on Centinela Avenue between La  Cienega Boulevard and La Brea Avenue. Other project improvements involved installing protected left‐turn phasing  at three signalized intersections along Centinela Avenue.  Rams Football Stadium Multi‐Modal Transit Center Facility, City of Inglewood, California. Project Manager re‐ sponsible for overall project management and oversight for the 3.8‐acre multi‐modal transit center facility. The  project goal is to have the facility – located at Prairie Avenue and Arbor Vitae Street – serve as a regional hub and  destination drop‐off/pick‐up for the football stadium. Willdan is performing services for preliminary conceptual  design, utility relocation, geotechnical engineering, hydrology study, storm water mitigation, parking lot and pe‐ destrian lighting, landscaping, on‐site pedestrian amenities, and security systems.  Walker Avenue Widening and Intersection Improvements, City of Bell, California. Project Manager responsible  for overall project management and oversight for the street widening and intersection improvements at Florence  Avenue. The scope of work includes curb and gutter alignment, ADA‐compliant curb ramp, northbound lane wid‐ ening, catch basin relocation, traffic signal equipment modifications, striping improvements, and utility revocation  identification.  Alpine Pedal Path – Rathbun Creek Extension, City of Big Bear Lake, California. Civil Engineering Task Manager  responsible for civil engineering services required to create another link in the City's expanding network of bicycle  lanes and pedestrian walking facilities within the community. The approximate 2,050‐foot project segment com‐ pletes a missing link between the Stanfield Cutoff to the east and two large commercial and employment centers  west of Sandalwood Drive and provides safer, more user‐friendly travel options. Willdan is providing right‐of‐way  engineering, field survey, utility coordination, preliminary and final design engineering, drainage and erosion con‐ trol engineering, structural engineering, geotechnical engineering and materials testing, and traffic design for the  pedal path improvements.  Long Valley Road/Valley Circle Boulevard/U.S. 101 On‐Ramp Improvements. City of Hidden Hills, California. Civil  Engineering Task Manager responsible for civil engineering services required to improve traffic congestion and pe‐ destrian access at the Long Valley Road on‐ramp intersection. The improvements encompass sidewalks, right turn‐ out lane, paved public parking lot and staging area for City entry, on‐ramp sidewalk, shoulder paving, and other  improvements at the heavily congested intersection of Long Valley Road and U.S. 101 on‐ramp. Willdan is provid‐ ing civil, drainage, landscape architectural, and traffic design; environmental compliance documentation; survey;  geotechnical engineering and materials testing; grant funding administration; utility coordination; NPDES, SWPPP,  and erosion control; right‐of‐way engineering; and construction support for this Measure R improvement project.  Pavement Rehabilitation at 14 Locations, City of San Bernardino, California. Deputy Project Manager responsible  for assisting with overall project management and oversight required for the pavement rehabilitation project. The  improvements involve evaluating and redesigning street pavement and abutting ADA‐access ramps on 14 separate  street segments throughout the city and replacing curb, gutter, sidewalk, and traffic signal detection loops. A  drainage channel water crossing on Western Avenue is also required.      John Hidalgo, RLA General Engineering Project Manager – Landscape Architecture Design and Plan Review Profile Summary Education:  BS, Landscape Architecture, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona    European Study Tour, California Polytechnic State University, School of Architecture, Pomona  Registration:   Landscape Architect, California No. 3551    Licensed Contractor, California C‐27 No. 713613  Experience:  29 Years    Mr. John Hidalgo possesses landscape architecture experience that encompasses a variety of landscape and irriga‐ tion projects. He has in‐depth expertise in design development, preparation of plans and specifications, plan re‐ views, and construction observation. Mr. Hidalgo is familiar with various local, state, and federal codes, regula‐ tions, procedures, and standards relating to construction, safety, park and facility planning, and other landscape  and irrigation amenities. He has successfully completed projects in compliance with these various standards. Mr.  Hidalgo has experience representing project owners during the plan review process. He possesses comprehensive  experience in both field observation and construction. Mr. Hidalgo responsibilities include managing park and  street beautification design, low‐impact developments, plan reviews, and construction observation.  Relevant Project Experience Urban Greening Bicycle Trail, City of Lynwood, California. Landscape Architecture Task Manager responsible for  providing and overseeing all landscape and irrigation design required to develop a sustainable, integrated, and effi‐ cient design for a bicycle trail within the community consistent with the City's year‐round recreational programs.  The $2.85 million, 1.2‐mile project improvements are being designed to meet the City's general plan objectives and  incorporate landscaping and decorative/commemorative points‐of‐interest along the trail. The ultimate bicycle  path will provide safe connectivity between parks, bus and light rail transit stops, city hall, and other City attrac‐ tions and shopping areas. Willdan is providing full engineering design services encompassing field survey, right‐of‐ way engineering, geotechnical engineering and inspection, landscape architecture, environmental documentation,  preliminary and final design, drainage and water quality, utility coordination, traffic design, and safety and visibility  lighting design.  Long Valley Road/Valley Circle Boulevard/U.S. 101 On‐Ramp Improvements. City of Hidden Hills, California.  Landscape Architecture Task Manager responsible for providing and overseeing all landscape and irrigation design  required to improve traffic congestion and pedestrian access at the Long Valley Road on‐ramp intersection. The  improvements encompass sidewalks, right turn‐out lane, paved public parking lot and staging area for City entry,  on‐ramp sidewalk, shoulder paving, and other improvements at the heavily congested intersection of Long Valley  Road and U.S. 101 on‐ramp. Willdan is providing civil, drainage, landscape architectural, and traffic design; envi‐ ronmental compliance documentation; survey; geotechnical engineering and materials testing; grant funding ad‐ ministration; utility coordination; NPDES, SWPPP, and erosion control; right‐of‐way engineering; and construction  support for this Measure R improvement project.  Firestone Boulevard Capacity Enhancement, City of South Gate, California. Landscape Architecture Task Manager  responsible for providing and overseeing all landscape and irrigation design required for the corridor improve‐ ments from Alameda Street to Hunt Avenue. The improvements involved roadway widening from four to six lanes;  pavement rehabilitation; landscape and hardscape medians; median lighting; sidewalk, curb and gutter, and drive‐ way approach reconstruction; ADA‐compliant ramps; parkway trees; artistic elements and corridor entrance mon‐ ument; bus shelter and bus turnouts; and traffic signal modifications. Services provided included civil, traffic, pave‐ ment, and drainage engineering; landscape architecture, survey and right‐of‐way engineering; and utility reloca‐ tion.       Los Alamitos Boulevard Median Improvements, City of Los Alamitos, California. Landscape Architecture Task  Manager responsible for providing and overseeing all landscape and irrigation design required for a .05‐mile im‐ provement segment between Cerritos Avenue and Katella Avenue. The project goal was to reduce Los Alamitos  Boulevard's scale, provide pedestrian refuge, and reduce pedestrian/automobile conflicts. Improvements involved  raised median, pavement delineation, landscape and irrigation improvements, street lighting and traffic signal im‐ provements at intersections with Florista Street and Sausalito Street. Minor traffic signal modifications were de‐ signed for the intersections with Katella Avenue and Cerritos Avenue.  Firestone Boulevard/Atlantic Avenue Intersection Improvements, City of South Gate, California. Landscape Ar‐ chitecture Task Manager responsible for providing and overseeing all landscape and irrigation design required for  improvements between Firestone Boulevard limit and south city limit. The improvements involved asphalt‐rubber  hot mix overlay, street widening, street trees, raised landscaped medians, irrigation system, ADA‐compliant curb  ramps, concrete repairs, traffic signal modifications, communication conduits, and signing and striping. Willdan  assisted the City through the planning process by developing a concept plan and presenting it to city council and  affected business owners and residents. Willdan provided civil and traffic engineering design, pavement engineer‐ ing, design survey, landscape architectural design, public outreach, and utility coordination.  Paramount Boulevard Urban Renovation and Complete Street Improvements, City of Paramount. California.  Landscape Architecture Task Manager responsible for providing and overseeing all landscape and irrigation design  required for street improvements necessary to transform Paramount Boulevard from a four‐lane arterial roadway  into a scenic, multi‐modal complete street corridor lined with shade trees and LED lighting to foster a more walka‐ ble and vibrant downtown atmosphere. The improvements involved traffic‐calmed vehicle lanes with bulb‐outs,  two mid‐block pedestrian crossings enhanced with rectangular rapid flashing beacons, new traffic signal, LED  street and pedestrian lighting, parklet, bus shelters, new sidewalks, monument signs, and drought‐tolerant  streetscaping.  Lakewood Boulevard Regional Corridor Capacity Enhancement, City of Lakewood. Landscape Architecture Task  Manager responsible for providing and overseeing all landscape and irrigation design required for complete  street/green street improvements between the north city limits and Del Amo Boulevard. Improvements involved  street widening and median improvements; Class II bike lanes in both directions; turn lanes; landscape planting  and irrigation; overhead distribution and transmission power undergrounding; sidewalk, curb and gutter, and  driveway approach reconstruction; street resurfacing; catch basin construction; storm water quality improvements  to comply with Green Streets policy; bike lockers, bus shelter, and traffic signal modifications. Services include civil,  traffic, pavement, drainage, and geotechnical engineering; landscape architecture, survey and right‐of‐way engi‐ neering, and utility coordination and relocation.  Police Station Parking Lot, City of South Gate, California. Landscape Architect ask Manager responsible for provid‐ ing and overseeing all landscape and irrigation design required for expanding the parking lot along Ardmore Ave‐ nue. The improvements impact approximately 2,500 square feet of land from the west end of the existing parking  to the east right‐of‐way of California Avenue. The improvements call for reconstructing a portion of the landscap‐ ing between the wall and street right‐of‐way to match existing landscape. The westerly wall will be demolished  and a reinforced wall will be constructed along the perimeter of the expanded parking lot.  Florence Avenue Corridor Improvements, City of Inglewood, California. Landscape Architecture Task Manager  responsible for providing and overseeing all landscape and irrigation design required for the corridor improve‐ ments along the Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor. Improvements included street resurfacing; sidewalk, curb and  gutter, and driveway approach reconstruction; ADA‐compliant curb ramps; raised median island modifications;  pedestrian pathways with decomposed granite treatments; Class II and II bike lanes; traffic signal modifications;  signing and striping; and bus stop improvements and new installations. Willdan provided civil, traffic, and pave‐ ment engineering; landscape architecture; and utility coordination.       David Knell, PLS General Engineering Project Manager – Survey, Right-of-Way Engineering, and Map Review Profile Summary Education:  BS, Cartography, Boston University, Boston    Civil Engineering and Land Surveying Classes, California State University, Long Beach  Registration:   Land Surveyor, California No. 5301  Experience:  43 Years    Mr. David Knell has a wide range of experience preparing and checking subdivision maps. As a contract map  checker for the Cities of Agoura Hills, Dana Point, Lake Forest, Bell Gardens, Paramount, and Cerritos and as a sur‐ veyor in private practice, Mr. Knell has been involved in preparing and checking numerous parcel maps and tract  maps, ALTA surveys, records‐of‐survey, lot line adjustments, parcel map waivers, certificates of compliance, and  boundary determination. He is responsible for preparing legal descriptions and sketches for a wide range of ease‐ ments involving utilities, air space reservations, and construction projects. Mr. Knell works with major utilities and  title companies in determining easements and correcting defective legal descriptions. His experience includes su‐ pervising field crews, overseeing an office staff dealing with various survey projects, and extensive experience with  local, state, and federal agencies.  Relevant Project Experience Long Valley Road/Valley Circle Boulevard/U.S. 101 On‐Ramp Improvements. City of Hidden Hills, California. Sur‐ vey/Right‐of‐Way Task Manager responsible for providing and overseeing all mapping and right‐of‐way engineer‐ ing required to improve traffic congestion and pedestrian access at the Long Valley Road on‐ramp intersection. The  improvements encompass sidewalks, right turn‐out lane, paved public parking lot and staging area for City entry,  on‐ramp sidewalk, shoulder paving, and other improvements at the heavily congested intersection of Long Valley  Road and U.S. 101 on‐ramp. Willdan is providing civil, drainage, landscape architectural, and traffic design; envi‐ ronmental compliance documentation; survey; geotechnical engineering and materials testing; grant funding ad‐ ministration; utility coordination; NPDES, SWPPP, and erosion control; right‐of‐way engineering; and construction  support for this Measure R improvement project.  Firestone Boulevard Capacity Enhancement, City of South Gate, California. Survey/Right‐of‐Way Task Manager  responsible for providing and overseeing all mapping and right‐of‐way engineering required for the corridor im‐ provements from Alameda Street to Hunt Avenue. The improvements involved roadway widening from four to six  lanes; pavement rehabilitation; landscape and hardscape medians; median lighting; sidewalk, curb and gutter, and  driveway approach reconstruction; ADA‐compliant ramps; parkway trees; artistic elements and corridor entrance  monument; bus shelter and bus turnouts; and traffic signal modifications. Services provided included civil, traffic,  pavement, and drainage engineering; landscape architecture, survey and right‐of‐way engineering; and utility relo‐ cation.  Los Alamitos Boulevard Median Improvements, City of Los Alamitos, California. Survey/Right‐of‐Way Task Man‐ ager responsible for providing and overseeing all mapping and right‐of‐way engineering required for a .05‐mile im‐ provement segment between Cerritos Avenue and Katella Avenue. The project goal was to reduce Los Alamitos  Boulevard's scale, provide pedestrian refuge, and reduce pedestrian/automobile conflicts. Improvements involved  raised median, pavement delineation, landscape and irrigation improvements, street lighting and traffic signal im‐ provements at intersections with Florista Street and Sausalito Street. Minor traffic signal modifications were de‐ signed for the intersections with Katella Avenue and Cerritos Avenue.  Glenoaks Boulevard HSIP Cycle 7 and Resurfacing Improvements, City of San Fernando, California. Survey/Right‐ of‐Way Task Manager responsible for providing and overseeing all mapping and right‐of‐way engineering required  for the HSIP Cycle 7 intersection improvements. The design involves traffic signal modifications to protected/left‐ turn phasing and non‐landscaped raised medians for the length of the turn pockets at Arroyo Street, Griswald Ave‐ nue, Grand Boulevard, Maclay Avenue, Haring Avenue, and Orange Grove Avenue. The project also involves 1.27  miles of street resurfacing between the east and west city limits.    Palos Verdes Drive North Bicycle Lane RPSTPLE/SR2S Improvements, City of Rolling Hills Estates, California. Sur‐ vey/Right‐of‐Way Task Manager responsible for providing and overseeing all mapping and right‐of‐way engineer‐ ing provided for a $4 million improvement project adding bicycle lanes between Crenshaw Boulevard and the west  city limits. Willdan provided preliminary and final design and construction management for the 1.26‐mile roadway  widening. The improvements were necessary to accommodate a second through lane at major intersections to  increase capacity and add 5‐foot bicycle lanes within a 200‐foot right‐of‐way.  Paramount Boulevard Urban Renovation and Complete Street Improvements, City of Paramount. California. Sur‐ vey/Right‐of‐Way Task Manager responsible for providing and overseeing all mapping and right‐of‐way engineer‐ ing required for street improvements necessary to transform Paramount Boulevard from a four‐lane arterial road‐ way into a scenic, multi‐modal complete street corridor lined with shade trees and LED lighting to foster a more  walkable and vibrant downtown atmosphere. The improvements involved traffic‐calmed vehicle lanes with bulb‐ outs, two mid‐block pedestrian crossings enhanced with rectangular rapid flashing beacons, new traffic signal, LED  street and pedestrian lighting, parklet, bus shelters, new sidewalks, monument signs, and drought‐tolerant  streetscaping.  Lakewood Boulevard Regional Corridor Capacity Enhancement, City of Lakewood. Survey/Right‐of‐Way Task  Manager responsible for providing and overseeing all mapping and right‐of‐way engineering required for complete  street/green street improvements between the north city limits and Del Amo Boulevard. Improvements involved  street widening and median improvements; Class II bike lanes in both directions; turn lanes; landscape planting  and irrigation; overhead distribution and transmission power undergrounding; sidewalk, curb and gutter, and  driveway approach reconstruction; street resurfacing; catch basin construction; storm water quality improvements  to comply with Green Streets policy; bike lockers, bus shelter, and traffic signal modifications. Services include civil,  traffic, pavement, drainage, and geotechnical engineering; landscape architecture, survey and right‐of‐way engi‐ neering, and utility coordination and relocation.  Garfield Avenue Corridor Improvements, City of Paramount, California. Survey/Right‐of‐Way Task Manager re‐ sponsible for providing and overseeing all mapping and right‐of‐way engineering required for street improvements  between the north City and the south city limits. The design involved street widening to accommodate a third lane  in each direction; street resurfacing; two concrete intersections; concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, and driveway  approach reconstruction; catch basin construction; streetscape improvements for raised landscaped medians and  modifications to existing medians; two entry monument signs; and traffic signal modifications at nine locations  along the Garfield Avenue corridor. Services included civil, traffic, and drainage engineering; survey and mapping;  utility relocation; landscape architecture; and pavement management.  On‐Call Map Review, City of Hawaiian Gardens, California. Survey Project Manager responsible for providing ser‐ vices for on‐call map review of various development improvements within the City.  Rams Football Stadium Multi‐Modal Transit Center Facility, City of Inglewood, California. Survey Task Leader re‐ sponsible for providing survey and mapping services for the 3.8‐acre multi‐modal transit center facility. The project  goal is to have the facility – located at Prairie Avenue and Arbor Vitae Street – serve as a regional hub and destina‐ tion drop‐off/pick‐up for the football stadium. Willdan is performing services for preliminary conceptual design,  utility relocation, geotechnical engineering, hydrology study, storm water mitigation, parking lot and pedestrian  lighting, landscaping, on‐site pedestrian amenities, and security systems.  Emerald Bay Main Gate Safety Improvements, Emerald Bay Service District, Laguna Beach, California. Survey and  Right‐of‐Way Engineering Task Leader responsible for oversight of all office and field survey services and preparing  necessary right‐of‐way engineering documentation. Willdan provided civil and traffic engineering design and other  appurtenant services for safety improvements at the main gate entrance. Improvements involved road widening,  guardhouse relocation and reconstruction; grading to accommodate the roadway widening and landscaping; in‐ stalling upgraded lighting, ADA‐compliant curbs and ramps, and retaining and monument walls; widening the right‐ turn pocket and installing a median; and installing street striping and signage within Caltrans' right‐of‐way.       Mohsen Rahimian, PE, GE General Engineering Project Manager – Geotechnical Engineering , Testing, and Study Review Profile Summary Education:  MS, Civil Engineering, Tehran University, Tehran  Registration:  Civil Engineer, California, No. 73396    Geotechnical Engineer, California, No. 3059  Experience:  32 Years    Mr. Mohsen Rahimian possesses expertise in geotechnical and material engineering, testing, investigation, design,  and construction and has lent that expertise to a wide spectrum of public works projects. Mr. Rahimian has sub‐ stantial experience in conducting and managing geotechnical and material testing and inspection services during  construction. He has performed diversified geotechnical assignments, including pavement design, shallow and  deep foundation design, settlement evaluations, liquefaction studies, and slope stability analyses. Mr. Rahimian  experience includes geotechnical, civil, and structural design and construction management.  Relevant Project Experience Urban Greening Bicycle Trail, City of Lynwood, California. Geotechnical Engineering Task Manager responsible for  providing and overseeing geotechnical engineering and testing required to develop a sustainable, integrated, and  efficient design for a bicycle trail within the community consistent with the City's year‐round recreational pro‐ grams. The $2.85 million, 1.2‐mile project improvements are being designed to meet the City's general plan objec‐ tives and incorporate landscaping and decorative/commemorative points‐of‐interest along the trail. The ultimate  bicycle path will provide safe connectivity between parks, bus and light rail transit stops, city hall, and other City  attractions and shopping areas. Willdan is providing full engineering design services encompassing field survey,  right‐of‐way engineering, geotechnical engineering and inspection, landscape architecture, environmental docu‐ mentation, preliminary and final design, drainage and water quality, utility coordination, traffic design, and safety  and visibility lighting design.  Long Valley Road/Valley Circle Boulevard/U.S. 101 On‐Ramp Improvements. City of Hidden Hills, California. Ge‐ otechnical Engineering Task Manager responsible for providing and overseeing geotechnical engineering and test‐ ing required to improve traffic congestion and pedestrian access at the Long Valley Road on‐ramp intersection. The  improvements encompass sidewalks, right turn‐out lane, paved public parking lot and staging area for City entry,  on‐ramp sidewalk, shoulder paving, and other improvements at the heavily congested intersection of Long Valley  Road and U.S. 101 on‐ramp. Willdan is providing civil, drainage, landscape architectural, and traffic design; envi‐ ronmental compliance documentation; survey; geotechnical engineering and materials testing; grant funding ad‐ ministration; utility coordination; NPDES, SWPPP, and erosion control; right‐of‐way engineering; and construction  support for this Measure R improvement project.  Firestone Boulevard Capacity Enhancement, City of South Gate, California. Geotechnical Engineering Task Man‐ ager responsible for providing and overseeing geotechnical engineering and testing required for the corridor im‐ provements from Alameda Street to Hunt Avenue. The improvements involved roadway widening from four to six  lanes; pavement rehabilitation; landscape and hardscape medians; median lighting; sidewalk, curb and gutter, and  driveway approach reconstruction; ADA‐compliant ramps; parkway trees; artistic elements and corridor entrance  monument; bus shelter and bus turnouts; and traffic signal modifications. Services provided included civil, traffic,  pavement, and drainage engineering; landscape architecture, survey and right‐of‐way engineering; and utility relo‐ cation.       Rams Football Stadium Multi‐Modal Transit Center Facility, City of Inglewood, California. Geotechnical Engineer‐ ing Task Manager responsible for providing and overseeing geotechnical engineering and testing for the 3.8‐acre  multi‐modal transit center facility. The project goal is to have the facility – located at Prairie Avenue and Arbor Vi‐ tae Street – serve as a regional hub and destination drop‐off/pick‐up for the football stadium. Willdan is perform‐ ing services for preliminary conceptual design, utility relocation, geotechnical engineering, hydrology study, storm  water mitigation, parking lot and pedestrian lighting, landscaping, on‐site pedestrian amenities, and security sys‐ tems.  Caruthers Park Stormwater and Urban Runoff Capture Improvements, City of Bellflower, California. Geotechnical  Engineer responsible for providing and overseeing geotechnical engineering and testing for this $8.2 million pro‐ ject. The project includes a channel drop inlet, pneumatic gate dam, diversion structure, two pretreatment de‐ vices, one pump station, installation of new pumps, motors, mechanical and storm drain piping, valves, under‐ ground storage reservoir, building construction, water quality skid, electrical equipment modifications, electrical  power, electrical service coordination, instrumentation and controls, planting, irrigation, playground, and splash  pad to support the stormwater and runoff capture system.  Palos Verdes Drive North Bicycle Lane RPSTPLE/SR2S Improvements, City of Rolling Hills Estates, California. Ge‐ otechnical Engineer responsible for providing and overseeing geotechnical engineering and testing provided for a  $4 million improvement project adding bicycle lanes between Crenshaw Boulevard and the west city limits. Will‐ dan provided preliminary and final design and construction management for the 1.26‐mile roadway widening. The  improvements were necessary to accommodate a second through lane at major intersections to increase capacity  and add 5‐foot bicycle lanes within a 200‐foot right‐of‐way.  Glenoaks Boulevard HSIP Cycle 7 and Resurfacing Improvements, City of San Fernando, California. Geotechnical  Engineering Task Manager responsible for providing geotechnical engineering and testing required for the HSIP  Cycle 7 intersection improvements. The design involves traffic signal modifications to protected/left‐turn phasing  and non‐landscaped raised medians for the length of the turn pockets at Arroyo Street, Griswald Avenue, Grand  Boulevard, Maclay Avenue, Haring Avenue, and Orange Grove Avenue. The project also involves 1.27 miles of  street resurfacing between the east and west city limits.  Firestone Boulevard/Atlantic Avenue Intersection Improvements, City of South Gate, California. Geotechnical  Engineering Task Manager responsible for providing geotechnical engineering and testing necessary for improve‐ ments between Firestone Boulevard limit and south city limit. The improvements involved asphalt‐rubber hot mix  overlay, street widening, street trees, raised landscaped medians, irrigation system, ADA‐compliant curb ramps,  concrete repairs, traffic signal modifications, communication conduits, and signing and striping. Willdan assisted  the City through the planning process by developing a concept plan and presenting it to city council and affected  business owners and residents. Willdan provided civil and traffic engineering design, pavement engineering, design  survey, landscape architectural design, public outreach, and utility coordination.  Amar Road Traffic Signal Safety Improvement, City of La Puente, California. Geotechnical Engineering Task Man‐ ager responsible for providing and overseeing geotechnical engineering and testing required for the traffic signal  safety improvements. The project included nine traffic signal modifications on Amar Road and involved upgrading  traffic signal poles, vehicle heads, pedestrian heads, pedestrian push buttons, controller cabinet, cabinet pull  boxes, conduit wiring, and ADA‐compliant access ramps.  Lakewood Boulevard Regional Corridor Capacity Enhancement, City of Lakewood. Geotechnical Engineering Task  Manager responsible for providing and overseeing geotechnical engineering and testing required for complete  street/green street improvements between the north city limits and Del Amo Boulevard. Improvements involve  street widening and median improvements; Class II bike lanes in both directions; turn lanes; landscape planting  and irrigation; overhead distribution and transmission power undergrounding; sidewalk, curb and gutter, and  driveway approach reconstruction; street resurfacing; catch basin construction; storm water quality improvements  to comply with Green Streets policy; bike lockers, bus shelter, and traffic signal modifications. Services include civil,  traffic, pavement, drainage, and geotechnical engineering; landscape architecture, survey and right‐of‐way engi‐ neering, and utility relocation.       Diane Rukavina, PE General Engineering Project Manager – Grant Administration  Summary Profile Education: BS, Civil Engineering, Loyola Marymount University  Registration: Civil Engineer, California, No. 36380  Experience:  38 Years    Ms. Diane Rukavina has 34 years of experience in municipal engineering. Presently, she administers federal/state  funding administration projects in the Cities of Hawaiian Gardens, La Cañada Flintridge, Lakewood, La Puente,  Maywood, Norwalk, Paramount, Pico Rivera, Rancho Palos Verdes, South Gate, and South Pasadena. Ms. Rukavina  has processed over 60 federal and state funded projects (STPL, TEA‐21, SAFETEA‐LU, ARRA, HSIP, TCSP, ER, CMAQ,  SRTS, and SR2S) from request for authorization to final invoicing for 22 cities. Currently, she is coordinating 28 fed‐ eral and state funded projects at various stages in the funding process. Ms. Rukavina also serves as Project Man‐ ager for six capital improvement projects for the City of Paramount, performs various city engineering related  tasks, and has organized GASB 34 infrastructure inventories for the Cities of Seal Beach, Rosemead, Monrovia, and  Bell Gardens in preparation for value assessment.  Ms. Rukavina has over 15 years of experience preparing and submitting documentation to Metropolitan Transpor‐ tation Agency and Caltrans for federal‐ and state‐funded projects, including STPL, TEA‐21, SAFETEA‐LU, ARRA, HSIP,  TCSP, ER, CMAQ, SRTS, and SR2S. Although each program encompasses different components and requirements,  the general process remains the same – following the Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Ms. Rukavina  keeps abreast of revisions (LPPs) to procedures and forms in the manual.  Relevant Project Experience Sunset Avenue/Francisquito Avenue Traffic Signal Modification HSIP Cycle 6, City of West Covina, California.  Funding Administration Task Leader responsible for all administrative filings and reporting to satisfy funding re‐ quirements for a traffic signal modification at the intersection. The City was awarded a $165,200 HSIP Cycle 6 grant  to upgrade the traffic signal by installing protected left‐turn phasing on West Francisquito Avenue at Sunset Ave‐ nue, modifying lighting, and installing pedestrian countdown head.  Traffic Signal Improvements at Seven Intersections HSIPL Cycle 2, City of Lakewood, California. Grant Administra‐ tion Task Leader responsible for all administrative filings and reporting to satisfy funding requirements for an E‐76  for construction through the final reimbursement of federal funds. Documentation included field review, prelimi‐ nary environmental study, right‐of‐way certification, request for authorization to proceed with construction, con‐ struction contract award submittal, progress invoicing, and final report of expenditures for submittal to Caltrans.  Garfield Avenue Corridor Improvements, City of Paramount, California. Grant Administration Task Leader respon‐ sible for all administrative filings and reporting to satisfy funding requirements for street improvements between  the north City and the south city limits. The design involved street widening to accommodate a third lane in each  direction; street resurfacing; two concrete intersections; concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, and driveway ap‐ proach reconstruction; catch basin construction; streetscape improvements for raised landscaped medians and  modifications to existing medians; two entry monument signs; and traffic signal modifications at nine locations  along the Garfield Avenue corridor. Services included civil, traffic, and drainage engineering; survey and mapping;  utility relocation; landscape architecture; and pavement management.  Firestone Boulevard and California Avenue Traffic Signal Modifications HSIP Cycle 4, City of South Gate, Califor‐ nia. Grant Administration Task Leader responsible for all administrative filings and reporting to satisfy funding re‐ quirements for federally funded Cycle 4 HSIP installation of protected left‐turn phasing on Firestone Boulevard at  State Street and on California Avenue at Tweedy Boulevard. The City received $531,000 in federal funds and antici‐ pates the total project cost being $590,000. The intersection of Firestone Boulevard at State Street will require ve‐ hicle detection upgrades and countdown pedestrian head installation beside the protected/permissive left turn  phasing. The intersection of California Avenue and Tweedy Boulevard will require research for the modification of    existing decorative poles to accommodate the fully protected left turn phasing. Other services provided by Willdan  included grant administration and utility coordination.  Crenshaw Boulevard and Crestridge Road Traffic Signal Improvements HSIPL Cycle 1, City of Rancho Palos  Verdes, California. Funding Administration Task Leader responsible for all administrative filings and reporting to  satisfy funding requirements for an E‐76 for preliminary engineering and construction through final reimbursement  of federal funds. Documentation included the request for authorization to proceed with preliminary engineering,  field review, preliminary environmental study, right‐of‐way certification, request for authorization to proceed with  construction, construction contract award submittal, progress invoicing, and final report of expenditures for sub‐ mittal to Caltrans.  Garfield Avenue and Petterson Lane Traffic Signal Improvements HSIPL Cycle 2, City of Paramount, California.  Funding Administration Task Leader responsible for all administrative filings and reporting to satisfy funding re‐ quirements for an E‐76 for construction through the final reimbursement of federal funds. Documentation in‐ cluded the field review, preliminary environmental study, right‐of‐way certification, request for authorization to  proceed with construction, construction contract award submittal, progress invoicing, and final report of expendi‐ tures for submittal to Caltrans.  Roadside Avenue Bridge Widening, City of Agoura Hills, California. Funding Administration Task Leader responsi‐ ble for all administrative filings and reporting to satisfy funding requirements for widening the bridge. The project  involved widening the bridge and approaches to accommodate a sidewalk and increasing the traveled way to meet  current geometric standards. Willdan's services entailed preliminary engineering; environmental compliance and  permits; final design, including construction drawings, special provisions, and cost estimating; environmental miti‐ gation program; right‐of‐way; local, state, and federal agency permit coordination; grant funding administration  and compliance; Local Assistance reports and document preparation; storm water pollution prevention plan prepa‐ ration; and bidding and construction support services.  La Brea Avenue Intersection Realignment and Reconstruction, City of Inglewood, California. Funding Administra‐ tion Task Leader responsible for all administrative filings and reporting to satisfy funding requirements for the two‐ phased $8.5‐million, federally‐funded improvements to reconfigure street intersections; construct street improve‐ ments; install traffic signals at Brea Avenue, Market Street, Spruce Avenue, and La Palma Avenue; and reconstruct  pavement on La Brea Avenue between 104th Street and Hawthorne Boulevard. The street improvements project  scope entailed PCC bus pads, minor concrete with utility frame cover adjustments, new traffic signal and modifica‐ tion of two existing traffic signals, sidewalks, driveways, median curbs, automatic irrigation system, tree planting,  striping, and signage.  Glendora Avenue and Temple Avenue Street Improvements, City of La Puente, California. Grant Administrator  responsible for funding administration submittals for the improvement project. The Prop C and STIPL‐funded pro‐ ject involved improvements to Glendora Avenue from Nelson Avenue to Temple Avenue and Temple Avenue from  Lanny Avenue to Greycliff Avenue.  Atlantic Avenue Improvements, City of South Gate, California. Grant Administrator responsible for funding ad‐ ministration submittals for improvements between Firestone Boulevard limit and south city limit. The proposed  improvements included asphalt‐rubber hot mix overlay, raised landscaped medians, irrigation system, ADA‐compli‐ ant access curb ramps, concrete repairs, communication conduits, and signing and striping.  California Avenue Improvements, City of South Gate, California. Grant Administrator responsible for funding ad‐ ministration submittals for improvements between the north city limit and south city limit. The proposed improve‐ ments included asphalt‐rubber hot mix overlay, traffic signal modification, ADA‐compliant access curb ramps, con‐ crete repairs, communication conduits, street lighting, and signing and striping.  Slauson Avenue Business District Improvements, City of Maywood, California. Grant Administrator responsible  for funding administration submittals for Business District improvements from Downey Avenue to Pine Avenue.  The ESPL‐funded project involved asphalt‐rubber hot‐mix, street resurfacing, cold milling, landscaped medians,  concrete repairs, ADA‐compliant curb ramps, PCC pavement, roadway striping, and traffic loop replacement.       Nicolle Spann, EIT General Engineering Project Manager – Grant Application Profile Summary Education: BS, Civil Engineering (Mathematics minor), California State Polytechnic University, Pomona  Registration:  Engineer‐in‐Training, California No. 156551  Experience: 5 Years    Ms. Nicolle Spann possesses traffic and transportation experience consists of assisting with traffic study prepara‐ tion, including warrant analyses, engineering and traffic surveys, and traffic impact reports. Her daily responsibili‐ ties include preparing level‐of‐service analyses using ICU and HCM methodologies, collision analyses, and related  exhibits for traffic impact analysis reports.  Ms. Spann’s expertise includes performing field work and assisting with traffic signal and signing and striping plan  preparation. She is well versed in AutoCAD, ArcGIS, and Synchro.  Relevant Project Experience West Santa Ana Branch Bicycle Trail STP Application, City of Paramount, California. Traffic Engineering Designer  responsible for project research, analysis, and design assistance necessary to prepare an ATP Cycle 3 application  for the City's bicycle trail improvement project. California’s Active Transportation Program funds infrastructure and  non‐infrastructure projects that encourage increased use of active modes of transportation, such as biking and  walking, and ensures that disadvantaged communities fully share in program benefits. The necessary application  documents were completed and narrative questions were researched and answered. Services encompassed at‐ tending meetings; gathering collision data; researching grant application projects by reviewing City master plans,  general plans, and regional plans; performing field investigations; preparing cross sections and alignment concepts;  assessing conflicts; identifying right‐of‐way takes; assessing environmental impacts; and preparing an engineering  estimate.  Garfield Avenue Class II Bicycle Lanes ATP Application, City of South Gate, California. Traffic Engineering Designer  responsible for project research, analysis, and design assistance for preparing an ATP Cycle 3 applications for the  City's bicycle trail improvement project. California’s Active Transportation Program funds infrastructure and non‐ infrastructure projects that encourage increased use of active modes of transportation, such as biking and walking,  and ensures that disadvantaged communities fully share in program benefits. The necessary application docu‐ ments were completed and narrative questions were researched and answered. Services encompassed attending  meetings; gathering collision data; researching grant application projects by reviewing City master plans, general  plans, and regional plans; performing field investigations; preparing cross sections and alignment concepts; as‐ sessing conflicts; identifying right‐of‐way takes; assessing environmental impacts; and preparing an engineering  estimate.  Cactus Avenue Multi‐Use Trail ATP Grant Application, City of Rialto, California. Traffic Engineering Designer re‐ sponsible for project research, analysis, and design assistance to prepare an ATP Greenhouse Gas Reduction appli‐ cation for the City's multi‐use trail improvements. The necessary application documents were completed and nar‐ rative questions were researched and answered. Services encompassed attending meetings; gathering collision  data; researching grant application projects by reviewing City master plans, general plans, and regional plans; per‐ forming field investigations; preparing cross sections and alignment concepts; assessing conflicts; identifying right‐ of‐way takes; assessing environmental impacts; and preparing an engineering estimate.  Lakewood Boulevard Regional Corridor Capacity Enhancement, City of Lakewood. Traffic Engineering Designer  responsible for project research, analysis, and design assistance for ½‐mile complete street/green street improve‐ ments between the north City limit and Del Amo Boulevard to provide for a regional bicycle path in compliance  with the Gateway Council of Governments Active Transportation Plan and improve pedestrian access to re‐ tail/commercial establishments. The design entailed coordination of pedestrian and bicycle movements into the  current County Traffic Signal Synchronization Program, undergrounding utility distribution and transmission, Green  Streets storm water quality treatment, and drought‐tolerant landscaping. Other improvements involved upgraded    traffic signal equipment to improve safety, bicycle parking and lockers, improved transit stops, sidewalk additions  within the corridor to meet ADA requirements, street resurfacing, and irrigation. Willdan provided preliminary and  final design, NEPA/CEQA documentation and permitting, transit partnering outreach, Corridor Committee meeting  participation, and construction funding application preparation.  Pacoima Wash Bikeway, Mountain Recreation Conservation Authority/Pareto Planning & Environmental Ser‐ vices, Los Angeles County, California. Traffic Engineering Designer responsible for project research, analysis, and  design assistance for a 3.25‐mile Class 1 bikeway connecting local communities to the Angeles National Forest and  to current and future urban parklands such as Mountain Recreation Conservation Authority’s Pacoima Wash Natu‐ ral Park and El Dorado Park. Willdan' prepared the CEQA/NEPA documentation, including an environmental initial  study/mitigated negative declaration (CEQA) and a preliminary environmental studies form (NEPA). Technical stud‐ ies that supported both the CEQA and NEPA documentation were prepared. The documentation included a traffic  hazards study prepared by Willdan's traffic engineers and a natural environmental study – minimum impact report.  The traffic study examined the creation of safe street crossings for trail users along the bikeway’s path. A natural  environmental report was required by Caltrans.  Federal Safe Route to School Program, Cycle 2 Non‐Infrastructure Improvements, City of South Gate, California.  Technical Engineering Assistant responsible for providing technical research and support for an outreach program  to develop and execute individualized SRTS plans for 16 targeted schools. The project goal was to increase and en‐ courage walking and bicycling by students to and from schools. The project included planning and organizing a  community meeting, core team meetings at school sites with stakeholders, development of SRTS plans with the  core teams, before and after student and parent surveys, providing safe route to school maps for each school, and  creating a SRTS webpage on the City's website.  Systemic Safety Analysis Report, City of La Cañada Flintridge, California. Technical Engineering Assistant responsi‐ ble for providing technical research and support to evaluate the City’s entire roadway network. The SSAR analysis  identified high benefit/cost ratio safety projects that were competitive in previous HSIP funding cycles. The analy‐ sis involved 76 countermeasures identified in the Local Roadway Safety Manual and categorized as signalized inter‐ sections, non‐signalized intersections, and roadway improvements. Each recommended countermeasure was ana‐ lyzed for crash type, coefficient reduction factor, life expectancy, federal funding eligibility, and potential to work  in a systemic approach.  Lawndale Village Traffic Impact Analysis, City of Lawndale, California. Technical Engineering Assistant responsible  for providing technical support for a traffic impact analysis of a 41‐unit residential condominium with 2,800 square  feet of retail/commercial space to determine if the project involved any significant traffic impacts in the area. The  traffic report analyzed impacts at 10 intersections and one mid‐block segment. Analysis was conducted using the  Intersection Capacity Utilization methodology.  VTM 63567 Traffic Impact Study, Ashley Construction, Inc., Hidden Hills, California. Technical Engineering Assis‐ tant responsible for providing technical support for updating the 2015 traffic impact study prepared for VTM  63567 in the City of Hidden Hills as requested by the City. The update revises the analysis with traffic counts gath‐ ered while school is in session. Turning movement counts and existing conditions were reviewed and updated as  the basis for the study. Potential traffic impacts were identified, and mitigation measure were recommended. The  report summarized our findings and recommendations. The analysis utilized the Intersection Capacity Utilization  methodologies for signalized intersections and Highway Capacity Manual methodologies for unsignalized.  Crossing Guard Warrant Analysis, City of Lakewood, California. Technical Engineering Assistant responsible for  providing technical support for a crossing guard warrant analysis. The analysis at Hawaiian Avenue and 207th  Street school crossing was based upon existing traffic conditions at the intersection in conjunction with require‐ ments of California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Adult Crossing Guard Guidelines. The study col‐ lected vehicle and pedestrian traffic count and collision data to verify if the intersection met the guidelines.       Jane Freij General Engineering Project Manager – Labor Compliance Profile Summary Education:  BA, Linguistics, University of Kansas  Registrations:   Litigation/Corporations Certificate, Attorney Assistant Training Program, University of California, Los Angeles  Experience: 20 years    Ms. Jane Freij possesses a proven record of profitability achieved through comprehensive and effective manage‐ ment of time and budget. Key areas of expertise include project needs analyses, scheduling and budgeting, con‐ tract administration/negotiation, legal documentation, policy and procedure development, and writing and edit‐ ing. As a Supervising Labor Compliance Manager, Ms. Freij provides oversight of labor compliance monitoring ser‐ vices for various federally‐funded projects under FHWA, FTA, HUD, and EPA. She is familiar with the FHWA federal  funding administration process from field review and request for authorization to final invoicing and has special‐ ized training in the reporting requirements and fraud detection and prevention procedures for projects funded by  the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA).  Relevant Project Experience Del Amo Boulevard Street Resurfacing, City of Lakewood, California. Labor Compliance Task Leader responsible  for providing labor compliance required for the STIPL‐funded improvements , between Downey Avenue and Clark  Avenue. The project entailed asphalt‐rubber hot‐mix overlay, cold milling, reconstructing damaged asphalt con‐ crete pavement, concrete repairs, ADA‐compliant access curb ramps, traffic signal loops, and signing and striping.  Rosecrans Boulevard and Studebaker Road Hot Spots Arterial Intersection Improvements, City of Norwalk, Cali‐ fornia. Labor Compliance Task Leader responsible for providing labor compliance required for the intersection im‐ provements. The project entailed adding north‐, south‐, east‐, and west‐bound left turn lanes, east‐ and south‐ bound right‐turn overlap phasing, increasing west‐ and north‐bound left‐turn‐pocket storage on both streets, 2‐ foot widening within the existing streets rights‐of‐way, median island modifications, street light relocation, street  resurfacing, and signing and striping modifications.  Caruthers Park Stormwater and Urban Runoff Capture Improvements, City of Bellflower, California. Labor Com‐ pliance Task Leader responsible for providing labor compliance for this $8.2 million project. The project includes a  channel drop inlet, pneumatic gate dam, diversion structure, two pretreatment devices, one pump station, instal‐ lation of new pumps, motors, mechanical and storm drain piping, valves, underground storage reservoir, building  construction, water quality skid, electrical equipment modifications, electrical power, electrical service coordina‐ tion, instrumentation and controls, planting, irrigation, playground, and splash pad to support the stormwater and  runoff capture system.  Norm's Restaurant Improvements, City of El Monte, California. Labor Compliance Task Leader responsible for  providing labor compliance required for renovating a local restaurant that – once operational – will employ low‐  income El Monte residents.  Gridley and Reservoir Hill Parks Playground Improvements, City of Cerritos, California. Labor Compliance Project  Manager responsible for overall project oversight of contractor labor compliance required for the playground im‐ provements.  Fishburn Avenue Improvements, City of Bell, California. Labor Compliance Task Leader responsible for providing  labor compliance required for the pavement rehabilitation project. The improvements encompassed resurfacing  with asphalt‐rubber hot mix to prevent more serious and costly deterioration that would lead to complete recon‐ struction; reconstructing damaged and uplifted concrete sidewalk, curb, gutter, and drive approaches; reconstruct‐ ing damaged AC and PCC pavement; installing ADA‐compliant access curb ramps, including truncated domes; in‐ stalling AC speed humps, new HDPE‐pipe storm drain system on Fishburn Avenue; and installing signing and strip‐ ing.    Lakewood Boulevard Regional Corridor Capacity Enhancement, City of Lakewood. Labor Compliance Task Leader  responsible for providing labor compliance required for complete street/green street improvements between the  north city limits and Del Amo Boulevard. Improvements involve street widening and median improvements; Class II  bike lanes in both directions; turn lanes; landscape planting and irrigation; overhead distribution and transmission  power undergrounding; sidewalk, curb and gutter, and driveway approach reconstruction; street resurfacing; catch  basin construction; storm water quality improvements to comply with Green Streets policy; bike lockers, bus shel‐ ter, and traffic signal modifications. Services include civil, traffic, pavement, drainage, and geotechnical engineer‐ ing; landscape architecture, survey and right‐of‐way engineering, and utility relocation.  Cycle 8 HSIP Traffic Signal Improvements, City of San Fernando, California. Labor Compliance Task Leader respon‐ sible for providing labor compliance required for the improvements. Service compassed environmental documents  and technical studies, federal compliance, design engineering, and engineering support during construction. A total  of nine intersections were involved in the project..  Roadside Avenue Bridge Widening, City of Agoura Hills, California. Labor Compliance Task Leader responsible for  providing labor compliance required to satisfy contractor labor requirements for widening the bridge. The project  involved widening the bridge and approaches to accommodate a sidewalk and increasing the traveled way to meet  current geometric standards. Willdan's services entailed preliminary engineering; environmental compliance and  permits; final design, including construction drawings, special provisions, and cost estimating; environmental miti‐ gation program; right‐of‐way; local, state, and federal agency permit coordination; grant funding administration  and compliance; Local Assistance reports and document preparation; storm water pollution prevention plan prepa‐ ration; and bidding and construction support services.  Traffic Signal Improvements at 12 Locations, City of Lynwood, California. Labor Compliance Project Manager re‐ sponsible for overall project oversight of labor compliance services required to satisfy contractor labor compliance  requirements for the project's funding.  La Brea Avenue Intersection Realignment and Reconstruction, City of Inglewood, California. Labor Compliance  Task Leader responsible for providing labor compliance to satisfy funding requirements for the two‐phased $8.5‐ million, federally‐funded improvements to reconfigure street intersections; construct street improvements; install  traffic signals at Brea Avenue, Market Street, Spruce Avenue, and La Palma Avenue; and reconstruct pavement on  La Brea Avenue between 104th Street and Hawthorne Boulevard. The street improvements project scope entailed  PCC bus pads, minor concrete with utility frame cover adjustments, new traffic signal and modification of two ex‐ isting traffic signals, sidewalks, driveways, median curbs, automatic irrigation system, tree planting, striping, and  signage.  Glendora Avenue and Temple Avenue Street Improvements, City of La Puente, California. Labor Compliance Task  Leader responsible for providing labor compliance for the improvement project. The Prop C and STIPL‐funded pro‐ ject involved improvements to Glendora Avenue from Nelson Avenue to Temple Avenue and Temple Avenue from  Lanny Avenue to Greycliff Avenue.  Various Rehabilitation and Resurfacing Improvements, Cities of Rolling Hills Estates, La Puente, and Paramount,  California. Labor Compliance Task Leader responsible for providing labor compliance for grant‐funded improve‐ ments to streets with the cities.       Robert Sun General Engineering Project Manager – Environmental Permitting/Studies Profile Summary Education:  BA, Social Ecology, University of California, Irvine    Landscape Architecture Certificate Program, University of California, Los Angeles  Experience:  19 Years    Mr. Robert Sun possesses experience in local government planning, emphasizing discretionary case processing and  long‐range advance planning programs. He has prepared NEPA‐related environmental studies for various kinds of  projects including highway improvement projects and housing projects. Mr. Sun assisted with preparing a strategic  plan to revitalize Artesia's downtown area and provided project management for various citywide programs.  Relevant Project Experience Long Valley Road/Valley Circle Boulevard/U.S. 101 On‐Ramp Improvements. City of Hidden Hills, California. Envi‐ ronmental Planner responsible for providing CEQA/NEPA documentation preparation required to improve traffic  congestion and pedestrian access at the Long Valley Road on‐ramp intersection. The improvements encompass  sidewalks, right turn‐out lane, paved public parking lot and staging area for City entry, on‐ramp sidewalk, shoulder  paving, and other improvements at the heavily congested intersection of Long Valley Road and U.S. 101 on‐ramp.  Willdan is providing civil, drainage, landscape architectural, and traffic design; environmental compliance docu‐ mentation; survey; geotechnical engineering and materials testing; grant funding administration; utility coordina‐ tion; NPDES, SWPPP, and erosion control; right‐of‐way engineering; and construction support for this Measure R  improvement project.  Urban Greening Bicycle Trail, City of Lynwood, California. Environmental Documentation and Permitting Task  Leader Manager responsible for providing CEQA/NEPA documentation preparation required to develop a sustaina‐ ble, integrated, and efficient design for a bicycle trail within the community consistent with the City's year‐round  recreational programs. The $2.85 million, 1.2‐mile project improvements are being designed to meet the City's  general plan objectives and incorporate landscaping and decorative/commemorative points‐of‐interest along the  trail. The ultimate bicycle path will provide safe connectivity between parks, bus and light rail transit stops, city  hall, and other City attractions and shopping areas. Willdan is providing full engineering design services encom‐ passing field survey, right‐of‐way engineering, geotechnical engineering and inspection, landscape architecture,  environmental documentation, preliminary and final design, drainage and water quality, utility coordination, traffic  design, and safety and visibility lighting design.  Garfield Avenue Corridor Improvements, City of Paramount, California. Environmental Documentation and Per‐ mitting Task Leader Manager responsible for providing CEQA/NEPA documentation preparation required for street  improvements between the north City and the south city limits. The design involved street widening to accommo‐ date a third lane in each direction; street resurfacing; two concrete intersections; concrete sidewalk, curb and gut‐ ter, and driveway approach reconstruction; catch basin construction; streetscape improvements for raised land‐ scaped medians and modifications to existing medians; two entry monument signs; and traffic signal modifications  at nine locations along the Garfield Avenue corridor. Services included civil, traffic, and drainage engineering; sur‐ vey and mapping; utility relocation; landscape architecture; and pavement management.  Caruthers Park Stormwater and Urban Runoff Capture Improvements, City of Bellflower, California. Environmen‐ tal Documentation and Permitting Task Leader Manager responsible for providing CEQA/NEPA documentation for  this $8.2 million project. The project includes a channel drop inlet, pneumatic gate dam, diversion structure, two  pretreatment devices, one pump station, installation of new pumps, motors, mechanical and storm drain piping,  valves, underground storage reservoir, building construction, water quality skid, electrical equipment modifica‐ tions, electrical power, electrical service coordination, instrumentation and controls, planting, irrigation, play‐ ground, and splash pad to support the stormwater and runoff capture system.       Firestone Boulevard Capacity Enhancement, City of South Gate, California. California. Environmental Documenta‐ tion and Permitting Task Leader Manager responsible for providing CEQA/NEPA documentation preparation re‐ quired for the corridor improvements from Alameda Street to Hunt Avenue. The improvements involved roadway  widening from four to six lanes; pavement rehabilitation; landscape and hardscape medians; median lighting; side‐ walk, curb and gutter, and driveway approach reconstruction; ADA‐compliant ramps; parkway trees; artistic ele‐ ments and corridor entrance monument; bus shelter and bus turnouts; and traffic signal modifications. Services  provided included civil, traffic, pavement, and drainage engineering; landscape architecture, survey and right‐of‐ way engineering; and utility relocation.  Lakewood Boulevard and Del Amo Boulevard Hot Spot Intersection Improvement, City of Lakewood, California.  Environmental Documentation and Permitting Task Leader Manager responsible for providing CEQA/NEPA docu‐ mentation preparation required for the improvements. The project includes widening the west side of Lakewood  Boulevard north of Del Amo Boulevard, modifying and removing the median island on Lakewood Boulevard, wid‐ ening the south side of Del Amo Boulevard, modifying the median island on Del Amo Boulevard, modifying the  traffic signal, relocating street lights per street/median island modifications, widening Lakewood Boulevard and  the box culvert/channel wall, obtaining a Los Angeles County construction permit and license agreement for work  within the channel, and extending Del Amo Boulevard Class 2 bike lanes east of Lakewood Boulevard and convert‐ ing the bike path to recreational path.  Live Oak Street Mitigated Negative Declarations, City of Cudahy, California. Environmental Documentation and  Permitting Task Leader Manager responsible for providing CEQA/NEPA documentation preparation required for  two separate projects. One involved a 20‐unit multi‐family residential development and the other involved a 17‐ unit multi‐family residential development.  Artesia LIVE Phases I and II, City of Artesia, California. Environmental Planner responsible for providing environ‐ mental studies for development of the City's downtown specific plan – a City‐initiated project to promote mixed‐ use development and provide an economic development tool to facilitate future development. The proposed  seven‐story, mixed‐use development consisted of a 111‐room hotel, 56 residential condominiums, approximately  11,000 square feet of street‐level retail and restaurant space, and a subterranean parking garage. Data gathered  from community surveys and adjacent‐city experiences, policies, and procedures for mixed‐use developments was  used to develop new standards and guidelines for building within the City's unique historic and cultural character‐ istics to enhance the center core, create a strong community identity and sense of place, provide new employment  housing and shopping opportunities, and strengthen the City's tax base.  County Engineering Services, County of Glenn, California. Project Planner responsible for providing CEQA/NEPA  documentation preparation for various projects throughout the County, including 10 HBP‐funded bridge replace‐ ment projects in Glenn County. Common elements of all projects include project management, surveying, right‐of‐ way engineering, utility coordination, geotechnical investigation, hydro‐logic/hydraulic analysis, preliminary engi‐ neering studies, environmental documentation, roadway approach design, bridge design, right‐of‐way clearance  and certification, PS&E preparation, bid assistance, and construction support. Projects include:   County Road 200A at Stony Creek Bridge   County Road Z at Campbell Slough   County Road 35 at Walker Creek Bridge   County Road 35 at Wilson Creek Bridge   County 67 at Howard Slough (four bridges)   County Road 200 and P STIP Overlays   County Road V STIP Overlays   County Road 44 Box Culvert Replacement       Jason Brown General Engineering Project Manager – Construction Management and Inspection Profile Summary Education:  Public Works Inspection, Fullerton Community College  Experience:  28 Years    Mr. Jason Brown serves as both a construction manager and supervising public works observer. His duties include  the inspection and management of large‐scale public works improvement projects. Mr. Brown's experience in‐ cludes the construction administration and inspection of subdivisions, traffic signals, storm drains, sanitary sewers,  ARHM overlay, conventional asphalt overlays, and street beautification projects. He possesses experience with  specially funded projects, such as ISTEA and CDBG. Mr. Brown has served as a Permit Inspector for the Cities of  Paramount, Bell Gardens, and Rosemead. His previous experience includes concrete cutting and core drilling, land‐ scape construction and maintenance, concrete finishing, and masonry construction. Mr. Brown has been providing  inspection and management of many large CIP and land development projects.  Relevant Project Experience Alondra Boulevard Resurfacing, City of Paramount, California. Construction Manager/Office Engineer responsible  for overall construction observation and federal labor compliance monitoring and enforcement services along with  performing as Office Engineer. Those responsibilities entailed processing and logging all RFIs, submittals, and  change orders; reviewing and processing contractor progress payments; and reviewing and preparing change order  documents, meeting agenda and minutes, and working day statements for the improvements between Gundry  Avenue and Hunsaker Avenue. The FHWA/STPL‐funded and Caltrans‐administered improvements involved street  resurfacing and traffic signal modifications at various intersections along Alondra Boulevard . Willdan provided the  design for the project.  Imperial Highway Rehabilitation, City of Inglewood, California. Construction Manager/Office Engineer responsible  for overall construction management, inspection, and materials testing services along with performing as Office  Engineer. Those responsibilities entailed processing and logging all RFIs, submittals, and change orders; reviewing  and processing contractor progress payments; and reviewing and preparing change order documents, meeting  agenda and minutes, and working day statements for 1.5 miles of pavement rehabilitation between Prairie View  and Van Ness Avenue. The project encompassed traffic signal modifications at four major intersections, 7,000 lin‐ ear feet of fiber optic conduit and cable, cold milling existing AC pavement, rubberized asphalt concrete overlay,  removal and replacement of driveway approaches, sidewalks, curbs and gutter, ADA‐compliant curb ramps, AC and  PCC pavement, PCC bus pads, signing and striping, and other related improvements.  Towne Avenue Phase 2, City of Pomona, California. Construction Manager responsible for overall construction  management, inspection, and materials testing services for street improvements between Lexington Avenue and  Riverside Drive. The project involved making minor concrete repairs, removing and replacing asphalt, cold milling,  ARHM overlay, and other work. Labor compliance was provided for ARRA‐funded improvements.  Glendora Road Street Resurfacing, City of La Puente, California. Construction Manager responsible for overall  construction management, inspection, and materials testing services for the street improvements. This project en‐ compassed concrete repairs, removing and replacing asphalt, concrete improvements such as ADA‐compliant curb  ramps, cold milling, ARHM overlay, and other work. Labor compliance was provided for ARRA‐funded improve‐ ments.  Ayala Drive Widening and Improvements to Jerry Eaves Park North and South Parking Lots, City of Rialto, Cali‐ fornia. Construction Manager/Office Engineer responsible for overall construction management, inspection, and  materials testing services along with performing as Office Engineer. Those responsibilities entailed processing and  logging all RFIs, submittals, and change orders; reviewing and processing contractor progress payments; and re‐ viewing and preparing change order documents, meeting agenda and minutes, and working day statements. Im‐ provements to the Jerry Eaves north and south parking lots included asphalt repairs, grading for the new south  parking lot, asphalt paving of the south parking lot, new lighting, landscaping, ADA improvements, planting, and    other appurtenant work. The Ayala Drive widening improvements included removing and replacing damaged as‐ phalt, widening the existing street section, ADA improvements, two new traffic signals, new landscape medians,  decorative cobble rock, traffic markings, and other appurtenant work.  San Bernardino Avenue and Willow Avenue Storm Drain Improvements, City of Rialto, California. Construction  Manager/Office Engineer responsible for overall construction management, inspection, and materials testing ser‐ vices along with performing as Office Engineer. Those responsibilities entailed processing and logging all RFIs, sub‐ mittals, and change orders; reviewing and processing contractor progress payments; and reviewing and preparing  change order documents, meeting agenda and minutes, and working day statements for the $4.4 million widening  and reconstruction improvements to portions of San Bernardino Avenue, Riverside Avenue, Valley Boulevard, and  Willow Avenue. The project involved ARHM overlay, new traffic signal at Valley Boulevard and Willow Avenue, two  traffic signal modifications on Riverside Avenue, PCC sidewalk, driveway approaches, bus pads, valley gutters, curb  and gutter, chain link fence, drainage system improvements, water line installation, and other related work. The  traffic signal improvements required coordination with SCE for installation of new electrical services. Willdan pro‐ vided construction management and inspection services.  Cedar Avenue/SCRRA Storm Drain Improvements, City of Rialto, California. Construction Manager/Office Engi‐ neer responsible for overall construction management, inspection, and materials testing services along with per‐ forming as Office Engineer. Those responsibilities entailed processing and logging all RFIs, submittals, and change  orders; reviewing and processing contractor progress payments; and reviewing and preparing change order docu‐ ments, meeting agenda and minutes, and working day statements for improvements to distribute stormwater run‐ off flow to local receiving stations. The improvements entailed 2,000 linear feet of HDPE, manholes, catch basins,  junction structures, and other improvements. Willdan provided evaluation of stormwater runoff and necessary  facilities to handle flow exceeding the local facility capacities, hydrologic/hydraulic evaluations, design, construc‐ tion engineering, construction management, inspection, and materials testing.  Base Line Road Beautification, City of Highland, California. Construction Manager/Office Engineer responsible for  overall construction management, inspection, and materials testing services along with performing as Office Engi‐ neer. Those responsibilities entailed processing and logging all RFIs, submittals, and change orders; reviewing and  processing contractor progress payments; and reviewing and preparing change order documents, meeting agenda  and minutes, and working day statements for the $4.5 million street improvement project. The project involved  installing landscaped medians, drainage, decorative street lights, ADA‐compliant ramps, brick pavers at two inter‐ sections, decorative crosswalks, and traffic signals; cold milling asphalt; reconstructing damaged curb and side‐ walk, and other appurtenant work. The project was federally funded and Willdan was responsible for maintaining  the file pursuant to Caltrans LAPM.  Miro Way Storm Drain Improvements, City of Rialto, California. Construction Manager/Office Engineer responsi‐ ble for overall construction management and inspection services along with performing as Office Engineer. Those  responsibilities entailed processing and logging all RFIs, submittals, and change orders; reviewing and processing  contractor progress payments; and reviewing and preparing change order documents, meeting agenda and  minutes, and working day statements for Phase I of the permitted project. The improvements involved installing  10,000 linear feet of RCP, manholes, catch basins, and other related work. Willdan was responsible for conform‐ ance with approved plans and specifications, tracking quantities, monitoring the material testing subconsultant,  monitoring the contractor's traffic control plan, public outreach to affected local businesses, and serving as liaison  between City staff and the developer.  WalMart Onsite and Offsite Improvements, City of Rialto, California. Construction Inspector responsible for  providing inspection for onsite and offsite grading, street construction, drainage channel construction, drainage  culvert construction, asphalt placement, concrete construction and earthwork activities in connection with the  WalMart development. Willdan provided complete construction management, geotechnical, and inspection.       James McGuire General Engineering Project Manager – Assessment District and Bond Review and Administration Profile Summary Education:  BS, University of California, Irvine  Experience:  27 Years    Mr. James McGuire specializes in parcel and property‐related revenue audits, district administration, and annexa‐ tions/formations of various special districts such as 1972 Act landscaping and lighting districts, fire suppression as‐ sessments, community facilities districts, benefit assessment districts for infrastructure facilities, and property and  business improvement districts. Mr. McGuire possesses over two decades of experience working with local govern‐ ments and communities on special districts. His experience includes study sessions for staff and City Councils along  with facilitation and/or technical support for advisory committees and property owner workshops.  Relevant Project Experience Clean Water Fee, County of Los Angeles Flood Control District, California. Project Manager responsible for overall  project management and oversight of services required to assist County staff with establishing a countywide clean  water fee. When the fee was implemented, the Flood Control District was comprised of approximately 3,000  square miles, 85 cities, and approximately 2.2 million parcels. The drainage infrastructure encompassed over  20,000 miles of public roadways, 500 miles of open channel, 2,800 miles of underground storm drain, and an esti‐ mated 120,000 catch basins within incorporated and unincorporated areas of the nine identified watershed areas  within the County.  Hollywood Entertainment District, Los Angeles County, California. Project Manager responsible for overall project  management and oversight of services required to conduct benefit analysis studies or restructuring plans and as‐ sist with implementation strategies related to identifying special‐versus‐general benefit necessary for Proposition  218 compliance and/or special districts re‐engineering.  On‐Call Assessment District Services, City of Arcadia, California. Assessment District Administrator responsible for  assisting the City with various studies, district formations, or district updating. On‐call services required coordinat‐ ing and collaborating with City staff, homeowner associations, citizen/property owner advisory committees, and  other stakeholder staff.  On‐Call Assessment District Services, City of Artesia, California. Assessment District Administrator responsible for  assisting the City with various studies, district formations, or district updating. On‐call services required coordinat‐ ing and collaborating with City staff, homeowner associations, citizen/property owner advisory committees, and  other stakeholder staff.  On‐Call Assessment District Services, City of Pomona, California. Assessment District Administrator responsible  for assisting the City with various studies, district formations, or district updating. On‐call services required coordi‐ nating and collaborating with City staff, homeowner associations, citizen/property owner advisory committees,  and other stakeholder staff..  On‐Call Assessment District Services, City of Pasadena, California. Assessment District Administrator responsible  for assisting the City with various studies, district formations, or district updating. On‐call services required coordi‐ nating and collaborating with City staff, homeowner associations, citizen/property owner advisory committees,  and other stakeholder staff.  On‐Call Assessment District Services, County of Los Angeles Parks and Recreation Department, California. As‐ sessment District Administrator responsible for assisting the City with various studies, district formations, or dis‐ trict updating. On‐call services required coordinating and collaborating with City staff, homeowner associations,  citizen/property owner advisory committees, and other stakeholder staff.    On‐Call Assessment District Services, City of Santa Clarita, California. Project Manager responsible for overall pro‐ ject management and oversight of services required to provide as‐needed special assessment district formations  and annexations ‐ ‐as well as Proposition 218 ballot proceedings – for new or increased assessments.  On‐Call Assessment District Services, County of Los Angeles, California. Project Manager responsible for overall  project management and oversight of services required to provide as‐needed special assessment district for‐ mations and annexations ‐ ‐as well as Proposition 218 ballot proceedings – for new or increased assessments.  Fire Assessment Study, Sacramento Metro Fire District, California. Project Manager responsible for overall project  management and oversight of services required to for a proposed fire suppression assessment study to update a  fire suppression assessment, as well as comply with Proposition 218 noticing and balloting requirements. This en‐ gagement required extensive work developing a sound assessment and engineer’s report and working with a large  consulting team that included public opinion polling and public relations firms. The proposed assessments were  not implemented by the Fire District Board due to litigation threats made by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Associa‐ tion.  Moreno Valley Community Services District Needs Assessment, City of Moreno Valley, California. Assessment  District Administrator responsible for performing an initial macro review and evaluation of the CSD and related  charges. A comprehensive document was provided to the City outlining the findings of the analysis by zone with  recommendations for District staff consideration and implementation of various approaches to resolve the issues.  Some – but not all – modifications have been implemented, including replacing a few CSD zones with a new 1972  Act landscaping and lighting district and annexations and expanding the City’s community facilities district.       Section 3 – Company Qualifications Firm Profile Willdan Engineering, a California corporation since 1964, is a subsidiary of Willdan Group, Inc., a publicly‐traded  Delaware corporation. Services are provided to nationwide clientele through three subsidiary firms – Willdan  Engineering, Willdan Energy Solutions, and Willdan Financial Services – that offer a portfolio of diversified  strengths. Throughout our history, Willdan Engineering (Willdan) has served as a full‐service, multi‐disciplinary firm  specializing in municipal engineering, planning, construction management and inspection, and building safety ser‐ vices along with a full complement of support disciplines.  Willdan's contact person for this submittal is Ms. Vanessa Muñoz, PE, TE, PTOE. She can be contacted by mail at  Willdan Engineering, 13101 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405, Industry, CA 91746; by phone at (562) 908‐6200  extension 6225; by cell phone at (562) 447‐6844; or by email at vmuñoz@willdan.com.  Financial Stability Throughout our 55 years in business, Willdan has maintained a  strong balance sheet with the financial and staffing resources  to perform and complete all contractual obligations. We have  continued to grow to better serve our clients by offering an ex‐ panding range of municipal services. Financial information, in‐ cluding information on revenue, earnings, and cash flow, are  issued quarterly and can be found at www.willdan.com.  There are no pending conditions such as bankruptcy, pending litigation, planned office closure, impending merger,  etc., that would impede Willdan's ability to complete the City's contract for city, traffic, and general engineering  services.  Core Competencies Willdan's core competencies are in direct alignment with the services required for the City of Rialto's On‐Call Pro‐ fessional Civil Engineering Services contract.  Extension of Staff Uniquely, Willdan provides contract staffing to  public agencies, providing a cost‐effective alterna‐ tive to employing full‐time staff. This service is  provided through on‐call, interim, and long‐term  staff support and is utilized by public agencies to  provide technical expertise on a project‐by‐project  basis, to relieve peak workload situations, or to fill  vacant positions during a job search. Willdan per‐ sonnel, many of whom have served in positions  with public agencies, can serve as city and traffic  engineers, building officials, plans examiners, inspectors, planning directors, case planners, public  works directors, or project managers. Having served, not only as staff with public agencies but also as  contract staff through Willdan, our personnel have a clear understanding of the challenges facing  public agencies. They focus on matching practical solutions with the budgetary and political require‐ ments of individual public agencies.  The diversity of our staff’s experience is an added value of our professional services. Combining the  strength of our local personnel with experts nationwide, Willdan is able to offer practical solutions  that are timely and cost‐effective and that meet the needs of individual communities. Whether it is a  simple concern about a right‐of‐way permit or a complex series of questions regarding municipal ser‐ vices and infrastructure capacities, Willdan has the diversity to address it all. Representative Los An‐ geles County clients include:    Unique Extension of Staff Expertise      Willdan differs significantly from other firms  in that contract extension of staff services  have been a cornerstone of our business plan  since our inception in 1964. One of Willdan's  first contracts was to provide contract staff‐ ing to Dairy Valley – now the City of Cerritos.  In business for 55 years  Revenue of $300 million  $50 million line of credit  Publicly traded company  (NASDAQ Ticker – WLDN)     City of Bell   City of South Gate   City of Inglewood   City of La Puente   City of Rancho Palos Verdes   City of Rolling Hills   City of Rolling Hills Estates   City of Paramount  Survey and Right-of-Way Engineering Willdan provides a wide range of surveying, mapping, and right‐of‐way engineering services for major  transportation improvements, street widenings, sewer and water improvements, urban redevelop‐ ment, final and parcel maps, and easement descriptions. Field services provided by Willdan and/or  our subconsultants include boundary surveys and/or research, topographic base mapping, right‐of‐ way easement stakeout, construction staking, and site surveys. Representative Los Angeles County  projects include:   Firestone Boulevard Capacity Enhancement, City of South Gate   Urban Bike Trail Improvements. City of Lynwood   Lakewood Boulevard Regional Corridor Capacity Enhancement, City of Lakewood   Roadside Drive Bridge Widening, City of Agoura Hills   Garfield Avenue Corridor Improvements, City of Paramount  Geotechnical Engineering Willdan provides a full gamut of geotechnical studies, engineering geology, and materials testing and  inspection, including subsurface exploration, geologic and seismic hazard assessment, soil testing, en‐ gineering and pavement analyses and designs, construction support (soils and materials testing and  inspection), and special studies. Willdan’s soils and materials testing laboratory is certified by Caltrans  and participates in the AMRL and CCRL proficiency programs. Representative Los Angeles County pro‐ jects include:   Ellis Lane Pavement Study, City of Rosemead   Bellflower High School Culinary Arts Center Renovation, Bellflower Unified School District   Philadelphia and Nell Soto Park Improvements, City of Pomona   Glenoaks Boulevard Resurfacing Improvements, City of San Fernando   North Beach Playground, City of Santa Monica   Firestone Boulevard Capacity Enhancement, City of South Gate  Environmental Compliance and Permitting Willdan has a prolific history of providing environmental planning services to cities and counties  throughout California. We have prepared every type of environmental document pursuant to the Cal‐ ifornia Environmental Quality Act and the National Environmental Policy Act, including environmental  impact reports/statements, initial studies and negative declarations/mitigated negative declarations,  environmental assessments/findings of no significant impact and exemptions/exclusions. Representa‐ tive Los Angeles County projects include:   CalRecycle Grant Application and Management, City of Paramount   Traffic Signal Improvement HSIP Cycle 8, City of San Fernando   Police Station Parking Lot Expansion, City of South Gate   Long Valley Road/Valley Circle Boulevard/U.S. 101 On‐Ramp Improvements, City of Hidden Hills   Firestone Boulevard Capacity Enhancement, City of South Gate   Garfield Avenue Corridor Improvements, City of Paramount      Utility Coordination and Permitting Willdan's utility coordination staff is knowledgeable in effectively identifying existing utilities, provid‐ ing timely notification, and anticipating and resolving potential conflicts on plans and specifications.  They are keenly aware that utility identification and location are crucial to project planning and devel‐ opment and are essential to saving time and money and keeping a project schedule on track. Our  staff is adept at detailed identification and notification processes required for a myriad of project  types. Representative Los Angeles County projects include:   Palos Verdes Drive South and Palos Verdes Drive East Intersection Traffic Signal, City of Rancho  Palos Verdes   Crosswalk Improvements HSIP Cycle 8, City of La Puente   2019 Street Resurfacing Improvements, City of Rolling Hills Estates   Lakewood Boulevard Regional Corridor Capacity Enhancement, City of Lakewood   Glendora Avenue and Temple Avenue Street Improvements City of La Puente   Firestone Boulevard Capacity Enhancement, City of South Gate  Civil Engineering Willdan's civil engineers offer a full complement of roadway and highway design, including feasibility  studies (site evaluation/grading/earthwork); project studies and reports; final design; erosion control  and site remediation; storm water management; NPDES compliance; utility conflict, ADA, and value  engineering analyses; cost estimating and scheduling; and constructability review. Representative Los  Angeles County projects include:   Firestone Boulevard Capacity Enhancement, City of South Gate   Lakewood Boulevard Regional Corridor Capacity Enhancement, City of Lakewood   Urban Bike Trail Improvements. City of Lynwood   Glendora Avenue and Temple Avenue Street Improvements City of La Puente   Garfield Avenue Street Improvements, City of Paramount   Roadside Drive Bridge Widening, City of Agoura Hills   Los Alamitos Boulevard Median Improvements, City of Los Alamitos  Stormwater Engineering Willdan has expertise in all aspects of hydrology, drainage, and flood control – ranging from local and  regional drainage and flood control improvements to hydraulic and sediment transport analyses of  major rivers. Quality engineering solutions in drainage and stormwater management have been one  of the primary elements of Willdan’s municipal and public works experience. Willdan has prepared  many watershed and floodway studies, completed flood control and drainage engineering projects,  and performed design and construction inspection services throughout California. Representative Los  Angeles County projects include:   Fiscal Year 2019/20 NPDES Services, City of Bell   Stormwater Constructability Review, City of Culver City   Rams Football Stadium Multi‐Modal Transit Center Facility, City of Inglewood   Firestone Boulevard Capacity Enhancement, City of South Gate   Lakewood Boulevard Regional Corridor Capacity Enhancement, City of Lakewood   Palos Verdes Drive South Intersection Improvements, City of Rancho Palos Verdes  Traffic Engineering Willdan's traffic engineers are experts in conducting traffic surveys and data collection, investigating  motorist and vehicle characteristics, identifying and making recommendations on traffic safety and  utilizing traffic laws and enforcement to determine traffic signal timing, and evaluating highway oper‐ ations. Willdan prepares traffic engineering designs to warn, regulate, and guide traffic. We develop  geometric design and channelization, traffic signal and street lighting plans, parking lot designs, and  traffic control plans. Representative Los Angeles County projects include:     Western Avenue Congestion Improvement, City of Rancho Palos Verdes   Traffic Impact Delay Study, City of Bellflower   Soledad Canyon Road Signal Modification, City of Santa Clarita   Paramount Boulevard Traffic Signal Upgrades, City of Downey   Hidden Hills Traffic Impact Study, City of Hidden Hills/Ashley Construction   Systemic Safety Analysis, City of La Cañada Flintridge   San Gabriel Avenue Traffic Study, City of Azusa   SCAG Sustainability Planning Grant Application, City of La Puente  Landscape Architecture Willdan’s landscape architects offer an array of services and expertise that adds long‐term value to  communities. Our landscape architectural team possesses knowledge of applicable codes and con‐ struction experience to ensure code compliance with a focus on site analysis, user needs program‐ ming, site design, landscape preservation, land management and reclamation, water conservation,  and arboriculture. Representative Los Angeles County projects include:   John and Lynn Taber Grove Phase 1, City of Rolling Hills Estates   Elliott Avenue Landscape Improvements, City of La Puente   Urban Bike Trail Improvements. City of Lynwood   On‐Call Landscape Plan Review, City of La Mirada   Clarkdale Skate Park Renovations, City of Hawaiian Gardens   Firestone Boulevard Capacity Enhancement, City of South Gate  Grant Funding Willdan offers expertise in funding sources to assist our clients with obtaining available funding for  current and future capital improvement projects. Our team offers vast knowledge of local/state/fed‐ eral funding availability, along with administration and procurement requirements, for a wide variety  of funding sources. Willdan's staff members have prepared numerous funding and competitive grant  applications for various client cities. The applications generally require extensive research to investi‐ gate facilities and existing conditions, soliciting support from local civic groups, and completing a de‐ tailed cost estimate for project implementation. Willdan offers expertise in grant writing and select‐ ing winning projects. Our submittals have a greater than 50 percent award rate on competitive state  and federal grants.  In addition, Willdan's team possesses vast experience preparing and processing required Caltrans  forms for local agencies, including state and federal funding forms, checklists, invoices, and reports of  expenditures. Willdan has assisted local agencies at various project stages with state and federal  funding, from the initiating request to final invoicing. Willdan team members maintain quality rela‐ tions with Caltrans’ District Local Assistance. Representative Los Angeles County projects include:   Roadside Drive Bridge Widening, City of Agoura Hills   Lakewood Boulevard Regional Corridor Capacity Enhancement, City of Lakewood   Pioneer Boulevard at Imperial Highway Intersection Improvements, City of Norwalk   Garfield Avenue Corridor Improvements, City of Paramount   Interchange 710 Environmental Impact Report/Study Review, City of Paramount  Pavement Engineering Willdan is at the forefront developing new and more cost‐effective approaches to rehabilitating pave‐ ment structures. Design specifications have been tested and refined for various processes using  methods and materials proven to be economical and effective in their application. Our pavement en‐ gineering has resulted in a greater understanding of how attention to small or prior record details  such as crack treatments, interlayer placement, and removal area selections are crucial to a durable  finished pavement. Representative Los Angeles County projects include:        Various Street Pavement Rehabilitation, City of Bell   Pioneer Boulevard Pavement Rehabilitation, City of Norwalk   Interstate 5 Preconstruction Mitigation, City of La Mirada   Inglewood Boulevard Pavement Rehabilitation, City of Inglewood   Pavement Management System Update, City of Lakewood   Glenoaks Boulevard Resurfacing Improvements, City of San Fernando   Alondra Boulevard, Stage Road, Trojan Way, and Firestone Boulevard Street Rehabilitation, City  of La Mirada  Plan Review Willdan's proposed plan and map review team members provide plan reviews for a full complement  of development improvements for private development and public infrastructure. Our team offers  highly‐qualified discipline specialists capable of reviewing civil and traffic engineering, environmental,  geotechnical, landscape, and structural designs and reports for residential, industrial, and commercial  developments; public buildings; recreational facilities; site grading; landscaping; transportation im‐ provements; and utility, storm drain, and flood control facilities.  Hydrology and hydraulic calculations are checked for accuracy to verify drainage plans are adequate  for design runoff. Structural calculations, when submitted, are checked by our in‐house engineers  specializing in bridges, retaining walls, and other structural improvements. Grading plans are checked  against geotechnical recommendations. Utility offsite improvement plans prepared for other agen‐ cies are reviewed for conflict/consistency with established design guidelines. Street improvement  plans are reviewed for ADA compliance.  Willdan provides reviews for parcel and tract maps, lot line adjustments, certificates of compliance,  vacations and dedications, and other survey documents. Our team routinely assists clients with parcel  and tract maps; boundary, topographic, ALTA, and right‐of‐way surveys; boundary line adjustments;  legal descriptions; and other survey services. Our team utilizes AutoCAD 3D, MicroStation, GIS, and  other software to identify, analyze, and determine ownership line discrepancies, overlaps, or gaps.  For development plan review, Willdan provides building safety staff fully qualified to review develop‐ ments for architectural, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, life‐safety, structural, energy, green build‐ ing, and ADA compliance. Representative Los Angeles County clients include:   City of Cerritos   City of El Monte   City of South Gate   City of Inglewood   City of La Puente   City of Rancho Palos Verdes   City of Rolling Hills Estates   City of Paramount  Construction Management and Inspection Willdan provides expertise in all areas of project and construction management, construction admin‐ istration, construction inspection and observation, grant funding administration and compliance, la‐ bor and DBE compliance, and community relations. We specialize in partnering with clients to main‐ tain good community relations with residents and businesses affected by construction. Willdan's cor‐ porate philosophy emphasizes strong leadership, cost effectiveness, timely performance, and con‐ sistent reciprocal communication with clients and internal and external resources.  Our resident engineers, construction managers, and construction inspectors offer reliable service,  quality workmanship, use of good judgment, fair and equitable treatment, and adherence to our cor‐ porate integrity. These experienced team members identify and correct discrepancies, ambiguities,    omissions, or conflicts in plans, specifications, and bid schedules that might generate misinterpreta‐ tion and/or lead to agency and contractor disagreements. Our professionals are adept at anticipating  issues before they arise through continual review of project plans, specifications, contractors’ sched‐ ules, and contract documents. Potential problems are brought to the attention of the project man‐ ager and/or the contractor, along with constructive recommendations for solutions, so that costly  delays and negative impacts to the public are avoided. Representative Los Angeles County projects  include:   Pio Pico Park Improvements, City of Pico Rivera   Palos Verdes Drive East Storm Drain Repair, City of Rolling Hills Estates   Caruthers Park Stormwater and Urban Runoff Capture Improvements, City of Bellflower   Paramount Boulevard Waterline, City of Downey   Lincoln Park and Citywide ADA Compliance Improvements, City of Pomona   Brookshire Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation, City of Downey   Safe Routes to School Cycle 7 Inspection, City of San Fernando  Labor Compliance Management and Oversight Willdan has been providing federal labor compliance services for over 25 years. This experience has  enabled our staff to develop an extremely efficient compliance management system – perfected  through continual review and updates – that maximizes efficiency, minimizes cost, and provides our  clients with a high level of comfort about project progress.  Our staff members have extensive and varied experience with contract administration in general –  where state law often has a bearing on contract compliance. In addition, our staff has undergone  training to administer projects funded by a variety of state and federal sources, including California  Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, De‐ partment of Energy, Environmental Protection Agency, State Water Resources Control Board, Los An‐ geles County Community Development Commission, and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban De‐ velopment. Our staff members are cognizant of the reporting requirements for these agencies and  have been thoroughly trained in fraud prevention and detection. Representative Los Angeles County  clients include:   City of Rosemead   City of Inglewood   City of Lakewood   City of Lawndale   City of Norwalk   City of Paramount   City of Pomona   City of Rolling Hills Estates   City of La Cañada Flintridge   City of Hawaiian Gardens   City of Bell Gardens   City of Hermosa Beach   City of Rancho Palos Verdes  Assessment District Administration Assessment district administration services address the ongoing day‐to‐day activities associated with  the long‐term collection of bonded and pay‐as‐you‐go taxes, assessments, charges, and fees. Our  staff is carefully selected and equipped with customized skills to ensure that we meet one key objec‐ tive: take care of every detail of ongoing administration so that our clients’ staff can focus on other  critical functions. Prior to implementation we work to identify and understand the specific needs at  hand. We then customize our service offerings to meet the unique needs of each project. Representa‐ tive Los Angeles County projects include:     Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District, Sanitary Sewer Maintenance District, and Sewer  Service Fee Annual Administration, City of Bell   Special District Administration and Re‐Engineering Services, City of Santa Clarita   Landscape Maintenance District Annual Administration and Annexation Services, County of Los  Angeles Department of Public Works   Water Standby Charge Administration Services, Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water Dis‐ trict   Citywide Street Lighting District Annual Administration, City of Arcadia   Landscaping and Lighting Assessment District Administration Services, City of Lynwood  Relevant Experience City of Rosemead Experience Willdan has a demonstrated 21‐year history  providing city, traffic, geotechnical, right‐of‐ way, and drainage engineering; construction  management and inspection; environmental  compliance and planning; plan review; energy  auditing; and other related services to the City  of Rosemead. Through our experience with  City projects, we know how to properly navi‐ gate the intricacies of Rosemead's project de‐ sign development and local agency review pro‐ cesses to deliver exceptional client service and  successful projects. Our partnership with the  City of Rosemead includes projects ranging  from bridge improvements to pavement reha‐ bilitation.  Other Municipal Agency Experience Willdan can provide expert design services for the City of Rosemead's city engineering, traffic engineering, and  general engineering needs, including grading, drainage, roadway, water, sewer, state highway facilities, bridges,  and structures – to name a few. To ensure a unified, cohesive, effective, and efficient approach, Willdan provides  in‐house capabilities in a full‐spectrum of support functions, including right‐of‐way, utility relocation, geographic  information systems, public participation processes, and interagency coordination.  Our design/build experience with U.S. Department of Defense base renovations and rehabilitation and Los Angeles  County Metropolitan Transit Authority's Orange Line busway extension, along with our staff’s extensive construc‐ tion management experience, provides our designers with unique insight into public works construction. This ex‐ perience has led to enhanced designs that reduce change orders and minimize construction costs.  The matrix below represents a small fraction of the clients Willdan serves – or has served – with on‐call engineer‐ ing and as City Engineer, Traffic Engineer, Planning Director, Building Official, and other municipal positions.    Representative Rosemead Projects      Ellis Lane Pavement Study  Garvey Avenue Resurfacing  Del Mar and Hellman   Intersection Improvement  Debris Full‐Capture System  Civic Center Reconstruction  Phase III  Hellman Avenue and San  Gabriel Boulevard Intersec‐ tion Improvements  Muscatel Drive Pavement  Rehabilitation  Garvey Avenue Bridge   Improvements  San Gabriel Boulevard   Resurfacing  Hellman Avenue Bridge   Improvements  Hellman Avenue/Jackson  Avenue and Garvey Ave‐ nue/Senior Housing Traffic  Signal Installations  Lower Azusa Road Resur‐ facing    Client Surveying Materials Testing and Inspection  Environmental Documentation Civil Engineering Traffic Engineering Drainage Engineering Utility Coordination/Relocation Extension of Staff Construction Management/ Inspection Pavement Management Right‐of‐Way Engineering and  Acquisition Landscape Architecture Plan Review Structures Los Angeles County  City of Rosemead      City of Bell                City of South Gate                City of Inglewood                City of La Puente                City of Rancho Palos Verdes                City of Rolling Hills                 City of Rolling Hills Estates                City of Los Alamitos                City of Paramount                City of Calabasas                City of Thousand Oaks                  Orange County  City of Los Alamitos                City of Yorba Linda                City of Brea                City of Placentia                County of Orange                Inland Empire  City of Rialto                City of San Bernardino                County of San Bernardino                City of Highland                City of Grand Terrace                 Ventura County  City of Fillmore                City of Westlake Village                Northern California  City of Elk Grove                       The table below depicts a representative listing of Willdan's relevant experience and our history of delivering the  level of service, expertise, and commitment that Willdan offers our on‐call municipal agency clients. We encourage  the City to contact the references listed below and in Section 4 ‐ References; they are clients that have received  similar services as those we are proposing to provide to the City of Rosemead.  Client Contact Services Provided Service  Years  City of Los Alamitos Brett Plumlee  City Manager  (562) 431‐3538   City Engineer   Traffic Engineer   Public Works Permits/Inspection   Development Review   CIP Design   CIP Construction Support Services   Grant Writing and Application   Storm Water/Drainage/NPDES Program   Survey   Landscape Architecture   Map Check   Infrastructure Operations and Maintenance   Subcontractor/Subconsultant Procurement and  Management   Encroachment Permit and Inspection   Architectural Services   City Facilities Upgrade and Improvement Design  and Construction Support  21  City of Lakewood Lisa Rapp  Director of Public Works  (562) 866‐9771   City Engineer   Traffic Engineer   Development Review   Civil and Traffic Engineering Design   Funding Administration   Grant Writing   Geotechnical Engineering   Survey   Landscape Architecture   Construction Management and Inspection  21  City of Paramount Sarah Ho  Assistant Director of Public Works  (562) 220‐2020   City Engineer   Traffic Engineer   Water Engineer   Public Works Permits/Inspection   Development Review   CIP Design   CIP Construction Management   CDBG Administration   Grant Writing   NPDES   Geotechnical Engineering   Community Development   Survey   Landscape Architecture   Construction Management   Right‐of‐Way Engineering   Map Plan Check  39    Client Contact Services Provided Service  Years  City of La Puente John DiMario  Community Development Director  (626) 855‐1517   City Engineer   Traffic Engineer   Development Review   Civil and Traffic Engineering Design   Funding Administration   Geotechnical Engineering   Survey   Landscape Architecture   Construction Management and Inspection   Grant Writing  23  City of South Gate  Arturo Cervantes  Director of Public Works/  Assistant City Manager  (323) 563‐9512   Design Engineering and Architecture   Construction Management and Inspection   Extension of Staff   Geotechnical Engineering   Survey   Special Funding Administration   Development and Map Review   Right‐of‐Way Acquisition (with Legal Description)   Assessment District Engineering   Community Development Service   Grant Writing   Landscape Architecture  25  City of Inglewood Eloy Castillo  Principal Civil Engineer  (310) 412‐8716   Plan and Map Review   Extension of Staff   Traffic Engineering   CIP Design   CIP Construction Management   Grant Writing   Civil and Traffic Engineering Design   Public Works Permits/Inspection   Geotechnical Engineering   Survey   Landscape Architecture   Construction Management   Right‐of‐Way Engineering   Agency Permitting   Environmental Compliance  16  City of Ridgecrest Loren Culp  City Engineer  (760) 499‐5082   Development and Map Review   Civil and Traffic Engineering Design   CIP Design   CIP Construction Management   Right‐of‐Way Engineering   Environmental Compliance   Utility Coordination   ADA Transition plan   Sewer Improvements   Funding Administration   Grant Writing   Geotechnical Engineering   Survey   Community Development Service   Special Funding Administration   Landscape Architecture   Construction Management and Inspection  10    Client Contact Services Provided Service  Years  City of Fillmore David Rowlands  City Manager  (805) 524‐1500 extension 208   City Engineer   City Traffic Engineer   Public Works Permits/Inspection   Development Review and Permitting   CIP Design   CIP Construction Management   NPDES   Geotechnical Engineering   Community Development   Landscape Architecture Review   Construction Management   Right‐of‐Way Engineering  10  City of Westlake Village Audrey Brown  Assistant City Manager  (818) 706‐1613   City Engineer   Traffic Engineering   Public Works Permits/Inspection   Development Review   CIP Design   CIP Construction Management   Grant Funding Administration   Grant Writing   NPDES   Geotechnical Engineering   Community Development   Survey   Landscape Architecture   Construction Management   Right‐of‐Way Engineering   Map Plan Check  36    In addition to meeting and exceeding our client’s expectations for service and project delivery, Willdan provides  our clients with important value‐added services. The following profiles describe several outstanding and ongoing  on‐call services and further demonstrate our record of success for similar assignments. There is no better demon‐ stration of Willdan’s competence and capability than the satisfaction of our clients.  City of Los Alamitos City Engineer and Traffic Engineer  Willdan is providing as‐needed engineering services to the City of Los Alamitos. As part of our extension of staff  services for contract City Engineer and contract Traffic Engineer, Willdan provides review and supervision of engi‐ neering activities, including preparing plans, specifications, and estimates for capital and other improvement pro‐ jects. We provide subdivision plan checking; contract administration; construction inspection; compliance with fed‐ eral, state, and local laws and ordinances. We assist City staff with establishing departmental policies.   Willdan staff have served as contract City Engineer and contract Traffic Engineer for over 10 years  while providing a full portfolio of services for over 20 years   Los Alamitos Boulevard Median Improvement – design and construction management/inspection for  the $5 million project   Prepared City's pavement management plans and provided updates in 2015, 2017, and 2019       City of Lakewood General Engineering Services  For over 20 years, Willdan has been providing engineering design, construction management and inspection, pro‐ ject management, development review, pavement engineering, funding administration, landscape architecture,  surveying, and geotechnical engineering services throughout the city. These services encompass – but are not lim‐ ited to – study and report research and preparation; plan, specification, and cost estimate preparation; funding  application research, preparation, and submittal; citizens' request and complaint investigations/resolutions; devel‐ opment impact studies; City staff, commissions, and council meeting attendance.   Lakewood Boulevard Regional Corridor Capacity Enhancement – design, CEQA environmental docu‐ mentation, grant funding and labor compliance, materials testing, engineering construction support,  and construction management/inspection for the arterial roadway complete‐/green‐street enhance‐ ment   Bolivar Park Stormwater and Runoff Capture – construction management for storm water diversion  and treatment facilities to reclaim water for irrigation for the $11 million improvements   Lakewood Boulevard/Del Amo Boulevard Intersection Improvements – design, construction manage‐ ment, and project administration for a $4.5 million improvement project to add dual left‐turn lanes in  all four directions of a major intersection  City of Paramount General Engineering Services  Willdan has provided general engineering services to the City of Paramount for over 39 years and presently serves  as city engineer and water engineer. In addition to providing extension of staff services, Willdan has provided traf‐ fic engineering, assessment engineering and district formation, public works permits/inspection, development re‐ view, CIP design and construction management/inspection, CDBG administration, grant writing, and NPDES ser‐ vices. These services encompass – but are not limited to – study and report research and preparation; plan, specifi‐ cation, and cost estimate preparation; funding source and availability consultation; citizens' request and complaint  investigations/resolutions; development impact studies; plan checking; City staff, commissions, and council report  preparation; staff, commissions, and council meeting attendance and participation; and City department coordina‐ tion to implement desired City improvements and updates.   West Santa Ana Branch Bike and Pedestrian Trail – assisted with obtaining a $3.5 million grant for  Phase 2 of the improvements   Garfield Avenue Widening – assisted with obtaining $2.6 million from Interstate 710 Early Action Pro‐ gram to widen the main arterial and add a third lane in each direction   Salud Fitness Park – design and construction management/inspection for the $5 million project   Alondra Boulevard Grade Separation at Union Pacific Railroad Crossing at Alondra Boulevard – design  and construction inspection for the $8 million project  City of La Puente City Engineering Services  Willdan is providing as‐needed city and traffic engineering services to the City of La Puente. In addition to provid‐ ing extension of staff services, Willdan provides engineering design, construction management, project manage‐ ment, development review, pavement engineering, funding administration, plan review, landscape architecture,  surveying, and geotechnical engineering services throughout the city. These services encompass – but are not lim‐ ited to – study and report research and preparation; plan, specification, and cost estimate preparation; funding  application research, preparation, and submittal; citizens' request and complaint investigations/resolutions; devel‐ opment impact studies; City staff, commissions, and council meeting attendance and participation; and City de‐ partment coordination to implement desired City improvements and updates.        Grant funding applications for Active Transportation Program, Safe Routes to School, Urban Greening,  HSIP, and other funding sources totaling approximately $2.4 million in grant funds over the past five  years   Valley Boulevard Retaining Wall Phases I, II, and III – design and construction management/inspection  for a $3 million retaining wall spanning 3,000 feet in length and over 14 feet in height   Amar Road Traffic Signal Modifications – traffic engineering design, utility coordination, and contract  and funding administration for the City's $1 million program for nine traffic signal modifications and  ADA‐compliant ramp improvements along the arterial roadway   Nelson Elementary, Del Valley Elementary, and Sierra Vista Middle Schools Safe Routes to School Im‐ provements – design, project management, and grant administration services for the City's $665,000  program to repair and infill sidewalks, upgrade signing and striping, and install in‐roadway flashing  lights and high‐visibility crosswalks  City of South Gate City Engineering Services  Willdan has been providing the City of South Gate with as‐needed professional consulting services since 1994 and  presently provides professional engineering services for various public works projects. Willdan provides design en‐ gineering and architecture, construction management and inspection, extension of staff, geotechnical engineering,  surveying, special funding administration, plan check, right‐of‐way acquisition with legal descriptions, assessment  district engineering, and community development services throughout the City of South Gate.   Firestone Boulevard Corridor Enhancement – design, environmental documentation (CEQA), and en‐ vironmental technical studies and will provide engineering construction support for the arterial road‐ way complete‐/green‐street enhancement   Grant funding applications for Active Transportation Program, Safe Routes to School, Urban Greening,  HSIP, and other funding sources totaling approximately $14.85 million in grant funds over the past six  years   Safe Routes to Schools – Cycles I and II – design, topographic survey, utility coordination, CEQA/NEPA  clearance, and federal grant administration to upgrade 122 countdown pedestrian signal heads and  install solar‐powered speed awareness signs near 14 elementary schools   Firestone Boulevard/Atlantic Avenue Intersection Improvements – assisted the City through the con‐ ceptual planning process and provided civil and traffic engineering and landscape architectural de‐ signs, pavement engineering, design surveys, public outreach, and railroad and utility coordination  for intersection improvements to accommodate traffic growth and mitigate stoppage on railroad  tracks  City of Inglewood City Engineering Services  Willdan has been providing as‐needed engineering services for the City of Inglewood since 2003. Services include  civil and traffic engineering services for various capital improvement projects such as ITS Phase IV Improvements;  La Brea Avenue TSSP; annual traffic signal improvements, and Metro/Crenshaw/LAX light rail improvements. As  part of the on‐call traffic engineering services, Willdan's staff attend meetings, coordinate with other consultants,  develop studies and construction contract documents to implement the City's improvements projects.   Rams Football Stadium Multi‐Modal Transit Center Regional Hub Facility – performing preliminary  conceptual design, utility relocation, geotechnical engineering, hydrology study, storm water mitiga‐ tion, parking lot and pedestrian lighting, landscaping, on‐site pedestrian amenities, and security sys‐ tems and developed the Transportation Management and Operations Plan (TMOP) with flexibility to    be adjusted for future conditions as each of the stakeholder facilities complete construction with  Phase I including coordination and multiple stakeholder meetings, developing implementation sched‐ ule and preliminary TMOP framework and Phase II involving developing the comprehensive TMOP   Willdan secured $2.9 million of federal funding through Cycles 8 and 9 of the Highway Safety Im‐ provement Program for needed safety improvements such as traffic signal installations and modifica‐ tions, roadway median island construction and modifications, and pedestrian crossing enhancements   La Brea Avenue Phase III Street Beautification – performed construction management, inspection,  material testing, labor compliance, federal invoicing, and survey for the $3.5 million improvements  encompassing new landscaped medians, traffic signal upgrades, curb/gutter, sidewalks, decorative  paving, street overlay, street removal and replacement, and other improvements  City of Ridgecrest Engineering Services  Willdan has been providing the City of Ridgecrest with as‐needed multi‐disciplinary engineering services since 2010  and presently provides engineering services for various public works projects. Under our on‐call contract, Willdan  provides design engineering, environmental compliance, bidding assistance, construction management and inspec‐ tion, material testing, surveying, special funding administration, labor compliance, pavement management, land  development plan check, right‐of‐way acquisition with legal descriptions, and assessment district engineering for  improvements throughout the City of Ridgecrest.   Special funding administration for over 15 state/federal/CDBG projects, including requests for author‐ ization, PES forms, NEPA clearances, award submittals, progress invoicing, finance letters, final re‐ ports of expenditure, and Caltrans/FHWA audit attendance   Downs Street Widening – design, survey, pavement engineering, utility coordination, CEQA/NEPA en‐ vironmental documentation, right‐of‐way acquisition, bidding assistance, design support during con‐ struction, federal funding administration, construction management, inspection, quality assurance  material testing, and labor compliance   Bus Maintenance Garage – conceptual vertical and horizontal design, design/build contractor selec‐ tion and management, bidding assistance, construction management, inspection, and labor compli‐ ance services for a new 6,000‐square‐foot building and associated improvements  City of Westlake Village General Engineering Services  The City of Westlake Village has contracted with Willdan since 1983 for general engineering services. Based upon  the ongoing needs of the City, Willdan’s provides extension of staff with full‐time on‐site employees. Services in‐ clude administrative duties, development review, capital projects, National Pollution Discharge Elimination System  Program, public works permits and inspections, and miscellaneous engineering.   Served around‐the‐clock, side‐by‐side with Woolsey Fire first responders and City staff at the Emer‐ gency Operations Center working tirelessly to activate irrigation systems on community slopes; re‐ move and relocate important City documents to nearby cities; patrol with City staff to assess fire  damage during and after the fire to develop recovery and erosion control plans; coordinate inspec‐ tions of building and slope damage, contract vendors for clearing operations, and expedite third‐ party permit review and issuance   Coordinated postponement of paving and installation of ADA‐compliant ramps at Pierce Brothers   Memorial Park/Cemetery in conjunction with Borderline Shooting victim Sergeant Ron Helus' memo‐ rial service   Continued disaster recovery efforts by taking all measures to prepare for post‐fire winter rains     Completion of the Lindero Canyon Road Bridge over Highway 101 that has become a landmark as the  first bridge in California to have a mural depicting the City constructed on the side of the bridge, and  a new community park that involved extensive grading, drainage, and utility improvements that have  become the infrastructure for new baseball and soccer fields and a skate park   Secured $8.57 million in Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) Call‐for‐Pro‐ ject funding and utilization of over $18 million in LACMTA Measure R funds that brought the Linder  Bridge and community park projects to fruition   Secured $246,000 of Proposition 50 funds through the Greater Los Angeles Region Integrated Re‐ gional Water Management Plan for allocation to the City of Westlake Village. Lindero Canyon Bridge  was selected as a 2015 APWA Project of the Year       Section 4 – References In addition to the references provided in Section 3 – Company Qualifications, Willdan offers the five references  listed below.  Client Contact Services Provided Service  Years  City of Bell Javier Ochiqui  Contract and Facilities Manager  (323) 588‐6211   City Engineer   Traffic Engineer   Public Works Permits/Inspection   Development Review   CIP Design   CIP Construction Management   NPDES   Geotechnical Engineering   Survey   Landscape Architecture   Construction Management   Right‐of‐Way Engineering   Funding Administration  5  City of Norwalk Christine Roberto  Projects and Services Manager  (562) 929‐5708   City Engineer   Traffic Engineer   Development Review   CIP Design   CIP Construction Management   Geotechnical Engineering   Community Development   Survey   Landscape Architecture   Construction Management   Right‐of‐Way Engineering  20  City of Highland Carlos Zamano  Assistant Public Works Director  (909) 864‐6861 extension 254   City Engineer   Traffic Engineering   Extension of Staff   Development Review   CIP Design   CIP Construction Management   Grant Administration   Geotechnical Engineering   Survey   Landscape Architecture   Construction Management   Right‐of‐Way Engineering   Environmental Clearance  27  City of Rancho Palos Verdes Elias Sasson  Director of Public Works  (310) 544‐5335   Traffic Engineer   Development Review   CIP Design   CIP Construction Management   Geotechnical Engineering   Survey   Landscape Architecture   Construction Management   Right‐of‐Way Engineering  24    Client Contact Services Provided Service  Years  City of Rolling Hills Estates Greg Grammer  City Manager  (310) 377‐1577 extension 107   City Engineer   Traffic Engineer   Public Works Permits/Inspection   Development Review   CIP Design   CIP Construction Management   Grant Writing   NPDES   Geotechnical Engineering   Survey   Landscape Architecture   Construction Management   Right‐of‐Way Engineering   Map Plan Check   Funding Administration   Environmental Clearance  39       Section 5 – Legal Disclosures Willdan has no history of contracts terminated for breach. Civil investigation or litigation initiated against Willdan  within the past five years – along with case status and/or resolution – is described below.   City of Elk Grove v. Willdan Engineering et al., Sacramento County Superior Court This suit arose during  construction of the City’s aquatic center. The City of Elk Grove's contractor poured concrete and did not  allow sufficient time for curing – causing cracks in and peeling of the cement. The work was redone at a  cost of over $2 million. The City has named all parties involved in the project as defendants. Willdan was  the prime engineer on the job although there were no design or engineering errors involved in the con‐ crete work.   Simpson v. City of Elk Grove, et al. and Ragosa v. Willdan, et al., Sacramento County Superior Court. These  suits concerned the same traffic accident resulting from an alleged dangerous road condition. Ragosa was  settled for $1.25 million and Simpson was settled at $2 million.   Techak v. City of Calimesa, et al., Riverside County Superior Court. Plaintiff tripped on a street curb claim‐ ing personal injuries. The case was settled for $65,000.   Divona v. City of Rancho Palos Verdes, Los Angeles County Superior Court. This claim pertains to a collision  between a motorcycle and automobile. The plaintiff's motorcycle traveling at approximately 100 miles per  hour collided with an automobile making a left turn. Plaintiff claims a dangerous condition existed. Sev‐ eral years prior to the accident, Willdan provided design and construction management services to the  City in connection with a repaving and restriping project. The case was dismissed.   Ramirez et al. v. Asuncion Garcia, Los Angeles County Superior Court. This lawsuit arose from a traffic col‐ lision involving decedent Rosa Salazar and defendant Garcia. Plaintiffs are the heirs of decedent. Plaintiffs  allege the City of Paramount failed to maintain and inspect the intersection and Willdan was negligent in  the intersection traffic signal and striping design. This matter has been litigated since July 2017. Willdan  was brought into the case in July 2019. Willdan maintains plaintiffs are on a fishing expedition with no real  evidence of any negligence on Willdan's part.       Section 6 – City's Standard Professional Services Agreement In accordance with the City's Request for Proposals, Willdan has reviewed the agreement included with the City's  Request, and we will comply with all aspects of the agreement as presented.       Section 7 – Addenda Acknowledgement Willdan acknowledges receipt of Addendum No. 1 dated September 30, 2019.       Fee Proposal In accordance with the City's Request for Proposals, Willdan is providing our hourly rate schedule in a separate,  sealed envelope.    13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405 Industry, California 91746-3443 T 562.908.6200 | F 562.695.2120 www.willdan.com