2300 - Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District - Water Filling Station Pilot Program - RCRC & Garvey Center MI Lucy Agreement#05-20-102 UPPER SAN GABRIEL VALLEY MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT WATER FILLING STATION PILOT PROGRAM PARTICIPANT AGREEMENT THIS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into this 7th day of February 2020 by and between the Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District, hereinafter referred to as "DISTRICT", and City of Rosemead, hereinafter referred to as a "PROGRAM PARTICIPANT". For purposes of this Agreement,DISTRICT and PROGRAM PARTICIPANT may be referred to collectively by the capitalized term"PARTIES." The capitalized term"PARTY"may refer to either DISTRICT or PROGRAM PARTICIPANT interchangeably. RECITALS A. DISTRICT, a municipal water district organized under the California Water Code (Water Code Section 71000 et seq.), shall install one water bottle filling station, specified herein, at a mutually approved location. B. PROGRAM PARTICIPANT is willing to have DISTRICT install one water filling station ("FILL STATION") at a non-residential site owned and operated by the PROGRAM PARTICIPANT herein referred to as the"PROGRAM". C. The PARTIES desire by this Agreement to establish the terms by which the PROGRAM PARTICIPANT will participant in this PROGRAM as outlined in the Scope of Work attached and incorporated hereto as"Exhibit A". THEREFORE, for valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby mutually acknowledged,the PARTIES agree as follows: SECTION 1. SERVICES A. PROGRAM PARTICIPANT will meet site requirements and PROGRAM PARTICIPANT responsibilities as specified in Exhibit A. B. DISTRICT will arrange for installation of the FILL STATION and PROGRAM signage after confirming that participation requirements outlined in Exhibit A have been met. SECTION 2. CONSIDERATION Compliance with the requirements of this Agreement shall be reviewed by the DISTRICT during performance and upon completion of the PROGRAM. If the PROGRAM PARTICIPANT fails to meet the requirements and responsibilities as outlined in Exhibit A, the DISTRICT may remove the FILL STATION and/or PROGRAM signage. SECTION 3. TERM AND TERMINATION The term of this Agreement shall be for an initial period of five (5)years, ("Initial Term"), commencing on the date last written below. DISTRICT or PROGRAM PARTICIPANT may terminate this Agreement at any time upon forty-five (45) days written notice,with or without cause. Page 1 of 3 Upon termination for any reason,PARTICIPATING PARTY shall cooperate and assist with DISTRICT's removal of the FILL STATION,providing DISTRICT reasonable access as necessary. SECTION 4. NOTICE OF DEFICIENCIES The DISTRICT shall notify the PROGRAM PARTICIPANT of any deficiencies in meeting the requirements and/or responsibilities specified in Exhibit A. SECTION 5. ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTOR PROGRAM PARTICIPANT shall not assign, sublet or transfer this Agreement or any rights under or interest in this Agreement without the prior written consent of DISTRICT,which may be withheld for any reason. SECTION 6. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR PROGRAM PARTICIPANT is not a subdivision, department, or employee of the DISTRICT. SECTION 7. INDEMNITY Each PARTY shall be responsible for willful misconduct and negligent acts or omissions of its agents, employees, subcontractors and volunteers. Each PARTY shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the other from and against all liabilities for bodily injury and property damage caused by the willful or negligent act or omission of indemnifying PARTY or its agents, employees, subcontractors or volunteers in connection with this Agreement. Any claim asserted based upon any defect or failure of performance of any contracted service or installed product or device provided for the PROGRAM PARTICIPANT's property should be pursued with the contractor or manufacturer/distributor. The DISTRICT only enforces the terms and conditions of the PROGRAM. The PROGRAM PARTICIPANT is responsible for complying with all applicable laws, codes, policies, covenants, conditions, and restrictions that may apply. Maintenance and/or repair of the FILL STATION and PROGRAM signage is the responsibility of the PROGRAM PARTICIPANT. Neither the DISTRICT or their contractors or agents, makes any representation or warranty regarding the contracted services or products that may be installed under this PROGRAM.Removal of a water fountain and/or installation of a FILL STATION does not guarantee reduced water use. SECTION 8. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement, including all attached exhibits, constitutes the entire, complete, final and exclusive expression of the PARTIES with respect to the matters addressed herein and supersedes all other agreements or understandings, whether oral or written, or entered into between DISTRICT and PROGRAM PARTICIPANT prior to the execution of this Agreement. No statements, representations or other agreements, whether oral or written, made by any PARTY which are not embodied herein shall be valid or binding. No amendment,modification or supplement to this Agreement shall be valid and binding unless in writing and duly executed by the PARTIES. Page 2 of 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the date first above written. CITY OF ROSEMEAD UPPER SAN GABRIEL VALLEY MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT B 41LICA � ' A: /1Bi Byi Gloria Molleda, City Manager Thomas A. Love General Manager Date: Z)L( 7. "7_._c� Date: /0-0 1, -c:3a-c.D APPROVED AS TO FORM APPROV A . I `O' ► " B q%;t ) By: f L Rachel Richman, City Attorney Page 3 of 3 Exhibit A UPPER SAN GABRIEL VALLEY MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT WATER FILLING STATION PILOT PROGRAM SCOPE OF WORK PROGRAM DESCRIPTION A water filling station(FILL STATION)will be installed at a qualifying site that is a public facility located within the DISTRICT'S service area. A qualifying site must be located in an area that receives high pedestrian traffic and/or provides recreational activity. PROGRAM signage will be installed adjacent to each FILL STATION that educates the public about the connection between reducing one-time use plastic bottles and saving water, as well as raise awareness about reducing landfill waste and the negative impact of plastics that end up in our water systems. The selected FILL STATION units will have a visual indicator that quantifies the amount of plastic water bottles saved from waste. PARTICIPATING SITE REQUIREMENTS Participating site must: • Be located within the boundaries of the DISTRICT and determined by the DISTRICT to be eligible. • Be situated in an area that receives high pedestrian traffic and/or provides recreational activity. • Currently have, or be responsible for installing in a timely manner, connection to an existing working water source. • Currently have, or be responsible for installing in a timely manner, connection to an existing working electrical power source. • Allow for installation of PROGRAM signage, provided by DISTRICT, adjacent to the FILL STATION. DISTRICT RESPONSIBILTIES DISTRICT, at its sole cost and expense, shall select and install one FILL STATION at a mutually- approved location at the PROGRAM PARTICIPANT'S site. Plans and specifications for the FILL STATION shall be reviewed and approved by both DISTRICT and PROGRAM PARTICIPANT prior to any work performed. The installed FILL STATION shall be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and shall be connected to the PROGRAM PARTICIPANT's on-site potable water,drainage systems,and electrical system,if necessary. Installation shall be located in public places suitable for conveying messages supporting the reduction of waste and environmental sustainability. Page 1 Upon completion of the FILL STATION installation, PROGRAM PARTICIPANT shall be responsible for owning, operating, and maintaining the FILL STATION for a minimum of five (5) years including, but in no way limited to,responsibility for any and all costs of water, electricity, and/or repairs necessary for keeping the installed FILL STATION and PROGRAM signage in good working order. DISTRICT shall be responsible for the payment of any and all fees and permits required for installation. DISTRICT shall coordinate the scheduling and completion of all work performed with PROGRAM PARTICIPANT. DISTRICT may,at its discretion, elect to contract for the installation of said facilities utilizing contractors selected through its own means in compliance with applicable state and federal laws. DISTRICT shall require any such contractor to provide and maintain throughout the course of construction, acceptable policies of insurance of a type and limit meeting DISTRICT's approval. DISTRICT does not warrant the installation or performance of FILL STATION(s) installed, hereunder. However, to the extent that a FILL STATION has equipment or materials that are covered by third party warranties (e.g., manufacturer's warranties), said warranties shall be transferred to PROGRAM PARTICIPANT upon completed installation of the FILL STATION. The FILL STATION shall be validated as operational before being turned over to PROGRAM PARTICIPANT. Throughout the term of this Agreement, the DISTRICT may provide PROGRAM PARTICIPANT with updated PROGRAM signage conveying the messages of waste reduction or other messages relevant to the FILL STATION. All such PROGRAM signage shall be provided and installed by DISTRICT. PROGRAM signage shall incorporate both the DISTRICT's logo and any other funding partner's logo. PROGRAM PARTICIPANT RESPONSIBILITIES Prior to installation of the FILL STATION, PROGRAM PARTICIPANT shall review and approve any and all plans, specifications, and/or designs specific to work performed at the installation location, with such approval to not unreasonably be withheld, subject to the operational and maintenance needs of PROGRAM PARTICIPANT at the project site. PROGRAM PARTICIPANT shall provide unrestricted access to DISTRICT and to its contractors throughout the installation period, subject to the reasonable operational needs of the PROGRAM PARTICIPANT's activities at the project site. PROGRAM PARTICIPANT shall inspect all work performed upon completion for purposes of determining the suitability of the FILL STATION. PROGRAM PARTICIPANT shall accept and take ownership of the FILL STATION in accordance with any applicable improvement or facility acceptance procedures required by law. Acceptance shall be contingent upon passage of final inspection by PROGRAM PARTICIPANT and validation of proper operation and functionality. PROGRAM PARTICIPANT must agree to the installation of PROGRAM signage, provided by DISTRICT, adjacent to the FILL STATION. PROGRAM PARTICIPANT shall be responsible for owning,operating,and maintaining FILL STATION and PROGRAM signage in good working order for a period of at least five (5) years following the date of installation. Page 2 PROGRAM PARTICIPANT shall be responsible for any and all costs associated with ownership and operation of the FILL STATION and adjacent PROGRAM signage including, but in no way limited to, costs of water, electricity,maintenance, and/or repair necessary for keeping the installed FILL STATION and PROGRAM signage in good working order. DISTRICT shall,in no way,be responsible for any costs, whatsoever,following completed installation of the FILL STATION and PROGRAM signage, including the cost of removal of the FILL STATION upon termination of the Agreement by PROGRAM PARTICIPANT. Throughout the course of this Agreement,PROGRAM PARTICIPANT shall have the ability to assign or otherwise transfer all or any part of PROGRAM PARTICIPANT's responsibilities under this Agreement with DISTRICT'S prior written consent. Program Participant: Rosemead Community Recreation Center Fill Station Installation Address: 3936 Muscatel Ave., Rosemead, CA 91770 Page 3