CC - Item 5C - 2019 General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progess Reports di E(----- M F 5 ceo 1/4 4.1 v 9 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL 1 CIVIC PRIDE STAFF REPORT octy/NCCRpourED.n,e TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER 1. J . DATE: MARCH 24, 2020 SUBJECT: 2019 GENERAL PLAN AND HOUSING ELEMENT ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORTS SUMMARY California Government Code § 65400 requires the filing of a General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Report by April 1st of each year, for the prior calendar year, with the State Office of Planning and Research (OPR) and the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). State law also requires that the Annual Progress Reports be presented at a public meeting before the City Council where members of the public are given an opportunity to comment on the City's progress. This agenda item meets these statutory requirements. The General Plan Annual Progress Report (Attachment "A") summarizes the status of the City's General Plan and progress in its implementation. The Housing Element Annual Progress Report (Attachment "B") summarizes low to moderate-income residential building activity; Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) progress; and progress of housing program implementation for the 2019 calendar year. The Housing Element Annual Progress Report was prepared on forms provided by HCD, using definitions adopted by HCD. BACKGROUND • The City of Rosemead General Plan is a long-range planning program that is designed to guide the orderly growth and development of the City over the long-term. The General Plan communicates the City's vision of its future and establishes a policy framework to govern decision-making concerning the physical development of the community. It also provides assurances that the community at large will be supported by an adequate range of public services and infrastructure systems. Annual Progress Reports provide local legislative bodies with information regarding the implementation of the General Plan and the Housing Element for their city or county. The Annual Progress Reports are strictly reporting documents that do not create or modify any City of Rosemead goals or policies found within the General Plan or Housing Element. Annual Progress Reports must be presented to the local legislative body for review and acceptance. Once AGENDA ITEM 5.0 City Council Meeting March 24,2020 Page 2 of 2 approved, the General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Reports must be filed with the State Office of Planning and Research and the Department of Housing and Community Development. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council: 1. Receive and file the 2019 General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Reports; and 2. Direct the Community Development Department to transmit the 2019 General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Reports to the Governor's Office of Planning and Research and California Department of Housing and Community Development. FISCAL IMPACT None. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT The General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Reports are consistent with Strategy I: Economic Development, to encourage new high quality and affordable housing stock. Submitting the Annual Progress Reports does not impact the strategic plan. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Annie Lao, Asso ' e Planner Submitted by: 411111414°— Angelica rausto-Lupo, Director of Commun Development Attachment A: 2019 General Plan Annual Progress Report Attachment B: 2019 Housing Element Annual Progress Report E M O 9 O CIVIC PRIDE im 10 �NC�RPORA'1'E�MI Attachment A 2019 General Plan Annual Progress Report E. 414 ,h 4% / vo ere , , , . ctioN ,,,,J y,;.. , , . ' Agir 1 - CIVIC PRIDE ,-,_7/ f 6 6 1 _ ,--,_ i k -., '- nit'17, ..----7-,'' %vs . : 1100=-- -PORATED CITY OF ROSEMEAD GENERAL PLAN ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2019 PREPARED BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION MARCH 24, 2020 • 2019 General Plan Annual Progress Report General Plan Status and Implementation Compliance with State General Plan Guidelines Each element of the City of Rosemead General Plan is in compliance with the guidelines for the content of local general plans that were issued by the Governor's Office of Planning and Research. Land Use Element: The Land Use Element was adopted in 2010. The Land Use Element focuses on the built environment and pulls together issues and goals from the other elements, laying out the framework for balancing development with broader community aims. No amendments were made in 2019. Implementation: • Ordinance 987, Approved April 9, 2019 o Amended Title 17 (Zoning) of the Municipal Code relating to the regulation of nonconforming uses, structures, lots and parking facilities and Minor Exceptions. • SB 2 Planning Grants Program, Awarded September 18, 2019 o The City was awarded $160,000 in grant funding and will be utilizing the funds to hire a Land Use Consultant to assist staff in the development of the Freeway Corridor Mixed-Use Overlay Zone. • Initiated the Development of the Freeway Corridor Mixed-Use Overlay Zone o The City has selected a Land Use Consultant (RRM Design Group) to assist with the development of the Freeway Corridor Mixed-Use Overlay Zone. The incorporation of the Freeway Corridor Mixed-Use Overlay Zone will encourage new residential development within proposed mixed-use developments as well as streamline both the development approval process and California Environmental Quality Act review process. Circulation Element: The Circulation Element was adopted in 2010. The Circulation Element addresses issues related to vehicular circulation, parking management, public transit, walking, biking, and trails. No amendments were made in 2019. Implementation: • Installation of Red Curbs at the Following Locations To Improve Visibility for • 1 2019 General Plan Annual Progress Report Oncoming Traffic: o 8622 Garvey Avenue o 2488 Jackson Avenue o 2516 Muscatel Avenue • Reviewed Traffic Conditions at the Intersection Of Emerson Place and Evelyn Avenue to Address Pedestrian Safety, October 3, 2019. • Reviewed Traffic Study for Olney Street Between Rio Hondo Avenue and Temple City Boulevard, November 7, 2019. Resources Management Element: The Resources Management Element was adopted in 2010. The Resources Management Element examines both the natural and human-made environments, and establishes policies to protect those resources that distinguish and define Rosemead. Topics addressed in this element include parks, recreation, open space, community facilities, air quality, "water resources and conservation, and energy conservation. No amendments were made in 2019. Implementation: • Grand Opening of the First Temporary Community Garden located at 8828 Glendon Way, January 19, 2019. • Approval of Licensing Agreement for the 2nd Temporary Community Garden Located At 3212-3232 Del Mar Avenue, June 11, 2019. • Provided Recreation Programs for All Ages Including Contract Classes, Special Events, and Activities, Year Round, 2019. • Submittal of Grant Application for Proposition 68, August 5, 2019 o Proposed new park is located on Edison Property at the southwest corner of Walnut Grove Avenue and Mission Drive. • Approval of application to the California Department of Parks and Recreation Department fora Proposed Dog Park, October 2019. o City Staff is currently awaiting for funding from the state and is currently in the process of designing the dog park. Public Safety: The Public Safety Element was adopted in 2010. The Public Safety Element identifies hazards present in the community and defines ways for proper planning and emergency response services to mitigate the hazards including flooding. No amendments were made in 2019. 2 2019 General Plan Annual Progress Report Implementation: • Monthly Disaster and Emergency Committee Meetings, Monthly in 2019. o Monthly meetings were held to receive updates from Local, State, and Federal governments for pre-disaster mitigation in order to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to human life and property. • Parent Involvement: Emergency Preparedness, March 1, 2019 o A workshop that provided information on a parent's role in ensuring their family's own safety and survival during and after an emergency. • National Night Out Event, August 6, 2019 o National Night Out is an annual event that is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support for and participation in local anti-crime programs, strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships • Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training, September 7, 14, and 21 of 2019 o The CERT training educated participants about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact specific neighborhoods during an emergency and trained residents in basic disaster response skills. • Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Sectional Trainings, October 8, 9, 15, and 22 of 2019 o A refresher training for City staff who have EOC responsibilities during an emergency or disaster. • Great Shake-Out: Garvey Community Center Evacuation Drill, October 19, 2019 o The evacuation exercise drill tested and enhanced the overall capability of City staff to efficiently evacuate patrons and staff at the Garvey Community Center in an event of an emergency. Staff had the opportunity to apply the Building Evacuation plans, policies, and procedures. The exercise drill strengthened preparedness, enhanced effectiveness, improved response levels, and helped identify areas that are proficient and areas that need improvement to be better prepared for actual events. • Great Shake-Out: Garvey School District, October 22, 2019 o City staff and the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department were invited to provide viable solutions to the Garvey School District's executive team, principals, and teachers at their annual school wide Great Shake-Out exercise drill. • City Annual Great Shake-Out Exercise Drill: Activation of the EOC, October 3 2019 General Plan Annual Progress Report 28, 2019 o The exercise drill allowed all City staff to understand their assigned roles and responsibilities within the EOC. The exercise promoted discussion and communication and identified gaps within the EOC operations. • Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, Approved on October 29, 2018 o The Plan contains an extensive analysis of natural hazards as well as a list of mitigation action items that will be used to reduce the impacts from hazards. Noise Element: The Noise Element was adopted in 2010. The Noise Element identifies community noise concerns and includes policies and programs to minimize noise impacts in Rosemead. No amendments were made in 2019 Implementation: No activity took place in 2019 pertaining to this General Plan Element. 4 KE MF 'S ` O CIVIC PRIDE 114116 r , 'NCORPaRATE°"43 Attachment B 2019 Housing Element Annual Progress Report Jurisdiction Rosemead Reporting Year 2019 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) Building Permits Issued by Affordability Summary Income Level Current Year Deed Restricted 0 Very Low Non-Deed Restricted 0 Deed Restricted 0 Low Non-Deed Restricted 0 Deed Restricted 0 Moderate Non-Deed Restricted 0 Above Moderate 66 Total Units 66 Note: Units serving extremely low-income households are included in the very low- income permitted units totals Housing Applications Summary Total Housing Applications Submitted: 4 Number of Proposed Units in All Applications Received: 309 Total Housing Units Approved: 0 Total Housing Units Disapproved: 0 Use of SB 35 Streamlining Provisions Number of Applications for Streamlining 0 Number of Streamlining Applications Approved 0 Total Developments Approved with Streamlining 0 Total Units Constructed with Streamlining 0 Units Constructed - SB 35 Streamlining Permits Income Rental Ownership Total Very Low 0 0 0 Low 0 0 0 Moderate 0 0 0 Above Moderate 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas