CC - Item 5D - Participation in the San Gabriel Valley Regional Vehicles Miles Travelled (VMT) Analysis Model 4s5 M F9"- .6 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL f c RIDE STAFF REPORT /4'CORPORATED 199 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER jfit DATE: MARCH 24, 2020 SUBJECT: PARTICIPATION IN THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY REGIONAL VEHICLES MILES TRAVELLED (VMT) ANALYSIS MODEL SUMMARY This Staff Report details the need for a Vehicles Miles Travelled (VMT) analysis with a recommendation to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) for an amount not to exceed $14,855.00 for the implementation of the San Gabriel Valley Regional VMT Analysis Model. DISCUSSION The passage of SB 743 (Steinberg, 2013) changes how transportation impacts are measured under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in the review of land use and transportation plans and projects. SB 743 removed automobile delay as the primary measure of transportation impacts of environmental significance and required the Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR) to develop revisions to CEQA Guidelines establishing criteria for determining the significance of transportation impacts. OPR subsequently selected Vehicles Miles Travelled(VMT) as the preferred metric to comply with SB 743. As a result of these changes, lead agencies under CEQA will be required to analyze project related VMT to determine whether transportation impacts from a given development would constitute a significant environmental impact under CEQA beginning July 1, 2020. In order to properly evaluate impacts, it will be necessary for local agencies to establish methodologies and quantified thresholds from which to determine levels of significance. The City currently has no methodology or mechanism in place to transition to these new requirements. After receiving requests from a majority of the San Gabriel Valley cities to lead a regional effort to assist cities with completing these VMT requirements, the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) conducted a comprehensive Request-for-Proposals (RFP) process. As a result, Fehr and Peers was selected as the most qualified firm to provide professional consultant services to complete the San Gabriel Valley Regional VMT Analysis Model. The Scope of Work of this project can be found in Attachment A. AGENDA ITEM 5.D City Council Meeting March 24,2020 Page 2 of 3 This project will analyze existing traffic conditions in the region to arrive at a baseline standard from which to determine significance thresholds for future land use and transportation projects. It will result in recommendations for establishing methodology, thresholds, and technical tools and procedures for CEQA analysis and transportation impacts of land use and transportation projects and plans in the local jurisdictions within the San Gabriel Valley. The following 26 San Gabriel Valley cities have submitted confirmation to participate in the SGVCOG model: Alhambra Industry Rosemead Arcadia Irwindale San Marino Azusa La Canada Flintridge San Gabriel Baldwin Park La Puente Sierra Madre Claremont La Verne South El Monte Covina Montebello Temple City Diamond Bar Monterey Park Walnut Duarte Monrovia West Covina El Monte Pomona STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments for an amount not to exceed $14,855.00 for the implementation of the San Gabriel Valley Regional VMT Analysis Model. FISCAL IMPACT After receiving confirmation placeholders from the staffs of 26 cities pending their respective City Council's approval to participate in the study, the SGVCOG confirmed that the total cost per city to participate would not exceed $14,855. The City will utilize the available State Gas Tax reserve to fund its share of study costs. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT Strategy 3 asks that efforts continue to enhance the condition of the City' public infrastructure and public right of way. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Lead agencies under CEQA will be required to analyze project related VMT to determine whether transportation impacts from a given development would constitute a significant environmental impact under CEQA beginning July 1, 2020. City Council Meeting March 24,2020 Page 3 of 3 PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Chris i as Ifs Director of Public Works Attachment A: Scope of Work Attachment B: Draft Memorandum of Agreement(MOA) 5 M F t.A. CIVIC PRIDE 1)90 410 P t,vCORPORATED 19-9 Attachment A Scope of Work SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK SB 743 IMPLEMENTATION FOR MEMBER AGENCIES OF THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS NO.20-02 Page 1 of 4 SB 743 IMPLEMENTATION FOR MEMBER AGENCIES OF THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Task 1 - Project Management Task 1.1- Kickoff Meeting. The Consultant shall conduct a kickoff meeting. The primary objectives will be to review scope, schedule, project goals and key issues. Task 1.1 Deliverables: Meeting Notes and Materials for Kickoff Meeting. Task 1.2 -Project Team Coordination. Monthly project team meetings, regular phone and email check-ins, and other communications will ensure the tasks listed in this SOW stay on schedule and within budget. Task 1.2 Deliverables: Monthly Meeting Notifications, Agendas, and Notes. Task 1.3- Invoicing and Contracts. The Consultant shall provide monthly invoices to the SGVCOG and coordinate any contracting paperwork/logistics. Task 1.3 Deliverables: Monthly Invoices and Coordination on Contracts. Task 2 - Methodology for Vehicle Miles Traveled The Consultant shall review tools for estimating VMT in the study area. Based on this review, the Consultant shall develop a methodology for measuring Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) based on a method supported by the State of California Office of Planning and Research (OPR) in the implementation of SB 743 guidelines, including VMT screening. The findings and recommendations will be presented as a memorandum, and will consider projects' effect on both baseline and cumulative conditions, using separate methodologies if appropriate.The Consultant shall explore and depict existing practices and methodologies utilized by cities in regions similar to the San Gabriel Valley in the memorandum, explore options for dividing the San Gabriel Valley by districts or areas with different methodology tailored to each district/area (dependent on the intensity and type of existing land uses), and discuss options for capitalizing on. multi-modal opportunities in a built-out community. This includes identifying applications when to institute VMT for purposes of evaluating incoming development. Task 2 Deliverable:Memorandum Outlining Methodology for Vehicle Miles Traveled. Task 3 - Develop VMT Thresholds and Mitigation Measures For each participating City, the Consultant shall develop and establish VMT thresholds of significance for project-specific and cumulative impacts (Land- Use, Land-Use Plan, and Transportation projects) that promote (1) reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; (2) development of multi modal transportation networks; and (3)a diversity of land uses. Thresholds shall be for existing and proposed land uses that will be used for analyzing transportation impacts in CEQA analyses. The Consultant shall provide mitigation measurescompliant REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS NO.20-02 Page 2 of 4 SB 743 IMPLEMENTATION FOR MEMBER AGENCIES OF THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS with CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.3. The mitigation measures shall be developed based on Transportation Demand Management strategies available to reduce VMT as documented by State agencies and best practice research. Mitigation measures shall then be refined through application of specific Transportation Demand Management measures to quantifiably mitigate potential VMT impacts. The Consultant shall identify ranges of effectiveness for the mitigation measures appropriate for each City, including transit, Transportation Demand Management, Active Transportation, and other trip/travel reduction strategies.The Consultant shall then coordinate with each City to determine which measures will be required as part of the project entitlement process and what measures will be optional. These items shall be presented in memorandum, with graphics and tables to present topics and concepts when appropriate. Task 3 Deliverable:Memorandum on VMT Thresholds and Mitigation Measures for each participating City. Task 4 - Develop VMT Evaluation Tool for Incoming Development Projects To be able to assess VMT project-specific and cumulative impacts for incoming developments on individual projects,the Consultant shall prepare an interactive spreadsheet for each City that will assess VMT impacts based on land use type and VMT reduction strategies (e.g., multimodal infrastructure improvements, number of parking spaces constructed/utilized, and Transportation Demand Management programs to be instituted as part of the project). The interface should be simple for City employees and developers alike to easily understand impacts for projects submitted and to quantify the effectiveness of mitigation measures on reducing VMT. Task 4 Deliverable: Interactive Spreadsheet to Assess VMT Impacts for Incoming Development Projects. Task 5 -Sample Projects The Consultant shall work with each participating City to identity projects to test through the significance criteria. Potential mitigation measures and realistic assessments of effectiveness in VMT reduction will be identified for various geographies and project types. Task 5 Deliverable: Memorandum on Sample Projects. Task 6 -Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines The Consultant shall update each City's Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines to include VMT analysis for CEQA purposes, in addition to retaining Level of Service(LOS) methodology for General Plan compliance. This should include an evaluation of potential enhancements and recommended changes to the existing LOS-based guidelines. REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS NO.20-02 Page 3 of 4 SB 743 IMPLEMENTATION FOR MEMBER AGENCIES OF THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Task 6 Deliverable: Updated Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines. Task 7 - Public Hearing Support The Consultant shall attend and participate in one public meeting for each participating City. This will include attending, presenting, and responding to questions at either a City Council, Commission, Committee, or other public meeting/hearing. Task 7 Deliverable: Public Meeting Attendance *END OF SCOPE OF WORK* It REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS NO.20-02 Page 4 of 4 SB 743 IMPLEMENTATION FOR MEMBER AGENCIES OF THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS E m s $. eir CIVIC PRIDE IPS v. AtoRPORATE019y9 Attachment B Draft Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS AND THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD FOR PARTICIPATION OF THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY REGIONAL VMT ANALYSIS MODEL This Memorandum of Agreement("MOA"or"Agreement")is made as of March 24,2020 by and between the City of Rosemead, a municipal corporation ("City"), and the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments, a California joint powers authority ("SGVCOG"). City and SGVCOG may be referred to herein collectively as the"Parties"or individually as a"Party." . RECITALS: A. SGVCOG was established to have a unified voice''tt=haximize resources and advocate for regional and member interests to improve teualtyof life in the San Gabriel Valley by the member cities and other local governmental agencies.:,, B. City seeks to participate in the Sanbriel Valley Regional Vehicle Miles of Travel (VMT)Analysis Model ("Model"). C. Cityand SGVCOG desire to<setforth the terms of:theiron oin collaboration with respect g g to this effort in this MOA. NOW,THEREFORE,the Parties;agreeisfollows: I. TERM: The term of•ilikM0A shalt;commence t'on execution of the MOA bythe Parties and p shall continue through h'e completion of all work.completed under this MOA. The term of this MOA maybe_extended by mutual wrtten:.agreement of the Parties. II. _»>`RESPONSIBILITIES'OF<:THE PARTIES: SGVCOG.VR., R.,. :. >SGVCOG wing" " 1. ::Undertake procurement and management of consultant(s) to complete the Mode!. Execute a contract with the consultant for the development of the Mc4810111, 2. Manage all invoicing and billing. 3. Review draft deliverables prepared by the consultant for accuracy prior to submission to City. 4. Coordinate with the consultant to ensure consultant's participation in calls and meetings. 5. Manage ongoing coordination of project calls with the Parties and the consultant throughout the development of the Model. 6. Review and provide comments on draft communications and documents related to MOA products. 7. Submit one invoice to the City,in the'amount that does not exceed$14,855.00, 1471326.1 as follows: o The payment of the invoice will be due within thirty (30) days upon the City's receipt of the invoice for one hundred percent (100%) of the total cost. B. City. City will: 1. Participate in coordination calls and meetings with all parties and consultant throughout the development of the Model, as necessary. 2. Provide a point-of-contact with name, title, and contact information. If the point-of-contact is reassigned or no longer with the City, a new point-of- contact must be designated within five(5)0usiness days. 3. Actively engage in the development developmcAtFpfthe Model including, but not limited to, promptly responding to alt;.,eo7espondence (phone calls and e-mail communications), responding;to•`data requests. a}d attending any necessary meetings. 4. Review and provide comments to consultant on deliverables as identified in the Scope of Work from the`Request forPoposal for Model, attached hereto as Exhibit"A"and.incorporated'lerein!lthis reference. 5. Participate in cheek-in:calls and/or, eetings with consultant. Participate'in coordination calls'withall>Parties, as necessary. 6. Approve within five (5) business days airy deliverables that can be approved by staff,or ten (10) business day**,items<ihat.,need to be approved by city attorney or city manager 7. Pay the invoke'submitted by the SGVCOGwithin thirty(30) days. .. i III. PROJECT MANAGEMENT: } :Mana r ect: ' l gs ' .. 1. For thepurposes>oF;;this MOA, SGVCOG designates the following individual as its Project Manager;:.Alexander Fung,Management Analyst. For the purposes of this'MOA,the City designates the following individual as .;>>€its Project Manager: Christopher Daste Either''Party may.change the designations set forth herein upon written notice to the other~Pay' IV. DEFAULT: REMEDIES: A. Default. A "Default" under this MOA is defined as any one or more of the following: (i) failure of either Party to comply with the terms and conditions contained in this MOA; and/or (ii) failure of either Party to perform its obligations set forth herein satisfactorily or make sufficient progress towards completion of the Model. B. Remedies. In the event of a Default by either Party, the non-defaulting Party 1471326.1 will provide a written notice of such Default and thirty (30) days to cure the Default. In the event that the defaulting Party fails to cure the Default or commit ' to cure the Default and commence the same within such 30-day period and to the satisfaction of the non-defaulting Party, the non-defaulting Party may terminate this MOA. Such termination shall be effective immediately. The remedies described herein are non-exclusive. In the event of a Default by either Party,the non-defaulting Party shall have the right to seek any and all remedies available at law or in equity. V. INDEMNIFICATION: A. City agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold>free and harmless the SGVCOG, its elected and appointed boards,officials,>offcers 'agents,employees,members,and volunteers, at City's sole expense, from and against any and all claims, actions, suits, or other legal proceedingsbought against"the: SGVCOG, its elected and appointed boards, officials, officers, agents, employe `members, and volunteers arising out of or relating to the.acts or omissions of City>ii connection with this Agreement. B. SGVCOG agrees to defer d, indemnify,and'hold free and harmless the City, its elected officials, officers agents, employees;,and volunteers, at SGVCOG's sole expense, from and against"anyj>ard all clans, actions, suits, or other legal proceedings`..brought against its elected officials, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers>:aiising out of o> relating to the acts or omissions of SGVCOG in connectionTor with`this greementi>;::. VI. INSURANCE:"`« . SGVG:OGshall� aritarn aod keepin full force and effect during the term ipiof thsY[OAnsura� ce or a progr�m of self-insurance against claims for injuries ai to persons or;damages to property which may arise in connection with City's or SGVCOG's'performanceof its obligations hereunder. VII. OTHE TERMS AND`CONDITIONS: A. Notices.All h otices`required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing aalligAlt be personally delivered, or sent by electronic mail or certified mail,postage prepaid and return receipt requested, addressed as follows: To SGVCOG: . Alexander Fung Management Analyst 1000 S. Fremont Avenue,Unit 42 Building A-10N, Suite 10-210 Alhambra, CA 91803 (626)457-1800 afung�sgvcog.org 1471326.1 with a copy to: Marisa Creter Executive Director 1000 S. Fremont Avenue, Unit 42 Building A-ION, Suite 10-210 Alhambra, CA 91803 (626)457-1800 mcreter@sgvcog.org To City: Gloria Molleda City Manager 8838 E. Valley Boulevard;; (626) 569-2016 gmolleda@cityofrosemeadorg with a copy to: Chris Director.;ofPublic Works 8838 E. Valley Boulevard (626) 569-2:0:8;:;. :cdastencityofrosemead org B. No Partnership. This Agreementis otintended`to be,and shall not be construed as, an agreement to form a partnership, agency relationship, or a joint venture between the Parties.Exceptas;:otherwise specifically provided ii the Agreement,neither Party shall be,athorized tb act as an agent of or otherwise;to represent the other Party. C. Entire Agreement. This€;Agreement`constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties with respect to the subject matter herein and supersedes any and all other „Alkprior writings and 01 negotiations This Agreement may be modified only in <<>"writing andsigned bythe Parties'in> riterest at the time of such modification. D Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under California law and1Y applicable federal law without giving effect to that body of lawsi€pertaining to'conflict of laws. In the event of any legal action to enforce or interpret:this Agreement, the Parties hereto agree that the sole and exclusive venue shall be a''cour't of_cmpetent jurisdiction located in Los Angeles County,California. E. Attorneys' Fees 'Tn the event that there is any litigation or other legal proceeding between the Parties in connection with this Agreement,each Party shall bear its own costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees. F. Excusable Delays. Neither Party hereto shall be considered in default in the performance of its obligations hereunder to the extent that the performance of any such obligation is prevented or delayed by unforeseen causes including acts of God, floods, earthquakes, fires, acts of a public enemy, and government acts beyond the control and without fault or negligence of the affected Party. Each Party hereto shall give notice promptly to the other of the nature and extent of any such circumstances 1471326.1 claimed to delay, hinder, or prevent performance of any obligations under this Agreement. G. Waiver. Waiver by any Party to this Agreement of any term, condition, or covenant of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any other term, condition, or covenant.No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the Party against whom enforcement of a waiver is sought. H. Headings.The section headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience and identification only and shall not be deemed to limit of define the contents to which they relate. I. Assignment. Neither Party may assign;,;its`::interest>in this Agreement, or any part thereof,without the prior written consertof the other Paroty,,Any assignment without consent shall be void and unenforceulle. J. Severability. If any provision of this`Agreement;>is held by acourt of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unol orceable the remaining.provisions shall nevertheless continue iiiiflAlforce without`bei g impaired or invalidated in any way. K. Authority to Execute. The person executing thistAgreement on behalf of a Party warrant that they.are duly authorized�t execute this;Agreement on behalf of said Party, and that by doing so said.atil,Tarty..,10iVittally bound to the provisions of this Ag reemeiit;<`` v'\ tiq 1471326.1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD FOR THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS By: By: Gloria Molleda Marisa40r`eter . City Manager Executve'Director Date: Date: ATTEST: "ATTEST: Ericka Hernandez <1Vl rzs reter, Secretary,m.::>. > ; City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: .` < APPROV' D;AS TO FORM: Rachel Richman David DeBerry e e Counsel City r n Atton e. 1471326.1 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK FOR SAN GABRIEL VALLEY REGIONAL VMT ANALYSIS MODEL Task 1 -Project Management Task 1.1- Kickoff Meeting. The Consultant shall conduct a kickoff meeting. The primacy objectives will be to review scope, schedule,project goals and key issues. Task 1.1 Deliverables: Meeting Notes and Materials for Kickoff Meeting. Task 1.2-Project Team Coordination.Monthly project teaul meetings,regular phone and email check-ins, and other communications will ensure the tasks listed in this SOW stay on schedule and within budget. Task 1.2 Deliverables:Monthly Meeting Notifrcatio s,Agendas; aridtNotes. Task 1.3- Invoicing and Contracts. The Consultant shall provide monthly invoices to the SGVCOG and coordinate any contracting paperwork/logistics. Task 1.3 Deliverables: Monthly Invoices and Coordination;;on Contracts. Task 2-Methodology for Vehicle Miles:Traveled::., The Consultant shall review::tools for estin ating VM nahe study a ea.Based on this review,the Consultant shall develop a methodology for#leasuring Vehicle Mites Traveled (VMT)based on a method supported by the State:of California dfftee of Planning and Research (OPR) in the implementation of '`SB ;;743 guidelines, including VMT screening. The findings and recommendations will be<presented as;,a memor*ium and will consider projects' effect on both baseline and cumulative conditlox s,using separate.methodologies if appropriate. The Consultant shall explore and depict existing practices andmethodologies utilized by cities in regions similar to the 8.4#,Gabriel Valley>in the mei orandum,explore options for dividing the San Gabriel Valley by districts.or areas with'different methodology tailored to each district/area (dependent on the intensity and type of existing land uses),.;,and discuss options for capitalizing on multi-modal opportunities`in lt-out community. This includes identifying applications when to institute VMT for purposesof evaluating:incoming development. Task 2 Deliverable: Meiorandum Outlining Methodology for Vehicle Miles Traveled. Task 3 -Develop VMT Thresholds and Mitigation Measures For each participating City, the Consultant shall develop and establish VMT thresholds of significance for project-specific and cumulative impacts (Land- Use, Land-Use Plan, and Transportation projects)that promote(1)reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; (2)development of multi modal transportation networks; and (3) a diversity of land uses. Thresholds shall be for existing and proposed land uses that will be used for analyzing transportation impacts in CEQA analyses. The Consultant shall provide mitigation measures compliant 1471326.1 !! with CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.3. The mitigation measures shall be developed based on Transportation Demand Management strategies available to reduce VMT as documented by State agencies and best practice research.Mitigation measures shall then be refined through application of specific Transportation Demand Management measures to quantifiably mitigate potential VMT impacts. The Consultant shall identify ranges of effectiveness for the mitigation measures appropriate for each City, including transit, Transportation Demand Management, Active Transportation, and other trip/travel reduction strategies. The Consultant shall then coordinate with each City to determine which measures will be required as part of the project entitlement process and what measures will be optional.These items shall be presented in memorandum,with graphics and tables to present topics and concepts when appropriate. Task 3 Deliverable: Memorandum on VMT Thresholdsand'Mitigation Measures for each participating City. Task 4-Develop VMT Evaluation Tool for Incoming Development Projects To be able to assess VMT project-specific and cumulative impactsforincoming developments on individual projects, the Consultant shall prepar -r interactive spreadsheet,for each City that will assess VMT impacts based on land use type''and,VMT reduction strategies (e.g., multimodal infrastructure improvements, number of parking`spaces constructed/utilized;;;and Transportation Demand Management programs to be,instituted as-part:of theproject). The interface should be simple for City employees and developers alike to easily understand impacts for projects submitted and to quantify the effectiveness o f mitigation measures on reducing VMT. Task 4 Deliverable: Interactive Spreadsheet to AssessVMT Impacts for Incoming Development Projects. Task 5 -Sample Projects The Consultant shall work;<with each:.,participatig City to identity projects to test through the significance criteria Potential mitigation measures and realistic assessments of effectiveness in VMT reduction will;be identified for various e.;;o..: r.ap hies and project types. Task 5 Deliverable: Mernosandum on Sample Projects. Task 6-Traffic::Impact Analysis Guidelines The Consultant to.., update each City's Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines to include VMT analysis for CEQAprposes, ;addition to retaining Level of Service (LOS) methodology for General Plan complianCe This should include an evaluation of potential enhancements and recommended changes to theiexisting LOS-based guidelines. Task 6 Deliverable: Updated Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines. Task 7-Public Hearing Support The Consultant shall attend and participate in one public meeting for each participating City. This will include attending, presenting, and responding to questions at either a City Council, Commission, Committee, or other public meeting/hearing. Task 7 Deliverable: Public Meeting Attendance 1471326.1