CC - Item 4B - Minutes of January 14, 2020MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL, SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AND HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SPECIAL AND REGULAR JOINT MEETING JANUARY 14, 2020 The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Clark at 6:07 p.m., in the Rosemead City Hall conference room located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. fn PRESENT: Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tem Armenta, 6:09 p.m.) and Ly ABSENT:NONE 1. WORKSHOP A. Federal Public David Turch and Asso discuss new legislation will also have, an onpor David Turch, of D; DC such as the Pi leadership, and the and Assoc o Alex P, Asso relations with last Wash!Wgbon, ap� t Congresswom resulted in supp support in provide relationships by m support for federal vocacy U Dang, Low (arrived at Turch and on federal public affairs and [ties for the City. The Council �,#prities for the City. dad 4„,cfiscussl"64n current matters in Washington, oe ngs, federal judiciary changes, congressional Heroduced Alex Perez. Associate at David Turch id's lobbyist interest. ciate "` avi&TNj.Tch and Age ates emphasized the importance of building congressal legrl ors in Washington, DC. He recapped the City Council's DC trip, which included meetings with Senator Feinstein, Senator Harris, Tapolitano, 'do" Congr ` Swoman Chu to discuss the City's federal goals that �£r)m federal gislators. The Department of Veterans Affairs also expressed ngausinggveterans in the community. He reiterated that building those eetirg;�ceace with congressional leaders will allow the City to obtain more Mayor Pro Tem Armenta asked about restrictions on requirements and guidelines that impact small cities not able to obtain federal grants; what types of grant are available for small cities to advocate for. Mr. Turch replied that his associate staff is dedicated to analyzing all the resources available from the federal government. City staff should be receiving summaries of specific grants available to the City periodically. In addition, his associate staff provides an analysis of the possibility of obtaining a grant, should the City decide to apply. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of January 14, 2020 AGENDA ITEM 4.11 Page 1 of 10 Council Member Ly stated the City identify a project to reconstruct the on-ramp and off -ramp of the I-10 freeway during a meeting with the Department of Transportation. In addition, the Community Development Department has been looking at updating the land use in that area. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta asked how the City could make improvements on different jurisdictions bordering the City boundaries. Mr. Turch reiterated that building those relationships with federal delegates, although they may not represent the Rosemead community, is essential in receiving the support that may increase the chances for obtaining federal grants for projects. Council Member Ly asked if there is any movement on the programs in terms of allocations remaining the same or bei; Mr. Turch replied the CDBG program has been but he did not know if the funding will be the sa Mayor Pro Tem Armenta asked if the or could divert money to other states. Mr. Turch explained there are inforz determine how much each state may from one state to another, but not mi Mr. Perez reiterated for smaller projects opportunity grants i and the Sheriffs c providing fungX c City staffAW exp E no gr zs 'avauawe, t -t commuriit s. Mr. Pere2 and Associates is instru Council Membef,% rec Washington, DC lobby Mayor Clark adjourned sources for CDBG or HOME A for cities. and has been preserved, how much',ng is given per state ;s at the Federal level, which has been able to divert funds i Rebuilding America grant, allows ,to apply for funding. Additional 2 provide funding to both the City Violence Act, which focuses on �t students, teachers, and administrative staff. hing matters, which unfortunately there are ment is working to make funds available to i between the City of Rosemead and David Tuch the Rosemead community in Washington, DC. the City Council designate key items to discuss before the next 7:00 P.M. The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Clark at 7:08 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tem Armenta, Council Members Dang, Low and Ly ABSENT: NONE Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of January 14, 2020 Page 2 of 10 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mayor Pro Tem Armenta INVOCATION was led by Mayor Clark STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda, Assistant City Manager Kim, City Attorney Richman, Sergeant Fiedler, Director of Public Works Daste, Acting Director of Finance Torrez, Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking, and City Clerk Hernandez 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Clark opened the Public Comment period. Sneaker Mind�Yeh, on behalf of the West Saud � b invited the City Council to a five -city mega mixebr candidates. The mixer event in partnership wfl five of at the West San Gabriel Valley Associaf Realtors Valley Boulevard. There being no further speakers, Mayor 3. PRESENTATIONS A. Recognition of the 2019 Holiday Die -`, ation A City aul D&,' and Can` L C* present Valley Association of Realtors, 0{ Y12, for a meet and greet of the C' ber of Commerce will be ja -acid iters located at 1039 East Winners Commissioners Vanessa CQmmissi6b""�0� Iter tzoduce�"4rid presented the Holiday Decoration Award u�etr for thegllowmg"cegpriesi "`Celebrating Tradition," "Christmas with a Twist,' `f x�charif jj ntry Ways` zTestivity Award," and the grand prize "Marie Spadaro C i&mas mate" award. X111 winners were present except for "Enchanted Entry Way. �Vla or Pro Temlrmenta spoke about the history of the Spadaro family and the tradtt�,O they ke#, n decorating their home year after year. Due to their age, the Spadarb"sg were . 6able to continue decorating their home, and one year the Community gether to decorate the home one last time. Two years after Mrs. Spadaro passed away, the best way the community could honor the Spadaro's was by naming the grand prize of the Beautification Commission's Holiday Decoration Award, the Marie Spadaro Christmas Castle Award. She also thanked the Commission for continuing the tradition of hosting the Holiday Decoration Awards. The City Council congratulated and commended the homeowners for making the Rosemead community more cheerful during the holidays. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of January 14, 2020 Page 3 of 10 B. Recognition of the 2019 Fitness and Health Fair Art Contest Award Winners Director of Park and Recreations Boecking announced the Fitness and Health Fair Art Contest theme of "Eco -Awareness and Healthy Living" successfully promoted creativity and a healthy lifestyle through art. He recognized and introduced event organizer Mary Sue to hand out the awards, along with In & Out gift cards to all attending winners by their age group. 6 -year-old and under - Anabelle Hu 7 — 8 -year-old — Winston Ma 9 -10 -year-old — Angie Lee and Edwin Rao 11 -14 -year-old — Erin Chang and Connie 2 Special Award to Rylie Wang Speaker Edwin Jiao stated that it his parents for their support. Speakers Anabelle and Emilia art piece. They both hope to eY Speaker Joanne Lint1lced the City creativity in Children t _* The City Council commitm 0awte cr paren�ttapd` comrr�e 4. PUBLIC HEAM...G - Na 5. CO E LEND" a 'sem+.; •' i k�+.-'• Attorney Richman r Ord'1r-iarice No. 991, M, ,,,,M approve Cohn vote AYES A A. Claims ve an award and thanked gratitude for c)ntest-s,,in the their support an award for their arts and the -d"'i"'d , comrd6 d all the students for their put la1�$x art ThoCouncil also recognized the �pcQuagiig � supporting their kids. title only the introduction and adoption of Urgency an and first reading of Ordinance No. 992 by title only. by cil Member Ly and seconded by Council Member Low to lends tems A through D. Motion was carried out by the following Y J ' tay��Q1ark, Dang, Low and Ly ABSENT: None Resolution No. 2020-01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $585,885.07 NUMBERED 105166 THROUGH NUMBER 105253 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-01. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of January 14, 2020 Page 4 of 10 C. • Resolution No. 2020-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,134,657.96 NUMBERED 105254 THROUGH NUMBER 105323 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-02. • Resolution No. 2020-01 SA A RESOLUTION OF THE THE SUCCESSOR AGE COMMUNITY DEVELO THE CITY OF ROSE�kI CLAIMS AND DEMAN"Ss NUMBERED 10277 ` H INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: CI Y�>OF,, OSEMEAD AS NCV <TO TP3E ROSEMEAD PIVIENT COIVTNSION OF AD ALLOWING V'"4, TAIN IN THE SUM OF $2,546.02 OUGH ,,�.vNUMBER .t � W78 1 SA. r1 ROS}4�I.f,AD HOUSING AT PORN ALLOWING MANDS IN THE SUM OF 4 INCLUSIVELY No. 2020-01 RHDC. hat the City Council approve the special and regular joint une 25, 2019 and special meeting minutes of December Consideration` of an Urgency and Non -Urgency Ordinance Adopting by Reference the California Building Standards Code 2019 and Other Codes as Amended and Adopted by Los Angeles County Every three (3) years the City of Rosemead adopts the California Building Laws as amended by Los Angeles County. On July 1, 2019, the California Building Standards Commission (BSC) published revised Building Standards Codes (Title 24, Parts 1-12). State law mandates that these standards are enforced in all jurisdictions effective January 1, 2020, regardless of whether they are specifically adopted by local jurisdictions. The City of Rosemead Building Division has initiated implementation of the 2019 California Building Codes as required by Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of January 14, 2020 Page 5 of 10 State Law. The Los Angeles County Building & Safety Division has introduced many local amendments to the California Codes, which they deemed to be necessary considering the regional conditions, and these revisions been reviewed by the State of California for compliance. On November 26, 2019 the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors adopted the 2019 California Building Codes with Los Angeles County amendments (Title 26-30). The City of Rosemead is not obligated to enforce the Los Angeles County codes. However, in order to remain consistent with the un -incorporated areas of Los Angeles County and other local jurisdictions, the City of Rosemead has historically adopted : -lie California Building Codes as amended by Los Angeles County, which arew#o proposed for consideration of adoption by the City of Rosemead. Recommendation: That the City Council fake the "f wing actions: 1. Move to introduce and ado J f -,i' y title only, Urgency Ordinance No. 991, entitled:. , KN;.. AN URGENCY ORDINANCOFJ�-HE CITY COUNGL OF THE OX OF ROSS''s ADOPTING B'S REFERENCE, PiJRS TINT TO�C0NERNMENT CODE SECTION 50022, THS X019 CALIORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS A1Tb TIOSw; CODES x AS AMENDED A°D;DOPTED ''BY LOSry,1CzLES�`�OUNTY AS TQTEDINCLUDING, T CAI>ONIA BUILDING :CODE -VOLUMES 1 AI Df2, (TITLE 26"LOS ANGELES Gpt1TYBJILDING CODE), THE CALIFORNIA ELE7TRLC CODE (TITLE 27 LOS ANGELES COUI�TTY , LEC I C L CD,E), THE CALIFORNIA 1? UMB ', :CODE (TI f28 LOS ANGELES COUNTY PLiJ1VI,BIN6 COPE), THE"CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODR, � (TITT E x 29 LOS ANGELES COUNTY MECHANICAL CODE), THE CALIFORNIA RESIDE TEAL CODE (TITLE 30 LOS ANGELES OUNT SIDENTIAL CODE), THE CALIFORNIA rREI�[ BUILDING CODE (TITLE 31 LOS ANGELES COUT GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE), TH _ CALIFORNIA EXISTING BUILDINGS CODE (TITLE 33 LOS ANGELES COUNTY EXISTING BUILDING CODE), THE CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE, THE CALIFORNIA HISTORICAL BUILDINGS CODE, ADOPTING LOCAL AMENDMENTS THERETO AND DECLARING THE URGENCY THEREOF 2. Move to introduce for first reading, by title only, Ordinance No. 992, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, ADOPTING BY REFERENCE, Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of January 14, 2020 Page 6 of 10 PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 50022.2, THE 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS AND THOSE CODES AS AMENDED AND ADOPTED BY LOS ANGELES COUNTY AS NOTED INCLUDING; THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE -VOLUMES 1 AND 2 (TITLE 26 LOS ANGELES COUNTY BUILDING CODE), THE CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE (TITLE 27 LOS ANGELES COUNTY ELECTRICAL CODE), THE CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE (TITLE 28 LOS ANGELES COUNTY PLUMBING CODE), THE CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE (TITLE 29 LOS AN�C`P��ES COUNTY MECHANICAL CODE), CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE (TIT ='0 _ OS ANGELES COUNTY RESIDENTIAL CO?), T� ,CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING CODIV( ITLE 31 f QS. ANGELES COUNTY GREEN BLJTI,IING STANDAR, CODE), THE CALIFORNIA STING BUILDINGS. CODE (TITLE 33 LOS AI G LES COUNTY Ektl ,,rING BUILDING CODE), THE CA YtNIA EN9` CODE, THE,=° CALIFORNIA T�T,'QCAL BUILDINCrS CODE, ADOPTIN�i FLOCAL 3AlyENDMENTS, AND DECLARING THE '001- C THERE>OF 3. Set t , oft 4. Approve IZe}l'i' n to On April which nr the 'c4 parks and ebruary'25, 2020, tbor.uct a Public Hearing for the adoption [QUI Program 21`,20191.h6_City Council approved the Administrative Policy 50-08, ovide guidelirYfor a Memorial Bench & Tree Program. This program RosernQd the op ? rtunity to commemorate or honor family, friends, and professionals whom have passed away or have had a positive impact on iunity. Tn dedication helps enhance and beautify the City of Rosemead's h1p hp1pg to meet the City's vision of developing a premiere park, I,Y 1 .c n space system. The purpose of this policy is to outline the terms it ioii,of commemoration on a memorial bench and/or tree. Recommendation: That the City Council approve the revised Administrative Policy 50-08, to include the dedication of a garden and move forward as the "Memorial Bench, Tree and Garden Program." 6. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF - None 7. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes ofdanuary 14, 2020 Page 7 of 10 A. Discussion of SB 732 This item is presented to the City Council at the request of Council Member Steven Ly. He would like to discuss Senate Bill 732. Council Member Ly reminded the Council at a previous workshop, South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) Board Member and South Pasadena Council Member Michael Cacciotti spoke about a multi -county tax provision. At a League of California Cities Division meeting, AQMD Executive Director Wayne Nastri, spoke of placing a multi -county tax on the ballot that is being presented in Sacramento. Mr. Ly expressed concerns, that AQMD has claimed that the Federal Government Environmental Protection Age no,0"' 'A) has set additional standards onto the Clean Air Act that make it difficult Ioeiiforce without implementing new funding mechanisms. AQMD is propoi fides tax for multiple counties (Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and Inlndpireouty) to generate the necessary funds to meet the clean air standards He opined it's an overreach l� ythe organization since hey have in the past overreach, such as attempting to`b-�k-kBeach bonfires, beacW,Qs, and even a no f TM., in-house burn policy during the wmt�z��sastio-burn penot�no-burn policy fine may give the AMS., more powe`Ariplement additionaltaxes. The Los Angeles Division of ue of Califon Cities is against the tax provision. League President Juan 6,—' 9 a the City o ellflower is leading the opposition to kill the bill prior to eachrfg? Semtex I ifithe bill is moved out of the commrtt�e,st may pas§;e referiiy letterm the Los Angeles Division '� of the�� gue of forma Gni l s p sin r opposition. He asked Mayor Pro w Tem rmenta ifgtt' ifomia Coktr`act Cities` Association has taken a position regarding t o 4bill. x+42 4 t Co riltMemb&�� rmen6,,` �nfrm84*ith Executive Director of the California Contrad Ctes Assgation thatl�y oppose the bill. She explained they are taking the same po`_,, as the,League of California Cities to oppose the bill. council Membey contm'd to address the necessity of sending a letter to Senator Alan and the leaf tion of delegation, noting the City of Rosemead's opposition. Mos��ortantl; to notify the City's lobbyist firm Gonzalvez and Sons to lobby on thein>behalf in Sacramento against the bill. Mayor Clark-F�tiated that there are mandates from EPA that are not funded. A lot of the pollution is coming from the ships bringing Cargo, which are sending things all over the country. Our residents should not have to pay a sale tax from ships coming from overseas. There are some cities intentionally passing their own tax, to cap their sales tax to avoid that money going to AQMD and keeping the money within their City. The only concern is the state may implement other taxes on top of the capped city taxes. Also, its concerning that the AQMD is exempt from the cap sales tax, which could raise the sales tax to above 14 to 15 cents. Funding should come from the agencies that are mandating the tax increase. Mrs. Clark read a section of a letter from the Los Angeles County Division of League of California Cities, indicating that other districts could set precedence, "Currently, only cities and Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of January 14, 2020 Page 8 of 10 transportation agencies have authority to seek voter approval of local transactions and use tax increases. Senate Bill 732 sets a precedent for thousands of Special Districts in California to compete for a limited revenue source reserved for cities and some Transportation agencies". Mrs. Clark expressed this could add to other Special Districts deciding to put more and more taxes. The reason why there is so much homelessness is that the cost of living is so high in California, not just in housing but in everything else; therefore, she agreed to oppose the bill. Council Member Dang agreed with Council Member Ly's opposition of the bill and concurs the funding should come from those doing the polluting such as ships and ocean carriers that are causing the pollutionµ�,i Council Member Armenta stated there is and if Council may want to vote on a dir' Council Member Ly interjected date, if things in the bill change,; ACTION: Moved by Council NMebr Ly opposed SB 732. Authorizing the CttyM: the author and legislatooi o delegation,tx City's lobbyist Gonzd,$;fin * ,ons to opp' was carried by the following vote,AYES: ABSENT: None s . Mayor on the floor for SB 732 the opposition at a future led by C&Z" Member Low to to draft a l6bf; , of opposition to the Mayor. In aeldition, direct the measure in Sacramento. Motion ;nta, Clark, Dang, Low and Ly update on the Garvey Park restroom is WorkDxector D$te reported that over the holidays, there was a stop -work red on the Iftoject to��e'"solve some planning and building issues. Work has rted on the re5,trooms, and staff will provide an update to City Council on a Council Me`mbe­Jr-'Armenta expressed concerns that the City Council has received complaints bri when the restrooms will be completed. To have stop orders for a project that is within an area heavily used by the public concerning. City Manager Molleda interjected that staff would provide a timeline in the weekly update to the City Council. Council Member Armenta spoke on the condition of the skate park due to graffiti. Mrs. Armenta acknowledged the prompt clean up and graffiti removal by Public Works. Emphasizing the skate park should never have been neglected to the conditions she witnessed, she recommended that additional supervision be Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of January 14, 2020 Page 9 of 10 8. implemented in the park to ensure public safety. Lastly, commended the staff in their commitment to maintaining the skate park and all city facilities. Council Member Armenta also reported her attendance with the California Contract City Association in Sacramento to meet with legislators advocating against SB 50 and upcoming bills. Mrs. Armenta commended all council members that attended and extended the invitation for the next assembly in March. Council Member Dang requested a follow up about Rosemead Blvd's traffic condition and its effects on the public health and wellbeing. He reported a personal experience regarding his neighbor's house beingrobbed. He requested a follow up of the Ring Program, which was presented b the City Council under a pilot program back in January 2019. City Manager Molleda advised there an update of the program will be prod Mayor Clark expressed her apprecia attending the California Contract'4,4 transportation is limited in Rosemeac difficult for housing�iset up next were rewarded with a lily Qj)erty property tax. Only recen Passing bills onto other Margaret Clark, Mayor Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of January 14, 2020 Page 10 of 10 ,'" ssues� garding the Ring Program, and to the Ci ` �'� ty�quncil on the weekly update. tion of the legislation nquiring SB 50 while y Association meetingting the means of com�xarixd to other cities; tlxefore making it to W` sses. Mayor Clark stated other cities tax,w{Rosemead was considered a "No" head be6"` .aced under a "Low" property tax. *#W necd4oy means to generate the funds The next regular scheduled City Council at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Hernandez, City Clerk