CC - Item 7A - Discussion on Draft Policy for Naming and Renaming City FacilitiesROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER . DATE: MAY 26, 2020 SUBJECT: DISCUSSION ON DRAFT POLICY FOR NAMING AND RENAMING CITY FACILITIES SUMMARY This item is presented to the City Council at the request of Mayor Pro Tem Polly Low. She would like to discuss a policy and process for naming and renaming City facilities. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the City Council discuss and provide further direction. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT - None FISCAL IMPACT - None PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Attachment A: Draft Administrative Policy 50-09 AGENDA ITEM 7.A Attachment A Sample Draft Administrative Policy 50-09 E M F 5 y T CITY OF ROSEMEAD '* Administrative Policy Manual Policy Number: 50-09 Date Established: Date Revised: City Council Approval: SUBJECT: ESTABLISHING POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR NAMING AND RENAMING OF CITY FACILITIES PURPOSE: TO ESTABLISH A PROCESS WITH CRITERIA'S FORIkAMING OR RENAMING OF CITY FACILITIES. y GENERAL POLICY The Rosemead City Council shall have the final a following the criteria outlined in the provisions, determine if a City facility name is an appropri� , may be initiated by any City Council Member or Of PROVISIONS A. Care and sensitivity should be historical relevance. B. A request to nam Council for revie • A brief' s • A statemdr winformation meaC m and c ription of fp ge-f,y to name and re -hi y e City facilities by Ie Policy in general-:u.ld be used to epresentation for the comFtr. A request ;staff to rp�e an existing fac�fify. existin�faizlity name if the name contains shadIdAe>,,Submitted in writing to the City on. The"`request shall include: roposed name; and the proposed name such as background CCc risideratio be `gimen to an individual or group that has made a significant rpntribution to thecnmuriityti-standing affiliation with the City. nd or had a Iong D. Nares that aid in the; geographical location of a facility, historical event, and or reference to a R.bld of time whreflects the City's ethnic and or cultural diversity. E. No City facrfi# skIse named after an individual that has engaged in conduct that is considered co.t to community standards of justice, honesty, or good morals. F. No City facility shall be named referencing political, religious, discriminatory or derogatory names. G. No City facility shall be named that may cause confusion due to duplication or similar to an existing City facility within the City or surrounding areas. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 Policy 50-09 Contents of the Administrative Policy Manual H. No City facility shall be named while serving as an elected City Official of the City, City Commission, or City Committee. I. If no consensus is reached by the City Council on a name for a City facility, the City Council may create a subcommittee to review and provide recommendations. J. The subcommittee shall consist of two (2) Council Members;; city staff member (appointed by the City ManagrJ` regular open Recommendations onythe ubcommittee shall be presQdi g pmeeting. All decisions with respect to the naming or ren discretion for the City Council, which shall determii renamed. ),City Commissioner, (1) nd the City Manager. ore the City Council at a City facl!I a City facil Page 2 of 2 II be at the sole Auld be named or