CC - Item 6B - Rosemead Local Economic Stimulus Plan in Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19) RevisedROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER J, M , DATE: May 26, 2020 SUBJECT: ROSEMEAD LOCAL ECONOMIC STIMULUS PLAN IN RESPONSE TO CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) REVISED SUMMARY On May 12, 2020, the Rosemead City Council, considered implementing a local economic stimulus plan to serve as a catalyst for the local economy in Rosemead to recover from the impacts of COVID-19. Presented were several activities for a potential plan. Council directed staff to return with estimated costs on specific activities and projects primarily focused on capital improvement and infrastructure to bring construction and quality jobs to the City and further minimize the impact to Rosemead residents and businesses. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council: 1. Discuss the activities and projects including the use (and purchase) of Rule 20A Funds for a Local Economic Stimulus Plan submitted as Attachment A; 2. Direct staff to return with a Resolution for reduced business license fees, if appropriate; and 3. Provide further direction to staff, as necessary. DISCUSSION At the May 12, 2020 City Council meeting, Council directed staff to bring back additional information and costs on the following potential programs and projects. Low Interest Business Loan Program When considering a business loan program, there are many factors that the Council will need to consider such as: Is the City willing to guarantee the loans? What will happen if the loan becomes delinquent or goes bad? Will the City consider a lien on the property and/or report a bad loan to credit agencies? How much is the City will to pay for the financial institution to operate the loan program? AGENDA ITEM 6.13 City Council Meeting May 26, 2020 Page 2 of 3 If Council desires a loan program, it is important to note that the financial institution will expect some form of payment (either through loan fees and/or direct payments from the City) to help finance the costs associated with the processing and servicing of the loans, as well as the labor costs of their staff doing the work. Staff estimates that it will take 2-4 months to build a loan program and almost as many months to find a local financial institution willing to administer the program. An agreement, acceptable to both the financial institution and the City of Rosemead would need to be jointly developed that meets each parties' legal obligations and responsibilities within the program. Council may consider that a small business loan program through CDBG-CV funds ($200,000) was recently approved and is currently being developed. This program will be similar to the cities of El Monte and South Gate Small Business Job Retention and Creation Grant Programs. Further, at the time this report was written, there is still funding available through the SBA Payroll Protection Program and, therefore, it may not be necessary to develop a local business loan program. Business License Reductions Council may consider reducing the business license fees for both new and renewal. Council could choose to apply the reduction to all businesses or may choose to apply to non-essential businesses which may be more greatly affected by the Safer at Home Order. In calendar year 2019, the new business license fees collected by the City were $65,799 and the renewal fees totaled $103,983. If Council chooses to reduce the fees by 50%, it would cost the City an estimated $85,000 of loss revenue. Rental Mortgage Assistance Program With many residents being impacted by loss of wages and jobs, it is expected that their loss of income will negatively impact their ability to pay their rent and mortgage. As part of the CDBG- CV and HOME funding recently approved by Council, $85,920 have been allocated for emergency rental and mortgage assistance to Rosemead residents. Council may choose to use ,general fund reserves to augment or match the CDBG-CV/HOME funding for this program. Unfunded Capital Improvement Projects Council may choose to fund some or all the unfunded capital improvement projects, see Attachment A for the list of unfunded projects and the estimated cost. Rule 20A Funds Council may choose to purchase Rule 20A credits from other municipalities for the undergrounding of utilities on portions of Rosemead Blvd., Mission Dr., Temple City Blvd, and Walnut Grove, see Attachment A for more detail on the identified areas and estimated costs. It should be noted, that Rule 20A funds generally cost 55 cents to the dollar. As an example, the City of Oxnard sold their $3.8 million in credits for $2.1 million. City Council Meeting May 26, 2020 Page 3 of 3 FISCAL IMPACT The proposed activities and projects developed for the local economic stimulus plan would require a total investment of approximately $13,308,000 from the City's General Fund Reserves. The actual cost may vary depending on negotiations for purchasing Rule 20A credits. Additionally, $85,000 of the total amount ($13,308,000) would be indirect costs as it would be revenue that would not be collected due to the business license reductions. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT The local economic stimulus plan implements the "Key Organizational Goals" of ensuring the City's continued financial viability by actively pursuing quality economic development; and enhance public safety and quality of life. Submitted by: r 4-A�-104�0 gelica F usto-Lupo Director of Community Development Attachment A: Local Economic Stimulus Program Potential Activities and Projects Attachment A Local Economic Stimulus Program Potential Activities and Projects Rosemead Local Economic Stimulus Plan Potential Activities and Projects Business and Resident Assistance Potential Pro Ject: Business & Resident Assistance Fundinu Source t-1 Estimated Cost 1. Low Interest Bank Loan $55,000 5. Acoustic Panels(Garvey Park Gym) $25,000 traditional bank loan backed by the Ci General Fund Reserves $300,000* 2. Business License Reduction $286,000 7. Playground Equipment Replacement (Garvey & Rosemead Parks) (New and renewal business licenses Loss to the General Fund $85,000 3. Rental/Mortgage Assistance Program $50,000 9. Rosemead Park Restroom Renovation Match or augment CDBG-CV/HOME funds of $85,920 General Fund Reserves $86,000 TOTAL $125,000 $471,000 *Loans would be guaranteed by the City (if delinquent, unpaid, etc.) and other bank fees may apply. Potential Capital Improvement Projects to Fund Potential Rule 20A Fund Expenditures Potential Project: Rule 20A General Fund Reserves Estimate([ Cost Project:Potential 4. New Roof for Rental Shelter(Garvey Park $55,000 5. Acoustic Panels(Garvey Park Gym) General Fund Reserves $50,000 6. New Gazebo & Landscaping RCRC General Fund Reserves $286,000 7. Playground Equipment Replacement (Garvey & Rosemead Parks) General Fund Reserves $200,000 8. Resurfacing of Garvey Park Tennis Courts General Fund Reserves $50,000 9. Rosemead Park Restroom Renovation General Fund Reserves $450,000 10. Rosemead Park Preschool Restrooms General Fund Reserves $125,000 11. Scoreboard Replacement at Rosemead Park General Fund Reserves $19,000 TOTAL TOTAL $1,235,000 Potential Rule 20A Fund Expenditures Potential Project: Rule 20A Funding Source Estimate([ Cost 12. Rosemead Blvd Utility Undergrounding Rule 20 General Fund From I-10 Freeway to North City Limit, 1.3 miles Reserves $3.4M 13. Mission Dr. Utility Undergrounding General Fund From Rosemead Blvd. to Valley Blvd., 0.7 miles ReservesR $1.9M 14. Temple City Blvd. Utility Undergrounding General Fund From Valley Blvd. to North City Limit, 0.3 miles ReservesRale 20i $820,000 15. Walnut Grove Utility Undergrounding General Fund From Valley Blvd. to Mission Dr., 1.7 miles ReservesD• 1e -2 -OA $4.62M TOTAL $10,740,000