CC - Item 5B - Meeting Mintues of April 14, 2020MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL, SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AND HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION REGULAR JOINT MEETING APRIL 14, 2020 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Armenta at 7:04 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. A-11 a PRESENT: Mayor Armenta, Mayor Pro Tem Low (teleco mg from 1039 La Presa "' Avenue), Council Members Clark (teleconferencing from }111'09 ospect Avenue), Dang and Ly ABSENT: NONE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by INVOCATION was led by Mayor Armenta STAFF PRESENT: City Manager M&Jl, ssistant Crt}� .,4 ,Hager Kim, City Attorney Richman, Chief of Police Duong, and City a�erdddez 1. PUBLIC C No comments ere receivy the 2. PRESENTATION;, A. uc3 f Newt appointed Chef of Police Lieutenant Tony Duong G fain David F10 os An `'efs Coun Tem le Sheriff Station introduced the newly �. . a o° ted Chief of leo Yce Toni Duong. Lieutenant Duong will serve as the new Chief of P lic' r the Rosemw community. He brings 20 -years of law enforcement service and has ex e ex erte ce as an investigator and administrative background. Also ;Y P . " g g ' introduce�ean 4Earbajal to the Rosemead Team. Sergeant Carbajal is a 26 -year veteran of th�x;,wArmy and served in Desert Storm Iraqi Freedom; he was then retired as 1 st Ser geantTe was also a training officer for the Gang Detective Unit in Temple City. Chief of Police Lieutenant Duong expressed gratitude and appreciation to the City Council for the opportunity to serve and protect the City of Rosemead, as Chief of Police. Sergeant Carbajal thanked the City Council and looked forward to serving the Rosemead community. Mayor Pro Tem Low welcomed both Lieutenant Duong and Sergeant Carbajal for taking on the task of protecting the citizens and businesses of Rosemead. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting AGENDA ITEM 5.11 Minutes of April 14, 2020 Page I of 10 Council Member Dang welcomed and congratulated both Lieutenant Duong and Sergeant Carbajal. Council Member Clark was delighted and thanked the Sheriff Temple Station for singing happy birthday to 6 -year-old Hunter on Easter. Council Member Ly stated their kind gesture is an example of the traditions and leadership the City of Rosemead stands for. Mayor Armenta thanked Lieutenant Duong and Sergeant the Rosemead family; stated Rosemead is family -base" resident Hunter was a perfect example of that. a 3. PUBLIC HEARING - None 4. CONSENT CALENDAR In reference to Item No. 4.E, Mayor Armenta th Gym Cooling system project, which will make a ACTION: Moved by Council 1MIy and approve Consent Calendar items A' 4W T vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang,; ,,ow a. A. Claims • eoaution No. 2020-11 welcoming them to happy birthday to for initiating the Garvey Park during the hot summer days. : None cil Member Dang to out by the following A RSbIiJTION`0 IHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE I Y O� 'OSEMEAYJ, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING AIN MS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,2 21.7W1UMBERED 105966 THROUGH NUM3R 106168 INCLUSIVELY .ecomendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2020- 1.Resolution No. 2020-03 RHDC K RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $20.00 NUMBERED 1616 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-03 RHDC. • Resolution No. 2020-06 SA Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2020 Page 2 of 10 C. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $246.00 NUMBERED 10289 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-06 SA. Approval of Minutes Recommendation: That the City Council July 23, 2020. Authorized Signers on Bank Accounts (LAIF) for the City and the Success Development Commission meeting minutes of "'Local vocal Age W111 jnvestment Funds Agency for the Rosead Community The City of Rosemead (City) and th&�,$ e,q r"Agency for'the Rosemead Community Development Commission 15%gessor Agency) require several different bank accounts toefficiently operaY-ancial matters. The City also invests in the Local AgencMjo,,", ent Fund LAS 3 Whas established accounts with them as well. While crreiifiized staffqg`ers on both the City's and the Successor Agency's accounts iredehe City Manager (Board Executive Officer) and the Assistant City 1V�,arer (Assit`Executive Officer), the Director of Finance, inane Mari -ger need to,,be added by Resolution of the City Counc When neVdividuals replace incumbents, bank signature cards must be complete�lyyith authority given to the_City Manager for addition or deletion of s x <+ signers due aVaff eplacements. A datio*That the pity Council adopt the following resolutions authoriz , I e City"nager (Board Executive Officer), and the Assistant City Manager ( t E Live Officer) and adding the Director of Finance and the Finance Manes as Officers of the City and signers on the City's bank accounts at Bank of the }st and LAIF; In addition, authorize the City Manager and the 5-4betor of Fi , ce to remove previous staff incumbents who are no longer part of thee" andrtccessor Agency. Res o ii x o. 2020-12, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING THE CITY MANAGER, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER, THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND THE FINANCE MANAGER AS OFFICERS OF THE CITY Resolution No. 2020-13, entitled: Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2020 Page 3 of 10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER, THE ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER, THE FINANCE DIRECTOR AND THE FINANCE MANAGER AS SIGNERS ON THE CITY'S BANK ACCOUNTS AT BANK OF THE WEST and Resolution No. 2020-07 SA, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE SUCCESSOR A( `CY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVf,OPMENT COMMISSION, ROSEMEAD, RQ1*'kIFORNIA, CLj N AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR, M JO0 TEM, CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS, TIDE `0JTY M P GER, THE ASSISTANT CITY MANA76ER"�,THE F `. ¢NCE DIRECTOR AND THE FIANCE MANAGERAS SIGNERS ON THE SUCQ)�q-$rSOR AGENCY'S BA ACCOUNTS AT BANK OF T WESE. D. Display of the Vietnamese American Herrod Freedom Flag with the Untied States of America FlagAlong Valley Boule " � as a Symbol of Freedom and Democracy The Vietnamese Refugee Comer that the City C,uncil support th �"', t�orizin the c commun�t�,� y� g Freed Flag alon&ith the Uni and dern acy, or}. Walley Boi Sunday, display ifs °0, , ells County is again requesting ierican citizens of the Rosemead ame'sb(,' of the>Vietnamese American Heritage and ,es of America Flag, as a symbol of freedom $;from Saturday, April 25, 2020, through re flags together, side-by-side is consistent I States Flag Code. Recomrrindation:,the City Council approve the request of the Vietnamese Refugee Co< unity o,os Angeles County to display the Vietnamese American Heritage an& edoside-by-side with the United States of America Flag Ing Valley o zlevard from April 25, 2020, through May 3, 2020, in accordance � the protoo564 specified in the United States Flag Code. E. Garve in Cooling System Project No. 310019 — Rejection of All Bids As part of the City's Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Capital Improvement Program and the City's Annual Action Plan for CDBG activities, the City Council approved the Garvey Park Gym cooling project. On March 18, 2020, bids were 'received and reviewed for the project. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council take the following actions: 1. Reject all bids received for this project and direct staff to re -advertise the project Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2020 Page 4 of 10 for new bids; and 2. Take such additional, related action that may be desirable. 5. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. Pay and Benefits for City Employees to Comply with the County's Safer at Home Order On March 4, 2020, the Governor declared a state of erergency in response to the COVID-19 epidemic. On March 13, 2020, the City Cou"ciladopted a Proclamation of Local Emergency. On March 21, 2020, the Co' f Los Angeles adopted a "Safer at Home" Order". Recently, President umpi ended the Federal social Yy r, distancing guidelines to Apri130th. The County's March 21, 2020 Order req f.: to the greatest extent possible, indkVIO providing "Essential Services" ase� the Order the City Manager directed the" operations and services to assess which those that could stay at hdq_ Consistent with the City Marie beginning March 23rd, City ` "Non-Essent#,employees" ha to report df�required. , home hoj�g provide l needed receivir their usu"av and b that until April VO `unless extended, ioud stay at home,Tthey were lefi,"-mit. To be in co„iipliance with ientHeads to review each of their ogees needed to report to work and as the D`idtor of Emergency Services, loyees' ave continued to work and t� stay at home but remain available eye's have also been able to work from to do so. All employees have been Recommendatidn, Tliat I 00I :Council confirm to the City Manager that all 15w qqs em it ireceive, #elr usual pay and benefits and that such practice will continue until Sund t'; May 7Q.20,unless the City Manager so determines changes need to be made' lleda reported President Trump extended the Federal social tes to April 30th. To comply with the Order, City Department to review each of their operations and services to assess which to report to work and those that could stay at home. As the Director of Emergency Services (City Manager), beginning March 16th, City "Essential employees" have continued to work, and "Non -Essential employees" have been directed to stay at home but remain available to report for work if required. Some employees have also been able to work from home. All employees have been receiving their usual pay and benefits. Mayor Pro Tem Low asked staff if the City is financially able to proceed with the Safer at Home Order and continue paying benefits to employees. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2020 Page 5 of 10 I10 City Manager Molleda advised at this time that the City does have the funds and noted it would not be extended past May 15th, which will be reviewed for discussion at a later time. Mayor Armenta commented that cities such as Santa Monica asked employees to leave their positions voluntarily. Therefore, she's grateful for businesses like Target and Walmart that bring revenue to the City and maintain a good financial standing during a time when sales and sales tax revenue is being diminished. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly and secs to extend and confirm that employees continue benefits until Sunday, May 3, 2020, unless the Ci needed. Motion was carried out by the follow r�. Dang, Low, Ly ABSENT: None COVID-19 Update This is a recurring item that will items related to COVID-19. Recommendation: That the>Cty Council City Manager Molleda reported`fhat,fq' all individuals living in Calixma to���t COVID 19, the Los Angeles C'0, tybel Home" May 15th, 20Q. City facilitiend parlcould remain dosed essential l ,u iness employees to we M o other employees and the -public. Council Member Dang �g`£Aheir usual pay and ,er determines changes ES: Armenta, Clark, update the Council on provide further direction. .ply with' . 6mor Newsom's Order, for at, home in efforts to stop spreading rt , b`t of Health extended the "Safer at VI ° ager Molleda reaffirmed that City In addition, the County has ordered all i mouth coverings when in contact with 6itWemb6f", . 6,commen&d City staff for addressing and enforcing the new safety me ures wi i osi jve attitude. In effort to clear up any confusion by the public, he Fkas;)ed tha }x`iformational flyers be made available on what is kQ recommendedfad whatis required when out in public. L reported that staff is also looking into CDBG funds to assistance to hurting businesses in the City. Mayor 'menta agreed with Council Member Ly and clarified, although the Los Angeles Mayor may address the County of Los Angeles, each City has its own Council to make the right decisions based on what the health department pushes forward. Council Member Dang expressed concerns with senior homes having a higher Coronavirus exposure. Mr. Dang suggested City staff reach out to senior home facilities to check up on vulnerable seniors if any necessities are needed. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2020 Page 6 of 10 City Manager Molleda reported City staff has reached out to senior home facilities to provide up-to-date Coronavirus information and resources. Council Member Dang asked how City staff handles sanitizing procedures, to ensure cleanliness and prevent contamination when working with seniors during the Lunch Program. City Manager Molleda noted that Lunch Program participants are provided with disposable masks during distribution. City staff is also practicing proper safety procedures and social distancing, wearing face masks aq loves at all times. City staff continues to add more names to the City senior `conf ct list to ensure they are doing well during the pandemic and prove£;: information resources in respective languages. City Attorney Richman announced the oty of Los Aiglehad amended its ordinance to extend the rental order fim six months to tweN nths. The new order would allow tenants, affected §`, e COViI up rent during a twelve-month grace pggp Mr Rosemead passed a similar ordinance, wh 11" , Council Member Clark slWthat Jack Zhou b for donation if the interested. Mr< a conference call with Mayor `G stating COVID-19 related costs to reeeive a but City 6. MATTERS n This item She would Et confirm6& City staff has 19 pandermg", L t& CITY COT"NCIL N 'ositive Cases in Rosemead 19 pandemic;fi�b , ay backed- Zichman explain -cl the City of §'the City Council to review. X Media has disposable masks Clark reported she was in ;ems should be documenting been documenting all expenses lie City Council at the request of Mayor Sandra Armenta. this issue. : That the City Council discuss and provide further direction. Mayo rii rota expressed concern about her daily request to notify City Council membe " and Rosemead residents of positive COVID-19 case counts. She reiterated if there is no change in numbers, then no notification would be sent out. After taking it upon herself to provide the Council with emails regarding the COVID-19 numbers, she noted it was important and transparent to provide its residents with COVID-19 positive counts when numbers change. Mayor Armenta opined not knowing how many positive cases may give a false sense to residents as there are low number of COVID-19 cases in the City. Council Member Dang addressed if there is difficulty in providing the information that Mayor Armenta is requesting. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2020 Page 7 of 10 City Manager Molleda reported there was no difficulty accessing the information, just a slight confusion in the numbers provided by the County, which is why requesting COVID-19 positive counts to be made only on Mondays. Council Member Dang reiterated the reports are made at the beginning of the day, and sometimes numbers change in the middle of the day. Council Member Ly explained that statistic reports might change due to factors like age groups. Mayor Armenta reported after a conference Public Health Department, she explained the n a person lives, not where they contracted the reason the COVID-19 positive counts c1inge County confirms the correct residency, jthe i Council Member Ly requested that c *-k atio: should the number of cases change. r ,w k:• Mayor Armenta affirme&4-he number count is", website after noon; opined t e'co kfirmed count since other cities are providi%g the{carne ,Count Council Men-thei recommends the concemAIS the pre Publit'ijca th DE �ii` ,. numbers acid �skf emb& Roseme"idei "These are�nuttib� the Los Angeles County ges depending on where She 11ther explained that the a case 46assigned after the on the $ress release each day on the County's ,shared with the residents umber to its residents. Ly acknowl'oged-Ithe Co -nty'-report is easily accessible and Ilk should b� 4included ib� press releases. Mr. Ly's primary wase accurae and if a letter of confirmation from the County finent could bad jrgluded to provide residents with accurate 1 } I IRAA law applied to COVID-19 cases. 9 why&tti 'S +^ `•• Cark agreed ` it is important to release the information to s«ri suggested the following blurb be added to the press release, rs frQIhe County and may be subject to clarification." ty Attorneyftichman stated there is no HIPAA issues being violated by using the ntirbers in tho,os Angeles County Public Health Department's report. The City is ,lttst`'4ssiggron the information to the public. x , Councit %Iember Ly reaffirms his concern with the accuracy of the press release. Mr. Ly agrees an asterisk would help in clarifying the source of the published report. He also addressed City staff to notify residents Monday through Thursday, with weekends off. Therefore, residents should understand that the numbers will not change on the weekend. Mayor Armenta agreed to withdraw the daily press release as long as residents are notified via social media Monday through Thursday. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2020 Page 8 of 10 Council Member Ly recommended the update of positive COVID-19 count report be posted at the end of each day on all social media platforms with the direct link to the County's website. City Manager Molleda affirmed an update of positive COVID-19 counts will be provided to residents Monday through Thursday via social media. Mayor Armenta concurred with the new direction. B. Council Comments Council Member Clark requested that a resolutio#Vbrought before the Council regarding water regulation, stating the City is nit subjt,to total maximum daily loads, and the resolution would need to go fo' the Logtgeles Regional Water Quality Control Board. a, Council Member Ly requested to by back renaming the Public Safety Center a Uj sought support from the City Council ftp t', i plan for the business community using CDB Council Member Dang acloy�rles the and suggested those acts sh6Wd be p o ne Mayor Pro Tem,Low reaffirm she has baerivacing with an of Roseead.R Mayor are that the Cil of the law force to ad on City CouncY a tseussion on �,y riff Tim Mur�ni. Second, 'to look into a local stimulus and to use reserves. ities of the community Dang's recommendation, and to donate masks to the City dyed messag�rom Republic Services that waste hauling nteritec$Vp -fig the pandemic for the City. Secondly, she from a resident on the increase of hate crimes against the Asian tot1C,oropavirus pandemic. Mrs. Armenta reassured the resident ows ti of the land and will hold criminals to the fullest extent ',y con*, it a hate crime. Mrs. Armenta suggested a possible task (hate crimes within the Asian community. Low asked if there were any hate crime cases reported recently. Chief oXPolice Lieutenant Duong stated he has not heard of hate crimes in Rosemead but will look at statistics and if any reports have been made in the City recently. Mayor Armenta addresses the economic impact on hotels not generating revenue; advised City staff to look into any outstanding funds owed to the City. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of April 14, 2020 Page 9 of 10 7. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Armenta adjourned the meeting at 8:28 p.m., in support of all essential workers and in memory of those that have passed from the COVID-19 illness. The next regular scheduled City Council meeting will take place on April 28, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Ericka Irnaridez, City Clerk APPROVED: Sandra Armenta, Mayor Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes ofApri114, 2020 Page 10 of 10