CC - Item 6B - Budget Presentation FY 20-21Fiscal Year 2020/21 Proposed Budget-Workshop 2 June 9, 2020 Presented by Dr. Scott Miller, Consultant-Finance Department FY 2020/21 Proposed Budget Department/Function Original Funding Request in Workshop #1 Proposed Changed Funding Request Explanation Capital Improvement Projects $0 $1,216,000 Council directed staff to add seven previously unfunded CIP projects to the funded list using General Fund Reserves Public Safety $49,700 ($70,600) ($20,900) $49,700 ($70,600) ($20,900) Add additional Code Enforcement Officer; eliminate 49% of part-time costs (see Budget Report for details) Public Safety $10,000 ($20,900) ($10,900) $10,000 ($20,900) ($10,900) Upgrade Public Safety Supervisor to Public Safety Manager; using previous part-time savings dollars to fund (see Budget Report for Details) Finance $4,900 (in General Funds) $3,200 (in General Funds) Upgrade Senior Accounting Specialist to Management Analyst; using $3,200 in General Funds and $2,700 in Special Revenue Funds (see Budget Report for Details) Finance $42,400 (in General Funds) $33,810 (in General Funds) Add part-time Accountant; using $33,810 in general funds and $14,490 in Special Revenue Funds(see Budget Report for Details) Department/Function Original Funding Request in Workshop #1 Proposed Changed Funding Request Explanation Public Works ($309,800)($309,800)Eliminate Public Works Inspector; Eliminate Associate Civil Engineer; Eliminate Civil Engineering Assistant Parks and Recreation ($89,000)($89,000)Eliminate Parks and Recreation Manager Community Development ($79,000)($79,000)Eliminate Housing Project Coordinator City Clerk’s Office ($31,000)$30,000 Restore funding due to clerical error Community Development- Business License N/A $85,000 (GF Revenue Decrease) Reduction of $85,000 in General Fund Revenues due to Council direction to reduce Business License Fee for new and renewal licenses by 50% Community Development- CDBG-CV/HOME $86,000 $172,000 At the direction of Council, added $86,000 in General Fund Reserve to the CDBG-CV/HOME Rental/Mortgage Assistance Program Fund Workshop #1 Original Changed for Workshop #2 Staff Requested Changes/Requests ($389,000)($389,000) Council Directed Changes/Requests N/A $1,397,000 Total ($389,000)$1,008,000 FY 2020/21 General Fund Revenue FY 18/19 Actual FY 19/20 Estimated FY 20/21 Proposed Property Taxes and R.E. Transfers $ 9,559,500 $ 9,699,000 $ 10,157,000 Sales Taxes 5,735,500 4,520,000 4,603,200 Transient Occupancy Taxes 2,314,700 1,800,000 1,800,000 Bldg. Permits & Plan Checks 1,833,100 1,454,800 1,281,000 Franchise Fees 1,254,000 1,150,000 1,180,500 Recreation Fees 867,400 588,700 754,600 Public Safety 619,100 513,000 622,000 Public Works Permits 511,600 376,000 526,000 Grants 274,400 243,900 152,500 Other Fees 1,754,200 919,500 789,400 Total 24,723,500 21,264,900 21,866,200 FY 2020/21 Expenditures FY 18/19 Actual FY 19/20 Estimated FY 20/21 Proposed $ Change % Change Council/Commission/City Attorney/City Clerk 1,660,100$ $ 1,611,400 $ 1,609,500 (1,900)-0.12% City Manager/IT 829,600 948,400 959,200 10,800 1.14% Finance/General Services 1,104,700 1,132,400 1,244,700 112,300 9.92% Human Resources 305,100 367,400 375,200 7,800 2.12% Public Safety 9,062,900 9,933,200 10,811,000 877,800 8.84% Public Works 4,280,700 4,457,200 4,077,800 (379,400)-8.51% Parks & Recreation 2,326,300 3,021,400 3,387,400 366,000 12.11% Community Development 2,139,400 2,549,900 1,864,400 (685,500)-26.88% Total $ 21,708,800 $ 24,021,300 $ 24,329,200 $ 307,900 FY 2020/21 Department FY 2019/20 FY 2020-21 City Manager’s Office 5 5 City Clerk 2 2 Human Resources 2 2 Finance/General Services 5 5 Community Development 11 6 Parks and Recreation 9 8 Public Safety 3 8 Public Works 23 20 Totals 60 56 FY 2020/21 CIP Project Name Fund Budget Amount New Roof for Rental Shelter (Garvey Park)GF $55,000 Acoustic Panels (Garvey Park Gym)GF $50,000 New Gazebo & Landscaping (RCRC)GF $286,000 Playground Equipment (Garvey & Rosemead Parks)GF $200,000 Resurfacing of Garvey Park Tennis Courts GF $50,000 Rosemead Park Restroom Renovation GF $450,000 Rosemead Park Preschool Restrooms GF $125,000 Total $1,216,000 Project Type #CIP Budget Request Funding Source Total Cost New Projects 8 $1,467,700 Clean Water Fund, GF, Metro Grant $1,467,700 Underfunded Projects That Need Additional Funding 6 $2,247,100 RMRA SB1; Cal Recycling; Measure M; Grants; CDBG; Measure R; Gas Tax $2,247,100 Current Active Projects Previously Approved by Council 21 Currently Funded Various Funds $13,626,200 Total 35 $17,344,000 Unfunded Projects 2 Unfunded Rule 20A Estimated $7,400,000 ITEM FY 19-20 Amended Budget FY 19-20 Estimated Budget FY 20-21 Proposed Budget Revenues $25,051,000 $20,264,000 $21,866,000 Expenditures $23,925,000 $24,021,000 $24,329,000 GF CIP $0 $0 $1,216,000 Surplus/(Deficit) Forecasted $1,126,000 ($3,757,000)($3,679,000) GF Reserve Balance $21,477,000 As of June 30,2019 $22,603,000 $17,720,000 $14,041,000