CC - Item 4B - Regular Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2019MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL, SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSIONAND HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION The regular meeting of the 7:00 p.m., in the Rosemead Rosemead, California. REGULAR JOINT MEETING DECEMBER 10, 2019 Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Clark at City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, PRESENT: Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tem Armenta, ABSENT: Council Member Low PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by INVOCATION was led by Mayor Pro Tem STAFF PRESENT: City Manage Richman, Sergeant Fiedler, Director and City Clerk Hernandez 1. Dang and Ly Manager Kim, City Attorney iniz Director of Finance Torrez, indicated he was rn ie�(ddnts expressed to him: 1) Suggested having sear Shky Elementary School to discourage speeding student drop-off area; 2) Recommended that the City atop sign on Encinita Avenue and adjacent streets rk. He noted that residents living in the vicinity omead Pa mare willing to participate in a survey to help support the request for in tion peed bumps or an additional stop sign; 3) Asked where tax revenues g when residential homes are almost immediately getting zoned as a multi- Ff T1 unit with two stories; and 4) Inquired if it is necessary to have five massage establishments within a three-mile radius in the city. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta opined that Mr. Perez should have contacted the City first so that staff could address his concerns; explained that Rosemead has a strict ordinance when it comes to renovating a home and determining what can be built depending on the size of the lot; asserted that that the California State Controller's Office named the City of Rosemead the number one financially stable city in the San Gabriel Valley. Ms. Armenta explained a liability factor must be considered when discussion of installation of speed bumps arises; stated that she appreciates Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting AGENDA ITEM 4.13 Minutes of December 10, 2019 Page 1 of 20 2. 0 4. Mr. Perez presenting these concerns to the City Council, however, encourages him to schedule an appointment with the City Manager for further questions. Mayor Clark explained to Mr. Perez that the City Council cannot address his concerns in detail tonight per the Brown Act as it is not agendized for discussion. There being no other comments, Mayor Clark closed the Public Comment period PRESENTATIONS A. Introduction of Newly Hired Public Works Finance Director Robert Torrez Director of Public Works Daste City Manager Molleda PUBLIC HEARING - None CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION: Moved by Council approve Consent Calendar Iter vote AYES: Armegta, Clark, Q .y and Ly 19-63 Finance Erik Garwick and Interim Works Manager Erik Garwick. Robert Torrez. by Mayor Pro Tem Armenta to Iras carried out by the following 1ikITY COUNCIL OF THE AQ, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF MBERED 104865 THROUGH CLUSIVELY Resolution No. 2019-63. 19-64 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,297,142.52 NUMBERED 104959 THROUGH NUMBER 105086 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2019-64. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2019 Page 2 of 20 • Resolution No. 2019-12 SA A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $53.35 NUMBERED 10274 THROUGH NUMBER 10274 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 201 • Resolution No. 2019-13 SA A RESOLUTION OF TH THE SUCCESSOR AGk COMMUNITY DEV ?Mj THE CITY OF RO CLAIMS AND DEMAN NUMBERED A,0276 INCL Recommendation: Ad� e -I qt • Resolution No 20iq12 ��TION �. � �� VELORNT CO MEAIALLOW] n .criNn_ TIDE S - JE` .nt Resol W OF �RQSEMEAD AS TO THP&QSEMEAD ,NT COMMI%QN OF ALLOWING I AIN THE,SUM OF $3k&97 No.' -13 SA. aw WISEMEAD"' HOUSING 'k ON 0ftHE CITY OF CERTAIN CLAIMS AND QF $204,800 NUMBERED No. 2019-12 RHDC. the City Council approve the special and regular meeting 9 and October 8, 2019. :alendar Schedule for 2020 City Council meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:00 p.m. Historically, the City Council has cancelled the second meeting in August (summer break), November (Thanksgiving), and December (Christmas). Adopting a meeting schedule will give the City Council, staff, and the community the ability to plan their schedules accordingly. The City Council maintains the ability to adjust, cancel, and/or add other meeting dates, as deemed appropriate. Recommendation: That the City Council adopt a City Council meeting schedule for the 2020 calendar year. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2019 Page 3 of 20 D. Ordinance No. 990 — Second Reading and Adoption: Amending Chapter 3.24 to Tile 3 of the Rosemead Municipal Code Creating a Local Area Veteran Vendor Preference in Non-public Works City Contracting Procedures On November 12, 2019, the City Council introduced for first reading, by title only, Ordinance No. 990, by amending Chapter 3.24 to Title 3 of the Rosemead Municipal Code creating a local area veteran vendor preference in non-public works city contracting procedures. Recommendation: That the City Council approve the second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 990 by title only, entitled: fi AN ORDINANCE OF THE CIOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALO tp l AMENDING CHAPTER 3.24 TO TITL '3 OF ' �� ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE I -ANG TO�ERENCES FOR LOCAL AREA VK'�I AN VENDORS „ E. Transmittal of Fiscal Year 2018 City of t semead aff gsemead Housing .. Corporation Annual Fancial Reports , E The City of Rosemea hensive )001 Financial Report and Rosemead Housing Development ` oar .Financial and Compliance Report provide a complete presentation o l e�finan6 o the Ciao Rosemead and the Housing ._. -. RecoAm dation � t the Ci ' C ncil r `eceive and file the City of Rosemead Compre eve Ar 1 Financia eport and Rosemead Housing Development ,prporation ice- iri 1 Staf64 nt for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2019. Away Cgi ft `�`'Mixed-Use Overlay Zone and CEQA Awa 9f Contract to RRM Design Group In accordance � � Strate PIan Strategy 1(C), on July 29, 2019, the Community lopment D ment issued a Request for Proposal to seek qualified land use plan �q, urban Signers, and environmental professionals to assist the Planning Divisi � - h ing a Freeway Corridor Mixed -Use Overlay Zone for areas along th n e 10 Freeway corridor on -and off -ramps within the City limits (project ares' The project includes the preparation and completion of project related General Plan, Zoning Code, and Zoning Map amendments. The Planning Division will utilize the Senate Bill 2 grant funds to compensate all Consultant fees. Recommendation: That the City Council take the following actions: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract agreement with RRM Design Group in the amount of $160,000; and 2. Appropriate $160,000 from the unassigned General Fund Balance from the Fiscal Year 2019-20 Budget. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2019 Page 4 of 20 G. Ratify Emergency Expenditures and Accept Traffic Signal Improvements at Valley Boulevard and Ivar Avenue PTM General Engineering Services, Inc. completed the field work for Traffic Signal Improvements at Valley Boulevard and Ivar Avenue. Emergency repairs on existing traffic signal equipment, which were not part of the project, became necessary to complete in order to maintain traffic signal operations at this intersection. The field work is completed; therefore, staff is requesting the City Council to ratify a change order to cover the final construction cost including emergency expenditures and authorize the staff to file Notice of Completion for the project. l .� Recommendation: That the City Council 1. Accept the Traffic Si Avenue project as con 2. Approve change order the final construction 0,655.09 for ).taling $13= 3. Appropriat tional ftindift"104, 4. Authorize staWIN ' otice of �- H. Ratify Emp�y Expenditures on aln following actions: Valley Boulevard and Ivar itures to cover 30.37; 1 in Measure `�"lnds; and for the project. Sink Hole Repairs Con icompl the fie1�_gncy `�o repair a sinkhole on Walnut �k� y= Grove, ue, so of Valley ulevard an alnut Grove Avenue, over the Rubio as The work is Meted; therefore, staff is requesting the City ucil to r <§der t ver the emergency repair cost. �. z eri Recomr wion the City Council take the following actions: 1. Rati ergeric enditures totaling $69,675.00; and -- Authorizaff to file a Notice of Completion for the project. I. A Reso n obi City Council of the City of Rosemead Adopting a Policy Which DelegatesMsmnce (ability Claims Processing Responsibilities to the California Joint Powers InAuthority (CJPIA) and Non -covered CJPIA Claims to the City Manager as Provided for in Government Code Section 910, et seq. and Rosemead Municipal Code Chapter 3.20. The City of Rosemead is a member of the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority and pursuant to Government Code Sections 990.4, et seq. and 6500 et seq. pools its self-insured liability claims and losses with other California JPIA members under a Memorandum of Coverage. The Joint Powers Agreement creating the California JPIA authorizes it to exercise powers common to members and when appropriate to defend and indemnify members, including the City, from liability Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2019 Page 5 of 20 claims under the Memorandum of Coverage terms for the City. The City Council previously adopted Resolution 2009-48 delegating authority for processing claims against the City to the California JPIA. In addition to those claims covered by the Memorandum of Coverage with California JPIA, there are also claims that must be processed that are not covered by the Memorandum of Coverage and the City Council now desires to delegate responsibility for processing those claims to the City Manager or her designee to better streamline the process. Recommendation: That the City Council No. 2019-66, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CIY UNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAE ADOPT' , OLICY WHICH DELEGATES TORT LIABII'CLAIIVI3 OCESSING RESPONSIBILITIES TiE CALIFa JOINT POWERS INSURAN AUTHORITY (CAND NON -COVERED CJP l CLAIMS TO TH 4 ITY MANAGER AS PROVI� I� FOR,118 d CODE SECT -1 ONS 910, E3�1D ROSEMR MUNICIPAUR_ .CHAPTE J. Extensions to Animal The an' and care ftvices�g:$rnts wi�i>Rosemead Animal Hospital and , Peers i 5 fense o are`k�Wled to expire on December 31, 2019. Troposetensiond extend the Rosemead Animal Hospital and VIDA Agi ement . order to tinue the ongoing animal control services a� ted by e T_ llblic -0 Department. the Ciiy70, cil take the following actions: Execute First m ndment to the Agreement with Rosemead Aroma Hospital uthob negotiate and execute any contract amendments or tensions o Sehalf of the City; and 2. Ex the .�E .fit Amendment to the Agreement with Volunteers in Defense of Animi authority to negotiate and execute any contract amendments or extensions on behalf of the City. K. Traffic Commission's Recommendation to the City of Rosemead City Council to Partially Close Olney Street Between Rio Hondo Avenue and Temple City Boulevard Traffic issues on Olney Street came before the Traffic Commission and the City Council at prior meetings. The City Council directed staff to solicit proposals to perform a traffic study in the vicinity of Olney Street, Temple City Boulevard and Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2019 Page 6 of 20 L. M. Rio Hondo Avenue. That traffic study, conducted by the selected Traffic Engineer Elie Farah of EFI, was presented to the Traffic Commission on November 7, 2019. The Traffic Commission voted to recommend to the City Council a partial permanent shut down of Olney Street, and short-term mitigating measures to help ease speeding on Olney Street. For this to occur, the City Council will need to approve a traffic study to determine if an additional lane for the 2 houses is feasible and the approximate cost of a permanent partial closure. Recommendation: That the City Council take the following actions: 1. Accept the Traffic Commission's recopy e 0 tion to a partial permanent shut down of Olney Street, and short-term ��I� ng measures to help ease speeding on Olney Street; and 2. Approve a traffic study to det— e if an add -I lane for the 2 houses is feasible and the approximate of of a permanent pail closure. Titles of Officers Authorized to Agency Investment Find (LAIF) The City of Rosemeadv� Fund. LAIF must havilf of officers orized to e accoun�A er 22, 2 g desigadfir the o � anagei`; the off -, uthorizp -_ to make Since the rld tion `x that Re: ib&and an .., xis„ D the and WitMiLwals in the Local funds iWi -Me State Local Agency Investment �5 -W-res olut7 ` listing the exact names and titles m awals from the City's LAIF iep�i Oto and the c�" ed Resolution No. 2019-59, sistan Ch i�Iadq agerand Director of Finance as l is to and withdrawals from the LAIF account. 4 - , the Finance Director is no longer with the ecto as been appointed. adopt Resolution No. 2019-65, entitled: A RMO.LUTIJO1 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY C ROSEIVIMAD, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING THE CI ANAGER, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER, AND THEDIRECTOR OF FINANCE AS OFFICERS OF Positions for Public Works and Human Resources The City Council will consider approval of a Management Analyst position in the Public Works Department and a Human Resources Management Analyst in the Human Resources Division. The Housing Coordinator position in Community Development Department became vacant on September 2, 2019. Subsequently the position and workload level were evaluated, and it was determined that a full-time staffing level is no longer needed in Community Development. As such, Staff is requesting to eliminate the Housing Coordinator position and transfer the Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2019 Page 7 of 20 applicable general fund balance to the Public Works Department and Human Resources Division for the addition of two Management Analysts positions. Recommendation: That the City Council take the following actions: 1. Adopt Resolution No. 2019-67, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING THE COMPREHENSIVE SALARY SCHEDULE FOR ALL FULL-TIME CLASSIFICATIONSM THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD 2. Resolution No. 2019-68, entitled ` A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING ANNUAL SALARY RANGES AND BENEFITS FOR CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE MIDDLE MANAGEMENT, PROFESSIONAL, AND CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD 5. MATTERS FROM CITY N A. Award QW -4 for .n Mat the( h rvices �ta�inology 1, 2`0� and 15,300 �o nt IT Sem TAFF?----�� ' 'fin Teo r logy Management Services take i Ilowina actions: enter into a three-year Management with Acorn Technology Services for gement Services for the period ending the IT Technology Replacement fund balance to s budget for FY 2019-20. Assi City ager Kim stated the City of Rosemead has historically contrac a_3 �at on Technology (IT) management professional services; noted Interwest `_ Elting Group has supported the City with IT services since December 20 6 and their contract is scheduled to expire on December 31, 2019; indicated in the interest of the City, staff released a Request for Proposal (RFP) to ensure the City retains the highest qualified consulting services at a competitive cost; asserted after careful consideration of each proposal submitted, including but not limited to: responses to the Request for Proposal requirements, firms' history and ability to provide services, proposed staff qualifications, proposed fee structures, and interviews with all qualified bidding firms, staff believes that entering into a new contract with Acorn Technology Services would be the best course of action for the City at this time. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2019 Page 8 of 20 Mr. Kim pointed out a correction regarding Acorn's service fee that was provided in the Staff Report, indicated the original annual cost was a sliding five percent decrease each year with year one being higher than year three; clarified the proposed cost by Acorn is actually the same for each year, at the year three lower cost, meaning that the annual cost for each year of service is $130,140 for all three years and does not decrease. He asserted that it is not the $144,600 for year one, which is a cost savings for the city; stated there is a one-time not -to -exceed amount of $14,460 when the service starts to conduct a comprehensive assessment, in which a recommendation will be made to improve our current IT infrastructure. Council Member Ly asked if the $14,460 for comprehensive assessment is built into the service fee or if another $14,460 > be added to the $130,140. Assistant City Manager Kim replied initial 30 -day period. A Council Member Ly stated for for the first year. City Manager Molleci clarifi( Acorn was simply p blow a Mayor Pro Tem receiving this ur and the amity and �f4A&wi11 be added only for the first that the Ci Id be paying $144,600 r deport does mYat�, $144,600 and ate first year. this was the first time she was i'sco'­___-cation happened between Acorn a three -X agreement. s'stant C res ed that the RFP requested the cost for a se d wh the rt � ;dewed Acorn's proposal it had an amount for yee yea 4, and year4ee; stated it was his error, explaining when he saw the _ years kdown option, he perceived that year one was more expensive as ccarn need oto familiarize themselves with the City, which is why rs two and werees expensive; indicated after the report was completed, informed ; that if the City selects the three-year option it will be at the to a Glue; rept .F ,'the RFP requested athree-year proposal, however, Acorn also gave MON! ion to a one-year or two-year agreement. Council Meer Ly ascertained it appears that Acorn did not follow the RFP as it requested a three-year proposal. Mr. Kim asserted that Acorn did provide a three-year proposal as well as additional options of a one-year or two-year service. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta reminded the City Council of a similar situation with the bid for trash hauling services; expressed concern that it is not a fair assessment to all the prospective bidders for one bidder to provide other options outside of what was requested in the RFP. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2019 Page 9 of 20 City Manager Molleda responded since Acorn provided additional options, the City contacted the other five firms to give them the same opportunity to provide Option A, B and C. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta queried if the other firms provided additional options, and if so where could Council find that information. City Manager Molleda asked staff if it was included in the Staff Report. Management Analyst Guerrero replied no. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta requested to firm provided. Assistant City Manager Kim options were provided in the S City Manager Molleda explame cost number, however this table options and final costs -as year one, Council Member Ly"11. year two, and year thrf costs such as Acorn's, City Mayors Tem A phase-ina d i NeiT se to I�s��A Saalex �o chi utilize ext�ourc omplete moi work vice whether_haj and additional options that each M.& . G� -hero, stating the other firms' in the to _1 page seven of eight. ginally the firms had.�n�y provided one annual Wdes a Wdown of -foh firms' additional 1two0year three ra nnual s each firm provided for year one, ve or if�a - M . rms will have additional wrap up affirmed that is correct. 3ke � any other firms were charging this transition was 3 • _ationale behind that. nenta; ASs sW City Manager Kim confirmed one firm, a transition phase fee of $5,025; stated a new vendor must take account of the City's current infrastructure and beginning of contract; explained it was each firms' ;e t gone -time transition phase-in fee. Co `_ embers asked if there was a typo in the Staff Report as Saalex IT only has on t r the table, not two asterisks to indicate that it is charging a one-time r Anal phase-in fee. Assistant City Manager Kim concurred there should have been three asterisks for Saalex IT. Mayor Clark inquired if the numbers provided on page seven are the original numbers that each firm submitted for the three -years; expressed concern that it is unfair if the firms were able to manipulate and change their original numbers. City Manager Molleda replied these are the final numbers that the firms submitted; noted Acorn is present and invited the representative to the dais. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2019 Page 10 of 20 Ms. Armenta asked if any of the other firms were present this evening. City Manager Molleda replied Max Power Technology is also present. Council Member Ly inquired which Acorn staff listed from the team of eight would be the lead on-site technician. Mickey McGuire, CEO, Acorn Technology, replied there is a team of 48 in the organization, noting from the core eight, Matthew Guilbaud will be Rosemead's on-site technician and provided a brief summary of his credentials and background. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta expressed confusiontthe Fiscal Impact section of the Staff Report indicates that the IT Techni -'I be only be part-time; asked how all three years can be the same amount ' epi initial fee. Mickey McGuire clarified that th "_=time was ref�g to the City's current IT Consultant and affirmed Aco ' - . � {Technician will be ll�. time; pointed out that there is a misunderstanding of <®T tions that were pro 'F° for pricing, further explained what Acorn provided is'Hfttion e -year, twa ear, or three-year agreement; asserted Adorn s pricing -a 104 _pis to provide a count if it is a two-year or three -ye - ement as ` ger standing relationship has been established with the c NlcGuirre _ ated that the RFP did ask for an assessment to be conduoc wif tie first s of the agreement; shared that during the a5sgssment Acorn brings an nti re to eople to evaluate everything from tr= hardware}: ve�ndrov x` a complete diagram of the IT in = cture; d after olompiles this information, the City is pro a bind _ ith comps documentation and recommendations for the one co possible that the City would incur the year lity, which is why Acorn generated the not -to - Ci ager . ; ]da informed City Council that there are two separate budgets, one is E . ent and the other is for IT Services; noted Acorn and the other firms also3-5 °` d to evaluate the funding the City has for equipment to see if the cost can be des aced there, which is something that has not been done in the past. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta reiterated the reason Rosemead is fiscally number one in the San Gabriel Valley is because we make decisions based on all the numbers; asked what if equipment needs to be purchased and the cost is higher than the year one not -to -exceed amount of $144,600. City Manager Molleda repeated that will not be an issue as there is a separate budget allocated specifically for equipment. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2019 Page 11 of 20 Ms. Armenta asked if that information is included in the Staff Report; emphasized the importance of including budget details when discussing a contract. Assistant City Manager Kim replied it was not included in the Staff Report as the matter being brought to Council for consideration is the on-call consultant service; made clear to Council that equipment (i.e. hardware) is a separate budget line item. Council Member Dang sought clarification as the first year is listed as $130,000, then there is a subsequent assessment fee of $14,000, therefore asked if Acorn is collecting $130,000 or $144,000 for the first year. In response, Mickey McGuire stated the firef' r would be up to $144,000 and the $14,000 is a not -to -exceed amount. Council Member Dang opined the nd red aster states the first 30 days will include a not -to -exceed assessof $14,460 the way that reads is the $14,460 should be imbedded mtie $130,000 and no d on top of it. Council Member Ly concurred wi�uncilber Dang Itaff should have allocated $14,460 instead of $130,0"', n��ired if staff is }=ng Council to appropriate $15,000 l epletiono cover the $14,460. Assistant City Managers " resd d that��urrent three-year contract with Interwesteffil ltinghas a budge 14000 ich only covered a part-time techni( n 11 -time. �� . 1-4 I Member L scertaine staff should really be asking for $30,000 of IV' - no 00 be 130,000 minus $115,000 plus some change ve 000; ed in reality, staff is looking at allocating ta.be OR. - = fund t re is an extra $14,460 to allocate for. Mr. Kim cla X141.1aL. wee alfway through Fiscal Year 2019-20, so staff would only Saeed a porta� Membeinquired if Council decides to go with Acorn, then staff is ig,$24,Oince half of the year is gone. Assistant MON aaer Kim affirmed.that is correct. Council Member Dang referred to page seven of eight of the Staff Report, "However, the IT services need of the City exceeds 20-hours/week and Interwest Consulting Group has provided additional ongoing hours at no cost." He asked if that meant that Interwest worked full-time and did not charge the City for those additional hours. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2019 Page 12 of 20 Assistant City Manager Kim replied yes, explaining that when the contract was originally initiated three years ago it was based on 20-hours/week and at that time the value of the contract was $114,000; noted after the contract was executed the needs of the City for IT services was greater than the 20-hours/week, as a result, the City discussed with Interwest and they agreed to provide those additional hours without increasing the $114,000 contract; informed Council that Interwest was included in the distribution list when the RFP for IT Services was released this year, however, they elected not to submit a proposal. City Manager Molleda commented that Interwest recently began to add additional hours this year as staff was not happy with the 1 ce, which is why they provided the additional hours at no cost. There being no further questions Max Power Technology was invite4. Mayor Clark inquired if $114,0, submitted in response to the R give them the opportunity to requested in the R:FP � would be submitting a pri three ye XM two their car � 04 nforr, Mayor ° F ,dem be the lead Wa. on Gonzalez a hied a brief asked for fir." -%Quire of Acorn Technology, F th`e podium year was the num i at Max Power initially ked if City staff co�-ed their company to d add � options crWe of what was ►ley, confirmed Max Power as the contract required it for as not familiar as to whether RFP clearly stated it was a three-year term. understood it was a three-year term. Max Power Technology representative would the City's IT systems. d Tobias Sebastian would be the on-site technician; of Mr. Sebastian's credentials and background. City Atm 'I hman stated typically when an RFP is written for Professional Services rtVbmmon to indicate the City is looking for three -years, however if you have creative options to please present them for the City's consideration; asked staff to clarify for the City Council's understanding what the RFP stated. Assistant City Manager Kim referred to Section F of the RFP and read that it states, "The proposed term of the contract is for three (3) years commencing January 1, 2020, with options for two (2) one-year extensions at the City's discretion." Council Member Ly broke it down that means it is for three years, with the option of plus one-year and another one-year. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2019 Page 13 of 20 Mayor Pro Tem Armenta asked if there is anything referring to the City giving options for different rates. Council Member Ly asked staff if rates for year -one were only requested and if that is why Acorn submitted for just year -one. Assistant City Manager Kim explained that Acorn's proposal included year -one at $144,000, year -two at $137,000 and year -three at $130,000. Council Member Ly opined the amended Staff Report indicates year -one will be $130,000 plus $14,000, totaling $144,000; e yes ed confusion as to why there was a need to amend the Staff Report whe riginal numbers provided were correct and should have remained at $ L - Mr. Ly inquired how year -two and year -three's costs change from - NiN� $130,000; asked where the misunderstanding that created this . .00 differen Assistant City Manager Kim `' d it was his undersng that year -one was a little higher due to the comb sive assessment to nducted, with the annual cost decreasing slightly m two year -three, - ed when Acorn reviewed the Staff fit, they Offiey actually me = was if the city executes a three -years i that the costfa�ach year would be $130,000. 3M Mr. Ly posed the questio - the ming n were what Acorn submitted in their propp 144,000, A 7,000, aid.X30,0 Mr. affirm Council M` e City ao= ra Teri the City is NA Mr. Ly opine %ig,inaol Staf f00in thehave ame $14,00 the I is the cas -, - are pated his ion that the original Staff Report was correct o ve nomreceived an amended Staff Report; echoed ?enta's sof Clark's concern that it appears as though i cceptancan amendment for a bid after it already closed. i uncil should be reviewing the numbers provided in the t b M e that is what Acorn officially submitted and the year is misleading as it really should be $144,000; stated staff the Staff Report to place an asterisk next to it to indicate that 000 may not be used for the following reasons; asserted if that iff asking for $15,000 or $24,000 to be shifted over. Assistant City Manager Kim responded that staff would be asking for $14,000 plus the $8,000. Council Member Ly ascertained if Acorn Technology is approved, then it would roughly be $22,500-$23,000. Mayor Clark stated if she is doing her math correctly, then it appears Acorn's original proposal was at least $411,000 which does not even include the additional $14,000, and is much more than Max Power's proposal of $342,000; concurred Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2019 Page 14 of 20 with Council Member Ly that something looks like it was manipulated, and indicated she is not comfortable with this kind of change. City Attorney Richman stated the City Council can proceed with whatever their preference is; reminded them that this is a Request for Proposal and not a bid, so the Public Contracts Code where you are required to open the bid separately and award to the lowest responsible bidder does not apply here; added the law specifically states the price should not be the only consideration when you are awarding professional services. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta responded that the Council understands the contract does not have to be awarded to the lowest b � i rWemphasized there must be some consistency, otherwise how will the city)nc what type of IT services they will be providing. NM Council Member Ly asked Mr. G`z to providebf summary of Max Power _� Technology's work, includin municipalities or�,` it is agencies they have provided IT services to. *, Mr. Gonzalez stated h as fifteen works with various S CUM IT support; noted thea experience with orgam ns �e there is anJ asset dispo monthI10 e Cityo cil and above the #tact , " ;__IT sta Mayor Gonzalez if so, dear f, rience and Max ` iffier Technology ntly w CLA in which they run all of their has ma over 100,000 devices, and have tip ised ofV r 10,000 employees; indicated rb hich "j rovide a lot of cost savings ;e ¢ ds�bq selling older devices. Mr. dude pir proposal: fifteen hours every anager to assist with anything they may need be at City Hall during regular business hours, require from them; and the 24/7 live chat available without an additional cost. support is part of the proposal. to asked if Max Power Technology had an assessment fee, included in the $114,000 or is there an additional fee. Mr. Gonzalereplied they followed the RFP as all their costs, including the assessment fee are imbedded into the annual fee; asserted even though it will cost Max Power more to ensure the city is assessed properly, he is confident their three-year strategic plan with the city is a worthwhile investment. Council Member Ly asked staff if the City Council decided to proceed with Max Power, would there an allocation from the replacement fee budget be requested. Mr. Kim responded no City Council will not have to allocate any funds from the replacement fee budget as the current cost with Interwest is the same amount. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2019 Page 15 of 20 Council Member Ly stated he gives Max Power Technology credit and is impressed that they still came to tonight's meeting even though their company was not the selected winning bid. In response to Council Member Dang's inquiry, Mr. Gonzalez stated the organization is comprised of seven full-time employees, about fifteen part-time employees, and bring in staff as needed; noted their part-time employees are college students working at UCLA part-time that are more beginner type IT technicians; highlighted their internship and local high school programs, urging Council if they know anyone that might be interested, to have them reach out to us so we can start training and get them on a certification pathw eared that Tobias Sebastian, the City's full-time technician, graduated from R - ell High School and was ranked fifth team in the nation for cyber security s ago. Mr. Ly stated that would be great o def a Reserves has a big push for cybqgil Mr. Gonzalez indicated Max My J is also training videos for the community 16ff City Manager Molled to Acorn Technology, firm to proceed with. going, even the Army cyber security n is to award the IT contract like to recommend a different Counc'rrb asserte r e vYd1r -Rey ad n� problem supporting staff's ` reco dation a supple :"� _ taffpt not been presented to Council, howeve "' as an my muds the waters based off the information that was received; enc contract dash services, noting the majority of Council �.£or the ��en�lve ver the others that were submitted because o {Rulity of mice prover: y explained he is hesitant to proceed with Acorn b e of ommumcafion issues the city has encountered in the past with previou `` ' = ntrac sand bids, where a change order comes about; indicated though May o Te enta is not a fan of change orders, he understands the for them w onstruction projects, but not with IT services. Council Member L d he wo have liked the opportunity to talk to the other firms had they beeny nt to - t; asserted that he has no problems supporting Max Power Techno a ash were present and answered his questions satisfactorily. Mayor Clark asked Council Member Ly if he was making a motion. Council Member Ly replied yes and moved for the City Council to award Max Power Technology a three-year contract, plus two one-year options at a later date; he asked for confirmation again that staff is not recommending the City Council to appropriate additional funds if they proceed with Max Power Technology. Assistant City Manager Kim affirmed that is correct. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2019 Page 16 of 20 Management Analyst Guerrero interjected, stating there will be additional fees if Max Power brings additional engineers on-site, in which we may have to appropriate more funds at that point. Council Member Ly asked if staff would like those additional fees built in now. Ms. Guerrero replied no, that is not possible as staff does not have that information on hand to make that decision, and wants Council to be informed that is a possibility at a later date due to their cost/rate sheet, located in Section 8, on page 20 of Max Power's proposal. Council Member Dang and Mayor Pro what they were provided stops at Secti, Assistant City Manager Kim $114,000; clarified what Ms. to initiate projects or ask for would be additional costs incu Council Member L: outside of the scope. expressed confusion, stating ki' proposas, to provide IT services at was referring i,.- s if staff or Council were tl support outside the scope, then there if the requests Mayor Pro Tem Arment kedi is justla�Power or the same across the board with,-hey:9ther firms ' . t . ty Mgfter Kim Y des, it islame with the other firms. Council M.S er asked Mr.,izalez if the city updating all the Windows 7 me Mduies is i - "114,0 �l Mr. Go cow` = ed it is i at anything in the scope of the work listed in the RFP,elaine acitional fees would be incurred if new cables need to be n through tfr alis o% fagw wireless infrastructure set-up at a facility that does May o Tem enta stated it appears Acorn Technology would like to speak, opined i r to give them that opportunity. Mayor Clark`Invited Acorn Technology back to the podium. Mickey McGuire, Acorn Technology, thanked the City Council for the opportunity to speak; stated he understands there was a misunderstanding resulting in the muddying of the waters, however emphasized there was no change to the rates that were provided and he does not want the perception of impropriety there; explained Acorn's pricing model is to offer a discount of 5% off the first year for a one-year to a two-year agreement, and a 10% into a three-year agreement, further clarified that's where the misunderstanding took place. Mr. McGuire informed Council that Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2019 Page 17 of 20 Acorn provided additional pricing options to simply provide Rosemead flexibility, as other cities appreciated that opportunity; shared that Acorn works for the Cities of Monrovia, South Pasadena, Covina, and La Quinta, as a result, Acorn is well versed in all city functions, software systems, and provide cyber security training programs; implored Council to give Acorn a fair consideration as he takes the concern of impropriety very seriously and does not want this misunderstanding to reflect poorly on Acorn's name or reputation; noted Acorn has 20 years of experience which includes supporting a wide range of businesses and cities throughout the San Gabriel Valley, added he feels very confident in their ability to deliver high quality work; informed Council if the concern is the additional assessment fee, then he is willing to address than well. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta responded to -uire, stating it is already too late to address the additional assessment is a shame that Mr. McGuire does not know the City of Rosemea welI as he` to know other cities in the San Gabriel Valley. There being no further Council Member Ly be the City's fourth concern that staff sv give ample time for l between coycrsatio are redo V= A was not - as there date, case. . McGuire, he he understd to find thats lits as this will about six or seven years; expressed >rts these new numbers, which did not the nui. instead were forced to do so in gresentiri ined if staff had stated they k #tea ang numbers and are requesting Eave�;-� cceptable, which unfortunately )port for 1VIax Power Technology's audacity no o firms figli for their case this evening other than them; hr that f proceeds with Max Power Technology, a t ee dear coni th additional two one-year options at a later tie of 00 a vear3 McAft Danes, ed he will second Council Member Ly's motion to with Poweechnology; asked Mr. Gonzalez if there will be an d overt' cost or is everything imbedded, if we happen to need Tobias I to stays ger than the 8 hours for an emergency. Mr. Gon rx sIied it is included in the fifteen -hour allocation, but if it happens to go over anextreme, they would only charge according to the rate sheet. Council Member Dang asked what the fifteen -hour is, and if it is fifteen -hours a month or a week. Mr. Gonzalez explained the City is basically getting 40 -hours a week plus fifteen hours a month to use as needed; clarified if technical assistance is needed on a Saturday or at a Council meeting, they will be there as part of that fifteen -hours. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2019 Page 18 of 20 There being no further discussion, Mayor Clark asked for roll call vote. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly and seconded by Council Member Dang to authorize the City Manager to enter into a three-year Management Professional Services Agreement with Max Power Technology for Information Technology (IT) Management Services for the period ending December 31, 2023, with an additional two one-year options at a later date, at a rate of $114,000 a year. Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Ly ABSENT: Low 6. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIr- A. Council Comments -� Council Member Ly wished ev� Happy MIT, yes; congratulated Council Member Dang and Council M r Low, stating he I ftforward to continuing to serve on the City Council wlr in for the next two y Mayor Pro Tem Army a explained h -MM. ave been an eldi- on but Council Members Dang and unopposedrefore saving the City about $90,000. Ms. Armenta shared ab it to Israe, fri m November 16-24, 2019, with the American Israeli Publi�' - fa ittee ( AC), hosted by the American Israeli Edu on Foundatr not 11 was a gre ing experience; stated they toured bordersre they t of ict and saw firsthand what many ies hildren ; of� we are blessed to live in this count �, ayora Pr Tem thanked Director of Parks and Recreation Boeckin , s an Olic staff well -organized Tree Lighting Ceremony and em R wit p app 'ation to Public Works staff for their hard eh shed eve ,one Habn olid and looks forward to 2020. Council 1V1" ' er 1 thanked his Council colleagues, City Manager, and Ei_t"y y Attorne , their - ort and guidance; noted since he has been on board, have been %, welcoming, supportive, and an absolute pleasure to work with. Ma3vo ark re d she attended the National League of Cities Conference on Novemb 0as she serves on the Energy Environment Committee and they passed seg r solutions to Congress regarding 1) PFAS, the chemical that is in the foam thafirefighters use, and the health issues related to it, 2) The cities along the border of Mexico, one being Mexicali, where development is in abundance, and raw sewage has become an issue with it overflowing into the river. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2019 Page 19 of 20 7. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Clark adjourned the regular meeting at 8:23 p.m. The next regular scheduled City Council meeting will take place on January 14, 2020, at 7:00 p.m., in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk Sandra Armenta, Mayor Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2019 Page 20 of 20