CC - Item 3C - Homeless Plan Presentation0 FOCUS strategies CITY OF RO SEMEAD CITY HOMELESS PLAN: CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP KATE BRISTOL, DIRECTOR OF CONSULTING � JACLVN GRANT, SENIOR CONSULTANT SEPTEMBER B, 2020 cu CITY HOMELESS PLAN: GOALS AND ELEMENTS OF THE PLAN CITY HOMELESS PLAN Understand local needs and context M Explore potential homelessness response strategies to create a strategic plan that advances efforts to prevent and reduce homelessness M Identify key stakeholders needed to implement identified strategies Develop action steps for identified strategies, including policies which may need to shift and/or resources which may need to be leveraged 4 FOCUS strategies Determine opportunities for coordination on strategies where there is alignment with existing continuum of care implementation efforts 3 PLANNING PROCESS PHASES 1. Information Gathering (June -August) - Document and Data Reviews - Stakeholder Engagement Input Sessions 2. Landscape Assessment (September) - Analysis of Current Context, Strategies, Strengths, Gaps, and Priorities 3. Plan Development (October - December) /- Development of City Homeless Plan for presentation to City Council 4 FOCUS strategies 12 cu CITY HOMELESS PLAN: STAKEHOLDER INPUT INPUT INTO PLAN NEEDS AND PRIORITIES • Point -In -Time Count data 4 FOCUS strategies • City Department Meetings: Public Safety, Public Works, Parks & Recreation, Community Development • Meetings with homelessness response providers, community-based groups, public service sector partners, business representatives, and property owners • Public online survey for community members 0 INPUTTHEMES: NEEDS & EXISTING SERVICES • Increases in homelessness in recent years • Concern about impacts of pandemic on housing stability • Public health and safety concerns • Identified needs: — Emergency housing options — Rental assistance — Medical, mental health, and behavioral health resources — Affordable housing — Regional coordination 4 FOCUS strategies I N PUT TH EM ES: POTENTIAL STRATEGIES • Increase community education and awareness around homelessness • Build upon coordination and interest in collaboration across entities • Expand prevention and problem -solving interventions • Explore emergency housing options • Increase outreach and/or mental health services coordination • Explore landlord/property owner outreach models • Assess and explore opportunities to retain/expand affordable housing 4 FOCUS strategies 0 cu CITY HOMELESS PLAN: DISCUSSION ON CURRENT NEEDS, STRATEGIES, AND PRIORITIES CITY COUNCIL DISCUSSION 4 FOCUS strategies What are the most urgent or significant needs in Rosemead related to homelessness? What are existing strengths and challenges of the City's current response to homelessness within Rosemead? Are there specific policy, program, or collaboration opportunities you think could yield a significant impact on homelessness within Rosemead? 10 cu CITY HOMELESS PLAN: NEXT STEPS 0 F O C U S strategies THANKYOU!