CC - Item 5D - Approval of Traffic Commission Recommendations from the August 6, 2020 Traffic Commission Meeting for Curb MarkingsROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER _b. -A DATE: SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF TRAFFIC COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE AUGUST 6, 2020, TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING FOR CURB MARKINGS SUMMARY At the August 6, 2020 Traffic Commission Meeting, staff presented the following two items for review and consideration: 1. Garvey Avenue Line of Sight Review at the Driveway for the Palm Hotel (8463 Garvey Avenue); and 2. Review of Parking Conditions on Marshall Street between Bartlett Avenue and Muscatel Avenue. Both items are recommended for City Council approval by the Traffic Commission and are being brought before City Council for final approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council approve the Traffic Commission recommendations for the following items: 1. Garvey Avenue Line of Sight Review at the Driveway of the Palm Hotel (8463 Garvey Avenue): Installation of approximately 30' (feet) of red curb east of the driveway along the north side of Garvey Avenue. This recommendation is based on AASHTO's guidelines for Stopping Sight Distance. The red curb will improve line of sight and will allow vehicles exiting the Palm Motel driveway to see vehicles approaching westbound on Garvey Avenue in the curb lane traveling 35 mph. This will remove approximately one parking space in front of the Palm Motel and will still allow for 5 vehicles to park along the curb in front of the adjacent businesses. 2. Review of Parking Conditions on Marshall Street between Bartlett Avenue and Muscatel Avenue: Installation of red curb from Bartlett Avenue to Muscatel Avenue on the north side of Marshall Street. This will remove approximately nine parking spaces; it will AGENDA ITEM 5.1) City Council Meeting September 8, 2020 Page 2 of 5 reinforce the existing no parking signage due to insufficient street width needed to allow for both parking and a travel lane in the WB direction. The segment from the wash to Muscatel Avenue is already posted with No Parking. The red curb will serve to make the "No Parking" segment more visible. Installation and replacement of the faded street sweeping parking restriction sign (R30A) at the southeast corner of the intersection of Marshall Street and Dubonnet Avenue. BACKGROUND Below is a summary of each item, the detailed traffic study completed is attached to this staff report accordingly: 1. Garvey Avenue Line of Sight Review at the Driveway for the Palm Hotel (8463 Garvey Avenue • Attachment A provides the detailed traffic study conducted for this item. • Staff received a request from a business owner at Palm Hotel to review visibility concerns in front of the Palm Motel's driveway at 8463 Garvey Avenue. According to the business owner, parked cars next to the driveway restrict the view of approaching vehicles for cars trying to exit the location, especially the curb lane. There is no existing red curb on either side of the motel's driveway. A line of sight review was conducted by Transtech Engineers, Inc., at the location and determined that 30' of red curb is recommended to be installed east of the driveway along the north side of Garvey Avenue in order to improve line of sight for vehicles exiting the Palm Motel. • Within the City of Rosemead, Garvey Avenue runs east/west and is considered a major arterial per the City's General Plan with a posted speed limit of 35 MPH. Garvey Avenue is approximately 76 -feet wide with two lanes in each direction separated by a median at the studied location. Land Use along Garvey Avenue is a mix of use of residential and commercial with 2 -hour parking restrictions from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and no parking on Tuesdays through Fridays from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. due to street sweeping. The curb on either side of the Palm Motel driveway is not painted red; therefore, vehicles continue to park right up to the driveway apron. • Staff reviewed the conditions in this vicinity in order to address the concerns expressed. A line of sight review was conducted by Transtech Engineers, Inc. at the location and determined that red curb is recommended to be installed east of the driveway along the north side of Garvey Avenue in order to improve line of sight for vehicles exiting the Palm Motel. Per AASHTO's guidelines, for a roadway with a posted speed of 35 mph the required sight distance is 250 feet. • Per Rosemead's Curb Marking Policy & Procedures, driveway red tipping is a special type of red zone that is installed at driveways. Short sections of red curbing, typically requested by property owners, can be installed on either side of a driveway to promote better maneuverability into and out of the driveway and to improve visibility from the driveway. The amount of red tipping will be installed in a way City Council Meeting September 8, 2020 Page 3 of 5 that minimizes the loss of existing on -street parking spaces. Typically, this amounts to 2 feet to 5 feet of red curb. However, there are situations where the length of red curb installed at a location should be adjusted based on safety factors such as the speed of approaching traffic, adjacent parking and operations at adjacent driveways. After a thorough review of existing field conditions and the above items, it is recommended to install approximately 30' (feet) of red curb east of the driveway along the north side of Garvey Avenue. This recommendation is based on AASHTO's guidelines for Stopping Sight Distance. The red curb will improve line of sight and will allow vehicles exiting the Palm Motel driveway to see vehicles approaching westbound on Garvey Avenue at 35 mph. This will remove approximately 1 parking space in front of the Palm Motel and will still allow for 5 vehicles to park along of the curb in front of the adjacent businesses. 2. Parking Conditions Review on Marshall Street between Bartlett Avenue and Muscatel Avenue: • Attachment B provides the detailed traffic study conducted for this item. • Staff received a request to review parking along Marshall Street between Bartlett Avenue and Muscatel Avenue. One of the concerns is that on the north side of Marshall Street between Muscatel Avenue and Dubonnet Avenue there is less than the required 18 feet of lane width to allow parking. In some instances, the lane is only 14' to 15' with no visible parking restriction signs. Parked vehicles create line of sight issues for residents exiting their driveway and disrupt the ability to see oncoming traffic. During drop off and pick up times for the school, parents are also parking along Marshall Street where there is insufficient lane width for parking and travel which essentially blocks visibility to approaching vehicles and potential pedestrians crossing the street. A traffic review was conducted by Transtech Engineers, Inc. at the location and determined that red curb be installed along the north side of Marshall Street between Bartlett Avenue and Muscatel Avenue where there is insufficient roadway width of 18 feet or more to allow for parking and a 10 foot travel lane. This will improve safety conditions for parked vehicles as well as improve visibility for pedestrians who may be crossing the street. • Within the City of Rosemead, Marshall Street runs east/west and is considered a collector road per the City's General Plan with a posted speed limit of 30 mph. This section is in a school zone with a posted school speed limit of 25 MPH. There is also posted 20 MPH for westbound traffic approaching the Rubio Wash. Marshall Street is approximately 38 -feet wide with one lane in each direction separated by a double yellow center line. Land use along Marshall Street is Low Density Residential with parking permitted at all times except during street sweeping restrictions, where there are red curb and near the wash. • Muscatel Avenue runs north/south and is considered a collector road per the City's General Plan with a posted speed limit of 30 MPH. Muscatel Avenue is approximately 38 -feet wide with one lane in each direction with a double yellow center line. Land use on Muscatel Avenue is Low Density Residential with parking City Council Meeting September 8, 2020 Page 4 of 5 permitted at all times except during street sweeping restrictions and where there are red curbs. Bartlett Avenue runs north/south and is considered a local road per the City's General Plan with a prima facie speed limit of 25 MPH. Bartlett Avenue is approximately 30 -feet wide with one lane in each direction with no center line. Land use on Bartlett Avenue is Low Density Residential and public facilities. Bartlett Avenue has parking permitted at all times except during street sweeping restrictions and where there is red curb. There is reserved parking for school staff south of the intersection with Marshall Street. • Staff reviewed the conditions in this vicinity in order to address the concerns expressed. A traffic review was conducted by Transtech Engineers, Inc. at the location and determined that red curb be installed along the north side of Marshall Street between Bartlett Avenue and Muscatel Avenue where there is insufficient roadway width of 18 -feet or more to allow for parking and a 10 -foot travel lane. This will improve safety conditions for parked vehicles as well as improve visibility for pedestrians who may be crossing the street. Per NACTO Urban Design Guide, "Lane widths of 10 -feet are appropriate in urban areas and have a positive impact on a street's safety without impacting traffic operations and parking lane widths of 7 -9 -feet are generally recommended." Therefore, the north lane along Marshall Street needs to provide for at least 18 -feet to allow parking as well as a sufficient travel lane. • After a thorough review of existing field conditions and the above items, it is recommended to install red curb from Bartlett Avenue to Muscatel Avenue for westbound traffic which will remove approximately 9 parking spaces, however it will reinforce the existing no parking signage due to insufficient street width to allow for parking and a travel lane. The segment from the wash to Muscatel Avenue is already posted with No Parking. The red curb will serve to make it more visible for no parking. Installation and replacement of the faded street sweeping parking restriction sign (R30A) at the southeast corner of the intersection of Marshall Street and Dubonnet Avenue. FINANCIAL IMPACT The City of Rosemead Public Works Department maintenance team under Street Maintenance/Field Services Division can complete the approved recommendations under their current budget. If necessary, additional materials and supplies may be purchased at a minimal expense under the approved Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Traffic Signs & Markers (5660) or Curb & Sidewalks Repair & Maintenance (5360) funds authorized by the Public Works Director. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT This item is consistent with the City of Rosemead's Strategic Plan of enhancing the City's public infrastructure and public right of way and continuing to make Rosemead a safer and more secure community. City Council Meeting September 8, 2020 Page 5 of 5 PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted t►f diaOaste Director of Public Works Attachment A: Traffic Commission Report for Garvey Avenue Line of Sight Review for the Driveway of the Palm Hotel (8463 Garvey Avenue) Attachment B: Traffic Commission Report for Parking Conditions Review on Marshall Street between Bartlett Avenue and Muscatel Avenue Attachment C: August 6, 2020, Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes Attachment A Line of Sight for the Palm Motel — 8463 Garvey Avenue, Rosemead ATTACHMENT A TRANswch TO: Chris Daste, Director of Public Works FROM: Traffic Engineering, Transtech Engineers, Inc. DATE: June 4, 2020 SUBJECT: Line of Sight for the Palm Motel - 8463 Garvey Avenue TTJN: 20292 INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND The City of Rosemead received a request from a business owner to review visibility concerns in front of the Palm Motel's driveway, 8463 Garvey Avenue. Accordingto the business owner, there is restricted view of approaching vehicles due to parked cars next to the driveway when trying to exit the location. There is no existing red curb on either side of the parking lot exit. Fieure 1. Vicinity Map CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Englneers, Inc. I Page 1 of 4 I-M-lw LINE OF SIGHT FOR THE PALM MOTEL - 8463 GARVEY AVENUE EXISTING CONDITIONS Garvey Avenue - Within the City of Rosemead, Garvey Avenue runs east/west and is considered a major arterial per the City's General Plan with a posted speed limit of 35 MPH. Garvey Avenue is approximately 76 -feet wide with two lanes in each direction separated by a median at the studied location. Land Use along Garvey Avenue is a mix use of residential and commercial use with 2 -hour parking restrictions from 7AM to 6PM and no parking on Tuesdays -Fridays from 2AM to 6AM due to street sweeping. The curb next to the Palm Motel exit driveway is not painted red; therefore, vehicles are allowed to park right up to the driveway. LINE OF SIGHT AT INTERSECTIONS The driver of a vehicle approaching or departing from an intersection or driveway should have an unobstructed view of approaching traffic, they should also be able to clearly see any traffic control devices, and approaching pedestrians with sufficient length along the highway to permit the driver to anticipate and avoid potential collisions (Maze and Plazak 2000). These unobstructed views form triangular areas known as sight triangles. Any LOCAL IBrneer I AREA TO BE CLEAR OfI — VIB' J W—OBB1ADOrN)N t_ epCE 0- F SHOULDER EDoe OF PAVEMENT �9fT19 (r) STATE HIGHWAY Figure 2. Example of Stopping Sight Distance Triangle object within the sight triangle that would obstruct a driver's view of an approaching vehicle should be removed or modified or appropriate traffic control devices should be installed as per the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Obstructions within sight triangles could be buildings, vehicles, hedges, trees, bushes, tall crops, walls, fences or parked cars. A parked vehicle extends approximately 7 -feet from the curb, so it's necessary to take Into account the width of a vehicle when determining the amount of red curb needed to obtain a clear sight triangle. Per AASHTO's guidelines, for a roadway with a posted speed of 35 mph the sight distance is 250 feet. Figure 3 below shows the calculated amount of clear sight that is needed for vehicles exiting from the Palm Motels driveway onto Garvey Avenue, Table 1: Stopping Sight Distance Design Speed (MPH) Brake reaction Braking distance on distance level (ft) (ft) Stopping Sight Distance Calculated Design (ft) (ft) 15 55.1 21.6 76.7 80 20 73.5 38.4 111.9 115 25 91.9 60.0 151.9 155 30 110.3 86.4 196.7 200 35 128.6 117.6 2461 250 40 147.0 153.6 300.6 305 45 165.4 194.4 359.8 360 50 183.8 240.0 423.8 425 Note: Brake reaction distance predicated on a time of 2.5s; deceleration rate 11.2 ft/sec' CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By; Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 2 of 4 LINE OF SIGHT FOR THE PALM MOTEL -8463 GARVEY AVENUE Fieure 3. Line of Sight Analvsis for vehicles exiting Palm Motel N, J;1 Need j o approximately Existing 20' of red curb in 30' of red curb ` Front of Fire Hydrant 250 .� I Per Rosemead's Curb Marking Policy & Procedures, driveway red tipping is a special type of red zone that is installed at driveways. Short sections of red curbing, typically requested by property owners, can be Installed on either side of a driveway to promote better maneuverability Into and out of the driveway and to improve visibility from the driveway. The amount of red tipping will be installed in a way that minimizes the loss of existing on -street parking spaces. Typically, this amounts to 2'-5' of red curb. However, there are situations where the length of red curb installed at a location should be adjusted based on safety factors such as the speed of approaching traffic, adjacent parking and operations at adjacent driveways. Parking restrictions for red curb at driveways is enforceable, just as any other no -parking zone in the City (i.e. any vehicle can be cited for parking in a driveway red zone). Red curb is also enforceable per the California Vehicle Code 21458, RECOMMENDATIONS After a thorough review of existing field conditions, it was determined that red curb should be Installed east of the driveway along the north side of Garvey Avenue In order to improve line of sight for vehicles exiting the Palm Motel. Please refer to Figure 4 for a visual demonstration of the proposed conditions. 1. Based on AASHTO's guidelines for Stopping Sight Distance approximately 30' (feet) of red curb east of the driveway along the north side of Garvey Avenue Is needed. This will allow vehicles exiting the Palm Motel driveway to see cars approaching WB on Garvey Avenue at 35 mph. This will remove approximately 1 parking space in front of the Palm Motel and still allow for 5 vehicles to park along of the curb in front of the adjacent business. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 3 of q LINE OF SIGHT FOR THE PALM MOTEL - 8463 GARVEY AVENUE Figure 4, Proposed Recommendations CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc, i Page 4 of 4 Attachment B Parking Review on Marshall Street Between Bartlett Avenue and Muscatel Avenue ATTACHMENT A TRANSTECIf TO: Chris Daste, Director of Public Works FROM: Traffic Engineering, Transtech Engineers, Inc. DATE: June 4, 2020 SUBJECT: Parking Review on Marshall Street Between Bartlett Avenue and Muscatel Avenue TTJN: 20295 INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND The City of Rosemead has received a request to review parking along Marshall Street between Bartlett Avenue and Muscatel Avenue. One of the concerns is that on the north side of Marshall Street between Muscatel Avenue and Dubonnet Avenue there is less than the required 18 feet of lane width to allow parking. In some instances the lane is only 14' to 15' with no visible parking restriction signs. Parked vehicles create line of sight Issues for residents exiting their driveway near the wash and disrupt the ability to see oncoming traffic. During drop off and pick up times for the school, parents are also parking along Marshall Street where there Is insufficient lane width for parking and travel which essentially blocks visibility to approaching vehicles and potential pedestrians crossing the street. Figure 1: Vicinity Map CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By, Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 1 of 4 Parking Marshall Street Between Bartlett Avenue and Muscatel Avenue Marshall Street - Within the City of Rosemead, Marshall Street runs east/west and is considered a collector road per the City's General Plan with a posted speed limit of 30 mph. This section is in a school zone with a posted school speed limit of 25 MPH. There is also posted 20 MPH for westbound traffic approaching the Rubio Wash. Marshall Street is approximately 38 -feet wide with one lane in each direction separated by a double yellow center line. Land use along Marshall Street is Low Density Residential with parking permitted at all times except during street sweeping restrictions and where there are red curb. Muscatel Avenue - Within the City Rosemead, Muscatel Avenue runs north/south and is considered a collector road per the City's General Plan with a posted speed limit of 30 MPH. Muscatel Avenue is approximately 38 -feet wide with one lane in each direction with a double yellow center line. Land use on Muscatel Avenue is Low Density Residential with parking permitted at all times except during street sweeping restrictions and where there are red curbs. Bartlett Avenue - Within the City of Rosemead, Bartlett Avenue runs north/south and is considered a local road per the City's General Plan with a prima facie speed limit of 25 MPH, Bartlett Avenue is approximately 30 -feet wide with one lane in each direction with no center line. Land use on Bartlett Avenue is Low Density Residential and public facilities. Bartlett Avenue has parking permitted at all times except during street sweeping restrictions and where there is red curb. There is reserved parking for school staff south of the intersection with Marshall Street. Figure 2. Parking Signage along Marshall Street between Bartlett Avenue and Muscatel Avenue CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 2 of 4 Parking Review at Marshall Street Between Bartlett Avenue and Muscatel Avenue ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION: An accident investigation was conducted using the last 5 available years from SWITRS (Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System) records. A total of 2 accidents from 2015 to 2019 involving a parked vehicle were reported on the segment of Bartlett Avenue and Muscatel Avenue. Table 1: Summary of Accident History No. Location Dist. Date Collision Tye Severity PCF Factor WB WRONG WAY VEHICLE 1 MARSHALL ST AT 75,E 11/13/2016 HEAD-ON INJ-COMP WRONG SIDE HIT EB THRU VEH AND BARTLETT AV PN PARKED VEH 2 MARSHALL ST AT 99-W 08/21/2016 HEAD-ON S -PDO DRVR ALC I DRG WB THRU VEH HIT EB DUBONNETAV I I I I I I PARKED VEH RECOMMENDATIONS After a thorough review of existing field conditions, it was determined that red curb be installed along the north side of Marshall Street as well as parking restriction signs along the areas In the roadway where there is Insufficient roadway width of 18 feet or more to allow for parking and a 10 foot travel lane. This will improve safety conditions for parked vehicles as well as improve visibility for pedestrians who may be crossing the street. Per NACTO Urban Design Guide, "Lane widths of 10 feet are appropriate in urban areas and have a positive impact on a street's safety without impacting traffic operation and parking lane widths of 7-9 feet are generally recommended." Therefore, the north lane along Marshall Street needs to provide for at least 18 feet to allow parking as well as a sufficient travel lane. Please refer to Figure 3 and Figure 4 for a visual demonstration of the proposed conditions. If residents on the north side of the street are opposed to the parking restrictions, the City may want to consider Option 2 which would shift the entire center line to the south by 2' to 4' to provide for each direction to carry the minimum lane widths of 18'. This option would allow parking and travel on both sides of the street with 8' parking lane and 10 'travel lanes. Option 1: 1. install additional "No Stopping or Parking Anytime" signs west of Rubio Wash for westbound traffic. This will remove approximately 9 parking spaces for residents in the area. 2. Replace the faded street sweeping parking restriction sign (R30A) at the southeast corner of the Intersection of Marshall Street and Dubonnet Avenue, Option 2: 1. To retain the parking on the north side of Marshall Street as well as the south side, the yellow center lane from Bartlett Avenue to the wash could be shifted to the south so that the north as well as the south side of Marshall Street provides for a minimum of 18' lanes (8' parking and 10' travel lane) in each direction. This would require the yellow center lane to be removed and repainted. The section of the Wash to Muscatel Avenue would remain as existing (with no parking CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By; Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page s or 4 Parking Review at Marshall Street Between Bartlett Avenue and Muscatel Avenue on the north side since there Is not sufficient room to shift the center line to the south and still allow parking on both sides of the street. A new striping plan would need to be drawn up and submitted to the City to make sure the transition of the center line and curves in the road are taken into consideration on Marshall Street from Bartlett Avenue to Muscatel Avenue. 2. Replace the faded street sweeping parking restriction sign (R30A) at the southeast corner of the Intersection of Marshall Street and Dubonnet Avenue. Figure 3. Option 1 Proposed Recommendations. Figure 4. Option 2 Proposed Recommendations. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 4 of 4 Attachment C Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of August 6, 2020 Minutes of the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING August 6, 2020 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7:01 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Quintanilla INVOCATION: Commissioner Lim PRESENT: Chair Masuda, Vice Chair Quintanilla, Commissioner Escobar Commissioner Lim and Commissioner Ly ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works Chris Daste, TranCteali Traffic Etlgineger Jana Robbins, Transtech Traffic Engineer Karen Vigil and Administrative Analyst Silvia Llam g g Y REORGANIZATION: Chair Masuda self nominated likk f a Chair, seconded by Commissioner Ly. Motion was carried out by the following votes: Yg 1Qi�in .i#pfand Escobar Commissioner Ly nominate�fr��_§honer Quintail1a as V� '?T� , Comrhtsioner Ly motioned, seconded by Commissioner Lim. Motio►?as carnedvt by the fol�ongy;�es Ly, Lim, Maida, Escobar and Quintanilla 1. PUB Comment was redelved via email froftE8ter Garcia; resident at Loftus Drive. Mrs. Garcia expressed her concern with 18 -wheel trucks igno� ng the posted sig Is which say "NO TRUCKS OVER 3 TONS ALLOWED" that are posted on Temple City Boulevard ` .Paldwin Ay, iue for both eastbound traffic and westbound traffic on Loftus Drive, along with smaller Amazon delivery �ns�at excessive speeds. She's requesting for law enforcement to go out and issue citations.? ffiV 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Commissioner Lim motioned, seconded by Commissioner Ly to approve Item A (March 5, 2020 Minutes) from the Consent Calendar as presented. Votes resulted in: Yes: Lim, Ly, Masuda, Escobar and Quintanilla No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of August 6, 2020 Page 1 of 4 3. NEW BUSINESS A. PARKING REVIEW ON MARSHALL STREET BETWEEN BARTLETT AVENUE AND MUSCATEL AVENUE Staff gave the Traffic Commissioners a brief description of the item; along with recommending that the Traffic Commission discuss the item and recommend to the City Council the installation of red curbing on the north side of Marshall Street, from Muscatel Avenue west to Bartlett Avenue. Commissioner Ly commented that his concern is that when school starts parents will not obey the red curbs and will continue parking in the areas not allowed when dropping off or picking up their kids. Mr. Ly asked if staff can talk with school officials and ask if they can help direct traffic during school time, because the red curbs may not be effective long term. { Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins agrees with Commissioner Ly and monitor the area and also ask the school if they can help inform parking in the red zones. Chair Masuda commented that if the width of the lane, .?feet, according to the street is not safe. �.� �'` Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded that was correct h Chair Masuda asked if additional signage Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded that Vice Chair Quintanilla notification. Chair Masuda responded Chair Masuda ag Vice Chair Quintanilla as line and red curbing both ng to the sheriffs department to help it they may be cited if they are seen nded. ines, parking on that side of feedback in response to the Is or letters received as of the 6 p.m. deadline. ;h by installing no parking signs with specific times, in the area by losing a lot of street parking. adding restricted parking along the area because the width of that would be of red cubing one side of the street over adjusting the center Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded that adjusting the center lines will be costly because it will need to be done through multiple intersections and will need to be budgeted for as a future pavement management project. Chair Masuda asked if the lanes west of Bartlett Avenue have the same width. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbin informed the Commissioners that the lanes west of Bartlett Avenue are a little over 18 feet and are more wide than the lanes east of Bartlett Avenue. Commissioner Ly wanted to withdraw his previous comment and agrees with staffs recommendation. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of August 6, 2020 Page 2 of 4 Commissioner Ly motioned, seconded by Vice Chair Quintanilla to recommend to the City Council the installation of red curbing on the northside of Muscatel Street, from Muscatel Avenue west to Bartlett Avenue. Votes resulted in: Yes: Ly, Quintanilla, Masuda and Escobar No: Lim Abstain: None Absent: None B. LINE OF SIGHT REVIEW AT PALM MOTEL (8463 GARVEY AVENUE) Staff gave the Traffic Commissioners a brief description of the item; along with recommending that the Traffic Commission discuss the item and recommend to the City Council the installation of 30 -feet of red curb east of the Palm Motel driveway. Commissioner Ly asked if the installation of the red curb impact Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded the other businessell still have Commissioner Ly asked if they will be adding red curb WestX' f the driveway. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins informed the Commissioner th '-' fere is Commissioner Lim and Escobar agree Vice Chair Quintanilla motioned, seconded by-:pmmissio er Lim to 30 -feet of red curb east of the Palm Motel (8463 4rvey AveraU)z ri 4. STAF 5. Commissioner Ly m delivering packages Chair Masuda welcomed 6. ADJOURNMENT i,Wreet parking. ;ly red curb weStgthe driveway. id to the City Council the installation of il,ps resulted in: ik., ,, Lv erved several delivery trucks are parking in the middle of the street while other drivers. Escobar on her appointment as a Traffic Commissioner. The meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for September 3, 2020, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Signatures on the next page. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of August 6, 2020 Page 3 of 4 Howard Masuda Chair ATTEST: Chris Daste Director of Public Works Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of August 6, 2020 Page 4 of 4