CC - Item 5E - Approval of Partial Street Closure of Olney Street and Other Traffic Engineering CountermeasuresROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER DATE: SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF PARTIAL STREET CLOSURE OF OLNEY STREET AND OTHER TRAFFIC ENGINEERING COUNTERMEASURES SUMMARY In 2017, the City received requests to evaluate traffic conditions and traffic calming options on Olney Street between Rio Hondo Avenue and Temple City Boulevard due to reports of speeding and pass-through traffic of vehicles using this segment to access the westbound I-10 Freeway on- ramp on Temple City Boulevard. This item was reviewed and discussed at previous Traffic Commission Meetings as follows: At the October 5, 2017 (Attachments D and E); September 6, 2018 (Attachments F and G); and October 4, 2019 (Attachments H, I, and J) Traffic Commission Meeting. All staff report documents from those meetings are attached to this staff report for reference. In response to various traffic concerns that were raised by the community at those previous traffic commission meetings, staff recommended incremental measures that include a combination of enhanced traffic signage and pavement markings. In addition, many residents also expressed a greater preference to close the east end of Olney Street at Temple City Boulevard and eliminate the westbound I-10 freeway on-ramp access from Olney Street as well as the access to Olney Street from southbound Temple City Boulevard. Based on community input and feedback received from the previous Traffic Commission meetings, this item was presented to City Council for direction. Based on this at the December 11, 2018 City Council Meeting (Attachment A), City Council directed staff to conduct a comprehensive Traffic Analysis Report to review all traffic movements impacting Olney Street and explore the feasibility of closing the east end of Olney Street. A Traffic Analysis Report (Attachments B and C) was completed and presented to the Traffic Commission at the November 7, 2019 Traffic Commission Meeting. Based on the Traffic Analysis Report for Olney Street between Rio Hondo Avenue and Temple City Boulevard, the Traffic Commission recommended partial street closure of Olney Street, closing eastbound Olney Street to the I-10 Freeway WB on-ramp as well as installing radar speed feedback signs, warning signs, and larger speed limit signs on Olney Street to assist with traffic calming. At the December 10, 2019 City Council Meeting (Attachment M) the recommendations from the Traffic Commission's November 7, 2019 meeting was presented to City Council. At that City AGENDA ITEM 5.E City Council Meeting September 8, 2020 Page 2 of 4 Council Meeting, City Council recommended for staff to proceed with preliminary design and estimates of the recommendations and bring back to City Council for final consideration. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the following item: Direct staff to complete the construction plans and proceed with the project which includes a partial street closure of Olney Street by closing the east end of Olney Street to the westbound I-10 Freeway on-ramp, installing radar speed feedback signs, larger speed limit signs, warning signs and message boards on Olney Street to assist with the new traffic flow and traffic calming. BACKGROUND The study determined the following conclusions: • The residents living on Olney Street between Rio Hondo Avenue and Temple City Boulevard experience cut -through traffic and speeding motorists. • The study found majority of the concerns raised by the residents to be true and offered various solutions that could mitigate some of the problems. • Installation of speed cushions was also explored and studied. While speed cushions have been proven to reduce speeds, they do create additional noise and aesthetic problems at installed locations. Some of the traffic also may migrate to adjacent streets where there are no speed cushions. This would simply transfer the problem to another corridor or neighborhood. • The Olney Street closure was carefully studied to determine the impacts it would have on the surrounding areas. The study determined that partial closing of Olney Street is a viable option. As with any complex issue such as the partial closure of Olney Street, each solution has the potential to create additional issues. An example would be that the partial closure of Olney Street could potentially create more traffic backup on Temple City Boulevard and on adjacent roadways and it may also impact travel patterns for residents who regularly use Olney Street EB for taking a child to/from school, shopping, work, and other activities. • Additionally, it is understood that once Caltrans allows the partial closure of the on-ramp from Olney Street that the decision would be considered permanent. City Council recommended for staff to proceed with preliminary design and estimates of the approved measures and bring back to City Council for final consideration. The City has completed and prepared preliminary plans (Attachment K) and cost estimates (Attachment L) for the partial closure of Olney Street of the lane to the I-10 WB on-ramp along with radar speed feedback signs, larger speed limit signs, warning signs and message boards on Olney Street per the December 10, 2019 City Council Meeting (Attachment M) recommendations. City Council Meeting September 8, 2020 Page 3 of 4 FINANCIAL IMPACT The fiscal impact of this project is estimated to cost approximately $130,000 which includes design, construction management, inspection, construction, and contingency. The project will be funded using Measure R reserves. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT This item is consistent with the City of Rosemead's Strategic Plan of beautification and infrastructure of enhancing the City's public infrastructure and public right of way and continuing to make Rosemead a safer and more secure community by combating crime and preparing for emergencies. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Chris Das e Director of Public Works Attachment A: City Council Staff Report from the December 11, 2018 City Council Meeting Discussing the Traffic conditions on Olney Street between Rio Hondo Avenue and Temple City Boulevard Attachment B: Traffic Commission Report from the November 7, 2019 Traffic Commission Meeting Reviewing the Traffic Analysis Conducted for Olney Street between Rio Hondo Avenue and Temple City Boulevard Attachment C: Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes from the November 7, 2019 Traffic Commission Meeting Attachment D: Traffic Commission Report from the October 5, 2017 Traffic Commission Meeting Reviewing the Traffic Conditions on Olney Street Attachment E: Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes from the October 5, 2017 Traffic Commission Meeting Attachment F: Traffic Commission Report from the September 6, 2018 Traffic Commission Meeting Reviewing the Traffic Conditions on Olney Street City Council Meeting September 8, 2020 Page 4 of 4 Attachment G: Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes from the September 6, 2018 Traffic Commission Meeting Attachment H: Traffic Commission Report from the October 4, 2018 Traffic Commission Meeting Reviewing the Traffic Conditions on Olney Street Attachment I: Traffic Commission Report from the October 4, 2018 Traffic Commission Meeting Reviewing the Feasibility estimate for Olney Street Attachment J: Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes from the October 4, 2018 Traffic Commission Meeting Attachment K: Preliminary Plans for the partial closure of Olney Street of the lane to the I-10 WB on-ramp along with radar speed feedback signs, larger speed limit signs, warning signs and message boards on Olney Street Attachment L: Preliminary Cost Estimates Attachment M: City Council Staff Report from the December 10, 2019 City Council Meeting for Prelim Plans and Cost Estimates for Olney Street Attachment A City Council Staff Report Dated December 11, 2018 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER .� . DATE: DECEMBER 11, 2018 SUBJECT: OLNEY STREET TRAFFIC STUDY SUMMARY Since October of last year, the Traffic Commission has met three times (October 7, 2017; September 6, 2018; and October 4, 2018) to discuss the traffic conditions on Olney Street between Rio Hondo Avenue and Temple City Boulevard. In response to various traffic concerns raised by residents, staff has proposed incremental measures that include enhanced traffic signage and pavement markings to address many of those concerns. However, many residents have expressed a greater preference, if possible, to close the east end of Olney Street at Temple City Boulevard and eliminate the on-ramp to the westbound 1-10 Freeway as well as access to Olney Street from southbound Temple City Boulevard. Therefore, it has become clear, that a comprehensive traffic study is necessary to review all of the traffic movements impacting Olney Street, and explore the feasibility of closing the east end of Olney Street. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Authorize staff to solicit proposals from qualified traffic consultants to perform a traffic study in the vicinity of Olney Street and Temple City Boulevard; and 2. Take any additional related actions that may be necessary. DISCUSSION On October 7, 2017, the Traffic Commission discussed staff's recommendation to install raised pavement markers (8" yellow domes) and painted pavement markings and signs identifying the I- 10 Freeway entrance at the east end of Olney Street. These measures were proposed in response to resident complaints that motorists heading eastbound on Olney Street often make U-turns on Olney Street to avoid entering the freeway, as many do not realize that the east end of Olney Street at Temple City Boulevard leads directly to the on-ramp to the westbound 1-10 Freeway. The Commission concurred with staff's recommendation, and the City Council approved the installation of the pavement domes, markings and signs on November 14, 2017. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7.0 City Council Meeting December 11, 2018 Page 2 of 3 However, since then, residents have expressed additional concerns at the September 6, 2018 and October 4, 2018 Traffic Commission meetings that included the following: • There has been an increase in robberies in the area due to the proximity of the I-10 Freeway on-ramp; many robberies occur in the daytime. • There has been a significant increase in traffic volumes on Olney Street. • Many cars are traveling at excessive speeds on Olney Street, and there have been many accidents; speed humps or additional stop signs are needed to slow down the vehicles. • Eastbound cars are continuing to make U-turns on Olney Street between Ellis Lane and Temple City Boulevard. • Vehicles headed southbound on Temple City sometimes get trapped in the far right lane, forcing them to make a right turn onto Olney Street, then making a U-turn on Olney to get onto the freeway. • Those making U-turns on Olney Street often drive up onto the resident's driveways, and it can be difficult to back out of the driveways during rush hour. • Vehicles are bypassing the southbound traffic on Temple City Boulevard by cutting through on Ellis Lane and Olney Street to get to the freeway. • Since there is no sidewalk on Olney Street, kids walk in the streets on the way to Savannah School; kids can't play in the street due to all the cars; it's not safe. In order to mitigate some of these concerns, staff has proposed various incremental measures such as installing "No U-turn" signs, "25 mph Speed Limit" signs, and additional "Stop" signs on Olney Street at the intersections of Marybeth Avenue and Ellis Lane. However, the overwhelming preference expressed by residents at the October 4, 2018 Traffic Commission meeting is to close the east end of Olney Street. Therefore, it is recommended that a comprehensive traffic study be performed to review all of the traffic movements impacting Olney Street, and explore the feasibility of closing Olney Street. The study would include, but not be limited to performing traffic counts, turning movement counts, speed survey, and warrant analysis for stop signs; and reviewing accident history, police records regarding speeding citations and burglary reports. The study would also include community outreach, contacting Caltrans to determine if ramp closure is a viable option, and coordinating with the County Sheriff and Fire Departments to determine any impacts to emergency response. If ramp closure is a possibility, the study would outline the process for obtaining Caltrans' approval, If ramp closure is not an option, the study would provide recommendations on the proper placement of traffic signage and pavement markings in accordance with the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) to mitigate the ongoing traffic issues. Upon completion of the traffic study, staff will present the results of the study and recommendations to the City Council. City Council Meeting December 11, 2018 Page 3 of 3 FISCAL IMPACT Funding for a traffic study on Olney Street at an approximate cost of $20,000 is available in the current Public Works Budget for Professional Consulting Services. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT —None ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (C) of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: Submitted By: Rafael M. Fajardo, P.E., City Engineer Rey Alfonso. P.E., Director of Public Works Attachment A — Vicinity Map Attachment A Vicinity Map City Council Meeting December 11, 2018 Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENT A VICINITY MAP Attachment B Traffic Commission Staff Report Dated November 7, 2019 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS DASTE, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: NOVEMBER 7, 2019 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: REVIEW OF TRAFFIC STUDY FOR OLNEY STREET BETWEEN RIO HONDO AVENUE AND TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD SUMMARY Traffic issues on Olney Street has come before the Traffic Commission previously on October 7, 2017, September 6, 2018 and October 4, 2018. The City Council heard the topic on December 11, 2018. The City Council directed staff to solicit proposals to perform a traffic study in the vicinity of Olney Street, Temple City Boulevard and Rio Hondo Avenue. Elie Farah of EFI was hired by the City of Rosemead and conducted an extensive traffic study of the impacted areas. The traffic study includes a summary of findings and advantages and disadvantages of all potential actions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Traffic Commission: 1. Discuss Item 2. Provide recommendations to the City Council ANALYSIS As directed by City Council, staff performed a detailed, comprehensive traffic study of Olney Street, Temple City Boulevard and Rio Hondo Avenue. Staff will be providing a presentation for the Traffic Commission. COURTESY NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process, and 214 notices were sent out to surrounding residences within an estimated 800 foot radius Traffic Commission Meeting November 7, 2019 Page 2 of 5 Prepared By: ci� I I,/ Chris Dast& Director of Public Works Attachments: 1. Traffic Analysis Prepared by Eli Farah of Elie Farah Inc. 2. Courtesy Notice Traffic Commission Meeting November 7, 2019 Page 3 of 5 ATTACHMENT 1 TRAFFIC ANALYSIS Background Since October of last year, the Traffic Commission has met three times (October 7, 2017; September 6, 2018; and October 4, 2018) to discuss the traffic conditions on Olney Street between Rio Hondo Avenue and Temple City Boulevard. In response to various traffic concerns raised by residents, staff has proposed incremental measures that include enhanced traffic signage and pavement markings to address many of those concerns. However, many residents have expressed a greater preference, if possible, to close the east end of Olney Street at Temple City Boulevard and eliminate the on-ramp to the westbound I-10 Freeway as well as access to Olney Sheet from southbound Temple City Boulevard. Therefore, it has become clear, that a comprehensive traffic study is necessary to review all of the traffic movements impacting Olney Street, and explore the feasibility of closing the east end of Olney Street. However, since then, residents have expressed additional concerns at the September 6, 2018 and October 4, 2018 Traffic Commission meetings that included the following: • There has been an increase in robberies in the area due to the proximity of the I-10 Freeway on- ramp; many robberies occur in the daytime. • There has been a significant increase in traffic volumes on Olney Street. • Many cars are traveling at excessive speeds on Olney Street, and there have been many accidents; speed humps or additional stop signs are needed to slow down the vehicles. • Eastbound cars are continuing to make U-turns on Olney Street between Ellis Lane and Temple City Boulevard. • Vehicles headed southbound on Temple City sometimes get trapped in the far right lane, forcing them to make a right turn onto Olney Street, then making a U-turn on Olney to get onto the freeway. • Those making U-turns on Olney Street often drive up onto the resident's driveways, and it can be difficult to back out of the driveways during rush hour. • Vehicles are bypassing the southbound traffic on Temple City Boulevard by cutting through on Ellis Lane and Olney Street to get to the freeway. • Since there is no sidewalk on Olney Street, kids walk in the streets on the way to Savannah School; kids can't play in the street due to all the cars; it's not safe. In order to mitigate some of these concerns, staff has proposed various incremental measures such as installing "No U-turn " signs, "25 mph Speed Limit " signs, and additional "Stop " signs on Olney Street at the intersections ofMarybeth Avenue and Ellis Lane. However, the overwhelmingpreference expressed by residents at the October 4, 2018 Traffic Commission meeting is to close the east end of Olney Street. None of these measures appear to have been implemented. ACCIDENT DATA Accident Data Collection and Tabulation was done for the area bounded by Marshall St to the north and Temple City Blvd to the east and Rio Hondo to the west and Olney to the South. See the Study Limit exhibit Below. 21 Page r'A tl_mle A:lot { •- rt � fY � s ra- i� �� �_� C ,�. � � ��5 R � n � _ ��� i`t :,��, its. �; . -•-� f�' � ' �` _ y iL_.�.r7'�r'. �i. �� •: •��`` .d AA v Ir roll ►iii® �. t r IL 1 , a Amr_ rt � t� C �4'•',� 7 P � I 1 � 1 -,¢5i —''l lli ru 1 185 - _ fir-; 1^ -�., f ..L?....•.. � �r� --��. Ik Pi �i­�- 1 ILL �• 4 tt�.� Y r,�,. Y q n tr, CJ ,�r 1, ratl�� TEMPLE CITY BLVD I OLNEY ST Intersecting TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD OLNEY ST OLNEY ST RIO HONDO AVE ELLIS LANE TEMPLE CITY BLVD OLNEY ST RIO HONDO AVE TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE .CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD Street Name MARSHALL ST MARSHALL ST MARSHALL ST MARSHALL ST MARSHALL ST MARSHALL ST MARSHALL ST MARSHALL ST ELLLIS LANE MARYBETH AVE OLNEY ST Street Name DE ADELANA ST OLNEY ST VANE AVE MARSHALL ST GUESS ST MARSHALL ST MARSHALL ST MARSHALL ST OLNEY ST Intersecting Street Name ELLIS LANE DE ADELANA ST RIO HONDO AVE GLENDON WAY RIO HONDO AVE GLENDON WAY RIO HONDO AVE MARSHALL ST TEMPLE CITY BLVD MARSHALL ST TEMPLE CITY BLVD MARSHALL ST TEMPLE CITY BLVD OLNEY ST ACCIDENT RATE ANALYSIS ACCIDENT SUMMARY Year 2019 3/22/2019 1 HIT OBJECT Year 2018 _ Date Type 11/6/2018 SIDESWIPE 11/6/2018 SIDESWIPE 2/4/2018 SIDESWIPE 2/7/2018 BROADSIDE 2/8/2018 BROADSIDE 2/13/2018 BROADSIDE 5/24/2018 BROADSIDE 11/21/2018 BROADSIDE 7/10/2018 REAR END 8/19/2018 HEAD-ON 4/17/2018 BROADSIDE Year 2017 Date Type 8/8/2017 BACKING UP 10/7/2017 HIT OBJECT 6/4/2017 REAR END 12/31/2017 BROADSIDE 6/15/2017 BROADSIDE 5/21/2017 SIDESWIPE 7/6/2017 REAR END 11/2017 SIDESWIPE 2/2017 SIDESWIPE Year 2016 Date Accident Type 12/8/2016 BACKING UP 1/31/2016 SIDESWIPE 5/18/2016 SIDESWIPE 2/25/2016 REAR END 4/28/2016 STARTING /BACKING UP 8/28/2016 SIDESWIPE 10/30/2016 IMPROPER TURN TEMPLE CITY BLVD 111' N Collision on TEMPLE CITY BLVD MARSHALL ST TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD OLNEY ST OLNEY ST RIO HONDO AVE Collision on DE ADELANA ST OLNEY ST 0 LN EY ST RIO HONDO AVE TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD Collision on ON ELLIS RIO HONDO AVE RIO HONDO AVE RIO HONDO AVE TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD Distance 0' 4S' W 63'S 0' 0' 0' 262'N 0' 83'W 0' 4'S Distance 296' W 5'W 123' E 23' N 35'S 225'N 210'S 447'N 51'N Distance 1591S 132' N 267' N 165' N 40' N 84' N 113' N The accident data for each street segment was compared to accident rates that can be reasonably expected to occur on streets and highways of the same characteristics. These anticipated accident rates have been developed by Caltrans and are applicable for use in the City of Rosemead. The number of midblock accidents in a street segment are considered as a whole regardless of which direction the accident occurred Since only in extreme cases would a separate speed limit be posted for each direction of travel. The accident rates used for this study are as follows: 4Page CALIFORNIA STATE HIGHWAYS STATEWIDE TRAVEL AND ACCIDENT RATES* URBAN (Inside City) EXPECTED ACCIDENT RATES 2 and 3 lane 1.37 4 or more undivided 1.85 *Source: 209.2 Travel and Accident summary Statewide- Urban(inside City). Compiled from the 2012 Collision Data on California State Highways. Current accident rates are shown in terms of "accidents per 1,000,000 vehicle miles of travel" for each road segment. The rate was calculated for each road segment using the following formula: Accident Rate = (N x 5,280 x l,000,000)/(ADT x L x Y x 365) N: number of midblock accidents within the study segment ADT: average daily traffic volume L: length of segment in feet Y: number of years of accident history TABLE 2 ACCIDENT RATE Street Name Accident Rate Expected Accident Rate De Adalena St 3.84 1.37 Ellis Lane 4.73 1.37 Marshall St 4.19 1.37 Olney St 4.91 1.37 Rio Hondo Ave 5.79 1.37 Temple City Blvd 1.84 1.85 The accident rates overall are higher than expected when compared to the statewide rates. Olney Street has a higher than expected accident rate. SPEEDING CITATIONS EFI Collected, Reviewed , and Tabulated police records regarding speeding citations. The following is a summary based on information provided by the Sherriff s Department on June 6, 2019. See Appendix for Sheriff's report details. 5Page The Sherriff s Department issued two citations on Olney Street. Neither one was for speeding. SPEED SURVEY 2012 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY In 2012 as part of the City-wide traffic engineering and traffic survey, four of the six segments were surveyed as shown in table 5 below. TABLE 5 2012 Radar Speed Survey Location Dir. of Date 85 %ile Posted Limit Limit per Travel Speed MPH 85 %ile Temple City Blvd - 1 Between Olney St and NB/SB 10/1/2012 43 40 40 Guess St 2 Rio Hondo- Between NB/SB 09/28/2012 28 30 30 Olney St and Marshall St 3 Ellis Lane- Between NB/SB 10/1/2012 26 25 25 Olney St and Marshall St 4 De Adalena -Between EB/WB 09/28/2012 29 25 30* Rio Hondo Ave and Ellis Lane *Speed reduced per CAMUTCD Option 2 to 25 mph 5. Olney St -Between Rio Hondo Ave and Temple City Blvd is considered a residential street with a Prima Facie speed of 25 MPH 6.Marshall St- Between Ellis Lane and Temple City Blvd -not posted but speed limit should be 25MPH due to segment length. Segment 5 and 6 were not a part of the 2012 speed survey conducted by the City. It is likely because the segments are considered local/residential The fundamentals used to establish speed limits recognize that the majority of drivers behave in a safe and reasonable manner, but need to be advised of conditions which may not be readily apparent. For this reason, collision history, roadway conditions, traffic characteristics, and land use must be analyzed along with speed measurements to determine speed limits. Speed limit 6Page changes are usually coordinated with visible changes in roadway conditions or roadside developments. A Speed survey was conducted from June 7, 2019 through June 11,2019 at the following segments to compare to historical speed survey: 1. Temple City Blvd- Between Olney St and Guess St 2. Rio Hondo- Between Olney St and Marshall St 3. Ellis Lane- Between Olney St and Marshall St 4. De Adalena -Between Rio Hondo Ave and Ellis Lane 5. Olney St -Between Rio Hondo Ave and Temple City Blvd 6. Marshall St- Between Ellis Lane and Temple City Blvd The Speed Survey Worksheets are included in the appendix. To confirm actual speeds along the six segments, EFI conducted a radar speed survey off peak hours on a typical weekday. Radar speed measurements were conducted June 8, 2019 through June 11,2019. Field data was also collected. This included visibility restrictions, roadway conditions, pedestrian activities, on -street parking and land use adjacent to the roadways. The radar measurements followed guidelines and procedures outlined in the CVG 627 and CAMUTCD 2B.13. Speed samples were taken from an unmarked vehicle so as not to alter or impede the free flow of traffic, A total of about 100 samples were obtained for each direction at each segment. 50 samples were collected on lower volume street such as Ellis Lane and Olney St. The following table 6 shows the speed survey results. TABLE 6 2019 Radar Speed Survey Dir. of 85 %ile Posted Limit Limit per Location Travel Date Speed MPH 85 %ile Temple City Blvd - 1 Between Olney St and NB/SB 06/10/2019 46 40 40* Guess St 2 Rio Hondo- Between NB/SB 06/07/2019 28 30 30 Olney St and Marshall St 3 Ellis Lane- Between NB/SB 06/07/2019 32 25 25* Olney St and Marshall St 71 Page TABLE 6 2019 Radar Speed Survey Location Dir. of Date 85 %ile Posted Limit Limit per Travel Speed MPH 85 %ile 4 De Adalena -Between EB/WB 06/11/2019 29 25 30* Rio Hondo Ave and Ellis Lane 5 Olney St -Between Rio EB/WB 06/10/2019 31 25 25* Hondo Ave and Temple City Blvd 6 Marshall St- Between EB/WB 06/11/2019 27 25 25 Ellis Lane and Temple City Blvd *Speed reduced per CAMUTCD Option 2 The City can elect to reduce the posted speed limit by 5 mph following CAMUTCD and CVC guidelines. As seen in the Tables, the 2019 speeds are similar to what was found in 2012. If the speed limit was based strictly on 85a'% the speed limit along Olney St would be set at 30 mph. However, the CAMUTCD and CVC allow the limit to be reduced by 5 mph based on engineering judgment, accident history and existing roadway land use and conditions. After careful review of existing roadway conditions and operations, EFI has determined that the segment of Olney St -Between Rio Hondo Ave and Temple City Blvd would benefit by the placement/implementation of the following traffic calming measures: Phase 1: 1) Targeted Police Enforcement: The police department should provide periodic spot enforcement during off peak hours when traffic is able to move more freely through the segment. 2) Solid White Striping on Both Sides of the.Roadway: Two solid white lines on each side of Olney St will narrow travel lanes, effectively slowing speeds by changing the travel environment. Narrower lanes cause Drivers to travel at a slower pace. This has shown to be an effective device for reducing travel speeds. 3) Larger Speed Limit Signs and Radar Enforced Plaque: Installation of additional and larger speed limit signs are recommended as treatments to increase the motorist's awareness of 81 Page the posted speed limit. Speed limit signs are one of the most cost effective measures in increasing awareness of motorists traveling through a neighborhood street. Phase 2: Install Radar Feedback Signs Phase 3: Install Speed Cushion (speed humps). This would require the City to implement a speed cushion policy. BURGLARY REPORTS EFI contacted the Sheriffs Department and requested police records regarding crime reports for the area shown below bounded by Marshall St to the north and Temple City Blvd to the east and Rio Hondo to the west and Olney to the South for the past 3 years. The full report with location of the incident is included in the Appendix. The following Table 7 is a summary based on information provided by the Sheriff's Department on June 26, 2019: FIGURE 3 AREA LMTS __. 9 1 P a g e 5 -,T. apnalr r .._} •„t ,l 1 , i 9 FIGURE 3 AREA LMTS __. 9 1 P a g e City of Rosemead Part I Crimes within a Boundary (Marshall St/Temple City Blvd/Olney St/Rio Hondo Ave) ■ FIGURE 4 ------------------ City of Rosemead Part I Crimes within a Boundary (Marshall St/Temple City Blvd/Olney St/Rio Hondo Ave) June 1, 2018 thru May 31, 2019 FIGURE 5 101 Page y •�i sr FIGURE 5 101 Page City of Rosemead Part I Crimes within a Boundary (Marshall SY emple City Blvd/Olney St/Rlo Hondo) June 1, 2016 thru May 31, 2017 • ' ;9Q - I [ I w+ 2 BURGLARY RESIDENTIAL 1 GRAND THEF1 VEHICLE (GTA) CRIME TYPE FIGURE 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TASLE 7 The report appear to indicate that burglaries continue to rise from 2016 to 2019 while Larceny and Grand theft Auto peaked 2017/2018 Page 11� Crime Summary Table 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 Homicide 0 0 0 Rape 0 0 0 Robbery 0 0 0 Assault 0 0 0 Burglary 2 3 4 Larceny 2 7 3 GTA 1 � 5 2 Arson 0 0 0 ! - .. •) � ``- i� ■ .air �� ' F �` � w.v:.�'�y'R�:..- ill/1ai.++1� id ell, I �•'� N I F Av1. F..Y.�q C•t �-.5� M�_iJ..,,' ��� ,rte �'t=9901 � f i [' I �t . r� ia'J ^..� 6 d ��• � .r f ,1, •,1,�" 4 AWL 6A Ji LIO_�• - '�•'�—'� .�,,,{��d � —a ^P, � , ,",fir . '�, i,,r- j� {� `�..._ �- ,—. �,� �+�:... '�, _'�� - a � i �'- 1; '4:.'14)1 i 4, ILU aml r �f.n% �'�k., ��ritw� l�^,� The license plate survey captures all vehicles entering at one observation station. If the last 3 digits of the plate was captured at an exit observation station, it is assumed that the vehicle did not stop in the neighborhood and was considered as part of the cut -through traffic whether traveling parallel to the freeway or getting on the freeway. EFI targeted these segments to assess cut -through traffic. Due to the size and complexity of the travel patterns in the study area a license plate survey was conducted at five locations to determine the exact percentage of traffic cutting through the residential community to avoid taking the Southbound Temple City Blvd to the I-10 westbound ramp to the Freeway or perhaps avoid using the Freeway altogether. Technicians were deployed to record the last three digits of vehicles license plates in 15 minute increments entering and exiting at strategic locations (as shown in the exhibit above) where commuters might leave the main streets and continue their journey through the Olney Street neighborhood. This information complements the traffic volume data collected at (5) Five segments and (2) intersections. To capture peak commute conditions the survey was conducted from 7 A.M. — 9 A.M. during the morning and from 4.00 P.M. -6.00 P.M. during the evening. The last three digits of the license plate number and time of day a vehicle passed the recording points were collected. The results of each data collection point were traced from entry to exit point to determine the travel patterns of the vehicles. A detailed summary of the results is presented in the Appendix for each entry and exit point over the AM and PM two-hour period. The following is a brief summary of the results for a typical 15 minute period observed from 8:00 AM to 8:15AM: 131 Page Wc* l:MLA � � �. Imo..--, , -- --� - ` f.•-� I ,. _}� -r — � S •i ;� + '.._ �. I „ +4 -fir■ �.i �',. �� ...,�� Erj {:".r:.3��'�..I� , ._� � ' �, a'•C�C� a I_ la rte, r�' �;;,=:L .*-.+ ' 1 ; - a— <<�y' j -�.��` FP1,7■ It i {�, -vrP .J , 1!�-p' s� yE� w`1J Wit- 1 �a- -ri 141tu _ Aa f3 R' �i �.or•4 +ww?`wc+�_ .. -. __..,. - ........ _. c... L_" 7�a.j-7-i ,:r, J Illi, _ _ �t � r-r' �-�.. I- - • I T�. ' �:' _ - _ ' � L �p•^'a, r, `, 14, _j- �• � '�'� � 7� II of ~ ' .ems y �� � � f ..' - � v .- .r:ka�tlGs �4.,.,b _ ,.►� � r:.: Hst .L...� , . ...�!"'._�.�� ► _ i J i LSF, 5 .1 s 64 FFSY '' rn�. jc TL _ Ip �'' ti� �V•'��_�'rs. I �. 4: _ 'ply Jam' . ,.�, r� J� rr��'' � �� �'i' `wI a �•"' '�' .I ' ��_�`Y �--'. u `+- - �•- ham... .:..,t _.1 T-1� -- �� a 1u � P P I. I� .'' 6 Y �;_ • R.1 1-1 I�s 'l..iau� �' -II�� lr-i � IIS- . i t i' ( �r !{ia Imo, ,:0s1..� (�--_� ,.� - . IT f .• A r ..•'�S - f`r`-"�, �T] bC1 .� �r� R -.gym � • . `;- � __.fes .,7.. � i_ �`-�3.,�tiar 1L`�.:r.-'-'.ij tj P' _ k9.- -♦ 111'gy _� l �ii.p...A+. �° �.1i-=a'® f'sa�L4 0�;3' •fir �1 I -.� .J � , ®_ r "L 1,"'i ae�L ■ n_.,�, I�r� 4 3� 8 s.4.. { L� •� t ' •ems.,^ �c_vi��� '.:�,� iN �I.:�'�'.Z Eu,- r�_Jir,l{•e-�.P.�.��'m , ,�"+, �'' ����_ _ r , Vi lei 1 i r ti. �rt_ r � � _J� 'i�� i �_�� 1. !��� � � � .1s �•. 1 �.r.���`�=j , '� � r� � .' �' �'- �` '�i � = f�; _:� ,�'•'';,t .•;. r TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOUR AVERAGE DAILY COUNTS Twenty -Four hour counts were conducted at (7) seven segments within the study area. The detailed worksheets are included in the appendix. The following Table 8 shows a summary of the Counts: TABLE 8 Segment Name (24) Hour average daily traffic -vehicles per da 1. Rio Hondo Ave north of Olney St 1,751 2. Olney St east of Rio Hondo Ave 1,981 3. Olney St west of Temple City Blvd 1,199 4. Temple City Blvd. north of Olney St 30,245 5. Marshall St west of Temple City Blvd 2,553 6. Ellis Lane south of Marshall St 1,049 7. De Adalena St -west of Ellis Lane 1,969 No previous (24) hour counts are available for Olney St and therefore it is not possible to determine if the traffic on Olney St has increased over the years. Peak hour Turning Movement Counts EFI Performed Peak hour Turning Movement Counts (7-9 am and 4-6 pm) on 6/4/2019 at: 1. Temple City Blvd and Olney St 2. Rio Hondo Ave and Olney St The Complete Worksheets are enclosed in the appendix. The following is a summary of the peak 1 hour period during the AM & PM commute periods. 19Page FIGURE 13 TEMPLE CITY BLVD AND OLNEY ST PEAK -HOUR VOLUME ANALYSIS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALCULATED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -AM RIO HONDO AVE AND OLNEY ST PEAK -HOUR VOLUME ANALYSIS 73 764 0 0 18 28 SR ST SL SR ST SL 0 EL 0 ER WL 32 WR 0 0 ET 0 22 11 7:30-8:30 WT 0 58 ER SR ST SL WL 0 0 EL WR 38 NL NT NR 0 ER WL 42 0 1178 0 0 22 24 CALCULATED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -PM 70 981 0 SR ST SL 0 EL WR 0 0 ET 17:00-18:00 WT 0 23 ER WL 0 NL NT NR 0 1141 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGURE 14 RIO HONDO AVE AND OLNEY ST PEAK -HOUR VOLUME ANALYSIS CALCULATED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -AM 0 18 28 SR ST SL 0 EL WR 97 0 ET 7:30-8:30 WT 0 0 ER WL 32 NL NT NR 0 22 11 CALCULATED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -PM 0 13 46 SR ST SL 0 EL WR 38 0 ET 16:45-17:45 WT 0 0 ER WL 42 NL NT NR 0 22 24 201Page Level of service analysis EFI Performed a level of service analysis for Temple City Blvd and Olney St and Rio Hondo and Olney St for existing condition (before Closure) The following six levels of service definitions relate traffic conditions to traffic volumes and the design capacity of roadways and/or intersections. LOS A. There are no cycles that are fully loaded, and few are even close to loaded. No approach phase is fully utilized by traffic and no vehicle waits longer than one red indication. Typically, the approach appears quite open, turning movements are easily made, and nearly all drivers find freedom of operation. LOS B. Represents stable operation. An occasional approach phase is fully utilized and a substantial number are approaching full use. Many drivers begin to feel somewhat restricted within platoons of vehicles. LOS C. Stable operation continues. Full signal cycle loading is still intermittent, but more frequent. Occasionally drivers may have to wait through more than one red signal indication, and backups may develop behind turning vehicles. LOS D. Encompasses a zone of increasing restriction approaching instability. Delays to approaching vehicles may be substantial during short peaks with the peak period, but enough cycles with lower demand occur to permit periodic clearance of developing queues, thus preventing excessive backups. LOS E. Represents the most vehicles that any particular intersection approach can accommodate. At capacity (V/C = 1.00), there may be long queues of vehicles waiting upstream of the intersection and delays may be great (up to several signal cycles). LOS F. Represents jammed conditions. Backups from locations downstream or on the cross street may restrict or prevent movement of vehicles out of the approach under consideration; hence, volumes carried are not predictable. V/C values are highly variable, because full utilization of the approach may be prevented by outside conditions. The thresholds of level of service for unsignalized intersections are shown in the following table 9. TABLE 9 LEVEL OF SERVICE CRITERIA � Two -Way or All -Way Stop Controlled Signalized Intersection Level of Service Intersection Average Delay per Vehicle (sec) Average Delay per Vehicle (sec) A 0-10 < 10 B >10- 15 >10-20 21Page The following table 10 shows the summary of results: TABLE 10 EXISTING CONDITIONS INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY Both of the two unsignalized intersections are operating at an acceptable level of service ALL -WAY STOP CONTROL At the request of residents for additional stop signs, a brief analysis for all way stop warrants were conducted for following (2) intersections along Olney St: 1. Olney Street and Ellis Lane intersection 2. Olney Street and Marybeth Ave intersection The criteria for determining if an all -way stop control is warranted is based on a number of factors All -Way Stop Control between Segments: Stop signs are designed to control the flow of traffic, not as speed controls or pedestrian safety devices. Unwarranted stop signs can exacerbate already 22Page Two -Way or All -Way Stop Controlled Signalized Intersection Level of Service Intersection CONDITIONS INTERSECTION Average Delay per Vehicle (sec) Average Delay per Vehicle (sec) C >15-25 >20- 35 D >25-35 >35-55 E >35-50 >55-80 > 80 or a V/C ratio equal or F > 50 greater than 1.0 PEAK EXISTING HOUR CONDITIONS INTERSECTION LOS Delay AM A 9.1 RIO HONDO AT OLNEY ST PM A 9.3 TEMPLE CITY BLVD AT AM C 15.3 OLNEY ST PM C 17.7 existing speeding problems. Drivers will speed up between segments and will often ignore a stop sign in a new location. Must have continual police enforcement to be effective. The criteria for placement of al 1 -way stop control as set by the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD) needs to be followed. The placement of All -Way stop control is warranted when[: • Traffic control signals are justified • A crash problem exists as indicated by 5 or more accidents in a 12 -month period • Minimum Volumes are met: • Volume entering intersection from the major approach (total of both approaches) averages 300 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of an average day. And • The combined vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle volumes entering the intersection from the minor street approaches averages at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours. • If the 0' percentile approach speed of the major -street exceeds 40 mph the minimum volumes are 70 percent of the above values. Other criteria that may be considered in an engineering study include: A. The need to control left turn conflict B. The need to control vehicle/pedestrian conflicts near locations generating high pedestrian volumes C. Locations where a road user, after stopping cannot see conflicting traffic and is not able to safely negotiate the intersection unless conflicting traffic is also required to stop. D. An intersection of two residential neighborhood collector (through) streets of similar design and operating characteristics where multiway stop control would improve traffic operational characteristics of the intersection. The California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control (CAMUTCD) covers all aspects of the placement, construction and maintenance of every form of approved traffic control. The guidelines prescribe five basic requirements for all devices. They must: • Fulfill a need • Command attention • Convey a clear and simple meaning • Command respect of road users • Give adequate time for proper response Other factors include potential sight obstructions and engineering judgment. The study concluded that the following intersections did not meet traditional minimum volume or accident thresholds as determined by the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA-MUTCD Section 213.07) for the installation of All -Way stop control: 1 California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Section 213.07 Multiway Stop Applications page 213-7 23Page 1. Olney Street and Ellis Lane intersection does not meet the criteria for an All -Way stop control listed above. 2. Olney Street and Marybeth Ave intersection does not meet the criteria for an All -Way stop control listed above. Coordination with the County Sheriff and Fire Departments The Fire Department Feedback EFI contacted the Fire Department on 6-6-2019 and asked what impact would the closure of Olney Street have on the Fire Department operation. The Fire department personnel indicated that the closure of Olney Street would have no effect on dispatching Fire department personnel and equipment. They also indicated that the fire department will use Rio Hondo Ave to Olney Ave and that there would be no Impact to the response time. As for the closure of the street without a culdesac with a 40' radius, the fire department also indicated that they would be able to backup the fire truck if the City closed the street. The Sheriffs Department Feedback EFI contacted the Sheriff's Department on 6/18/2019 and asked: What impact would the closure of Olney St have on the Sheriff's Department operation. The closure would not impact the Sheriff's response time because deputies use the major Arterials when responding to a call. Caltrans Jurisdiction EFI Contacted Caltrans to determine if the west leg of Olney St closure at Temple City Blvd is a viable option. On 6/5/2019, we contacted Caltrans encroachment section and discussed the potential closure with Dara Loeung with the encroachment permit division and we were told that as far as the encroachment permit division is concerned, there is no issues with the closure of the east end of Olney St as long as the work is done outside of Caltrans R/W. I also contacted Mahmoud Hajjar in operations and traffic investigations. Mr. Hajjar indicated that Caltrans does not have any objections to the closure of the west leg of Olney St at Temple City Blvd or Temple City Blvd southbound right turn lane into Olney St as long as the work is done outside of Caltrans R/W. Field review A field review was taken for Temple City Blvd and Olney St. This included collecting the existing signing and striping. 24Page 2 Presently, as shown in Exhibit 1, the Southbound traffic on Temple City Blvd can turn right onto Olney St or continue to merge onto the I-10 Westbound ramp. Eastbound Olney St turns into the I-10 westbound on-ramp. No left turns out of Olney St at Temple City Blvd are allowed. Partial or full closure The City may consider two options: Full closure or partial Closure of Olney St. Full Closure As shown in the Exhibit 2, a full closure will close eastbound Olney Street onto the I-10 westbound ramp and the Southbound right turn from Temple City Blvd onto Olney St. Full closure can be accomplished by removing the existing Island.and reconstructing the pavement, constructing new curb and gutter and sidewalk and installing guardrails to prevent cars from driving over the curb and gutter. The signing and striping has to be modified for southbound Temple City Blvd to allow traffic to merge into a single lane. The signing and striping on Olney Street would have to be modified to reflect the closure of the Street. Advantages of full closure The full closure of Olney Street at the east end would provide relief for a portion of Olney St between Ellis Lane and Temple City Blvd. Advantages would include: • Eliminate traffic backup eastbound on Olney Street Near the I-10 On-ramp. • Provide relief for residents living on Olney St near Temple City Blvd to allow residents on the south side to exit their driveways. • Eliminate the U-turns into resident's driveways by traffic wanting to beat the queues along Temple City Blvd. Disadvantages of full closure As stated earlier, Mobile apps route traffic thru neighborhood streets to get cars from point A to point B to avoid congestion on the freeway or other segments without regards to the consequences of such routing. Potential for Increase traffic volumes on the following adjacent streets: • Ellis Lane from Olney to Marshall St • Marshall St from Temple City Blvd to Ellis Lane and, • Increase in the Queue length on Temple City Blvd southbound • Potentially increase the volume on the remaining segment of Olney St from Ellis Lane to Rio Hondo Ave. as people are routed to avoid the longer queues on Temple City Blvd. 261 Page t 1i 1 R Partial Closure As shown in exhibit 3, a partial closure will close eastbound Olney Street onto the I-10 westbound, while maintaining the Southbound right turn from Temple City Blvd onto Olney St. The partial closure can be accomplished by extending the existing Island and installing guardrails to prevent cars from driving over the island. The signing and striping on Olney Street would have to be modified to reflect the partial closure of the Street. Signing modifications with advance signage on Olney St stating that there is no access to Temple City Blvd and WB 1-10 Ramps would also be needed. Advantages of Partial Closure The partial closure of Olney street at the east end would provide relief for a the portion of Olney St between Ellis Lane and Temple City Blvd. A partial closure would: • Eliminate traffic backup eastbound on Olney Street Near the I-10 On-ramp. • After and adjustment period, provide relief for residents on the south side of Olney St that are presently having a hard time exiting the driveways. • After and adjustment period, will eliminate the U-turns into resident's driveways Disadvantages of Partial Closure As stated earlier, Mobile apps route traffic thru neighborhood streets to get cars from point A to point B to avoid congestion on the freeway or other segments without any regard to the consequences of such routing. There may be an increase in traffic volumes on the following adjacent streets: • Ellis Lane from Olney to Marshall St • Marshall St from Temple City Blvd to Ellis Lane and, • Increase in Queue lengths on Temple City Blvd southbound • Closure will affect how residents in the neighborhood travel to and from their homes 281 Page L u 5v �41 — -� --- - --- - a� - s -R- of i ■� r•'_•"�1''d to �(• ln�'��lr� LEI Ilk AU r _ i r' ,���' •'- to n_,.1,: t...4. a t.rl� fir" : I �I t L� ��-tY t s^�� ir'�.•t._ tfi .rLA ��� .+ ®.j-'ik.• ..Ys1- J k .. v -rte �� � - � 611-t -' � �-'L• ltd t� 'r � ��• �.�.i.c�l tm� a�.,� ,._ tv_ ';� � _ ����. i`��-' Ldf_ _SL � — �! �_ A Mrd.! a ° rS a6' L g 7 rel _ tl • - p _ �g The Impact of Olney St closure on Olney St Traffic Flow As shown in Figure 17 below, 58 cars travel eastbound on Olney Street and turn right onto the westbound I-10 onramp during the Am peak hour and 23 vehicles during the PM Peak hour. After the closure of Olney Street, these motorists are likely to travel easterly on Olney St, then northerly on Ellis Ln, Marybeth Ave, or Vane Ave to reach Marshall St., then east to Temple City Blvd. Approximately 73 cars per hour travel southbound On Temple City Blvd and turn right into Olney street during the AM peak and 70 cars during PM peak hours. After full closure, these motorists are more likely to use Marshall St to travel west, then southerly along Ellis Ln, Marybeth Ave, or Vane Ave to reach Olney St, then Westerly on Olney St to Rio Hondo. 5 T 'F TURNING MOVEMENT ON OLNEY ST TO /D FROM TEMPLE CITY BLVD FIGURE 17 321 Page The Impact of Olney St closure on the southbound Temple City Blvd North of Olney St after full closure If the City chooses to Close Olney St at Temple City Blvd, the traffic pattern will change. Analysis of the impacts on southbound Temple City Blvd would be challenging. Caltrans controls the on- ramp by metering the entrance to the Westbound 1-10 freeway. This metering controls the number of vehicles entering the westbound freeway during various times of the day. As the I-10 freeway gets more congested, fewer cars are allowed to enter the traffic stream at a time. This effectively guides the queue on Temple City Blvd. In order to try and determine the impact, a queue study was conducted on 6/19/2019 to show the existing car backup on Temple City Blvd. The worksheets are enclosed in the Appendix. In general, during the peak hours (7-9 am and 4-6 pm), the southbound queue reached Loftus Dr. several times. The queue extended beyond Loftus Dr eight times during the 4 hour period but did not reach Marshall St at any time during the observation period. See queue Figure 18 below. As stated earlier, 58 cars travel eastbound on Olney Street and turn right onto the westbound 1-10 onramp during the AM peak hour. With closure, this traffic will travel northerly on Ellis Lane and Easterly On Marshall St. This translate into approximately 5 more cars in the southbound queue per 5 minute cycle interval. The traffic has the potential to backup even further after the full closure. Figure 18 shows the present queue and the expected additional queue due to the closure and the re-routing of traffic to the back of the queue. 331 Page SUMMARY OF FINDINGS The closure of Olney Street is a Viable option. The following is a summary of the Advantages and Disadvantages of full closure. Advantaizes of full closure The full closure of Olney Street at the east end would provide relief for a the portion of Olney St between Ellis Lane and Temple City Blvd. As follows: • Eliminates traffic backup eastbound on Olney Street Near the I-10 On-ramp. • Provide relief for residents on the south side within that portion experiencing difficulty exiting the driveways. • Eliminates the U-turns into resident's driveways Disadvantages of full closure As stated earlier, Mobile apps route traffic thru neighborhood streets to get cars from point A to point B to avoid congestion on the freeway or other segment without any regards to the consequences of such routing. Potential increase of traffic volume on the following adjacent streets: • Ellis Lane from Olney to Marshall St • Marshall St from Temple City Blvd to Ellis Lane and, • Increase the Queue length on Temple City Blvd southbound • Potentially increase the volume on the remaining segment of Olney St from Ellis Lane to Rio Hondo Ave. as people are routed to avoid the longer queues. • Closure will affect how residents in the neighborhood travel from to their homes The following Summary of findings Table 11 addresses most of the issues raised by residents living near the Olney St segment at community meetings: TABLE 11 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS TABLE ISSUE Findings Comments Many cars are traveling at Police report does not show speed Inconclusive. Results may be excessive speeds on Obtey Street, citations skewed based on the lack of speed enforcement for that segment. 351 Page ISSUE Speeding on Olney St ... there have been many accidents; speed humps or additional stop signs are needed to slow down the vehicles There has been an increase in robberies in the area due to the proximity of the I-10 Freeway on- ramp There has been a significant increase in traffic volumes on Olney Street Westbound cars are continuing to make U-turns on Olney Street between Ellis Lane and Temple City Boulevard Vehicles headed southbound on Temple City sometimes get trapped in the far right lane, forcing them to make a right turn onto Olney Street, then making a U-turn on Olney to get onto the freeway. Since there is no sidewalk on Olney Street, kids walk in the streets on the way to Savannah School; kids can't play in the street dare to all the cars; it's not Speed Survey reflects many instances of speeds higher than 25 MPH The accident rate is higher than the statewide rate Police report seem to indicate that the overall crime peaked in 2017/2018 and declined 2018/2019 The volume on Olney St is 1981 cars in 24 hr. This volume is typical for a local street This was observed to be true. Many cars enter Olney St from Temple City Blvd Southbound and make a U turn to get on the I-10 westbound On -Ramp This action may be intentional or unintentional. This was observed to be true. Many cars enter Olney St and make a U turn to get on the I- 10 westbound On -Ramp The City can construct sidewalk in the City Right of way. This may be a contentious issue with residents that do not want to disturb their front yard. Comments Unfortunately, speeding is an issue in many communities. Bigger speed signs and speed pavement legends can be installed. Speed feedback sign can be placed along with police enforcement. The two intersections on Olney St do no meet all way stop Warrants. Speed Humps can be installed on Olney St if/when the City adopts a policy for the installation of speed It is difficult to correlate the crime rate to the proximity of the freeway on -Ramp access. No previous data is available for Olney St to determine if traffic is increasing Full Closure would eliminate that issue Full Closure would eliminate that issue by removing the right turn lane. However; this is likely to increase the queue on Temple City Blvd during the morning AM peak. All southbound traffic will share a single lane to enter the City may be able to apply for funds thru the Highway Safety Improvement Program to install sidewalk due to the proximity to a school. Those making U-turns on Olney This was observed to be true for Full Closure would eliminate that Street often drive up onto the residences on Olney St near issue resident's driveways, Temple City Blvd. 361 Page ISSUE It can be difficult to back out of the driveways during rush hour. Vehicles are bypassing the southbound traffic on Temple City Boulevard by cutting through on Ellis Lane and Olney Street to get to the freeway. Can Olney Street be closed at the easterly end Caltrans feedback on closing Olney Street leading to the on- ramp onto the westbound I-10 The Fire Department feedback on closing Olney Street leading to the on-ramp onto the westbound I-10 Freeway The Sheriff's Department feedback on closing Olney Street leading to the on-ramp onto the westbound 1-10 Advantage of closing Olney St Disadvantage of Closing Olney Street Other issues raised by closing Olnev St This was observed to be true for residences on the south side of Olney St near Temple City Blvd due to queue of cars waiting to get on the I-10 Westbound on-ramp. This was found to be true by the license plate survey. Approximately 20% of the traffic in the AM traveled on Marshall St then south on Ellis and east on Onley St to get on the I-10 westbound freeway Yes Caltrans does not object to Olney Street closure The Fire Department does not object to Olney Street closure The Sheriff's Department does not object to Olney Street closure Segment of Olney Street between Temple City Blvd and Ellis Lane would see a substantial traffic_ reduction. Traffic will likely to increase on Ellis Lane between Marshall St and Olney St and Marshall St between Ellis Lane and Temple City Blvd The Queue on Temple City Blvd SB will increase during peals hours Comments Full Closure would eliminate that issue Full Closure would eliminate that issue The street can be closed similar to Olney St portion to the east of Temple City Blvd Any work within Caltrans right of way would require an encroachment permit The remaining segment between Ellis Lane and Rio Hondo will continue to have the same traffic volume and pattern 371Page Conclusion The residents living on Olney St between Rio Hondo Avenue and Temple City Boulevard experience cut -through traffic and speeding motorists. The study found the majority of the issues raised by the residents to be true and offered some solutions that could mitigate some of the problems. Unfortunately, most of the solutions have advantages and disadvantages. As stated earlier closing Olney St on the east end at Temple City Blvd would ease some of the problems, but would increase problems at other locations. Installing speed cushions reduces the speed but creates additional noise and aesthetic problems at the installed locations. Some of the traffic will migrate to adjacent streets to avoid the speed cushions. This would simply transfer the problem to another corridor/neighborhood. The City should solicit resident input from all residents in the entire neighborhood because closure or partial closure will affect the travel patterns for all residents who may be taking a child to/from school, practice, shopping, going to work, etc... Technically, the data indicates that the closure at Olney St is a viable option. However, since this will affect the traffic routes of the residents living in the area, residents should be given a public forum to voice their input to the traffic commission during the review and possible approval process. If the City decides that Olney St is to be closed before the I-10 westbound ramp, the City would need to prepare preliminary construction plans for the closure of Olney Street. Funding sources have to be identified and approved by the City Council. Construction plans, specifications, and cost estimate may then be prepared to close Olney St. The design plans should be prepared to minimize any construction on Caltrans right of way as such construction would require an encroachment permit which typically takes 12 to 18 months to acquire. 38Page APPENDIX CITATIONS r �I o0 (0 a � W � C a a� 'S a Fes- N i= O 00 o 00 00 0 O {{ �OI MM 0 C0 c C °'. o z o � (O M r CRIME REPORT City of Rosemead Part I Crimes within a Boundary (Marshall St/Temple City Blvd/Olney St/Rio Hondo Ave) - •.... 1 De Adalona S1 , Homicide 0 0 0 Rape 0 4 .4 ElIftit= Robbery 0 0 Cp 4 0 0 Jk Lo. Burglary l i 1 3 rY't Larceny 2 7 3 GTA 1 5 2 Arson n 0 0 l' ? a e � 1 4 4 413 Z 1y' {^f J Olney St �y 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 Homicide 0 0 0 Rape 0 0 0 Robbery 0 0 0 Assault 0 0 0 Burglary 2 3 4 Larceny 2 7 3 GTA 1 5 2 Arson 0 0 0 City of Rosemead Part I Crimes within a Boundary (Marshall St/Temple City Blvd/Olney St/Rio Hondo Ave) June 1, 2018 thru May 31, 2019 v , 1 r I i K. t 9 J 1 1 I i I jI V71 ,r mix City of Rosemead Part I Crimes within a Boundary (Marshall St/Temple City Blvd/Olney St/Rio Hondo Ave) Wog 7 City of Rosemead Part I Crimes within a Boundary (Marshall St/Temple City Blvd/Olney St/Rio Hondo) June 1, 2016 thru May 31, 2017 Y t u I ! � 1 r t ' it n I._��ik d ;i 4tli i. UIn�Y 61 CUT THRU TRAFFIC WORKSHEET DE ADALENA STREET EB EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE W z w Q 0 Z O 2 0 0 W m W uj W K F - z z a 0 Q w C A O N uu J h > > u F- O m LO 00 .O m > m > m m N m n 3 F- O Fu - a3 m 0 N lD to 00 W O N m 3 M � m W N M h n c O N m 1-114 O c} c O O m �t It n m = m m O L v O N N Z N n N n w co m14 z N L In p + N h M - In WV m h to lD C -1 O m(n 17 m rl -It m Mi lD m 0 O c 'o a Z 0 O ' Ln Ln a .� o N o LL z VI .o N %D n O ulv�Dmma 2 la O N 00 N 0 N m In O M N co p m a Ln N n n w r6 v n m c `o c m o m 0 p 0 N m Ln V1 n h o0 O to .1 c 0 O Ill m ar N In N N u oo LD h 00 0 cn O m O J m 2 Fu' O = 3 co O (nLo m In W O st w O� m v w n ro m m _c Ooo c m 3 O 3 v Lu z c O .-I 0 1D .� m F- m Ln Ln n o n .1 000 m m= w m Q 0 N z W 3 Q p m Q ~ a W W h W O co J co W u C .O - F- Z 0 Ln �`� c W > > u F- p O m li > m N m n 3 Fu - O 3 M m W ei n m L N m 1-114 O c O O co p cn It n m O v N n w co m14 L In p + N h M - In in lD m h w m c� G rl -It m Mi lD m 0 O h Cn a Z 0 O ' Ln Ln h z VI ulv�Dmma la N 00 N h N m In p p m a Ln kD n 'aR r6 c `o O_ O to .1 n O Ill m ar N In N m 1* u LD h 00 0 cn O 2 O O (nLo m In O st w O� m v w n ro m m a Z 3 3 v c O .-I 0 1D .� m m y m Ln Ln n o n .1 000 m m= w m 0 N 3 O M h W J u - F- 0 Ln �`� m W v p n m N co c N O LD m In n co m O H � a n v m Ln Ln Q z Q 0 w w:' on W c O CLc m 10 �» W 7 7 42 co ai Ln g ���"° W W O A N 4 00 N N A at O r+ M m co m M p7 m 0 W 01 V• N Y Cl) m D co O A cn N V A Wp N N M_ m > D < r 0 tai, 00 'n u. m 1 r moi; .i to -i M Z �+. J rtm1 -i to Y D Ln 00 W A N W A tD w O UD A N N O O M N W N t�0 Ln cow ttoo 001 N r F+ 00 J m to F. O O 00 O O co A+t O* L. n A m ► Lli OAo U,, N O O _ r N W N V, V r N M LO l0 01 MLnA A W LD 00 J to Ln N A A N N Y M W[ lD Y V N Aa 0 O 0 lD 7 N? W R W 1-1 co Qf U, J N 0 CO LVD, n W N w (n cn ppApp A r to N 0 to 0 0 m IN) N r Ow 00 J m W to A W A1-.� N W N v Y N O t0 0M, 1J, N lD 7 rL m N tD C 01 W to O H LimLN w co N Y O M V, O O_ n lD oD ao ao J J V 01 01 In N A W N Y f+ O 01 01 to N O to N lD tD 01 N W N 00 to N In O 01 O V cnN N 00 W OD Y J W V OD tO W N W 7 V, Y 00 V V A 01 01 01 N N m fD r H Z G \Q OWo W W 00 O 00 J W Toto 0 00 00 00 J J 01 01 In In A W WN N N O M A 01 A O to pppp A W to 01 V Y t0 7C A l0 'D t wO D W W 0 (n Ln V, W N Y ° = A Y 01 N 01 to tD A (n tD N0 w 01 N Q7 lD Y lD O 2 O tO l0 DVVO 00 V J V M to Vt A WN (��+ N O00 p, tmr1 X V 1 VI N N V O ~ Do �.1 N V, tAD 00 t~D Y A N? N S 000 01 W NOJ O tD N O r) w n m W tD In O W N �... O O to N LM V tJn W- OA0 O m O A D w O Z O 00 01A N O \ ILD n W M N N ppNop A 001 W O 3 00 01 LA w N O d W w w 01 tD 0 A Y A W In N J ID W tD A O W 00 01 01 to A wW N N 0 0 O Z w m w Y W C S w 0pop O 00- N O N to J A N Y r Fr Y A to 01 (n m M 0� 'N N NA ��aa A A O V, to 0) cn V 00 01 .P' co O O A n LO W V 01 Q1 to W N N m G N N N V, W N W 000 N 7 42 co ai Ln 0 W W O A N 4 ti M m co ,:. m 0 W 01 V• N Y m m D co O A cn N D < r u. m moi; .i to -i A �+. J rtm1 -i to Y A tD Ln 00 W A N tD w O Ln to w O N W N N r m w 00 Y 00 O O n m r W N V, V N O LO l0 01 MLnA A W N0 0 N J O Y N N w W N W[ lD Y V N Aa 0 O 0 lD 7 co CO LVD, W N w (n cn ppApp A r to N 0 to 0 0 IN) O 2 O t0 00 A 7 rL m N tD C 01 W to O H w co Y O M V, O_ W � -I tD Oo J 01 01 to A W N O O O 01 O V to O A 0 O V V V, Y 00 V V A 01 01 01 N N m H Z O \Q OWo W W 00 O 00 J W lD 0 O 3 a D tD 00 01 (n Ln V, W N Y ° = A Y 0 N J Y N tD A tD N0 w 01 N Q7 lD Y lD 000, N Y 00tom icyl-l-, 000 01 W NOJ to tD N O r) n m 0001 0pp1 A w 1+ to Y O A D w O E m c O VO O O W D z LUa O O z O 2 O cc LL O W W 0C Q z LUa a 0 0 p� N m m o 1-110 a J 7 .N-1 Ln N m st tO ka 0h m co m F H O O In tD 4 m IIt A m W O w LD Im- m L N f0 L L N Cn H 01 a0 O N 1O m a N. W Z M m M H N N V Ln l°D h0 m ° 3 O O e v 01 N m N Nq NI'D 00 N Ln _ N n m - m O 2 14M N V Vl h L N CV C m O h O N p tD 14n z �-i N to Dl z p Itm m a n z N z N 111 N o0 ° m n m O ° C p +° °� m too t, O c 17 ori 0 c CL * 0 m m n o N 1n 1»m.0 o 0 o tc 1 w 4 m m w w D' D m m o m l0 1 N N 01 1n O 14 tO m m n u� c N to to n 00 Oi m 0 0 x z 0 m o m 00 m m 00 w 's m m.0 t`� to m 1. w ca °li N N 0 0 0 m N tD h 00 0100 00 Dl N w O C m to m oo Kl v w ° 1u m e+ m N to U p N m m tO w w Q ° Cw O In h 0 Cf M �' nN 0 h tD W w .`n-1 O c�{{ 3 om1 C O O M h N Y m 0 14 wtO r, n F o m a p N C3 W in 3 u 3 1D O p m N tO w w CO W N F- 3 m n L-1 00 tD 01 C m W N m 1n v n a m L" m o N L" m _C O N O N Ln to ct C N m cn tO 00 O N cn 00 H Ln m LU m w Lnw Q z LU "i kms,' N p to Q Q LU m m z D LU W c rlooa z Q W V vY1 tO w in m m W w c o o IL LO Z C W W D z LUa O O z O 2 O cc LL O W W 0C Q z LUa a 0 0 o N o not J H 'r m co F O p 4 a IIt A rn w Y L L 1O N N. L M m M H N N V l LD L.L ° 3 O e 01 N m N _ N n m L CV C O ri O N z N M to Dl m z N w = 0 r, O ° 0ho c 0 CL * 0 m m n o N 1n 1»m.0 o 1n o tc 1 w 4 m m w w ao m 0 x 0 z O m o m 00 m m 00 w O m m.0 t`� to m 1. w ca N C m to m oo n v w ° 1u m e+ m N to U p N m m tO w 00 Q ° N O c�{{ 3 O M h ca Y m U F � p N ~ W in 3 3 1D O CO W N F- 01 C p L" m o L" m O N Ln 00 m Ln m LU w Q z LU p to Q LU m m D W c rlooa z w E M o m J = 2 u a° FE p 000 ani Vol ami J p Imo- . m > N C Ln W coo m M H N O m 00 o h m 00 mo LO 00 � m 14 m t L m iDD W -V Lli W n a O r-Ia to p N h ry N m N N m 1 0 m c O v N c O m q n 0 0 N mm C m O a Ln N 00 v N N O O Ln in Ln m m co m Z O N LD al — m N rm-1 Mm C Ln LD al r9 N VNf w cn WW N N in Cf O ,i N m C Q ~ k O 4 Z z r+ N M a Ln LD n w fr1 ca C 'O inz Z N a W n(n N Ln n w N w C O h H N m Ln m CT Ln m Ln W h oo al x O O O rri 0 m c r O C C O a N hez a N .-L a to v LD a O w M 0000 1 M w G N n rnl m a1 ci kD O 00 m m o r 0 ,4 x 0 o p m s E: O n In v to Ln N o n LD w V a o N amt C m N 3 3 rL C lD l0 n w X W LD In v a W 0 m It V 0 c O 00 t LD o c O O '-I > h coo La O '4 c O u C m N m n N h m o w 3 O M D. O O al N N C Z m N rl o0 n N m m m m C CO z W O N J � C4 J 0] U H wo Z rN Z 14 co m rn co O It rn plD h n a] W 3a''-`� > in w cn = ON CO FU - m� co a C W y n n� c`� u _c O N D w J c O C Ln Do LAjx- m ti v F W N c ON n n N G c h n m a O ,4 'D z m Q p LuK a Z 11 LD Cl) (nw m w a cc W Z W W J Q p } n N Ln li a W Z W0 Ln rrq 'D 000 CL° 0 m c m W W W o 1 Y W E M o m J = 2 u a° FE O O lD coaN0 J p Imo- . m LLD m > V C m N z coo m F N O m 00 o h m 00 ir m LO 00 uj Q o0 14 m t L m iDD W a O r-Ia to p m u Ln c O v N m q n 0 0 N mm C m O a Ln N 00 N N O O .mi o w m cr Z O N LD al Ln 00 — m N VNf w cn WW N N in Cf C Q m k O 4 Z r1 m Ln w fr1 C 'O inz N a COLn v to �} w c C N w Ln Ob W x O O 0 m C C O a N hez O w to 1 M h h N n � m a1 ci kD O 00 m m r 0 ,4 x 0 p m s J O n In v to Ln N o n LD w O M o„ 3 3 � m LU m LD v a W 0 m It V 0 c O 00 t LD o c O O '-I 'D h coo La O '4 c O ri N uj CC Ln a m m CO z W J � C4 U H wo Z zW 14 co m rn co O It rn m a] W 3a''-`� in w cn = ON m� co a C W y f - � _c O N D w J c O C Ln O m ti F W N cc G a z w Q p a Z 11 LD Cl) (nw w a cc W W Ln li m O 'D 000 CL° c W E M o m J = 2 u a° FE O O lD coaN0 J m m It coo F m 00 o h W LnD o0 m t L a O r-Ia to p �om$L300 u Ln c O v m q n - L m O a Ln N 00 N N O .mi o w m Z O N LD al 0 z H WW N in Cf C Q k O ay fr1 C 'O a «�( v to w c C x 0 O a N hez w to 3 v c O � m m ,4 O N o�q p m tD J caF U o„ 3 � m LU m LD v c O N t LD c m m rb n O '4 ri uj CC Ln a z W J � C4 wo Z zW 14 co m rn co 0 W a] W cn = ON m� co C W > m r 0 m Lu m C O a — A N Z m Z W m 77 m h 1 Ln 'i -I W H t0 Q Ln v m v Ln mH N M N oo o m a i h LL m 00 m CO n N Ln to LD m n w W c O C O O 'i M n co J �7 M p ni m m E 0 0 CL Y Q � LL rn M4 `" N . m M e -I N LL X W C N N W h h 00 d' Ln LD 01 O C O 2 2 O O D K O N h to O Ln Ln h Ln O N m N d d hLD h M LD 0) LD w O > r4 a m ,-I O LO W O N m Ln LD h 00 01 3 E v c Ln N 00 00 o tD N O 0 O co N 00 M -zr Ln r4 h h m d' ]C c O m h p m y Ln h N al c O co N tn J O V 0x1 m m F 0 0 m 3 N N 3 m m Ln m W h N W _C O N C N C O rl Q W . C Ln LO h N O c -I r� m 00 Ln 00 00 yrj N Q LMn fL 000 00 LLIK Z w Ln 0 0 Nm Q m Q LU Z W 14 m Ln to n o 03 W W C a0 O OL N x N a-4 Q W N V lmn L0 aY0 c W p O > m H 33 m w A t C Q V' — m h f0 O Z c0 Z W H 14 p Q N00 N N m n N lD O N r r1 l0 LnN n Ln V cr. n m �i�Lh�D�z N N LD lD Ln LO m cn Ln LO N h Ln r+ h N to n lD Z LD -i m 01 w Q W m c O pVW m LmD ho n o �7 M m 0 LL •' O LD h M e -I N LL 00 Ln M V' m 11 .-4 w W rl M d' Ln LD 01 01 C O 2 O K O N h to O Ln Ln h Ln O N m N d d a N m n m E c Q N O LD O Ln m r.I d' ]C h n m h p m y Ln h in al c O N tn O V 0x1 J m 0 m 3 m m Ln W N C Q W . C O O c -I yrj N LMn fL 000 00 LLIK Ln Q Z Q W m Ln 0000 w p m W d' Ln Ln c oY C4 .L m m CL m V LD h c W in lND N O{ N %O. J ;,. Z J N V to to m 3 Ln co LO U F- a ^ w O m 1- v m 1, w n c '4 o0 c Q m m m m n v w MN n Ln L a — m �tmmonm N m In 1, n W m r m o vo w ao .-1 to a m d' Ln n oo CD 00 ry m m n m IjA to w In 0 In c h .-1 N Ln -* N O O m v In n co :1 ni c 'o a n rl X N 4l C o Ln LADo omo s m 's N m m w Ln n m o ONS �-I O1 N N 3 of b I� oho Z c v� m oo .-I m n w 00 O v �o ao O Z N M c InM ^0 N O m 'r N co Zn O en o0 Z O O > '.7 m N 3 N S W 0 v c 0 .� o Ln cc m O N 14 (n O e4 O rl �il N O m Ln w c S Z w a o g O m O m m In a m m W W o O m m 1-/ o 0 N m M M Il 0 Z n O m Cc�rnr4 a enf 00 N 0 3 a a oo of N O _c O p p N7 co n C O N o In J cDU 0 to 3 L W v c O co Ln c H Ln Q '-I an � Ina ru Ln LD,�a O m 'n am Lu Ln an Q Z W J } o N v % a m Q Lnv 14 N r,4 to Lo n m 0 m m W w c p o m N o V N a Ln O N N M to 1� co co C W in ry�ry�� oNi 'N Ln O{ a J ;,. Z O 3 Ln co LO m a ^ w N m 1- v m 1, w p Lnm c Q m O v MN n Ln L a — m �tmmonm N m In 1, n W N m O -- v Nu11 'A rn m w m Z m d' Ln n oo CD Z N IjA to w In 0 In c h .-1 N Ln -* N O O m v In n co :1 ni c 'o a "0 ID X N 4l C o s 0 's O m m w Ln n cov c v� m oo .-I O c n w 00 O v �o ao O N 0 C3 0 N 3 N W v c -zr co O N 14 (n O e4 �il N O m Ln K Z w a O O m o m m W w c n O m Cc�rnr4 a enf 00 N w w Z) Z w Q O R z O O 9z LL O m FW W W K vi Q Z Q O Q E a c m o ui U o "r J In > m F- O 3 m W f0 t H f0 .ti LO N (n r%l L Ln III���111 p M J p m 0) Q U v F - In In N M ul m N m w m = L O .1 In to m 3 LD N to to lMO LD N m O N m m V1 m a0 W z p '1 m to r, M M z N N 00 p m to LO N N 0~0 OM1 U Y m O v U N V Do ul c a �D O N MLD M — 2 N N a 00 is N O N K O Ij H N 'Q W T 3 n M M M ul w ZN v O " O N (MTI T Ln n 01 G O IM tV Z VI O W r1 w N n Q1 r 0 M C> m ei n a N m w w p p N N m ct In n m a� m 0 l0 C 3 r, O m w a +• o v In to W M n to 1 v0. ri M W O 1 M M d' M LO Ol w m C 0 W O i K O m co I n 14 I�u 0 0 N a In w 00 J Q 3 Z 00 14 ¢ w W o 14 m v m W w N O Lo 0 O r, r -I m co o n INn M In m C O O Ln a N M r N In > 41 m u O 00 ■ 30M m 1D W W _G O 0 CO C 0 O NLD M O {� O 'D al i o N NN Ol F- vI Q Z W In V t0 Q n o In Ol Ol m m W W M M to n 0 p rnv 0 rnCL C w > m F- O 3 m W f0 t H f0 m0 cc m m m N a b M V.u1n N a n ,,... vni M C O v In In N M ul m N m w m = L O .1 In to m L M O m o Ln m 0 to � w z p '1 m to r, M z N 00 p m to LO Y m C O 0. •' :t U N V Do ul c a �D O 2 O K O Ij H N 'Q W T 3 v O " O m m tn 000 G O tV O J m F- 0 l0 3 r, m w d C O n O H00NO O {T 0 W �, Ln i Q Z W J Q D Z 00 14 ¢ w W o 14 m O M3 m W w 00 0 r -I m co 14 Ln m m w In m O Ln a c w E CL c o o 0LA o •• J IA Uun 2 F - a2 D T N 14 J (n cNc}} N V d to 01 o LL U 1 - OW 3 ry m n ttm w co LD a N m V co 0 m m w m i2 m 00(- m ori c O O N N tm0 co — 0m/ 1Nmmmtcnm O �mH0(nLAm a N oan� Z Q� m m� t%0 n co 01 no J Z { H w� A O N m m W m a 0 ti N Mm V m m H m V m ay m CO C O a ^'' O N n n N O V m V1 oW n C O W r r-1 N t0 n Ol W O 2 O OO N n O O IA oo n O O w w O N t0 n 00 3 v 0 r 0 L, ool n m cn v 0 N U:) n o m n J CQ F O i a ko 3 4 co W v o °o n m c d n 0 a . q o 0o C*�1, oo 14 w :9 rnm F - Ln f` Z w s J a } ;a z0rq w lL 11 r4 n no O W W C O N LO Ln F- N d' V 00 N `n?C a O Z c W ELLIS LANE SB NORTH OF MARSHALL STREET ru W ccLnF- J J Q cc a 0 2 F- O Z m V1 W Z 5 J W Cmo m m ri U O n W W crJ Q x ix a 0 x F- 0: O Z m V1 W Z s LA J W ❑ o m J J N m h cou m O Ln co 3 m 0 H In 000 LU O m 'n L pp 3 co IDh C O A d' aLnm -+ g h N m m m m M � w g m N m H O ..0 m w O p N O O 4' m m = c 3 LO m h 00 s N m co 00 w m m CC N m u1 h O1 76 0 �O 2 u U Q N n V N o m m m n c O 0000 Ln N Vt rI h m LO � O C.: c m 0 O O .q Ln N % ON -0 N O V LO h W r- m 0 O 2 m m m v r0 O a rl N h 0 O V1 l0 O m n n *O h m w n m c C O m 3 m Q v cmOr�m O N O N V1 ^+ n h 0o cLn m Ln � O m tV N m N O H m W m O Ln 00 in a 0o 00 c m ❑ m J a n m 0 'D 0 ri N V Ln 00 l000 O` 2 V m O 00 m 2 w O a K r Oh C o0 o a O ri W kD 001 H m V`i1 q, Ln hill 000 m0) m N ujZ CL g Ln J >. cc00 3 w W co W V1 � c,yiOko m Ln a 0 0 m Ln mED n n "F- m C W 0000 W W crJ Q x ix a 0 x F- 0: O Z m V1 W Z s LA J W > Ln n m O o m m 14 J N m h nl m H O 'n 3 co IDh w A N ^ m N m H H ..0 O p N O 4' m c O V N n V N o0 a m O 1-1 V O 00 V1 LO 00 C.: mmv�Onm O w m 3r0 m m m v r0 a rl N h 0 O V1 l0 m p N m a *O h m c C O m Q v ❑ cLn m Ln � m m c O N m N O H m W m O Ln 00 in a 0o c m 'o a n co 0 'D 0 ri N V Ln 00 l000 N N m V m O 2 O K O o a o W kD 001 H m V`i1 q, vI to hill 000 m0) CL Z 3 v � c,yiOko m Ln 0 0 m Ln mED n n "F- m .moi 0000 x O N O n ❑ m n 00 J m O O 00 0. 3OD Ln 14 ,n m W C p mmco N lD VI c O m n 00 m O r4 F2 Z g y r0 0 h Ln J F 2 Q C-4 0w0 W W m m V1 W C W j ` lD U t o ~ ? M ,n u 2 t O 3N rn nmv m � Ln LO n L>7 m W m !Q a H to C O V xa vno Ln ono mgmm Mm Ln q O .-L N N m m m V LO w n co m cc O w m N m n N m LOn o0 LD t� 00 w w a m %-+ oo Lo Lo N n Ln m v 0 H .-i N N m m V Ln LO n m C C O 'O = Q N W N n a w V Ln w O w N m Q N� N N m m dm' Ln N m 0�1 c O Q O c rci 'o 11 Ln LD O '-L w N a m m a+ Lx c "-, N a a LM LLO W Ln a m 0 x a z O Lnmn o� H ccoo a W N ClL`nn uj c i N V C Ln LO n or m m 3 v C mN N m N N n O 0p N m a V 1f) lD LO m C O N n N Q N OM1 J m F 0 O co V LD ri o0 m W W C 0 N m N C cn Ln Q m m O rl pp 00 N LnLn tD ui tm0 Z m F m to J Z W W m m Ln W C n Nco 0o a° pm Ln nwoo L R K Lnr -J, Q Ln 2 Q O 2 CC O Z m Ln LU Z Q N w UU- ` L ❑ J m u O 3CD m w 0 L H C O V1 N O. p `� N 1r1 m m v N O 00 =H C) _ mm Ln ,IQ Ln fQ of Ln i ce r 100 m N m lDm m N M CN zc G 4 odo m r, odo N N m d w r-- 0 O w m N r, 0,400 m 0 dao' coo ueni Y ra M c c p N N M d W r o0 01 O v 2 Q o cc ti m w omo a m m z c p 1 N m an d rn oo m m O .h C m 0 4. N N d N 14 O1 00Q1 V1 N d h r a0 to v p M d Ln tD n h r m 00 0o Di rn O 2 O p d Q� In tO O 00 O1 N l0 'i p� h d h w rn M cry 0 `"� N N M m D1 d Ln . i d u'1 v1 1O tO LO m m h m h O 0 00 d t a0 co 00 m 3 T v C m N Ol r h N n d to N N O1 N O m oo m N In m en m m rn rq c p 1 ry M 0 en n n co oo a0 cn ai u v O ni NIh M D1 m N M LO r ❑ w N Ol N O1 In .-i N N d d Ln N r to 00 w r 00 �QI J m 2 H 1 N M In M* m lD d 3 + h en d N co LD N In h 00 In W T C pL' pC p r m 00[� r r t d N M 3 lrD d Od1 W p en 1D n N Ln e N Z g r m J cc W Wca {' IA W c o Ln tD Z c W L R w p m H O m w m L LA N -1 O O/1 Y�1 tD O tN m v 1D LU to to 00 n n V m F - Ln r-1 c -4 N m O rl m V LO O X 001 00 Z 01 m H C O , O V Q m Q ai' V1 Il 01 LD m m w Y U O m V ccoo m Q w t O m m NLa If w Q i N lO Q m 'cY ry n Ln koLn" oo 1n V .N -i M .D '-1 ry Lo N Ln 00 N 0 Q HNmmvitOn0) G c � O 2 O w Q CD o m LO 0om 00 01 O co Z ?� 00 m m cn Nry comm m N r r. 1' c O Q ry m v1 00 Z vYir,rn � c m c O 0 'O = 0 01 V1 w N 01 0w 01 ❑ F 0 o m H N v1 H m 1� m n N '-1 c O � c .0 e-1 N 1n w 1l, 00 m m O 0 Q c x K+ 0 0 w O' !' O 011, m N m 0 'n0 0 t0 " n .--1 v ❑N L� w N O 0 ccoo w m m m LO 00 O1 -� w O N r` 0o 00 rn m 0 O LD v m co w D1 O o m .4 m m v c m a N n tD m O N 01. m W m W rn Qt v c 01tD tD 01 w 01 Hm n Nr, n V to C C Q N mm to to 00 Q O Q N N I cnO p f\ O1 J en m U u F H L o 3 O N l0 Y m W N F- 3 In m 14 m tD 1n a a v _C Q (f1 K m O1 C W Ln W O r4 v 01 LO m C r LLIZ Q NO Ln N W V g C N m t0 co J 0 r1 m W m In W m W N C m Q m ui tD d Il 000 O1 LU r W z N Ln Ln .H - 1 -4 utni LOO n n J W W m m 1n W r+ C C N-1 O W N 0000 1Nn 'i N V 1n to 1l n 00 IL Z r w R w ❑ O N O nO « �., O co r-1 m H , O V m Q ai' V1 Il 01 w Y U m Q t m m NLa If Q i N lO Q 'cY Ln koLn" oo 1n V .N -i m ^0) O O N 0 Q HNmmvitOn0) O w CD ?� 00 m m cn Nry comm m N r r. 1' C vYir,rn c O 'O = Q ❑ N -401 01 0o r.,.-+ L!1 N to 14 00 a1 n m n N '-1 c O Q '-4 N m a to m n❑ O Q c K+ 0 O' !' O 011, m N m 0 'n0 0 t0 " n .--1 v L� w v r-1 m m LO 00 O1 -� o x 0 O LD to m t-. m co w D1 O o m .4 m m v a m m w co . 1 w v c 01tD tD 01 w 01 Hm n Nr, n V to w U C Q N mm to to 00 Q Q N cnO p m en en U u F F L o 3 m W N F- v _C Q (f1 K C W Ln O r4 01 LO m r LLIZ g J 0 N m W m In W m W C m d N r W w LY J Q Ln Ln LLO 2 a O Z In Ln w Z 5 J W E m c a o Leo Y Q m J m u7 2 t � F- o 9 m 00 N kD Oi >m J a to to Z n D1 Z mLo u O wm m m LD 3 m m w mrl N MO m V mz o 14 C a m m Mn .-i ct Lo Ln O N incc O I- N V ei O LD N O h Ln w N m Ln w h a14 oo O oo h Ln LY h n O O chi o Lhn o w '0 x m Q ow r4 v Ln n m m m y N Lnm Lo w O O LD .-L LD c I Ln co D1 O r/ Ln Ln LD of 0 O V = Q M 0 v Vh cna n m m CL c m h h m O .i N to 0)O N 00 m Ol o .0 m .+ O -i Lo o m rL m 0 c M x 'o 0 IL z W m 0 v a m O r, ono o 0 w 3 Lni m A LD L`nn rn m UD x O 0 z c oo$ Ln d' N ^, Ln N D1 dM N O Oh 0 ri' LOD O .-4 v LD to h M x w in > m O Ln � u Qj C MN D1 h N h W In q0 Q m Ll D1 N Z M ei 00 ci C O O N [P W h n D1 m 0 O O rn m Y 12 J 3 N 23 m Lz N o Lnm z m n n Ln J c OcoW c N O V �F LO n J m O c -i m H Do rj r4 O N n ry Ln r4 3 v n n u N h 2 m g > aJ c 'V • N h J C N n h N .-i � n co W Z W O W 14 V7 H m v$ co Lb ci h 0 .1 m 000 LLIZ N J O Ln Ln C LU W W Ln m Vf W c m 0 O Z Y w o 9 m N kD Oi >m LWD Z n D1 Z mLo fAM LDm wm m m LD mrl N MO V Ln rn m Mn .-i ct Lo Ln N w N incc O I- U, m 3 co h oo h Ln h n � m° O chi o Lhn o '0 x Q v Ln n m LD O O LD .-L LD h c O r/ Ln Ln LD O e M 0 CL cn n. h N h o .0 m .+ m a -i Lo o m rL m 0 x 0 z O `i o w 3 Lni m A LD L`nn rn m UD O m 3 c oo$ M v v m O Oh 0 ri' LOD co en m C O O Ln � J m F- 0 O rn m 3 (31 23 m w Lz N ¢ F Ln c OcoW c N O V �F LO n J O c -i m Do rj r4 Ln r4 O N h 2 g a Ln J W Z W W V7 c v$ co Lb 0 .1 m 000 L° C LU t5 E o m m H 0 0 cc 1- J 2 Ln Ln Q LL O 2 K O Z m N Z Is <n J W E o. E c o en uLA H 0 a co 00 '" H ❑ � 0 mm ❑vry'i 0No �o 00 LL m ❑ m m H N m F2 1D H U 00 oo Ln m N O n O in n i �"'m�L3 tot m 3 n O Ln a LU 0 �-+ m io n z O L 11 d' N m n o c1 0 O ON eq Z cr N Ln m a t0 O O w O m 4 co 10 O N l�D c w n m H tt 1-1 00 CIO 00 ai a cr v = O Q w 00 to w ❑ n in -i-1 c O m on a00 H rnn inl O m H m ko m c ri 'o 0 2 a Oto �x� c v Ln O OQ m N In 2 C O H H d 00 cn O c m 'o m O H Y O w `n m ax= W '00 N a Ln0 m m v 3 •' n H m m LL a Ln In m Hin to m m m 2 v O O H Ln C O � t_ N c O ln� rn rn> Ln In't n O H U., 0 N m Ln ❑ Cl) m n Lo m m m J 3 3 U O M M v Cw v _c O O 3 to H H H w o n o m m m O 00 m LLI m H m T O N m In w n m C O N C 0N N 0 m In 00 N Lrj cH O m n ❑ Ln X cn r -i M H J 00 J m N m m H Z 0 mm rn ' H a J F N 3 `o in m Ln W W O w w N co 5 N 0 N m n C LU m mV ono T a1 O c W O Q ri cc 1- J 2 Ln Ln Q LL O 2 K O Z m N Z Is <n J W E o. E c o en uLA H 0 a cc H LnJ Ln 2 LL O 2 cc O Z m Ul U, z 5 J W E c a o J R co 00 cHa H ❑vry'i m In 00 LL m ❑ m H N m u1 1D H U O O in n m 3 n ALU Ln a LU 0 �-+ m io n z L 11 N m n o 0 co m eq Z N Ln m a t0 O O 4 co C4 O N l�D w n m H tt 1-1 00 CIO 00 cr O w N to w m in -i-1 on a00 H rnn inl m H m ko m c c o 0 2 NN O Ln ❑ OQ m N In C O H H d 00 cn c m 'o m O ax= W '00 N a Ln0 m m v H •' n H m m LL a Ln In m Hin to m m m 2 O � t_ c O ln� rn rn> Ln In't n a U., 0 N m Ln 10 rn m m m m C3 3 3 v Cw v _c O O !y ¢ co O w o n o m m m O 00 000 -TImn H m O N m In w n m C O N N Lrj ❑ Ln X cn ❑ M H J J m m H 0 rn F 3 `o in m Ln O w w 5 N 0 N m n C LU O� T a1 O O Q ri O Z 0 ri ,4 to LuZ Q N lmcLLI fMY� ff) W z J } w H H Ln 1� cn 0 in m LU V1 W r, an m c m H In W V1 W 0 cy) ry to v J ctD1y N d N m Ul 00 W � m c W W cc H LnJ Ln 2 LL O 2 cc O Z m Ul U, z 5 J W E c a o J R co of noo H ❑ H o m m ❑ H N m u1 1D m U r O 3 n ALU Ln a m 0 �-+ m io n z L 0 pp N g eq Z O rl N a t0 O V co C4 O N l�D w O w m N to w O in -i-1 c c 0/ o :Cot = NN O Ln C H In n O c m 'o a N m m v H •' o v n H m m LL a Ln In m Hin to m m m 0 2 O K O N n In O Ln In't n H O N co H m d' In ko n m C3 3 v _c O O !y ¢ N M o a w o n o m m m 0 H U) c O N Lrj ❑ Ln X cn J m H 0 rn 3 `o in m Ln w N C O� O Q ri Z 0 ,4 to LuZ J w W in m V1 W c m H In 0 cy) ry to v W W LLJ LY G J Q x a 0 x K O Z t5 uj K G J Q x K Q 0 x W O Z m V1 LUZ 5 LLJ ❑> VI to N �0 t °.� a L m u � N r m u O 3 Ln Q co r m w ,Q. n m O IL/1 m N e^ -I N O V C O N fwYl V1 n o0 m O m Ln Lnn V w m N O V1 n O 11 V1 n 001 L N 0 O Q Q co V1 O C O N in n rn cn l0 01 O N Z a.0 O N m n co c c °1 a v = O O co ^n n co ❑ K N m Ln co c O p c m W m CrL-01 N t0 ?> N H 01 v W rt 01 W to co H c 0 m �n c N!V x op > 0 c v o � x co n m 3 ai ❑ Ln n 0ry1, N n N cc v c v�m H loo c O Y m m n F°C O N e ri ❑ 0 Q1 'o J In +_ onmiomm v1 co 01 v co r -o O H O N c x° W x 3 o g mmwtomLnQ O O m cO c N m w Ln O mo H N o m v1 ❑ n Z r -i co n H O O N Vd1 Ln LU V) c r a, C 00 01 N O tD W Q 04 N 01 V1 W V1 VI W O O H N n 00 o0 0 d O a+ C: W fV ❑ >n m "1 C13 u tD ?� 7 V1 m W aa, o -1 v C V1 00 O N p N a LD Ln z } N N H m w Q - m VI m W tn Ln Z c H (r1 '7 00 m Y a 0 H N s H W l I CO t5 uj K G J Q x K Q 0 x W O Z m V1 LUZ 5 LLJ VI to N �0 °.� a L m u r O 3 Ln Q co m w ,Q. n m IL/1 m N e^ -I N O V C O N fwYl V1 n o0 O V N O V1 n O 11 V1 n 001 0 W m ?3 H O1 V1 tn m U_ cn l0 01 O N Z a.0 O N m n co c c °1 a v = Q ❑ 01 N n L 1K— O N lO {� m c O p c m 'o CrL-01 N t0 olomv l0 n c 0 x 0 O co n m 3 v c v�m H loo OO v O N ❑ 0 Q1 J In r O N N W w C O m cO c N m O r -i n H O N Vd1 Ln LU V) r W W m co VI W a n 0 d Q 7 M Ln a+ C: W W j 7 11 U c ;e r p 2m r -I n N O O N In F- I m Q m H O N inin m rnp w m m mH 4raao v off cn N N a0 U r O d eiN m .-1 oo V1 N N N V 111 f` W C 0 W m mm f4 m A m m m rq m w m m N m 10 � O N Nm to n 00 m c c v o v 2 a Ln w M m o m v m ry w .H c O 1 m v 10 n m O 'o CL 1DH r\ 'i -4 m +_' 0 10 w W a s 14tm O m a m w m c 0 2 0 z O m LD m ,~i r`t. H (14w O O � v m LD 00 3 N C 00O V m 1D 00 N l0 r., n N W V O In V u'1 f\ in C O N M m p N Ln J u F- O 0o r 3 0 Lo an 1D LU v c Q r 00 0 V C O '7 O N U100 Ln cNc}} N N O O 1 V Vf 01 W z g } LO m o W n rl Fes.. Q rl N V r- m JZ W W to m m w Lnz LO v O 0 OIL '� ¢ 2- W R cr F tnJ Q S z O cc O z DO N Lu z 5 w 7 2 U t in j CC a N J u f; O t:_ 3 In w m � fn m n 000 m mm N m 00 J C O V' O co ell m n LD cc Q N 1ND oo m m 0 W m 3 On o 10 .n m (mn O .-1 N m Dol m n In 1D O m m c c N 0 v S a 00 o n n m w .10-1 w m w c p ry m an w o0 oo in m 4 O c m 'o a + o a m m �X "0 C m ri V d' 1D 0 x 0 0 Q h N 00 Nin m m r4 V 00 d' In m; 1D m! j r1 N m 3 T O1 c O N koLnM Q N cn m cmc d 1D 07 V1 Ln W c O N p J u H O` m 3 0 n m w c O M C � 00 ri O 1-1 in n C w z S :1. 00 ¢ v' Ln � F Z O .-1 v co W W m an {n W c 00 in a m d t O n t 00 W tTj Lu F- J J Q a 0 x F- m O Z M Ln w Z g 7-3w E a c o o 0 a o In n J N N N O0 Q .-1 N n (nco 00 LL J u F O c' LO LL m N m w C 0100 O m t N f�0 N n ei V 00 F-- N M In n O1 1n C O 1 a fVn N co � 00 N Ln C M W V1 M N 4 n N n a O O N N M M M V 1D 00 m K O W m 3 Mto m m ct co m ti ct n 1a o p N N m m m� un to m c c a O v x a mvLr, N N m 00mnmmmm O Np� M O N H 00 c O -i i M M en v 1n w m m c m 0 6. N n n M 00 Ln O N O a v 1n m Ln n O m no O 2 O K Q N n 00 .- oon400n In In LL) O N 0 n oo m In 3 v c n Ln O Ln w a c O tV O 1.4 p M n J m O 1c 3 co In LU v c rq m O m .4 c H v n O ri 0p V1 O1 V O N rl fV �7 n m z g J oo N 1c R m Ono W W m m N W o O .-q ,Nm N to Ln 00 nCL `^ c LU MARSHALL STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD 0 0: a w O m u CL 2 L'i r O H W 3 twW r Ln 2 ccc o Ln w � O n J n tn 14 3 N w ILA ch O m W m w 3 ? * 0 to Do m CO N Lo 1, W c O v a m c cr u a = N ; '-I N W, r N 00 N LNn '. Ont O O a In m m M — is fV n LO .-1 a0 m — vd rl n n Ln N m ! Ll m lD n m LO 0 z a to m o p v1n z N Li a Ln c M m O � m 4 m c m c CL L' O N Ln N O <L % IL C N LD n V O '~ N V LD n Ol D1 W 2 O O p N co n O I -4 O 1w V W; n n v n m 3 3 v ✓m C O (frn1 N n m r 0 p m 00 2 o` 3 N 0 o 14 mr,coo J m H O = 3 co to w v c 00 n m N CO N LD v1 CO C CO O .-1 co Lnm LU ,Y G J d S } J S d �yj 1� n 2 m Q N l�D m 3 3 3' c a m o CLw p Ln LD n 0 a 3 Ln p m a W W m 0 3 ? * 0 to m m p N LO n C O a v o a s OJ Ln V7 Q1 o rn m c O a fV n LO .-1 a0 m — vd rl n n Ln N m ! Ll m lD n r t2 m O z�mz a to m o p v1n m z N W LD 'I a c p n O 19 m c 'o a t O H n o LLnn 0000 a N V C '~ N V LD n Ol D1 W O 2 O w O V�LLnn _.D�p[, W O O W V W; n n D, 3 3 v ✓m C O '-1 .i D1 Ln O p m� n .ti in m m r Ln oro 2 o` 3 N a o n o 14 mr,coo J m F O o 00 a 5 L!1 w oa c1 Ln n w v c n m N CO N LD v1 CO C O M n D1 O rl lD; N m LU ,Y J J S �yj a Q N l�D Lb m 3' 3 0 a C w e-1 m N n�p O V M 00 Ln 00d m q I n T 0a00 O w m^ 'j m 1:1 m ` m to 1000 " n ry m 14 r -I N N M* In 00 m C O ar a v o a x �-i R O p C .moi O N tN0 Ln 14 N N 00 a — a rn " N ry n 0010 M to lD 00 m r ' N O ao 00 ana Omp o co 00 Z N to lD 00 00 m m Nr wn -i r4 00 d C n N e�� of InO ', to t0 00 f' O O a� fn O 1 ++O to to N O w N st oo M W c Ln Wleo am0 oN1 O 2 O � O �} mm � C3 V N to 1011 -1 N 00 It a a Ln In tc m m ly . m 3 v Ln Lo to 001 m C O N P, N p N 0) ImJ t..1 0 m 3- W •00 m LU , Qj Q N m N c m m O n'1 in m O c -i rn n o0 m ID m � O w 0c H N J J a } cr o1 In m m 00 < W co m C O lc0� n a O to n c t' w E m C p O m Ln O >a W O m r u W LLui W H NO W LU r- x w CQ G CE o m u O O0 J DD 7 u t tD mN n 0coo Onl to V It Ln e m ra N �y a tD n O1 cn1 co w m 3Ln N 00 m m N trail w O C O 01 D w x° o m vO tmnmawQ c ry m to oo Z O ool" Lnm m co a m p ry m a n oDo m Z Y n r s`at C O 61 � m� 2 J- ' m m a m C z 11 N � Q 2 w � -I0 LO C w T Ono 0r 01 V t!7 00N Ma W O p .4 N LO Xl m C a a H m .., p H N n w 0o O m m v n co m M 0 d O1 u1 O N O1 O O _Mt C O N W n 00 OM1 W O a O C O ti N N a0 0� O�0 m W O N a tO n00 00 C1 m 3 v p Dpi t00D m m tO m m to r-Iz N n tD tO _C00 O O '^i M Z n n H M c p t 1n o oo o 1 O N m o v 1-1 n 0 to J Z a coo m O00 r ` LD W n m W Z C p O N IDD _, W p R Orl c m a m O C O M N .KI O X o n Ol 01 F m 00 � m LU G try c r-^ - 00 Q LU m 0 3 O. +t O N n N a oo 1 et N .1 .-1 n ry �-1 m W O\ �+ w m to a m N .- a w n rl n * co 'n w c p H N l�. m y to to n n n n m o0 0o m a1 O 2 O wID Q m M O 0w0 DW1 Y lnO O a Nat 1� lD V tD Q w O `"1 N N m M to V7 tD tO n w cO o0 01 m -+ 3 v C f!1 N Q1 n n tO c0 co N n a 1n In N N N O Oo li n M N m m d 1n tO 1n O tD m to n n oc rn m Oo tO 0o to m r-1 u O N N M Ol M N M Ti LDm • IH Ln r LD co co rq m O n N (11 k lO N n rya N 3 m W N v M OD Dpi N C pC p 4 ri cc�oo} 1n • K • d O V In tnD V (n00 p ri ti to to n d n W W m J i�ft N2 } g K:-1 Q � mto m moomm m 3 � n a m O ll01 N ry � OM1 V r. W >a W O m r u W LLui W H NO W LU r- x w CQ G CE o m u O O0 J DD 7 u t tD N a0 LO It Ln e m O k w m 3Ln N 00 m m N trail w C O 01 D r- -0 x° o tmnmawQ c ry m to oo Z O a N n r s`at m� 2 J- ' m m a z 11 N � Z H w � -I0 LO C w T Ono 0r O p .4 r-1 N M LO Xl m C 0 d O1 u1 O N O1 O lO _Mt C O N W n 00 OM1 W O 2 O C O ti N N a0 0� O�0 M W O N a tO n00 00 C1 m 3 v to r-Iz N n tD tO _C00 O O '^i M Z n n n M c p t 1n o oo o 1 O N m o v 1-1 n J u m O00 r ` LD n m W v C p O N IDD c m a m O r; F m 00 m LU G try o cc r-^ - 00 Q LU m 3 c o W CL to m N w E M C m 0 od U ,m1 B 00 D C a M O co it u w 2 W H LL O w Jcc: J Q 2 a 7 2 u t g N Ln 9 cr p� m m Ln7 too r, M H m ' O O W m ) 00 1n m m m N N o m m N Y 0 ra m p �-+ N N M� m v 1n n C O 01 v m coo O m p N N 117 a 0 C O N -O C a 2 O O C N o H N m• m W f o C O O fn QN O 000 Qm7 O a a v n . n to 1n ry m M t m m a m rn A m 0 t Z !o} n N O N mco t!J Q7 to Z ./1 Z N co Z 4 -- M c o m Ln 00 m p O c c ni vV) a cryo ah c tri O p m m 1n m 'o J9 m c IL �'' O m 0 1n O N '•I n a W C .-i m m to to m 07 o mw m O n n O C O N Q_ n ao 2 W O O O C O o � oo m 14 w m a tm to w Ln N V m N to 3 In + a cn to to n oo x a p m c a7 w oa oD n st w 3 O C p N m m W e1^o Q O N v S O 00 m a rn NN m co m N � m n to n n M C O J Y (V F. Ln z . O p n to 3 W 0 m w N F � v C O m tar oC rl N U n c O '4 o N lA H t0 N C W O 3 N n n n N J z c x m V) H a e1 m ri a � u� ry to Om7 N 'i co N eo m m m m Z tmn 3 v r C J Q x 0 og m Z c LU o n LLI D C a M O co it u w 2 W H LL O w Jcc: J Q 2 a 7 2 u t N Ln { W 14 � H m ' O O C' m rn ° m v m coo O m p N N 117 00 M C O N -O O O a x 0i fn QN Ln 000 Qm7 O v to 1n ry m m m a m rn A t O to Z N co Z 4 -- M m c c ni vV) a cryo O p m m 1n m J9 m c a a +7=[ o mw m O n n C O N Q_ n ao W O S O � N Ln N V m N In + a cn to to n oo x p m 3 v S O 00 a rn NN m co m N p cf to n n M C O (V Ln z . o > n to � rl N U 1N i7 1-4 U W N C O 3 N n n n N c n m O ri N 'i co N eo r m m Z tmn v r LU cc: J Q x m n o n LLI co m cN N °tib. 0V O n a. tN0 CL p 1n w m w O n It m m N W rl 1, a o^0 00 00 ^ n iO SO m m V .-I f- N 0) n n D:' W JQN co W o: to O W O m Ln co J m mpra W -4 Ln m m 'O w pp c � m o a c 0 rhi m v p n.arntD LO .-i tD n a a O 0 c ri to Ln m wm O W C Q = N C v n 00 O co N N N OG — m h to- rn 2 m N ; O Z m ri m z = m m O a to w N d G O L N v .7 m O 0 N c 0 00 lnD t0D 0 (n n n N n lD 41 OmCA W -ia ri R LD W 11 (n 3 C O 2 O W 00 O� N LnO t0 N 0) wW a0 G0�� lO O 00 N to t�D n MC c O C O 028in O m O C O '4 tD h o0 m p 6a+ O N W a Ln a Oo o m Ln o cn 2 coJ O O V m rn inin O `� m W W v Q ~ m Q# C O W to O Nr O r -I O LA m O 0 r9 m n 1�. V C O rpt+ •t s r ( t. '.1 N N O C3) m n LD to K SL J Q W Rl . m 3 � O� u C 00 Ln O CL c O # a Z Z c W m m O nIt .1 r .-r m o 00 O It m m N W rl 1, a o^0 00 00 ^ n iO SO m m V .-I f- N 0) n n D:' W JQN co W z 00 O m Ln co J W m m 'O c � tD o a m Co rhi m c p OJ a a O 0 iNt D -i N p m c wm W C Q = N C 1, n 00 O OG 2 d O m ri K = m m O a to m O 0 N m 0 00 lnD t0D z O lD 41 InZ 3 W 00 N 01 O O O1 a0 G0�� lO O 00 N O t�D n MC c O 0 CL p 6a+ W a Oo C O o cn 2 O inin O `� Y W Q Ln m Q# 3 O 0 r9 m n C O N N O C3) m n LD C O N J m O� F- ri c O # a m m m m m v C O N # LD LM Gm O N 'n { m 00 Q 2 Y ri ri to LU to d JG J fV lL 00 V Q Q c W m m m 2 toW N 3 O w m i. c m o co 3 oO `' c CL m m NiZD m LD a° O c Y W " W z O w m p 3 m m C p w .p m c a x° v 0 O v m L m m O 2 m Z N m c nIt .1 r .-r m o 00 O It m m N W rl 1, a o^0 00 00 ^ n iO SO m m V .-I f- N 0) n n D:' W JQN co W 00 m Ln co J p m c a a a O 0 iNt D -i N N wm W C N N C 1, n 00 O 2 O K O 0 N m LOO 00 10 m 3 a G N O O O1 a0 O lO O 00 N m t�l1 t�D n MC O N Oo o cn inin Q# N O m n N C O N O� ri m m ari W LM J { Q 2 Y to d fV lL 00 V Q c W m m m 3 c m o oO CL m m 31 Y W " 5 2 U t O K 0 w m C O of a fo C a 2 O O V — to H A Z m Z w N ON N N N t' Lo t0 1l1 l0 m om0 0 N 0 vhf Lo m N m w m w N V�1 lh0 coo c O m Lo n O J W m m a Y C_ m 3 > � � 01 O IC m N N OO c O O/ a IL 0 tom r2 V co m v ri W C '� m coif to m o) O z Q c Ln lh0 N m n H 2 O N +m m coN v1 In h O — m ehI 0 w O m a v N m in w h m m pN�rl W 3 Z t1 m g v cp N o ro o m m Lu m m O O m m x n h a� n m m n m c O;.. O C ? N O a o co m a oo m Lo Ln m a. H N t0 h F ul iLnn a X m 2 i 5 O g m u O w in p O m Z O m m O 3 m Ln m a, a m m Lu _c O Ln v p p 14 _C cnrnOoo CV c O V m O 14 p J -It N 1A N V N co N 001 v {. o W K Ln no N W J C O x r Ln f— N n m Q W �N. w LL � m h N m in m co m 3 W J a x } Ln m IL C 0 N V i m 5 2 U t 0 co N V�1 lh0 coo K W m a 3 > � � 01 IC m N N OO c O O/ a m o Q 2 z Q c Ln lh0 N m n H N +m m coN — m ehI t m m pN�rl W Z t1 m g 2 N Lu m m c o O;.. m C ? O a o co m a oo m Lo Ln m a. H N t0 h F ul 2 i O g O O w in p O m Z m O a, a m m _c O Ln p p 14 c O CV m p J h v o Ln no W C O Lnv r 4 m Lo Ln m h N m in m W J a x } Ln m C 0 N V i m CLc on LU c a o m L°~ o Ln � Ln " NO Ln O N Val rl 00 minnrn 5 R O �. O w CC 3 H m 'NM co ca m p .I m n oo rn l cn QN 1 O N L)Co m p m rn 00 'Z Q S c o v � n LD m c ❑ c 0) O cm r4 p ti tD 'W -I m Q 2 i v n o e► ❑ Ln f-- n N c ry m lD n m r Vl O V Z Ln to ir m — N n rl F00 01 Z N f. C > e~t N m a N m O p z N ni c ON "� m Ln n C) 00 Q. O coZ 7� C p N m #, N LD D1 Z VI x w to O C N 00 O 'ry H W too p (NV V' Vl to ni 3 _c IL° 00 N P, m 0 0 0 a a+ O c O W "C n O ❑ LO cn ry 2 J m O V F- oo- O 00 Ql Ncn LO W N N n0 w C O' a0 tD C 4 CL) 0'2coON O oN c O N ;N K pTl N Ski ❑ Q J �:s m Q O •1 m ko N 00 H � m O �y 3 a N C N ^ co lND N c W C w Om C N Q O n F- LO c�-1 1N0 LO n LU F- N J J Q } N F N oo n O m 3 3 c W m P tD 0 3 o -MCL F C w N co Ln N Val rl 00 5 O �. w W m CC 3 H m 'NM ca m p .I m n oo rn c O v v Wo c Q S n LD ❑ c 0) O cm r4 p ti tD 'W -I m O i v n o e► � c N a cd r Vl Z m L m Z N f. C > e~t N m a lO m O p ni c Q. O 7� C p N m #, N LD D1 O x O p 'ry H W too p (NV V' Vl to W 3 _c 00 1-1 at Q1 LO H a Ln 00 N P, m 0 0 0 a c O fV ❑ LO cn ry J m V F- oo- Ncn LO m lD w C O' a0 tD C 4 O oN N ;N K pTl Ski Q �:s Q O •1 m ko N 00 � m 3 a C N ^ lND N c w E CL c m O O O m 0 Ln E a c o O T U Ln O a J Ln 00 O co LnQ N Ln tD N c0 fn m K n O W m ' Q Ln N m n n � Ln O a to m m p H m to m m m m C O v m c Io N 14 W Q p n et m oo C N ono O O .. N co a0 oo m m C! kk x m l0 {O' N Ln m 11I Lo LD ' (o L m O Ln m Z to m ti: Z O 0 'n-1 ED o m N r o m O p p m � m H CI N c c O p N 1m• m o0 0 s n ao m ry co +' O Ln et N U m [.k. W c ti m a V to Ln m JC O r-1 Ln l0 n co 4! S O K O V n N d' Ln a0� l j N V Om1 3 Ln n o o v cc O n N n co m c O 04 to LLL m m Ln O p rl Ln o0 C O N O �} (n W w Ln J p .q Ln to n m ^ m F- O\ to 3 � r, 13 w v c O " n c a0 O '-i R o m m N w W N m Lu v m m c O 00 � m J x c m M' m LU91 Do 3 3 00 00 o i+ c n N' Ln a O N m Ln V m C W E a c o O T U Ln O a J Ln 00 O p N N m a K n O W m 3 oo 'o O Ono m 14 n N m m p m m Ln to m C: O w .O v o Q xI Io N 14 W a c . p et m O Ln m m O v m m l0 Ln m L N Z O 0 'n-1 ED w H CI N c O p N 1m• m o0 c 0 [.k. a o Non Ln m JC '� r-1 Ln l0 n co 4! O 2 O K O Ln n o o w cc O n N n co m m 3 v C �} (n W w Ln O p .q Ln to n m ^ c O N � O m r, J U r O 3 R o m m w v c O 00 � m c m v n O '-i 00 00 o Ln LLIO cc a = } dr m n N n N 00 v a w O 3 3 C N W O O RI m Lmn C W OLNEY STREET EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE LU Z ujQ O O z 0 M: 0 E N0 Q Lu L w w Ln w Z O O O o0 O 00 O O raj ry m n > '+m m m m H U 1- O 3 o A m W 00 p rt m L n m L In o0 l0 m m N W p �4 m W O N Ln n c O O v c a Ln m .4 Ln m n N m m m 1n .1 m m K m O m 0 W O CD w N 3 ry 13 C n0 00 m fn m p mp l0 v+ Ln n tD m cn 00r, coCC C O N m In n Q O A = � U Q a Ln m m r4 Ln %D to o m ao m a c O O .-4 m in Ln O T CIO Ln enn c r1 N Ln rn m O O N n LO .1 co m e Ki ' — p N m In a n m N C) o m m 0 +' — m m v m o n O v l0 m N O . m In In m to 0 O N m Z N_ Z N n w �t in m m yr -+ v Z N_ N p co p N m n v N Ln m w V1 n w v Ln tO C m-1 M O cn p m N 0000 O J m C.1 O Oco 0 _ 3 wx r -I00 m m w W v v n N c O on co W c a m m n m O O ri c-1 N m oo N to N LU n } N ono d z `} z - c� n m O w W co m W m u CN "A o O fV. a a ►* c w w LU Z ujQ O O z 0 M: 0 E N0 Q Lu L w w Ln w Z O O O cn cn 00 ry m n m H �rnN m W p rt m n m L m 77 m .-I c O p W O N Ln n in O v N n Noo co Ln m v p m m n m 0 W m 3 ry 13 C �4m O N m fn m p mp l0 v+ Ln n tD m C O '00 = Q v O a Ln m m r4 Ln %D to o m ao m a c O O .-4 m in Ln in co E- m 'o O N n LO .1 co m rt ' — p N m In ED n m N C) 0 rl W mi m m o n O v l0 Z O . m In In m Z N_ w �t to m m yr -+ v p N p co p N m n v N Ln m w V1 n ry p m • 0000 J m O Oco O 3 , r -I00 m w v n N m N V1 co W c p m m n m O c-1 N LU n z m O m W m u CN "A o Z fV. CL a ►* c w s n C a V r 1a 0 do O P d 9 m m q O T O 2 O Z 0 O D Z C m S, co Ln Ln � j w N y m w m m q w m co O r -Z z m H O rt Co T LD A A 01 Ol V Ln F+ A .P W A N A? Q�j 7O A • a a Woo Ln FA a 0 O _o Lr N m co � to OD V In N A A N N N m m A N N A 01 01 00 W Ln a 14 W 1 In 00 W N N N V O m m -` m O n ;i1 V � r m W D G N W V 01 In A A N N M O 0 1 N w N w w w V N LD LLD V m wNN ON N O XF+ V A IN N n O V Ln In oo O rOn F., N z W Lo Lo W O W m Ln m N .. 000 A 0000 01 LOD W p d N Oo (!7 W N0 T d % W W LD 01 0o LD W A N A W In N V LD to V rn O 00 CWC G w O� 7 l0 lD 0o V A WW N NA O 0. 70 W Wm O 00 1-+ W N W 01 O W F- Oo In A A A p a 2 d O O � Z w W 00 01 LV/1 000 ip; N V A ON O1 G1 W W Ln W 'F+: oo A oo A W N O i Lo Oo J m to lD V al A w N N F+ 0 N 00 0 0 V F+ Lo Oo J W OO i- N loll A In In V In J In A j l0 A O Z w m C40 r LD Do 2 w 0) 0 Ln w N H 0 N Ln too A N 000 Fn w N N co A In 000 01 i d W A LD oo W O 0o V S d w Do O lD lD LOD O1 cn y��a, W W N O m co N d VI (.V� p �yp1 1-- O (n (3)A Pl V OAo (n 00 \ d K A 0 O N N V N LLD A K LD N O LD 01 Ln 01 LD N Lo V n LDJ 01 MI Ln A W W N N O w V In /b In 01 N N-4 N -IW WA V m O Oo 01 N In N In H p s n C a V r 1a 0 do O P d 9 m m q O T O 2 O Z 0 O D Z C m 1 2 _r - O Z LA m rn q 77 O S O Z 0 O D Z C m m rt Z i _o N � m m m m -` m O ;i1 V � r m m IL-n, m rn w F., Lo W O LnN N w .{K NI 0 rn 00 CWC G 0. O n O Nw-o V N i Lo Oo J m m 0 A W N O 0 N V Ln co loll Omo V A QA1 001 N N rn Z LD Do Oa 01 0) Ln Ln w N H 0 w m O 01 O A F-` h+ W A LD oo W O 0o V W w Do O d VI 00 0o d K A 0 N N V N LLD A K LD N O LD 01 Ln 01 LD N Lo V O W 7 O Q D LD DDV O1 In A W W N N N N O A O .40 N In Ln O v A 01 f+ N Lo N 00 O A 01 Ln A m A V N 01 A f D y 0 O � 7 N l0 00 J Ol In A W W N N F+ N O o In 00 N In V V N LT Mm 0o V 00 Ol w O N A V w W w N w w 00 O Lo Co V 01 01 A W W W N N N O A p Ln Cb Co W 00 A 01 0 O 0 Oo O1 Oo V Ln O O N V N A In A lD X f+ A O A N d LNn w FV+ N w N �a d m 00 ` T v N ¢O lA D V lin O C O A w V1 W V 01 01 A tA W " < .T N wo O O A D W O p 1 2 _r - O Z LA m rn q 77 O S O Z 0 O D Z C m z > Q O a z O 2 O K LLp w LU LU V) L z Lel j m O m o N o m N 0o sm aw °n° n rn > 14 Ln m F2 O 3 In m ~-I nao On o Z rn m w 01 .i N m a r -11m 01 IN 00 F m Y U N m w a m r1 rn H m o0 o In L O0 r1 n .-i N m M cl ri u7 O w 0 n m co Z 01 O w N N 'i F, m p m m w N N v r1 w Q T o0 ww In 00 LO 9 4mvcoo v O Ln Ln w p -4-I NX m m Ln W r, rn m ?) l!1 01 N 00 C13 N N n 'i w 00 ro � ri N d' In 00 m N n n C C O O In O m O m m a to ii O ^ m M = Q 01 p I� lD 0)00 w am M v 0o oo Q Z c p N m In 00 z w 00 LA 01 iD M n N p O Q .h c 'o �+ 6 a �-' m N V ss}}N 00 Ln '7L IL _ C O H, N N M N v In n `m `m 3 4 O N O I^D rO1i m � H Q -I rl It Z p 'i N m v n 0o m z n o 00 W =30 O N00 Ino^o m n r1 m cwH00m0000rn O p r1 r1 N m to n N o 4 p V r1 ♦ w p LD m d n rn n J L m I = OW Ch H w O O m3N w■ r N m N n M r1 In 00 a w v m W 00 m o `^ ^ O1 O1 w _C pN rl N O r,,1 N my ISD to ct 00 Oc n rl M n w > 0a m t; N LO 0^0 -i 1f1 uj H w W y' m N Gcp H In n 00 O w v ^ m m W W C [t O1 N Ln N a n CL to r El W po n o^ > 14 Ln m H O N N w On -ItO 01 .i O a G' In N n r -11m 01 W = Y U A D L � F N w N N 'i F, m p m m w N N v r1 w Q T o0 O v Ln Ln o p -4-I NX m m Ln W r, rn O w C13 w m m N N m N n n O 'p In O m O m m a to ii O ^ m C y C t0 'O = Q 0) p N p H 01 rmi M N 1I1 m N v w 00 LA 01 iD M n N p c O Q � c n+ 6 a m N m N r n N n w `m O 3 4 O N Z N m w (n m z w wH n o 00 c =30 O m Ino^o N o 4 p m n J Y m I.1 H I I = OW Ch 3 w O m W N F- N C Oof 00 m o `^ c w O rl n M n w > 0a m t; MID -i 1f1 O co w 0) 7 Gcp i ao v ^ C W D z a O a z O x O LL O I.W., W W K z 0 9 0o ` m u t z LUa O n z O x O QO lil W W G LUz 0 N j 7 N u t a° H O H 0) LSD N z m >> m > ❑ J OC)N d vLn1 W z m coU u F.. 0 Do n Q m w 3 CO ° It N m `m It o q 1 4 m w C m m � m vl v In Ln 00 n 00 m a 00 Ln c LU Ln 0 ev N m N n M m Ln m m C 0 t O w m m L 00 N n N ¢ m ri O n 10- 4 `� t '�•/ LD LO LOC co cc C O 'O = O O Ir a m p 00 m m c N C1 .-r O w N n O n m O L••In 71 N Ln m LO Ln W n V 0o 'r ❑ n z m b C p .n- Ln Lni _ m O O C aj O m w O -I O LOD Q m N m m o u' 3 n00 m In W N c O 0 n m m a Ln m m 00 OC N o e -I W c0 m N O N N In 1D W m C C O1 p m Ln 00 m M 0 m O r, an m m Q `m O o O r•i M ei -i Ln O Lo V 3 m z M rl rl M m o m m C 0 ri N V1 Ln 00 (Ti C O ri z VL O W N N Ln d' cc z N c m V o0 OC N w N 'o F�F W ~ N ` OLD O a M Ln to Ln ❑ C4 co LmLI 'Wx _ H M m LLDn b Om1 0 m N m N 00 Ln Ln m n N 00 217 Y W H O a O co N Zen w � rl O LD Ln aq 14 Ln ` Z N m a Ln LO n m v Q z N _C O C N LD In W O J Lu d n m li Ln n m N C m n N v) V m LD 00 O O H m m Ln Ln n m N rq p LD n n y� J z �. d m m O w ❑ z u w W U 0 N n N M W 3 a N u 0- rr, co m Y W w a?i _C N N C n ri n n 00 O N ❑ 00 LA in } LSD emit z O w W {� LU n° LD C W z LUa O n z O x O QO lil W W G LUz 0 N j 7 N u t a° H z LUa O 0 z 0 x cc O LL 0 N L�. W W LUz O O H 0) LSD N z m >> m > + N m n z m u 0 Do n m w 3 CO ° It N m `m It o q 1 4 m w C m m � 000 m s H L`0 N ev a 00 Ln c v Ln 0 ev N m N n M m Ln m C 0 a O w m H Ln Ln m M 3 n 10- 4 `� t LnL LD M m cc C O 'O = O Ir m p 00 m m c O m 3 ero n O n m c n N n 'o a m b C p .n- Ln Lni _ m O env m eo C aj O m .O x O -I O LOD Q O N m m o u' LO (n z N ,a c O 0 n Ln Lo c �+ OC N o e -I W c0 'o O p m Ln 00 m M m O r, an m m `m O r O r•i M ei -i Ln O Lo V 3 m z Ln m 00 t~D m c Q N N Y m C O ri z VL W N N Ln d' cc z N Ln IDD V o0 OC N w N m F�F W ~ N ` OLD O iZ i ❑ m L`nn LmLI 00 amo 000 0 m N 00 Ln Ln m n N 00 217 Y W H O a m m m w m v Q _C O C N LD In W O J O r•1 m Ln a� d s y� z �. d m O w ❑ z w W U W 0- co m Y W z LUa O 0 z 0 x cc O LL 0 N L�. W W LUz O Oo _00 'i N co O >> m en 'Cr W N m u DolD N Do n m w m `m It o q 1 4 C p m � 000 O v 0 m oN O w m 3 n 10- m C m C O 'O = Q m p 00 m a n c O m O c Ni 'o a a _ m O env m eo m O -I O LOD Z z O N m m z N W 00 N 0) a OC N o e -I W c0 O p m J C93 O r 3 m m LU t~D c Q N N Y m C O ri r1 cn z o0 w N m F�F W ~ N ` ~ O iZ i W LmLI amo 000 0 T H N 00 Ln Ln m n N 00 217 Y W LU D z a O n z O 2 O cr O W LU W ccN z O E CL c m o i V LA O � J Ci LU 7 z LUa O 0 z O 2 O O W W z O E d Oj .-t 00 0u LL to j rrn N coo .-1 to LO n Lnn n m m u H H O N m v O 3 p be to n 00 Nv -1 m m 11LM Ln cnLU m w `c m It z m m 0 N ryry 0 m Z o c O + C r a m m CO �,-+aLnco V .m-1 000 r O 00 m 0o n N Q N N ovnto m V1 tD ao N V1 W K n r1 n n W m n rl 00 V 00 00 00 00 W m wO 0 m m W Ln Lo m c J2 o v = ?� n d oo 00 n m n n m r1 M to 00 m 00 d 01 O LD W to n c c v 0 �O m Z v 2 n M N _c C, a Q N m to n a N 'o N tD a'W '�rS _N m C O O a N m N w N A M V1 N Ln -4 N Q N0o n to r+ rn +' z N to w n tol W .O N N �rnrnr.lrnn m z N_ D m m � m m N W — ci . -1 N m m V 00 n m tD � Ln n J N H m X Rl to m oo N o 3 C) N O m 00 M W J O Q N rl N lD M zujInn m M W Z � O a m N n 3 tD m m m m cQ 0 n M to to n 00 00 -4 a?i J m N to c n LM O O 00 m O m N _c Qm N C LU o O r cc 5 N 0 in LU n z J n n O O ami p r1 m w W F W c O N LU C E H Q N m tD n "' H rn r-4 Lo Ln ono z F O OWO F W w N N C W W W V) LD N ri tO l/) w v n m m z tmD 0o 040 O w m m W W c O ((V� m d N 1� m L C W LU 7 z LUa O 0 z O 2 O O W W z O E d Oj m -4 to to o ? .r -i n m .-1 to LO n Lnn n m m u O H 3 N m v O m LU p to n 00 Nv -1 A a 11LM m w `c m It z m m c ryry 0 m Z o c O + C r a m m CO C Q O O 00 m 0o n N o N N ovnto m V1 tD ao N V1 W K W m W m rim m m C vN C Ln Lo v c — o c J2 o v = v = a a 0) O C O N .-1 m 00 d 01 O LD W to n �O m Z D n M N _c C, C Q N m to n a N 'o N tD a'W '�rS _N m C -1 totOn to N N A M V1 N Ln -4 On N0o n to r+ rn +' z N to w n tol W N N �rnrnr.lrnn m z N_ w to m N w m w .N-1 N cQ O m tD � Ln n J N z N m X w to m oo N o 3 C) N O m 00 M W J O Q N V' to > m M D � O a m > n 3 tD m m m m m LU a?i OO to c n LM O O 00 O N _c Qm N C LU o O cc z J n n O O p r1 m w W F W LU E H N m tD n "' ap rn r-4 Lo Ln ono z F O m O w C W W W -4 to to o ? n m .-1 to LO n n m m u O 3 N m v m LU p to n 00 A `c om.�N�Oa c 0 0o m ui o C N to to tD n Dl C Q O 00 m n 00 o N N ovnto m V1 tD ao K W m v c — o v = a Z D n M N tD N C Q N m to n �j=. �O C m O N0o m n m +' n Ln 0o to 00 N N �rnrnr.lrnn :s .N-1 N w 00 m z N w to m oo N o 3 N O m 00 M W O Q N V' to > N M D � > n m OO to n LM CD W _c Qm LnT--F- C 1 to o O n n O p r1 m F W LU E H "' or rn r-4 Lo H z F O m O w W W C LD N ri tO l/) 0 n N m O Ln 040 ? L C W z LLI a O R z O Q D: O Lu Lu W z O 7 *F - a �E O H LO m N V) z Oh N J h z J Q m V) h m Q m O > N V1 lD m Ci w w Q m LO LO Ch h W cn m w p H 0000 C .m -I � N Vhf d m t Q N rnn Ln h co C: O Ncn 1-4 v co Ln co o Ln h 0) y Vt c0 O N H N V1 O C H m Vf h am 0 v W m H JV) N 0) H h N 00 V V1 w V1 h 3 n Lo i v O O to 0 Q n N m h 00 z 0o C c O a = a ai a 00 00 z m h W ❑ h nrq N c O m cn O m H hm H 'o m ° m H mm mNhinLo WN m _ m v N m m o h m m Ln r. r, w Q H N m Vl N W m N O Ln °H° m lD in wz v = H m a m h co a m z N N W ,q lD 00 VI V1 VI c m O C O R N V1 I N 00 h H m O m d Ln h co N c 'o m m m > d H 14 m co H 000 H r- N tt N tT o W N N c0 O` N m V1 N m w VI A � 01 H m h m m H h m m m lD tD ui 00 _c QV Z H c N h m O ,4 00 N z vl N W w> w t- c m IDD W z O N n V1 O w N co W C H O o iLZ n n W in J IE: m W m a �E O H LO m N V) Oh N Q J Q N m v V) h m Q m LO LO Ch W cn m w p N m m 0000 Ohl m t Ncn 1-4 N co ', Q O V H m 0) y Vt c0 m m LO U C v H JV) N 0) H h N 00 V V1 w V1 h O O H N V Vl h 0o W m m H hm H V m m m H mm m WN m m� Q H N m Vl (, W m C C � O v = a ❑ N c m O Om a H`4 m m cf tD 00 h H m O c 'o m d H 14 co — 000 H r- N tt N tT o W N N c0 in m m VI A � O H m h m m H h m m m lD tD ui 00 in N Z H N N m vLM h m z vl w> c m IDD W O 0 N N m V1 h c0 N in J N m m F Q 00 3 0 00 W W v S O• O c O ti O V o 0 -1-1 N h W cc to 0 z C C m0 rl O w W ymj c m pp a 0. Q V H V1 c W LU D z O 0 z O x Q 0 w W z W z O E CL C;Ln o u o o m J ll1 E CL e c o 0 Lh o `.r J 111 2 U t 0`Q F - to " N l0 01 O m D > t N C m l0 - r1 lD 01 n m w n an m F O co N N Im a�Wom N m n m LU 'i m v n co co m h `ma 'iso -gym m N p a 1�i1 . n oho 0 i m N .4 N m N m n VI W n v m N coN cn A 0 co 00 Q N 111 UU N 00 ON1 01 K N n N 111 N n n W a0 a N N m m w W VI r1 N CO Q 0 'i N M M m V l0 CO M at III M N 1n In O 1n 111 O to M N 01 n n d' O l0 m c p 11 m m In Lo ao rn rn c 0/ o v = LD 0 m n Mc} li n N 0 000 0 N M M q' F 111 In 01 ai p .4 M o0n v = p o n m 0 0 ono C O `"1 m V1 W 00 00 m 01 O co pp 10 Ln � D 1M-1 p OM1 H m N m V m /nn d O 1n c N 10 '�-I cn 000 a)O c ni a 2 v1 N 1n N m N 7 Co — fO 111 01 m to m '-I w u1 n O 01 ui m N Lf1 l0 0o h m O m O 1 m m In M 0 l00 d N n N 00 ct z Q r1 m m n 01 n 00 cn m J z Yf i W o0 0 00 W co ry1 rl n n .--1 Lo N l0 N W ri a d' m 0 0 p m M 13 01 W 0o cn m N D J lD m m p �lD m O n m W v N t0 c Q h co m m W O O ,4m c 000 n rnv - m ei m n LU m O e4 . rl v m 0O10m zF- N J O z w W I W H M cow 1n CO °In° n aNLn W Ln C4 w co Z c W O7 C14 E CL e c o 0 Lh o `.r J 111 2 U t 0`Q F - Q J e0i N V n GNI m u O co a�Wom w 00 v w m N m N .4 N m N m n VI W n v m N Q d' N n N 111 N n n a0 a N N m m w W VI r1 N Q 0 'i N M M m V l0 CO M at W O] LD 0 m n Mc} li n N 0 000 0 N M M q' F 111 In 01 .D c c v o p .4 M v = ¢ co pp 10 Ln D 1M-1 p OM1 H m N m V m /nn d O 1n c N 10 '�-I cn 000 a)O c 1~i 0 °' 01 111 01 01 m l0 N 7 Co — fO N ri 01 at .--I N N m t0 m O 1n '-I w u1 n O 01 H m zm O 00 .-1 0 n W 01 N In M 01 n O d N n N 00 ct Z Q . 1 N m m d to n 00 cn m J z i VI W w C ry1 rl V 01 VO N N -* M n m v 01 l0 N W ri a d' m p p .i N m M d' 111 W 0o cn m N lD m p J m Q N t0 3 � co m m W v c 000 n - m ei m n O e4 H m 0O10m LLJs I H O S rrn a °In° n O W w co cID O7 C14 CL O m NV Ln m Z c W OLNEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD 0 Ln O n J PL U7 2 t r E A C rn O LA N J A 0 0 .1D -i 00 o a0 > 14 m n m > m p N m n r H H O 3 Ln 00 a 14 ' m 0 N w 3 m N m w m L N Ln W Lo 'w P, Lo n 1n cZ m O N T r m L c O v O 0 N m c n N cn m cn Ln -4-4 m c O O m w a ccW ?) lD LA r• m � m Lp � N N m M 00 m 00 r• W m m C C n m � O O w Q In L-1 a m m N m r 00 O of In H W C m ri co N L" Ln M r, r• cn m d' LO r• 01 m C o Lnm Q M m a m m N N w LA Jam( X m m c p m M Ln I CL C N O m Z N m r• lD N 00 m Li w Ln p Z r, m N Ln Ln Lo m n W m w N ca L p N L m m O r. Lo Ly to o r` a N Lao z 0 c Ln Ln n n 0 m x z N 0 LL, N i0. N 0mN°1.°N N Lw t a n rn N a LA 01 LD m N 3 .-1 n tD O Ln L a, C �nf m Or" N -It p c O m a Lb lD r• oo 0 '-i 01 0 A x LU Ln w > m OZ Z w 11 o o -O � 3 3 m 0 14 m y Lo m C_ Q m 3 O 0 o_ z C W � a, E A C rn O LA N J A o `ry o Oji LM -1 a0 > m p N m n r H 3 m N m d m m w r-10 p 14 V m P, Lo n 1n m L O 0 N m c O r4 Lan O a N r• 4 N 00 Ln m a 0 w m m a n m O w In L-1 a m m N m r 00 O of In H W to C p N m d' LO r• 01 C O O � x Q N N w LA 0 000 m c p m M Ln I N O m C O N r• lD N 00 Li w Ln p .-L N r, m N Ln Ln Lo m n W m N ca L 0amaoLnoLo .-1 Lo LD to o r` a z 0 m Ln Ln n n m z N LL, N i0. N N C p p p m N a LA 01 LD Lan n N .-1 n tD O Ln L 000 t N N -It O a .� N a a lD r• oo LT 01 0 x 0 11 o o -O � m 0 14 m y Lo m m 3 o_ z � a, N mO m OC ^O Lo M V' rnr Ln tDA 00 N cn = 0 L -i �? N n N Ln LA aL cc w Y p 0 ? Oco W 3 3 O CL Q, A 01 C W 0 cc a O m u Lqa LL O H Ln LU LU o: Lq z 0 7u 2 r aR �- > om¢ a .1 to v o o in 00 D, m z m + m v to m r"0 to F O or 00 n to rn Ln tO r rn m W N� .� to m to r o0 W a M m I m 00 p v t~D n cryo rn c O v .1 rn to N N a n w o om m o xv c r o to 0o w o tD a`5 00 to z O .1 N N M m m d' to LD n W m O w m 3 ofN N of o0 00 n N m D1 w r to m to N to o0 O m -O C Q � .-i N N N .1 m m M d' an ID N oo N o1 C m O 'D = a N 'At tD N r a LO a to tO a O 00 N D1 p .1 .1 LD O ti '1 a N r ry o m m m to 'Cr .4 m a^ w F o oo v of 2 C O a m c o of .1 0l to 'n tD O1 o N oCf at 01 N H N M rl n V7 N wtD w W w C to m Ol a tis m i t co cn Z 14 .-I N m .1 to V m O w W w o w omo w co m m z N w N N W to 'D st n n m ri to O rO r N m o 0o v v to o w to m n r m co m m 0 F N ��aoo oLnPQ a Ln im w co C 2 0 W oLALm W v Ln W n a m 3 a C O c oo a^} m a m to m to Lm to a m N oN o c -i oo a m Lu Ln J O r 1 lD O1 3 3 a t� o M LDC W a� ;:3 00 U L ao 1... '.1 co OY r U J HCL LL O Lm3 LU LU K W J O p 't0 0000 LNO N r o rn N Lon LNO o m Ln O Ln 'I O N m r m a M ervi Ln LD LD 'I N m m r 0) W C3 H H O O 3 Ln �Loi.cOi w o ei ovr�0NN� w m m p .'i•4 N m LL iO r 0m0 m w O If m m Ln LO LD n m m t `m LDet m m ei m 00 O N .^ lD N LDM o0 O q m e -I .-i OD N V N N Z O c O O m M m O Ln W a LLD � O Ln LDmo� ° 'Im�0100 v mi gm Ln w m `� N W 'I 14 N n N M d LD r m m 3N Ln m N 00 N r . LD Lb t0 m 1-1 N tt Ln 60 C O v W O Ocu = m Q m m 00 N t! 00 n N 00 171 LMD M p LnD Lmn tf 00 A .°O C O A N M� N m LD r 00 m Y O C D1 O �m 13 = N M Ln V N Ln Q O 'i N a .-i Lv 00 N m d' M n W O) Q V Ln oo m 1-1 -i LO m OD 0 LD M O m m N w N C O N N M m V r Lb m m OrmOOLDmtrr O Z p ei .-1 m N 11 cr-1' M tY 1 r v 00 C m - m Z cn N M mm • N_ D- Y W _ 9 cn C) N M Ln 0a1 LD LL70D 00 m m f0 C O lD O cei-I 1 N 1C9 G W n 631 0 MtD N r1 N LD V1 w m m U LL Z m O� OD O N tf W 00 m c� O Z N `fq h Y m O ,O LA 00 H m O +0 C f;1�1�7 T wOO c Ln r a M u1 tL n r O r Ln r1 1 x O tF m O cV O .-1 ry m Ln r m m u v ° LL O 11 N m O N W C O Om1 N R! r Go N vi $ m00 1 cV V to r m m N 00 v 0 00 ei n m N a Ln Ln LD L-1 LD r r TO 61 .i Oo W ti' m m O c- O = W Lnn m � m O p � J L (A ° ° c 0 -, m Ln Ln n 0o m u c o O m O r4 � 14 � ~ O w [ten 'i oLnD N N O ON1 at V M LA 'i LD n m tt (n u L6 N m W E a K 61 C M N m r LD lb co 1r4l r 'V' Ln Ln N N w w m O u0 O p C O m H 00 m ei N r m m N w tt Ln Ln o LD W m n Ln r m r 00 00 m 00 r+ U C w O tr m o m ,6 Y ,4cu 3 3' a O F M yd�yy"'', LYn iF 01 r, 0000 Om1l La N 10a u Ln O n L E Lu w za}C C'1 -�1' LND Ln lxD ' 00 '30 JO QI:N Ln Ln rl Q 0ar 3 co I a C Ln 'iY m N •0 a O m m Ln N r1 •. LO n m m u Z c W c w '.1 co OY r U J HCL LL O Lm3 LU LU K W J O O 0 3 O 0 'i o rn N Lon LNO o m a O 'I N M ti' LD r 0) W H O 3 Ln m r LLnn w o ei N w m m p .'i•4 N m LL iO r 0m0 H LU `m LDet m m ei m 00 O N M O .nI m uIi m m O v Ln LDmo� ° 'Im�0100 W m 3N Ln m N 00 N r . 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N 0n0 a m b0 O o on c O 2 +o-' c c o o y ri tD tD m OH F t0 M r m m Lao LU o rn E Ln Ln 3 L ? m a ? cu 3 a O o m c to N v m 3 co 3 p t`^o urni C c p Ln m n M C c 0 Y N u O Y 4 N c w p c w > LU M O m u W LU LUO N 3 to z N Z O Q * N � -4 J m Ln 00 aL u 3 Na n Q n m LU m v Ln m x ry nrn O m co m c O a n 00 � m m 0: 0 W m 3 rs m m n m m m c c ?' o c0 = w 0 m QN oa et rn mV W If i rn O u+ ni c 0 00m .1 m 0 _ NN ei m m 00 C n LU m N CA G 0 00 N -1N LO 4 w m Z Lnn '. � VO' m m Z W Lr m n v H n W T m 00 � m m ano J W N m Pi Li C O O N N It O W a N LL. N 0n0 a m b0 O 2 > o m tD tD OH F m LO o 3 m a ? cu o m c a N m p t`^o urni n c p Ln m n rn c 0 Y ri p m m LU E rn zlrnD N JO F- m o r-� n "30 z m w c 3 CO Q1 3 a C CP L!1 L 0 m U �j c LU c w E IL Ln c v 0 u M J Cr O K O m U LUa LL O Ln 3 LU w LnH w z O Om lino C`i Q(D '-I tt rl t0 to > ri N In tO r J. - IatntOrm mO ca O N O tn 4 trD Lr)m 3n M .-r z u7 N r m wp e-1 O p N ca N o Ol u) m to 0) to d' r 1 m ry Im e -I M O N '-I m M -zt O DOH O M Z 2 1.0 a c aNi N m co to to LO to r O L c O a v raj r N N ~ N O r trn N Ln 'too o m m o: m r O w N O V r to m N M to to Nto m O N in W Ln oo Ln m w C C N O Ocz N N N m x O a }> N r N 01 m v m N V W tD b m 00 m> O c N SMO O tmn + a tD r O w C O 0 m C �D x d N m N w a 3 N D1 W N tD N N to lD r O1 U W _ rS Ln in N 01 p LO N M m L N m Z 0 m m C� G N CCZ c M to N m ei N rn M r Z r r to 4 at N N1 tD N 01 O m w a Y C_ Z h N Lco O O a N r m m to m r to M m O `� o in w O r+r r r J 0 c a_ N r N CV m 01 W = m m v 0 c� G 2 Ol 0 O1 r r to tD ct Z Z 'I N LD LOO oO coo m Ln NH r ra, r caZ w o Ln m V t m Mn C to m m a N 00 0 L T N Sl N Y p N e1 Ln Om0 O� d r M1�M1 d n N C O LL 0 N m m 14 a C ztim bM1r� r,00 LD O M r D1 to m a H o m rq � Ln v W w LD m to to to z 2 N m C O r" O m O n to 3: N m co w � 3' c_ r Y t cn o CL v m N LD n l0 m m C W v O 14 N O K O m U LUa LL O Ln 3 LU w LnH w z O 0a o an �Y N 0m J to ae 0 > > m U t 0 r4 '-I tt rl t0 to O `od Q Z J. - IatntOrm ca O O 3n M N n u7 N r m O e-1 O p N m LU N o Ol u) m to 0) to d' r 1 m w m M -zt O DOH N 1.0 a 8N to O to co to to LO to r O Ol L c O v 14 N ~ N O r trn o m m r m r O N O V r to N M to to m O Ln oo o m w Ocz N N N m O }> N r N 01 m v m N V W tD b m 00 m> [0 C w C O �D x a 3 N D1 N O1 U W Ln in N 01 p LO N M m O 0 r N m Z 0 m m trO N CCZ c p N rn M r O a Y C_ m N O a N r m m to m r to M m 0 c a_ N r N N V r 01 W = m c� G Ol 01 N O1 r r to tD ct Z Z 'I N LD LOO oO coo m to r ra, r caZ x W t Mn C to m m a N 00 0 L T N O p N e1 Ln Om0 > d N LL N m m 14 01 C ztim a r,00 LD O to m a H o p rq � t o v W LD m to to to C O r" O m > n to 3: N m N m O N LD n l0 m m O v O 14 N n N m V x M O O tl0 C N W p toil YO c p N r O N c o m r m � C Om 00 H -1v O p to 00000 E F 0 vt L LU ? 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O C Z O O 01 N LO '"4 m LO n ID Ol O 00 O O N1-1 n O V 00 0. con N N In N 0 = y. _ e-1 N N [t a tD o0 01 LL, 00O W N O p 0 0 m 1°D m w O cN L v tV .�n 01 0) 01 tD Ln to Z m H c-4 n N N 01 m m V tD Ln 00 n N 01 fD Ln Nj Go M s+ m Z oma. vm 0 , c r = p J T w. -i w N n m a to 01 m N rl N M iF to n o0 0) N N O O N N .O. m N V i u C .D O O UD C s m Y Ln to LOO a mamtDm 0 vO o c Y p O m a, co 00 GC ro w H O m ' rn E cr W O N k t W~ (� �r. N y m 3 z Z a u .O v LUC N to m 3 N �p 77 O O l0 n Ln .. k O O r4 '. m c O 0 m 7 tiv C C W tO orl fRy m m a tO v m w E w k N LU m 00 k 3 z J z: F iQ' ao ci tD V1 m tD rn M v y O w E.y rn o co cc C p u C W c w O 'o w" "' r, 'o "' m j ry m n vni m H O m�mvmn w ono m ctm rn J 'o X C m O 'o r -i .-i v N V Ln tD - 00 3 O C n 0) N O 00 00 M tD O w N O LM m w N w K O N M Ln tO n oo Ol 01 0 W m 3 m N O A m N m n .4 m m Ln rl to Ln 0 0)m LOO m C c W O 6 = Q v OonnmwH��oon c O N m to to 00 m m O C O to N to N m a s+ inmmtOm O N to tD 00 W _ �0 H cN G I-01 N N . tD. 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T 0 00:I0 SL3, 9E IT 6E S SV:ZT 9T S IT E S Z 54:00 IT 9 OEZT Z I T OE:00 L II STZT S E Z SI:00 ' L LT OO:ZT V V 0 00:00 •l 9 AA 93 as ON PO!I-,4d iNd IV101 am 93 as ON PD!Jad INV 1 1 1 : 100 66E5 6TVO :# ha(ad peawasoy :Alli IS Aau10 0/N any opuoH ON 3wn-iOA sa)jnsaS eujAanms+g edea leuopeN Aq paiedard 6TOZ/11/9 :alea Aepsanl :Aea Vehicles N N � 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 I 10:00 11:00 I 12:00 13:00 14:00 ip 15:00 I m 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Prepared by National Data & Surveying Semites VOLUME Temple City Blvd S/0 Olney St Day: Tuesday Date: 6/11/2019 City: Rosemead Project h: CA19_5399_004 AM Peek Hour DAILY TOTALS 06:15 PM Peak Hour 16:90; ' 1630 � 16130 AM Pk Volume 1201 902 1915 PM Pk Volume 1105 969,2073'. 14,434 0.960 0 0954 aSB 0.956 . 0.960 7.9,Volume 2351` 1998 ] n 3749 4`-SVolume 2046 1804' t, --t" f,' 3652 7-9 Peek Hour 07:49 67:00 07:45 4-SPeakHour AM Period N13 SB EB WB TOTAL15,1,111 .d 1909 4'-6PkVolums 1105 LB WB TOTAL 00:00 52 0.947.- "f . _ 58 Pk Hr Factor 110 0.960 12:00 193 223 00:15 32 37 69 12:15 197 223 00:30 42 32 74 12:30 212 237 00:45 31 157 34 161 65 _ 318 12:45 228 830 236 919 t.- 74 01:00 25 28 53 13:00 251 199 01:15 24 24 48 13:15 212 263 e. 01:30 25 23 48 13:30 199 210 01:45 21 95 17 92 38 187 13:45 235 897 252 924 ;1821 02:00 14 17 31 14:00 205 233 F43 02:15 33 18 51 14:15 200 225 02:30 19 23 42 14:30 228 249 �{ 02:45 25 91 13 71 38 162 14:45 227 860 210 917 1 03:00 24 16 40 15:00 209 212" 03:15 21 16 37 15:15 213 210 03:30 20 31 51 15:30 248 234 03:45 18 83 32 95 SO 171 15:45 237 907 243 899 180 04:00 24 28 5216:00 212 215 42 . i 04:15 25 45 70` 16:15 232 238 !} 04:30 49 68 117 16:30 261 241 5 04:45 68 166 61 202 129 368 16:45 289 994 251 945 1939 05:00 54 114 1681' 17:00 274 224 05:15 93 128 221 17:15 281 252 5 05:30 126 127 253 17:30 251 184 05:45 162 435 142 511 304 946 17:45 248 1054 199 859 1913 06:00 141 144 285 ' 18:00 266 235 06:15 216 146 362, 18:15 300 203 06:30 286 123 409` 1830 250 193 06:45 311 954 154 567 465-1521 18:45 244 1060 206 837 1897 07:00 267 174 441 19:00 211 198 Opp 07:15 295 186 481 19:15 189 177 07:30 290 167 457 19:30 162 180 07:45 314 1166 189 716 503 1882 1 19:45 154 716 177 732 14gg 08:00 275 146 421 20:00 126 148 08:15 313 170 483 20:15 150 169 0830 304 198 502 20:30 120 157 08:45 293 1185 168 682 461 1867 20:45 155 551 150 624 3 -1175 09:00 281 188 469 21:00 144 128 2 09:15 225 199 424 21:15 116 139 09:30 231 212 443 21:30 114 187 09:45 204 941 229 828 433 4769 21AS 117 491 126 580 1071 10:00 193 210 403 22:00 110 140 s 10:15 203 228 431 22:15 80 119 10:30 204 235 439 22:30 107 103 10:45 204 804 209 882 413 1686 22:45 63 360 84 446 14 806 11:00 204 212 416 23:00 82 70 _ 11:15 199 128 327 23:15 63 68 11:30 166 160 326 23:30 67 51 11:45 176 745 209 709 3V JAS4 23:45 57 269 47 236 TOTALS 6827, 5516 ii338 TOTALS 8989 8918 17907 SPuITX 55.396 44.7% 40.9% SPLIT% 50.2% 49.8% 5i.2% DAILY • r F3 15,811 14,434 1 0 0 2 4=5 AM Peek Hour 07A 09:4$ ' 06:15 PM Peak Hour 16:90; ' 1630 � 16130 AM Pk Volume 1201 902 1915 PM Pk Volume 1105 969,2073'. Pk Hr Factor 0.960 0.960 0954 Pk Hr Factor 0.956 . 0.960 7.9,Volume 2351` 1998 ] n 3749 4`-SVolume 2046 1804' t, --t" f,' 3652 7-9 Peek Hour 07:49 67:00 07:45 4-SPeakHour 1630 1630 1630 7-9 Pk Volume 1206 716 1 1909 4'-6PkVolums 1105 968 2079 Pk Hr Factor 0.966 0.947.- "f . _ 0.949 Pk Hr Factor 0.956 0.960 J ".Q -. .0960 oo:Ez oo:zz oo:Tz oo:oz 00:6T OO:8T OO:LT 00:9T • 3 OO:ST • I o000:17TW • w OO:ET a� iyan N OO7T 'WIT z DO:OT I 0060 0080 OO:LO 0090 • 0050 • OO:170 • • .. OO:EO OO:ZO OO:TO 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C N O 00 l0 saP iyan SPEED SURVEY City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: DE ADALENA ST EB Limits: RIO HONDO AVE ELLIS LANE Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 6/1 112 01 9 Factors Direction: East A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK 85th Percentile 35.4 10 mph Pace 27-36 Percent in Pace 76.0% Posted Speed Limit 25 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 41112016 To 4/1/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 2 Collision Rate (ACC/MVM) 3.764 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1969 Length of Segment 1300 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E. Adiacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead -Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc. # City of Rosemead Public-•. Street Name DE ADALENA ST EB - • HONDO AVE to ELLIS LANE . ■■E■M■MM■ ■M■E■ MONSOON ••'ELMMEEELLEEEEEEELOML EEM rr■ ■M■MM■M■■ ■ ■■MM■■■M■ ■■EE■■■■ ■■■n m■■MLMEMMEM■EM ■MLMEMO■■■■O■■M■M OEM .■■■■■■■■NEEM■■■■ R..■■■■..E ■".■.R.■E■..E■.■E■..R.■E.E.■ ■■■■.■N■.■■E.■■ e., o®• II■■■■■■■■■■■■L■ ■■■■■.■.. 'sMEELEEEEMM L■E EEELE■■■■■■. OM■ LLN m'nOEEE■ NG■■■■■■ ■ ■■■■■.■■■.■.■■■■■U ...asas...■■■■. .M.■■ E■■E■■■■■■■E■®IMIM .E■■.■■..M onEnN rrrrrrrrrn■■■ ■■■RE■■ENNE riirr■■■EMM■■R■R■■■RRM■■■■■■ RR■■■■■■■■■© MEEMEMEEEEE EEMENNEN 0 MIM ,,,,.,,,■■■■ .. ■■■■■■■■.. .........: �. .... 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Observer: Number Pace: Apparent: City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: DE ADALENA ST WB Limits: RIO HONDO AVE ELLIS LANE Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 6/1112019 Factors Direction: West A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK 85th Percentile 35.8 10 mph Pace 27-36 Percent in Pace 75.0% Posted Speed Limit 25 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 4/1/2016 To 4/1/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 2 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 3.823 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1969 Length of Segment 1280 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E. Adiacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc. # City of Rosemead Public Works Depa Street Name DE ADALENA ST WB -. HONDO AVE to ELLIS LANE ME■■■■■■■■■■■■ ' ■E■■■■.■.■■■...■■■■■■.■E.n = n LL.oLL .►�o LL LLLNLMMLLL©LCL E 11 MEMO ..... ©i■■■L■■■■■ ...... LL.............■■ ■■■■■■o ►.►?��ON ..■...L.L.L ■■E■ �LLLLL000101 . ONE ■■■■■■ ©E �000 LLo 'LLLLCLLLLL'LLLLi 0:LLLLLLM 026LLLLomMENEom':LLLLLNONLL6- .�L M nL.... .►aOR►ROR01 ME■EL SEEMS ■ . L■L■E■■■■■■ ■■ME Qs :►:_0_0►0___■■■■■■.■ son ■■■■■■L■■■■® ■■. ■ ■■■.. ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■ ■■■■■©E ►►�� ►�►::��►��►:�om■.�■►:�■■►� Elm 0 ONE ■■ m �_4►:_:g■■■■■■■. L■■■■ELM■■■■■■■0 ■L....M. .....L.o© ►_�:��_�►.�_�►_�:� .............................oma ., ,.. @Wa■■■■■■■■ ■. ■■■ MOE ■ ■■■■■■■■■.LL■■■L■■E■■� ■mom ►o:E■■E■ OMENS M. ■ :.■.L■■■■.L.L■■■ L■■■■■■■■■■ ®� _► I.■■■LLC■■■ L■..■■■■■■■■■■■■�� MEN ■M■■■■■■■■■■■■■©EM ►���./�►.:�.,�►.�.►�.►.:.....:.■L. ..............................© Monson MEno �■ ME■E■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ SSSS ■■■.■■■nn ►_.....................................■EORoam .......LM.■■■.■■L'LLL■■■■L■■■■._........nnn mono■■■ ■■■■■■■■ ■ LL"LLLLC'LL"LLLMENNEN= ■■LL■■■ ■L■■LL■■■■LL■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■L■■■■■■■■■■■■n■■ .... .... ■■■■.■.■nnn 0 :C':C::LLLn ■■M ■ L■■ML■■■ ■■■■■E■ME ■■ L■■LnnC mm _ �.■■.M■■■■■.E■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■ML■E■...M■■■■■■■■■M■E■L ■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■LL ■■■■■■■■....■L■■■■■■■■■■■■■L■■■■■■■■■■L.n .L■NEMESES ■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ . ■■■■E.MME■ IME n ONE n � ■. ■■■■EM■■■■■ LLC:L::LLLn LL ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ............. SSSS■n.■■■■MnE■■■■.■■■■n LLLLL'LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL" ■■ESL■■■■■■ ■ ■■■.■■EL L■■ ■ MEMS■■L■L■E■■■■■■LEMM �n ME Mn � ■■■■■■■■■■■M■LL■■■L■L■■■■■■■■■■■■nn LLLLLLLL'LLL"' •••L•LL••:L�L:nCgo� ■■■M .n .. Date , 85th Percentile Speed:50th Percentile .. .,, Percentile Speed: 26.7 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 25 10 MPH Pace: Observer:16th Pace:Number in Apparent: City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: ELLIS LANE NB Limits: MARSHALL ST OLNEY ST Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 61712019 Factors Direction: North A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK 85th Percentile 32.3 10 mph Pace 21 -30 Percent in Pace 72.0% Posted Speed Limit 25 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 4/112016 To 411/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 1 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 4.735 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C, Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1049 Length of Segment 970 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E. Adiacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead -Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc. # City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: ELLIS LANE SB Limits: MARSHALL ST OLNEY ST Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 6/7/2019 Factors Direction: South A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK 85th Percentile 32.3 10 mph Pace 21 -30 Percent in Pace 72.0% Posted Speed Limit 25 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 4/1/2016 To 4/1/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 1 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 4.736 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1049 Length of Segment 970 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometries None Apparent Comments E. Adiacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Lim it Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc. # /I■■■■e■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■eon ►..■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ewe &&■■■■■■■■■■■■Nunn ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ KMEM //■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■©est: City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: MARSHALL ST EB Limits: ELLIS LANE TEMPLE CITY BLVD Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 611112019 Factors Direction: East A. Prevailina Saeed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK 85th Percentile 26.9 10 mph Pace 20-29 Percent in Pace 100.0% Posted Speed Limit 25 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 4/1/2016 To 411/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 1 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 4.193 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 2553 Length of Segment 460 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E. Adiacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc. # IIIII■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■© ���, ■I/■■III/■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■� ■I■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■© III/I■IIII■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom II/III■I■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■� ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■e■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��i City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: MARSHALL ST WB Limits: ELLIS LANE TEMPLE CITY BLVD Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 6/11/2019 Factors Direction: West A. Prevailin4 Saeed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK 85th Percentile 26.9 10 mph Pace 20-29 Percent in Pace 100.0% Posted Speed Limit 25 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 4/1/2016 To 4/1/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 1 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 4.193 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 2553 Length of Segment 450 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dlr Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E. Adjacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc. # ►:+►:+►:+►:+►:+►:+►:+►:+►:+►:+►�+■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom ►.+►.+►.+►.+►.+►.+►.+►.+■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom - ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: OLNEY ST EB Limits: RIO HONDO AVE TEMPLE CITY BLVD Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 6/1012019 Factors Direction: East A. Prevailing Saeed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK ELLIS AND MARYBETH 85th Percentile 30.8 10 mph Pace 24-33 Percent in Pace 78.0% Posted Speed Limit 25 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 6/4/2016 To 6/4/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 4 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 4.91 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1981 Length of Segment 1760 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E. Adiacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc. # MMEMEME momm ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I•� ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I•IMMUNHIMO� HUM HUM ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ CHUM ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■© ii■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■© V������■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mm IIIA J■■■■■■■■■■■■■o■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■© ��, IOI//■■■■■■■■■■■■■o■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ME III■■■■OMMOMM■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■© ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ MEMEMENNOMMEMN ■■■■■■■■■■■■©EM ■I■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I■I■■■■■■■■■■■■ Uum ■■■■■© ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■� MEME ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■MIN ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Sol SI HUM ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�■�I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■motel ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Iloilo■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■m�I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■o■■o■■o■■omI �991FIC-T1111,11�i1� City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: OLNEY ST WB Limits: RIO HONDO AVE TEMPLE CITY BLVD Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 611012019 Factors Direction: West A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK ELLIS AND MARYBETH 85th Percentile 32.4 10 mph Pace 24-33 Percent in Pace 78.0% Posted Speed Limit 25 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 411/2016 To 4/1/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 4 Collision Rate (Acc1MVM) 4.91 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1981 Length of Segment 1760 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E. Adjacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc. # ►:+►:+►:o:+■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mom : ►:+►:+►:+►:+►:+►:+►:+■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■MEN ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■mm ►:+■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■oma City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: RIO HONDO AVE NB Field Observer EFI Limits: MARSHALL ST Checked By: EGF OLNEY ST Date: 6/7/2019 Factors Direction: North A. Prevailing Saeed Data Location of Survey SOUTH OF GLENDON WAY 86th Percentile 33.3 10 mph Pace 25-34 Percent in Pace 92.0% Posted Speed Limit 30 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 4/1/2016 To 4/1/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 2 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 5.79 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1751 Length of Segment 950 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E. Adjacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 30 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc. # ►:+■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■0 ►:+►�+►�+►�+■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■0 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�O ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■e■■s■■■■■■■■�� ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��I City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: RIO HONDO AVE SB Limits: MARSHALL ST OLNEY ST Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 6/712019 Factors Direction: South A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey SOUTH OF GLENDON WAY 85th Percentile 33.4 10 mph Pace 26-34 Percent in Pace 92.0% Posted Speed Limit 30 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 411/2016 To 4/1/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 2 Collision Rate (ACC/MVM) 5.79 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1751 Length of Segment 950 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E. Adiacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 30 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc. # City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: TEMPLE CITY BLVD NB Field Observer EFI Limits: GUESS ST Checked By: EGF MARSHALL ST Date: 6/1012019 Factors Direction: North/South A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey SOUTH OF GUESS ST 85th Percentile 45.8 10 mph Pace 37-46 Percent In Pace 67.3% Posted Speed Limit 40 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 4/1/2016 To 4/1/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 11 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 1.844 Expected Collision Rate 1.85 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 30245 Length of Segment 950 Lane Configuration 2 Lns Ea Dir w/ LT Pockets and DYCL Street Classification Class 2 (Secondary) Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E. Adjacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 40 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc. # ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■© ►//I/I%■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■OMEN ■■mom ►��/ % % I■ I■III►I■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■® III■II■I■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■� ■//IIII■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ONES ■■oEMEM VIII■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■© ■II■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■©umEm II■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■©EMEM City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: TEMPLE CITY BLVD SB Field Observer EFI Limits: GUESS ST Checked By: EGF MARSHALL ST Date: 611012019 Factors Direction: South A. Prevailinq Speed Data Location of Survey SOUTH OF GUESS ST 85th Percentile 43.5 10 mph Pace 32-41 Percent in Pace 66.0% Posted Speed Limit 40 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 4/1/2016 To 4/1/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 11 s Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 1.844 Expected Collision Rate 1.85 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 30245 Length of Segment 950 �. Lane Configuration 2 Lns Ea Dir wl LT Pockets and DYCL Street Classification Class 2 (Secondary) Arterial D. Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E. Adiacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 40 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc. # ■■►I■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■®��'�'• OII■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■� //III/■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■© IO■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■� II■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■© ■III/■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■© IIII■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■� IIIIII■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�� ��•, III►IIII■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��Q ■//IIIIII■OII■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■®�[ /II■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■© III■I■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■� ■II//I■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■� II■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■© ��0■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■©�F ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■0 Perform Peak hour Turning Movement Counts Z M 0 U Z W 2 w O Z Z LD a 6 z z F- F - WW 0 0 Lu a a o 11 m mi YII ■e 11 iwn N 9 m n �ry J Y m r 7 1� Q m v 'C_ J Y N W �+ N O a < 7 � 0 Q U O DG a v e � x 0 O de a 0 � m u m v � J Y 1 t S � � Z v Q J o Of h a ll h h a r r N V/ N No �- W O F- h N N a CO M h r fJ O d' Z � 7 O S m ~ t~A W 7+ M V M N < O < h O r co W m J .5 M m C C7 —a, Q � D D �. W 'LI m F- N yQ W W J J M a W < h M m N<00 Z O 2 C7 O � Z 0 (O N M t0 00 r N< m F - w N V m N V N 01 � J Q O N N N M N Q O O S O K Z K � m N r V N N M V S O: WOm F r z rn m Z J O Iq O IO O 'o0 T co It O < M VR W 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 O M F GM 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 NOUN mi YII ■e 11 iwn m n �ry 1� 11 mi YII ■e 11 Yom' 1� T J Q Z 4 W M J O O i Y Q W r c 0 0 U c v E m 0 2 rn .E- E E N III 3 3 p iii 3 3 iii 3 3 G Z a N Z I I N Z I I N Z J J IN I Z IO N I Z IO IN I Z O Y �yQQWa] I I Q I I N Z I N Z N Z WG p p W W W W W Q ¢ W W 0 a a M O m 0 0 0 M o a a 3 3 3 z z 3 3 a 3 3 W W W J N N Z J O N Z O J Q N Z N O> O N 0 m U 7 Ih _ co f~q oZ N= [~U o Z o S .m- y ui N Y n r Y o c ¢co W cj Z N ZLU N Z ,, W W W W C W W Q W Q U 0 0 0 U o a o U 0 0 0 11■IW YII�� ■■111 Y� ■IYI■ m HIM Hill I�IIY 1111 IA 11� ■ D■■ m ■ J Y 3 I v a Y m N d J = ZLu U1 w 0 a U � m a v J t Y 0 « � m a 0 3 m? u JJ{ Y L� � Z •'o = a J v m f0 o N o T m 3 a lV ui o i c� o� z >> m � ~ r~n w W J m V m o N o T w d c O � z z LU m to 3 w � wJ m FJa m m o u�i o voi v m v a v cn a Z O F m m m m m m m m C7 S Z 0 m 7 N 0 r 0 N 0 T S = F- f' d 0 O � O m m W .J U m = F 7� m N m m CY a m m m m N _ cc N N m N N N N N W 0 2 m F z J m a iqq� o is io m dqqo a m o of w c 4ti vi b u o ih o ui o ~ it: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11■IW YII�� ■■111 Y� ■IYI■ HIM Hill I�IIY 1111 IA 11� ■ D■■ ■ I 1■■■1 IIIYI 11� Y■ ■ HIM Hill ■ ■ I Y III 3 3 0 iii 3 3 i i 3 3 a °z a U) Z I? I N Z I? l y Z I I Z I l y I Z I I I Z O S O S O 2 I N Z I a 0. I co Z I I W Z G p O w w co o w w a a a a O O O z z O O O O O O ui J O fA VJ Z 03 Z O OO O O 7 2 r N M m o F- CO z O p H S O r c H p Z =O S rn y co pp P M r am a r a.G n y 5 Z O LU C p y � Zp a W h U) g Z O Q W W Q W W Q W W U U U O O w O O O O O N Level of service analysis existing conditions AM Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:14:38 •----------------------------------------------------------- City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions AM Peak ----------------------------------------------------------- Scenario Report Scenario: existing conditions AM Command: Volume: Geometry: Impact Fee: Trip Generation: Trip Distribution: Paths: Routes: Configuration: Existing Conditions Existing AM Existing Default Impact Fee with project with project with project Default Route Existing Conditions Traffix 8.0.0715 (c) 2008 Dowling Assoc. Page 1-1 --------------------- existing conditions AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:14:38 Page 2-1 City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions AM Peak -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impact Analysis Report Level Of Service Intersection Base Future Change Del/ V/ Del/ V/ in LOS Veh C LOS Veh C # 1 Rio Hondo at Olney A 9.1 0.092 A 9.1 0.092 + 0.000 D/V # 2 Temple City Blvd at Olney St C 15.3 0.143 C 15.3 0.143 + 0.000 D/V Traffix 8.0.0715 (c) 2008 Dowling Assoc. existing conditions AM Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:14:38 Page 3-1 City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions AM Peak -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Of Service Computation Report 2000 HCM Unsignalized Method (Base Volume Alternative) Intersection #1 Rio Hondo at Olney ******************************************************************************** Average Delay (sec/veh): 6.6 Worst Case Level Of Service: A[ 9.11 Street Name: Rio Hondo/Ramona Blvd Olney St Approach: North Bound South Bound East Bound West Bound Movement: L - T - R L - T - R L - T - R L - T - R ------------I---------------11---------------11---------------II---------------I Control: Uncontrolled Uncontrolled Stop Sign Stop Sign Rights: Include Include Include Include Lanes; 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1! 0 0 ------------I---------------II---------------II---------------11---------------I Volume Module:Existing AM Peak Base Vol: 0 22 11 28 18 0 0 0 0 32 0 97 Growth Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Initial Bse: 0 22 11 28 18 0 0 0 0 32 0 97 User Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PHF Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PHF Volume: 0 22 11 28 18 0 0 0 0 32 0 97 Reduct Vol: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FinalVolume: 0 22 11 28 18 0 0 0 0 32 0 97 ------------ I ---------------II--------------- II---------------II---------------I Critical Gap Module: Critical Gp:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 4.1 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx'xxxx xxxxx 6.4 6.5 6.2 FollowUpTim:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 2.2 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 3.5 4.0 3.3 ------------I---------------II---------------11---------------II---------------I Capacity Module: Cnflict Vol: xxxx xxxx xxxxx 33 xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx 102 102 28 Potent Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx 1592 xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx 902 792 1054 Move Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx 1592 xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx 890 778 1054 Volume/Cap:xxxx xxxx xxxx 0.02 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 0.04 0.00 0.09 ------------I---------------II---------------II---------------11---------------I Level Of Service Module: 2Way95thQ: xxxx xxxx xxxxx 0.1 xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx Control Del:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 7.3 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx LOS by Move: * * * A Movement: LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT Shared Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx •xxxx 1008 xxxxx SharedQueue:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 0.1 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx 0.4 xxxxx Shrd ConDel:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 7.3 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx 9.1 xxxxx Shared LOS: * * * A * * * * * * A ApproachDel: xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx 9.1 ApproachLOS: * * * A ****:M***ir �r*•9r ir*•k***;h***;k:F*1r�r:F***k***:F**�r;Fleir:P***k**�ri;ir*iie �c le�r:P it it :F •k it *k :F :F k *ir •k***:F*ir*�F Note: Queue reported is the number of cars per lane. Traffix 8.0.0715 (c) 2008 Dowling Assoc. existing conditions AM Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:14:38 Page 4-1 City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions AM Peak -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Of Service Computation Report 2000 HCM Unsignalized Method (Base Volume Alternative) ******************************************************************************** Intersection #2 Temple City Blvd at Olney St ******************************************************************************** Average Delay (sec/veh): 0.4 Worst Case Level Of Service: C[ 15.3] ******************************************************************************** Street Name: Temple City Blvd/I-10 WB Ramp Olney St Approach: North Bound South Bound East Bound West Bound Movement: L - T - R L - T - R L - T - R L - T R ------------I---------------II---------------II---------------II---------------I Control: Uncontrolled Uncontrolled Stop Sign Stop Sign Rights: Include Include Include Include Lanes: 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ------------I---------------II---------------II--------------- II -= -------------I Volume Module:Existing AM Peak Base Vol: 0 1178 0 0 764 73 0 0 58 0 0 0 Growth Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Initial Bse: 0 1178 0 0 764 73 0 0 58 0 0 0 User Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PHF Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PHF Volume: 0 1178 0 0 764 73 0 0 58 0 0 0 Reduct Vol: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FinalVolume: 0 1178 0 0 764 73 0 0 58 0 0 0 ------------I---------------11---------------II---------------II---------------I Critical Gap Module: Critical Gp:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx 6.2 xxxxx xxxx xxxxx FollowUpTim:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx 3.3 xxxxx xxxx xxxxx ------------ I---------------II---------------II---------------II---------------I Capacity Module: Cnflict Vol: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 764 xxxx xxxx xxxxx Potent Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 407 xxxx xxxx xxxxx Move Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 407 xxxx xxxx xxxxx Volume/Cap: xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 0.14 xxxx xxxx xxxx ------------ I---------------II---------------II---------------II---------------I Level Of Service Module: 2Way95thQ: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 0.5 xxxx xxxx xxxxx Control Del:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx 15.3 xxxxx xxxx xxxxx LOS by Move: * * * * * * * * C Movement: LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT Shared Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx SharedQueue:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx Shrd ConDel:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx Shared LOS: * * ApproachDel: xxxxxx xxxxxx 15.3 xxxxxx ApproachLOS: * * C *�-k**�r:k is �r*fir k it it it �r 7F*lr it k****k*kk*yr 7r:Fk***ir:l•*dr*k*****ir*ir*lr*ir*k it lr-k is k**:F***k *,F �c***:t �r *k* Note: Queue reported is the number of cars per lane. Traffix 8.0.0715 (c) 2008 Dowling Assoc. existing conditions PM Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:15:34 Page 1-1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions PM Peak -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario Report Scenario: existing conditions PM Command: Volume: Geometry: Impact Fee: Trip Generation: Trip Distribution Paths: Routes: Configuration: Existing Conditions Existing PM Existing Default Impact Fee with project with project with project Default Route Existing Conditions Traffix 8.0.0715 (c) 2008 Dowling Assoc. existing conditions PM Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:15:34 Page 2-1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions PM Peak -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impact Analysis Report Level Of Service Intersection # 1 Rio Hondo at Olney # 2 Temple City Blvd at Olney St Base Future Change Del/ V/ Del/ V/ in LOS Veh C LOS Veh C A 9.3 0.050 A 9.3 0.050 + 0.000 D/V C 17.7 0.075 C 17.7 0.075 + 0.000 D/V Traffix 8.0.0715 (c) 2008 Dowling Assoc existing conditions PM Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:15:34 Page 3-1 City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions PM Peak -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Of Service Computation Report 2000 HCM Unsignalized Method (Base Volume Alternative) Intersection 41 Rio Hondo at Olney ###########**##**###**##*###*#****##****####****##**#*#***###***###*##***#***#*# Average Delay (sec/veh): 5.8 Worst Case Level Of Service: A[ 9.3] Street Name: Rio Hondo/Ramona Blvd Olney St Approach: North Bound South Bound East Bound West Bound Movement: L - T - R L - T - R L - T - R L - T - R ------------I---------------II---------------II---------------II---------------I Control: Uncontrolled Uncontrolled Stop Sign Stop Sign Rights: Include Include Include Include Lanes: 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1! 0 0 ------------I---------------II---------------II---------------II---------------I Volume Module:Existing PM Peak Base Vol: 0 22 24 46 13 0 0 0 0 42 0 38 Growth Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Initial Bse: 0 22 24 46 13 0 0 0 0 42 0 38 User Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PHF Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PHF Volume: 0 22 24 46 13 0 0 0 0 42 0 38 Reduct Vol: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FinalVolume: 0 22 24 46 13 0 0 0 0 42 0 38 ------------ I---------------II---------------II---------------II---------------I Critical Gap Module: Critical Gp:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 4.1 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 6.4 6.5 6.2 FollowUpTim:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 2.2 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 3.5 4.0 3.3 ------------I---------------II---------------II---------------11---------------I Capacity Module: Cnflict Vol: xxxx xxxx xxxxx 46 xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx 139 139 34 Potent Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx 1575 xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx 859 756 1045 Move Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx 1575 xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx 839 733 1045 Volume/Cap: xxxx xxxx xxxx 0.03 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 0.05 0.00 0.04 ------------I---------------II---------------II---------------11---------------I Level Of Service Module: 2Way95thQ: xxxx xxxx xxxxx 0.1 xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx Control Del:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 7.4 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx LOS by Move: * * * A Movement: LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT Shared Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx 92.6 xxxxx SharedQueue:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 0.1 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx 0.3 xxxxx Shrd ConDel:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 7.4 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx 9.3 xxxxx Shared LOS: * * * A * * * * * * A Appr.oachDel: xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx 9.3 ApproachLOS: * * * A **�r****##:F•k#***•k•k##•k•k##:M#######k*####***•k#*fir �r###*##***#*k:k#*###•k �e##*#*###:4 :4#**•k ie Note: Queue reported is the number of cars per lane. ****************##****##****************##***************#####**########**##**#* Traffix 8.0.0715 (c) 2008 Dowling Assoc. existing conditions PM Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:15:34 Page 4-1 City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions PM Peak --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level Of Service Computation Report 2000 HCM Unsignalized Method (Base Volume Alternative) +++++*+++++++++++++++++*+++++*++*+++++**++**+++**+*++++++++*+*+*++++++++++++*+++ Intersection *2 Temple City Blvd at Olney St Average Delay (sec/veh): 0.2 Worst Case Level Of Service: C[ 17.7] Street Name: Temple City Blvd/I-10 WB Ramp Olney St Approach: North Bound South Bound East Bound West Bound Movement: L - T - R L - T - R L - T - R L - T - R ------------I---------------II---------------II---------------II---------------I Control: Uncontrolled Uncontrolled Stop Sign Stop Sign Rights: Include Include Include Include Lanes: 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ------------I---------------II---------------II---------------II---------------I Volume Module:Existing PM Peak Base Vol: 0 1141 0 0 981 70 0 0 23 0 0 0 Growth Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Initial Bse: 0 1141 0 0 981 70 0 0 23 0 0 0 User Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PHF Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PHF Volume: 0 1141 0 0 981 70 0 0 23 0 0 0 Reduct Vol: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FinalVolume: 0 1141 0 0 981 70 0 0 23 0 0 0 ------------ I --------------- II --------------- II --------------- II ---------------I Critical Gap Module: Critical Gp:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx 6.2 xxxxx xxxx xxxxx FollowUpTim:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx 3.3 xxxxx xxxx xxxxx ------------ I---------------II---------------II---------------II---------------I Capacity Module: Cnflict Vol: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 981 xxxx xxxx xxxxx Potent Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 305 xxxx xxxx xxxxx Move Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 305 xxxx xxxx xxxxx Volume/Cap: xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 0.08 xxxx xxxx xxxx ------------I---------------II---------------11----------------II---------------I Level Of Service Module: 2Way95thQ: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 0.2 xxxx xxxx xxxxx Control Del:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx 17.7 xxxxx xxxx xxxxx LOS by Move: * * * * * * * * C Movement: LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT Shared Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx SharedQueue:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx Shrd ConDel:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx Shared LOS: * * ApproachDel: xxxxxx xxxxxx 17.7 xxxxxx ApproachLOS: * * C +***++**+***+***++**++*++++*+*+*++++*+*+++***+++++++++++*++++++*++*++++++*++++** Note: Queue reported is the number of cars per lane. Traffix 8.0.0715 (c) 2008 Dowling Assoc. BACK OF QUEUE WORKSHEETS BACK OF QUEUE Page 1 of 4 LOCATION: Temple City Blvd DATE: 6/19/19 Time: (07:00- 08:00 am) 5 min DIRECTION SB Dir Increments # Veh's # Veh's # Veh's # Veh #times Mimes Stopped making right Queue to Queue to Veh's Veh's waiting to turn at Loftus SB Loftus SB Queue to Queue to get on Olney and U Curb Lane Middle Loftus Marshall Freeway at turn to Lane SB SB Ramp Signal Freeway single lane at ramp 1 00-05 2 05-10 3 5,6,4 10-15 4 11, 6, 19 15-20 5 9 20-25 6 4, 5, 11, 9, 16 25-30 7 30-35 8 35-40 9 40-45 10 45-50 11 50-55 12 7, 12, 8 55-60 BACK OF QUEUE LOCATION: Temple City Blvd I DATE: 6/19/19 Page 2 of 4 Time: (08:00-09:OOam) 5 min DIRECTION SB Dir Increments # Veh's # Veh's # Veh's # Veh #times #times Stopped making right Queue to Queue to Veh's Veh's waiting to turn at Loftus SB Loftus SB Queue to Queue to get on Olney and U Curb Lane Middle Loftus Marshall Freeway at turn to Lane SB SB Ramp Signal Freeway single lane at ramp 1 13, 19, 12, 8 00-05 2 12, 13, 9 05-10 3 22 10-15 4 11, 15, 9 15-20 5 6, 13, 26 3 1 20-25 6 15, 8, 10, 16 5,5 1, 1 25-30 7 16, 17, 20, 6 2 1 30-35 8 s 35-40 9 40-45 10 45-50 it 50-55 12 55-60 BACK OF QUEUE LOCATION: Temple City Blvd DATE: 6/19/19 Page 3 of 4 Time: (16:00-17:00) 5 min DIRECTION SB Dir increments # Veh's # Veh's # Veh's # Veh #times #times Stopped making right Queue to Queue to Veh's Veh's waiting to turn at Loftus SB Loftus SB Queue to Queue to get on Olney and U Curb Lane Middle Loftus Marshall Freeway at turn to Lane SB SB Ramp Signal Freeway single lane at ramp 1 00-05 2 05-10 3 10-15 4 15-20 5 20-25 6 25-30 7 30-35 8 35-40 9 40-45 10 45-50 11 50-55 12 55-60 BACK OF QUEUE LOCATION: Temple City Blvd DATE: 6/19/19 Page 4 of 4 Time: (17:00-18:00) 5 min DIRECTION SB Dir increments # Veh's # Veh's # Veh's # Veh #times #times Stopped making right Queue to Queue to Veh's Veh's waiting to turn at Loftus SB Loftus SB Queue to Queue to get on Olney and U Curb Lane Middle Loftus Marshall Freeway at turn to Lane SB SB Ramp Signal Freeway single lane at ramp 1 15 00-05 2 6, 11,9 05-10 3 17 10-15 4 21,11 15-20 5 29,11 7,8 1, 1 20-25 6 25-30 7 13,7 2 1 30-35 8 12, 10, 8 9 1 35-40 9 40-45 10 12, 23, 19 1,9 1, 1 45-50 11 10,8 50-55 12 27,7 2 1 55-60 Traffic Commission Meeting November 7, 2019 Page 4 of 5 ATTACHMENT 2 COURTESY NOTICE Traffic Commission Meeting November 7, 2019 Page 5 of 5 Kt OSE Traffic Commission Courtesy Notification OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday, November 7, 2019, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard; e Rosemead Traffic Commnission will hold a public meeting in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead; alifornia 91770, to discuss safety improvements along a portion of Olney Street. ou are being notified of this meeting because your property is within close proximity to the location. We encourage your comments garding traffic safety in this area. Citizens' wishing to comment may do so by either attending the Traffic Commission meeting, or by :nding a comment letter by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 7, 2019. Written comments must be addressed to: City of Rosemead Public Works Department 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Attention: Mr. Chris Daste, Director of Public Works 'ritten comments may be mailed to the above address, emailed to cdaste(a)cityofrosemead.org or faxed to (626) 307-9218. Again, only tters received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 7, 2019, will be accepted. We appreciate your concern for traffic safety in the City of osemead. Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the Director of Public Works, Chris Daste, at 626-569-2158. For information please call: Para obtener mas informaci6n, favor de llamar al: R9bi"AW11, Mites.: De biet them chi tiet, xin g9i: 626-569-2150 Proposed Traffic Safety Improvements on Olney Street Attachment C Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of November 7, 2019 Minutes of the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING November 7, 2019 Thefegular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7:00 p,m. in the Council Chamber, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California, FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Ly INVOCATION: Chair Masuda PRESENT: Chair Masuda, Vice -Chair Ornelas, Commissioner Lim and Commissioner Ly ABSENT: Commissioner Quintanilla STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works Chris Dastb, Engineermg Consultant Elie Farah, and Administrative Analyst Silvia Llamas 1, PUBLIC COMMENTS Tom Dobashi, resident, expressed concern with unsafe condition for bicyclist riding south bound on Walnut Grove Avenue, between Valley Blvd and Hellman Avenue. He requested having.ns installed to remind drivers to share the road with bicyclists. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR NONE 3. OLD BUSINESS A. REVIEW OF TRAFFIC STUDY FOR OLNEY STREET BETWEEN RIO HONDO AVENUE AND TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD Staff proyfl M a brief description of the item and Consultant Traffic Engineer Elie Farah presented a PowerPoint presentation on the studies that were conducted, Commissioner Ly asked for clarification on the direction that had the 83% cut thru traffic on Olney Street. Staff responded that it was the west bound traffic. Commissioner Ly asked if staff had. numbers for east bound traffic, Staff responded that there was 0% cut thru east bound traffic. Commissioner Ly also asked for clarification on the recommendation given for phase 1, that suggests the Sheriff Station to provide periodic enforcement during off peak hours when traffic can move more freely. Mr. Ly also asked what would be considered off peak hours. Staff responded 4 p,m. to 6 p.m. are considered off peak hours. Commissioner Ly asked if having police enforcement during peak hours would help reduce drivers from coming onto Olney Street and making a U -Turn to get onto the freeway. Staff responded that it would help, Rosemead "rraffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of November 7, 2019 Page 1 of 3 Commissioner Ly asked if the vehicles speeding on Olney Street are residents or cut thru vehicles. Staff responded that it would be difficult to determine if they are residents or it's the cut thru vehicles. Commissioner Lim asked if there's a four-way stop on Ellis Lane and Marshall Street, Staff confirmed that Ellis Lane and Marshall Street is a four-way stop. Commissioner Lim asked regarding the level of service, ff staff could explain what the grades mean in terms of A vs, C. Mr. Farah explained that an A grade is good and C needs work. Commissioner Lim asked regarding phase 2, where would staff recommend installing feedback signs. Staff suggested installing feedback signs on long segments. Commissioner Omelas mentioned that If they did a full closure On Olney Street, people living on Temple City Blvd will have problems backing out of their driveways. . . Staff informed the Commissioners that further studies will need to be done to determine if they can block out a certain amount of space to allow the residents who live along Temple City; Blvd. to back out safely onto Olney Street, if they were to do a partial closure, Chair Masuda mentioned if there was a full closure on Olney Street, people who live west of Temple City Blvd, above Loftus drive would only have the option to get onto the left lane and make a left onto Loftus Drive to avoid getting onto the freeway. Mr, Masuda asked what1he level of service for vehicles wGuld be traveling south bound Temple City Blvd. if they do a full closure on Olney Street. Staff informed the Commissioners that Caltrans may need to do a time signal adjustment and there may can be vehicles backed, tip all the way to Marshall Street. Mr.,M*da also asked If they investigated how the Loftus Drive west bound traffic would be affected when trying to make a left turn onto Temple City Blvd. Staff suggested putting a "Keep Clear" to allow on Temple City Blvd. to allow traffic to clear prior to the Loftus Drive traffic making a left. Chair Masuda asked for clarification on the location where the transition marking wilt begin. Staff informed the Commissioners that the transition marking will begin on Marshall Street and they will need to do further research because vehicles also park on the street, Commissioner Lim motioned, seconded by Commissioner Ly to recommend to the City Council a partial closure on Olney Street and closing the east bound on ramp lane, along with placing the phase 2 speed radar feedback sign on Olney Street, Votes resulted in: Yes: Lim, Ly, Masuda and Ornelas No: None Abstain: None Absent: ®uintanilla Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of November 7, 2019 Page 2 of 3 4. STAFF REPORT NONE S. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Ly requested putting Mr. Dobashl's Item on the next meeting agenda to discuss speeding and safety concerns on the south bound lane of Walnut Grove Avenue. Chair Masuda asked for an update on the outcome of the bicycle policy, 5. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8,20 p.m. The next Traffic Commission moo.6g Is scheduled for December 5, 2619 at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, located at 883&� f Galley Boulevard. Howard Masuda Chair . ATTEST: Chris Dast4 Director of Public Works Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of November 7, 2019 Page 3 of 3 Attachment D Traffic Commission Staff Report Dated October 5, 2017 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: MICHELLE G. RAMIREZ, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: OCTOBER 5, 2017 SUBJECT: REVIEW OF TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT OLNEY STREET AND TEMPLE CITY ROULVEARD BACKGROUND The Traffic Commission has received a request from a resident who lives at 9628 Olney Street to review traffic conditions at Olney Street and Temple City Boulevard. The resident's complaint describes how motorists are unaware that Olney Street, when heading eastbound, leads to the entrance of the westbound 10 freeway and, as a result, are making U-turns to avoid entering the freeway. The resident is requesting that the City install traffic signs and traffic devices that will prevent vehicles from making U-turns in the middle of Olney Street. STAFF RECOMMENDATION it is recommended that the Traffic Commission propose the following actions to the City Council: 1. Install approximately 80 -feet of yellow circular raised pavement markers 4 -feet apart west of Temple City Boulevard along the centerline. 2. Install freeway entrance pavement marker on the roadway. 3. Remove a right turn only sign and, instead, install a right lane freeway only sign on Olney Street. ANALYSIS The resident at 9628 Olney Street has expressed a concern that motorists are making U-turns on Olney Street as they approach Temple City Boulevard heading eastbound to avoid entering the westbound 10 freeway. Olney Street is considered a residential roadway that is approximately 34 -feet wide with no centerline and has a posted speed limit sign of 25 miles per hour for eastbound travelers. Parking is permitted on both sides of the roadway except for street sweeping restrictions. Land use along Olney Street is defined as single-family residential. Olney Street approaching Temple City Boulevard merges with Temple City Boulevard into the westbound 10 freeway. There is a sign west of Ellis Lane, on the south side of Olney Street, facing eastbound traffic alerting motorist that the entrance to the westbound 10 freeway is approaching. Traffic Commission Meeting October 05, 2017 Page 2 of 6 Residents living along Olney Street have concerns with the frequency motorists are making U- turns on Olney Street to avoid entering the westbound 10 freeway. Staff conducted a site visit and determined that by installing approximately 80 -feet of yellow circular raised pavement markers 4 -feet apart west of Temple City Boulevard (along the centerline on Olney Street) will deter motorists from making a U-turn in the middle of the road as well as installing a freeway entrance pavement marker with a new "right lane freeway only" sign. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process, which includes a 300 -foot radius notice to 34 property owners and postings of the notice at the six public locations. Prepared ,. Rafael M. ajardo, P.E. City Engineer Attachments: 1. Resident's Request 2. Vicinity Map 3. Proposed Improvements 4. Outreach Notification Submitted By: Michelle G. Ramirez Director of Public Works Traffic Commisslon Meeting October 05, 2017 Page 3 of 6 Attachment Resident's Request On Aug 13, 2017 12:21 AM, "Rene" <airdez�a7emaii.com> wrote: Hello, My name is Rene Fernandez, I am a resident of Rosemead and the owner of the property at 9628 Olney St. The reason for this letter is in regards to the constant problem of cars using my driveway to make u -turns. This occurs when vehicles are unable to merge onto the 10FWY westbound ramp entrance. The issue has also created safety concerns - several near collisions just trying to back out of my driveway. I hope you will understand my genuine concerns/situation. Thank you for your time and assistance in this matter. Best Regards, Rene Fernandez Traffic Commission Meeting October 05, 2017 Page 4 of 6 Attachment 2 Vicinity Map Traffic Commission Meeting October 05, 2017 Page 5 of 6 Attachment 3 Proposed Improvements Traffic Commission Meeting October 05, 2017 Page 6 of 6 Attachment 4 City of Rosemead Traffic Concern Notification NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday, October 5, 2017, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Rosemead Traffic Commission will hold a public meeting in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770, for the purpose of reviewing the possible installation of approximately 80 -feet of yellow circular raised pavement markers 4 -feet apart west of Temple City Boulevard along the centerline, the installation of a freeway entrance pavement marker on the roadway, and the removal of right turn only sign and, instead, install a right lane freeway only sign on Olney Street. The City received a request from a concerned resident that motorists are making U-turns on Olney Street as they approach Temple City Boulevard heading eastbound to avoid entering the westbound 10 freeway. You are being notified of this meeting because your property is within close proximity to the location. We encourage your comments regarding traffic safety in this area. Citizens' wishing to comment may do so by either attending the Traffic Commission meeting, or by sending a comment letter by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 5, 2017. Written comments must be addressed to: City of Rosemead Public Works Department 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, Califomia 91770 Attention: Mrs. Michelle Ramirez, Director of Public Works Written comments may be mailed to the above address, emailed to mramirezdMcitvofrosemead.orc, or faxed to (626) 307-9218. Again, only letters received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 5, 2017, will be accepted. We appreciate your concern for traffic safety in the City of Rosemead. Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the City Engineer, Rafael Fajardo, at (626) 569-2151. For information please call: Para obtener mas informacibn, favor de Ilamar al: 06 bi t th6m chi ti6t, xin gpi: 626-569-2150 Proposed Improvements Olney Street and Temple City Boulevard LEGEND A dam,- 8o -feet of Yellow Circular Raised Pavement Marker 4 -feet apart Freeway Entrance Pavement Marker Right Lane Freeway Only Sign Attachment E Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 5, 2017 Minutes for the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING October 5, 2017 The meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7:00 p.m, in the Council Chamber, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Berry INVOCATION: Director of Public Works Michelle Ramirez PRESENT: Chair Masuda, Vice Chair Ornelas, Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Sevilla ABSENT: Commissioner Quintanilla STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works Michelle Ramirez, C'ity:Engineer Rafael Fajardo and Administrative Assistant Silvia Llamas Y. 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE NONE 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Commissioner Berry motioned, seconded by Vtoe'Chair Ornelas to apprgve Item A (September 7, 2017 Minutes), Item 8 (Installation of Red Curb — 9428 Valley Blvd, and. Item C (Traffic Calming at Fem Avenue between Walnut Grove Avenue and La Presa Avenue) from the ConsefltCalebdaras.presented. Votes resulted In: .Yes: -.Berry, Ornelas, Masuda and Sevilla. . No N-cdb Abstain:'tVone Absent: Quintanilla 3. NEW BUSINESS A. --AtVIEVIf'OF TRAFFIC' CQNDITIONS-AT QLNEY STREET AND TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD Staff potirlded the Traffic Commissioners'wifh,a brief description on the item, along with recommending that the Traffic Commissioners propose the following actions'to-the. City Council: 1) Install approximately 80 -feet of yellow circular raised pavement markers 4 -feet apart west of Temple City,Boulevard along the centerline. 2) Install freeway entrance pavement markers on theroadway. 3) Removd aright [urn only sign and, instead, install a right lane freeway only sign on Olney Street. Brian Lewin, 9501 E. Ralph. Street suggested adding additional signage prior to the Olney Street and Ellis Lane Intersection to inform east tiouk-traffic that they will be exiting onto the 1-10 freeway and they can use Ellis Lane as an alternate route to avoid gelling onto the freeway. Mr. Lewin also welcomed Mr. Sevilla onto the Traffic Commission, Staff informed the Commissioners that the signs Mr. Lewin was suggesting are currently part of staffs recommendation. Vice Chair Ornelas mentioned that there's currently a 10 West Freeway' sign and asked if staff can add the "only" onto it to inform east bound traffic that it is not a thru street and exits onto the freeway on ramp. Commissioner Sevilla asked what would be the cost and procedures in converting Olney Street into a cud -a -sac that would only allow east bound traffic to exit onto the freeway. Staff informed the Commissioners that converting Olney Street into a cud -a -sac would be a long and expensive process because they will need to find the approved conditions for the street along with contacting Caltrans, Los Angeles County, Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of October 5, 2017 Page 1 of 2 and the Fire Department for their approval and assistance with the planning process. Staff also mention that converting Olney Street into a cud -a -sac will also raise concerns with emergency responders in case there was an emergency. Cesar Fernandez, 9628 Olney Street, informed the Commissioners that he was the one that submitted this request and would like to suggest two additional signs for drivers going south bound on Temple City Boulevard and west bound on Loftus Drive informing drivers that they will need to merge onto the left lane if their entering the freeway entrance or merge onto left lane for street traffic, Mr. Fernandez also asked If the City can also look into having sidewalks installed on Olney Street, Staff Informed the Commissioners that they will contact Caltrans regarding the additional signage and will also speak with Mr. Fernandez about his sidewalk request after the meeting. Commissioner Berry asked for clariicatlon on the diagram that was provided by.staff. He also asked if staff can provide Mr. Fernandez with the contact information to Caltrans in cases he had any gther.questions or concerns, Commissioner Berry motioned, second by Vice Chair Ornelas to oprove':staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commissioners propose the following actions to the City Council: 1).lnstall approximately 80 -feet of yellow circular raised pavement markers 4 -feet apart west of Temple City Boulevard along the centerline., 2j. Install freeway entrance pavement markers on the roadway. 3) Remove a right tum only sign and''nstead, install a right lane freeway only sign on Olney Street and addition include the Installation of the two addltibnal signs informing drivers going to enter the freeway to need to merge onto the left lane; in addition to adding the word"only" onto the existing 10 West freeway sign for east bound traffic on Olney Street. Votes resulted in: Yes: Berry, Prnelas, Masuda, and Sevilla No: None Abstain: None Absent: Quintanilla- 4. STAFF 17EPORT Staff provided the Traffc.Commissioners with an update on.ourrent and U"'' Ing City events and projects throughout the City. 5. COMMISSIONER REPORT$ Commisslo.ner' Berry,mentioned wh6 t'the Earle Averiire: Sidewalk Replacement project is completed there should be other:siinifar projects don"61hioughout{he'City. He also mentioned when a business owner requests to have red curbs installedon both sides of their driveway, the City should looking into having them Install wider driveway aprons. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m. ThI next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for November 2, 2017, at 7:00 p.m., In the City Coritrcil-Chamber at City+;Nall, located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Howard Masuda Chair ATTEST: Michelle Ramirez Director of Public Works Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of October 5, 2017 Page 2 of 2 Attachment F Traffic Commission Staff Report Dated September 6, 2018 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT FROM: GREG S. TSUJIUCIU, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER / ACTING DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: SEPTEMBER 6, 2018 SUBJECT: DISCUSSION OF TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT OLNEY STREET AND TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD SUMMARY At the August 2, 2018 Traffic Commission meeting, the Commission requested that the above referenced item be brought back for discussion. On November 14, 2017, staff presented a recommendation to the City Council from the Traffic Commission, as approved during the October 5, 2017, Traffic Commission meeting, relating to certain improvements to the 9600 block of Olney Street. A resident had expressed a concern that vehicles traveling eastbound on Olney were not properly alerted that they must enter the Interstate 10 West (I10 W) Freeway on-ramp. As a result, vehicles reversed their direction by entering the driveways of residents near the end of that block and backing out onto Olney to head west. The Traffic Commission recommended, and the City Council approved additional signage, plastic delineators, and pavement markings to alert drivers that there was no outlet onto Temple City Blvd. Subsequently, on April 26, 2018 the resident submitted a complaint that the new conditions were making the residents in the neighborhood vulnerable to crime. STAFF RECOMMENDATION None. ANALYSIS A resident had expressed concerns about traffic safety on the easterly end of Olney Street near the I10 W Freeway. Olney Street is considered a residential roadway that is approximately 34 -feet wide with no centerline and has a posted speed limit of 25 miles per hour. Parking is permitted on both sides of the roadway except for street sweeping restrictions. Land use along Olney Street is defined as single-family residential Traffic Commission Meeting September 6, 2018 Page 2 of 8 Traffic heading eastbound on Olney Street near Temple City Blvd. is directed to the I10 W on-ramp as the only outlet in this direction. Similarly, vehicles traveling south on Temple City Blvd must enter 110 W on-ramp. The resident has stated that drivers not intending to travel on the I10 W often change course near the end of Olney to avoid entering the 110 W on-ramp by using a resident's driveway to complete a U-turn. During the October 5, 2017, Traffic Commission meeting, the Commission voted to recommend to the City Council, certain traffic improvements to the 9600 block of Olney Street. This recommendation was approved by the City Council at the November 14, 2017, City Council meeting. As a result, an I10 W pavement marking, and approximately 80 feet of eight inch. diameter dome pavement markers were installed. Also approved by Council, however, not yet installed were two additional. signs which have been ordered and staff has been given direction to have installed upon delivery. Additionally, the same resident has since submitted a complaint that the areas proximity, and ease of access to the I10 w on-ramp are enabling and encouraging crime in their neighborhood. He has requested that Olney Street be closed off and made into a dead end. COURTESY NOTICE PROCESS None. Prepared B Rafael M. Fajardo, RE. City Engineer Submitted By: z -� Greg Tsujiuchi Assistant City Manager / Acting Director of Public Works Attachments: 1. Resident's Request dated April 26, 2018 2. November 14, 2017, City Council Staff Report Traffic Commission Meeting September 6, 2018 Page 3 of 8 Attachment 1 Resident's Request Pat Platt IFrorri: Y.F, Mai 11ilov S®rat TI—r*,tny, Aprfl 9G, 7018 FIA0 AM Te: Rafael Fajardo Ce: last llislit; Micl loill- R—Till ex Subject: Al'I F.N f ISN: Director of Public Works and I raffic Commission TO:'1'1' A-9FlC COMMISSION AND IIIJBI-IC WO IRKS )FROM: Jolulathan Ma"iva2 DATM April 26th.201 R ADFIH 1S:Mmly eat. ROSKMEAD, C.A. 91770 This 1'ccit3cst in ill n aae'1.1R to t'lle recent increl7Wc of hur(r]IFIrioR otlr hlook has. had over the past year. On Tuesday April 241h at 4pm. my noighlxn•s house was broken into in brood datyli.ght. rhis is not t1w rraL but the 1111h thnu thiel heel tlapfiun on OI.NI(Y S'F(hu.Iwuun riu hontil Jt urn plu uity hivd). As ruxidenls. snntu wall ovor 30 years arc VPD L11-1 We arc potitiollitlA to demand n wall he built or a, similar Rolution be trade no the 10 W fwy anti-ance on OLN13Y 8TRI312T(9639 onley 9638 Olney at) Is closed off and made into a dead clad like Lhc upposite side(9703 t.711'I0y sL•--9702 VlISG:y 4l). '1-Iti.l I O -W oel rkwip hNR pruyun to Nj duK: primo gt:wwHy Ior those hixrg,larics and other suspicious activity. Our ncighborhood is Ito longur saCu anti wu foul circ a uumenunily that this is a toll priority. 11-husu incidtllllg ate ul"fuutinu our way urlivinii. Thu uuluty ot'lltc uldurly on our bitiuk and the kids aro what you are ,jcopardininp,. '1'Itis street has proven to 1w a problem in the past with requests for speed bumps and stop signs due to cars speeding down our block bCCULIsc of this on ramp. Their are numerous police ruportm on burglnrios. hit and ralrm with mnmiduntinl ptlrkud uetrR, Wu are ruady to make this a llLrhliu iRRue iroor domands a+-0 not met. Many residents are ready to conte forward with their own testimonies and traumas they've experionec. with this on going probletn that has yet to be addressed. We would Ilice this to be put on ur agenda for May 3rd qfJ 7prn. ()n Apr 26. 2019, at 7:21 AM, I<utacl Fajardo - i,(uj_ui'd.,nCkl�ty.,tl.l;t'r+Rcnicacl.�Eg:- wrnta: Traffic. Co+nn+Isslon ?ZGL&L0-LM. FtVcrw^a-s)- City Engineer City of Rosemead 8838 Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 151 -tone: (626) 569-2151 Fax: (826) 307-9218 wwW.C11ypfro&ompta..d, org ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REI'ORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BILL R. MANIS, CITY MANAGER,,,a.�` DATE: ,NOVEMBER 14, 2017 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT OLNEY STREET AND TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD sul�RY The Traffic Commission received a request from a resident to review traffic conditions at Obey Sheet and Temple City Boulevard. The resident is concerned with vehicles making U-turns in the middle of Olney Street to avoid entering westbound 10 freeway. On October 5, 2017, the Traffic Commission reviewed the traffic conditions and recommended a number of improvements to Olney Stf ebt to help alleviate this problem. DISMSS ON Staff reviewed a resident's request for the installation of additional traffic measures along Olney Street and Temple City Boulevard to help eliminate motorists making U-turns on Olney Street as they approach Temple City Boulevard heading eastbound to avoid entering the westbound 10 freeway. Olney Street is considered a residential roadway that is approximately 34 -feet wide with no centerline and has a posted speed limit sign of 25 miles per hour for eastbound travelers. Parking is permitted on both sides of the roadway except for street sweeping restrictions. Land use along Olney Street is defined as single-family residential. Olney Street approaching Temple City Boulevard merges with Temple City Boulevard into the westbound 10 freeway. There is a sign west of Ellis Lane, on the south side of Olney Street, facing eastbound traffic alerting motorist that the entrance to the westbound 10 freeway is approaching. Staff conducted a site visit and determined that by installing additional signage, a new pavement marker on the roadway, and approximately 80 -feet of yellow circular raised pavement markers 4 - feet apart west of Temple City Boulevard (along the centerline on Olney Street) would help to deter motorists from making a U -t= in the middle of the roadway on Olney Street. City Council Meeting November 14, 2017 Page 2 of S STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendations to: 1, Install approximately 80 -feet of yellow circular raised pavement markers 4 -feet apart west of Temple City Boulevard along the centerline; 2. Install "Entrance Only" sign to the existing "10 -West Fwy" sign at Olney Street and Ellis Lane; 3. Install freeway entrance pavement marker on the roadway; and, 4. Remove a right turn only sign and, instead, install a right lane freeway only sign on Olney Street. FISCAL IMPACT Funding for this type of roadway improvement is included in the Annual Maintenance and Operations Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-18 under the Public Works Department, Field Services Division. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT —None ENVIRONNE4 NTAL REVIEW This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301. (C) of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: Submitted By: el M. Fajardo, P.E., City Engpineor ichelie G. Attachment A -- Vicinity Map Attachment B — Diagram of Proposed Plans Attachweiit C — Traffic C6ba ission Staff Report-(Ootober 5, 2015) of Public Worlcs City Council Meeting November 14, 2017 Page 3 of 5 ATTACHMENT A VICINITY MAP City Council Meeting November 14, 2017 Page 4 of 5 ATTACHMENT R PROPOSED RECOMMENDATIONS LEGEND 80 -feet of Yellow Circular Raised Pavement Mark 4 -feet apart N Entrance Only Freeway Entranct Pavement Markei i ,;,,7 Right lane Freeway Only Sign City Council Meeting November 14, 2017 Page 5 of 5 ATTACHMENT C TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT (October 5, 2017) 49� TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: MICHELLE G, RAMiREZ, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: OCTOBER 5, 2017 SUBJECT: REVIEW OF TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT OLNEY STREET AND TEMPLE CITY BOULVEARD BACK0OUND The Traffic Commission has received a request from a resident who lives at 9528 Olney Street to review traffic conditions at Olney Street and Temple City Boulevard. The resident's complaint describes how motorists are unaware that Olney Street, when heading eastbound, leads to the entrance of the westbound 10 freeway and, as a result, are making U-turns to avoid entering the freeway. The resident is requesting that the City install traffic signs and traffic devices that will prevent vehicles from making U-turns in the middle of Olney Street. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It Is recommended that the Traffic Commission propose the following actions to the City Council: 1. Install approximately 8D -feet of yellow circular raised pavement markers 4 -feet apart west of Temple City Boulevard along the centerline. 2. Install freeway entrance pavement marker on the roadway. 3, remove a right turn only sign and, instead, install a right lane freeway only sign on Olney Street, ANALYSIS The resident at 9628 Olney Street has expressed a concern that motorists are making U-turns on Olney Street as they approach Temple City Boulevard heading eastbound to avoid entering the estbound 10 freeway. Olney Street is considered a residential roadway that is approximately 34 -feet wide with no centerline and has a posted speed limit sign of 25 miles per hour for eastbound travelers. Parkingis permitted on -doth -sides of the roadway except -for -street sweeping- restrictions. --Land use along Olney Street is defined as single-family residential. Olney Street approaching Temple City Boulevard merges with Teinple City Boulevard into the westbound 10 freeway. There is a sign west of Ellis Lane, on the south side of Olney Street, facing eastbound traffic alerting motorist that the entrance to the westbound 10 freeway is approaching. Traffic Commission Meeting 0atober 08, 2017 Page 2 of 6 Residents living along Olney Street have concerns with the frequency motorists are making U- turns on Olney Street to avoid entering the westbound 10 freeway. Staff conducted a site vlsit and determined that by installing approximately 80 feet of yellow circular raised pavement markers 4 -feet apart west of Temple City Boulevard (along the centerline on Olney Street) will deter motorists from making a U-turn in the middle of the road as well as Installing a freeway entrance pavement marker with a new "right lane freeway only" sign. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This Item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process, which includes a 300 -foot radius notice to 34 property owners and postings of the notice at the six public locations. Prepared Rr. Rafael M. 4ardo, P.E. City Engineer Attachments: Z. Resident's Request 2. Vicinity Map 3. Proposed Improvements 4, Outreach Notification Submitted By: Michelle G. Ramirez Director of Public Works Trafflo Commission Meeting October 06, 2017 Page 3 of 6 ,attachment Resident's Request On Aug 13, 2017 12:21 AM, "Rene" wrote: Hello, My name is Rene Fernandez, I arm a resident of Rosemead and the owner of the property at 9628 Olney St. The reason for this letter is In regards to the constant problem of cars using my driveway to make u -turns. This occurs when vehicles are unable to merge onto the 10FWY westbound ramp entrance. The issue has also created safety concerns - several near collisions just trying to back out- of my driveway. I hope you will understand my genuine concerns/sltuation. Thank you for your time and assistance In this matter. Best Regards, Rene Fernandez Traffic Commission Meeflng October 05, 2017 Page 4 of 6 Attachment 2 Vicinity Map Traffic GommieSlon Meeting October 05, 2017 Page 5 of 6 Attachment 3 Proposed Improvements Traffic Coiwlsslon Meeting October 05, 2017 P2 1.6 of 6 Attachment a City of Rosemead Traffic Concern Notification NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday, October 5, 2017, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Rosemead Traffic Commission will hold a public meeting in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 6638 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770, for the purpose of reviewing the possible installation of approximately 80 -feet of yellow circular raised pavement markers 4 -feet apart west of Temple City Boulevard along the centerline, the Installation of a freeway entrance pavement marker on the roadway, and the removal of right turn only sign and, instead, Install a right lane freeway only sign on Olney Street. The City received a request from a concerned resident that motorists are making U-turns on Olney Street as they approach Temple City Boulevard heading eastbound to avoid entering the westbound 10 freeway. You are being notified of this meeting because your property Is within close proximity to the location. We encourage your comments regarding traffic safety In this area. Citizens' wishing to comment may do so by either attending the Traffic Commission meeting, or by sending a comment letter by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 5, 2017. Written comments must be addressed to: City of Rosemead Public Works Department 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Attention: Mrs. Michelle Ramirez, Director of Public Works Written comments may be mailed to the above address, emalled toor faxed to (626) 307-9218. Again, only letters received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 6, 2017, will be accepted, We appreciate your concern for traffic ifety in the City of Rosemead. Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the City Engineer, Rafael ajardo, at (626) 569-2151. For information please call: Para obtener mos Informad6n, favor de Ilamar al: R10,04, IMR: 06 bAt thrm chi Mt, An gpl: 626-569-2150 Proposed Improvements Olney Street and Temple City Boulevard Mfeet of Yellow Circular Raised Pavement Marker 4 -feet apart Freeway Entrance Pavement Marker Attachment G Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of September 6, 2018 Minutes for the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING September 6, 2618 The meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7:01 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Chair Masuda INVOCATION: Vice Chair Omelas PRESENT: Chair Masuda, Vice Chair Ornelas, Commissioner Berry, Commissioner Quintanilla and Commissioner Sevilla ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager/Acting Director of Public Works Greg Tsujiuchl, and Administrative Assistant Silvia Llamas 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE None 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Commissioner Berry asked to remove the August 2, 21018 minutes from the Consent Calendar for a minor correction. Mr, Berry requested to change left'lane to right lane on his comment under Commissioner Report. Commissioner Berry motioned, seconded by Commissioner Quiritanillato approve Item A (August 2, 2018 Minutes) from the Consent Calendar after revised. Votes resulted in: Yes: Berry, Quintanilla, Masuda, Ornelas and Sevilla No: None Abstain: None Absent None 3. NEW BUSINESS A. CONSIDERATION OF RED CURB PAINTING - 9063 MISSION DRIVE - ROSEMEAD HIGH SCHOOL Staff gave the Traffic Commissioners a brief description on the item, along with recommending that the Traffic Commission discuss this item, receive and consider public comment, both written and oral; and provide direction on whether to propose to the City Council that 27 -feet of red curb be painted at 9063 Mission Drive. Commissioner Berry commented that late at night there's not many people parking in front of the school and if there is a function at the school they use the school's parking lot. Commissioner Quintanilla asked staff when the study was done and during what hours. Staff informed the Commissioner that a study wasn't done. Chair Masuda mentioned that adding the red curb will help with visibility issues and agrees with adding the red curb. Vice Chair Ornelas also agrees with adding the red curb Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of September 6, 2018 Page 1 of 3 Commissioner Quintanilla informed the Commissioner that the school parking lot is currently under construction and suggested bring back the item after the construction is completed. Commissioner Sevilla also agrees with Commissioner Quintanilla. Chair Masud@ suggested approving staff's recommendation on having the red curb installed, but delaying the installation until the construction is completed. Commissioner Berry motioned, seconded by Vice Chair Ornelas to approve that the Traffic Commission recommend and propose to the City Council that 27 -feet of red curb be painted at 9063 Mission Drlve. Votes resulted in: Yes: Berry, Sevilla, Ornelas and Masuda No: Quintanilla Abstain: None Absent: None 4. OLD BUSINESS A. DISCUSSION OF TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT OLNEY STREET AND TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD Staff gave the Traffic Commissioners a brief description on the item, along with informing them of the traffic improvements approved in the past. Brian Lewin, 9501 E. Ralph Street will also be speaking on behalf of a resident that wasn't able to attend tonight's meeting. The resident wanted the Commissioners to know that Onley Street has had an increase in robberies, speeding is also an issue that has become very dangerous dueto immediate access to the freeway that seemingly enables robbers and criminals to choose this vicinity to create and carry out their crimes, and the resident has personally been robbed. Mr. Lewin also agrees with the resident and%asked if staff can do a feasibility study on cost and what may be Involved in doing the closure In terms of cost and benefit.. Brian Lewin also suggested in doing basic traffic count to see how many vehicles use that outlet and also possibly doing one at the other end to see roughly how much is cut through traffic. Lorraine O'Neill, 3628 Ellis Lane also commented that there has been an increase in home invasions and vehicle being. vandalized or stolen. Ms. O'Neill also asked if something can be done to stop vehicles from speeding, along with having something built orinstalled on Temple City Boulevard that can prevent vehicles from turning onto Onley Street when exiting the freeway. Yvonne Martinez, 9560 Olney Street will also be speaking on behalf of her neighbors that live around her. Ms. Martinez also informed the Traffic Commissioners that vehicles are always speed down their street, along with witnessing and stopping a burglary in which the vehicle got away by getting onto the freeway. She also agrees with having the street closed or having speed bumps installed to slow down vehicles going down their street. Oscar Rios, 9638 Olney Street expressed his concern with vehicles speeding, the increase in home burglaries and vehicles being vandalized, that he would also like to see Olney Street closed off. Chair Masuda clarified that the item was put on the agenda for discussion and no decisions will be made at tonight's meeting. Commissioner Berry asked with the increase in crime, what's the Sherriffs department doing about it. Staff informed the Commissioners that they did talk to the Lieutenant and he provided stats on robberies within the last 12 month period, they had 3 robberies in their system, two in the area in question and one on the other side that didn't have access to the freeway on ramp, Commissioner Berry suggested in possibly having a roundabout installed between Olney Street and Ellis Lane. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of September 6, 2018 Page 2 of 3 Chair Masuda summarized the two main issues in the area; the first one being vehicles speeding and making U- turns and the second is possibly doing a study on closing the street. Mr. Masuda would also like for staff to continue working on finding solutions to improve the current speeding situation and possibly doing a feasibility study, Commissioner Berry motioned, seconded by Vice Chair Ornelas to have staff revisit the location and come back with ideas and recommendations that can help improve the speeding and safety concems in the area, while looking to see if it's feasible to close down the street. Votes resulted in: Yes: Berry, Omelas, Masuda, Quintanilla and Sevilla No: bone Abstain: None Absent: None 5. STAFF REPORT Staff provided the Traffic Commissioners with an update on future Traffic Commission items. 6. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Sevilla recommend closing Olney Street for east and west bound traffic, Commissioner Quintanilla asked to give further advanced notice to residents for future items. Commissioner Berry asked if they will be adding sidewalks on Steele Street between Hart Avenue and Rosemead Boulevard. Mr. Berry also asked for an update on the replacement of the faded signs throughout the City, 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:08 p,m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for October 4, 2018, at 7:00 p.m„ in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Howard Masuda Chair ATTEST: Greg Tsujiuchl Assistant City Manager/Acting Director of Public Works Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of September 6, 2618 Page 3 of 3 Attachment H Traffic Commission Staff Report Dated October 4, 2018 TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF DEPORT FROM: GREG S. TSUJIUCHI, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER / ACTING DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: OCTOBER 4, 2018 SUBJECT: DISCUSSION OF TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT OLNEY STREET AND TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD SUMMARY At the September 6, 2018 Traffic Commission meeting, the Commission requested that staff bring back recommendations on how to improve traffic safety along Olney Street, STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Traffic Commission: 1. Discuss Item; 2. Provide directions regarding the possible installation of signage and markers indicated in the presentation. ANALYSIS Staff performed a traffic survey regarding the existing traffic conditions along Olney Street and is acknowledging that additional safety improvements are needed. Staff will be presenting a Power Point presentation with existing and additional recommendations. COURTESY NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process, and 214 notices were sent out to surrounding residences within an estimated 800 foot radius. Prepared By: Submitted By: afael M. Fajardo, P.E. Greg Tsujiuchi City Engineer Assistant City Manager J Acting Director of Public Works Attachments: 1. September 6, 2018 TC Staff Report and Attachments 2. Courtesy Notification ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT FROM: GREG S. TSUJIUCHI, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER / ACTING DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: SEPTEMBER 6, 2018 SUBJECT: DISCUSSION OF TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT OLNEY STREET AND TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD SUMMARY At the August 2, 2018 Traffic Commission meeting, the Commission requested that the above referenced item be brought back for discussion. On November 14, 2017, staff presented a recommendation to the City Council from the Traffic Commission, as approved during the October 5, 2017, Traffic Commission meeting, relating to certain improvements to the 9600 block of Olney Street. A resident had expressed a concern that vehicles traveling eastbound on Olney were not properly alerted that they must enter the Interstate 10 West (114 W) Freeway on-ramp. As a result, vehicles reversed their direction by entering the driveways of residents near the end of that block and backing out onto Olney to head west. The Traffic Commission recommended, and the City Council approved. additional signage, plastic delineators, and pavement markings to alert drivers that there was no outlet onto Temple City Blvd. Subsequently, on April 26, 2018 the resident submitted a complaint that the new conditions were making the residents in the neighborhood vulnerable to crime. STAFF RECOMMENDATION None, ANALYSIS A resident had expressed concerns about traffic safety on the easterly end of Olney Street near the I10 W Freeway. Olney Street is considered a residential roadway that is approximately 34 -feet wide with no centerline and has a posted speed limit of 25 miles per hour. Parking is permitted on both sides of the roadway except for street sweeping restrictions. Land use along Olney Street is defined as single-family residential. Traffic Commission Meeting September 6, 2018 Page 2 of 8 Traffic heading eastbound on Olney Street near Temple City Blvd. is directed to the 110 W on-ramp as the only outlet in this direction. Similarly, vehicles traveling south on Temple City Blvd must enter I10 W on-ramp. The resident has stated that drivers not intending to travel on the I10 W often change course near the end of Olney to avoid entering the 110 W on-ramp by using a resident's driveway to complete a U-turn. During the October 5, 2017, Traffic Commission meeting, the Commission voted to recommend to the City Council, certain traffic improvements to the 9600 block of Olney Street. This recommendation was approved by the City Council at the November 14, 2017, City Council meeting. As a result, an 110 W pavement marking, and approximately 80 feet of eight inch diameter dome pavement markers were installed. Also approved by Council, however, not yet installed were two additional signs which have been ordered and staff has been given direction to have installed upon delivery, Additionally, the same resident has since submitted a complaint that the areas proximity, and ease of access to the I10 w on-ramp are enabling and encouraging crime in their neighborhood. He has requested that Olney Street be closed off and made into a dead end. COURTESY NOTICE PROCESS None. Prepared B Rafael M. Fajardo, P.E. City Engineer Submitted By: Greg Tsujiuchi Assistant City Manager / Acting Director of Public Works Attachments: 1. Resident's Request dated April 26, 2018 2. November 14, 2017, City Council Staff Report Traffic Commission Meering September 6, 2018 Page 3 of 8 Attachment 1, Resident's Request Pet plats From vu,, Mer woes Serttl rhunrltty, Aprl1 7111, 7014 OAO AM Tet naiad pa)urdP Cc: I+at itisit; MIL:left"Hemp ex Subjact: Al lr:Nttf_INt itrector of Publtc works; son 1 rsttlr CommisWon TO., R.A-FF'IC COMN41SSION AN" IvLJ2I.1C WORKS j11;OM'. Jolmathan Arlt llnez DATLTI Arril 261h,20 18 AI71=rNF2:Manly:.t. ROS VMF:A1). Car.. t)1770 '11iia raqucru Is ht n3amrtix to the rL:cont hieronna rfl'huradflrlom ntlr hirwk ltnn lino ovar'the real yonr. Orl Tu"day April 24111 at 4pm, my tiolghbars hotime watt broken into in broad dayliW%1.'rh11e IN nut (hu rtrsl but the 1111h tllnu 1hiA h„A hnppun un 01.N1{Y t1'I'(hulwutnt ri+r hutttit✓lumple ully hlvel), An rumidar+tx, soma wuli over 30 years arc VRO i 11+1 We arc; ltotitinnina to demand a wall ho built or a aimitar xolutlon be made An dia l ll W f'wy entrance an OLNEEY 14T"L+T(9639 onlay 9636 Olney st) Is cloned orf and made into a dead and like the uppoutty Wdu(9703 Ohtuy so -9702 uloloy Nt). 'rhla 10_W tin ramp loam proven tit hu thu primo witawny rnr Those bueglnr•lca and athcr suxplcious notivity. Clur nutghburhuud Is no longer arm's, and wu ti;ul ns a ucrt++tnunily that lhia ix n tun priority, '1'huau inuitfultitt mu arfoUdna +tar wuy ur nvili4. Tlmt sulltty or010, ultlurly utl lour bluuk and the kids are what you are JeopardininA, This street has proven to be a problam In the past with requests fbr speed bumps and stop signs duo to care speeding down our bloak bounove of this on ramp. Their aru numaraus pullet mpurts mi lsurglarias. III& and rttrtrl wish raNitiunlirtl parked ear". WLt aru rwkdy tat inukc titin is puhila lambs I rnLtr flalttalidA arc lint rant. Many ranidants are ready to came r6rward with their own teatinivnies and traumas they've exparlenco with this on going problem that has yet to be uddrossed. We would ilk* thix to be Otil on ur agenda fur May 3Ldd CM 7pru. t)n Art 2h. 201 K, at 7;21 AM, Mu1'aol Ftklardo +=1'lSSigl',•1aCi4s11.C,Yt1J=CS'!8&111mad.2m- wrote: TrallRc Coutlr.lsr.lvn 7tcsfot4l.&A.t. ?=oVpuro%- City L'nfglneer City of Roeerneed Saw Valley Boulevard Roserneed, CA 91770 Phone: (926) 588-2181 Pas: (628) 307.9218 1 ww.cjly0fraaami°And,m9 ROSE1I EAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPoR.T TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM; BILL R. MANIS, CITE'' MANAGMt,,,, ' DATE: Nt3VEAMER 14, 2017 SUBHCT; TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT OLNE"Y STREET AND TEMPLE CITY BOW"ARD The TI affc Commission received a request from a resident to review traffic conditions at Olney Street and Temple City Boulevard.. The resident is concerned with vehicles making U-turns in the nridtile of Olney Street to avoid entering westbound 10 freeway. On October S, 2017, the Traffic Comrpission reviewed the traffic conditions and recommended a number of improvements to Olney Stkat to help alleviate this problem. DISCUSSION Staff reviewed a resident's request for the installation of additional traffic measures along Olney Street and Temple City Boulevard to help eliminate motorists taping U -turas on Olney Street as they approach Temple City Boulevard heading eastbound to avoid entering the westbound 10 freeway. Olney Street is considered a residential roadway that is approximately 34 -feet wide with no centerline and has a posted speed limit sign of 25 miles per hour for eastbound travelers. Parking is permitted on both sides of the roadway except for street sweeping restrictions, Land use along Olney Street is defined as single-family residential. Olney Street approaching Temple City Boulevard merges with Temple City Boulevard into the westbound 10 freeway. There is a sign west of Ellis Lane, on the south side of Olney Street, facing eastbound traffic alerting motorist that the entrance to the westbound 10 freeway is approaching. Staff conducted a site visit and determined that by installing additional signage, a new pavement marker on the roadway, and approximately 80 -feet of yellow circular raised pavement markers 4 - feet apart west of Temple City Boulevard (along the centerline on Olney Street) would help to deter motorists from making a U-turn in the middle of the roadway on Olney Street. City Council Meeting November F 4, 2017 Mage 2 of S UM,, r 1__ O M M__.0_` .. It is recommended that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendations to: 1, Install approximately 80 -feet of yellow circular raised pavement markers 4 -feet apart west of Temple City Boulevard along the centerline; 2. Install "Entrance Only" sign to the existing "l0 -West Fwy" sign at Olney Street and Ellis Lane; 3. Install freeway entrance pavement marker on the roadway; and, 4. Remove a right turn only sign and, instead, install a right lane freeway only sign on Olney Street. FiSM IMPACT Funding for this type of roadway improvement is included in the Annual Maintenance and Operations Budget for Fiscal Year 2017-18 under the Public Works Department, Field Services Division. STRATMC PLAN IMPAC' — None ENVIR[)NMENTAL REVItE'i7V This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CLQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (C) of the CEQA Implementing Guidelines. PUBLIC NaTICK.E80CESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: Submitted By: el M. Fajardo, F.E., City Engineer ichelie G. Attachment A — Vicinity Map Attachment B —Diagram of Proposed Plans Attahmett C -- Traffic CtSffiffiiskofY Staff Report -(October 5, 2015) of Public Works City Council Meeting November Y4, 2017 Page 3 of 5 ATTACIIlMZNT A VICINITY MAP City Council Meeting November 14, 2011 Pau 4 of 5 ATTACHMENT B PROPOSED RECOMM NDATYONS City Council Meeting November 14, 2417 Page 5 of 5 ATPACIMENT C TiRAF14C COMM[SSION STAFF REPORT (October 5, 2017) ROSE, MEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIG COMMISSION FROM: MICHELLE G, RAMIREZ, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: OCTOBER 5, 2017 SUBJECT; REVIEW OF TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT OI; NEY STREET AND TEMPLE CITY BOULVI=ARD MCKG The Traffic Commission has received a request from a resident who lives at 9628 Olney Street to review traffic conditions at Olney Street and Temple City Boulevard. The resident's complaint describes how motorists are unaware that Olney Street, when heading eastbound, kwds to the entrance of the westbound 10 freeway and, as a result, are making U-turns to avoid entering the freeway. The resident is requesting that the City install traffic signs and traffic devices that will prevent vehicles from making U-tume In the middle of Olney Street, STAFF RECOMMIN291PA It is recommended that the Traffic Commission propose the following actions to the City Council: 1. Install approximately 80 -feet of yellow circular raised pavement markers 4 -feet apart west of Temple City Boulevard along the centerline. 2. Install freeway entrance pavement marker on the roadway. 3. Remove a right turn only sign and, instead, Install a right lane freeway only sign on Olney Street, A L IS The resident at 9626 Olney Street has expressed a concern that motorists are making U-turns ars Olnay Street as they approach Temple City Boulevard heading eastbound to avoid entering the estbound 10 freeway. Olney Street is considered a residential roadway that is approximately 34 -feet wide with no centerline and has a posted speed limit sign of 25 miles per hour for eastbound travelers. Parking-is.permitW on -both -sides of the roadway except -for -street sweeping-restrfctions.--Land use along Olney Street is defined as single-family residential. Olney Street approaching Temple City Boulevard merges with Temple City Boulevard into the westbound 10 freeway. There is a sign west of Ellie Lane, on the south side of Olney Street, facing eastbound traffic alerting motorist that the entrance to the westbound 10 freeway is approaching. Trafflo cm nwon M0869 Oobber 06, 2417 Pap 2of6 Residents living along Olney Street have concerns with the frequency motorists are making U- turns on Olney Street to avoid entering the westbound 10 freeway, Staff conducted s site vlslt and determined that by installing approxhateiy 80 feet of yellow circular raised pavement markers 4 -feet apart west of Temple City Boulevard (along the centerline on Olney Street) will deter motorists from making a U4um In the middle of the road as well as Installing a freeway entrance pavement marker with a new "right lane freeway only" sign. PUSUC KT10E P 29ES5� This itern has been naiiced through the regular agenda notification process, which Includes a 3DD-foot radius nonce to 34 property owners and postings of the notice at the six public locations, Prepared Rafael M. 'ajardo, P.E, City Engineer Attachments' i. Reeidenfa Bequest 2, Vicinity Map 3. Proposed Improvements 4, outreach Notification Submitted By. Michelle G. Ramirez Director of Public Works Tiafilo Commission Meeling Cattm 06, 2Q47 Page 3 of 6 Attachment Resident`s Request 4n Aug 13, 201712.21 AM, "Rene" wrote., Hello, My name is Rene Fernandez, I am a resident of Rosemead and the owner of the property at 9628 Olney St. The reason for this letter is In regards to the constant problem of cars using my driveway to make u -turns. This occurs when vehicles ars; unable to merge onto the 10FWY westbound ramp entrance. The Issue has also created safety concerns - several near collisions just trying to back out- of my driveway. I hope you will understand my genuine concerns/situation. Thank you for your time and assistance In this matter. Best Regards, Rene Fernandez Traft Cammieslon Mewing Oolober 06, 2D17 Page 4 of 6 Attachment B Vicinity Map Trafflo G mmWsfan Meaft Ootober 05, 2017 Page 5 of 6 Attachment 3 Proposed Improvements Traftio Gowlselon Meattng OckAW D5, 2017 Page 6ofa --- -- Atfsch ment 4 City of Rosemead Traffte Cones m Notification NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday, Ootober 6, 2017, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Rosemead Traffic Commission will hold a public meeting In the Council Chambers at City Hall, 8838 E. Valley BoulevsM, Rosemead, California 91770, for the purpose of reviewing the possible installation of approximately 80 -feet of yellow circular raised pavement markers 4 -feet apart west of Temple City Boulavard along the centerline, the Installation of a fremay entrance pavement marker on the roadway, and the removal of right turn only sign and, Instead, Install a right lane freeway only sign on Olney 61reet. The City received a request from a concerned rasident that motorists are making U Tums on Olney Street as they approach Temple City Boulevard heading eastbound to avoid entering the westbound 10 freeway, You are being notified of this meeting bdcause your property la within dose proximity to the location. We encourage your comments regarding traffic safety In this area. Citizens' wishing to comment may do so by either attending the Traffic Gornmisalon meeting, or by sending a comment letter by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 6, 2017. Written comments must be addressed to: City of Rosemead Fublla Works Department 8839 E. Valley Boulevard RoaemeW, Calffomla 91770 Attention: Mrs. Michelle Ramirez, Director of Public Works written comments may be malted to the above address, emailed to or faxed to (626) 307-9211. Again, only lettere received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 6, 2017, will be accepted. We appreolate your concern for traffic •efety In the City of Rosemead, Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the City Engineer, Rafael ajardo, at (926) 569-2161. For Information please call: Para oblaner mile informacl6n, favor de hamar al: poo* MS. 06 At th6m chi tl6t, xln gpf: 626-569-2150 Proposw Improvements Olney I bvO and Temple City Boulevard 80 -fest of Yellow Circular Raised Pavement Marker 4 -feet apart Freeway Entrance Pavement Marker City of Rosemead Traffic Commission Courtesy Notice On Thursday, October 4, 2018; at the hour of 7:00 p.m., or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Rosemead Traffic Commission will hold a public meeting in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770, to discuss traffic safety improvements along a portion of Olney Street. You are being notified of this meeting because your property is within close proximity to the location. We encourage your comments regarding traffic safety in this area. Citizens' wishing to comment may do so by attending the Traffic Commission meeting, or by sending a comment letter by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 4, 2018. Written comments must be addressed to; City of Rosemead Public Works Department 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Attention: Greg Tsujiuehi, Acting Director of Public Works Written comments may be mailed to the above address, emailed to gtsuiiuchil cityofrosemead.oMor faxed to (626) 307-9218. Again, only letters received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 4, 2018, will be accepted. We appreciate your concern for traffic safety in the City of Rosemead. Should you have any questions regarding this courtesy notice, please contact the City Engineer, Rafael Fajardo, at (626) 569-2151. For information please call: Para obtener m6s informaci6n, favor de llamar al: WWI, MUt.. W biet tum chi dt, xin g9i: 626-569-2151 Proposed Traffic Safety improvements on Olney Street Attachment I Traffic Commission Staff Report Dated October 4, 2018 — Feasibility Estimate for Potential Olney Street Closure ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT FROM: GREG S. TSUJIUCI-II, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER / ACTING DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: OCTOBER 4, 201 S SUBJECT: FEASIBILITY ESTIMATE FOR POTENTIAL OLNEY STREET CLOSURE SUMMARY At. the September 6, 2018 Traffic Commission meeting, the Commission requested that staff seek informal estimates for the cost of conducting a feasibility study for the potential closure of Olney Street. Staff contacted four reputable firms familiar with the closure process and only one estimate was received from Elie Farah, Inc. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Traffic Commission: 1. Review the attached estimate and discuss the item; and 2. Provide direction to staff ANALYSIS The Traffic Commission requested an estimate for the feasibility study for the potential closure of Olney Street, which would eliminate access onto the 11.0 Freeway. Prior to wanting to make a recommendation to the Council, the Commission was concerned about potential cost for the study. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Traffic Commission Meeting October 4, 2018 Page 2 of 2 Prepared By: Submitted By: Rafael M. Fajardo, P.E. Gr g S. Tsujiuchi City Engineer Assistant City Manager / Acting Director of Public Warks Attachments: 1. Elie Farah Estimate Rafael Fidairda From: Sent: To: Subject: Good Morning Rafael: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 10:36 AM Rafael Fajardo Olney St closure I spent some time to determine what would be needed to analyze the closure of Olney between Rio Hondo and Temple City Blvd. One of the issue is which streets are being used by motorists to get to Olney. And what happens when it is closed. And would Caltrans be involved because the closure does impact the ramp. So the estimate is about $8,000 for the Study excludin processing/coordinating with Caltrans and preparation of plans etc... The following Tasks will be needed to thoroughly evaluate the existing street system Task 1: Accident Data Collection and Tabulation. Accident data from the last 3 years will be obtained from the City. Information from the most recent 3 years, along with the length ofsegment, and average daily traffic on the segment is used to develop accident statistics. This data is compared to accident rates expected to occur on streets and highways with the same characteristics. Task 2: Perform License Plate Survey to determine the amount of cut-thru. traffic on Olney Dr at three (4) locations (Marshall, Rio Hondo, Temple City, De Adalena) during the peak (4) fours and provide summary of results. - Task 3; Twenty -Pour (24) hour average daily counts will be conducted at: 1. Olney 2. Temple City Blvd 3. Ria Hondo 4. Marshall Si 5. Ellis Lane 6. De Adalena Task 4: Perform Peak hour Turning Movement Counts (7-9 am and 4-6 pm) at: 1. Temple City and Olney 2. Rio Honda and Olney Task 5: Perform level of service analysis for Temple City Blvd for existing (before Closure) and after closure to determine impact Task 6: A field review will be taken for Temple City Blvd and Olney. This will include collecting the existing signing and striping. Task 7: Summarize Existing traffic Conditions with tentative recommendations. Task 8: Attend meetings. Excladed; Caltrans procesging/coordinating, plaits, etc... Caltrans may require additional analysis for Rosemead Blvd, etc... 1'11 call you to discuss. Attachment J Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 4, 2018 Minutes for the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING October 4, 2018 The meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7:05 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Berry INVOCATION: Commissioner Quintanilla PRESENT: Chair Masuda, Vice Chair Ornelas, Commissioner Berry,, Commissioner Quintanilla and Commissioner Sevilla ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager/Acting Rafael Fajardo and Administrative Assistant Silvia L 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Commissioner Omelas Minutes) from the Cons 43 were discussed concurrently Tsujiuchi, City Engineer Item A (September 6, 2018 STREET AND TEMPLE CITY Staff gave the Traffic Cofi;isoleis a brief description on the item, along with a Power Point presentation and recommended 1) Preparewarrant for the installation of stop signs at the intersection of Marybeth Avenue and Ellis Lane along Olney Street, 2) Restripe the entire street, and 3) Traffic Counts. Marion Fairbanks spoke on behalf of her mother who lives at 9555 Olney Street. Ms. Fairbanks mentioned that vehicles are always speeding along this area and does not think the stop signs will be sufficient. Dorothy Weiss, 3546 Marybeth Avenue expressed her concern on agenda Item 3 B. Feasibility estimate for Potential Olney Street Closure and agrees with closing the street. Jonathan Martinez, 9550 Olney Street also spoke on behalf of his mother and expressed their concerns on agenda Item 3 B. Feasibility estimate for Potential Olney Street Closure and agrees with closing the street. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of October 4, 2018 Page 1 of 4 Raul Quezada, 9551 Olney Street expressed his concern on agenda Item 3 B. Feasibility estimate for Potential Olney Street Closure and recommends closing the on ramp to the freeway. Lorraine O'Neill, 3528 Ellis Lane would like to see other safety improvements done other than a stop sign and also expressed her concern on agenda Item 3 B. Feasibility estimate for Potential Olney Street Closure and agrees with closing the street. Oscar Rios, 9638 Olney Street expressed his concern on agenda Item 3 B. Feasibility estimate for Potential Olney Street Closure and recommends closing the on ramp to the freeway. Sheila Larson, 9502 Olney Street also expressed her concern on Item 3 B. Feasibility estimate for Potential Olney Street Closure and agrees with closing the street. Ms. Larson alsotnentioned that people ignore the current stops signs along the area and has had to call the police to_!.n the area. Commissioner Sevilla asked Ms. Larson if she knew how Ms. Larson responded that about 17 tickets were Commissioner Berry asked Ms. Larson how often Ms. Larson responded that she sees a good sheriffs Grace Rosales, 9622 Olney Street mentioned=that her for sidewalks to be installed along Olney St�eet'W-Arq, also expressed her concern on Item 3 B. Fe.fi�asibility=:E with closing the street. Beverly Martin, 9438�0Ir y'Str6K with having sidewalksi stalied. Ms Potential Olney Street Closure and B nee in theaea. for i also expressbed" her cc with closing the street. for U -Turns and would like to request m walking in the street. Ms. Rosales .Onley Street Closure and agrees Is along Olney Street and agrees Item 3 B. Feasibility estimate for e, Marybeth Avenue, and Vane Avenue are an increase in traffic and vehicles speeding. Oscar Rios,, 9638 Olney St' -&' stated thatssme of the dome markers are missing. Chair Masigauton the record`ff t a letter ffi received by Quyen Ngo, 9464 Olney Street expressing his concern with unssfe,driving and would like to propose that speed bumps and sidewalks be installed along Onley Street to slow:`aawn traffic,thls creating a safer environment for children and pedestrians. Commissioner Sevilla t - a ka&W resident for coming to the meeting, along with mentioning that everyone is in favor of closing the street:= Commissioner Berry mentioned that people robbing houses weren't going to pay attention to the signs, but for everyone else it's a beginning to help alleviate some of the concerns and recommended having them patrol more often. Chair Masuda suggested in adding a "Freeway Only" sign. Commissioner Berry motioned, seconded by Commissioner Quintanilla to approve staffs recommendations, with the addition of adding an additional sign to the stop sign on Olney Street and Ellis Lane that reads "Freeway Entrance Only". Votes resulted in: Yes: Berry, Sevilla, Quintanilla, Ornelas and Masuda No: None _ =_ Abstain: None = - Absent: None Staff gave the Traffic Commissioners an update Commissioner Quintanilla suggested in moving Commissioner Berry suggested in item. Commissioner Sevilla agrees with the discussing a budget for the,studies nee can move torward Police Department the previous the audience that they are just as part of the proposal. to speeding issues along that area. the closure of the on ramp. the City Council needs to make the final recommendation before they al jurisdictions, such as, Caltrans, LA County, Fire Department and included and agree with the closure. Chair Masuda asked at wh65`point are first responders included into the discussion to give their input on the importance of keeping the onramp open or closing it. Staff informed the Commissioners that the feasibility study will be able to accommodate which will be first and which will be last. Commissioners Sevilla asked with the study if there would be a difference between closing only the east bound or closing both the east bound and west bound. Staff informed the Commissioners that they would need to talk to the consultant. Commissioner Ornelas asked how long would a study take. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of October 4, 2018 Page 3 of 4 Staff responded the Commissioners that they weren't sure how long the study would take. Commissioner Berry motioned, seconded by Commissioner Quintanilla to approve staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission recommend and propose to the City Council to move forward with the feasibility study. Votes resulted in: Yes: Berry, Quintanilla, Masuda, Sevilla, and Ornelas No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 4. STAFF REPORT Staff reported to the Commissioners that are being looked at to 5. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Berry asked if they can restrict street 7 a.m. Mr. Berry also received a request to have a and Garvalia Avenue, a request from the resident speeding issues along Edmond Drive, and lastly a r they can get enforcement along End nt;Avenue, I driveways. Vice Chair Ornelas asked if staff can look Commissioner Berry Commissioner Quintanilla.thanked Com Chair Masuda also tha - .� done`'foet more input 6. The meeting adjourne4=at 8:55 at 7:00 p.m., in the afto ric ATTEST: ping hours near schoolefrom the hours of 6 a.m. to sign installed at the intei*I:[Qn of Jackson Avenue 36 Edmond Drive to see Abyycan look into the sf from a restleitt at 4106 Encnit;Avenue to see if �:_; tse :people ale parking on the red''' blocking their immercial park] g. in front of Jay Imperial Park, cost forl.04arfi_crosswalks`for future projects. .66M'to the meeting. for 66f le City. coming to tonight's meeting, along with expressing his meeting, along with suggesting to have a survey ie next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for November 1, 2018, ber at City Hall, located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Greg Tsujiuchi Assistant City Manager/Acting Director of Public Works Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of October 4, 2018 Page 4 of 4 i Howard Masuda Chair Attachment K Preliminary Plans for Olney Street Partial Closure sA zt w a r m r = o gm a$ ®�_ m amm " Vii€ 11€"5_ mX pq mom ; :g y8"" ° P��UH M n j MQ Sim F"s �y g �a m�H�a��® °� ��a� in $�_�= MQ S" o= �o�g - � 3= 1 g=g- 9N boa O HI 101h� gel ��; $� b ° �°°.=5a T$�p € n� =fig ;�a ps u rSo g^ 20 m� Ii i $ooh m°g =s P aeoP i� 81SHT� -' �H ip 11H M a O f` s mm m=�� `�£€ °mis stemsIHIM§ vu HH ; IN � 9$ HS 8 g mil 4" �?�s�� a� ego �� ��zo�e"sgy Ify 11 fa oF�PA °� b°ssa £ssmo € g" X80 1 Tip.,�� m g'sm s � _ m o a mg m °= mss PH o(� f". RW €48 AFA ng o�, N"m o >�°oNm "�€ � " °S ° ? P z -ilixig--88 mnRu "Jun inn HIRE1UH HH111 HUI Mull Ulu PH 2UH WIM, aUHUH 100 4p o'" 1 11Hinn Din pm ml Mull RM HIM lul HH5111 H19 .0"M JHH �a . Z Hit tom sym gV HIM _R� .<g o HIP $$ gg g§y§� 1 RR Ion 0, „� �<��� 'e 8 'R O flu ea H1 o� �o��� QW11. � ��`9id, IN 8,11T.Nif �o#��g $R,mX3 P8 sm=a ieP$% O € 3 �"�$ ��o=S"z9 m�$"�s mmg"m O g C) m U) A M a a �W A H H H 0 n HBO mi 1 m fg i ny §P at IS og z < Q R "' I fll O�Z�R 55 s ��=u 28 D pill o Z z zo AoA o gioi�g£ U) K � sA zt w a r m r = o gm a$ ®�_ m amm " Vii€ 11€"5_ mX pq mom ; :g y8"" ° P��UH M n j MQ Sim F"s �y g �a m�H�a��® °� ��a� in $�_�= MQ S" o= �o�g - � 3= 1 g=g- 9N boa O HI 101h� gel ��; $� b ° �°°.=5a T$�p € n� =fig ;�a ps u rSo g^ 20 m� Ii i $ooh m°g =s P aeoP i� 81SHT� -' �H ip 11H M a O f` s mm m=�� `�£€ °mis stemsIHIM§ vu HH ; IN � 9$ HS 8 g mil 4" �?�s�� a� ego �� ��zo�e"sgy Ify 11 fa oF�PA °� b°ssa £ssmo € g" X80 1 Tip.,�� m g'sm s � _ m o a mg m °= mss PH o(� f". RW €48 AFA ng o�, N"m o >�°oNm "�€ � " °S ° ? P z -ilixig--88 mnRu "Jun inn HIRE1UH HH111 HUI Mull Ulu PH 2UH WIM, aUHUH 100 4p o'" 1 11Hinn Din pm ml Mull RM HIM lul HH5111 H19 .0"M JHH �a . Z Hit tom sym gV HIM _R� .<g o HIP $$ gg g§y§� 1 RR Ion 0, „� �<��� 'e 8 'R O flu ea H1 o� �o��� QW11. � ��`9id, IN 8,11T.Nif �o#��g $R,mX3 P8 sm=a ieP$% O € 3 �"�$ ��o=S"z9 m�$"�s mmg"m O g C) m U) '"my D o W N -ADO s=s s€>= _" z° --I (7 �3 11 a1 11 ° 31 11 � gym gg 0 r— ° T H° W �$ppl; Heys go J $ � "� qa � r N €.5 eas Hip P� gg$ o Ng 1s= s ;° Z I m C €��sR" �a H s Aga gSa Mp m O 0 ;mU O Q- .1 � 1C Dr offiammi3s s a � � il 1 Fg gag Q- O mc���oms� y€��° � o Fpm P° �9� k� O T 3aa "� O"o ; g u9 �� o i7m S o r 0 1 � � m�: ami§� _� $g Z o � _ _m m rg cnrn 4444444 D y. M a a �W A H Oil n HBO mi 1 AO �C Z f ny §P at IS °R H I Q R "' I fll O�Z�R 55 s ��=u 28 D pill o Z z zo ;'g g X gioi�g£ '"my D o W N -ADO s=s s€>= _" z° --I (7 �3 11 a1 11 ° 31 11 � gym gg 0 r— ° T H° W �$ppl; Heys go J $ � "� qa � r N €.5 eas Hip P� gg$ o Ng 1s= s ;° Z I m C €��sR" �a H s Aga gSa Mp m O 0 ;mU O Q- .1 � 1C Dr offiammi3s s a � � il 1 Fg gag Q- O mc���oms� y€��° � o Fpm P° �9� k� O T 3aa "� O"o ; g u9 �� o i7m S o r 0 1 � � m�: ami§� _� $g Z o � _ _m m rg cnrn 4444444 D y. M a a �W A H Oil n pwi & AO �C Z P ny §P at IS m�m 1 O�Z�R J15 R s m m� �N 4 D '"my D o W N -ADO s=s s€>= _" z° --I (7 �3 11 a1 11 ° 31 11 � gym gg 0 r— ° T H° W �$ppl; Heys go J $ � "� qa � r N €.5 eas Hip P� gg$ o Ng 1s= s ;° Z I m C €��sR" �a H s Aga gSa Mp m O 0 ;mU O Q- .1 � 1C Dr offiammi3s s a � � il 1 Fg gag Q- O mc���oms� y€��° � o Fpm P° �9� k� O T 3aa "� O"o ; g u9 �� o i7m S o r 0 1 � � m�: ami§� _� $g Z o � _ _m m rg cnrn 4444444 D y. M a a �W A H Oil pwi y. a ~ P� y H g � ivv His SH g¢M H M. � j�9 i P ny §P at IS J15 R s 4 ema i 8 �e8 m r� � �s M m rn 0 z rn m m m --- ;u ;u :ill Z I` 0 m Ij m z +� i n rc,vi ,vr IE , r m V)H i 6 4 ° TEMPLE CITY BLVD apt ! ► �• a : Y' '• ...�"_---'. B 6 + + i o i r i i + N n � � A 00000 00-0 � 0 Ro m �? -9 D $ IV p FFi A m < U) i s 9 FF O ip y Z a 47 v1 U) y �� oa U)o ~ U) z .Zl = II (Ul} II m I° m ---% N m r m i m i I 6 N m -;IOjs I P e: • 7 � , 'ic, a 69 - - - tl•---- �- --�-- --------- TEMPLE CITY BLVD --------- ----- R ypa� V\Y 9 eE `N I I � Em �!/r• 1 Z z D Z �Z gill 10 1 CO WA r egg t g � N a 14 I� G� rq MA 41111111, ,. , .r r p Z e,� Y ;p , RIO.NONDP:AVE z II ELLIS LN e'� zu R OA Z)k a LASHBROOK`AV9 ` f P_LE 91 VANE AVE gig PIT LL Z r MAkVBETN AVE azo D o0 0 00000 :um-I r Z n Y O c7 T s o Z _, co cA e o Attachment L Preliminary Cost Estimate for Olney Street Partial Closure Preliminary Cost Estimate for Olney St Partial Closure Item # Description oty Unit Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Mobilization & Demolition 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 2 Traffic Control and TC Plans 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 3 Saw cut and remove curb 40 LF $20.00 $800.00 Construct 6" curb & gutter to match 4 existing 30 LF $50.00 $1,500.00 Construct 8" curb & gutter to match 5 existing 50 LF $70.00 $3,500.00 Install colored river rock in PCC over 6 aggregate base to match existing 700 SF $40.00 $28,000.00 7 Install Midwest Guard rail 150 LF $70.00 $10,500.00 8 Remove conflicting striping 1 LS $2,500.00 $2,500.00 9 Install sign and post 12 EA $350.00 $4,200.00 10 Remove sign and post 4 EA $350.00 $1,400.00 11 Install Solar speed feedback sign 2 EA $10,000.00 $20,000.00 12 Striping - Thermoplastic Extrusion 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 11 Install Two Message boards 30 days $150.00 $4,500.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION $96,900.00 Engineering & CM 20% $19,380.00 Contingency 15% $14,535.00 TOTAL $130,815.00 10f1 4/15/2020 Attachment M City Council Staff Report Dated December 10, 2019 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER N l , DATE: DECEMBER 10, 2019 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL TO ]PARTIALLY CLOSE OLNEY STREET BETWEEN RIO HONDO AVENUE AND TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD SUMMARY Traffic issues on Olney Street came before the Traffic Commission previously on October 7, 2017, September 6, 2018 and October 4, 2018. The City Council heard the topic on December 11, 2018. The City Council directed staff to solicit proposals to perform a traffic study in the vicinity of Olney Street, Temple City Boulevard and Rio Hondo* Avenue. That traffic study, conducted by the selected Traffic Engineer Elie Farah of EFI, was presented to the Traffic Commission on November 7, 2019. During the presentation to the Traffic Commission on November 7, 2019, Elie Farah gave a thorough presentation of the traffic study report (Attachment A) and walked the Commission through the data and explained how the raw data and statistics translates into information which the Commission can make informed decisions upon. After the presentation, numerous questions from the Traffic Commission were asked of Mr. Farah. There were several options presented to the Traffic Commission including short term fixes which. included additional signage and striping as a mean to slow down traffic .and long- term options which included up to a complete closure of Olney Street from Temple City Avenue. After the discussion, the Traffic Commission voted 4-0 to recommend to the City Council a partial permanent shut down of Olney Street, and short-term mitigating measures to help ease speeding on Olney Street. For this to occur, the City Council will need to approve a budget to prepare preliminary design plans and estimate for the partial street closure of Olney Street at Temple City Blvd. The plans will include preliminary street improvements and striping plans as well as preliminary cost estimate for partial closure. AGENDA ITEM 4.K City Council Meeting December 10, 2019 Page 2 of 3 DISCUSSION During the presentation to the Traffic Commission, several issues were discussed about the unique traffic situation on Olney Street. Because the freeway onramp on Temple City Ave. often backs up during peak morning and evening hours, many drivers simply turn right on Olney Street and head West on Olney Street to turn left on Rio Hondo to get on the freeway - hoping to beat the backed -up traffic on Temple City Avenue. Additionally, many drivers utilize Olney Street to turn right onto Temple City Avenue and then make a U-turn to turn right back on to the freeway. And because of the easy access to the freeway, there's concern from the Olney Street residents .about their area being ripe for crime as criminals can burglar a home on Olney and quickly slip away on the I-10 freeway. As with any complex issue such as this issue on Olney Street, each solution also creates additional issues. An example would be that a full closure or- even partial closure of Olney Street will create more traffic backup on Temple City Boulevard and some arterials. Depending upon the time of day, the potential impacts of each possible remedy were discussed. Additionally, it is understood that once Caltrans allows the partial closure that the decision is - considered permanent. After careful consideration, the Traffic Commission decided that a partial closure of Olney Street was the best solution. Significantly contributing to the decision of a partial closure are several houses on the west side of Temple City Boulevard where, if a full closure were imposed on Olney Street, their only option to leave their house would be a forced entrance onto Interstate 10. A partial closure of Olney Street (if a future study determines it is possible depending on the width of Temple City Avenue) would enable the residents to continue to turn right onto Onley and or enter the I-10 Freeway as they presently do. Additionally, the Traffic Commission recommended that the City Council allow "quick fixes" such as additional speed limit signs, painting of side lines designed to slow traffic coupled with specific enforcement of Olney Street. STAFF RECOMIENDATION The Traffic. Commission has recommended to the City Council to allow a partial permanent closure of Olney Street in addition to the above "quick fixes" described above. In order to determine if, Olney Street partial closure is a viable solution, preliminary design plans and estimates will need to be prepared to determine the feasibility and costs of partial closure. Based on the preliminary design and estimates, the City Council can make an informed decision on the issue. h City Council Meeting December 10, 2019 Page 3 of 3 FISCAL DHACT The cost of preliminary design plans, estimates, and recommendations will be approximately $10,000.00. Funds are available in account number 101-3035-5299. STRATEGIC PLAN RVIPACT Strategy three of the City of Rosemead's Strategic Plan is Beautification and Infrastructure. By hiring an Engineering Firm to perform all engineering functions, the City Council's vision of the City of Rosemead, which includes an. aggressive Capital Improve}nent Program, will be closer to being implemented and fulfilled. I PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prep Chr ast' Director of Public Works Attachment A: Traffic Study Attachment B: November 7, 2019 — Traffic Commission Draft Minutes Attachment A Traffic Commission Staff Report Dated November 7, 2019 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT FROM: CHRIS DAST$, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: NOVEMBER 7, 2019 SUBJECT: REVIEW OF TRAFFIC STUDY FOR OLNEY STREET BETWEEN RIO HONDO AVENUE AND TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD IN THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD SUMMARY Traffic issues on Olney Street has come before the Traffic Commission previously on October 7, 2017, September 6, 2018 and October 4, 2018. The City Council heard the topic on December 11, 2018. The City Council directed staff to solicit proposals to perform a traffic study in the vicinity of Olney Street, Temple City Boulevard and Rio Hondo Avenue. Elie Farah of EFI was hired by the City of Rosemead and conducted an extensive traffic study of the impacted areas. The traffic study includes a summary of findings and advantages and disadvantages of all potential actions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Traffic Commission: 1. Discuss Item 2. Provide recommendations to the City Council ANALYSIS As directed by City Council, staff performed a detailed, comprehensive traffic study of Olney Street, Temple City Boulevard and Rio Hondo Avenue. Staff will be providing a presentation for the Traffic Commission. COURTESY NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process, and 214 notices were sent out to surrounding residences within an estimated 800 foot radius Traffic Commission Meeting November 7, 2019 Page 2 of 5 Prepared By: Chris Daste Director of Public Works Attachments: 1. Traffic Analysis Prepared by Eli Farah of Elie Farah Inc. 2. Courtesy Notice Traffic Commission Meeting November 7, 2019 Page 3 of 5 ATTACHMENT 1 TRAFFIC ANALYSIS TO: Ms. Gloria Molleda, City Manager FROM: Elie Farah, EFI DATE: 7-10-2019 SUBJECT: Traffic analysis for Olney St between Rio Hondo Avenue and Temple City Boulevard in the City of Rosemead, CA. On behalf of the City of Rosemead, EFI has completed a traffic analysis to evaluate a request for traffic calming measures on Olney St between Rio Hondo Avenue and Temple City Boulevard. This segment of roadway is comprised of residential use. A vicinity Map is included below. The segment is stop controlled at Rio Hondo Ave, Vane St, and Temple City Blvd. Residents have complained that pass thru vehicles are traveling at high speeds and use this segment to access the West Bound on Ramp to the I-10 Freeway on 'Cemple City Blvd. FIGURE 1 1IPage Background Since October of last yew-, the Traffic Commission has met three times (October- 7, 2017; September 6, 2018, and October 4, 2018) to discuss the traffic conditions on Olney Street between Rio Hondo Avenue and Temple City Boulevard. In response to various trafflc concerns raised by residents, staffhas proposed incremental measures that include enhanced traffic signage and pavement markings to address many of those concerns. However, many residents have expressed a greater preference, if possible, to close the east end of Olney Streetat Temple- City Boulevard and eliminate the on-ramp to the westbound I-10 Freeway as well as access to Olney Street from southbound Temple City Boulevard. Therefore, it has become clear, that a comprehensive traffic study is necessary to review all of the traff c movements impacting Olney Street, and explore the feasibility of closing the east end of Olney Street. However, since then, residents have expressed additional concerns at the September 6, 2018 and October 4, 2018 Trafflc Commission meetings that included the following: • There has been an increase in robberies in the area due to the proximity of the I-10 Freeway on- ramp, many robberies occur in the daytime. • There has been a significant increase in traffic volumes on Olney Street. • Many cars are traveling at excessive speeds on Olney Street, and there have been many accidents; speed humps or additional stop signs are needed to slow down the vehicles. • Eastbound cars are continuing to make U-turns on Olney Street between Ellis Lane and Temple City Boulevard • Vehicles headed southbound on Temple City sometimes get trapped in the far right lane, forcing them to snake a right turn onto Olney Street, then making a U-turn on Olney to get onto the freeway. • Those making U-turns on Olney Street often drive up onto the resident's driveways, and it can be dicult to back out of the driveways during rush hour. • Vehicles are bypassing the southbound traffic on Temple Chy'Boulevard by cutting through on Ellis Lane and Olney Street to get to the freeway. • Since there is no sidewalk on Olney Street, kids walk in the streets on the way to Savannah School; kids can't play in the street due to all the cars; it's not safe. In order to mitigate some of these concerns, staff has proposed various incremental measures such as installing "No U-turn"signs, "25 mph Speed Limit "signs, and additional "Stop "signs on Olney Street at the intersections ofMarybeth Avenue and Ellis Lane. However, the overwhelming preference expressed by residents at the October 4, 2018 Traffic Commission meeting is to close the east end of Olney Street. None of these measures appear to have been implemented. ACCIDENT DATA Accident Data Collection and Tabulation was done for the area bounded by Marshall St to the north and Temple City Blvd to the cast and Rio Hondo to the west and Olney to the South. See the Study Limit exhibit Below. 21 Page Iry IL fl A3 ■ r 1 ` ►� ( Q C i��� 7�. Ly_u) �,!�I'. , �� ils 1 �,. ..��.���Yr •+ v�j i 1�. nom;. ��. 1 d_ 1 _ ■ ' r A■ ly,a-, `I p•...e_. tea, Pr wd rd k VEWi`� � }— � r 4 .J�-� I ml � � F- � r - t •_- - i.a if 1 L 1f _`3" ■ F 11. � 1 � 1 -'.i�d i TEMPLE CITY BLVD I OLNEYST TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD OLNEY ST OLN EY ST RIO HONDO AVE ELLIS LANE TEMPLE CITY BLVD OLNEY ST RIO HONDO AVE TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE .CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD Intersecting ELLIS LANE RIO HONDO AVE RIO HONDO AVE RIO HONDO AVE TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD Street Name MARSHALL ST MARSHALL ST MARSHALL 5T MARSHALL ST MARSHALL ST MARSHALL ST MARSHALL ST MARSHALL ST ELLLIS LANE MARYBETH AVE OLN EY ST Street Name DE ADELANA ST OLN EY ST VANE AVE MARSHALL ST GUESS ST MARSHALL ST MARSHALL ST MARSHALL ST OLNEY ST Street Name DE ADELANA ST GLENDON WAY GLENDON WAY MARSHALL ST MARSHALL ST MARSHALL ST 0 LN EY ST ACCIDENT RATE ANALYSIS ACCIDENT SUMMARY Year 2019 /22/2019T HIT OBJECT Year 2018 Date F Type 11/6/2018 SIDESWIPE 11/6/2018 SIDESWIPE 2/4/2018 SIDESWIPE 2/7/2018 BROADSIDE 2/8/2018 BROADSIDE 2/13/2018 BROADSIDE 5/24/2018 BROADSIDE L1/21/2018 BROADSIDE 7/10/2018 REAR END 8/19/2018 HEAD-ON 4/17/2018 BROADSIDE Year 2017 Date Type 8/8/2017 BACKING UP LO/7/2017 HIT OBJECT 6/4/2017 REAR END 2/31/2017 BROADSIDE i/15/2017 BROADSIDE i/21/2017 SIDESWIPE 7/6/2017 REAR END 0/11/2017 SIDESWIPE 5/2/2017 SIDESWIPE Year 2016 Date Accident Type L2/8/2016 BACKING UP L/31/2016 SIDESWIPE i/18/2016 SIDESWIPE ?/25/2016 REAR END i/28/2016 STARTING /BACKING UP 3/28/2016 SIDESWIPE 0/30/2016 IMPROPER TURN TEMPLE CITY BLVD 111' N Collision on TEMPLE CITY BLVD MARSHALL ST TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD OLNEY ST OLN EY ST RIO HONDO AVE Collision on DE ADELANA ST OLN EY ST OLN EY ST RIO HONDO AVE TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD Collision on ON ELLIS RIO HONDO AVE RIO HONDO AVE RIO HONDO AVE TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD TEMPLE CITY BLVD Distance 0' 48'W 63'S 0' 0' 0' 262'N 0' 83' W 0' 4'5 Distance 296'W 51W 123' E 23' N 35'S 225'N 2101S 447'N 51'N Distance 159'5 132' N 267' N 165' N 40' N 84'N 113'N The accident data for each street segment was compared to accident rates that can be reasonably expected to occur on streets and highways of the same characteristics. These anticipated accident rates have been developed by Caltrans and are applicable for use in the City of Rosemead. The number of midblock accidents in a street segment are considered as a whole regardless of which direction the accident occurred Since only in extreme cases would a separate speed limit be posted for each direction of travel. The accident rates used for this study are as follows: 4J Page CALIFORNIA STATE HIGHWAYS STATEWIDE TRAVEL AND ACCIDENT RATES* URBAN (Inside City) EXPECTED ACCIDENT RATES 2 and 3 lane 1.37 4 or more undivided 1.85 *Source: 2012 Travel and Accident summary Statewide- Urban(inside City). Compiled from the 2012- Collision Data on California State Highways. Current accident rates are shown in terms of "accidents per 1,000,000 vehicle miles of travel" for each road segment. The rate was calculated for each road segment using the following formula: Accident Rate = (N x 5,28o x 1,000,oco)J(ADT x L x Y x 365) N: number of midblock accidents within the study segment ADT: average daily traffic volume L: length of segment in feet Y: number of years of accident history TABLE 2 A C YDV.NT R A TF Street Name Accident Rate Expected Accident Rate De Adalena St 3.84 1.37 Ellis Lane 4.73 1.37 Marshall St 4.19 1.37 Olney St 4.91 1.37 Rio Hondo Ave 5.79 1.37 Temple City Blvd 1 1.84 1 1.85 The accident rates overall are higher than expected when compared to the statewide rates. Olney Street has a higher than expected accident rate. SPEEDING CITATIONS EFI Collected, Reviewed , and Tabulated police records regarding speeding citations. The following is a summary based on information provided by the Sherriff s Department on June 6, 2019. See Appendix for Sheriff's report details. 5 1 P a g e The Sherriff's Department issued two citations on Olney Street. Neither one was for speeding. SPEED SURVEY 2012 ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY In 2012 as part of the City-wide traffic engineering and traffic survey, four of the six segments were surveyed as shown in table 5 below. TABLE 5 2012 Radar Speed Survey Dir, of 85 %ile Posted Limit Limit per Location Travel Date Speed MPH 85 %ile Temple City Blvd - 1 Between Olney St and NB/SB 10/1/2012 43 40 40 Guess St 2 Rio Hondo- Between NB/SB 09/28/2012 28 30 30 Olney St and Marshall St 3 Ellis Lane- Between NB/SB 10/1/2012 26 25 25 Olney St and Marshall St 4 De Adalena -Between EB/WB 09/28/2012 29 25 30* Rio Hondo Ave and Ellis Lane *Speed reduced per CAMUTCD Option 2 to 25 mph 5. Olney St -Between Rio Hondo Ave and Temple City Blvd is considered a residential street with a Prima Facie speed of 25 MPH 6.Marshall St- Between Ellis Lane and Temple City Blvd -not posted but speed limit should be 25MPH due to segment length. Segment 5 and 6 were not a part of the 2012 speed survey conducted by the City. It is likely because the segments are considered local/residential The fundamentals used to establish speed limits recognize that the majority of drivers behave in a safe and reasonable manner, but need to be advised of conditions which may not be readily apparent. For this reason, collision history, roadway conditions, traffic characteristics, and land use must be analyzed along with speed measurements to determine speed limits. Speed limit 61 Page changes are usually, coordinated with visible changes in roadway conditions or roadside developments. A Speed survey was conducted from June 7, 2019 through June 11,2019 at the following segments to compare to historical speed survey: 1. Temple City Blvd- Between Olney St and Guess St 2. Rio Hondo- Between Olney St and Marshall St 3. Ellis Lane- Between Olney St and Marshall St 4. De Adalena -Between Rio Hondo Ave and Ellis Lane 5. Olney St -Between Rio Hondo Ave and Temple City Blvd 6. Marshall St- Between Ellis Lane and Temple City Blvd The Speed Survey Worksheets are included in the appendix. To confirm actual speeds along the six segments, EFI conducted a radar speed survey off peak hours on a typical weekday. Radar speed measurements were conducted June 8, 2019 through June 11,2019. Field data was also collected. This included visibility restrictions, roadway conditions, pedestrian activities, on -street parking and land use adjacent to the roadways. The radar measurements followed guidelines and procedures outlined in the CVG 627 and CAMUTCD 2B.13. Speed samples were taken from an unmarked vehicle so as not to alter or impede the free flow 6f traffic. A total of about 100 samples were obtained for each direction at each segment. 50 samples were collected on lower volume street such as Ellis Lane and Olney St. The following table 6 shows the speed survey results. TABLE 6 2019 Radar Speed Survey Dir. of 85 %ile posted Limit Limit per Location Travel • Date Speed MPH 85 %ile Temple City Blvd - 1 Between Olney St and NB/SB 06/10/2019 46 40 40* Guess St 2 Rio Hondo- Between NB/SB 06/07/2019 28 30 30 Olney St and Marshall St 3 Ellis Lane- Between NB/SB 06/07/2019 32 25 25* Olney St and Marshall St 7 1 p a g e TABLE 6 2019 Radar Speed Survey Dir. of 85 %ile Posted Limit Limit per Location Travel Date Speed MPH 85 %ile 4 DeAdalena-Between EB/WB 06/11/2019 29 25 30* Rio Hondo Ave and Ellis Lane 5 Olney St -Between Rio EB/WB 06/10/2019 31 25 25* Hondo Ave and Temple City Blvd 6 Marshall St- Between EB/WB 06/11/2019 27 25 25 Ellis Lane and Temple City Blvd *Speed reduced per CAMUTCD Option 2 The City can elect to reduce the posted- speed limit by 5 mph following CAMUTCD and CVC guidelines. As seen in the Tables, the 2019 speeds are similar to what was found in 2012. If the speed limit was -based strictly on 85'h% the speed limit along Olney St would be set at 30 mph. However, the CAMUTCD and CVC allow the limit to be reduced by 5 mph based on engineering judgment, accident history and existing roadway land use and. conditions. After careful review of existing roadway conditions and operations, EFI has determined that the segment of Olney St -Between Rio Hondo Ave and Temple City Blvd would benefit by the placement/implementation of the following traffic calming measures: Phase 1: 1) Targeted Police Enforcement: The police department should provide periodic spot enforcement during off peak hours when traffic is able to move more freely through the segment. 2) Solid White Striping on Both Sides of the -Roadway: Two solid white lines on each side of Olney St will narrow travel lanes, effectively slowing speeds by changing the travel environment. Narrower lanes cause Drivers to travel at a slower pace. This has shown to be an effective device for reducing travel speeds. 3) Larger Speed Limit Signs and Radar Enforced Plaque: Installation of additional and larger speed limit signs are recommended as treatments to increase the motorist's awareness of 81 Page the posted speed limit. Speed limit signs are one of the most cost effective measures in increasing awareness of motorists traveling through a neighborhood street. Phase 2: Install Radar Feedback Signs Phase 3: Install Speed Cushion (speed humps). This would require the City to implement a speed cushion policy. BURGLARY REPORTS EFI contacted the Sheriff's Department and requested police records regarding crime reports for the area shown below bounded by Marshall St to the north and Temple City Blvd to the east and Rio Hondo to the west and Olney to the South for the past 3 years. The full report with location of the incident is included in the Appendix. The following Table 7 is a summary based on information provided by the Sheriff's Department on June 26, 2019: FIGURE 3 AREA LIMITS 9 1 P a g e Y m �12f1131i.YY iCMai l 6 ) 1 � ,� � .� _ � ✓�a e l f a e rl,t;t r J 11 it I FIGURE 3 AREA LIMITS 9 1 P a g e City of Rosemead Part I Crimes within a Boundary (Marshall St/Temple City Blvd/Olney St/Rio Hondo Ave) une 1, 2017 to May 3 j, 2018 ,I Q .a a as a ¢ N iiFIGURE4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- City of Rosemead Part I Crimes within a Boundary (Marshall St/Temple City Blvd/Olney St/Rio Hondo Ave) June 1, 2018 thru May 31, 2019 96 t x_96 CRIME TYPE FIGURE 5 10Page City of Rosemead Part I Crimes within a Boundary (Marshall St/Temple City Blvd/Olney St/Rlo Hondo) June 1, 2016 thru May 31, 2017 FIGURE 6 M -------- — TABLE 7 Crime Summary Table 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 Homicide 0 0 0 Rape 0 0 0 Robbery 0 0 0 Assault 0 0 0 Burglary 2 3 4 Larceny 2 7 3 GTA 1 5 2 Arson 0 0 0 The report appear to indicate that burglaries continue to rise from 2016 to 2019 while I.,arceny and Grand theft Auto peaked 2017/2018 111 Page .i. � � i' i �� I ri r ' R.I. "ti.r,�. � �• ry f ' � � y s OL e �. ,,Irl � �� I tr..M P _� � i _ .�� � � �FF��.: ���� I •��'��+y��j GP4 [tF `� fir- f � '�.'! 1R!R E., -.�'h ��)) iii A ''�a' , 51.�I•�: - 'fir_' T r � 7 i� �— �c:'!� ��' !"� =a If The license plate survey captures all vehicles entering at one observation station. If the last 3 digits of the plate was captured at an exit observation station, it is assumed that the vehicle did not stop in the neighborhood and was considered as part of the cut -through traffic whether traveling parallel to the freeway or getting on the freeway. EFI targeted these segments to assess cut -through traffic. Due to the size and complexity. of the travel patterns in the study area a license plate survey was conducted at five locations to determine the exact percentage of traffic cutting through the residential community to avoid taking the Southbound Temple City Blvd to the I-10 westbound ramp to the Freeway or perhaps avoid using the Freeway altogether. Technicians were deployed to record the last three digits of vehicles license plates in 15 minute increments entering and exiting at strategic locations (as shown in the exhibit above) where commuters might leave the main streets and continue their journey through" the Olney Street neighborhood. This information complements the traffic volume data collected at (5) Five segments and (2) intersections. To capture peak commute conditions the survey was conducted from 7 A.M. — 9 A.M. during the morning and from 4.00 P.M —6.00 P.M. during the evening. The last three digits of the license plate number and time of day a vehicle passed the recording points were collected. The results of each data collection point were traced from entry to exit point to determine the travel patterns of the vehicles. A detailed summary of the results is presented in the Appendix for each entry and exit point over the AM and PM two-hour period. The following is a brief summary of the results for a typical 15 minute period observed from 8:00 AM to 8:15AM: �� v�•� i T +�+�r1'-1�1P�-:=1�'� _ ��, ice; '�R� 1 yerFl�s 7 a /L �� j#'.k-► j r�� 1 tt� I "n - _ ,y� ���•I�7, I •'7 �i � ~7 ,G __ "�� •�, EL JA.. sry�[��.� Y�..�.i� /al(. �t -r -+� ca - WN ri Fes.' • / � 1.7.T', _ �'c td �.� •�.a>�.. L.rs.�� � kms,—�'_'-rr �►� � i' �!:�`�r � � i I'�'' � Y .�Il "^ I w1i�I'J� �f �l l r r„ l,'. ;..+a.r..- .—+. -i � � �� •-� P � I� •�hI F� J 1 I `�.a_ � t 'a3 - Vii- 4/ �I 1� �df� P:, t• R � �_, I 4' q r�LL - -►� _ '-�►' ,: r 7FR tom 'A r 1 _tom. ori yd. 1. !tom. Y... Yr If :� • 5.� I 1.Y J S ry� L:AL s,-4 - �` Ise 1. FM . I.I � [4d � � 1 �..'. r. �• � � ,��FJd:+ f i I -�. -ate■ �. �s �. _� " —�� .rtl` .Y �ti'u'. I ; � ��.�_ r'� i 9L `� '.� ' _� A _ ) I _ s .e—d •ISN � •�+ � r1y {M 1- �._� �� �c� '.J-•I� YPY_31=� y�' 1 :' k R, • `�..�="l/. fes, � .. Ezra.. ���� B . 1 � l ,�. �`_ •� k :r `4 :R"� ,, � � .a,} • '� a 1� ;` � C +0.Y ,.� � - _� r+•�*■� .. �, _�'_..w.�.sa.■.� .. - _ _ �. _: .i _���� �" }� �.. 'tea --i-- - �, '�,��. � �. I__ --gym' .�' I •�� �� —? ,� � ' �''ta � ' � -;y T1, 10.3 Jr g 1 C �'i I�[.a..J� I .lr1 ►x•• y '1:. _!1 ,�.' I; .�1 b _I rh y I f • '�' I�. `• .v.� s _b1 �mk �'_ `'-.�� 1 • J,.i. r. y rj�tE 111"A r�'�� i. 4L 4CI ,.1 �j•i i'�. �. ^ �I.I+ �. ,• ��..�.�� MA_.� a t r �g i el -11, r - `S vt j$:�: .c:.. '= ems' `Cly .i ._.,Iz,.•111 �,I --kPa e �.. . Iwo, - � prl i _ - ..., ► t a�J c�.7 �9� I a ,�� � i 1_�'�;, �' f-� V� I s,d.-I °�. �. �-d`�� Fri. ►�°w , �. rte, ___ .ail, Ij •r f:.�:t. rjr �^ ��L� ice`_ r' �i s_. I s./.i t-" ' L....i� .�.F lT......a��4S:. �'a 6 �j-p s _ • r ^ � AL es•: f F T. , TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOUR AVERAGE DAILY COUNTS Twenty -Four hour counts were conducted at (7) seven segments within the study area. The detailed worksheets are included in the appendix. The following Table 8 shows a summary of the Counts: No previous (24) hour counts are available for Olney St and therefore it is not possible to determine if the traffic on Olney St has increased over the years. Peak hour Turning Movement Counts EFI Performed Peak hour Turning Movement Counts (7-9 am and 4-6 pm) on 6/4/2019 at: I•. Temple City Blvd and Olney St 2. Rio Hondo Ave and Olney St The Complete Worksheets are enclosed in the appendix. The following is a summary of the peak 1 hour period during the AM & PM commute periods. 19 1Page Segment Name (24) hour average daily traffic -vehicles per da 1. Rio Hondo Ave north of Olney St 1,751 2. Olney St east of Rio Hondo Ave 1,981 3. Olney St west of Temple City Blvd 1,199 4. Temple City Blvd north of Olney St 30,245 S. Marshall St west of Temple City Blvd 2,553 6. Ellis Lane south of Marshall St 1,049 7. De Adalena St - west of Ellis Lane 1,969 No previous (24) hour counts are available for Olney St and therefore it is not possible to determine if the traffic on Olney St has increased over the years. Peak hour Turning Movement Counts EFI Performed Peak hour Turning Movement Counts (7-9 am and 4-6 pm) on 6/4/2019 at: I•. Temple City Blvd and Olney St 2. Rio Hondo Ave and Olney St The Complete Worksheets are enclosed in the appendix. The following is a summary of the peak 1 hour period during the AM & PM commute periods. 19 1Page FIGURE 13 TEMPLE CITY BLVD AND OLNEY ST PEAK -HOUR VOLUME ANALYSIS FIGURE 14 RIO HONDO AVE AND OLNEY ST PEAK -HOUR VOLUME ANALYSIS CALCULATED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -AM 73 764 0 28 SR ST SL ST 0 EL 0 EL WR 0 0 ET WR 7:30-8:30 0 WT 0 58 ER WT 0 WL 0 ER. NL NT NR 32 0 1178 0 CALCULATED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -PM 0 70 981 0 CALCULATED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -PM SR ST SL 0 0 EL WR 0 0 ET SL 17:00-18:00 WT 0 23 ER WR WL 0 0 ET NL NT NR WT 0 0 0 1141 0 FIGURE 14 RIO HONDO AVE AND OLNEY ST PEAK -HOUR VOLUME ANALYSIS 201 Page CALCULATED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -AM 0 18 28 SR ST SL 0 EL WR 97 0 ET 7:30-8:30 WT 0 0 ER. WL 32 NL NT NR 0 22 11 CALCULATED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -PM 0 13 46 SR ST SL 0 EL WR 38 0 ET 16:45-17:45 WT 0 0 ER WL 42 NL NT NR 0 22 24 201 Page Level of service analysis EFI Performed a level of service analysis for Temple City Blvd and OIney St and Rio Hondo and Olney St for existing condition (before Closure) The following six levels of service definitions relate traffic conditions to traffic volumes and the design capacity of roadways and/or intersections. LOS A. There are no cycles that are fully loaded,.and few are even close to loaded. No approach phase is fully utilized by traffic and no vehicle waits longer than one red indication. Typically, the approach appears quite open, turning movements are easily made, and nearly all drivers find freedom of operation. LOS B. Represents stable operation. An occasional approach phase is fully utilized and a substantial number are approaching full use. Many drivers begin to feel somewhat restricted within platoons of vehicles. LOS C. Stable operation continues. Full signal cycle loading is still intermittent, but more frequent. Occasionally drivers may have to wait through more than one red signal indication, and backups may develop behind turning vehicles. LOS D. Encompasses a zone of increasing restriction approaching instability. Delays to approaching vehicles may be substantial during short peaks with the peak period, but enough cycles with lower demand occur to permit periodic clearance of developing queues, thus preventing excessive backups. LOS E. Represents the most vehicles that any particular intersection approach can accommodate. At capacity (V/C = 1.00), there may be long queues of vehicles waiting upstream of the intersection and delays may be great (up to several signal cycles). LOS F. Represents jammed conditions. Backups from locations downstream or on the cross street may restrict or prevent movement of vehicles out of the approach under consideration; hence, volumes carried are not predictable. V/C values are highly variable, because full utilization of the approach may be prevented by outside conditions. The thresholds of level of service for unsignalized intersections are shown in the following table 9. TABLE 9 LEVEL OF SERVICE CRITERIA Two -Way or All -Way Stop Controlled Signalized Intersection Intersection Level of Service Average Delay per Vehicle (sec) Average Delay per Vehicle (sec) A A 0-10 _510 B >10- 15 >10-20 — ._.. ._......._.------.....__ 211Page The following table 10 shows the summary of results: TABLE 10 EXISTING CONDITIONS enircoccr-rinm 1 Purl nr SERVICE SUMMARY Two -Way or All -Way Stop Controlled Signalized Intersection Intersection CONDITIONS Level of Service Average Delay per Vehicle (sec) LOS Average Delay per Vehicle (sec) A C >15-25 >20- 35 D >25-35 >35-55 E >35-50 >55-80 9.3 > 80 or a V/C ratio equal or F >50 greater than 1.0 The following table 10 shows the summary of results: TABLE 10 EXISTING CONDITIONS enircoccr-rinm 1 Purl nr SERVICE SUMMARY Both of the two unsignalized intersections are operating at an acceptable level of service ALL -WAY STOP CONTROL At the request of residents for additional stop signs, a brief analysis for all way stop warrants were conducted for following (2) intersections along Olney St: 1. Olney Street and Ellis Lane intersection 2. Olney Street and Marybeth Ave intersection The criteria for determining if an all -way stop control is warranted is based on a number of factors All -Way Stop Control between Segments: Stop signs are designed to control the flow of traffic, not as speed controls or pedestrian safety devices. Unwarranted stop signs can exacerbate already -... —. 221 Page PEAK EXISTING HOUR CONDITIONS INTERSECTION LOS Delay AM A 9.1 RIO HONDO AT OLNEY ST PM A 9.3 TEMPLE CITY BLVD AT AM C 15.3 OLNEY ST PM C 17.7 Both of the two unsignalized intersections are operating at an acceptable level of service ALL -WAY STOP CONTROL At the request of residents for additional stop signs, a brief analysis for all way stop warrants were conducted for following (2) intersections along Olney St: 1. Olney Street and Ellis Lane intersection 2. Olney Street and Marybeth Ave intersection The criteria for determining if an all -way stop control is warranted is based on a number of factors All -Way Stop Control between Segments: Stop signs are designed to control the flow of traffic, not as speed controls or pedestrian safety devices. Unwarranted stop signs can exacerbate already -... —. 221 Page existing speeding problems. Drivers will speed up between segments and will often ignore a stop sign in a new location. Must have continual police enforcement to be effective. The criteria for placement of al] -way stop control as set by the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAVMUTCD) needs to be followed. The placement of All -Way stop control is warranted whenl: • Traffic control signals are justified • A crash problem exists as indicated by 5 or more accidents in a 12 -month period • Minimum Volumes are met: • Volume entering intersection from the major approach (total of both approaches) averages 300 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of an average day. And • The combined vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle volumes entering the intersection fi-om the minor street approaches averages at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours. • If the 85'h percentile approach speed of the major -street exceeds 40 mph the minimum volumes are 70 percent of the above values. Other criteria that may be considered in an engineering study include: A. The need to control left turn conflict B. The need to control vehicle/pedestrian conflicts near locations generating high pedestrian volumes C. Locations where a road user, after stopping cannot see conflicting traffic and is not able to safely negotiate the intersection unless conflicting traffic is also required to stop. D. An intersection of two residential neighborhood collector (through) streets of similar design and operating characteristics where multiway stop control would improve traffic operational characteristics of the intersection. The California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control (CAMUTCD) covers all aspects of the placement, construction and maintenance of every form of approved traffic control. The guidelines prescribe five basic requirements for all devices. They must: • Fulfill a need • Command attention • Convey a clear and simple meaning • Command respect of road users _ • Give adequate time for proper response Other factors include potential sight obstructions and engineering judgment. The study concluded that the following intersections did not meet traditional minimum volume or accident thresholds as determined by the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA-MUTCD Section 213.07) for the installation of AIL -Way stop control: 1 California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Section 28.07 Multlway Stop Applications page 28-7 _..._ 23Page 1. Olney Street and Ellis Lane intersection does not meat the criteria for an All -Way stop control listed above. 2. OIney Street and Marybeth Ave intersection does not meet the criteria for an All -Way stop control listed above. Coordination with the County Sheriff and Fire Departments The Fire Department Feedback EFI contacted the Fire Department on 6-6-2019 and asked what impact would the closure of Olney Street have on the Fire Department operation. The Fire department personnel indicated that the closure of Olney Street would have no effect on dispatching Fire department personnel and equipment. They also indicated that the fire department will use Rio Hondo Ave to Olney Ave and that there would be no Impact to the response time. As for the closure of the street without a culdesac with a 40' radius, the fire department also indicated that they would be able to backup the fire truck if the City closed the street. The Sheriffs Department Feedback EFI contacted the Sheriff s Department on 6/18/2019 and asked: What impact would the closure of Olney St have on the Sheriff s Department operation. The closure would not impact the Sheriff s response time because deputies use the major Arterials when responding to a call. Caltrans Jurisdiction EFI Contacted Caltrans to determine if the west leg of Olney St closure at Temple City Blvd is a viable option. On 6/5/2019, we contacted Caltrans encroachment section and discussed the potential closure with Dara Loeung with the encroachment permit division and we were told that as far as the encroachment permit division is concerned, there is no issues with the closure of the east end of Olney St as long as the work is done outside of Caltrans R/W. I also contacted Mahmoud HaJar in operations and traffic investigations. Mr. Hajar indicated that Caltrans does not have any objections to the closure of the west leg of Olney St at Temple City Blvd or Temple City Blvd southbound right turn lane into Olney St as long as the work is done outside of Caltrans R/W. Field review A field review was taken for Temple City Blvd and Olney St. This included collecting the existing signing and striping. 241Page 'w - le460,V lif.- ---- Presently, as shown in Exhibit 1, the Southbound traffic on Temple City Blvd can turn right onto Olney St or continue to merge onto the I-10 Westbound ramp. Eastbound Olney St turns into the I-10 westbound on-ramp. No left turns out of Olney St at Temple City Blvd are allowed. Partial or full closure The City may consider two options: Full closure or partial Closure of Olney St. Full Closure As shown in the Exhibit 2, a full closure will close eastbound Olney Street onto the I-10 westbound ramp and the Southbound right turn from Temple City Blvd onto Olney St. Full closure can be accomplished by removing the existing Island and reconstructing the pavement, constructing new curb and gutter and sidewalk and installing guardrails to prevent cars from driving over the curb and gutter. The signing and striping has to be modified for southbound Temple City Blvd to allow traffic to merge into a single lane. The signing and striping on Olney Street would have to be modified to reflect the closure of the Street. Advantages of full closure The full closure of OIney Street at the east end would provide relief for a portion of Olney St between Ellis Lane and Temple City Blvd. Advantages would include: Eliminate traffic backup eastbound on Olney Street Near the I-10 On-ramp. Provide relief for residents living on Olney St near Temple City Blvd to allow residents on the south side to exit thea driveways. Eliminate the U-turns into resident's driveways by traffic wanting to beat the queues along Temple City Blvd. Disadvantages of full closure As stated earlier, Mobile apps route traffic thru neighborhood streets to get cars from point A to point B to avoid congestion on the freeway or other segments without regards to the consequences of such routing. Potential for Increase traffic volumes on the following adjacent streets: • Ellis Lane from Olney to Marshall St • Marshall St from Temple City Blvd to Ellis Lane and, • Increase in the Queue length on Temple City Blvd southbound • Potentially increase the volume on the remaining segment of Olney St from Ellis Lane to Rio Hondo Ave. as people are routed to avoid the longer queues on Temple City Blvd. 261 Page Partial Closure As shown in exhibit 3, a partial closure will close eastbound Olney Street onto the I-10 westbound, while maintaining the Southbound right turn from Temple City Blvd onto Olney St. The partial closure can be accomplished by extending the existing Island and installing guardrails to prevent cars from driving over the island. The signing and striping on Olney Street would have to be modified to reflect the partial closure of the Street. Signing modifications with advance signage on Olney St stating that there is no access to Temple City Blvd and WB I-10 Ramps would also be needed. Advantages of Partial Closure The partial closure of Olney street at the east end would provide relief for a the portion of Olney St between Ellis Lane and Temple City Blvd. A partial closure would: • Eliminate traffic backup eastbound on Olney Street Near the I-10 On-ramp. • After and adjustment period, provide relief for residents on the south side of Olney St that are presently having a hard time exiting the driveways. • After and adjustment period, will eliminate the U-turns into resident's driveways Disadvantages. of Partial Closure As stated earlier, Mobile apps route traffic thru neighborhood streets to get cars from point A to point B to avoid congestion on the freeway or other segments without any regard to the consequences of such routing. There may be an increase in traffic volumes on the following adjacent streets: • Ellis Lane from Olney to Marshall St • Marshall St from Temple City Blvd to Ellis Lane and, • Increase in Queue lengths on Temple City Blvd southbound • Closure will affect how residents in the neighborhood travel to and from their homes -" - 281Page INk 1 b i r[ — AM '�- 14 16 1 b i r[ — '�- 14 i_.4VA y The Imaact of Olnev St closure on Olnev St Traffic Flow As shown in Figure 17 below, 58 cars travel eastbound on Olney Street and turn right onto the westbound I-10 onramp during the Am peak hour and 23 vehicles during the PM Peak hour. After the closure of Olney Street, these motorists are likely to travel easterly on Olney St, then northerly on Ellis Ln, Marybeth Ave, or Vane Ave to reach Marshall St., then east to Temple City Blvd. Approximately 73 cars per hour travel southbound On Temple City Blvd and turn right into Olney street during the AM peak and 70 cars during PM peak hours. After full closure, these motorists are more likely to use Marshall St to travel west, then southerly along Ellis Ln, Marybeth Ave, or Vane Ave to reach Olney St, then Westerly on Olney St to Rio Hondo. TURNING MOVEMENT ON OLNEY ST TO /D FROM TEMPLE CITY BLVD FIGURE 17 321 Page The Impact of Olney St closure on the southbound Temple City Blvd North of Olney St after full closure If the City chooses to Close Olney St at Temple City Blvd, the traffic pattern will change. Analysis of the impacts on southbound Temple City Blvd would be challenging. Caltrans controls the on- ramp by metering the entrance to the Westbound I-10 freeway. This metering controls the number of vehicles entering the westbound freeway during various times of the day. As the I-10 freeway gets more congested, fewer cars are allowed to enter the traffic stream at a time. This effectively guides the queue on Temple City Blvd. In order to try and determine the impact, a queue study was conducted on 6/19/2019 to show the existing car backup on Temple City Blvd. The worksheets are enclosed in the Appendix. In general, during the peak hours (7-9 am and 4-6 pm), the southbound queue reached Loftus Dr. several times. The queue extended beyond Loftus Dr eight times during the 4 hour period but did not reach Marshall St at any time during the observation period. See queue Figure 18 below. As stated earlier, 58 cars travel eastbound on Olney Street and turn right onto the westbound 1-10 onramp during the AM peak'hour. With closure, this traffic will travel northerly on Ellis Lane and Easterly On Marshall St. This translate into approximately 5 more cars in the southbound queue per 5 minute cycle interval. The traffic has the potential to backup even further after the full closure. Figure 18 shows the present queue and the expected additional queue due to the closure and the re-routing of traffic to the back of the queue. 33 P a g e SUAIMARY OF FINDINGS The closure of Olney Street is a Viable option. The following is a summary of the Advantages and Disadvantages of full closure. Advantages of full closure The full closure of Olney Street at the east end would provide relief for a the portion of Olney St between Ellis Lane and Temple City Blvd. As follows: • Eliminates traffic backup eastbound on Olney Street Near the I-10 On-ramp. • Provide relief for residents on the south side within that portion experiencing difficulty exiting the driveways. •. Eliminates the U-turns into resident's driveways Disadvantages of full closure As stated earlier, Mobile apps route traffic thru neighborhood streets to get cars from point A to point B to avoid congestion on the freeway or other segment without any regards to the consequences of such routing. Potential increase of traffic volume on the following adjacent streets: • Ellis Lane from Olney to Marshall St • Marshall St from Temple City Blvd to Ellis Lane and, • Increase the Queue length on Temple City Blvd southbound • Potentially increase the volume on the remaining segment of Olney St from Ellis Lane to Rio Hondo Ave. as people are routed to avoid the longer queues. • Closure will affect how residents in the neighborhood travel from to their homes The following Summary of findings Table 1 I addresses most of the issues raised by residents living near the Olney St segment at community meetings: TABLE 11 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS TABLE _ 35 jPage Speeding on Olney St. ...there have been many accidents; speed humps or additional stop signs are needed to slow down the vehicles There has been an increase in robberies in the area due to the proximity of the 1-10 Freeway on- ramp There has been a significant increase in traffic volumes on Olney Street Westbound cars are continuing to make U-turns on Olney Street between Ellis Lane and Temple City Boulevard Vehicles headed southbound on Temple City sometimes get trapped in the far right lane, forcing then: to make a right turn onto Olney Street, thenmaking a U-turn on Olney to get onto the freeway. Since there is no sidewalk on Olney Street, kids walk in the streets on the way to Savannah School; kids can't play in: the street due to all the cars; it's not Those making U-turns on Olney Street often drive up onto the resident's driveways, Findings Speed Survey reflects many instances of speeds higher than 25 MPH The accident rate is higher than the statewide rate Police report seem to indicate that the overall crime peaked in 2017/2018 and declined 2018/2019 The volume on Olney St is 1981 cars in 24 hr. This volume is typical for local street This was observed to be true. Many cars enter Olney St from Temple City Blvd Southbound and make a U turn to get on the I-10 westbound This action may be intentional or unintentional. This was observed to be true. Many cars enter Olney St and make a U turn to get on the I- 10 westbound On -Ramp The City can construct sidewalk in the City Right of way. This may be a contentious issue with residents that do not want to disturb their front yard. Comments Unfortunately, speeding is an issue in many communities. Bigger speed signs and speed pavement legends can be installed. Speed feedback sign can be placed along with police enforcement. The two intersections on Olney St do no meet all way stop Warrants. Speed Humps can be installed on Olney St if/when the City adopts a policy for the installation of speed It is difficult to correlate the crime rate to the proximity of the freeway on -Ramp access. No previous data is available for Olney St to determine if traffic is Full Closure would eliminate that issue Full Closure would eliminate that issue by removing the right turn lane. However; this is likely to increase the queue on Temple City Blvd duritig the morning AM peak. All southbound traffic will share a single lane to enter the City may be able to apply for funds thru the Highway Safety Improvement Program to install sidewalk due to the proximity to a school. This was observed to be true for Full Closure would eliminate that residences on Olney St near issue Temple City Blvd. 361 Page ISSUE Findings Comments It can be difficult to back out of This was observed to be true for Full Closure would eliminate that the driveways during rush hour. residences on the south side of issue Olney St near Temple City Blvd due to queue of cars waiting to get on the I-10 Westbound on-ramp. Vehicles are bypassing the This was found to be true by the Full Closure would eliminate that southbound traffic - on Temple license plate survey. issue City Boulevard by cutting Approximately 20% of the traffic in through on Ellis Lane and Olney the AM traveled on Marshall St Street to get to the freeway. then south on Ellis and east on Onley St to get on the 1-10 Can Olney Street be closed at Yes The street can be closed similar to the easterly end Olney St portion to the east of Temple City Blvd Caltrans feedback on closing Caltrans does not object to Olney Any work within Caltrans right of Olney Street leading to the on- Street closure way would require an ramp onto the westbound I-10 encroachment permit The Fire Department feedback The Fire Department does not on closing Olney Street object to Olney Street closure leading to the on-ramp onto the westbound I-10 Freeway The Sheriff's Department The Sheriffs Department does not feedback on closing Olney object to Olney Street closure Street leading to the on-ramp onto the westbound 1-10 Advantage of closing Olney St Segment of Olney Street between Temple City Blvd and Ellis Lane would see a substantial traffic reduction. Disadvantage of Closing Traffic will likely to increase on The temaining segment between Olney Street Ellis Lane between Marshall St and Ellis Lane and Rio Hondo will Olney St and Marshall St between continue to have the same traffic Ellis Lane and Temple City Blvd volume and pattern Other issues raised by closing The Queue on Temple City Blvd Olnev St SB will increase duririg peak hours 371 Page Conclusion The residents living on Olney St between Rio Hondo Avenue and Temple City Boulevard experience cut -through traffic and speeding motorists. The study found the majority of the issues raised by the residents to be true and offered some solutions that could mitigate some of the problems. Unfortunately, most of the solutions have advantages and disadvantages. As stated earlier closing OIney St on the east end at Temple City Blvd would ease some of the problems, but would increase problems at other locations. Installing speed cushions reduces the speed but creates additional noise and aesthetic problems at the installed locations. Some of the traffic will migrate to adjacent streets to avoid the speed cushions. This would simply transfer the problem to another corridor/neighborhood. The City should solicit resident input from all residents in the entire neighborhood because closure or partial closure will affect the travel patterns for all residents who may be taking a child to/from school, practice, shopping, going to work, etc... Technically, the data indicates that the closure at Olney St is a viable option. However, since this will affect the traffic routes of the residents living in the area, residents should be given a public forum to voice their input to the traffic commission during the review and possible approval process. If the City decides that Olney St is to be closed before the I-10 westbound ramp, the City would need to prepare preliminary construction plans for the closure of Olney Street. Funding sources have to be identified and approved by the City Council. Construction plans, specifications, and cost estimate may then be prepared to close Olney St. The design plans should be prepared to minimize any construction on Caltrans right of way as such construction would require an encroachment permit which typically takes 12 to 18 months to acquire. 381 Page APPENDIX CITATIONS Citation Report, aNua-19 Tofa{ Citlitions: 2 ReprtN0. Date - Time' Day Violation Nathe AA60067Q 3M32018 10:44 Tuesday 181193(8 ) AA73'1398 10!32018 18:22 Wed nesda 12oo a)(1) • � i • � i i Cke Meet Citeaddresss Veh Uc Veh S OLNEY ST AMMER. CA I OLNEY ST 9520 ' CA i �e • e t • i LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT ` TErAPLE STATION CRIMEREPORT City of Rosemead Part I Crimes within a Boundary (Marshall St/Temple City Blvd/Olney St/Rio Hondo Ave) 2016/2017 51 2018/2019 Homicide 0 0 0 Rape 0 0 0 Robbery 0 0 0 Assault 0 0 0 Burglary 2 3 4 Larceny 2 7 3 GTA 1 5 2 Arson 0 0 0 t 1t • Y � c �f `"Ni a �� t. ^k ..��. �1�!_ •Y+ �j'� a� `s `tel. �&ney e {{y r ff [j3V •K:J � �i.Y Q� - - 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 Homicide 0 0 0 Rape 0 0 0 Robbery 0 0 0 Assault 0 0 0 Burglary 2 3 4 Larceny 2 7 3 GTA 1 5 2 Arson 0 0 0 City of Rosemead Part I Crimes within a Boundary (Marshall St/Temple City Blvd/Olney St/Rio Hondo Ave) June 1, 2018 thru May 31, 2019 City of Rosemead Part I Crimes within a Boundary (Marshall St/Temple City Blvd/Olney St/Rio Hondo Ave) 1 i, City of Rosemead Part I Crimes within a Boundary (Marshall St/Temple City Blvd/Olney St/Rio Hondo) June 1, 2016 thru May 31, 2017 CUT THRU TRAFFIC WORKSHEET DE ADALENA STREET EB EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE Location: DE ADALENA STREET EB EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE Entry Point: EB DE ADALENA STREET Exit Points Exit Points EB ENTRY 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NO N/0 Marshall 4. On Marshall EB W/0 TCBLVD 419 807 8XH 908 013 137 320 429 221 605 194226 395 395 730 943 075 128 208 103 316 7S1 778 7F2 996 366 614 648 873 979 116 274 406 0241 086 329 7S61 8601 970 001 089 291 02S 102 207 348 399 988 location: DE ADALENA STREET EB EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE Entry Point:EBDE ADALENA STREET Exit Points -EB ENTRY 1. On 0111eEB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/O Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NO N/0 Marshall 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 05141_608 631 724 730 914 0271 363 752 150 304 618 720 817 071 OS11 156 160 361 390 116 274 406 0241 086 329 041 136 346 052 217 376 001 089 291 02S 102 207 348 399 988 419 451 533 648 458 690 473 524 506 550 511 658 541 730 713 773 735 742 743 691 707 739 954 760 - 821 754 764 961 8T1 909 925 929 944 949 WHTBMW NP % Cul Thru 50% % Cut Thru 44% Location: DE ADALENA STREET EB EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE 7:3u -7:4a am Entry Point: EB DE ADALENA STREET EB DE ADALENA STREET Exit Points Exit Points EB ENTRY 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/O Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NB N/0 Marshall 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 1051 247 162 L,7 265 274 032 140 257 393 868 932 089 2110 150 210 155 236 0721 272 140 288 149 291 ,77 083t122 '��� 026 "096 140 313 331 514 524 513 952 348 472 415 484 460 4U1 306 486 319 513 329 516 471450 513600 284 335 205 '- - 650 658 2112 01 503 518 546 547 575 619849 2A2 375 401 958 991 306. 539 632 G47 612 654 604 657 608 660 626 689 757869 825993 317 374 547 662 694 G52 901 766 923 898 923 777 868 888 1110 - 942 904 525' 583 552 613 . 4380- 422 511 770 915 927 955 3H1 4U1 961 989 AM9 969 6461 794• 766 8241 771 866 528 562 SKI 551 9X1 M.C. TOS 581 612 626 61Z 662 894 942 A28' 6071 619 619 694 725 785 Location: DE ADALENA STREET EB EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE 7:45-5:uu am Entry Point: EB DE ADALENA STREET Exit Points ES ENTRY 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/O Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NB N/O Marshall 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 046-08 144 -- i'214 ,� 269 O30 164' 117 212 162 227 013 132 036 OP2 187 050 148 093 186 099 227 026 "096 050 118 152 274 279 298 241 283 293 189 114 245 284 335 205 '- 214 262 2112 306 345 415 419 237 2A2 375 401 514 284 306. - 308 442 455 455 448 473 493 317 374 547 662 694 331 348 608 700- +".:'"'1734 515 56T 525' 583 552 613 . 4380- 422 511 770 915 865 933 868 939 3H1 4U1 447 546 553 969 6461 794• 766 8241 771 866 528 562 SKI 551 9X1 M.C. 581 612 626 61Z 662 894 942 A28' 6071 619 619 694 725 785 644 667 718 867 915 923 734 735 749 935 .'961 975 755 784 785 MN2 785 832 862 805 845 867 812 877 899 9421 947 r., 2, Z9611 998 C10 %Cut Thru 35% %Cut Thru 48% Location: DE ADALENA STREET EB EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE B:YY•0:1� 2fI1 ADALENA STREET EKit Points Exit Points EB ENTRY 1. On Olney ED W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/O Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NB NTRY 1.On Olney EB W/0 TCBLVD 2.On Olney WD E/O Rio Hondo 3.On Ellis NB N/0 Marshall 4.On Marshall E8 W/O TCBLVD 450 453 SKS ;,-re+''-' i;6RI 222 370' 432• 665 841 233 37411 516 748• 946• 364 617• 796 008 155 394 -SN1 672 019 221 4E2 604 707 109 295 516 622 759 064 111 188 293 387 067 119 238 376 419 102 12S `,>� 384 4221 321. 439 119 227 348 129 250 356 462 SIR TOW TRUCK 319 339 352 570 797 904 810 681 714 7SS 511 878 608 540 570 876 886 936 793 847 810 609 6 E2 GG! 976 WHTTRUCK 936 939 979 ACE E38 1411 708 756 786 890 947 9N5 T93 Location: DE ADALENA STREET EB EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE Entry Point: EB DE ADALENA STREET EKit Points EB ENTRY 1. On Olney ED W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/O Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NB N/0 Marshall 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 2911 3351 372 005 2E0 309 069 096 139 OUl 240 279 036 091 109 62011111a-755 623 692 744 296 305 307 3071 312 412 139 1921 1 E2 810 868 SIR TOW TRUCK 319 339 352 570 607 773�611 2 406 407 NNA 39B 417 603 878 927 9622 540 570 627 648 694 653 810 914 810 854 899 976 WHTTRUCK 1 1677 ACE E38 1411 %Cut Thru 67% 'A Cut Thru 30% Location: DE ADALENA STREET EB EAST OF RID HONDO AVENUE 8:348:45 am Entry Point: ED DE ADALENA STREET EB ENTRY 097 1T1 252 417 785 838 1. on Olney 124 677• 772 EB W/0 TCBLVD 452 654 717 739 7C2 7N2 2. On Olney WB E/0 Rio 033014 OP2 143 299 212 Exit Points Hondo 3. On Ellis NB N/O Marshall 4. 118 135 '. 213 177 2N2 326 411 329 336 395 On Marshall EB W/0 TCBLVD 210 282 372 - 417 497 4N2 511 555 2. On Olney WB E/O Rlo Hondo 3. On Ellis NB N/O Marshall 827 EIC' 427 459 465 351 414 4L1 615 654 693 786 639 667 827 401 448 481 4N2 628 636 545 560 562 6M1 - 785 N/O Marshall 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 034 4821 637 696 6VO 597 615 658 810 982 052 168 IT1 645 670 718 749 776 766 751 933 sill 528 284 291 801994 785 834 873 982 617 5651 6051 629 294 314 368 918 %27 704 755 802 684 846 923 378 396 442 —KK BMW CREVIER 834 902 917. 495 666 B05 U67 954 Location: DE ADALENA STREET EB EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE 8:45.9:00 am Exit Points EB ENTRY S. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/O Rlo Hondo 3. On Ellis NB N/O Marshall 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 0641 121 171 122L__31VI 390 164 413 467 0081 0291 039 Entry Point: Ell DE ADALENA STREET 203 280 533' 6111 671 503 SK2 122 2D91 5P1 Exit Points 284 .304 786 639 667 827 401 448 481 340 3 E4 EB ENTRY 1.On Olney EB W/0 TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/O Rio Hondo 3.On EIIis NB N/O Marshall 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 034 4821 0251 194 350 0581 Owil 005 11 205 052 168 IT1 645 670 448 499 546 160 3571 497 2521 sill 528 284 291 801994 563 1.39 603 614 617 5651 6051 629 294 314 368 BLUESTAR 704 755 802 684 846 923 378 396 442 834 902 917. 495 666 B05 U67 954 ACE N96 Location: DE ADALENA STREET EB EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE 4-0:15 Pm Entry Paint: EB DE ADALENA STREET Exit Points EB ENTRY S. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/O Rlo Hondo 3. On Ellis NB N/O Marshall 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 0641 121 171 122L__31VI 390 164 413 467 0081 0291 039 034 308 203 280 533' 6111 671 503 SK2 122 2D91 5P1 310 368 284 .304 786 639 667 827 401 448 481 340 3 E4 854 960 556 670 682 829 867 6WO 756 851 867 Location: DE ADALE NA STREET EB EAST OF RIO HONDO AVEN UE %Cul Thru 56% %Cut Thru 33% %Cut Thru 29% g:vg:au rm Entry Point: EB DE ADALENA STREET Exit Paints Exit Points E8 ENTRY EB ENTRY,' 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NO N/O Marshall 4. On Marshall EB W/0 TCBLVD 1281 1381 235 1211 702*1 T99 065 0771 210M374 118 118 147 312 341 290 312 376 282 296 2F2 1 E 2 323 419 476 523 419 6XH 509 763 587 882 380 540 396 566 6VD 491 512 728 481 4B1 572 783 9568K2 580 863 818502 FIB 547 621 558 633 702 756 728 7J0 741 813 784LAZER 830 598 K1141 873 BPI 770 780 914 936F 960 61,12 749 763 93S 944 951 N52 Location: DE ADALENA STREET EB EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE 4:1u�:ga rm Entry Point: EB DE ADALENA STREET Exit Paints - EB ENTRY,' 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NO N/0 Marshall 4. on Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 124 2171 083L 364 455 010 1721 176 036 273 282 OL21 OW11 118 3V1 501 595 483 533 9X1 IA2 342 305 455 313 4F2 344 633 575 618 652 662 128 2M1 344 209 397 670 820 4K0 576 547 621 558 633 702 756 715 726 991 630 441 657 598 K1141 873 BPI 770 780 914 BLUE BLAZER 61,12 749 763 93S 944 951 N52 973 % Cut Thru 24% %Cut Thru 22% Location: DE ADALENASTREET ES EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE e•ec_c•nn v— Entry Point: EB DE ADALENA STREET EB DE ADALENA STREET Exit Points Exit Points - EB ENTRY. ES ENTRY 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NB N/0 Marshall 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 001 OS51 050 1231 155 518 576 713 845 024 098 053 136 075 138 075 203 129 172 239 258 004 260 397 162 4V1 200 2831 240 2941 315 iS9 282 206 303 654 438 582 442 669 757 508 581 559 574 611 316 s08 750 755 789 830 887 983 776 741 .-75 509 741 541 567 636 752,. HONDA LA WHT VFW 894 756 904 840 815 8P2 940 943 VFW Location: DE ADALENA STREET EB EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE c•nruq.l S Gin Entry Point: EB DE ADALENA STREET Exit Points - EB ENTRY. 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NB N/0 Marshall 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 027 077 091 234 252 909 OKS 266 074 152 249 098 193 191 918 473 528 698 709 632 746 316 428 318 493 332 537 339 �'-'=+,•:6 811 555 562 705 r78O 933 967 745 761 776 825 869 894 % Cut Thru 39% % Cul Thru 53% Location: DE ADALENA STREET EB EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE Entry Point0;4 EB DE ADALENA STREET Exit Points Exit Points E8 ENTRY. 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/O Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NB N/0 Marshall 4.On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 099 273 134 237 422423 106• 208 269 024 448 669' 959• O6B 171 034 068 294 054 166 361 OVl 216 272 217 279 180 270 2M1 103 251 226 306 OMS 236 329 484 652 4C2 69B 424 489 464 511 467 541 347 429 399 439 421 427 491 369 515 456 936 966 987 546 708 674 812 61`1 949 534 765 566 785 650 824 818 604 926 925 952 WXL 869 926 958 936 C64 ADO Location: DE ADALENA STREET EB EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE Entry Point: EB DE ADALENA STREET Exit Points E8 ENTRY. 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WO E/0 RID Hondo 3, On Ellis NB N/O Marshall 4. On Marshall EB W/0 TC13LVD 0181 181 0581 OAT 047' 706 144 293 OF2 196 395 134 237 422423 DOB O70 378 032 105 395 OSS 192 535 034 2631 313 4111 435 3R1 462 �ftwmm 448 3841 411 4A1 502 443 S56 484 652 4C2 69B 616 667 656 769 662 833 .'" � %�:M 649:;;':.':`>. 616 799 593 616 658 BOB 935 960 "a S73 683 '�.7b1 r'.;z7Lt WXL 915 927 % Cut Thru 47% %Cut Thru 47% Location: DE ADALENA STREET EB EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE 5:45.6:00 Pm ES DEADALENA STREET Exit Points EB ENTRY 1.On Olney EB 1N/O TCBLVD 2.On Olney WEI E/0 Rio Hondo 3.On Ellis NB N/0 Marshall 4.On Marshall EB W/0 TCBLVD 4Z37 072 111 138 171 306 044 082 122 013 083 129122 139 150 412 481 717 .�- 277 507 144 171 195 290 291 737 89G 540 610 647 209 260 299 397 3A2 442 272 388 684 700 753 322 329 329 474 498 4 2 448 761 805 948 334 335 363 4 _ 63. 751 466 514 ^� 956 005 4371 479 506 866 922 141 5941 610 6121 9481 DEF F18 785 795 838 724 754 STT 368 DEE 141 816 827 908 SM I 944 948 OLKDENTLY %Cut Thru 63% ELLIS LANE SB NORTH OF MARSHALL STREET Location: ELLIS LANE SB NORTH OF MARSHALL STREET Entry Point: SB ELLIS LANE Exit Points Exit Points EB ENTRY 1. On 011 ey EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 3. On De Adalena WB E/O Hondo Rio 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 103': 1281 235 8071 BXHJ 908 0131 1371 221 1941 226 274 035 075 103 614 320605 751 778 7F2 281 552 395 587 395 593 -128 208 316 366 614 052 317 8731 9791 025 207 730 788 911 756 860 361 390 406 329 9751 CREVIER RED BMW 291 348 399 - 855 988 451 458 Location: ELLIS LANE SS NORTH OF MARSHALL STREET Entry Point: SB ELLIS LANE Exit Points EB ENTRY ji 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/0 Rio 3. Hondo On Oe Adalena WB E/0 Hondo Rio 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 035 271 -' `"363 027 363 150 618 304 720 071 156 160 116 274 024 135 041 213 052 317 001 089 025 207 " 730 752 "-: .780' 817 361 390 406 329 329 344 291 348 399 - 855 988 451 458 365 473 482 541 674 713 533 648 680 506 608 658 90 773 - 780 735 742 689 754 764 954 760 :780 821 849 961 989 8T1 909 925 929 944 949 w BMW NP % Cut Thru 86% %Cut Thru 73% Location: ELLIS LANE SB NORTH Of MARSHALL STREET 7:su•/:4S and Entry Point: SB ELLIS LANE Exit Points 1. On Olney EB W/0 TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/0 Rio 3. on Hondo De Adalena WB E/0 Hondo Rio 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD EB ENTRY.' 032 1401 257 089 1501 155 0141 089 376 396 393 868 932 200 210 236 116 132 5 'S 516 952 348 415 460 162 189 524 S47 472 484 4U1 247 247 658 4Y1 503 518 274 2B2 752 w -• 798 539 612 306 319 818 869 632 647 654 354 386 887 6S2 766 898 455 467 923 923 516 568 927 955 626d;11#1 770 7n784 808 683 942 958 958 AM9 % Cut Thru 69% Location: ELLIS LANE 58 NORTH Of MARSHALL STREET 7.45-3:uu am Entry Point: SB ELLIS LANE Exit Points 3. on Dc Adolena WB E/0 Rio to ENM 1.On Olney EB W/0 TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/O Rlo Hondo Hondo 4. on Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD O1O,•E•.''=117 162 013 036 OP2 014 024 119 026 051 209 164' 212 227 132 134 144 148 212 118 152 241 283 293 189 209 235 274 284 205 262 406 422 345 415 419 237 285 2A2 318 328 335 284 306 306 4Y1 - 514 448 473 493 317 344 374 361 401 477 348 525' 552 396 422 483 683 685 3141 447 ".581 56T 583 613 492 511 700 755 797 4111 546 553 646• 766 771 546 836 863 •. 5811. 893 794• 824 866 562 SKl '�" ""-- - 933 939 626 ' `."so 894 A28' 607 619 619 9R2 KING M84 725 6441 667 718 867 923 7341 735 749 935 7551 784 785 MN2 •'932 805 812 845 854 862 867 877 899 947 952 998 C10 % Cut Thru 87% Location: ELLIS LANE 58 NORTH OF MARSHALL STREET R.R.1S am Ent Polnt: SjMY Exit Points Exit Points rEB ENTRYney EB W/0 TCBLVD 2.On Olney WB E/O Rio Hondo 3. On De Adalena WB E/0 Hondo Rio 4.On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 2E 0 309 069 096 3. On De Adalena WB E/0 Rio 059 036 091 109 E 692 TOW TRUCK 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD WB E/O Rio Hondo 139 203 Hondo 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 066 222 6D3 364019 282 322 312 335 109 067 125 196 045 694 899 B10 976 412 586 453 SK2 370' 372 411 #Oney 221 295 269 275 141679 104 ' mR 129 128"" 178' 432' 516 617' 4 E2 516 398 928 455 "In 250245 665 748• 796 622 543 562 968 321350284350 841 946' 707 759 888 888 MKT 439 462 804 810 NNA 608 452 876 986 936 609 6 E 2 547 550 552 936 939 979 ;708 756 786 608 890 947 612 654 9NS T93 705 ;k'.: 708 734 786 793 654 867 9X1 Location: ELLIS LANE SB NORTH OF MARSHALL STREET R•1 G.R•in am Ent Paint: SB Exit Points rEB ENTRYney EB W/0 TCBLVD 2.On Olney WB E/O Rio Hondo 3. On De Adalena WB E/0 Hondo Rio 4.On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 2E 0 309 069 096 139 022 058 059 036 091 109 291 ;t3 692 TOW TRUCK 296 319 305 339 307 352 OU1 189 139 203 156 240 139 262 406 itz 407 398 627 417 648 6D3 279 315 282 322 312 335 611 540 727 570 810 677 854 694 899 B10 976 412 586 453 SK2 5)0 607 WHTTRUCK 914 ACE E18 141679 707 728 773 927 928 AD12 %Cut Thru 54% % Cut Thru 71% Location: ELLIS LANE SB NORTH OF MARSHALL STREET 8:30-9:45 am Entry Point: SB ELLIS LANE Exit Points . EB 1. On Olney 053 1T1 124 677' 540 772 755 827 E8 W/O 452 717 7C2 EJC' TCBLVD 654 739 7N2 2. On Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 033 053 .053 OP2 143 299 L2 411 427 459 465 3. On De Adalena WB E/0 Hondo 034 097 177 258 279 293 534 545 Rio 4. 112 274 351 560 On Marshall ES W/OTCBLVD 210'-' 282 497 4N2 511 654 693 Marshall EB W/0 TCBLVD 034 4N2 628 636 597 658 766 785 808 131 637 696 6VO 803 83B 942 810 982 497 167 177 475 718 749 776 933 982 014 563 l39 fiD3 614 617 511 785 834 873 294 314 368 ''.497 654. - 7N1 BLUE STAR 704 755 802 918 X27 577 629 378 396 442 BOB 834 BLK BMW CREVIER 917 676 755 923 668 7N1 BOS U67 Location: ELLIS LANE 58 NORTH OF MARSHALL STREET 8:45.9:00 am Entry Point: SB ELUS LANE Exlt Points E9 ENTRY. , 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 3. 2. on Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo On De Adalena WB E/0 Hondo Rio 4.On Marshall EB W/0 TCBLVD 034 058 025 194 058 owl 139 005 078 131 iT1 160 222 448 499 546 160 357 :. 497 167 177 475 2I2 264 291 328 563 l39 fiD3 614 617 511 528 565 294 314 368 ''.497 654. - 7N1 BLUE STAR 704 755 802 569 577 629 378 396 442 BOB 834 902 917 676 755 923 668 7N1 BOS U67 954 ACE N96 % Cut Thru 75% % Cut Thru 69% Location: ELLIS LANE SB NORTH OF MARSHALL STREET 4. = rm Entry Point: SB ELLIS LANE SB ELLIS LANE Exit Points Exit Points Exit Points 3. On De Adalena WB E/0 Rio 1. On Olney EB W/0 TCBLVD 2. on Olney WB E/0 Rio EB ENTRY 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/O Rio Hondo Hondo 4. On Marshall E8 W/0 TCBLVD ini 2031 284 122 316' 390 164 4131 467 038 176 209 0341 2911 308 . 310 344 533' 611' 671 503 5K2 374 9TO 310 368 436"�;.�.:,','_' 786 177 481 401 448 481 376 -SK2 3 E 1 5S1 631 556 682 491 512 481 829 637 877 6WD 756 580 ` SK2 863 977 873 9J1 8K2 ^'830 -..977 935 944 659 728 GVO 741 ., N52 964 Location: ELLIS LANE SB NORTH OF MARSHALL STREET 4'.I - :SU rm Entry Point: SB ELLIS LANE Exit Points Exit Points EB ENTRY 1. On Olney EB W/0 TCBLVD 2. on Olney WB E/0 Rio 3. On De Adalena WB E/O Rio Hondo Hondo 4. On Marshall EB W/O EB ENTRY 128 137 1.On Olney EB W/0 TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/0 Rio 3. On De Hondo Adalena WB E/0 Hondo Rio 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 290 291 465 261 341 702' T98 065 282 077 296 2F2 103 IA2 147 318 177 481 147 476 -`'.. 341 523 376 -SK2 3 E 1 5S1 631 380 540 396 566 491 512 481 829 637 877 817 887 580 ` SK2 863 977 818 F18 8K2 ^'830 -..977 935 944 659 728 GVO 741 ., N52 964 973 GREY SILVERADO 7.10 813 -' ;'.' 830 9361 960 Location: ELLIS LANE 5B NORTH OF MARSHALL STREET 4:5u-4:Ya rm Entry Point: SB ELLIS LANE Exit Points EB ENTRY 1. On Olney EB W/0 TCBLVD 2. on Olney WB E/0 Rio 3. On De Adalena WB E/O Rio Hondo Hondo 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 128 137 171 083 364 455 010 172 176 120 123 258 OLl Owl 118 291 465 451 4N2 533 9X1 JA2 305 342 455 313 02 536 609 618 662 128 174 2M1 344 209 397 GD1 4KO 547 576 621 558 633 756 423 657 598 601 770 780 914 6N2 749 935 944 951 N52 _ 973 % Cut Thru 57% % Cut Thru 56% %Cut Thru 57%I Location: ELLIS LANE SB NORTH OF MARSHALL STREET Entry Point: SB ELLIS LANE SB ELLIS LANE Exit Points 3. On De Adalena WB E/0 Rio EB ENTRY EB ENTRY- . 1. On Oil ey EB W/O TCBLVD 2. on Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo Hondo 1 4. on Marshall ES W/O TCBLVD 001 083 518 5761 713' 024 053 075 075 172 2101 004 162 123 127 260 845 098 136E788 473 5281 239 249 308 ':26,01397 4V1 284 321 423 159 206 610 709 352 438 543 559 574 483 656 282 303 811 567 1 669 677 581 590 611 592 754 750 755 726 818 868 - 703 756 87S 846 HONDA LA WNT TRN VFW 756 -875 BLACK NISSAN 840 904 845 Location: ELLIS LANE SB NORTH OF MARSHALL STREET Entry Point: SB ELLIS LANE Exit Points 3. On De Adalena WB E/0 Rio EB ENTRY- . 1. on Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo Hondo 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD D -: -1951, 217 2341 252 909 OKS111111L 266 0741 091 US 013r ..e-.071 .. 185 918 473 5281 632 2-581 269 Z1T 344 541 610 709 746 395 520 3 E 1 466 575 59D 811 6TR 705 755 524 575 592 779 829 907 703 756 or gqg 927 NIC 780 840 845 %Cut Thru 42% % Cut Thru 72% Location: ELLIS LANE 58 NORTH OF MARSHALL STREET x=-D;su rm Entry Point: SB ELLIS LANE Exit Points 3. On De Adalena WB E/0 Rio EB ENTRY 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/0 IoHondo EB:ENTRY. Hondo 1. On Olney EB W/0 TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo EB W/O TCBLVD Hondo 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 134 -'053 008 1D6' 208 269 034 034 095 099 OVl 053 OMS 348 064. 083 448 669' 959• 068 068 166 100 131 152 103 226 236 ON1 r .1.31 150 171 294 361 198 217 279 251 4C2 378 165 203 424 464 467 347 399 421 698 369 575 650 649 442 489 511 541 439 534 548 491 515 516 466 '_ -'523 546 674 6P1 626 761 765 523 604 770 774 774 �,�.;"`-•'9 573 708 812 949 785 824 875 818 925 973 979 952 958 916 9331 979 ADO ADD 987 C64 Location: ELLIS LANE SB NORTH OF MARSHALL STREET Entry Point: SB ELLIS LANE Exit Points 3. On De Adalena WB E/0 Rio 1 EB ENTRY 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/0 IoHondo Hondo 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 008 0181 103 047*1 706 OF2 134 008 055 0871 034 144 196 237 348 105 133 2291 2631 313 3R1 162 395 422 423 275 322 344 435 462 435 4A1 511 443 484 4C2 378 395 502 581 7241556 652 698 535 575 650 649 724 799 769 8D2 808 935 667 670 758 840 816 868 869 879" 3 B69 �,�.;"`-•'9 573 884 905 929 VJXL 958 960 956 987 %Cut Thru 52% % Cut Thru 63% Location: ELLIS LANE SB NORTH OF MARSHALL STREET �'oro:uu rm Entry Point: SB ELLIS LANE Exit Points 'OEMY 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Oln WB E/O Rio 3. Hondo On De Adalena WB E/0 Hondo Rio 4. on Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 072 -165 %f]$ - 2681- 150 291 138 412 7371 306 044 717 896 540 0821 277 610 122 507 647 013 124 195 0831 165 209 OF2 187 242 122 '... 215 397 290 3A2 165 291 442 349 4481 466M 448 684 761 70D 805 753 948 308 329 309 334 328 335 S61 474 498 751 561 705 956 975 B05 340 378 384 784 866 922 780 879 925 J41 437 449 455 948 DEF FIB STI 506 626 5T1 674 612 827 STT 77 915 927 947 985 % Cut Thru 48% MARSHALL STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD Location: MARSHALL STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD 1_7-1 c .— Entry Point: WO MARSHALL STREET Exit Points Exit Points WB.EMY S. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis N8 N/O Marshall 4. On De Adalena WB E/0 Hondo Blvd Rio 041 45B 691 '_:;[':;738 754 774 807 8XH 908 013 137 3201 429 778 221 194 226 395 605 395. - 730 943 7F2 194 226 2B1 552 587 274 593 4. 873 979 Rio 730 788 911 2. On Olney WB E/O Rio Hondo 3.On Ellis N8 9751 CREVIER RED BMW Hondo Blvd 1r; ". 092 1 027 150 3D4 071 051 Location: MARSHALL STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD �.ac_�•an �... Entry Point: WB MARSHALLSTREET Exit Points 4. On De Adalena WB E/O Rio WB ENTRY: 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/O Rio Hondo 3.On Ellis N8 N/0 Marshall Hondo Blvd 1r; ". 092 1 027 150 3D4 071 051 116 041 - 052 041 052 3131 363 618 720 �'<a",'.. 274 086 136 217 135 213 317 752 780 817 361 406 346 376 344 988 419 451 458 511 365 482 652 533 64B 680 SSD 658 608 658 735 742 743 691 707 739 754 760 7B0 754 849 8T1 909 925 929 944 9491 1 WHT BMW NP % Cut Thru 44% %Cul Thru 90% Location: MARSHALL STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD Entry Point: WB MARSHALL STREET Exit Points 4. On De Adalena WB E/0 Rio W9 MY I 1.On Olney EB W/0 TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/0 RIO Hondo 3. On Ellis N8 N/0 Marshall Hondo Blvd 032 _- 257 150 155 072 868 932 200 210 236 272 288 291 116 132 149 348 415 460 329 162 189 472 484 4U1 Via"- 247 247 gJ013 4Y1 503 518 546 547 .575 274 2112 302 539 540 612632 647 654 657 689 386 367 6S2 898 808 810 455 4676 901 923 923 868 888 568 600 Mew,TA-6 927 955 "96 989 T05 784 808 825 883 958 458 % Cut Thru 77% Location: MARSHALL STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD zncm•nn �... Entry Point: WB MARSHALL STREET Exit Points Exit Points --, WS ENTRY. - 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/O Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NB N/0 Marshall 4. On De Adalena WB E/0 RID Hondo Blvd WB ENTRY 233 364 370• 411 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NB N/0 Marshall 4. On De Adalena WB E/0 Hondo Blvd Rio 250 297 119 306 188 238 245 293 -384 1)101 164' 1171 212 162 293 419 013 132 189 237 036 134 209 285 OP2 187 214 2A2-- 050 245 099 401 514 014 144 235 318 024 274 328 119 212 982 365 447=`I::` ';<,... _ 4731 755 448-i 515 567' 6461 4731 525• 766 493 552 613 .-::.:... 771 317 376 438 528 344 396 546 374 422 511 551 547 770 915 9X1 694 865 B68 939 361 483 700 836 401 683 755 863 477 685 797 915 -'-:874 `805 862 810 868 7941 894 824 942 866 A28• 562 607 SKI 619 619 9R2 939 KNG 975 M84 915 644 667 718 939 939 734 749 755 784 785 785 805 812 832 845 854 9621 867 877 942 947 952 961 998 C101 J411 I Location: MARSHALL STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD 8-8:15 am Entry Point: WR MARSHALL STREET Exit Points --, WS ENTRY. - 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/O Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NB N/0 Marshall 4. On De Adalena WB E/0 RID Hondo Blvd 311 364 233 364 370• 411 008 155 019 221 1D9 295 064 111 119 269 275 196 .A ;11-i .:;(4 4321 617' 665 748• 796 394 SNI 4152 604 622 188 238 245 293 -384 398 543 562 455 868 570648 787 946• 672 707 759 387 .^"4 888 868 MKT 936 982 Ti 797 876 804 886 BID 936 681 714 7SS NNA 936 939 %Cul Thru 83% % Cut Thru 71% Location: MARSHALL STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD 5:1u•a:au am Entry Point: WB MARSHALL STREET Exit Points 4. On De Adalena WB E/O Rio . Will ENTRY 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NB N/0 Marshall Hondo Blvd 1.On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 001 1K2 005 2E O 309 069 On Ellis NB 139 Oul 240 279 022 058 059 ,-�. : ;::"'M 623 744 296 305 307 307 312. ';"- 4 OUl 139 1S6 615 SIR TOW TRUCK 319 -' OP2 352 570 607 773 189 203 240 258 274 398 417 603 878 927 279 292 312 395 279 293 648 653 EJC' 315 322 335 t264 351 t- 677 694 810 497 453 570 4N2 628 854 545 d590 976 586 5K2 607 ACEI E181 141 615 6721 7071 708 842 607. 718 749 776 773 928 933 933 982 D14 Gyp .717 785 AD12 8731 982 918 Location: MARSHALL STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD 6:3u5:9a am Entry Point: WB MARSHALL STREET Exit Points 4. On De Adalena WB E/O Rio - 1.On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2, On Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NB N/O Marshall Hondo Blvd 02S 452 654 053 053 034 118 034 097 112 717 OP2 143 213 2N2 326 258 274 ';:-212 !t7 7C2 7N2 299 L2.*"��-�� 329 395 279 293 3S1 EJC' 427 459 465 351 t- 4L1 534 545462 497 4N2 628 ' E59 545 d590 --;637 696 6VO 615 803 838 842 607. 718 749 776 933 933 982 D14 Gyp .717 785 834 8731 982 918 X27 975 TC27 % Cut Thru 60% %Cul Thru 60% Location: MARSHALL STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD 8:45-9:00 am Entry Point: WB MARSHALL STREET Exit Points Exit Points Exit Points 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NB N/0 Marshall 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 1 3. On Ellis NB N/0 Marshall 4. On Be Adalena WO E/0 Rio Hondo Blvd WB ENTRY. 178 '. 755 025 194 350 4481 499 546 5631 L391 BLUE STAR 058 r; 160.-"_3 603 704 ' ;0W 614 .755 139 4971 2521 511 528 617 LL=x`606 629 802 923 078 167 177 475 511 528 569 577 629 'fid "IQ 396 6VO 741 R34 902 917 T'"TQR 676 755 N52 710 DOS U67 936 960 Location: MARSHALL STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD a -8n c o— Entry Point: WB MARSHALL STREET Exit Points Exit Points - W8 ENTRY 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NB N/0 Marshall 4, On De Adalena WB E/0 Rio Hondo Blvd 118 518 122 316' 390 533' 611' 671 786 164 413 467 " 008 019 039 503 SK2 122 SP1 639 667 9T0 49; 210 2F211374 960 103 147 IA2 318 177 481 368 3F2 -540 8K2 ":x `'936 J41 380 659 728 396 6VO 741 491 5121 7287 784E 481 BLAZER 637 829 877 964 817 887 Location: MARSHALL STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD 4:15-:3D Pm Entry Point: WB MARSHALL STREET Exit Points 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NB N/O Marshall 4. On Be Adalena WB E/0 Rio Hondo Blvd 034 305 323 344 121 7021 T98 282 (1171 296 210 2F211374 008M 7 1 E2 323 103 147 IA2 318 177 481 368 3F2 -540 8K2 ":x `'936 J41 380 659 728 396 6VO 741 491 5121 7287 784E 481 BLAZER 637 829 877 964 817 887 710 813 830 936 960 %Cut Thru 88% % Cut Thru 43% %Cut Thru 59% Location: MARSHALL STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CIN BOULEVARD 4:30-0:45 Pm Entry POInC WB MARSHALLSTREET Exit Points 4. On De Adalena WB E/D Rio ENTRY 1. On Olney EB W/0 TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/O Rio Hondo 1 3. On Ellis Ng N/O Marshall 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NB N/O Marshall Hondo Blvd 945 098 138 203 258 214 083 364 455 010 159 269 442 493 176 036 •'-""•:1273 282 120 121 567 677 709 282 483 533 9x1 305 313 344 575 483 536 567 442 452 575 342 455 02 633 652 662 609 662 - 611642 4K0 547 558 756 576 621 633 ` 'x'756 9971 =7 6 B87 904 770 780 914 BLUE BLAZER 948 F18 935 944 951 1 973 -7 Location: MARSHALL STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD 4:45-5:uu rm Entry Point: WB MARSHALL STREET Exit Points 4, On De Adalena WB E/0 Rio 1. On Olney EB W/0 TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/O Rio Hondo 1 3. On Ellis Ng N/O Marshall Hondo Blvd ;;`t129 518 576 713• 024 053 129.. 172 172 210 945 098 138 203 258 0 _— 249 399 159 269 442 493 352 S43 414 576 303 '141 552 567 677 709 7B8 830 887 726 818 868 g25 141HONDA LA WHT TRN 869 9D4 % Cut Thru 60% % Cut Thru 73% Location: MARSHALL STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD Entry Point: WB MARSHALL STREET Exit Points Exit Points 4. On De Adalena WB E/0 Rio WB ENTRY 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NB N/O Marshall 070 Hondo Blvd 1521 1611 234 252 OKS1 237 152 249 11111JU 091 125 1WE 918 4731 528 318 258 318 100 698 709 746 537 318 395 520 439 448 562 705 GTR 705 755 627 424 761 776 779 829 907 761 825 869 894 927 NIC 511 7761 807 429 427 548 C10 546 674 6P1 566 "'`'''850 626 761 569>-"'650 708 812 Location: MARSHALL STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD c-1c.c•an a— Entry Point: WB MARSHALL STREET Exit Points 1.On Olney EB W/0 TCBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/O Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NB N/O Marshall 4. On De Adalene WB E/0 Rio Hondo Blvd WR ENTRY 070 106` 208 269 024 054 OVl 131 095 099 147 448 669' 959' 068 068 166 100 131 152 171 2% 361 2M1 198 424 464 '' 347 399`347 399 R'8241 396 489 511 541 429 427 548 513 546 674 6P1 566 "'`'''850 626 761 569>-"'650 708 812 949 624":--�'7 824 875 952 869 916 933 869 % Cut Thru 70% % Cul Thru 75% Location: MARSHALL STREET WE5TOF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD Entry PABHALL STREET Exit Points Exit Points 4, On De Adalena WB E/0 Rio Y, - 1. On Olney EB W/O 7CBLVD 2. On Olney WOE/0 Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NB N/D Marshall Hondo Blvd 1. WB ENTRY 1. On Olney EB W/O 7CBLVD 2. a'x; ';y�:309 047• 706 OF2 134 157 008 "'-055 008 , '(555 087 0831 089 26D 196 237 348 070 133 229 OF2 422 423 378 275 344 171 124 443 484 4C2 656 662 540 502 647 556 698 575 650808 6B4 7001 753 935 929 960 670 758 427 431 929 761 805 816 845 868 462 5701 956 975 884 905 929 479 506 340 378 384 :.-. S94. 958 960 966 " '' 594 449 455 987 5T3 Location: MARSHALL STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD Entry Paint: WB MARSHALL STREET Exit Points 4. On De Adalena WB E/D Rio 1. WB ENTRY 1. On Olney EB W/O 7CBLVD 2. On Olney WB E/D Rio Hondo 3. On Ellis NB N/0 Marshall I Hondo Blvd 0221 0831 089 1391 171 306 044 082 122 0131 0831 1291 0131 0831 OF2 4121 481 717 198 277 507 144 171 124 187 737 996 540 647 260.. ',- -".?99 242 6B4 7001 753 322 309 328 387 427 431 761 805 „ "73 462 5701 956 975 B05 479 506 340 378 384 :.-. S94. 141 " '' 594 449 455 647 ,.. �a17U506 5T3 761 816 674 922 915 927 985 % Cul Thru 6B% %Cul Thru 77% OLNEY STREET EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE Location: OLNEY STREET EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE 7.7:15 am Entry Point: EB OLNEY STREET Exit Points Exit Points 3. On De Adalena WB E/O Rio EB ENTRY 1. On Oil ey EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Ellis NB N/0 Marshall Hondo 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 252 320 807 8XH 194 226 395 194 226 274 035 103 778 632 395 7101 943 281 3951 395 126 208 316 947 9961 1 552 567 593 3661 6141 648 013 102 025 207 730 788 911 160 970 329 346 975 CREVIER RED BMW 329 329 344 291 348 399 Location: OLNEY STREET EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE 7:15-7:30 am Entry Point: EB OLNEY STREET Exit Points EB ENTRY. 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2.On Ellis NB N/O Marshall 3. On De Adalena WE, E/0 Hondo Rio 4. on Marshall EB W/0 TCBLVD 4142 2i5 873 027 150 363 618 304 720 024 086 O41 136 052 217 024 135 041 213 052 317 001 089 013 102 025 207 752 7BD 817 329 346 376 329 329 344 291 348 399 988 473 506 511 3651 473 482 541 524 550 658 506 608 6581 730 773 78D 691 707 739 689 754 764 954 754 764 961 8491 961 989 % Cut Thru 38% % Cut Thru 60% O n ` U t g �- N I "I N oo Q a0 0o L w Ln D J Ln �-1 N O m O ] a m a pp LO Ln LO O1 n cn oo F- Ln coU m r r 3 Co W o N m m lil LD n Q1 cn L ALD N m N - 00 O -,t N N I N .-1 m N W N n" V Ln w n o0 V M m m Lin LO tD a0 W 6 � c . e N O Ln n Ln Ln V Lb O w -4 N N m tD nm omo Y n- N LnN O O w Ln n co m C O 3 ry a "' rn m Z C o rl N N,1? m L� oma tD u'n i n ww oa D1 Y C C ! .•1 O1 Ln N N O n w O O �r m W o xv v n o Ln Ln o LD m ao Ln E00 O1-1NNmmmvwLonmm aJ C O V m-4 0 L N m w m w v n m oo m m owe m 49 I C m m 0 3M N M n Nm a LD n w tO n Ln 0o wm p 'i 00 .� t N m N H m w m w 1*- 1O N w n n N 0o Ln cn C � h n O m W °.-10 N ''i `� N to Ln Q U Z p m (n N -TF.LO N n C LD ti Ln LD ¢t0 oo N cn O -4 ~ .r LD v n O Ln Ln ti O o v c CD L -L .�rry on ,mm10LnLDnoca)Q C � O '�-1 X N O L-1 Nm Ln n c M Nn m Ol m N m Lti LO 0 p w N m Lti N N .-I m cf Ln Ln .-1 tD n n o w o0 N o m H m %D LnLo m o N m It cn N N Ln n N LD 0o LD oo at m S U r W m Ln Q Comnm+ mLDaN N N 3 co n Ul m LnLM LD n N tb Ol O Do W 0 p o at w oo m L-1 m L -L n V w O O to w O m oo m w of C Z N m o o W w w w m + .4 Ln aaas Ln ■ . v Op Ln LID � ML Z O r4 0 O � Ln tD n w n n 00 tD n oo w O r W c w* LIn w Lnr O p N m V Ln t0 t0 n oo cn r Ln O N Z F 00 n N O us N T w W J cLn m 00. O H Z 0.5. oo C w 3`�m m w of c Q N m N c O 0 m m -4 0o Ln m m N LU ��. c W m m W W C N z D o. C w O n ` U t g �- N I "I N oo w Vfn N N in Ln D J Ln �-1 N O m rL 1 e Ln tDD LLO n rl M coU r 3 Co W o N m m lil LD n Q1 cn L ALD .. N - 00 O -,t N N I N .-1 N Cf n Ln N Z O m m Lin LO tD a0 (n � c . e O Ln n Ln Ln V Lb O w -4 N N m tD nm lT O w m 3 ry a "' rn m Z L0 o rl N N,1? m L� oma tD u'n i n ww oa D1 Y C C ! O 'O = QQ aJ C V m-4 0 L N m w m w v n m oo m m owe m 49 C m 0 a n V oo m 1 1 4! N N m 0 m N m N In m l0 w 00 w m 01 h n m W °.-10 N ''i `� N to Ln m U Z p m (n ca Z Ln wp co a n� on C '�-1 X N O L-1 Nm Ln n cn cn Nn m Ol m N m Lti LO p w N m Lti N N .-I m cf Ln Ln .-1 tD n n o w o0 N J a U r 0 Comnm+ mLDaN 3 co n Ul m LnLM LD n N tb Ol Do W of C + .4 Ln aaas Ln ■ . v Op Ln LID � ML o O r4 0 O � Ln tD n ti r W Lnr W Ln O Z F 00 O us com m w W cLn 00. O Z C w Location: OLNEY STREET EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE Entry Point: EB OLNEY STREET Exit Points Exit Points EB ENTRY EB ENTRY 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Ellls NB 3. N/O Marshall On De Adalena WB E/O Hondo Ric) 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 1241 1341 237 2221 233 364 064 0671 102 067 125 196 036 045 099 499 528 605 370'1 372 411 111 119 125 269 275 376 104 119 129 G E2 718 432' 516 6171 186 238 245 398 419 455 178 227 250 785 810 878 665 7481 796 293 376 384 543 562 868 321 348 35D 611 727 841 9461 387 419 422 888 888 MKT 439 46D 462 681 714 755 NNA 607 WHT TRUCK 511 5N1 608 793 847 7081 1 609 6 E 2 6G 1 773 9271 9281 1 708 786 AD12 890 899 947 qNS1 T93 Location: OLNEY STREET EAST OF RID HONDO AVENUE Entry Point: EB OLNEY STREET Exit Points EB ENTRY 1. On Olney EB W/0 TCBLVD 2. On Ellis NB N/O Marshall 3. On De Adalena WB Hondo E/0 Rlo 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 2991 374 005 2E O 309 OUl 240 279 022 058 059 036 091 109 41-1 562 677 623 692 744 307 312 412 OUI 139 156 139 192 737 8V1 SIR TOW TRUCK 570 607 773 189 203 240 262 406 407 909 878 927 962 279 2B2 312 422 540 570 315 322 335 611 727 412 453 570 841 914 586 5K2 607 WHT TRUCK 679 707 7081 1 773 9271 9281 1 AD12 % Cut Thru 17% % Cut Thru 20% Location: OLNEY STREET EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE 8:30-8:45 am Entry Point: EB OLNEY STREET Exit Points Exit Points Exit Points 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 3. On De Adalena W B E/0 Rio 2. On Ellis NB N/0 Marshall Hondo - EB ENTRY 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD ES ENTRY 465 607 SDI 1. On Olney EB W/O 124 452 677' 717 TCBLVD 654 739 2. On Ellis NB 0341 177 3. N/O Marshall 118 135 2N2 326 On De 034 177 Adalena WB E/0 Hondo 0971 258 Rio 4. 11214N2 2742 On Marshall EB W/O 8 417 TCBLVD 282 497 ACE L39 772 7C2 7N2 329 336 395 279 293 351 511 528 555 177 827 EJC' 284 3S1 414 41.1 534 545 56015 511 fi54545 565 294 314 368 BLUE GLENDALE FORD BLUE STAR 560 562 597 658 7661 629 785 808597 442 1.3R 615 658 803 838 14210 495' - 982 7N1 766 7S1 933 933 982 D14 ACE N96 962 Location: OLNEY STREET EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE 8:45-9:00 am Entry Point: EB OLNEY STREET Exit Points Exit Points 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 3. On De Adalena W B E/0 Rio 2. On Ellis NB N/0 Marshall Hondo - EB ENTRY 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Ellis NB N/0 Marshall 3. On De Adalena WB E/O Hondo Rio 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 428 459 25 1941 350 005 131 205 005 078 131 052 168 1T] 499� - 6P2 448 499 546 252 511 528 157 177 475 222 284 291 879 9901 563 L39 565 605 629 511 528 565 294 314 368 BLUE GLENDALE FORD BLUE STAR 684 B46 923 569 577 629 378 442 1.3R 676 755 923 495' - 368 7N1 954 ACE N96 Location: OLNEY STREET EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE 4-4:17 Fm Entry Point: EB OW EY STREET Exit Points 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 3. On De Adalena W B E/0 Rio 2. On Ellis NB N/0 Marshall Hondo 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD EB ENTRY. 1401 1 E 21-1%.368 1221 316'1 39r!Hg 03B 176 209 034 281 308 528 581 75314 810 533 533 611' �. T96 374 9T0 310 401 6WD 315 448 - 670 856 368 481 682 780 851 867 % Cut Thru 38% % Cut Thru 22% 1 % Cut Thru 43% Location: OLNEY STREET EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE Entry Point: EO OLNEY STREET Exit Points Exit Points ES ENTRY 1, On Olney EB W/0 TCBLVD 2. On Ellis NB N/O Marshall 3. On De Adalena WB E/O Hondo Rio 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD TCBLVD 140 2M1 121 702' T98 008 118 103 147 177 147 312 341 2VO 523 465 831 863 147 SE2 374 481 323 4B1 SA2 4B1 318 637 481 817 419 580 SK2 - 523 818 929 441 551 572 783 829 877 887 863 977 F18 260 630 877 956 6D1 964 438 BLUE BLAZER 483 352 436 543 6N2 811 BLUE BLAZER 763 3R1 500 582 669 757 567 669 677 581 590 611 516 w 830 867 983 Location: OLNEY STREET EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE Entry Point: EB OLNEY STREET EB OLNEY STREET Exit Points EB ENTRY 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Ellis NS 3. On De Adalena WB E/O N/O Marshall Hondo Rio 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD OVS 1221 182 576 657 0831 364 483 533 9%1 036 344 633 2731 575 652 282 618 662 120 483 609 121 536 618 258 567 662 01-1 128 2M1 174 344 118 397 877 075 702 715 126 756 210 423 441 596 171 845 203 756 991 239 249 308 260 630 - 657 6D1 361 438 BLUE BLAZER 483 352 436 543 6N2 811 N52 763 3R1 500 582 669 757 567 669 677 581 590 611 Location: OLNEY STREET EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE 9'YJ•J:YY YRI Entry Point: EB OLNEY STREET Exit Points 3. On De Adalena WB E/0 Rio Ea ENTRY 1. On 011eEB W/O TCBLVD 2. on Ellis NB N/O Marshall Hondo 4. On Marshall E8 W/O TCBLVD 0131 071 5181 576 713' 075 1291 172 0751 172 210 022 076 171 845 203 239 258 239 249 308 260 252 361 438 442 483 352 436 543 509 574 3R1 500 582 669 757 567 669 677 581 590 611 516 w 830 867 983 726 818 668 662 741 756 845 T40 VFW TRN VFW 756 840 875 9D4 % Cut Thru 40% %Cut Thru 50% %Cut Thru 41% Location: OLNEY STREET EAST OF RID HONDO AVENUE y EntryPoint: EB OLNEY STREET EB OLNEY STREET Exit Points Exit Points ES ENTRY 1.On Olney EB W/0 TCBLVD On Ellis NB 3. N/0 Marshall On De Adalena WB E/O Hondo Rio 1 4. On Marshall EB W/0 TCBLVD 271 28SI .2. 2341 252 909 074 1521 249 074 0911 125 013 077 185 544 731 7561 316 1 428 318 493 332 537 258 318 2691 3951 318 520 217 3E 1 442 239 466 7g71 960 555 745 562 761 705 776 6TR 779 705 829 755 907 524 �'�: -`:: 575 -.. -756 198 347 ��5 869 194 927 NIC tWt706 757 845 846 840 NNA 427 650 439 626 534 761 548 765 491 523 516 770 765 Location: OLNEY STREET EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE Entry Point: EB OLNEY STREET Exit Points EB ENTRY 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Ellis NB 3. N/O Marshall On De Adalena WB E/0 Hondo Rio 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 106• 208 269 OVl 131 180 095 099 OV1 019 053 OM1 448 6691 959' 216 217 270 1D0 131 152 103 226 236 272 347 279 399 2M1 421 198 347 217 399 279 421 342 306329 369 456 tWt706 534 439 566 427 650 439 626 534 761 548 765 491 523 516 770 765 785 924 785 824 875 818 826 925 869 926 958 916 933 1 9361 9791 ADD C641 1 %Cut Thru 54% % Cut Thru 33% Location: OLNEY STREET EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE a:au-a:va rm Entry Point: EB OLNEY STREET Exit Points Exit Points EB ENTRY 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Ellis NB 3. N/0 Marshall On De Adalena WB E/0 Hondo Rio 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 169 047• 706 008 32 55 008 055 087 034 129 246 2881 4551 528 2M1 397 479 493 649 070 378 616 667 105 395 769 192 535. 662 833 105 378 535 133 3221 395 575 229 344 502 650 411 516 ' 313 435 724 3111 462 616 799 195 299 329 195 308 929 960 215 397 447 667 670 7581 71.1 830 830 334 335 363 329 334 816 845 868 869 879 573 654 437 479 506 884 958 905 960 929 966 784 866 922 773 896 594 987 612 437 449 455 948 DEF FIB 917 935 975 626 724 754 506 5T1 Location: OLNEY STREET EAST OF RIO HONDO AVENUE a:va-ouu rm Entry Point: EB OLNEY STREET Exit Points EB ENTRY 1. On Olney EB W/O TCBLVD 2. On Ellis N8 N/O Marshall 3. On De Adalena WB E/0 Hondo Rio 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 010 027 109 138 171 306 0131 083 129 0131 083 OF2 122 134 165 316 407 138 319 415 481 737 895 144 209 322 171 260 329 195 299 329 195 308 165 209 309 187 242 326 215 397 447 474 291 498 422 440 334 335 363 329 334 335 561 6W1 751 511 582 654 437 479 506 340 378 384 784 866 922 773 896 594 610 612 437 449 455 948 DEF FIB 917 935 975 626 724 754 506 5T1 612 STT <369 816 827 908 626 674 827 944 948 915 927 947 BILK BENTLY 985 % Cut Thru 43% % Cut Thru 29% OLNEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD Location: OLNEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD Entry Point: WB OLNEYSTREET Exit Points Exit Points WB ENTRY 1. on Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 3. 2.0n Ellis NB N/O Marshall On De Adalena WB E/O Hondo Rio 4. On Marshall EB W/0 TCBLVD 013 -.m 013 137 221 194 226 395 194 226 274a756860 0711 O51 116 103 860 121��19 6179 395 730 943 281 395 395316 013 075 '.680 760 780 927 156 160 361 390 7F2996 .086 329 552 587 593648873 213 329 317 344 089 291 102 348 207 399 944 LOS 730 788 911970 506 511 365 473 482 541 975 CREVIER RED BMW 533 648 690 524 550 G58 SOG 608 658 730 773 780 Location: OLNEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD Entry Point: WB OLNEY STREET Exit Points Will ENTRY 1. on Olney WB E/D Rio Hondo 2. on Ellis NB N/0 3. Marshall On De Adalena WB E/0 Hondo Rio 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD ..-.O86 _4 29 511 0711 O51 116 024 041 052 024 041 052 001 013 075 '.680 760 780 927 156 160 361 390 274 - 406 .086 329 136 346 217 376 135 329 213 329 317 344 089 291 102 348 207 399 944 LOS X419 451 458 473 506 511 365 473 482 541 674 713 533 648 690 524 550 G58 SOG 608 658 730 773 780 743 691 707 739 689 754 764 954 760 `.,.., 780 821 754 764 961 849 961 989 8T1 909 925 929 944 949 WHIT BMW NP % Cut Thru 100% % Cut Thru 91% W j-IT 'o to r- m F ON o n w Ot Ln n On m W rl N � Vl LD n o0 Ql m N n to 0 a0 .Y-1 O H t~i1 n NOO O01 c O v . i D1 U1 N N O n LD O O V m co XO Q C -4 N n 0 N m In m m m w v O tD w tD m n w a0 V1 Dl OC O w m 3 0 W m N O1 m n N v m Ol r+ l0 m n lD lD w N " n 1� N N OD t!1 O1 � .-1 .� N N m m a In wn OO C c � O O 2 6J 0 C} tD N .+ tD n O v n lD o a N n W O rn 00 o N v c 0 .� .+ N N m m m v Ln �n � n m rn a O N m C Lo Ln 'D cnN O4 m CL � T N n N w a H N m 0 0 to to W m Q W N N C� G O DOm m n �f m oD O w o0 w m m m Z N m 0 oa0o Z _N w N N lD lD lD C n n 00 N m c O N n n O O N m m a a Ln 0 W u1 tD n n w co w m ul tD OoN a o0 0 c r� N to In amo Z 3: 0 LA.9 W c} In b n 3 v cn cory O c 0 D *^} m a'r m an m W H tD O M N 01 m m LU Ln WpY N ul Z F yO� rI l�0 M1 p Y21 ca 3 3 0 M LD Z C W Location: OLNEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD 7.4S -9 -no am Entry POlnt: IS OLNEY STREET Exit Points Exit Points .WH ENTRY.. 370' 432'1, 4E2 W9 ENTRY 3. On De Adalena WB E/O Rio 2.On Ellis NB N/O Marshall Hondo 064 067 102 067 125 196 111 119 125 269 275 376 1. on Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 2, On Ellis NB 3. N/O Marshall On De Adalena WB E/0 Hondo Rio 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD `262 1641 2A2 013 132 134 OP2 187 050 148 093 186 099 227 014 144 024 148 119 212 026 086 050 118 051 152 305 A 525' 189 209 237 285 2A2 245 375 284 401 335 514 235 318 274 328 294 335 205 284 306 262 308 5511 5621 SK11 SNII 567' 619 376 374 422 547 770 662 865 694 868 361 483 401 683 477 685 331 3H1 348 447 376 494 619 646' 438 492 915 933 939 700 755 7971 41.11 546 553 '-. 794' 528 546 562 5K1 607 619 551 604 619 9X1 M.C. Entry- cars denoted withmade a U turn to go back to TCBLVD to get on Freeway 83G 933 9112 863 939 KNG 915 975 M84 581 612 694 604 626 725 612 662 9H2 A28' 644 734 735 755 `'' 718 935 MN2 915 923 975 785 805 812 832 854 862 8991 942 947 998 C101 J41 Entry - cars denoted with • made a U turn to go back to TCBLVD to get on Freeway Location: OLNEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD MOO -9:15 am Entry Point: WB OLNEY STREET Exit Points .WH ENTRY.. 370' 432'1, 4E2 1. on Olney WB E/O Rio Hondo 008 155 221 3. On De Adalena WB E/O Rio 2.On Ellis NB N/O Marshall Hondo 064 067 102 067 125 196 111 119 125 269 275 376 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 036 045 099 1D4 119 129 617' 748' 394 4 E 2 516 SN1 6D4 188 293 238 376 245 384 398 543 419 562 455 868 178 321 227 348 250 350 010 854.: �.?�"886 936 946' 672 797 810 387 681 419 714 422 755 888 NNA 888 MKT 439 511 460 SNI 462 608 876 936 793 847 609 6 E 2 6G1 936 939 979 708 756 786 890 899 947 SINS T93 Entry- cars denoted withmade a U turn to go back to TCBLVD to get on Freeway Loratlon: OLNEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD % Cut Thru 84% % Cut Thru 83% Entry Point: WB OLNEY STREET Exit Points Exit Points WB EMRY- .: 1. on Olney WB E/O Rio WS ENTRY 1. on Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 2.On Ellis NS N/0 3. Marshall On De Adalena WB E/0 Hondo Rio 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 069 OP2 1391;'t 069 096 139 OUS 240 279 022 056 059 036 091 109 143 296[__305 560 615 307 307 312 412 OU] 139 156 139 192 1 E2 417 603 816 319 339 933 570 607 773 189 203 240 262 406 407 417 603 878 927 962 279 2B2 312 422 540 570 6271 648 653 315 322 335 611 727 810 677 694 810 Entry - cars denoted with • 412 453 570 841 914 854 899 976 586 SK2 607 WHTTRUCK ACE E18 141 679 707 708 773 927 928 AD12 Location: OLNEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD Entry Point: WB OLNEY STREET Exit Points WB EMRY- .: 1. on Olney WB E/O Rio Hondo 2. On Ellis NB N/O Marshall 3. On De Adalena WB E/O Hondo Rio 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD . m 611 677• ;.: ':834 033 053 OP2 143 299 212 EIC• 053 213 411 465 034 177 329 351 118 2N2 336 414 135 326 395 41.1 034 177 279 534 097 258 293 545 112 274 351 560 148 372 4N2 615 210 417 511 654 282 555 693 t725 4N2 636 6V0 545 597 560 615 562 658 597 803 658 838 766 842 6M1 810 785 982 8D8 718 749 776 766 7S1 933 933 982 D14 785 ;,]��.=',':x:834 873 982 918 X27 BLK BMW CREVIER Entry - cars denoted with • made a U turn to go back to TCBLVD to get on Freeway % Cut Thru 80% %Cul Thru 69% Location: OLNEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD 8:45 -9:00 am Entry Point: WB OLNEY STREET Exit Points Exit Points Exit Points W8 EMY 1. on 2. On Ellis NB N/O Marshall Hondo 4. On Marshall ES W/O TCBLVD 306 1, on Olney WD E/O Rio Hondo 2. On Ellis NO 3. N/0 Marshall On De Adalena WB E/0 Hondo RIO 4, On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD WS ENTRY o"2284 297 0513L OW11 1391 0051 13 1L 205 005 078 131 052 16811 iTl 612 160 357 497 252 511 528 167 177 475 222'-.'' 284 291 4 540 566 512 551 572 783 565 605 629 511 528 56S 294 314 368 _ -.UG7 704 755 684 846 923 569 577 629 378 396 442 902 917 Ic3R 676 755 9231 49S 668 7N1 U67 Entry- cars denoted with • made a U turn to go back to TCBLVD to get on Freeway 954 ACE N96 Location: OLNEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD 45:15 Pm Entry Point: W B OLNEY STREET Exit Points Exit Points 3. On De Adalena WB E/0 Rio W8 EMY 1. on 2. On Ellis NB N/O Marshall Hondo 4. On Marshall ES W/O TCBLVD 306 '008 019 039 038 176 209 034 261 308 316• 122 209 SPI 374 9T0 310 315 368 533' 177 639 667 827 065 .f177 210 448 481 6111 6W0 854=rrA-960 SSG 670 682 91(2 2F2 6WD 756 780 3181 481 851 867 45S 659 Entry - cars denoted with • made a U turn to go back to TCBLVD to get on Freeway 374 481 4B1 4B1 Location: OLNEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD 4:1s-4:eu rm Entry Point: WB OLNEY STREET Exit Points 3. On De Adalena WS E/O Rio - WB'gNTRY, L on Olney WB E/O Rio Hondo 2. On Ellis NO N/O Marshall Hondo 4. On Marshall ED W/O TCBLVD 1314 065 .f177 210 008 118 118 103 147 177 147 312 341 3bgm 2F2 1471 1 E 2 323 lA2 3181 481 419 476 523 45S 659 396 374 481 4B1 4B1 637 917 58D SKI 818 702• 540 566 512 551 572 783 829 877 887 863 977 F18 ` 71 659 877 956 964 728 764 BLUE BLAZER 710 813 830 936 960 Entry- cars denoted with • made a U turn to go back to TCBLVD to get on Freeway %Cut Thru 80% %Cul Thru 46% %Cut Thru 64% Location: OLNEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD 4:30.4:45 Pm Entry Point: WB OLNEY STREET I Exit Points Exit Points Exit Points WB'ENTRY 1. on Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 2. On Ellis NB 3. N/0 Marshall 1. on Olney WS E/O Rio 1. on Olney WS E/O Rio Hondo 2. On Ellis NB 3. N/0 Marshall On De Adalena WB E/0 Hondo Rio 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD _.. WB ENTRY 1761 1L2 f'.:`: `'$13 0101 172 - 176 0361 273 282 120 121 258 OL3 owl 118 4K2 7.1014K0 951 973 1A21 342 576 770 30S[-", 455 " Sa 3441 702 756 BLUE BLAZER 575 652 715 991 618 662 726 483 609 7S6 536 618 567 662 128 2M1 423 630 61,12 174 344 441 657 749 209 598 6D1 763 991 582 830 669 887 757 983 951 669 818 677 868 581 662 590 741 611 756 825 869 811 N52 VFW 757 973 VFW 756 904 840 875 Entry - cars denoted with • made a U turn to go back to TCBLVD to get on Freeway 846 NINA Location: OLNEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD 4:45 - S:DD Pm Entry Point: WB OLNEY STREET Exit Points Exit Points WB'ENTRY 1. on Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 2. On Ellis NB 3. N/0 Marshall 1. on Olney WS E/O Rio Hondo 2. On Ellis NB N/O 3. Marshall On De Adalena WB E/O Hondo Rio 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD .,.WB EWRY,_. 024 = li' 075 024 075 • ' 075 129 172 075 172 210 004 022 162 2101 466 136 206 138 203 438 239 442 258 483 239 352 249 438 308 543 260 508 397 559 4V1 574 713• 846 746 964 282 750 755 654 582 830 669 887 757 983 567 726 669 818 677 868 581 662 590 741 611 756 825 869 846 927 VFW 757 TRN VFW 756 904 840 875 Entry - cars denoted with • made a U turn to go back to TCBLVD to get on Freeway 846 NINA Location: OLNEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD 5-5:15 Pm Entry Point: WB OLNEY STREET Exit Points WB'ENTRY 1. on Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 2. On Ellis NB 3. N/0 Marshall On De Adalena WB E/0 Hondo Rio 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD OKS 237 890 952 528 266 632 074 316 152 318 249 332 0741 258 091 269 125 318 013 217 077 237 185 239 698 7D9 746 428 493 537 318 395 520 3 EI 442 466 811 555 705 6TR 705 755 524 575 592 745 761 776 779 829 907 703 750 756 825 869 894 927 NIC 757 780 840 846 NINA Location: OLN EY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD % Cut Thru 90% %Cut Thru 73% % Cut Thru 60% L8 Li4 1.1• . Entry Polnt: WB OLNEY STREET Exit Points Exit Points WB ENTRY 1. on Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 1. on 01 e WB E/O Rlo Hondo 2. On Ellis NS 3. N/0 Marshall On De Adalena WB E/0 Hondo Rio 4, On Marshall EB W/0 TCBLVD 008 070 ' 024 034 054 OVl 131 1813 095 099 OVl 019 053 OM1 395 656 4 1366 < i.. 068 275 378 216 217 270 100 131 152 103 226 236 ^� -171 • " 294 :; 7.: i.'�4 361 d67 272 347 279 399 2M3 421 198 347 217 399 279 421 251 342 306 369 329 455 674 Swilh 816 674 541 6131 949765 429 534 439 566 785 427 650 824 439 626 785 534 761 824 548 765 875 491 523 818 515 604 826 516 77D 925 884 905 952 WXL 869 926 958 916 933 936 979 ADO 960 966 987 Entry • carse a U turn to go back to TCBLVO to Ret on Freeway Entry • cars denoted with made a U turn to go back to TCBLVD to get on Freeway Location: OLNEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD S -1n.4 -4S Pm Entry Point: WB OLNEY STREET Exit Points WB ENTRY 1. on Olney WB E/0 Rio Hondo 3. 2. On Ellis NB N/0 Marshall On De Adalena W8 E/0 Hondo Rio 4. On Marshall EB W/O TCBLVD 047• 346 196 237 157 .348 008 070 032 105 055 192 008 105 055 133 087 229 034 263 129 313 246 3R1 . 4Q 9633 732 395 422 - 4C2 378 616 395 656 535 662 275 378 322 395 344 502 411 516 435 581 462 616 8 6 846 652 935 698 667 929 769 960 833 535 667 575 670 650 758 649 71-1 724 799 816 845 8681 869879 573 884 905 929 WXL 958 960 966 987 Entry • cars denoted with made a U turn to go back to TCBLVD to get on Freeway %Cut Thru 67% % Cut Thru 80% Location: OLNEY STREET WEST OF TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD 5:45.6:00 Pm Entry Point: WB OLNEY STREET Exit Points 3. On De Adalena WO E/0 Rio B Y. 1. on Olney WB E/O Rio Hondo 2. On Ellis NO N/O Marshall Hondo 4. On Marshall EB W/0 TCBLVD 1281 122 0131 0831 129 013 083 OF2 122 134 165 184 198 277 - 144 171 195 124 165 187 215 290 291 540 647 209 260 299 195 209 242 397 3A2 442 776 r,-;•, 753 322 329 329 308 309 326 447 474 005 761 805 948 334 329 334 335561 6W] 751 956 5 BOS 437 506 340 378 384 784 866 922 141 594 612 437 449 455 948 DEF F18 626 t3351363 754 506 STI 612 STT <368 816 908 626 674 827 944 915 927 947 BLK BENTLY 1 985 %Cut Thru 85% TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOUR AVERAGE DAILY COUNTS gl amp. is 3 Gi - •J y-. �aV m.�+'`y�q {`iNA TAI�e�n�NlNn�niim�Y q, �p♦y �11�1V vni�m��Iw q^.. �p +lir�N q. 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S K WN PwPbAr m�V t.POW�ONJPrOO OC I�.+POC1Ot�i�Jb r+W UNPr� tr- b yy �NNJ_ mNm Y CC x` OV Ig oo:Ez oo:zz 00:TZ o0:az 00:6T 00:8T 00:LT 00:91 3 I Oo:ST OO:bT W I 00£T Oo:ZT I WIT m oo:OT Z I 0060 00:80 oo:Lo 0090 00:50 OO:bO OO:EO OO:ZO 00:10 0000 0 00 0 0 0 0 � o00 LD SBI3140A Prepared by National Data & Su O&I Scrvlscs VOLUME Temple City Blvd S/0 Olney St Day: Tuesday Date: 6/11/2019 City: Rosemead Project H: CA19_5399_004 AM Peak Hour 07AI 0941 A--,. 09.15 PMM%Hour- _.. 16:30 1690M1, }tl190HrPador' Pk 0960 8b2347;0.96 0951 PHr Factor ok ,..k-960 DAILY 7-kyolumr F13 WB TOTAL.. 1 N13 0 SB EB F-30711-5 WB TOTAL d7AOf AM Period 00:00 52 1690 56 8,01 rs ' 2073 7-9P0olume 110 " " 12:00 193 4.6011iVolume 223 966 _ 00:15 32 0.947 37 P4 Hr Factor 0M6 69 12:15 197 223 00:30 42 32 74 12:30 212 237 ` 00:45 31 157 34 161 65 - 318 12:45 228 830 236 919 74 01:00 25 28 S3,- 13:00 251 199 " 01:15 24 24 48 13:15 212 263 01:30 25 23 48 13:30 199 210 01:45 21 95 17 92 38 : 187 13:45 235 897 252 924 02:00 14 17 31 14:00 205 233 02:15 33 18 51 14:15 200 225 ' 02:30 19 23 42 14:30 228 249 02:45 25 91 13 71 38 162- 14:45 227 860 210 91777 03:00 24 16 40 `%' 15:00 209 212 03:15 21 16 37 15:15 213 210 0330 20 31 51 15:30 248 234 03:45 18 83 32 95 50 178, 15:45 237 907 243 899 04:00 24 26 52 16:00 212 215 04:15 25 45 70` 16:15 232 238 04:30 49 68 117 16:30 261 241 * 04:45 68 166 61 202 12 368 16:45 289 994 251 945 1 9 05:00 54 114 168: 17:00 274 224 05:15 93 128 221 17:15 281 252 05:30 126 127 253 17:30 251 184 05:45 162 435 142 511 304 946 17:45 248 1054 199 859 113 06:00 141 144 285 r 18:00 266 235 06:15 216 146 362 > 18:15 300 203 06:30 286 123 409' 1830 250 193 06:45 1 311 954 154 567 4M= 1521 18:45 244 1060 206 837 07:00 267 174 441'+ 19:00 211 198 07:15 295 186 481 19:15 189 177 07:30 290 167 451' 19:30 162 180 07:45 314 1166 189 716 503 -'1882 19:45 154 716 177 732 1 8 08:00 275 146 421 20:00 126 148 08:15 313 170 483 20:15 150 169 3 08:30 304 198 502 20:30 120 157 08:45 293 1185 168 682 461, 1867 20AS 155 551 150 624 174 09:00 281 188 469" 21:00 144 128 09:15 225 199 4X 21:15 116 139 09:30 231 212 443- 21:30 114 187 09:45 204 941 229 828 433.'.1769 21:45 117 491 126 580 31371 10:00 193 210 4 22:00 110 140 10:15 203 228 :,. 22:15 80 119 10:30 204 235 439 "` 22:30 107 103;';: 10:45 204 804 209 882 413 1686 22:45 63 360 84 446 80fi. 11:00 204 212 416 "" 23:00 82 70 11:15 199 128 327, 23:15 63 68 11:30 166 160 326 23:30 67 51 11:45 176 745 209 709 385-- 23:45 57 269 47 236 -TOTALS 682 551 - .—_. TOTALS, 8989; 891$ a 17b7 SpL117i 553�fi 447% 4dBlf SPLITlL Sb]9� 498% 2'K AM Peak Hour 07AI 0941 A--,. 09.15 PMM%Hour- _.. 16:30 1690M1, }tl190HrPador' Pk 0960 8b2347;0.96 0951 PHr Factor ok ,..k-960 7-kyolumr 2351' 1194' r 87,49 4-6Valuma 2046'x 7A04 a rets 3653, 7.9P5akj{ouf 07. d7AOf 0745 4-tlPeakHoyr 1690 1690 8,01 rs ' 2073 7-9P0olume 1206; 716, ,, 1909 4.6011iVolume 1105 966 _ Pk Hr F ctor 0.96E 0.947 0.949 P4 Hr Factor 0M6 0.960 •) o* --- •4- 0.960 - R�[e• redkvdda•ff��►synrevlsaalcas Pi »:. ,:. „4 City: Rosemead 1400 -N6 -SB SEB AWB 1200 1000 N 800 v u t d > 600 400 200 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 h c0 T O .� N m � V1 1p h 00 Q� O ei N M C .-1 O O ry O m O 7 O X11 O 600 400 200 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 h c0 T O .� N m � V1 1p h 00 Q� O ei N M C .-1 O O ry O m O 7 O X11 O �D O O O O SPEED SURVEY City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: DE ADALENA ST EB Limits: RIO HONDO AVE ei 1 is 1 AWF Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 611112019 Factors Direction: East A Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK 85th Percentile 35.4 10 mph Pace 27.36 Percent in Pace 76.0% Posted Speed Limit 25 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 41112016 To 4/1/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 2 Collision Rate (Acc1MVM) 3.764 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1969 Length of Segment 1300 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E Adiacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc. # City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: DE ADALENA ST WB Limits: RIO HONDO AVE FLUS LANE Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Datd: 611112019 Factors Direction: West A Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK 85th Percentile 35.8 10 mph Pace 27-36 Percent in Pace 75.0% Posted Speed Limit 25 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 4/112016 To 4/1/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 2 Collision Rate (Ace/MVM) 3.823 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1969 Length of Segment 1280 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E, Adlacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc. # City of Rosemead PublicDepartment -. HONDO AVE to ELLIS LANE ■.■..■■.■.....■■■MESO■.■..O.OE.E■...■.■■��� TFCC:C::::M:M soon::::MEN MENMEMMEMEMME© EMMO ■........C.........■ ...................oma coo Emmons MEMO 04,0.■ME■EME■ME�OM■M■OM...■SOO■ME■ME.O.MOO� •, . . ►Z/►/►:/EO■E■M■.■■■ ■SOMEONE ■EE.■■n■■■E■■E■■mmi NONE MEN MMMMMMMMMM Fr 00 000 ,24 X0.'0:0-:/■■.■.■ME■NEEEE■EE...■E■E■■E.■EEE■E©E F015 051/►/■■.e■.■■■■..■■..■E.■■E■■■■■E■■EOO GIN0.4MESON ..■■■ EM■■M■.■ME■EM■MM■MM■■0 • '' �O���EE.■■.ME■■EMME�EO■.■.■OO■EE■EnEE■■mcs'�a ►_,�0:,►5_0_/►-,�o5►_oz/1■■■■.■■ MMES■■■■n■■O.E■O■■■mom EMEMMEMEM ►-_a■EE.■■E■.EEEn■■■■■nEEE■■E■■■M■■EEMMMISZ ►-/E■■.■M■■.EEE■■■■■■O■■■■E■E■E■EE■.EEEEE.o�■ ■■■e■■■O■E■■■■■■■■E■■■■E.MONSOON .■■■■■■■■■■■S■■E■�� No .■■.■.■■E.■..:::C:■'::::::::CCC ............ CC:C::i::::� ■..■.■■.■..■■ME■■■■■O■■■■■■O■■.m Ou■■E■■■■m■ �EE..E■.■■EEE■■■■E.E.■M■.■ME.EEeEE.E..E.■�■�■�. E■■■■..■E■■■■■■■■■.■■■E■■E■■■■■■■■n■E■Om ■E■■■E■■■..EE.■■E■■.■■■.■.■EE■■.■E..■■■■�.�.� E� ■■■■u■■■■■■■■E■■■■■■■.■.EE■■..EOEnM■■0��� .E■..■.■EEE■■EEE■■E..E..■.E■EE■.■■EM■EE■E■.■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■.E■.��■■■■■■■■■■■■�■�■�. Date of , 85th Percentile Speed: 35.0 .. ,� .,Speed: Percentile Speed: 26.7 Road Condition: Good Posted Speed: 26 10 MPH Pace: 27-36 Street Class.: Local/Nelghborhoo Observer:15th in Pace: 76 ConditionsNumber . in Pace: 75.0% Apparent:Percent City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: ELLIS LANE NB Limits: MARSHALL ST OLNEY ST Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 6/712018 Factors Direction: North A. Prevailina Saeed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK 85th Percentile 32.3 10 mph Pace 21-30 Percent in Pace 72.0% Posted Speed Limit 25 B. Collision History Date'Range Covered 4/112016 To 411/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 1 Collision Rate (AccIMVM) 4.735 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1049 Length of Segment 970 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D. Cdnditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometries None Apparent Comments E. Adjacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit Change?, Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by' City of Rosemead -Traffic Engineering Department: Date Lac. g ►:+►_+,_+►:+■■■OMEN SNOBS Monson SEEN SEEMS SNOB OMEN ■0EmEm ►:+►:+►:+0►:+►:+■■■■■■■■■■■i■■■■■■■e■■■■■■■■■■i■■■0lpm Em 0::+►:+►:+►:+►:+■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■NONE NONE ■"Im mizi ►_+,+►:+,+■■■MONO MEN■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■0 ►:+►:+■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■©ice •. ►_+►:+■■■■■■■■■■SEEN Monson ISO ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■© ►:+►:+■■■■■■■son ■■■■■■■■■■iMEMO MESON ■■■■■■■■"Uo =40 Emmommommommom Emmons ONE sommommommons no" Kmomm City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: ELLIS LANE SB Limits: MARSHALL ST ni MF=V RT Factors Direction: South A Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK 85th Percentile 32.3 10 mph Pace 21-30 Percent in Pace 72.0% Posted Speed Limit 25 B Collision History Date Range Covered 4/1/2016 To 4/1/2019 Total Collisions 1 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 4.735 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1049 Length of Segment 970 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E Adjacent Land Use Single Family Residential Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 6/712019 ( 3 ) Posted Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc. 0 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: MARSHALL ST EB Limits: ELLIS LANE TFMDI F CITV RI Vn Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 611112019 Factors Direction: East A Prevailing Saeed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK 85th Percentile 26.9 10 mph Pace 20-29 Percent in Pace 100.0% Posted Speed Limit 25 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 41/2016 To 4/1/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 1 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 4.193 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Dally Traffic 2553 Length of Segment 450 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometries None Apparent Comments E. Adjacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Dale Loc.# City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary street: MARSHALL ST WB Limits: ELLIS LANE TFMPI F r 1TV 6LVD Factors Direction: West A Prevailina Saeed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK 85th Percentile 26.9 10 mph Pace 20-29 Percent in Pace 100.0% Posted Speed Limit 25 B Collision History Date Range Covered 41112D16 Total Collisions 1 Collision Rate (AccIMVM) 4.193 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic_ Factors Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 6/11/2019 To 4/112019 ( 3 ) Average Daily Traffic 2553 Length of Segment 450 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D Conditions Not Readily Aaaareni Conditions Roadway Geometrics Comments None Apparent E Adiacent Land Use Single Family Residential I Posted Speed Limit 25 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc. # ►+►+►5►:+►:+■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ MONO ■■■■■■■■■■OMENS mow OEM MEMMEMEM NONE Mon"IMEM, ►'i►�+►�+►�+■M■■MM■■■■■■■S■■■M/■/■/■■/■■■■■■/■■■tea ►:+►:+►_+►:+MM■■S■■M■E■■■■■■■/E■■MSM■■■■S■SSMM■■■��f ,:+►:+►:+■ SEMEN ■■MS■moss■ MEMO ■E■■■E■M■MNONE sE■©Em ►_+►,+►_+►:+►:+►:+►:o:+mS■M■■EM■■MMm■■■ME■■ME■SOMEONE ■■OMS ►_+>5►_+E■■■■■■■■■■■■■EN■E■MEM■■NMEMO ■■■S■N■■"no EMEMEMEMEME on NONE" KMKM ■■■mE■■N■■■■■■■■■■■■E■■■■■■■■E■■SES■MEEM��MMMI ■■■■■■■Sm■■■Mmmm■■■■mmm■■■■omm■■■■MES■SEM■M�� ■■SEE■■■■MSM■■mm■■■■■■■S■■■■■■■■MSE■■MSN�eM� ■■■■S■■■■■■■■■■■o■■■■■■■■MSM■■E■■■■■■■■m��M� ■MS■EEE■■■■sE■SSM■■■M■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■EMM�M�M� ■SME■■■EN■■NEMSS■■■M■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■E■■f�■■� ■m■■m■■mmMMS■■■■■■■■■■■FSEs■MES■SES■■■■M�mM■� ■■■Em■■E■■mS■■■■■■■■MBEs■■■■■■■■■EMS■■■ME■�M� ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■N■■MEF■■EMM■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��� City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: OLNEY ST EB Limits: RIO HONDO AVE T=H01 K MTV RI vn Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 611 012 01 9 Factors Direction: East A. Prevailin Seed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK ELLIS AND MARYBETH 85th Percentile 30.8 10 mph Pace 24-33 Percent in Pace 78.0% Posted Speed Limit 26 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 6/412016 To 61412019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 4 Collision Rate (Acc1MVM) 4.91 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1981 Length of Segment 1760 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometries None Apparent Comments E. Adjacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 26 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc. # IIJ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■® ��■■■s■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■© IJIJ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■®[gym o.■�o..■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■® iirrr■■■■■■■■■■�■■■■s■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■© ���. r►�i■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■0[ rriir■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■© „�. r�rrr■■■�■■■■■■■■■■■■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■© ���. IJ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■� �I■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■© .■■■s■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■©moi o.�■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■e■■■■■■■■■■■■■©moi ���iiiiiiiiiiiiiii�iiii�iiiiiiiiii�iiiii©moi ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■moi ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■moi ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��ei ■■■■■■a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■��i ■■■■s■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■o■��� City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: OLNEY ST WB Limits: RIO HONDO AVE TEMPI F CITY 13LVD Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 6/1012019 Factors Direction: West A. Prevailing Saeed Data Location of Survey MID BLOCK ELLIS AND MARYBETH 85th Percentile 32.4 10 mph Pace 24-33 Percent in Pace 78.0% Posted Speed Limit 25 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 411!2016 To 4/112019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 4 Collision Rate (Acc1MVM) 4.91 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic_ Factors Average Daily Traffic 1981 Length of Segment 1760 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E. Adiacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 26 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc. # +►_+►_+■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ MEN "Um Em ►5►:+►:+►:+►+►:+►:+/■■■/■■■■■■■■/■■MEN ■■/■■■■■■■■■/■©ir ►,+►:+►:+►_+■■■NONE ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■0Homo ------ ►�+�+►.+►�+►.+��+■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Cid M ee■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/■■■/■■Emma EM3 ►_+■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■opo+ City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: RIO HONDO AVE NB Limits: NIARSHALLST OLNEY ST Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 6/712019 Factors Direction: North A. Prevailina Speed Data Location of Survey SOUTH OF GLENDON WAY 85th Percentile 33.3 10 mph Pace 26-34 Percent in Pace 92.0% Posted Speed Limit 30 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 4/1/2016 To 4/1/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 2 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 5.79 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1751 Length of Segment 950 Lane Configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification LocallNeighborhood D Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E. Adjacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 30 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc. # ►:+■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■nom ,.•. Mm"IRM ►+►�0:+►5►+►+■■■■■■■■■■■■noun ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■"M7EM ►_+►_+►:+Moon soon ■■■■■■■Moon Eon ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■]mlom ►_+_+►_+►,+■■■NOON ■ ONE ■■Noon noon OEM ■■■■■■■■■■■■EAROEM ►+►+►'►+►+■gnomon ■■■■■■■■■■■■■EON ■■■■■■■■■■■■" ►;+■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■NNE Eon ■■■■■■■■■IKE ►+-+►:+_ MEMO ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Eon Emmons ■■■■■■ KM ►_+►=o�+►+■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ MEN Non ■■■■■ monsoons ■MFM ►5■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Mom EMIm City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: RIO HONDO AVE SB Limits: MARSHALL ST ni ntFv ST Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 6/712019 Factors Direction: South A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey SOUTH OF GLENDON WAY 85th Percentile 33.4 10 mph Pace 26-34 Percent in Pace 92.0% Posted Speed Limit 30 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 4/1/2016 To 4/1/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 2 Collision Rate (AccIMVM) 5.79 Expected Collision Rate 1.37 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 1751 Length of Segment 950 Lane configuration 1 Ln Ea Dir Undivided Street Classification Local/Neighborhood D Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E. Adjacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 30 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc. # II%■■■■■■■ Monson ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■© II/II■III■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■� III■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■soon ■■■■■■■■■■■■■©OOEM II�r�II■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■MEMO ■■NEON MEN ■■■■■■0IROEM OJ*■■■NONE ■■■■■■■■■■■NONE ■■■■■■■■■MEMO ■■"ROOM IIIII■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■MEMO ■■■■■■■NEON no" momia d■■■■■■■■■"OEM City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: TEMPLE CITY BLVD NB Limits: GUESS ST MARSHALL ST Field Observer EFI Checked By: EGF Date: 6110/2019 Factors Direction: North/South A. Prevailing Speed Data Location of Survey SOUTH OF GUESS ST 85th Percentile 45.8 10 mph Pace 37-46 Percent in Pace 67.3% Posted Speed Limit 40 B. Collision HlstorV Date Range Covered 411/2016 To 4/1/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 11 Collision Rate (Acc/MVM) 1.844 Expected Collision Rate 1.85 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 30245 Length of Segment 950 Lane Configuration 2 Lns Ea Dir w/ LT Pockets and DYCL Street Classification Class 2 (Secondary) Arterial D Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E. Adiacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 40 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc. # r■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■SEEMS ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■� rrrrrr■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■off rr�r■rr■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■MEN OEM SOMEONE mom mom Mimi 00�►■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■0noKao i�iiii!�O■■■■■■■■■■■■SEEN SEMEN ■■■■■■■■■■■■MM3 fim ►,e%JIII� IGIII■■■■■■■soon ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■®■mEm lummulONmommommummummossonMEMO ONMONSOON on= Holm City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey Summary Street: TEMPLE CITY BLVD SB Limits: GUESS ST MARSHALLS Field Observer EF Checked By: EGF Date: 6/10/2019 Factors Direction: South A. Prevailing Saeed Data Location of -Survey SOUTH OF GUESS,ST 85th Percentile 43.5 10,m ph Pace 32-41 Percent in Pace 66.0% Posted Speed Limit 40 B. Collision History Date Range Covered 4/112016 To 4/1/2019 ( 3 ) Total Collisions 11 Collision Rate (ACoIMVM) 1.844 Expected Collision Rate 1.85 C. Traffic Factors Average Daily Traffic 30245 ` Length of Segment 950 1• Lane Configuratibn 2 Lns Ea Dir w/ LT Pockets and DYCL Street Classification Class 2 (Secondary) Arterial D Conditions Not Readily Apparent Conditions Roadway Geometrics None Apparent Comments E. Adiacent Land Use Single Family Residential Posted Speed Limit 40 Speed Limit Change? Revised Speed Limit i Approved and Authorized for release by City of Rosemead - Traffic Engineering Department: Date Loc. # O■■■■■■■Monson Nunn ■■■■■Nmonsoon ■■■■m■■nomm o m r&■■■■■■■■■■■n■o■moons MOON son Monosson n09mum ■■■om■■■m■m■■■■■■■oMOON ■■■■om■NEI so" cmum ii■ire■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�� . rrraiii►ii■■■■ Monosson ■■■■■■■■■ soon NONE ENO Emcm .*O■■■■■■■■■m■■■■■■monsoon ■■■■■■■■■n■■■■"NO &W2 i►r■■■■■■■n■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■n7EmEm .■■■■■■■■■■■■iii■■■■■ison n■■■■■■■n■■■■n■mEm Ima r■■m■■o■MEMO moons moons ■■■Monson ■■m■■■■■■Milmmom ■■n■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■nim■■■■■■■■■■■■�n�nn� Perform Peak hour Turning Movement Counts Turning Movement count TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT Prepared by: G.E.TrufBc surveys PROJECT NAME: City ofRoaemead Olney Sl Study PROJECTNO: DATE 4Jun-19 Kids- School age s pedestrian A-Adultoedestrlan gl hikes I e SB vehfcles that made a UWrn NQS STREET: Rim Hondo Avenue E -W STREET: Olney Street PED OOUNT TINE NORTHBOUND LEFT THRU RIGHT SOUTHBOUND N -S LEFT THRU RIGHT TOTAL EASTBOUND WESTBOUND E -W North Le LEFT THRU RIGHT LEFT THRU RIGHT TOTAL Adult KIdsIB South Lo East Le West Leis Adult Kids1B Adult KIds16 Adult KIds10 D7:00-07:16 2 2 6 8 16 3 7 10 07:16-07:30 1 2 2 2 7 4 1 19 2 07:30.07:45 4 2 4 3 13 3 24 27 07:46-08:00 14 3 8 6 31 12 42 54 8 0B:00-08:16 2 2 12 8 24 10 1 2B 4 00-.l&DB:30 2 4 4 1 11 7 13 20 1 08:90.02;45 3 4 2 5 14 10 7 17 OB:45-09:00 4 4 9 1 1B 3 1 17 I e SB vehfcles that made a UWrn Turning Movement Count PEAK -HOUR VOLUME ANALYSIS Prepared by. G.E. Tra810 Surveys CALCULATED PEAK HDUR VOLUMES -AM ADJUSTED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -AM 0 16 26 - SR ST SL SR ST SL 0 EL WR 67 EL WR 0 ET 7:90.6:90 WT 0 ET WT 0 ER WL 32 ER WL - NL NT NR NL NT NR 0 22 11 - CALCULATED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -NOON ADJUSTED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -NOON a 0 0 — SR ST SL SR ST SL. 0 EL WR 0 EL WR 0 ET 13:00-14:00 WT 0 ET WT 0 ER WL 0 ER WL NL NT NR NL NT NR 0 0 0 CALCULATED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -PM ADJU6TED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -PM 0 13 46 - SR ST SL SR ST SL 0 EL WR 36 EL WR 0 ET 16A5.17A6 WT 0 ET WT 0 ER WL 42 _- ER WL NL NT NR NL NT NR 0 22 24 Turning Movement Count TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT Prepared6y. O.E. Traffio Survoys PROJECT NAME: City of Rosomoad•Olnoy StStudy PROJECTNO: DATE: 4Jun•lg Klda• School ago pedestrians A. Adutf nwdwdrlwn eel bike. I • SB vahioies that meds a U turn NS STREET: Tem9lo Clly Bauloyard E•WSTREET: Olney Btreot PED COUNT TIME NORTHBOUND LEFT THRU RIGHT SOUTHBOUND N -S LEFT THRU RIGHT TOTAL EASTBOUND WESTBOUND E -W North Le South Ea.tL WeatL LEFT 7HRU RIGHT TOTAL Adult KidrdB Adult KldelB Adult Kldm1B Adult KidalB LEFT THRUP22 07:00.07:16 106 B 44B 4 07:16-07:50 170 6 46B 6 07:30.07:46 2D8 18 540 1fi 07AS-00:00 P266 181) 18 SOD 10 08:00-08:10 174 1B 477 22 08:16-08:30 192 18 498 10 20Q 8 474 16 08:46-09:DD 270 188 6 489 0 9 I • SB vahioies that meds a U turn Turning Movement Count PEAK -HOUR VOLUME ANALYSIS Prelmrad by. G.E. Tra le Surveys CALCULATED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -AM ADJUSTED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -AM 73 764 0 SR ST SL SR ST SL 0 EL WR 0 EL WR 0 ET 7:80.8:30 VJT 0 ET WT - 56 ER WL 0 ER WL - NL NT NR NL NT NR 0 1178 0 re: r.: n ern PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -NOON ADJUSTED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -NOON 0 0 0 SR ST SL SR ST SL 0 EL WR 0 EL WR 0 ET 18:00-14:DD WT 0 ET WT - 0 ER WL 0 ER WL NL NT NR NL NT NR 0 0 0 CALCULATED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -PM ADJUSTED PEAK HDURVOLUMES-PM 70 981 0 SR ST SL SR ST SL 0 EL WR 0 EL WR 0 ET 17:00-18:00 WY 0 ET WT - 23 ER WL 0 ER WL __ NL NT NR NL NT NR 0 1141 0 Level of service analysis existing conditions AM Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:14:38 --------------------------------- City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions AM Peak ----------------- Scenario Report Scenario: existing conditions AM Command: Volume: Geometry: Impact Fee: Trip Generation: Trip Distribution: Paths: Routes: Configuration: Existing Conditions Existing AM Existing Default Impact Fee with project with project with project Default Route Existing Conditions Traffix 8.0.0715 (c) 2008 Dowling Assoc. Page 1-1 --------------- --------------- existing conditions AM Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:14:38 Page 2-1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions AM Peak -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impact Analysis Report Level Of Service Intersection Base Future Change Del/ V/ Del/ V/ in LOS Veh C LOS Veh C 1 Rio Hondo at Olney A 9.1 0.092 A 9.1 0.092 + 0.000 D/V # 2 Temple City Blvd at Olney St C 15.3 0.143 C 15.3 0.143 + 0.000 D/V Traffix 8.0.0715 (c) 2008 Dowling Assoc. existing conditions AM Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:14:38 Page 3-1 City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions AM Peak ----=---------------------------------- Level Of -Service Computation Report 2000 RCM Unsignalized Method (Base Volume Alternative) Intersection *1 Rio Hondo at Olney Average Delay (sec/veh): 6.6 Worst Case Level Of Service: A[ 9.13 Street Name: Rio Hondo/Ramona Blvd Olney St Approach: North Bound South Bound East Bound West Bound Movement: L - T - R L - T - R L - T - R L - T - R ---=--------I---------------II------------7- 11---------------II---------------I Control: Uncontrolled Uncontrolled Stop Sign Stop Sign Rights: Include Include Include Include Lanes: 0 0• 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1! 0 0 ------------I---------------II---------------II---------------II---------------I Volume Module:Existing AM Peak Base Vol: 0 22 '11 28 18 0 0 0 0 32 0 97 Growth Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Initial Bse: 0 22 11 28 16 0 0 0 0 32 0 97 User Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1..00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PHF Adj: 1.00 1..00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1:00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PHF Volume: 0 22 11 28 18 0 0 0 0 32 0 97 Reduct Vol: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 FinalVolume: 0 . 22 11 28 18 0 0 0 0 32 0 97 ------------ I---------------II---------------II---------------II---------------I Critical Gap Module: Critical Gp:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 4.1 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx'xxxx xxxxx 6.4 6.5 6.2 FollowUpTim:xxxxx xxxx xkxxx 2.2 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 3.5 4.0 3..3 ------------- I --------------- II------------ =--II --------------- II ---=-----------I Capacity Module: Cnflict Vol: xxxx xxxx xxxxx 33 xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx 102 102 28 Potent Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx 1592 xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx 902 792 1054 Move Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx 1592-xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx 890 778 1054 Volume/Cap: xxxx xxxx xxxx 0.02 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 0.04 0.00 0.09 Level Of Service Module: 2Way95thQ: xxxx xxxx xxxxx 0.1 xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx Control Del:xxxxx xxxx xkxxx 7.3 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx LOS by Move: * * * A Movement: LT-- LTR -.RT IT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT Shared Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx -xxxx 1008 xxxxx SharedQueue:xxxxx-xxxx xxxxx 0.1 xkxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx 0.4 xkxxx Shrd ConDel:xxxxx.xxxx xxxxx 7.3 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx 9.1 xxxxx Shared LOS: * * * A * * * * * A ApproachDel: xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx 9.1 ApproachLOS:. * * * A Note: Queue reported is the number of cars per lane. ! Traffix 8.0..0715 (c) 2008 Dowling Assoc. existing conditions AM Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:14:38 Page 4-1 City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions AM Peak --------------------------------------- Level Of Service Computation Report 2000 HCM Unsignalized Method (Base Volume Alternative) Intersection #2 Temple City Blvd at Olney St Average Delay (sec/veh): 0.4 Worst Case Level Of Service: C( 15.31 Street Name: Temple City Blvd/I-10. WB Ramp Olney St Approach: North Bound South Bound East Bound West Bound Movement; L - T - R L - T - R L - T - R L - T - R ------------I---------------`II-------=-------II---------------II---------------I Control: Uncontrolled Uncontrolled Stop Sign Stop Sign Rights:' Include Include Include Include Lanes: 0 0 1 0 0 a 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 -----------=I---------------II------ -------II---------------II--------------- I volume Module:Existing AM Peak Base Vol: 0 1178 0 0 764 Growth Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0-0 Initial Bse: 0 1178 0 0 764 User Adj; 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PHF Adj: 1.00 1..00 1.00' 1.00 1.00 PHF Volume: 0 1178 0 0 764 Reduct Vol: 0 0 0 0 0 FinalVolume: 0 1178 0 0 764 73 0 0 58 0- 0 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 •73 0 0 58 0 0 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 73 0 0 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 73 0 0 58 0 0 0 ------------ I --------------- il--------------- I] --------------- II ---------------I Critical Gap Module: Critical Gp:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx 6.2 xxxxx xxxx xxxxx FollowUpTimzxxxkx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx 3.3 xxxxx xxxx xxxxx ----------=-I---------------II---------------II-----------=--=II---------------1 Capacity Module: Cnflict Vol: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 764 .xxxx xxxx xxxxx Potent Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 407 xxxx xxxx xxxxx Move Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 407 xxxx xxxx xxxxx Volume/Cap: xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 0.14 xxxx xxxx xxxx Level Of Service Module: 20ay95thQ: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 0.5 xxxx xxxx xxxxX Control Del:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx 15.3 xxxxx xxxx xxxxx LOS by Move: * * * * * * * * C Movement: LT - LTR - RT LT'- LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT Shared Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx. xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxk S.haredQueue:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx Shrd ConDel:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx Shared LOS: * * ApproachDel: xxxxxx xxxxxx 15.3 xxxxxx ApproachLOS: * * C Note:. Queue reported is the number of cars per lane. Traffix 8.0.0715 (c) 2008 Dowling Assoc. existing conditions PM Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:15:34 ------------------------------------------------------------ City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions PM Peak ------------------------------------------------------------ Scenario Report Scenario: existing conditions PM Command: Volume: Geometry: Impact Fee: Trip Generation: Trip Distribution Paths: Routes: Configuration: Existing Conditions Existing PM Existing Default Impact Fee with project with project with project Default Route Existing Conditions Traffix 8.0.0715 (c) 2008 Dowling Assoc. Page 1-1 ---------------- ! existing conditions PM Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:15:34, Page 2-1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions PM Peak -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impact Analysis Report Level Of Service Intersection Base Future Change Del/ V/ Del/ V/ in LOS Veh C LOS Veh C # 1 Rio Hondo at Olney A 9.3 0.050 A 9.3 0.050 + 0.000 D/V # 2 Temple City Blvd at Olney St C 17.7 0.075 C 17.7 0.075 + 0.000 D/V Traffix 8.0.0715 (c) 2008 Dowling Assoc. existing conditions PM Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:15:34 Page 3-1 City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions PM Peak ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Level Of Service Computation Report 2000 HCM Unsignalized Method (Base Volume Alternative) Intersection #1 Rio Hondo at Olney Average Delay (sec/veh): 5.8 Worst Case Level Of Service: A[ 9.31 Street Name: Rio Hondo/Ramona Blvd Olney St Approach: North Bound South Bound East Bound West Bound Movement: L - T - R L - T - R L - T - R L - T - R ------------ I--------------- II--------------- II------- --------II--------------=I Control: Uncontrolled Uncontrolled Stop Sign Stop sign Rights: Include Include Include Include Lanes: 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1! 0 0 ------------I---------------II---------------II---------------II---------------I Volume Module:Existing PM Peak Base Vol: 0 '22 24 46 13 0 0 0 0 42 0 38 Growth Adj: 1.00 1.00' 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Initial Bse: 0 22 24 46 13 0 0 0 0 42 0 38 User Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PHF Adj:. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PHF Volume: 0 '22 24 4.6 13 0 0 0 0 42 0 38 Reduct Vol: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FinalVolume: 0 22 24 46 13 0 0. 0 0 42 0 38 -----------=I--------------II-----=---------II--------------- ------------- Critical Gap Module: Critical Gp:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 4.1 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 6.4 6.5 6.2 FollowUpTim:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 2.2 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 3.5 4.0 3.3 - ----------- I---------------II---------------II---------------------=--1 Capacity Module: Cnfli,ct Vol: xxxx xxxx xxxxx 46 xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx 139 139 34 Potent Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx 1575 xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx 859 756 1045 Move Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx 1575 xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx 839 733 1045 Volume/Cap: xxxx xxxx xxxx 0.03 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 0.05 0.00 0.04 - -----------I---------------II---------------II---------------II---------------I Level 0€ Service Module: 2Way95thQ,:, xxxx xxxx xxxxx 0.1 xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx Control Del:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 7.4 xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx LOS by Move: * * * A * * + Movement: LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT Shared Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx 926 xxxxx SharedQueue:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx 0.1 -xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx 0.3 xxxxx' Shrd ConDel:xxxxx•xxxx xxxxx 7.4 xxxx x4xxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx 9.3 xxxxx Shared LOS: * * * A * * * * * * A ApproachDel: xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx 9.3 ApproachLOS: * * * A Note: Queue reported is the number of cars per lane. Tra€fix 8.0.0715 (c') 2008 Dowling Assoc. existing conditions PM Tue Jun 11, 2019 09:15:34 Page 4-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ City of Rosemead Traffic Calming Report Existing Conditions PM Peak ----------------------------------- Level Of Service Computation Report 2000 HCM Unsignalized Method (Base Volume Alternative) Intersection 02 Temple City Blvd at Olney St Average Delay (sec/veh): 0.2 Worst Case Level Of Service: C[ 17.7] Street Name: Temple City Blvd/I-10 WB Ramp Olney St Approach: North Bound South Bound East Bound West Bound Movement: L -. T - R L - T - R L - T - R L - T - R - ----------- I --------------- II ------ - -------- II --------------- II ----------- _-=-i Control: Uncontrolled Uncontrolled Stop Sign Stop Sign Rights: Include Include Include Include Lanes: 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ------------I---------------II--=------------II---------------11---------------1 Volume Module:Existing PM Peak Base Vol: 0 1141 0 0 981 70 0 0 23 0 0 0 Growth Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 '1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Initial Bse: 0 1141 0 0 981• 70 0 0 23 0 0 0 User Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PHF Adj: 1.00 1.00 1.00 •1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 PHF Volume: 0 114.1 0 0 981 70 0 0 23 0 0 0 Reduct Vol: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FinalVolume: 0 1141 0 0 981 70 0 0 23 0, 0 0 ------------ I--------------- 11 --------------- II--------------- II ---------------I Critical Gap Module: Critical Gp:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx 6.2 xxxxx xxxx xxxxx• FollowUpTim:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx' 3.3 xxxxx xxxx xxxxx ------------ I --------------- 11 --------------- 11 --------------- ------------ Capacity Module: Cnflict Vol: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 981 xxxx xxxx-xxxxx Potent Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 305 xxxx xxxx xxxxx Move Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 305 xxxx xxxx xxxxx Volume/Cap: xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 0.08 xxxx xxxx xxxx ------------I---------------II---------------11---------------II---------------1 Level Of Service Module: 2Way95thQ: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx 0.2 xxxx xxxx xxxxx Control Del:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx 17.7 xxxxx xxxx xxxxx LOS by Move: * * * * * * * * C * + Movement: LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR - RT LT - LTR,- RT Shared Cap.: xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx Shar.edQueue:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx Shrd ConDel:xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx Shared LOS: ApproachDel: xxxxxx xxxxxx 17.7 xxxxxx ApproachLOS: * * C Note: Queue reported is the number of cars per lane. Traffix 8.0.0715 (c) 2008 Dowling Assoc. BACK OF QUEUE WORKSHEETS BACK OF QUEUE Page 1 of 4 LOCATION: Temple City Blvd DATE: 6/19/19 Time: (07:00- 08:00 am) 5 min DIRECTION SB Dir # Veh's # Veh's # Veh's # Veh #times #times Increments Stopped making right Queue to Queue to Veh's Veh's waiting to turn at Loftus SB Loftus SB Queue to Queue to get on Olney and U Curb Lane Middle Loftus Marshall Freeway at turn to Lane SB SB RampSignal Freeway single lane at ramp 1 00-05 2 05-10 3 • 5, 6, 4 10-15 4 11, 6, 19 15-20 5 9 20-25 6 4,5,11,9,16 25-30 7 30-35 8 35-40 9 40-45 10 45-50 11 50-55 12 7,12, 8 55-60 BACK OF QUEUE LOCATION: Temple City Blvd DATE: 6/19/19 Page 2 of 4 Time:• (08:00-09:00a in) 5 min DIRECTION SB Dir # Veh's # Veh's # Veh's # Veh #times #times increments Stopped making right Queue to Queue to Veh's Veh's waiting to turn at Loftus SB Loftus SB Queue to Queue to get on Olney and U Curb Lane Middle Loftus Marshall Freeway at turn to Lane SB $B Ramp Signal Freeway single lane at ramp 1 13,19,12,8 00-05 2 12, 13, 9 05-10 3 22 10-15 4 11,15, 9 15-20 5 6, 13, 26 3 1 20-25 6 15, 8,10, 16 5,5 1,1 25-30 7 16,17, 20, 6 2 1 30-35 8 F 35-4U 9 , 40-45 10 45-50 11� 50-55 12 55-60 BACK OF QUEUE LOCATION: Temple City Blvd DATE: 6/19/19 Page 3 of 4 Time: (16:0047:00) 5 min DIRECTION SB Dir increments # Veh's # Veh's # Veh's # Veh #times #times Stopped making right Queue to Queue to Veh's Veh's waiting to turn at Loftus SB Loftus SB Queue to Queue to get on Olney and U Curb Lane Middle Loftus Marshall Freeway at turn to Lane SB SB Ramp Signal Freeway single lane at ramp 1 00-05 2 05.-10 3 10-15 4 15-20 5 20-25 6 25-30 7 30-35 8 35-40 9 40-.4.5 .10 45-50 11 50-55 12 55=60 BACK OF QUEUE LOCATION: Temple City Blvd DATE: 6/19/19 Page 4 of 4 Time: (17:00-18:00) 5 min DIRECTION SB Dir # Veh's # Veh's # Veh's # Veh #times #times increments Stopped making right Queue to Queue to Veh's Veh's waiting to turn at Loftus SB Loftus SB Queue to Queue to get on Olney and U Curb Lane Middle Loftus Marshall Freeway at turn to Lane SB SB Ramp Signal Freeway single lane at ramp 1 15 00-05 2 6, 11, 9 05-10 3 17 10-15 4 21,11 15-20 5 - 29,11 7,8 1, 1 20-25 6 25-30 7 13,7 2 30-35 11 8 12, 10, 8 9 1 35-40 9 40-45 10 12, 23,19 1,9 1, 1 45-50 11 10,8 50-55 12 27,7 2 1 55-60 Traffic Commission Meeting November 7, 2019 Page 4 of S ATTACHMENT 2 COURTESY NOTICE Traffic Commission Meeting November 7, 2019 Page 5 of 5 COE A� Traffie Commission Courtesy Notification OTICE IS HEREBY GWEN that on Thursday, November 7, 2019, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, e Rosemead Traffic Coriimission will hold a public meeting in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, alifomia 91770, to discuss safety improvements along a portion of Olney Street. ou are being notified of this meeting because your property is within close proximity to the location. We encourage your comments garding traffic safety in this area. Citizens' wishing to comment may do so by either attending the Traffic Commission meeting, or by :nding a comment letter by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 7, 2019. Written comments must be addressed to: City of Rosemead Public Works Department 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Attention: Mr. Chris Dast6, Director of Public Works 'ritten comments may be mailed to the above address, emailed to edaste(i 61yofrosemead.ore or faxed to (626) 307-9218. Again, only Uers received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 7, 2019, will be accepted. We appreciate your concern for traffic safety in the City of osemead. Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the Director of Public Works, Chris Dast6, at 625-569-2158. For information please call: Para obtener mas informaci6n, favor de llamar al: N h,491, 1014: 1)e biet th6m chi 666 xin g9i: 626-569-2150 Proposed Traffic Safety Improvements on Olney Street Attachment B Draft Traffic Commission Minutes of November 7, 2019 Minutes of the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING November 7, 2019 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Ly INVOCATION: Chair Masuda PRESENT: Chair Masuda, Vice -Chair Ornelas, Commissioner Lim and Co . missioner Ly ABSENT: Commissioner Quintanilla STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works Chris Daste, Engio' irtg C Itant Elie Farah, and Administrative Analyst Silvia Llamas 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Tom Dobashi, resident, expressed concern with unsafe c= di ion for bicyc 1st riding sout b d on Walnut Grove Avenue, between Valley Blvd and Hellman Avenue. He req�ed hav:. isl ins installed to re i drivers to share the road with bicyclists. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR NONE - 4 3. OLD BUSINESS A. REVIEW OF FIC STUDY OR OLNEY S ET BETWEEN RIO HONDO AVENUE AND TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARt�HE C 0 ROSEME .`D Staff rle a ription h item and @R sultan affic Engineer Elie Farah presented a PowerPoint pre ion on the s G s: at wer >c ducted. Comm s ®°ner Ly as for cla ation on t., d'rection that had the 83% cut thru-traffic on Olney Street. Staff responde t it was the west�ti. and traffli Commissioner Ly a if staff had. ambers for east bound traffic. Staff responded that there s o. ut thru east bound traffic. Commissioner Ly also asked for clarification on the recommendation given for phase 1, that suggests the Sheriff Station to provide periodic enforcement during off peak hours when traffic can move more freely. Mr. Ly also asked what would be considered off peak hours. Staff responded 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. are considered off peak hours. Commissioner Ly asked if having police enforcement during peak hours would help reduce drivers from coming onto Olney Street and making a U -Turn to get onto the freeway. Staff responded that it would help. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of November 7, 2019 Page 1 of 3 Commissioner Ly asked if the vehicles speeding on Olney Street are residents or cut thru vehicles. Staff responded that it would be difficult to determine if they are residents or its the cut thru vehicles. Commissioner Lim asked if there's a four-way stop on Ellis Lane and Marshall Street. Staff confirmed that Ellis Lane and Marshall Street is a four-way stop. Commissioner Lim asked regarding the level of service, if staff could explain what the grades mean in terms of A vs. C. ` Mr. Farah explained that an A grade is good and C needs work. Commissioner Lim asked regarding phase 2, where would staff recomm604iistalling feedback signs. � , 410;! . Staff suggested installing feedback signs on long segments. .{Y-- �� It". 1 Commissioner Ornelas mentioned that if they did a full closer `dn Olney Street people living on Temple City Blvd will have problems backing out of their driveways. N,VA Staff informed the Commissioners that further studies wijl deed to be done to determineif they can block out a certain amount of space to allow the residents who live a ldngkTempleZRZ f',. t� Blvd. to back QZ# afely onto Olney Street, if they were to do a partial closure �,<; _,- t OR Chair Masuda mentioned if there was a fuPclo 6 -on In Street people who live west of Temple City Blvd. above Loftus Drive would only have the optid' Lto get'o if to; . e left lane andrnake a left onto Loftus Drive to avoid getting onto the freeway. t° k; Mr. Masuda asked w . atyt: eflevel of'service for vehicles wodd be traveling south bound Temple City Blvd. if they do a full closure on Ol `ey Street,.' Staff informed the Commissioners that-GaJrans may need to do a time signal adjustment and there may can be vehicles backedQ,, z 111 the wav5'-Mai1(9 _all S!'fi "ctMu� Mr WsRdb also ask0ifft,Ney�investigated how the L 10! Drive west bound traffic would be affected when trying to m5Ve_a.left turn onto TeMMkCity BIVR� Staff suggested,putting a "Keep 01--r" to allow; NW1Tempie City Blvd. to allow traffic to clear prior to the Loftus Drive traffic making Aft.. ��w, Chair Masuda aske' Ac anficatiop on;t a location where the transition marking will begin. Staff informed the Commissioners that the transition marking will begin on Marshall Street and they will need to do further research because veh12),es�also park on the street, Commissioner Lim motioned, seconded by Commissioner Ly to recommend to the City Council a partial closure on Olney Street and closing the east bound on ramp lane, along with placing the phase 2 speed radar feedback sign on Olney Street. Votes resulted in: Yes: Lim, Ly, Masuda and Ornelas No: None Abstain: None Absent: Quintanilla Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of November 7, 2019 Page 2 of 3 4. STAFF REPORT NONE 5. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Ly requested putting Mr. Dobashi's item on the next meeting agenda to discuss speeding and safety concerns on the south bound lane of Walnut Grove Avenue, Chair Masuda asked for an update on the outcome of the bicycle policy. 5. ADJOURNMENT A. - The meeting adjourned at 8;20 p.m. The next Traffic Commission 7;00 p.m., in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, located at 883: AT ---- Ch Dh scheduled for December 5, 2019 at v Boulevard. Howard Masuda Chair Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Meeting Minutes of November 7, 2019 Page 3 of 3