CC - Item 5B - Minutes of November 12, 2019 SpecialMINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL JOINT MEETING NOVEMBER 12, 2019 The special Joint meeting of the Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission was called to order by Mayor Clark at 6:11 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tem Armenta, Counp, Members Dang, Low and Ly; Chair Eng, Vice -Chair Lopez, Commissioners Berry, Tang,�an uong ABSENT: NONE STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda, Director of Community Development Kim, Valenzuela, Associate Planner Lao, and City ( 1. WORKSHOP Assistant City Manager/ .,,Development Manager Plaza Residential/ Avenue and 3001 f,,}ao state` � e Ta u Center Foundation of Greater fitted a PrFplication (PTe-Application 19-02), proposing sf4ential/coAercial mixed-use development, which would l� vv§ll ngs wiff and 17,644 square feet of commercial floor s apphca b t*Applicants are proposing a Zone Change idential/Conercial Mixed -Use Development Overlay er flan Amendment to change the land use designation from -d ",,,',,,Ian (30 du/ac; 3 Stories), a Zone from t``side yard setback, a Design Review, and a Tentative ject site is located at 8589 Garvey Avenue and 3001 Walnut .e C-3 zone. closed the Public Developer Simon Lee presented the City Council and Planning Commission with a PowerPoint presentation of the proposed development at 8589 Garvey Avenue and 3001 Walnut Grove Avenue. Council Member Low asked what the size of the Community Hall is; inquired if the current Taiwan Center staff and operations are in one of the units. Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of November 12, 2019 Page 1 of 6 AGENDA ITEM 5.11 Mr. Lee responded that the dimensions are 60 by 92, which is about 5,520 square feet; confirmed that the Taiwan Center staff and operations are in the unit. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta mentioned that the Taiwanese Cultural Center is one of the biggest in the Los Angeles area and they are proud to have it here in Rosemead; emphasized the importance of not losing the identity of the property as it should still be easily distinguished as a Cultural Center even after it is developed. Mr. Lee responded that they will modify the current sign to ensure proper signage of the Cultural Center; noted their plan is to alsodnvite the community to use the Community Hall for various events. Mayor Clark asked if the Taiwan Mr. Lee affirmed that they own Mayor Pro Tem Armenta as] units set aside for the project. Mr. Lee informed the been set aside for love also report to the City Mayor Mr. Lee Mayor the set bae)C'and any or owns the property. property. will be provisio * provide affordable I that�'§Oftq`ng the 42 units, seven (7) units have will folio the state's criteria; stated they will a concern; asked if Mr. Lee can p the single -story homes. hat the apartrrtents on the north are about 30 -feet away from Othey ire proposYng a 33 -feet set -back from the property line, 604 ee6ot,5 pardtf& between both buildings. set -back to the west. ,.,Lee comme t­ �W that the'current City code has a 0 or 10 -feet set -back, however th6k,.gre providi# the Los Angeles County Fire Department's required 5 -feet set-bar%;:_along �. applying for a variance for the set -back. Mayor ClY*fit Vired if the Fire Department only requires 5 -feet. Mr. Lee clarified that the 5 -feet set -back is to allow the firefighters to enter with a fire hose and the 33 -feet set -back is also designed as an emergency lane to get access to the back of the building. Vice -Chair Lopez reiterated that Mr. Lee indicated there are 204 parking spaces; asked if residential parking and commercial parking will be separated, if so, how many parking spaces will each unit be assigned and if the parking will be in designated areas. Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of November 12, 2019 Page 2 of 6 Mr. Lee confirmed that the City requires residential parking and commercial parking be separated; shared the following breakdown of parking spaces for the units: each residential unit - two parking spaces, the Community Hall - 75 parking spaces, the cafe - 11 parking spaces, 5 retail units - 21 parking spaces and office spaces - 22 parking spaces; responded that commercial parking will be near the commercial area and residential parking will be in the basement gated off, which only residents can enter. Commissioner Vuong asked how many people the Taiwan Center normally expects daily and during special events. f Mr. Lee responded that based on the size pfA ',building they can accommodate up to 320 people, but the daily attendance„yrs:` ;x Commissioner Vuong opined 75. f ming spaces doot seem like it would be ..r able to accommodate 320 people,pressed concern thaarking in the mixed-use area may be impacted when the q ty is used for a big Mr. Lee stated that 75 p rking spaces ? e , x6fed for the Corrin i. city Hall as the Building Code indica� four peopre"O"A'considered for each parking space. Commissioner Vuong c&*ende# sMx. Lee iding affordable housing. Chairl ri iiq i � I if there IkPy fqg r j�n pr6 ding bigger residential units thaneto-twojgoroom cb��o�t aFcan acoRmodate families; requested City x staff adylse�what is'ognsideredlow-income range; asked if the residential units will be s6p# ted f -60" the office", ts on the second floor; asked for the location of zthe second oo esido#al units Y DPW Mr. Lee jAdjcated i t they ori1 provide one -to -two-bedroom units, however if someonehuld lik,znore bedrooms, they can buy multiple units to combine into one b1gi?tt ass6t+ that the office units and residential units will have separate entrvv4,st resnori&d that the residential units are located on the south end u ChairFrig que� if each unit will receive two parking spaces; asked what type of retail the 6A,66 "s visualizing for the retail space on the bottom floor. Mr. Lee responded that one -bedroom units get one parking space and two-bedroom units get two parking spaces; noted that they are required to only provide 71 parking spaces but are providing 75 parking spaces; indicated that he is not sure what type of retailers will be going in those retail spaces. Chair Eng asked if the basement parking is strictly residential parking, and if the ground level and parking structure is for commercial and office use only. Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of November 12, 2019 Page 3 of 6 Mr. Lee affirmed that was correct. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta suggested considering an 85 Degree Bakery as it would be a good area for a retail space. Mr. Lee mentioned that one of his other locations has an 85 Degree Bakery. Commissioner Berry pointed out that some of the one -bedroom units may need two parking spaces and the two-bedroom units may need more than two parking spaces because multiple people may live in the reside e; expressed concern that there may be future parking issues with the Co rry Hall and retailers not having ng ��$Yt enough parking; stated the roof plans showstallation of solar panels, asked if they will be installed or something to p900 hook at in the future. Mr. Lee commented that State lave provide one parking space fof"12"' two-bedroom and visitors parksg�ig have many issues with parking beau held in the evening; responded that hi and the Building Cod;sQ.require s panel installations. Mayor Cl kedif iys that affords housing requires them to ie -bedroom and`I%,Vi parking spaces for a not required; indicted shat they should not ,e most Community Hal6ents are typically g� es developers to tall solar panels Y.K 4 that,C�ildin2s be developed"for future solar events can park in the Mr. Lee'ires onde(It-i t the com)" e�cial parking -and Community Hall parking will be shared "ars h 2 x} Comms stoner Bg y aske&,4 rW top gardens can be made bigger or add multiple xo%top girdens for theVredents to use. . Lee medi9ri d that '$" oes not want to encourage people to use the garden it can asked if it is unsafe to have a roof top garden. Mr. Lee coax ,ddthat the roof material used in the roof top is not recommended for high traffic off` usage. Council Member Ly expressed concern with approving this mixed -used plan, especially as it was not part of the Garvey Avenue Strategic Plan, which went through a five-year process to develop a plan for the locations for mixed-use developments; encouraged pushing for more residential intercommunity's and cautioned both the applicant and staff to do their due diligence to make sure the community is in support of this project. Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of November 12, 2019 Page 4 of 6 Mayor Clark asked if the affordable housing units will be for purchase or rent only; inquired how affordable housing is defined. Mr. Lee responded that they will be available for purchase. Planning and Economic Development Manager Valenzuela responded that the units must be sold at a low-income rate; explained that the State Housing and Community Development have income levels that are based on their salary and it ranges on how many people are in the household. Mayor Clark asked if staff had the low-incoes for reference. Planning and Economic Development 1VarxgeFYlenzuela mentioned that it would depend on when the condos are consh^ucted as th6g� ,ounts may change. W."7 K Council Member Ly asked if th get the current f Mayor Clark asked for the average pXl,r,e of a Fordable hou unit. Director of Comm unileyelopment 1'sponded that the aordable housing price is currently $520"Q..'O a single-famil Home. Mayor Clark inquired if the amts beteg sold as `1'£ordable housing have one or °x two bedr-bois� Mr. 1✓e xespondedthat the ya!e not deterfiined the amount of rooms the � t3 units will liaye units Kim also informed the City Council that n the program for up to 55 years and can be family. acllowledged that it is a challenging parcel and costly; oposing a mixed-use development as it is helping elevate -quirements; recommended possibly having the roof top ier; mentioned that there is a bonus from the State if the or low-income housing, inquired if similar programs exist Director of Community Development Kim responded that it can also be Veteran housing, but it falls under affordable housing. Council Member Dang asked if they receive extra bonuses for Veteran housing. Director of Community Development Kim responded that they do not receive extra bonuses for Veteran housing. Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of November 12, 2019 Page 5 of 6 2. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned to the City Council regular meeting of November 12, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk Sandra Armenta, Mayor Rosemead City Council and Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting Minutes of November 12, 2019 Page 6 of 6