CC - Item 5B - Minutes of November 12, 2019 - RegularMINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL, SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AND HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION REGULAR JOINT MEETING NOVEMBER 12, 2019 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Clark at 7:10 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tem Armenta, ABSENT: NONE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by INVOCATION was led by Council Member STAFF PRESENT: City 1\ Director of Community Devi Daste, Director of Parks and 1. PUBLIC C Leaf A f e }acr" held resportl�1e for If there are two `dw tl�e day so ped,7e me tined that t1 NevJic Aveno not sap A�ir�m told that n bers Dang, Low and Ly Low City Ato' Richman, Assistant City Manager/ lef of Police'�K-tsayanagi, Director of Public Works ing;d City Hernandez Wssed cc cern of homeless camping out and storing Zgs in ' vac*i ,parking lot on Garvey Avenue and Falling ie street ftfn the auto auction site; asked if the owner can be aaining the property and removing those items; mentioned co�sleeping on the sidewalk on Newmark Avenue during is ares unable to utilize the sidewalk. Ms. Navarro also are day laborers trying to solicit her near 8054 and 8056 ' of Falling Leaf Avenue; requested they be removed as it is mity; stated she contacted the Sheriff s Department and was le to do anything as it is private property. Mayor Clark noted that she informed Chief of Police Kusayanagi of the issue on Garvey Avenue and they visited the site and started cleaning up the area. Assistant City Manager Kim confirmed with Ms. Navarro that she was referring to the parking lot on the southside of Falling Leaf Avenue; affirmed staff has reached out to the property owner and they have been responsive in cleaning the property. City Manager Molleda confirmed that they will continue to monitor the issue. Rosemead City Council, Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission and Hosing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of November 12, 2019 Page 1 of 7 AGENDA ITEM 5.13 Mayor Pro Tem Armenta informed Ms. Navarro that the information and pictures pertaining to Newmark Avenue she gave her were forwarded to the City Manager. Council Member Low asked staff for clarification, if this is the same area where she has been working with the residents near Newmark Avenue and Pine Street. City Manager Molleda responded that that it is not the same area that Council Member Low referred to. Speaker Daniel Luevanos, Ambassador, One Life's Annual Run/Walk event in April w Parade's theme this year is "The Power oI an exclusive look on December 11, 2Q%; One Legacy honorees, take picturesaxi;ltace float "Light in the Darkness", urge, -.1,1e comm life; thanked the City of Rosem .. their coi icy/Donate Life, stated Donate uccess; shared the 131St Rose invited the City Council for City of Irwindale, to meet the 6dicated rose on Donate Life's v t e6ster to donate to save a Mayor Pro Tem Armenta thanke4`,aDonate LOP for their -i Mrts to ensure the important message to;donate is brougll to t _ jGuimunity. There being no further speakers, Mayor Clark closed the Public Comment period. 2. PRESENTATIONS rte.. x'� A. Prese#,ttion o city??, Video a the�nalisb Los Angeles County Economic Developngnt Corporation's Mousiness-FrieYtdly City (EDDY Awards) K\% irk - The -video hdiosem�ae ubmitted for the LACEDC Most Business- ;_ } l"rlEild ?City Asci t was p a q for t i public. ' Mayor ProT Arm'e ' thankedstaff for making it possible to even be considered } M for the Most isxness Fr endly City. _ x. �. f B. Presentation of a $txeet Tree Master Plan by West Coast Arborist Directtir' of PpWib'Works Daste introduced Tim Crothers, Plant Health Care Manager 0:0"Coast Arborists, Inc. Tim Crothers, Plant Health Care Manager with West Coast Arborists, Inc., provided a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the Tree Planting Master Plan; noted an inventory of all the trees currently planted in the City was collected, which included their categories and locations; mentioned there are several grants available and West Coast Arborists' grant team can assist the City with grant proposals. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta thanked Mr. Crothers for his presentation; informed Director of Public Works Daste that the tree in front of her house and her neighbor's Rosemead City Council, Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission and Hosing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of November 12, 2019 Page 2 of 7 house were removed almost two years ago for being diseased and have not been replaced since; expressed concern that there are several trees throughout the city that are slanted or diseased and may need to be removed. City Manager Molleda responded that Director of Public Works Daste will reach out to Mayor Pro Tem Armenta and her neighbor to discuss replacing their previous trees. Council Member Dang thanked Mr. Crothers for his presentation, stating that he also loves trees; commented that he had a silve, maple in front of his property, which was replaced with a tree with pink pcisk#riat drop several seeds; suggested replacing those trees as they create a probe when it is windy and the seeds drop into the storm drains., t '` Mr. Daste replied that they will kolaFrthe tree and' at they can do. 3. PUBLIC HEARING - None 4. CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION: Moved by Councilrn Consent Calendar Items A andB�1Vld Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low, LB: A. Claim ur • "Re S.Qlution Tho: 2019-61 �,�.. <7 nf { 1OSENI�A (ox Y U V CEIMS AT $6�3;4�71.1-7 ` T[JMB NUM$ R 10486 INC. and wseconX&31d,4t d Council Member Low to approve as carriby the following vote AYES: Y COUNCIL OF THE -ORNIA, ALLOWING ►NDS IN THE SUM OF 104750 THROUGH Y Resolution No. 2019-61. • "RcsoluticzTJo. 2019-11 SA A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,085,267.60 NUMBERED 10271 THROUGH NUMBER 10273 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2019-11 SA. Rosemead City Council, Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission and Hosing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of November 12, 2019 Page 3 of 7 • Resolution No. 2019-11 RHDC A RESOLUTION OF THE ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $2,990.00 NUMBERED 1612 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2019-11 RHDC. B. 2020 Census Outreach Efforts The 2020 United States Census will take Angeles elected to receive funding participation in the upcoming 2020 e focus outreach efforts on both the geag: April 1, 2020. The County of Los State of California to promote tte's campaign is designed to ,914d demographic populations commonly referred to as hard-(" trnt (HTC). As a rat, the County intends to allocate Census outreach fundiri�� a appropriate cities bas "o the amount of HTC geographic areas present within theme cities accprding tc the14 tv's CA -HTC Index and Census Bureau's Low Resnons6l,&kbre rneds" re. E Based on State requircdfits to focus Y populations, the City o€toss` d is funds. Two options are a%.,j$able: dpt City can rn� ize its Censi#t' ocatia otherg%tips: OptioA-1 : City Df to a € City gGect to rlli ve up to l cul ch efforts on HTC geographies and giTilj-4,�-r,� receive up to $28,421 Census 1 - Pit .loFund: Under this option, the �p9olm ; money with the County and State Funding: Under this option, the Recommen"donf� City Ccil direct staff to submit a proposal to the YJos eles L eresf to par cipate in Option 2; direct the City Manager to enter 1tipa subard agreemi between the County of Los Angeles to received 2020 Cens `�ndication; and approve Resolution No. 2019-62, entitled: A RE9%UTION`M1 SAF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Ok� OSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, ti�ry ,STATE 1"', OF CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING THE pa ., RTICJ11� `' TION OF THE CITY OF RO SEMEAD IN `T`H 0 0 CENSUS OUTREACH EFFORTS 5. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF - None 6. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. Appointment to the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District The City recently received a letter stating that the term of office for the representative from the City of Rosemead to the Board of Trustees for the San Rosemead City Council, Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission and Hosing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of November 12, 2019 Page 4 of 7 Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District ends on December 31, 2019. The Board of Trustees is respectively requesting that the City Council appoint a representative to the Board prior to its January 10, 2020 meeting. Recommendation: That the City Council appoint a representative from the City of Rosemead to the Board of Trustees for the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District. There being no speakers, Mayor Clark opened and closed the Public Comment period. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta shared that theL Off epartment only charts West Nile Virus year after year, noting if someone Gb l Yh4e to have the disease they are not accounted for next year; mentioned,e'is a neW,`osquito to watch out for that is changing the transmission and j nsmit multiple d eases. ACTION: Moved by Mayor C�ac and seconded by Count ember Ly to appoint Mayor Pro Tem Armenta as the �i,btof RoME"- rnead's represive to the Board N of Trustees for the Sn Gabriel Vall�quito and Vecto�ontrol District. Motion was carried cut the followingsote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low, Ly ABSENT: B. Introduction— Readmgi�rdmaricio 990 1Cating a Local Control Area � ' F < stn t h, hyN; Veteran.,-.,,,, r4�ference ip Non Pu lie �UQrks City Contracting Procedures This ite r§ before''%,,, City Coui 0'�t per the request of Council Member Steven Ly to have the «ouncil o seder anA iscuss the introduction and readin Ordinance g {q 990 crea?�# 1pc veteran vendor preference in non-public works city aendlation: That��t e City Council discuss and provide direction on the first of dof d rdinanceTo. 990, by title only entitled: AN ORI ANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE tCITOSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING `CPT 3.24 TO TITLE 3 OF THE ROSEMEAD 1\C�AL CODE RELATING TO PREFERENCES FORT OCAL AREA VETERAN VENDORS There being no speakers, Mayor Clark opened and closed the Public Comment period. Council Member Ly expressed that he would appreciate if we can help veteran and disabled veteran owned businesses in the City of Rosemead or in neighboring cities with the opportunity to consider them for City contracts and service contracts; Rosemead City Council, Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission and Hosing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of November 12, 2019 Page 5 of 7 noted all other laws will be in effect when it comes to certain city capital projects, as to going with the lowest responsible bid and with contracts that have certain qualitative considerations; asked for Council's support with Ordinance No. 990. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Clark and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Armenta to approve for first reading Ordinance No. 990, by title only entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 3.24 TO TITLE 3 OF yE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATINGTQ PREFERENCES FOR LOCAL AREA VETERAN NLJORS Motion was carried out by the folluwmg vote AFS: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low, Ly ABSENT: None C. Council Comments Mayor Pro Tempta expresse`, � g � "d'e to all the vans and their me , ; families for their serV,i'c,tport, and alt2,'I� sacrifices they have made; thanked Council Member Ly fdr'%f �i­es. , i a Council Meer Dang stated{ he was �! AlIhankf4 staff that helped at the free medical W�c[�d event ori Sun �f osefrread Community Recreation Centerared that here were $alodo L00 coetox`,s and volunteers at the event, and about 4tients t " were pro d fr ,ee service; requested an item be added to a future aged :to di, fts consider' that this event is held annually. Co%mbew mentioac �inch1so attended the event, and was impressed that the fac ty w s, ,e�up like a,` Wical clinic as there were doctors and dentists treating pat`iets expis d that she was proud that the City of Rosemead was able :to provide such' ,speciAhWnt to help people get the necessary care needed that �y�cannot affofc l�,noted that Council Member Dang's wife was a volunteer at the eV6k d thankc m for bringing this event to Rosemead. Council` lyI nbe`�.L`y requested an item be placed on a future agenda no later than January 220" discuss Rule 20A the utility underground program and the possibility of participating in trading funds; asked for an update on all grants that the City is applying for or have applied for and the current status of administration. Mayor Clark shared that she received several calls indicating that her social security number had been compromised and further legal actions may be taken; noted she informed the City Manager and Chief of Police so that the City can educate the community of such scams. Rosemead City Council, Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission and Hosing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of November 12, 2019 Page 6 of 7 Chief of Police Kusayanagi advised the public to ignore such spooking calls. Council Member Ly noted the City has already reached out to the Chamber of Commerce to encourage them to conduct workshops covering senior scams. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:51 p.m. The next regular fscheduled City Council meeting will take place on November 26, 2019, at 7:00 hph , in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. ty Clerk APPROVED: Sandra Armenta, Mayor Rosemead City Council, Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission and Hosing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of November 12, 2019 Page 7 of 7