TC - Item 2A - Minutes of February 7, 2019 Minutes of the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING February 7,2019 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7:01 p.m. in the Council Chamber,8838 E.Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Berry INVOCATION: Commissioner Quintanilla PRESENT: Chair Masuda, Vice-Chair Ornelas, Commissioner Berry, Cornnlssioner Quintanilla and Commissioner .44 Sevilla A:V:W ABSENT: None '10,k STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works Ray Alfonso ani=;Administrative Assistant Silvia Llamas ' "c\ ;. " 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS. None \, 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Commissioner Berry motioned,seconded by Commissioner Sevilla to appy yeItem A(October 4,2018 Minutes)from the Consent Calendar as prese910. Votes resulted yin: {. :k„ Yes: Berry, Sevilla, Mesudafprnelas andQ0ntanilla No: None•::.: °:;Abstain: None Absent\°None*" 3. NEW BUSINESS A. REQUEST FOR INSTALLATION OFIlp CURB AT 8622 GARVEY AVENUE Staff gave the Traffic Commissioners`a brief description on the item, along with recommending that the Traffic Commission approve\the,painting of 15 feet of red curb immediately west of the driveway located at 8622 Garvey Avenue in order to improve:visibility foroncoming traffic. Mary Cheng, 8622 Garvey Avenue;#"(01, expressed her concern with vehicles parking close to the driveway, making it difficult to see oncoming traffigMs. Cheng also mentioned that the workers from the adjacent buildings are always parked on the street and don't move their cars. Commissioner Berry asked Ms. Cheng for clarification on what they meant when they wrote that vehicles are illegally parking on the street. Ms.Cheng responded that there's currently 2-hour parking signs and vehicles are parking longer than the allowed time. Commissioner Sevilla asked Ms. Cheng when she exits the driveway,does she normally turn right or left. Ms. Cheng responded that she turns right, and she doesn't try turning left because it's risky. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of February 7,2019 Page 1 of 3 Commissioner Berry asked Ms. Cheng who sent the photos. Ms. Cheng responded that Dr. Hsu submitted the pictures. Commissioner Sevilla commented that he visited the site multiple times, he saw that there was a left turn pocket, but stated that it's not safe making a left turn when pulling out of the driveway. Mr. Sevilla also mentioned that when he visited the site, he noticed a white Toyota Camry always parked in the same spot. Chair Ornelas also visited the site and witnessed a white Camry parked on top of the driveway apron. Commissioner Berry asked Mr. Hsu if he could come to the podium so they can ask him a couple questions. Harold Hsu, 8622 Garvey Avenue,#103 came up to the podium. Commissioner Berry asked Mr. Hsu that his letter stated that his concern was:that the police were nonresponsive and people illegally parking in those spaces, Mr. Berry asked Mr. Hsu`if< e could'elaborate on that. Mr.Hsu informed the Commissioners that he has called code enforcement in the past;toreport vehicles that are illegally parked,and they take between 2 to 4 hours and sometimes they don't respond. Commissioner Sevilla asked Mr. Hsu if he attempts to make left turns. Mr. Hsu responded that he doesn't try to make leftturns because its dangerous. After hearing Ms. Cheng and Mr. Hsu response that making a left turn when exiting the driveway is unsafe, Commissioner Sevilla suggested installing a No Left Turn sign Commissioner Quintanilla disagreed with Commissioner Seyl11a's suggestion to install a No Left Turn sign. Commissioner Berry asked staffif they've gone out to visit.the site. Staff responded that they visited the site and noticed the white Toyota Camry in the same area. Staff also informed the Commission that they measured the area and if they approve to add the 15 feet of red curb,there will still be enough parking fora vehicles. Commissioner Berry asked staff if they knew how;'many calls were received about vehicles being illegally parked in that area. Staff responded that tl ey weren't awar&on the amount of calls received regarding vehicles being illegally parked in that area. Commissioner Sevilla agrees with1nstalling 15 feet of red curb and commented that similar request made by residents should also be approved. Chair Masuda responded that each request is looked at individually and suggested developing a policy on red curbs and their criteria's. Commissioner Seville mentioned that they have denied similar red curb request submitted by residents and suggested approving future red curb request submitted by residents. Commissioner Quintanilla disagreed with Mr. Sevilla's suggestions. • Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of February 7,2019 Page2of3 • Commissioner Sevilla and Commissioner Quintanilla continued to discuss previous red curb request and the installation of the No Left Turn sign. Chair Masuda asked that items should not be discussed if they are not on the agenda. Chair Ornelas motioned, seconded by Commissioner Berry,to recommend to the City Council the painting of 15 feet of red curb immediately west of the driveway located at 8622 Garvey Avenue in order to improve visibility for oncoming traffic. Votes resulted in: Yes: Ornelas, Berry, Quintanilla,Sevilla and Ornelas No: None Abstain: None Absent:None 4, STAFF REPORT . Staff gave the Traffic Commissioners an update on future projects and events throughout the City. 5. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Sevilla mentioned that there is an asphalt bump;,on the;wuest bound lane between Valley Blvd and Rosemead Blvd and can be dangerous. Commissioner Berry asked for an update on ,repa[nngthe bridge underpass lights on Walnut Grove Avenue and Rosemead Blvd. Mr. Berry suggested reducingthe street sweeping hours near the schools to allow parents to drop off their kids without getting sited Commissioner Berry also`inentioned that some of the in-paving lights are out on Mission Drive, Earle Avenue andl]elta Street and asked if staffcarh possibly lookinto installing a passive crosswalk system. Commissioner Befe also asked if the timing for left,tui Wiest bound ofValley Blvd onto Walnut Grove Avenue mtore can be adjusted to allow ,vehicles to gp south bound;Wali ut Grove Avenue. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting:adjourned at 7:53 p m: The next Traffic:Commission meeting is scheduled for March 7, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chamber at City'Hall,located af80East Valley Boulevard. Howard Masuda Chair ATTEST: Ray Alfonso Director of Public Works Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of February 7,2019 Page3of3