TC - Item 2C - Minutes of October 3, 2019 Minutes of the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING October 3,2019 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 8838 E.Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Lim INVOCATION: Commissioner Ly PRESENT: Chair Masuda,Vice-Chair Ornelas, Commissioner Lim and Cogtlissioner Ly AAV ABSENT: Commissioner Quintanilla STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works Chris Daste,Engineeing`Consultant:Farhad Iranitalab and Administrative Analyst Silvia Llamas 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS None 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Vice Chair Ornelas motioned, seconded by Commissioner'Urn to approve Item A(August 1, 2019 Minutes)from the Consent Calendar as presented.,,Votes resulted inm. Yes: Ornelas, Lim, Ly'and Masada No: None Abstain: None Absent Quintanilla 3. NEW BUSINESS A. REVIEW OF TRAFFIC ONDITIONS AT THE INTERSECTION OF EMERSON PLACE AND EVELYN AVENUE. > ' Vickie Sprout resides at'3948 California Avenue, Long Beach and is an active member at Wei Mountain Temple. Ms. Sprout expressed her concern with therebeing a lot of reckless drivers along Emerson Place and doesn't think drivers will stop if a yield sign is installed attl'e'intersection. Brady McBride resides at 10550\Dunlap Cross Road #177, Whittier and is also in active member at Wei Mountain Temple. Mr. McBride also expressed his concern with vehicles speeding along Emerson Place. Mr. McBride asked staff if they knew how far in advance of the crosswalk will the signs be installed. Engineering Consultant Farhad Iranitalab, responded that the warning would be installed at least 100 feet from the crosswalk. Mr. McBride also asked if the signs will have blinking lights. Mr. Farhad informed Mr. McBride that the proposed signs don't have blinking lights, but City Staff can request to have the signs with blinking lights installed. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 3,2019 Page 1 of 4 Mr. McBride asked if there were certain height requirements when installing a new sign. Mr. Farhad informed Mr. McBride that height of a sign depends on the visibility. Nancie Chau, resides at 7701 Hellman Avenue and is concerned with vehicles driving fast on Emerson Place and asked if a stop sign can be installed. Thanh Ho,resides at 7719 Emerson Place and expressed concern with vehicles speeding along Emerson Place,along with drivers not paying attention when pedestrians are nearby and hopes safety improvements can be done. Xian Jie,resides at 7732 Emerson Place and mentioned that he is very concern with vehicles speeding along Emerson Place and recommends installing stop signs at that intersection or a traffic circle. Feibi Xu, resides at 3207 Evelyn Avenue and expressed her concern;.w:ith\Vehicles speed on Emerson Place, making it unsafe to cross the street. Ms.Xu also mentioned that there havebeen=several times that animals have gotten ran over and the drivers don't stop. Ms.Xu also provided the Traffic Commissioners;with a petition that has 85 signatures in support of having a four-way stop at the intersection of Emerson Place and Evelyn,Avenue. Staff gave the Traffic Commissioner a summary on the item;along with recommending'utHizing both option 1 and option 2 which are: OPTION 1- Install fluorescent yellow green (FYG) Pedestrian :Crossing signs at the crosswalk (W11-2 with W16-7P signs) with Yield Here to Pedestrian signs (R1-5 sign)`and,`yield lines to help'alet„drivers of the pedestrian crossing. This installation would be for both the eastbound and westbound:;approaches of.Emerson Place at Evelyn Avenue OPTION 2- , Install FYG Ped Xing signs (W11-2)'in advance of the crosswalk witlf PED X\ING pavement markings. These signs would provide advanced'Vaming of the pedestrian crossing ,`This installation would be for both the eastbound and westbound approaches of Emerson Placeat_Evelyn Avenue;>:Option 1 can be implemented with this option. Commissioner Ly asked Mr. Iranitalab if he knew the times of*accidents. Mr. Iranitalabdidn't have the information He;informed the Commissioners that he will do further research and provide them with the information at the`next:meeting Commissioner Ly asked someone in the;audience if they knew the time when the accidents occurred. Ms. Ho responded that'fihe.accident occurred around 5:35 in the afternoon and the second accident occurred around 1:00 in the morning. >' Commissioner Lim also asked Ms Ho if she knew the date and time of the traffic collision with the young female. Ms. Ho responded that the accident occurred in November around 5:35 p.m. Commissioner Ly asked Ms. Ho what her opinion is on the visibility in that area. Ms. Ho responded that the visibility isn't that good in that area. Vice Chair Ornelas asked Mr. Iranitalab if the study conducted was a guideline or mandated by the state. Mr. Iranitalab responded that it was mandated by the state. Commissioner Lim asked Mr. Iranitalab how the residents are notified. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 3,2019 Page 2 of 4 Staff responded that residents within a 300-foot radius of the location are notified. Chair Masuda asked staff how many of the criterias must be met to approve a four-way stop. Mr. Iranitalab responded that all the criterias must be met. Commissioner Ly asked Mr. Iranitalab what it would take to install speed bumps. Mr. Iranitalab respond that installing speed bumps would not be a good idea, because if cars are speeding and going over the speed bumps,drivers can lose control. Vice Chair Ornelas asked if a temporary four-way stop can be installed and see how it progresses. Staff recommended doing a study and bringing it back to the Traffic;Conami5sion for additional recommendations. Chair Masuda suggested on starting with basic recommendation;:and if additional'improvements need to be made,they can bring back the item. Staff agrees with Chair Masuda. Commissioner Lim recommended painting ret curbs on the east side of Emerson Place. Chair Masuda asked if they go with the initial optipns;,;can.they increase visibility by adding additional lights. Mr. Iranitalab suggested installing an advanced flashing beacon anda high visibility crosswalk. Chair Masuda also asked:if it included curb.lines. Mr. Iranitalab didn't include curb lines. Chair Masuda asked if it would be''possibleto•add delineators Mr. Iranifiaiab doesn't recommend>adding delineator, due totfe roads being narrow and a high volume of traffic. Commissioner Ly:recommended replacing the current stop sign with lighted stop signs. Chair Masuda asked staff to conduct amore enhanced study in terms of looking at improving visibility, along with any other issues that can helpimprove that=intersection. Commissioner Lim motioned;seconded by Commissioner Ly, to have staff: 1) conduct a study during the morning between the hours of 7:00 a.m.to10`00 a.m., preferably during a school day,2)conducting a night study,3)enhance the existing crosswalks,4) replace the existing stop signs with lighted stop signs, and 5)obtaining any traffic collision reports from the Sheriffs Department on that intersection. Votes resulted in: Yes: Lim, Ly, Masuda and Ornelas No: None Abstain: None Absent: Quintanilla 4. STAFF REPORT Staff gave the Traffic Commissioners an update on future items that will brought to the Traffic Commission. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 3,2019 Page 3 of 4 5. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Ly asked if the street work on Walnut Grove Avenue has been completed. Vice Chair Omelas requested a lighted stop sign at the intersection of Bartlett Street and Marshall Street. He made an additional request to install a red curb or a no parking sign in between Muscatel Avenue and Bartlett Street, due to the street being to narrow and cars parking there. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.The next Traffic Commission meeting is= cheduled for November 7, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Howard Mlasuda Chair ATTEST: `; Chris Dast • ti Director of Public Works •Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 3,2019 Page 4 of 4