TC - Item 2D - Minutes of August 6, 2020 Minutes of the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING August 6,2020 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7:01 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 8838 E.Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Quintanilla INVOCATION: Commissioner Lim PRESENT: Chair Masuda,Vice Chair Quintanilla, Commissioner Escobar,,.commissioner Lim and Commissioner Ly ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works Chris Daste,Transtech 1 raffic•Engineer Jana Robbins,Transtech Traffic Engineer Karen Vigil and Administrative Analyst Silvia Llamas`';` REORGANIZATION: Chair Masuda self nominated hini :elf a Chair, seconded by'Cgmmissioner Ly. Motion was carried out by the following votes: ` ' YesT Masuda, Ly, QuintanillaLim'and Escobar No None:'. .:,` ;, Absfain\Nbne» . Commissioner Ly nominated,Commissioner Quintanilla as Vice Chair Commissioner Ly motioned, seconded by Commissioner Lim. Motion was earned out by the following,4es" ? >.. Yes;: Ly, Lim, Masada, Escobar and Quintanilla No None Abstain None Absent: None 1. PUBLICCOMMENTS Comment was received via email from Ester Garcia;resident at Loftus Drive. Mrs.Garcia expressed her concern with 18-wheel trucks igrionng;,the posted signs which say "NO TRUCKS OVER 3 TONS ALLOWED" that are posted on Temple City Boulevard and.,Baldwin Avenue for both eastbound traffic and westbound traffic on Loftus Drive, along with smaller Amazon delivery vans driving at excessive speeds. She's requesting for law enforcement to go out and issue citations. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Commissioner Lim motioned, seconded by Commissioner Ly to approve Item A (March 5, 2020 Minutes) from the Consent Calendar as presented. Votes resulted in: Yes: Lim, Ly, Masuda, Escobar and Quintanilla No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of August 6,2020 Page 1 of 4 3. NEW BUSINESS A. PARKING REVIEW ON MARSHALL STREET BETWEEN BARTLETT AVENUE AND MUSCATEL AVENUE Staff gave the Traffic Commissioners a brief description of the item; along with recommending that the Traffic Commission discuss the item and recommend to the City Council the installation of red curbing on the north side of Marshall Street,from Muscatel Avenue west to Bartlett Avenue. Commissioner Ly commented that his concern is that when school starts parents will not obey the red curbs and will continue parking in the areas not allowed when dropping off or picking up their kids. Mr. Ly asked if staff can talk with school officials and ask if they can help direct traffic during school time, because the red curbs may not be effective long term. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins agrees with Commissioner Ly and suggested:talking to the sheriffs department to help monitor the area and also ask the school if they can help inform the:parents;_that they may be sited if they area seen parking in the red zones. ' '` Chair Masuda commented that if the width of the lane is;'14:feet, according to the-guidelines, parking on that side of the street is not safe. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded that was correct. Chair Masuda asked if additional signage was recommended Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded that additionali Sgna recommended. g P .9 .9a wasn't Vice Chair Quintanilla asked if the public notification was mailed out and if there was feedback in response to the notification. Chair Masuda responded tfi'at the.re were*mails, phonecalls,or letters received as of the 6:00 p.m.deadline. Commissioner Lim'suggested starting with a lesser level of approach by installing no parking signs with specific times, because the addition of a lot°red curb can-affect the resident living in the area by losing a lot of street parking. Traffic Engineer,Jana Robbins doesn't recommend adding restricted parking along the area because the width of that lane is not wide enough for two vehicles. Chair Masuda agrees;'with adding the'red curb. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked;what the`benefit would be of red cubing one side of the street over adjusting the center line and red curbing both side'ofthe':street. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded that adjusting the center lines will be costly because it will need to be done through multiple intersections and will need to be budgeted as a future pavement management project. Chair Masuda asked if the lanes west of Bartlett Avenue have the same width. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbin informed the Commissioners that the lanes west of Bartlett Avenue are a little over 18 feet and are wide than the lanes east of Bartlett Avenue. Commissioner Ly wanted to withdraw his previous comment and agrees with staffs recommendation. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of August 6,2020 Page2of4 Commissioner Ly motioned, seconded by Vice Chair Quintanilla to recommend to the City Council the installation of red curbing on the northside of Muscatel Street,from Muscatel Avenue west to Bartlett Avenue. Votes resulted in: Yes: Ly,Quintanilla, Masuda and Escobar No: Lim Abstain: None Absent: None B. LINE OF SIGHT REVIEW AT PALM MOTEL(8463 GARVEY AVENUE) Staff gave the Traffic Commissioners a brief description of the item; along with recommending that the Traffic Commission discuss the item and recommend to the City Council the installation of 30-feet of red curb east of the Palm Motel driveway. ,a. Commissioner Ly asked if the installation of the red curb impact theoter blsinesses. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded the other businessest>I:ill'still haveo 'stteet parking. Commissioner Ly asked if they will be adding red curb west df the driveway. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins informed the Commissioner tiat there is currently red curb west of the driveway. Commissioner Lim and Escobar agree withstaff s recommendation *W Vice Chair Quintanilla motioned, seconded by C;ommissigler>Lim to recommend to the City Council the installation of 30-feet of red curb east of the Palm Motel(8463 Garvey Avenue),driveway';Votes resulted in: Yes Quintanilla,`Lim,Masuda`,Escobar and Ly No None Abstain None ?'` `> Absenf None 4. STAFF REPORIr NONE 5. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Ly mentioned that he has observed several delivery trucks are parking in the middle of the street while delivering packages making;it;hazardous:for other drivers. Chair Masuda welcomed Comnissio.ner Escobar on her appointment as a Traffic Commissioner. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m.The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for September 3,2020 at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Signatures on the next page. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of August 6,2020 Page 3 of 4 Howard Masuda Chair ATTEST: • Chris Daste Director of Public Works <: <t\ ,. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of August 6,2020 Page 4 of 4