CC - Item 3A - Attachment H - Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting ProgramP a g e 1 WILLARD & GARVEY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM General Plan Amendment 19-01; Zone Change 19-01; Planned Development Review 19-01; Vesting Tentative Tract Map 82875 MM No. Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Implementation Responsibility Status/Date/ Initials Air Quality AQ-1 Fugitive Dust Control. The project must follow the standard SCAQMD rules and requirements with regards to fugitive dust control, which includes, but are not limited to the following: 1. All active construction areas shall be watered two (2) times daily. 2. Speed on unpaved roads shall be reduced to less than 15 mph. 3. Any visible dirt deposition on any public roadway shall be swept or washed at the site access points within 30 minutes. 4. Any on-site stockpiles of debris, dirt or other dusty material shall be covered or watered twice daily. 5. All operations on any unpaved surface shall be suspended if winds exceed 15 mph. 6. Access points shall be washed or swept daily. 7. Construction sites shall be sandbagged for erosion control. Monitoring/Field Inspection Prior to Issuance of Grading Permits and during all construction Planning & Economic P a g e 2 WILLARD & GARVEY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM General Plan Amendment 19-01; Zone Change 19-01; Planned Development Review 19-01; Vesting Tentative Tract Map 82875 MM No. Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Implementation Responsibility Status/Date/ Initials AQ-1 (Cont.) 8. Apply nontoxic chemical soil stabilizers according to manufacturers’ specifications to all inactive construction areas (previously graded areas inactive for 10 days or more). 9. Cover all trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials, and maintain at least 2 feet of freeboard space in accordance with the requirements of California Vehicle Code (CVC) section 23114. 10. Pave or gravel construction access roads at least 100 feet onto the site from the main road and use gravel aprons at truck exits. 11. Replace the ground cover of disturbed areas as quickly possible. 12. A fugitive dust control plan should be prepared and submitted to SCAQMD prior to the start of construction. Monitoring/Field Inspection Prior to Issuance of Grading Permits and during all construction Planning & Economic P a g e 3 WILLARD & GARVEY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM General Plan Amendment 19-01; Zone Change 19-01; Planned Development Review 19-01; Vesting Tentative Tract Map 82875 MM No. Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Implementation Responsibility Status/Date/ Initials AQ-2 Construction Management Plan. Prepare and implement a Construction Management Plan which will include Best Available Control Measures for review and acceptance by the City Building Official. The plan shall include strategies for ensuring the following measures are implemented: 1. Require all construction equipment to have Tier 3 modified to Tier 4 or Tier 4 low emission “clean diesel” engines that include diesel oxidation catalysts and diesel particulate filters that meet the latest CARB best available control technology. 2. All construction vehicles shall be prohibited from excessive idling. Excessive idling is defined as five (5) minutes or longer. 3. Minimize the simultaneous operation of multiple construction equipment units. 4. The use of heavy construction equipment and earthmoving activity should be suspended during Air Alerts when the Air Quality Index reaches the “Unhealthy” level. Monitoring/Field Inspection Prior to Issuance of Grading Permits and during all construction Planning & Economic P a g e 4 WILLARD & GARVEY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM General Plan Amendment 19-01; Zone Change 19-01; Planned Development Review 19-01; Vesting Tentative Tract Map 82875 MM No. Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Implementation Responsibility Status/Date/ Initials AQ-2 (Cont.) 5. Establish an electricity supply to the construction site and use electric powered equipment instead of diesel-powered equipment or generators, where feasible. 6. Establish staging areas for the construction equipment that are as distant as possible from adjacent sensitive receptors (residential land uses). 7. Use haul trucks with on-road engines instead of off-road engines for on-site hauling. 8. Utilize zero VOC and low VOC paints and solvents, wherever possible. 9. Provide perimeter green screen construction fencing, with perimeter block walls to be constructed with the first phase of production homes. Monitoring/Field Inspection Prior to Issuance of Grading Permits and during all construction Planning & Economic P a g e 5 WILLARD & GARVEY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM General Plan Amendment 19-01; Zone Change 19-01; Planned Development Review 19-01; Vesting Tentative Tract Map 82875 MM No. Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Implementation Responsibility Status/Date/ Initials Cultural Resources CUL-1 Unanticipated Discovery of Archaeological Resources. If an archaeological resource is encountered during ground-disturbing activities, work within 50 feet of the find must halt and a qualified archaeologist meeting the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards for archaeology must be contacted immediately to evaluate the find. If the discovery proves to be significant under CEQA, additional work such as data recovery excavation may be warranted. The on-site monitoring shall end when the project site excavation activities are completed, or sooner if the archaeologist indicates that the site has a low potential for archeological resources. During monitoring, the archaeologist shall complete monitoring logs on a daily basis. The logs will provide descriptions of the daily activities, including construction activities, locations, soil, and any cultural materials identified. Following completion of monitoring, the archaeologist shall prepare a summary memorandum of finds, their significance under CEQA and their disposition. (*Note: The California Historical Resources Information System contains a listing of qualified archaeologists at www.chrisinfo.org.) Monitoring/Field Inspection Prior to Issuance of Grading Permits and during construction Planning & Economic P a g e 6 WILLARD & GARVEY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM General Plan Amendment 19-01; Zone Change 19-01; Planned Development Review 19-01; Vesting Tentative Tract Map 82875 MM No. Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Implementation Responsibility Status/Date/ Initials CUL-2 Unanticipated Discovery of Human Remains. The discovery of human remains is always a possibility during ground-disturbing activities. If human remains are found, the State of California Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 states that no further disturbance shall occur until the county coroner has made a determination of origin and disposition pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. In the event of an unanticipated discovery of human remains, the county coroner must be notified immediately. If the human remains are determined to be prehistoric, the coroner will notify the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), which will determine and notify a most likely descendant (MLD). The MLD shall complete the inspection of the site within 48 hours of notification and may recommend scientific removal and nondestructive analysis of human remains and items associated with Native American burials. Monitoring/Field Inspection Prior to Issuance of Grading Permits Planning & Economic P a g e 7 WILLARD & GARVEY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM General Plan Amendment 19-01; Zone Change 19-01; Planned Development Review 19-01; Vesting Tentative Tract Map 82875 MM No. Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Implementation Responsibility Status/Date/ Initials Hazards and Hazardous Materials HAZ-1 Lead-Based Paint (LBP). Prior to issuance of any demolition permit for the Project, the Applicant shall demonstrate that the existing onsite structures haven been surveyed for LBP, and that any identified LBP have been prior to activities with the potential to disturb painted surfaces, in accordance with all applicable laws. Plan Check Prior to Issuance of Demolition Permits Planning & Economic HAZ-2 Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM). Prior to issuance of any demolition permit for the Project, the Applicant shall demonstrate that the existing onsite structures haven been surveyed for ACM. The survey shall include sampling of suspect ACM which shall be collected for laboratory analysis of asbestos in order to determine the need for compliance with EPA National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) regulations. All ACM shall be removed from the site prior to activities with the potential to disturb affected surfaces, in accordance with all applicable laws. Plan Check Prior to Issuance of Demolition Permits Planning & Economic HAZ-3 Traffic Control Plan. Prior to any grading or construction activities, the Applicant shall prepare a construction traffic control plan for review and approval by the City Engineer to ensure emergency access routes are not obstructed. Plan Check Prior to Issuance of Grading Permits Building Division P a g e 8 WILLARD & GARVEY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM General Plan Amendment 19-01; Zone Change 19-01; Planned Development Review 19-01; Vesting Tentative Tract Map 82875 MM No. Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Implementation Responsibility Status/Date/ Initials Noise NOI-1 On-Site Impacts - Construction Noise. • All construction equipment shall be equipped with mufflers and other suitable noise attenuation devices (e.g., engine shields). • Grading and construction contractors shall use quieter equipment as opposed to noisier equipment (such as rubber- tired equipment rather than track equipment), to the maximum extent feasible. • If feasible, electric hook-ups shall be provided to avoid the use of generators. If electric service is determined to be infeasible for the site, only whisper-quiet generators shall be used (i.e., inverter generators capable of providing variable load. • Use electric air compressors and similar power tools rather than diesel equipment, where feasible. • Locate staging area, generators and stationary construction equipment as far from the adjacent residential homes as feasible. Field Inspection During all Project construction activities Planning & Economic P a g e 9 WILLARD & GARVEY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM General Plan Amendment 19-01; Zone Change 19-01; Planned Development Review 19-01; Vesting Tentative Tract Map 82875 MM No. Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Implementation Responsibility Status/Date/ Initials NOI-1 (Cont.) • Construction-related equipment, including heavy-duty equipment, motor vehicles, and portable equipment, shall be turned off when not in use for more than 5 minutes. • Post a sign in a readily visible location at the project site that indicates the dates and duration of construction activities, as well as provide a telephone number where residents can enquire about the construction process and register complaints to an assigned construction noise disturbance coordinator. Field Inspection During all Project construction activities Planning & Economic NOI-2 On-Site Impacts - Operational Noise. The final building plans for the Project shall ensure that HVAC units are not located within an area of the Project site that would contribute to a noise level exceedance at any adjacent property line, per the City of Rosemead Municipal Code requirements. To meet the City’s noise standards the following measures should be followed: • The combined noise level of all units operating simultaneously shall not exceed 60 dB(A) during daytime hours (7 a.m. to 10 p.m.) and 45 dB(A) during nighttime hours (10 p.m. to 7 a.m.). • HVAC units should be rated at 76 dB or less. Plan Check/ Field Inspection During demolition, grading, construction activities Planning & Economic P a g e 10 WILLARD & GARVEY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM General Plan Amendment 19-01; Zone Change 19-01; Planned Development Review 19-01; Vesting Tentative Tract Map 82875 MM No. Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Implementation Responsibility Status/Date/ Initials Transportation TR-1 Construction Traffic. During all grading and construction activities, the Project Applicant shall insure that its contractor implement the following measures. • Minimize construction traffic during peak traffic periods of weekday 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., weekday mid-day school pick-up periods, and weekday PM peak period of 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. • Contact the Garvey School District at (626) 307-3400 regarding the potential impact upon existing school bus routes. • The Construction Manager or designee should notify the Garvey School District of the expected start and end dates for various portions of the project that may affect traffic within nearby school areas. • Provide unrestricted access to schools for school buses. • Avoid delays to transported students resulted by truck and construction traffic. • Avoid adverse impacts on school buses’ on- time performance and passenger safety resulting from changed traffic patterns, lane adjustment, traffic light patterns, and altered bus stops during and after construction. Field Inspection During All Grading and Construction Building Division P a g e 11 WILLARD & GARVEY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM General Plan Amendment 19-01; Zone Change 19-01; Planned Development Review 19-01; Vesting Tentative Tract Map 82875 MM No. Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Implementation Responsibility Status/Date/ Initials TR-1 (Cont.) • Construction trucks and other vehicles are required to stop when encountering school buses using red-flashing-lights must-stop-indicators per the California Vehicle Code (CVC). • Contractors must install and maintain appropriate traffic controls (signs and signals) to ensure vehicular and pedestrian safety. • Contractors must maintain ongoing communication with Garvey School District school administrators, providing sufficient notice to forewarn children and parents when existing vehicle routes to school may be impacted. • Continue to maintain access to the passenger loading areas for parents dropping off their children. • Contractors must maintain ongoing communication with Garvey School District school administrators, providing sufficient notice to forewarn children and parents when existing pedestrian routes to school may be impacted. • Contractors must maintain safe and convenient pedestrian routes to all nearby schools. The District will provide School Pedestrian Route Maps upon request. Field Inspection During All Grading and Construction Building Division P a g e 12 WILLARD & GARVEY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM General Plan Amendment 19-01; Zone Change 19-01; Planned Development Review 19-01; Vesting Tentative Tract Map 82875 MM No. Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Implementation Responsibility Status/Date/ Initials TR-1 (Cont.) • No staging or parking of construction- related vehicles, including worker- transport vehicles, should occur on or adjacent to a school property. • Barriers and/or fencing must be installed to secure construction equipment and to minimize trespassing, vandalism, short- cut attractions, and attractive nuisances. • The school’s hours are from 7:55 AM to 2:35 PM. Project construction shall avoid interference with school traffic from 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and from 2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on school day so that faculty and parents can enter and leave the site as needed. Field Inspection During All Grading and Construction Building Division P a g e 13 WILLARD & GARVEY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM General Plan Amendment 19-01; Zone Change 19-01; Planned Development Review 19-01; Vesting Tentative Tract Map 82875 MM No. Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Implementation Responsibility Status/Date/ Initials TR-2 Site Access. Prior to issuance of the first residential building permit, the Project applicant shall submit plans for the following measures to the City for review and approval. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the Project applicant shall insure that the following measures are implemented as required by the City: • Sight distance at all Project access points should be reviewed with respect to City of Rosemead sight distance standards at the time of preparation of final grading, landscape, and street improvement plans. • Provide appropriate signage and pavement markings at the Project site driveways, including stop bars and stop signs and restrict project access through clear signage and other means. • Participate in any approved transportation or development impact fees established by the City of Rosemead. Plan Check/Field Inspections Prior to First Residential Building Permit / Prior to Occupancy Building Division P a g e 14 WILLARD & GARVEY RESIDENTIAL PROJECT MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM General Plan Amendment 19-01; Zone Change 19-01; Planned Development Review 19-01; Vesting Tentative Tract Map 82875 MM No. Mitigation Measure Method of Verification Timing of Implementation Responsibility Status/Date/ Initials Tribal Cultural Resources TCR-1 Native American Monitoring. If potential Native American resources are uncovered during grading, the applicant shall be required to halt work within 50 feet of the find, inform the Director of Planning & Economic or his/her designee immediately and retain a qualified professional archaeologist and an experienced and certified Native American monitor of Gabrieleño heritage to examine the material to determine whether it is a “unique cultural resource” as defined in Section 21083.2 (g) of the State CEQA Statues. If this determination is positive, the scientifically consequential information shall be fully recovered by the archaeologist and Native American monitor. Work may continue outside the area of the find. However, no further work shall occur in theimmediate location of the find until all information recovery has been completed and a report concerning same filed with the County, a designated repository as appropriate and made available to interested representatives of Native American tribes that are traditionally and culturally affiliated with the Project area. Field Inspection During grading activities Planning & Economic