CC - Item 4E - Approval of the Traffic Commission Recommendation from the November 5, 2020, Traffic Commision Meeting for Traffic Calming Measures on Burton Avenue Between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard M F(<-'-.E. \t: `� ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL M/'v "c -,y STAFF REPORT .„..11_712,140" C°RPORATEO `I'9 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER .M'' ff . DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2020 SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION FROM THE NOVEMBER 5, 2020, TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING FOR TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES ON BURTON AVENUE BETWEEN GARVEY AVENUE AND RAMONA BOULEVARD SUMMARY At the November 5, 2020, Traffic Commission Meeting, staff presented traffic calming measures along Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard. The presented recommendations were approved by the Traffic Commission to be brought before the City Council for final approval. BACKGROUND Staff received a resident request for placement of speed humps at each end Burton Avenue corridor between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard and review possible traffic calming safety measures to address vehicles speeding. Traffic calming is the process of reducing vehicle speeds through the use of both passive devices, such as signs and striping, and physical devices such as changes in road elevation or path. There are a number of ways to address traffic speeds. The type, design, and placement of traffic calming devices depend upon the road classification, desired traffic speed, and types of traffic issues along the corridor. After a thorough traffic evaluation and review of existing field conditions, it was determined that traffic calming measures be installed along Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard as follows: 1. Installation of Side Stripes on each side of Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard. 2. Installation of a Solid Double Yellow Centerline with Raised Pavement Markers (RPMs) on both sides of the Solid Double Yellow Centerline along Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard. 3. Installation of midblock speed limit (R2-1) signs in both directions of travel (north and south) along the east and west side of Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue AGENDA ITEM 4.E City Council Meeting December 8,2020 Page 2 of 3 and Ramona Boulevard. The segment along Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard is approximately 3,300-feet long. • Installation of a speed limit (R2-1) sign on the eastside of Burton Avenue approximately 1,650-feet from Garvey Avenue. • Installation of a speed limit (R2-1) sign on the westside of Burton Avenue approximately 1,650-feet from Ramona Boulevard. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the following items: 1. Installation of Side Stripes on each side of Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard. 2. Installation of a Solid Double Yellow Centerline with Raised Pavement Markers (RPMs) on both sides of the Solid Double Yellow Centerline along Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard. 3. Installation of midblock speed limit (R2-1) signs in both directions of travel (north and south) along the east and west side of Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard. The segment along Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard is approximately 3,300-feet long. • Installation of a speed limit (R2-1) sign on the eastside of Burton Avenue approximately 1,650-feet from Garvey Avenue. • Installation of a speed limit (R2-1) sign on the westside of Burton Avenue approximately 1,650-feet from Ramona Boulevard. FINANCIAL IMPACT The Field Services Division can complete the recommended items within the approved Fiscal Year 2020-2021 budget utilizing the Street Repair and Maintenance account (201-3010-5350) funds with authorization from the Public Works Director. Recommended items one (1) &three (3) will be completed by in-house staff. While item two (2) will be awarded using direct competitive purchasing procedures and is estimated to cost approximately $3,000. If necessary, additional materials and supplies may be purchased at a minimal expense to complete the in-house tasks. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT This item is consistent with the City of Rosemead's Strategic Plan of improving the City's public infrastructure and public right of way to enhance roadway and pedestrian safety in the City. City Council Meeting December 8,2020 Page 3 of 3 PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Chris Dast Director of Public Works Attachment A: Rosemead Traffic Commission Attachment B: Traffic Commission Draft Meeting Minutes of November 5, 2020 S M F -tkik CIVIC PRIpE 1 7 4°APpRATE0"66 Attachment A Traffic Commission Meeting Staff Report Dated November 5, 2020 E M F is I, q ° ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT CORPORATE°194 TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS DASTE, I O OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: NOVEMBER 5, 2020 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC REVIEW OF BURTON AVENUE BETWEEN GARVEY AVENUE AND RAMONA BOULEVARD SUMMARY Staff has received a request from a resident who lives on Burton Avenue about speeding vehicles along the corridor of Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard. The resident reported that there appears to be speeding. The resident requested for the City to review placement of speed humps at each end of the street and review traffic safety along the corridor. The Traffic Commission directed staff to prepare a traffic report and review potential traffic calming measures along the corridor of Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard. ANALYSIS Burton Avenue is approximately.65 miles long and is considered a residential street approximately 35 feet wide with 1 travel lane in each direction and parking allowed on both sides of the street. There are posted 25 mph signs north of Garvey Avenue for northbound traffic and south of Ramona Boulevard for southbound traffic. The City of Rosemead does not have a speed hump policy. In October of 2010, a Draft Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan (NTMP) was brought before the Traffic Commission for discussion and review. Although the NTMP plan was never adopted by the City,in this toolbox Speed Humps were not a recommended measure for the City to consider due to noise as vehicles go over the speed humps,drainage issues and delay to emergency response times. The Traffic Division was directed by the Traffic Commission to prepare a detailed traffic engineering report and analysis and review traffic calming options along the corridor. Traffic calming is the process of reducing vehicle speeds through the use of both passive devices, such as signs and striping, and physical devices such as changes in road elevation or path. 'There are a number of ways to address traffic speeds. The type, design and placement of traffic calming devices depend upon the road classification, desired traffic speed and types of traffic issues along the corridor. City Traffic Commission Meeting November 5,2020 Page 2 of 3 There are various traffic calming measures that can reduce the flow and speed of traffic on a street. Some of these are: 1) Traffic Striping: Roadway striping can be implemented as an option that is a low-cost alternative to vertical/horizontal traffic calming measures. This includes a white stripe painted along both sides of the travel way to give the driver a perception of a narrower road. Changing the striping to narrow travel lanes effectively slows speeds by changing the travel environment.Narrower lanes create"friction"and thereby cause Drivers to travel at a slower pace.This has been used in the City of Rosemead as well as neighboring Cities. This traffic calming measure is considered to be less costly with minor impacts to neighborhoods. These have: ✓ Less impacts to emergency services ✓ Is less costly ✓ Greater flexibility (can be installed or removed easily) ✓ No impact to drainage ✓ Can provide parking lanes ✓ Found to reduce speeds from 1 mph to 7 mph ✓ Can be quickly implemented 2) Signage and Pavement Legends: Signs alert the Driver to their speed, such as larger speed limit signs or a speed feedback sign. Although too many signs can have an opposite effect on traffic. Therefore, usage of signs should be subject to careful consideration and compliance with local and regional standards. Speed and stop ahead legends alert the drivers of a change in traffic conditions.Speed limit signs and striped speed limit pavement "messages,"either used separately or as a combination, are one of the most cost-effective measures in increasing awareness of motorists traveling through a neighborhood street. These two devices do not have glaring negative impacts as far as air quality, emergency response time, maintenance, and liability exposure. Traffic Commission and Council approvals are required for the installation of any traffic calming device(s). STAFF RECOMMENDATION After a thorough review of existing field conditions, it was determined that traffic calming measures be installed along Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard to reduce the speed of vehicles traveling down Burton Avenue.Please refer to Figure 2,Figure 3,and Figure 4 in the attached report for a visual demonstration of the proposed conditions. Below are the recommendations: 1. Install Side Stripes on each side of Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard. City Traffic Commission Meeting November 5,2020 Page 3 of 3 2. Install a solid double Yellow centerline with Raised Pavement Markers (RPMs) on both sides of the solid double Yellow centerline along Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard. 3. Install midblock speed limit (R2-1) signs in both directions of travel (north/south) along the east/west side of Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard.The segment along Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard is approximately 3,300-feet long. • Install speed limit (R2-1) sign on the eastside of Burton Avenue approximately 1,650-feet from Garvey Avenue. • Install speed limit (R2-l) sign on the westside of Burton Avenue approximately 1,650-feet from Ramona Boulevard. Prepared by: 514adta- /644‘0142-. Jana Robbins, Contract Traffic Engineering Division Attachments: A. Traffic Calming Report B. September 3,2020 Staff Report C. September 3,2020 Draft Minutes D. Courtesy Notice to Residents(135 were mailed) ATTACE►MENT A .4110/ IRA NSTECJI TO: Chris Daste, Director of Public Works FROM: Traffic Engineering,Transtech Engineers, Inc. DATE: October 19, 2020 SUBJECT: Traffic Calming on Burton Avenue Between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND Staff has received a request from a resident who lives on Burton Avenue about speeding vehicles along the corridor of Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard. The resident reported that there appears to be speeding and vehicles are narrowly missing other vehicles exiting their driveways. The resident requested for the City to review placement of speed humps at each end of the street and review traffic safety along the corridor. Burton Avenue is approximately .65 miles long and is considered a residential street approximately 35 feet wide with 3. travel lane in each direction and parking allowed on both sides of the street. There are posted 25 mph signs north of Garvey Avenue for northbound traffic and south of Ramona Boulevard for southbound traffic. In October of 2010, a Draft Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan (NTMP) was brought before the Traffic Commission for discussion and review. In this toolbox Speed Humps were not a recommended measure for the City to consider due to noise as vehicles go over the speed humps, drainage issues and delay to emergency response times. It was not found that this (NTMP) ever went before Council for approval. The Traffic Commission directed staff to propose traffic calming measures on the segment of Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard. It is important to note that at this time the City of Rosemead does not have a speed hump policy in place. Figure 1.Vicinity Map _ - ,f;, a=' -�1 Legend S-1 -4 •—t JSIU t d i -� r-�^ •a 52.r'. d-n a p•1-•, , * ,' 1 ' Stop Sign R1 1 re. '4.1`�.i ` _ .i..- -fir: . ' 9 '-"� *-,...= •i:-..-..7.;:.;:-j.'41,,. x" =�' M1 9 " _. . u i�; s��o 25 MPH Speed Limit , .-, # • D— d - 71',.' 1'. ' " v ?, r # 1J1(R2-1)Sign sc-+-� -• - .� T 4-0 _'S'31� y ` f - Two-Direction Arrow l"} *si z''' „• _G o 4 d• a %'�fa (W1-7)Sign _',a • ''''''.47;'*- D j ., -,� . ;raw .,t-i;r '~ ' t-.,..•r . r -+ 0'."1--1' =1- - ' -,e+liyy,.., a-. ss.°,. !"`9•".�� r- type N(CA)Object ',°w � 0.4,/,'•• e-fir` . .,„ ,• °r, ;"KslT.i -- ;,.-., u� •'i-!__ • Marker(N-1(CA)) ysr•, - s,�c-,aural • 74t.or m s.n. n u.i. ..... ... ^_r 4. CITY OF ROSEMEAD . E Ab Prepared By:Transtech Engineers,Inc. I Page 1 of 4 TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES—BURTON AVENUE BETWEEN GARVEY AVENUE AND RAMONA BOULEVARD EXISTING CONDITIONS Burton Avenue-Within the City of Rosemead, Burton Avenue runs north/south and is considered a Local Road per the City's General Plan with a posted speed limit of 25 MPH. Burton Avenue carries one lane in each direction and no marked centerline.Burton Avenue primarily runs through a single family residential and an area of light manufacturing land use at each end. Parking along both the eastside and westside of Burton Avenue is prohibited on Thursdays from 6 AM to 10 AM due to street sweeping. Garvey Avenue-Within the City of Rosemead, Garvey Avenue runs east/west and is considered a Minor Arterial per the City's General Plan with a posted speed limit of 35 MPH. Garvey Avenue is approximately 73-feet wide with two lanes in each direction separated by a median.This segment of Garvey Avenue runs through a mix use of light manufacturing. Parking along the northside and southside of Garvey Avenue is restricted to 2-hour parking from 7AM to 6PM and no parking on Tuesdays-Fridays from 2AM to 6AM due to street sweeping. Ramona Boulevard-Within the City of Rosemead, Ramona Boulevard runs east/west and is considered a Major Collector Road per the City's General Plan with a posted speed limit of 30 MPH. Ramona Boulevard is approximately 30-feet wide with one lane in each direction separated by a marked yellow centerline. This segment of Ramona Boulevard primarily runs through single family residential land use. Parking along the northside of Ramona Boulevard is prohibited by R 26(S) (CA) signage starting No Stopping Anytime. Parking along the southside of Ramona Boulevard is prohibited on Thursdays from 6AM to LOAM due to street sweeping. TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES AND STRATEGIES: Traffic calming is the process of reducing vehicle speeds through the use of both passive devices, such as signs and striping, and physical devices such as changes in road elevation or path. There are a number of ways to address traffic speeds. The type, design and placement of traffic calming devices depend upon the road classification, desired traffic speed and types of traffic issues along the corridor. A single traffic calming device placed along a long stretch of road will be marginally effective at slowing down speed at that isolated location. Implementation of a series of traffic calming devices that work together will effectively slow down traffic speeds along the length of the corridor.There are various traffic calming measures that can reduce the flow and speed of traffic on a street. Some of these are: 1) Traffic Striping: Roadway striping can be implemented as an option that is a low-cost alternative to vertical/horizontal traffic calming measures.This includes a white stripe painted along both sides of the travel way to give the driver a perception of a narrower road. Changing the striping to narrow travel lanes effectively slows speeds by changing the travel environment. Narrower lanes create "friction" and thereby cause Drivers to travel at a slower pace. This has been used in the City of Rosemead as well as neighboring Cities. This traffic calming measure is considered to be less costly with minor impacts to neighborhoods. it OSE p - _ --- Prepared By:Transtech Engineers,Inc. I Page 2 of 4 TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES—BURTON AVENUE BETWEEN GARVEY AVENUE AND RAMONA BOULEVARD These have: • Less impacts to emergency services • Less costly • Greater flexibility(can be installed or removed easily) • No impact to drainage • Can provide parking lanes • Found to reduce speeds from 1 mph to 7 mph • Can be quickly implemented 2) Signage and Pavement Legends: Signs alert the Driver to their speed, such as larger speed limit signs or a speed feedback sign.Although too many signs can have an opposite effect on traffic. Therefore, usage of signs should be subject to careful consideration and compliance with local and regional standards.Speed and stop ahead legends alert the drivers of a change in traffic conditions.Speed limit signs and striped speed limit pavement "messages," either used separately or as a combination, are one of the most cost-effective measures in increasing awareness of motorists traveling through a neighborhood street. These two devices do not have glaring negative impacts as far as air quality, emergency response time, maintenance, and liability exposure. Traffic Commission and Council approvals are required for the installation of any traffic calming device(s). RECOMMENDATIONS After a thorough review of existing field conditions, it was determined that traffic calming measures be installed along Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard to reduce the speed of vehicles traveling down Burton Avenue. Please refer to Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4 for a visual demonstration of the proposed conditions. 1. Install Side Stripes on each side of Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard. 2. Install a normal Broken Yellow centerline along Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard, per CAMUTCD Section 3B.01. 3. Install midblock speed limit (R2-1) signs in both directions of travel (north/south) along the east/west side of Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard. The segment along Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard is approximately 3,300- feet long. • Install speed limit(R2-1)sign on the eastside of Burton Avenue approximately 1,650-feet from Garvey Avenue. • Install speed limit (R2-1) sign on the westside of Burton Avenue approximately 1,650-feet from Ramona Boulevard. �.s 0 E AD Prepared By:Transtech Engineers,Inc. I Page 3 of 4 TRAFFIC CALMING MEASURES—BURTON AVENUE BETWEEN GARVEY AVENUE AND RAMONA BOULEVARD Figure 2.Proposed Side Stripes along Burton Avenue T,,!,,1 Paint Side Stripes Paint a normal Broken "a' on each side of Yellow Center Line along ,,." .a Burton Avenue - Burton Avenue between t - • Garvey Avenue and Ramona o ,II —4471~ r I 10.5' I 10.5' I r _r Figure 3.Proposed Midblock Speed Limit Sign (Eastside of Burton Avenue) ' 111-- i __ ------ .;:- til -, T-- I- i C- isivirog..__.1 Install Speed Limit(R2-1)sign on the Eastside of Burton Avenue,Approximately 1,650-feet from Garvey Avenue 1=i:ure 4. Pro•osed Midblock Seed Limit Sian (Westside of Burton Avenue) Li 411111.111 C l' ,. "PC41 1ST-- .r ----. 111111111111M"."-'•"'......._ 1"" Install Speed Limit(R2-1)sign on the Westside of Burton Avenue,Approximately 1,650-feet from Ramona Boulevard ��E AD Prepared By:Transtech Engineers,Inc. I Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENT 8 s M F AS .' 9 ° ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION 4. Nrinhilki' K� STAFF REPORT .ORAED‘Q.413 TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS DASTE,DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: SEPTEMBER 03, 2020 SUBJECT: RESIDENT REQUEST FOR SPEED HUMPS ALONG BURTON AVENUE BETWEEN GARVEY AVENUE AND RAMONA BOULEVARD SUMMARY Staff has received a request from a resident who lives on Burton Avenue about speeding vehicles along the corridor of Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Romana Boulevard. The resident reported that there appears to be speeding and vehicles are narrowly missing other vehicles exiting their driveways. The resident requested for the City to review placement of speed humps at each end of the street and review traffic safety along the corridor. Burton Avenue is approximately.65 miles long and is considered a residential street approximately 35 feet wide with 1 travel lane in each direction and parking allowed on both sides of the street. There are posted 25 mph signs north of Garvey Avenue for northbound traffic and south of Ramona Boulevard for southbound traffic. In October of 2010, a Draft Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan (NTMP) was brought before the Traffic Commission for discussion and review. In this toolbox Speed Humps were not a recommended measure for the City to consider due to noise as vehicles go over the speed humps,drainage issues and delay to emergency response times.It was not found that this(NTMP)ever went before Council for approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Traffic Commission: 1. Deny the residents request 2. Provide further direction to staff as follows: a. To conduct a traffic review of the corridor and potential traffic calming measures Prepared by: III� t Chris Daste Director of Public Works Attachments: A. Project Location Maps B. Email Request Submitted to the City AERIAL REQUEST LOCATION MAP Traffic Review Request Along the Corridor of Burton Avenue between Ramona Boulevard and Garvey Avenue a. 1. -.• P r , TO . , •_q _ P r !I _1 of �� alai .. -- •.:4i----_-/ 7' ',_ . �. ` `C ® .,.....1.. Ramona Blvd —, � r<"I - IIS -IR • Tf_ , 1 l 1 L IP Olt c' '-r _`'' • ,.7y - ,�: -�•� i r• ,'i _ .Y 'IX71 '�} I' t um :f . ; ",. _ •., • ' J 4l- • j r� —_-----\ \ �" _'fes •1� "r• - • t • ' S « r.s ;,,, •' ; �. ...-I. • a', 9'•• •. �...l k 'a�- ��•l' 1'�3�• lig ••� I i -. -- =" _,�y i i -� .+...yam• = , a•'' /. .. it �.!1-' •t.. j ip3 •ter - - r -. - r • . _ ,.. 1 .,, ...,„,... , _ U . • . -- �_ f•1 ..+ , - - ``J. r__A; Lair .-sem„ �;. 'i . s,, . ., ,, __ .4 _, , . _ - t ` . n I t +'r.r 'I' , .s • " _ - •_ 1..^ ..r'= _ + .a «moo !^• -. 'Al -` .....•. L., 1 t• ! ' la p - Wit • T' ;` r^•' =+i11. 1. i '" 4 •Y. .-D Mi " T 4-•, .J.�•"��....i• .tr , "r,�s� •r -;-T • .� 2. 7 k 11 `� - — k. 1 • 1 f. LL. (C • +*�' ? 11" A{ Ara --- —- ' > sem ■_ - Q.+ ��.., - .� -•r^1< - dam'.}�.1,_.. N. wr r ' _ 1 -/l_• +,•-t A_•' "--1 a T4 +n.�-j } t s - r J IA •-_-. - '� ' �- - - ` • Jam. r3. j= • I I t -•-w t.1. __...ti., .'i`` r I a_ r ��.,—, 11r f'� ,,nn 1 - 1 - L-- I ,1 �' ...-— r i - I til R. '.�i.•y ° y t,*� « j) 4-G' 'f,,, in GI i._ o' r T' -- • fS'"` .j _M,;,p'-.•s ''. 1 ,� r,.`„ r�.r)* • t I � J-411.. -•r ` ,•. T+'--;, ,' " its '". ... A�i.•i, L 0-z. ' i % iP r ,.T........,, .., ., _ II Ita...,,I, E .... _.... _ / - 4 4 . '':IT' I 'lei i - ,. 11 t di f .- 7-1 , , -- F... r , i ow , rtalt 1__, Twir. , 1 rra.._ N✓ 1 .i• �io 1......: r " , -. r-Garvey Avea 13. Ihnillik ir GO 1- L�`441�' .: ' _41 :tit 44 ,-�.T-di VICINITY REQUEST LOCATION MAP Traffic Review Request Along the Corridor of Burton Avenue between Ramona Boulevard and Garvey Avenue 1 Bernardino F w y Christopher Columbus Transcontinental I Iv:y (1) ul International Market Ramona Blvd 9Double Eight Market lob Music • Instrument Repair 14.4 Thar A.e r+mama,::.,, Eleven© - Richard'srishinyTackleQ t • 9a z -,_ n,VG6 1.. •- , /`a QT W IiVAC Supply 4 i i ..vM4 i t - Sursht»a Nursery i L t �1 2 n Willard Q Elementary School wK1u�± 9 VJ4 t rrl Uriton y H1„1 V..I`.1 Zapupan Park Hoa Bird 1 Rosemead City Tech Auto Repair Smog&Lube�y Circle K Q Sulrennprket Q9 Seafood Paradise Market Taiot.nvan Thai Kitchr .v;•,w•Autolune Auto Parts ;.,, ., Garvey Ave Esuinotas Q "',l."r~r"t I Q N Q leather Company _ �y gKimKy ,1r.jrrl.y:,.xJarLatit lUuc4. 1i" • From: Christopher Daste Sent: Monday, August 24, 2020 9:10 AM To: Jeff Che Cc: Silvia LLamas Subject: Re:Traffic Commission Request: 3400 block of Burton Avenue Jeff- Your letter will be on the Agenda for the Thursday, September 3 Traffic Commission Meeting.The meeting will likely be a "Zoom"type meeting. The Commission will discuss and give direction to staff.Staff will then fulfill the direction of the Commission. Bring the results back to the Commission for discussion/direction.The direction is then taken to the City Council for final direction/implementation.When the Agenda is set-Silvia will forward you a copy via email. Take care! Chris Sent from my iPhone On Aug 21, 2020, at 2:13 PM,Jeff Che Dear Mr. Daste, I wanted to kindly followup with my last email request for traffic calming measures on our street. After speaking with a majority of my neighbors on Burton Avenue,we all agree that a speed hump is desperately needed to induce traffic calming behaviors. We believe that our street meets the criteria for installation of speed humps: • The two-lane street must be mainly residential or else have a park or school on the street. • The residential street(or the part being considered) must be at least 750 feet long with no four- way intersections. • There can be no other traffic control devices on the street segment such as four-way stop signs, traffic signals, etc. • The speed limit must be 30 miles per hour or less. • Speeding of 5 miles per hour or higher over the speed limit occurs on the street. Additionally, my neighbors and I are willing to provide alternative support for this initiative by signing a petition, participating in a ballot for the measure, funding the project ourselves either through increasing our property taxes or by giving in way of donations. Please shed some light on we can help further. Thank you, Jeff Che On Wed,Aug 12, 2020 at 11:01 AM Jeff Che Dear Mr. Christopher Daste, I'm thankful for the opportunity to submit my traffic commission request for a potential installation of speed bumps on my street, Burton Avenue.The reason for a need for speed bumps, is a large majority of vehicles driving down this street do not obey the speed limit of 25 MPH, as far as my fellow residents and I can discern, these vehicles drive more than 50 MPH, and some drive recklessly by peeling out their tires and accelerating at an uncontrollable speed when taking off.There have also been many incidents of drivers speeding down the street aggressively honking at resident drivers merely trying to leave their driveway not to mention the near misses and accidents that have occurred from it.After • speaking with my neighbors, we strongly feel speed bumps placed strategically,200 feet from the entrance and end of the street,a quarter-mile and half-mile in, would be the most effective means of preventing cars from needlessly speeding through our street. We are a purely residential street, meaning we have many young families with children that like to play out on the front lawn, or go for a leisurely stroll down the street in the day and night time,there are also young professionals that continue to keep fit while the gyms and some trails are closed due to the pandemic crisis by jogging or biking down the street. Many residents here also walk their pet dogs just at the break of sunset while enjoying views of the San Gabriel mountains on the horizon. There are only 3 small businesses at the ends of the street,and I believe they belong to the adjoining streets. The length of our street is just a few feet short of a mile. There is only one sign indicating the speed limit of 25 located on Burton Avenue, and a "25" painted in white on the asphalt at the address on the right lane only when facing Garvey Avenue and two more up the middle of the street painted on the opposite facing lanes directly from each other, I should also mention all three are fading in visibility as well. Talking with my fellow neighbors, many of them express the same unnerving and unsettling sentiment toward speeding drivers and the blatant disregard for human life that they exhibit when they race down our street. Please let me know how I and my fellow neighbors can further support the Traffic Commission toward the request for the speed bumps. I will be following up with you in a few days with a phone call. Thank you. Best regards, Jeff Che Rosrnead CA 91770 7 ATTACHMENT C Minutes of the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING September 3, 2020 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7:06 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Lim INVOCATION: Commissioner Ly PRESENT: Chair Masuda,Vice Chair Quintanilla, Commissioner Escobar,Commissioner Lim and Commissioner Ly ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works Chris Daste,Transtech Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins and Administrative Analyst Silvia Llamas 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS None 2. CONSENT CALENDAR None 3. NEW BUSINESS A, RESIDENT REQUEST FOR SPEED HUMPS ALONG BURTON AVENUE BETWEEN GARVEY AVENUE AND RAMONA BOULEVARD Comment was received via email from Jeff Che, resident at Burton Avenue didn't agree with staffs recommendation for not installing speed humps and proposed speed cushions that are either speed humps or speed tables,that include wheel cutouts to allow large vehicles to pass unaffected,while reducing passenger car speeds and they can be offset to allow unimpeded passage by emergency vehicles and are typically used on key emergency response routes.Other traffic calming measures that he suggested to be considered are vehicle activated signs and polymer cement overlays that change the texture on a small section of the asphalt, along with occasional law enforcement. Staff gave the Traffic Commissioners a brief description of the item; along with recommending that the Traffic Commission deny the residents request and provide further direction to staff to conduct a traffic review of the corridor and potential traffic calming measures. Commissioner Ly commented that he is familiar with the street and with an increase in drivers, there has been an increase with vehicles speeding along Burton Avenue and its adjacent streets and would like to see what they can do to help resolve the traffic issues along those areas. Commissioner Lim asked if staff can replace the faded traffic signs. Vice Chair Quintanilla suggested starting with similar traffic measures that were used on Muscatel Avenue and Ivar Avenue,along with having law enforcement monitor the area. Commissioner Escobar asked if there has been similar request submitted in the past. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of September 3,2020 Page 1 of 3 ATTACHMENT C Staff responded that they weren't aware of any other issues or request. Chair Masuda agrees with Vice Chair Quintanilla's suggestion,along with adding double lines in the center of the street with reflectors. Staff summarized the Traffic Commissions recommendation which are replacing the faded signs, installing edge line markings like the ones used on Ivar Avenue and double lines in the middle of the street with reflectors like the ones used on Muscatel Avenue between Mission Drive and Grand Avenue. Traffic Engineer,Jana Robbins. suggested doing a speed survey before the traffic measure are implemented and one after to see if it slowed the speeding down. Commissioner Lim suggested adopting a policy or guidelines for Traffic Calming Measures. Chair Masuda agreed with Commissioner Lim and recommended updating the Traffic Calming Toolbox Measures and create a policy. Staff recommended putting the Traffic Calming Toolbox Measure Policy on next month's agenda for further discussion. Commissioner Lim motioned, seconded by Vice Chair Quintanilla to approve staffs recommendation and deny the residents request,along with conducting a traffic review of the corridor and potential calming measures. Votes resulted in Yes: Escobar, Lim, Ly, Masuda and Quintanilla No:None Abstain: None Absent: None B. RESIDENT REQUEST FOR REVIEW OF CONDITIONS ON LOFTUS DRIVE BETWEEN TEMPLE CITY BOULEVARD AND BALDWIN AVENUE Staff gave the Traffic Commissioners a brief description of the item; along with recommending asking that the police department for spot enforce of this location for trucks and speeding and conduct a traffic review of this location. Vice Chair Quintanilla mentioned that half the street belongs to El Monte, along with there being a sign that says No Trucks. Jana Robbins, Traffic Engineer agreed with being a No Truck sign. Commissioner Lim mentioned that truck drivers may be using a GPS system that may be routing them to use those streets. Jana Robbin, Traffic Engineer responded that she doesn't know if that is what is occurring. Chair Masuda visited the location and observed that the placement of the signs can be improved to areas where truck drivers can see them sooner. Vice Chair Quintanilla motioned, seconded by Commissioner Ly to approve staffs recommendation to ask the police department for spot enforcement of the for trucks and speeding. along with conducting a traffic review of the area. Votes resulted in: Yes: Escobar, Lim, Ly, Masuda and Quintanilla No: None Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of September 3,2020 Page 2 of 3 ATTACHMENT C Abstain: None Absent: None 4. STAFF REPORT NONE 5. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Vice Chair Quintanilla asked for an update on the Olney Street on-ramp street closure. Staff informed the Commissioners that the partial closure of Olney Street will be taken to the next Council meeting for approval. Chair Masuda asked if the bicycle master plan can be added onto a future agenda for future discussion and improvements. Mr. Masuda also asked if staff can investigate a hit and run accident that may have occurred on Hellman Avenue near Dorothy Street that may have been caused to speeding. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:53 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for October 1, 2020 at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chamber at City Hall,located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Howard Masuda Chair ATTEST: Chris Daste Director of Public Works Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of September 3,2020 Page 3 of 3 • - ATTACHMENT D Vt.% cQ S E Alb Traffic Commission Courtesy Notification NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday,November 5, 2020, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard,the Rosemead Traffic Commission will hold a public meeting in the Council Chambers at City Hall for the purpose of reviewing the Traffic Conditions at Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard. To adhere to the Los Angeles County Health Officer's,updated June 11,2020,Revised Safer at Home Order,this meeting will be held via teleconference and the public will have access to observe the meeting telephonically by calling I (267)866-0999,Code ID:6163-10-9205 or visit www.cityofrosemead.org to watch online.Please note that, in accordance with Governor Newsom's Executive Order N-29-20 and N-35-20,there will not be a physical location from which the public may attend. You are being notified of this meeting because your property is within proximity to the location. We encourage your comments regarding traffic safety in this area. Citizens' wishing to comment may do so by calling (626) 569-2100 or via email at publiccommentacitvofrosemead.org by 5:00 p.m. Please identify the topic you wish to comment in your email's subject line. All comments are public record and will be recorded in the official record of the City. Written comments must be addressed to: City of Rosemead Public Works Department 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead,California 91770 Attention: Mr.Chris Daste,Director of Public Works Again,only comments received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday,November 5,2020,will be accepted. We appreciate your concern for traffic safety in the City of Rosemead. Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the Director of Public Works, Chris Daste at 626-569-2158. For information please call: Pjja{{raa��obtt}ener más informacidn, favor de hamar al: 17P1 U�itt*, to tt a: De biet them chi tiet,xin g9i: 626-569-2150 Proposed Improvements on Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulev II it L"'a'.- � �" Pint•Solid Doubi �. �4. •„„ ����"'T � *l -.,' ' allow Cantor Lina wi. t l• .' _ ?lit • � �. �. a, Mg*ion • Bun. A a`r. � if 1'�. -, �T'G' ice-�-^1 ,l -- ' - f _ -i r r.:-. 4*i ,,a,.•,i,r� - —, 1 �;` 41. ; "_ I .rpt—°r -~ . ,, .•- .. ,.. "" ,.,,,� .. „' r..!!�yz install 25 MPH Sp +- -4. + . . .a. -� WA!Sign on Both Side .] , ,...46,:.... i j..�-.. �,�`i�. _ws .a a n�IL 1 •1 Burton Av "L_ .7-., 1_ . ..� .-. 16rr .. VV r,r -- :',ice �-yr or;s`11. 4. '.int White Sld. . y ''Ir• - - �- •tr.i•.s on Both Sid - ®; '�~ ...: _ -l' --• r.� ....y "' . Burton Av - �." —..� ''s—' _ .... l �1.' .rte m r. i ♦ r"Ft_ r r _ - —'''....-1110,1&1. .' —_ra-' to m 1Mi Itrw s�.y r „a i W1'w f i s .�" Mks a ♦1 3,6a wt 1®ro-111.nif4lt! .-c — uiM 7T=*_""`afil1LisiiairJ!r=traiir.'-diced► rdarigmlil#F:. E M -4101111 J�7 Attachment B Traffic Commission Draft Meeting Minutes Dated November 5, 2020 Minutes of the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING November 5, 2020 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7:03 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Ly INVOCATION: Commissioner Escobar, due to technical difficulties the invocation didn't take place. PRESENT: Chair Masuda, Vice Chair Quintanilla, Commissioner Escobar, Commissioner Lim and Commissioner Ly ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Transtech Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins and Administrative Analyst Silvia Llamas 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Public Comment was received via telephone from Ms. Connie Vasquez, Rosemead resident and in proximity; Connie Vasquez and Sonia Garcia, Rosemead residents and neighbors in proximity; suggested the City install a speed bump on the 3300 block of Alanreed Avenue, the nearest cross street is Hellman Avenue. Ms. Vasquez and Ms. Garcia stated there have been two vehicles speeding down their street for six months now, and tried to note their license plate number, however had no luck because of how fast the drivers were going. Connie and Sonia emphasized how dangerous it is as they live on a cul-de-sac and have to be extra careful when backing out of the driveway so that they do not get hit by these drivers roaring down the street. Ms. Vasquez asked if staff can follow-up with her regarding request; her contact information is on file with the Public Works Department. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Commissioner Lim motioned, seconded by Vice Chair Quintanilla to approve Item A(February 7, 2019 Minutes), Item B (September 5, 2019 Minutes), Item C (October 3, 2019 Minutes), Item D (August 6, 2020 Minutes) and Item E (September 3, 2020 Minutes)from the Consent Calendar as presented. Votes resulted in: Yes: Lim, Quintanilla, Ly, Masuda and Escobar No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 3. OLD BUSINESS A. TRAFFIC REVIEW OF BURTON AVENUE BETWEEN GARVEY AVENUE AND RAMONA BOULEVARD Transtech Traffic Engineer, Jana Robbins gave the Traffic Commissioner a summary on the item, along with the following recommendations: 1. Install Side Stripes on each side of Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard. 2. Install a solid double Yellow centerline with Raised Pavement Markers (RPMs) on both sides of the solid double Yellow centerline along Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of November 5,2020 Page 1 of 4 3. Install midblock speed limit(R2-1) signs in both directions of travel (north/south) along the east/west side of Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard. The segment along Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard is approximately 3,300-feet long. • Install speed limit (R2-1) sign on the eastside of Burton Avenue approximately 1,650-feet from Garvey Avenue. • Install speed limit (R2-1) sign on the westside of Burton Avenue approximately 1,650-feet from Ramona Boulevard. Comment was received via email from Pierre Beloin, resident at Burton Avenue; Pierre Beloin, expressed concerns regarding the Traffic Commission Courtesy Notification received and would like to make the following comments 1) agree to put a speed limit of 25 sign at each end of the street is a good idea; but, 2) regarding painting the double yellow line in the middle of the street along with the white stripe on both sides of Burton is a big waste of money/time,this is only a small side street. Maybe have a traffic cop'park'at either end of the street once in a while would be more efficient like they used to do a while back. Also, every time they do road repair they would have to'repaint'the lines/stripes, I guess if you have money to burn. That's all I have to say at this time. Comment was received via email from Jeff Che, resident near Burton Avenue; Hello. I want to express my gratitude for the Traffic Commission's planning and support for this potential project. My neighbors on Burton Avenue that I speak with appreciate the efforts your staff has committed in not only introducing proven safety measures to our street in order to calm prevalent speeding but also the position implications it will have in enhancing our quality of life. Thank you again for bringing these improvements in front of today's hearing for review. Council Member Lim asked what the cost for the line striping would be. Transtech Traffic Engineer,Jana Robbins informed the Commissioners that she will need to get back to them with the actual cost for the striping because it would depend if City Staff does the striping and the length of the street. Commissioner Lim asked when the street was last paved and when it's scheduled to be repaved. Transtech Traffic Engineer, Jana Robbins informed the Commissioners that she will have to get back to them with the information. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked if they considered having a sheriff monitor the area. Transtech Traffic Engineer, Jana Robbins informed the Commissioners that they have considered having the sheriffs do spot checks in the area and they have agreed to do some spot enforcement. Chair Masuda asked if they pass recommendations,if it can be noted that the sheriffs department had been contacted. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked if staff have received similar complaints from the adjacent streets. Transtech Traffic Engineer, Jana Robbins responded they have not. Chair Masuda mentioned that they did discuss the adjacent street at the previous meeting,and they decided to wait to see the outcome. Commissioner Ly commented that the population has been increasing and the auto mechanic shops use Burton Avenue to test the cars. Commissioner Escobar asked if before and after counts will be taken to see if the improvements were effective. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of November 5,2020 Page 2 of 4 Transtech Traffic Engineer, Jana Robbins informed the Commissioner if the item gets approved,they will do a speed survey before doing the improvements and do a recount 6 months after. Chair Masuda asked if they did a follow-up on Muscatel Avenue to see if it was effective. Transtech Traffic Engineer, Jana Robbins responded that she was not sure if one was done, but she will look into it and if they want a study done it can be done. Commissioner Lim asked if staff can coordinate with sheriffs to have them monitor that area after the signs and stripes are installed. Commissioner Ly asked for clarification on the type of yellow lines being installed. Staff clarified that staff recommendation is for the installation of two solid yellow centerlines. Commissioner Lim asked if they could install broken yellow centerline instead of solid yellow centerlines. Transtech Traffic Engineer, Jana Robbins informed the Commissioners the reason they went with the solid lines was because they were supposed to be similar to the centerlines installed on Ivar Avenue, Rosemead Place and Muscatel Avenue. Commissioner Lim's concern was if they install the two solid centerlines,it may cause confusion with people make a left turn. Commissioner Lim motioned, seconded by Vice Chair Quintanilla to approve staffs recommendation, along with including that staff coordinate with the sheriffs department to spot monitor the area after the signs and striping have been installed and conducting before and after speed surveys. Votes resulted in: Yes:Escobar, Lim, Masuda and Quintanilla No: Ly Abstain:None Absent:None 4. STAFF REPORT Staff gave the Traffic Commissioners an update on previous traffic commission items and the passing of former Traffic Commissioner Hall. 5. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Vice Chair Quintanilla asked for and update on the Olney Street street closure. Staff informed the Commissioners that the item was taken to the City Council, but it was deferred to a future meeting, when residents can attend and give their input. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for December 3, 2020 at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of November 5,2020 Page 3 of 4 Howard Masuda Chair ATTEST: Chris Daste Director of Public Works Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of November 5,2020 Page 4 of 4