RRA - Item 3A - Gaarvey Avenue Senior Housing/Community Center Project - Phase 1 Environmental Site Analysis `K CrQC ASSOCIATES,INC. Memorandum To: Frank Tripepi, Executive Director EcoNOMIC DEVELOPMENT from: Stephen Copenhaver, President REDEVELOPMENT Datc: February 18, 1997 Subject: Garvey Avenue Senior Housing/Community Center REAL ESTATE CONSULTING Project - Phase 1 Environmental Site Analysis AFFORDAULE HOUSING In addition to the geotechnical services required to determine the suitability and load bearing capability of the site, there is a need to analyze the condition of the site from a toxic soils perspective to secure financing for the project and to ensure that permits can be issued by the various governmental entities including the City of Rosemead. The Phase 1 Environmental Site Analysis consists of a records search, site visitation and interviews followed by a written summary report. If toxic conditions are suspected, additional work will need to be performed possibly including borings and lab tests on samples. It is the owner's responsibility to provide the architectural design team Phase 1 environmental studies (the Agency contracted for a Phase 1 study for the Angelus senior housing project). BVH secured a proposal from California Environmental which is attached for the Board's review. The fee for completing the work is $1,750. Rerammendation Approve the contract with California Environmental in the amount of $1,750.00 AGENCY AGENDA FEB 2 5 1997 ITEM No. -3• 1340 VALLEY VISTA DRIVE SUITE 120 DIAMOND BAR,CA 91765 TELEPHONE:(909)396-7714 roaemeadlmanage2hnemogco8•dod2•18.97 BVH 227 P83 JAN 24 '97 18:22 California • iia8R*ti� rte•, • January 22, 1997 :e• .,: sts engineers Environmental PROPOSAL PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT - PHASE I proposed Residential Housing Approximately One Acre 9108 Garvey Avenue Rosemead, California FOR ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION do Bahr, Vermeer, & Hacker 16 North Marengo, Suite 702 Pasadena, California 91101 Attention: Quen Dear Quen: As requested by Mr. Mike Savage of Kovacs & Associates, California Environmental is pleased to present this proposal to conduct a Phase I Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment on the subject property. Site assessments are performed in two phases. Phase I consists of extensive research of literature regarding the site utilization history. In addition, a site reconnaissance is performed to observe the property and to view adjacent properties for potential impacts on the subject property. Phase II includes a subsurface exploration to test for soil or groundwater contamination. The scope of this proposal is for a Phase I study. ADSEMPAD.PR) BVH 227 PO4 JAN 24 '97 18:23 9108 Garvey Avenue January 22, 1997 Rosemead, California tia,ge2 The American Society for fisting and Materials (ASTM) has published standards for performing preliminary environmental assessments.. The proposed Phase T Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment will comply with ASTM E 1527, Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments. The following is the Scope of Workof our Phase I Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment. 1) Records Review - Research publicly available records to identify past and present owners of the site and nearby properties, as well as property usages. These records are helpful in ascertaining portions of the property or nearby sites, where storage, ase or disposal of hazardous substances may have occurred. The following standard environmental sources will be searched: • Federal National Priorities List (Superfund) site list - Federal CERCLIS list Federal RCRA transport, Storage&Disposal (TSD) facilities list • Federal RCRA generators list • Federal Emergency Response Notifications System list • CA CalSites list • CA Cortese list • CA Solid Waste Assessment'& Testing (SWAT) list • CA Regional Water Quality Control Board list Local environmental record sources will also be researched. Depending on the locale, these may include: • Leaking Underground Storage'Tluak(LUST) list - Fire Department Hazardous Materials Information • Air Pollution Control District • Environmental Health Department - Electrical Utility Department Standard historical sources will be researched to ascertain land use for the past 50 years. These will include the following sources, depending on availability: • Sanborn fire insurance maps • Aerial photographs • Building permit records 2) Site Reconnaissance - Conduct a reconnaissance of the property to observe evidence of hazardous substance use, storage or disposal onsite or nearby. Visually check for the presence of onsite tanks. Identify current and past uses of the property and adjacent properties where possible. Observe the topographic, hydrologic and geologic setting of the property. 3) Interviews -Conduct interviews with current and prior owners and occupants of the property where possible. A questionnaire will be completed for each interview. Interviews may also be conducted with owners or occupants of neighboring properties, local governmental officials, or others with knowledge of the site.history. Review documentation of onsite activities, such as material safety data sheets, process manuals, safety plans, etc., where available. aosEMHA11PRO i l^, BVH 227 P85 JAN 24 '97 18:23 /C' I:7"1 i i .aur 1.1 , ... . . ,.. .. . ... .. .. .. 9108 Garvey Avenue January 22, 1997 Rosemead, California Page 3 4) Report -Present our findings in a formal written report suitable for submission to your lender or for agency review. This report may, recommend that a subsurface exploration be performed as a separate phase of work. The following issues are beyond the scope of this proposal. Indications of potential hazards associated with these issues will be noted if encountered during the Phase I Assessment, but these issues will not otherwise be assessed unless requested as additional work. - Sampling of asbestos-containing materials - Radon sampling - - Lead-based paint - Lead in drinking water • Wetlands or other natural resource.issues We propose to conduct the Phase I Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment for a fee of$1,750.00. Should you desire California Environmental to execute the above described work, please sign and return both copies of the enclosed Agreements: Our,fee is due upon presentation of the final report. The report can be completed within 2 weeks following our receipt of the retainer and the signed Agreements. Please provide a complete title report, a site contact (name and telephone number), and any geotechnical or environmental studies conducted for the property. California Environmental maintains $2,000,000.00 General. Liability • Insurance and $1,000,000.00 Professional Liability/Contractor's Pollution Insurance. Any questions regarding this proposal should be directed to the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, Charles . era. ey President CIB/cmm encl. Agreements, Schedule of Charges, Brochure of Services, References viiQAMP Ari PIRA (■ " 1