RRA - Item 4A - Garvey Avenue Senior Housing Community Center Project - Geotechnical Engineering Services : cc . ASSOCIATES.INC. ;rte•�, .f[ - 1•;‘ �.r Memorandum To: Frank Tripepi, Executive Director ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT from: Stephen Copenhaver, President REDEVELOPMENT Date: February 18, 1997 SubjecL Garvey Avenue Senior Housing/Community Center REAL ESTATE CONSULTING Project - Geotechnical Engineering Services AFFORDABLE HOUSING Attached, please find copies of two (2) proposals for geotechnical services for the Garvey Avenue Senior Housing and Community Center project. The Rosemead Redevelopment Agency/Rosemead Housing Development Corporation, as the project owner/sponsor, is responsible for providing geotechnical data to the design team, Three proposals were solicited from qualified companies and the resultant bids are summarized below; 1. SIadden Engineering $5,400,00 2. Jerry Kovacs and Associates Inc. $5,500.00 3. Associated Soils Engineering, Inc. Declined to bid BVH has recommended Jerry Kovacs and Associates because they have successfully worked with the firm in the past and found them to accurate and timely in their work. BVH believes that the proposal from Jerry Kovacs, although slightly more expensive than the low bidder, is comprehensive and that it addresses all the geotechnical information required. Recommendation Approve the contract with Jerry Kovacs and Associates Inc. in the amount of$5,500.00 Attachments: Two (2) proposals AGENCY AGENDA FEB 2 51997 1340 VALLEY VISTA DRIVE ITEM No. 1 . SUITE 120 • DIAMOND BAR,CA 91765 TELEPHONE:(9O9)396-77f4 roeemead/manage2Jmemogeo2.doc/2-18-97 BUN 404 PO4 FEB 05 '97 17:08 F NUM : POS 1 AL CUNNE. 1 I ON LA UU I N 1 A PI-UJHL NU. : 61 91).G42E,U9 ' f ub. 0L, 199! 0S:14( 'M (*) Slodden Engineering 6782 Stanton Ave_.Suite E,Buena Park,CA 90621 (310)864-4121 (714)523-O9b2 February 4, 1997 • Bahr Vermeer&Haecker Architects 16 Marengo, Suite#702 Pasadena,California 91101 Attention: Mr.Dale Brown Subject Revised Proposal for Geotechnical Investigation Project Garvey Avenue Senior Housing&Community Center Pursuant to your recent request,we arc pleased to submit the following revised proposal to provide the geotechnical services for the proposed senior housing project and community center_ The .. proposed project wilt include 75 to 150 living units in a three to four story building and a single- story multi-purpose community center occupying approximately 25000 square feet to be located at 9108 Garvey Avenue in the City of Rosemead,California_ The proposed scope and associated fees for our services are based upon the information contained in the revised Request for Proposal dated January 31, 1997. SCOPE OF SERVICES: Our scope of services includes the field investigation,laboratory testing,engineering analysis and report preparation described herein. The services=intended to provide geotechnical information for use in the design and construction of the proposed project. A. The field investigation will include the excavation often exploratory borings. Borings will be accomplished with a truck mounted drill rig and hollow stern augers. Disturbed and relatively undisturbed samples will be obtained within the borings utilizing California split spoon samplers, standard penetration samplers or Shelby tube samplers dependi»g on the conditions encountered during drilling. Bulk disturbed samples will be obtained from the auger cuttings. Boring depths - will range from 20 to 50 feet below the existing ground surface. B. Laboratory testing will be performed on selected soil samples to determine soil characteristics and pertinent soil properties that should be considered in an engineering evaluation. Laboratory testing will include soil'classification testing and soil mechanics testing. Soil classification will be based upon grain size determination (sieve and hydrometer analyses) and plasticity index determination(liquid limit and plastic limit). In-situ density and moistarc content will be performed on relatively undisturbed samples. Maximum density/optimum moisture content determination will be performed on the bulk samples. Soil strength characteristics will be determined from the insults of direct shear testing performed on either relatively undisturbed samples or remolded samples depending on the conditions encountered. Settlement and compression potential will be evaluated from the results of consolidation testing performed on relatively undisturbed samples. Expansion potential will be evaluated front the results of. Expansion Index testing performed in accordance with Uniform Building Code standards. R-• Value testing will be performed for use in pavement design. Analytical testing will be performed to evaluate soil related corrosion potential. Coxrosion testing will include the individual tests indicated in the RFP. • BIJH 404 Pe5 FEB 05•'97 17:09 F KUM : PUS 1 HL C:UNNE_C:1 I UN LN UU I N I H PHUNL NU. : E,195t42699 1 gib_ fel) 199/ 0S=OC, 'M P3 February 4, 1997 C. A formal report will be prepared summarizing our findings. The report will include; descriptions of our field and laboratory procedures and results, discussions regarding our engineering evaluation methods and results,and related recommendations.. Recommendations will include;site preparation and grading criteria,foundation design pressures,lateral values,settlement potential,slope stability considerations, groundwater considerations,pavement design criteria and soli corrosivity considerations. Discussions and recommendations regarding the geologic setting of the site and potential geologic hazards including liquefaction will also be provided. All of the information requested in the revised RFP dated lanuary 31, 1997 will be addressed in our report. TIME SCHEDULE: Based upon the requested information, we feel confident that we can provide the report in au • expeditious mariner. As indicated in the revised RFP,the report will be completed within 28 days of notice to proceed.. FEES: Based upon the scope of work described in this proposal, we propose to provide the services described on a fixed fee basis. The fees for the completed report as described herein will be five thousand four hundred dollars($5400.00). These fees include our participation in three meetings with the design team as indicated in the RFP. Respectfully Submitted, SLADDEN ENGINEERING UNG ‘511,14.404---- Brett L.1erson, President • • Copies: 2- Bahr Vermeer&HaeckerArchitects • Siodden En lnea4in9 . •%.1...1P••••wr.....4.,....ya...: war-a =cArructo‘5141s (.21111•7LItlii)VILMILAtil liic)AIX"CSKIIW, ..• .•AiefPLI: : ••,‘...1::).:.-::: • - *-•:••••iv..••••'.. ': :•1.' : ..-f-:::-.V.-,,:.:-Ii-11:•!-":•:,7 '.1 • - : i .343'il'?.q.g; ;•;4.: ; • :.-...• 1 ,' : ::s; ' : •. 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Pktokto tommentutgetxploration,w6 will mark the locations of thF borings aid poonkaatg with the . . • . • CpERobeinead and Undergttrund:Service Alert to locate undetground utatbf *Iiicinit3i.of • , • :,.. . • •••...: •: •r.?•:;.,-.:; : . their);642/41)0316t5. 1 • : . E.• 4:5.1.:t:5,r.: • '.7r,t'.*.:*;,..-...1-?: •',i : 2....: . ..i•..e.. • . : :SR:p,...:0%,;•7.... ir • ! • .;!1.t,T'IP.M •. ..,• .. :.., i . , Zit:i:1:5•4•.1).% ;.: - •. • . .,;.... _.,.4,1,!3.,::•.:i , ,.•.•2: -:::...',..." .4 'T. •:-t•e-•...-••$•••,, .. ,... ',i •i ,. ..•1 1-44114:000SSUOIVOrMC geotoebnioill borings,subsurface conditions-will be tibsOlgatull noted-tin - . .116 biding logs :...4py.'suspicious odors or discoloration will alio be note4:ttio:•,- sp.12cr" ;*material. s •• • • elielitatiiiii.. WHO*visually classiAed in accordance with the Iftii.fi ed Soil tlficin Sys*en . • :. ....,,E.;•?....,;., !, ; • •. • (AS )2487).•'Generally,nndistukbed and bulk samples of the earthmateilake(104tere,..lin the • bodpga- 41,bo'c011eeted at 5-foot intervals and conveyed to the laboratory fOrtititiiii#4 Ei6. is. ' - Siantl-azd Pcoetratlett Test(S1'1)sampling will be pmformed within the granutitiOditellAoitless spits . . -•:.• ,i; .:. ....i Iliekeetkealhaittmundw.attx leVel. :: ; •'!.1..i.r,••••• :.: I ., • ..1 .•-;.T;...,k:,::•••!..; : r:.'i• :',..• .-:•• •; ; ...li.Zi'•• 4%4,..-i:' i 1..- . ,:-..4.,:.!re; • ., eq_.f... •'0.34;:4 • , ,..if T.. •,.-- orhazardous materials be detected or obser*daatittgexploralion - .of the geoteohilioalNirings, the spdils will be placed in drums and the boxt4itarillied witii•a ,,• ,,,., • ,• .. . . .: '.beritOnitrr-. sand:. migure. • ..,.. ,k...,.••••:•;, • • •••.;••: ..;•'.•f.;fiiiP•I.: ..• . i.; •i .'•':-.•!•' '... :.. : : . ; - • ' - •..e.r...:•••••• •, •'• .: .. ;. : t 1 • r • ... . ' '•• • • ... `,.,_P.:.:,*;;-t, •i `n..:5•R:44:'' • 'i '... • .... ::::1.1;%•••••••• .•(••':::i .... ;.i. ; • , i -*•'.....1..:-....-I'l;i. . • '-' '•••;:i•S`2:4,•••••::i •:' , . .*: ••..t.'1 ''••-•;: -;. :.741: , ...• !'• ; ••s:. "..f.12.E.t., 1 .. • .... . :.1 4.2,Cliatita4sior1mng . r..:•.•:.. L.:••• .: .r : • :,,, • •-• '7•;11-';''-'7'vt, ••• • • -!.;7.t‘••' ::,::- •":2 "• : • . . 2 :•.' 1•7'. d."4. • ••• • •••' - •.: • .':, j. _•'•!•i.' :-.•:-..:•'..• ..;..'.; .... ..- : . • ;•Cf i 11,:•:;.'1,....f:9, : . ..... '. . -...... testing of u*disturbed and bulk soil samples collectikiViti Add will be . •.•• i..-,- •.: • , •- • . -: peribttned in iatittahiatatory. The tyles and number of engineerinklaborat '7ory•I•iegiikal4 performed c.:! •:1;•:: •.,A:? : • it dittidtkitted'Ai he.as follows: 1 .1..:.,:....,A,9•:Z. • • .I :,•;.,..-..:.-. • . : •:*..* : .!•il'ed••%if;•:': •:.• • t`t 1. ; : ..: *,.•:•:... .e• .•:. i : ' i; ;Pl..":1••::il : • II . :; •i'll•ii.;144:1;litidd.461:iteilt and lily dei5sity - • • i .. :,••:,•- • ..-!-•• ••e ••• , i • .7%;c••;•34: :".-- - - •--':' c••••• ii,--,.-........L ••: • " •-• 4. :-1..'!•:' •1 i;::!'iCOLICgidalOn '• --i7 •=';q'.'1;.1. 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' " :.1-.••••:••1 • • •I'l•: . • ;;..., ;!(pH;tesedvity,chlordes,ri,agnesium,calcium, :. i •;n, '-•. k ' -•• r.., .. . .. : ':'.1.!'...;••. ilatinii;')3ficarbonate and sulfates) : ,..:•:.1?o• ;f...'.• ;i1: -•,...•: - •. • .• .; : :...,1 :.1;•.:• •. • -.•••?'"I: ! . . . • • . : • ' •re per,:..1••-:::i......• • .-• , .. • .. . • : • • 741;::•1'..i6'..5 , •" • • .. :i i t t c•.:,t•:,..7.7'..-r c•'.....••••:- •.. : .'r:,e.5•:'.f:..-N- jet*otatOW.c7f.littaattetteetates, Se. i . •.r„;•,,,•, .-.-..-..: ,...1- • ::.1.1 :. v.....75::..•:. • ... = • • :!.i.:0-k. ,1,2:Z4:.:V-f••::::-..,,--;;:r....Z• i' .• ' -4'••74-7t..,...!-4.• . :.k ii •,..:, • •• • 1143pMVIAMAL,Nbr agSeq CITY.CALIFORNIA 91604-31t32 (318)980-0825 (gla)877-276i, . . gt 91141524 -;••••' •..• • • :, ;t.•N• 5•?....P1-%7:Z ..--;v?ii";"••••;:. •; : :4. VA:2-.3 is: •:••• ••.: • • • • . ....„ • . BUH 404 P09 FEB 05- '97 17:12 - . . .. .... . „. . ... • . , : -.:.. ; .; • . . • • i ;;L:1:. Esi•_•- r • *'• • • 2•-• .' :fr::• ,,: . ' .. • • • ;E::: ', •• : . •-• :. . . • : • . i Septemtrim5-..12,k1996 •.: .: - :• ! • :: . . •• ,ty :s-••••:.--:,-.:•%_. ••:. : .;.: - Re ',4.61-s•i s.: •4,••••3, 1997'• , . . .. • ' '.7-1 .e.V.P FF:,:N:. •.:Z•.,.. •.:,.....•:- . ' • • Z n.-7 • ,i, - ..• .. - • ". ;;fi.„...i,,••,..,.:•.-4,-;-,,;,••;4•.::,::4 . • • • • • PR 961 :•.-: •.3:1.44.is: , ,•• I i.: C".:•7''''i i-c.••• i".:41.•••7,:.•,-•••%. . • • • "It. X!;':.:.="-r.i: 1,: ' ; ,,,''•, .J.C..f.'4.)-i • • ....: t .• 1147:*.t.;;;;••F•fr5:••;:...:;i1.•.."*;•E*1-.1 , 1 • Page -•• • •-••••7-t1.-•-•"s" c• •• •t,,-:-•,•-z-::,,...rii:a • -.i; "••. .: 4-i'g'f--'.::• -•::'',::-.•: --• - t ••••,:-.j1: i•••• •ti:.:': ... -• c;••:::•11,-: : :;:: .: i ••• -••••••-s:....,,,,.....:,. ••• • ,r. . . ‘;•%-• ,!::_: :;•!•:; ,A.: :• •-••• • • , .::.,..,;(4:1•;!....•.4i . ... •• • .. f; q• ;•:•••::.i.• ..f. ....;.!../. ..4...•:.2. • 3 • . ••••:•::••3.4?;,tio::.--; ., 1 • • •.;. 43.5z•-•.;P.:Tulin:Ikeda-Analysis and Report Preparation ! Z'-.;- •:-'•.',i,10. • ',: . . .. ; '••••7 in.: • :••• • • ::',:. •: ,2'•,..1 WZ•4.>eig••:t. . '. • • ; .dT!•h;lal2e.et;'..u..l.t.s.•o•••f••it•io•k••n•-O•it•.•a•••at•l•'e exploration and laboratory testing,,engineering ling anab}Pit,:,i;.;....l,. erforE.10: '.:. - • •• 7Z•-. •• pis of the boring and laboratory data will be syntlaesi.4:1&16-11foimal repOrt. •itisi , , • • The giotickticatnortiP— • will address:the nature and distribution of the earth inig6 Underlyingerlying like • st1W4:61 thefr engineering properties will be discussed. The report will C • ustons and v.• z•-. ..f,•,:k-t..:• -- t • •.• ,reoeditapidatooregarcling the following: .i4 .....-.•r.-,-;:i t i.1 r . 7• ... i 4 I?.i•,-i*::*,• '*•.-: . ..::... ...i: . • • • 7 ; . ' :•-••••;::Et.•.•.V:;.. .••"I•:Y• :•..•.•.D •:;:ie••• n• t6••• 2•••• of subsurface boil conditions •:• ".T..4dM:g:2,•;4,•.T4Z-eee q . • ,- of the 1 f .. .: : • • enommtered.taatedals,boring logs,a plan indicating bong looatio&iiidAlieli elervat:14ns . . ... •:'.•: ' :, relatk*to the nearest bench mark,and summary of ground water lel . ..A' . .... . •• - • r tr. ••••:!i.•-..t. 1 • • • . -.•• , . . .. . . . . m., ....->s:t -4•• .'• '. •''' ''' • l)ifttztskitikevarious founditti on types that may be considered' for thdotanneevdkvelopt=t,' • !): t• :..,.•,•:-,• :.***-.'1. 7:•_•',ine:b..,In•-li''.n.g.p..'ad ls and spreadDotings1. ;gF1'l..:.:. ...: yz...,, .:ti•:;., .;.,•••.•: ; 1-', f-3•:-.24; .•-•A :A- • -.i• • :. ..et *;::•, .. i.c..::- ....• ;;;;,- • 0 •1 '1' -'*'''• i tecommendations, suitability of the site sOils for uSeASoapaoted fill MA- .-. . ' ' :: :•'. -..s ft": •,6 • •••.., --,..t -..:.-;,, :;.: ... - • • • 7. •ititeriti'liat backfill soils,inducting imported fill materials. .,...-:..,:•:-.•.4. r. is.. i .....• • •14!-..,.••:. '#r•!*: .: ' . ..: • • '• :: :•• 1 '..: ••. : .*:. - ' . ,'S I f•tli.;•13_,F%-••II! • • f . :•I i•t!, g!'i•-'•-•Ite436jiiiiiiigatioxis tii 4••."•;,?Ti:4••••Fa:• • '1 . • '.:1;t :•-•e.t.'!`,":•:'., for the tteatment of ls,if any. .1.... ! t:',if'..-.1 !i .:'. i .... 1.• : . • expansive soi .,..: ,...,:, ,....:..„7 ..,„ •: :. *: ;: ..' :.... : . • I i-4 •,..,-;•“..,Et,: ;l'. •.:Si L..,,,;:•_,:;.. :e . .. •-. . : • • ' ' '6 Roecininidtidation.s regardilag design and construction of floor Si ..:.•li...W.TallerneiltS, M .4 t • • • • *,•-.'CltidirtiiPplicable moduli of subgrade reaction,reconinzended.p a,suhgride , .. . - ' : • preNtritti.ritiatid criteria for iubgrade testing during construction. .r,s il•,-,- . :. . : ..,..s...:,,...,•,.. ........:. • - • .• .„ . . :. •! ,. - , • •: . F.,:,.t.,,i,:! ..3 •F . i • ; :,e. :.:.-;;4.‘I. ...... s - • •• •: : • `'': Thsoussltdk•of difficulties 'which may be encountered during elinsfistiltt— 41.341 including : i :-Oersized Materials,grortacfwater,caving,etc. a;t;:.;••.:-....i- - • • - • -• . • ' . - :• :;•.1: ii -3•;,: !.:r • . ' ;1;s..f.i..V.4 .-: • . 1 i•:,'1::t " 7'.•.•;;;,•':,::. .: . I .tt.. ..4./*:r.E:•-ffrIa'•';:.,•:;': , . • •I..r. ...:2i -Iteset4ninericlations for floor slab moisture haulers and subtenaneszovattwithrproofitit , ,....!„,,,..i:. •••.• -, :•.;. I . :74:;•::V i•aC r,• :, . I ' •.':••••6435r1.....71 •. .. ; i••• 4ReCICtelfaelidatiODS regarding. temporary and permanent excarations,:l.i.ih...,,i.':permissible ,_ r.:., ,:-,:.• i,„.:..._ 'slOpoliqges,– treatments ne+essary to provide stable slopes and 0,-. ..,. i:,.m1.a. ...i-or bracing - ofveirticalitnavations. Ex&.a.vations adjacent to property lines $13, ':. will. . Ase& 0. , t ii ft• .5 . • • •••••.:i...-.•.!•F.•;,..; •y: . • - •.:• • • • • ?...;i al'4'. . • • ... 'Pouridailodesign parametEirs,allowable vertical and lateral capacitid-Octiected shp".rt f. -; ..;:z... ...•.- ..tip.d Ittng•tetintind differentibl settlements Allowable passive pressiiregazd;t6:effieienOf .• •_.. • . .• • • • • J,, "; ••:ftiCtitOrWitt be providcd. ' .e...i• .,-:::.-.3:.g• F i :•''• .sai:.--.fg,-nr-.•:•.., • ti . ewt;r0;i-el.::'::. • ?. 1 ;: ",•• !::I.;.•.. A • •. •••' •••' " ' • '' '' i i 1:1 p••• - • • - •-,-.• • - 'i5•11 '44i4:.; . .' • • r; • : :'' 1 Iteceatitcliglafions regarding the design of excavations and retaining*afisisthic7ing bikini ;•. •;•i , .-• -..t.: • •i . - -,• ..-•,. il.::,•:: :de•mgd pressures,requirements for subdrains and discusiiozi of constitittfdtheanaque •k:•/T..'::* • : • • • "..:L.,i4.g...2-: ,7 • :. • • • ! : :• • •L .-• • • ••• , :14 •!:. •,• •F 4 t,"i .1'." • , -• t• s ; . •v:'! .. ;:.:4:71. :t :.; • ! .;.: . , , .. ' • ' •• ? c': 1 i':'- :. • • •; , 1.;..1„.-I.-i-- 5:.,-.•••;1. :-?.,..,: • . e : .: -1 •-.:i 7• v.*:'.: ' .. ' : '••••:•:;:'W-•.-Z•t•I'As i•i - :e. ft:Zrz.-i :••;• • •. : ' • : . •.-e7:i f.54,;.:•.74,.4::: !: !! .1., .' i:::.i C•i'z -.•-•:•;;--.: -*.-•:• ;'s • . . 5'?.. •-- T•;-,-- *:': ;-:•.:**7,--kiixeciates, ; -.• ..7.:k.ecl 40.,.,- P : •„ •;•• .: .1.flkell'ifiZtrOkea:Mak mote. .. z:•,ko.7?Id' :i . ''. . in I%-e...a.1,-,•••,a !.PI•! , * r.% • .. ,.. •ii_,..,.,_ct 1.0•3.-.5,S, 1.6 .:•::•::::.•_,.,....7:I.,.: :: ' ,• gl,.i3-_,g4:6t1-7,71 _. ••• -: 4.!:\ i :?, '• • • ttasavgaramik, 1414UL-swot° ..111'.CAUFORMA 91604-3182 (818)980-0825 (215)877-27576F4gi.8,)9804524 • • *•1 •r. ::• V.....•". '•-• •r..zi '?;:•:';'•;2;:lv•c'.1tc•••i?•• •' • • '•i ;"j i t•••-•:;.';t:ii:;L'-....f:f:LA,1•1••••• . . -.., ?e,;:v.,:.;_i 01 . ..; ! rf . . .. . • ... .. . . .-. . . . . . . . .... . . . , ....... •' BV • H 404 P10 FEB 05 '97 17;12 • .. .. • : •c. 1-41:z.ix."i;•:;. •. •;•'f...:•••.:.:.:1.1:1-.-.. ••••• . . : 7 ' . t.! t,"..'•:,•:.e. • . . • . • - , • • ....."..).• : . . • • .. • • • : ; ; . • SePtenAer; i+12. 4%16 • .....,(.,....,.. ,:•:.,,S; 1997•.! . . ..: . - : • . s.:ii••:......-.. : :.• J :,-.., • , R- •,-, r,,, ., . -* ; -:_.,q•-::.••., i •,..i: •.•.:::...,..: ... ..::.- " •• •,.. ,.....7k•*•,. •,:.1:i•:;..:,-.•••,.":.•.*:,• . ! PR 951: •:' :z ri'i'-`ii 1.; ; ..: i I,1.::.:,.--fil.,c.---;..-.,.1-;-1,:!?). --.i• ' : ..:,, . . , - :f.2,3:":-..,1-ig.1::".r,:.F.7.5 :..-slii- • . . ! . :434 Ir. • i'.: • : ,., ; i 4.i.--,:;:.......P.r-.-? ., .!. : :. .t.. , • !. Page 4 > i,: •-.4-:1...T..„it:il '. ,-. .: • '1:•I''P' ' '.>:: ':*!. :-...' ':'..:. .'. ' 3 t,.% k1::::;;'.-••••-r; ': .?4 :.... ; ::. 3 • •e i.-R.:••.1... . ,• •• -. ,-- f •. s :...••••..... ......;.t;i:.,1 s .• ...., . .; 'i r....•:•••• 1:• • •• ••-• • •:$)Mft3:4:-3.i 1. 4': ..• '•:• ,I 1.4-.iii i•...'. ... . • ,, . i i -0 tra,;;I''''.... ..-1-q - "' 1 .•''.: . ...i. .1 fi.:1;:t.iiiiittlittiOn4corrosion potential of onsite soils. Recoihnii-nrkitioi?§tikitt cp.00si,on , .s. .• • - - : '• .'!• •Troia:eon-systems and their.' design lives will be prepared,where ntree0safr ;• • • i •• ;•••••• ,i, •i•:,!,..-,,,...:‘; ,... • . • • - i -*•-•-:1 •' • • •, ......••• •! i . ..4. • . . • liiitcitAidi_ bipiit6:itit geoteebnicalidesign and constnicli.on xecorhmendati oith. .. 1ttgeologic .,, • ctiicii•Eibife.1iizld.km2h.latiOn.will be performed- This cvalmtion will inelikkOkaDwing: : i .;• •:.i:.•....• . • .FL.i ..tz..,5•:. .: ,. • . ;.1.E !.•• • • ; 'r 4 _ :•;:••_ :... -: -, ._• • 4. • : •• 1 3 l'c•-: 4.* ittvievst akil evaluation of. pertinent information regarding• .sw..-^Itgi.:TtiAN,..1-:*,.,.. ''2e isM0102,10 .-. • : •••• k - -'••.; • ••• ......• • •L' i:11.6;? -.4 "•h - •• •: • A 'J.1,i.; i•iulibliV014011. . - !••. 1.-r:4-,...,:c-F4- •...-- .. Z • , ::: . •:. ::7.gl.,..:-•,,, r.;:. ••...:,1,-;.••.. : •;. •. . .:: ...!:":•.::;',.::3; .. Olki x _ ._ •;, '. .3:•: ::::;I•; .•":.' . • if:c .$7,1:f::y.74.-.;•ii • •.1 • : • .: ; -7-;*':i::1 cil4ballt03.V• ga of the location,' extent and seismic characteristics of kriaf.,. iiiisT,... .._t440nal layilts -• . • .. : --• :.,• ..,•-•-..i•. , .; .:.• : P.!. • :' , •::i:•••••' !I:;•Hk•NiiiiehfinIglitaffect the site); 5?..toy.,,:1-'.ii..e. 1 - • ,.,-.."*k.z-•=1.•:._;; -, . , •7. : . ..: 1‘,-.:1,,,_,--•::!.....: • ,,,. , c'„ •:•,1.1i:.;.,•1. . • _ ktltlgrai, . _ .1 • ... .-. • : . • :..';-:.:1• t'aitadd of expected groillid motions from deterministie and prob, . c nao•-•vo: : - • •• : • . .. . • .c ....__ti,,..t.,,2 ti,..•,,... a. '• ' '..autiikis based". on liktcaie eirthquake data and existing geologic.7..7.4.5:,:i .... .. . , . • -•: , , :c., . • •.: . • . :','7•1-••,'1-4,-.4.24_11: ., • .r: : •S • : : .• •'' ''. ':.?•':.;"4. Dettiffination of cffect.ive ipcak ground accelerations in accordanc)3;440t*041994"IJ1C ..- • .,.. ;•:.,j!.y.1-..;_g.•;,.,, .reqngenietits.;. • • .1 • : : .;.z-•Im 2 ea%.:1 ,.. • • • :.,.....; I-4.4.,..§!7,,,d,•-!... 1 . • • • ':..:: .•i......-: . ' . ..:•.... .:• :- 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years (475;y?U1.44.14iirn Perill'd, • • • . • • : .f . ..,, ill;,44:i•-•t';`. ''..• • c;. k i r•' ; •• • maximuni credible earthquake) • ;• • :. : ... :.•?;:„.• •:.- - • . •!..7s!;tf.-...t.: : -, ., I .... ., •• t., 4 n 7.1. . • • . '....;::0 I. :1 .1. ••t• 1 • .:. it •;;..•• • :' • • :• :I'.' • ;''t.•'..;-#.:'•-•• ''• t , peri.!. . 7• • . 7•*' P. " . . ••'" 50% pro6bility of exeeedance in 51) years (7A ...,teprn or, : :.-, ..-c,:i,..,,. .t. maximum probable earthquake) . :•:•:, ,:it .e.- :r: yr: ,,...-7,, .." • • 0. -" ., .• !.• . •• • •s 4 1 ,.t •.'.....- .*:.•• •': • - . ,:.• ,- --.: -7. , , ;••:1:___ „„qt.lig--•;;,:::4 . •' : 1. '-.sr'i .t\iidtalicaibf'secondary eat!thquake effects including groundniptufe;111-41tfai.., Ilion, • i: . • i. • • '''. • - inunciation,earthquake induced settlement and landslichng- . ,z,,; ;:...z.......,.i.,. .• • i-:t..• 7,.- i •••:, l• i ., • . • • /-_--.!m:,•,..'1:•-•E.i,-,- •• ? -,..,•,...t.:,..1. 4. • .•.:. ..,. ...",.-. :.:i.i.•L.,!..,„.: .. -. . . . , •ei-• 21:3:--..r.i... • ' • .- 7, -• -f•:gr.:i._tar.. ::-: :: ; • : ; .•:: • :4 1 ..'l k‘iir . `.. -.4,,,,,e6,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . i . ,,. .„.„..,,., .f -,; ,44 7.'' - . esv• ImatAncttments - -,-, ,,,,-., , • 1 . •-.:',...10",!4 .. • : • .24• :`••-••••t-t,F,::•1 ? . i • • . .•• t :::. .;'? • . . •••- ___,......,,11:;01:14PliE,.: i • • •• • i I.:C.;••:••.• . . " . •••. • , . . • •• •.14s'.blut:of4hilviniettgaton, we will review all preliminary a4td final ...!;:,: ‘..-:•-,;',, ., ,.,..„,...ii14 ocuramtc, , .• • tialtig" ' 'plan:a•-. anct-speeLt. " cations. This review is necessary to'Assure that:A.4'5u se&Trninendatitr..4,5 .t., qns • ;•Pgdvitieditt the•repcht arc implemented in the doeuments. t•.:;: ...-•=:•,.,•:,.-.:,7:1 , : ., / .••••• •.• . . s -4 i ,••,•:i.ss.i7e,--•••Fi . .., ••• .• . • • i ? •••:.3• • : • • i-1:iii! -0:i'---, ' I • .:, • : RI ...-?..--.13.: .. -,..‘,-,1 ...... : • f„ • • ;.•Z '....-ti •','''31•::..1:•-...: 4-,,A:;*•:.*:-,i :'.; • taleaSaitaziriamEimuyER3c1 a, • :..:•,...„,,,,,,, ,e, is.,.,•--4:,7 Cy. :r, !... .. • . . ist:SA tt Z.1!.4'.':i•I •i ••,- • • •.; .;••••••••1••i••i: ).....• :t..• -•'J. • :• -1,•:,1'4F-R_..,:: i",:.: ,I •.. ••!:. i it.i:".i-,4,.-...•: •. ;i:4::. ; • : .:1.i,..,:,....;:y-••• •t•,3 .. . -• • . •IejaYlii.',411CS tillAsdorlate3 does not foresee difficulty m` completing the gegle*pl...p4;.-,Ineertlag" . f, •i- •• •; :.. • •' ; . • .rgfuirriNtalan 28 days of authorizapon. 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Kcvsoskscore9errote togisciiiiiityskiro prel•ssionid ccubsel and professional advice regarcfing Subsurface congitiagel3Rttyllaff sae Purioent f.6 the Uarrrs vi this AdRett4h$1..*5.01 -•:* ' • ..;•-,': , . .. . . ,..r.. ,•/? ;.e. •: . • •IL--._.21r:C§lifitalkflE0t1041 (See Par 4 Qefovel •i: 2:Zit 2.--%• ..i. • 2- Proiket 2110:-- • -• ! .,:: -•1-L. • L. • .7.1-.•:.-7:"-IL;;; : ::..----nkinAtlaiikaia..1AM2j.______ Lege!DeIkAilibte. •-• 4,, .:ti.,,. i: :.. ,. - . . ? -.-; 1.,- ::.z• -:: • - 3. Fee add Fakelsopi: • • 'IA. $5,500 (See Proposal Letter Erickised) ':: S••• ' - • . • .' . 3.1 Kovacelas brine at ova ibenriss i2$ 43. Hourly (See Paragraph 4 BeloW1 _____ 92 koktOir4013 BM be paid al bider&and shall not-be totaled to financing or any other contingency: ,' '• . 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