Transtech Engineers, Inc. - RFP No. 2020-11 - Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects Submitted To 1401CITY OF ROSEMEAD � OSE EA D City Clerk's Office 10,1,,,', .n►.►U town An►erita 8838 E. Valley Blvd 43) r* rMetro Rosemead, CA 91770 P"'"e" 1'Ve 44 4- Attn: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk S E M F TECHNICAL ,/„. O �C�` q O 4,0- PROPOSAL CIVIC 4144141111111k.,/ for RFP No. 2020-11 "CPORA-RATED Project Management Services Related To SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects R t • �- . .j,.► i n 4. ,I. ►r - .---= 5r r .rte . . _ _ AOSE11 AD CITY HALL 4 - 88 9 E VALLEY BLVD i. ••—.....millik . . i . fl+ 0 w . . IRA NSTECII `� ,. . 4.- . ESL 1989 .,.1. . r ": :,►: . 4 ,.. '•-' - t fi , . „ , .- Submitted By . TRANSTECH ENGINEERS, INC. lit . .r ; '_ r :, •%.,rj.�� { ..;t?< .' ... 4.. Contact Person for this Proposal: t. �— "' Ahmad Ansari, PE, Principal ��' ,` '� '' 1v E. ahmad.ansari@transtech.org o " t'• It. ` ., , C: 949-702-5612 . ,' `1 Jxf '., A!. 1 ; 0: 909-595-8599 y �`�` � * • '• Transtech.org Due Date:01-14-21,2 pm — r , j Submittal includes 5 bound copies& 1 electronic PDF ""'" - ` Transtech Services and Actions COVID-19 & CORONAVIRUS UPDATE Transtech Responds to Recent Health Concerns & Economic Challenges On behalf of the Transtech Team,we would like to take this time to let you know that we are closely monitoring the events, and assure our current client Cities and all Cities, City Staff, and the community that the Transtech Team is fully committed and standing by your organization and community during this critical time. Transtech is here for the City's needs as they continue to navigate through and monitor the novel coronavirus(COVID-19) situation. Whether or not we are your current vendor, or our service is on an "on-call" basis,we are available to support you. We are here for you if and when you need us. At Transtech, the safety and well-being of Transtech Team Members and our client Cities is always our priority, and we recognize the important role we play in providing services to our client Cities during this critical time. Internally, we have issued notices to all our Transtech Team Members working inside City Halls, field project sites, and across our Transtech Offices emphasizing social distancing, following CDC preventative guidelines, and staying home if feeling sick. Protective gear, including masks and gloves have been made available to all Transtech Team Members. Furthermore, relevant CDC guidelines and recommended posters have been posted throughout our offices. Additionally, we have created a designated email, health@transtech.org; in which any email sent to this address will be distributed to our management team. This in effect is our own activated Emergency Operations Center(EOC)to effectively deal with the ongoing developments as they may arise—please feel free to email us with any information, 24-7. Adapting Our Services to Our Current Client Cities In addition to the above items, below are highlights of our response to our current client Cities and how we are adapting and customizing our services as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic. ✓ Transtech has long implemented all necessary and vital electronic tools,software and remote workflows to provide its services. Having such tools and software deployed,Transtech has been able to provide essential services with no service disruption to its client Cities during COVID-19. ✓ All Transtech personnel have work laptops and smartphones. Transtech's virtual workstations and cloud servers allow all Transtech personnel to work remotely virtually anywhere. ✓ Transtech utilizes Microsoft Teams virtual video/audio meeting system, and conducts client meetings virtually with all stakeholders. ✓ Transtech retains all work files electronically on its cloud servers,providing real-time access to all project stakeholders. Ease of access to information provided by Transtech minimizes face to face meetings during COVID-19. ✓ Transtech utilizes electronic/online bid management systems providing electronic bid/proposal submittal options, which eliminates or minimizes City walk-ins.Transtech has helped some of our client Cities transition to fully electronic bid/proposal submittals during City Hall closures. ✓ Transtech has implemented electronic/online permit issuance portal at no additional cost to its various client City's Building& Safety and Public Works Departments. ✓ Transtech has been instrumental in adopting electronic plan check workflows by using its own electronic plan check system to its various client City's Building&Safety and Public Works Departments at no additional cost.Transtech team has prepared and successfully implemented custom plan check portals for their client Cities and has delivered electronic plan checks throughout City Hall closures during COVID-19. ✓ During electronic permit and plan check system implementations to its client Cities,Transtech staff worked closely with City Finance and IT Departments to implement ele-Ironic/online payment workflows,and provided training to City Staff to eliminate any service disruption. ✓ Above tools and services have been implemented at no additional cost to our client Cities. This service will also be extended to new cities at no additional cost. ✓ Virtual Inspections have been implemented on a case by case basis for occupied buildings and home inspections by our Building and Safety Department. ✓ Building inspections continue for non-occupied structures. ✓ We have set up designated toll-free numbers with assigned operators and email distribution lists for continuity of virtual government services. Transtech Engineers, Inc.was highlighted in the recently published APWA Southern California Chapter's Insight Magazine Article detailing our virtual solutions during the pandemic and our response to COVID,several of our client cities have already implemented with great success(starting on page 6 of magazine) https://apwasoca I.partica.online/apwa-soca I-insight/socal-insight-2020-issue-1/flipbook/6/ lini. RESPONDING TO COVID-19 TRANSTECH DEVELOPS VIRTUAL SOLUTIONS FOR MUNICIPAL CLIENTS IN"NEW NORMAL" a'.,,v,rr,,.dr„m,Frio,h-IYroust SIJillthill.S, • SERVICES I TRANSTECH Benefits of Having a Live Virtual Plan MELISSA pEMIRG-RSP MANAGER,MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING&BUILDING Check Counter Appointments. • Provides efficiency, Electronic' /Community r.��w k • Expedites plan checking processing Development - times, Plan Check Portal I •♦ Minimizes hardcopy transmittals,and L. ., _41111.01111k— - • z • Eliminates idle lime of transmission Public 1t” deliveries - Works r+"4 111 Cavil , Works,Community Drone& 11 Live Virtual Public Virtual , •.,- - - Design ' • .� Development,Planning,and Building Inspection Live Virtual •- r� / - A -- '- f .._- ..---_ _' '- -- and Safety Appointment Platform: ' , Plan Check -- f , - -" ., s11." Transtech has also set up virtual appoint- ., - .- _ ment platforms for various City Depart- •u1--4�r ^ Counter ., - - +a Meetings �• TRANSTECII 'i Building t� ,�;,_ merits including the Public Works.Corn- .!t+:: i� 1St.1s,, e &Safety munityDevelopment.Planning.and Buildingand Safety P .±. x ' -'-+.E .'-' s (8551595"7495 ... Live Virtual Plan Check Counter Appointment Platform: Departments based on their needs and operations.With the \,8,. .1. info@transtech.org - °•'',', Transtech has established a live virtual plan check counter help of such platforms,City Staff have been able to elimi- _ _�' Transtech.org for meeting appointments directly between applicants and nate or minimize any physical interaction.but still provide 1 ''‘ , % �- ,, plan checkers.This includes an interactive online appoint- these necessary services by utilizing the virtual appointment ` -♦, ment booking platform.which has been customized for the platform.The system allows the applicant to select the pre- . `aI crani .. needs of the City through their webpage (erred dates/times of available counter hours on an automat- . ,y+! City&Traffic 4 writ ng { N - . Here is How it Works: ed system,and books the City Staff automatically via the _r71k t _-. Engineering ,.*---l-,:. '� platform for the virtual meetings.On the platform.depending�ti,. l �- • Applicants directly book and schedule appointments �+a "' ��('� t on the City's needs and operations.the forms can be tai- 1 r "� during available counter hour times and dates that pop ` -, i '.^9 - up on the calendar. bored to fit into the Department's operations to obtain neces- sary information from the applicant On behalf of our team at Transtech.we sincerely hope you. We quickly engaged with the municipalities we serve to • Once an appointment is booked. your colleagues,and your loved ones are safe.healthy.and transform"in-person'services to a fully integrated virtual the applicant receives an auto- Live Virtual Inspections and Drone well during these challenging and unprecedented times. stop during the recent closures of City Halls. mated confirmation email with the / Inspections:As part of our continued Working in a mixed City Staff and consultant environment. meetingdetails. commitment to offer virtual options. Prior to the pandemic.Transtech successfully integrated an we have all experienced how this pandemic has impacted II% we have introduced Drone and Virtual electronicplan checkportal submissionplatform for several ■ City Services and their daily interactions with their communi- • Applicants can easily edit. 7 Inspections to several of our Client municipalities.Applicants can now directly upload their , ties.Public agencies and municipalities are balancing their change.reschedule.or cancel Cities.Our inspectors are now able to resources to a plans onto the portal for Electronic Plan Check submittals. ppropriately address ongoing public health their appointment at any time. perform Drone as well as Live Virtual These portals are easily accessed through City Websites ^ challenges while continuing to provide services with as little �* interruption as possible. with direct online login credentials to upload plans that auto- • When their appointment lime Inspections for certain types of work. matically get transmitted and matched with the appropriate comes.the applicant accesses 41frtr We are utilizing drones for certain For over 30 years.Transtech has specialized in municipal plan checker based on the type of plan check needed. the video conference call by click- - !` ► �� types of inspections Additionally.we consulting services for multiple City Departments.We have These platforms are easily customized with the City logos. trig on the confirmation link sent41Iare utilizing Microsoft Teams Video seen how some of the City services will no longer be able to colors.and any other information or graphics the City wish- to them. Conferencing where we have ar- operate as they once did.especially during City Hall do- es to includeranged for our field inspectors to communicate with our sen- sures-namely any'in-person' •services providing counter ♦ From there the applicant sen- is connected directly with their for inspectors to properly inspect field conditions. related assistance-which meant the issuance of permits. During the early stages of the pandemic.we quickly Bevel- plan checker to review their plans and go over any com- plan checking.and inspections.Collectively,we developed oped additional virtual capabilities introducing and imple- ments or questions they have. The efficiency of these systems rnenting the following virtual services: allows us to implement and build a way to continue providing these services in a new.service • Both the plan checker and the applicant are able to - s them for any City directly from -friendly format adhering to current public health guidelines. • Live Virtual Plan Check and Permit Technician Counter share their screens to review the plans and any other 'R ,,r.,,ir our offices.If anything in this arti- Our firm has developed and adapted virtual services to con- Appointment Platform necessary documents. cle sounds interesting.and you tinue meeting the needs of the • Live Virtual Public Works.Community Development. • Transtech has also coordinated the designated appoint- would like to see a demo of any communities we serve integrating ir planning.and Building and Safety Appointment Platform ments with the applicants to ensure that the permit tech- virtual services.or have us set many technological assets within nician is available in real time to check the City Permit Request a Demo up mock portals for your agency. ( the Public Works.Community • Live Virtual Inspections and Drone Inspections documents if needed. please feel free to reach us by Development,Planning.and phone at 18551595-2495 or via email at infotBttranstech ora Building and Safety Departments rc nrirw.•dr,vp„X.•7-Virn.,lsdmv.y ts a 2020 Gold or Sponsor. This is their , as a Gold sponse.;. 6 7 Transtech Engineers, Inc.was highlighted in the recently published APWA Southern California Chapter's Insight Magazine Article detailing our virtual community engagement approach for Public Works Projects during COVID(starting on page 8 of magazine) https://apwasoca I.partica.online/a pwa-socal-insight/soca I-insight-2020-issue-2/flipbook/8/ rhiRESPONDING TO COVID-19 WEST COVINA&TRANSTECH LEAD VIRTUAL COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT FOR PW PROJECTS IOW,I',,,•er,mn•na-•Y I'on oaf.c,hnh.,ofI that the virtual workshop and meeting MELISSA DEMIRCI.RSP I PROJECT MANAGER,MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING&BUILDING SERVICES I T RANSTECH would be open and live. _„-,..,..,.................m..,.......,�..,_..._._._ .,„., . _ _.. .-. _...-_-.. .. .,.. businesses closed to the public,the City ._.„. • The Virtual Workshop and Meeting Ir,; had to quickly notify the residents that the• - went live' workshop and meeting were going to be it 111, A j/ 1„1/40 postponed to a later date. ( The Results and Success! 1i y Under the direction of City Management. At the end of the community workshop and 1 4 r i ! the Transtech Team quickly mobilized and `` ,, meeting.there were a total of 83 partici- developed a roadmap to conduct the work- r ,.,- pants between the different phases. Simi- 1 + shop and meeting virtually while still being lar in-person community outreach gather- 1 - both •interactive and engaging.The City ings may have yielded fewer participants was committed to continue the engage- ; ,�'Yr. when held on a typical weekday evening. f • ment and move the projects forward for the ' , The key to the success of the workshop © • community. and meetingwas beingable to collect feed- West Covina's �� Virtual Community Workshop and Meet- back and the interactive portion with the Virtual Community \\�. ' Meet- ing Roadmap: Meetings& participants to be able to effectively capture • A designated website domain was cre- Workshops the community input and quantify those `�r activities.This was achieved by having the vv r• • ated which had individual project pag- workshop and meeting live and online for a ft til <> , t iles that op.ld to .tably t.accessed r ellhom two-week period.24 hours a day.where a desktop.laptop.tablet.or cell phone. participants could participate on their own • A step by step guide on how the inter- time. I, ii i active workshop was going to be con- Both projects were successfully approved • ducted was posted on the website. by City Council with the support of the com- including links to a pre-recorded munity. Transtech Engineers has been providingmunicipal consult- ducted for each project separately to collect feedback from presentationd yand drone footage of the pants.This was g p p I p y followed by an online survey for participants to fill out. Moving forward.a hybrid approach of hosting a virtual ing services to Public Works Departments for over 30 years. the residents and explore the potential options and and in-person meeting for future community engage- As we have transitioned to our new normal-.Transtech has measures. • New and updated notices were prepared and physically ment may be the answer to engage with more partici- developed and adapted innovative virtual services integral- These meetings were scheduled to take place the 2''week mailed to the residences with the direct links and dates pants who may not be able to attend designated in- ing many technological assets within the Public Works. of March at the City's Senior Center.By February.all notic- person times.This approach also Community Development.Planning.and Building and Safe- es of the community meetings and workshops with dates. - - - Step 2:1st Community Workshop Presentation 1(Part 1) allows for actual data collection ty Departments. times.and locations were physically mailed for both projects that can be analyzed through The example below is one of their recent experiences encompassing a total of over 1,800 individual residences. - • online surveys /' providing virtual services to a community: 1st Cofor000ty Wakshop Video P,escmorm The very week the community workshop and meeting was Virtual solutions like this provide The City of West Covina Virtual Community Workshoo scheduled.LA County announced the-Safer at Home or- , an effective and powerful option and Meeting' der.With City Halls.Public Agencies.and non-essential ,y �'. re. for cities to continue their public and ement for The City of West Covina is home to over 1 . V � w of, wa tw»uw+na Public oWorks projecty tsduring our 106.000 residents. This makes community Jnew norms where in-person ).engagement particularly important for the City r — bae-we,A,✓w.oFm'.agNvea..am- as new projects come through.especially meetings may not be possible.If out when improvements are adjacent to residential r Tra stech toou want virtualtolut slearn more olutions. areas or schools,The City began the initial •! Download o PDF copy or the wesCNown please feel free to contact us. phases of two Public Works projects.Both of •� �-:.,s Pn.-s.-. �.•.�• �,..„r We can be reached by phone at these locations were nestled tightly in between r (855)595-2495 or residential areas near a school serving as the info@transtecvia email at h.org. main outlet for the residents.During the initial phases of the project development there was • 10 Gold tremendous community interest for these two Chapter Sponsor. This is their locations. s qs, third year as a Gold sponsor. Initial traffic studies were completed to deter- a OP ,.:=--t-rv- r.-r ;O mine the best traffic engineering measures -- .:;• a°”r<Video FoestcceofornnSI6Cameron Awl which would address the community needs.At w..•.,,.ar.,•••,is.:is,oi s is,•••Nme.a1. the direction of City Council and City Manage- w. .pre.rwun+.. •q,+.0.v.w'..... ' �:uw,w mn+aao ment.it was determined that as part of community outreach ,i oneloo,,,a,.riv..,.1 n -i,,,,,ot 5•,,,•.,,,, efforts.a community workshop and meeting should be con- 1. •u+r. 8 9 Cover Letter 1 Corp.HQ:13367 Benson Ave Chino, tr CA nstech r / www.transtech.org January 14, 2021 855.595.2495(toll-free) City of Rosemead TR4NSTECII City Clerk's Office 8838 E.Valley Blvd Est. 1989 Rosemead, CA 91770 Attn: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11: Project Management Service Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects Transtech is pleased to submit this proposal for the subject services. This Cover Letter provides an executive summary of our qualifications. This Cover Letter serves as an Executive Summary of our Proposal. Established in 1989, Transtech is a full-service Municipal Consulting Firm providing services to approximately 50 agencies. Established in 1989, Transtech (a California Corporation) is a multi-disciplinary engineering consulting firm. Transtech is currently providing municipal services to approximately 50 agencies, and has extensive experience working in a mixed staff/consultant environment for over 30 years. Our service capabilities include. • Building&Safety Services, Building Inspection, Plan • City Engineer, City Traffic Engineer, Check, Building Evaluations, City Building Official, Code Development Review, Public Works Enforcement Engineering, Plan Check, Inspection • Civil Engineering, Freeways and Interchanges, Local • Traffic and Transportation Planning and Streets and Roads,Sewerage, Water and Storm Drain, Engineering Pavement Management System, Grading Studies • Labor Compliance • Staff Augmentation • Planning Support • CIP Program Management • Water Resources Engineering • Construction Management and Inspection; Federally • Surveying, Mapping,ALTA, Right-of-way Funded Project Management Engineering • Grant Writing • Emergency and Disaster Response, Support • CDBG Project Management and Recovery Services We have extensive Experience in working with LACMTA (METRO), CALTRANS and LOS ANGELES COUNTY that will be involved in the review, permitting, and approval of these projects. The improvements at 1-10/Rosemead Boulevard Freeway Westbound Ramps (Project ID: MR4.1.2.08), and at I- 10/Walnut Grove Avenue Freeway Westbound Ramps (Project ID: MR4.1.2.09) are within Caltrans'jurisdiction, and will require plan review, processing, approvals and permits through Caltrans. Also, Rosemead Boulevard is a State Route under Caltrans' jurisdiction. All traffic signal improvements along Rosemead Boulevard will also A a srY TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11 TRANSTECh Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects Cover Letter 2 require plan review, processing, approvals and permits through Caltrans. Another important element of the Adaptive Traffic/Traffic Responsive Control Improvements is coordination with Los Angeles County for the following projects: • Adaptive Traffic/Traffic Responsive Control Project, Garvey, Valley, San Gabriel, Walnut Grove and Rosemead (Project ID: MR4.3.2.19) • Traffic Signal Improvements, San Gabriel Walnut Grove at Mission, Rosemead and Valley (Project ID: M R4.3.2.20) As indicated in ATTACHMENT G-2, SPECIAL GRANT CONDITIONS of the Agreement with METRO and the City the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW) will be an active participant in this project with coordination of the City's overall traffic signal management system development and integration to the Countywide information exchange network (IEN). Coordination with the LACDPW will maximize the regional arterials corridor traffic operational performance and minimize any potential conflicts. Our team includes experienced staff members who have worked for and/or with LACMTA (METRO), CALTRANS and LOS ANGELES COUNTY, and are intimately familiar with the standards and procedures, project development and approval process, staff and funding requirements of these agencies. • Ali F. Zaghari, PE, PMP, Support for Coordination with Caltrans, Caltrans Encroachment Permit Processing and METRO. Mr. Zaghari has over 35 years of experience in Transportation Management&Operations in various capacities at Caltrans. His career path includes a number of key managerial positions in Caltrans leading to his last position as the Deputy District Director for Traffic Operations at Caltrans District 7 in Los Angeles. Mr. Zaghari was the lead Caltrans representative on the 1-210 Connected Corridors (Integrated Corridor Management) study involving Caltrans, County of Los Angeles, and the four cities of Pasadena, Arcadia, Monrovia and Duarte providing direction for the system management and ITS architecture for this first pilot project in San Gabriel Valley. • Rahman Janka, PE, Support for Coordination with Caltrans, County, Metro's TAC and Metro's Arterial ITS Committee. Mr.Janka has over 35 years of experience in Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning. He has served in City Traffic Engineer and Transportation Administrator positions for the Cities of Santa Clarita and Pasadena and, and has coordinated with Los Angeles County and San Gabriel Valley cities on regional Traffic Signal/ITS systems. He was instrumental in consultant and system provider selection for the Adaptive Traffic Signal System in Pasadena, which is a very similar component to the task in the Rosemead Mobility Improvements Project. He served for ten years as the Chair of Metro's Streets and Freeways Subcommittee advising Metro TAC and Metro Board on various Transportation and ITS issues. He is also a member of Metro's Arterial ITS Committee providing input on ITS needs and functionality of the systems in the Metro region. He served for 7 years on the 1-210 Connected Corridors (Integrated Corridor Management) Project involving Caltrans, Los Angeles County, and the four cities of Pasadena, Arcadia, Monrovia and Duarte on system management and organization of this first pilot project in San Gabriel Valley. He has extensive experience working in collaboration with Los Angeles County Metro ITS Committee and has worked closely with Caltrans and LA County Technical Staff, who will be involved in the 710 MIP Projects at various levels, including review and approval and integration of the selected ITS TS into County-wide system. • Mike Benyamin, PE,Support for Coordination with Caltrans, Caltrans Encroachment Permit Processing and METRO. Mr. Benjamin has over 30 years of experience in Project Development and Management and Local Assistance Engineering at Caltrans, including as Caltrans Local Assistance Engineer managing programs and projects for local agencies, Project Initiation Documents (PID), Project Approval and Environmental Documents (PA&ED), Plan Specification and Estimates(PS&E), and Construction of the Projects. • TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11 TRANSTECh Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects Cover Letter 3 We have extensive experience in the local area and project requirements and processes, as well as working as an extension of City staff, providing services in similar capacities with minimal direction from City staff. One of the unique qualifications of Transtech and its staff is that we work as Contract City Engineers, Traffic Engineers and Project Managers for several agencies. We have extensive experience working with Public Agencies in similar assignments, including experience in dealing with Public Agency Staff, Council, and Commissions. We are accustomed to working with governmental agencies,and have a good understanding of public agency issues, procedures, and policies. We are accustomed to working with local and regional agencies, and have a good understanding of public agency issues, procedures, and policies. Our Sr. Level Project Staff includes: • Ahmad Ansari, PE, Contract Principal. Mr. Ansari, a Principal at Transtech, provides any contractual or technical support and QC/QA if and when needed. Mr.Ansari has over 30 years of past experience in City and County Public Works and has worked at several municipalities in Southern California at executive management level, City of Moreno Valley- Public Works Director/City Engineer, City of Rialto- Public Works Director/City Engineer, City of Perris-Public Works Director, City of Pomona- Deputy Public Works Director/Assistant City Engineer. • Ali Cayir, PE, Program and Project Management Support. Mr. Cayir has over 35 years of experience in engineering. He has participated on numerous multi-disciplinary teams dealing with the planning and development of civil and traffic engineering, urban and rural development, and public works projects. He served as Principal Project Manager for the design,construction and management of a variety of projects. Mr. Cayir served as contract City Engineer, Traffic Engineer and Interim Public Works Director for many municipalities in Southern California. He has a broad knowledge of municipal government operations, including preparation and presentation of staff reports/resolutions to city councils, committees and interaction with public,various city departments,city council and other governmental agencies. Our staff includes experienced engineers, contract administration, public relations staff members, who have managed numerous multi-disciplinary teams dealing with the planning, engineering, entitlement, environmental permitting, development and construction of numerous similar public works projects, including projects funded through METRO Funds. • David Ragland,PE,PLS, QSD, QSP,Engineering, QC/QA Support. Mr. Ragland is a civil engineer and land surveyor has over 30 years of diverse experience in a wide variety of projects in civil engineering. He has managed numerous multi-disciplinary teams dealing with the planning, engineering, entitlement, environmental permitting, development and construction of urban and rural development, and public works projects. • Michael Ackerman, PE, QSD, QSP, QISP, Engineering Review Support. Mr. Ackerman has over 20 years of experience. At Transtech, he has been working as a Sr. Engineer at various Transtech City Engineering Contracts. He has served at various Cities under Transtech's City Engineering Contracts, including Temple City, Huntington Park, and Alhambra. Mr. Ackerman managed Engineering and CIP, attended and coordinated with COG Regional Transportation Planning, GWMA Gateway Water Management Association, and Los Angeles Upper Reach 2 Storm Water Management Group. He is very familiar with the local and regional agencies and goals. He has a broad knowledge of municipal government operations, including preparation and presentation of staff reports/resolutions to city councils, committees and interaction with public,various city departments,city council and other governmental agencies. • Craig Melicher, PE, Project Management, QC/QA Support. Mr. Melicher has approximately 35 years of experience. Mr. Melicher has served in various capacities, such as City Engineer, and CIP Manager for various Cities. Mr. Melicher also served as Principal Program Manager for a wide variety of projects. is TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11 TRANSTECh Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects Cover Letter 4 Depending on the specific project, Mr. Melicher's services included everything from initial concept to project close-out. He has a broad knowledge of municipal government operations, including preparation and presentation of staff reports/resolutions to city councils, committees and interaction with public, various city departments, city council and other governmental agencies. • Melissa Demirci, RSP, Public Relations, Funding, Management Support. Ms. Demirci has 10 years of experience in Traffic&Transportation Analyst,Project Manager,Associate Engineer,Transportation Grant Writer. She has worked in the Public Works Department and assists in the preparation of staff reports, contract administration, RFP preparation, CIP Budget preparation, bid analysis, budgeting. She is well versed in Caltrans and Local Assistance construction filing and document system. She has prepared several transportation related grant applications and helped facilitate over $20 million in funding for clients' public works and transportation improvement projects. We have extensive experience with LACMTA (METRO) 710 North MIPs, and Measure R Funding Program and Requirements. Cash flow management,timely reporting and reimbursement submittals, accurate and proper documentation of eligible expenses are critical to maintain a steady cash flow and minimizing City's cash outlay, as well as avoiding any audit issues at the end of these projects. The 710 North MIPs are funded by Measure R Funds,and the expenditures will be paid on a reimbursement basis by submitting Quarterly Progress/Expenditure Report, with supporting documentation of expenses, Project progress and other documents as required. METRO will withhold 5% of eligible expenditures per invoice as retention pending an audit of expenditures and completion of scope of work. We work closely with METRO and manage several local projects for Local Cities where we serve as City Engineers and Project Managers. Our Team also assisted several local agencies in preparing project funding documents for over $300 million of funding for the SR 710 North MIPs, for which we had also prepared funding applications and assisted our client cities in obtaining these funds for local projects. Our team also includes Avant-Garde, Inc., a well-known expert grant coordination consultant, with extensive experience in working with METRO and managing Grant Programs for many local agencies.. Avant-Garde has been one of Transtech's exclusive Funding Support Consultant. They provide administrative responsibilities such as assistance with the preparation and monitoring of the operating budget and Capital Improvement Program budget, and work with METRO and various other funding agencies in completing appropriate form and reports to ensure that the clients are in compliance with grant requirements and reimbursement are received in a timely manner. • Lissette Montoya,Measure R Fund Quarterly Reports,Reimbursement,FTIP Program Updates Support. Ms. Montoya has approximately 20 years of experience, and works closely with METRO and other Funding Agencies. She provides funding administration to ensure that cities develop their projects in accordance with policy and procedural requirements, assists in determining eligible projects, and manages various Cities' funding programs with METRO. Ms. Montoya is proficient in managing and preparing funding reimbursement requests and reporting through various agencies (FHWA, Metro, Caltrans, HUD) for various multi-million- dollar projects. This includes programing projects in the Federal Transportation Improvement Program, processing of fund exchanges and preparing funding packages to Metro (Call for Projects, Local Return, Discretional Funding),the California Transportation Commission, Caltrans and FHWA. Ms. Montoya also has • TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11 TRANSTECI•1 Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects Cover Letter 5 experience in public relations coordination, community outreach efforts and community relations, focus group moderation in English and Spanish, business development and event planning. • Megan LeNoue, Measure R Fund Quarterly Reports, Reimbursement, FTIP Program Updates Support. Ms. LeNoue has approximately 7 years of experience. in administrative and municipal program services and contract administration. Her overall experience includes grant research and writing, funding administration, project management and analysis, community outreach support, labor compliance monitoring, and construction management assistance. Ms. LeNoue has worked in conjunction with the project managers of the company and served as a liaison to provide support on various projects. One of her main responsibilities is assisting clients with preparing and administering programs as required by federal and state funding agencies to ensure projects are developed in accordance with policy and procedural guidelines. Ms. LeNoue is proficient in preparing funding reimbursement requests and quarterly reporting through various agencies (FHWA, Metro, Caltrans, CaIOES)for various multi-million-dollar projects. Ms. Montoya and Ms. LeNoue, as a sub to Transtech, prepared FTIP Sheets for approval of several 710 North MIP Projects for various Cities. Discussion regarding relinquishment of Rosemead Blvd, which is under Caltrans Jurisdiction. Municipalities sometimes seek relinquishment of all or portions of state highways running through their jurisdictions to gain local control over the land uses on or adjacent to these roadways and to reduce the cost and delay associated with gaining Caltrans'approval,and being subject to its decisions,whenever changes are sought. Caltrans Project Development Procedures Manual, ARTICLE 3 Policies indicate Highways or local roads under Caltrans'jurisdiction that do not serve regional or statewide transportation needs should be relinquished to the appropriate local agency. There are several benefits to relinquishing facilities that are no longer required to serve regional and statewide needs: • An increase in local agencies' responsiveness to community interest in the administration, planning, construction, and operation of facilities, resulting in a cost savings to taxpayers by eliminating the need for State encroachment permits • A reduction of on-going maintenance costs for the State • A reduction in tort liability for the State • A decrease in State incident response efforts • Decreased competition for capital funds for regional and statewide improvements Caltrans is responsible for relinquishing roads well maintained and in operable condition. Major widening or other improvements (except safety improvements) should not be considered if the improvement would cause betterment of the facility beyond the state of good repair. In these cases,the city or county may elect to pay the portion of the cost to upgrade the facility geometrically or structurally over and above that which is justified. When relinquishing a State highway, there may be occasions when it is appropriate for Caltrans to perform construction work or to provide financial contributions to the local agency to ensure that the facility is well maintained and in operable condition. Construction work or financial contributions may be considered if they are in the best interest of the State. • Adjacent segments of Rosemead Boulevard have been relinquished to local jurisdictions. • Rosemead Boulevard through the City of Rosemead maybe a potential candidate for relinquishment. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11 TRANSTECh Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects Cover Letter 6 We believe our team is well qualified to perform the services requested. One of the unique qualifications of Transtech and its staff is that we work as Contract City Engineers, Traffic Engineers and Building Officials for several agencies. We have extensive experience working with Public Agencies in similar assignments, including experience in dealing with Public Agency Staff, Council, and Commissions. We are accustomed to working with governmental agencies, and have a good understanding of public agency issues, procedures, and policies. We are accustomed to working with governmental agencies, and have a good understanding of public agency issues, procedures, and policies. We have extensive experience in managing projects as City staff extension with a turn-key service approach. ✓ Successfully providing similar services to many agencies for over 30 years. ✓ Proven track record in on time and within budget project delivery. ✓ Extensive experience in working with LACMTA (METRO), CALTRANS and LOS ANGELES COUNTY that will be involved in the review, permitting and approval of these projects ✓ Extensive experience in with LACMTA (METRO) 710 North MIPs, and Measure R Funding Program and Requirements ✓ Multi-disciplinary engineering consulting service capabilities with a large pool of experienced staff to provide an array of municipal services. ✓ Ability to work collaboratively with agencies, project applicants, and other stake holders, and communicate effectively with diverse audiences and stakeholders at public forums. ✓ Committed to producing a high-quality work product and deliver a high level of customer care. ✓ Commitment of principal level management and involvement throughout the contract duration. ✓ Well experienced in-house staff readily available to commence with the services upon City's authorization. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal. Should you have any questions, or require additional information, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, Transtech Engineers, Inc. yoggreeal. Ahmad Ansari, PE, Principal E: ahmad.ansari@transtech.org C:949-702-5612 0:909-595-8599 747 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11 TRANSTECII Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects MIN 0 -I om 3 Q WN N 7 0- ..r Table of Contents TRANSTECh Est. 1989 Table of Contents Our proposal is submitted in the format specified in City's RFP Section I. PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL FORMAT. SECTION PAGE 1. Approach and Scope of Work 1.1 - 1.14 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING 1.1 SCOPE OF WORK,710 NORTH MIP FUNDING AGREEMENT HIGHLIGHTS,APPROACH 1.7 DISCUSSION REGARDING RELINQUISHMENT OF ROSEMEAD BLVD,WHICH IS UNDER CALTRANS JURISDICTION 1.13 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.1 - 2.39 PROJECT ORGANIZATION CHART 2.1 QUALIFICATIONS OF KEY STAFF 2.2 RESUMES 2.5 3. Company Qualifications 3.1 - 3.19 GENERAL COMPANY QUALIFICATIONS 3.1 EXAMPLES OF PROJECTS REPRESENTATIVE OF TRANSTECH'S DIVERSIFIED EXPERIENCE 3.4 4. References 4.1 - 4.10 5. Standard Draft Professional Services Agreement and Insurance Requirements 5.1 - 5.1 6. Addenda Acknowledgement 6.1 - 6.1 A t. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRA NSTECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects o D V v v 0 O Q° .41/ 1 . Approach and Scope of Work IRA NS fEC/I Est. 1989 1. Approach and Scope of Work 1.1 PROJECT UNDERSTANDING Through the recent L.A. Metro's 710 North Mobility Study,the City of Rosemead identified and applied for qualifying projects under this program. The City was successful in receiving a total allocation of$27,000,000 for the following four projects: 1. 1-10/Rosemead Boulevard Freeway Westbound Ramp Improvements($6,000,000) PROJECT ID: MR4.1.2.08; PROJECT TYPE 1: Local Street/Road and Freeway Local Interchange Mobility and Operational Improvement Projects 2. 1-10/Walnut Grove Avenue Freeway Westbound Ramp Improvements($6,000,000) PROJECT ID: MR4.1.2.09; PROJECT TYPE 1: Local Street/Road and Freeway Local Interchange Mobility and Operational Improvement Projects 3. Adaptive Traffic/Traffic Responsive Control Project[Garvey,Valley,San Gabriel,Walnut Grove and Rosemead] ($9,000,000) PROJECT ID:MR4.3.2.19;PROJECT TYPE 3:Intelligent Transportation Systems[ITS]Projects 4. Traffic Signal Improvements [San Gabriel Walnut Grove at Mission, Rosemead and Valley] ($6,000,000) PROJECT ID:MR4.3.2.20;PROJECT TYPE 3:Intelligent Transportation Systems[ITS]Projects The projects were identified, and were awarded LACMTA Measure R funding,as part of a broader package of projects known as the SR-710 Mobility Improvement Projects (MIPS).The SR-710 MIPS are the result of reallocated Measure R Funds for the SR-710 North Project to new mobility improvement projects within the San Gabriel Valley subregion.These projects are consistent with the purpose and need of the Gap Closure Project to relieve congestion on local streets along the SR-710 alignment between Interstates 10 and 210,with the highest priority for projects proximate to the Interstate 10 freeway. In addition to METRO,these projects will require close coordination with Caltrans and County of Los Angeles. The improvements at 1-10/Rosemead Boulevard Freeway Westbound Ramps (Project ID: MR4.1.2.08), and at I- 10/Walnut Grove Avenue Freeway Westbound Ramps (Project ID: MR4.1.2.09) are within Caltrans'jurisdiction, and will require plan review, processing, approvals and permits through Caltrans. Also, Rosemead Boulevard is a State Route under Caltrans'jurisdiction. All traffic signal improvements along Rosemead Boulevard will also require plan review, processing, approvals and permits through Caltrans. Another important element of the Adaptive Traffic/Traffic Responsive Control Improvements is coordination with Los Angeles County for the following projects: • Adaptive Traffic/Traffic Responsive Control Project, Garvey, Valley, San Gabriel, Walnut Grove and Rosemead (Project ID: MR4.3.2.19) • Traffic Signal Improvements, San Gabriel Walnut Grove at Mission, Rosemead and Valley (Project ID: M R4.3.2.20) As indicated in ATTACHMENT G-2, SPECIAL GRANT CONDITIONS of the Agreement with METRO and the City the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW) will be an active participant in this project with coordination of the City's overall traffic signal management system development and integration to the Countywide information exchange network(IEN). Coordination with the LACDPW will maximize the regional arterials corridor traffic operational performance and minimize any potential conflicts. A ■ '? 'yj' TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSIECH Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 1. Approach and Scope of Work 1.2 Grantee shall maintain proper records of the existing conditions before and after each MIP to assess the performance of the completed MIP as well as the overall program.A copy of the Before and After Study shall be submitted to LACMTA within six months of completion of the project construction. THE FOLLOWING ARE DESCRIPTION OF PROJECTS: 1. I-10/Rosemead Boulevard Freeway Westbound Ramp Improvements($6,000,000) PROJECT ID: MR4.1.2.08; PROJECT TYPE 1: Local Street/Road and Freeway Local Interchange Mobility and Operational Improvement Projects The proposed project involves improvements -- • • , to Rosemead Boulevard (SR-164) and Glendon EXISTING �� _ r r,: - s ,.,•=`,:-/"� Way(approximate postmile:Route 164,LA 5.7) z -` ' �' ;' A' and 1-10 FreewayWB On and Off Ramps at ��`' ~ '., P ;.moi irk ; ' ail ` _�, Rosemead Boulevard (approximate postmile: �� ' . -t r rI II �` rt- Route 10, LA 26.8). ` r 1 fey ill. '*`' aP.:. r T` The improvements include geometric ;¢ ' ► realignment and additional lanes to increase . • capacity, improve traffic flow, and reduce ;` ; f_ ; t_ congestion at the intersection, which will e ; continue to worsen over time without ,� , t. ' . f improvements. , *:' . The proposed improvements are as follows: 1 ,. s 1 f ��,, r 1. Widen east side of Rosemead Boulevard _ -411ir to add an exclusive right turn lane froml a " PROPOSE • ` 'i D NB Rosemead Boulevard to WB 1-10 -- /\ Freeway easterly On Ramp. � - s rWIE7 - r !� 2. Add an additional lane for the 1-10 z z .'- - Freeway easterly WB Off Ramp. }t N. *1‘,•1 0r! 3. Add an exclusive right turn lane from ,1 / �: t t t r WB Glendon Way to NB Rosemead '` I /- - , `P 1" Boulevard. :� (. / ' V �� Y J -3 4. Eliminate left turn lane from 1-10 l Freeway westerly WB Off Ramp to WB �{ a .s ` t t t s 7 ti ''; 4 a��+ '' ' Glendon Way. _' ir' % �ry 5. If determined to be feasible after further „ :, ..` (_ l Y 1 ; engineering analysis,widen west side of A ., t # fit` y _ 1. 4h,tiAi Rosemead Boulevard to provide a wider * 1- ;'. s `' , _,t i ' right turn lane(current right turn lane is .' I` "! i approx. 10' wide, which is narrow). . -,,,: .- Widening this right turn lane by 1' or 2' (which will require narrowing the sidewalk,accordingly)would improve the traffic flow. 6. Reconfigure geometric alignment of west approach on Glendon Way west of Rosemead Boulevard and provide a left turn lane for from WB Glendon Way to WB I-10 Freeway westerly On Ramp. 7. Widen south-west corner of Glendon Way and 1-10 WB westerly On-ramp to provide proper right turn lane and curb return to accommodate right turn traffic onto the ramps. -e TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSrEck Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 1. Approach and Scope of Work 1.3 2. 1-10/Walnut Grove Avenue Freeway [Westbound] Ramp Improvements($6,000,000) PROJECT ID: MR4.1.2.09; PROJECT TYPE 1: Local Street/Road and Freeway Local Interchange Mobility and Operational Improvement Projects The proposed project involves improvements to EXISTING ;_F—'t ' i A Walnut Grove Avenue and 1-10 Freeway WB On i _-_•_—_-_,,----- r Yr' and Off Ramps (approximate postmile: Route 10, 4-`---- ,1 �, LA 26.3). •_ --� I ^ The improvements include geometric realignment >AI"" ' z, #y� Nto increase capacity, improve traffic flow, and - '�';/ *- ,'" reduce congestion at the intersection, which will , t ..�... continue to worsen over time without —_ ,,•- .y` ':� improvements. r' . - The proposed improvements are as follows: . 1 1. Realign SB RT Lane from Walnut Grove ifn Avenue to the 1-10 Freeway WB On Ramp, 71 r and install a realigned 1-10 Freeway WB On ' • and Off Ramp at Walnut Grove Avenue. I r f 2. Realign striping and north and south ',. {+ rT 4 _ - approaches of Walnut Grove Avenue at . �" realignedNrgr- 110 Freeway WB On and Off Ramp. • ,.. '1-, 1 . I *+`r o 3. Install new traffic signal at realigned 1-10 Freeway WB On and Off Ramp. "PROPOSEDr i' i- , " igt- . ;.- I , ' I C 4 IL \ ,I. • "` i `fit _� rE F' r htt', ----T-Ir.„ . 1'Mt I I . . . V i.. F OM TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services IR4N511-( Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 1. Approach and Scope of Work 1.4 3. Adaptive Traffic/Traffic Responsive Control Project[Garvey,Valley,San Gabriel,Walnut Grove and Rosemead] ($9,000,000) PROJECT ID:MR4.3.2.19;PROJECT TYPE 3:Intelligent Transportation Systems[ITS]Projects The project will replace as needed the existing traffic signal PROJECT LOCATION MAP N controllers with 2070 ATC traffic signal controllers and • • A firmware at signalized intersections along Garvey Avenue, • • Valley Boulevard, San Gabriel Boulevard, Walnut Grove Avenue and Rosemead Boulevard and provide fiber optic • •Pls,*»e,d •• cable connectivity to all of these traffic signal intersections. The traffic signal controller manufacturer and firmware will • be determined during the design phase and may include • • adaptive traffic control system or traffic responsive m features, as it is appropriate and feasible for this project. • •• The main purpose of the project is to improve traffic operations,mobility,and safety for the major arterials that • run through the City.The project locations include: • • • • • • • • • • Garvey Avenue(9 intersections-W to E city limits) • Valley Boulevard (7 intersections-W to E city limits) • San Gabriel Boulevard (6 intersections N to S city limits) • • • • • Walnut Grove Avenue and (16 intersections-N to S • • city limits) • • Rosemead Boulevard (5 intersections - N to S city limits). • The design and implementation of traffic elements and • • actual locations will be determined during the design phase,which will include the following improvements: • Replace traffic signal controllers to 2070 ATC traffic signal controllers,and cabinets as required (IBD during Design). • Install fiber optic interconnect along major arterials (new conduits&cables)to improve traffic operations(subject to the design phase). • Install Ethernet switches and fiber optic communications equipment at existing controller cabinets. • Install communication hubs. • Install vehicle detection (e.g. loop,video)systems(IBD during Design). • Design and implement CCN camera system(IBD during Design). • Update traffic signal timing and traffic signal synchronization to provide optimization of traffic flow for the AM and PM peak hours. • Design and implement a new central traffic signal management system (software and communication equipment)to monitor and control all of the signalized intersections within the City. At the completion of the design phase,the City shall inform the Metro Project Manager of the number of controllers and equipment needed to upgrade the traffic signal system, and the type of traffic control system they will deploy. In addition, the City shall coordinate the system design through Metro staff and Los Angeles County Department of Public Works to coordinate with other Metro-funded traffic signal control projects in the immediate and surrounding areas and allow communication with the County of Los Angeles Information Exchange Network(!EN). An important element of this project is coordination with Los Angeles County. As indicated in ATTACHMENT G-2, SPECIAL GRANT CONDITIONS of the Agreement with METRO and the City the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW)will be an active participant in this project with coordination of the City's overall traffic signal management system development and integration to the Countywide information exchange network (IEN). Coordination with the LACDPW will maximize the regional arterials corridor traffic operational performance and minimize any potential conflicts. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services.745,1rTRANSWCIi Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 1. Approach and Scope of Work 1.5 4. Traffic Signal Improvements [San Gabriel Walnut Grove at Mission, Rosemead and Valley] ($6,000,000) PROJECT ID:MR4.3.2.20;PROJECT TYPE 3:Intelligent Transportation Systems[ITS]Projects Rosemead Traffic Signal Improvements: Various g P CAST YASAOCNA CASs SANWBRIC N PROJECT LOCATION MAP • "- locations (San Gabriel, Walnut Grove@ Mission, a Ii 35: Mr1 /� Rosemead and Valley) is an eligible SR-710 North k". • #'!� �`' !•", Corridor Mobility Improvement approved by the -°sus 'y ai1� f, 1711414, Metro Board of Directors on September 26, 2019 EL �;}� .. �. t W4,y.•� 1 �irJyL''j OC, The project contributes to mobility and operational -._"• - ; � _ ; benefits in the SR-710 corridor between I-10 and I- Y.> a� 210 consistent with the Purpose and Need of the • PROJ.LOC.4.1 A , 710 Gap Closure project. PROJ.LOC 1.1 Eoc•4a , — The project will upgrade the traffic signal system, ,.� ew.h � p .n.' H; N[FOJ AgaIYMAd t'wv a. 4• and other components at major intersections to 1 t§ . � ,�,► ' { 1 . a ; l S E6G 1;Q 3 a. A j / o 's improve the traffic operations and mobility in the < a sOUTM L=N�NIE,�LAN� City. These improvements will be planned and v...- ° '� •. = ior developed in conjunction with adjacent cities torJ.Eoc ' f' 71 . ' ensure that traffic operations are coordinated ; through major corridors within the SR-710 area. �`` �`�11ii1�, ; 4 o r. Rl�MS:n. ,•,.a � ^+ C The project will upgrade the traffic signal system, T SCUTN SAN QABRJEL — and other components at major intersections to fit' ■ t '� � -.ft.-. M .t WHITTIER MAR •� improve the traffic operations and mobility in the City. These improvements will be planned and x� - developed in conjunction with adjacent cities to ensure that traffic operations are coordinated through major corridors within the SR-710 area. The City plans to install left-turn phasing and overlapping right-turn phasing to improve traffic signal phasing and upgrade existing traffic signals to current standards at the following locations: 1. Intersection at San Gabriel Boulevard and Hellman Avenue: Implement EB/WB protective left-turn phasing. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards, which will be determined during design development. Work includes coordination with Caltrans, encroachment permit and requirements. Additional potential improvements may be required as part of Caltrans encroachment permit. 2. Intersection at San Gabriel Boulevard and Garvey Avenue: Implement SB/WB right-turn overlap phasing.An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards,which will be determined during design development. Intersection improvements may be subject to ROW availability,environmental impacts,and further studies in the design development,if found feasible,add additional SB left-turn lane. 3. Intersection at Gabriel Boulevard and Graves Avenue: Implement EB/WB protected/permitted left-turn phasing. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards,which will be determined during design development. 4. Intersection at San Gabriel Boulevard and Rush Street: Implement NB/SB left-turn protected phasing and EB/WB protected/permitted left-turn phasing. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards,which will be determined during design development. 5. Intersection at Walnut Grove Avenue and Mission Drive: Implement protected/permitted left-turn phasing in all directions.An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards,which will be determined during design development. 6. Intersection at Rosemead Boulevard and Lower Azusa Road: Upgrade NB/SB protected left-turn phasing with new poles and left turn signals on mast arms to current standards.Currently LT poles are on medians and are not to current standards. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards, which will be determined during design development. Rosemead Boulevard is under e / . 77744/45.! TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSIECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 1. Approach and Scope of Work 1.6 Caltrans jurisdiction. Work includes coordination with Caltrans, encroachment permit and requirements.Additional potential improvements may be required as part of Caltrans encroachment permit. 7. Intersection at Rosemead Boulevard and Valley Boulevard: Implement NB/SB right-turn overlap phasing. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards,which will be determined during design development. Rosemead Boulevard is under Caltrans jurisdiction. Work includes coordination with Caltrans, encroachment permit and requirements. Additional potential improvements may be required as part of Caltrans encroachment permit. 8. Intersection at Valley Boulevard and Muscatel Avenue: Implement EB/WB protected left-turn phasing.An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards,which will be determined during design development. 9. Intersection at Valley Boulevard and Ivar Avenue: Implement EB/WB protected left-turn phasing.An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards, which will be determined during design development. 10.Intersection at Valley Boulevard and Mission Drive: Implement EB/WB protected/permitted left-turn phasing.An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards,which will be determined during design development. The design and implementation of traffic elements and actual locations will be determined during the design phase, which will include the following improvements: • Replace traffic signal controllers to 2070 ATC traffic signal controllers,and cabinets as required (IBD during Design). • Install fiber optic interconnect along major arterials (new conduits&cables)to improve traffic operations(subject to the design phase). • Install Ethernet switches and fiber optic communications equipment at existing controller cabinets. • Install communication hubs. • Install vehicle detection (e.g. loop,video)systems(IBD during Design). • Design and implement CCTV camera system(IBD during Design). • Update traffic signal timing and traffic signal synchronization to provide optimization of traffic flow for the AM and PM peak hours. • Design and implement a new central traffic signal management system (software and communication equipment)to monitor and control all of the signalized intersections within the City. At the completion of the design phase, the City shall inform the Metro Project Manager of the number of controllers and equipment needed to upgrade the traffic signal system, and the type of traffic control system they will deploy. In addition, the City shall coordinate the system design through Metro staff and Los Angeles County Department of Public Works to coordinate with other Metro-funded traffic signal control projects in the immediate and surrounding areas and allow communication with the County of Los Angeles Information Exchange Network(IEN). An important element of this project is coordination with Los Angeles County. As indicated in ATTACHMENT G-2, SPECIAL GRANT CONDITIONS of the Agreement with METRO and the City the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW)will be an active participant in this project with coordination of the City's overall traffic signal management system development and integration to the Countywide information exchange network (IEN). Coordination with the LACDPW will maximize the regional arterials corridor traffic operational performance and minimize any potential conflicts. • lt'�i' TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECk Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 1. Approach and Scope of Work 1.7 SCOPE OF WORK, 710 NORTH MIP FUNDING AGREEMENT HIGHLIGHTS, APPROACH Implementation process for each of the four projects requires several complex and lengthy phases. These phases include project development, fund management, design and preparation of Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E), bidding,coordination award of construction contract,construction,construction management and inspection during construction, quality assurance/quality control, project accounting and project close out. Each phase requires complex and detail program&project management effort to assure project stays on schedule and within the budgets. Program & project management services are needed and will include all coordination required from initial project development phases through the end of construction. Program & project management services include the following anticipated tasks: • Coordination of projects and activities with involved agencies and stake holders, including the City of Rosemead, adjacent local agencies that may be impacted by the proposed improvements or may have received funding from L.A. Metro in the adjacent areas, L.A. Metro, County, Caltrans, and any other agencies and organizations that have jurisdictional control, regulatory agencies and stake holders as necessary. • Preparation of necessary request for proposals,agreements,assist in selection of various consultants.Services that will be provided by various consultants may include project design,environmental services, right-of-way acquisition and engineering services, geotechnical engineering services, traffic engineering services, surveying, and various other services to be determined as part of the project development as necessary. • Coordination to provide any and all tasks and services required to manage the project and program in an efficient and cost-effective manner. • Providing overall project and program management of the projects from initial project development through the end of construction and project closeout. The services will be provided on as-needed basis. It is anticipated that the work load for the requested services will depend on various factors, and the staffing need and work effort will vary. The City is in the process of finalizing funding agreements. METRO will inform the City the availability of final funds and the timing. The project schedules will be established based on final funding amounts and availability, as well as required process and durations for environmental reports, right-of-way takes, review and approvals by the City as well as jurisdictional and regulatory agencies. Following are highlights of the agreement between METRO and the City: • This grant shall be paid on a reimbursement basis. GRANTEE must provide the appropriate supporting documentation with the Quarterly Progress/Expenditure Report. GRANTEE Funding Commitment, if applicable, must be spent in the appropriate proportion to the Funds with each quarter's expenditures. LACMTA will withhold 5% of eligible expenditures per invoice as retention pending an audit of expenditures and completion of scope of work. • GRANTEE must use the Funds in the most cost-effective manner. If GRANTEE intends to use a consultant or contractor to implement all or part of the Project, LACMTA requires that such activities be procured in accordance with GRANTEE's contracting procedures and consistent with State law as appropriate. GRANTEE will also use the Funds in the most cost-effective manner when the Funds are used to pay "in-house" staff time. This effective use of funds provision will be verified by LACMTA through on-going Project monitoring and through any LACMTA interim and final audits. • The Quarterly Progress/Expenditure Reports with supporting documentation of expenses, Project progress and other documents as required, which has been pre-approved by LACMTA shall satisfy LACMTA invoicing requirements. Grantee shall only submit for payment the LACMTA pre-approved Quarterly Progress/ Expenditure Report Packets to the LACMTA. z / . T. ' TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSIECH Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 1. Approach and Scope of Work 1.8 • GRANTEE shall submit the draft of Quarterly Progress/Expenditure Reports within 60 days after the close of each quarter on the last day of the months November, February, May and August to the LACMTA Project Manager for review and pre-approval of the applicable report. • The Quarterly Progress/Expenditure Reports shall include all appropriate documentation (such as contractor invoices, timesheets, receipts, etc.), and any changes to interim milestone dates that do not impact the final milestone date.All supporting documents must include a clear justification and explanation of their relevance to the Project. • If a request for reimbursement exceeds$500,000 in a single month,then GRANTEE can submit such an invoice once per month with supporting documentation. • LACMTA, and/or its designee, shall have the right to conduct audits of the Project as deemed appropriate, such as financial and compliance audits,interim audits,pre-award audits, performance audits and final audits. LACMTA will commence a final audit within six months of receipt of acceptable final invoice, provided the Project is ready for final audit. Following is the overall and general scope of work that will be involved in these projects,and will require various other consulting services, such as design, surveying, geotechnical, etc. Transtech will prepare RFP's for and assist the City in the evaluation proposals and selection of consultants. The construction work will be bid out per Public Contract Code and City requirements. DESIGN: I. Preliminary Design Tasks to be performed include, but are not limited to,the following: A. Conduct field visits of the project area to identify design issues. Record existing site conditions in photographs and/or video. B. Conduct survey of the project area,establishing horizontal and vertical control for the project as necessary. C. Identify and coordinate with all utilities in the project area to facilitate the final design of the Project. D. Verify if a geotechnical survey will be necessary. If yes,conduct geotechnical investigations as necessary. E. Verify if right-of-way(R/W)acquisitions and/or vacations will be necessary.At this point all work assumed to be within existing City and Caltrans R/W. F. Coordinate with Caltrans for work within Caltrans R/W and establish required environmental, review, approval and permitting process. G. Prepare construction cost estimate. II. Environmental Analysis It is anticipated this project will be either an exempt project or a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND).Tasks to be performed include, but are not limited to,the following: A. Prepare Initial Study(IS),consistent with CEQA Guidelines. B. If IS results in any impacts,prepare MND or any other applicable environmental document as necessary. C. Prepare the Draft IS and Draft MND for public circulation as necessary, respond to questions and comments,and finalize the environmental process. D. Coordinate with Caltrans for work within Caltrans R/W for required environmental review and approval. III. Final Design Tasks to be performed include, but are not limited to,the following: A. Prepare plans for the required improvements,consistent with City and/or Caltrans format. B. Assist the City for any Community Information Workshop if necessary. C. Prepare construction specifications. D. Prepare an engineer's construction cost estimate based on the itemized quantity take-off from the contract documents. E. Coordinate with Caltrans for work within Caltrans R/W and obtain required approval and permits. F. Complete Final Plans,Specifications and Estimates(PS&E) Bid Package. IV. Project Management • TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 1. Approach and Scope of Work 1.9 Grantee expects to provide overall project and program management,funding management through its in-house staff,and by using its in-house,already approved,engineering consultant. RIGHT-OF-WAY: Where necessary. CONSTRUCTION: The construction contract will be bid out per Public Contract Code and City requirements. The 710 North MIPs are funded by Measure R Funds, and the expenditures will be paid on a reimbursement basis by submitting Quarterly Progress/Expenditure Report. Cash flow and schedule is an important element of these projects. The agreements have an expenditure plan, based on which the projects will be funded. Below is a sample of developing the project Expenditure Plan for i-10/Rosemead Boulevard Freeway Westbound Ramp Improvements, and a combined cash flow plan with project task developed by Transtech demonstrating our understanding and approach t cash flow and schedule. ATTACHMENT B-1 -EXPENDITURE PLAN COST&CASH FLOW BUDGET Measure R Program- Funding Agreement Projects- FA#9200000000MR41208 Project Title: 1-10/Rosemead Boulevard Freeway[Westbound] Ramp Improvements Project#: MR4.1.2.08 PROGRAMMED SOURCES OF FUNDS SOURCES OF FUNDS FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22 FY 2021-22 FY 2021-22 FY 2021-22 TOTAL Qtr l Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 BUDGET LACMTA PROGRAMMED FUNDS: MEASURE R FUNDS: PAED $2,500 $27,500 $35,000 $35,000 $50,000 $150,000 PS&E $7,500 $50,000 $142,500 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $650,000 RW Support $0 Const.Support $0 RW $0 Construction $0 Total MEASURE R $0 $0 $10,000 $77,500 $177,500 $185,000 $200,000 $150,000 $800,000 SUM PROG LACMTA FUNDS: $0 $0 $10,000 $77,500 $177,500 $185,000 $200,000 $150,000 $800,000 l PROJECT FUNDING $0 $0 $10,000 $77,500 $177,500 $185,000 $200,000 $150,000 $800,000 FY20-21 and FY21-22 SOURCES OF FUNDS FY 2022-23 FY 2022-23 FY 2022-23 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2023-24 FY 2023-24 FY 2023-24 TOTAL Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 BUDGET LACMTA PROGRAMMED FUNDS: MEASURER FUNDS: PAED $0 PS&E $25,000 $25,000 $50,000 RW Support $0 Const.Support $25,000 $25,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $650,000 RW $0 Construction $100,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $4,100,000 Total MEASURE R $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $125,000 $1,150,000 $1,150,000 $1,150,000 $1,150,000 $4,800,000 SUM PROG LACMTA FUNDS: $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $125,000 $1,150,000 $1,150,000 $1,150,000 $1,150,000 $4,800,000 PROJECT FUNDING $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $125,000 $1,150,000 $1,150,000 $1,150,000 $1,150,000 $4,800,000 FY22-23 and FY23-24 SOURCES OF FUNDS FY 2024-25 FY 2024-25 FY 2024-25 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2025-26 FY 2025-26 FY 2025-26 TOTAL Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 BUDGET LACMTA PROGRAMMED FUNDS: MEASURE R FUNDS: PAED $0 PS&E $0 RW Support $0 Const.Support $50,000 $50,000 $100,000 RW $0 Construction $150,000 $150,000 $300,000 Total MEASURE R $200,000 $200,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $400,000 SUM PROG LACMTA FUNDS: $200,000 $200,000 $0 $0 $0 $O $0 $0 $400,000 PROJECT FUNDING $200,000 $200,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $O $0 $400,000 FY24-25 and FY25-26 SUMMARY OF ALL FUNDS PAED $0 $0 $2,500 $27,500 $35,000 $35,000 $50,000 $0 $150,000 PS&E $25,000 $25,000 $7,500 $50,000 $142,500 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $700,000 RW Support $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0_ $0 Const.Support $50,000 $50,000 $25,000 $25,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $750,000 RW $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction $150,000 $150,000 $0 $100,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $4,400,000 TOTAL MILESTONES $225,000 $225,000 $35,000 $202,500 $1,327,500 $1,335,000 $1,350,000 $1,300,000 $6,000,000 SUM PROG LACMTA FUNDS $225,000 $225,000 $35,000 $202,500 $1,327,500 $1,335,000 $1,350,000 $1,300,000 $6,000,000 SUM NON-LACMTA FUNDS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $O $0 $0 TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING $225,000 $225,000 $35,000 $202,500 $1,327,500 $1,335,000 $1,350,000 $1,300,000 $6,000,000 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSIECEI Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 1. Approach and Scope of Work 1.10 a a a a a a s s s :;w a s VW Ia 1 1111 axxs aaakskig §, s aa1i i 3= i a a a 2 a -14= 1 i-, 1i_ . - i. 1 •u- A 1. a a a a a a a a -1a- 1 ;, . g. 11 g- - 1- 1 a a -11- 1 1. i a a II a a 51-1151-11b ,11- 1 1-a • g-. =11-a •g- g- 1 ala- 1 • 4• a 888 a a a a -1a- 1 - 1-a . f- -11-a 1- - 4- 1 -1z- 1 -1 1= a555555 IS •1 4= 1 1a a1i-z •l • .ii- a .11e a ^11- 1 a a a s a a s ^13- 1 ^11-t g- .1ey .g. 13- 1 a g -11-, i ie1 a a a a a g 5 I a ^i1- 1 =11-a .g- 1 11 =i1-a .f- eAa' 1ela- 1 . .A..1,,-- i a a a a a g a -24- 1 -_1-a .g_ 1 1 •1;1^c -g_ - -a - i -44- i @ a 1 a 1 a ( gg � s -iy, i a a a g a 1 pa .44- i 1 -ii=a l - ia1=z 'g- -i5= 1 -1 ,-- 1 .ii. i a II II a a g a -ii - 1 -Ng-,g- -11-z g- -ii- 1 g. } a -i!^ 1 -11• 1 a a a g a g 1 s °11- a =11-a l - il _ =11-a f- . =16- 1 X1a- 1 _ -14- 1 II II II a a a 1 -1a- 1 -11"a ' l - = / i -15^a •g- . -1a- 1 -1a- 1 -11- 1 a a a 1 a 1 c ' -1a- 1 . -1i=a 6- -1i=L 1- -11- 1 -it. 1 . . . g . 8 I ^1 1- 1 - - - 1a- 1 =1 1• 1 a 1 a a a a ! i 1 a -1=1 a- 1 =1 1'-a e- 1 1.-. l - ai6- 1 ^16- 1 •1e- 1 a ga a a a e -19 1 11-a g g -NT-. 1- 14- 1 '—— 1 111111111112111 11. 1 9 -14. 1 11=t .- 1i=t -11. 1 •11a i - - -1$- 1 gi g a a a a 1 ^11- 1 1 ^11-z 1-' 11 a -1a-a •g- 1 -11- i p } .! -la" a - . R =i1- 1 1 a a a a a ■ a i1- a E =1 -t •g- i =a0-,1- 1 iia- a .aa- i -i4- 1 11 a a a a 1 -i4- 1 -i1-a 1- -45-t .i- . is i -ia- i E -24. i g a a a s a 1 -i7- a 1' -ii=C .f- a a -ii=a "f- € g II II II II iia 1 •i -ii- i r ,� ! -ga- a i1.t . g- -.i1-„ l - i1^ 1 a 1. 1 -11^ a 8 .1a. a 1 a a a a a I a ` a ,1 a^ a E r r ala- 1 a16- 1 y •14- 1 a a ■ a II a a -14- i -21-a •g- -11-a •g- 1 e 1 € ? i : $e tl W a s a s a s % S ,11 a a a a a a s a a a a a a 0. 's s 11 ,, i ga � 6 � a a s s s Si s a a a a a a a a a a a a l a a a a as a F E Z3 LY; li g it w 0- i$ 1 1 8 Ili �f11 I Eg ill E o2 Js g8 k 12 11c§ f Aljlihilaii Ig- -1iiMAf HI a +1- TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSIECH Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 1. Approach and Scope of Work 1.11 General Approach: We have a structured approach to execute projects in an efficient manner that makes Transtech capable of providing the City with an efficient and quality product. Transtech has established guidelines and policies, including written manuals on quality control, project management, and design procedures for its staff and for its contract cities. These guidelines ensure a consistent approach to the execution of assignments undertaken by our organization in compliance with City's specific procedures,standards and requirements. The following paragraphs describe our general approach to deliver projects in an efficient and cost-effective manner. A project specific approach will be provided for each assigned project and will become part of the specific contract for the specific project. • Project Management: Our approach is to provide proactive management and attempt to identify potential issues and problems in advance and take corrective actions before they become problems. This requires extensive hands-on knowledge,experience and management skills of the people involved in managing the project. Our team members have extensive experience and proven track record in managing large and complex projects and bringing them to a completion on time and within budget. • Approach to Cost Control and Change Orders: We evaluate project costs and develop feasible mitigation measures to minimize additional costs. We work as a team to solve problems or make modifications in the field to address unforeseen conditions or owner generated changes in a cost-effective manner. • Approach to Scheduling and Timely Completion of Project and Schedule Recovery: The baseline schedule should properly identify the project scope, critical path, project milestones, target dates, phases and sequences of work, and activity durations. When significant activities show that they are slipping from the baseline, we work with the contractor to develop recovery plans. • Management of Documents: We use an electronic file management system. All construction forms,daily dairies,weekly statement of working days,etc.are stored in our electronic file system,and are per Caltrans documentation system. We provide these documents at the end of the project to the client in organized files as well as pdf files. • Safety and Security:We hold meetings with the contractor to review and discuss safety and security requirements,OSHA conformance,emergency security and safety procedures,and enforce security and safety responsibilities. • Funding Closeout: We prepare necessary closeout documentation required by the funding agencies, submit final reimbursement documentation,follow-up on the reimbursements,and final funds balance report. • Project Closeout: We recognize that closeout is an important part of the construction process. It signifies that the new facility structure is ready to use. We methodically handle all closeout tasks to ensure a smooth transition from construction to occupancy. • Methodology for Communication to Inform City on Work Progress: Key project team members will attend periodic project progress meetings with City staff throughout the project duration. • Electronic common project information and file sharing platform:We create and provide access to project participates a common project information and file sharing platform. Coordination with City: Key project team members will attend periodic project progress meetings with City staff throughout the project duration.We will maintain and establish and maintain a close working relationship with City staff. We will manage assigned projects, carefully control costs and resources, and complete assigned work on schedule. We will provide progress reports to the City at regular intervals. Contract Administration Approach: For construction contract administration,we follow guidelines described in Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual(LAPM). Maintaining complete and accurate files is a very important aspect of managing federally funded projects. Generally,whenever the local agency is unable to produce requested data or information, it is assumed by reviewing personnel that the required actions were either never performed or not properly recorded.Organized project files can minimize these negative assumptions. Organization and content of the project file is one indicator of effective and efficient management of the project by the resident engineer. Community Information Approach: We also provide effective public outreach, including setting up an information web site,toll free project call number, project e- mail, hold community information meetings, provide public information via e-mails on web sites. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 1. Approach and Scope of Work 1.12 Community Involvement: Supporting civic and community activities demonstrates Transtech's commitment to the progress, health,and well-being of the communities we serve. This is something that we take pride in as a company. In services and partnership with our client Cities, we have a proven record of active engagement in City and Community events. This includes involvement or presence at City programs or events, supporting local businesses through the chamber, youth events, hosting workshops, sports, scholarship opportunities,community service, managing homelessness challenges, public safety, crime prevention, or any other community benefit that the City wishes us to be a part of.Our goal is not just to serve as an engineering consultant(which is what we are best at)but to also be an active partner with our clients and further enhance the City's reputation as an ideal community to live,invest, work, and play in. We are deeply committed to maintaining our partnership with our valued customers, its community, and remain open and enthusiastic to receiving input on how to best serve the City's needs today and in the future to further enhance the City's reputation as an ideal community to live,invest,work,and play in. Below are some recent CBE programs we have started,facilitated and/or were part of. TEMPLE CITY YOUTH COMMITTEE PEDESTRIAN SAFETY EMBRACING LATINA LEADERSHIP a;_ l aa.N BOOTH The Transtech Team , j ALLIANCES (ELLAS) Transtech 100,it C • volunteered their time at no cost to 1' :; r .'4 annually hosts engineering Tr' • 4rt �"' tor _- the City by preparing traffic safety I+_ $ • • workshops at the ELIAS Annual . lit ` brochures and working together with Empowerment Conference. The le . the youth committee to educate the :•. workshop is aimed to encourage ^. i community about road safety for y1 ' students to pursue an academic "1 :--r) motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists. ` ` i. career in a STEM field. Our team This particular event was held to shares their personal experiences coincide with another City event to capture many community in college as Civil Engineering majors as well as their members. Transtech joined the Temple City Youth Committee transition into their careers. The workshop is designed to in hosting the booth that focused on pedestrian safety and empower young women in the community to advocate for included surveys for the community to fill out related to the themselves and others while making positive life choices. types of traffic improvements they would like to see around the Transtech is a big supporter of the Embracing Latina City,their frequency of using different modes of transportation Leadership Alliances (ELLAS) organization and has worked (walking,cycling,driving),and other traffic related questions. in partnership with this nonprofit for almost a decade through volunteering and mentoring. GIRLS LEADERSHIP AND MENTORING (GLAM)WORKSHOP AT HIGH SCHOOL ENLISTEE RECOGNITION CEREMONY =0BELL'S MAGNOLIA SCIENCE ACADEMY ,,T , THROUGH "OUR COMMUNITY ,___. The Transtech Team volunteered their — �' SALUTES"Transtech was honored Saturday to be part of an incredibly .1 ^ 1 to be part of the High School impactful and inspiring panel of women !�' _ 1 ,: Enlistee Recognition Dinner * at the 6th Annual GLAM Workshop. war 1 ,; u Ceremony through the nonprofit .� ' +_�' ."I''. Hosted by Magnolia Science Academy in organization "Our Community � ' � �"miiiiw the City of Bell, the workshop included ^��,• so A. Salutes". The Ceremony took young women between the ages of 10 place in Pico Rivera. It recognized and 17. The purpose of the workshop is to empower young and honored high school enlistees and their commitment women to advocate for themselves and others while making to military service as well as provided parents and positive life choices so they can become the leaders we all know guardians of enlistees with community support as their they can be! sons and daughters transition into military service. Transtech's Virtual Communication Approach due to COVID-19 Impacts: At Transtech,the safety and well-being of Transtech Team Members and our client Cities is always our priority,and we recognize the important role we play in providing services to our client Cities during this critical time. Internally, we have issued notices to all our Transtech Team Members working inside City Halls,field project sites,and across our Transtech Offices emphasizing social distancing, following CDC preventative guidelines, and staying home if feeling sick. Protective gear, including masks and gloves /1.- - TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No.2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 1. Approach and Scope of Work 1.13 have been made available to all Transtech Team Members. Furthermore, relevant CDC guidelines and recommended posters have been posted throughout our offices. Additionally,we have created a designated email,health@transtech.org;in which any email sent to this address will be distributed to our management team.This in effect is our own activated Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to effectively deal with the ongoing developments as they may arise — please feel free to email us with any information, 24-7. In addition to the above items, below are highlights of our response to our current client Cities and how we are adapting and customizing our services as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic. 1. Transtech has long implemented all necessary and vital electronic tools, software and remote workflows to provide its services. Having such tools and software deployed,Transtech has been able to provide essential services with no service disruption to its client Cities during COVID-19. 2. All Transtech personnel have work laptops and smartphones.Transtech's virtual workstations and cloud servers allow all Transtech personnel to work remotely virtually anywhere. 3. Transtech utilizes Microsoft Teams virtual video/audio meeting system and conducts client meetings virtually with all stakeholders. 4. Transtech retains all work files electronically on its Cloud servers, providing real-time access to all project stakeholders. Ease of access to information provided by Transtech minimizes face to face meetings during COVID-19. 5. Transtech utilizes electronic/online bid management systems by providing electronic bid/proposal submittal options, which eliminates or minimizes City walk-ins.Transtech has helped some of our client Cities transition to fully electronic bid/proposal submittals during City Hall closures. 6. Transtech has implemented an electronic/online permit issuance portal at no additional cost to its various client City's Building&Safety and Public Works Departments. 7. Transtech has been instrumental in adopting electronic plan check workflows by using its own electronic plan check system to its various client City's Building&Safety and Public Works Departments at no additional cost. The Transtech team has prepared and successfully implemented custom plan check portals for their client Cities and has delivered electronic plan checks throughout City Hall closures during COVID-1 9. 8. During electronic permit and plan check system implementations to its client Cities,Transtech staff worked closely with City Finance and IT Departments to implement electronic/online payment workflows and provided training to City Staff to eliminate any service disruption. 9. The above tools and services have been implemented at no additional cost to our client Cities.This service will also be extended to new cities at no additional cost. 10. Virtual Inspections have been implemented on a case by case basis for occupied buildings and home inspections by our Building and Safety Department. 11. Building inspections continue for non-occupied structures. 12. We have set up designated toll-free numbers with assigned operators and email distribution lists for continuity of virtual government services. DISCUSSION REGARDING RELINQUISHMENT OF ROSEMEAD BLVD, WHICH IS UNDER CALTRANS JURISDICTION Municipalities sometimes seek relinquishment of all or portions of state highways running through their jurisdictions to gain local control over the land uses on or adjacent to these roadways and to reduce the cost and delay associated with gaining Caltrans' approval, and being subject to its decisions,whenever changes are sought. Caltrans Project Development Procedures Manual,ARTICLE 3 Policies indicate Highways or local roads under Caltrans' jurisdiction that do not serve regional or statewide transportation needs should be relinquished to the appropriate local agency. There are several benefits to relinquishing facilities that are no longer required to serve regional and statewide needs: • An increase in local agencies' responsiveness to community interest in the administration, planning,construction, and operation of facilities, resulting in a cost savings to taxpayers by eliminating the need for State encroachment permits • . c srr �P TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 1. Approach and Scope of Work 1.14 • A reduction of on-going maintenance costs for the State • A reduction in tort liability for the State • A decrease in State incident response efforts • Decreased competition for capital funds for regional and statewide improvements Caltrans is responsible for relinquishing roads well maintained and in operable condition. Major widening or other improvements (except safety improvements) should not be considered if the improvement would cause betterment of the facility beyond the state of good repair. In these cases,the city or county may elect to pay the portion of the cost to upgrade the facility geometrically or structurally over and above that which is justified. When relinquishing a State highway, there may be occasions when it is appropriate for Caltrans to perform construction work or to provide financial contributions to the local agency to ensure that the facility is well maintained and in operable condition. Construction work or financial contributions may be considered if they are in the best interest of the State. • Adjacent segments of Rosemead Boulevard have been relinquished to local jurisdictions. • Rosemead Boulevard through the City of Rosemead maybe a potential candidate for relinquishment. nsr ,• TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECH Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2.Project Team, Key Personnel,& Resumes .0 H i I _ W _ re 0 H L 0 a. 0 k E co a) I- U ., CO L a. •N Na, 00 til 14 Z " W 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.1 PROJECT ORGANIZATION CHART CITY OF ROSEMEAD RZ (D """. -3' LEAD PROJECT AGENCY 11,11.1,..,,,.,1i TRANSTECH TEAM PROJECT ORGANIZATION CHART Coordination /7 Ahmad Ansari,PE Public with the Contract Principal Community following Over 30 years of experience.Served as Public Information, agencies that Director and City Engineer for several Cities. Noticing,& will be involved TRANSTECII Extensive experience in Public Works Project Outreach in funding, Administration. Est.1989 review process, permits,& Ali F.Zaghari,PE,PMP Avant-Garde:Lissette Montoya/Megan LeNoue Consultant 1 approvals. Management Support for Coordination with Caltrans, Technical Support for Measure R Funds Consultant 2 Caltrans Encroachment Permit Processing and Coordination and Compliance,Quarterly Reports Consultant 3 METRO 20/7 years of experience. Work closely with Consultant 4 Metro 35 years of experience working at Caltrans, METRO.As a sub to Transtech,prepared FTIP District 7 in Los Angeles. Former Deputy District Sheets for approval of 710 North MIP funding for Director for Traffic Operations. various Cities. Contractor 1 ta/6anr Contractor 2 Rahman Janka,PE Melissa Demirci,RSP/Karen Vigil,EIT Contractor 3 Ii Technical Support for Coordination with Caltrans, Public Relations,Funding,Management Support Contractor 4 County,Metro's TAC and Arterial ITS Committee 10 years of experience,assists in public Addis JO zks 35 years of experience as City Traffic Engineer. meetings and presentations,contract Served 10 years as Chair of Metro's Streets/Fwys administration.Experience in administration of Subcommittee advising Metro TAC and Board on projects in compliance with Caltrans Local Coordination various Transportation and ITS issues. Assistance Procedures(LAPM). with adjacent Cities near Mike Benyamin,PE David Ragland,PE,PLS,QSD,QSP project Technical Support for Work requiring Caltrans Engineering,QC/QA Support improvement Review,Processing and Permit Approvals Over 35 years of experience.Managed numerous areas. 30 years of experience in Project Development multi-disciplinary teams dealing with the and Management and Local Assistance planning,engineering,entitlement,permitting, Engineering at Caltrans,District 7 in Los development and construction of urban and rural Angeles. development,and public works projects. Coordination with other regulatory Michael Ackerman,PE,QSD,QSP,QISP Craig Melicher,PE agencies, Engineering Review Support Project Management,QC/QA Support entities,&utility Over 20 years of experience.Served as City Over 30 years of experience.Served in various Engineer. Extensive experience in Public Works capacities,such as City Engineer and CIP companies. Project Administration.Experience also includes Manager for various Cities.Extensive experience working for Caltrans. in contract administration for public agencies. Ali Cayir,PE Okan Demirci,PE,QSD,QSP Program and Project Management Support Program and Project Management Support 35 years of experience in City Engineering and 10 years of experience.Serves as CIP Program Project Management Manager at Transtech's Contract Cities and Coordinated Approval of 710 North MIP funding provides technical and management support. for over$300 m for various Cities. Assisted in Approval of 710 North MIP funding for over$300 m for various Cities. Established in 1989,Transtech(a California Corporation)is a multi-disciplinary engineering consulting firm. Transtech is currently providing municipal services to approximately 50 agencies,and has extensive experience working in a mixed staff/consultant environment for over 30 years. Our team includes experienced staff members who have worked for and/or with LACMTA(METRO),CALTRANS and LOS ANGELES COUNTY,and are intimately familiar with the standards and procedures,project development and approval process, staff and funding requirements of these agencies. .. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECk Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.2 QUALIFICATIONS OF KEY STAFF Our team includes experienced staff members who have worked for and/or with LACMTA (METRO), CALTRANS and LOS ANGELES COUNTY, and are intimately familiar with the standards and procedures, project development and approval process, staff and funding requirements of these agencies. • Ali F. Zaghari, PE, PMP, Support for Coordination with Caltrans, Caltrans Encroachment Permit Processing and METRO. Mr. Zaghari has over 35 years of experience in Transportation Management & Operations in various capacities at Caltrans. His career path includes a number of key managerial positions in Caltrans leading to his last position as the Deputy District Director for Traffic Operations at Caltrans District 7 in Los Angeles. Mr. Zaghari was the lead Caltrans representative on the 1-210 Connected Corridors (Integrated Corridor Management) study involving Caltrans, County of Los Angeles, and the four cities of Pasadena, Arcadia, Monrovia and Duarte providing direction for the system management and ITS architecture for this first pilot project in San Gabriel Valley. • Bahman Janka, PE, Support for Coordination with Caltrans, County, Metro's TAC and Metro's Arterial ITS Committee. Mr.Janka has over 35 years of experience in Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning. He has served in City Traffic Engineer and Transportation Administrator positions for the Cities of Santa Clarita and Pasadena and, and has coordinated with Los Angeles County and San Gabriel Valley cities on regional Traffic Signal/ITS systems. He was instrumental in consultant and system provider selection for the Adaptive Traffic Signal System in Pasadena, which is a very similar component to the task in the Rosemead Mobility Improvements Project. He served for ten years as the Chair of Metro's Streets and Freeways Subcommittee advising Metro TAC and Metro Board on various Transportation and ITS issues. He is also a member of Metro's Arterial ITS Committee providing input on ITS needs and functionality of the systems in the Metro region. He served for 7 years on the 1-210 Connected Corridors (Integrated Corridor Management) Project involving Caltrans, Los Angeles County, and the four cities of Pasadena, Arcadia, Monrovia and Duarte on system management and organization of this first pilot project in San Gabriel Valley. He has extensive experience working in collaboration with Los Angeles County Metro ITS Committee and has worked closely with Caltrans and LA County Technical Staff, who will be involved in the 710 MIP Projects at various levels, including review and approval and integration of the selected ITS TS into County-wide system. • Mike 8enyamin, PE,Support for Coordination with Caltrans, Caltrans Encroachment Permit Processing and METRO. Mr. Benjamin has over 30 years of experience in Project Development and Management and Local Assistance Engineering at Caltrans, including as Caltrans Local Assistance Engineer managing programs and projects for local agencies, Project Initiation Documents (PID), Project Approval and Environmental Documents (PA&ED), Plan Specification and Estimates(PS&E), and Construction of the Projects. We have extensive experience in the local area and project requirements and processes, as well as working as an extension of City staff, providing services in similar capacities with minimal direction from City staff. One of the unique qualifications of Transtech and its staff is that we work as Contract City Engineers, Traffic Engineers and Project Managers for several agencies. We have extensive experience working with Public Agencies in similar assignments, including experience in dealing with Public Agency Staff, Council, and Commissions. We are accustomed to working with governmental agencies, and have a good understanding of public agency issues, procedures, and policies. We are accustomed to working with local and regional agencies, and have a good understanding of public agency issues, procedures, and policies. Our Sr. Level Project Staff includes: • Ahmad Ansari, PE, Contract Principal. Mr. Ansari, a Principal at Transtech, provides any contractual or technical support and QC/CIA if and when needed. Mr.Ansari has over 30 years of past experience in City and County Public Works and has worked at several municipalities in Southern California at executive e . TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.3 management level, City of Moreno Valley- Public Works Director/City Engineer, City of Rialto- Public Works Director/City Engineer, City of Perris- Public Works Director,City of Pomona- Deputy Public Works Director/Assistant City Engineer. • Ali Cayir, PE, Program and Project Management Support. Mr. Cayir has over 35 years of experience in engineering. He has participated on numerous multi-disciplinary teams dealing with the planning and development of civil and traffic engineering, urban and rural development,and public works projects. He served as Principal Project Manager for the design,construction and management of a variety of projects. Mr. Cayir served as contract City Engineer, Traffic Engineer and Interim Public Works Director for many municipalities in Southern California. He has a broad knowledge of municipal government operations, including preparation and presentation of staff reports/resolutions to city councils, committees and interaction with public,various city departments, city council and other governmental agencies. Our staff includes experienced engineers, contract administration, public relations staff members, who have managed numerous multi-disciplinary teams dealing with the planning, engineering, entitlement, environmental permitting, development and construction of numerous similar public works projects, including projects funded through METRO Funds. • David Ragland,PE, PLS, QSD, QSP,Engineering, QC/QA Support. Mr. Ragland is a civil engineer and land surveyor has over 30 years of diverse experience in a wide variety of projects in civil engineering. He has managed numerous multi-disciplinary teams dealing with the planning, engineering, entitlement, environmental permitting, development and construction of urban and rural development, and public works projects. • Michael Ackerman, PE, QSD, QSP, QISP, Engineering Review Support. Mr. Ackerman has over 20 years of experience. At Transtech, he has been working as a Sr. Engineer at various Transtech City Engineering Contracts. He has served at various Cities under Transtech's City Engineering Contracts, including Temple City, Huntington Park, and Alhambra. Mr. Ackerman managed Engineering and CIP, attended and 111 coordinated with COG Regional Transportation Planning, GWMA Gateway Water Management Association, and Los Angeles Upper Reach 2 Storm Water Management Group. He is very familiar with the local and regional agencies and goals. He has a broad knowledge of municipal government operations, including preparation and presentation of staff reports/resolutions to city councils, committees and interaction with public,various city departments,city council and other governmental agencies. • Craig Melicher, PE, Project Management, QC/QA Support. Mr. Melicher has approximately 35 years of experience. Mr. Melicher has served in various capacities, such as City Engineer, and CIP Manager for various Cities. Mr. Melicher also served as Principal Program Manager for a wide variety of projects. Depending on the specific project, Mr. Melicher's services included everything from initial concept to project close-out. He has a broad knowledge of municipal government operations, including preparation and presentation of staff reports/resolutions to city councils, committees and interaction with public, various city departments, city council and other governmental agencies. • Melissa Demirci, RSP, Public Relations, Funding, Management Support. Ms. Demirci has 10 years of experience in Traffic&Transportation Analyst,Project Manager,Associate Engineer,Transportation Grant Writer. She has worked in the Public Works Department and assists in the preparation of staff reports, contract administration, RFP preparation, CIP Budget preparation, bid analysis, budgeting. She is well versed in Caltrans and Local Assistance construction filing and document system. She has prepared several transportation related grant applications and helped facilitate over $20 million in funding for clients' public works and transportation improvement projects. • TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECH Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.4 We have extensive experience with LACMTA (METRO) 710 North MIPs, and Measure R Funding Program and Requirements. Cash flow management,timely reporting and reimbursement submittals, accurate and proper documentation of eligible expenses are critical to maintain a steady cash flow and minimizing City's cash outlay, as well as avoiding any audit issues at the end of these projects. The 710 North MIPs are funded by Measure R Funds, and the expenditures will be paid on a reimbursement basis by submitting Quarterly Progress/ Expenditure Report, with supporting documentation of expenses, Project progress and other documents as required. METRO will withhold 5% of eligible expenditures per invoice as retention pending an audit of expenditures and completion of scope of work. We work closely with METRO and manage several local projects for Local Cities where we serve as City Engineers and Project Managers. Our Team also assisted several local agencies in preparing project funding documents for over $300 million of funding for the SR 710 North MIPs, for which we had also prepared funding applications and assisted our client cities in obtaining these funds for local projects. Our team also includes Avant-Garde, Inc., a well-known expert grant coordination consultant, with extensive experience in working with METRO and managing Grant Programs for many local agencies. Avant-Garde has been one of Transtech's exclusive Funding Support Consultant. They provide administrative responsibilities such as assistance with the preparation and monitoring of the operating budget and Capital Improvement Program budget, and work with METRO and various other funding agencies in completing appropriate form and reports to ensure that the clients are in compliance with grant requirements and reimbursement are received in a timely manner. • Lissette Montoya,Measure R Fund Quarterly Reports,Reimbursement,FTIP Program Updates Support. Ms. Montoya has approximately 20 years of experience, and works closely with METRO and other Funding Agencies. She provides funding administration to ensure that cities develop their projects in accordance with policy and procedural requirements, assists in determining eligible projects, and manages various Cities' funding programs with METRO. Ms. Montoya is proficient in managing and preparing funding reimbursement requests and reporting through various agencies (FHWA, Metro, Caltrans, HUD) for various multi-million- dollar projects. This includes programing projects in the Federal Transportation Improvement Program, processing of fund exchanges and preparing funding packages to Metro (Call for Projects, Local Return, Discretional Funding),the California Transportation Commission, Caltrans and FHWA. Ms. Montoya also has experience in public relations coordination, community outreach efforts and community relations, focus group moderation in English and Spanish, business development and event planning. • Megan LeNoue, Measure R Fund Quarterly Reports, Reimbursement, FTIP Program Updates Support. Ms. LeNoue has approximately 7 years of experience. in administrative and municipal program services and contract administration. Her overall experience includes grant research and writing, funding administration, project management and analysis, community outreach support, labor compliance monitoring, and construction management assistance. Ms. LeNoue has worked in conjunction with the project managers of the company and served as a liaison to provide support on various projects. One of her main responsibilities is assisting clients with preparing and administering programs as required by federal and state funding agencies to ensure projects are developed in accordance with policy and procedural guidelines. Ms. LeNoue is proficient in preparing funding reimbursement requests and quarterly reporting through various agencies (FHWA, Metro, Caltrans,CaIOES)for various multi-million-dollar projects. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECl/ Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.5 Ms. Montoya and Ms. LeNoue, as a sub to Transtech, prepared FTIP Sheets for approval of several 710 North MIP Projects for various Cities. RESUMES Following are resumes of Staff Members shown on the Project Organization Chart. A ,a ■ 74�' TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.6 AHMAD ANSARI,PE,Contract Principal Mr. Ansari, a Principal at Transtech, provides any contractual or technical support and IfQC/QA if and when needed. Mr.Ansari has over 30 years of past experience in City and County Public Works and has worked at several municipalities in Southern California at executive management level: • City of Moreno Valley-Public Works Director/City Engineer s • City of Rialto-Public Works Director/City Engineer • City of Perris-Public Works Director • City of Pomona-Deputy Public Works Director/Assistant City Engineer He has managed full-time staffing levels of up to 123, and served as the responsible in charge of numerous multi-disciplinary teams dealing with the business of public works including: • Capital Improvement Program project management and delivery ` „' • Real Property/Right of Way acquisition and management EDUCATION • Traffic and Transportation engineering • BS Civil Engineering& • Private Development/Entitlement process review and approval Architecture, USC • Maintenance and Operations including roads,storm drains,sewers,parks,facilities, • Resident Engineer Academy, Caltrans traffic signals,signs/striping,fleet • Real Estate • Special Districts, Landscape/Lighting Assessment • Electric Utility REGISTRATION • Participation in Economic Development/Job Creation incentives through effective • Registered Civil Engineer infrastructure improvements • Licensed Real Estate Broker Most recently,he served as Interim City Manager at City of Rialto.Prior,he managed the HIGHLIGHTS Orange County Public Works'7-year Capital Improvement Program comprised of roads, • 33 years of past experience flood and bikeway improvement projects throughout the County. in City and County Public Works He has a broad knowledge of local government operations, including preparation and • City of Rialto—Interim City presentation of agenda reports to advisory boards,commissions and city councils. He is Manager well versed in public outreach and interaction with citizenry groups, committees and • County of Orange Public stakeholders. Mr. Ansari has excellent working relationship and rapport with regional Works Administrative and sub-regional governmental/regulatory agencies. He has represented cities/county Manager at League of California Cities, CSAC/CEAC organizations,and APWA. • City of Moreno Valley- Public Works Director/City Public Works and City/County Engineering past positions held Engineer • County of Orange-Administrative Manager II • City of Rialto-Public Works • City of Moreno Valley-Public Works Director/City Engineer Director/City Engineer • City of Rialto-Public Works Director/City Engineer • City of Perris-Public Works • City of Perris-Public Works Director Director • City of Pomona-Deputy Public Works Director/Assistant City Engineer • City of Pomona-Deputy • City of Burbank-Senior Civil Engineer Public Works Director/Assistant City Multi-Million-Dollar/Complex Infrastructure Projects Managed Engineer County of Orange-Public Works, Roads- • City of Burbank-Senior Civil • Crawford Canyon Rd (Construction Phase) Engineer • Edinger Bridge Replacement(Construction Phase) • Hazard Ave Bikeway(Planning/Public Outreach Phase) • Oso Pkwy/Antonio Intersection (Planning/Design Phase) • Oso Pkwy/SR-241 Toll Rd Bridge(CM Augmentation/Bidding) • Brea Cyn Rd Widening(Planning/Funding) TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.7 • Live Oak/Trabuco Rd Safety Improvements(Design/Bidding) • Santiago Cyn Rd Safety Improvements(Planning/Public Outreach) County of Orange-Public Works, Flood- • Lane Channel Improvements(Design/Bidding) • Fullerton Creek Ph. 1 (Construction) • San Juan Creek Ph.4,5,6(Construction) City of Moreno Valley-Public Works • Nason/SR-60 freeway Interchange • Moreno Beach/SR-60 freeway Interchange • Theodore/60 freeway Interchange • Heacock Channel • Morrison Park Fire Station • City's Corporate Yard Administration Building • Reche Vista Realignment • Nason Extension/Cactus Widening • Traffic Management Center City of Rialto-Public Works • Riverside/I-10 freeway Interchange • Pepper Ave Extension and Pepper/I-210 freeway Interchange • Rialto City Park • Veterans memorial Park • Jerry Eaves Park • Riverside Ave Fire Station • Renewable Energy/Power Generation at Wastewater Treatment Plant • Foothill Blvd Improvements • Iconic Bus Shelters Citywide City of Perris-Public Works • Perris Blvd Resurfacing • Ramona Expwy Raised Medians, Landscaping and Resurfacing • City Council Chamber Renovation City of Pomona-Public Works • Mission Blvd Resurfacing and Parkway Landscaping • Mission/SR-71 Grade Separation • Variety of Water Bond Utility Improvements City of Burbank-Public Works • Five-Points(Burbank/Victory Blvd's) Intersection Realignment • Former Lockheed Building 85 Acquisition, Hazardous Waste Abatement and Demolition • Glenoaks Blvd Resurfacing • Magnolia Blvd Streetscape/Street Furniture Improvements TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services 9 TRANSIECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.8 ALI F.ZAGHARI,PE,PMP,Management Support for Coordination with Caltrans,Caltrans Encroachment Permit Processing and METRO Mr.Zaghari has over 35 years of experience in Transportation Management&Operations • '<'` •.# at various capacities in the California Department of Transportation(Caltrans). His career path includes a number of key managerial positions in Caltrans leading to his last position as the Deputy District Director (DDD)for Traffic Operations at Caltrans District 7 in Los IAngeles. 4111, Administrative and Management Responsibility As a member of District 7 Executive Team, Mr. Zaghari was responsible for policy, •y development and implementation of the traffic operations assets and the safe mobility #. of all users of the State Highway System (SHS) consisting of approximately 1500 center 4 miles of freeways and conventional highways in Los Angeles and Ventura counties. He managed an operating budget of approximately $70M encompassing both operations E management and capital outlay support needs. The organization under his leadership included critical functions such as Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS),Traffic Design, EDUCATION District Traffic Manager (DTM), Corridor Management, System Performance, and • MS Civil Engineering Encroachment Permits. • BS Civil Engineering Experience REGISTRATION (2013-2019) During his tenure as DDD, Traffic Operations, Mr. Zaghari oversaw the • Registered Civil Engineer transportation management and operations and safety of the State Highway System in • Professional Project District 7. In addition to the Safety Program implementation that delivered continuous Management(PMP) monitoring, measurement, evaluation, and enhancements of the safety aspects of the SHS, other administrative and management responsibilities included operating, HIGHLIGHTS managing, and improving the District ITS elements such as the Traffic Signal Network, • Over 35 years of past the central systems such as Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS), Ramp experience in Caltrans Metering System (RMS) and other related field elements: CCTV, CMS and detection including: systems necessary to perform monitoring, verification, detection of incidents and • Deputy District 7 Director, response functions. Traffic Operations, • Chief,Office of Traffic Design The capital outlay project development overseen by Mr.Zaghari included project concept (D7) development, project initiation (PIDs), project approval (PAED), and delivery of PS&E. • Director,Showcase Program These activities were performed both as lead and support relevant to the District's • Senior Transportation Capital Outlay Program's delivery targets. Traffic Operations Division's share of the Engineer, New Technology& targets ranged from$250M to$0.5B annually.The projects types covered a vast variety Research of needs such as development and/or upgrade of Traffic Control and safety devices,and • Senior Transportation ITS. Engineer,Traffic Operations Area Management As part of Caltrans' transformation to a system management culture, Mr. Zaghari • Associate Transportation oversaw a number of innovative transportation projects such as Reorganizing for TSMO, Engineer, Encroachment a Transportation Systems Management and Operations based reorganization launched Permits in July 2017, first of its kind in the state and arguably nationwide, and the Connected Corridors Pilot Project on Interstate 210 which is a statewide Integrated Corridor Management initiative. Other past innovative projects include the Strategic Growth Plan's Adaptive Traffic Signal Control System (ATCS) for better signal optimization and synchronization,which received the 2009 Excellence in Transportation (EIT)Award,and the Dynamic Lane Management Project at the Interstate 110/5 interchange for better operational efficiency through advanced technology, which received the 2011 Tranny Award. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECIi Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.9 (2003-2013)As Chief,Office of Traffic Design, Mr.Zaghari oversaw project development and delivery of capital outlay support projects reports and Plans Specifications and Estimates focused on traffic control and safety devices improvements. (1999-2003) As Chief, Office of Truck Services Manager, assisted in development, and implementation of policies and procedures tied to operations and safety of the extralegal loads transport on the SHS. (1993-1999) As the Showcase Project manager and later as the Program Director, Mr. Zaghari directed, and managed the pioneer Showcase Program and a multitude of regional ITS projects across Southern California. Showcase was a multi-jurisdictional program aimed at multi-modal integration and interoperability of various transportation systems management and traveler information. (1990-1993) Served as a Senior Transportation Engineer in the Office of Freeway Operations responsible for State freeway traffic operations in the San Gabriel Valley area. (1988-1990) Served as an Associate Transportation Engineer responsible for hydrology and drainage system related Encroachment Permits. (1986-1988) Served as the Assistant Transportation Engineer and a member of the Encroachment Permits writers in the District. (1984-1986)Completed the Caltrans comprehensive Rotation Training Program through various divisions such as Design,Construction,and Traffic Operations. Professional Organizations/Committees Member of the State Traffic Operations Board. Member of the Transportation Research Board, Freeway Operations Committee. Member of LA County Traffic Executive Committee. Represented Caltrans at the SCAG Transportation Committee and Subcommittee on Managed Lanes. Member of the Statewide Steering Committee overseeing Caltrans effort to revise its Traffic Impact Study and Transportation Analysis Guidelines due to SB743 shifting measurement of transportation efficiency from use of Level of Service (LOS)to Vehicle Miles Travelled(VMT). One of 4 sponsors to the Statewide Committee to develop Transportation Systems Management and Operations(TSMO)guidelines. Presentations and Awards • Presented on various topics at LA County Traffic Executive Committee presided by Supervisors Antonovich and Barger. • Represented Caltrans and made presentations at the LA Metro Board. • Presented multiple topics at the SCAG Transportation Committee. • Speaker at the Southern California ITS Conferences. • Speaker at the TRB, Freeway Operations Committee. • Coordinated one of two Southern California Agencies Forums on Driverless Cars. • Some of the Awards include: Showcase Program Completion (1999) Statewide Traffic Operations System Management(2018) National Operations Center of Excellence TSMO Champion of the Year(2019) •• / . 41? TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECH Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.10 BAHMAN JANKA, PE, Sr. Traffic Engineer, Technical Support for Coordination with Caltrans, County, Metro's TAC and Arterial ITS Committee Mr. Janka has over 35 years of experience in Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning. • He has served as City Traffic Engineer and Transportation Director for public agencies. SOIIF Administrative and Management Responsibility Administration and management activities of the Administration Division of the '` Department of Transportation with a total operating budget of$40.4 million including a $6.5 million General Fund and a staff of 50 people in four functional areas of Transportation Planning & Development/Complete Streets, Traffic Engineering/Operations,Transit Planning/Operations,and Parking Planning/Operations. r r ' Experience 7' City of Pasadena,California:Transportation Administrator EDUCATION City of Santa Clarita,California:City Traffic Engineer • MS Civil Engineering(Traffic City of Fremont,California:Associate Transportation Engineer Engineering and City of Palo Alto,California:Associate Transportation Engineer Transportation Planning, BS Entranco Engineers, Bellevue,Washington:Transportation Engineer Civil Engineering • MS Urban Planning(City and Professional Organizations/Committees Regional Planning) Chaired (10 years)the Streets and Freeways Subcommittee of Metro Former Chair of San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments' (SGVCOG) Public Works REGISTRATION Technical Advisory Committee(TAC) • Registered Civil Engineer Former President for Southern California Section of Institute of Transportation • Licensed Real Estate Broker Engineers(ITE) Member of National Association of City Transportation Officials(NACTO) HIGHLIGHTS Member of American Public Works Association (APWA) • 35 years of past experience Member of City and County Engineers Association (CCEA) in City Traffic Engineering Member of ITE's Urban Traffic Engineering Council and Expert Witness Council • City of Pasadena,California: Member of Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals(APBP) Transportation Member of City Traffic Engineers Association(CTE) Administrator • City of Santa Clarita, PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE California:City Traffic Engineer Transportation Administrator,City Of Pasadena • City of Fremont,California: Pasadena,California: February 2001 to December 2019: Associate Transportation Engineer Prepare and/or review traffic control devices and traffic control plans. Review traffic • City of Palo Alto,California: control plans for construction projects administered by the City forces for various Capital Associate Transportation Improvement Program (CIP) projects,as well as various Traffic Control Plans and Detour Engineer Plans for private development street improvement projects.Review plans for installation of various traffic control devices such as stop signs, traffic signals, flashing beacons, in pavement flashing lights, pedestrian actuated signals,etc. Review plans and specifications for new traffic signal plans and modification to existing traffic signals. Prepare or review intersection improvement projects, intersection widening, signing and channelization plans for roadways and intersections, bicycle lane implementations,and providing Complete Street enhancements at intersections such as roadway narrowing, curb extensions, median installations, corner radii modifications to make them more pedestrian friendly,etc. A / ■ I Irr°.gje TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.11 Prepare or review traffic impact studies which includ the four step process of Trip Generation,Trip Assignment, Mode Split,and Capacity Analysis or Level of Service(LOS) analysis using the Highway Capacity Manual methods to identify traffic impacts and formulate mitigation measures to address the impacts. Review the output from Traffic Signal Synchronization and Coordination models to provide signal coordination on arterial streets minimizing traffic delays and stops and promoting platooning and more orderly movement of traffic on arterial streets. Develop goals for Managing Traffic Signal Systems to improve traffic operations and reduce traffic delays. Conduct speed studies and speed management strategies using MUTCD or the previous Traffic Manual's guidelines for preparing the required "Engineering and Traffic Surveys" using the 85%of prevailing speeds and other associated factors such as accident history and conditions not readily apparent to the driver to recommend an appropriate Prima Facie Speed Limit for various arterial streets. Implement various speed management strategies and techniques,including electronic speed feedback signs,flashing beacon and advisory speed limit signs,installation of Speed Cushions(on collectors)or Speed Humps (on residential 25 mph streets), installation of chokers and curb extensions at street corners, reducing curb radii at street corners, potential installation of traffic circles, lane width narrowing, installation of edge lines to further reduce the field of view for drivers, etc. Utilize outputs from various traffic models such as EMME/2,TRANPLAN,and the current SCAG's TransCAD model in performing or reviewing traffic impact studies and Environmental Impact Reports/Statements(EIR or EIS)for various development projects or regional studies. Review the outputs from signal optimization models in review of traffic studies. City Traffic Engineer,City of Santa Clarita Santa Clarita,California: May 1992 to February 2001: Managed the activities of the Traffic Engineering and Inspection Services Division including supervising a staff of twelve people (six Traffic Engineers, five Public Works Inspectors and one Secretary). Prepared the division's operating budget and budget for transportation improvement projects as part of the City's CIP plan.Oversaw all inspection activities for CIP and private development projects. Coordinated all Storm Water permit requirements for all construction projects throughout the City as part of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements. Prepared and monitored goals and accomplishments of the Traffic Engineering and Inspection Services Division. Participated in recruiting,coaching,and supervising professional and non-technical staff. Reviewed transportation elements of large size development proposal Environmental Impact Reports(EIR)for consistency with the City's General Plan and monitored level of service at key intersections throughout the City. Prepared various grant applications for transportation improvement projects. Associate Transportation Engineer,City of Fremont Fremont,California:June 1989 to May 1992: Associate Engineer in charge of the Traffic Operations Division. Prepared or reviewed a variety of traffic studies. Prepared or reviewed signing,striping and channelization plans associated with improvement plans for all residential Tract Maps and all City's Public Works Contract (PWC) projects. Prepared detour plans for PWC projects or for special t.A / . 7 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.12 events such as parades, Art&Wine Festivals, etc. Participated in the Division's budget preparation. Coordinated with Caltrans, Alameda/Contra Costa (AC)Transit, and other agencies regarding various development plans and issues. Associate Transportation Engineer,City of Palo Alto Palo Alto,California: May 1988 to June 1989: Conducted on-going professional level traffic engineering/planning studies. Assisted in preparation and implementation of Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects. Designed signing/channelization/pavement markings. Reviewed and prepared Environmental Impact Reports.Prepared and presented Staff Reports to the City Council. Coordinated the work of private consultants. Worked with community groups to solve community concerns. Transportation Engineer,Entranco Engineers Bellevue,Washington:June 1983 to May 1988: Duties included traffic systems analysis,traffic operations studies,traffic impact studies, signalization analysis and design,and street lighting design. Performed traffic operations and traffic analyses for comprehensive transportation planning projects for roadways in both urban and rural areas. Conducted traffic impact analyses for various development projects. Designed more than 20 traffic signals including PS&E documents,for a number of cities in Washington. Used a number of transportation engineering/planning software in various projects and performed signal timing plans using computerized optimization programs for signal systems. Papers/Presentations/Accomplishments • Have presented topics at local Southern California Section of ITE • Presented a topic at first Southern California ITS Summit in October 2006 • Presented a paper at ITE Annual Meeting in Hawaii in June 2006 • Won ITE's best Scribe award among 13 western states for year 1998-1999 • Presented a paper at the 4th International Civil Engineering Conference in May 1997 • Co-authored and published a paper in January 1992 of ITE Journal • Presented papers at ITE Annual Meetings in 1985 and 1991 • Won first place in ITE's student paper contest in 1984 in Seattle 77411 °°5.. +;r� TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECk Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.13 MIKE BENYAMIN, PE, Sr. Engineer, Technical Support for Work requiring Caltrans Review, Processing and Permit Approvals Mr. Benyamin has 30 years of Caltrans experience in various fields of civil engineering, including as Caltrans Local Assistance Engineer managing federally and state funded ' programs and projects for local agencies, Project Initiation Document (PID), Project Approval and Environmental Document (PA&ED), Plan Specification and Estimate (PS&E), roadway design, transportation design, transportation operation, project 10Zmanagement, program management, project funding, and construction engineering. He has specialized in all Federal and State funding for Transportation Construction projects, overseeing the execution of the contracts, reviewing of the plans and 44. specifications,and construction of the projects. His experience at Caltrans includes: Area Project Manager.Office of Local Assistance, 11/1991 to 12/2017 EDUCATION Managing federally and state funded programs and projects for local agencies in Los • BS in Civil Engineering, Angeles and Ventura Counties at Caltrans District 7.Authorize the funds through FHWA • Land Development Desktop, and CTC, conduct meetings with the stake holders, resolve the program and funding AutoCAD,and Microstation issues, suggest funding options and report the progress to the management, conduct Certification initial field review, review and process Right of Way Certification and environmental documents, review Plans Specification and Estimate for correctness and compliance REGISTRATION with the Federal Highway Authority regulations,construction inspection, progress and • Registered Civil Engineer final invoice review and approval. Programs managed: HIGHLIGHTS • Federal Transit authority(FTA)Grants • 30 years of experience with • Surface Transportation Program (STP), (STBG) Caltrans, including as Caltrans • State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Local Assistance Engineer • Highway Bridge program(HBP) managing federally and state • Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program(HBRRP) funded programs and projects • Active Transportation Program(ATP) for local agencies • At Grade Railroad Crossing Program • Highway Safety improvement Program(HSIP) Transportation Engineer, Office of Project and Special Studies 7/1991 to 10/1991 Preparing Project Initiation Documents(PID's), Feasibility Studies(FS's)and Preliminary Investigations (PI's). Conducting engineering feasibility of proposed transportation facilities, preparing conceptual plans based on preliminary geometric designs, calculating preliminary cost estimates, preparing presentations, coordinating with stakeholders and local,state and federal agencies and writing draft and final reports. Transportation Engineer,Office of Construction 12/1990 to 6/1991 Performed a wide variety of professional engineering work in an office and field setting. Inspecting progress of the work to assure compliance with contract plans and specifications on all phases of highway construction. Assuring appropriate measurement and payment is made and that project documentation is completed in accordance with departmental policies and procedures. Transportation Engineer,Office of Highway Design 4/1989 to 12/1990 A / e TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.14 Responsible for the production of engineering reports,contract plans and cost estimates for highway construction projects. Transportation Engineer,Office of Traffic Design,and Operation 6/88 to 3/89 Prepare contract plans(roadway,signing, pavement delineation),quantities,estimates and specifications and prepare Project Study Reports(PSR), Project Reports(PR),other written reports and correspondence. Performing traffic investigations for locations identified through established headquarters safety programs, law enforcement, local agencies,and internal Caltrans departments. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.15 DAVID RAGLAND, PE, PLS,QSD,QSP, Engineering,QC/QA Support 79"16% Mr. Ragland is a civil engineer and land surveyor has over 30 years of diverse experience in a wide variety of projects in civil engineering. He has managed numerous multi- . disciplinary teams dealing with the planning, engineering, entitlement, environmental permitting,development and construction of urban and rural development,and public a` works projects. His experience also includes special emphasis on complex grading and ��_ hillside developments (has worked on the civil engineering and development of more ythan 40,000 acres of hillside properties), preparation of due diligence and project feasibility analysis, through conceptual planning and design to entitlement and construction. Following is a partial listing of projects representative of Mr. Ragland's diversified experience: General Civil Engineering Projects: EDUCATION • A number of projects in Los Angeles County, San Bernardino County and San • Humboldt State University, Diego County,including roadway,drainage,water,sewer improvements. CA, Bachelor of Science • Parkway Business Centre: Design and construction of the 460 Acre industrial park including South Poway Parkway for ADI Properties, Inc.Also served as Assessment REGISTRATION Engineer for Communities Facilities District. • Registered Civil Engineer • Campus Parkway Roadway: Design of a new roadway for a length of • Licensed Land Surveyor approximately 2 miles, and included street, medians, landscape, lighting, traffic signals,water,sewer,storm drain and various other utilities. HIGHLIGHTS • CalState University Main Access Road: Design of a new roadway for a length of • Civil engineer and land approximately 1.5 miles, and include street, medians, landscape, lighting, traffic surveyor with approximately signals,water,sewer,storm drain and various other utilities. 30 years of diverse • Cannon Roadway and Sewer: Design of approximately 2 miles of roadway and 36 experience in a wide variety inch sewer pipe and pump station. This project required careful consideration to of projects. pipe buckling due to the extreme soils conditions of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. • Managed numerous multi Special bedding techniques were used along with special coupling of the pipes to disciplinary teams dealing allow for potential deflection as the bridge abutment and road fill settled. with the planning, • Lopez Canyon Roadway and Sewer: Design and construction of over 5 miles of engineering,entitlement, roadway sewer ranging up to 36 inches in diameter. environmental permitting, • Sorrento Valley Boulevard: Design and construction of 4 miles of roadway. development and construction of urban and rural development,and Drainage and Sewer Proiects: • Northpark Boulevard Sewer Extension: Half mile gravity sewer main extension for public works projects. University Park Subdivision in the City of San Bernardino. Project required special • In the past 10 years,at Transtech,has been working structural designs and encroachment permitting for crossing 100' aqueduct right- as Engineering Manager and of way. providing engineering • University Park Storm Drain Design: Design of storm drain system with pipes services to various Cities. ranging in size from 18 to 60 inches and trapezoidal channel design for 4500 cfs. • Served as Principal Project • Eagle Bice, Muscupiabe Land Area Infrastructure Master Plan (Devore area in San Manager for the design, Bernardino) Drainage, Sewer and Water Master Plan: Approximately 500-acre construction and area for future 1,100-unit master planned community.The project also included a management of a variety of full infrastructure(roadways,storm drain,water,sewer, parks,and utilities)needs projects, including: and assessment and cost analysis for this future development. o Major infrastructure • San Elijo Ranch Drainage,Sewer and Water Master Plan,San Marcos: 2,000 acres projects for public / 3500-unit master planned community. The project included literally miles of agencies(Freeway storm drain, sewer and water lines, sedimentation areas, pump stations, booster Interchanges, stations, water reservoirs and force mains. Cannon Road Trunk Sewer and Pump Station-Design of 8-12-inch gravity sewer,6-and 8-inch force main,pump station '1 yji* TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services IRANSIEck Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.16 Roadways,Water, and wet well. City of Carlsbad Storm Drain and • Penasquitos Canyon Trunk Sewer: PS&E for two miles 36-inch gravity sewer Sewer Facilities and including design study reports.City of San Diego Master Plans). • Ranch Santa Fe Road: Relocation and rehabilitation of 1.5 miles of sewer main. o Commercial and Retail City of San Marcos Development. • Arrowhead Springs Drainage,Sewer and Water Master Plan: 4,000-acre site at the o Master Planned foothills of San Bernardino Mountains, and includes 1,500 to 2,000 residential Communities. units, 1,000,000 square feet of commercial and office space, 199-acre/18-hole o Residential public golf course, renovation and reuse of the historic Arrowhead Springs Hotel Development. with a new 115 room annex, new 300-room hotel, a conference center, 14-acre o Educational/University corporate office area. Infrastructure Master • Otay River hydrology study and dam breach analysis: 22,000-acre Otay Ranch Plan Studies and project in Chula Vista. Flows up to 33,000 cfs were studied for the Otay River. Development. • Extensive experience in Water Projects: working with Caltrans and • City of San Diego,Green Valley Water line design and construction.5000 feet, 30" County of Los Angeles. Reinforced concrete water line and pressure reducing station and details for • Extensive experience in connection to a 60-inch San Diego County Water Authority Pipeline. NPDES requirements. • City of San Diego,Structural arch and encasement designs for road crossings over • Extensive experience in the various SDCWA pipelines up to 108 inches in diameter. management and • City of San Diego, Design and construction of Mercy Road pressure booster. administration of federally • City of San Bernardino, Design of 3500 feet of 20 to 36-inch ductile iron water and state funded projects in transmission main for the development of University Park. compliance with Caltrans • City of San Bernardino, Design of over 10,000 feet of 8 through 12-inch DIP water Local Assistance Procedures main for water distribution. Manual(LAPM). • City of San Bernardino, Structural arch design for road crossing over the Dept of • Estimated valuation of Water Resources 109-inch Santa Ana pipeline. projects that Mr. Ragland • City of San Marcos Structural arch and encasement designs for road crossings over has been involved is various SDCWA pipelines up to 108 inches in diameter. approximately • Design of 30-inch CMLC steel water transmission main and pressure reducing $1,000,000,000. stations. Included structural designs for hanging the waterline on a bridge. • City of Carlsbad, Design of many thousands of feet of PVC and DIP water lines for multiple subdivisions in the City with Carlsbad Municipal Water District and the Olivenhain Water District. Master Plans: • San Elijo Hills Specific Plan. Provided planning, engineering, surveying services for the design and development of the 2,000-acre 3,500 dwelling unit Specific Plan and Master Tentative Map. • Shandin Hills Specific Plan. Provided planning engineering services for the preparation of the Specific Plan and Tentative Map. The project is a proposed 240- acre 1049 dwelling unit community. • Arrowhead Springs Specific Plan (including annexation into the City): 4,000-acre site, which includes 1,500 to 2,000 residential units, 1,000,000 square feet of commercial and office space, 199-acre/18-hole public golf course, renovation and reuse of the historic Arrowhead Springs Hotel with a new 115 room annex, new 300-room hotel,a conference center, 14-acre corporate office area. • Eagle Bice,Muscupiabe Land Area Infrastructure Master Plan Drainage,Sewer and Water Master Plan: Approximately 500-acre area for future 1,100-unit master planned community. The project also included a full infrastructure (roadways, storm drain, water, sewer, parks, and utilities) needs and assessment and cost analysis for this future development. s • TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECk Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.17 • University Development Master Plan: Approximately 200 acre site in association with the City of San Bernardino, Watson Development and Cal-State SB for the development of 200 residential, mixed use, live-work, retail, office and student housing,educational and training facilities and offices for Cal State SB University. I A '11177445,Y , TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSrECH Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.18 MICHAEL ACKERMAN,PE,QSD,QSP,QISP,Engineering Review Support 4 Mr.Ackerman has over 20 years of experience. 11/ At Transtech, he has been working as a Sr. Engineer at various Transtech City Engineering 4 Contracts. He has served at various Cities under Transtech's City Engineering Contracts, including Temple City, Huntington Park, and Alhambra. Mr. Ackerman managed ,, Engineering and CIP, attended and coordinated with COG Regional Transportation •" • Planning,GWMA Gateway Water Management Association,and Los Angeles Upper Reach 2 Storm Water Management Group. He is very familiar with the local and regional agencies and goals. He has a broad knowledge of municipal government operations, including preparation and presentation of staff reports/resolutions to city councils, committees and interaction with public,various city departments,city council and other \ governmental agencies. Mr.Ackerman's experience also includes working at Caltrans and other agencies: EDUCATION • Bachelor of Science in Caltrans District 8: Mr.Ackerman was a civil transportation engineer for Caltrans District Engineering,the University 8 where he was involved in the design and construction of various projects. of Iowa • Construction Division: In the Construction Division, Mr. Ackerman was Resident • Land Development Desktop, Engineer for various projects,including: AutoCAD Civil 3D,and o Watson Wash Bridge Replacement Right(Rte 40) Microstation Certification- o Replacement of Drains and Earthwork(Rte 40) Westech College o Fenner Overhead Bridge Replacement (Replacement of two bridges over BNSF Railroad, Rte 40). REGISTRATION • Design Division: Designed plans,specifications,and estimates for the rehabilitation of • Registered Civil Engineer Route 10 freeway from the Riverside/San Bernardino County line to Beaumont. • Traffic Operations Division: Performed studies and analyses to interpret and mitigate CERTIFICATIONS above average accident volume areas on highways and freeways. Also, he performed • Resident Engineer Academy, traffic studies. Caltrans • Water Pollution Control City of San Bernardino: Mr.Ackerman held the position of Associate Engineer under City Compliance on Construction Engineer of the Division of Public Works in the Department of Development Services. He Sites for Resident Engineers, was involved in many projects including Development Review and Plan Check,design and Caltrans review of Street Improvement Plans,Rough and Precise Grading Plans,Sewer Plans,Storm • Asphalt Pavement Drain Plans,Street Lighting Plans,Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans,Water Quality Fundamentals: Design, Management Plans, Geotechnical Reports, and Hydrology/Hydraulic Studies, land Construction,and development, industrial, commercial, residential, and transportation development Rehabilitation projects including Tract and Parcel Maps. He also directed and performed plan check of • Construction Program improvement plans submitted by developers to the City. Also,he represented the City of Management Workshop, San Bernardino at the South Tehachapi Management Team meetings, coordinated with FHWA San Bernardino County Flood Control and FEMA for the certification of City levees and • Field Office Procedures updating of the Flood Insurance Rate Maps(FIRM),and oversaw permitting and tracking Course,Caltrans of Land Development Projects through the Division of Public Works/Engineering. In • California Work Zone addition to this, Mr. Ackerman has worked intimately with Planning and Building and Inspection—High Speed, Safety Divisions on Land Development Projects. Caltrans • Asphalt Concrete Inspection City of Huntington Park: Mr. Ackerman worked as contract City Engineer under and Rehabilitation Transtech's municipal services contract and later as City Engineer and Interim Director of Strategies,Caltrans Public Works under the City. HIGHLIGHTS As City Engineer,Mr.Ackerman performed the following responsibilities: • 20 years of experience in • Planned,coordinated,and directed the activities of the Engineering Division; • TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSIEch Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.19 City Engineering. • Supervised the preparation of designs, specifications, plans, estimates and reports • Experience includes working involved in the construction of public works engineering projects, such as storm for Caltrans and City of San drains,sewer systems,and water facilities; Bernardino. • Reviewed and approved engineering plans,specification and contract documents; • At Caltrans,served as • Analyzed bids and supervises the preparation of contracts; Resident Engineer for many • Supervised building construction by outside contractors on special projects; projects. • Provided technical assistance and consults with other departments, agencies, • At City of San Bernardino, commission,and other bodies on engineering matters; worked under the City • Prepared reports for the various governing bodies concerning economic comparison, Engineer,and was responsible for Capital environmental impact studies, subdivisions, land use conversion, and capital Projects. improvements • Extensive experience in • Planned, coordinated and directed the traffic engineering functions of the City working with Caltrans. including traffic control device installations,traffic studies and local and regional area • Extensive experience in traffic growth management; NPDES requirements. • Site visits to various locations to conduct field and construction inspections,surveying, • Extensive experience in the and perform other engineering activities; management and • Administered the use of revenue obtained through subventions from the State and administration of federally County; and state funded projects in • Represented the Division to other City departments, elected officials and outside compliance with Caltrans agencies; explained and justified Engineering Division programs, policies and Local Assistance Procedures activities;negotiated and resolved sensitive,significant and controversial issues; Manual (LAPM). • Managed and participated in the development and administration of the Engineering • Served as Resident Engineer Division budget; participated in the preparation of and implement budgetary on several Federally Funded adjustments; Projects. • Coordinated Engineering Division activities with those of other departments and outside agencies and organizations;provided staff assistance to the City Manager and City Council; prepared and presented staff reports and other necessary correspondence; • Directed the work involved in the custody of maps,charts and other records dealing with City owned facilities; • Supervised and evaluated subordinate staff; • Responded to citizen inquiries and resolve difficult and sensitive complaints;and • Participated on a variety of boards and commissions; attended and participated in professional group meetings; stayed abreast of new trends and innovations in the engineering field. Public Works Projects Experience: Mr. Ackerman has also served as Project Design Engineer, Project Manager, and Construction Manager/Resident Engineer on a number of projects. Partial listing of projects representative of his project experience on recent projects include: • Project Engineer for City of Commerce, Garfield Avenue Telegraph Road to Malt Avenue Street Improvements; Eastern Avenue Pavement Overlay Stevens Through City Boundary; Garfield Avenue and Slauson Avenue Intersection Improvements; Washington/Ayers Intersection: Prepared PS&E. Federally funded projects as part of Stimulus Program. • Project Engineer for City of Baldwin Park, Francisquito Avenue Overlay Project; Ramona Boulevard Overlay Project: Prepared PS&E. Federally funded projects as part of Stimulus Program. • Project Engineer for City of San Bernardino,Sewer upgrade project: Preparation of a project PS&E for upgrade of main sewer lines at various locations per the City's Sewer Master Plan. A / • TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSIECH Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.20 • Project Engineer for City of Commerce - Master Sewer Study Telegraph Corridor re- vitalization project: Documentation of existing system.Design capacity analysis based upon land use designations. Produced master plan study report for the project along with cost estimates. • Resident Engineer for Rosemead Safety and Enhancement and ADA Improvements Project. Served as the Resident Engineer for the Rosemead Safety and Enhancement Project. The project includes widening and reconstruction of 2 miles of Rosemead Boulevard,including new medians,bike lanes,signals,sidewalks,curb&gutter,street lighting, landscape, street scape. The project is federally funded and is managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Cost$20m. • Principal CM/Resident Engineer for Valley Boulevard Rehabilitation and ADA Improvements Project (Federally Funded), Alhambra: Project involved reconstruction, pavement overlay, medians, landscape, curb and gutter, sidewalk, traffic signals and other misc. improvements. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Project also involved coordination with Caltrans for work at the 710 Freeway ramps under Caltrans Encroachment Permit. Project was completed in various phases, including nigh time construction for several phases, to minimize inconvenience to public on this heavily travelled major Arterial. • Principal CM/Resident Engineer for New Avenue, from North to South City Limit Rehabilitation and ADA Improvements Project(Federally Funded),Alhambra: Project involved reconstruction, pavement overlay, curb and gutter, sidewalk, traffic signals and other misc. improvements. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Project also involved coordination with Caltrans for work at the 1-10 Freeway ramps under Caltrans Encroachment Permit. • Principal CM/Resident Engineer for Garfield Rehabilitation and ADA Improvements Project (Federally Funded), Alhambra: Project involved reconstruction, pavement overlay, curb and gutter, sidewalk, and other misc. improvements. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. • Principal CM/Resident Engineer for City of San Bernardino, Via Duct Boulevard/2nd Street Realignment Project: Prepared PS&E and served as Construction Manager/Resident Engineer. • Project Engineer for CSUSB(Cal State SB University)San Bernardino Main Access Road: Prepared PS&E and provided construction administration for the project. Project involved design of a new roadway for a length of approximately 1.5 miles,and include street, medians, landscape, lighting, traffic signals, water, sewer, storm drain and various other utilities. • Project Engineer for CSUSB (Cal State SB University) Perimeter Road for CSUSB Palm Desert Campus: Prepared PS&E for the project. Improvements included street,water, landscape,grading,drainage,street lighting and various other improvements. • Project Engineer for CSUSB (Cal State SB University): Campus Health Center Expansion:Prepared PS&E for the project for grading, utilities and civil engineering. • Project Engineer for University of California, Riverside-West Campus Infrastructure: Prepared West Campus Infrastructure Development Design/Study, which identified utility and surface infrastructure requirements, and how these improvements could be phased to accommodate proposed campus growth, for an area of 236.8 acres to support approximately 5 million gross square feet of academic,research,support,and student housing facilities. • Project Engineer for City of San Bernardino Campus Parkway Roadway Design: Prepared PS&E as well as provided construction management and inspection services s TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.21 for the project. Improvements included street,water,sewer,storm drain,landscape, street lighting,traffic signal,and signing and striping. I ■ TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.22 LISSETTE MONTOYA,Measure R Fund Quarterly Reports,Reimbursement,FTIP Program Updates Support r - Ms. Montoya has approximately 20 years of comprehensive expertise in project management and analysis, funding management, grant administration, and community I \ 1 $ outreach programs.She is experienced in issues impacting City governments and contract 1 I administration. Ms. Montoya is the Vice-President and CFO of Avant-Garde. She has 0. ' -` experience in identifying federal and state fund allocation balances, programming funds, pf -, and administers long-and-short range programs consistent with the economic capabilities of the City. Ms. Montoya directs the Program Management team to ensure that projects \ ' are developed in accordance with policy and procedural requirements, assists in determining eligible projects for various funding sources,and manages development and capital improvement programs/projects from conception to completion. Ms. Montoya has assisted various agencies in performing a variety of analyses and studies to identify State and Federal funding options; performed time-critical and confidential studies related to fiscal and administrative requirements of grant programs;assisted in the grants solicitation process; planned and coordinated the implementation of awarded grants to EDUCATION ensure that the City was in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and • California State Polytechnic monitored and audited grant expenses. Under her direction, our team has successfully University Pomona:Master monitored federal and state funding for municipal agencies throughout Southern of Business Administration; California and written grants to secure over $438 million in funding for government in process. agencies. • Bachelor of Science in Business Management. PROJECT EXPERIENCE • A.A.General Studies,Mount San Antonio College Ms. Montoya and her team have extensive experience in grant writing, project monitoring, labor compliance and funding administration services to ensure that the HIGHLIGHTS funding secured is spent per the requirements of the funding agency and within the • Extensive Experience in required timelines. She also has experience in strategic budget planning specifically with various funding programs Capital Improvement Programs. and assisting local agencies for fund compliance, Ms. Montoya is proficient in managing and preparing funding reimbursement requests quarterly reports, and reporting through various agencies (FHWA, Metro,Caltrans, HUD)for various multi- reimbursement submittals, million-dollar projects. This includes programing projects in the Federal Transportation FTIP updates. Improvement Program, processing of fund exchanges and preparing funding packages to Metro(Call for Projects,Local Return,Discretional Funding),the California Transportation Commission, Caltrans and FHWA. Ms. Montoya, has completed the lengthy process to receive federal security clearance to access the FHWA database for TIGER reporting purposes. Ms. Montoya is very familiar with the Caltrans Local Assistance Process and preparing the necessary submittals to obtain Caltrans approvals for Environmental and Right of Way clearances, and securing obligation (E76) of funds for design and construction projects. Ms. Montoya and her team are currently providing funding administration services to the following cities: Alhambra, Bell Gardens, Cudahy, Commerce, El Monte, Industry, La Mirada, Lynwood, Manhattan Beach, Montebello, Monterey Park,Norwalk, Placentia, La Canada Flintridge,Carson,Culver City, Pico Rivera, Rosemead,Santa Monica,South El Monte,Ventura and West Covina. Project Examples: • Industry's 57/60 Confluence Project:Avant-Garde has been heavily involved with the Confluence Project, assisting in securing over $18 million in funding for the project through the TIGER Discretionary Grant Program and Metro's Call for Projects, as well as organizing outreach activities including the development of materials, delivery of public presentations,and development and maintenance of the www.freetheway.org '.s 74 • TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TeansTECII Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.23 website. Ms. Montoya, has completed the lengthy process to receive federal security clearance to access the FHWA database for future TIGER reporting purposes. Ms. Montoya oversees the preparation of all project agreements and related documents; the tracking of project expenditures and reimbursement ratios; and preparation and submittal of quarterly progress reporting and reimbursement requests to Metro. Ms. Montoya served at the City's representative in Caltrans PDT meetings. • Local Highway Bridge Program: Avant-Garde programmed Local Highway Bridge Funds for Azusa Avenue Bridge($5.2 million)and Nelson Avenue Bridge($2.4 million). Ms. Montoya is managing the overall implementation of the project, including coordinating with impacted neighboring cities and Caltrans. Management responsibilities include, working with the City Attorney, issuing RFQ/RFP's, management of the project schedule and oversee all matters related to finance, grants,and administration.This project is being administered in accordance with the Caltrans Local Programs Procedures Manual. • Lemon Avenue Interchange Project: The cities of Diamond Bar and Industry constructed a new interchange on SR-60 at Lemon Avenue.The proposed project improves traffic operations by providing direct access to SR-60 from the surrounding areas.Avant-Garde provides Program Management Services on behalf of the City of Industry. Avant-Garde provided oversight of activities including the overall project schedule and provide as-needed advisement on matters of finance, grants, and administration to both cities of Industry and Diamond Bar.The overall project budget was approximately $18 million and included federal funds and successfully worked with Metro to exchange Federal funds to local funds.Ms.Montoya served at the City's representative in Caltrans PDT meetings. • Rosemead Blvd Beautification and Enhancements Project: Avant-Garde provided funding administration services for this$20 million federally funded project (total of 14 funding sources). Avant-Garde coordinated with the design engineer, project management team and City staff to ensure that the project was implemented in accordance with State and Federal funding guidelines, as well as provide fiscal advisement on the uses of local funds for various aspects of construction activities. In addition,Avant-Garde secured $3.8 million of grant funds for the project. s TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECH Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.24 MEGAN LENOUE,Measure R Fund Quarterly Reports,Reimbursement,FTIP Program Updates Support j !� ti, -,. .;,`;..w Ms. LeNoue has seven years of experience in administrative and municipal program • , services and contract administration. Her overall experience includes grant research and r writing, funding administration, project management and analysis,community outreach ._ r support, labor compliance monitoring,and construction management assistance. "4. - - As a Senior Program Coordinator, Ms.LeNoue has worked in conjunction with the project t x' managers of the company and served as a liaison to provide support on various projects. One of her main responsibilities is assisting clients with preparing and administering programs as required by federal and state funding agencies to ensure projects are developed in accordance with policy and procedural guidelines. Ms. LeNoue is proficient in preparing funding reimbursement requests and quarterly reporting through various `"...• ''' ', - agencies (FHWA, Metro, Caltrans, CaIOES) for various multi-million-dollar projects. Ms. +"w,?i�` its r,. LeNoue assists clients in successful administration of funding requirements and program 4'l;� k management. Her responsibilities have included interfacing with Federal,State and Local ` .. + a ' - , ! Agencies to define, develop and manage project scopes, schedules, cooperative EDUCATION agreements, and overall project management to ensure projects are delivered on time • BA,St. Mary's College,CA and on schedule. • Bachelor of Science in x Ms. LeNoue assists clients by identifying federal and state fund allocation balances, HIGHLIGHTS writing grant proposal applications, assisting in determining eligible projects, and • Extensive Experience in providing advisement of program requirements. She oversees the development, various funding programs completion, and administration of grant programs. Her resourcefulness and efficacy in and assisting local agencies working with our team of grant writers helps ensure a seamless process that results in for fund compliance, qualitative work. Ms. LeNoue ensures proper delegation of tasks to the team of grant quarterly reports, writers and ascertains grant assignments are completed in a timely manner. After reimbursement submittals, assisting the City in developing a strong project plan that best meets the goals and FTIP updates. objectives of the grant,Ms.LeNoue utilizes her grant writing skills to create narrative with clear, specific language which focuses the reviewer's attention and increases the likelihood of funding the proposed project. Ms. LeNoue is adept at researching information to assist in her development of project narrative and building a strong argument for a competitive project. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Call for Projects/Measure R-Metro • City of Industry • City of Bell Gardens • City of Commerce • City of El Monte • City of Monterey Local Streets&Roads Program-CTC • City of Montebello • City of El Monte TIGER Program-FHWA • City of Industry Hazard Mitigation Program—CaIOES • City of Lynwood ATP&SB1 Funded Project Reporting-CTC $ TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services Tim/vs/Eck Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.25 • City of Montebello • City of El Monte • City of Lynwood Federal Transportation Improvement Program-SCAG • City of Industry • City of El Monte • City of Alhambra • City of Commerce • City of Monterey Park • City of Rosemead • City of West Covina • City of Bell Gardens • City of Montebello City of Industry Assisting with administering federal and state funds for the Grand Avenue/SR-60 On-ramp and Off-ramp projects, Grand Avenue/Golden Springs Road Intersection project, and Lemon Avenue project. Processes quarterly reporting with Metro and FHWA, submits reimbursement requests to Caltrans and Metro,attends Caltrans PDT meetings,monitors project schedules and expenditures, and manages agreements and/or other miscellaneous project documents. Ms. LeNoue coordinates with the project engineering teams, funding agencies (Caltrans, Metro, FHWA), City staff, and finance/accounting departments to ensure project delivery, project programming, and preparation and submittal of funding requests and/or required reporting. Ms. LeNoue also assists with miscellaneous administrative support activities such as preparation of agenda reports, community relations support,and preparation of informational materials. City of Bell Gardens Ms. LeNoue has assisted the City with identifying funding opportunities for a variety of projects; development of project particulars including project budget and schedule; development and production of grant applications; administration of grant awarded projects; and program compliance with the various funding agencies. Ms. LeNoue is currently providing grant administration services on the City's Complete Streets Plan development project; General Plan Circulation Element Update project; federal transit vehicle purchase project;near-zero emission heavy-duty truck purchase project;and two Metro CFP projects—all of which she secured the awarded competitive grant funds for the City. Each of the programs has its own administration requirements and formats for quarterly/annual reporting and reimbursement requests requiring coordination with the City and construction or design teams. 177 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TrrnrvsIECk Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.26 MELISSA DEMIRCI,RSP,Public Relations,Funding,Management Support 80 Ms. Demirci has over 10 years of experience as a Project Manager,Traffic&Transportation Analyst,Associate Engineer, Grant Writer,and Funds Coordinator.She has her BS Degree in 4 ! Civil Engineering from Cal Poly Pomona. Melissa Demirci leads our Grant Writing and Funds Management program as well as serves as one of Transtech's representative for Traffic Engineering Services at various Cities, prepares traffic safety and calming studies, stop and signal warrants/studies, traffic impact studies, traffic calming reports, parking studies, responds to requests from Public and City Officials and attends Traffic Commission, Planning Commission,City Council Meetings.She works directly with staff in the departments of public works, planning, engineering and community development at each client city. She also ""., contacts, meets with residents representing city staff in assisting in the resolution of local traffic problems and concerns. After meeting with residents, she prepares and presents reports and recommendations to various city staff and agencies. She has also attended community forums and neighborhood block meetings to discuss and answer questions about current and future traffic conditions. She has also been part of the preparation of traffic EDUCATION impact studies for development projects in Southern California, which involves the • BS,Civil Engineering,Cal coordination with developers,as well as local and regional agencies. Poly Pomona, 2010 • Chi Epsilon,Civil Engineering Ms. Demirci also has extensive experience in Transportation Planning. She has prepared Honor Society several transportation related grant applications and helped facilitate over $100 million in funding for clients' public works and transportation improvement projects. HIGHLIGHTS • Licensed Road Safety She has worked in the Public Works Department and assists in the preparation of staff Professional (RSP) reports, contract administration, RFP preparation, CIP Budget preparation, bid analysis, • Over 10 years of Experience budgeting,traffic safety and calming studies,stop and signal warrants/studies,traffic impact • Serves as a Traffic studies,traffic calming reports,and responding to requests from Public and City Officials. She Representative for several also prepares grant applications for transportation related projects including detailed figures, Traffic Authorities and diagrams, and exhibits. Ms. Demirci regularly attends Traffic Commission and City Council Traffic Commissions Meetings presenting on various items.Her Prior experience includes working as in the Energy • Secured over$20M in and Environment Department of the Mayor's preparing transportation infrastructure grants federal and state and project management for 3 years at the City of Los Angeles while completing her civil transportation grants funds engineering degree at Cal Poly. for various agencies • Completed Caltrans She is well versed in Caltrans and Local Assistance construction filing and document system. Resident Engineer Academy She served as Office Engineer responsible for all Caltrans documentation as well as • Very familiar with the Community Outreach for the Rte 71/Mission Grade Separation Project (Federally Funded, management and $40m), Washington BI Widening and Reconstruction Project (Federally Funded, $38m), and administration of federally the Bogert Trail Bridge Widening Project ($5M). Her rolls included all community funded projects in correspondence,community meeting presentations and organization, public notices,etc. compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Examples of her project experience includes: Manual(LAPM) • Served as Office Engineer for Traffic and Transportation Engineering Experience(2008-present) Rte 71/Mission Grade • City of Commerce, City of Monterey Park and City of Temple City; Contract Traffic Separation Project Engineering Support: As part of Transtech's Municipal Services Contract, Melissa (Federally Funded,$40M Demirci serves as the Transtech representative for Traffic Engineering Services. In this project). capacity she assists the City Engineer with traffic safety requests, reviews and prepares • Served as Office Engineer for traffic scoping documents for new developments, reviews traffic impact studies Rosemead Boulevard submitted by consultants to the City and provides comments for areas of concern as the Complete Streets Project Cities representative. She also attends meetings with potential developers,development (Federally and State Funded, services department and engineering staff representing traffic engineering. $20M project). • City of Alhambra, Contract Traffic Engineering Support: As part of Transtech's TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRAN51ECk Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.27 • Prior experience includes Municipal Services Contract, Melissa Demirci serves as the Transtech representative for working as in the Energy and Traffic Engineering Services. In this capacity she prepares traffic safety and calming Environment Department studies, stop and signal warrants/studies, traffic impact studies, responds to City preparing infrastructure requests,citizen complaints and attends Traffic Commission meetings. Part of her duties grants and CIP project also includes assessing safety for pedestrians, buses and bicycles by reviewing master management for 3 years at plans completed for transit and bicycles as well as safe walk to school routes the City of Los Angeles. • Preparation of Traffic Impact Studies(TIA): These studies are prepared to assess transportation impacts of proposed developments and to determine the changes in traffic and traffic control devices that will be needed in the future with the added development or land use change.The preparation of TIA's includes;Identification of impact mitigation plans, coordination with City or agency planning and traffic engineering departments. This includes the supervision of field technicians and in the field collection of traffic related data,preparing a local traffic model,conducting a level of service analysis at each study intersection and street segment, identification of mitigation measures and report preparation.Some sample project's that Melissa has been responsible for preparing include: o Private Development Projects TIA's: - Queen of Angels Church—Riverside - Condo Development project—San Gabriel - City of Palmdale—Residential Mixed Use TIA - City of Corona—Commercial Center, Industrial Center - City of Anaheim—Car Wash,Gas Station and Market - City of Chino—Andy's Burgers o CMP Traffic Monitoring Program: - City of Alhambra - City of Temple City - City of Huntington Park • Engineering and Radar Speed Survey for Various Cities: This task included the radar field survey,field observations, and calculation of 85th percentile speeds, preparation of overall city maps and preparation of final report.Various Cities some of which include: - City of Alhambra • School Site Review: This task includes the observation and analysis of school sites as related to traffic and safety. This includes suggesting drop off/pick up procedures for parents and buses, driveway assessment and signage, field review of existing signing, striping, school drop off, pick up, school crosswalks, sidewalks, crossing guard locations and the identification of future measures that will improve the traffic safety. Some schools included: - City of Alhambra—City-wide as needed - City of Temple City—City-wide as needed - City of Huntington Park—City-wide as needed - City of Commerce—City-wide as needed - City of Rosemead—City-wide as needed • Focused Parking Studies for Various Cities and Developers: This task included conducting existing inventory counts in the field and assisting cities to come up with solutions to parking demands. • Safe Route to School Program: This task includes field review of existing signing,striping, school drop off, pick up, school crosswalks, sidewalks, crossing guard locations and the identification of future measures that will improve the traffic safety. Sample programs were conducted for: City of Alhambra—City-wide as needed; City of Temple City—City- wide as needed;City of Huntington Park—City-wide as needed TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECH Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.28 Public Works Department Experience (2010-present): As part of Transtech's Municipal Services,Ms.Demirci provided services to various client cities as assistant to the Public Works Director and City Engineer. Her tasks include: • Preparation of CIP Budget (5-year CIP budget $100M+) and attend and participate in meetings and conferences with City boards and commissions, City departments, public officials, professional organizations and contractors regarding requirements for public works projects, land development/subdivision projects and other matters relating to areas of assigned responsibilities.As well as prepare Staff Reports and Presentations for Council Meetings,Commission Meetings,and Ad-Hoc Committees as well as a variety of reports,correspondence and special studies. Grant Writing Experience (2010-present): Ms. Demirci also prepares grant applications for transportation projects,awarded grants she worked on, below is a partial listing: • City of Rosemead: 2015 Metro (MTA) Call for Projects, Garvey Avenue Regional Access &Capacity Improvement Project,Award Amount:$2,315,305 • City of Rosemead:2015 Highway Safety Improvement Project(HSIP)Cycle 7, Installation of HAWK system,Award Amount:$241,300 • LRSP (Local Road Safety Plan) Caltrans Grants for 11 agencies totaling $529,000 in awarded funds. The agencies include Rosemead ($48,000), Temple City ($40,000), Commerce ($40,000), San Marino ($40,000), South El Monte ($40,000), West Covina ($84,000), Big Bear Lake ($40,000), Cudahy ($40,000), Monterey Park ($51,000), Alhambra ($62,000),and Covina ($44,000) • City of Monterey Park: 2015 Metro (MTA) Call for Projects, Monterey Pass Road Complete Streets Bike Project,Award Amount:$1,993,627 • City of Alhambra: 2013 Metro (MTA) Call for Projects, Alhambra Ped Improvement/Walking Viability Project on Valley,Award Amount:$323,427 • City of San Gabriel: 2015 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 7, Signal Safety Enhancements Project,Award Amount:$569,800 • City of San Gabriel: 2016 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 8, Install overhead flashing beacon,Award Amount:$270,200 • City of Huntington Park: 2015 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle III, Citywide Uncontrolled Crosswalk Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Project, Award Amount: $1,757,000 • City of Huntington Park:2016 Active Transportation Program(ATP)Cycle II,Uncontrolled Crosswalk SRTS Ped Safety Project,Award Amount:$1,032,000 • City of Cudahy: 2015 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle II, Wilcox Avenue Complete Streets and SRTS Project,Award Amount:$1,344,000 • City of Cudahy:2015 Metro(MTA) Call for Projects, Cudahy City Wide Complete Streets Improvement Project,Award Amount:$2,134,449 • City of Cudahy:2015 Highway Safety Improvement Project(HSIP)Cycle 7,Salt Lake Ave Safety Project,Award Amount:$363,180 • City of Cudahy:2016 Active Transportation Program (ATP)Cycle III,Atlantic Ave Bicycle and Ped Enhancement Project,Award Amount:$1,784,000 • City of Pico Rivera: 2016 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 8, Sign Improvements,Award Amount:$696,300 • City of Commerce: 2013 Metro (MTA) Call for Projects, Commerce Goods Movement Atlantic Blvd:Washington to Como,Award Amount:$631,137 • City of Commerce: 2016-17 Rubberized Pavement Grant Program (Cal Recycle), Award Amount:$281,400 t.eI TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSIECH Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.29 KAREN VIGIL,PTP,EIT,Public Relations,Funding,Management Support . Ms. Vigil has approximately 5 years of experience in Transportation and Traffic Engineering, and Grant Writing. She has worked in the Public Works Department and Building and Safety Department and assists in the preparation of staff reports,contract administration, RFP preparation, bid analysis, budgeting, traffic safety and calming * studies,stop and signal warrants/studies,traffic impact studies,traffic calming reports, `r` parking studies, and responding to requests from Public and City Officials. She also ,l prepares grant applications for transportation related projects including detailed figures, diagrams, and exhibits. She has helped facilitated about$15 million in funding } for clients' public works and transportation improvement projects Examples of her project experience includes: Public Works Department Experience(2016-2017) Rosemead-Assistant City Traffic Engineer EDUCATION As part of Transtech's Municipal Services, Ms. Vigil worked for one year in the City of • BS,Civil Engineering,Cal Rosemead as assistant to the Public Works Director and City Engineer. Her tasks Poly Pomona 2013 included the following: REGISTRATION ADMINISTRATIVE TASKS • Professional Transportation • Prepare Staff Reports and Presentations for Council Meetings, Commission Planner(PTP) Meetings,and Ad-Hoc Committees HIGHLIGHTS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL'S • Serves as a Traffic Analysts • Prepare Requests for Qualifications and Proposals (RFQ's and RFP's) to hire and Associate Engineer for consultants and outside contractors to perform services for City projects. several Traffic Authorities • Analyze submitted proposals and bids and Traffic Commissions. • Prepare staff reports for City Council meetings. • Serves as assistant to City Engineer and Public Works TRAFFIC COMMISSION Director preparing • Traffic Commission items coordinator. budgeting,contract • Point of contact for Traffic Commission related items. management,staff report • Prepare staff reports for Traffic Commission items. writing,and misc. items. • Attend and participate in Traffic Commission meetings. • Bilingual in both written and spoken Spanish PLAN CHECK REVIEW • Extensive experience in • Participate in the plan check, review, and processing of plans for private diagram and conceptual developments affecting city streets, sewers, drains, and related public works preparation for design. facilities and ensure that they all meet City imposed requirements. • Secured over$15M in • Coordinate with other departments such as Planning and Building Department for federal and state grant Plan Checks funds for various agencies OTHER TASKS • Respond to inquiries and requests for information from the general public, contractors,and other agencies. • Prepare memos, letters,and field reports in the course of performing work. • Assist in the preparation of Engineering Division budget. • Attend and participate in meetings and conferences with City boards and commissions, City departments, public officials, professional organizations and contractors regarding requirements for public works projects, land • TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECI! Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.30 development/subdivision projects and other matters relating to areas of assigned responsibilities. • Prepare a variety of reports,correspondence and special studies. Traffic and Transportation Engineering Experience(2010-present) Temple City,Alhambra,Rosemead,Commerce,Monterey Park Huntington Park,Cudahy Traffic Commission: As part of Transtech's Municipal Services Contract, Ms. Vigil also assists in the preparation of traffic safety and calming studies, stop and signal warrants/studies,traffic impact studies,calming reports,responding to requests from Public and City Officials. She also attends Traffic Commission meetings and assists in presentations of reports. Focused Parking Studies for Various Cities and Developers: This task included conducting existing inventory counts in the field and assisting cities to come up with solutions to parking demands. School Site Review: This task includes the observation and analysis of school sites as related to traffic and safety.This includes suggesting drop off/pick up procedures for parents and buses,driveway assessment and signage. Safe Route to School Program: This task includes field review of existing signing,striping,school drop off,pick up,school crosswalks,sidewalks,crossing guard locations and the identification of future measures that will improve the traffic safety.Sample programs were conducted for: - City of Alhambra—City-wide as needed - City of Temple City—City-wide as needed - City of Huntington Park—City-wide as needed Grant Writing Experience(2014-present):Ms.Vigil also prepares grant applications for transportation projects,awarded grants she worked on include: • City of Monterey Park:2018 Active Transportation Program(ATP)Cycle 4,Citywide School and Crosswalk Safety Improvements Project, Awarded Funding Amount: $1,367,000 • City of Monterey Park: 2018 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 9, Signal Safety Enhancement Project,Awarded Funding Amount:$540,000 • City of Alhambra: 2018 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 9, Pedestrian Safety Improvements at Signalized Intersections Project, Awarded Funding Amount:$600,000 • City of South El Monte:2018 Highway Safety Improvement Project(HSIP) Cycle 9, Signal Safety Enhancement Project,Awarded Funding Amount:$876,000 • City of Commerce: 2018-19 Rubberized Pavement Grant Program (Cal Recycle), Awarded Funding Amount:$348,600 • City of Commerce: 2016-17 Rubberized Pavement Grant Program (Cal Recycle), Awarded Funding Amount:$281,400 • City of Rosemead: 2015 Metro (MTA) Call for Projects, Garvey Avenue Regional Access&Capacity Improvement Project,Award Amount:$2,315,305 • City of Rosemead: 2015 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 7, Installation of HAWK system,Award Amount:$241,300 • City of Monterey Park: 2015 Metro (MTA) Call for Projects, Monterey Pass Road Complete Streets Bike Project,Award Amount:$1,993,627 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECH Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.31 • City of Alhambra: 2013 Metro (MTA) Call for Projects, Alhambra Ped Improvement/Walking Viability Project on Valley,Award Amount:$323,427 • City of San Gabriel:2015 Highway Safety Improvement Project(HSIP)Cycle 7,Signal Safety Enhancements Project,Award Amount:$569,800 • City of San Gabriel: 2016 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 8, Install overhead flashing beacon,Award Amount:$270,200 • City of Huntington Park: 2015 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle III, Citywide Uncontrolled Crosswalk Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Project, Award Amount:$1,757,000 • City of Huntington Park: 2016 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle II, Uncontrolled Crosswalk SRTS Ped Safety Project,Award Amount:$1,032,000 • City of Cudahy: 2015 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle II,Wilcox Avenue Complete Streets and SRTS Project,Award Amount:$1,344,000 • City of Cudahy: 2015 Metro (MTA) Call for Projects, Cudahy City Wide Complete Streets Improvement Project,Award Amount:$2,134,449 • City of Cudahy:2015 Highway Safety Improvement Project(HSIP)Cycle 7,Salt Lake Ave Safety Project,Award Amount:$363,180 • City of Cudahy: 2016 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle III, Atlantic Ave Bicycle and Ped Enhancement Project,Award Amount:$1,784,000 • City of Pico Rivera:2016 Highway Safety Improvement Project(HSIP) Cycle 8, Sign Improvements,Award Amount:$696,300 • City of Commerce: 2013 Metro (MTA) Call for Projects, Commerce Goods Movement Atlantic Blvd:Washington to Como,Award Amount:$631,137 • City of Commerce: 2016-17 Rubberized Pavement Grant Program (Cal Recycle), Award Amount:$281,400 Building and Safety Department(2014-Present) Ms. Vigil also provides support to our Building and Safety Department and assists our Building Official with necessary reports,plan check processing, permit technician tasks, as well as other Building and Safety duties across multiple agencies as part of Transtech's Municipal Services Contract. 77747 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECIi Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.32 CRAIG MELICHER,PE,Project Management,QC/QA Support - Mr. Melicher has approximately 35 years of experience. Mr. Melicher has served in various capacities,such as Building Official,City Engineer,and CIP Manager for various Cities. He has extensive experience in construction, California 4_,,,.. .,.,..... ,, Building Codes, building and safety plan check and inspection, code interpretations,and - itt.. resolving code related construction and plan check problems on a broad range of residential, commercial and public works capital improvement projects. He has a broad knowledge of municipal government operations, including preparation and presentation ., of staff reports/resolutions to city councils, committees and interaction with public, various city departments,city council and other governmental agencies. ,` , Mr. Melicher also served as Principal Program Manager for a wide variety of projects. . . i Depending on the specific project,Mr.Melicher's services included everything from initial concept to project close-out. As each project faced its own unique challenges, Mr. EDUCATION Melicher was able to employ his extensive public agency background to insure the most • Bachelor of Science in Civil expedition and cost effective solution to each respective challenge,especially where, as Engineering,Cal Poly, Program Manager, Mr. Melicher was specifically responsible for acting on behalf of and Pomona insuring the best interests of the project's client. His experience includes serving as • Various Construction Owner's Representative and Construction Manager for large and complex construction Management Classes at projects,such asworks/infrastructure,communitycenter,cityhall,library, UCLA, including: public parking structure, movie theaters, retail centers, etc. He has extensive experience in • Legal Aspects of construction,Green Book,Caltrans Standards, Building Codes. Construction Management • Primavera based Mr. Melicher has participated in a wide variety of multi-disciplinary development teams Construction Scheduling responsible for projects that include: Software • Public Works and Infrastructure Improvements • Commercial and Retail Developments REGISTRATION • Transportation and Parking Related Facilities • State of California Registered • Residential and Mixed Use Development Civil Engineer • Industrial Development HIGHLIGHTS • Served as City Engineer and Some of the significant projects managed by Mr.Melicher include: Building Official for 6 Cities. • Riverside County Transportation Commission, Corona Main Street Metrolink • Experience in working with Parking Structure and Pedestrian Bridge. Construction of a 6 level, approximately State Architect's Office. 1,000 space parking structure that included a pedestrian bridge. • Diversified experience in • City of Alhambra Renaissance Plaza Parking Structure and Entertainment Center. both Type A(General Construction of a 5 level,approximately 600 space parking structure,a 10-plex movie Engineering)and Type B theater,several retail/restaurant tenant spaces. (Building) projects. • City of San Bernardino Historic Santa Fe Depot Renovation and Transit Center • Experience in federally Parking Structure. Craig managed the restoration and rehabilitation of the historic funded project San Bernardino Santa Fe Train Depot. The scope included significant hazardous management. materials abatement, seismic and other structural upgrades, office tenant improvements, restaurant improvements, installation of new electrical, HVAC, and plumbing systems,and improvements to the adjacent site. The project later included a 2%:level parking structure for approximately 350 cars. • TACC Cultural Center Development,Lanham,MD. Construction of a 310,000 square foot development that included five buildings over an underground parking garage, a Turkish Bath that includes a subterranean swimming pool and basketball court; a TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.33 cultural center with auditorium and museum space;a fellowship hall with restaurant; a 16 unit apartment building and a large religious facility. • City of Commerce Rosewood Community Center Closeout. Construction of Transtech was retained by the City to take over the closeout as the project had fallen more than two years behind schedule. Craig assisted the City to complete the closeout and help resolve a multi-million dollar delay claim filed by the contractor against the City. • Alhambra Redevelopment Agency Downtown Revitalization Program. Revitalization program that included multiple improvements to the Fremont Plaza that included significant alteration of existing buildings for lease by Toys-R-Us and Party City, construction of a new 30,000 square foot store for PetSmart,and several other stand-alone retail buildings.Significant additional remodel work was also done on multiple buildings on Main Street for various retail and restaurant uses. Mr. Melicher also provide his expertise in the construction field serving as an expert witnesses for construction claims and defects and has a strong background on the legal aspects of project and construction management, and Mr. Melicher is particularly well versed in California statutes regulating all types of publicly funded construction. Mr. Melicher has a broad knowledge of municipal government operations, including preparation and presentation of staff reports/resolutions to city councils, committees and interaction with public, various city departments, city council and other governmental agencies. Mr. Melicher also provides training,and establishes procedures for project,construction and program management to local governmental agencies. He lead a team of experts in the preparation of a very extensive Project, Program and Construction Management Procedures Manual for the public agency to assist the department in developing and implementing efficient and state of the art project management practices and procedures to better serve the operational needs of the department,as well as ensuring the delivery of good customer service to its clients. Mr. Melicher also provided his expertise in the construction field serving as an expert witness for construction claims and defects. He has a strong background on the legal aspects of project and construction management and is particularly well versed in California statutes regulating all types of publicly funded construction. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECH Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.34 ALI CAYIR, PE,Program and Project Management Support Mr. Cayir has over 35 years of experience in engineering. He has participated on numerous multi-disciplinary teams dealing with the planning and development of civil and traffic engineering, urban and rural development, and public works projects. He lek served as Principal Project Manager for the design, construction and management of a ' ' lit:— variety of projects, including: • Public Works and Infrastructure Improvements • Educational and University Campuses • Institutional • Commercial and Retail • Transportation and Parking Facilities • Residential and Master Community Development Mr. Cayir served as contract City Engineer, Traffic Engineer and Interim Public Works EDUCATION Director for many municipalities in Southern California. He has a broad knowledge of • BS Engineering municipal government operations, including preparation and presentation of staff • MBA reports/resolutions to city councils,committees and interaction with public,various city • Project/Construction departments,city council and other governmental agencies. Management, UC Irvine Municipal Engineering Assignments(past and present) REGISTRATION • City of Alhambra-Contract City Engineer/City Traffic Engineer • Registered Civil Engineer • City of Temple City-Contract City Engineer/City Traffic Engineer • Licensed Gen Contractor A • City of Commerce-Interim City Engineer/City Traffic Engineer/PW Director • Licensed Gen Contractor B • City of Hanford-City Traffic Engineer • City of La Habra Heights-City Engineer/City Traffic Engineer HIGHLIGHTS • City of Pomona-Interim City Engineer • 30 years of experience in City • City of Commerce, Interim W Director/City Engineer/Traffic Engineer Engineering. • City of Bellflower, Deputy City Engineer • Served as contract City • City of Cudahy,CIP Manager Engineer and City Traffic • City of San Bernardino,CIP Manager Engineer for many Cities. • City of Huntington Park,City Engineer • City of Alhambra-Contract City Engineer/City Traffic Construction Management Experience Engineer. Mr.Cayir has served as CM,PM,RE for numerous construction projects. He has extensive • City of Hanford-Former City experience in Federally Funded Projects. Mr.Cayir also served as contract City Engineer Traffic Engineer. for many municipalities. Some of the significant projects where Mr. Cayir served as • City of La Habra Heights- CM/PM/RE/Project Principal include: Former City and Traffic • Washington Boulevard Widening and Reconstruction Project(Federally Funded),City Engineer of Commerce ($30m). Transtech provided CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office • City of Pomona-Former Engineer Services. The project includes widening and reconstruction of 2.7 miles of Interim City Engineer. Roadway (including approx. 3,500 tons rubberized AC overlay). The project is • City of Commerce-Assistant federally funded and being managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Public Services/City PW Procedures Manual. Engineer. • Rosemead Boulevard Improvements Project, City of Tempe City (Federally Funded) • Extensive experience in grant programs. Secured over ($20m). Transtech provided CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. The project included widening and reconstruction of 2 miles of roadway $20m in funding for during approx. 6,000 tons rubberized AC project was last 2 cycles of MTA Call for (including a pp overlay). The p federally Projects Applications. funded and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures • Extensive experience in Manual. working with Caltrans, • Cactus Avenue and Nason Street Improvements and 135'Span Bridge Project,City of TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRAnsrEck Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.35 County of Los Angeles and Moreno Valley($21m). Transtech provided CM/Resident Engineer,Inspector,Office other regional agencies and Engineer Services.The funding included State Local Partnership Program(SLPP)grant Utility Companies. and was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance • Extensive experience in Procedures Manual. NPDES requirements. • Rte 71/Mission BI Grade Separation Project (Federally Funded) City of Pomona • Extensive experience in the ($40m). Transtech provided CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer management and Services. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local administration of federally Assistance Procedures Manual.Caltrans was the oversight/jurisdictional Agency. and state funded projects in • Bogert Trail Bridge Widening Project(Federally Funded),City of Palm Springs($5m). compliance with Caltrans Transtech provided CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. The Local Assistance Procedures project is federally funded and being managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Manual (LAPM). Assistance Procedures Manual. • Served as Resident Engineer on several Federally Funded • Via Duct Boulevard/2"d St Realignment and Metrolink Parking Facility, City of San Projects. Bernardino ($6m). Provided CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. • New Avenue,from North to South City Limit Rehabilitation and ADA Improvements Project(Federally Funded),City of Alhambra($2m). Provided CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. Project was inspected and managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. • City of Commerce,Rosewood Community Center. Transtech was retained by the City to take over the management of this multimillion dollar facility which was 2 years behind schedule. Within 5 months, Transtech brought the construction to substantial completion level allowing the City to start the move-in process, and 2 months after,the facility was opened to public use. Currently,Transtech is assisting the City in claims analysis and change order resolution. Construction Cost:$15m. • City of Alhambra Downtown Revitalization Program: Involved 11 projects, including Renaissance Plaza (multi-plex theater, public plaza with fountain and unique art features, restaurants, retail, 800 space parking structure), Fremont Plaza (modifications/reconstruction of existing buildings for lease by ToysRUs and Party City, construction of a new 30,000 SF store for PetSmart, and various other retail buildings) and Downtown Revitalization (modification/upgrade of existing buildings for Starbucks,4 Restaurants and various retail businesses). (Cost:$80m). • City of Alhambra 4 parking structures: Transtech served as turn-key project manager, including management of design, construction, building plan check and inspection,federal funds,labor compliance for 4 parking structure projects. Chapel: 4 stories,300 space structure; First Street:4 stories,276 space structure;Garfield:5 stories, 800 space structure. Cost $15m; North First Street Mosaic: 5 stories, 320 space structure,Cost$6m. Civil Engineering Experience • University Park Development/San Bernardino: The project included 2 miles of new roadway, sewer, water, utility and extensive hill side grading for a master planned residential and commercial development on 130-acre site across from the San Bernardino State University. Cost$40m. • City of Torrance,Crenshaw Reconstruction,Skypark Improvements,190th/Crenshaw Widening: Design, construction management services, including inspection, surveying, resident engineer, federal compliance, labor compliance. Project was funded by Federal Funds and was managed and inspected in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Cost:$5 m. • Valley Boulevard Widening and Reconstruction project which is funded by State and TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.36 Federal funds and required complete project and environmental report, including Right-of-Way, Relocation, SHPO, NEPA, SEQA, Noise, Parking, Economic, Hazardous Materials technical studies, and processed through Caltrans and FHWA. Construction cost($6m). • Carlsbad to San Diego Rail Trail Project Report,which is funded by State and Federal funds and required complete project and environmental report, including Right-of- Way,Relocation,SHPO,NEPA,SECtA,Noise, Parking,Economic,Hazardous Materials technical studies,and processed through Caltrans and FHWA. • Alameda Corridor Agency East (ACE) Rail Grade Crossing Improvement Project encompassing 6 agencies and 14 locations in Los Angeles County. Work involved roadway realignment and reconstruction, signalization, traffic control, and construction phasing as well as related improvements such as storm drain, water, sewer landscaping, underground utilities,etc. Cost$5,000,000. Traffic Engineering Experience • Project Manager for the preparation of traffic signal modifications and installation, interconnect and radio corrected time base system installation plans and estimates in conjunction with traffic signal synchronization projects for various arterials in Los Angeles County including Garvey Avenue, El Segundo Boulevard, Crenshaw Boulevard, Slauson Avenue, Rosecrans Avenue, Arrow Highway and Huntington Drive/Alosta Avenue/Foothill Boulevard. Signal modification improvements included equipment upgrades, signal phasing upgrades and installation of radio correct time base units(WWV)for signal coordination as well as physical intersection improvements. • Project Manager for the preparation of signal timing and coordination plans for multiple locations on major arterials in Los Angeles County including Main Street, Garvey Avenue, Crenshaw Boulevard and Slauson Avenue utilizing state-of-the-art computer software. • Project Traffic Engineer for the proposed Materials Recovery Facility in the City of Industry.This project involved the preparation of a comprehensive area wide traffic impact study to identify the potential impacts associated with development of a proposed Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) in the City of Industry. The study area encompassed 32 intersections and several freeways such as SR 60 and SR 57. The study also included an evaluation of cumulative impacts associated with 22 planned projects located within the sphere of influence of the study area. In addition, separate analyses were conducted to determine the potential impacts of developing the MRF at alternative sites. I7 6 sr TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECM Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.37 OKAN DEMIRCI,PE,QSD,QSP,MBA,Program and Project Management Support - Mr. Demirci has approximately 10 years of experience. Mr. Demirci serves as Assistant Public Works Director, Assistant City Engineer, CIP Program Manager at Transtech's • Contract Cities and provides technical and management support. Mr. Demirci completed Caltrans Resident Engineer Academy, very familiar with the el management and administration of federally and state funded projects in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual(LAPM). Mr. Demirci works as Project Manager on various projects (including federal and state funded projects)from project inception to closeout. Examples of his project experience includes: / City of South El Monte, Assistant City Engineer/CIP Program Manager/Resident Engineer(Transtech serves as Contract City Engineer): Mr. Demirci coordinated Capital EDUCATION Improvement Projects(CIP)program at the City.As part of his responsibility,Mr.Demirci • MBA, Brandeis University, prepared PS&E packages, coordinated bid advertisement, bid opening, bid analysis, Massachusetts contract award, pre-construction meetings, provided construction management as • BS, Engineering,Sabanci resident engineer, coordinated project close out, and state/federal projects grant University,Turkey closeout activities. Mr. Demirci also coordinated professional services procurement by preparing RFPs and oversees various consultants on City's CIP program. Highlighted HIGHLIGHTS projects are: • Registered Civil Engineer • HSIP Cycle 6 & 7 Program: Managed 5 separate Traffic Signal, Lighting and • Qualified Stormwater Street Improvements Federally funded HSIP projects through all phases Designer and Practitioner including federal grant management, design phase coordination, construction (QSD/QSP) phase coordination, project closeout,federal grant closeout.Cost$2.7m • Serves as CIP Program • Federal CDBG Program:Managed City's FY 17/18,18/19 CDBG projects through Manager,Assistant Public all phases including federal grant management, design phase coordination, Works Director and Assistant construction phase coordination, project closeout,federal grant closeout.Cost City Engineer at Transtech's $1.5m Contract Cities. City of Chino,CIP Project Manager/Resident Engineer:Mr.Demirci worked as City's CIP • Completed Caltrans Resident manager.As part of his responsibility,Mr.Demirci prepared PS&E packages,coordinated Engineer Academy,very bid advertisement,bid opening,bid analysis,contract award,pre-construction meetings, familiar with the provided construction management as resident engineer,coordinated project close out, management and and state/federal projects grant closeout activities. Mr. Demirci also coordinated administration of federally professional services procurement by preparing RFPs and oversees various consultants funded projects in on City's OP program. Highlighted projects are: compliance with Caltrans • Citywide Alley Paving Improvements, Federally Funded (CDBG): Asphalt Local Assistance Procedures pavement, various concrete improvements (sidewalk, driveway, curb ramp, Manual(LAPM). sidewalk,etc.).Cost:$0.5m • Strong knowledge of MS • El Prado Rd Reconstruction Project: Asphalt full depth reclamation (FDR), Project, Primavera,AutoCAD concrete improvements(sidewalk,curb ramp,curb&gutter,etc.),traffic signal, signing and striping.Cost:$3.0m City of Monterey Park,CIP Project Manager/Resident Engineer:Mr.Demirci worked as City's CIP manager. As part of his responsibility, Mr. Demirci prepared PS&E packages, coordinated bid advertisement, bid opening, bid analysis, contract award, pre- construction meetings, provided construction management as resident engineer, coordinated project close out, and state/federal projects grant closeout activities. Mr. Demirci also coordinated professional services procurement by preparing RFPs, and oversees various consultants on City's CIP program. Highlighted projects are: A i. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.38 • Parks & Rec Master Plan Development and Construction of Improvements at 13 parks(including picnic shelters, playgrounds, irrigation systems installations and ADA improvements).Cost$1.5m • Citywide Parking Lot Reconstruction and Various City Facility Restoration/Maintenance(including Cascades Waterfall Restoration, City Pool Maintenance,Various other City facility maintenance). Cost$2.5m City of Temple City,CIP Program Manager/Assistant City Engineer(Transtech serves as Contract City Engineer): Mr. Demirci worked as City's CIP manager. As part of his responsibility,Mr.Demirci prepared PS&E packages,coordinated bid advertisement,bid opening,bid analysis,contract award,pre-construction meetings,provided construction management as resident engineer, coordinated project close out, and state/federal projects grant closeout activities. Mr. Demirci also coordinated professional services procurement by preparing RFPs and oversees various consultants on City's CIP program. Highlighted projects are: • City's Annual Pavement Management Program: Prepared and managed City's PMP since 2013. He coordinated in preparation of bid packages following recommendations from PMP and managed projects in PE and CE phases. Annual cost:$1.5m • Pedestrian and Bike Safety Improvements on Temple City Blvd, El Monte and Various Locations Citywide (HSIP Federally Funded): Worked as project manager in PE and CE phases of federally funded projects.These projects were managed in compliance with applicable federal requirements.Cost:$1.5m • Council Chambers Renovation and ADA Improvements Project: Served as Project manager, the improvements included complete reconstruction/renovation of the Council Chambers with new seating, dais, carpet, lighting, AV system, and new ADA compliant bathrooms, new ADA compliant access to the building.Cost$0.5m. • Rosemead Safety and Enhancement and ADA Improvements Project: Served as the Office Engineer for the Rosemead Safety and Enhancement Project. The project included widening and reconstruction of 2 miles of Rosemead Boulevard, including new medians, bike lanes,signals,sidewalks,curb&gutter, street lighting, landscape, street scape. The project is federally funded and is managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. Cost$20m. City of Cudahy, CIP Manager/Coordinator: Mr. Demirci served as CIP Program Manager/Coordinator. As part of his responsibility, Mr. Demirci prepared PS&E packages,coordinated bid advertisement,bid opening,bid analysis,contract award,pre- construction meetings,construction phase coordination,post construction project close out,and state/federal projects grant closeout activities. Highlighted projects are: • Pedestrian Safety Improvements,(ATP Funded):Served as Project Manager for this federally funded$1.0m project.Project includes construction of pedestrian safety improvements such as curb extensions, installation of traffic devices, signs,striping. • Lugo Park, Soccer Field Project (CDBG Federally Funded): Served as Project Manager for this$1.6m federally funded project. Project includes construction of a regulation new soccer field with artificial turf on existing baseball field, DG walking path, landscaping, parking lot expansion, concrete plaza, lighting, drainage, bathroom and concession stand ADA improvements. The project is CDBG federally funded and being managed in compliance with applicable CDBG requirements.Cost$1.6m City of Commerce, CIP Manager/Coordinator: Mr. Demirci served as CIP Program Manager/Coordinator. As part of his responsibility, Mr. Demirci prepared PS&E 77 • TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects ▪ 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, and Resumes 2.39 I packages,coordinates bid advertisement,bid opening,bid analysis,contract award,pre- construction meetings,construction phase coordination,post construction project close out,and state/federal projects grant closeout activities. Highlighted projects are: . • Slauson Avenue ADA Improvements and Tree Replacement Project: Served as Project Manager for this $1.2m ADA Improvements and tree replacement . project. • City's Annual Pavement Management Program: Managed City's PMP since . 2015. He coordinated in preparation of bid packages following recommendations from PMP and managed projects in PE and CE phases. . Annual cost:$4.5m • Washington Boulevard Widening and Reconstruction Project (Federally . Funded), City of Commerce ($30m). Transtech provided CM/Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. The project includes widening . and reconstruction of 2.7 miles of Roadway (including approx. 3,500 tons rubberized AC overlay).The project is federally funded and being managed in . compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual. I I I I I I I I I 77.:1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I I A / • - • TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ E n da N� 3. Company Qualifications TRANSTECh Est. 1989 3. Company Qualifications 3.1 I GENERAL COMPANY QUALIFICATIONS I Company Profile: Established in 1989,Transtech (a California Corporation) is a multi-disciplinary engineering consulting firm.Transtech has been in business 31 years. Transtech is currently providing similar municipal services to approximately 50 I agencies. Service Capabilities: ■ Transtech is a multi-disciplinary municipal engineering consulting firm. Our service capabilities include: • Building&Safety Services, Building Inspection, Plan Check, • City Engineer,City Traffic Engineer, Development Building Evaluations,City Building Official,Code Review, Public Works Engineering, Plan Check, Enforcement Inspection . • Civil Engineering, Freeways and Interchanges, Local • Labor Compliance Streets and Roads,Sewerage,Water and Storm Drain, • Planning Support ll Pavement Management System,Grading Studies • Traffic and Transportation Planning and • Staff Augmentation Engineering . • CIP Program Management • Water Resources Engineering • Construction Management and Inspection • Surveying, Mapping,ALTA, Right-of-way 1 • Federally Funded Project Management Engineering • Grant Writing • Emergency and Disaster Response,Support and 1 • CDBG Project Management Recovery Services ■ Transtech is currently providing similar municipal services to approximately 50 agencies: Transtech Engineers , Inc . Proudly Services Municipal Engineering&Public Works Consulting • Civil Engineering Design • Grant Writing Funds Management Surveying Building&Safety Plan Check&Inspection , Engineering Plan Check Public Works Planning - Land&Real Estate Development • Construction Management Project&Program Inspection Mapping&Right-of-Way Engineering Community Outreach Public Management Traffic&Transportation Engineering Relations *Bear Va',.ey CSJ I *Larcas.e I *Santa Ciente I *San Fernando �'� I Big Bear Lak17C1 1 *Burbank �uuW *Glendale*Pasadeea *San Manual Reservation {A:uss *San Manuel Casino South Pasadena* *Sen Marmot dire Claremont* *Rancho Cucamonga *Rialto *San Bernardino LA County*Alhambra* *ElM n e *Covina Ej Monterey Park* Rossemeadte *Fontana * *West Covina *Ontario IL-11 *South El Monte *Pomona *Culver City *® *County of Rwernde Maywood* *Commerce *Whittler Bell* *UTC/Riverside Cudahy* Lynwood* *Downey *Moreno Valley *Beunt Banning* *Norwalk Manhattan Beach* Palm Desert* / Hermosa Beach* *Placentia *Hawaiian Hawa� n Gordon,*Aroheim TRANSTECif *Hemet Est.1989 Seel Basch* *Santa Ana II Transtech Engineers,Int. nanstech.org *MendesMO 7.2495 d ull-tin t i i ISO 9001 Certified to Mesa I Better Business gore.Accredited A.Rating * San Clemente I I iR ? TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECII I Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 3. Company Qualifications 3.2 City of Temple City City of Alhambra ✓ Building & Safety Services: Building Official, Plan Review, V Building & Safety Services: Building Official, Plan Inspection, Permit Technician Review, Inspection, Permit Technician ✓ City Engineering Services: City Eng, Traffic Eng, Design, CIP V City Engineering Services:City Eng,Traffic Eng,Design, and Construction Management, PW Insp, Fed Proj CIP and Construction Management, PW Insp, Fed Proj Management Management City of Commerce City of South El Monte ✓ Building & Safety Services: Building Official, Plan Review, V Building & Safety Services: Building Official, Plan Inspection, Permit Tech Review, As-needed Inspection, As-Needed Permit ✓ City Engineering Services: City Eng, Traffic Eng, Design, CIP Technician and Construction Management, PW Insp, Fed Proj V City Engineering Services:City Eng,Traffic Eng,Design, Management CIP and Construction Management, PW Insp, Fed Proj City of Cudahy Management ✓ Building&Safety Services: Plan Review Services City of West Covina ✓ Engineering Services: Traffic Eng, Design, CIP and V Engineering Services:City Eng,Traffic Eng, Design, CIP Construction Management, PW Insp, Fed Funded Proj and Construction Management, PW PC, Fed Proj Management Management City of South Pasadena V Building & Safety Services: Building Official, Plan ✓ Building & Safety Services: Building Official, Plan Review, Review, Inspection, Permit Technician Inspection, Permit Tech City of Rosemead City of Seal Beach V City Engineering Services: City Engineering, Traffic ✓ Building&Safety Services: Building Official, Plan Review,As- Engineering, Design, Construction Management, CIP needed Inspection Management, PW Inspection, Plan Check, Fed Proj City of Azusa Management ✓ Building&Safety Services: Building Plan Review,As-needed City of Big Bear Lake Insp V Building&Safety Services: Building Plan Review City of San Fernando V City Engineering Services:City Eng,Traffic Eng,Design, ✓ Building Inspection Services. CIP and Construction Management, PW PC/Insp, Fed ✓ On-call Services: Engineering Services Proj Management San Manuel Indian Reservation City of Bell ✓ Building & Safety Services: Building Official, Plan Review, ✓ Building & Safety Services: Building Official, Plan Inspection Review, Inspection, Permit Technician San Manuel Casino City of Hawaiian Gardens ✓ Building & Safety Services: Building Official, Plan Review, V Building and Safety Services: Building Official, Plan Inspection Review, Inspection, Permit Technician City of Maywood City of Downey ✓ City Engineering Services: City Eng, Traffic Eng, Design, CIP V Building&Safety Services: Plan Review, Inspection and Construction Management, PW Insp, Fed Proj UTC Corporation/City of Riverside Management V Building & Safety Services: Plan Review, Inspection, City of Placentia and Support ✓ Development/Public Works Plan Check: City of Monterey Park Development/Public Works Plan Check V Building & Safety Services for PW Projects: Building City of San Clemente plan check and inspection services on City CIP Building ✓ On-call Services: Development/Public Works Plan Check projects City of Chino V Engineering Services: Engineering Support, Traffic ✓ CIP Management Services: Transtech is City's Contract CIP Engineering,CIP Management, PW Plan Check Manager for major Public Works Projects. City of El Monte City of Ontario V On-call Services: Engineering Support, Traffic ✓ CIP Management Services: Transtech is City's Contract CIP Engineering, Construction Management, PW Plan Manager for major Public Works Projects. Check TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSrEch Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects NI 3. Company Qualifications 3.3 II II County of Riverside County of Los Angeles ✓ Building&Safety Services:Plan Review, Inspection V Building&Safety Services: Plan Review, Inspection I City of Lynwood City of San Marino ✓ On-call Services: Engineering,Construction Management ✓ City Traffic Engineering Services: City Traffic II City of Beaumont Engineering ✓ Engineering Services: Engineering Support Staff City of Rancho Cucamonga I Augmentation V On-call Services: Development/Public Works Plan I City of Rialto Check On-call Services: Construction Management and Inspection City of Hermosa Beach Services. V Plan Check Services:Dev Plan Check City of Irwindale City of Banning ✓ On-call Services: Construction Management and Inspection V Public Works Plan Check: PW Plan Check II Services. City of Hemet I City of Menifee V On-call Building & Safety Services: Plan Review, On-call Services:Engineering Services Inspection I City of Culver City Riverside County Economic Development Agency ✓ On-call Engineering Services: Eng Services V On-call Services: Eng, Building Evaluations, & I City of Fontana Surveying ✓ On-call Services:Eng and Construction Management Services City of Moreno Valley II City of Santa Ana V On-call Engineering Services: Engineering Services ✓ On-call Services:Eng and Tech Support Services City of Santa Clarita a City of Covina V Staff Augmentation Services: Staff Augmentation ✓ On-call Services:Eng and Construction Management Services Services �■ City of Pasadena San Bernardino County Housing Authority 1� ✓ On-call Engineering Services: Engineering Services V On-call Services: As-Needed Eng, Building & Safety N Bear Valley Community Services District Support ✓ District Engineering Services: Engineering, Capital City of Norwalk I Improvement Project Management Services V Capital Improvement Project Management Support City of Lancaster Services:As-Needed CIP Management Support. II ✓ Traffic Engineering Services:On-call City Traffic Engineering V Building&Safety Services: Plan Review City of Palm Desert City of Anaheim il V City Traffic Engineering Services:City Traffic Engineering V Engineering Services: Engineering Services N Unique Qualifications: N One of the unique qualifications of Transtech is that we serve a number of public agencies as municipal contract service providers. We serve as Contract City Engineer, City Traffic Engineer, CIP Manager, PW Director, Building I Official, Building Inspector, Plans Examiner/Plan Checker, Permit Technician, Public Works Inspector, Construction Manager, Construction Inspector, Designer, Federally Funded Project Manager and in other capacities for a number M of public agencies. 1 • We have extensive Experience in working with LACMTA (METRO), CALTRANS and LOS ANGELES COUNTY that M • will be involved in the review, permitting and approval of these projects. • Our team includes experienced staff members who have worked for and/or with LACMTA(METRO),CALTRANS N and LOS ANGELES COUNTY,and are intimately familiar with the standards and procedures,project development and approval process,staff and funding requirements of these agencies. Il • We have extensive experience in the local area, project requirements and processes, and working as an extension of City staff and providing services in similar capacities with minimal direction from City staff. n • We have extensive experience in with LACMTA(METRO)710 North MIPs,and Measure R Funding Program and Requirements. II II A / • ,' ,�i' TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECII B Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 3. Company Qualifications 3.4 Licenses and Certificates in Diversified Fields: • Professional Licensed Engineer(PE) • ICC Certified Residential Building, Electrical, Mechanical • Professional Licensed Traffic Engineer(TE) &Plumbing Inspector • Professional Licensed Land Surveyor(PLS) • ICC Certified Combination Inspector • Professional Transportation Planner(PTP) • ICC Certified Fire Plans Examiner • Licensed General Contractor A and B • ICC Certified Permit Technician • Qualified Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Developer • ICC Certified CalGreen-California Green Building Plan (QSD) Examiner • Qualified Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Practitioner • ICC Certified CalGreen-California Green Building (QSP) Inspector • General Permit Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioner • ICC Certified CA Residential Mechanical Inspector (QISP)ICC Certified Building Official • ICC Certified Plumbing Inspector UPC ICC Certified CA • ICC Certified Building Code Official Commercial and Res Plumbing Inspector • ICC Certified Sustainability Professional • ICC Certified Accessibility Plans Examiner • ICC Certified Building, Electrical, Mechanical &Plumbing • ICC Certified Accessibility Inspector Electrical Plans Examiner • CASp,California Access Specialist • ICC Certified Commercial Building, Electrical, Mechanical & • IAPMO Certified CA Residential Mechanical Inspector Plumbing Inspector EXAMPLES OF PROJECTS REPRESENTATIVE OF TRANSTECH'S DIVERSIFIED EXPERIENCE Project, Program, Construction Management (Partial List): Washington Boulevard Widening and Reconstruction Project ($40M): Transtech provided CM/CI/Resident Engineer, Inspector, Office Engineer Services. The project included widening and reconstruction of 2.7 miles of Roadway, Traffic Signals, Street Lighting, Landscape, Improvements at I-5 and at 710 Freeways - ramps. The project was federally funded and was , managed in compliance with Caltrans Local Assistance Nu """ Procedures •Manual. The ' was also a Caltrans i.; !I project !4! i • � r !. , ; Oversight Project. AWARD: This project was recognized as one of the ✓-�'"' : projects of the year as part of the 2017 American Public Works Association (APWA)BEST Award, in the category of Transportation Projects. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRaNsrEch Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 3. Company Qualifications 3.5 ,i,:-,;..,•.,, ,, `....,r i..44, ''• • ��" u 7 4`, Rosemead Boulevard Improvements Project ($21M): i ',,,,„n :t \ ,"c' ,. Located in the City of Temple City, this was a Federally tit `, e Funded project. Transtech provided construction '� , y ��; management, resident engineer, inspection, labor « � compliance and office engineer services. The project '` - •. . 1 , *4� �`•_ `: ' included protected bike lanes, widening and ,. '' ` . `..or 1` reconstruction of 2 miles of roadway (including approx. •4.• , n r1. -3 6,000 tons rubberized AC overlay). ;_. AWARD:The project has achieved numerous awards I -i ". 4'! Y ,' ---- = " including a 2013 Planning Excellence in Implementation Award from the American Planning Association, the 2014 Quality of Life Merit Award from the American Society of Landscape Architects, the 2014 Merit Award for Urban Design from the California Council of the AIA and was voted one of the "best 10 new bike lanes of 2014" from the PeopleforBikes organization. Atlantic Boulevard Corridor Improvement Project ''.',�Cp, ($20M):This was a Federally Funded project in the City of Commerce. Transtech provided turnkey services v, included construction management, resident engineer, .,�j , , inspection, office engineer, and funds coordinator. The •�< \'• wx project was a major street reconstruction and • beautification project along Atlantic Boulevard which t • � +, I improved mobility for pedestrians, trucks, and vehicles f Y ' ,, p • t as well as provided corridor beautification with w _._ .. - •0 •• landscaped medians and other elements. • ----=------- AWARD: This project was recognized as one of the projects of the years as part of the 2020 American Public Works Association (APWA) Project of the Year Award, in the category of Transportation Projects. Cactus Avenue and Nason Street Improvements and 135'Span Bridge Project ($21M):This project was part of the State Local Partnership Program SLPP Grant in the City of Moreno Valley ($21M). Transtech provided aisailim. construction management, resident engineer, inspection,and office engineer services. • a T.• �' ' ,.1 r ; • AWARD: This project was recognized with a project ,+,4, ,x—�. '"�1 achievement award by the Construction +1 '" �� Management Association of America (CMAA) for Construction Management Services under the Public li _. Works Category for$11M-$50M ranged projects. A / . TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSIECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 3. Company Qualifications 3.6 Eastern Avenue Rehab Project($1.5M): Located in the City of Commerce,this project was funded through City's Measure AA Funds. The project involved Full Depth Reclaimed Pavement Rehabilitation.Transtech prepared the PS&E,as well as provided construction management, - _ '4V 1.11101101111 Ii1111 : resident engineer, inspection, labor compliance and Ad office engineer services. AI AWARD: This project was recognized as one of the a projects of the year awards as part of the 2017 Ai, Outstanding Local Streets and Roads Project Award ' ', Program in the Category of Roads for Efficient & Sustainable Road Maintenance, Construction & Reconstruction Projects. Rte 71/Mission BI Grade Separation Project ($40M): This project was a Federally Funded project located the City of Pomona and included construction of a bridge/grade separation. Transtech provided construction management, resident engineer, ---— inspection, labor compliance and office engineer i _ services. Caltrans was the oversight/jurisdictional Agency. 26th Street Rehab and Metrolink Station ($1M): This project was Federally Funded in the City of Commerce 'r • - 1 and included rehabilitation of 26th Street,and Metrolink '; 1. Station parking lot rehab, station platform • _- - ' _ - ' ',.,• — improvements, landscape and lighting. Transtech v— __ prepared the PS&E, as well as provided construction management, resident engineer, inspection, labor 410\e compliance and office engineer services. ATP Citywide Crosswalk and Pedestrian Safety % ' _� ' Improvement Project ($1.2M): Located in the City of 11 i t Cudahy, this project included safe routes to school tit ' 45' cp pedestrian safety improvements near schools and Lai — _ fi pedestrian activity centers. Transtech prepared the '"� , >*"!,"r- �� j ,l i — - PS&E, as well as provided construction management, IL..„.... ,..-- a 1 resident engineer, inspection, labor compliance and 1?- office engineer services. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECFS Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 3. Company Qualifications 3.7 ,,_ El Monte, Temple City Blvd, and Various Citywide PrOy/ :4, `y ' Locations HSIP Projects($1.8M): Located in the City of I lle Temple City,this project was a Federally Funded through it. . Highway Safety Improvement Project(HSIP) program. It • Ai included asphalt roadway resurfacing, markings & r¢. ' striping, traffic safety improvements such as updated -11P11 ' ; traffic signal heads and speed radar feedback signs,and �.! l is k updated street signage.Transtech prepared the PS&E,as - r' i i l' r"! well as provided construction management, resident ~ . • 4engineer, inspection, labor compliance and office _ engineer services. Middleton Street Elementary School Safe Routes to School Improvements Project ($500K): Located in the City of Huntington Park,this project was part of the Safe } Route to School program and included pedestrian safety '' °° I I ki) V : improvements, bulb outs, ADA compliant PCC curb n ,',:;I I -`-`- ,^n � y � � ,, � - .,; _. ramps, sidewalk improvements, updated signage, __ o � _77._-_ -...--1_ , striping and markings.Transtech prepared the PS&E, as well as provided construction management, resident engineer, inspection, labor compliance and office engineer services. T., - ' '.- -.-.e.• Temple City Citywide Pavement Rehabilitation Project P r ~' ($900K): Located in the City of Temple City, this project • g included citywide construction of slurry seal to various _ .$ l streets. Transtech prepared the PS&E, as well as wv'f' provided construction management, resident engineer, inspection, labor compliance and office engineer '' '"'�,._ services. • ''''' Via Duct Boulevard/2"d St Realignment and Metrolink '' l Parking Facility ($6M): This project was Federally `l , A `c. Funded and located in the City of San Bernardino. r'/ / 0 Transtech provided construction management, resident ---- + I ! , 4 engineer, inspection,and office engineer services. 111 SO r ::7 ijilirlit' II. ji ii) A • :,1771,41TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECH Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 3. Company Qualifications 3.8 , r • Slauson Avenue ADA Improvements and Tree Replacement Project ($1.5M): Located in the City of • Commerce this project was funded through City's •; Y P J g Y' sem, ti '�' JI • � 'N, ; .a, ` :'', Measure AA Funds. The project included removal of 149 "' u0 "i,"- ' \1•1‘,;,..-,.. � I , overgrown Ficus trees that displaced the sidewalk in `� _ �'--` 1 some areas up to 2 feet high and replaced them with � i 11 1�. / new ADA compliant sidewalk and planted 433 drought V. i.i _fw.` ,^v .�. 44111IN, ti t, tolerant trees in their place. Transtech prepared the '; t� •• ,, _ • i � '` r 1 4 PS&E, as well as provided construction management, resident engineer, inspection, labor compliance and office engineer services. :;"i '4 a "_,", Parking Lot Improvements Projects($550K): Located in '`'' the City of Temple City,this project included new parking ,r, ,, lot signage, asphalt resurfacing, construction of trellis, ,I � , . <.. ' . Y *`'..4--- '1" P. new lighting, electrical vehicle charging station "' A r _ ` " -� infrastructure, landscaping, and drainage. Transtech �- ; provided design, construction management, and t.y, __ -- inspection services. • Bogert Trail Bridge Widening Project($5M): Located in " the City of Palm Springs, this project was a Federally Funded project. Transtech provided construction management, resident engineer, inspection, labor 00000011111111"- .- Jr' compliance and office engineer services. The project involved bridge widening, retrofit, and beautification .,y • elements. City Alhambra Civic Center LibraryProject ($25M): - - _.,y� ,� Transtechof provided plan check, inspection, construction Asa: management, and owner representative services, the 1 'rill li �„_ li_ project included construction of a 45,000 SF Library with I.. , an underground parking garage. P •- arm A *.-- -.i, : .--: 111, •41 • .::;.,,k,2, TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 3. Company Qualifications 3.9 Mosaic Parking Structure (City Project-Project Value: $6M): Transtech provided design/build program manager, construction manager, full plan review as well ‘ as inspection services of for this development which '' includes 5 story parking structure.This project is located rf t. I k , in Alhambra. ,..4, lon ,,, , , , • " r I, �:. f‘I t`, Renaissance Plaza ($15M): This project was located in the City of Alhambra and included a parking structure, 10 e plex movie theater, retail, and plaza.Transtech served as :. y .� the City's Building Official, Plan Checker and Inspector for this project including construction manager of the parking " `' " ".I } "'structure, public plaza,and other improvements. it ..7.-- Tr" -7 -1 ,cl.t: .: Ili b i M� `�+ 1 N Rosewood Community Center ($25M): Transtech was retained by the City of Commerce to take over the , • management of this multimillion-dollar facility which was ,. -= �.`�, 2 years behind schedule. Within 5 months, Transtech *Ilk . \ �,v ' � ibrought the construction to substantial completion level y'� �, � ., L ■ 1 allowing the City to start the move-in process, and 2 A9 ., months after,the facility was opened for public use. Garfield Avenue Parking Structure ($8.5M):This project included a 5-story level, 600 space parking structure as part of the Alhambra Redevelopment Agency and 4. 1 r 4 Downtown Redevelopment. Transtech provided plan �� i ,` ,, check, inspection, construction management and owner ,, At t" 1 representative services. me- y h A / ' �5.j" TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 3. Company Qualifications 3.10 n I First Street Parking Structure ($3.5M): This project is in • the City of Alhambra and included a 4-story level, 276 space parking structure. Transtech provided plan check, 4. ,, inspection, construction management, and owner " A r representative service. F ,•• .,4,04;1 4k 4 } i , \ , lk e= "V '" • ii Chapel Parking Structure($3M):This project is in the City of Alhambra and included a 3-story level, 250 space parking structure. Transtech provided plan check, ill - inspection, construction management, and owner representative service. ,. . i " '_.• Riverside County Transportation Commission, Corona ti_ Main Street Metrolink Parking Structure and Pedestrian ��. Bridge (25M): This project is in Corona and included 6 „s'' I level,approximately 1,000 space parking structure,and a '« - �r I� f Ir - pedestrian bridge over railroad tracks. Transtech ?a+` _ cif/twin E. provided inspection and construction management .� G ____ .�� ,.__•'�'' services for the construction of this federally funded project. Y,r 4 City of San Bernardino Santa Fe Depot/Metrolink ', ~ �"{' ► Parking Structure and Historic Santa Fe Depot , s ;� ! ' I % Renovation Project ($25m): This project included The Parking Structure involved the construction of a 3-level t ;�� " "9 l�-f A , ! a t parking structure for 350 cars. Historic Santa Fe Depot P g P ;-,. Renovation involved renovation for adoptive reuse of , — r - '_ - _ 60,000 sf historical Santa Fe Train Depot. Transtech provided Transtech provided building code plan check, constructability review, building code inspection, , construction management, construction inspection, , materials testing/inspection, and program management services for these 2 projects,located at the site of Historic , Santa Fe Depot area. U 1 1 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 3. Company Qualifications 3.11 City of Commerce City Hall Addition ($8M): This project • included construction of 20,000 SF addition to existing the • City Hall. Transtech provided construction management and inspection services. _..:-•n..�•--- Civil Engineering, Master Plans, Feasibility Studies, Facilities Needs Assessment (Partial List): • 2016,2017,2018 Annual City-wide Street Rehabilitation Project,City of Commerce: Prepared Design/PS&E as well as provided construction management and inspection services. • 2015,2016,2017,2018 Annual City-wide Street Rehabilitation Project(Prop C and Measure R Funded),City of Temple City: Prepared Design/PS&E as well as provided construction management and inspection services. • San Elijo Hills Specific Plan: Provided planning, engineering, surveying services for the design and development of the 2,000-acre 3,500 dwelling unit Specific Plan and Master Tentative Map in the City of San Marcos. • Shandin Hills Specific Plan:Provided planning engineering services for the preparation of the Specific Plan and Tentative Map. The project is a proposed 240-acre 1049 dwelling unit community in the City of San Bernardino.Drafted the Specific Plan and prepared the master tentative map. • Arrowhead Springs Specific Plan (including annexation into the City): Approximately 4,000-acre site at the foothills of San Bernardino Mountains,and includes 1,500 to 2,000 residential units, 1,000,000 square feet of commercial and office space, 199-acre/18-hole public golf course, renovation and reuse of the historic Arrowhead Springs Hotel with a new 115 room annex,new 300-room hotel,a conference center, 14-acre corporate office area. • Eagle Bice, Muscupiabe Land Area Infrastructure Master Plan (Devore area in San Bernardino): Drainage, Sewer and Water Master Plan: Approximately 500-acre area for future 1,100-unit master planned community. The project also included a full infrastructure (roadways, storm drain, water, sewer, parks,and utilities) needs and assessment and cost analysis for this future development. • University Development Master Plan (San Bernardino): Approximately 200-acre site in association with the City of San Bernardino,Watson Development and Cal-State SB for the development of 200 residential, mixed use, live-work, retail, office and student housing,educational and training facilities and offices for Cal State SB University. • University of California, Riverside,West Campus Infrastructure: Prepared West Campus Infrastructure Development Design/Study, which identified utility and surface infrastructure requirements, and how these improvements could be phased to accommodate proposed campus growth,for an area of 236.8 acres to support approximately 5 million gross square feet of academic, research,support,and student housing facilities. • City of Monterey Park,City Public Works Yard: Evaluation and Needs Assessment for new Yard. • City of Commerce, Washington Boulevard Overlay Project: Prepared PS&E for the rehabilitation of Washington Boulevard between the 1-5 Freeway and Atlantic Boulevard in the City of Commerce. The project involved coordination with Caltrans and was federally funded and required processing for E-76 through Caltrans Local Assistance. Cost$1M. • City of Baldwin Park,Francisquito Avenue Overlay Project: Prepared PS&E for the rehabilitation of Francisquito Avenue between west and east city limits in the City of Baldwin Park. The project involved coordination with Caltrans and was federally funded and required processing for E-76 through Caltrans Local Assistance. Cost$1.4M. • CSUSB (Cal State SB University) San Bernardino Campus Access Road: Prepared PS&E and provided construction administration for the project. Improvements included approximately 1-mile street,water,landscape,grading,drainage, street lighting and various other improvements. Cost$5M. A / c TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANsfEch Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 3. Company Qualifications 3.12 • CSUSB (Cal State SB University) Perimeter Road for CSUSB Palm Desert Campus: Prepared PS&E for the project. Improvements included street, water, landscape, grading, drainage, street lighting and various other improvements. Cost$1M. • City of San Bernardino Campus Parkway Roadway Design: Prepared PS&E as well as provided construction management and inspection services for the project. Improvements included street, water, sewer, storm drain, landscape, street lighting,traffic signal,and signing and striping. Cost$6M. • Alameda Corridor Agency East(ACE)Rail Grade Crossing Jumpstart Improvement Project: Prepared PS&E for Federally Funded Jump Start Improvement Package#1-Rail Grade Crossing Improvements for Alameda Corridor Agency East(ACE). Project involved 6 agencies and 14 locations in Los Angeles County. Work involved roadway realignment and reconstruction, signalization, traffic control, and construction phasing as well as related improvements such as storm drain,water,sewer landscaping, underground utilities,etc. Cost$8M. • City of Glendale I-5/Colorado Off-ramp Realignment: Designed the realignment and reconstruction of the I-5/Colorado Off-ramp, including roadway, drainage, signal, striping and traffic control under Caltrans Encroachment permit. Cost: $1m. • City of Torrance Crenshaw and Skypark Reconstruction Projects: Prepared PS&E for Federally Funded reconstruction/rehabilitation of Crenshaw Boulevard and Skypark Avenue(2 separate projects).Transtech also provided construction management services for the project. Cost:$3M. • City of Commerce-Street Rehabilitation Program,Tubeway and Yates Reconstruction/Overlay: Prepared PS&E for 2 projects. The projects involved roadway rehabilitation and reconstruction, storm drain, water and sewer design. Transtech also provided construction management services for the project. Cost:$0.5m. • Riverside County Economic Development Agency:Real Estate Division,Engineering and Construction Services on various housing,real estate and infrastructure projects. • City of San Bernardino,Sewer upgrade project: Preparation of a project PSE for upgrade of main sewer lines at various locations per the City's Sewer Master Plan. Cost:$1.2M • Penasquitos Canyon Trunk Sewer: PS&E for two miles 36-inch gravity sewer including design study reports.City of San Diego. • Ranch Santa Fe Road Sewer Project: Relocation and rehabilitation of 1.5 miles of sewer main. City of San Marcos (by Transtech's VP, David Ragland while employed with another firm). • City of San Bernardino Water Projects: Design and construction management of 3500 feet of 20 to 36-inch ductile iron water transmission main in the City of San Bernardino for the development of University Park.Design of over 10,000 feet of 8 through 12-inch DIP water main for water distribution. Structural arch design for road crossing over the Dept of Water Resources 109-inch Santa Ana pipeline. • City of San Bernardino, Northpark Boulevard Sewer Extension: Half mile gravity sewer main extension for University Park Subdivision in the City of San Bernardino: Project required special structural designs and encroachment permitting for crossing 100'aqueduct right-of-way. • City of San Bernardino,University Park Storm Drain Design:Design of storm drain system with pipes ranging in size from 18 to 60 inches and trapezoidal channel design for 4500 cfs. • City of Riverside Water Projects: Water distribution analysis and computer modeling for University of California Riverside West Campus expansion infrastructure project. • CSUSB (Cal State SB University, Campus Health Center Expansion: Prepared PS&E for the project for grading, utilities and civil engineering. Grants: Our team has proven track record in obtaining outside grants for its client cities. Our staff works with our client cities to find potential funding sources, and to prepare competitive applications for various programs. Just recently, our firm obtained approximately $80m in funding from METRO for 710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects under Round 2 applications, including $9m for Monterey Park, $27m for Rosemead, and $76m for Alhambra. We also obtained approximately $150m under Round 1 projects for our client cities. Additionally, after funds are awarded to a client, our experienced staff provides assistance to ensure compliance with applicable funding program requirements, including a ■ OPT.1., TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTEch Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 3. Company Qualifications 3.13 preparing necessary clearance approvals (environmental, utilities, ROW), processing E-76 authorizations, and managing project. ✓ City of Rosemead:2015 Metro(MTA)Call for Projects,Garvey Avenue Regional Access&Capacity Improvement Project, Awarded Funding Amount:$2,316,000 ✓ City of Rosemead: 2015 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 7, Installation of HAWK Project, Awarded Funding Amount:$241,300 ✓ LRSP (Local Road Safety Plan) Caltrans Grants for 11 agencies totaling $529,000 in awarded funds: The agencies include Rosemead ($48,000), Temple City ($40,000), Commerce ($40,000), San Marino ($40,000), South El Monte ($40,000), West Covina ($84,000), Big Bear Lake ($40,000), Cudahy ($40,000), Monterey Park ($51,000),Alhambra ($62,000),and Covina ($44,000) ✓ City of Monterey Park: 2018 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 4, Citywide School and Crosswalk Safety Improvements Project,Awarded Funding Amount:$1,367,000 ✓ City of Monterey Park: 2018 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 9, Signal Safety Enhancement Project, Awarded Funding Amount:$540,000 ✓ City of Alhambra: 2018 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 9, Pedestrian Safety Improvements at Signalized Intersections Project,Awarded Funding Amount:$600,000 ✓ City of South El Monte: 2018 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 9, Signal Safety Enhancement Project, Awarded Funding Amount:$876,000 ✓ City of Beaumont:2018-19 Rubberized Pavement Grant Program(Cal Recycle),Awarded Funding Amount:$299,500 ✓ City of Commerce:2018-19 Rubberized Pavement Grant Program (Cal Recycle),Awarded Funding Amount:$348,600 ✓ City of Commerce:2016-17 Rubberized Pavement Grant Program (Cal Recycle),Awarded Funding Amount:$281,400 ✓ City of Huntington Park: 2016 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle II, Uncontrolled Crosswalk SRTS Ped Safety Project,Awarded Funding Amount:$1,032,000 ✓ City of Cudahy: 2016 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle III,Atlantic Ave Bicycle and Ped Enhancement Project, Awarded Funding Amount:$1,784,000 ✓ City of San Gabriel:2016 Highway Safety Improvement Project(HSIP)Cycle 8,Install overhead flashing beacon,Awarded Funding Amount:$270,200 ✓ City of Pico Rivera: 2016 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 8, Sign Improvements Project, Award Amount:$696,300 ✓ City of Vernon: 2016 SCAG Sustainability Planning Grants Program,Transit Route Feasibility Study, Awarded Funding Amount:$60,000 ✓ City of Monterey Park:2015 Metro(MTA)Call for Projects,Monterey Pass Road Complete Streets Bike Project,Awarded Funding Amount:$1,994,000 ✓ City of San Gabriel: 2015 Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) Cycle 7, Signal Safety Enhancements Project, Awarded Funding Amount:$570,000 ✓ City of Huntington Park:2015 Active Transportation Program(ATP)Cycle III,Citywide Uncontrolled Crosswalk Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Project,Awarded Funding Amount:$1,757,000 ✓ City of Cudahy: 2015 Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle II, Wilcox Avenue Complete Streets and SRTS Project, Awarded Funding Amount:$1,344,000 ✓ City of Cudahy:2015 Metro(MTA)Call for Projects,City Wide Complete Streets Improvement Project,Awarded Funding Amount:$2,134,000 ✓ City of Cudahy:2015 Highway Safety Improvement Project(HSIP)Cycle 7,Salt Lake Ave Safety Project,Awarded Funding Amount:$363,000 ✓ City of Commerce:2015-16 Rubberized Pavement Grant Program (Cal Recycle),Awarded Funding Amount:$204,500 ✓ City of Commerce:2014-15 Rubberized Pavement Grant Program (Cal Recycle),Awarded Funding Amount:$145,200 ✓ City of Alhambra: 2013 Metro (MTA) Call for Projects, Valley Boulevard Ped Improvement/Walking Viability Project, Awarded Funding Amount:$323,000 ✓ City of Commerce: 2013 Metro (MTA) Call for Projects, Atlantic Blvd: Washington to Como Goods Movement Project, Award Amount:$631,000 I I -. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRAIVSTECH Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 3. Company Qualifications 3.14 Plan Check, Map Check (Partial List): Development, Building and Safety: • San Manuel Band of Mission Indians-Building and Safety,Plan �,. 'I , ti ... Check, Inspection Services for Casino !till j •• , 1 Expansion/Development Project($700M):Transtech serves as '� illij " .moi r the Building Official, Plan Checker and Inspector for the Tribe. 11100 Currently we are providing Plan Check and Inspection services ' IF E for Casino's expansion program, which includes casino J , ", i'!t I'1 renovation, hotel, entertainment center, parking structure, h - , - •' ll -Orf pedestrian bridges, alignment of entry and exit roads, and +�c various other improvements. The Alhambra (Project Value: $57.8M): Located at 88 S 4. j` Garfield Avenue, 2 S Garfield Avenue, 100 & 150 E Main St. • Transtech provided full plan review as well as inspection 0' services of for this development which includes 260 apartment �- 'S" p-,:J,.3 units, 4-story parking garage, 72,000 sq ft 2-story retail �`_ j 'I. 'r.;` ,. t x�' building, 16,730 sq ft 1-story retail building,and 23,000 sq ft 1- • • .•,: ' ''•t v� i✓ r ;f �` 11 story retail building. This project is located in Alhambra. - / - I I Transtech also provided Map Check, and PW Off-site Improvements PW Plan Check and Inspection. "# -., The Terraces(Mixed-Use Development(Project Value:$19M): ' Located at 5935-5953 Temple City Blvd in Temple City. Transtech is currently providing full plan review for the 4 Story All tat iF 'm`nn in row'INT ill! it:ii 6 Mr' mile Mixed Use Development which includes a one level basement A MIT A garage, 61 condominium units as well as ground level and n l-- basement parking and 7,250 SF of commercial retail > 1 LJ i?' 1.1'!1. 1.[ •-Hqr"-' ; ,.1It. 11:f... A4 space/restaurant.Transtech also provided Map Check,and PW Off-site Improvements PW Plan Check and Inspection. Temple City Camellia Square(Project Value:$15M):Transtech ,;,,:► -__ ,_ ., __ : provided full plan review as well as inspection services, the .- it, project included a shopping center with an underground garage y "°° and 4 total buildings as follows: a one-story 6,600 SF building; ; - _ _ a two-story 25,700 SF building, a two-story 4,500 SF building; IF and, a two-story 43,400 SF building. Transtech also provided i I Map Check,and PW Off-site Improvements PW Plan Check and y""z �, r it--- _ Inspection. �., .� ..,10.,-...;.7,",rp- ' .. Linden Walk Residential Development (Project Value: �:v . ,g,..,._.‘ O, T ,, - $18.SM): Transtech provided full plan review as well as a >. r �� 1, inspection services for this development which included 74 iiWW1i Single Family Dwellings.This project is located in Temple City. i'4*- • -, © ' "''i' " `► -' ..,9Transtech also provided Map Check, and PW Off-site r- Improvements PW Plan Check and Inspection. • -r;` • TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANS ch Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 3. Company Qualifications 3.15 Blossom Walk Residential Development (Project Value: 1 - 71 Alli 10,, I- $5.7M): Transtech provided full plan review as well as r; - , inspection services of for this development which includes 24- a ' 1- .r7 !; unit condominiums and 4 single family homes. This project is ` r! located in Temple City. Transtech also provided Map Check, Pe ^ tV e and PW Off-site Improvements PW Plan Check and Inspection. ME i i i 1 a.eh-- - ' . I .1 ...1 Pacific Plaza (Project Value: $30.3M): Located at 11 S 3rd St 1 I< i JI. L j f (condo)and 300 W Main St(retail).Transtech provided full plan k l �, review as well as inspection services of for this development I t which includes 120 condo units and retail space below. This j11 11iA It•li t r- -:. .4 project is located in Alhambra. Transtech also provided Map ' F ,, Check, and PW Off-site Improvements PW Plan Check and *7 , k i ji ,, . -r t -► 9 " l 11 _r,;_ Inspection. Transtech also provided Map Check, and PW Off- - _-- site Improvements PW Plan Check and Inspection. �._ Midwick Collection (Project Value: $13M): Located at 2400 S j Fremont Avenue.Transtech provided full plan review as well as ° ' -:. '- - inspection services of for this development which includes 36 I 1 J ,�3 # F ��' single family dwellings and 28 townhomes. This project is :g _, located in Alhambra.Transtech also provided Map Check, and ' e t ' .ass. . PW Off-site Improvements PW Plan Check and Inspection. I '",—' Casita de Zen (Project Value: $21M): Located at 28 N 3rd St !I I', � I l I 1 I (condo)and 235 W Main St(retail).Transtech provided full plan i i ' - 1 review as well as inspection services of for this development I. which includes mixed use project with 92 condos on top, and oil , ��~ -.i It. 1r.' ' retail on bottom.This project is located in Alhambra.Transtech tr 1 ; I , ,�/ also provided Map Check, and PW Off-site Improvements PW `, A II u G Plan Check and Inspection. •.. Alta Med Medical Group (Project Value: $4M): Located at t i 1900 E Slauson Ave.Transtech provided full plan review as well LI-. � . as inspection services of for this development which includes a : i = j A. o ,- new mixed-use building of office space and an adult day care „,..;,',C.-- ___....., - 1 if. ligiwith new on grade parking.This project is located in Huntington I UP; _�-� r . — _ Park. Transtech also provided Map Check, and PW Off-site Improvements PW Plan Check and Inspection. %.„,„ Main Street Collection (Project Value: $23M): Located at 410 W Main Street. Transtech provided full plan review as well as iii4 . i inspection services of for this development which includes 4- - `{ �� story mixed-use project with 8,200 s ft retail space,52 condos, ♦? f ii0�l •_ 9 live/work units, 19 townhomes,and 6 shopkeeper units.This t : ', M ,,i . la.. # ■i,4I,i, project is located in Alhambra. Transtech also provided Map i 6.- Alt . _ r; • �� .... - ;:; - s Check, and PW Off-site Improvements PW Plan Check and _r _ •� *f iN . 1 , ..._ Inspection. e / c +, TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANS Ch • Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 3. Company Qualifications 3.16 ii DaVita Alhambra Dialysis Center (Project Value: $2M): Located at 1237 E Main St.Transtech provided full plan review .:.� , . as well as inspection services of for this development which "' f' includes 1-story 14,125 sq ft medical office. This project is ��lam.- �! located in Alhambra.Transtech also provided Map Check, and PW Off-site Improvements PW Plan Check and Inspection. ih, ' "..' e 820 Mission Development LLC(Project Value:$10M):Located � � rt ">_; y I' at 820 Mission St. Transtech provided full plan review as well I' I 11* �� CI -� as inspection services of for this development which includes 1 46 I construction of new office building with one residential unit above, new 15 unit townhome cluster with office fronting irsleill: 'ze, - r �' Mission Street with one-level subterranean parking, convert 'el . existing 3-story industrial building into 9 residential units, construct 13 townhome units. This project is located in South " Pasadena. County of Riverside Economic Development Agency, Facility r_ - Evaluation: Located at 41888 Motor Car Pkwy Transtech 11 provided Facility Evaluation Services including an accessibility ,�_ compliance review to allow the 297,033 SF 5-story office i .•t��.'. building to operate as an essential services facility. � ,`' , i " I ,,.• ----- "1 1County of Riverside Economic Development Agency, Facility -- .. "O Evaluation: Located at 450 E. Alessandro Blvd Transtech - provided Facility Evaluation Services comprised of a high-level ) - ! _ ,... analysis of the structural system and a code compliance parr evaluation of the entire 5 Acre property including a 16,826 SF 41',. office building, outdoor theater, and several assessor : ..o.:. structures. Alk ea,- A A6tit .Aside 5., Traffic and Transportation Engineering Experience (Partial List): Transtech is currently providing various Traffic and Transportation Engineering contract services to several agencies and serves as contract traffic engineer for a number of municipalities. We advise our client cities on actions needed to comply with County, State, and Federal regulations related to City streets,traffic regulation and traffic management. We provide technical expertise, recommendations, conducted necessary surveys, prepare reports on traffic related issues, and present them at Commission and/or Council Meetings. We prepare traffic safety and calming studies, stop and signal warrants/studies, traffic impact studies, respond to City requests, citizen complaints, and attend Traffic Commission meetings. We review traffic impact studies submitted by developers, provide traffic study guidelines to other consultants preparing TIA's,and represent the City at planning commission and council meetings when these projects are reviewed and presented. We also assess safety for pedestrians, buses and bicycles by reviewing master plans completed for transit and bicycles as well as safe walk to school routes. The following are various traffic engineering projects and studies completed by Transtech: ., TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSIECH Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 3. Company Qualifications 3.17 FULL TRAFFIC IMPACT REPORTS&PARKING ANALYSIS Client Project Title Brief Summary Private Developers Colton Reche Canyon Gas Station Retail, Prepared Comprehensive Area Wide Traffic Impact Study to . Colton Industrial Project,Anaheim Mixed Identify the Potential Impacts Associated with Each Use Project Development. • Private Developer Big Bear Galleria in City of Big Bear Full Traffic Impact Analysis For A Commercial And Shopping Site In Big Bear Lake. City of San City General Plan Update Transtech Prepared the Circulation Element And EIR/Traffic Study Bernardino for The City's 2005 General Plan Update. The Proposed Land Use • Plan and Its Impacts Were Analyzed. The Study Included Approximately 100 Intersections And 80 Street Segments. Future Traffic Condition Scenarios Were Developed Using State-Of-The- Art Transportation Planning Modeling Software. City of San Juan Master Plan for Downtown Area Determine the Historic Town Center Master Plan's Potential Capistrano Impacts on The City of San Juan Capistrano's Transportation System and To Identify Strategies for Improving the Transportation System's Overall Effectiveness Through A Multimodal Approach. • Private Developer Shandin Hills TIA in the City of San Traffic Assessment of Project Impacts of The Proposed Master Bernardino Plan Community Which Is Comprised of Housing,Commercial and Schools. UC Riverside West Campus Development Project Determine Potential Impacts on The Surrounding Circulation System with The Development of An Expanding Campus,Site and Student Enrollment. City of Lawndale City-Wide Parking Study The Study Took A Comprehensive Look at The Parking Supply and Demand Issues That Explain the Parking Deficiencies in The City. The Study Conducted A City-Wide Occupancy Survey of Both On- Site and On-Street Parking and Described Options Developed to Address the Deficiencies. City of Industry Grand Central Material Recovery Facility, Prepared Comprehensive Area Wide Traffic Impact Study to Restaurant Depot,Costco Identify the Potential Impacts Associated with These Developments. City of San Marcos San Elijo Ranch Development EIR/Traffic Prepared An EAR/Traffic Impact Study for A 3,200 Unit San Elijo Study Ranch Development Project. The Study Area Encompassed A 5 Mile Radius from The Center of The Development. City of Torrance City-Wide Safe Route to School Project Evaluated Existing Signage,Striping and Traffic Conditions Around 32 Schools in The City of Torrance. This Included the Preparation of Safe Route to School Maps and Recommendations for Each School. City of Huntington Pedestrian Study Produced This Report as Part of An Effort by The City of Beach Huntington Beach to Evaluate the Impacts of Main Street Two Block and Three Block Street Closures During Weeknight Surf City Events and Weekend Events. Various Cities Cudahy, Carson, Alhambra, Temple City, Preparation of Full PSRE Traffic Project Reports for Various San Gabriel,Huntington Park Funding Applications. This Included Analysis of Existing Condition, Future Conditions, Level of Service,Accident History, And Recommendations. ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE Client Project Title Brief Summary City of Alhambra Garfield Avenue Lane Reduction Review Preparation of Study Assessing the Potential for Reducing the Number of Travel Lanes and Parking Near the City's Business Center to Improve Traffic Flow and Safety. I I ;,A / $ TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSrECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 3. Company Qualifications 3.18 ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE Client Project Title Brief Summary City of Temple City Daines Street Preparation of A Traffic Analysis to Review Existing Corridor Operations Including an Assessment of Pedestrian Safety Along the Corridor. Presentation of Report and Recommendations to City staff,Traffic Commission and City Council. City of Commerce Various Focused Traffic Impact Analysis Preparation of Several Traffic Studies to Identify and Evaluate the with Emphasis on Safety Traffic Impacts in Particular Safety as A Result of The New Washington Boulevard Street Configuration. City of Commerce Focused Traffic Impact Study and Safety Preparation of A Traffic Study to Identify and Evaluate the Traffic Review Impacts of Modifying the Median Islands in Front of McDonalds And Costco Facilities and Provide Recommendations to Improve Vehicular Safety. City of Inglewood Crenshaw"S"Curve Safety Review A Safety Assessment of Traffic Conditions Along Crenshaw Boulevard Between Manchester Boulevard And 79th Street. The Assessment Was Needed Due to The Horizontal Curve, The High Number of Accidents That Occur Annually Along This Roadway. City of Alhambra Various Streets to Assess the Impacts of As Part of Ongoing Efforts to Improve Safety, Reduce Accident Cut-Through Traffic. One included a Potential and Improve Traffic Conditions on Pine Street Between Multi-Jurisdictional Review with the City Huntington Drive and Atlantic Boulevard,Studies Were Conducted of South Pasadena for the Pine Street Cut- and Recommendations Developed for City Council's Consideration. Through Traffic Assessment Project Went Through City Council, Traffic Commission Review as Well as Included Coordination with City of South Pasadena. City of Alhambra Traffic Calming Studies on Norwood, Elm A Review of Existing Traffic Patterns and Volume Entering and Street, Marguerita Avenue, Garvey Exiting These Streets to Assess the Magnitude of Traffic Currently Avenue, Glendon Way, Shorb Street, Using Residential Streets in Order to Bypass Congestion on Adjacent Front Street,Main Street Major Streets. Information Was Presented to City Staff and Recommendations and Improvements Presented to The Traffic Commission. City of Temple City Traffic Calming Studies on Encinita A Review of Existing Traffic Patterns and Volume Entering and Avenue,Arden Street,Olive Street Exiting These Streets to Assess the Magnitude of Traffic Currently Using Residential Streets in Order to Bypass Congestion on Adjacent Major Streets. Information Was Presented to City Staff and Recommendations and Improvements Presented to The Traffic Commission and City Council. City of Huntington 2012 to 2017 Various Traffic Calming A Review of Existing Traffic Patterns and Volume Entering and Park Corridor Studies. Including studies on Exiting Studied Streets to Assess Vehicle Traffic, Parking Impacts, Pacific Boulevard, State Street, Gage And Pedestrian Safety on These Streets.Information Was Presented Avenue,Florence Avenue to City Staff and Recommendations and Improvements Presented to the Traffic Authority. City of Inglewood North City Traffic Calming Traffic Calming Study for The Residential Area Bordered by Centinela Avenue to The South, La Cienega Blvd To the West, La Brea Avenue to The East and Slauson To the North. Transtech Prepared an Initial Review of The Traffic Patterns and Volume Entering and Exiting the Above-Mentioned Neighborhood. City of Alhambra Mark Keppel High School (School Site Relocation of An Existing School Crosswalk in Front of The Mark Review) Keppel High School and The Relocation of The Crosswalk. This Project Went Through School District and Council Review. City of Alhambra Fremont School and Various Elementary Studies Included a Site Assessment of Current Drop Off and Pick Up Schools in the City(School Site Review) Policies as Well as Review of Existing Signage and Striping. Recommendations for Valet Programs and Updated Signage and Striping. City of Temple City Longden Elementary School (School Site Review of Traffic Volume, Parking Conditions, Existing Circulation Review) Surrounding the School Site.Recommendations Included New Valet Lanes, Turning Prohibitions, Upgraded Signage and Striping. Presentation to Traffic Commission and City Council. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECiil Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 3. Company Qualifications 3.19 I ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE Client Project Title Brief Summary • City of Rosemead Francis Elementary School, Rice Tasks Involved an Assessment of Existing Drop Off Procedures and ■ Elementary School, Monterey Vista Traffic and Parking Needs Surrounding Each School, Report School, Willard Elementary School Preparation and Recommendations for Updated Signage, Parking (School Site Review) Areas Valet and Warrants for Additional School Crossing Guards. Presentation of Report and Recommendations to City Staff and School District Personnel. City of Inglewood John Wilder Academy (School Site Comprehensive Review of Drop-Off and Pick-Up Operations and Review) Traffic and Pedestrian Circulation at Wilder Academy. This Project Went Through Council Member,Academy and Council Review. Pomona Unified School Site Assessments and Traffic Cortez Elementary School, Montvue Elementary, Rio Rancho School District Circulation for(5)school sites(School Site Elementary,Philadelphia Elementary,Dudley Elementary. Review) Whittier School School Site and Traffic Circulation Benton Middle School District Assessment(School Site Review) City of Huntington School Site Review & Assessment of Nimitz Middle School, Hope Elementary School, San Antonio Park Crosswalks, Crossing Guards, & Signage Elementary,South Region Elementary School (School Site Review) Various Cities Various Focused Reports Prepared for Prepared Traffic Review with Existing Conditions Analysis, Public Works or Traffic Dept. Observations,Counts for The Preparation of Various Warrants Using (Preparation of Warrants for All-Way CAMUTCD and CVC.Went to PW and Traffic Commission. Stop, Traffic Signals, Beacons and Pedestrian Devices) Various Cities Preparation of CMP Data(Preparation of Information Included Peak Hour Count, LOS Analysis and Letter Data Required for CMP Submittal) Report. Various Cities Citywide Engineering and Speed Surveys Prepared the City-Wide Engineering and Speed Surveys. Transtech (Preparation of City-Wide Engineering Staff Is Radar Certified with The Rio Hondo College Justice Center. and Speed Survey) City of Alhambra Main Street Master Plan, Lowes, Preparation of Traffic Scope, Meetings with Consultants as Kensington Mixed Use, BMW Expansion, Representative of The City, Review of The Traffic Studies, Medical Office, Commonwealth Plaza, Recommendations and EIR's Prepared for Each Proposed Nissan Expansion, Pacific Square Retail, Development Project. Represent the City at Planning and Council Alhambra Campus(Peer Review of Traffic Presentations of Larger Projects. Studies Prepared by Outside Consultants Submitted to Client Cities) City of Alhambra Review of Development Projects in Surrounding Cities that May Affect Alhambra(Hotel Projects from MP)(Peer Review of Traffic Studies Prepared by Outside Consultants Submitted to Client Cities) City of Temple City The Terraces,Camelia Square,Mixed Use Project(Peer Review of Traffic Studies Prepared by Outside Consultants Submitted to Client Cities) City of Inglewood Hollywood Park(Peer Review of Traffic Studies Prepared by Outside Consultants Submitted to Client Cities) UC Riverside 2nd Phase of West Side Campus(Peer Review of Traffic Studies Prepared by Outside Consultants Submitted to Client Cities) I 774" TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSIECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects I i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I ■ ■ I ■ immimmiimmommit 4. References TRANSTECh Vl Est. 1989 { { { { I i 4. References 4.1 Client Name:City of Monterey Park(Year started and completed: 2013—Ongoing Service) • Services Provided: Engineering, Traffic Engineering, CIP Management, Design, Construction Management, Inspection, Federally Funded Project Management, Building Official, As-needed Plan Review, Inspection, Permit Technician • Contact: Ron Bow, City Manager, 626-307-1255; E: rbow((montereypark.ca.Rov Client Name:City of South El Monte (Year started and completed: 2018—Ongoing Service) • Services Provided: Building and Safety Plan Check, Inspection, as needed Permit Technician, Public Works Plan Checks, City Engineer, Traffic Engineer, CIP Design, Construction Management, Inspection, Federally Funded Project Management • Contact: Rene Salas,Assistant City Manager;T: 626-579-6540, Ext. 3040; E: rsalas@soelmonte.org Client Name:City of West Covina (Year started and completed: 2019—Ongoing Service) • Services Provided: City Engineer, Traffic Engineer, Map/Plan Check and Inspection, CIP Management, Design, Construction Management, Inspection, Federally Funded Project Management • Contact: Mark Persico,Assistant City Manager;T: 626-939-8456; E: MPersico@westcovina.org Client Name:City of Temple City(Year started and completed: 2012—Ongoing Service) • Services Provided: Building Official, Building and Safety Plan Check, as needed Inspection and Permit Technician, Public Works Plan Checks, City Engineer, Traffic Engineer, CIP Design, Construction Management, Inspection, Federally Funded Project Management • Contact: Bryan Cook, City Manager;T: 626-285-2171; E: bcook@templecity.us Client Name:City of Commerce(Year started and completed: 2003—Ongoing Service) • Services Provided:Building Official, Building and Safety Plan Check, Inspection,as needed Permit Technician,Public Works Plan Checks, City Engineer, Traffic Engineer, CIP Design, Construction Management, Inspection, Federally Funded Project Management • Contacts:Jose Jimenez, Development Services Director;T: 323-722-4805; E: iiimenez@ci.commerce.ca.us Client Name:City of Alhambra (Year started and completed: 1993—Ongoing Service) • Services Provided: Building Official, Building and Safety Plan Check, Inspection, Permit Technician, Public Works and Development Map/Plan Check and Inspection, City Engineer,Traffic Engineer • Contact: Marc Castagnola, Dev Services Director,T: 626-570-5041; E: mcastagnola@cityofalhambra.org Client Name:City of San Marino(Year started and completed: 2018—Ongoing Service) • Services Provided: City Traffic Engineer • Contact: Michael Throne, PW Director, 626-300-0787; E: MThrone@CityofSanMarino.org Client Name:City of Ontario(Year started and completed: 2019—Ongoing Service) • Services Provided: Management of CIP and Staff Augmentation Services • Contact:Tito Haes, Public Works Director,T:909-365-2625; E:THaes@ontarioca.gov Client Name:City of Chino(Year started and completed: 2018—Ongoing Service) • Services Provided: Management of CIP and Staff Augmentation Services • Contact:Amer Jakher, PE, Public Works Director,T:909-334-3265; E:AJakher@cityofchino.org The following are Client Reference Letters: / ■ TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECh Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 4. References 4.2 CITY OF MONTEREY PARK 320 West Newmark Avenue•Monterey Park•California 91754-2896 c>• x City Council www.montereypark.ca.gov CID Peter Chan �'rtrroaN‘P Hans Llang Henry Lo Fred Somoso Yvonne Yiu City Clerk Vincent D.Chang City Treasurer Joseph Leon November 19, 2020 To Whom It May Concern It is with great pleasure that I could have the opportunity to recommend Transtech Engineers, Inc. Transtech has been serving the City of Monterey Park since 2012. They currently provide both Engineering Support and Building and Safety Services in the form of City Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Public Works Plan Check, Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Management, Grant Writing/Management, and as-needed Professional Services inclusive of planning, design, project management, construction management, and inspection. Transtech is serving as the Building Official, providing Building Inspection and Building Plan Check/Review. Transtech is always responsive to the City's needs, providing high-quality services promptly. Their staff is professional and courteous and work very well with City staff. Transtech has been incredibly helpful in expediting the City's CIP projects, including numerous parks Master Plan and ADA projects. Their leadership and continued service commitment to the City through the current pandemic has allowed the City to continue providing their engineering and building and safety services. Transtech has consistently achieved positive results with the City of Monterey Park; thus, I am very confident in recommending their professional services. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at(626)307-1255 or at rbow4montereypark.ca.gov. Sincerely, •on Bow - City Manager Pride in the Past • Faith in the Future ®—' TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11 Project Management / • 9 TRANSTECM Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 4. References 4.3 katil CITY OF SOUTH EL MONTE Al�-AmerlcaClty 1415 N.SANTA ANITA AVENUE , SOUTH EL MONTE,CALIFORNIA 91733 X03 (626)579-6540' FAX(626)579-2107 November 18, 2020 Subject: Transtech Engineers. Inc. Reference Letter To Whom It May Concern: It is my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for Transtech Engineers, Inc. who currently provides both full-service City Engineering and Building and Safety Services for the City of South El Monte. They serve in the capacity of City Engineer, City Traffic Engineer, Public Works Engineering, CIP Management, Construction Management,Grant Management,and as-needed Professional Services inclusive of planning, design, project management, construction management, and inspection as well as the City's Building Official, Permit Technician,Building Inspector,and Building Plan Check/Review. They have been successful in securing funding for the City through the Highway Safety Improvement Program as well as managing federal funding projects in the City. Their staff have provided excellent quality of services to the City of South El Monte,with a high attention to detail and customer service. Based on mine and other staff's professional experience with Transtech and their staff,we are very satisfied with their services. Their leadership and continued service commitment to the City through the current pandemic has been exemplary and has allowed the City to continue to offer building related and engineering related services. Transtech provides the high-quality professional staff and work. Transtech team is professional,efficient, and cost effective, while having the best interest of the City in their mind. I can confidently recommend them for their services. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Sincerely, 47(76 Rene Salas Deputy City Manager (626)579-6540 ext. 3040 rsalas4,soelmonte.org TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TrrnNsrFck Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 4. References 4.4 `` ,, City Manager's Office January 6,2021 Subject: Transtech Engineers,Inc. I have worked with Transtech Engineers, Inc.over the past 20 years of my public service career while serving in several agencies as Director and now as the Assistant City Manager in the City of West Covina.The City is very satisfied with their service.Currently Transtech serves the City of West Covina as both the City's Contract City and Traffic Engineer as well as provides full Building and Safety Services to the City. They serve in the capacity of City Engineer, City Traffic Engineer, Public Works Engineering,CIP Management,Project and Construction Management,Grant Management,Building Official, Plans Examiner, Building Inspector, and Permit Technician as well as-needed providing Professional Services inclusive of planning, design, project management,construction management, and inspection. Some of my experiences with them are in the City of Temple City during my time there as the Community Development Director where they served as the City Engineer and Chief Building Official providing similar services as they do in West Covina as well as in City of San Bernardino during my time as Community Development Director for the City. In all the capacities I have worked with the team,Transtech staff has always been professional,responsive and flexible in meeting all of the City's needs.Transtech provides high quality work;their staff is professional and courteous;their work is efficient and cost effective.They have extensive project and construction management,public works,engineering,funds management, and building and safety knowledge and experience. They are known to deliver complex projects successfully. The firm has proven themselves to be a great asset to the City and a reliable partner in getting projects completed. In Temple City,Transtech Engineers also served as the resident engineer on the award winning$21 million Rosemead Boulevard project.Their skills and professionalism were vital in delivering the project on time and on budget. During this challenging time and through the pandemic the Transtech team has continued to provide exceptional services to the City in delivering projects to the community.Their efforts during COVID-19 in West Covina was highlighted in the American Public Works Association (APWA) INSIGHT Magazine for their virtual community engagement approach during the pandemic for two of the City's Public Works projects.Their leadership and continued service commitment to the City during this time has been exceptional and we are glad to have them as our partner. I highly recommend Transtech's services. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at the below information. Sincerely, Mark Persico,AICP Assistant City Manager T:(626)939-8401 E:mpersico@westcovina.org 1444 West Garvey Avenue•West Covina•CA 91790•Phone(626)939-8401 •Fax(626)939-8406 -_, ` re TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANNEch Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 4. References 4.5 I ' ttMo; s. � o C,�M P r o 5.,,n N I t9bo 9701 Las Tunas Drive • Temple City•California 91780•626-285-2171 November 17,2020 Subject: Transtech Engineers, Inc. Reference Letter—Municipal Services To Whom It May Concern: . Transtech has been serving the City of Temple City since 2012. I have had the pleasure to work with the Transtech team as City Manager since 2014. Transtech currently provides full City Engineering as well as Building and Safety Services for the . City of Temple City. They have always provided high-quality services in an efficient and cost- effective manner. They are highly responsive to any issues or requests that the City may have while having the City's best interest in their mind. . Based on my professional experience with Transtech and my staff, the City's, and feedback we receive from the Community, we have been very satisfied with their services over the years. Transtech Engineers, Inc. provides full Contract City Engineering as well as Building and Safety Services in the capacity of City Engineering, City Traffic Engineering, Public Works Engineering, CIP Management, Construction Management, Grant Management, Building Official, Building Inspector, and Building Plan Check/Review, and as-needed Professional Services inclusive of planning,design, project management,construction management, and inspection. • They provide excellent customer care and service internally to City staff and the public who frequently interacts with them through both their Engineering and Building and Safety Services. Their leadership and continued service commitment to the City through the current pandemic has been exemplary and has allowed the City to continue to offer building and engineering-related services. . On behalf of the City and based on my professional experiences with Transtech, we highly recommend their services. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly. Sincerely, Bryan Cook City Manager (626)285-2171 ext.4105 bcook c(Dtemplecity.us I I I A / • TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECM Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 4. References 4.6 of C04/.111k - �n ," ill CITY OF COMMERCE r• 4 ?.,I. _ Jose D.Jimenez, Director of Economic ;; one `t Development and Planning Ali► ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING November 16, 2020 Subject: Letter of Reference -Transtech Engineers, Inc. To Whom It May Concern: It is my pleasure to recommend and provide full support for Transtech Engineers, Inc. As Director with two different municipalities. I've had the distinct pleasure of utilizing Transtech for a variety of municipal services. Currently. we are partnered with Transtech Engineers, Inc. to provide Building and Safety Services, as well as City Engineering Services to the City of Commerce. They serve in the capacity of Building Official, Permit Technician, Building Inspector, Building Plan Check/Review, City Engineer, City Traffic Engineer, Public Works Engineering, CIP Management, Construction Management, Grant Management, and as-needed Professional Services inclusive of planning, design, project management, construction management, and inspection. Transtech has always provided the highest quality work; their staff is professional and courteous; their work is efficient and cost effective; and they always have the best interest of the City in their mind. They have extensive public works, engineering, and building and safety knowledge and experience. In both municipalities, Transtech staff has always been professional, responsive, and flexible in meeting the City's needs and expectations. The firm has proven themselves to be a great asset to the City and a reliable partner in getting projects completed. They pride themselves on customer services and have always been professional and courteous with all of their interactions with the City and the public. Their leadership and continued service commitment to the City through the current pandemic has been exemplary and has allowed the City to continue to offer several related services. On behalf of the City, and based on my professional experiences with Transtech, I highly recommend their services. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at jiimenez@ci.commerce.ca.us, or via phone at(323) 722-4805 ext. 2389. Sincerely, 044%."Th. Jose D. Jimenez Director of Economic Development and Planning 2535 Commerce Way• Commerce,California 90040• (323) 722-4805 • FAX (323) 888-6841 : ;,.,�J TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECh y Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 4. References 4.7 I City of Alhambra . Community Development Department November 16,2020 I • • ,,Yr+w Subject:Transtech Engineers, Inc. Letter of Recommendation To Whom It May Concern: Gateway 10 the San Gabriel Valley Transtech Engineers,Inc.has been providing the City of Alhambra full services in both Building and Safety,as well as City Engineering Services for nearly 27 years. /11 South First Street They serve in the capacity of Building Official, Permit Technician, Building Inspector, Alhambra II California and Building Plan Check/Review, City Engineer, City Traffic Engineer, Public Works 91801 Engineering,CIP Management, Construction Management, Grant Management,and . as-needed Professional Services inclusive of planning, design, project management, construction management,and inspections. • The professional experience the City of Alhambra has had with Transtech's services . and their staff,has been extremely satisfying over the years.They continue to provide the highest quality of work, have always been professional, efficient, and cost effective,while having the best interest of the City in mind. . Their leadership and continued service commitment to the City through the current pandemic has been exemplary and has allowed the City to continue to offer building and engineering related services. Their commitment to quality and quick responsiveness for any needs the City may have sets them apart from others.I confidently recommend them for their services. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.I can be reached at(626)570-5041. Best Regards, CITY OF AL �MBRA t • / Marc Castagnola,AICP Director of Community Devel•pment Department mcastagnola@citvofalhambra.org I I I 4 i 11"'.,.. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSItt h Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 4. References 4.8 j City of San Marino • , November I6. 2020 Subject:Transtech Engineers. Inc. Reference Letter To Whom It May Concern: It is my pleasure to recommend Transtech Engineers. Inc.. a professional firm that currently provides traffic engineering services for the City of San Marino. Most recently they completed our City's Citywide Engineering and Traffic Survey setting the speed limits for over 60 street segments citywide. They also conduct various traffic reviews and studies for traffic engineering related requests from the City and the community.They have extensive public works,traffic engineering,city engineering,and building and safety knowledge and experience. Based on my professional experience with Transtech and their staff over the course of the last 3 years. I can affirm that the City is satisfied with their services.They provide high quality work and are professional. efficient and cost effective. I have found that they approach each task with the City's best interest in mind. Their commitment to quality and quick responsiveness to our needs sets them apart from others. I can confidently recommend them for their services and am looking forward to a continued working relationship with them. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Sincerely. -- • Michael Throne. PE Director of Parks and Public Works/City Engineer • 2200 Huntington Drive,San Marino,CA 91108 • (626)300-0700• citvofsanmarino.org • , ,•/ TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRnnsIECH Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 4. References 4.9 ,. �..: ■ ■ ��TARio ll CITY OF -,: I \,�ca0 ` , '• PUBLIC WORKS AGENCY PAUL S.LEON SCOTT OCHOA MAYOR CITY MANAGER • DEBRA DURST-PORADA SHEILA MAUTZ ■ MAYOR PRO TEM CITY CLERK ALAN U.WAPNER JAMES R.MILHISER JIM W.BOWMAN IREASURER RUBEN VALENCIA COUNCIL MEMBERS TITO HAES EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR December 18, 2020 Subject: Transtech Engineers, Inc. Reference Letter To Whom It May Concern: It is my pleasure to write this reference letter for Transtech Engineers, Inc. based on my experience with them in the City of Ontario. Transtech serves as City's project and program manager for various CIP Projects, including some of the largest. They have always been professional and courteous with all of their interactions with the City and the public,and provide highest quality services in an efficient and cost effective manner. They have extensive public works, engineering,and building and safety knowledge and experience. Their commitment to quality and quick responsiveness for any needs the City may have sets them apart from others. On behalf of the City,and based on my professional experiences with Transtech, I highly recommend their services. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely - ( •'�Beers Design &Construction—Project Manager P:909.395.28061C: 818.388.02121 F: 909.395.2601 dbeersontarioca. .ov City of Ontario 1333 S. Bon View Ave Ontario CA, 91761 1333 SOUTH BON VIEW AVENUE•ONTARIO,CALIFORNIA 91761-4406•(909)395-2800•FAX:(909)395-2801 www.ontarioca.gov ®Printed on recycled paper. • ',I„ TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECH Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects 4. References 4.10 EUNICE M.ULLOA ;*�►es\i MARK HARGROVE Mayor j�= .�. MARC LUCIO _'-`s PAUL A.RODRIGUEZ,Ed.D. p• •- Causal Members TOM IIAUGHEY St. MATTHEW C.IIALLANTYNE Mayor Pro Tun Gy Manager CITY of CHINO November 18, 2020 Subject: Transtech Engineers, Inc. Reference Letter To Whom It May Concern: Transtech currently provides construction management, project management, design engineering, public works plan review, grant writing and public works services to the City. It is my pleasure to write this reference letter for Transtech Engineers, Inc. based on my experience with them in the City of Chino. Transtech provides the highest quality work; their staff is professional and courteous; their work is efficient and cost effective; and they always have the best interest of the City in their mind.They have extensive public works, engineering, and building and safety knowledge and experience. They pride themselves on customer services and have always been professional and courteous with all of their interactions with the City and the public. Their leadership and continued service commitment to the City through the current pandemic has been exemplary. Their commitment to quality and quick responsiveness for any needs the City may have sets them apart from others. On behalf of the City, and based on my professional experiences with Transtech, I highly recommend their services. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincrly, 04-32A-- Amer Jakher, PE Director of Public Works T: (909) 334-3265 E: aiakher(acitvofchino.orq D: 13220 Central Avenue,Chino,California 91710 imNnyMailing Address: P.O.Box 667,Chino,California 91708-0667 \v (909)334-3250•(909)334-3720 Fax Web Site: www.citvofchino.org A / ■ TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRANSTECH Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects / 5. Standard Draft Professional Services Agreement and Insurance TR14NSTECI-I Requirements Est. 1989 co N j (/) N y a N y Cep O. c3m O m m m� €1, 2 = = 5. Standard Draft Professional Services Agreement and Insurance Requirements 5.1 The following are comments we received on the contract from our Insurance Attorney for the City's review. If selected by the City, we will appreciate the opportunity of having our Attorney discuss the final contract language to ensure our insurance is in compliance with current laws and regulations and meets the City's requirements with the City's Attorney. Notwithstanding the foregoing,either party 3.5.4 Cooperation:Further Acts. The Parties shall fully cooperate ith one reserves the right to deny a request to perform any another.and shall take any additional acts or sign any additional documents -fay be additional acts or execute or deliver any such necessary.appropriate or convenient to attain the purposes of this Agreement`: additional instruments or documents that in any 3.5.5 Attorney's Fees. If either party commences an action against the way might increase either party's contractual or other party.either legal.administrative or other:.ise.arising out of or in connection with legal obligations or risks. this Agreement.the prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to have and' ver from the losing party reasonable attorney's fees and all other costs of such action. 3.5.6 Indemnification. Consultant shall defend. indemnify and hold the as part of prevailing party's total damages City.Its officials.officers.employees.volunteers and agents free and harmless from any attributable to the non-prevailing party's and all claims. demands. causes of action. costs. expenses. liability. loss. damage or injury.in la ore ui to roe or persons.includingnon ful death.in anymanner proportionate percentage of fault as determined by j in equity. property le p g a court of competent jurisdiction arising out of or incident to any alleged acts.omissions or willful misconduct of Consultant. P its officials.officers.employees.agents.consultants and contractors arising out of or in connection::ith the performance of the Services.the Project or this Agreement.including ...ithout limitation the payment of all consequential damages and attorneys fees and other related costs and expenses.Consultant shall defend.at Consultants o.:n cost.expense and risk,-any and all such aforesaid suits.actions or other legal proceedings-of every kind that may-bebrought or instituted against City,its directors.officials.officers,employees. agents or volunteers. Consultant shall pay and satisfy any judgment.award or decree that may be rendered against City or its directors.officials.officers.employees.agents or volunteers.in any such suit.action or other legal proceeding. Consultant shall reimburse City and its directors.officials.officers.employees.agents and-or volunteers.for any and all legal expenses and costs incurred by each of them in connection there.:-ittf or id'petentiunsnicuon enforcing the indemnity herein provided. Consultant's obligation to indemnify shall not be restricted to insurance proceeds.if any.received by the City.its directors.officials officers. employees,agents or volunteers 3.5.7 Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire Agreement of the parties :.ith respect to the subject matter hereof. and supersedes all prior negotiations.understandings or agreements. This Agreement may only be modified by a :riting signed by both parties. EXHIBIT D INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions Insurance as appropriate shall be ::ritten on a policy form coverage specifically designed to protect against acts. errors or omissions of the consultant and -Covered Professional Services-as designated in the policy must specifically include'.vork performed under this agreement. The policy limit shall be no less than 51.000.000 per claim and in the aggregate.The policy must"pay on behalf of the insured and must include a provision establishing the insurer's duty to defend. The policy retroactive date shall be on or before the effective date of this agreement. 1. Consultant agrees to have its insurer endorse the third party general liability h�roa wm ne wns,stenc coverage required herein to include as additional insureds City.its officials. employees and agents.using standard ISO endorsement No.CG 2010 ::ith an with(went insurance edition prior to 1992.Consultant also agrees to require all contractors.and camersendorsemeoil subcontractors to do like:•:ise. 8.-cerNcAV to to reflect th� htgg ins•�irer ill provide 30 days notice to City of any cance a on of coverage• onsul'tant agrees to require its insurer to modify such certificates to delete any exculpatory :ording stating that failure of the insurer to mail written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation.or that any party ::ill-endeavor las opposed to being required)to comply:•.ith the requirements of the certificate. 9. It is ackno::ledged by the parties of this agreement that all insurance coverage required to be provided by Consultant or any subcontractor.is intended to apply first and on a primary.noncontributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self-insurance available to City. a .— fj ■ 174;11. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services j Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects i 6. Addenda Acknowledgement IRA NS fEC/I Est. 1989 . 9) 0 � D 0 0 0 3 0 6. Addenda Acknowledgement 6.1 None posted. But, if any Addenda is issued that we are not aware of, Transtech will comply. A / TECHNICAL PROPOSAL For RFP No. 2020-11, Project Management Services TRarvsrEcN Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects