JMD, Inc. - RFP No. 2020-11 - Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects Proposal to Provide Project Management Services for SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects ' RFP No. 2020-11 1 , - _ ._ ter'._ • -4. ! ..... • t.....1 . 4rIi -, in . . al OI } - � -� . -L — 1 U MIR1A N — OI' i Roo,uwrrl. Y0 T111 LAM Wk. 1 iut.1r1A — ORM I ,„ ,• �+. ,..x-a..� - MAORI MONROVIA II illit �� �1 all � HONE, , MSAiER1 T Wr _.. WADY '''M-i:' .. .- A 5AN MARWC .._ex..... WWWCAIr r. "d SAM McRm 1r.lotl rnV rt Nor V0 11..M t.ND,/f 141Mti M� 710 RrIYt.0 \� a •e '4 . r ~4. 1„P r..:.:t•HR. •11111r11.I 4 ti W .,\ WY16[s UST --. �-- '- .�...-va R ^ Q Nintilia 11111111111411011 Prepared for Prepared by ROSEMEADIod,v.SI11.1II TI11Vi1.11111•ri1.1 PLANNING(ENGINEERING I MANAGEMENT 01.14.2021 i JMD January 14, 2021 Mr. Chris Daste Director of Public Works City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 2020.1112.0048.00 SUBJECT: Proposal to Provide Project Management Services Related to the SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects(RFP No.2020-11) Dear Mr. Daste: JMD, a local San Gabriel Valley firm, is pleased to submit this proposal to provide Project Management ' Services for the SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects in the City of Rosemead (City). Our proposal, which remains in effect for a period of 90 days, has been prepared in accordance with the City's Request for Proposals, RFP No. 2020-11 and dated December 3, 2020. Leadership You Can Trust — We have assembled a comprehensive project team with extensive local knowledge and SR-710 North Study experience to assist the City in managing projects intended to improve access, circulation and capacity in the City. JMD's objective is to assist the City in achieving its goals in a timely and responsive manner with minimal review time by City staff. Assigned to this important project is one of our most qualified, experienced, diverse and local Project Managers, Algis J. Marciuska, MBA, PE, a licensed Civil Engineer registered in the State of California, with over 35 years of transportation and municipal experience with expertise in highways, civil, traffic and municipal engineering. He has served as Project Manager for SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements for the City of San Gabriel where he oversaw the development of the SR-710 North Study and various projects including highway interchanges, roadways, "hot spot" intersections and coordinated or adaptive traffic signals. Unique SR-710 North (Gap) Study Experience— Members of the JMD Team have unique SR-710 North Study experience and developed key design projects in the study area which includes the City of Rosemead north of Interstate 10. These capacity enhancement projects include: ' • Interchanges • Arterial Corridors • "Hot Spot" Intersections • Bus Rapid Transit and Light Rail Transit Corridors • Adaptive Signal and Traffic Signal Synchronization Corridors JMD staff understand the reasons and objectives behind the study area projects which are essential for uninterrupted project development going forward. 18645 East Gale Avenue, Suite 212, City of Industry, CA 91748 (626)820-1137 Tel • (626)820-1136 Fax www.jmdiaz.com I I JMD Mr. Chris Daste January 14, 2021 Page 2 Comprehensive Project Management, Project Knowledge&Multidiscipline Expertise—Essential to the success of the development of the subject projects is the perfect blend of comprehensive project management, project knowledge and technical expertise covering various disciplines from highways to traffic analysis and design. The JMD Team offers such a blend with a wide project management spectrum complemented by intimate project knowledge and multidiscipline expertise to meet the needs of the subject interchange and signalized corridor projects. The JMD Team's ability to do the actual work it will oversee consultants perform adds a layer of verification essential for successful projects. In addition, our Team includes a Project Manager who represented the City of San Gabriel in the development of the SR-710 North Study as well as the team that developed many of the multidiscipline projects in the study area designed to enhance safety, access and capacity. In addition to management and technical expertise, our Team, known as a mediator, will carefully handle sensitive issues and bring people together as needed.Our team will help maintain project focus while helping to mend any sensitive area(s)between the City and Metro regarding this SR-710 North(Gap)Study program. As Project Manager, Algis J. Marciuska will be the primary representative and main point of contact to the City. I am the individual authorized to negotiate contract terms and enter into legally binding commitments. Algis and I are locally trained and graduates of Don Bosco Technical Institute located in the City of Rosemead. We are committed to achieve the City's goals. I will also be responsible for ensuring our Project Manager has the support and resources needed for each project. During the project schedule, I will be ready to serve as an alternate Project Manager to perform the services described in the scope of work, if needed. We are excited about the possibility of serving the City of Rosemead and firmly believe we have numerous benefits to offer including: • A Local Project Manager and Team with Extensive SR-710 North (Gap) Study experience • A Project Team with expertise in highways, roadways and coordinated signalized corridors • A responsive, innovative and cost-effective approach and a reputation for quality 1 We appreciate the opportunity to submit our proposal for your consideration on these important projects and look forward to your favorable reply. Should you have any questions regarding this proposal, please contact me at(626) 820-1137 ext. 1101. Sincerely, JMDiaz, Inc. Juan M. Diaz, MB President/CEO Page 12 Project anagement ect ana emg ntS-- es Relate. to._ - . - SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) Table of Contents ES. Executive Summary ES-1 Section I. Approach and Scope of Work I-1 Section II. Project Team, Key Personnel and Resumes II-1 Section III. Company Qualifications III-1 Section IV. References IV-1 Section V. Standard Professional Services Agreement and Insurance Requirements V-1 Section VI. Addenda Acknowledgement VI-1 Tables and Figures Figure 1 —City of Rosemead Map and Proposed Projects 1-3 Figure 2— Interchange Process Flow Chart 1-7 Figure 3—Adaptive Signals/Traffic Signals Coordination Flow Chart 1-8 Figure 4—Project Schedule—Combined Projects 1-10 Figure 5—Sample Adaptive Signals Project Schedule I-11 Figure 6—Sample Interchange Project Schedule 1-12 Figure 7—Proposed Organizational Chart 11-2 Table 1 —Current Workload and Availability 11-3 Note: Fee Proposal submitted under separate cover. • ▪ JMD •osi 6. Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) I I I I I Section ES Executive Summary I I I I I I I I I i IIII : JMD Project Management Services Related to - SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) Executive Summary ExecutiveSummary these projects from its Industry office, minutes away from City offices. JMDiaz, Inc. (JMD), a local San Gabriel Valley firm committed to improving our SGV communities, is JMD has an extensive record on a variety of major pleased to offer extensive knowledge as well as highway,traffic, railroad and transit projects in the San comprehensive management and technical expertise Gabriel Valley(SGV) region including Metro's SR 710 for the successful development of the subject projects. North (Gap) Study and Los Angeles Countywide ITS Inventory as well as the Alameda Corridor — East Having served SGV communities for the past 20 years, Construction Authority's (ACE) San Gabriel Trench JMD has a multi-faceted team ready to begin projects. Such record, combined with technical managing these projects focusing on delivering expertise and innovation,has earned JMD a reputation complete projects. JMD, who knows the stakeholders, for providing responsive, value added, cost-effective is ready to manage this mobility improvement program and innovative solutions for major transportation for the City of Rosemead in a comprehensive manner projects requiring sensitivity to local concerns. JMD sensitive to the needs of the City and the project area has successfully served key stakeholders (Cities, LA while fulfilling Metro's vision for the region. Metro, LA County and Caltrans) on freeway, traffic, JMD BRINGS THE CITY: transit and other major transportation projects. Project History • Successful Delivery—Unique project history JMD has worked on the subject SR-710 North (Gap) and state of the art solutions to start running Study and related projects in/near Rosemead since for timely delivery to benefit all. 2011 seeking to enhance capacity to a region • Constructability A Project Team with a supporting goods movement, regional and local traffic. record of delivering projects with minimal to no Such projects include the following in reverse change orders. chronological order: • Continuity Uninterrupted project 2018: Metro Projects Priority List,San Gabriel management and oversight relying on JMD's 2015: Los Angeles County ITS Inventory,Metro overall 710 North Study project history and 2011:SR-710 North(Gap)Study,Metro inventory to avoid a learning curve. 2011: On Call Traffic Engineering,San Gabriel 2009:San Gabriel Trench,ACE/City of S.Gabriel • Credibility — A credible Team known for 1996:Grade Crossing Study,SGVCOG mediating to bridge past divides between cities and Metro. JMD assisted the neighboring City of San Gabriel in Comprehensive Service A turnkey strategy developing a project priority list to seek Metro funding • for the subject SR-710 North Study mitigation. JMD focused on project delivery while assisting City knows the importance of maximizing the City's project staff with Metro reporting and coordination. benefits while meeting Metro objectives. JMD,who successfully led Metro's 710 Gap TSM/TDM Multidiscipline/Local Experience alternative, is a full-service planning, engineering and JMD is a local multidiscipline firm providing multimodal management firm,with 27 local employees. Involved in analysis, design and management of major solutions to transportation projects in the region. JMD transportation projects in the region, JMD has notable staff view projects from many perspectives to identify expertise in highway, traffic, railroad and transit needs and solutions. Oversight of these complex planning and engineering.JMD serves over 100 clients projects requires seeing beyond the data and from its offices in Industry,Anaheim and San Diego. addressing access, visibility, congestion, risky behavior and ADA requirements. These issues are Being responsive and loyal to our municipal clients and very important in the City of Rosemead which has needs has been a hallmark of JMD's service to local significant serving local and regional traffic. cities over the past 20 years. JMD will diligently lead ■ ■ JMD p.ES-1 Project Management Services Related to .�osr� SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) Executive Summary Knowledge of Local Landscape • Developed the SR-710 North Study Mitigation The JMD team understands the importance of these Project Priority List for the City of San Gabriel. projects and the need to develop effective solutions that improve capacity,without right of way impacts,for Steven Itagaki, PE,TE, PTOE the City and the region. Traffic Signals Systems and Lighting • With 30 years of transportation experience,he has Innovation served traffic and lighting needs of local agencies. The JMD Team has developed innovative solutions on a Has multidiscipline expertise and experience in these projects relying on its local knowledge of regional highway,traffic and municipal engineering. patterns and political sensitivities to achieve local ▪ Has served as City Traffic Engineer for various objectives. In fact, the JMD Team developed state-of- cities and has worked closely with Los Angeles the-art projects ITS systems for goods movement County staff on signal timing and service requests corridors relying on transponders, adaptive signals, related to corridors monitored by the County via its reversible lanes, elevated truckways and roundabouts traffic management center. on the SR-710 North Study and the 710 Corridor ElR/EIS projects. • Local SGV presence and experience. Team Commitment Lan Saadatneiadi, PE The JMD Team includes experienced key members, Highways described below, who are highly committed and local. • With over 25 years of highways experience, has Our leadership team's mission is to: developed major freeway projects in the region. • Has been employed by Caltrans, Metro and "Serve and Meet Client Goals and Needs." private sector firms in the development of freeway Algis Marciuska, MBA, PE improvements throughout Los Angeles County. Project Manager Has thorough knowledge and understanding of • With 35 years of transportation engineering the Caltrans project development process and key experience, managing multiple CIP and decision makers needed to streamline activities development projects for local agencies as well as for timely development and approval. 710 Gap Alternatives and mitigation projects. Frank Sanchez, PE Has critical knowledge of City facilities, Construction Management/Constructability infrastructure, & development projects as well as • With 22 years of construction management procedures to assist City staff with Metro. experience, he served as Construction Has multidiscipline expertise and experience in Management Officer/Inspector for local agencies. highway,traffic and municipal engineering. Extensive Public Works CIP Experience • Local SGV presence and experience. particularly in diverse communities. Juan M. Diaz, MBA, PE The JMD Team's key members,their knowledge,skills Principal/Technical Advisor and experience are described in Section Il: Project • With 35 years of experience, he helped lead the Team, Key Personnel and Resumes. Highway, TSM/TDM, BRT, LRT and freight railroad alternatives for the SR-710 North Study. Understanding and Approach Has multidiscipline expertise and experience in The JMD Team's understanding, key project issues highways,traffic, rail and transit engineering. and approach are in Section I: Approach and Scope • Local SGV presence and experience. of Work. Management Philosophy Ivan Salvatierra, PE,TE JMD's management philosophy, or plan, to work with ITS Infrastructure City staff and manage performance of services • With 16 years of Traffic and ITS experience has considering JMD's other contracts, is included in developed Adaptive Signal/ITS/TMC Projects for Section I: Approach and Scope of Work. many agencies in Southern California. : : JMD p.ES-2 Project Management Services Related to OSLMLAD SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) I I Section I Approach and Scope of Work I I I . : JMD Project Management Services Related to osE a.^ SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) I.Approach and Scope of Work the San Gabriel Trench Project for ACE and the City of Proposed Approach San Gabriel. Understanding Our approach and success begin with understanding the subject project and stakeholders involved. Through its The City of Rosemead is seeking qualified consultant(s) involvement on the SR-710 North(Gap)Study,JMD has to provide project management services related to the SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements projects worked with Metro, agencies and stakeholders in the listed below: development of various alternatives to address the missing SR-710 Gap. Such alternatives include: 1. 1-10/Rosemead Boulevard Freeway[Westbound] Ramp Improvements. * Highway Tunnel/Interchanges 2. 1-10/Walnut Grove Avenue Freeway [Westbound] 7 mile Light Rail Alternative Ramp Improvements. « 10-mile BRT Alternative 1 3. Adaptive Traffic/Traffic Responsive Control Project « TSD/TDM"Hot Spot" Intersections [Garvey,Valley, San Gabriel,Walnut Grove and Rosemead]. Such SR-710 North Study involvement subsequently led to JMD's development of a priority list of Metro Projects 4. Traffic Signal Improvements [San Gabriel, Walnut for the City of San Gabriel in pursuit of Metro funding Grove at Mission, Rosemead and Valley]. earmarked for improvements in lieu of a direct highway tunnel connection in the current gap. Key locations for these projects are shown on Figure 1, page 1-3 of this section. JMD understands that the level of work effort and level The services requested are for overall project and of staffing for the requested services depends on various program management from initial project development factors and will vary.We will provide the services on as through the end of construction and project close out. needed basis. The City is in the process of finalizing funding agreements. METRO will inform the City on the availability of final funds and the timing. The project JMD, who developed Metro's SR-710 North (Gap) schedules will be established based on final funding Study, is uniquely qualified to assist the City with the amounts and availability,as well as required process and desired project management services requiring durations for environmental reports, right-of-way multidiscipline technical capabilities. During the acquisitions,review and approvals by the City,as well as development of the SR-710 North Study, JMD staff jurisdictional and regulatory agencies. worked with local agencies to confirm critical needs, identify and define projects as well as refine each project JMD's project management approach involves through coordination with individual cities.As part of this comprehensive oversight of all aspects of each project, process, JMD developed effective and innovative keeping our clients informed on key progress and issues, solutions to address congestion while avoiding or providing critical technical knowledge and relieving City minimizing impacts to local communities in loss of staff of the stress and burden of successfully delivering parking or acquisition of right way. JMD staff proactively projects. By keeping various consultants on task and identified innovative solutions including: schedule, our services help free City staff from time • Adaptive Signals consuming and distracting meetings and correspondence. « Reversible Lanes « Roundabouts JMD staff have managed numerous multidiscipline The JMD team has worked with cities in the SR-710 projects for local agencies and will diligently ensure the North Study area and neighboring jurisdictions including subject projects are led clearly without ambiguity which the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works often results in scope and budget creep as well as (LACDPW) Traffic and Lighting division on various ITS schedule delay. Our focus will be to anticipate problems and Traffic projects. In addition,our Project Manager has before they happen and make adjustments quickly to 111 worked with City of Rosemead staff while coordinating avoid delays. . JMD p. 1-1 Project Management Services Related to °Sq.` SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) I. Ap•roach and Scope of Work JMD knows the City of Rosemead, it's needs and conditions are met in advance as much as possible and local/regional issues over the past decades. Rosemead that proposed projects proceed in accordance with is home to major arterials expected to handle future funding availability. growth in the region with a focus in transit. It is important to understand how each unique corridor impacts Multiple Consultant Coordination adjacent communities and knowing land use The services required can be provided to manage each characteristics and traffic patterns in each neighborhood. project separately in succession or to manage each Knowing the community, the stakeholders, and the project simultaneously. JMD's personnel and broad agencies involved is one of JMD's key attributes to experience on large transportation projects working with successfully manage the subject projects. METRO, CALTRANS, and other agencies provides Key Issues numerous resources to diligently manage several projects involving multiple consultants. The JMD Team has carefully reviewed the subject RFP and has identified some of the key issues anticipated for JMD uses a formal process for requiring submittals and each project based on our past efforts on the SR-710 updates at key project milestones, performing periodic North Study as well as experience on similar projects. audits on the project to ensure progress will meet those The JMD Team will address such key issues by milestones, and tenaciously seeking timely approvals developing conventional, creative and innovative from such agencies as CALTRANS and LA County. solutions, some of which are described below. Successful Project Delivery Communication and Coordination METRO agreements with the City of Rosemead and Keeping the City and ponw- = funding requirements demand timely project delivery. METRO informed with l . JMD is committed to helping the City deliver these project updates and status . projects on time and within scope and budget in reports while obtaining City ' - accordance with METRO requirements. JMD will focus feedback on critical on long lead items, from the beginning, including decisions is a key issue leading to successful delivery of environmental clearance, right of way acquisition, utility these projects. Multiple stakeholders with similar needs relocation, signal system maintenance agreements and and concerns but with different priorities requires careful service requests with Los Angeles County as well as planning and coordination by a team who knows the special permitting including processing CALTRANS stakeholders and has worked with them before. The encroachment permits and approvals which are key to subject stakeholders include the City, SGVCOG, Metro, avoiding design and construction delays. Los Angeles County and adjacent communities (San Gabriel, Temple City, El Monte, South El Monte, Montebello, Monterey Park, and unincorporated County areas). The JMD Team has worked with all of these agencies on the SR-710 North Study and understands a. .4.. Ate._ b� '� � _ their sensitivities to negative impacts by the proposedf , ' —� projects in their communities. �:�,'� ,,.,,� , ;` "`_,_;--�,__ Project Controls and Tracking Project i Agreements and Funding `' ,,. ' a fir" Monitoring the progress and expenditures on the project fid. ,� is important in avoiding scope creep, preventing cost ' .r overruns and keeping the program on its critical path. ` ' Tracking METRO project agreements and adhering to Figure 1 on the following page illustrates the map of the funding timelines established for the various projects is City of Rosemead and the locations of the proposed critical to ensuring that projects proceed without process projects. delays. The JMD Team will ensure deadlines and .: .JMD p. 1-2 Figure 1-City of Rosemead Map and Proposed Projects City of Rosemead RFP No. 2020-11 SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects lijMI {-W 3 . GRAND nw C0��{ z e., E °s ' a Walnut Grove Avenue at `k :7,..$.0i, " ';3 ; Mission Drive Project tish. .;;* i;iI t tower ., J ( _ a P ' ...a ... a ,, 1�,.5 of ` San Gabriel W`4` -_ °;',4,,..1 L.' .� °o5f sr 4. •, .....,., 'uwu,.ce �M 8 L.W ° ""= ter a %� ' B `" op @ " :,4''' 4IT , , _ , , �b t e VALLE LVD 'a " t,q44„ . ...WM LL 6 a Westbound I-10 at Walnut Grove K, .= e - • LL """" I Avenue Project r ; 3. G.E"GOA o , yam. ¢ t a 5 f SE e, ,a,.. St f3 n wwo� 5L. . D$ R � , � nxa. ERN :• o d ` ae w FRWY ' SAN _ _� _.� WY. ." Fr a - B El Monte ;.� ns ..a, !cam♦\ j• ' j� ,.j`E l'ir3 A ( b Y 3 I mow.,„ AN `;< MERINEv s, i - ., 11, a rt f.3�< ` •..,` =x c .- EMERSON 0 e 5 i IT 7, . i £ ROSEMEAD 5 .,,, `„3. : . s a - s M` cu - t, o-,2A'P AA n A.19.1st a ,9 U 1 ; s & 1 Westbound 1-10 at Rosemead = . GARVEV ' AV_ ,� 9-'9-' Boulevard Project v3 0 33 6 '� , Mw S'2 A // E.M ,• Fw• a 4 South El Monte S v �w� al mM a �.. .. S e a �� n ,$,4 ' a tj . 6 : , 14 q. ",g ---g x 5, ; , .. . a ' € s 1 i '^ a' AGMa VES F i uiNGERNty LA Co , f . flit...M LA County Y • T q Te 1, ,`'Ti'+`si-illo $^ C /s.. . i Legend w s: TS Traffic Signal Improvement San Gabriel Boulevard at Garvey s a =�''t t r1 Project Locations Avenue Project ' e ti • — Adaptive . Traffic Control 4�*.ear,Q” j Project Routes " % ter; s�. o j / r` r Montebello , 1,9 eq tk ,----Lmi OSEIv�E'AD :: JMD PLANNING I ENGINEERING I MANAGEMENT Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) I.A. s roach and Sco se of Work the project development process and facilitate timely Scope of Work review and approval of submittals. Meeting agendas will JMD has prepared a detailed scope of services to be prepared and distributed a minimum of three (3) provide the required services and to manage the project working days prior to the meeting to the City's Project and program in an efficient and cost- effective manner. Manager. Draft meeting minutes will be submitted to the Based on our experience with METRO and City's Project Manager within one (1) week following transportation projects of this type, JMD has identified project meetings. Minutes will include the participant list, the necessary tasks and components of work and will detailed meeting notes and action items for follow up. provide all necessary services, as required. Task 1.02— Record Keeping OurThe JMD Team will maintain hardcopy and electronic scope of services covers all projects in this procurement with the understanding that each project filing and index of documents, drawings, and other records of the overall program and the individual begins upon attaining project funding and notice to projects. These records can be provided to the City proceed by Metro and Caltrans(for interchanges). electronically at regular intervals in either format. The • Provide overall program and project management City may choose to receive the records after close out of starting with initial project development through the individual projects. end of construction including project closeout. Task 1.03— Reporting • Coordinate all projects and activities with involved The JMD Team will provide monthly and quarterly project agencies and stakeholders, including the City of status reports and will prepare and submit for City-review Rosemead, adjacent local agencies that may be all required METRO reports and documents. The reports impacted by the proposed improvements or may will document project progress, issues,action items,and have received funding from METRO in adjacent upcoming deadlines. The program report will include a areas, METRO, Los Angeles County, Caltrans, and compilation and summary of each active individual any other agencies and organizations that have project. jurisdictional control including regulatory agencies and local stakeholders. Task 1.04— Meetings The JMD Team will plan and organize quarterly program • Prepare necessary request for proposals, notice review meetings and agency meetings, as necessary, to inviting bids, agreements,and assist in the selection monitor compliance with METRO requirements. of various consultants.Services that will be provided by various consultants can include civil engineering Task 1.05— Metro Coordination design, environmental services, right-of-way The JMD Team will prepare and submit, for City review, acquisition, right of way engineering, surveying, METRO required reports and documentation related to geotechnical engineering, traffic engineering the funding requirements. JMD will keep METRO staff services and various supporting services (e.g., informed on the overall program progress and advise of traffic counts, potholing, etc.) needed for project any issues that require METRO involvement or development. concurrence. JMD's scope of work covers all foreseeable services outlined in the RFP for each project as follows: Task 1.06 — Tracking Metro Agreements and TASK 1 — PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Deadlines The JMD Team will prepare project schedules for Task 1.01 —Overall Program Initiation tracking of agreement milestones and deadlines The JMD Team will attend a kick-off meeting with City established by METRO. Project deliverables from staff to confirm the project scope, establish key consultants will be reviewed for compliance with METRO communication personnel, refine time schedules and requirements. finalize design criteria. After review of the process to be followed, agreement on the approach and schedule will be reached. This will avoid confusion and delays later in .. .JMD p. 1-4 Project Management Services Related to csa• —_. SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) I.Approach and Scope of Work Task 1.07—City Staff and CIP Support note upcoming work, track milestones, and proactively The JMD Team will assist the Public Works Director and identify issues which could impact the project schedule. City Staff with public information documents, staff Actual progress will be measured in comparison to reports, meeting attendance, and other activities to planned progress to objectively determine whether support the program. JMD will assist the City in project deliverables and expenditures are properly developing project descriptions and budgets for its aligned. JMD's Project Manager will utilize MS Project Capital Improvement Program. Planner, MS Project and MS Excel in developing progress reports to be submitted to the City on a monthly Deliverable(s): Meeting schedules, agendas, minutes basis or more frequently, if preferred by the City. and project schedule materials. Deliverable(s): Meeting schedules, agendas, minutes TASK 2—PROJECT MANAGEMENT and project schedule materials. JMD will provide project management services for each of the four proposed projects. The following tasks will be Task 2.04—Project Schedules implemented for each of the project. The projects can The JMD Team will prepare detailed project schedules run in succession or simultaneously as the program for each project and update the schedules weekly as the schedule requires. projects evolve and develop.Our approach is to translate the scope of services for each consultant and project into Task 2.01 — Individual Project Initiation a definable work breakdown structure (WBS). The WBS The JMD Team will coordinate kick-off meetings with is then sequenced using a precedence format,which can City staff and selected consultants to confirm the project be exhibited as a simple bar chart or a sophisticated scope, establish key communication personnel, refine Critical Path Method (CPM) flow chart. Using proven time schedules and finalize design criteria. After review software such as Microsoft Project Planner will allow us of the process to be followed, agreement on the to standardize the schedule format and facilitate approach and schedule will be reached documented. updates. 1 This will avoid confusion and delays later in the project Task 2.05—Project Expenditure Tracking development process and facilitate timely review and approval of submittals. Meeting agendas will be The JMD Team will prepare detailed spreadsheets f prepared and distributed a minimum of three(3)working according to the contracts for each project using the days prior to the meeting to all participants.Draft meeting consultant tasks and respective billings to track and minutes will be submitted to the City's Public Works monitor available budget, resources expended, and 1 Director and the other meeting participants within one(1) resources remaining. This will be done in concert with week following project meetings. Minutes will include the the project schedule monitoring to verify that efficient participant list, detailed meeting notes and action items progress is being made, resources are responsibly used for follow up. on the projects, and scope creep is curtailed. Task 2.06–Consultant Selection Management Task 2.02–Project Record Keeping/Checklists JMD will provide as much consultant selection k The JMD Team will maintain records in hardcopy and management for the City as needed. We will support the electronic format and include an index of documents, City by preparing the requests for proposals,assisting in drawings, and other records of the individual projects. the evaluation and review of proposals as well as These records can be provided to the City electronically consultant selection. JMD will verify references and at regular intervals in either format. Checklists for project projects and consultant qualifications. JMD will prepare initiation, design requirements, PS&E development, staff reports and notices to proceed and related bidding/advertising, construction, and project closeout documents needed by the City and METRO to bring will be developed for each project to ensure that such qualified consultants on board. items include METRO requirements, scopes of work, permits, contract requirements, and City standards and Task 2.07— Design Development PS&E procedures in all projects. JMD will manage and oversee the design development phases of the projects. At key milestone completion Task 2.03—Project Updates and Project Reports points such as 50%,90%, and 100%,we will review and I The JMD Team will provide monthly updates on the verify that the plans,specifications, and estimates are in various projects with reports that detail progress made, accordance with the scope, METRO requirements, City .: JMD p. 1-5 I Project Management Services Related to I fT SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) I. Approach and Scope of Work standards, Caltrans standards and project budget. The assisting City staff with reporting and coordination with goal will be to obtain environmental and design approval agencies involved.JMD will keep the City staff informed I for construction documents that include all work, throughout the life of the program.We will meet with City approvals/permits, traffic control, and staging for a staff early to verify the City's expectations for the projects complete project. and our proposed scope, necessary tasks,schedule and I Task 2.08—Advertising/Bidding/Contract Award process. Our experienced staff includes a former City Public Works staff who knows the City's process. As JMD will assist the City with preparing the contract Agency Advisor/Liaison, Algis Marciuska will assist City documents for advertising, addressing questions and staff with coordination support efforts to alleviate the Iaddenda during the bidding phase, evaluating and City's workload and ensure that communication with qualifying submitted bids,and preparing staff reports and Metro and the involved agencies is maintained related documents for contract award. throughout the project duration. ITask 2.09—Construction Management Our proposed management plan focuses on providing JMD will organize preconstruction meetings for the the City with responsive service including timely and contracts awarded and have periodic progress meetings quality communications, documentation, and controls during the construction phase. JMD will assist with that meet City requirements. This includes providing the processing requests for information to the design depth of resources needed to accomplish each task or consultants, prepare change order documents with project. The JMD Team includes experienced Project necessary, track construction progress, review Managers who know what Metro expects and the City contractor invoices prior to City submittal for payment, needs for successful project delivery eliminating coordinate with permitting agencies and project "learning curve" issues. I stakeholders during construction, and work with the design consultants to obtain as-built drawings for the City Through the use of frequent project team meetings, record. JMD will assist Public Works and other City staff conference telephone calls, e-mail and courier service, I with project information and announcements regarding the Project Manager will maintain direct contact and proposed construction, street/lane closures, and oversight of the project consultants and ensure that stakeholder notification. project resources are properly directed and utilized where they are needed most to keep the projects on Task 2.10—Project Close Out schedule and within budget. JMD has used this work The JMD Team will prepare files and reports needed for plan approach on typical public infrastructure projects 1 project completion, audits, and City records in ranging in size from small traffic engineering projects to accordance with its retention policy. JMD will ensure the large interchange or corridor improvement projects. We records, such as operating manuals, timing sheets, and encourage you to contact our client references to verify other maintenance and operation information are on file our successful project management. We are confident in the field, with maintenance staff, and in the their responses will be a testament to the success of our Engineering Offices. approach. I OPTIONAL TASKS Figures 2 and 3 on the following pages illustrate the Interchange Project flow chart, and the Adaptive JMD can provide optional tasks to support this program of Signal/Traffic Signal Coordination flow chart. I projects including such services as construction inspection and quality control services;detailed review and checking of plans and specifications;and value engineering. I Client Service JMD's client approach is to be Service-Oriented to keep Ethe overall program and projects moving forward while I IF N JMD P.1-6 --- Project Management Services Related to °J SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) I.Approach and Scope of Work Staffing Project Management The JMD Team is committed to delivering quality and For the project development work, we propose to use a timely services within the City's time and budget goals. Project Management and Control System that we have We have added multiple groups of professionals to work used successfully on similar transportation infrastructure as squads and manage multiple projects conveniently. In projects. The monitoring and controlling of schedules addition, have provided sufficient resource capacity t and budgets will provide a means to ensure that the to perform the projects or tasks in a timely manner, and proposed work plan is implemented effectively in an confirm that the key personnel proposed for the program efficient and timely manner. JMD understands the and the individual projects will be available for the requirements of Metro funded projects, worked with duration of the program. Currently, our work level is Metro and the City on the development of 710 funded estimated at approximately 70 percent of capacity and projects, and is prepared to assist City staff with any declines to 40 percent over the anticipated life of this documentation necessary for project reporting. project. Mr. Marciuska, our proposed Project Manager, is available over 70 percent of his time during the next The core of JMD's system is a monthly Project 12 months as shown below. During our internal team Management Report comprised of two sections: meeting, we will prepare a team staffing plan to ensure the right people are available at the right time for each program and project task. Status Report - Arranged by task, this report discusses budget and schedule; issues which need Key Team Member Availability to be resolved; coordination required between the (%) project team,the client staff and other agencies;and Algis Marciuska, MBA, PE 70% actual versus planned progress. Juan M. Diaz, MBA, PE 40% Peter Kim, PE, TE, PTOE 50% fi Project Control Report - This is a computerized Steven Itagaki, PE, TE, PTOE 50% report which tracks budget and schedule and is refined and customized to meet the specific project Ivan Salvatierra, PE, TE 50% needs. This report is issued monthly and can easily Lan Saadatenjadi, PE 60% be produced more often, if required, for more Frank Sanchez, PE 50% frequent project control. Communication It is critical that the project management system be The Project Manager will work closely with the flexible and able to accommodate scheduling consultants and the JMD in accordance with the project adjustments that may occur.Our management system is requirements. Under the current Covid-19 conditions, tailored towards this program's specific needs and can communication will be through the use of video be adjusted if needed. In the event of a schedule shift, a conferencing,phone calls,and e-mails.The project team recovery plan will be developed and implemented to will continually discuss project issues, progress and either meet the original milestone dates or other dates reviews on a periodic basis to meet each project mutually agreed to by the City and JMD. The schedule milestone.The ultimate objective is to lead our team and will provide a tool with which the Project Manager can the various project consultants to the desired objectives closely monitor the scheduled timing of each task and through effective and timely communication. permit overall management control of the project. Our Project Manager's experience with the City confirms that the best way to minimize delays and address unforeseen problems is to proactively communicate with the City's Public Works Director to alert him of potential issues. Our Agency Advisor/Liaison will ensure that City staff is not overburdened with project task requests. Our project manager will ensure proper communication and documentation through meetings, email and telephone conversation minutes for project record. . JMD P. 1-9 Project Management Services Related to i'osE� SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) .. I.Approach and Scope of Work Project Scope, Schedule and Cost Our approach is to translate the scope of services into a I Control definable work breakdown structure (WBS). The WBS The monitoring and controlling is then sequenced using a precedence format,which can of project scope, schedule and be exhibited as a simple bar chart or a sophisticated I cost will provide a means to 1 Critical Path Method (CPM) flow chart. Several ensure that the proposed sophisticated software aids such as Microsoft Project ,, �' Planner can be used to standardize the schedule format program is implemented in an efficient and timely manner. / and facilitate updates. IInitially, the scope of work will The agreed upon schedules will be used to show be as all-encompassing as possible to cover all reasonable scenarios. After expectations for resource allocations, milestones and confirmation of agreements with Metro and project review periods. The schedule and any updates will be timelines, then the scope can be tailored to the specific communicated to all affected stakeholders so those needs of the overall program and the individual projects critical path elements are understood. It is essential that I in consultation with the City's Public Works Director. the consultants be involved in the scheduling effort, so Anticipated exclusions and items to be provided by the that the consultant"owns"the schedule and is committed City will be defined, reviewed and discussed. to delivering the project on time. IControl of scope, schedule and cost will be achieved Control of the project schedule is the Project Manager's using the following Project Management Control System responsibility. Once the time phased logic has been I that JMD managers are using successfully on similar prepared and accepted,the Project Manager will monitor engineering services projects.The core of this system is progress against the time baseline. Projects are a monthly Project Management Information System dynamic and unforeseen circumstances can insert 1 comprised of the following three elements: delays. The ability of our Project Manager to anticipate probable delays and mitigate them will benefit the City SCHEDULE by providing quality projects ready for construction in optimum time. I The schedule summarizes the Project Team's understanding of the scope of work, resource allocation Figures 4 through 6 illustrate the anticipated project and project approach. Developing and controlling the schedule for an Interchange Project and for an Adaptive I schedule is critical to the project's success and is a Signal/Traffic Signal Coordination Project. primary factor in evaluating overall project performance. An overall program schedule and schedules for each i project will be developed. Figure 4—Project Schedule—Combined Projects IPROJECTS YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 Interchange 1 Study/Prelim/Env. ROW Final PS&E Construction IAdaptive/TS 1 Design/Construction Adaptive/TS 2 Design/Construction IInterchange 2 Study/Prelim/Env. ROW Final PS&E Construction I 1 .: JMD p.1-10 I M IIIIIII MI IIIIII IIIIIII 1111111 RN IIIIIII IIIIIIII - Figure 5—Sample Adaptive Signals Project Schedule Project Management Related Services to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects(RFP No.2020-11) Sample Adaptive Signal/Traffic Signal Coordination Project City of Rosemead January 14,2021 ID i Task Task Name Duration Start !Finish 1.2021 _D_tr 2 2021 I0 Mode 4gtr 3,2021 _ •r 42021 2 2022 QV .2 0___. _.__. -----_—__ ,. _. _.. Jan Feb Mar Apr May I Jun i Jul I • : • Oct Dec Jan Feb i Mar Apr 1 Task -Project Management 284 days Mon 2/22/21 Thu 3/24/22 r • 2 Ir Task 1-Analysis of Existing Conditions,Reports and Plans-Preliminary Engineering 30 days Mon 2/22/21 Fri 4/2/21 Iiiiwp 3 3 Task 1.01-Existing Records Research 30 days Mon 2/22/21 Fri 4/2/21 IIII!) 4 IS Task 1.02-Field Inventory 30 days Mon 2/22/21 Fri 4/2/21 5 Task 1.03-Traffic Data 30 days Mon 2/22/21 Fri 4/2/21 I- 6 I Task 1.04-Utility/Substructure Investigation and Coordination 30 days Mon 2/22/21 Fri 4/2/21 7 I Task 2-Preliminary Design Concepts 20 days Mon 3/8/21 Fri 4/2/21 r1 8 3 Task 2.01-System Study,Analysis and Recommendations 20 days Mon 3/8/21 Fri 4/2/21 9 a Agency Review 5 days Mon 4/5/21 Fri 4/9/21 10 I> Task 3-Final Construction Plans and Specifications Document 54 days Mon 3/22/21 Thu 6/3/21 ♦ • 11 - IS Task 3.01-Base Plans 20 days Mon 3/22/21 Fri 4/16/21 -1I 12 a Task 3.02-Design Plans 30 days Mon 4/12/21 Fri 5/21/21 T -) 13 - I Task 3.03-Specifications 20 days Fri 4/30/21 Thu 5/27/21 14 I/ Task 3.04-Cost Estimate 20 days Fri 5/7/21 Thu 6/3/21 ' 15 I) Agency Review 210 days Fri 6/4/21 Thu 3/24/22 • 16 IS Task 3.05-Traffic Management Center 25 days Fri 6/4/21 Thu 7/8/21 I -) 17 a Task 3.06-System Integration IP Addressing 25 days Fri 6/4/21 Thu 7/8/21 18 a Task 3.07-System Integration-Fiber Assignments 25 days Fri 6/4/21 Thu 7/8/21 19 , a Task 3.08-Signal Synchronization 210 days Fri 6/4/21 Thu 3/24/22 44i. • 20 I Task 3.08.01-Field Observation 10 days Fri 6/4/21 Thu 6/17/21 1 21 I> Task 3.08.02-Before Study 10 days Fri 6/4/21 Thu 6/17/21 I 22 I> Task 3.08.03-Develop Synchro Model 10 days Fri 6/18/21 Thu 7/1/21 23 a Task 3.08.04-Signal Timing Parameters 25 days Fri 6/4/21 Thu 7/8/21 24 T> Task 3.08.05-Discussion of Signal Timing Objectives 25 days Fri 6/4/21 Thu 7/8/21 11 25 IS Task 3.08.06-Refinement of Signal Timing Parameters 25 days Fri 6/4/21 Thu 7/8/21 MIMS 26 at> Task 3.08.07-Signal Groups and Proposed Cycle Lengths 25 days Fri 6/4/21 Thu 7/8/21 IIIIIIIIMI 27 li. Task 3.08.08-Optimize Synchro Model 25 days Fri 6/4/21 Thu 7/8/21 8i 28 I> Task 3.08.09-Agency Review and Approval 5 days Fri 6/25/21 Thu 7/1/21 29 I Task 3.08.10-Timing Sheets 25 days Fri 6/4/21 Thu 7/8/21 3imiLl. isimm 0 IS Task 3.08.11-After Study 25 days Fri 2/18/22 Thu 3/24/22 IIIMMI 31 t Task 3.08.12-Final Report 25 days Fri 2/18/22 Thu 3/24/22 32 a Agency Review and Approval 10 days Fri 7/9/21 Thu 7/22/21 33 S Task 4-Construction Support 150 days Fri 7/23/21 Thu 2/17/22 ! 1 34 at Task 4.01-Bid Support 40 days Fri 7/23/21 Thu 9/16/21 35 t Task 4.02-Construction Support 90 days Fri 9/17/21 Thu 1/20/22 36 I> Task 4.03-Implementation of Timing Plans 20 days Fri 12/24/21 Thu 1/20/22 4ume 37 i Task 4.04-Fine Tuning of Timing 20 days Fri 1/21/22 Thu 2/17/22 38 Task 4.05-Prepare Record Drawings 10 days Fri 1/21/22 Thu 2/3/22 Task gliMINIMi Project Summary .. - Inactive Milestone Manual Summary Rollup Deadline i Project:Schedule Split External Tasks ..–„-..–.. -r Inactive Summary — -- Manual Summary gll ..1 Progress Date:Wed 1/13/21 Milestone • External Milestone Manual Task NIIMIlliIM Start-only C Summary . ..=.1 Inactive Task Duration-only Finish-only 2 Page 1 11111• MI IIIM IIIIIIIII IIIIIIII PM MI 11101 111111111 MII OM IIIIII lilli IIIIIII 111.111 an OM III. 1111111 • Figure 6-Sample Interchange Project Schedule Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects(RFP No.2020-11) Sample Interchange Project City of Rosemead January 14.2021 ID WBS Task Nana Duration Start Finish ..2021 .._-._ 2022 ....1523 ..210 Gtr 1,2021 0112,26210003,2021 GM 4,2021 051,2022. 00 2,2022 Gtr 3.2022 Gtr 4,2022 07 1.2023 CO 2,2023 Gln 3,2023 Otr 4,2023 Ott 1,2024 Gtr 2,2024 063,2024 Dtr 4,202 Jan Feb Mar Ayr May Jun-Jul Aug Bap Oct Nov be an Feb Mat Apr May Jun Ad Auq Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aw Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mer Pyr May Jun Jul A. Sep Oct Nov I 150 1.0 Project Management 942 days Mon 2/22/21 1,1011/24 2 150.00.1 NTP 1 day Mon 2/22/21 Mon 22221 .. ......._ ...... .... 3 150.00.2 WbM Plan 20 days Tut 023/21 Mon 3/22121 4 150.00.5 Administration-Coordinatlon.Proorass Rep04.,Invokes,Prof.Fane 941 days Tue 2/2321 Tim 101/24 I I I __..._..._- 5 150.00.6 Project Meetings(Kick-off,POT,Technical Focus,Third Party) 941 days Tue 2123/21 Tue10/1/24 t --_- - - 6 150.x0,0 2.0 Coordination 941 days Tue 2/23/21 T10/124 lr 7 160.00.10 3.0 Assemble Existing Information and Resource Material 70 days Time 22121 Mon 6/3121 6 150.00.20 3.1 Prepare Analysis and Summary 30 days Tire 2/23/21 Mon 4/521 ' 9 150.00.25 3.2 Prepare Dreg and Final Report-Existing Transportation Projects 40 days Tut 4/6/21 Mon 5/3121 I i{ 10 150.05 4.0 Preparation of Project Initiation Document(PID/PSR-PDS) 76 day 0. 14/521 Mon 7113/21 J I i , 11 150.05.05 4.1 Form the Project Devsbpnly Team 30 days Tim 4/6/21 Mon61721 --1 . 11111 I 1 I 12 150.05.10 42 Develop Purpose and Need 15 days Toe 5/18/21 Mon 6/]21 _ i I - i 13 150.05.15 4.3 Ravlaw 611 Project Me t0 days Tue6821 Mon 8/21/21 14 150.05.20 4.d Additional Data or Inlgm68on Requirements 202,4, Two 6/22/21 Mon 7/192 - 1 I !i _ I 15 160.00.20 5.0 Traffic Engineering Performance Assessment(TEPA) 60 an Toe6/1/21 Mon 8/23/21 16 160.00.30 6.0 Local Intersection Options Analysis 90 days Tim 8/6/21 Mon 10.1/21 r=-.rao<rac0 1 IMIIIIIW 17 150.05.35 6.1 Local Intersection Control Evaluation 20 days Tue 6/8/21 Mon 7/5121 le 150.0540 6.2 Additional Arterial Highway Analysis 60an Tim 7/6/21 Mon 9/27/21 19 150.05.45 6.3 MdOonal Interchange Geometric Plans 90 days Tire 68/21 Mon 10/1121 20 160.10.06 7.0 Initial Engineering Analysis&Update Alternatives 66 days Tue 70001 Mon 10/4/21 I 1rta1 21 150.10.10 7.1 Ds!''endo•Analysis 20 days Tue 72021 Mon 8/1621 t ... 22 150.10.15 7.2 Design Standards and A.ys, 20 days Tue 7/2021 Mon 6/1621 i i 23 150.10.20 7.3 Structure Study/Estimates 30 days Tug 8/24/21 Mon 104121 24 150.10.25 7.4 Alternative Base Maps 30 4.n Tut 624/21 Men 10421 25 160,10.30 6.0 Geometric Development/Plans 60 day. Tue 12421 Mon 11/1621 26 150.10.35 0.1 FW Standard Geometric Plans 60 den Tun 62421 Mon 11/1521 27 150.10.40 82 Non Standard Geometric Plans 40 days Tue 524/21 Mon 10/1621 _- 20 150.10.45 0.3 slybrie Geome0ic Plans 20 days Tue 1019/21 Mon 11/15/21 29 1 .10.50 9.0 Risk Assessment&Constructabllity Analysis 40 ay m Tue 1621 Mon 1M0r2z { 50 30 150.10.55 9.1 Rtsk Assessment 30 days Tut11/16/21 Men 12.721 V + f 31 150.10.60 9.2 Analysis 404.ys Tue 11116/21 Mon 1/1022 111 32 160.16 10.0 Alternatives Evaluation 60 days Tim 11/1621 Mon 2222 33 150.15.10 10.1 Resources nirdrolysrs W 4. Complete 40 days Tue 11/16/21 Men 722 Il 916 150.15.10 10.2 Consts Awnelye, 11 ,0.T11/16/21 Mon2/7/22 35 150.15.15 10.3 Abernatim Safety Impact Analysis 45 days Tun 11/16/21 Men 1/17/22 38 150.15.20 10.4 Phasing Analysis 60 days Tim 11/16/21 Mon 2/7/22 37 150.1510 11.0 Stormwater and Right of Way 60 days Trus maw Men 3212t I2 I 4 i 30 150.15.30 11.1 Stormdter Analysis(SNA.) 30 days Tum 11/16/21 Men 12/27/21 1 39 150.15.35 11.2 Right of Way Impact Analysis 60 days To.122621 Mon 12122 Ii 40 150.20.10 12.0 Environmental Assessment sedgy TIM 11/18/21 am 1 ff 41 15020.20 Ilial Site Assessment 45 days Toe 11/1521 Men 1/1722 1 i 42 15020.30 Water Guakty Compliance(SWDR) 45 days Tum 11/1621 Mon 1/1722 I 43 15020.40 Prelminary Environmental Analysis 0,o3(PEAR) 60 days Tri 11/1621 Men 2.22 44 160.25.05 13.0 Project Development Assessment 160 days Tue 10/621 Mon 5222 a 4 1 I 45 15025.10 13.1 Develop Cost Es0nTin 32 ates 30 days T06/22 Mon 122 46 15025.15 132 Funding 30 days Tue 62222 Mon 5/2.2 1 47 1502520 13.3 Develop Schedule 50 4.11 Tim 121/22 Mon 5/222 ! I 48 1502525 13.4 Risk Analysis 30 den To.11/16/21 Mon 12.721 49 15025.30 13.5 Value Analysis 60 days Tue10/5/21 Mon 122721 -,- 50 150.00.06 14.0 Complete PID(PSR-PDS)Report 310 day. Tum 32021 Mon 5/3022 • 1 ♦ Ii. 51 150.25.40 14.1 FNMA Coordination 60 days Two 11/16/21 Mon 3/21/22 , 52 150.2535 142 Gwky Management 310 days Tue 62321 Mon 5/3022 _-_ 53 150.26.55 14.3 PrepareDraft PIUn.POS D$/ApprovMa) 60 days Tw 21622 Mon 4/422 54 150.25.55 14.3/2 Drag PBR-PDS 40 den T0.216122 Mon 4/422 - I 55 150.25.80 14.3b Final PSR-PDS 40 days Tile 4/5/22 Mon 5.0/22 57 160.26.70 15.01Environmental Process/Clearance saran<e 200 day Tim 3/22 Mon 12/122z + - _.,. .._ i ___ x 57 150.25.70 15.1 Environmental Documentation 200 den Tim 68/22 Mon 12/1222 50 15026.16 16.0 Right of Way Acquisition 200 days 10.12022 Men 8262s . 4 59 150.25.80 18.1 Right or Way Acquisition 200 days Tue 9120122 Mon 6.623 60 150./20.20 17.0 Plans,Specifications and Estimate 270 days Tu.4/4/23 Mon 4/16/24 ♦ ♦ . .. 61 150.30.30 17.1 Rahman/sty PS& Engineering(35% 41 ) 60 days Toe 423 Mon]2423 62 150.30.35 17.27575%PSsE 70 days T.7/25/23 Mon 10/30/23 .___ I { 63 150.30.40 173100%P58E 60 days Tim 103123 Mon 12224 64 150.30.45 17.4 MvarGsinyekdirg 60 days Tim 123/24 Mon 0/1524 65 160,60.60 16.0 Construction 121 days Tut 4/1624 Tw 10/124 _.. _- • 67 150.30.50 152 Pre-Construdion 1 day Tits 4/1624 Tue 4/16/24 67 15020.50 18.2 construction 100 days Wad 4/17/24 Tut 91624It 88 150.30.65 18.3 Purwhlnt 10 days Wed 9/4/24 Tim 9/17/24 ( L M 150.30.70 183 Project Closeout 10 days Wed 9116/24 Tue 10/1/24 1 i-- - { 11111411/13/21 Page 1 Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) II II II I Section II Project Team, Key Personnel and Resumes 111 II II II II II II II II Ii II .Jmn Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) II. Project Team, Key Personnel and Resumes Project Team, Key Personnel and Resumes II _ 1 II 1keet Our ii . .. -_--,-_ ' i ._ _ j II . !I Key Personnel Organization and Qualifications 1 Cc are ready to II The JMD Team offers a comprehensive mix of management insight and multidiscipline technical expertise to successfully anticipate and handle the various Deli v e r needs of the City's program. Management insight and technical expertise are I I assured by our Project Manager who has a management and civil engineering degrees to cover all aspects of the program. In addition, our Project Manager has the municipal background, from the City of San Gabriel and County of San Bernardino,to understand the municipal process and ensure that pitfalls are avoided. Finally,our Project Manager I Iand Project Advisor have the project history working with LA Metro, representing the City of San Gabriel and working with members of the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) to identify important projects needed to address traffic impacts associated with the lack of a 4 to 5-mile freeway gap. IIThe JMD team, illustrated in the organizational chart located in Figure 3 on the following page,consists of a"team of local experts" to handle project needs in a strategic manner. Unlike others who offer an army of people, which are I I neither experts nor local,the JMD Team is built on the notion of offering our best talent to ensure the City receives the optimal value. In addition, our staff, many who live in the San Gabriel Valley (near Rosemead), are highly committed and available to assist the City and this program without interruption from start-up to completion. IMeet the Project Manager Highlights Assigned to this important project is one of Over 35 Years Traffic Engineering our most qualified, experienced, diverse Experience II "- k and local Project Managers, Algis J. Represented the City of San Gabriel on Marciuska, MBA, PE, a licensed Civil the SR-710 North Study Engineer registered in the State of Extensive Multi-Discipline Experience I California, with over 35 years of Experience with Various Local Agencies transportation and municipal experience • Familiar with City Procedures with expertise in highways, civil, traffic and I municipal engineering. He has served as 710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements for the City of San Gabriel where he oversaw the definition and development in the SR-710 North Study of various projects including highway interchanges, arterials, 1 "hot spot"intersections and coordinated or adaptive traffic signals. NI I JMD p. 11-1 1 Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) II. Project Team, Key Personnel and Resumes With his extensive local background and municipal experience, Mr. Marciuska is an ideal choice as Project Manager to lead this important project. He can be reached at (626) 820-1137 extension 1212, or via email at amarciuska@jmdiaz.com. To ensure uninterrupted service to the City, our Principal/Technical Advisor, Juan M. Diaz, MBA, PE, who led the development of the SR-710 North Study for Metro, will be ready to serve as alternate Project Manager should the need arise. JMD TEAM BRINGS THE CITY: • Project Delivery -- Project history and state of the art Key Personnel Organization solutions to start running for timely delivery to benefit all parties. The JMD team organization of the proposed • Constructability—A Team with a record of minimal to no personnel is illustrated in Figure 7 below, followed change orders. by the JMD team roles and availability matrix listed in Table 1 on the following page. JMD's Project • Comprehensive Service - A turnkey strategy focused on Manager and Key Personnel are committed and project delivery while assisting City staff with Metro reporting. available to serve on the project from start-up to • Innovation and Value—An innovative, cost effective and completion. responsive approach Figure 7—Organizational Chart Ik30)EmEAD Value Analysis/Engineering*** Jack Shah,AIA,MS Civil Principal-In-Charge/ Project Manager QA/QC Manager*** Technical Advisor Juan M.Dlaz,MBA,PE Algis J.Marciuska,MBA,PE Peter Kim,PE,TE,PTOE Project Controls/Reporting Document Control Michael F.Chavez,MBV Darlene Dominguez Highways Traffic Signals and Lighting* ITS Infrastructure Lan Saadatenjadi,PE Steven Itagaki,PE,TE,PTOE Ivan Salvatierra,PE,TE Isaias Pedroza,EIT Winston Bautista,PE,TE.PTOE Dana Dardoon Gilberto Figueroa,EIT Greg Andrade Daniel Hosseini Maria Flores Chapman Lee,EIT Constructability*** Plan Checking/Cost Estimating— Construction Management Frank Sanchez,PE Deepak Solanki Frank Sanchez,PE ' Traffic Counts by NDS Construction Inspector*** ** Key Personnel in Bold *'*Optional Service James Greenfield : 10 JMD p.11-2 Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) II. Project Team, Key Personnel and Resumes JMD Team Availability Table 1 below lists the JMD team's current workload and time available to assist the City with this important project. Resumes for all Key Personnel are located at the end of this section. Table 1—Current Workload and Availability PERSONNEL/PROJECT ROLE CURRENT WORKLOAD AVAILABILITY Key Personnel Algis J.Marciuska,MBA,PE • Glendora On-Call Engineering,City of Glendora(10%) 70% Project Manager • Ranch Tract Development, City of Glendora(10%) Juan M.Diaz,MBA,PE • Alameda Street,City of Los Angeles(20%) 60% Principal-in-Charge/ ■ On-Call Engineering Services, City of Glendora(5%) Technical Advisor • Administrative and Marketing(15%) Peter Kim,PE,TE,PTOE • On-Call Engineering Services,Various Cities((20%) 60% QA/QC Manager • Administrative and Marketing(20%) Steven Itagaki,PE,TE,PTOE • Anaheim Dilemma Zones, City of Anaheim(15%) 70% Traffic Signals and Lighting ■ Newport Beach Streetlight Improvements(5%) • Arroyo Seco Low Flow Water Line, LABOE(10%) Ivan Salvatierra,PE,TE • Metro Purple Line Extension, LA Metro(10%) 70% ITS Infrastructure • Norwalk Local Streets Rehabilitation(10%) • Magnolia Avenue Grade Crossing,City of Corona(10%) Lan Saadatenjadi,PE • Miscellaneous Projects 70% Highways • Administrative and Marketing Frank Sanchez,PE • Norwalk Local Streets Rehabilitation(50%) 50% Construction Management/Constructability Technical Staff Deepak Solanki • Glendora On Call Engineering Services(25%) 50% • Brea On Call Engineering Services(25%) James Greenfield • Norwalk Local Streets Rehabilitation(50%) 50% Winston Bautista, PE,TE, PTOE • Miscellaneous On-Call Projects(40%) 60% Darlene Dominguez • Document/Project Control,City of Glendora(20%) 80% Greg Andrade • Anaheim Dilemma Zones,City of Anaheim(15%) 70% • Newport Beach Streetlight Improvements(5%) • Arroyo Seco Low Flow Water Line, LABOE(10%) Dana Dardoon • Metro Purple Line Extension,LA Metro(10%) 70% • Norwalk Local Streets Rehabilitation(10%) • Magnolia Avenue Grade Crossing, City of Corona(10%) Maria Flores ■ Anaheim Dilemma Zones,City of Anaheim(15%) 70% • Newport Beach Streetlight Improvements(5%) • Arroyo Seco Low Flow Water Line, LABOE(10%) . : JMD p.11-3 Project Management Services Related to R SE' - SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) II. Project Team, Key Personnel and Resumes Table 1—Current Workload and Availability PERSONNEL/PROJECT ROLE CURRENT WORKLOAD AVAILABILITY Chapman Lee,EIT • Staff Augmentation,City of Glendora(30%) 70% ' Isaias Pedroza, EIT Staff Augmentation, City of Glendora(30%) , 70% Gilberto Figueroa, EIT Staff Augmentation, City of Glendora(30%) 70% Daniel Hosseini k Staff Augmentation, City of Glendora(30%) 70% I I JMDp.11-4 Project Management Services Related t�' R"s`` • SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) Juan M. Diaz, MBA, PE : : JMD Principal-In-Charge/Technical Advisor Mr. Diaz has over 35 years of professional engineering experience in the transportation planning and engineering industry. His extensive expertise in highway,traffic,rail and transit engineering has resulted in his management of major highway and rail transit projects in Southern California. Mr. Diaz has conducted studies and prepared designs for numerous agencies including Caltrans, Metro, SCRRA, OCTA, CPUC, NDOT, County of Los Angeles, County of Orange, and numerous local agencies as well as local railroads throughout California and Nevada. His experience includes the 1 - analysis and development of PS&E packages for highway, rail transit and freight rail corridor projects. As a former Metrolink representative and on-call railroad consultant, his experience in coordination with the CPUC has led to more than 500 at-grade crossing and grade separations within the Metrolink systems. His diverse Title background and experience along with his strong ability in leading President/Chief Executive Officer community outreach/consensus building efforts has resulted in his direct involvement in the analysis of train/vehicle/pedestrian circulation issues at Years of Experience rail/highway interfaces including interchanges,grade crossings and stations 35 as well as quality of life projects associated with mitigating noise along rail corridors. Registration Mr. Diaz is a Cal Poly Pomona faculty as well as youth minister/preacher Registered Professional Engineer,CA, known for his ability to work and communicate with bilingual communities of #C50813 all ages on sensitive projects. Education Relevant Experience • M.B.A.,Business Administration, 1991,California State Polytechnic SR-710 Gap Alternatives—LA Metro University, Pomona Served as Task Manager and member of the CH2M Team responsible for • B.S.,Civil Engineering, 1986 alternatives analyses, technical assessments, conceptual and preliminary California State Polytechnic engineering, public involvement and community outreach support, and University, Pomona environmental studies to prepare a project report and appropriate environmental documents for the SR 710 Gap.The 710 Gap is a regionally • A.S.,Building Technology, 1982 significant project needed to close the current highway system gap between Don Bosco Technical Institute, Interstates 10 and 210 in Los Angeles and Pasadena, California, Rosemead respectively. JMD has developed various alternatives including Affiliations Transportation Systems Management/Transportation Demand • American Society of Civil Management(TSM/TDM), a nearly 7-mile light rail transit(LRT) line,a 10- Engineers mile bus rapid transit(BRT) line and interchange improvements. JMD was Institute of Transportation responsible for designing arterial segments, interchanges, LRT and BRT • alignments and stations as well as "hot spot" intersections, roundabouts, • American Railway Engineering parking and LRT maintenance facilities. and Maintenance of Way Association SR-91/1-710 PSR/PDS Support—LA Metro Served as Project Manager responsible for preparing the PSR-PDS for widening improvements on SR-91 between Central Avenue in the City of Compton and Paramount Boulevard, in the City of Long Beach, a distance of about 5.5 miles.The project proposed the addition of one general purpose ■■ JMD J. Diaz I p. 1 Project Management Services Related to `` SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) • lane in each direction for two 1-710 alternatives 5C(10 general purpose lanes)and 7(8 general purpose lanes with a four-lane elevated freight corridor). The project analyzed four alternatives designed to address capacity,weaving and merging issues within the freeway mainline as well as interchange capacity and operation needs.The project included consideration of an Eastbound collector-distributor road designed to separate multiple ramps from the mainline and allows for optimal spacing. On-Call Project Management, Staff Augmentation and Municipal Engineering Services—City of San Gabriel Serving as Principal-In-Charge responsible for providing on-call traffic engineering services to the City of San Gabriel. Services included study reviews, plan reviews, special investigations, and studies as well as traffic signal and stop control warrant analysis. JMD also reviewed traffic signal, traffic control and street lighting plans, and also performed special investigations or studies related to safe route to schools including lighting assessments. Citywide Analysis and High Priority SR-710 North Mitigation Projects—City of San Gabriel Served as Project Manager responsible for developing citywide level of service, ridership,cost,and priority analysis to define necessary mitigation projects in lieu of a missing SR-710 Gap highway connection between 1-10 and 1-210 in the City of San Gabriel. The project, originated by Metro, was designed to define capacity needs through 2045 within the City directly or indirectly attributed to the missing SR-710 Gap with the intent of improving safety and mobility for local and regional traffic.The following are the projects resulting from this project: • Mission Road&Ramona Street • Adaptive Signal Control Technology Systems on • San Gabriel Boulevard/Interstate 10(SG-13) Valley Blvd &San Gabriel Blvd (SG-14) • Valley Boulevard &Abbot Avenue • San Gabriel Boulevard&Valley Boulevard • Walnut Grove Avenue&Las Tunas Drive(SG-5) • San Gabriel Boulevard & Marshall Street • Del Mar Avenue/Mission Road/EI Monte Street Realignment(SG-11) Reconfiguration(SG-12) • Valley Boulevard &Del Mar Avenue • Transit Service to Light Rail(SG-7) • San Gabriel Boulevard& Las Tunas Drive • Mission Road&Junipero Serra Drive • First-Mile/Last Mile Improvements(SG-8) • Del Mar Avenue/Interstate 10(SG-13) • Walnut Grove Avenue&Grand Avenue(SG-5) • New Avenue/Interstate 10(SG-13) • East Broadway Street (San Gabriel Boulevard to • Local Circulator Bus Service(SG-9) Muscatel Avenue)(SG-3) • Valley Boulevard &New Avenue • Multimodal Transit Center(SG-6) • Mission Drive&Las Tunas Drive • Citywide Bicycle Facilities(SG-4) San Gabriel Trench Grade Separation Project—City of San Gabriel Served as Task Manager involved in providing analysis and design for the Transportation Management Plan for the San Gabriel Trench project in the City of San Gabriel near the historic San Gabriel Mission and adjacent vital Mission District, the San Gabriel High School, and numerous residential properties adjacent to the existing rail right-of-way. The analysis included level of service analysis as well as development of haul routes to minimize impacts to local residents and businesses.The trench project substantially reduced operating noise through the elimination of crossing warning horn blasts and signal equipment, (as well as redirecting the noise upward rather than outward).This project included railroad coordination,drainage, utility relocation, and traffic control. 2013-2014 Great Streets Improvement Project—City of San Gabriel Served as Principal-In-Charge responsible for overseeing design and construction inspection services to the City of San Gabriel for various high priority rehabilitation projects citywide. The proposed streets for rehabilitation include: Fairview Avenue, North Circle Drive, South Circle Drive, Abbot Avenue, W. Chestnut Avenue, Alley (North), Alley (South), Bradbury Drive, N. Mission Drive and W. Sycamore Drive. Sepulveda Boulevard PEER and Metro CFP Served as Project Manager responsible for developing corridor improvements including intersection widening, signalization (adaptive signals) and progression improvements at seven (7) intersections along or near Sepulveda Boulevard as part of Metro's Measure R Program managed through the South Bay Cities Council of Governments (SBCCOG). The project consisted of conducting traffic analysis, preparing conceptual design of intersection i JMD J. Diaz p.2 Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) improvements,and conceptual level cost estimates.The project also included the development of a Permit Engineering Evaluation Report(PEER)and a funding application as part of Metro's 2015 Call for Projects funding program. On-Call/Staff Augmentation Municipal Engineering Services—City of Industry Served as Technical Advisor responsible for providing City engineering services to the City of Industry including permitting, plan checking and inspection as well as preparation of studies and design plans for roadway,traffic signal, railroad crossing and rail/highway grade separation projects.These projects/tasks included the following: • Citywide Traffic Model and CIP Program • Puente Avenue Grade Separation Development • Citywide Blvd Bus Stop Removal — Various • Citywide Traffic Accident Analysis Locations • Traffic Management Center Development • Citywide Signing and Striping Maintenance • Azusa Avenue Citywide Corridor Improvements • Retroreflective Sign Inspection Study • San Jose Ave.Widening • Citywide Engineering and Traffic Survey Study • Colima Road(Puente Hills Mall)Widening • Baker Parkway Traffic Calming • Gale Ave./Stoner Creek Traffic Signal Timing • Stoner Creek ADA Enhancements Optimization • Valley Blvd/I-605 Interchange • Metro Grade Crossing Program • SR-60/1605 Interchange • Fairway Drive Grade Separation • Citywide Permits and Construction Inspections Countywide ITS Inventory—LA Metro Served as Principal-In-Charge responsible for conducting an inventory of existing ITS equipment located in traffic signal cabinets within thirty(30)cities in the Los Angeles County. Data was used to create a data base to assist Metro and local cities for assessment of future improvements. Coordination with over forty (40) cities was essential during the project to ensure Metro's database was an accurate representation of the existing ITS network. Tasks included numerous field visits to traffic signal controllers and conducting an inventory of all equipment located in each traffic signal cabinet. On-Call Engineering Services—City of Glendora Serving as Principal Advisor responsible for providing professional on-call engineering services to the City of Glendora on a task order basis. Services include on-site and offsite services including project management, Foothill Gold Line design review, plan checking as well as street,traffic and utility design and construction inspection. I-5/Burbank Boulevard Interchange—City of Burbank Served as Project Manager responsible for the design to widen the existing 1-5 Freeway off-ramps at Burbank Boulevard necessary to accommodate traffic volumes generated by the 41- acre Media City Center Development project. The project included the preparation of a project study report; project report; and plans, specifications and estimates. ATSAC SMART Corridor Project—City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation(LADOT) Served as Design Engineer responsible for the initial traffic signal design tasks required to incorporate four corridors into the City of Los Angeles' central ATSAC network. The corridors begin in the City of Santa Monica extending to downtown Los Angeles and include the following streets: Olympic Boulevard, Pico Boulevard, Venice Boulevard,and Washington Boulevard.The four corridors involved nearly 100 intersections. ■■• • JMD J. Diaz' p.3 Project Management Services Related t. ` " SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) Algis J. Marciuska, MBA, PE i . .uD Project Manager Mr. Marciuska has over 35 years of professional engineering experience in the civil engineering profession. He has extensive experience in the design of streets and highways,drainage systems, bridges, culverts, public works facilities,institutional projects,signalization projects,geometric design,land development projects, subdivision mapping, construction surveys, construction engineering,and project management.He has prepared many plans, specifications, estimates, and studies for the County of San Bernardino, San Gabriel Valley cities, County of Los Angeles, County of - Orange,and City of San Diego. Relevant Experience On-Call Engineering Services—City of Glendora Serving Sr. Project Manager currently providing on-site project Title management, site development and transportation plan reviews as well as Senior Civil Engineer monitoring MS4 drainage requirements. Also, providing design support on the current Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Project currently in Years of Experience construction within the City of Glendora. This assignment requires 35 coordination with City staff,outside agencies and consultants. Registration SR•710 North Corridor Mobility Projects—City of San Gabriel Served as Principal Engineer responsible for developing and planning City Registered Civil Engineer,CA,#44846 traffic and transportation TSM/TDM projects to receive SR-710 Mobility Education Project funding from Metro. Worked with Metro,City Council and Staff,and neighboring cities to develop scope and estimates for multiple projects. • M.B.A.,Business Administration, Attended meetings and conferences to advocate for project funding. 1991,California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Coordinated project submittals for two rounds of funding consideration. • B.S.,Civil Engineering, 1986 Alameda Corridor East San Gabriel Trench Grade Separation Project California State Polytechnic —City of San Gabriel University, Pomona Served as City Project Engineer responsible for providing planning, environmental review, plan checking, permitting, inspection, construction • A.S.,Building Technology, 1982 management and inter-agency coordination for the $300 million project Don Bosco Technical Institute, consisting of four grade separations and a 1.5-mile-long trench in the Union Rosemead Pacific Railroad right of way in the cities of San Gabriel, Alhambra, Affiliations Rosemead and Los Angeles County unincorporated community of East San • Member,American Society of Civil Gabriel. Engineers New Public Works Facility Project—City of San Gabriel • Member, Institute of Served as City Project Engineer responsible for providing planning, Transportation Engineers environmental review, development review, and plan checking for the new • Member,American Public Works Public Works Offices and Yard for San Gabriel. The $14 million project Association included an administration and engineering office, fleet service garage, • Member,Urban Land Institute warehouse,workshops,and vehicle/equipment/storage facilities. • Life Member,Chi Epsilon, National Civil Engineering Honor Society Local Streets Rehabilitation Program — Phase I, Zone 24 & • Life Member,Tau Beta Pi, Miscellaneous Streets—City of Norwalk National Engineering Honor Serving as Lead Drainage/Utilities Engineer currently developing design Society plans, specifications and estimates for the rehabilitation of several I i liJMD A. Marciuska I p. 1 I Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) residential streets in the City's Zone 2 in the southeastern portion of the City of Norwalk.The project involves developing pavement design strategies as well as designing street rehabilitation improvements including pavement reconstruction and overlays as well as curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveways, curb ramps, street lighting and traffic signal interfaces. Due to the extremely flat conditions of the area,several ponding areas are being eliminated by adjusting street profiles 111 and providing new compacted subgrade where settlement has occurred. Pedestrian and Metrolink Station Improvements—City of Covina Served as Design Engineer responsible for providing professional engineering design services for pedestrian improvements at the Metrolink Station in the City of Covina. Improvements consisted of providing safe access to streets for bicyclists and pedestrians including crosswalks, sidewalks and countdown indicators at traffic signals near the station.Proposed site elements included reconstruction and restriping of the parking lot including landscaping,irrigation and lighting improvements. Station platform lighting enhancements proposed were made to meet current lighting standards and fixtures.Additional beautification elements included decorative paving within a plaza at the station and parking structure entrances as well as decorative fountains, benches and trash receptacles, planter pots throughout the station, flag pole and a variety of shapely and colorful trees and vegetation with decorative lighting. The project involved close coordination with Metrolink and California Public Utilities Commission(CPUC). Cycle 8 State-Legislated Safe Routes to School—City of El Monte Served as Quality Assurance/Quality Control Manager responsible for providing plans, specifications and cost estimates (PS&E) and related construction documents for the Cycle 8 State-Legislated Safe Routes to School Improvement Project (SR2S) at various city streets within close proximity to city schools. The project included the design of pedestrian raised crosswalks, flashing stop signs, the construction of sidewalk where none currently exist, high visibility crosswalks, modify driveway approaches, at the various intersections, and the modification of any non- compliant ADA-pedestrian ramps within a restrictive area adjacent to elementary schools. These improvements took place adjacent to eighteen(18) El Monte elementary schools within three(3)school districts. Countywide Transportation Projects—County of San Bernardino Served as the County of San Bernardino's Project Manager and Project Engineer responsible for the development of over twenty-five (25) major transportation projects throughout the County of San Bernardino including roadway, rail crossing,drainage, bike trail and traffic signal projects. Specific projects included the following: • Fort Irwin Road Improvement Project—federally and locally funded 20-mile long roadway safety project serving the U.S.Army National Training Center at Fort Irwin, CA. Managed planning, environmental studies, right of way acquisition, and the preparation of the plans, specification, estimates, funding documents, and regulatory clearances/permits. Planned and led meetings for funding,clearances,coordination,and approvals for the proejct with Federal, State,and local agencies and officials. • Arrow at Redwood Signal and Sidewalk Improvement Project—federally and locally funded signalization project at Redwood Elementary School, including sidewalk, curb, gutter, and pavement construction for a safe route to school, City of Fontana. • La Cadena Drive Signal Installation Project—construction of signalization, intersection improvements, signing, and striping of the skewed La Cadena Drive at Barton Road intersection in the cities of Colton and Grand Terrace. • Mission Boulevard at Roswell Signal Upgrade Project —federally funded project to install an upgraded signal system,City of Montclair. • Valley at Hemlock Signal Installation Project—installation of traffic signals at the five-point intersection of Valley Boulevard, Hemlock Avenue, and Fontana Avenue. Jointly funded by the City of Fontana, the County of San Bernardino,and the Federal Highway Administration. • Amboy Road Rehabilitation Project—federally funded pavement rehabilitation and management project, City of Wonder Valley. • Duncan and Wilson Ranch Railroad Crossings—upgrade of two (2) railroad crossings in the Phelan area at the Union Pacific Railroad. Project included the installation of active warning devices,street lighting, roadway paving, and geometric design. ■■ JMD A. Marciuska I p.2 Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) Peter Kim, PE, TE, PTOE i i JMD QA/QC Advisory Team With over 29 years of civil engineering experience,Mr. Kim completed traffic engineering projects for local agencies, schools, railroads, and private entities in California. His comprehensive experience includes numerous traffic studies, traffic signal designs, preparation of signing & striping, Clighting,grading,and traffic control plans. Relevant Experience SR-710 Gap Alternatives—LA Metro Served as QA/QC Manager responsible for the light rail transit, railroad and Transportation System Management/Transportation Demand Management (TSM/TDM), alternatives for the nearly five-mile-long freeway gap between Interstate 10(Los Angeles/Alhambra)and Interstate 210(Pasadena).JMD is responsible for developing conceptual LRT, grade separation, track, Title Traffic Engineer roadway,and intersection alignments to address local needs and hot spots through the Cities of Los Angeles, Alhambra, South Pasadena, and Pasadena. LRT and track alignment plans are designed in accordance with Years of Experience LA Metro, as well as UPRR and AREMA standards, respectively. The cost 29 estimating of each altemative is also involved including the development of an environmental document for the project. JMD was responsible for Registration facilitating close coordination with Cities, UPRR, and CPUC to obtain Registered Civil Engineer,CA,#51616 reviews and the conceptual approvals in a timely manner. Registered Traffic Engineer,CA,#1871 1-710 Freeway EIR/EIS—Los Angeles County Served as QA/QC Manager responsible for providing professional Professional Traffic Operations engineering services in the current development of initial studies and Engineer,CA,#263 preliminary design for the 1-710 Freeway Environmental Impact Report (EIR)/Environmental Impact Statement(EIS)Project in Los Angeles County. Education The 18-mile project, between State Route 60 (Pomona Freeway) and • B.S.,Civil Engineering, 1989 Ocean Boulevard in the City of Long Beach proposed to add truck lanes to California State Polytechnic relieve congestion related to increased container activity between the Ports University,Pomona of Los Angeles/Long Beach and the rest of the region.The lead agency for • Certificate for the Management the project was LA County Metro supported by key funding partners for Engineering and Technical including Caltrans, Port of Los Angeles, and Port of Long Beach. Professions, 1999 University of On-Call Traffic Engineering Services Irvine,Irvine Served as Traffic Engineer responsible for providing traffic plan checking Affiliations and general traffic engineering services including reviewing, and • State of California,Board for commenting Developer's master plans,grading plans,traffic impact studies, Professional Engineers and Land traffic signal plans, signing and striping plans, and traffic control plans for Surveyors,Prepared and the following Cities: Reviewed Traffic Registration Examination • On-Call Traffic Engineering Service,City of Irvine—Provided engineering services at the City Hall. • Institute of Transportation • On-Call Traffic Engineering Service, City of Camarillo — Acted as an assistant traffic engineer for the City of Camarillo. • On-Call Traffic Engineering Service, City of Corona— Provided various traffic engineering tasks. ■■ JMD P. Kim Ip. 1 Project Management Services Related to Foie. AU SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) • On-Call Traffic Engineering Service, City of Chino—Provided traffic engineering services. San Gabriel Trench Grade Separation Project—San Gabriel Valley Served as QA/QC Manager responsible for providing professional engineering services with the Alameda Corridor East (ACE), and the City of San Gabriel for the grade separation near the historic San Gabriel Mission and adjacent vital Mission District,the San Gabriel High School,and numerous residential properties adjacent to the existing rail right-of- way. The rail trench will substantially reduce operating noise through the elimination of crossing warning horn blasts and signal equipment,and because the trench walls effectively reflect noise upward rather than outward.This project included, railroad coordination, utility,traffic control,and management planning. Florence Avenue—County of Los Angeles Served as Traffic Engineer responsible for preparing traffic signal modification, and interconnect plans which involved fifty(50) intersections through the Cities of Bell, Bell Gardens, Cudahy, Downey, Huntington Park, Santa Fe Springs, and an unincorporated County Area. Glenoaks Boulevard—County of Los Angeles Served as Traffic Engineer responsible for modifying thirty(30)traffic signal systems throughout the Cities of Burbank and Glendale. Traffic Signal Installation Project for 5 locations—City of Pomona Served as Traffic Engineer responsible for preparing plans,specifications,and cost estimate for the five(5)new traffic signal projects. Traffic Signal Installation on Walnut Avenue—City of Irvine Served as Traffic Engineer responsible for preparing plans,specifications, and cost estimate for the installation of the new traffic signal at the intersection of Walnut and Peters Canyon. The project involved the installation of CCTV equipment,fiber interconnect cables,video detection system,and wireless communication systems. Traffic Control/Signing and Striping Plans—Southern California Served as Traffic Engineer responsible for preparing signing and striping,traffic control,and construction staging plans for over two-hundred(200)projects at various locations throughout Southern California. Cycle 8 State-Legislated Safe Routes to School—City of El Monte Served as Project Engineer responsible for assisting with providing plans, specifications, and cost estimates(PS&E), and related construction documents for the Cycle 8 State-Legislated Safe Routes to School Improvement Project (SR2S) at various City streets within close proximity to City schools. The project included the design of pedestrian raised crosswalks, flashing stop signs, the construction of sidewalk where none existed, high visibility crosswalks, modifying driveway approaches, at the various intersections, and the modification of any non-compliant ADA- pedestrian ramps within a restrictive area adjacent to elementary schools.These improvements took place adjacent to eighteen (18) El Monte elementary schools within three(3)school districts. Pedestrian and Metrolink Station Improvements—City of Covina Served as Design Engineer responsible for professional engineering design services for pedestrian improvements at the Metrolink Station in the City of Covina. The improvements consisted of providing safe access to the streets for bicyclists and pedestrians including crosswalks,sidewalks,and countdown indicators at traffic signals near the station. The proposed site elements included the reconstruction and restriping of the parking lot including landscaping, irrigation,and lighting improvements.The station platform lighting enhancements proposed were made to meet current lighting standards and fixtures. Additional beautification elements included decorative paving within a plaza at the station and parking structure entrances as well as decorative fountains, benches, trash receptacles, planter pots throughout the station, flag pole, and a variety of shapely and colorful trees, and vegetation with decorative lighting. The project involved close coordination with SCRRA/Metrolink and the California Public Utilities Commission(CPUC). ■■ JMD P. Kim I p. 2 .� � Project Management Services Related to �'os A"__ SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) Steven Itagaki, PE, , PTOE i i JMD Traffic Signals and Lighting Mr. Itagaki has over 30 years of civil engineering experience as a Project Manager, Steven has worked on a variety of civil, highway, traffic, rail and i ..... — . transit engineering projects for client cities, outside agencies, private sectors,and California Department of Transportation(Caltrans).Steven has worked on over 20+traffic projects and has been responsible for managing and preparing plans, specifications and estimates for traffic signal, street Op" lighting, signing, striping and traffic control projects utilizing AutoCAD with • AutoTurn, MicroStation, and Lighting Programs AG132 and Visual. His ' experience also includes traffic studies and reports utilizing the Highway ,. Capacity Software(HCS), Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU), Synchro, N. and SPEEDPLOT. Relevant Experience SR-9111.710 PSR/PDS Support—LA Metro Title Served as Traffic Task Manager responsible for preparing the PSR-PDS for Senior Project Manager widening improvements on SR-91 between Central Avenue in the City of Compton and Paramount Boulevard, in the City of Long Beach, a distance Years of Experience of about 5.5 miles. The project proposed the addition of one (1) general 30 purpose lane in each direction for two(2) 1-710 alternatives 5C(10 general purpose lanes) and seven (8 general purpose lanes with a four-lane Registration elevated freight corridor). The project analyzed four (4) alternatives Registered Professional Engineer,CA, designed to address capacity, weaving, and merging issues within the #C67470 freeway mainline as well as interchange capacity and operation needs.The Registered Traffic Engineer,CA, project included consideration of the Eastbound collector-distributor road #TR2394 designed to separate multiple ramps from the mainline and allows for Registered Professional Traffic optimal spacing. Operations Engineer,CA,#2156 1-710 Gap Alternatives Analysis—LA Metro Education Served as Project Engineer responsible for conducting alternatives B.S.,Civil Engineering, 1991, analysis, technical assessments, modeling, conceptual and preliminary • California State Polytechnic engineering, and Traffic Signal System Priority (TSSP) for the 1-710 Gap University,Pomona Project.The 710 Gap is a regionally significant project needed to close the current highway system gap between Interstates 10 and 210 in Los Angeles Affiliations and Pasadena,California,respectively.JMD assisted in developing a Traffic • American Society of Civil Signal System Priority (TSSP) along Atlantic Boulevard, a nearly five (5)- Engineers mile segment from SR-60 to Huntington Drive. • Institute of Transportation Engineers City Engineering Services—City of Industry Served as City Traffic Engineer responsible for providing City engineering services to the City of Industry.Services included permitting,plan checking, and inspection as well as the preparation of studies and design plans for roadway,traffic signal, railroad crossing,and rail/highway grade separation projects. On-Call/Staff Augmentation Municipal Engineering Services—City of San Gabriel Served as Lead Design Engineer responsible for providing on-call traffic engineering services to the City of San Gabriel. Services included study ■: J M D S. Itagaki I p. 1 Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) SR-710 Gap Alternatives—LA Metro Serving as Sr. Traffic Engineer and member of the CH2M Team, responsible for alternatives analyses, technical assessments, conceptual and preliminary engineering, public involvement and community outreach support, and environmental studies to prepare a project report and appropriate environmental documents for the SR-710 Gap.The 710 Gap is a regionally significant project needed to close the current highway system gap between Interstates 10 and 210 in Los Angeles and Pasadena, California, respectively. JMD has developed various alternatives including Transportation Systems Management/Transportation Demand Management (TSM/TDM), a nearly 7-mile light rail transit (LRT) line, a 10-mile bus rapid transit (BRT) line and interchange improvements. JMD is responsible for designing arterial segments, interchanges, LRT and BRT alignments, and stations as well as"hot spot" intersections, adaptive signals, roundabouts,parking and LRT maintenance facilities. On-Call PM QC-T06-I-405 and SR-170 Soundwall Projects—Metro CH2M Served as Project Manager responsible for part of the design team for the Metro Soundwall#11 along SR-170 in the City of Los Angeles. Construction of a new soundwall which included roadway and bridge widening along the northbound and southbound lanes at various locations. Tasks included preparation of final PS&E documents for utilities,sewer relocations,fiber optic communication,CMS signs,highway lighting,roadway lighting and ramp metering for both CALTRANS and City of Los Angeles Douglas Park Development—City of Long Beach Served as Project Engineer responsible for designing and preparing traffic signal modification plans for the installation of an Adaptive Traffic Control System (ATCS) for over 120 intersections. 4 north/south corridors and 4 east/west corridors were equipped with traffic signal detection and communication upgrades to accommodate the ATCS system. Traffic Management was controlled from the City's Public Works yard.The ATCS system was designed to adjust traffic timing along corridors to accommodate heavy direction volumes during peak hours.Before and after studies conducted showed a travel time savings of up to 10 minutes over a 6-mile trip.8 Changeable Message Signs(CMS)were designed and installed to warn travelers of potential delays and providing alternate routes.Tasks consisted of field verification of all existing signal equipment,design of system loops for ATCS, 7 CCTV cameras, 8 CMS and 16+miles of fiber optic communication network with 8 hubs in Long Beach and its surrounding cities. Countywide ITS Inventory—LA Metro Served as Project Manager responsible for conducting an inventory of existing ITS equipment located in traffic signal cabinets for thirty(30)cities located in the Los Angeles County. Data was used to create a data base to assist Metro and local cities for assessment of future improvements. Coordination with over forty(40)cities was essential during the project to ensure Metro's database was an accurate representation of the existing ITS network. Tasks consisted of numerous field visits to traffic signal controllers and conducting an inventory of all equipment located in the cabinet. Atlantic Corridor Improvements—City of Long Beach Served as Project Engineer responsible for designing and preparing construction plans and documents for the modification of twenty(20)traffic signals and fiber optic communication along Atlantic Avenue in Long Beach. Tasks consisted of generating traffic signal modification plans, fiber optic communication plans, CCTV camera plans, construction cost estimate,and technical specifications documents.The signalized intersections were included into the City's Adaptive Traffic Control System. On-Call/Staff Augmentation Municipal Engineering Services—City of Industry Served as Project Manager responsible for all ITS management for the city. The County of Los Angeles maintains a wireless traffic signal communication system that coordinated through a central traffic management center. Most of the city's traffic signals are managed through the county's system and coordinated with the city. A city traffic model was being developed to analyze LOS and develop hotspot locations in need of improvement.Tasks included setting up a Traffic Management Center in the city's office,developing a citywide traffic model using Synchro.These projects/tasks included the following: • Traffic Management Center Development • Citywide ITS Solutions Coordination with County of • Development of Citywide Level of Service Study Los Angeles Department of Public Works. • Development of Citywide Traffic mode ■i JMD I. Salvatierra I p. 2 Project Management Services Related t•` . (-) 1 ;_ SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) Lan Saadatnejadi, MBA, PE i IN JMD Highways Lead Ms. Saadatnejadi has more than 31 years of experience in developing highway improvement projects. She has both public and private sector experiences in quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) for State Highway project study reports (PSR), project development support (PDS), project report(PR),and project plans,specifications,and estimates(PS&E). She had managed both design and project management offices responsible for the quality production of Caltrans documents. She has comprehensive knowledge of federal, state, regional, and local transportation programs, including freeway-to-freeway interchanges, high occupancy toll (HOT) lanes, toll roads, high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes, freeway widening, new freeways, freeway-to-local street interchanges, multi-purpose corridors,operational improvements,etc. Such comprehensive perspective provides a unique benefit of ensuring project documents are developed with the proper context in mind. Title Relevant Experience Project Manager • 1-710 Major Rehabilitation PID Years of Experience • 1-710/7th Street Interchange Modifications PSR&PR 31 • Amtrak, Los Angeles Union Station Run-Through Tracks PSR • City of Carson Redevelopment Agency,1-405 Avalon Interchange Project Registration • Overland Ave. Bridge Widening Over 1-10 Freeway PS&E Registered Professional Engineer,CA, • Pigeon Pass Road Widening PS&E, Moreno Valley, CA #C47795 • Oceanside SR 76/EI Camino Real Interchange Improvement Conceptual Education Design • MBA,California State University, • Oceanside SR 78&El Camino Real Bridge Widening PSR Long Beach • Riverside County Transportation Department 1-10/Main Street PSR • BS,Civil Engineering,California • Rancho Mission Viejo, Construction Support Services for Ortega State Polytechnic University, Highway Interim Improvements PR Pomona • Rancho Mission Viejo, Cow Camp Access Improvements Concept Affiliations Analysis American Society of Civil • Rancho Mission Viejo,Signalized Connection to Ortega Highway(SR 74) • Engineers PR&PS&E Institute of Transportation • Rancho Mission Viejo, I-5/Crown Valley to SR73 Concept Analysis • Engineers • Rancho Mission Viejo, Lower Ortega Highway (from Calle Entradero to WTS Antonio Parkway)Widening Project Concept Analysis • AASHTO • Rancho Mission Viejo, SR 241 Cow Camp Road Interchange Concept • Analysis • Oceanside, SR 78 Rancho Del Oro Interchange EIR/EIS • 1-5 HOV Widening from Orange County Line to SR-605 Major Investment Study(MIS), PR, PS&E • 1-60 HOV Widening PR • 1-110 at Temple Street Access Improvements PS&E • 1-5/1-10 Separation Access Improvements PID • 1-405 Auxiliary Lane from Waterford to 1-10 PSR&PAED • SR-47 Grade Separation PSR, PR, PS&E ■i JMD L. Saadatnejadi Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) Frank Sanchez, PE i JMD Construction Management Title Mr. Sanchez has over 22 years of civil engineering, administration and Senior Project Manager construction of capital improvement infrastructure experience, Frank has worked on a variety of Civil, Public Works, and Construction Management Years of Experience engineering projects for client cities, public agencies, and private sectors. 22 His multi-discipline expertise will bring background knowledge to any project from all aspects of design,coordination and construction. Registration Professional Civil Engineer,CA, Relevant Experience #C-61326 Morning Canyon Drive Roadway Rehabilitation—City of Diamond Bar Served as Public Works Construction Inspector responsible for providing Education Public Works Inspection services including verification of contractors work • M.B.A.,Construction quantities and payment requests, coordination of independent material Management,1998,California testers and employee interviews for prevailing wage verification. State University,Long Beach 2017 Annual Street Improvement Project—City of Laguna Beach • B.S.,Civil Engineering, 1994 Served as Public Works Construction Inspector responsible for providing California State University,Long Public Works Inspection services including verification of contractors work Beach quantities and payment requests, coordination of independent material • Professional Land Surveying, testers and employee interviews for prevailing wage verification. Santiago Community College, California On-Call Engineering—City of Costa Mesa Served as Construction Services Officer responsible for managed Construction and Inspection Services of public and private construction within the public right-of-way for the City of Costa Mesa as required under conditions of approval. Routinely, assigned inspectors for assignment coverage and reviewed discrepancies contrary to city standards. Tasks included contractor and utility company correspondence,review of pans and specifications for compliance and oversight of contractor payments. On-Call Engineering/Staff Augmentation Services—City of South Gate Served as Project Manager responsible for providing on-call project management services for the construction of Capital Improvement Projects (CIP). Tasks included managing, coordinating and corresponding with designers, contractors, utility representatives, City staff and the public at large. Projects under construction and in design included: • FY 17-18 Citywide Sidewalk Replacement • Walnut Street Parking Lot Reconstruction Project • Hildreth Street Traffic Mitigation Project • Civic Center Exterior Lighting&Wayfinding Signage Improvements • Police Department Parking Lot Expansion • Long Beach Boulevard Urban Greening Improvements Project • Garfield Avenue Complete Streets Project • FY 18-19 Citywide Sidewalk Replacement Project ■i J M D F. Sanchez Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) I I I Section III Company Qualifications I i i I 1 :: JMD Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) III. Company Qualifications Company Qualifications I Prime Consultant Planning IJMDiaz, Inc. (JMD), a California corporation, offers a full ' Civil range of transportation planning and civil engineering Master Plans I covering highways, roadways, land development, traffic, rail Concept Design and transit projects for local agencies, schools, railroads and Feasibility Studies private entities in California. Highways Project Study Reports Originally founded by Juan M. Diaz in 2001, JMD is serving Project Reports clients from its office in City of Industry, California. Currently, Land Development JMD has a staff of 24 professionals and administrative staff. Master Plans I Traffic Impact Studies Through the proven experience of its professionals and Traffic technical staff, JMD has earned a reputation of quality, Traffic Impact Studies I commitment and responsiveness by providing innovative and Warrant Analysis timely design solutions on projects sponsored by private Rail developers and public agencies. JMD's reputation is Rail Corridor/Feasibility Studies I complemented by its values and commitment to improve Rail Safety Studies/Grade Crossing Analysis quality of life as expressed in its mission statement: Quiet Zones Structures "To provide responsive, innovative and effective Grade Separation Feasibility Studies solutions that improve quality of life." Engineering In addition to its comprehensive qualifications, JMD is also Highway/Roadway Design I certified with local agencies as a: Mainlines/Ramps/Interchanges Roadway Rehabilitation/Streetscapes • Community Business Enterprise(CBE) Bikeways/Trails Disadvantaged Business Enterprise(DBE) Land Development • Local Small Business Enterprise(LSBE) Residential/Commercial Sites • Minority Business Enterprise(MBE) Campus Expansions/Master Plans I Services Rail Design(HSR, Light, Commuter&Freight) Mainline/Industry/Shoofly Alignment Grade Crossings/Stations/Quiet Zones JMD offers a wide range of services covering planning, Structures engineering and management for public and private sector Rail/Highway Grade Separations clients. These services, outlined to the right, cover all phases Pedestrian Bridges of project development from conceptual design through TrafficlTransit Design I construction. Such depth of services is one of JMD's unique Signing and Striping I and distinguishing characteristics that have contributed to its Traffic Signals/Lighting/Traffic Control success. Rail/Bus Rapid Transit Corridors ILocation Stations/Parking Facilities JMD is located at the address shown below: Management I 18645 East Gale Avenue, Suite 212 Project/Municipal Services/Program Management City of Industry, CA 91748 1363 Staff Augmentation Phone (626)820-1137 • Fax(626) 820-1136 Construction Management and Inspection I 111 . JMD p.I I I-1 e Project Management Services Related to R...--) E SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) III. Company Qualifications Relevant Project Experience , JMD and its staff have unique qualifications and an extensive history providing staff augmentation civil and 4 -se " traffic engineering services and project management to ,oAli,,,u: _: numerous agencies in Southern California. Our • comprehensive qualifications cover analysis, as well II 710 as civil design (land development and transportation ' '' k . design), traffic (signing, striping, traffic signals, traffic _ ■ M control)design, ITS solutions and lighting expertise for � -- '" , . .ii iv, multimodal facilities. Wi.. "ii, '00. IJMD was involved in the development of the SR-710 Client: LA Metro(c/o CH2M Hill) North(Gap)Study which identified various alternatives Reference: Yoga Chandran, Project Manager and projects for the cities along the missing gap. This 6 Hutton Center Drive,Ste 700 and other JMD projects providing timely assistance Sa Ana, 9 (7144)460-16600 a 0 Tel.2707 and expertise to local city agencies are listed below. cyogach@hntb.com Duration: 2012—Ongoing SR-710 Gap Alternatives Analyses and Project Personnel: J.Diaz,I.Salvatierra,S. Itagaki,G.Andrade Report Preparation, Los Angeles County, CA JMD was a member of the CH2M(now Jacobs)Team Citywide Analysis and High Priority SR-710 responsible for alternatives analyses, technical North Mitigation Projects, City of San Gabriel assessments,conceptual and preliminary engineering, JMD was responsible for developing citywide level of public involvement and community outreach support, service, ridership, cost and priority analysis to define I and environmental studies to prepare a project report and appropriate environmental documents for the SR necessary mitigation projects in lieu of a missing SR 710 Gap highway connection between 1-10 and 1-210 710 Gap. The 710 Gap is a regionally significant in the City of San Gabriel. The project, originated by project needed to close the current highway system Metro, was designed to define capacity needs through gap between Interstates 10 and 210 in Los Angeles 2045 within the City directly or indirectly attributed to and Pasadena, California, respectively. JMD has the missing SR-710 Gap with the intent of improving developed various alternatives including safety and mobility for local and regional traffic. The Transportation Systems Management/Transportation following are the projects resulting from this project: Demand Management (TSM/TDM), a nearly 7-mile light rail transit (LRT) line, a 10-mile bus rapid transit f Mission Road & Ramona Street I (BRT) line and interchange improvements. JMD wasSan Gabriel Boulevard/Interstate 10(SG 13) responsible for designing arterial segments, @ Valley Boulevard &Abbot Avenue interchanges, LRT and BRT alignments and stations 0 Walnut Grove Avenue & Las Tunas Drive(SG-5) as well as "hot spot" intersections, roundabouts, dirt 0 Del Mar Avenue/Mission Road/EI Monte Street hauling by train, parking and LRT maintenance Reconfiguration(SG-12) facilities. i Transit Service to Light Rail (SG-7) • Mission Road &Junipero Serra Drive k Del Mar Avenue/Interstate 10(SG-13) • New Avenue/Interstate 10 (SG-13) • Local Circulator Bus Service(SG-9) • Valley Boulevard & New Avenue • Mission Drive& Las Tunas Drive • Adaptive Signal Control Technology Systems on Valley Blvd &San Gabriel Blvd (SG-14) • San Gabriel Boulevard &Valley Boulevard I * San Gabriel Boulevard & Marshall Street Realignment(SG-11) : : JMD p.I I I-2 Project Management Services Related to j�°s a- SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) III. Company Qualifications • Valley Boulevard &Del Mar Avenue Client: City of San Gabriel • San Gabriel Boulevard &Las Tunas Drive Contact: Daren Grilley,PE,City Engineer • First-Mile/Last Mile Improvements(SG-8) (Formerly with City of San Gabriel)455 N.Rexford Drive • Walnut Grove Avenue&Grand Avenue(SG-5) Beverly Hills,CA 90210 • East Broadway Street (San Gabriel Boulevard to (310)285-1000 Tel., Muscatel Avenue)(SG-3) dgrilley@beverlyhills.org • Multimodal Transit Center(SG-6) Duration: 2013 2014 • Citywide Bicycle Facilities(SG-4) Valley Boulevard Corridor BRT(SG-10) Municipal Engineering and Staff Augmentation City of Industry Client: City of San Gabriel JMD is currently providing on call and staff Contact: Algis Marciuska(former Associate City Engineer) augmentation services to the City of Industry including 425 S.Mission Drive studies and design for roadways, traffic signals, San Gabriel,CA 91776 railroad crossings and rail/highway grade separations. (213)507-7835 Tel. A short list of these projects/tasks include the following: amarciuska@j mdiaz.com Duration: 2018 • Citywide Hot Spot Monitoring and TMC Personnel: J.Diaz,I.Salvatierra,I.Pedroza Development On Call Project Management, City of San • E&T Speed Limit Signs Gabriel • Citywide Traffic Model • CIP Annual Development JMD provided project management and construction •administration services on an on-call basis to the City Metro Grade Crossing Program of San Gabriel to assist in Capital Improvement Project • Citywide Accident Review and Monitoring • (CIP) delivery. Projects included roadway and bus Temple Avenue Stairways I shelter projects throughout the City.JMD also provided • Fairway Drive Queue Cutter Signal on-call traffic engineering services to the City of San • Crossroads Parkway Traffic Signal Gabriel.Services included study reviews,plan reviews, • Colima Rd/Walnut Hall Rd Traffic Signal Study and special investigations and studies as well as traffic • Gale Avenue/Stoner Creek Traffic Signal Timing signal and stop control warrant analysis.JMD reviewed Optimization traffic signal,traffic control and street lighting plans as • Metro Grade Crossing Program I well as performed special investigations or studies • UPRR Grade Crossing (4)Signing/Striping Plan related to safe route to schools including lighting Review assessments. • 801 Baldwin Park Blvd Guardrail I • Vineland Drive-In Pedestrian Crossing • Fairway Drive Grade Separation Coordination - 4 . ,0,.-- --- t,L...,.. lt • v 1 ; i allil - iimmEmimmimillillINONIMMINIMIll : JMD p. III-3 Project Management Services Related to ItSEIr E. SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) III. Company Qualifications Client: City of Industry Contact: Mr.Alex Gonzalez t .. a < I (Former)Director of Development Services �- •`1} Ui "` and Administration „ a � ,.. . 15625 Stafford Street City of Industry,CA 91744 . (626)319-8442 Tel. 'Y i'•••41, agonzalez42@aol.com • wh'� `4 Duration: 2016-2020 ; -.. _ . Personnel. J.Diaz,I.Salvatierra,S.Itagaki,G.Andrade z i i• s• Staff Augmentation Services/Metro Gold Line — — - -- — I Light Rail Transit Engineering, City of Glendora Client: City of Brea JMD is currently providing initial advisory and review Contact: Michael Ho,PE,Deputy Director of Public services for the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension, Works/City Engineer Phase 2B (Azusa to Claremont) on behalf of the City. civic&cultural center This includes review of track, grade crossings, 1 1 ea,CA 92821-5732 28 2 michaelh@cityofbrea. net stations,bridges,grading,drainage, right of way, utility Duration: 2018-Ongoing and parking facility improvements within the City of Personnel: D.Solanki J.Diaz IGlendora. • I 6Jit, ` I i 101 t'l 71 ._ f . 0 .- . _- 1 II Ls .,I- -''� I Client: City of Glendora Contact: Alison Sweet,Assistant Public Works Director 116 East Foothill Boulevard I Glendora,CA 91741 (626)914-8248 Tel. ASweet@ci.glendora.ca.us Duration: 2016-2025 IPersonnel: J.Diaz,S.Itagaki,I.Salvatierra,G.Andrade On Call Engineering, City of Brea JMD is currently providing on-call engineering services I to the City of Brea, involving on-site plan checking, coordination and project management, as well as offsite engineering analysis and design services. I Projects include transportation and land development improvements, including entitlement packages. I I 1 . : JMD p.III-4 'i i itisittA Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) l le I 11� Section IV References I 1 111 I I I 1 I I I JMD Project Management Services Related to 0 Er'. SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) IV. References References IWe take pride in the professional relationships we have developed with our clients, and encourage the City to contact the references listed below. ILos Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority I Yoga Chandran Relevant Project: (Formerly CH2M Hill now Jacobs) 710 Gap Alternatives, Los Angeles, CA Project Manager LACMTA JMD is a member of the CH2M(now Jacobs) Team responsible for 6 Hutton Center Drive alternatives analyses, technical assessments, conceptual and preliminary engineering, public involvement and community Suite 700 outreach support, and environmental studies to prepare a project I Santa Ana, CA 92707 (714)460-1600 report and appropriate environmental documents for the SR 710 Gap. JMD has developed various alternatives including cyogach@hntb.com Transportation Systems Management/Transportation Demand I Management(TSM/TDM),a nearly 7-mile light rail transit(LRT)line, a 10-mile bus rapid transit (BRT) line and interchange improvements. JMD is responsible for designing arterial segments, I interchanges, LRT and BRT alignments and stations as well as"hot spot" intersections, roundabouts, dirt hauling by train, parking and LRT maintenance facilities. I I City of San Gabriel Daren Grilley, PE Relevant Project: (Formerly with City of San Gabriel) On-Call Project Management/Staff Augmentation Services I City Engineer City of Beverly Hills JMD provided project management and construction administration 455 N. Rexford Drive services on an on-call basis to the City of San Gabriel to assist in II Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Capital Improvement Project (CIP) delivery. Projects included roadway and bus shelter projects throughout the City. JMD also (310) 285-1000 provided on-call traffic engineering services to the City of San dgrilley@beverlyhills.org Gabriel. Services included study reviews, plan reviews, and special I! investigations and studies as well as traffic signal and stop control warrant analysis. JMD reviewed traffic signal, traffic control and street lighting plans as well as performed special investigations or I studies related to safe route to schools including lighting assessments. II II I 1 J M D p, IV-t • Project Management Services Related to 'o E' SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) IV. References City of San Gabriel Algis Marciuska, MBA, PE Relevant Project: Former Associate City Engineer Metro 710 Gap Projects Priority and Ranking City of San Gabriel 425 S. Mission Drive JMD was responsible for developing citywide level of service, San Gabriel, CA 91776 ridership, cost and priority analysis to define necessary mitigation projects in lieu of a missing SR-710 Gap highway connection (213)507-7835 between 1-10 and 1-210 in the City of San Gabriel. The project, amarciuska@jmdiaz.com originated by Metro,was designed to define capacity needs through 2045 within the City directly or indirectly attributed to the missing SR-710 Gap with the intent of improving safety and mobility for local and regional traffic.The following are the projects resulting from this project: • Mission Road & Ramona Street • San Gabriel Boulevard/Interstate 10(SG-13) • Valley Boulevard &Abbot Avenue • Walnut Grove Avenue&Las Tunas Drive(SG-5) • Del Mar Avenue/Mission Road/EI Monte Street Reconfiguration(SG-12) • Transit Service to Light Rail (SG-7) • Mission Road &Junipero Serra Drive • Del Mar Avenue/Interstate 10(SG-13) • New Avenue/Interstate 10(SG-13) • Local Circulator Bus Service(SG-9) • Valley Boulevard & New Avenue • Mission Drive&Las Tunas Drive • Adaptive Signal Control Technology Systems on Valley Blvd &San Gabriel Blvd (SG-14) E San Gabriel Boulevard &Valley Boulevard • San Gabriel Blvd &Marshall Street Realignment(SG-11) • Valley Boulevard & Del Mar Avenue • San Gabriel Boulevard & Las Tunas Drive • First-Mile/Last Mile Improvements(SG-8) • Walnut Grove Avenue&Grand Avenue(SG-5) ' • East Broadway Street(San Gabriel Boulevard to Muscatel Avenue) (SG-3) • Multimodal Transit Center(SG-6) ' • Citywide Bicycle Facilities(SG-4) • Valley Boulevard Corridor BRT(SG-10) 1 1 1 . J M D p.IV-2 111 _41 Project Management Services Related to 11A0-5 SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) IV. References City of Glendora Alison Sweet Relevant Project: Director of Public Works Metro Gold Line Transit Engineering City of Glendora 116 E. Foothill Boulevard JMD provided utility design support for the segment of the Glendora, CA 91741 3380 Foothill light rail transit project from Pasadena to Azusa.Project tasks included updating the utility base map, developing (626)916-8200 conceptual relocation exhibits for the provisional utilities, asweet@cityofglendora.org review of company work orders, developing relocation packages for contract utilities, coordinating approvals, and developing utility specifications. I City of Industry Alex Gonzalez, PE Relevant Project: City of Industry ;. City Design Engineering Services Former Director of Development Services&Administration JMD is currently providing on call and staff augmentation services 15625 Stafford St to the City of Industry including construction inspection,studies and design for roadways, traffic signals, railroad crossings and City of Industry, CA 91744 rail/highway grade separations. These projects/tasks include the (626)319-8442 following: agonzalez42@sbcglobal.net Amar Road/Baldwin Avenue Traffic Signal and Safety Improvements • Temple Avenue Stairways « Fairway Drive Queue Cutter Signal • Crossroads Parkway Traffic Signal « Colima Road/Walnut Hall Road Traffic Signal Study Traffic Management Center Development/TSSP I I 1 I I JMDP.IV-3 Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) Section V Standard Professional Services Agreement and Insurance Requirements . : JMD Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) V. Standard Draft Professional Services Agreement and Insurance Requirements Standard Professional Services Agreement and Insurance Requirements JMD has reviewed the City's Standard Professional Services Agreement and insurance requirements. After careful review, JMD has no exceptions to the City's agreement, and if selected as the Prime Consultant, will maintain the required certificate of insurance throughout the duration of the project JMDp.V1 Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Section VI Addenda Acknowledgement 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 . : JMD �� Project Management Services Related to Rn (* SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects (RFP No. 2020-11) VI.Addenda Acknowledgement Addenda Acknowledgement JMD acknowledges the City has published no addenda to RFP No. 2020-11. 1 I I t 1 1 I 1 i 1 1 II 11 . . JMD I I I I I 1 I I I I I I • IIII jr0D PLANNING I ENGINEERING I MANAGEMENT JMDiaz, Inc 18645 East Gale Avenue Suite 212 City of Industry, CA 91748 www.jmdiaz.com