BC - Item 4A - Discussion of July 4th ChalkathonROSEMEAD BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND COMMISSION FROM: ERICKA HERNANDEZ, CITY CLERK DATE: MAY 12, 2021 SUBJECT: DISCUSSION OF JULY 4TH CHALKATHON SUMMARY The Beautification Commission will discuss the award categories for the July 4"' Chalkathon. DISCUSSION The Beautification Commission is proud to announce the City of Rosemead's first-ever July 0 Chalkathon, which encourages residents to display their patriotic pride while beautifying Rosemead in the comfort of their own home. The July 4"' Chalkathon will be held virtually due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and to adhere to Executive Orders from Governor Newsom's Office and County of Los Angeles Health orders. The Beautification Commission will judge each chalk art based on the photos submitted. The winners will be determined by the highest average score within each of the age groups and categories. To begin preparing for the July 4th Chalkathon, the Beautification Commission will discuss the award categories: Creativity; Use of Color; and Most Patriotic (Grand Prize). STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the Beautification Commission provide feedback and direction. Beautification Commission Meeting May 12, 2021 Page 2 of 2 FISCAL EUPACT The City will not fund the July 4' Chalkathon event. The Commission will seek donations from local businesses to assist with the ability to provide prizes to the winning participants. City staff anticipates a minimal expense of $300 towards prizes. This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: _/{IRG hi Natalie Hawo Deputy City Clerk Attachment A: July 4' Chalkathon Guidelines City of Rosemead Chalkathon Guidelines Open to Rosemead residents, all ages are encouraged and welcomed to participate. o City of Rosemead employees including Council Members, appointed officials and their immediate families are not eligible. HOW TO SUBMIT: Send an email with your name, address, phone #, age group, two (2) to three (3) photos of the chalk art, to beautifyrosemead (c1)cityofrosemead.org, by the designated due date as determined by the Beautification Commission. There is no entry fee. All submittals must be emailed. Submittals will NOT be accepted via the City's social media outlets (e.g., Facebook, Instagram). o Participants agree to have a photo of their chalk art posted on the City's website and social media for future promotional purposes. JUDGING PROCESS: The Beautification Commission will judge each chalk art based on the photos submitted. The winners will be determined by the highest average score within each of the age groups and categories listed below. No nominee shall win in more than one category. o Age Groups: 7 years and under ' 8 to 12 years old ' 13 to 17 years old ' 18+ years old o Award Categories: Creativity Use of Color Most Patriotic (Grand Prize) The winners will be announced at the Commission's meeting (2nd Wednesday of the month) following the designated due date. The winning recipients will be presented with a summer -time themed gift basket, along with other prizes, and will be recognized on the City's social media. City staff will coordinate pick-up of the awards with the winners. BEAUTIFYING OSE E D TOGETHER