Willdan EngineeringWI LLDAN I y vending Engineering ream • December 10, 2008 Ms. Michelle Ramirez Economic Development Administrator City of Rosemead 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Subject: Proposal to Prepare a Housing Element Update Dear Ms. Ramirez: W illdan Engineering is pleased to submit this proposal to prepare a Housing Element Update forthe City of Rosemead. This proposal is being submitted pursuant to your request and is based on our extensive experience in preparing and updating housing elements. We believe that the project team we have assembled is particularly well qualified to assist you in preparing the Housing Element Update for the following reasons: • The personnel assembled for this assignment have considerable experience in preparing housing elements and housing element updates for cities across California, and are intimately • familiar with housing issues and interest groups in the San Gabriel Valley and particularly the City of Rosemead. • Our team will be sensitive to the need to prepare a housing element that is acceptable to the communitywhile also meeting the requirements of state housing law. Both of the key planners assigned to the project, Mr. Albert V. Warot and Mr. Dean C. Sherer, AICP, have had extensive experience in preparing housing element updates and have conducted negotiations on behalf of client agencies with HCD. • Our staff is able to place an emphasis on realistic, implementable housing programs. Ourteam has formulated and, more importantly, carried out a wide variety of housing programs using Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), Building Equity and Growth In Neighborhoods (BEGIN), Tax Credit, Section 8, Redevelopment Agency, CalHome, First-Time Homebuyer, and other funding sources. • The project team assembled by Willdan Engineering, consisting entirely of in-house staff, is prepared to commence work on updating the Housing Element in early January as requested by the City. • All of the required work will be performed at our offices in the nearby City of Industry, which will greatly facilitate field work, the transfer of information, and attendance at City staff and public meetings during the course of this assignment. Working as an extension of City staff, W illdan Engineering will review the current Housing Element, revise population and demographic data, and analyze constraints to housing development. W illdan • Engineering will incorporate into the revised Housing Element the housing needs determination for Rosemead generated by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) and ensure Engineering I Geotechnical Environmental I Financial Homeland Security 562.908.620D 800.499.4484 tax: 562.695.2120 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405, Industry, CA 91746-3443 1 www.wllldan.com December 10,2008 Page 2 C~ is that the City receives credit for all new housing constructed within the City since July 1, 2005, as permitted by state law. W illdan Engineering will research City records for past planning approvals and building permits which have contributed to the City's production of housing, while also examining current applications for their potential impact on the local housing supply. In addition, Willdan Engineering will analyze the City's inventory of vacant/underutilized land to determine the availability of potential sites suitable for housing development, and assist the City in revising its housing goals, objectives, and policies to respond to current conditions and applicable legislative requirements. We believe we are uniquely qualified to prepare the update to Rosemead's Housing Element based on our intimate knowledge and recent experience in assisting the City with the implementation of its housing programs, including its First-Time Homebuyer Program and Home Improvement Programs. We are also familiar with the housing needs of the diverse ethnic groups that make up Rosemead, including the City's large Asian and Hispanic populations. Moreover, because we have worked directly with "special needs" groups within the City (elderly, disabled, and others) in attempts to conserve and improve housing and existing neighborhoods, we believe we are better able to draft an updated Housing Element which truly reflects the housing needs of the community and its housing priorities. The services we are offering will fulfill the City's needs in a comprehensive, well-integrated, and cost-effective manner. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and stand ready to proceed with the services requested upon your authorization. The contact person for this proposal is: Mr. Albert V. Warot, Vice President Willdan Engineering 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405, Industry, CA 91746-3497 Telephone: (562) 908-6209 Fax: (562) 463-4409 E-mail: awarot@willdan.com Respectfully submitted, WILLDAN ENGINEERING Q- V . waik-, w Albert V. Warot Vice President William C. Pagett, PE Senior Vice President AW:mh 95610-08\06-190\PO8-276 E (WILLDAN 0 Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................1 SCOPE OF WORK AND SCHEDULE ..................................................3 Scope of Work 3 Project Schedule .......................................................................9 QUALIFICATIONS AND PERSONNEL ...............................................11 Organizational Chart ...............................................................14 Resumes ..................................................................................15 1] EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES ...................................................23 COST ESTIMATE/FEE SCHEDULE ...................................................30 0 WILLDAN 0 Executive Summary Statement of Understanding It is our understanding that the City of Rosemead is seeking the services of a consultant to serve as an extension of City staff in updating the Housing Element of its General Plan. The updated element must comply with the applicable requirements of the California Government Code, Health and Safety Code, and General Plan Guidelines, and ultimately be certified by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) as complying with State housing law. Ideally, this process would be carried out in a timeframe that would allow the updated element to be adopted by the City and submitted to HCD for certification by July 2009. Work Program The key elements of the work involved in updating the Housing Element include: • • compilation, research, and analysis of population and housing data to determine housing needs; • preparation of a draft element that documents the identified needs, as well as the resources and anticipated actions to address those needs; • preparation of documentation to clear the updated element under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); • preparation of presentation materials and attendance at two (2) public outreach meetings; , • preparation of presentation materials and attendance at four (4) Planning Commission/City Council/public hearings to obtain input and to adopt the Housing Element; • responding effectively to "unanticipated" comments and events that might arise during the update process; • coordinating the review and negotiating the certification of the updated element with HCD; and, • coordinating the successful completion of all of the above work items with Rosemead City staff. City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 1 Y_, WILLDAN 0 Staff will be available to begin work on this assignment in early January 2009, as requested by the City. The work program would be carried out over a 7-month period. All work on the Housing Element Update will be performed at Willdan Engineering's Los Angeles Regional office in the nearby City of Industry. A more complete project schedule is discussed under "Project Schedule." We will rely upon input and assistance from City staff in orderto minimize our costs recognizing, however, that your availability is limited. In this regard, staff involvement would be limited to: 1. providing previously prepared reports and other readily available information that could assist in updating the Housing Element, such as the City's land use inventory, zoning map and ordinance, and residential building permit activity; 2. providing the best available information regarding the current condition of the City's housing stock; 3. furnishing a digitized City base map and accompanying parcel (i.e., Assessor's office) information in a Geographic Information System (GIS) format; 4. scheduling and reserving facilities for public meetings/hearings; 5. conferring with our staff on the drafting of policy statements; and, 6. reviewing and commenting on draft reports in a timely fashion. CJ City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 2 f' (j,~ ~~r.t.,f WILLDAN 0 Scope of Work and Schedule Scope of Work Willdan Engineering's approach to updating the City's Housing Element will be to assign a highly qualified team to perform the required work under the direction of our Vice President in charge of Planning Services. Our team would serve as an extension of City staff in updating the element while minimizing demands on City staff. The tasks to be performed in updating the Rosemead Housing Element are outlined below. The deliverable products associated with each task have also been identified. Task 1 - Community Factors/Profile The population and housing characteristics presented in the current Housing Element will need to be updated to reflect current conditions. This will be accomplished through the use of current information available • from various sources regarding the population and housing supply within the City of Rosemead (e.g., the California Department of Housing and Community Development, the California Department of Finance, the California Association of Realtors, Data Quick, and the Los Angeles Times). The best available information regarding housing conditions from the City's code enforcement, planning and building and safety staff will be used in addressing the condition of the City's housing stock, while building permit statistics maintained by the City's building and safety staff will be used to document the residential units constructed since the start of the current planning period (i.e., July 1, 2005). Deliverable: ✓ Updated Community Profile (Existing Conditions) section of element. Task 2 - Review of Housing Element Performance to Date Within this mandatory section of the element, the appropriateness of the City's housing goals will be examined. The progress that the City has made in implementing the current element will be evaluated by stating accomplishments over the prior 1998-2005 planning period. Accomplishments will be documented for rehabilitation, conservation/maintenance, and new construction (production). New • construction figures will be compared to the City's overall Regional Housing Needs (RHNA) target for 2005 established by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 3 ' WILLDAN 17J Deliverable: ✓ Updated Progress Toward Achieving Goals section of element. Task 3 - Residential Land Inventory An updated inventory of potential housing sites will be prepared. We will further determine the appropriateness of these sites, particularly in terms of the type and density of housing to be developed. All vacant land and underutilized sites will be analyzed for their potential to support new housing construction. The number and type of units that could be constructed on each site deemed suitable for residential development will be identified based on their current zoning and General Plan designations. A map showing the locations of the sites will be prepared, along with an accompanying table of site characteristics, such as Assessor's Parcel Number, acreage, and any development constraints. Willdan Engineering computerized format, • System (GIS). Deliverable: would generate the potential site inventory in a using the City's existing Geographic Information ✓ Updated Analysis of Potential Housing Sites section of element. Task 4 - Housing Needs The housing needs analysis contained in the current Housing Element will be updated. Our staff will consider population and employment trends in updating this analysis and incorporate the 2006-2014 housing needs estimates for Rosemead generated by the Southern California Association of Governments, which indicates the need for the provision of 780 additional units by 2014. The "special needs" discussion that addresses the needs of the elderly, homeless, disabled, extremely low income and other segments of the population will also be updated. Additionally, the presence of any at-risk housing units in the City will be examined. Deliverable: ✓ Updated Housing Needs section of element. Task 5 - Reexamine Constraints The discussion of constraints on the production, maintenance, and • affordability of housing will be updated to reflect current conditions. Our task will be to identify those constraints that may have been eliminated, as City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 4 WILLDAN 0 well as new ones that may have arisen since the City's current element was last updated in 2002. Both governmental and non-governmental factors that affect the availability and cost of housing will be examined to determine whetherthey represent actual or potential constraints, if either. Deliverable: ✓ Updated Constraints section of element. Task 6 - Quantified Objectives and Policy and Implementation Plan As the initial effort under this task, the housing goals, objectives and policies contained in the current (2002) Housing Element will be reevaluated to determine their continued relevancy. Since these policy statements give direction to the City's housing programs, it is important to determine if they are still indicative of the community's needs and attitudes. After reevaluating these policy statements, the implementation measures • discussed in the current element will be reexamined and discussed in terms of their effectiveness in addressing the City's housing policies. Certain measures discussed in the element may need to be deleted since they have been carried out, or are no longer available. On the other hand, new measures which have not heretofore been utilized by the City may also need to be considered. The measures to be included in the updated element will address: • the identification of adequate sites with appropriate zoning, development standards and public services and facilities to achieve the stated housing goals and objectives; • the adequate provision of housing for all economic segments of the community; • the removal of governmental and non-governmental constraints, where possible; • the conservation and improvement of the City's existing affordable housing stock, including the preservation or replacement of any at-risk housing; • the continued accessibility to decent housing for all persons, including • reasonable accommodation of the housing needs of the disabled; and, City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 5 WILLDAN the evaluation of the Housing Element to show consistency with other General Plan elements. Finally, the City's 5-year Housing Action Plan will be updated. The Plan will be extended to cover the coming planning period (2006-2014) and revised to reflect the new mix of measures previously determined in this task. Anticipated accomplishments will be quantified and actions will be programmed in order to facilitate their implementation. The agency responsible for carrying out each action, as well as the associated time frame and potential funding source(s) will be identified. The priorities for allocating the City's limited resources will also be identified. Deliverable: ✓ Updated Housing Program section of element. Task 7 - Reexamine Opportunities for Energy Conservation in New Residential Development In this final task, ways in which energy consumption can be minimized • through the siting, design, and construction of housing will be examined, including Green Building design. The energy conservation measures identified in the current element will be modified or expanded, as necessary. In carrying out this task, the pertinent requirements of the California Government and Administrative Codes, the energy conservation programs offered by local utility companies, and other measures or programs that could be initiated by the City will be discussed. Deliverable: ✓ Updated Opportunities for Energy Conservation section of element. Task 8 - Prepare Administrative Draft of the Housing Element The work products of the preceding tasks will be compiled into an administrative draft of the Housing Element for review and comment by City staff. This administrative draft element will also be reviewed by the public at a Planning Commission meeting(s). It would be appropriate to obtain preliminary Planning Commission approval of the updated element for submittal to HCD at this time. Our staff will participate in and help to conduct this meeting(s). Deliverables: • ✓ Complete administrative draft of the updated element (seven printed copies and one electronic copy). City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 6 'rCIY"N:• WILLDAN 0 Task 9 - Prepare Environmental Initial Study Checklist/Negative Declaration Willdan Engineering will prepare an Administrative Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration (IS/ND) for the Housing Element update for City staff review. The IS/ND will be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Upon receiving comments from City staff, a Draft IS/ND will be prepared for public circulation and comment, as well as the requisite Notice of Availability and Notice of Declaration/Fish and Game Exemption. Finally, Willdan Engineering will prepare the final IS/ND, including any responses to comments received on the draft document, and the requisite Notice of Determination. Deliverables: ✓ Administrative Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration (seven printed copies and one electronic copy). ✓ Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration (one unbound reproducible • copy, one electronic copy, and seven printed copies). ✓ Final Initial Study/Negative Declaration with Response to Comments (one unbound reproducible copy, one electronic copy, and 14 printed copies). Task 10 - Prepare Draft Element Following review and comment by City staff and the Planning Commission, any necessary revisions will be made as the draft element is prepared. The City will be provided with copies of the draft element. The draft element will need to be submitted to HCD and other agencies as appropriate, for review and comment. This review must be completed within 60 days, and is seldom completed sooner. Staff from Willdan Engineering will be available to attend/participate in up to three meetings/conference calls with HCD staff during their review of the draft element. Deliverables: ✓ Draft of the updated element, (one unbound reproducible copy, one electronic copy, and seven printed copies). Task 11 - Prepare Final Element • At the close of the review period mentioned above, our staff will respond to any comments received from HCD. If deemed necessary, the draft City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 7 ~WILLDAN element will be revised. Willdan Engineering will obtain written confirmation from HCD that the final draft element is certifiable at the close of this review process. The final draft Housing Element will then be submitted to the Planning Commission and City Council where it will be acted upon at public hearings. After adoption by the City Council, the final (i.e., adopted) element will be submitted to HCD for certification. This final review is to be completed within a 90-day period. Deliverables: ✓ Final element (one reproducible copy, one electronic copy, and 14 printed copies). Task 12 - Attendance at Workshops and Public Meetings/Hearings Staff from Willdan Engineering will attend two public outreach meetings. The purpose of the community outreach meetings will be to provide • opportunities for the Rosemead community and local interest groups to become involved in the update process and to help ensure that the housing needs identified in the updated Housing Element truly reflect the vision of the community and the housing goals included in the updated element are goals that the community will support. Willdan Engineering staff will prepare, with input from City staff, a mailing/distribution list for appropriate agencies, individuals, and interest groups to be contacted regarding the public outreach meetings and hearings, and will distribute the notices for these meetings/hearings. We will also attend up to four public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council. Our staff will prepare PowerPoint presentations for the public meetings and hearings, as appropriate. Task 13 - Project Management, Coordination, and Direction This task provides for oversight of the work effort, as described in the preceding tasks, by the Project Director/Project Manager. As part of this task, the City will be given monthly progress reports on the status of the element update, which may occur via conference call. This task also includes attendance of our Project Director/Project Manager at up to five (5) meetings with City staff. In addition, our Scope of Work includes the preparation of all required notices and staff reports. I.1 LJ City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 8 WI LLDAN C Project Schedule Once an authorization to proceed is given by the City, our Project Director and Project Manager will attend a project kick-off meeting with Rosemead staff. The purpose of this meeting will be to obtain a copy of the City's current General Plan, Zoning Map, any available land use/vacant land data, and GIS mapping file(s), and accompanying parcel information database, if available. The outline and format forthe updated element will also be finalized at that meeting. The tasks associated with updating the element would be carried out over the course of 7 months. The tentative time schedule is graphically depicted on the following page. Once the administrative draft of the document is completed, our Project Manager will meet with City staff, and attend a Planning Commission meeting to obtain and discuss their comments. A public review document will subsequently be prepared for public distribution and comment. Willdan Engineering will prepare the final element in response to • comments received from the public, the Planning Commission, and HCD and, as previously discussed, will attend the required public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council. It should also be pointed out that our schedule allows for Planning Commission review and preliminary approval of the updated element prior to submittal to HCD for its 60-day review. Our schedule also allows time for our staff to solicit written confirmation from HCD, prior to Planning Commission and City Council hearings, that the final element is certifiable as complying with State law. • City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 9 WILLDAN • • a o - W m H O ~ m 4 s W n ~ l m 0 n N 5' i „ s a m W N LL 7 L C O m f a 0 o ~ - m 'm E c E e E ~ W ~ m 9 0 E m m °f • m = o _ C • L aw O m r n ~ B t ° ^q . E M n o c u a o c ° c E ° c ~ w w a m > m N y ° o ° F W m m E c m u m C 2 A m O • LL C ° G o c a c Z m c 5 W `o W `0 9 E ~ C a 0 CC ~ o a LL o ~ m U n W C K p m ~ m ° = ~ ~ U m Z ~ a c O ~ S ° LL S O c c m E s E m m d' a K C O 3 c m m E c U Si 9 m O O O C Y - E S o m • ° U ° U m U K C 2 C _ Q K U [ a N o r ei a vi ~6 N O n n m m City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 10 ,k_/ „Y,, WILLDAN is Qualifications and Personnel Firm Description Willdan Engineering has dedicated itself to providing public agencies with reliable engineering and consulting services for more than 40 years. Combing depth of staffing, state-of-the-art technical resources, and local offices rooted in their communities, Willdan Engineering has earned its reputation as a problem solver across a wide range of client interests. We understand the concerns of government agencies - especially those of local government. Our operating divisions offer a broad scope of expertise that uniquely qualifies us to serve the needs of cities, counties, and special districts, as well as state and federal agencies. Since its establishment in 1964, Willdan Engineering has expanded in size, location, and service capabilities through its system of regional offices. Willdan Engineering is a full-service, multi-disciplinary California corporation that specializes in consulting engineering and planning services for governmental agencies. Willdan Engineering's staff of professional and technical experts includes specialists in highways and roadways, drainage and flood control, bridges, traffic and transportation, municipal engineering, landscape architecture, environmental planning, construction management, building and safety services, urban and regional planning, water resources, structural engineering, computer-aided analysis and design, and other technical fields. Project Team Willdan Engineering's approach to carrying out all assignments emphasizes the role of a strong project manager to coordinate all activities and participants. Each project is assigned to a senior member of our staff who leads a multidiscipline team assembled from our technical staff. Experience in the type of job, knowledge of the study area, and availability to support the required schedule are primary considerations in the selection of a project manager, as well as the selection of the supporting team members. Based on the anticipated work effort, we have assembled a team comprised of the following personnel: Vice President, Project Director; Quality Mr. Albert Warot Manager, Planning Control • Mr. Dean Sherer, AICP Principal Planner Project Manager, Land Use and Policy Planner City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 11 WILLDAN 0 • • MrAohn Bellas Principal Planner CEQA Documentation Mr. Patrick Goode Principal Planner Research Analyst All of the above personnel are based at our Los Angeles Regional office in the City of Industry. This office is located adjacent to the Crossroads Parkway interchange on the Pomona (Route 60) Freeway. Our address and telephone number are: 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405, Industry, California 91746-3497, (562) 908-6200. The project team to be assigned to the City of Rosemead consists entirely of Willdan Engineering personnel. As further discussed below, the work schedules and availability of these team members will allow for the completion of a draft document within the stipulated timeframe. The number of hours assigned to each project team memberto complete each task of the proposed work plan are included in the "Cost Estimate." Typically, however, each task may take from 8 to 32 hours to complete, with time distributed among three Principal Planners (Sherer, Goode, and Bellas). Time devoted to the project by the Manager of Planning Services (Warot) is primarily for the review of and input on the City's housing programs and quantified objectives, coordination with HCD, and attendance at City staff/public outreach meetings, and Planning Commission/City Council meetings/hearings. An organization chart and resumes for each of our team members are presented on the pages that follow. It should be pointed out that our project team consists of members who are quite familiar with housing issues and interest groups in the San Gabriel Valley, and particularly the City of Rosemead, and who participated in the preparation of the City's prior (2002) Housing Element Update. Current Workload, Staffing, and Ability to Meet Schedule One of the key considerations that is taken into account on every project undertaken by Willdan, is the availability of the project team members assembled to support the required schedule. The current work schedules and availability of the team members to be assigned to updating the City's Housing Element will allow for the completion of a draft and final documents within the stipulated timeframes. The future workloads assigned to each team member will be managed so as to ensure their continued availability through the completion of this assignment. While a series of housing element updates that are currently underway are shown under the Experience and References section of this proposal, City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 12 WILLDAN • the project team to be assigned to the City of Rosemead's Housing Element Update is involved with six of these updates. Of these six, two have been fully drafted, and three have already been initially reviewed by HCD. u City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 13 WILLDAN 0r, Albert V. Warot Vice President/Group Manager Planning Services Education - - ' 1970, B.S., Geography, As Vice President for the Willdan, Mr. Albert V. Warot is responsible for corporate Northern An'zona oversight of the firm's planning operations. He has more than 36 years of. professional University planning experience that has involved public and private sector employment. His experience spans all aspects of planning, including current, advance, and environmental Affiliations planning, as well as housing and community development. To his credit, Mr. Warot American Planning received the Distinguished Leadership Award in 1993 from the Los Angeles Section of the Association American Planning Association. City Advisory Committee, Los Angeles Urban Specific Project Experience County CDBG Program, Chairman Housing and Community Development National Association of Housing and City of Carson - Mr. Warot is currently the Principal-in-Charge of the updating of the ' Redevelopment Officials s General Plan. Housing Element of the City 36 Years Experience City of Wasco - Mr. Warot is currently managing the updating of the Housing Element of the City's General Plan. City of Calimesa - Mr. Warot is currently managing the updating of the Housing Element of the City's General Plan. City of Westlake Village- Mr. Warot is currently managing the updating of the Housing Element of the City's General Plan. City of Barstow - Mr. Warot is currently managing the updating of the Housing Element of the Citys General Plan. City of Pasadena - Mr. Warot is currently managing a survey of utility cabinets in the City's residential areas, which is being conducted in a GIS format. City of Blythe - Mr. Warot is currently directing a project that involves the conversion of current Riverside County addresses on approximately 2,100 residences and 100 businesses, which have been annexed into the City since 1996, to a new City property address numbering system. City of Tehama- Mr. Warot recently managed a series of CDBG funded housing studies for the City, which include household income and housing conditions surveys and an investigation of potential funding sources to assist low income residents with housing costs. County of Tulare- Mr. Warot recently managed a CDBG funded urbanization and blight analysis for the County's Redevelopment Agency which involved approximately 600 parcels in the community of Tipton. City of Ontario Redevelopment Agency - Mr: Warot recently managed a survey of physical blight conditions for a proposed amendment to the Cimarron Redevelopment City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 15 ` WILLDAN 0 Albert V. Warot Project Area Plan. He is currently managing the provision of on-call redevelopment and Continued planning services to the City of Ontario, and its Redevelopment Agency and Housing Authority. City of San Gabriel - Mr. Warot assisted the City with the administration of its CDBG Program. County of Humboldt - Mr. Warot managed a CDBG funded urbanization and blight analysis involving eight (8) redevelopment survey areas containing approximately 2,200 parcels. City of Wasco- Mr. Warot managed a CDBG funded citywide housing condition survey. City of La Puente - Mr. Warot assisted the Citywith administration of its CDBG Program. He also managed the updating of the Housing Element of the City's General Plan, which was certified by HCD. City of Bell Gardens - Mr. Warot has assisted the City with the administration of its annual Community Development Block Grant as needed. He has been responsible for training City staff in the administration of the grant, providing direction in the formulation and implementation of projects, and satisfying federal reporting requirements. The City has been recognized by the County s Community Development Commission for overall program performance and for the Project of the Year in the Urban County of Los Angeles. • City of Westlake Village - Mr. Warot managed the updating of the City's Housing Element, which the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) has certified as complying with state law. City of Calimesa - Mr. Warot managed the updating of the City's Housing Element, which has been certified by HCD as complying with State law. He has also assisted the City with the general administration of multiple CDBG grants and the implementation of various CDBG funded activities including the initiation of a housing rehabilitation program, a park feasibility study, and household income and housing condition surveys. City of Cudahy - Mr. Warot assisted the City with the administration of its CDBG Program. City of Calexico - Mr. Warot managed the updating of the City's Housing Element, which has been certified by HCD as complying with State law. City of La Mirada - Mr. Warot has managed the last two updates of the City's Housing Element. In both instances, the updated elements were certified by HCD. City of Brawley - Mr. Warot managed the preparation of the updated Housing Element of the Citys General Plan, which was certified by HCD. City of Agoura Hills - Mr. Warot conducted a community development needs assessment that resulted in the establishment of a CDBG funded housing rehabilitation program. He also coordinated the preparation of guidelines and all other materials needed for the operation of the program. • City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 16 VIQV4 WILLDAN S:w.. • Dean C. Sherer, AICP Principal Planner Education - - - 1974, M.S., Public Mr. Dean C. Sharer is an urban and environmental planner specializing in land use Administration, planning, environmental documentation preparation and analysis, and general plan California State University, element preparation. He has over 28 years of experience in the management and Los Angeles preparation of planning studies, public policy plans, and environmental studies including 1971, B.A., Political initial studies and environmental impact reports. He has also been responsible for the Science, University of preparation of NEPA documentation for a wide variety of federally funded transportation Southern California improvement projects. Mr. Sherer also has actively engaged in assisting with the planning operations of various cities in southern California including the Cities of Baldwin Affiliations Park;-Covina, Santa Monica, Anaheim, Pasadena, and West Hollywood. The Cities of American Institute of Beverly Hills, El Segundo, La Canada Flintridge, and Lake Forest also retained him to Certified Planners, 1995 assist in the review and processing of major development projects. American Planning Association Specific Project Experience 28 Years Experience Project Review and Processing • Sport Chalet Shopping Center, La Canada Flintridge • St. John's Hospital and Health Center, Santa Monica • Pacific Design Center, Phase II, West Hollywood Monte Vista Grove Master Development Plan, Pasadena Hilton Hotel and Towers, Anaheim • Marriott Hotel Expansion, Anaheim • Anaheim City Center, Phase I, Anaheim • Anaheim Hills Master Plan, Anaheim Environmental Impact Reports/Environmental Initial Studies • Terrace Project Initial Study Checklist, San Buenaventura • V2V Ventures N. Chestnut Street Initial Study Checklist, San Buenaventura • Kanan Road and U.S. 101 Interchange Improvements Initial Study/Environmental Assessment, Agoura Hills • Yorba Linda Metrolink Station Environmental Initial Study, Yorba Linda • La Canada Flintridge Sewer Collection System Environmental Initial Study, La Canada Flintridge • Kelley Road and Newbury Road Storm Drain and Street Improvements Environmental Initial Study, Thousand Oaks. • 847 West 1st Street Electrical Substation Environmental Initial Study, Azusa • Redondo Shores Shopping Center EIR, Redondo Beach • Community Plan Revision Program EIRs, Los Angeles • Cajon/EPTC Pipeline EIR/EIS, Los Angeles • San Sevaine Redevelopment Project EIR, San Bernardino General Plans and Implementation Studies • City of Carson Housing Element Update City of Downey Housing Element Update City of El Segundo Housing Element Update City of Orinda Housing Element Update City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 17 WILLDAN Dean C. Sherer, AtCP City of Bellflower General Plan Update Continued Town of Apple Valley Housing Element Update • City of Calexico Housing Element Update • City of Simi Valley Housing Element Update • City of Simi Valley Housing Element Update • Town of Apple Valley Housing Element Update • City of Los Alamitos Housing Element Update • City of La Puente Housing Element Update Special Studies • Imperial Crossroads Specific Plan, Imperial County • Santa Anita Entertainment Center Specific Plan, Arcadia • Flatland and Hillside Mansionization Standards, Pasadena • Hillside Grading Standards, Pasadena • Review and Evaluation of Development Review Process, Cities of Atascadero, Walnut, and Centennial, Colorado Miscellaneous is • • City of Bell Gardens Zoning Ordinance Update • City of Bellflower General Plan Update and Supplemental EIR • City of Hawaiian Gardens, General Plan Update • City of Pasadena, Utility Cabinet Regulations City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 1 B rty:`y WILLDAN John M. Bellas Principal Planner Education 1999, B.S., Environmental Mr. John M. Bellas has managed the preparation of numerous CEQA and NEPA Resource Management documents for a wide range of projects, including land development/entitlement projects, Minor., Marine Science land use plans/programs, and capital improvement projects. In addition to preparing Pennsylvania State environmental documents, Mr. Bellas has served clients as an in-house/on-call University, State College, environmental coordinator. In this capacity, he has reviewed numerous environmental documents for technical and legal adequacy and has provided day-to-day environmental consulting services ranging from CEQAINEPA compliance strategy to regulation Registration applicability to legal implications. The Association of Environmental Professionals Willdan Experience Includes: The American Planning City of Pasadena, Lower Arroyo Trailhead and Sunset Overlook Projects - Mr. Association Belles is assisting in the management of the preparation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and National Historic 9 Years Experience Preservation Act (NHPA) documentation for the Lower Arroyo Trailhead and Sunset Overlook Projects. The proposed Lower Arroyo Seco Trailhead Project consists of improvements to two trailheads and trail restoration within the Lower Arroyo Seco. The two trailheads proposed for improvement are the Parker-Mayberry Bridge trailhead and the south entrance trailhead. The proposed Sunset Overlook Project consists of • improving this west-facing promontory and trailhead in the Hahamongna Watershed Park (Upper Arroyo). The Sunset Overlook serves as the eastside entrance for trails in the Hahamongna Watershed Park and the start of the Gabrielino National Recreation Trail, which leads to the upper reaches of the Arroyo Seco and the San Gabriel Mountains. City of Rolling Hills Estates, Chandler Ranch/Rolling Hills Golf Course Project EIR- Project Manager -The proposed project consists of the redevelopment of 225.5 acres currently occupied by the existing Chandler's Palos Verdes Sand and Gravel facility and the adjacent Rolling Hills Country Club. The proposed development would reconfigure and relocate the existing golf course and construct a new clubhouse complex for the Rolling Hills Country Club. Relocation and reconfiguration of the golf course and clubhouse would allow for the development of 111 new single-family homes on the existing golf course property. City of Lodi, Reynold's Ranch Project - Principal Planner - Principal Planner responsible for preparation of the Environmental Impact Report for the Reynold's Ranch development plan consisting of residential, commercial retail, office, institutional and open space uses. The proposed project included annexing and developing 220 acres along the City's southern boundary with 1,084 residential units, a 200,000 square foot multistory office building (for Blue Shield of California), approximately 350,000 square feet of commercial retail space, a future K-8 school, a mini-storage facility and associated public services (i.e., a future fire station) and open space uses (with proposed linear greenbelts, a network of multi-use trails and a 5 acre neighborhood park). In concertwith preparation of a development plan, a Master Infrastructure Plan was also coordinated and prepared to identify needed utilities and infrastructure requirements to support the proposed land development. This project was prepared on a fast-tracked basis over an eight month • period. City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 19 , WILLDAN John M. Belles City of Westlake Village, Opus West Development Project EIR - Project Manager - Continued The project consisted of developing a 19.33 acre site with two four-story office buildings totaling 361,000 square feet, three stand-alone restaurants totaling 21,000 square feet, a 47,500-ftZ fitness center, 8,000 ftZ of rental space, and an 800-space parking structure. City of Westlake Village, EIR for the Sunrise Senior Assisted Living Project Manager - The proposed project included the construction of 171 independent living units, 44 assisted living units and ancillary support facilities. The proposed complex consisted of one three-story building with subterranean parking containing a total of 376,188 square feet of building space. City of Ontario; EIR Review, Sares-Regis Project - Project Manager - Mr. Bellas conducted a Third-Party Peer Reviewof a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the Sares-Regis Group Warehouse/Manufacturing Project. The proposed project consists of developing approximately 1.94 million square feet of warehouse/manufacturing/office space on a 95-acre site adjacent to the Milliken Sanitary Landfill. City of South Pasadena, Pasadena Avenue Lofts EIR - Project Manager - The proposed project consists of developing a 2.23 acre, light industrial site with a 49-unit live/work complex that includes nine live/work loft clusters, a multi-purpose room building, and associated landscaping and infrastructure. , City of Santa Clarita, Planning Division Environmental Consultant - Mr. Bellas • provides ongoing environmental consulting services to the City of Santa Clarita. In this capacity, he has reviewed Initial Studies prepared by City staff, provided guidance on environmental resource and regulation issues, and has prepared/managed the preparation of a number of Initial Studies and Negative/Mitigated Negative Declarations for the City. Examples include: • City of Santa Clarita, Soledad Circle Estates Project IS/MND - Project consisted of developing a 20-acre site with 150 garden court homes, a community recreational area, two tot lots, and a linear drainage feature/wetland mitigation area. • City of Santa Clarita, WK Homes 55 and WK Homes 34 Projects ISIMND -Two nearby hillside development projects proposed by W K Homes. In total, the proposed projects consisted of developing 89 multi-family residential units. • City of Santa Clarita, Soledad Office Center IS/MND - Project consists of a 100,000-ft2 office building. • City of Santa Clarita, Housing Element Upzone Project IS/ND - Mr. Bellas oversaw the preparation of an IS/ND for a project that consisted of upzoning two vacant parcels from single-family to multi-family designations. City of Santa Clarita, Unified Development Code Amendments IS/ND- Mr. Bellas oversaw the preparation of an IS/MND for amendment's to the City's Unified Development Code. These amendments included three new overlay zones - an Automotive Overlay Zone, a Mixed Use Overlay Zone, and a Hillside Development and Ridgeline Preservation Overlay Zone. • City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 20 WILLDAN 0 Patrick E. Goode Principal Planner Education 1972, B.A., Sociology, Mr. Patrick Goode comes to Willdan with a history of over 22 years experience in the 1977, M.A., Sociology fields of community development and grant administration. As a Principal Development California State University Specialist for the Los Angeles County Community Development Commission, Mr. Goode Fullerton, California supervised a management team responsible for neighborhood development contracts 1987, M.A., Urban and totaling $8 million annually in the largest urban county program in the United States. Mr. I Regional Planning Goode also administered a $1.5 million annual CDBG Program for neighborhood University of Colorado at redevelopment activities in Aurora, the third largest city in Colorado. In addition to his Denver, Colorado experience in grant administration, his background includes project specific experience administering commercial rehabilitation programs and affordable housing programs 1989, M. S., Psychology funded with CDBG, HOME, and Redevelopment Housing Set-Aside funds. 1995, Ph.D., Psychology Maharishi International Specific Project Experience 22 Years Experience City of Carson - Mr. Goode is currently assisting with the updating of the Housing Element of the Citys General Plan. City of Beverly Hills - Mr. Goode is currently assisting the City with the management of its CDBG funded projects and programs. • City of Calimesa - Mr. Goode is currently assisting with the updating of the Housing Element of Citys General Plan. City of Westlake Village - Mr. Goode is currently assisting with the updating of the Housing Element of the City's General Plan. City of Barstow - Mr. Goode is currently assisting with.the updating of the Housing Element of the Citys General Plan. City of San Buenaventura - Mr. Goode is currently providing CDBGIHOME technical assistance to the City. i City of Rialto - Mr. Goode is presently serving as Project Manager for a redevelopment funded commercial rehabilitation program. City of Hawaiian Gardens - As Project Manager, Mr. Goode is responsible for general administration of all tasks associated with the general administration of the City's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. He also assisted the City's Redevelopment Agency with the formulation of a Housing Replacement Plan. City of Marysville- Mr. Goode recently assisted the Citywith the general administration of its CDBG Program. City of La Habra -Mr. Goode recently assisted the City with the general administration of its CDBG Grant Program, including preparation of the City's 2007-08 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER). He also managed the preparation of the City's • 2005-2010 Consolidated Plan. City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 21 WILLDAN 0 Patrick E. Goode City of Victorville - Mr. Goode recently provided project oversight for housing Continued rehabilitation inspection services for the City of Victorville. City of Rosemead - Mr. Goode was responsible for administration of the City's and Redevelopment Agency's commercial rehabilitation programs including applicant intake, development of Owner Participation Agreements, procuring for construction services and construction management. City of Huntington Park - Mr. Goode assisted with the operation of a CDBG funded commercial rehabilitation program. County of San Bernardino Redevelopment Agency - Mr. Goode served as Project Director for the preparation of the Housing Implementation Plans for four redevelopment areas including the Cedar Glen Disaster Recovery Redevelopment Area. City of Anaheim - Mr. Goode managed the preparation of the Citys 2005-2010 Consolidated Plan and 2005-2006 Action Plan. City of Vista Redevelopment Agency - Mr. Goode managed the updating of the Agency's AB 1290 (Redevelopment Implementation) Plan. City of Goleta - Mr. Goode managed the preparation of the initial 5-Year Consolidated Plan and 2004-2005 Action Plan for this then recently incorporated City. • City of Paramount - Mr. Goode was responsible for the administration of the Citys CDBG and HOME funded projects/programs, including implementation of CDBG and Redevelopment funded commercial rehabilitation programs and HOME/Redevelopment funded Affordable Housing Program. In this capacity, Mr. Goode was responsible for overall grant administration and the review of Owner Participation Agreements as well as the generation of Development Agreements for acquisition of property, and construction of affordable single-family homes. Mr. Goode also updated the City's Consolidated Plan and prepared Annual Funding Plans. City of Woodland - Mr. Goode recently assisted the Citywith the preparation of its 2007- 08 CAPER and previously assisted the City with the preparation of its 2005-2010 Consolidated Plan and 2005-2006 CAPER. In addition, Mr. Goode was responsible for the general administration' of the City's CDBG Program for the 2001-02 fiscal year, including the Annual Funding Plan. • City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 22 vy, WI LLDAN 0 Experience and References Willdan Engineering has considerable experience in performing a wide- range of housing and community development related work for California cities, ranging from Susanville on the north to Calexico on the south. We have direct experience in identifying and analyzing potential housing sites, assessing local housing needs, and updating a number of housing elements. We have also had recent experience in conducting surveys and analyses of existing housing needs and conditions and quantifying changes in housing quality and affordability. The cities we have served have varied widely in terms of size, geographic locale, and local housing issues. Over the past 16 years, the firm has conducted surveys and analyses in support of housing element updates and/or prepared updated housing elements for numerous California cities, including most recently the Cities of Barstow, Calimesa, Downey, El Segundo, La Habra, La Mirada, La Puente, Los Alamitos, Rosemead, Simi Valley, and Westlake Village, and the Town of Apple Valley. The surveys we have conducted have included • detailed inventories of multiple family projects, including market rate housing, Section 8 housing, and other government-owned or subsidized housing, as well as housing conditions. Willdan Engineering has also researched and prepared housing implementation strategies to assist communities in meeting their quantified housing element objectives and community goals for desired types of housing. In addition to our experience in conducting housing studies, Willdan Engineering has extensive experience in preparing a variety of GIS-based community needs studies and providing a variety of community development services to agencies across California. We have administered all aspects of the CDBG and HOME programs for municipalities and are operating CDBG, HOME and/or redevelopment tax increment funded residential rehabilitation programs in a number of cities. Our community development staff has procured grants for residential rehabilitation, rental assistance and housing construction projects and has formulated plans/strategies forthe utilization of redevelopment agency low and moderate income housing set-aside funds. A matrix that summarizes the experience of our firm in updating housing elements, preparing consolidated plans, and conducting housing studies and community needs surveys and assessments is presented on the • pages that follow. References for selected, relevant assignments, are presented on the page that follows the matrix. City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 23 Z A 0 O O O co O N 0 N N n N co N m d m L O O m a O O N E E E E O U N ~ U a) O o a) c O a) c =3 Q 0 a) N N N N N u> V) N N N v) N N N E ~ -O V V 'O -O ~ 0 a) 0 0 m m m 0 a) 0 m 0 d O O O O O O m d u a m a) m m m m m a) . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a a a o- a a 0 0 0 0 0 E 0 0 0 c c c c c c c c c c U U U U U U U U -6 -a' 'o v 'o v v m v E E m E E m c m m ay m ? m 2 m 2 m M m a) m m m 0 m m m . 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Z a d m N ~ N E a Q E 0 Ql m o ~a ¢ c d o E A U w m c m O Q) 0 a 0 IL W I LLDAN u • • References References for selected assignments shown on the preceding matrix are as follows: Client: City of Westlake Village 31200 Oak Crest Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91361 Contact: Mr. Robert Theobald, Planning Director, (818) 706-1613 Contract Value: $40,000 (2008 Update) Services: Working closely with City staff and a City Council committee, Willdan Engineering previously updated the City's Housing Element, which HCD certified as complying with State law. Willdan Engineering is once again updating the element for the 2006-2014 planning period. Mr. Albert Warot has served as the Project Manager for these assignments. Client: City of Downey 11111 Brookshire Avenue, Downey, CA 90241 Contact: Mr. David Blumenthal, Senior Planner, . (562) 904-7161 Contract Value: $54,730 Services: Willdan Engineering is currently in the process of comprehensively updating the Housing Element of the City's General Plan. Mr. Dean Sherer is serving as the Project Manager for this assignment Client: City of El Segundo 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245-2340 Contact: Ms. Kimberly Christensen, Planning Manager, (310) 524-2340 Contract Value: $53,175 Services: Willdan Engineering is currently in the process of comprehensively updating the Housing Element of the City's General Plan. Mr. Dean Sherer is serving as the Project Manager for this assignment. . City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 29 WILLDAN 0 Cost Estimate/Fee Schedule As requested in the RFP, a cost estimate and fee schedule are provided in a separate sealed envelope. • • City of Rosemead Proposal for the Housing Element Update Page 30