PKC - Item 3A - Appointment of Rosemead Park Walking Trail Subcommittee Representative R OSEMEAD P ARKS C OMMISSION S TAFF R EPORT TO:THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND PARKS COMMISSION FROM:TOM BOECKING, DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION DATE:NOVEMBER8, 2021 SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT OF ROSEMEAD PARK WALKING TRAIL SUBCOMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE SUMMARY At the October 26, 2021, City Council Meeting, the City Council approved the formation of a Walking Trail Subcommittee.The subcommittee will consist ofCity staff,two (2) Councilmembers,and one (1) member of the Parks Commission. The close collaboration between staff and anappointed subcommittee will assist the City in evaluating possible options forthe Walking Trailthat was completed in December 2020,and further reviewing Staff recommended options to improve the Walking Trail developed in response to a January 12, 2021,community petition,as presented at the April 27, 2021, City Council Meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the Parks Commission: 1.Appoint the RosemeadParkWalking TrailSubcommittee by selecting one (1) member of the Parks Commision. Background The City Council approved thereplacementoftheRosemead Park Walking Trailin the 2019/2020 CIP budget for $285,000. In the 2020/2021 CIP budget,an additional $150,000 was allocated to the projectfor a total project budget of $435,000. The original half-mile Walking Trailwas constructedin 2008. OnAugust 25,2020,City Council awarded the construction contract to Access Pacific, Inc. of Pasadena, CA in the amount of $374,242.03.Replacementof theWalking Trailwas completed in December 2020. On January 12, 2021, a community petition was filed at the City of Rosemead stating safety and quality concerns of thenewly replacedWalking Trail. In response to the petition, at the January Parks Commission Meeting November8, 2021 Page2 of 2 26, 2021, City Council Meeting,theCity Council directed staff to provide two (2) potential options to address community concerns.The City Council directed staff to present the options to the Parks Commission and for the Parks Commission to make a recommendation to the City Council. At the April 27, 2021, City Council Meeting, City Staff presented the Parks Commission recommendation ofOption 2,which would add an additional one-inch layer of porous surfaceatop the recently constructednon-porous surface. The Parks Commissionrecommended optionwould cost approximately $163,649 to complete.The City Councildid not approve recommended Option 2 and directed staff to continue to evaluate options to address community concerns with the Walking Trail. At the September 29, 2021, City Council Meeting, the City Council provided staff with direction on developing a Rosemead Park Walking Trail Subcommittee to assist in identifying additional options for improvements to the Walking Trail. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT-This item is consistent with the City of Rosemead's Strategic Plan of improving the City's publicinfrastructure and public right of way to enhance roadway and pedestrian safety in the City. FISCAL IMPACT-None PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process.