CC - Item 5F - Approval of the Traffic Commission Recommendations for a Red Curb at 8834 Garvey AvenueROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER) .�A . DATE: JANUARY 11, 2022 SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS FOR RED CURB AT 8834 GARVEY AVENUE NMIL"A-111-WA On June 3, 2021, a traffic study with several recommendations was presented to the Traffic Commission to improve visibility for vehicles exiting the driveway at 8834 Garvey Avenue. After discussion and a presentation of the item, the Traffic Commission approved the staff recommendations for the area. Public Works Field Services staff will be able to complete all the recommended items. If necessary, additional materials and supplies may be purchased at a minimal expense to complete the recommended work, and staff may utilize the approved Fiscal Year 2021- 2022 Traffic Signs & Markers available funds. BACKGROUND On behalf of the City of Rosemead, engineering staff completed a traffic analysis to evaluate the line of sight when exiting the mobile home neighborhood's driveway located at 8834 Garvey Avenue. A resident reported limited sight visibility for vehicles attempting to exit due to vehicles parking too close to the driveway. Currently, vehicles appear to be parking right up to the driveway, making it difficult to see oncoming traffic and maneuver in, and out of the driveway. After a thorough review of existing conditions, it is recommended that 24' of curb directly to the west of the mobile home neighborhood's driveway located at 8834 Garvey Avenue be painted red to provide a better line of sight for vehicles exiting the driveway. The placement of all traffic control devices is dictated by engineering judgment and based on guidelines found in the CAMUTCD (California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) and the CVC (California Vehicle Code). The installation of all official traffic control devices is also based on an engineering review with justification. DISCUSSION During the June 3, 2021, Traffic Commission Meeting, Jana Robbins, Traffic Engineer for Transtech Engineers, gave a presentation regarding the existing roadway conditions at 8834 AGENDA ITEM 5.F City Council Meeting January 11, 2022 Page 2 of 3 Garvey Avenue. The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, a line of sight analysis, and an examination of 5.5 years of available collision data. Ms. Robbins recommended the following improvements: 1. Install approximately 24 feet of red curb along the southside of Garvey Avenue, just west of the mobile home neighborhood's driveway located at 8834 Garvey Avenue, per CAMUTCD Section 313.19. a. The installation of a red curb to the west of the driveway will improve the line of sight from vehicles exiting the driveway. This will remove approximately 1 parking space and will leave 36 -feet of available curb space for vehicles to park along the southside of Garvey Avenue, west of the mobile home neighborhood's driveway. The Traffic Commission voted 4-0 to approve staff's recommended measures at 8834 Garvey Avenue. TRAFFIC COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION The Traffic Commission recommends the City Council authorize approval for the following measures at 8834 Garvey Avenue: 1. Install approximately 24 feet of red curb along the southside of Garvey Avenue, just west of the mobile home neighborhood's driveway located at 8834 Garvey Avenue, per CAMUTCD Section 3B.19. a. The installation of a red curb to the west of the driveway will improve the line of sight from vehicles exiting the driveway. This will remove approximately 1 parking space and will leave 36 -feet of available curb space for vehicles to park along the southside of Garvey Avenue, west of the mobile home neighborhood's driveway. FINANCIAL IMPACT The City of Rosemead Public Works Field Services Division can complete the recommended items utilizing the approved Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Traffic Signs & Markers available funds in account 202-3010-5660. All recommended items will be carried out by in-house staff. If necessary, additional materials and supplies may be purchased at a minimal expense to complete the tasks. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT The project is consistent with the City of Rosemead's Strategic Plan Goal C - Infrastructure and Facilities, which is to enhance streets, sidewalks, and public infrastructure; coordinate with relevant utility agencies regarding safety and enhancements; and modernize facilities by expanding the use of wireless network technology and renewable energy. City Council Meeting January 11, 2022 Page 3 of 3 PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Z6���4� Michael Chung Director of Public Works Attachment A: June 3, 2021 Traffic Commission Staff Report Attachment B: June 3, 2021 Traffic Commission Minutes Attachment A June 3, 2021 Traffic Commission Staff Report ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT FROM: DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: JUNE 3, 2021 SUBJECT: LINE OF SIGHT TRAFFIC REVIEW AT 8834 GARVEY AVENUE 4OUT toE:l"A The City of Rosemead received a request to review and evaluate the line of sight when exiting the driveway entrance/exit of the mobile homes located at 8834 Garvey Avenue. The resident reported that there is limited sight visibility for vehicles attempting to exit due to vehicles parking too close to the driveway. Currently vehicles appears to be parking right up to the driveway approach making it difficult to see oncoming traffic and maneuver in and out of the driveway. On behalf of the City of Rosemead, engineering staff has completed a traffic analysis to evaluate the line of sight when exiting the mobile home neighborhood's driveway. The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, a line of sight analysis and an examination of 5.5 years of available collision data and recommended appropriate recommendations in response to this request. ANALYSIS The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, a line of sight analysis and an examination of 5.5 years of available collision data. The placement of all traffic control devices and measures are dictated by engineering judgment and based on guidelines found in the CAMUTCD (California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) and the CVG (California Vehicle Code). The installation of all official traffic control devices and measures is also based on an engineering review with justification. Existing Roadway Conditions: Garvey Avenue is an east/west major arterial roadway and is approximately 75 -feet wide, with two lanes in each direction. The roadway has a raised center median separating opposing traffic along Garvey Avenue. Additionally, there is a yellow striped center left turn lane directly opposite the driveway at 8834 Garvey Avenue for vehicles to wait in while attempting a left turn into driveway. Parking is allowed along both sides of Garvey Avenue except from Tuesday to Friday between the times of 2:00am — 6am. In addition, both sides of Garvey Avenue have restricted 2 - hour parking from 7:00am — 6pm, except on Sundays. There is approximately 60' of available Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting June 3, 2021 Page 2 of 3 parking to the west of the driveway. Garvey Avenue has a speed limit of 35 mph. Land use through this segment of Garvey Avenue is a mix of Light Industrial, Medium Commercial, and Single Family Residential. Line of Sight at Driveways: The driver of a vehicle approaching or departing from a driveway should have an unobstructed view of approaching traffic, the intersection, including any traffic control devices, and sufficient lengths along the intersecting highway to permit the driver to anticipate and avoid potential collisions (Maze and Plazak 2000). These unobstructed views form triangular areas known as sight triangles. Any object within the sight triangle that would obstruct the driver's view of an approaching vehicle should be removed or modified or appropriate traffic control devices should be installed as per the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Obstructions within sight triangles could be buildings, vehicles, hedges, trees, bushes, tall crops, walls, fences or parked cars. A parked vehicle extends approximately 7 -feet from the curb, so it's necessary to consider the width of a vehicle when determining the amount of red curb needed to obtain a clear sight triangle. Per A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (AASHTO) Table 3-1 for Stopping Sight Distances, for a roadway with a posted speed of 35 mph the clear sight distance needed is 250 feet. Based on design speeds and a line of sight analysis was conducted to show the calculated amount of clear sight that is needed for vehicles exiting from the mobile home neighborhood driveway located at 8834 Garvey Avenue onto Garvey Avenue. Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). A review and analysis of all collisions that occurred within 100 -feet of the mobile home neighborhood's driveway along Garvey Avenue was conducted over a 5.5 -year period between January 2016 to the most recent available collision data, April 2021. There was a total of 4 collisions reported. Per the review of the collision history, there were 4 collisions reported within 100 -feet of the mobile home neighborhood's driveway along Garvey Avenue within the 5.5 -year period. Of the 4 collisions, 2 collisions were broadside, 1 involved Auto R -O -W, and 1 involved a vehicle colliding with a parked vehicle. It appeared that most were a result of vehicles making a left turn out from the driveway to enter into the stream of traffic. Several other collisions were reported near and around the driveway but only the collisions thought to be directly related to the driveway of concern were analyzed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION After a thorough review of existing conditions, it is recommended that 24' of curb directly to the west of the mobile home neighborhood's driveway located at 8834 Garvey Avenue be painted red to provide a better line of sight for vehicles exiting the driveway. The placement of all traffic control devices is dictated by engineering judgment and based on guidelines found in the CAMUTCD (California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) and the CVC (California Vehicle Code). The installation of all official traffic control devices is also based on an engineering review with justification Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting June 3, 2021 Page 3 of 3 A detailed traffic report and proposed figure diagram is attached as Attachment A to this staff report, please refer to Figure 5 of Attachment A for the proposed recommendations diagram. Below is a detailed list of the recommendations: 1. Install approximately 24 -feet of red curb along the southside of Garvey Avenue, just west of the mobile home neighborhood's driveway located at 8834 Garvey Avenue, per CAMUTCD Section 313.19. a. The installation of red curb to the west of the driveway will improve the line of sight from vehicles exiting the driveway. This will remove approximately 1 parking space and will leave 36 -feet of available curb space for vehicles to park along the southside of Garvey Avenue, just west of the mobile home neighborhood's driveway. Prepared by: Jana Robbins, Contract Traffic Engineering Division Attachments: A. Technical Engineering Report B. Courtesy Notice i TRANSTECh TO: Rosemead Department of Public Works FROM: Traffic Engineering (Transtech) DATE: May 21, 2021 SUBJECT: LINE OF SIGHT TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE 8834 GARVEY AVENUE DRIVEWAY INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND The City of Rosemead received a request to review and evaluate the line of sight when exiting the driveway entrance/exit of the mobile home neighborhood located at 8834 Garvey Avenue. The resident reported that there is limited sight visibility for vehicles attempting to exit due to vehicles parking too close to the driveway. Currently vehicles appears to be parking right up to the driveway approach making it difficult to see oncoming traffic and maneuver in and out of the driveway. The placement of all traffic control devices is dictated by engineering judgment and based on guidelines found in the CAMUTCD (California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) and the CVC (California Vehicle Code). On behalf of the City of Rosemead, engineering staff has completed a traffic analysis to evaluate the line of sight when exiting the mobile home neighborhood's driveway. The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, a line of sight analysis and an examination of 5.5 years of available collision data. Please refer to Figure 1 below for a vicinity map of the subject location. Figure 1: Vicinity Map win AN Garvey Ave• m u r,• - !Aw1- a' II I v f I1efin 'A f Moo, lid• 1 !.. ! C Cf � � y, f_���JI;' ', ��,1��%'}iu �if•ris..�i_ i � ,._��f LEGEND Location of Interest: A Mobile home neighborhood's driveway at 8834 Garvey Avenue CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 1 of 7 LINE OF SIGHT TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE 8834 GARVEY AVENUE DRIVEWAY Figure 2: Existing Conditions Map M�. M LEGEND No U -Turn (Symbol) Sign location of interest: mobile _ home neighborhood's driveway at 8834 Garvey Avenue Signalized Intersection at Muscatel Ave and Garvey Ave .� Fire Hydrant EXISTING CONDITIONS rr,h r �:G Existing Driveway Existing Curb Space for Parking Existing Red Curb Garvey Avenue: Garvey Avenue is an east/west major arterial roadway and is approximately 75 -feet wide, with two lanes in each direction. The roadway has a raised center median separating opposing traffic along Garvey Avenue. Additionally, there is a yellow striped center left turn lane directly opposite the driveway at 8834 Garvey Avenue for vehicles to wait in while attempting a left turn into driveway. Parking is allowed along both sides of Garvey Avenue except from Tuesday to Friday between the times of 2:00am —ham. In addition, both sides of Garvey Avenue have restricted 2 -hour parking from 7:00am —bpm, except on Sundays. There is approximately 60' of available parking to the west of the driveway. Garvey Avenue has a speed limit of 35 mph. Land use through this segment of Garvey Avenue is a mix of Light Industrial, Medium Commercial, and Single Family Residential. !tri• CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 2 of 7 No U -Turn (Symbol) Sign (113-4) Double -sided STOP Sign (R3-1) NOT A THROUGH STREET Sign (Non-MUTCD Compliant) r �:G Existing Driveway Existing Curb Space for Parking Existing Red Curb Garvey Avenue: Garvey Avenue is an east/west major arterial roadway and is approximately 75 -feet wide, with two lanes in each direction. The roadway has a raised center median separating opposing traffic along Garvey Avenue. Additionally, there is a yellow striped center left turn lane directly opposite the driveway at 8834 Garvey Avenue for vehicles to wait in while attempting a left turn into driveway. Parking is allowed along both sides of Garvey Avenue except from Tuesday to Friday between the times of 2:00am —ham. In addition, both sides of Garvey Avenue have restricted 2 -hour parking from 7:00am —bpm, except on Sundays. There is approximately 60' of available parking to the west of the driveway. Garvey Avenue has a speed limit of 35 mph. Land use through this segment of Garvey Avenue is a mix of Light Industrial, Medium Commercial, and Single Family Residential. !tri• CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 2 of 7 Eastbound along Garvey Ave 7 Westbound along Garvey Ave At n South view at Ivor Ave toward the mobile home neighborhood's Driveway of Concern LINE OF SIGHT TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE 8834 GARVEY AVENUE DRIVEWAY LINE OF SIGHT AT DRIVEWAYS The driver of a vehicle approaching or departing from a driveway should have an unobstructed view of approaching traffic, the intersection, including any traffic control devices, and sufficient lengths along the intersecting highway to permit the driver to anticipate and avoid potential collisions (Maze and Plazak 2000). These unobstructed views form triangular areas known as sight triangles. Any object within the sight triangle that would obstruct the driver's view of an approaching vehicle should be removed or modified or appropriate traffic control devices should be installed as per the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Obstructions within sight triangles could be buildings, vehicles, hedges, trees, bushes, tall crops, walls, fences or parked cars. A parked vehicle extends approximately 7 -feet from the curb, so it's necessary to consider the width of a vehicle when determining the amount of red curb needed to obtain a clear sight triangle. Per A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (AASHTO) Table 3-1, for a roadway with a posted speed of 35 mph the clear sight distance needed is 250 feet. Table 1 below summarizes the Stopping Sight Distance based on design speeds and Figure 3 below shows the calculated amount of clear sight that is needed for vehicles exiting from the mobile home neighborhood's driveway located at 8834 Garvey Avenue onto Garvey Avenue. Table 1; Stopping Sight Distance Design Speed (MPH) Brake reaction distance (ft) Braking distance on level (ft) Stopping Sight Distance Calculated Design (ft) (ft) 15 55.1 21.6 76.7 80 20 73.5 38.4 111.9 115 25 91.9 60.0 151.9 155 30 110.3 86.4 196.7 200 35 128.6 117.6 246.2 250 40 147.0 153.6 300.6 305 45 165.4 194.4 359.8 360 50 183.8 240.0 423.8 425 55 202.1 290.3 492.4 495 60 220.5 345.5 566.0 570 65 238.9 405.5 644.4 645 Note: Brake reaction distance predicated on a time of 2.5s; deceleration rate 11.2 ft/sect CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 4 of 7 LINE OF SIGHT TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE 8834 GARVEY AVENUE DRIVEWAY Figure 3. Line of Sight Analysis Exiting from the Mobile Home Neighborhood's Driveway at 8834 Garvey Avenue COLLISION INVESTIGATION Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). A review and analysis of all collisions that occurred within 100 -feet of the mobile home neighborhood's driveway along Garvey Avenue was conducted over a 5.5 -year period between January 2016 to the most recent available collision data, April 2021. There was a total of 4 collisions reported. A summary breakdown by year of the number of collisions at the studied intersection is shown below in Table 2, while Figure 3 shows the Collision Diagram. 2021: 0 collisions 2020: 1 collision 2019: 0 collisions 2018: 1 collision 2017: 1 collision 2016: 1 collision Table 2 provides a detailed list of the collisions within 100 -feet of mobile home neighborhood's driveway along Garvey Avenue. Table 2: Collision History within 100 -feet of mobile home neighborhood's driveway along Garvey Avenue CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 5 of 7 LINE OF SIGHT TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE 8834 GARVEY AVENUE DRIVEWAY Per the review of the collision history, there were 4 collisions reported within 100 -feet of the mobile home neighborhood's driveway along Garvey Avenue within the 5.5 -year period. Of the 4 collisions, 2 collisions were broadside, 1 involved Auto R -O -W, and 1 involved a vehicle colliding with a parked vehicle. It appeared that most were a result of vehicles making a left turn out from the driveway to enter into the stream of traffic. Several other collisions were reported near and around the driveway but only the collisions thought to be directly related to the driveway of concern are listed above in Table 1. Figure 4 below displays the listed collisions at their approximate locations where each collision occurred along Garvey Avenue. Figure 4: Collision Diagram RECOMMENDATIONS CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 6 of 7 Seventy 1 -Fele) 2- Seven Injury Motor Primary Time Dayol Cdldeniypa 3-0tha VINBIe FdnNry n en iettar d VeMde, IDR Date Road n SeMdlry Road Oht. (2/ the UBhIfnB Weather Injury BI81111 CgBdon Degll Dom Diulo eetdptl m Pedeald, Olhvinfe How) Walk /-Complolnt of Factor BNyde Pain Involved B - Prop Dem Only POD R -0•W SB THRU VEH HIT VEH2 1 1/15/7070 GARVEY NAR AV 73'W 11:11 SAT DAY CLOUDY R-O•W AUTO 3 1 AUTO We 1HRU VEH OTHER MV DRVR MINOR 1 6/B/]OSB GAAVEY AV NM AV 77'W 11:30 FRI DAY CLEAR BROADSIDE 3 1 UNKNOWN FBOIHERVEHHIT OTHER MV VimI DRVR NB EM TRF VEH POSSIBL 3 10/77/7017 GARVEYAV IVAR AV 0' M. FRI DAY CLEAR OTHER S 0 IMPROP UNS TURN VIH HIT PKD MV NA TURN WB PARKED VEN 7/17/7016 GARVEY AV NAR AV 0' 18:00 WEO DUSK/OA MINING BgOAD51DE 5 0 R•O•Wr.ITWIT TTURN VEM/ OWER MV NA WN AUTO I1RU VEII Per the review of the collision history, there were 4 collisions reported within 100 -feet of the mobile home neighborhood's driveway along Garvey Avenue within the 5.5 -year period. Of the 4 collisions, 2 collisions were broadside, 1 involved Auto R -O -W, and 1 involved a vehicle colliding with a parked vehicle. It appeared that most were a result of vehicles making a left turn out from the driveway to enter into the stream of traffic. Several other collisions were reported near and around the driveway but only the collisions thought to be directly related to the driveway of concern are listed above in Table 1. Figure 4 below displays the listed collisions at their approximate locations where each collision occurred along Garvey Avenue. Figure 4: Collision Diagram RECOMMENDATIONS CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 6 of 7 LINE OF SIGHT TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE 8834 GARVEY AVENUE DRIVEWAY The placement of all traffic control devices is dictated by engineering judgment and based on guidelines found in the CAMUTCD (California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) and the CVC (California Vehicle Code). The installation of all official traffic control devices is also based on an engineering review with justification. After a thorough review of existing conditions, it is recommended that 24' of curb directly to the west of the mobile home neighborhood's driveway located at 8834 Garvey Avenue be painted red to provide a better line of sight for vehicles exiting the driveway. Please refer to the below recommendations and to Figure 5 for the proposed recommendations. Below is a detailed list of the recommendations: 1. Install approximately 24 -feet of red curb along the Southside of Garvey Avenue, just west of the mobile home neighborhood's driveway located at 8834 Garvey Avenue, per CAMUTCD Section 38.19. • The installation of red curb to the west of the driveway will improve the line of sight from vehicles exiting the driveway. This will remove approximately 1 parking space and will leave 36 -feet of available curb space for vehicles to park along the southside of Garvey Avenue, just west of the mobile home neighborhood's driveway. Figure 5: Proposed Recommendations Reference: CKSection 22500; CAMUTCD Section 38.19. ojkt CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 7 of 7 Attachment B VA 112 CoE Traffic Commission Courtesy Notification NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday, June 3, 2021, at the hour of 7:00 pan., or soon thereafter as the matter maybe heard, the Rosemead Traffic Commission will hold a public meeting in the Council Chambers at City Hall for the purpose of reviewing the line of sight at 8834 Garvey Avenue. You are being notified of this meeting because your property is within proximity to the location. We encourage your comments regarding traffic safety in this area. Citizens' wishing to comment may do so by calling (626) 569-2100 or via email at publiccomment@cityofrosemead.org by 5:00 p.m. Please identify the topic you wish to comment in your email's subject line. All comments are public record and will be recorded in the official record of the City. Written comments must be addressed to: City of Rosemead Public Works Department 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Attention: Public Works Department/Traffic Commission To adhere to the Los Angeles County Health Officer's, updated June 11, 2020, Revised Safer at Home Order, this meeting will be held via teleconference and the public will have access to observe the meeting telephonically by calling 1 (267) 866-0999, Code ID: 6163-10-9205 or visit www.cityofi-osemead.org to watch online. Please note that, in accordance with Governor Newsom's Executive Order N-29-20 and N-35-20, there will not be a physical location fi-om which the public may attend. Again, only comments received by 5:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting, will be accepted. We appreciate your concern for traffic safety in the City of Rosemead. Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the Public Works Department at 626-569-2150. For information please call: Para obtener mas infoimaci6n, favor de Ilamar al: IMM"fid, MAIR: De bilt th8m chi tiet, xin g9i: 626-569-2150 Proposed Improvements at 8834 Garvey Avenue Attachment B June 3, 2021 Traffic Commission Minutes Minutes of the Regular ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING June 3, 2021 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7:05 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Chair Masuda INVOCATION: Vice Chair Quintanilla PRESENT: Vice Chair Quintanilla, Commissioner Lim, Commissioner Ly and Chair Masuda ABSENT: Commissioner Escobar STAFF PRESENT: Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins and Administrative Analyst Silvia Llamas 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS None 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Chair Masuda asked Traffic Commissioners if anyone would like to make revisions or additions to the minutes of November 5, 2020, or March 11, 2021. Vice Chair Quintanilla made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Ly, to accept consent calendar. Vote resulted in: Yes: Masuda, Quintanilla, Lim, Ly No: None Abstain: None Absent: Escobar 3. NEW BUSINESS A. TRAFFIC REVIEW OF PARKING CONDITIONS AT 2239 SAN GABRIEL BOULEVARD Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins provided a brief description of the item, The City received a request from a business representative to evaluate installation of either red or green curb to address the issue of limited line of sight for incoming and outgoing cars near the business entrances. On behalf of the City of Rosemead, engineering staff completed a traffic review to evaluate the parking conditions near the business entrances adjacent to 2239 San Gabriel Boulevard and recommended appropriate recommendations in response to this request. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of June 3, 2021 Page 1 of 4 Vice Chair Quintanilla asked Staff if the City authorized the green curb marking by the Tire Shop located at 8130 Constance Street. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded that the City did not have records of it, however, that did not necessarily mean the City did not paint the green curb. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked if there are normally time limit markings that go along with the green curb paint. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded that you can just have the green curb alone. Chair Masuda asked if the green curb would remain if the Tire Shop wanted to keep it. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins explained that the green curb would not remain in the same location and would be moved to the other side of the driveway. Chair Masuda asked if the green curb is replaced with a red curb, but the Tire Shop is requesting a green curb, would the request come back to Traffic Commission. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded the request would be brought back to Traffic Commission for review and recommendation. Commissioner Lim made a motion, seconded by Vice Chair Quintanilla, to accept Staff recommendations, and to provide an update after contacting the Tire Shop regarding the green curb. Vote resulted in: Yes: Masuda, Quintanilla, Lim, Ly No: None Abstain: None Absent: Escobar B. LINE OF SIGHT TRAFFIC REVIEW AT 8834 GARVEY AVENUE Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins provided a brief description of the item, The City of Rosemead received a request from a resident to review and evaluate the line of sight when exiting the driveway entrance/exit of the mobile homes located at 8834 Garvey Avenue. The resident reported that there is limited sight visibility for vehicles attempting to exit due to vehicles parking too close to the driveway. On behalf of the City of Rosemead, engineering staff has completed a traffic analysis to evaluate the line of sight when exiting the mobile home neighborhood's driveway and recommended the following improvement in response to this request: 1) Install approximately 24 -feet of red curb along the southside of Garvey Avenue, just west of the mobile home neighborhood's driveway located at 8834 Garvey Avenue, per CAMUTCD Section 313.19. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of June 3, 2021 Page 2 of 4 a. The installation of red curb to the west of the driveway will improve the line of sight from vehicles exiting the driveway. This will remove approximately 1 parking space and will leave 36 -feet of available curb space for vehicles to park along the southside of Garvey Avenue, just west of the mobile home neighborhood's driveway. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked if the request was sent in by a resident. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins confirmed the request was received through Public Works by a resident who resided in the mobile home community. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked if the residents received a notice to be invited to attend this meeting. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded Staff sent out the notices to the residents. Commissioner Lim made a motion, seconded by Vice Chair Quintanilla, to accept Staff recommendations. Vote resulted in: Yes: Masuda, Quintanilla, Lim, Ly No: None Abstain: None Absent: Escobar 4. STAFF REPORTS Staff will provide an update on the signage and markings on San Gabriel Boulevard near Hellman Avenue and the EB 1-10 Freeway On -Ramp in the next Traffic Commission meeting. 5. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Lim commented if Staff could look into red curbing at the intersection of Evelyn Avenue and Garvey Avenue, as well as Evelyn Avenue and Hellman Avenue. Commissioner Ly commented if the City could update any parking ordinance to mitigate the number of requests received regarding line of sight review items. Commissioner Ly commented about a motion that was made to install a centerline on Burton Avenue between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard during the November 5, 2020, Traffic Commission meeting. Commissioner Ly explained that the City painted a double yellow line and has received questions from residents about making U-turns on the solid double yellow lines. Commissioner Ly commented that the recommendation made to paint a white strip along both sides of the street did not help reduce the flow and speed of traffic. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of June 3, 2021 Page 3 of 4 Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins explained that the double yellow means no passing, but drivers are still able to make turns across a double yellow centerline. Commissioner Ly asked if vehicles such as delivery carriers are allowed to park in the middle of the street when making deliveries. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded that would be an enforcement issue as they should not be parking in the middle of the street. Chair Masuda asked if all the staff recommendations were approved for the Traffic Calming Measures on Burton Avenue Between Garvey Avenue and Ramona Boulevard, Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded that she recalls all Staff recommendations were approved, however, will check the City Council meeting minutes to confirm. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked for a status update on the Olney Street and Temple City Boulevard on-ramp street closure. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded that City Council was waiting for the next in-person meeting to discuss those matters because they wanted to have the residents be able to voice their opinions. Administrative Analyst Silvia Llamas replied to reconfirm the statement. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m, The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for July 1, 2021, at 7:00 p,m, and will take place at the Rosemead City Hall, City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard. 0��_V'Iyj W-01uA" Howard Masuda Chair ATTEST: 4 1 0�cl Michael Chung, Director of Public Works Rosemead Trac Commission Meeting Minutes of June 3, 2021 Page 4 of 4