CC - Item 4B - City Council Presentation - Housing Element Update PowerpointRosemead 2021-2029 Housing Element & Public Safety Element Update CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 11, 2022 What is the Housing Element? •One of seven required elements of the General Plan •Assessment of City’s housing needs and how best to accommodate existing and future housing needs •Update required every eight (8) years ◦Deadline: October 15, 2021 + 120 grace-period •Reviewed for compliance by State Dept. of Housing and Community Development (HCD) General Plan Housing Conser- vation Land Use Open SpaceMobility Noise Safety 2 Housing Element Compliance Benefits of HCD Compliance •Presumption of legally adequate Housing Element in courts •Maintain eligibility for State housing funds •Don’t face RHNA carry-over into next Housing Element cycle Penalties of Noncompliance •Risk of Litigation (AB 72, AB 101) •HCD monitors for non-compliance; reports to Attorney General (AG) •Court imposed fines up to $100k per month •Ineligibility for State Grants •SB 2 / Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Grants •Other infrastructure/transportation funds being considered •If courts invalidate Element, suspend City’s authority to issue building permits until brought into compliance 3 Housing Element Update Process Outreach Housing Needs Assessment Draft HEU & Programs HCD Review of Draft HEU Adoption HCD Review of Adopted HEU HEU Implementation We Are Here 4 Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) •RHNA is a planning goal, not a production goal •State law does not mandate actual production of units •City must demonstrate adequate capacity in local land use policies to accommodate RHNA •6th Cycle RHNA has similar percentage of unit allocation per income category as 5th Cycle 5 Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) Income Category Rosemead RHNA 5th Cycle (2014-2021)6th Cycle (2021-2029) Very Low 153 25.4%1,154 25.0% Low 88 14.6%638 13.8% Moderate 99 16.4%686 14.9% Above Moderate 262 43.5%2,134 46.2% Total 602 100%4,612 100% Source: 2014 –2021 Rosemead Housing Element, SCAG Proposed Final RHNA Allocation February 5, 2021 6 New Housing Element Requirements •Higher RHNA Unit Allocation ◦6th Cycle RHNA unit allocation approximately 7.5 times higher than 5th cycle •Affirmatively Further Fair Housing (AFFH) ◦To promote inclusive communities, further housing choice, and address racial and economic disparities through government programs, policies, and operations •Site Eligibility for Lower-Income Households ◦New regulations on how cities can reuse sites and increased scrutiny of small, and non-vacant sites for lower-income households •No Net Loss ◦Cities must preserve sufficient and available sites for lower‐income housing throughout the RHNA planning period at all times 7 Public Participation •Launched dedicated webpage and email address (December 17, 2020) •Online housing needs/environmental justice survey (February 3 –March 21, 2021) •Virtual stakeholder interviews (February 4 –10, 2021) •Virtual joint City Council/Planning Commission study session (March 9, 2021) •Virtual community workshop on the Housing Element/Environmental Justice (June 10, 2021) •Housing Element 60-day public review period (September 3 –November 4, 2021) •HCD 60-day review of draft Housing Element (September 17 –November 15, 2021) •Planning Commission public hearing for recommendation to City Council (December 20, 2021) 8 Housing Programs 1 -Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Program 2 -Down Payment Assistance Program- 3 -Infill Housing Development and Site Recycling 4 -Land Assemblage and Write-Down 5 -Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) Construction Program 6 -Adequate Sites Inventory and Monitoring for No Net Loss 7 -Water and Sewer Master Plans 9 8 -Opportunity Sites Marketing and Outreach 9 -Special Housing Needs and Zoning 10 -Development of Housing for Extremely Low- Income Households 11 -By-Right Approval of Projects with 20 Percent Affordable Units on “Reuse” Housing Element Sites 12 -Section 8 Rental Assistance Payments/Housing Vouchers 13 -Mobile Home Park Assistance Program (MPAP) 14 -Fair Housing Program Sites Inventory •City is required to demonstrate a plan to meet the housing capacity requirements assigned to the City based on the RHNA •Vacant Sites and Underutilized Sites (residential and non-residential) •Mixed-Use Areas ◦Mixed-Use Development Overlay ◦Freeway Mixed-Use Overlay ◦Garvey Avenue Specific Plan •Accessory Dwelling Units (construction of 48 ADUs over the 8-year planning period) •Rezoning of ten (10) sites to accommodate a buffer to address No Net Loss provisions 10 11 Sites Inventory Capacity Summary Potential Housing Sites Very Low/Low Income Units* Moderate Income Units Above Moderate Income Units Total Vacant Sites 232 286 572 1,090 Non-Vacant Sites 1,783 991 2,631 5,405 Accessory Dwelling Units 262 8 114 384 Total 2,277 1,285 3,317 6,879 2021-2029 RHNA 1,154 638 2,134 4,612 Difference +1,123 +1,923 +5,451 8,497 * Includes Extremely Low-Income Units 12 HCD Housing Element Review •Draft Housing Element submitted to HCD for 60-day review (September 17th) •November 15, 2021 -HCD issued Housing Element comment letter ◦“Draft Housing Element addresses many statutory requirements; revisions will be necessary to comply with State Housing Element Law” •Comment Letter Key Points: ◦Provide additional local knowledge and data ◦Provide additional detail on site selection methodology, specifically for non-vacant sites ◦Modify programs for further compliance with State laws 13 Public Safety Element & Environmental Justice Polices •Focused technical update to the Public Safety Element to better prepare the City of Rosemead for impacts of climate change, in accordance with SB 379 •Public Safety Element submitted to the California Geological Survey of the Department of Conservation on October 15, 2021 for review, pursuant to State law •Due to presence of Disadvantages Communities (DACs) in the City, SB 1000 requires cities to develop Environmental Justice policies to be incorporated into General Plan •Improve the disproportionate burden of environmental pollution/toxins in lower-income and communities of color •Environmental Justice policies/programs incorporated in Public Safety Element, Housing Element, and other General Plan elements 14 Next Steps •Submit for HCD Certification –January 2022 ◦60-day HCD review of adopted Housing Element •Housing Element Implementation ◦Rezoning of sites ◦Ongoing program implementation during the 8-year planning period ◦Wait for development proposals for review and approval 15 Staff Recommendation •That the City Council: ◦Conduct a public hearing and receive public testimony; ◦Adopt Resolution 2021-66 (Attachment “F”),approving General Plan Amendment 20-01. ◦Authorize the City Manager to make iterative changes to the 2021-2029 Housing Element in response to comments from HCD to support state certification of the 2021-2029 Housing Element. 16 Thank You! Questions?