CC - Item 3A - Public Hearing - SB 9 PowerPointPUBLIC HEARING ON MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT (MCA) 21 -04 –ADOPTION OF URGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 1005 AND INTRODUCTION AND FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 1004 IMPLEMENTING SENATE BILL (SB) 9 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 25, 2022 SB 9 –BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE •Effective January 1,2022,SB 9 was designed to increase housing production by eliminating barriers to construction and granting cities limited authority to adopt local regulations •SB 9 amended California Government Code Section 66452.6 and added Sections 65852.21 (Urban Dwellings)and 66411.7 (Urban Lot Splits) •Applies only to the Single-Family Residential Zone (R-1) •Requires ministerial approval of: •Urban Dwellings •Urban Lot Splits 2 OBJECTIVE STANDARDS FOR SB 9 •The rental of an urban dwelling must be for a term longer than 30 days.Short term rentals are prohibited. •Demolition and Alteration:A proposed urban dwelling must not require demolition or alteration of any of the following types of housing •Housing that is subject to a recorded covenant,ordinance,or law that restricts rents to levels affordable to persons and families of moderate,low,or very low income. •Housing that is subject to any form of rent or price control through a public entity’s valid exercise of its police power. •Housing that has been occupied by a tenant in the last three years. •A proposed urban dwelling must not demolish more than 25 percent of the existing exterior structural walls.This does not apply if the housing development has not been occupied by a tenant in the last three years. •Imposes no setback requirements for an existing permitted structure,or a structure constructed in the same location and to the same dimensions as an existing permitted structure. •One parking space (covered or uncovered)for each unit •Exception:No parking required if located ½mile from major transit corridor or stop,or one block to car share vehicle location •Require property owners to sign an affidavit that the applicant will occupy one of the housing units as their principal residence for a minimum of three years from the date of the approval of the urban lot split. 3 URBAN DWELLINGS R -1 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS –NUMBER OF UNITS R-1 development standards permit a single-family dwelling unit for every 6,000 sq.ft.of lot area. 5 URBAN DWELLINGS With SB 9,the City shall ministerially approve two urban dwellings that are at least 800 sq.ft.each,with side and rear yard setbacks of 4 feet,in the R-1 zone. MCA 21-04 will limit the maximum number of units permitted for urban dwellings .A proposed urban dwelling development shall contain no more than two urban dwellings . A maximum of two ADUS would still be permitted for a total of four units . Diagram Credits: Alfred Twu H = House D = Duplex A =ADU URBAN LOT SPLITS R -1 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS -SUBDIVISION OF A LOT R-1 development standards require a minimum lot width of 50 ft.and a minimum lot area of 6,000 sq.ft. for each lot created by a parcel map. 7 URBAN LOT SPLITS With SB 9,the City shall ministerially approve a parcel map for two new parcels of approximately equal lot area, provided that one parcel shall not be smaller than 40 percent of the lot area of the original parcel proposed for subdivision.Both newly created parcels created by an urban lot split must be no smaller than 1,200 square feet. Diagram Credits: Alfred Twu URBAN DWELLINGS PROPOSED IN CONJUNCTION WITH AN URBAN LOT SPLIT EXAMPLE SCENARIOS 9 MCA 21-04 will limit the maximum number of units permitted for an Urban Lot Split .A proposed urban lot split shall contain not more than two dwelling units per lot .All (existing or new)Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)and Junior ADUs will be counted toward the maximum number of units .An urban lot split shall contain not more than four residential units,two per parcel . Diagram Credits: Alfred Twu H = House D = Duplex A =ADU J =JADU STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT THE CITY COUNCIL: 1.Move to INTRODUCE and ADOPT,by title only,Urgency Ordinance No.1005 (Attachment “A”),an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Rosemead adopting by reference,pursuant to Government Code Section 50022.2, for the approval of MCA 21-04,amending Title 17 (Zoning)of the RMC by updating and adding definitions to Section 17.04.050,updating Table to permit an urban dwelling and an urban lot split as a permitted use in the R-1 zone,and adding Section 17.30.210 for urban dwellings and Section 17.30.220 for urban lot splits,and amending Title 16 (Subdivisions)of the RMC by adding Section 16.08.240 for urban lot splits;and 2.Move to INTRODUCE for FIRST READING,by title only,Ordinance No.1004 (Attachment “B”)an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Rosemead adopting by reference,pursuant to Government Code Section 50022.2, for the approval of MCA 21-04,amending Title 17 (Zoning)of the RMC by updating and adding definitions to Section 17.04.050,updating Table to permit an urban dwelling and an urban lot split as a permitted use in the R-1 zone,and adding Section 17.30.210 for urban dwellings and Section 17.30.220 for urban lot splits,and amending Title 16 (Subdivisions)of the RMC by adding Section 16.08.240 for urban lot splits. 10 QUESTIONS?