TC - Item 3C - Traffic Review at the Intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenue R OSEMEAD T RAFFIC C OMMISSION S TAFF R EPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM:MICHAEL CHUNG, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: FEBRUARY 3, 2022 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OF DEL MAR AVENUE AND FERN AVENUE SUMMARY On behalf of the City of Rosemead, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate measures at the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenue. The City of Rosemead received a resident request to evaluate installation of a stopsign at the crosswalk on the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenuedue to drivers reportedly not stopping for children who are walking to school. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate measures on Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenue. ANALYSIS The traffic review included an analysis of existing roadway conditions, a review of approximately 5.5 years of available collision data, an intersection turning movement count with peak hour vehicular and pedestrian counts, as well as an examination of field conditions. Del Mar Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Del Mar Avenue runs north and south and is considered a Minor Arterial Road per the City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey with a posted speed limit of 35 MPH. This intersection, however, is within a school zone with a posted speed limit of 25 MPH when the beacon is flashing at the intersection. Del Mar Avenue is approximately 48 feet wide with one lane of travel in each direction and a double yellow center line. Parking is allowed on both sides of Del Mar Avenue where the curbs are not marked red except during street sweeping. The intersection of Fern Avenue and Del Mar Avenue is stop controlled on Fern Avenue, with an uncontrolled crosswalk in the north leg of the intersection with flashing beacons on top of LED School Pedestrian signs and pedestrian activated in-road lights on City Traffic Commission Meeting February 3, 2022 Page 2 of 4 Del Mar Avenue. This intersection runs through Light Multiple Residential zoning per the Rosemead Zoning Map. Fern Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Fern Avenue runs east and west and is considered a local road with a prima facie speed limit of 25 mph. Fern Avenue is approximately 36 feet wide with one lane of travel in each direction and no marked center line. Parking is permitted on both sides of Fern Avenue where the curbs are not marked red. There are two schools within 1000-1500 feet from this intersection: Arlene Bitely Elementary School with access off of Fern Avenue to the west and Richard Garvey Intermediate School with access off of Newmark Avenue. Land use on Fern Avenue is Light Multiple Residential zoning, per the Rosemead Zoning Map. A Collision History Analysis was conducted for the subject location. Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). An analysis was conducted of available collisions that were reported to SWITRS and that occurred within 250-feet of the subject intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue. The collision analysis was conducted over approximately a 5.5-year period between January 2016 through October 2021 (available data at the time of traffic review). Per the Collision History Analysis, there was a total of 5 collisions reported within the 5.5-year period. All five of those collisions occurred at or within 250 feet of the intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue. Of the 5 reported collisions, 1 collision in 2018 involved collision between a vehicle and a bike. The bicyclist was a 58-year-old adult not in the crosswalk traveling SB on Del Mar Avenue and wasstruck by a motorist making a left turn onto Fern Avenue which resulted in an injury. T urning Movement and Peak Hour Traffic Counts/Volumes: To determine what type of turning movements are encountered at the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenue, peak hour intersection turning movement counts and pedestrian counts were taken at this intersection during the hours of 7-9 AM, 1-3PM and 4-6 PM on October 21, 2021 with the Afternoon peak conducted in November 17, 2021. The counts were taken while school was in session. Pedestrian Counts: To determine how many pedestrians are using this intersection to cross, peak hour pedestrian counts were taken during the same count periods as the intersection turning movement counts. The pedestrian counts tally the number of adult and school age pedestrians in each leg of the intersection during the count times of 7-9AM, 1-3PM and 4-6PM. Stop Sign Analysis: As part of the initial request the resident asked the City to look into providing all-way stop control. Installation of STOP Signs or all-way stop control at the intersection is guided by the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD) Sections 2B.04 through 2B.07 (Page 126). Traffic control devices work in concert with the basic “rules of City Traffic Commission Meeting February 3, 2022 Page 3 of 4 the road” contained in traffic laws and ordinances. The California Manual of Uniform Traffic Devices (CAMUTCD) describes applications, warrants, and placement of STOP signs (R1-1). The STOP sign is a regulatory device that is used when traffic is required to stop. STOP signs are used to assign right-of-way at an intersection. Multi-way control is used where the volume of traffic on the intersecting roads is approximately equal. Stop signs are not used as a speed control device. Based on the data collected this location did not meet warrants for installation of an all-way stop. A line of sight analysis was conducted to determine the stopping sight distance for vehicles to clearly see oncoming traffic to safely proceed onto the roadway and to determine how much red curb should be installed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that the intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue does not meet warrants for the installation of all-way stop control but would benefit from additional signage and red curb installation to make vehicles and pedestrians more visible to approaching cars. Pedestrian Activated In-Road Lights along the crosswalk were previously installed to make the yellow crosswalk more visible to approaching motorists. Based on a field review the lights appear to be non-functioning. The LED Pedestrian signs and beacons appear to be operational based on the field review. Public works maintenance is working to address the non-functioning lights. Please refer to Figure 11 in Attachment A for a conceptual representation of the proposed recommendations. A detailed traffic report and proposed figure diagram is attached as Attachment A to this staff report, please refer to the proposed diagram (Figure 11) in the attachment. Below is a detailed list of the recommendations, these improvements are also shown on Figure 11 of Attachment A: 1.The existing STOP pavement legend and stop bar for the west leg of Fern Avenue and Del Mar Avenue is faded and should be repainted and refreshed. 2.The exiting STOP sign in the west leg of Fern Avenue and Del Mar Avenue should be removed and replaced with a new 36x36 STOP sign (R1-1). City Traffic Commission Meeting February 3, 2022 Page 4 of 4 3. A “CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP”plaque (W4-4P)should be installed below the new STOP sign. Per CAMUTCD Section 2C.59 guidelines the “CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP” (W4-4P) plaque may be used in combination with a STOPsign when engineering judgment indicates that conditions are present that are causing or could cause drivers to misinterpret the intersection as an all-way stop. 4. A vertical red retroreflective strip should be installed on the STOP sign post for enhanced visibility. Per CAMUTCD Figure 2A-1: Examples of enhanced conspicuity for signs. 5. School Crossing Ahead Signage (SW24-3(CA)) should be installed on the north and south legs of Del Mar approaching the intersection as shown in Figure 11. 6. Red Curb Installation: Extend the existing red curb, on the west side of the north leg of Del Mar Avenue to 16’ north of the crosswalk and install 10’ of red curb on the east side for the south leg of Del Mar Avenue, north of the shark teeth as shown in Figure 11. 7. Removal of Non-Conforming Signage: The existing non-conforming signage “WHEN FLASHING” plaque under the existing School Speed 25 mph should be removed and replaced with a new S4-2P plaque “WHEN CHILDREN ARE PRESENT.” Per CAMUTCD Section 7B.16 reduced school speed limit ahead sign (S4-5, S4-5A). Prepared by: Jana Robbins, Contract Traffic Engineering Division Attachments: A. Attachment A – Technical Traffic Engineering Report AE TRANSTECIi TO: City of Rosemead, Department of Public Works FROM: Traffic Engineering, Transtech Engineers, Inc. DATE: January 27, 2022 SUBJECT: Traffic Review at the Intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenue INTRODUCTION The City of Rosemead received a resident request to evaluate installation of a stop sign at the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenue. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate measures on Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenue. The traffic review included an analysis of existing roadway conditions, a review of approximately 5.5 years of available collision data, an intersection turning movement count with peak hour vehicular and pedestrian counts, as well as an examination of field conditions. Figure 1: Vicinity Map for Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenue ') r LEGEND Richard Garvey Intermediate 'L ® Request Location: Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenue t CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 1 of 19 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue EXISTING CONDITIONS Del Mar Avenue: Del Mar Avenue runs north and south and is considered a Minor Arterial Road per the City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey with a posted speed limit of 35 MPH. This intersection, however, is within a school zone with a posted speed limit of 25 MPH when the beacon is flashing at the intersection. Del Mar Avenue is approximately 48 feet wide with one lane of travel in each direction and a double yellow center line. Parking is allowed on both sides where the curbs are not marked red except duringstreet sweeping. This intersection runs through Light Multiple Residential zoning per the Rosemead Zoning Map. The intersection of Fern Avenue and Del Mar Avenue is stop controlled on Fern Avenue, with an uncontrolled crosswalk in the north leg of the intersection with flashing beacons on top of LED School Pedestrian signs and pedestrian activated in -road lights on Del Mar Avenue. During the field review it was noted that the uncontrolled crosswalk has an existing in -road light system. Based on a field review the in -road light system needs a functionality review. Public Works is aware, and their maintenance team is addressing the field conditions. Fern Avenue: Fern Avenue runs east and west and is considered a local road with a prima facie speed limit of 25 mph. Fern Avenue is approximately 36 feet wide with one lane of travel in each direction and no marked center line. Parking is permitted on both sides where the curbs are not marked red. There are two schools within 1000-1500 feet from this intersection: Arlene Bitely Elementary School with access off of Fern Avenue to the west and Richard Garvey Intermediate School with access off of Newmark Avenue. Land use on Fern Avenue is Light Multiple Residential zoning, per the Rosemead Zoning Map. Figure 2: Existing Conditions on Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 2 of 19 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue PICTURE SUMMARY P OE_AD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 3 of 19 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue Fern Ave l..,l Northbound along Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue Pedestrian Activated LED Flashing School Pedestrian signs with Downward Arrow, Flashing Beacons with In -Road Lights 'I \ <; 1 r F Ah t4 veY AA Southbound along ^Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue CITY OF ROSEMEAD RO�vS E Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 4 of 19 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue 0 KOSCWEAD l Fern Av 3 Southbound along Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 5 of 19 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue KhNt SPEED LIMIT x 25 YM9 Mkt.. Existing Speed Limit Sign at Del Mar Avenue north of Wasola Street, Sign Plaque Does not Conform to CAMUTCD Standards ;de]lPlVMkiIILI DI ��IWINIIMkiI A Collision History Analysis was conducted for the subject location. Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). An analysis was conducted of available collisions that were reported to SWITRS and that occurred within 250 -feet of the subject intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue. The collision analysis was conducted over approximately a 5.5 -year period between January 2016 through October 2021 (available data at the time of traffic review). Based on the information provided, a summary breakdown of the number of collisions within the studied segment are listed below and shown in Table 1. Total collisions: 5 2021— 0 collisions 2020 —1 collision 2019 — 2 collisions 2018 — 2 collisions 2017 — 0 collisions 2016 — 0 collisions Table 1: Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue Collision History CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 6 of 19 I. SeVe�e""' 'ReadeE fuiMn -oYIx+ [Miwo3 MmsyQb' Ra. IHvy ROM Read M0. Tm DWdNNeeR IN.NISM. nury 1..HII.r Deuil[srmlpraMdoras Facer RaiOlMallllu Rml <-ComWinml Pain 0 rle lnwl 5 -Prop Dam cn P._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ] S/]0/. DeI Mar Fw fem Fve 0 110 TuoEaY DF HN -SF Rear EIW 3 ..V00e NB DRVR HITTWO TDOCWOE NB pNRS i Re -IN E //30/ffi9 OeI MerFw fem. ]9V0 019 SeNNay MRR Si Sideswipe a Pah. Mqa NO WVR HIT THREE IMPROPNRX Vere PRO NO MRO 0 N/A S Va. Oel Mar Fw fem Pve fiR'4 O39 SeNNay MRDSi XeedOn 9 Pwie. MMw NO DRVR XITTWD IMPROPTHRN veMtle PFD XD MV 0 N/A 7/14/] Del Mar Ave F—a- ]SON ISMO LNNay MYUGHT Rear EM 9 MWw VMHe NO DRVR HIT TVO UNSYEYFEO ODHER NO DRVRS l N/A WO`RTNRNORVR a }/1H. Del Mar AveimlPve 0 MGI MwpaY MRRdT Aub/BIRe S SRJRN HeNJe R8W1UT0 I WOXIi CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 6 of 19 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue Per the Collision History Analysis, there was a total of 5 collisions reported within the 5.5 -year period. All five of those collisions occurred at or within 250feet of the intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue. Of the 5 reported collisions, 1 collision in 2018 involved an auto versus a bike collision. The Bicyclist was a 58 -year-old adult not in the crosswalk traveling SB on Del Mar Avenue and was struck by a motorist making a left turn onto Fern Avenue which resulted in an injury. Please refer to Figure 3 for a visual representation of the collisions at Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenue during the selected period. Figure 3: Collision Diagram, Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue Fern AveAvFPED&BIKE#oF - Rash Type [rashes rabfN (Death) 0 Severe I J y-O�her Mable Inlury 0 L 1 Y- C pla ncof 0 P 0 Total TURNING MOVEMENT AND PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS/VOLUMES ALL COLLISIONS - Crash Type #� Non 4etl&Bke [fd5h25 f. L LEGEND Fatality loeath) 0 Severe Injury • 0 Inlury -Other • Z Visible Injury - • v 0 Pain Property • 2 Damage Only Total 9 i �- IIIIIIIII _ aP_ ..__ l� ^, In49 It inI Property Damage Onl ai TOTAL CRASHES 5 TURNING MOVEMENT AND PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC COUNTS/VOLUMES ALL COLLISIONS - Crash Type #� Non 4etl&Bke [fd5h25 Lblrs ons/L1asM1e9 Fatality loeath) 0 Severe Injury • 0 Inlury -Other • Z Visible Injury - • Complaint of 0 Pain Property • 2 Damage Only Total 9 To determine what type of turning movements are encountered at the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenue, peak hour intersection turning movement counts and pedestrian counts were taken at this intersection during the hours of 7-9 AM, 1-3PM and 4-6 PM on October 21, 2021 with the Afternoon peak conducted in November 17, 2021. The counts were taken while school was in session. Figures 4, 5, and 6 depict the highest peak 1 hour of vehicles at the intersection during the peak hours. Please refer to Attachment 1 for the count sheets. Figure 4 shows the highest one hour during the AM peak hours of 7:00 to 9:00 AM. The peak hour volume for the AM Peak was 8:00 to 9:00 AM at the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenue. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 7 of 19 1 To determine what type of turning movements are encountered at the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenue, peak hour intersection turning movement counts and pedestrian counts were taken at this intersection during the hours of 7-9 AM, 1-3PM and 4-6 PM on October 21, 2021 with the Afternoon peak conducted in November 17, 2021. The counts were taken while school was in session. Figures 4, 5, and 6 depict the highest peak 1 hour of vehicles at the intersection during the peak hours. Please refer to Attachment 1 for the count sheets. Figure 4 shows the highest one hour during the AM peak hours of 7:00 to 9:00 AM. The peak hour volume for the AM Peak was 8:00 to 9:00 AM at the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenue. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 7 of 19 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue Figure 5 shows the highest one hour during the AFT peak hours of 13:00 to 15:00 PM. The peak one hour was between the Afternoon hour of 14:00 to 15:00 (2:00-3:00 PM) at the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenue. Figure 6 shows the highest one hour during the PM peak hours of 16:00-18:00 PM. The peak one hour was between the PM Peak hours of 16:45 to 17:45 (4:45-5:45 PM) at the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenue. Figure 4: AM Peak Hour Count 8:00-9:00 AM Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenue N Highest 1 Hour in AM PEAK (8:00-9:00 AM) O p O h m ` 0 E — 0 l y 0 17 0 41 Figure 5: AFT Peak Hour Count 2:00-3:00 PM Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenue N Highest 1 Hour in AFT PEAK m (2:00-3:00 PM) N O 0 F 0 0 13 0 38 Figure 6: PM Peak Hour Count 4:45-5:45 PM Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenue N Highest 1 Hour in PM PEAK (4:45-5:45 PM) M O m m 0 � 0 51 010 17 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 8 of 19 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue As Figures 4, 5 and 6 indicate Del Mar Avenue carries a significant amount of peak hour traffic compared to the side street of Fern Avenue. PEDESTRIAN COUNTS To determine how many pedestrians are using this intersection to cross, peak hour pedestrian counts were taken during the same count periods as the intersection turning movement counts. The pedestrian counts tally the number of adult and school age pedestrians in each leg of the intersection during the count times of 7-9AM, 1-3PM and 4-6PM. Each hour is shown in the table below (Table 2). Table 2: Summary of Pedestrians Crossing at Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenue LOCATION OF PEDESTRIAN CROSSING — MARKED OR UNMARKED CROSSWALKS TIME NORTH LEG SOUTH LEG WEST LEG ADULTS SCHOOLAGE ADULTS SCHOOLAGE ADULTS SCHOOLAGE 7-8AM 1 2 1 0 3 3 8-9AM 3 0 0 0 3 1 1-2PM 2 1 0 0 1 0 2-3PM 2 0 0 0 2 0 4 -SPM 3 1 0 0 3 2 5-6PM 1 0 0 0 5 2 TOTALPEDS 12 4 1 0 17 8 As shown in the table above there were a total of 16 pedestrians crossing over Del Mar Avenue in the uncontrolled marked crosswalk in the north leg over a 6 -hour period. There were 12 adults and 4 school age pedestrians. STOP SIGN ANALYSIS As part of the initial request the resident asked the City to look into providing all -way stop control. Installation of STOP Signs or all -way stop control at the intersection is guided by the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD) Sections 213.04 through 213.07 (Page 126). The CAMUTCD States the following: ALL -WAY STOP CONTROL CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING IF STOP CONTROL IS WARRANTED Traffic control devices work in concert with the basic "rules of the road" contained in traffic laws and ordinances. The California Manual of Uniform Traffic Devices (CAMUTCD) describes applications, warrants, and placement of STOP signs (111-1). The STOP sign is a regulatory device that is used when traffic is required to stop. STOP signs are used to assign right-of-way at an intersection. Multi -way control is used where the volume of traffic on the intersecting roads is approximately equal. Stop signs are not used as a speed control device. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 9 of 19 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue Since a STOP sign causes inconvenience to motorists, it should be used only where warranted. The placement of these signs is dictated by engineering judgment and based on guidelines found in the CAMUTCD and CVC. The City's criteria for determining if two-way or all -way stop control is warranted is based on several factors as set by the CAMUTCD. These factors include minimum volumes on each of the street approaches, collision investigation, speed of traffic, number of pedestrians and potential sight obstructions. As shown in the peak hour intersection count and pedestrian counts this location would not exceed minimum thresholds in volume and would not be a candidate for all -way stop control. All -Way Stop Installation The following briefly outlines the Criteria for the installation of All -Way stop warrants. The placement of All -Way stop control is warranted when' minimum volume thresholds are exceeded: A. Traffic control signals are justified B. A crash problem exists as indicated by 5 or more collisions in a 12 -month period C. Minimum Volumes are met if: 1. Volume entering intersection from the major approach (total of both approaches) averages 300 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of an average day. And 2. The combined vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle volumes entering the intersection from the minor street approaches averages at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours. 3. If the 85" percentile approach speed of the major street exceeds 40 mph the minimum volumes are 70 percent of the above values. LINE OF SIGHT AT INTERSECTIONS The driver of a vehicle approaching or departing from an intersection or driveway should have an unobstructed view of the roadway, including any traffic control devices, with sufficient lengths along the intersecting highway to permit the driver to anticipate and avoid potential collisions (Maze and Plazak 2000) as well as see any pedestrians waiting at a crossing. These unobstructed views form triangular areas known as sight triangles as seen in Figure 7. Any object within the sight triangle that would obstruct the driver's view of an approaching vehicle or waiting I1. 1 pedestrian should be removed or modified or I ETDEET I ( appropriate traffic control devices should be installed as per the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Obstructions within sight triangles could be buildings, vehicles, hedges, trees, bushes, tall crops, walls, fences, or parked cars. A parked vehicle extends approximately 7 -feet from the curb, so it's necessary to consider the EDGE OF SHOULDER _ EDGE OF FAV EHT width of a vehicle when determining the amount of red curb needed to obtain a clear sight triangle. California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Section 28.07 Multiway Stop Applications CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 10 of 19 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue Per Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (AASHTO) Table 3-1, for a roadway with a posted speed of 35 MPH the clear sight distance needed is 250 feet. Although there are 25 mph SCHOOL signs in the area the speed limit is 35 MPH unless children are present. Table 3 below summarizes the Stopping Sight Distance based on design speeds and Figure 8 presents an example of a clear sight triangle at an intersection or driveway. Figure 9 below shows the calculated amount of clear sight that is needed for vehicles exiting the intersection at Fern Avenue onto Del Mar Avenue. Table 3: Stopping Sight Distance Design Speed (MPH) Brake reaction distance (ft) Braking distance on level (ft) Stopping Sight Distance Calculated (ft) Design (ft) 15 55.1 21.6 76.7 80 20 73.5 38.4 111.9 115 25 91.9 60.0 151.9 155 30 110.3 86.4 196.7 200 35 128.6 117.6 246.2 250 40 147.0 153.6 300.6 305 45 165.4 194.4 359.8 360 50 183.8 240.0 423.8 425 55 202.1 290.3 492.4 495 60 220.5 345.5 566.0 570 65 238.9 405.5 644.4 645 Note: Brake reaction distance predicated on a time of 2.5s; deceleration rate 11.2 ft/sec' Figure 8: Example of Stopping Sight Distance Triangle with Vehicles Parked Along Curb Sto ping Sight Distance =� di Sto in Si ht Distance Min 7' distance for vehicle clearance Vehicle obstructing view ' Area to be clear of view W obstruction CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 11 of 19 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue Figure 9: Stopping Sight Distance Triangle for Vehicle Exiting Fern Avenue Improving Sight Lines at Crosswalks At pedestrian crossings, generous sight distances and unobstructed sight lines allow motorists and pedestrians to detect each other in time to avoid collisions. Sight lines should be designed so that the motorist can observe the movement of the pedestrian for a long enough period of time to accurately determine the pedestrian's speed. If the motorist has only a brief glimpse of the pedestrian and cannot observe the pedestrian's speed, he or she may overestimate the speed of slower pedestrians and not sufficiently slow his or her approach to the crosswalk. Figure 10 calculates the amount of clear sight distance needed for approaching vehicles on Del Mar Avenue to see a pedestrian waiting to cross in the north leg of the crosswalk in time to stop or avoid a collision. As shown in the figure 50 feet of red curb is needed to the north and south of the intersection. Cars should not be parked between the crosswalk and Yield Here to Pedestrian signs. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 12 of 19 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue Figure 10: Stopping Sight Distance Triangle for Vehicle approaching the Crosswalk and a Waiting Pedestrian at the Crosswalk in North Leg. IF IN Fern Ave p RECOMMENDATIONS After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that the intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue does not meet warrants for the installation of all -way stop control but would benefit from additional signage and red curb installation to make vehicles and pedestrians more visible to approaching cars. Pedestrian Activated In -Road Lights along the crosswalk were previously installed in order to make the yellow crosswalk more visible to approaching motorists. Please refer to Figure 11 for a conceptual exhibit representation of the proposed recommendations. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By:Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 13 of 19 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue Figure 11: Conceptual Sample Exhibit Showing the Proposed Recommendations for the Intersection of on Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue 1 Removal of Non -Conforming Signage: The existing non -conforming signage "WHEN FLASHING" plaque under the existing School Speed 25 mph should be removed and replaced with a new S4 -2P plaque "WHEN CHILDREN ARE PRESENT." Per CAMUTCD Section 76.16 reduced school speed limit ahead sign (S4-5, S4 -SA). Please refer to images below for detail. OThe existing STOP pavement legend and stop bar for the west leg of Fern Avenue and Del Mar Avenue AOL ' ■ OThe exiting STOP sign in the west leg of Fern Avenue and Del Mar Avenue should be removed and replaced with a new 36x36 STOP sign (111-1). exoss reArr¢ A "CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP" plaque (W4 -4P) should be installed below the new STOP sign. Per oafs xor sloe O CAMUTCD Section 2C.59guidelines the"CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOTSTOP"(W4-4P) plaque may be used in combination with a STOP sign when engineering judgment indicates that conditions are present that are causing or could cause drivers to misinterpret the intersection as an all -way stop. OA vertical red retroreflective strip should be installed on the STOP sign post for enhanced visibility. Per CAMUTCD Figure 2A-1: Examples of enhanced conspicuity for signs. AHEAD O School Crossing Ahead Signage (SW24-3(CA)) should be installed on the north and south legs approaching the intersection as shown in Figure 11. Red Curb Installation: Extend the existing red curb, on the west side of the north leg crosswalk 16' and cw' oeex install 10' of red curb on the east side for the south leg, north of the shark teeth as shown in Figure 11. Anr anrsrnl 7 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 14 of 19 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Turning Movement and Peak Hour Traffic Counts/Volumes Attachment 2: Figure 2A-1. Examples of Enhanced Conspicuity for Signs (CAMUTCD) Attachment 3: CAMUTCD Section 78.16 Reduced School Speed Limit Ahead Sign (S4-5, S4 -5a) CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 15 of 19 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue Attachment 1: Turning Movement and Peak Hour Traffic Counts/Volumes TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT POW ECT NAME: Rosemeal PROJECT NO: DATE: 1621-21 S-SCJwIa,epal Ynan ®______llllllll�______111111111�111,11111111,111,11111111,111,111, N A STREET DGMarAvenue E � STREET: Tern A -nue PED COUNT TIME NORTH BOUND So TH BOUND N A LEFT THOU RIGHT TOTAL EASTBOUND WESTBOUND W TOTAL A A A A A A A A Wd LEET THOU I RIGHT LEFT THOU RIGHT TELL THOU RIGHT NI SL SL EL I EL WIL EL WR 0 EL 11�®1111111111,1®1111111'_©___®___1.__ WR 0 ET 08:00TA 00 111®1111111111,1®11®_®___®_ WT 0 ET _ 111®11111111111,11®11111_11111___®_1__1.__ ER WL _1.__1_ ER ®1�lllllllllll�llllllll�llllllllllalllllllllllllll0 WL lllllllllll® lllllllllll6 NL lll1011ll® NO NL NT NO 90 .06 0 CAI CHI ATFD PEAK 0 HOUR VOI 0 ONES 0 NOON pllHicTFN 1 HI1HR SR ST 08 15T8 30 22 212 1AI 13 4. 3 SL 11 14 EL 11111 WR 0 1111 1. WR 0 ET 13:3610:30 WT 0 ET 08:45T9:00 26 1.77 0 1. 12 5 WL 0 1 WL ®______llllllll�______111111111�111,11111111,111,11111111,111,111, CAI CHI ATFD PEAK 50 HOUR VOI 6W 11111 ® pllHicTFN 1�®1111111111,®111111 HI1J ®___111111. SR ST 1�®1111111111,11®11_11111___® SR ST SL 17 EL WR 0 EL 11�®1111111111,1®1111111'_©___®___1.__ WR 0 ET 08:00TA 00 111®1111111111,1®11®_®___®_ WT 0 ET _ 111®11111111111,11®11111_11111___®_1__1.__ ER WL _1.__1_ ER ®1�lllllllllll�llllllll�llllllllllalllllllllllllll0 WL lllllllllll® lllllllllll6 NL lll1011ll® NO NL NT NO 90 .06 0 CAI CHI ATFD PEAK 0 HOUR VOI 0 ONES 0 NOON pllHicTFN PFnK HI1HR SR ST SL SR ® SL 0 EL 11111 WR 0 1111 1. WR 1�®1111L�111111111,1111pY®111 CAI CHI ATFD PEAK 50 HOUR VOI 6W 11111 ® pllHicTFN 1�®1111111111,®111111 HI1J ®___111111. SR ST 1�®1111111111,11®11_11111___® SR ST SL 17 EL WR 0 EL 11�®1111111111,1®1111111'_©___®___1.__ WR 0 ET 08:00TA 00 111®1111111111,1®11®_®___®_ WT 0 ET _ 111®11111111111,11®11111_11111___®_1__1.__ ER WL _1.__1_ ER ®1�lllllllllll�llllllll�llllllllllalllllllllllllll0 WL lllllllllll® lllllllllll6 NL lll1011ll® PEAK -HOUR VOLUME ANALYSIS CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 16 of 19 CAI CHI ATFD PEAK 50 HOUR VOI 6W LJMFS� 0 pllHicTFN PFnK HI1J SR ST SL SR ST SL 17 EL WR 0 EL WR 0 ET 08:00TA 00 WT 0 ET WF 01 ER WL 0 ER WL NL NT NO NL NT NO 90 .06 0 CAI CHI ATFD PEAK 0 HOUR VOI 0 ONES 0 NOON pllHicTFN PFnK HI1HR SR ST SL SR ST SL 0 EL WR 0 EL WR 0 ET 13:3610:30 WT 0 ET WF 0 ER WL 0 ER WL NL NT NO NL NT NO 0 0 0 CAI CHI ATF� PEAK fib HOUR VOI 6. LJMFS� 0 ARI LISTEN PEkS HOUR V 01 ONES PM SR ST SL SR ST SL 51 EL WR 0 EL WR 0 ET 16411745 WT 0 ET WE 17 ER WL 0 ER WL NL NT NO NL NT NO 96 8 0 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 16 of 19 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 17 of 19 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue Attachment 2: Figure 2A-1. Examples of Enhanced Conspicuity for Signs (CAMUTCD Califomta MUTCD 2014 Edition Page 115 (FHWA's MUTCD 2009 Edition, including Revisions 1 & 2, as amended for use in California) Figure 2A-1. Examples of Enhanced Conspicuity for Signs A -W16-15P plaque above a regulatory or warning siyn if the rayukdion ur condition is new NEW 0 - Solid yellow, solid fluorescent yellow, or diagonally striped black and yellow (or black and fluorescent yellow) strip of reaoreflective sheeting around a warning sign II EXIT II 25 MPH Chapter 2A - General Part 2 - Signs B - Red or orange flags above a regulatory, L warning, or guide sign SPEED LIMIT 35 C-wl6-18P plaque some a regulatory sign NOTICE WEIGHT LIMIT 10 TONS F - Supplemental beacon November 7. 2014 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 18 of 19 Traffic Review at the Intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue Attachment 3: CAMUTCD Section 78.16 Reduced School Speed Limit Ahead Sign (S4-5, S4 -5a) Guidance: o1A Reduced School Speed LimitAheod (S4-5, S4 -5a) sign (see Figure 78-1 or 7B- School Speed 1(CA)) should be used to Limit Assembly inform road users of a reduced speed zone where the speed limit is being SCHO S4 -31P reduced by more than 10 mph, or where SPEED engineering judgment indicates that advance notice would be appropriate for LIMIT R2-1 the School Advance Warning Assembly 2 O D(CA). Standard: S4 -1P oz If used, the Reduced School Speed Limit Ahead sign shall be followed by a OR School Speed Limit sign or a School Speed Limit assembly Assembly C(CA). oacn :1Xt PNE�fH� o3The speed limit displayed on the Reduced School Speed Limit Ahead sign pR shall be identical tothe speed limit displayed on the subsequent School Speed Limit sign or School Speed Limit assembly Assembly C(CA). OR 2: o-eao S4 -1P N_ S4 -6P CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 19 of 19