TC - Item 3D - Traffic Review at the Intersection of Mission Drive and Delta Avenue R OSEMEAD T RAFFIC C OMMISSION S TAFF R EPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM:MICHAEL CHUNG, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: FEBRUARY 3, 2022 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OF MISSION DRIVE AND DELTA AVENUE SUMMARY On behalf of the City of Rosemead, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate measuresat the intersection of Mission Driveand Delta Avenue. The City of Rosemead received a resident request to review the line of sight and existing conditions at the intersection of Mission Drive and Delta Avenue. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate curb markings and traffic measures along Mission Drive to increase visibility for drivers turning left onto Mission Drive from Delta Avenue. The resident reported that citizens making a left-hand turn from Delta Avenue onto Mission Drive have an obstructed view due to parked vehicles along Mission Drive. The installation of red curb along Mission Drive would improve overall visibility for drivers at the intersection. ANALYSIS The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, 5.5-years of available collision data and a line-of-sight analysis. Mission Drive: In the City of Rosemead, Mission Drive is an east/west minor arterial roadway and is 64’ (feet) wide. Mission Drive has a posted speed limit of 40 MPH and has two lanes in each direction divided by a solid double yellow centerline. Parking is allowed along the north and south side of Mission Drive except in areas marked by red curb and on street sweeping days. Land use along this segment of Delta Avenue is a mixture of Single Family Residential, Open Space, and Planned Development. The west leg of the intersection of Mission Drive at Delta Avenue consists of an uncontrolled regular striped crosswalk outlined with in-road lights and a solar powered City Traffic Commission Meeting February 3, 2022 Page 2 of 3 Pedestrian Crossing Assembly (SW24-2) with Flashing lights, which appear to not be functioning properly based on a field review. Public Works is aware and working to address the functionality of the equipment.The curb along the north and south side of Mission Drive also consists of marked red curb as shown on Figure 2. As motorists approach Delta Avenue, Mission Drive consists of solid white side striping along the north and south sides of Mission Drive to prevent vehicles from parking too close to the corner as EB & WB motorists turn left and right onto Delta Avenue from Mission Drive. Delta Avenue: In the City of Rosemead, Delta Avenue is a north/south local roadway with a Prima Facie speed limit of 25 MPH and is 40’ (feet) wide with one lane in each direction and no marked centerline south of Mission Drive. Delta Avenue, north of Mission Drive also has one lane in each direction with approximately 50’ (feet) of double yellow centerline located at the intersection with Mission Drive. Parking is allowed along the east and west side of Delta Avenue except in areas marked by red curb and on street sweeping days. Land use along this segment of Delta Avenue is a mixture of Single Family Residential, Open Space, and Planned Development. A Collision History Analysis was conducted for the subject location. Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). An analysis was conducted of available collisions that were reported to SWITRS and that occurred within 250-feet of the subject intersection of Mission Drive and Delta Avenue. The collision analysis was conducted over approximately a 5.5-year period between January 2016 through October 2021 (available data at the time of traffic review). Per the Collision History Analysis, there were a total of nine collisions within 250-feet of the intersection at Delta Avenue and Mission Drive over the last 5.5 years. Out of the 9 collisions, 4 were broadside collisions and 5 were rear end collisions. A broadside collision back in 2017 occurred when a SB vehicle driving on the wrong side of the road collided with an EB bicyclist and resulted as other visible injury. A line-of-sight analysis was conducted to determine the stopping sight distance for vehicles to clearly see oncoming traffic to safely proceed onto the roadway and to determine how much red curb should be installed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that red curb should be installed at the intersection of Delta Avenue and Mission Drive as well as upgrading the striping of the City Traffic Commission Meeting February 3, 2022 Page 3 of 3 existing crosswalks. Please refer to Figure 8 in Attachment A for a conceptual representation of the proposed recommendations. A detailed traffic report and proposed figure diagram is attached as Attachment A to this staff report, please refer to the proposed diagram (Figure 8) in the attachment. Below is a detailed list of the recommendations, these improvements are also shown on Figure 8 of Attachment A: 1. INSTALL LADDER CROSSWALK STRIPING: Install ladder striping for the existing crosswalks at Mission Drive and Delta Avenue in the west and north legs. 2. INSTALL RED CURB: Install approximately 40 feetof red curb along the north side of Mission Drive. This red curb is recommended to provide a clear line of sight for any waiting pedestrians. The red curb should be installed between the curb return to the yield line. 3. INSTALL RED CURB: Installapproximately 20 feet of additional red curb along the south side of Mission Drive. This red curb is recommended to provide a clear line of sight for any waiting pedestrians. The existing red curb should be extended up to the driveway. Prepared by: Jana Robbins, Contract Traffic Engineering Division Attachments: A. Attachment A –TechnicalTrafficEngineering Report TRANSTEch TO: City of Rosemead, Public Works Department FROM: Traffic Engineering, Transtech Engineers, Inc. DATE: January 20, 2022 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OF MISSION DRIVE AND DELTA AVENUE INTRODUCTION The City of Rosemead received a resident request to review the line of sight and existing conditions at the intersection of Mission Drive and Delta Avenue. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate curb markings and traffic measures along Mission Drive to increase visibility for drivers turning left onto Mission Drive from Delta Avenue. The resident reported that citizens making a left-hand turn from Delta Avenue onto Mission Drive have an obstructed view due to parked vehicles along Mission Drive. The installation of red curb along Mission Drive would improve overall visibility for drivers at the intersection. The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, 5.5 -years of available collision data and a line -of -sight analysis. Please refer to Figure 1 below for a vicinity map of the subject location. Figure 1: Vicinity Map CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 1 of 10 TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OF MISSION DRIVE AND DELTA AVENUE EXISTING CONDITIONS Figure 2: Existing Conditions at the intersection of Mission Drive and Delta Avenue i f L^ { ul 0, Legen I i� Stop Sign (R1-1)�\ Solar Powered Pedestrian Crossing Assembly(SW24-2) Solar Powered Speed 71TNo Parking Private Owith Flashing LED Lights Feedback Sign Busfrour Bus per R.M.0 10.24.060 Solid White Side Striping to \\\ prevent vehicles from Existing Red Curb parking to close to a corner. Mission Drive: In the City of Rosemead, Mission Drive is an east/west minor arterial roadway and is 64' (feet) wide. Mission Drive has a posted speed limit of 40 MPH and has two lanes in each direction divided by a solid double yellow centerline. Parking is allowed along the north and south side of Mission Drive except in areas marked by red curb and on street sweeping days. Land use along this segment of Delta Avenue is a mixture of Single Family Residential, Open Space, and Planned Development. The west leg of the intersection of Mission Drive at Delta Avenue consists of an uncontrolled regular striped crosswalk outlined with in -road lights and a solar powered Pedestrian Crossing Assembly (SW24-2) with Flashing lights, which appear to not be properly functioning based on a field review. The curb along the north and south side of Mission Drive also consists of marked red curb as shown on Figure 2. As motorists approach Delta Avenue, Mission Drive consists of solid white side striping along the north and south sides of Mission Drive to prevent vehicles from parking too close to the corner as EB & WB motorists turn left and right onto Delta Avenue from Mission Drive. Delta Avenue: In the City of Rosemead, Delta Avenue is a north/south local roadway with a Prima Facie speed limit of 25 MPH and is 40' (feet) wide with one lane in each direction and no marked centerline CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech Engineers, Inc. I Page 2 of 11] TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OF MISSION DRIVE AND DELTA AVENUE south of Mission Drive. Delta Avenue, north of Mission Drive also has one lane in each direction with approximately 50' (feet) of double yellow centerline located at the intersection with Mission Drive. Parking is allowed along the east and west side of Delta Avenue except in areas marked by red curb and on street sweeping days. Land use along this segment of Delta Avenue is a mixture of Single Family Residential, Open Space, and Planned Development. PICTURE SUMMARY: Southbound along Delta Avenue, looking towards intersection at Mission Drive k Westbound along Mission Drive at intersection with Delta Avenue, looking towards Flashing Pedestrian Crossing Sign on north side of road CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech Engineers, Inc. I Page 3 of 11] TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OF MISSION DRIVE AND DELTA AVENUE COLLISION INVESTIGATION A Collision History Analysis was conducted for the subject location. Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). An analysis was conducted of available collisions that were reported to SWITRS and that occurred within 250 -feet of the subject intersection of Mission Drive and Delta Avenue. The collision analysis was conducted over approximately a 5.5 -year period between January 2016 through October 2021 (available data at the time of traffic review). Based on the information provided, a summary breakdown of the number of collisions within the studied segment are listed below and shown in Table 1. 2021: 0 Collisions 2020: 0 Collisions 2019: 2 Collisions 2018: 3 Collisions 2017: 2 Collisions 2016: 2 Collisions Total Collisions: 9 Per the Collision History Analysis, there were a total of nine collisions within 250 -feet of the intersection at Delta Avenue and Mission Drive over the last 5.5 years. Out of the 9 collisions, 4 were broadside collisions and 5 were rear end collisions. A broadside collision back in 2017 occurred when a SB vehicle driving on the wrong side of the road collided with an EB bicyclist and resulted as other visible injury. Figure 3 provides a collision diagram for the reported collisions within 250 -feet of the intersection of Delta Avenue and Mission Drive. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech Engineers, Inc. I Page 4 of 11] TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OF MISSION DRIVE AND DELTA AVENUE Table 1—Collision History List for the intersection of Delta Avenue and Mission Drive CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech Engineers, Inc. I Page 5 of 11) EeVeety 2 -FATAL 3 -Severe MiorY Meter Lighting Gillman 3 -Other VWble Vehicle, Col Factor ION Dale Pflmery Rwtl Semntlary0.wtl DIVE Time .1.1hA iDey,NighL TYpe Iry'ury PcA.chlary —d Detail Primary 'INO[M1er Lola Wee. Etc.) 0-Camplelnta D"le Oeevlptlom CFM U.U—or Pain InwiMeg 5-Pmp Wm Oni,(POO) We DAR MOVINGTOO 1 11/9/2019 MISSION DR DELTA AVE 0 15:30 SAT DAYLIGHT REAR END 5 OTHER MV CLOSE TO OTHER WB DRVR TOO CLOSE 0 NA CAUSING REAR ENDOELISION SB DRVR DID NOT YIELD R -0.W 1 9EFTTURN /2G/2019 MISSION DR DELTA AVE O 8:02 WED DAYLIGHT BROADADE < EITHER MV ANO CN COLLIOLLIDED ED A R -O -W AUttI 1 NA WITH STOPPED EB DRV0. NOT YIELD R -O -W 3 9/25/2010 MISSION DR DELTA AVE 0 BIOS TUE DAYLIGHT BROADSIDE 5 OTHER MV ON LEFT TURN R-O-WAUTO 0 NA AND COLLIDED W RH SB DRVR VAR DRVR MOVINGAT 0 T/2/2018 MISSION DR DELTA AVE 0 BIOS MON DAYLIGHT REAR END 5 OTHER MV UNSAFE SPEED UNSAFE SPEED 0 NA COULIDEDWITH OTHER W B DRVR WB DRVR MOVINGT00 5 5/30/2010 MISSION DR DELTA AVE 0 1 O WED DAYUGHT REAR END 5 OTHER MV CLOSE TO OTHER WB DRV0. 700 CLOSE 0 WEATHER WAS CAUSING REAR RAINING END COUSION SB DOD GOING WRONG WAY ON 6 9/20/2017 DELTA AVE MISSION DR 15-N 17:20 WED DAYUGHT BROADSIDE 3 BICYCLE STREETCOWDED UNKNOWN 1 NA WITHEB BICYOUST SB DRVR DID NOT YIELD R -OW 6/2]/201] MISSION DR DELTA AVE 0 17:20 TUE DAYUGHU BROADNDE 5 OTHER MV ONLEFTTURN R-O-WAUTO 0 NA ANO COLLIDED W RH EB DRVR WB DRVR MOVINGAT 8/8/2016 MISSIONG DELTA AVE 16.26 MON DAYLIGHT DERR END < OTHER MV UNSAFE SPEED UNWE SPEED NA DELUDED WITH OTHER W B DRVR so DRVR MOVINGAT 9 2/2ll/21116 ELTAAV MISSION DR 11, 1200 SAT DAYLIGHT EAR EN 5 OTHER MV UNSAFE SPEED UNSAFE SPEED 0 HIT AND RUN COULDED WLTH .MSOMNfl PARKED MV CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech Engineers, Inc. I Page 5 of 11) TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OF MISSION DRIVE AND DELTA AVENUE Figure 3: Collision Diagram for the Intersection of Mission Drive and Delta Avenue NLEGEND Crashes k of Crashes Fatality (Death) � 0 Severe Input, � 0 Injury -Other Visible ALL COLLISIONS Crash 0 Injury -Complaint of Pain 2 Property Damage Only � Ii Total s BE 6 SAI *. 6� PED&BIKE Uash Type k of _.. .. ` Vsb*bt� Fill O —`� TOTALCRASHES 9 BERR '�- Scale 18D LINE OF SIGHT AT INTERSECTIONS The driver of a vehicle approaching or departing from an intersection or driveway should have an unobstructed view of the intersection, including any traffic control devices, and sufficient lengths along the intersecting highway to permit the driver to anticipate and avoid potential collisions (Maze and Plazak 2000). These unobstructed views form triangular areas known as sight triangles as seen in Figure 4. - Type Wog-veaaella cowno�s/casnosl Crashes k of Crashes Fatality (Death) � 0 Severe Input, � 0 Injury -Other Visible 40 0 Injury -Complaint of Pain 2 Property Damage Only � 6 Total s - Crashes Fatality loeath) 0 Severe Injury 0 lnlury -Other Visible 1 Injury Complaint of Pain 0 Property Damage Only 0 Total 1 Figure 4: Example of Stopping Sight Distance Triangle Any object within the sight triangle that would obstruct the driver's view of an approaching vehicle should be removed or modified or appropriate traffic control measures should be installed as per the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD). Obstructions within sight triangles could be buildings, vehicles, hedges, trees, bushes, tall crops, walls, fences, or parked cars. A parked vehicle extends approximately 7 -feet from the curb, so it is necessary to consider the width of a vehicle when determining the amount of red curb needed to obtain a clear sight triangle. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech Engineers, Inc. I Page Ei of 110 LOCAL AREA TO RE CLEAR OF ESTREET may, VIEW OSSTRCCTIGN J �7WMyJ�II I EDGE OF SWULDER \ IS rA) EOOE OF PAVEMENT I) T ® ly) STATE HIGHWAY Figure 4: Example of Stopping Sight Distance Triangle Any object within the sight triangle that would obstruct the driver's view of an approaching vehicle should be removed or modified or appropriate traffic control measures should be installed as per the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD). Obstructions within sight triangles could be buildings, vehicles, hedges, trees, bushes, tall crops, walls, fences, or parked cars. A parked vehicle extends approximately 7 -feet from the curb, so it is necessary to consider the width of a vehicle when determining the amount of red curb needed to obtain a clear sight triangle. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech Engineers, Inc. I Page Ei of 110 TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OF MISSION DRIVE AND DELTA AVENUE Per A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (AASHTC) Table 3-1, for a roadway with a posted speed of 40 MPH the clear sight distance needed is 305 feet. Table 2 below summarizes the Stopping Sight Distance based on design speeds and Figure 4 above presents an example of a clear sight triangle at an intersection. Figure 5 below shows an Example of Stopping Sight Distance Triangle with Vehicles Parked Along Curb and Figure 6 and Figure 7 shows the calculated amount of clear sight that is needed for vehicles exiting from Delta Avenue onto Mission Drive. Table 2: Stopping Sight Distance Design Speed (MPH) Brake reaction distance (ft) Braking distance on level (ft) Stopping Sight Distance Calculated (ft) Design (ft) 25 91.9 60.0 151.9 155 30 110.3 86.4 196.7 200 35 128.6 117.6 246.2 250 40 147.0 153.6 300.6 305 45 165.4 194.4 359.8 360 Note: Brake reaction distance predicated on a time of 2.5s; deceleration rate 11.2 ft/sect Figure 5: Example of Stopping Sight Distance Triangle with Vehicles Parked Along Curb Vehicle obstructing view Min 7' distance for vehicle clearance Area to have a clear view CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech Engineers, Inc. I Page 7 of 11] Install approximately 40 feet of red curb 81 or I he north side of Mission Drive. This red curb "ecommended to provide a clear line of sight 1 ny waiting pedestrians. The red curb should installed between the curb return to the viel to n 311 approximately 20 feet of additional red curb the south side of Mission Drive as shown. Thi, curb is recommended to provide a clear line o it for any waiting pedestrians. The existing red urb should be extended uo to the driveway. TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OF MISSION DRIVE AND DELTA AVENUE After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that red curb should be installed at the intersection of Delta Avenue and Mission Drive as well as upgrading the striping of the existing crosswalks. Please refer to Figure 8 for a visual representation of the proposed conditions. 1. INSTALL LADDER CROSSWALK STRIPING: Install ladder striping for the existing crosswalks at Mission Drive and Delta Avenue in the west and north legs. 2. INSTALL RED CURB: Install approximately 40 feet of red curb along the north side of Mission Drive. This red curb is recommended to provide a clear line of sight for any waiting pedestrians. The red curb should be installed between the curb return to the yield line. 3. INSTALL RED CURB: Install approximately 20 feet of additional red curb along the south side of Mission Drive as shown. This red curb is recommended to provide a clear line of sight for any waiting pedestrians. The existing red curb should be extended up to the driveway. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: I ranstech Engineers, Inc. I Page 9 of 11) TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OF MISSION DRIVE AND DELTA AVENUE rigure a: rroposeu necommenaations, Kenai view at me intersection or rvussion unve anu vena mvenue I, Legend OINSTALL LADDER CROSSWALK STRIPING: Install ladder striping for the O INSTALL RED CURB: Install approximately 40 feet of red curb along existing crosswalks at Mission Drive and Delta Avenue in the west and the north side of Mission Drive. This red curb is recommended to north legs. provide a clear line of sight for any waiting pedestrians. The red curb should be installed between the curb return to the yield line. OINSTALL RED CURB: Install approximately 20 feet of additional red curb along the south side of Mission Drive as shown. This red curb is recommended to provide a clear line of sight for any waiting pedestrians. The existing red curb should be extended up to the driveway. ROSEE'AD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 10 of 10