PC - Item 3A - Modification 21-08 at 8855 Valley Boulevard Staff ReportROSEMEAD PLANNING COMMISSION A �T TAFF REPORT C3 wQ U-41-4- C� - --------- PORATED TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DIVISION DATE: FEBRUARY 7, 2022 SUBJECT: MODIFICATION 21-08 8855 VALLEY BOULEVARD �WI I mi, MA _St n DC Universal, LLC has submitted a Modification Application (MOD 21-08) requesting to amend Design Review 03-110, which was approved by the Planning Commission on August 15, 2005. Design Review 03-110 was approved for a fagade renovation of the Universal Plaza building. MOD 21-08 consists of an extensive exterior and interior fagade renovation to convert the existing building into a food hall. Per Rosemead Municipal Code Section 17.120.100(C), a proposed change that does not comply with the criteria identified in subsection B of [RMC Section 17.120.100], or any other provision of the Zoning Code, may only be approved by the original review authority for the project through a modification permit application filed and processed in compliance with [RMC Chapter 17.120. The subject site is located at 8855 Valley Boulevard in the Central Business District with a Residential/Commercial Mixed -Use Development and Design Overlay (CBD/RC-MUDO/D-O) zone. Ir :1 1� �11'1 1914 01' 1 I am Class 1 of Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines exempts projects consisting of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of existing or former use. Accordingly, MOD 21-08 is classified as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15301 of CEQA guidelines. It is recommended that the Planning Commission ADOPT Resolution No. 22-01 with findings (Exhibit "A"), and APPROVE MOD 21-08, subject to the 25 conditions outlined in Attachment "A" attached hereto. Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2022 Page 2 of 14 PROPERTY HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION The subject site is located on the northwest corner of Valley Boulevard and Ivar Avenue and consists of one parcel totaling approximately 1.63 acres. While not associated with the Valley Gateway Shopping Center (formally "Universal Square Shopping Center") located at 8815 Valley Boulevard, the subject site abuts the aforementioned shopping center and shares an access and parking easement. The site is currently developed with a commercial building totaling 32,660 square feet. The commercial building is currently occupied by several professional office uses in the basement and second story; however, the majority of the building is vacant. Per Planning Division records, several entitlements were approved by the Planning Commission and include Conditional Use Permits, Variances, and Design Reviews. On August 15, 2005, the Planning Commission approved Design Review 03-110 for exterior fagade and landscaping renovations for the subject site. The Planning Commission Staff Report, Planning Commission Resolution with Conditions of Approval, and Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of August 15, 2005, have been included as Exhibits "C", "D", and "E", respectively. i Front Elevation (Existing) Site and Surrounding Land Uses The project site is designated in the General Plan as Mixed Use: Residential/Commercial (30 du/ac; 3 stories) and on the Zoning Map as Central Business District with a Residential/Commercial Mixed -Use Development and Design Overlay (CBD/RC- MUDO/D-O) zone. The site is surrounded by the following land uses and zones: North General Plan: Mixed Use- Residential/Commercial (30 du/ac; 3 stories) Zoning: CBD/RC-MUDO/D-O Land Use: Shopping Center Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2022 Page 3 of 14 South General Plan Designation: Zoning: Land Use: East General Plan: Zoning: Land Use: West General Plan: Zoning: Land Use: DISCUSSION Mixed Use: Residential/Commercial (30 du/ac; 3 stories) CBD/RC-MUDO/D-0 City Hall and Bank Mixed Use: Residential/Commercial (30 du/ac; 3 stories) CBD/RC-MUDO/D-0 Commercial Building and Single -Family Home Mixed Use: Residential/Commercial (30 du/ac; 3 stories) CBD/RC-MUDO/D-0 Shopping Center The applicant is proposing to establish a unique food concept in the City. While the proposed food hall would be the first of its kind, they are certainly not new to food enthusiasts. A typical food hall includes a variety of different restaurant stalls, as well as, small retail spaces and communal dining areas. Rising real estate costs have also made it difficult to sustain a restaurant in today's economic climate. Rent for a small tenant space in a food hall would be more financially feasible, than paying rent in a large, standalone tenant space. Since most new businesses have a limited amount of resources and are looking for innovative ways to start their ventures, a food hall would be an ideal place to start. The restaurant industry is an important industry in the San Gabriel Valley as visitors from all over the world come to enjoy the plethora of unique cuisines the San Gabriel Valley has to offer. Per the City's 2030 Strategic Plan: Activation and Economy objective, Rosemead will support active and vibrant business corridors, 'create events to celebrate the city and its businesses, and cultivate destinations through public art, activities, and promotion to continue to draw visitors to the city. The proposed modification is in line with this objective as it will stimulate economic activity along the commercial corridor and attract visitors to the City. As such, the applicant has submitted a Modification Application to convert the existing commercial building into a food hall. The proposal includes extensive interior and exterior renovations to the existing Universal Plaza building, as well as rehabilitation of the existing trash enclosure, parking lot, and landscaping. Parking The proposed food hall is located within an existing shopping center as defined by Rosemead Municipal Code Section 17.04.050. A "Shopping Center" means a commercial site with two or more separate businesses managed as a total entity, sharing common access, circulation, signage and pedestrian and parking areas so that a public right-of- way does not need to be used to get from one business to another in the C-1, C-3, and CBD zones. Additional parking is not required for this modification since the existing shopping center use is being continued. Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2022 Page 4 of 14 Design Review 03-110 was approved with 38 conditions of approval. The Conditions of Approval are attached to this staff report as Exhibit "D". A Modification to the existing Design Review is required for all improvements requiring a building permit or visible changes in form, texture, color, exterior fagade, or landscaping. Modification of Condition of Approval No. 1 — Fagade Renovation and Site Improvements Condition of Approval No 1 currently states: 1. Design Review 03-110 is approved for exterior fagade renovations, including landscaping for the Universal Bank building in the Universal Square shopping center, to be developed in accordance with the plan marked Exhibit "B", dated August 4, 2005, and submitted colored elevations and color and material sample boards. Any revisions to the approved plans must be resubmitted for review and approved by the Planning Department. The proposed modification will amend Condition of Approval No. 1 to state: 1. Modification 21-08 is approved as a modification to Design Review 03-110 for the approval of exterior fagade renovations and site improvements to the Universal Plaza building in the Universal Square shopping center, to be developed in accordance with the plan marked Exhibit "B", dated February 1, 2022, and submitted colored elevations and color and material sample boards. Any revisions to the approved plans must be resubmitted for review and approved by the Planning Department. As depicted in the architectural plans in Exhibit "B" and the colored renderings on page 5, the proposed fagade renovation consists of a mix of mid-century modern architecture with high-quality, contemporary elements. To create visual interest for pedestrians and vehicular traffic along Valley Boulevard, the proposed fagade renovation is enhanced with design elements which include concrete cement or glass fiber finished walls, exterior metal and wood panels, LED lights, and the utilization of contrasting earth -tone colors. In addition, the rehabilitation of the existing landscape, parking, and trash enclosure will further enhance the pedestrian and vehicular realm. In order to alleviate bulk and mass and to create multi -story street -facing facades with strong, distinct lines and angles, the applicant has proposed floor to ceiling windows, a green roof on the second floor, and a roof top bar area. To comply with the California Building Code for egress, a new stairwell tower is being proposed along Ivar Avenue. The stairwell tower will be constructed with the same high-quality materials to match the proposed facade renovation and will further alleviate the bulk and mass of the existing building by creating a break in the fagade plane of the building. The new stairwell tower is not counted towards floor area, as it is exempt per the definition of floor area in Rosemead Municipal Code Section 17.04.050. In addition, to the exterior fagade renovations, the applicant is also proposing an interior tenant improvement. The tenant Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2022 Page 5 of 14 improvement will consist of the creation of 27 leasable areas that range from a 15 square foot kiosk to as large as a 3,800 square foot unit, indoor and outdoor dining areas, and a rooftop deck. The overall design of the project takes a decidedly balanced, restrained approach in terms of massing, colors and materials, and architectural features, and does not utilize excessive or exaggerated design cues that may not be compatible with the commercial corridor. IPPPPPW ,01 00 'y 4000 L41 NIIIIIIIIIIII 00", Ilk • ��� r� ���� �� PI, 3-D II J 01- 3-D Rendering of Proposed Fagade Renovation Front Elevation (Along Valley Blvd) Elimination of Condition of Approval No. 24 To allow staff to administratively review and streamline future site improvements such as new landscaping and signage plans, the proposed modification will eliminate Condition of Approval No. 24, which states: Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2022 Page 6 of 14 24.A separate Design Review will be required for the approval of landscape plans and proposed signage. MUNICIPAL CODE REQUIREMENTS Rosemead Municipal Code Section 17.28.020(C) provides the criteria by which the Planning Commission may approve, approve with conditions, or deny an application. Per Rosemead Municipal Code Section 17.120.100(C), a proposed change that does not comply with the criteria identified in subsection B of [RMC Section 17.120.100], or any other provision of the Zoning Code, may only be approved by the original review authority for the project through a modification permit application filed and processed incompliance with [RMC Chapter 17.120]. Staff has verified that the proposed modification would be in compliance with all applicable sections of the Rosemead Zoning Code. The amendments to Design Review 03-110 would further enhance the appearance of the existing commercial and create visual interest for pedestrians and vehicular traffic along Valley Boulevard. Per the City's 2030 Strategic Plan: Activation and Economy objective, Rosemead will support active and vibrant business corridors, create events to celebrate the city and its businesses, and cultivate destinations through public art, activities, and promotion to continue to draw visitors to the city. The proposed modification is in line with this objective as it will stimulate economic activity along the commercial corridor and attract visitors to the City. In addition, the proposed modification would streamline site improvements such as landscaping and signage for future tenants. Furthermore, all applicable conditions of approval of Design Review 03-110 would apply. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process, which includes a 300 -foot radius public hearing notice to twenty-three (23) property owners, publication in the Rosemead Reader on January 27, 2022, and postings of the notice at the six (6) public locations. Prepared by: V Annie Lao Associate Planner Reviewed by: Lily Valenzuela Planning & Economic Development Manager Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2022 Page 7 of 14 Submitted by: Gh a Molleda City Manager EXHIBITS: A. Planning Commission Resolution 22-01 B. Architectural Plans, dated February 1, 2022 C. Planning Commission Staff Report, dated August 15, 2005 D. Planning Commission Resolution 05-41, dated September 19, 2005 E. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, dated August 15, 2005 Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2022 Page 8 of 14 ll: Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2022 Page 9 of 14 WHEREAS, the Rosemead Planning Commission has sufficiently considered all testimony presented to them in order to make the following determination. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead as follows: SECTION 1. The Planning Commission HEREBY DETERMINES that MOD 21-08 is classified as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines. Section 15301 of CEQA exempts projects consisting of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination. Accordingly, MOD 21-08 is classified as a Class 1 Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15301 of CEQA guidelines. SECTION 2. The Planning Commission HEREBY FINDS AND DETERMINES that facts do exist to justify approving MOD 21-08, in accordance with Section 17.120.100(C) of the Rosemead Municipal Code as follows: A. Per Rosemead Municipal Code, Section 17.120.100(C), a proposed change that does not comply with the criteria identified in subsection B of [RMC Section 17.120.100]) or any other provision of the Zoning Code, may only be approved by the original review authority for the project through a modification permit application filed and processed in compliance with [RMC Chapter 17.120]. FINDING: Staff has verified that the proposed modification would be in compliance with all applicable sections of the Rosemead Zoning Code. The amendments to Design Review 03-110 would further enhance the appearance of the existing commercial and create visual interest for pedestrians and vehicular traffic along Valley Boulevard. In addition, the proposed modification would stimulate economic activity along one of the City's largest commercial corridors and streamline site improvements such as landscaping and signage for future tenants. Furthermore, all applicable conditions of approval of Design Review 03-110 would apply. SECTION 3. The Planning Commission HEREBY APPROVES MOD 21-08, an amendment to Design Review 03-110, by amending Condition of Approval No. 1 for a proposed fagade renovation and eliminating Condition of Approval No. 24, allowing for the review of the proposed landscape plans concurrently with the proposed modification, and permitting staff to review future signage SECTION 4. This action shall become final and effective ten (10) days after this decision by the Planning Commission, unless within such time a written appeal is filed with the City Clerk for consideration by the Rosemead City Council as provided in Rosemead Municipal Code, Section 17.160.040 — Appeals of Decisions. Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2022 Page 10 of 14 SECTION 5. This resolution is the result of an action taken by the Planning Commission on February 7, 2022, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ffi A �% SECTION 6. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall transmit copies of same to the applicant and the Rosemead City Clerk. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 7th day of February, 2022. James Berry, Chair CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead at its regular meeting, held on the 7th day of February, 2022 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: Gloria Molleda, Secretary Kane Thuyen, Planning Commission Attorney Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2022 Page 11 of 14 ATTACHMENT "A" (PC RESOLUTION 22-01) MODIFICATION 21-08 8855 VALLEY BLVD (APN: 5391-009-002) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL February 7, 2022 1 Modification 21-08 is approved as a modification to Design Review 03-110 for the approval of exterior fagade renovations and site improvements to the Universal Plaza building in the Universal Square shopping center, to be developed in accordance with the plan marked Exhibit "B", dated February 1, 2022, and submitted colored elevations and color and material sample boards. Any revisions to the approved plans must be resubmitted for review and approval by the Planning Department. 2. Project is approved for the elimination of Condition of Approval No. 24 of 03-110, which states: A separate Design Review will be required for the approval of landscape plans and proposed signage. 3. All applicable Conditions of Approval from Design Review 03-110 will still apply. 4. Approval of Project shall not take effect for any purpose until the applicant(s) have filed with the City of Rosemead ("City") a notarized affidavit stating that he/she is aware of and accepts all of the conditions of approval as set forth in the letter of approval and this list of conditions within ten (10) days from the Planning Commission approval date. 5. Project is approved for a period of one (1) year. The applicant shall commence the proposed use or request an extension within 30 -calendar days prior to expiration. The one (1) year initial approval period shall be effective from the Planning Commission approval date. For the purpose of this petition, project commencement shall be defined as beginning the permitting process with the Planning Division, Building Division, and Public Works Department, so long as the project is not abandoned. If Project has been unused, abandoned, or discontinued for a period of one (1) year it shall become null and void. 6. The Planning Division hereby authorizes the Planning Division to make and/or approve minor modifications to the project and to these conditions of approval. 7. The conditions listed on this exhibit shall be copied directly onto any development plans subsequently submitted to the Planning and Building Divisions for review. 8. The on-site public hearing notice posting shall be removed by the end of the 10 -day Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2022 Page 12 of 14 appeal period of Project. 9. MOD 21-08 is granted or approved with the City and its Planning Commission and City Council retaining and reserving the right and jurisdiction to review and to modify the permit, including the conditions of approval based on changed circumstances. Changed circumstances include, but are not limited to, the modification of the use, a change in scope, emphasis, size, or nature of the use, or the expansion, alteration, reconfiguration, or change of use. This reservation of right to review is in addition to, and not in lieu of, the right of the City, its Planning Commission, and City Council to review and revoke or modify any permit granted or approved under the Rosemead Municipal Code for any violations of the conditions imposed on MOD 21-08. 10. The applicant(s) shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Rosemead or its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Rosemead or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set side, void, or annul, an approval of the Planning Commission and/or City Council concerning the project, which action is brought within the time period provided by law. 11. The applicant(s) shall comply with all Federal, State, and local laws relative to the approved project, including the requirements of the Planning, Building, Public Works, Fire, Sheriff, and Health Departments. 12. The hours of construction shall be limited from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday to Saturday. No construction shall take place on Sundays or on any Federal holiday without prior approval by the City. 13. City staff shall have access to the subject property at any time during construction to monitor progress. 14. All roof top appurtenances and equipment shall adequately be screened from view to the satisfaction of the Planning Division. There shall be no mechanical equipment located on the sides of the building. Such equipment shall not exceed the height of the parapet wall. All ground level mechanical/utility equipment (including meters, back flow preservation devices, fire valves, A/C condensers, furnaces, utility cabinets and other equipment) shall be located away from public view or adequately screened by landscaping or screening walls so as not to be seen from the public right-of-way or other public space within the development. The Planning Division shall approve said screening on the development plan prior to installation. 15. All property that is vacant, under construction, or being demolished shall be totally enclosed around the perimeter by a fence that is a minimum of six (6) feet in height as measured from adjacent property, subject to the approval of the Community Development Director or other designated officials. The following requirements shall be satisfied: Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2022 Page 13 of 14 a. The required fence shall be adequately constructed from chain-link, lumber, masonry or other approved materials. The fence shall be entirely self- supporting and shall not encroach or utilize structures or fencing on any adjacent property without prior written approval of the adjacent property owner. b. The fence shall be installed prior to the initiation of any construction or demolition and shall be continuously maintained in good condition. c. Signs stating "PRIVATE PROPERTY, NO TRESPASSING" shall be posted on the fence. 16. All trash enclosures shall be designed to be an integral part of the overall project design, and utilize complementary colors and materials. All trash enclosures shall have a solid roof cover and doors shall be opaque, self-closing, and self -latching. Detailed elevations shall be submitted to the Planning Division for review, and if satisfactory, approval, prior to submittal to the Building Division. 17. A final landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted to the Planning Division for review and approval prior to the issuance of building permits. The landscape and irrigation plan shall comply with the City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance and with the Guidelines for Implementation of the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance and include a sprinkler system with automatic timers and moisture sensors. 18. The use of mirrored and reflective glazing materials and glass is prohibited. 19. Violations of the conditions of approval may result in citation and/or initiation of revocation proceedings. Public Works Conditions of Approval 20. Copy all conditions of approval and the Planning decision letter onto all permit plan sets. 21. Submit project record drawings incorporating any approved delta revisions that occurred during construction. 22. The approved building address(s) shall be painted on the curb to the City's standard as required by the Public Works Inspector before the final inspection. 23. Comply with NPDES requirements. JUI 24. All power, telephone, cable television, and all utilities to the project and adjacent to the project shall be installed and relocated underground unless impracticable to the satisfaction of the City Engineer or designee. Planning Commission Meeting February 7, 2022 Page 14 of 14 25. Any utilities that conflict with the development shall be relocated at the developer's expense.