CC - Item 5C - Adoption of Resolution No. 2022-16 Amending Rosemead's Salary Schedule for Fiscal Year 2021-22, to Meet the California Code of Regulations Title 2, Sections 570.5 and 571 to Reflect New Salary Rates Approved for All Full-Time EmployeesROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER .0 . DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 2022 SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 2022-16 AMENDING THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD'S SALARY SCHEDULE FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021-22 TO MEET THE CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS TITLE 2, SECTION 570.5 AND 571 TO REFLECT NEW SALARY RATES APPROVED FOR ALL FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES SUMMARY California Code of Regulations (CCR) Section 570.5 and amendments to 571(b) require a consolidated Salary Schedule which shows all City classifications and salary ranges for purposes of determining eligible salary compensation for retirement be publicly available. The consolidated salary schedule must be adopted by the City Council even though the compensation changes were approved via a Memorandum of Understanding and/or Resolutions. The attachment to Resolution 2022-16 represents the Citywide Salary Schedule including salary increases on tonight's Agenda for concurrent approval. If any changes are made to salary related resolutions presented concurrently, a modification would need to be made to the attached Schedule. This action includes compensation changes for a key executive employee (City Manager). Pursuant to State law, approval of compensation changes for key executive employees must be accompanied by a verbal report; hence this item is being placed on the Matters from City Manager & Staff section of the Agenda for consideration. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2022-16 amending the City of Rosemead's salary schedule for full time employees for Fiscal Year 2021-22. FISCAL IMPACT None with this action PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. AGENDA ITEM 5.0 City Council Meeting February 22, 2022 Page 2 of 2 Prepared by: Paula Chamberlain, Interim Finance Director Attachments A: Resolution No. 2022-16 Attachment A Resolution No. 2022-16 Attachment 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE SALARY SCHEDULE TO MEET THE CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS TITLE 2, SECTION 570.5 AND 571 TO REFLECT APPROVED RATES FOR ALL FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD WHEREAS, the City Council has the authority to create, classify and design salary scales/ranges for all City of Rosemead employee positions; and WHEREAS, California Code of Regulation (CCR) Title 2, Section 570.5 and amendment to CCR Section 571 requires a consolidated Salary Schedule that is publicly available showing all City classifications and salary ranges; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to meet the requirements of these regulations by adopting a Salary Schedule, which sets forth the salary scales/ranges for all City of Rosemead employee classifications; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to amend the Citywide Salary Schedule for Fiscal Year 2021-22, previously adopted by City Council Resolution No. 2021-52 on October 26, 2021, and by City Council Resolution No. 2021-61 on December 14, 2021 which set forth the salary scales/ranges for all City of Rosemead full-time employee classifications; and WHEREAS, Exhibit A includes the Citywide Salary Schedule with the addition of the new full-time classifications of Accountant, City Engineer, and Recreation Manager, and amended salary for the City Manager. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that hereby adopts the Salary Schedule for all City of Rosemead employee classifications as set forth in the attached Exhibit A to reflect the new salary rates for Fiscal Year 2021-22 effective November 1, 2021 and June 27, 2022. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of February, 2022. Polly Low, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: Rachel Richman, City Attorney Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CITY OF ROSEMEAD I, Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing City Council Resolution No. 2022-16 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 22nd day of February 22, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk City of Rosemead Position Title Accountant FY 2021-22 Step I MM,P&C 5,622 Salary Ranges and Job Classifications Full Time Employees Effective Through June 26, 2022 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 -- Step 7 5,791 5,965 6,144 6,328 6,518 6,714 Exhibit Amended February 22, 2022 Resolution No. 2022-16 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10 6,915 7,122 7,336 Administrative Analyst MM,P&C 4,759 4,902 5,049 5,200 5,356 5,517 5,683 5,853 6,029 6,210 Administrative Assistant GENL 3,960 4,079 4,201 4,327 4,457 4,591 4,729 4,871 5,017 5,167 Administrative Specialist MM,P&C 4,354 4,485 4,620 4,759 4,902 5,049 5,200 5,356 5,517 5,683 Assistant City Manager APPT 13,088 17,014 Assistant Planner GENL 4,943 5,091 5,244 5,401 5,563 5,730 5,902 6,079 6,261 6,449 Associate Planner MM,P&C 5,613 5,781 5,954 6,133 6,317 6,506 6,701 6,902 7,109 7,322 City Clerk APPT 9,591 9,591 City Council ELEC 1,119 1,119 City Engineer MM,P&C 9,342 9,622 9,911 10,208 10,514 10,829 11,154 11,489 11,834 12,189 City Manager APPT 20,199 20,199 Code Enforcement Officer GENL 4,385 4,517 4,653 4,793 4,937 5,085 5,238 5,395 5,557 5,724 Deputy City Clerk MM,P&C 5,442 5,605 5,773 5,946 6,124 6,308 6,497 6,692 6,893 7,100 Director of Community Development APPT 11,487 14,933 Director of Finance APPT 11,862 15,420 Director of Parks & Recreation APPT 10,924 14,201 Director of Public Works APPT 11,905 15,476 Executive Asst To The City Mgr MM,P&C 4,850 4,996 5,146 5,300 5,459 5,623 5,792 5,966 6,145 6,329 Facilities Technician GENL 3,861 3,977 4,096 4,219 4,346 4,476 4,610 4,748 4,890 5,037 Finance Manager MM,P&C 7,840 8,075 8,317 8,567 8,824 9,089 9,362 9,643 9,932 10,230 Human Resources Analyst MM,P&C 5,164 5,319 5,479 5,643 5,812 5,986 6,166 6,351 6,542 6,738 Human Resources Manager MM,P&C 7,318 7,538 7,764 7,997 8,237 8,484 8,739 9,001 9,271 9,549 Maintenance Lead Worker GENL 4,297 4,426 4,559 4,696 4,837 4,982 5,131 5,285 5,444 5,607 Maintenance Worker GENL 3,744 3,856 3,972 4,091 4,214 4,340 4,470 4,604 4,742 4,884 Management Analyst MM,P&C 5,209 5,365 5,526 5,692 5,863 6,039 6,220 6,407 6,599 6,797 Planning & Econ Development Mgr MM,P&C 7,821 8,056 8,298 8,547 8,803 9,067 9,339 9,619 9,908 10,205 Public Safety Manager MM,P&C 7,181 7,396 7,618 7,847 8,082 8,324 8,574 8,831 9,096 9,369 Public Safety Supervisor MM,P&C 6,526 6,722 6,924 7,132 7,346 7,566 7,793 8,027 8,268 8,516 Public Works Fiscal and Project Mgr MM,P&C 6,231 6,418 6,611 6,809 7,013 7,223 7,440 7,663 7,893 8,130 Public Works Manager MM,P&C 7,650 7,880 8,116 8,359 8,610 8,868 9,134 9,408 9,690 9,981 Recreation Coordinator GENL 4,131 4,255 4,383 4,515 4,650 4,790 4,934 5,082 5,234 5,391 Recreation Manager MM,P&C 7,761 7,994 8,234 8,481 8,735 8,997 9,267 9,545 9,831 10,126 Recreational Supervisor MM,P&C 5,439 5,602 5,770 5,943 6,121 6,305 6,494 6,689 6,890 7,097 Senior Accounting Specialist GENL 4,329 4,459 4,593 4,731 4,873 5,019 5,170 5,325 5,485 5,650 Senior Management Analyst MM,P&C 5,665 5,835 6,010 6,190 6,376 6,567 6,764 6,967 7,176 7,391 Sr Code Enforcement Officer MM,P&C 5,521 5,687 5,858 6,034 6,215 6,401 6,593 6,791 6.995 7,205 n City of Rosemead Position Title Accountant FY 2021-22 Salary Ranges and Job Classifications Full Time Employees Effective June 27, 2022 'Step I Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 - -w S- Step 7 MM,P&C 5,735 5,907 6,084 6,267 6,455 6,649 6,848 Exhibit Approved February 22, 2022 Resolution No. 2022-16 Step 8 - Step 10 7,053 7,265 7,483 Administrative Analyst MM,P&C 4,854 5,000 5,150 5,305 5,464 5,628 5,797 5,971 6,150 6,334 Administrative Assistant GENL 4,040 4,161 4,286 4,415 4,547 4,683 4,823 4,968 5,117 5,270 Administrative Specialist MM,P&C 4,443 4,576 4,713 4,854 5,000 5,150 5,305 5,464 5,628 5,797 Assistant City Manager APPT 13,349 17,354 Assistant Planner GENL 5,042 5,193 5,349 5,509 5,674 5,844 6,019 6,200 6,386 6,578 Associate Planner MM,P&C 5,723 5,895 6,072 6,254 6,442 6,635 6,834 7,039 7,250 7,468 City Clerk APPT 9,687 9,687 City Council ELEC 1,119 1,119 City Engineer MM,P&C 9,530 9,816 10,110 10,413 10,725 11,047 11,378 11,719 12,071 12,433 City Manager APPT 20,400 20,400 Code Enforcement Officer GENL 4,475 4,609 4,747 4,889 5,036 5,187 5,343 5,503 5,668 5,838 Deputy City Clerk MM,P&C 5,550 5,717 5,888 6,065 6,247 6,434 6,627 6,826 7,031 7,242 Director of Community Development APPT 11,717 15,232 Director of Finance APPT 12,098 15,728 Director of Parks & Recreation APPT 11,142 14,485 Director of Public Works APPT 12,143 15,786 Executive Asst To The City Mgr MM,P&C 4,949 5,097 5,250 5,407 5,569 5,736 5,908 6,085 6,268 6,456 Facilities Technician GENL 3,938 4,056 4,178 4,303 4,432 4,565 4,702 4,843 4,988 5,138 Finance Manager MM,P&C 7,998 8,238 8,485 8,740 9,002 9,272 9,550 9,836 10,131 10,435 Human Resources Analyst MM,P&C 5,267 5,425 5,588 5,756 5,929 6,107 6,290 6,479 6,673 6,873 Human Resources Manager MM,P&C 7,464 7,688 7,919 8,157 8,402 8,654 8,914 9,181 9,456 9,740 Maintenance Lead Worker GENL 4,383 4,515 4,650 4,789 4,933 5,081 5,233 5,390 5,552 5,719 Maintenance Worker GENL 3,817 3,932 4,050 4,172 4,297 4,426 4,559 4,696 4,837 4,982 Management Analyst MM,P&C 5,315 5,474 5,638 5,807 5,981 6,160 6,345 6,535 6,731 6,933 Planning & Econ Development Mgr MM,P&C 7,978 8,217 8,464 8,718 8,980 9,249 9,526 9,812 10,106 10,409 Public Safety Manager MM,P&C 7,325 7,545 7,771 8,004 8,244 8,491 8,746 9,008 9,278 9,556 Public Safety Supervisor MM,P&C 6,656 6,856 7,062 7,274 7,492 7,717 7,949 8,187 8,433 8,686 Public Works Fiscal and Project Mgr MM,P&C 6,356 6,547 6,743 6,945 7,153 7,368 7,589 7,817 8,051 8,293 Public Works Manager MM,P&C 7,804 8,038 8,279 8,527 8,783 9,046 9,317 9,596 9,884 10,181 Recreation Coordinator GENL 4,215 4,341 4,471 4,605 4,743 4,885 5,032 5,183 5,339 5,499 Recreation Manager MM,P&C 7,916 8,153 8,398 8,650 8,910 9,177 9,452 9,736 10,028 10,329 Recreational Supervisor MM,P&C 5,548 5,714 5,885 6,062 6,244 6,431 6,624 6,823 7,028 7,239 Senior Accounting Specialist GENL 4,417 4,549 4,685 4,826 4,971 5,120 5,274 5,432 5,595 5,763 Senior Management Analyst MM,P&C 5,778 5,951 6,130 6,314 6,503 6,698 6,899 7,106 7,319 7,539 Sr Code Enforcement Officer MM,P&C 5,632 5,801 5,975 6,154 6,339 6,529 6,725 6,927 7,135 7,349