CC - Item 4C - Building and Safety Services Contract ExtensionROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER , N \ . DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 2022 SUBJECT: BUILDING AND SAFETY SERVICES CONTRACT EXTENSION SUMMARY On May 31, 2018, the City Council approved a three-year agreement with Interwest Consulting Group, Inc. to perform Building and Safety Division services (building plan check and permitting) as required to enforce the City and State building laws and codes. On April 27, 2021, the City Council approved a one-year time extension under the same terms of the agreement, including the compensation cap limit of 47% fee for plan check services and 47% for building permit fees collected. At this time, staff is recommending Council approve an extension for six (6) months under the same terms and conditions of the original agreement. DISCUSSION The Building and Safety Division serves and protects the public by ensuring that building construction complies with the California Building Standards Code (Title 24, California Code of Regulations) as well as State safety laws, disabled access, and City Ordinances. As a contract city, Rosemead has historically contracted its Building and Safety Division of the Community Development Department for consulting services. The City currently contracts with Interwest Consulting Group, Inc. to provide the day-to-day Building and Safety Division services, including building permit technicians, building plan check, building inspection services, and building official responsibilities. Throughout the term of the agreement (since May 31, 2018), Interwest has met the City's expectations and fulfilled its responsibilities of serving as the Building and Safety Division. The Building and Safety Professional Services Agreement (PSA) fee is offset by the building plan check and building permit revenues. The fees will remain the same at 47% of the building plan check and 47% of building permit net revenues, excluding the Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (SMIP) and Green Building Standards fees required by the State of California. The Building and Safety contract costs will be included in the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 proposed budget. AGENDA ITEM 4.0 City Council Meeting February 22, 2022 Page 2 of 2 The current PSA with Interwest is set to expire on June 30, 2022, and staff recommends extending the agreement for a six-month term from July 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022, as permissible by the PSA with the City Council's approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1) Authorize a six-month extension for the term of July 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022, with Interwest Consulting Group, Inc. for Building and Safety Division services as described in the scope of services per the original Professional Services Agreement. FISCAL IMPACT The Building and Safety Professional Services Agreement fee is offset by building plan check and building permit revenues. The fees will remain the same at 47% of the building plan check and 47% of building permit net revenues. The Building and Safety contract costs will be included in the Fiscal Year 2022- 2023 proposed budget. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT None. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Ben Ki City Manager/Director of Community Development Attachment A: Interwest Consulting Group, Inc., PSA Amendment No. 2 B: Interwest Consulting Group, Inc. Staff Report and PSA May 31, 2018 Attachment A Interwest Consulting Group, Inc., Professional Service Agreement No. 2 SECOND AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP, INC.) This SECOND AMENDMENT ("Amendment") is made and entered into this day of , 2022 ("Effective Date"), by and between the City of Rosemead, a municipal organization, organized under the laws of the State of California with its principal place of business at 8838 East Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California 91770 ("City") and Interwest Consulting Group, Inc. with its principal place of business at 15140 Transistor Lane, Huntington Beach, California, 92649 ("Consultant"). City and Consultant are sometimes individually referred to herein as "Party" and collectively as "Parties." WHEREAS, City and Consultant entered into an agreement on May 31, 2018, for Building and Safety Division services; and WHEREAS, City and Consultant entered into First Amendment on May 3, 2021, extending the expiration date to June 30, 2022; WHEREAS, this Agreement is set to expire on June 30, 2022; and WHEREAS, the City may agree to extend the term of this Agreement for up to two years. NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows: SECTION 1. Section 3.1.2 Term shall be amended to read: 3.1.2 Term. The term of this Agreement shall be extended for a six-month extension to begin on July 1, 2022 and expire on December 31, 2022, at the sole and absolute discretion of the City, unless earlier terminated as provided herein. Consultant shall complete the Services within the term of this Agreement and shall meet any other established schedules and deadlines. SECTION 2. All other terms, conditions, and provisions of the Original Agreement not in conflict with this Addendum, shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Addendum and hereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Consultant have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Gloria Molleda, City Manager Date Attest: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk Date Approved as to Form: INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP, INC. By: Name: Title: [If Corporation, TWO SIGNATURES, President OR Vice President AND Secretary, AND CORPORATE SEAL OF CONTRACTOR REQUIRED] In Name: Rachel Richman Date City Attorney Title: Attachment B Interwest Consulting Group, Inc., Staff Report and Professional Service Agreement Dated May 31, 2018 ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL, FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER, J. W . DATE: MAY 8, 2018 SUBJECT: PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION 4-10131r.vM The Building and Safety Division serves and protects the public by ensuring that building construction complies with California Building Standards Code (Title 24, California Lode of Regulations) as well as State safety laws, disable access, and City Ordinances. As a contract city, Rosemead has historically contracted its Building and Safety Division of the Community Development Department with Los Angeles County ("County") or a private consultant. From Rosemead's incorporation as a City in 1959, the County had provided Building and Safety services until 1981 when the City entered into a service contract with Willdan Engineering ("Willdan"). Since 1981, Willdan has provided ongoing building and safety services under Professional Service Agreement(s) ("Agreement") with the City. The current Agreement with Willdan was entered on April 28, 2015 and is scheduled to expire on June 30, 2018. The Agreement does include an option for the City to extend the Agreement two (2) additional years. However, Staff felt prudent and in the best interest of the City, to release a Request for Proposal ("RFP") in order to ensure that the City retains for upcoming years the highest qualified consulting services at a competitive cost. The City received a strong response to the RFP with eleven (11) submittals. After careful consideration of each proposal, including but not limited to; responses to the RFP requirements, firms' history and ability to provide services, proposed staff qualifications, proposed fee structures, and interviews with the four qualified low bidding firms, staff believes that entering into a new contract with Interwest Consulting Group would be the best course of action for the City at this time. ITEM NO.7.B City Council Meeting May 8, 2018 Page 2 of 10 DISCUSSION Reauest For Proposal ("RFP" The RFP for building and safety services was released on February 22, 2018, with posting on the City's website and distribution to thirteen (13) prospective firms. Proposals were due to the City Clerk's Office on March 22, 2018, where the received submittals remained unopen until after the 3:00 p.m. deadline. No proposal was received after the deadline. All received proposals are on file with the City Clerk's office for public record and review. The scope of service was prepared with the current service efficiency level in mind and to ensure that the City would continue to receive services on an all-inclusive percentage compensation fee schedule with no additional fees for building services charged by the consultant. The terms included the minimum number of full time staff that must be assigned to the City, counter service hours and over-the-counter plan check, building inspection services (including morning inspections on Fridays), and others. As such, the service level would be consistent with the current operation of the Building and Safety Division which is operating efficiently. The RFP also clarified the compensation schedule and staffing as follows: Compensation is clarified as "net revenue." Net revenue excludes added fees or charges, such as fines, penalties, and others where no added service is provided by the consultant. For example, the net revenue does not include double fee fine for construction without a permit (which the fine recover costs to correct the violation by Code Enforcement and Planning services). Refund of plan check or building permit fee where an applicant withdraws the project is also removed in net revenue calculation. • City Hall staffing is to include: o Certified Building Official (full-time) o Certified Combination Building Inspector (full-time) o Permit Technician(s) (full-time) o Certified Plan Checker (part-time city hall) and outside service for larger projects The requirement for "Certified" Building Official, Building Inspector and Plan Checker is to comply with the State of California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 7 (Construction Inspectors, Plans Examiners, and Building Officials). Specifically, Section 18949.28(a) requires, "[A]ll construction inspectors, plans examiners and building nffic•ials.......obtain certification from a recognized .state, national, or international association, as determined by the local agency. " Section 18949.29(a) further states, "[.4]11 construction inspectors, Plans examiners, and building o cials shall complete a minimum of 45 hours gf'continuing education for every three-year period, with at least eight hours regarding disability access requirements pursuant to subdivision (d). " City Council Meeting May 8, 2018 Page 3 of 10 The intent of the aforementioned statutes is to protect the public safety by ensuring that those professionals that are plan checking, inspecting building construction, and making building code interpretations are experienced and qualified to do so through a certification process. Additionally, the California Building Code is updated every three - years and continuing education requirements ensure that such building professionals are up-to-date on the most current Code standards. The current Agreement calls out for a full-time Building Official, Building Inspector, and Permit Technician. City Hail over-the-counter plan check services is to be provided in the mornings between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m., and also 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. (and as requested by appointment). Additional staff is to be provided as needed to meet the demands of an increase in workload. Responses to the RFP The City received a strong response to the RFP with receipt of eleven (11) submittals. The following is a table of the proposals arranged from low to high bidder in service fee: Bureau Veritas/California Code Check 47% 47% Willdan Engineering 50% 50% Transtech Engineers 51% 51% Interwest Consulting 54% 54% J Lee Engineering 60% 50% VCA Code 60% S0% Charles Abbott Assoc. fee is based on pr(jecl valuation) $0-$50,000=600/a $50,0014100,000=55% >$100,001=50% $0-$50,000=60% $50,001-$100,000=55% x$100,001=50% EsGil 62% 62% Hayer Consultants 65% 65% CSG Consultants 75% 75% Infrastructure Engineers 70 to 90% 70 to 90% The City's current Agreement maintains the consultant fees at 55% of plan check and 60% of building permit revenues. Thus, the RFP process and the received proposals has given an opportunity for the city to receive building and safety services at reduced costs. As an example and utilizing calendar year 2017 revenues, below is a table of service fee calculation based on the 55% and 60% service fees vs. the low bidder fee of 470/x: City Council Meeting May 8, 2018 Page 4 of 10 Consultant Proposals: Stag thoroughly reviewed the eleven (11) responsive proposals and found that all firms submitting proposals showed the minimum capacity to perform the requested services. All firms showed history and ability to provide building plan check, inspection, and building division staffing services. As such, the salient initial ranking criteria was the proposed fee schedule (as noted above) and of which four firms, Bureau Veritas/California Code Check, Willdan Engineering, Transtech Engineers, and Interwest Consulting, proposed a measureable cost savings from the City's current 55% and 60% fee schedule. The following is a summary of the four low bidding firms: Bureau Veritas/California Code Ckeck - Bureau Veritas was founded in 1828 and is an international certification agency with global office locations and over 70,000 employees. The company has 40 -years experiences providing building department, engineering department, fire department, environmental and emergency services. In 2017, Bureau Veritas acquired California Code Check which has provided building and safety services to cities since 1984. The firm currently provides building and safety services for a number of Southern California agencies, including the County of Los Angeles, and cities of Rancho Cucamonga, Anaheim, Corona, Glendale, and others, Bureau Veritas was the lowest responsive bidder at 47% of plan check revenue and 47% of building permit revenue, Bureau Veritas proposed to assign the following staff to Rosemead: Certified Building Official Jay Shih Registered Civil Engineer ICC Certified - Building Official; Building Plans Examiner; Fire Plans Examiner Certified Building Inspector Roger Banowetz ICC Certified Building Inspector (one of two staff) George l,ockfort ICC Certified - Residential Combination Inspector; Combination Dwelling Inspector; Building Inspector; Building Plans Examiner; Plumbing Inspector UPC; Structural Masonry Special Inspector; Prestressed Concrete Special Inspector Legacy; Mechanical Inspector UMC; Mechanical Inspector; Reinforced Concrete Special Inspector Legacy; I Structural Steel & Welding Spec Insp-Legacy; Plumbing Inspector Permit Technician Vinh Vu Permit Technician since August 2017 (two stag Vi Chiu Permit Technician since 2018 Certified Plan Checker Lam Nguyen Registered Professional Engineer (one of two part-time staff) Neil Tuorq& ICC Certified Building Plans Examiner Responses to calls for reference were positive with the cities of Rancho Cucamonga, Anaheim, Corona, and Garden Grove responding. The cities commented that Bureau Veritas is responsive, City Council Meeting May 8, 2018 Page 5 of 10 showed dedication to the city's unanticipated needs, and kept projects on schedule. One comment of concern pertained to staffing change without notice to the city. In summary, the four cities received positive experiences with Bureau Veritas and gave positive recommendations. Willdan Engineering — Willdan is a long-established and well-known firm in the area of city building and engineering services. It has been in business since 1964 and has served 400 cities and counties in California, and over 180 public agencies specifically in building and safety. Willdan currently provides Building and Safety Division functions for the City of Rosemead under an Agreement scheduled to expire on June 30, 2018. In addition to Rosemead, Willdan provides building services for several other cities including Goleta, Sierra Madre, San Bernardino, La Puente, and El Monte. Wilidan's proposed fee schedule was 50% of plan check revenue and 50% of building permit revenue. Willdan has agreed to match the low bidder rate of 47% for both plan check and building permit revenues. Willdan proposed to assign the following staff to Rosemead: Certified Building Official Michael Zabala ICC Certified (Expired) - Building inspector; Fire (one of two staff) Inspector; Mechanical Inspector UMC; Plumbing Inspector UPC; Building plans Examiner; Mechanical Inspector; Plumbing Inspector; (unable to verb Certified BuildingUficial credential) CABO Building Official — Unable to verify Corrie Kates CALBO Certificate (2005) - Building Official training and continuing education credits (unable to verii , Certs led credential Certified Building Inspector Mark Brown ICC Certified — Residential Building Inspector; Commercial Building Inspector; Residential Mechanical Inspector; Residential Plumbing Inspector; Residential Electrical Inspector Permit Technician Tressa [crown 14 years Permit Technician experience and 6 years with (two stats} Rosemead Trameka Gitchuway 2 years Permit Technician experience and l year with Rosemead Certified Plan Checker Daren Raskin Registered Professional Civil Engineer ICC Certified — Building Plans Examiner Christian Mui ICC Certified — Building Plans Examiner Responses to calls for reference were positive with the cities of Sierra Madre, San Bernardino and El Monte responding. The cities commented that Willdan provides great service, works well with staff, and is responsive. The three cities gave positive recommendations. Transtech Engineers — Established in 1989, Transtech is a multi -disciplinary consulting firm that provides full contract municipal services to local agencies. Transtech currently provides City Council Meeting May 8, 2018 Page 6 of 10 building and safety services to a number of cities, including the neighboring cities of Temple City, Alhambra, and Monterey Park. The firm currently provides building services to approximately 24 agencies with full staffing resources available for building services. Transtech proposed to assign the following staff to Rosemead: Certified Building Official Ayla Jefferson ICC Certified — Building Official; Building Code Official; Accessibility inspector/Plans Examiner; Building Inspector; Building Plans Examiner; CALGreen Inspector; CALGreen Plans Examiner; California Building Plans Examiner, California Commercial Building Inspector; California Commercial Plumbing Inspector; California Residential Building Inspector; California Residential Mechanical Inspector; California Residential Plumbing Inspector; Certified Sustainability Professional; Permit Specialist; Permit Technician; Plumbing Inspector UPC; Residential Mechanical Inspector Certified Building Inspector Jason Robbins ICC Certified — Building Inspector; Commercial Building (two staff, as needed) inspector; Residential Building Inspector; Residential Electrical Inspector; Residential Mechanical Inspector; Residential Plumbing Inspector; Residential Combination Inspector; Permit Technician ICC Certified - Residential Building Inspector Jonathan Taran ro _ Permit Technician Amy Chan ICC Certified — Permit Technician; CALGreen Plans (two staff) Examiner; CALGreen Inspector Jeanette Rios 7 years Permit Technician experience Certified Ilan Checker Jeffery Kao Registered Civil Engineer (one of two staff) ICC Certified — Building Official; California Building Plans Examiner; Plumbing Plans Examiner; Mechanical Plans Examiner; CALGreen Plans Examiner; CALGreen Inspector; Building Inspector Mark Harold ICC Certified Building Official, California Building Plans Examiner; Fire Inspector; Commercial Building Inspector, Residential Building Inspector Responses to calls for reference were positive with the cities of Alhambra, Cudahy, Commerce, and San Bernardino responding. The cities commented that Transtech provided value price services, met delivery goals, and has provided dependable service. The cities all provided positive recommendations for the firm.. Transtech's proposed fee schedule was 51% of plan check revenue and 51% of building permit revenue. Transtech has agreed to match the low bidder rate of 47% for both plan check and building permit revenues. interwest Consulting — Interwest was founded in 2002 and currently serves over 200 public agencies spanning a multitude of disciplines in building and safety, engineering, information City Council Meeting May 8, 2018 Page 7 of 10 technology, traffic and transportation, among others. The firm currently maintains a staffing level of 350 employees. Interwest currently provides building services for the cities of Eastvale, Pomona, Lake Forest, Garden Grove, and Monterey Park. Interwest proposed to assithe IbIlowin statt-to xosemead: Certified Building Official Ed Cooke ICC Certified — Building Official; Plumbing Inspector; Residential Electrical Inspector; Building Plans Examiner; Plumbing Inspector UPC; Building Inspector Certified Building Inspector Oscar Barraza ICC Certified • Building Inspector, Building Inspector UBC Review; California Residential Plumbing Inspector; California Residential Building inspector; California Residential Electrical Inspector; California Commercial Building Inspector; Residential Plumbing Inspector; Residential Electrical Inspector Permit'rechnician Sylvia Holloway ICC Certified — California Commercial Building additional as needed Inspector; California Residential Building Inspector Certified flan Checker Mark Hankinson ICC Certified — Building Plans Examiner; Accessibility Inspector/Plans Examiner; Building Inspector; Commercial Building Inspector; Commercial Plumbing Inspector; Plumbing Inspector; Property Maintenance and Housing Inspector; Residential Building Inspector; Residential Mechanical Inspector; Residential Plumbing Inspector Responses to calls for references were positive with the cities of Garden Grove, Pomona, Lake Forest, and Rancho Cucamonga. The cities commented that Interwest is responsive, provides a high level of customer service, open and flexible in meeting the city's needs, and maintains a pool of staffing resource to meet demand. The four cities stated positive experiences with Interwest and gave positive recommendations. Interwest's proposed fee schedule was 54% of plan check revenue and 54% of building permit revenue. Interwest has agreed to match the low bidder rate of 47% for both plan check and building permit revenues. Interviews and Staff? s Recommendation Staff invited the four low responsive bidding firms for an interview and specifically requested that the proposed staffing for Rosemead attend. It was evident that all four firms demonstrated the minimum experience and capacity to provide building and safety functions as requested. As such, the interviews were focused to ensure that the proposed staff for Rosemead were credentialed, qualified and would work well with city staff and departments. The questions asked included among others: 1. Please briefly introduce your firm, and specifically describe in more detail the proposed city hull staff ng personnel, City Council Meeting May 8, 2018 Page 8of10 2. Please talk about the firm's staffing resources. If the f rm's Rosemead assigned staff'take leave (sick, vacation or other), does the firm have staffing resources to provide replacement stgffrng without interruption? If the City request replacement of'an assigned.stgff, would the firm have the ability to immediately provide a replacement? 3. Please describe your proposed compensation structure. 4. .Situation Question: The city frequently deals with unpermitted structures. How would you address the matter and what would be the steps for finding a solution (unpermitted addition to a single family home)? CONCLUSION Although all four firms interviewed and responded well to the questions, it is staff's recommendation that retaining Interwest Consulting Group as Rosemead's consultant for Building and Safety Division function would be the best course of action for the City at this time for the following reasons: Interwest exhibited the most understanding and experience in providing the full and all- inclusive services required by Rosemead. Interwest provides similar full service contracts to the cities of Pomona, Lake Forest, and Eastvale. The reference checks were positive with comments that included, "no public complaint," "responsive with staff change needs," "great customer service," "service was so good that (we) never hired full- time star." ■ The firm retains adequate company resources to augment increases in workload with additional city hall staff as needed. Interwest understood the City's all-inclusive percentage compensation fee schedule structure and that an increase in workload would require a greater number of plan checks and permit issuance. The increase in workload would also generate an increase in revenue which would provide compensation for additional staffing that would be needed to ensure that the Building and Safety Division runs efficiently. Reference checks confirmed that Interwest has been responsive to staffing needs. Interwest retains certified professional staffing to comply with the State's Health and Safety Code's requirement for Certified Building Official, Certified Plan Checker, and Certified Building Inspector, and certifications for the proposed Rosemead staff are confirmed. Interwest also listed the firm's staffing resources and their licenses and certification numbers on pages 18 to 20 in the proposal. Interwest demonstrated a strong partnership philosophy and commitment of providing Rosemead with a high level of service as part of the all-inclusive fee structure. Staff was City Council Meeting May 8, 2018 Page 9 of 10 also impressed with Interwest's proposed city hall staffing personnel, and believe that Interwest staff would work well with city hall staff and the City's customers. • The firm is also actively involved in community and civic programs for cities that it serves. Interwest has worked with local high schools in offering an internship program to introduce students to the building profession. Interwest hires about 12 students annually. The firm also provides college scholarships and has awarded between 150 to 200 scholarships in the past 5 to 7 years. Additionally, Interwest has supported community events such as parades and other recreational events. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Council authorize the City Manager and the Community Development Director to finalize negotiations with Interwest Consulting Group for Building and Safety Division Services pursuant to the Request for Proposal No. 2018-06 at service fee not to exceed 47% for building plan check and 47% for building permit of net revenues, and for the City Manager to execute a Professional Service Agreement for a term of three (3) years with two (2) one-year options. FISCAL IMPACT The Building and Safety Professional Service Agreement fee is offset from building plan check and building permit revenues. As proposed, the proposed fee is 47% of the building plan check and 47% of building permit net revenues. Since the current Agreement fee structure is 55% of plan check and 60% of building permit revenues, the proposed Agreement would yield a cost savings to the City. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT None. City Council Meeting May 8, 2018 Page 10 of 10 PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Ben Kim dctor of Community Development Attachment A: Request for Proposal (RFP) Attachment B: Proposal from Bureau Veritas/California Code Check Attachment C: Proposal from Willdan Engineering Attachment D: Proposal from Transtech Engineers Attachment E: Proposal from Interwest Consulting Attachment F: Proposal from J Lee Engineering Attachment G: Proposal from VCA Code Attachment H: Proposal from Charles Abbott Assoc. Attachment I: Proposal from EsGil Attachment 3: Proposal from Hayer Consultants Attachment K: Proposal from CSG Consultants Attachment L: Proposal from Infrastructure Engineers CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN CITY OF ROSEMEAD AND INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP, INC. 1. PARTIES AND DATE. This Agreement is made and entered into this -3 J day of , 2018 by and between the City of Rosemead, a municipal organization organized uftder the laws of the State of California with its principal place of business at 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California 91770 ("City") and Interwest Consulting Group, Inc., a Colorado corporation with its principal place of business at 15140 Transistor Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 ("Consultant"). City and Consultant are sometimes individually referred to herein as "Party" and collectively as "Parties." 2. RECITALS. 2.1 Consultant. Consultant desires to perform and assume responsibility for the provision of certain professional services required by the City on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Consultant represents that it is experienced in providing building and safety services to public clients and holds licenses and certifications to perform the said services. . 2.2 Project. City desires to utilize the services of Consultant as an independent contractor to provide Building and Safety Services to the City's Community Development Department ("Project"). 3. TERMS. 3.1 Scope of Services and Term. 3.1.1 General Scope of Services. Consultant promises and agrees to furnish to the City all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, and incidental and customary work necessary to fully and adequately supply the professional consulting services necessary for the Project ("Services"). The Services are more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. All Services shall be subject to, and performed in accordance with, this Agreement, the exhibits attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations. 3.1.2 Term. The term of this Agreement shall be from to June 30, 2021 and may be extended for up to two (2) additional year(s) at the sole discretion of the City Council, unless earlier terminated as provided herein. Consultant shall complete the Services within the term of this Agreement, and shall meet any other established schedules and deadlines. 3.2 Responsibilities of Consultant. 3.2.1 Control and Payment of Subordinates; Independent Contractor. The Services shall be performed by Consultant or under its supervision. Consultant will determine the means, methods and details of performing the Services subject to the requirements of this Agreement. City retains Consultant on an independent contractor basis and not as an employee. Consultant retains the right to perform similar or different services for others during the term of this Agreement. Any additional personnel performing the Services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall also not be employees of City and shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and control. Consultant shall pay all wages, salaries, and other amounts due such personnel in connection with their performance of Services under this Agreement and as required by law. Consultant shall be responsible for all reports and obligations respecting such additional personnel, including, but not limited to: social security taxes, income tax withholding, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and workers' compensation insurance. 3.2.2 Schedule of Services. Consultant shall perform the Seances expeditiously, within the term of this Agreement, and in accordance with the Schedule of Services set forth in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Consultant represents that it has the professional and technical personnel required to perform the Services in conformance with such conditions. In order to facilitate Consultant's conformance with the Schedule, City shall respond to Consultant's submittals in a timely manner. Upon request of City, Consultant shall provide a more detailed schedule of anticipated performance to meet the Schedule of Services. 3.2.3 Conformance to Applicable Requirements. All work prepared by Consultant shall be subject to the approval of City. 3.2.4 Substitution of Key Personnel. Consultant has represented to City that certain key personnel will perform and coordinate the Services underthis Agreement. Should one or more of such personnel become unavailable, Consultant may substitute other personnel of at least equal competence upon written approval of City. In the event that City and Consultant cannot agree as to the substitution of key personnel, City shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement for cause. As discussed below, any personnel who fail or refuse to perform the Services in a manner acceptable to the City, or who are determined by the City to be uncooperative, incompetent, a threat to the adequate or timely completion of the Project or a threat to the safety of persons or property, shall be promptly removed from the Project by the Consultant at the request of the City. 3.2.5 City's Representative. The City hereby designates the City A-2 Manager, or his or her designee, to act as its representative for the performance of this Agreement ("City's Representative"). City's Representative shall have the power to act on behalf of the City for all purposes under this Contract. Consultant shall not accept direction or orders from any person other than the City's Representative or his or her designee. 3.2.6 Consultant's Representative. Consultant hereby designates Terry Rodrigue to act as its representative for the performance of this Agreement ("Consultant's Representative"). Consultant's Representative shall have full authority to represent and act on behalf of the Consultant for all purposes under this Agreement. The Consultant's Representative shall supervise and direct the Services, using his/her best skill and attention, and shall be responsible for all means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for the satisfactory coordination of all portions of the Services under this Agreement. 3.2.7 Coordination of Services. Consultant agrees to work closely with City staff in the performance of Services and shall be available to City's staff, consultants and other staff at all reasonable times. 3.2.8 Standard of Care; Performance of Employees. Consultant shall perform all Services under this Agreement in a skillful and competent manner, consistent with the standards generally recognized as being employed by professionals in the same discipline in the State of California. Consultant represents and maintains that it is skilled in the professional calling necessary to perform the Services. Consultant warrants that all.employees and subcontractors shall have sufficient skill and experience to perform the Services assigned to them. Finally, Consultant represents that it, its employees and subcontractors have all licenses, permits, qualifications and approvals of whatever nature that are legally required to perform the Services, including a City Business License and certification(s) pursuant to State of California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 7 (Construction Inspectors, Pins Examiners, and Building Officials [18949.25-18949.31]), and that such licenses, certifications and approvals shall be maintained throughout the term of this Agreement. As provided for in the indemnification provisions of this Agreement, Consultant shall perform, at its own cost and expense and without reimbursement from the City, any services necessary to correct errors or omissions which are caused by the Consultant's failure to comply with the standard of care provided for herein. Any employee of the Consultant or its sub -consultants who is determined by the City to be uncooperative, incompetent, a threat to the adequate or timely completion of the Project, a threat to the safety of persons or property, or any employee who fails or refuses to perform the Services in a manner acceptable to the City, shall be promptly removed from the Project by the Consultant and shall not be re-employed to perform any of the Services or to work on the Project. 3.2.9 Laws and Regulations. Consultant shall keep itself fully informed of and in compliance with all local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations in any manner affecting the performance of the Project or the Services, including all Cal/OSHA requirements, and shall give all notices required by law. Consultant shall be liable for all violations of such laws and regulations in connection with Services. If the Consultant performs any work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, rules and regulations and A-3 without giving written notice to the City, Consultant shall be solely responsible for all costs arising therefrom. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold City, its officials, directors, officers, employees and agents free and harmless, pursuant to the indemnification provisions of this Agreement, from any claim or liability arising out of any failure or alleged failure to comply with such laws, rules or regulations. 3.2.10 Insurance. Time for Compliance. Consultant shall maintain prior to the beginning of and for the direction of this Agreement insurance coverage as specified in Exhibit D attached to and part of this agreement. 3.2.11 Safety. Contractor shall execute and maintain its work so as to avoid injury or damage to any person or property. In carrying out its Services, the Contractor shall at all times be in compliance with all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations, and shall exercise all necessary precautions for the safety of employees appropriate to the nature of the work and the conditions under which the work is to be performed. Safety precautions as applicable shall include, but shall not be limited to: (A) adequate life protection and life saving equipment and procedures; (B) instructions in accident prevention for all employees and subcontractors, such as safe walkways, scaffolds, fall protection ladders, bridges, gang planks, confined space procedures, trenching and shoring, equipment and other safety devices, equipment and wearing apparel as are necessary or lawfully required to prevent accidents or injuries; and (C) adequate facilities for the proper inspection and maintenance of all safety measures. 3.3 Fees and Payments. 3.3.1 Compensation. Total payment to Consultant shall not exceed Forty - Seven percent (47%) of net Plan Check fees and Forty -Seven percent (47%) of net Building Permit fees collected as stated in the Request for Proposal No. 2018-06 and Consultant's proposal dated March 22, 2018 (excluding for compensation schedule amended from Fifty - Four percent (54%) to Forty -Seven percent (47%)). Consultant's Proposal is hereby incorporated and found in Exhibit "B." Extra Work may be authorized, as described below, and if authorized, will be compensated at the rates and manner set forth in this Agreement. 3.3.2 Payment of Compensation. City agrees to compensate Consultant for services under this Agreement in compliance with the schedule set forth in this Agreement. Payment will be made only after submission of proper monthly invoices in the form and manner specified by City. City shall endeavor to pay invoices bearing correct and authorized charges within 30 -days of the date they are received; however, Consultant acknowledges and agrees that due to City warrant run procedures, the City cannot guarantee that payment will occur within this time period. City shall not be responsible to Consultant for any additional charges, interest or penalties due to a failure to pay within such period. 3.3.3 Reimbursement for Expenses. Consultant shall not be reimbursed for any expenses unless authorized in writing by City. A-4 3.3.4 Extra Work. At any time during the term of this Agreement, City may request that Consultant perform Extra Work. As used herein, "Extra Work" means any work which is determined by City to be necessary for the proper completion of the Project, but which the parties did not reasonably anticipate would be necessary at the execution of this Agreement. Consultant shall not perform, nor be compensated for, Extra Work without written authorization from City's Representative. 3.3.5 Prevailing Wages. Consultant is aware of the requirements of California Labor Code Section 1720, et seq., and 1770, et seq., as well as California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 1600, et seq., ("Prevailing Wage Laws"), which require the payment of prevailing wage rates and the performance of other requirements on "public works" and "maintenance" projects. If the Services are being performed as part of an applicable "public works" or "maintenance" project, as defined by the Prevailing Wage Laws, and if the total compensation is $1,000 or more, Consultant agrees to fully comply with such Prevailing Wage Laws. City shall provide Consultant with a copy of the prevailing rates of per diem wages in effect at the commencement of this Agreement. Consultant shall make copies of the prevailing rates of per diem wages for each craft, classification or type of worker needed to execute the Services available to interested parties upon request, and shall post copies at the Consultant's principal place of business and at the project site. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees and agents free and harmless from any claim or liability arising out of any failure or alleged failure to comply with the Prevailing Wage Laws. 3.4 Accounting Records. 3.4.1 Maintenance and Inspection. Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to all costs and expenses incurred under this Agreement. All such records shall be clearly identifiable. Consultant shall allow a representative of City during normal business hours to examine, audit, and make transcripts or copies of such records and any other documents created pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to the Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement. 3.5 General Provisions. 3.5.1 Termination of Agreement. Grounds for Termination. City may, by written notice to Consultant, terminate the whole or any part of this Agreement at any time and without cause by giving written notice to Consultant of such termination, and specifying the effective date thereof, at thirty (30) days before the effective date of such termination. Consultant may not terminate this Agreement except for cause. Effect of Termination. If this Agreement is terminated as provided herein, City may require Consultant to provide all finished or unfinished Documents and Data and other information of any kind prepared by Consultant in A-5 connection with the performance of Services under this Agreement. Consultant shall be required to provide such document and other information within seven (7) calendar days of the request. Additional Services. In the event this Agreement is terminated in whole or in part as provided herein, City may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as it may determine appropriate, services similar to those terminated. 3.5.2 Delivery of Notices. All notices permitted or required under this Agreement shall be given to the respective parties at the following address, or at such other address as the respective parties may provide in writing for this purpose: CONSULTANT: Interwest Consulting Group, Inc. 15140 Transistor Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Attn: Terry Rodrigue CITY: City of Rosemead P.O. Box 399 Rosemead, CA 91770 Attn: City Clerk's Office Such notice shall be deemed made when personally delivered or when mailed, forty-eight (48) hours after deposit in the U.S. Mail, first class postage prepaid and addressed to the party at its applicable address. Actual notice shall be deemed adequate notice on the date actual notice occurred, regardless of the method of service. 3.5.3 Ownership of Materials and Confidentiality. Documents & Data; Licensing of Intellectual Property. This Agreement creates a non-exclusive and perpetual license for City to copy, use, modify, reuse, or sublicense any and all copyrights, designs, and other intellectual property embodied in plans, specifications, studies, drawings, estimates, and other documents or works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, including but not limited to, physical drawings or data magnetically or otherwise recorded on computer diskettes, which are prepared or caused to be prepared by Consultant under this Agreement ("Documents & Data"). Consultant shall require all subcontractors to agree in writing that City is granted a non-exclusive and perpetual license for any Documents & Data the subcontractor prepares under this Agreement. Consultant represents and warrants that Consultant has the legal right to license any and all Documents & Data. Consultant makes no such representation and warranty in regard to Documents & Data which were prepared by design professionals other than Consultant or provided to Consultant by the City. City shall not be limited in any way in its use of the Documents and Data at any time, provided that any such use not within the purposes intended by this Agreement shall be at City's sole risk. All reports, documents or other written material developed by Consultant in the performance of this Agreement shall be and remain the property of City without restriction or limitation upon its use or dissemination by City. Such material shall not be the subject of a copyright application by Consultant. Confidentiality. All ideas, memoranda, specifications, plans, procedures, drawings, descriptions, computer program data, input record data, written information, and other Documents and Data either created by or provided to Consultant in connection with the performance of this Agreement shall be held confidential by Consultant. Such materials shall not, without the prior written consent of City, be used by Consultant for any purposes other than the performance of the Services. Nor shall such materials be disclosed to any person or entity not connected with the performance of the Services or the Project. Nothing furnished to Consultant which is otherwise known to Consultant or is generally known, or has become known, to the related industry shall be deemed confidential. Consultant shall not use City's name or insignia, photographs of the Project, or any publicity pertaining to the Services or the Project in any magazine, trade paper, newspaper, television or radio production or other similar medium without the prior written consent of City. 3.5.4 Cooperation; Further Acts. The Parties shall fully cooperate with one another, and shall take any additional acts or sign any additional documents as may be necessary, appropriate or convenient to attain the purposes of this Agreement. 3.5.5 Attorney's Fees. If either party commences an action against the other party, either legal, administrative or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to have and recover from the losing party reasonable attorney's fees and all other costs of such action. 3.5.6 Indemnification. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officials, officers, employees, volunteers and agents free and harmless from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, costs, expenses, liability, loss, damage or injury, in law or equity, to property or persons, including wrongful death, in any manner arising out of or incident to any alleged acts, omissions orwillful misconduct of Consultant, its officials, officers, employees, agents, consultants and contractors arising out of or in connection with the performance of the Services, the Project or this Agreement, including without limitation the payment of all consequential damages and attorneys fees and other related costs and expenses. Consultant shall defend, at Consultant's own cost, expense and risk, any and all such aforesaid suits, actions or other legal proceedings of every kind that may be brought or instituted against City, its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents or volunteers. Consultant shall pay and satisfy any judgment, award or decree that may be rendered against City or its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents or volunteers, in any such suit, action or other legal proceeding. Consultant shall reimburse City and its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents and/or volunteers, for any and all legal expenses and costs incurred by each of them in connection therewith or in enforcing the indemnity herein provided. Consultant's obligation to indemnify shall not be restricted to insurance proceeds, if any, received by the City, its directors, officials officers, employees, agents or volunteers F -AM a 3.5.7 Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire Agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings or agreements. This Agreement may only be modified by a writing signed by both parties. 3.5.8 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Venue shall be in Los Angeles County. 3.5.9 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this Agreement. 3.5.10 City's Right to Employ Other Consultants. City reserves right to employ other consultants in connection with this Project. 3.5.11 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding on the successors and assigns of the parties. 3.5.12 Assignment or Transfer. Consultant shall not assign, hypothecate, or transfer, either directly or by operation of law, this Agreement or any interest herein without the prior written consent of the City. Any attempt to do so shall be null and void, and any assignees, hypothecates or transferees shall acquire no right or interest by reason of such attempted assignment, hypothecation or transfer. 3.5.13 Construction; References; Captions. Since the Parties or their agents have participated fully in the preparation of this Agreement, the language of this Agreement shall be construed simply, according to its fair meaning, and not strictly for or against any Party. Any term referencing time, days or period for performance shall be deemed calendar days and not work days. All references to Consultant include all personnel, employees, agents, and subcontractors of Consultant, except as otherwise specified in this Agreement. All references to City include its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers except as otherwise specified in this Agreement. The captions of the various articles and paragraphs are for convenience and ease of reference only, and do not define, limit, augment, or describe the scope, content, or intent of this Agreement. 3.5.14 Amendment; Modification. No supplement, modification, or amendment of this Agreement shall be binding unless executed in writing and signed by both Parties. 3.5.15 Waiver. No waiver of any default shall constitute a waiver of any other default or breach, whether of the same or other covenant or condition. No waiver, benefit, privilege, or service voluntarily given or performed by a Party shall give the other Party any contractual rights by custom, estoppel, or otherwise. 3.5.16 No Third Party Beneficiaries. There are no intended third party beneficiaries of any right or obligation assumed by the Parties. 3.5.17 Invalidity; Severability. If any portion of this Agreement is declared invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. 3.5.18 Prohibited Interests. Consultant maintains and warrants that it has not employed nor retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for Consultant, to solicit or secure this Agreement. Further, Consultant warrants that it has not paid nor has it agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for Consultant, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. Consultant further agrees to file, or shall cause its employees or subconsultants to file, a Statement of Economic Interest with the City's Filing Officer as required under state law in the performance of the Services. For breach or violation of this warranty, City shall have the right to rescind this Agreement without liability. For the term of this Agreement, no member, officer or employee of City, during the term of his or her service with City, shall have any direct interest in this Agreement, or obtain any present or anticipated material benefit arising therefrom. 3.5.19 Equal Opportunity Employment. Consultant represents that it is an equal opportunity employer and it shall not discriminate against any subcontractor, employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, national origin, handicap, ancestry, sex or age. Such non-discrimination shall include, but not be limited to, all activities related to initial employment, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination. Consultant shall also comply with all relevant provisions of City's Minority Business Enterprise program, Affirmative Action Plan or other related programs or guidelines currently in effect or hereinafter enacted. 3.5.20 Labor Certification. By its signature hereunder, Consultant certifies that it is aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the California Labor Code which require every employer to be insured against liability for Worker's Compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and agrees to comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the Services. 3.5.21 Authority to Enter Agreement. Consultant has all requisite power and authority to conduct its business and to execute, deliver, and perform the Agreement. Each Party warrants that the individuals who have signed this Agreement have the legal power, right, and authority to make this Agreement and bind each respective Party. 3.5.22 Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original. 3.6 Subcontracting. 3.6.1 Prior Approval Required. Consultant shall not subcontract any portion of the work required by this Agreement, except as expressly stated herein, without prior written approval of City. Subcontracts, if any, shall contain a provision making them subject to all provisions stipulated in this Agreement. [signatures on next page] I:IRI A-10 CITY OF ROSEMEAD B I �.� loria Molleda, City Manager Attest: Of&= Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk Approved as to Form: /L2 achel Richman, City Attorney A-11 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Name: Title: aySibyyT EXHIBITA SCOPE OF SERVICES The Consultant shall provide Building and Safety services as required for enforcement of the City's building laws and codes. The enforcement would include duties set forth in the Ordinance of the City for the Building Official. In performance of such work, the officials, plan reviewers and building inspectors of the Consultant would have the powers, duties and discretion of the City's Building Official. The following includes, but is not limited to, services required: Full -Time Dedicated City Hall Staff 1. Certified Building Official 2. Certified Combination Building Inspector 3. Permit Technician(s) In addition, the Consultant will be required to provide additional staff, as needed, to meet the demands of an increase in workload. The Certified Building Official will be required to attend City Council and/or Commission meeting(s) on an as needed basis. Part -Time Dedicated City Hall Staff 1. Over the Counter Planchecking Services — Minimum of 20 hours a week in City Hall. Monday through Thursday, five -hours each day (specific city hall hours would be determined as part of the contract). Plan Review/Plancheck Services Consultant shall provide inclusive plan and document review services to the City for compliance with the building laws of the City and State as part of Rosemead Building Division permitting process. The services shall include all discipline required for building permit issuance, including but not limited to, Building, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical, Green Building, Energy Conservation, Geotechnical, and Seismic. When submittals are approved, the Consultant shall approve the plans and documents, and forward to the City for permit issuance. The Certified Building Official shall oversee all plan reviewlplancheck and shall ensure full compliance with all Federal, State, and local codes. Consultant will be required to provide daily transportation of all plans for outside planchecking services that exceed the capability of the onsite staff to properly provide plancheck services in a timely manner from and to City Hall. Inspections Consultant shall furnish Certified Combination Building Inspector(s) to perform all Building Division inspections. Inspection services shall be provided Monday through Thursday A-12 between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., and on Fridays from 7:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Normal City Hall hours are Mondays to Thursdays between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.; City Hall is closed on Fridays. The following holidays are excluded: New Year's Day Martin Luther King, Jr. Day President's Day Independence Day Memorial Day Labor Day Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Consultant will be required to provide occasional weekend, holiday, and after work hour inspections as requested by the City Manager or designee. City Hall Public Counter Coverage The Consultant will be required to provide counter coverage Monday through Thursday between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. In addition, over-the-counter plancheck services must be provided at a minimum of Monday through Thursday, five hours each day. No Fee/CL Pro ects Consultant will be required to process and inspect at no fee City projects. Disaster Safety Assessment Consultant will be required to provide disaster safety assessment of all buildings in the event of a disaster as requested by the City Manager or designee. In addition, the Consultant will be required to provide emergency inspections, as needed, due to natural or manmade disaster (e.g., fire, auto accident, etc.) during non -City Hall hours. Reports Consultant will be required to produce annual, monthly, and daily reports as needed for Building Division function, such as: • Building Division Activity report and summary of planchecks, permits, and inspections. • Strong Motion Instrument Program (SMTP) report, and the Green Fee report and Cover Letter on a quarterly basis or as otherwise required by the State. • Congestion Management Program report. Invoice Consultant will be required to submit monthly Building Division report and Permit Activity report along with monthly invoice based on the approved all-inclusive percentage fee split. Charges in addition to the all-inclusive percentage fee will not be accepted or approved by the City. Other Services A-13 Consultant will be responsible for all correspondence related to activities of the Building and Safety Division. In addition, the Consultant will be required to respond to complaints, perform investigations, provide problem solving methods for unique or challenging plancheck or code interpretation issues, provide report writing and policy & procedure recommendations, and attend City Council and Commission meetings as requested by the City Manager or designee. A-14 EXHIBIT B SCHEDULE OF SERVICES INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP, INC. RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2018-06 M- March 22, 2018 Response to Request for Proposals for City Building Division Services to the Community Development Department RFP No. 2018-06 Prepared for the City of Rosemead Ben Kim, Community Development Director 8838 E. Va l ley Bou leva rd Rosemead, CA 91770 By Interwest Consulting Group, Inc. Terry Rod rigue, PE, TE Owner I President 15140 Transistor Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92649 trodrigue@interwestgrp.com 0 714.899.9039 C 343.549.7776 Table of Contents Section 1 CoverLetter............................................................................................................................ l Section 2 Consultant Information........................................................................................................2 Section 3 PrincipalContact Person......................................................................................................3 Section 4 ProjectUnderstanding..........................................................................................................4 Building Official Services.........................................................................................................4 PlanCheck Services.................................................................................................................5 Building Inspection Services.................................................................................................11 Permit7echnician Services...................................................................................................12 OtherServices........................................................................................................................13 Section 5 Experience & Qualifications...............................................................................................15 Identification of Key Staff......................................................,...................,....,......................15 StaffQualifications................................................................................................................18 Section 6 References..........................................................................................................................21 ComparableContracts.........................................................................................................21 ClientReferences...., .............................................................................................................. 22 Interwest Municipal Clients in Southern Californla..............................................................23 Southern California Full Service Clients...............................................................................24 Section 7 Litigation..............................................................................................................................26 Section 6 CompensationSchedule.....................................................................................................27 Appendix Resumes INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP SECTION 1 Cover Letter March 22, 2018 City of Rosemead INT L I NG WEOUP Ben Kim, Community Development Director 8838 E. valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 RE: Response to Request for Proposals No. 2018-06 for City Building Division Services to the Community Development Department Mr. Kim, Interwest Consulting Group is pleased to present this proposal to the City of Rosemead to provide comprehensive Building Division Services, including Building Official, Building Inspection, Plan Check and Permit Technician services, to the City's Community Development Department. Interwest provides these same building safety services to public agencies throughout California, and we currently provide the City with onsite IT services. We look forward to the opportunity to continue serving your community and cultivating our relationship with the City of Rosemead. We have reviewed the RFP and our proposal has been crafted and submitted for the purpose of demonstrating our ability and intent to provide the services outlined. We are large enough - over 350 employees - to serve all of your building safety needs, yet small enough to ensure that we maintain focus and are responsive to the needs of the City. Interwest offers a highly qualified and appropriately licensed staff of building officials, plan checkers, inspectors, and permit processing staff specializing in providing complete Building Safety services to local government agencies. I will serve as the City's Principal -in -Charge and Gil Petris, CBO, ICC will serve as Project Manager for this engagement. I am an authorized representative of Interwest Consulting Group and able to bind the firm to all commitments made in this proposal. Our contact information is below: Terry Rodrigue, PE, TE 1540 Transistor Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92649 trodrigue@fnterwestgrp.com 0: 7.14,899.9039 1 C: 303.549.7776 Gil Petris, CBO, ICC 15140 Transistor Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92649 gpetris@interwestgrp.com 0: 714.899.90391 C: 562.256.6621 We appreciate this opportunity to present our qualifications to the City of Rosemead, and we look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with the City to optimize building department services and adjust staffing levels to best meet the needs of the community. We stand ready and available to complete the work outlined in the RFP and our proposal remains valid and binding for a period of 90 days. Please contact me if you have questions or concerns. Sincerely, Ter odrigue, PE, T Owner President 1 NTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP SECTION 2 Consultant Information Founded and incorporated in 2002, Interwest Consulting Group, Inc. is a privately held corporation with more than 350 employees spanning a multitude of disciplines, roles and job placements in municipalities in California, Nevada and Colorado. The seamless integration of professional municipal service professionals in support of public agencies is our sole purpose. Our professionals currently provide services to more than 200 public agencies. Interwest is comprised of Civil Engineers, Traffic Engineers, Structural Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Fire Protection Engineers, and Mechanical Engineers registered in the State of California, Building Officials, Plans Examiners and Inspectors of various disciplines certified by the International Code Council, (State of California) Certified Access Specialists (CASp), and other professionals specializing in providing complete municipal engineering and building safety services to local government agencies. We provide a full range of services to our clients throughout California including; • Complete Building Department Services including: Building Official, Plan Review, Inspection, and Permit Technician Services • Fire Prevention Plan Check and Inspection Services • Municipal Engineering • City Planning + Information Technology (IT) + Geographic Information System (GIS) • Real Estate Services Interwest has nine offices in California, including five Southern California offices. We anticipate performing plan review services for larger, more complicated projects utilizing our professional plan review staff in our Ontario office located less than 35 miles from City Hall. Our locally based staff is readily available to attend meetings at City Hall as necessary. Wyoming ndsor �� � j _. _ • Boulders 1` Nevada Utah Colorado Ro9Ills Elk Grov ; Pleasant tt: ' '• . ��� Lasa.,.. ..'..'.._.... :t ........ ..... Y-.•--�...-.:..:: CEirtalio Palm Arizona •' Palos�`er s •S ri �,a . Mexlco Esk�tea tington _ '. . (NTERWEST 2 CONSULTING GROUP Additional Resource Locations SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 15140 Transistor Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92649 714.899.9039 Phone 1500 S. Haven Ave., Suite 220 Ontario, CA 91761 909.705.5957 431 S. Palm Canyon Drive, Suite 200 Palm Springs, CA 92262 760.417.4329 Phone 316 Tejon Place Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 714.899.9039 Phone 9519 Chamberlain Street Ventura, CA 93004 805.659.0017 Phone CENTRAL CALIFORNIA 1171 West Shaw Ave., Suite 102 Fresno, CA 93711 559.448.9839 Phone NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 9300 W. Stockton Blvd., Suite 105 Elk Grove, CA 95758 916.683.3340 Phone 6280 Las Positas Blvd, Suite 220 Pleasanton, CA 94588 925.462.1114 Phone 1613 Santa Clara Drive, Suite 100 Roseville, CA 95661 916.781.6600 Phone NEVADA 4815W. Russell Road, Suite 11K Las Vegas, NV 89118 702.476.2200 Phone COLORADO P.Q. Box 18330 Boulder, CO 80308 303.444.0524 Phone 1218 Ash Street, Suite A Windsor, CO 80550 970.674.3300 Phone SECTION 3 Principal Contact Person Our principal contact person forthe City of Rosemead account will be: Terry Rodrigue, PE, TE I Principal -in -Charge 15140 Transistor Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 trodrigue@interwestgrp.com 10: 714.899.9039 C: 303.549.7776 114TERWEST 3 CONSULTING GROUP SECTION 4 Project Understanding We understand that the City of Rosemead is seeking a qualified consultant to provide complete Building Division services to include an experienced and qualified Building Official, Plan Checker, Permit Technician, and Combination Building Inspector services as well as additional building plan check and permitting services. Interwest has provided building safety staff augmentation services to California cities for more than 15 years. We have a wealth of highly qualified building safety staff, including Building Officials, registered Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, and Fire Protection Engineers, and ICC -certified Building Plan Reviewers, Building Inspectors and Permit Technicians. All Interwest building safety staff maintain a high level of customer service to the community, support efficiency within departments and provide quick plan review turnaround times and thorough inspections. By selecting Interwest, the City of Rosemead will benefit from our staff's practical experience in municipal environments, which has taught us the primary importance of ensuring that turnaround times and scheduling commitments are met consistently. Because Interwest's primary focus is providing high quality municipal services, we are extremely familiar with the process of transitioning both into and out of project assignments. Whenever possible, Interwest staff will work proactively and directly with the previous service providerto ensure a smooth transition, with no disruptions or inconveniences for municipal clients or their customers. We are confident we can assist the City of Rosemead in achieving a high level of service and satisfaction for both internal and external customers. Interwest looks forward to collaborating with the City to provide the proposed building safety services and appropriate staffing levels in an efficient and cost-effective mannerto the citizens and development community of Rosemead. BUILDING OFFICIAL SERVICES Our Building Officials are intimately familiar with the procedures and processes that need to be maintained to ensure a Building Department runs smoothly. They work effectively with all staff and departments, as required. Our proposed Building Official, Ed Cooke, CBO, ICC is an ICC Certified Building Official with years of experience directing and managing the full spectrum of building department services. Ed possesses additional certifications in Plans Examination and Building, Plumbing, Electrical and Mechanical inspection, and he has held a variety of building division positions, working from inspector, to plans examiner, to the manager and supervisor of plan review and inspection services and staff. Ed knows the importance of communication with the City, staff, and other departments and is comfortable representing the Building Division at City Council meetings. We are confident that Ed's nearly 20 years of relevant experience will translate into efficient, technically sound, and customer -focused leadership for the City of Rosemead's Building Division. INTERWEST 4 CONSULTING GROUP Areas of responsibility for the Building Official may include but are not limited to: • Building Department administration • Oversee all plan review services to make sure all assignments are completed within specified timeframes • Ensure complete compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and local codes and ordinances • Quality control review of plan checks and inspections • Building Code updates for Municipal Code adoption Fielding resident inquiries and complaints • Providing on-going support of the City's automated permitting system ■ Reviewing discretionary applications for preliminary compliance with construction codes • Coordinating a proactive abatement program ■ Creating and/or updating an internal Building and Safety Procedures Manual • Monthly/Annual Reporting of Building and Safety Activities • Attending Commission and City Council meetings (as needed) PLAN REVIEW SERVICES Interwest will provide the City with comprehensive and timely plan review services to ensure compliance with the building laws of the City and State as part of Rosemead's Building Division permitting process. Plan review services will be provided both over-the-counter onsite at City Hall and offsite by our deep bench of available plan reviewers as required. All plan reviews will be monitored to ensure our services are completed within agreed upon timeframes. From the RFP, we understand that onsite, over-the-counter plan review services are expected to be conducted for a minimum of 20 hours per week, Monday - Thursday for five hours per day with specific hours to be determined upon award of contract. For this position, we propose Maris Hankinson, JCC. Mark is an ICC certified Plans Examiner with more than 35 years of relevant experience, 15 of which were spent as a senior municipal plans examiner. He will be able to provide reviews for a wide array of disciplines over-the-counter and will route additional plans beyond his daily capacityto be checked by ourextensive team of offsite plan reviewers. All plan review services will be performed by a licensed civil or structural engineer, an ICC -certified plans examiner, CASA -certified plans examiner, licensed electrical engineer and licensed mechanical engineer as required depending on the scope and complexity of the given project. Our plans examiners understand and are intimately familiar with applicable building codes and plan review procedures and policies and will readily assist with solutions to complicated plan review issues. Staff assigned to the City will be appropriately qualified and licensed and meet all requirements. Our plans examiners will provide plan check services, including building, accessibility, architectural, civil, electrical, energy conservation, green building standards, mechanical, plumbing, stormwater/ NPDES, structural, geotechnical and seismic to confirm compliance with all applicable codes and amendments, including the latest adopted versions of the California Building Code (CBC), California INTERWEST s CONSULTING GROUP Residential Code (CRC), California Mechanical Code (CMCJ, California Plumbing Code (CPC), California Electrical Code (CEC), California Fire Code (CFC), California Energy Efficiency Standards, CALGreen, (California Green Building Code), Accessibility and Energy Conservation requirements as mandated by State Title 24, and City specific regulations and policies, as applicable. Transportation of Plans We will arrange for the daily transportation of all plans for outside plan checking services that exceed the capabilityof on-site staff by reliable overnight carrier at Interwest's expense. Customer Service I Responsiveness our staff will work with project applicants and the city staff in a collaborative and professional manner to quickly identify and resolve any violations of codes, standards or local ordinances. We will provide thorough plan reviews in an effort to provide complete and accurate construction documents to minimize questions and problems during the construction phase of projects. Plan review comments will be specific, detailed, complete, and reference plan sheet numbers and code sections where applicable. Interwest will provide a clear, concise and thorough document from which clients, designers, contractors and owners can work. Comment letters will be delivered to the City and other designated recipients via email, FAX, and/or reliable overland carrier. Our staff will coordinate plan review comments and rechecks directly with project applicants to ensure efficient and timely services. Interwest Consulting Group's staff of engineers and plans examiners is always available and willing to discuss plan review issues for projects that we have reviewed with City staff, applicants, designers and/or contractors via meetings, phone, FAX or e-mail as required to resolve issues. Voice mails, e- mails and faxes will be responded to as quickly as possible, usually within 24 hours. Upon completion of our final review, our staff will update the City's permit tracking system and coordinate with other City departments to ensure all applicable entities have approved the project for permit issuance. In addition, the approval letter will document all red -marked revisions made to the documents by our staff, (with the approval of the City and project designers) and specify any and all conditions of approval that need to be completed by the applicant prior to permit issuance. The final transmittal will indicate any deferred submittals, special inspection forms, etc. to be submitted to the City during construction. The final approved documents will be delivered by Interwest to the City at no additional expense to the City. Special Projects Interwest is able to accommodate special project plan review needs such as fast-track, multi -phased, or accelerated plan review, We establish project specific turn -around goals and procedures with jurisdiction staff for these types of projects based on the complexity of the projects as well as the construction schedule. Electronic Plan Review Services Interwest currently provides electronic plan review services for multiple jurisdictions throughout California and we are prepared to provide electronic plan check services for the City. Many jurisdictions are seeing the benefits of electronic plan review, especially for large, complex projects. Electronic plan review services deliver many benefits to cities, including substantially improved turnaround times; secured accessibility to documents; and reduced paperstorage. Our staff INTERWEST s CONSULTING GROUP is experienced providing electronic plan review and can work closely with the City on any electronic plan check method that is utilized by the City or through utilization of our own efficient electronic plan check system. our goal is always to collaborate with and support the building department by providing thorough, accurate and timely plan reviews. Turnaround Times our proposed plan review timeframes are shown in the table below. We consistently complete plan reviews within these timeframes or sooner. We will work to accommodate any turn -around schedule desired by the City. We complete projects utilizing the following tiered turnaround times for all plan check projects and propose these same turnaround times for the City of Rosemead. Single Family Residential I New construction 10 (5) _ Addition* +w 10 (5) Remodel* 10(5) Multiple Family Residential New construction Addition Remodel / V _ 14 (7) __10 (5) 10 (5) *small and minor projects will be reviewed over-the-counter or within 24 hours. Code Interpretations 6 (3) 6 (3) 6 (3) 6 (3) 6 Code interpretations are subject to final review and approval by the Building official. Interwest's engineers and plans examiners will utilize their extensive experience and background to assist in the development of reasonable solutions to code interpretation issues. Interwest staff will act as a liaison to the City's Community Development Director. All plan review comments are subject to review and approval by the City. Plan Review Tracking For plan review services performed in our offices we will create and maintain a Jurisdiction File containing our research and procedural information utilized by the city to maintain a consistent high level of service to the city and the departments customers. We will utilize this information to ensure the services we provide to the City are seamless, consistent, and meet the City's expectations and standards. Interwest will utilizes the City's HDL database to track all in-house plan review and inspection activities from the moment a project is received through project acceptance and issuance of certificate of occupancy. Technology - Internal Plan Review Tracking System For plan reviews preformed in our local office, Interwest will utilize our custom designed plan review tracking system to track all information pertinent to each plan review project. Information such as the project name, city project number, date project was received, date all services were completed, resubmitted dates, assigned plans examiners, plan review cycle, and current plan review status are INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP tracked. Our plan review tracking system provides remote access, allowing real-time plan review status information to be available to the City's Permit Technician and clients. We will provide a private and secure login that allows our City -based staff to check, at any time, the status of a plan review project. Plan Check -Related Meetings Our Building Official and plans examiners are available for pre -construction or pre -design meetings, field visits, meetings with the design team, the construction team and project owners for assigned projects as needed at no cost to the City. Interwest's staff will be available to attend pre -construction or pre -design meetings associated with projects that we will review. These meetings are considered as part of our plan review services. Our team of plans examiners and inspectors are always willing to meet with applicants, designers, contractors and City staff as required to resolve plan review or construction -related issues. Our Staff's Technical Capabilities for Plan Review Our proposed staff possesses significant technical capabilities in all areas of plans examination competence. Architectural/ Fire & Life Safety Interwest's non-structural plans examiners furnish plan review services for a vast array of projects including large residential, commercial, institutional, industrial, retail, and OSHPD 3 medical office buildings. Many of our plans examiners are CASp certified. Completed plan review projects range from single -story residential projects to complex high rise buildings and numerous building additions and remodels. We are experienced and familiar with the use and application of the most current additions of the following model codes: • California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Parts I through 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, including the CA Building Codes • International Building Code (IBQ • ANS! Standards • NFPA Codes & Standards • Jurisdiction-AdoptedAmendmentsor Ordinances Structural Our structural plan reviewers will verify that structural designs are in compliance with submitted Geotechnical Report findings and recommendations and Ground Motion Hazard Analysis 'recommendations for design and construction. Our structural engineers have experience designing and reviewing projects with virtually all building materials, includingthe following. • Wood • Masonry • Heavy Timber/ Timber Frame • Concrete • Structural Steel • Light Gauge Steel Framing • Straw Bale • Rammed Earth Our engineers have designed or reviewed a wide array of structural lateral force resisting systems including: • Eccentric Braced Frames . FEMA Compliant Steel Moment Frames INTERWEST a CONSULTING GROUP • Concentric Braced Frames • Buckling Restrained Braced Frames • Concrete Moment Frames • Pre-Stressed/Post-Tensioned Concrete • Wood Shear -wall Systems • Various Proprietary Lateral Force Resisting Systems • Masonry Shear -wall Systems • Cantilevered Column Systems • Concrete Shear -wall Systems Our structural engineers and inspectors are experienced with the provisions of most model codes including current versions of: • Title 24, Part 2, Volume 2, California Code ofRegulations • International Building Code • AiSC 34.1 &360, ASCE 7-10 • AISC Standards for Cold Formed Steel Mechanical, Plumbing & Electrical • ANSI/AF&PA NDS • ACI 318 (Concrete), ACI 530 (Masonry) • NEHRP • CA Historic Building Codes • FEMA 350,351 & 353 Interwest staff is well versed in the California Mechanical, California Plumbing and the California Electrical codes. We review submitted design documents to ensure compliance with applicable codes. All staff is licensed and/or certified in the State of California. We will review submitted design documents to ensure compliance to the current edition of the following codes: • California Building Code • California Electrical Code • California Plumbing Code • Jurisdiction -Adopted Amendments or Ordinances • California Mechanical Code Other review services are provided based on current editions of local or national standards such as: • international Building Code • NFPA Standards 13 (automatic fire sprinkler systems) • International Mechanical Code • International Residential Code • NFPA Standards 20 (fire pumps) • Internotionof Plumbing Code • NFPA Standards 72 (fire alarms) T24 Energy our engineers and plan reviewers are up to date on all California Energy requirements as they relate to both new and remodel construction for residential and commercial projects. The Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Nonresidential Buildings were established in 1978 in response to a legislative mandate to reduce California's energy consumption. These standards are updated periodically to allow consideration and possible incorporation of new energy efficiency technologies and methods. The most recent standards (2016) went into effect on January 1, 2017, and the 2019 standards are currently in development. Green Building Standards Our staff is familiar with the incorporation of CALGreen building concepts into project designs and its potential impact from the building code. In addition, staff members have participated in the development of various "green" standards for super adobe, rammed earth, and straw bale construction, to name a few. we have also plan reviewed straw bale, stress skin, and insulated concrete form constructed homes. fINTERWEST S CONSULTING GROUP LEED Developed by the U5 Green Building Council (USGBC), LEED provides building owners and operators a framework for identifying and implementing measurable green building design, construction, operations and maintenance solutions. LEED certification consists of a number of different rating systems that apply to many building types - commercial as welt as residential and measures how well a building performs across many sustainability metrics including: energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction, improved indoor environmental quality, and stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts. Our plans examiners and building inspectors have successfully plan reviewed and inspected LEED certified buildings. ADA Evaluation & Compliance Review Our architects and plans examiners are fully trained and familiar with CA Building Code Access requirements, ADA compliance regulations and are available for plan review and/or evaluations and consultation. We offer support to municipalities for compliance enforcement and/or developing a transition plan, and successfully partner with the disabled community to address the needs and requirements for both entities. We can assist municipal departments, government agencies and local communities to explain various issues relating to access compliance, such as access compliance obligations, transition planning, construction costs, construction phasing, code/law `interpretation', hardship and code/law changes. Certified Access Specialist (CASA) interwest has CASp-certified individuals on staff knowledgeable of state and federal accessibility laws and regulations and possesses the expertise necessary to promote access to facilities for persons with disabilities. In accordance with newly formed rules and regulations, we have on staff adequate numbers of CASp-certified professionals, All of Interwest's CASp-certified professionals are knowledgeable of state and federal accessibility laws and regulations. Our goal is to provide experts in the industry who can perform services for building departments in a seamless manner by customizing our services to correspond with our client's expectations and needs. We work collaboratively with our clients to resolve plan review and inspection related issues as efficiently as possible, ultimately resulting in an expedited process and successful project. When requested, Interwest's CASp professionals can perform site visits to review accessibility features in order to verify existing conditions and identify areas of non-compliance, with applicable state accessibility regulations. Upon completion of our field work, when necessary, a comprehensive report will be prepared identifying areas of the subject building and associated building site that are out of compliance. For each noted deficiency, a recommendation as to how compliance may be achieved will be provided. Our services may include recommendations for a transition plan outlining suggestions forcompleting required building and site upgrades. Flood Zones Interwest's staff of engineers and plans examiners have experience in providing plan reviews for projects located in flood zones, as several of our clients have developments that occur in areas prone to flooding. Interwest's staff has provided numerous plan reviews for projects located in flood zones using FEMA's Technical Bulletins as well as the local jurisdictions ordinances. In addition, members of NTERWEST 10 CONSULTING GROUP Interwest's staff have participated in state-sponsored committees to establish guideline and regulations for construction in areas designated as flood zones. OSHPD 3 Our staff of plans examiners has extensive experience in providing plan reviews for OSHPD 3 projects. Interwest has provided numerous OSHPD 3 plan reviews for clients, Our staff is well versed with the OSHPD 3 requirements contained in the California Building Code. We also employ an OSHPD certified inspector who has recently provided inspection services on behalf of our clients for hemodialysis, outpatient surgery, hyperbolic chamber and general medical clinics. BUILDING INSPECTION SERVICES Interwest will provide a Certified Combination Inspector to perform all Building Division inspections, Monday --Thursday from 7AM to 6PM and Fridays from 7AM to 12PM. We understand that occasionally inspections may be required over weekends and holidays and outside of normal hours, which we can accommodate with reasonable notice. Additional inspection staff is also available to address peak inspection workload demands. For this position, we propose Oscar Barraza, ICC. Oscar is bilingual in English and Spanish, and he possesses seven (7) ICC inspection certifications. With more than 2a years of inspection experience over his career, Oscar is highly knowledgeable of all relevant codes and will furnish excellent and thorough services to the City of Rosemead. Interwest's staff of ICC -certified inspectors have performed inspection services on a wide variety of construction projects including many large custom homes, new residential developments, and commercial, institutional, essential service buildings and industrial projects such as power plants and electrical wind turbines. When necessary for large or fast-track projects, multiple inspectors are available. We will provide our inspectors with all hand tools, reference materials, equipment, and cell phones as needed for performance of their duties at no additional charge to the City. The City shall provide City specific policy training and provide the necessary City maps, forms and data entry training. We understand that personality and customer service is crucial to on-the-job success, therefore, when backup inspectors are needed, we will select inspectors who are well versed in customer service and skilled in dealing with people both at the public counter and in the field. All inspection personnel assigned will be ICC and/or CASp certified as required. Our inspectors are be able to read, understand and interpret construction documents, truss drawings and calculations, prepare and maintain accurate records and reports, communicate effectively orally and in writing and work effectively with contractors, the public and City staff. Inspectors will possess knowledge of approved and modern methods, materials, tools and safety used in building inspection and the most current building standards. Our inspection services include but are not limited to: • Performing all necessary building inspections in a timely and courteous manner, • Resolving code interpretation issues in the field. I NTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP • Enforcing compliance with the conditions of approval and the code requirements set forth on the plans for which a permit was issued. • Observing each project at the completion of the various stages of construction for compliance with the appropriate building code, State disabled access and energy regulations. • Identifying issues of non-compliance with applicable building codes. • Ensuring that adequate records are maintained for all building inspection activities. Performing administrative duties including but not limited to scheduling of inspections and record keeping. Coordinating with Public Works inspectors on matters involving public water, sewer, storm drainage and street improvements. Inspections performed by Interwest's inspectors will be performed in accordance with the City's adopted version of the California Building Code, California Residential Code, California Green Building Code, California Mechanical Code, California Plumbing Code and the California Electrical Code. Projects will also be inspected for conformance with the accessibility, noise and energy conservation requirements as mandated by State of California Title 24 and all applicable ordinances. Interwest's inspectors will inspect projects for conformance with approved drawings and specifications which will include review of the permit documents to verify that onsite conditions are consistent with the approved documents for square footage, setbacks, heights and any other applicable conditions. At the completion of inspections, Interwest's inspectors will complete all necessary City forms and documents as required to provide seamless service and enter all inspection records into the City's permit trackingsystem. Interwest's inspectors will participate in and attend inspection staff meetings and training events sponsored by the City. Staff assigned to the City will work with the Building Official for interpretations, local ordinances, local preferences, alternate materials exceptions /alternates to the model codes. They will report directly to the person designated for all project -related work, items (if arty) which cannot be resolved between the project inspector(s) and the contractor. Interwest's inspectors will coordinate on all certificates of occupancy to ensure that all City departments and regulatory agencies have approved the project. PERMIT TECHNICIAN SERVICES Interwest will furnish exceptionally qualified and appropriately certified personnel to provide coverage of the City's front counter, Monday—Thursday from 7AM to SPM. For this position, we propose Sylvia Holloway, ICC. Sylvia is an ICC certified permit technician Kn ILDING PERMIT with several years of experience working at municipal building counters, issuing permits and assisting the public with building code requirements. She understands the importance of exemplary customer service, is knowledgeable of the inner -workings of building departments, and is thoroughly familiar with the building application and permit process. Sylvia is also ICC certified as both a Commercial and Residential building inspector. Our permit technicians are familiar with a multitude of jurisdictional scheduling and tracking systems and can quickly adapt to City requirements. Many of our staff are also dual -role employees and can serve as both inspection and front counter support. Personnel work collaboratively with applicants I NTERWEST 12 CONSULTING GROUP and have a "can do" attitude to help resolve issues and minimize anxiety for applicants. Our staff will provide the following services: Provide customers upport and assistance at the permit center counter and over the phone. • Assist the public in completing permit applications and other necessaryforms • Determine permit, plan and process requirements for permit applicants and notifying the applicant when construction documents or permits are ready for pickup or issuance. • Answer questions quickly and correctly directly from the public, from phone calls and emails • Receive, process and issue building permits and coordinate the plan review and inspection process, including tracking, routing and storage of plans • Review permit application and other pertinent information to verify accuracy and completeness of information Maintain a variety of public records and filing systems necessary for tracking in -progress applications, permits issued, plan checks in progress, approved plans and other counter related items. • Verify projects have obtained all necessary approvals before issuing permits and that the following have been filed with the City: valid contractor's license, works' compensation and valid business license information. • Review and approve less complicated non-structural plan checks over the counter. • Create public informational documents, handouts explaining technical issues or requirements for permit issuance, if needed • Welcome and receive customers at the public services counter in a professional and courteous manner. OTHER SERVICES Disaster Assessment Services In the event of a disaster and at the direction of the City Manager, Interwest staff will be available to provide disaster safety assessment of all buildings and conduct emergency inspections during non - City Hall hours. Interwest can supply valuable experience and guidance following a disaster. Our staff brings specialized knowledge and assistance in guiding and helping coordinate the efforts of local communities recovering from major disasters. Jurisdiction staff is often overtaxed with maintaining ongoing services while also dealing with impacted property owners. Because of our experience in organizing and supporting disaster recovery centers, we can implement an immediate and well - organized system of reviewing and approving building permit applications and providing construction inspection for affected citizens. We are up-to-date with FEMA and OES policies and procedures so we can deliver quick and accurate damage assessments while also streamlining coordination and providing thorough reporting to multiple agencies. In the event of a local or regional emergency, Interwest has multiple well-trained professionals throughout Southern California who can be mobilized to assist the City in its response. INTERWEST 13 CONSULTING GROUP Reports Our staff will produce annual, monthly, and daily reports as -required for Building Division functions, including: • Building Division Activity reports and summaries of plan checks, permits, and inspections • Strong Motion Instrument Program (SMTP) reports, the Green Fee report, and Transmittal Letters on a quarterly basis or as required by the State • Congestion Management Program Reports Additional Services Additionally, Interwest staff will perform the following tasks: • Draft all correspondence related to the activities of the Building Division • Respond to all complaints concerning Building Department Services • Perform investigations as necessary • Apply problem -solving methods to resolve unique or challenging plan check or inspection code interpretation issues • Provide reportwriting and policy and procedure recommendations as needed • Attend City Council and Commission meetings as requested by the City Manager ordesignee INTERWEST ,q CONSULTING GROUP SECTION 5 Experience & Qualifications IDENTIFICATION OF KEY STAFF one of the primary advantages to selecting Interwest to provide these services is the depth and breadth of our building safety staff resources. The staff members listed in this proposal are a representative sample from our larger pool of local building and safety staff resources. This extensive pool of local staff provides Interwest with both flexibility and the ability to scale our services as needed to meet any cyclical demands the City may have. Individually, the professionals showcased below excel in each of their backgrounds. As a team, they possess the capability to innovatively create and implement effective solutions with your agency and the community's interests in mind. The individual resumes for each professional are included in the Appendix of this proposal and highlight their significant personal experience on a variety of buildingsafety tasks. Staff Terry Rodrigue, PE, TE PRINCIPAL -IN -CHARGE GilPetris,coo, lcc PROJECT MANAGER Ed Cooke, coo, ICC BUILDING OFFICIAL Oscar Barraza, IcC COMBINATION BUILDING INSPECTOR Mark Hankinson,Icc OVER-THE-COUNTER PLAN CHECKER Sylvia Holloway, Icc PERMIT TECHNICIAN Additional Qualified Staff Mark Berg, coo, Icc OFFSITE PLAN CHECKER Ron Bee hter, SE, CBO BUILDING OFFICIAL I PLAN REVIEW SUPPORT Kevin Ko, PE, QSD OFFSITE PLAN CHECKER Chandra Desai, PE OFFSITE PLAN CHECKER Sal Kaddorah, PE, ICC OFFSITE PLAN CHECKER Sandra Schmitz, PE OFFSITE PLAN CHECKER Hossein Afrouzeh, ME, EE OFFSITE PLAN CHECKER Bill Tewfik,PE, Coo, CASp OFFSITE PLAN CHECKER Tony Dormanesh,CASp,PE, coo OFFSITE PLAN CHECKER Tom Campbell, PE, CBO, ICC OFFSITE PLAN CHECKER Oliver Roan, sE,icc OFFSITE PLAN CHECKER Roger Peterson, SE OFFSITE PLAN CHECKER Annette Mayfield, CASA, EIT, ICC OFFSITE PLAN CHECKER Gabriela Scott, ICC OFFSITE PLAN CHECKER Andrew Burke, CAsp,ICC OFFSITE PLAN CHECKER Randy Brumley, ME OFFSITE PLAN CHECKER Dirk Hofheinz,EE OFFSITE PLAN CHECKER Dave Marcum, cAsp,lcc BUILDING INSPECTOR SUPPORT ArtemioOrozco, coo, Icc BUILDING INSPECTOR SUPPORT INTERWEST ,g CONSULTING GROUP Short Biographies for Key Staff Terry Rodrigue, PE, TE Principal -in -Charge Terry has over 35 years of experience in City Engineering, City Traffic Engineering, public works, operations, design and special district financing. He provides technical and strategic assistance and support to city managers, elected officials, and the community on public works programs, policies and activities, and projects. He has successfully negotiated and resolved sensitive, political, and controversial program, policy, staffing, and project issues. His approach is to ensure he is meetingthe needs of the client in the most effective and efficient way possible and to work with individual communities and to focus on what is possible through creativity, expertise and relationships. Gil, Petris, CRO, ICC Project Manager Gil brings more than 35 years of building official, plan reviewer and building inspection experience. His progressive and extensive knowledge of the building industry and municipal organizations translates to efficient and effective services to our clients. He served 23 years at the City of Signal Hill, with his most recent work as the City's Building Official managing all administration and day-to-day operations of the Building pepartment. Gil gave special attention to developing and implementing several new procedures and processes that resulted in a more streamlined and organized approach to plan review, inspections, budget and inter -department functions. His role also required close collaboration with City Council, public works, planning and community development staff. Gil currently serves as the Building Official for the City of Pomona, and recently served as the Building official for the City of Bell. He is also the Services Manager for our building and safety contracts with the Cities of South EI Monte, Upland, Corona, and Murrieta, to name a few. In this capacity, he manages the staff placed on-site as well as provides quality control and assurance for services provided. Gil is currently the Secretary for the ICC Citrus Belt Chapter. Ed Cooke, CBO, ICC Building Official Ed is a Certified Building Official with nearly 20 years of experience serving municipalities in Southern California. His experience includes building department services management, plan checking, staff training, supervision of inspection staff, and inspection. Ed's management experience and extensive code knowledge paired with his congenial personality, customer service focus, and creativity in problem -solving make him an excellent choice to lead and shape the City's building division. Ed is dedicated to maintaining his knowledge of building codes and construction practices by attending various training seminars and workshops. He is an ICC certified Building Official, Plans Examiner, Building inspector, Plumbing Inspector, and Residential Electrical Inspector, as well as an IAPMO certified Mechanical Inspector. Oscar Barraza, ICC Senior Combination Building Inspector Oscar has more than 18 years of construction industry experience, with more than 15 years as a Senior Combination Building Inspector and Code Enforcement Officer. He is highly knowledgeable of Housing and Zoning ordinances, and has worked in the both the public and private sectors. He understands the significance of project schedules, which has served as an important asset in ensuring the timely delivery of all projects. INTERWEST ,g CONSULTING GROUP Oscar possesses excellent communication skills in both English and Spanish, and provides a high- level customer service in a professional manner. He is extremely organized which has allowed him to multi -task while providing thorough inspection services. Oscar holds ICC certifications as a Building Inspector, Residential Electrical Inspector, California Commercial Building Inspector, California Residential Building Inspector, California Residential Electrical Inspector, California Residential Plumbing Inspector, and Residential Plumbing Inspector. Mark Hankinson, ICC Over -the -Counter Plan Checker Mark spent 15 years providing building and safety services as a Senior Plans Examiner, reviewing commercial and residential plans, and ensuring that building plan review work was in compliance with applicable State and local building regulations. Mark works with building inspectors to resolve field related code issues, provided customer support for zoning and building questions, and performed structural calculations for beam loads on residential projects and review of structural calculations submitted. Mark also had 19 years of experience as an Architect, working on many building types: hospitals, warehouses, banks, tenant improvements, hotels, churches, and residential. Mark understands the need for an efficient, timely and predictable plan review process. He is an effective team member and leader, supervising office staff orsupervising individual teams. Sylvia Holloway, ICC Permit Technician Personable and uniquely qualified, Sylvia is an ICC Certified Permit Technician and additionally holds certifications as both a Commercial and Residential Building Inspector. Sylvia utilizes her skills and demonstrated code knowledge to benefit building department operations and services with nearly 20 years of experience working as a government employee. She has cultivated a valuable level of industry expertise, from working the public counter and issuing all required permits to owners, architects, contractors and engineers, to answering multi -phone lines and assisting public with building code requirements. Additionally, her 12 years as an Agency Processor/Construction Coordinator has given her experience on both sides of the counter. This has allowed her the opportunity to analyze typical scenarios, propose creative solutions, and develop good rapport with Governing Agencies and fellow employees. INTERWEST 17 CONSULTING GROUP STAFF QUALIFICATIONS The following is a chart of our proposed staff's licenses and certifications. MANAGEMENT STAFF Terry Rodrigue, PE, TE CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer 38694 Principal -in -Charge CA Professional Traffic Engineer T1497 CO Registered Professional Engineer 30697 Gil Petris, COO, ICC ICC Certified Building Official 0822420 Project Manager ICC Residential Building Plans Examiner 0822420 ICC Combination Inspector 0822420 ICC Building Inspector 0822420 ICC Electrical Inspector 0822420 ICC Mechanical Inspector 0822420 ICC Plumbing Inspector 0822420 ICC Combination Dwelling Inspector 0822420 California OES Certified SAP Evaluator ON-SITE STAFF Ed Cooke, CBO, ICC ICC Certified Building Official 5050260 Building Official ICC Building Plans Examiner 5050260 ICC Building Inspector 5050260 ICC Plumbing Inspector 5050260 ICC Plumbing Inspector UPC 5050260 ICC Residential Electrical Inspector 5050260 IAPMO Mechanical Inspector 090505 Oscar Barraza, ICC ICC Building Inspector 5173156 On -Site Senior Combination ICC Residential Electrical Inspector 5173156 Inspector ICC CA Commercial Building Inspector 5173156 ICC CA Residential Building Inspector 5173156 ICC CA Residential Electrical Inspector 5173156 ICC CA Residential Plumbing Inspector 5173156 ICC Residential Plumbing Inspector 5173156 Disaster Safety Assessment -CA SAPC51147 Mark Hankinson, ICC ICC Accessibility Inspector/Plans Examiner 5111273 Over -the -Counter Plan ICC/AACE Property Maintenance & Housing 5111273 Reviewer Inspector ICC Residential Building Inspector 5111273 ICC Commercial Building Inspector 5111273 ICC Building Plans Examiner 5111273 ICC Building Inspector 5.111273 ICC Residential Mechanical Inspector 5111273 ICC Residential Plumbing Inspector 5111273 ICC Commercial Plumbing Inspector 5111273 ICC Plumbing Inspector 5111273 Sylvia Holloway, ICC ICC Permit Technician 8169904 Permit Technician ICC CA Commercial Building inspector 8169904 ICC CA Residential Building Inspector 8169904 I NTERWEST 18 CONSULTING GROUP ADDITIONAL QUALIFIED STAFF Mark Berg, CBO, ICC ICC Certified Building Official Building Official ICC Certified Building Code Official Plan Review ICC Certified Fire Code Official Inspection ICC Building Plans Examiner Ron Beehler, 5E, CBD, ICC Director, Building Safety Kevin Ko, PE, QSD Professional Engineer Plan Review Chandra Desai, PE, ICC Professional Engineer Plan Review Sal Kaddorah, PE Building Official Sandra Schmitz, PE Professional Engineer Plan Review Hossein Afrouzeh, ME, EE Mechanical & Electrical Plan Review Bill Tewfik, PE, CASp, CBO, ICC Professional Engineer CertifiiedAccess Specialist Building Official Plan Review Tony Dormanesh, PE, CASp, CBO, ICC Professional Engineer Certilted Access Specialist Chief Building Oficial Plan Review ICC Fire Plans Examiner ICC Combination Inspector ICC Building Inspector ICC Fire Inspector I ICC Fire Inspector EI CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer CA Registered Structural Engineer NV Registered Professional Civil Engineer NV Registered Professional Structural Engineer CABO Certified Building Official ICC Certified Building Official ICC Building Plans Examiner IGC Building Inspector CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer ICC Building Plans Examiner CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer NV Registered Professional Civil Engineer ICC Plans Examiner CA Registered Professional Civil. Engineer 0859362 0859362 0859362 0859362 0859362 0859362 0859362 0859362 0859362 C39404 53632 CE019992 SE019992 1492 801789 801789 801789 88495 C47213 5123683 C43757 20795 861125 C83448 CA Registered Professional Mechanical Engineer M27117 CA Registered Professional Electrical Engineer E11588 CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer Certified Access Specialist ICC Certified Building Official ICC Building Plans Examiner ICC Building Inspector CA Registered Professional Engineer NV Registered Professional Engineer ICBO Certified Building Official ICC Certified Building Official ICC Building Plans Examiner Certified Access Specialist C50505 CASp-367 863979 863979 863979 C31619 019497 3807 806772 806772 CASp-258 I NTERWEST 19 CONSULTING GROUP Tom Campbell, PE, CBO, IGC Professional Engineer Chief Building official Plan Review ©liver Roan, SE, ICG Structural Engineer Plan Review Roger Peterson, SE Sr. Structural Engineer Plan Review Annette Mayfield, EIT, CASp, ICC Certified Access Specialist Plan Review Gabriela Scott, ICC Plan Review inspection Andrew Burke, CASp, ICC Certified Access Specialist Plan Review Inspection Randy Brumley, ME Mechanical Engineer Plan Review Dirk Hofheinz, EE Electrical Engineer Plan Review Dave Marcum, CASp, ICC Certified Access Specialist inspection Artemio Orozco, CBO, ICC Building official Inspection CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer NV Registered Professional Civil Engineer ID Registered Professional Civil Engineer UT Registered Professional Civil Engineer ICC Certified Building official ICC Building Plans Examiner CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer CA Registered Professional Structural Engineer ICC Building Plans Examiner CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer CA Registered Structural Engineer ID Registered Civil Engineer ID Registered Structural Engineer ICC Building Plans Examiner ICC CA Building Plans Examiner Certified Access Specialist Engineer -in -Training ICC Accessibility Inspector/Plans Examiner ICC Building inspector ICC Building Plans Examiner ICC CA Building Plans Examiner ICC CA Commercial Building Inspector ICC CA Residential Building Inspector ICC Building Plans Examiner ICC Residential Building Pians Examiner ICC Residential Building Inspector ICC Residential Electrical Inspector ICC Residential Mechanical inspector ICC Residential Plumbing Inspector ICC Residential Combination Inspector ICC Permit Technician Certified Access Specialist CA Registered Professional Mechanical Engineer CA Registered Professional Electrical Engineer Certified Access Specialist ICC Building Inspector ICC Mechanical Inspector (UMC) ICC Plumbing Inspector (UPC) ICC Residential Combination Inspector Licensed General Contractor ICC Certified Building Official ICC Building Inspector ICC CA Commercial Building Inspector ICC CA Residential Building Inspector INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP C37948 018414 P-14808 8317415-2202 1999 1999 C33484 S3173 0858283 C46096 53846 C8225 S8225 8018477 8018477 CASp-538 EIT-130173 1132495 1132495 1132495 1132495 1132495 1132495 8250398 8250398 8250398 8250398 8250398 8250398 8250398 8250398 CASp-710 M37959 EE16365 CASp-179 818128 818128 818128 818128 426240 5299397 5299397 5299397 5299397 20 SECTION 6 References COMPARABLE CONTRACTS Below is a list of clients to which Interwest staff provides comparable building and safety services. CLIENT SCOPE OF WORK City of Agoura Hills Building Plan Review & Building Inspection City of Anaheim Building Plan Review, Building Inspection & Permit Technician City of Buena Park Building Plan Review City of Chino Hills Building Inspection City of Corona Building Plan Review and Building Inspection Interim Building Official, Building Plan Review, Building Inspection, Interim Public City of Costa Mesa Works Director, Engineering Plan Review, Construction Management& Inspection City of Covina Building Plan Review& Building Inspection Building Official, Building Plan Review, Building Inspection & Permit Technician; City of Eastvale Engineering Plan Review, Construction Management and Inspection City of Hemet Building Plan Review & Building Inspection City of Indio Building Inspection Building Plan Review, Building Inspection, Engineering Plan Review, Grading City of Irvine Inspection, Engineering Counter Services City of Lake Forest Building Official, Building Plan Review, Building Inspection & Permit Technician City of Long Beach Building Plan Review & Inspection City of La Quinta Building Plan Review City of Monterey Park Building Plan Review City of Montclair Fire Plan Review City of Murrieta Building Official, Plan Review & Inspection City of Palm Springs Building Inspection Building Official, Building Plan Review, Building Inspection & Permit Technician; City of Pomona Engineering Plan Review, Construction Management and Inspection Services City of Rancho Cucamonga Plan Review & Inspection City of Redlands Plan Review & Inspection City of Rialto Plan Review City of Santa Clarita Assistant Building Official, Plan Review, Inspection & Permit Technician Services City of South El Monte Building Plan Review City of South Gate Building Plan Review City of Upland Building Official, Building& Fire Plan Review, Inspection, Permit Technician City of Vernon Plan Review & Inspection Buildi ng Officia 1, Building Plan Review, Building Inspection, & Permit Technician; City of Wildomar Engineering Plan Review, Construction Management& inspection Services Building Plan Review, Building Inspection, Construction Management & City of Yorba Linda Inspection County of Los Angeles Building lnspection&Permit Technician County of Mono Building Plan Review County of Riverside Building Plan Review, Building Inspection, Engineering Plan Review I NTERWEST zt CONSULTING GROUP CLIENT REFERENCES The Southern California client references listed below may be contacted to verify Interwest's experience and qualifications. CITY OF EASTVALE Michele Nissen, City Manager 951.361.0900 1 mnissen@eastvaleca.gov 12363 Limonite Ave Suite 910, Eastvale, CA 91752 CITY OF POMONA Mark Lazzaretto, Former Director of Planning, Housing, & Building 626.308.2800 1 Mlazzaretto@sgch.org 505 S Garey Avenue I Pomona, CA 91766 CITY OF LAKE FOREST Gayle Ackerman, Director of Development Services 949.461.3460 1 gackerman@lakeforestca.govl 25550 Commercentre Drive I Lake Forest, CA 92630 CITY OF WILDOMAR Gary Nordquist, City Manager 951.677.77511 gnordquist@cityofwildomar.org 23873 Clinton Keith Rd # 201, Wildomar, CA 92595 CITY OF SANTA CLARITA Frank Oviedo, Assistant City Manager 661,255.49011 foviedo@santa-clarita.com 23920 Valencia Blvd., Ste. 140 1 Santa Clarita, CA 91355 INTERWEST 22 CONSULTING GROUP co (V Wn o W ice to �zz ccI.- W -' N Zo t. IN= SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FULL SERVICE CLIENTS City of Eastvale 12010 - Present Interwest Consulting Group performed a variety of services which EA§" resulted in the delivery of efficient and cost effective services to the t' newly incorporated City of Eastvale. These services included: (1) the gathering of essential information and key data which served as the basis for confirming service area responsibilities for the City of Eastvale, (2) preparation of fiscally prudent and conservative p„a operating budgets and, (3) identified cost effective, efficient, and - innovative methods of providing Public Works, Planning, Building and Safety activities and services transitioned from the County of Riverside. Since incorporation of the City of Eastvale on July 1, 2010, Interwest has created and implemented necessary systems and processes to provide the following services: ✓ City Engineering ✓ Development Engineering and Entitlements ✓ Transportation Planning ✓ Traffic Engineering Services ✓ Building Department Administration city of Pomona 12009 - Present ✓ Building and Safety Code Compliance ✓ Plan Review and Inspections ✓ Drainage Engineering ✓ Geographic Information Systems ✓ Real Estate Acquisitions Services Interwest Consulting Group began serving the City of Pomona [population 160,000] in September 2009. Traditionally a full service city, Pomona examined a number of cost saving strategies including contracting for services that had historically been provided by in-house staff. Interwest Consulting Group successfully transitioned all building and safety services from the city's in-house staff and implemented new, streamlined processes and procedures. The change resulted in a higher level of service for the city's customers at a significant cost savings to the city. We currently provide the following on-site services: ✓ Building Official ✓ Building Plan Review ✓ Building and Safety Inspections ✓ Permit Technician ✓ Housing Abatement Enforcement ✓ Front Counter Support ✓ Administrative Services ✓ Construction Management fINTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP 24 City of Lake Forest 12009 - Present In April 2009, Interwest Consulting Group began providing turn -key tAK o� building and safety services to the City of Lake Forest (population 82,000). �►S'� Recognizing the value and cost benefits attributable to employing a contract services model, the City has contracted for building and safety services since its incorporation in 1991. Interwest Consulting Group provides a complete team of on-site professionals that provide all SER xo' building and safety services—blending seamlessly with existing city staff. We provide a full time building official, building plan reviewers, building inspectors and building permit counter technicians. Staffing levels are adjusted based on changes in construction activity to ensure that (1) revenue plus expenditures are monitored to ensure that building and safety activities are general fund neutral and (2) a high level of customer service is maintained. Interwest Consulting Group successfully transitioned services from the previous service provider and continues to provide the following services: ✓ Building Official ✓ Permit Technician ✓ Building Pian Review ✓ Front Counter Support ✓ Building and Safety Inspections ✓ Administrative Services City of Witdomar 12008 - Present Prior to incorporation, on July 1, 2008, Interwest Consulting Group worked on initiatives to gather essential information and data which served as the basis ��0 wrzv'o for confirming service area responsibilities for the City of Wildomar. We a� prepared fiscally prudent and conservative operating, budgets and identified cost effective and innovative processes for providing public works, planning, building and safety activities and services transitioned from the County of r4ry Riverside. Since incorporation of the City of Wildomar on July 1, 2008, Interwest and processes to provide the following services: ✓ City Engineering ✓ Development Engineering & Entitlements ✓ Transportation Planning ✓ Public Works Inspection ✓ Traffic Engi nee ri ng Se rvices ✓ Building Department Administration ✓ Building and Safety Code Compliance ✓ Building Plan Review and Inspections ✓ Code Enforcement ✓ Drainage Engineering ✓ Geographic Information Systems ✓ Information Technology ✓ Real Estate Acquisitions Services ✓ Grant Writing Services I NTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP 25 SECTION 7 Litigation lnterwest Consulting Group does not have any pending or previous litigation over the past five years related to ou r fi rm's work. iNTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP 26 SECTION 8 Compensation Schedule COMPENSATION SCHEDULE FOR BASE SERVICES We propose to provide comprehensive building department services to the City of Rosemead for a fee of 54% of the combined monthly building permit and plan check fee revenue charged by the City based on the current adopted fee schedule for Building Department services. This percentage fee will include: on-site, full time building official services four days per week; all plan review services for architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, energy, plumbing, accessibility, green building standards, geotechnical review and seismic design as applicable, including offsite plan reviews performed by qualified staff and in house, over-the-counter plan review services a minimum of five hours per day, four days per week; a qualified, full time permit technician four days per week; and a full time senior combination building inspector onsite 7AM to 6PM Monday through Thursday, and 7AM to 12PM on Fridays. This percentage also includes processing and inspection of City projects at no extra cost, For services beyond those Identified above, we propose to utilize the following hourly rates. SCHEDULE OF HOURLY BILLING RATES CLASSIFICATION HOURLY BILLING RATE Certified Building Official.............................................................................................................$130 Licensed Plan Review Engineer (Struct., Mech., Elect., Civil, Grading).......................................135 ICCCertified Plans Examiner...........................................................................................................95 PermitTechnician............................................................................................................................ 65 ICC Certified Build€ng/ F€re Inspector..............................................................................................88 CASpServices.................................................................................................................................100 Interwest will transport plans between the City and our Regional Offices at no additional charge to the City. I NTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP 27 Resumes INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP APPENDIX 28 4 Terry Rodrigue, PE, TE Principal -in -Charge I President I Owner INTERWE$T CONSULTING Terry has over 35 years of experience in City Engineering, Clty Traffic Engineering, public GROUP works, operations, design and special district financing. He provides technical and www.intarwastgrp.cam strategic assistance and support to city managers, elected officials, and the community on public works programs, policies and activities, and projects. He has successfully negotiated and resolved sensitive, political, and controversial program, policy, staffing, E x P E R T 1 S E and project issues. His approach is to ensure he is meeting the needs of the client in the most effective and efficient way possible and to work with individual communities and City Transitions I Strategic Operations to focus on what is possible through creativity, expertise and relationships. City Engineering Public works Operations City Traffic Engineering BUSINESS EXPERIENCE Funding Districts Transportation Systems Interwest Consulting Group In 2002, Terry founded Interwest Consulting Group, a company dedicated to providing a E D u C A T 1 a N variety of services to local, State and Federal Government Agencies. Since that time, the MBA, University of Southern California company has grown to over 350 professionals and support staff providing services in the 1989 35, University of Maine, Western United States thorugh a network of 10 offices. Civil Engineering 1 1980 The services provided by the company include: REGISTRATIONS CERTIFICATIONS ✓ City Engineering State of Colorado Building and Safety Services Professional Engineer 130697 Electrical, Mechanical and Structural Engineering State of California Site Development Design Professional Civil Engineer 138694 Municipal Planning State of California Transportation Engineering Professional Traffic Engineer I T1497 ✓ information Technology ✓ Geographical Information Services P R o F E S 5 10 N A L A F F I L t A T 1 0 N 5 ✓ Real Property Acquisition American Society of Civil Engineers Project and Program Management Institute of Transportation Engineers PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE Director, Community Services and Director of Public Works Rancho Palos Verdes CA Terry was appointed interim Director for the City of Rancho Palos Verdes on two separate occasions. In both instances, this was to fill a staff vacancy on the City's Executive Management Team. The first assignment was as Director of Community Development which consisted of planning, building, code enforcement and view preservation. The second assignment was as the Director of Public Works which included the City's Engineering and Public Works Divisions. In both assignments, Terry reported to the City Manager and represented the Department at City Council and Planning Commission meetings. Terry provided leadership, overall direction and mentoring to Staff while assisting the City in recruiting a permanent Director. City Engineer Bell, CA Interwest has been supporting the city of Bell since November 2010. Terry began working with the city in December 2011, providing engineering services, which included managing all of the City's engineering, project management, traffic and construction management. This was an opportunity to assist Bell in its recovery process. He works closely with staff to maintain a high level of customer service and deliver quality plan reviews to the City. Director of Public Services Lincoln, CA As the Director of Public Works for the City of Lincoln, managed the daily operations of the following functions: 29 4✓ Engineering — including environmental permitting, GIS, Capital Project !Development and implementation and development plan review ✓ Wastewater Treatment—A 4MG0 tertiary wastewater treatment plan 1 N T E R W E S T CONSULTING Wastewater Collection — A complete wastewater collection system. GROUP Water Distribution —Tanks, reservoirs wells and a complete distribution system for the community water supply www.intarwostgrp.com ✓ Streets — Maintenance and management of 250 miles of streets including signals, signing and stripping and sidewalks ✓ Parks/Open Space/ Facilities — Maintenance and operation of all city parks, open space and facilities ✓ Transit—A local fixed route and Dial -a -Ride system. ✓ Solid Waste — Residential and Commercial solid waste collection and recycling program •r Airport— Operation and maintenance of municipal airport ✓ Construction Management — Managing and inspecting all public infrastructure construction. Worked as part of the City's executive management team to develop and implement a long-term staffing and reorganization plan and improve customer services. Assisted in resolving major outstanding claims and issues on several private development projects. Negotiated extensively with large land development entities. Worked with a multitude of funding sources including stimulus funding grants. Principal -in -Charge Transition Team Wildomar, CA Principal -In -Charge of the successful transition of public works, plannfn& building and safety, and code enforcement services from the County of Riverside to the City of Wildomar. ✓ Transfer of Services — The team, together with key Riverside County staff, developed detailed processes, protocols, delivery methods, and agreements necessary to accomplish the seamless and cooperative transfer of services. ✓ Management Systems — Developed and implemented management systems to monitor and track activities associated with planning and development entitlement reviews, engineering and building plan reviews, code enforcement cases, and street maintenance works orders. ✓ Budgets — Created fiscally prudent and conservative operating and capital improvement budgets based upon available funding sources and revenues. ✓ Departments — Oversaw and responsible for all aspects of public works, planning, building and safety, and code enforcement. Transition Manager I Contract Manager Engineering & Building Elk Grove, CA As the Manager of Engineering and Building for the City of Elk Grove, transitioned all Public Works and Building Department Services from Sacramento County to the City of Elk Grove. Built a staff of 60 people within 9 months and led the transition of the following services from Sacramento County: ✓ Public Works Plan Checking ✓ Drainage ✓ Public Works Inspection ✓ Transportation ✓ Permit Issuance ✓ Street Maintenance ✓ Public Counter Operations Special Districts ✓ Capital Projects ✓ All Building Department Operations Contract City Engineer Westlake Village, CA As Contract City Engineer for the City of Westlake Village, prepared capital programs for improvements to City -owned facilities; supervised the preparation of plans, specifications and bidding; monitored the construction of capital projects; responded to citizen inquiries, reviewed development proposals and made presentations to City Council and citizen groups. 30 4 City Traffic Engineer Various Southern CA Cities Terry has served as Contract City Traffic Engineer for the Cities of Malibu, Rolling Hills I NTE R W EST Estates, Thousand Oaks, and Moreno Valley, In this capacity, he performed a variety of CONSULTING traffic investigations requested by citizens and City Council, reviewed developer plans GROUP and studies, developed and implemented traffic safety programs and policies, conducted traffic analyses and studies, and made presentations to traffic commissions, www.intorwestgrp.com C1tyCouncils and citizens groups. 31 4 Gilbert Petris Jr.,CBO, icc Project Manager 1 N T E R W E ST Gilbert brings over 35 years of building official, plan reviewer and building CONSULTING inspection experience. His progressive and extensive knowledge of the GROUP building industry and municipal organizations translates to efficient and effective services to our clients. www.1nterwestili rp.aam He served 23 years at the City of Signal Hill with his most recent work as E D U C A T 10 N their building official managing all administration and day-to-day operations of the building department. He gave special attention to Associate in Arts Building Inspection Technology developing and implementing several new procedures and processes that Coastline Community College resulted in a more streamlined and organized approach to plan review, Various courses inspections, budget and inter -department functions. His role also required California State University, Los Angeles close collaboration with City Council, public works, planning and community development staff. Emergency Management California Specialized Training Institute Gilbert is an excellent supervisor and communicates effectively with co- workers, architects, engineers, property owners, and the general public, R E G I S T R A T 1 o N S CERTIFICATIONS both verballyd In He Is known for his patience intelligence, ann writing. pence an�+ + and ability to advise and interpret building codes and standards from small International Code Council 1822420 to complex projects. These qualities deliver strong results when managing ICC Certified Building official ICC Residential Plans Examiner a building department. ICC Combination Inspector ICC Building Inspector PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE ICC Electrical Inspector Building Official ICC Mechanical Inspector 2013 - Present Interwest Consulting Group I CA ICC Plumbing Inspector ICC Combination Dwelling Inspector Serves Southern California clients in the capacity of building official California—Safety Assessment Program managing all aspects of the #wilding department; including timely plan reviews, thorough inspections, accurate permit issuance and other administrative duties. Building Official 2010-2013 City of Signal bill I CA Managed all aspects of the building department including; budget, plan reviews, inspections, fee calculations, building processes, oil field services, staff mentoring and management. Conferred with architects, contractors, builders, oil operators and the general public in the field and office; explained and interpreted building requirements and codes to ensure compliance. Oversaw field inspections of industrial, commercial and residential buildings during all stages of construction to confirm compliance with all codes and regulations of the city, county, state and federal agencies. Collaboratively worked with City Council members and all department heads. Attended City Council and Planning Commission Meetings. Principal Building Inspector 1990-2010 City of Signal Hill I CA Responsible for Building Official duties including managing the budget, fee calculations, plan checks and plan check processing, oil field inspections and other various duties at the City of Signal Hill. As a principal building inspector he performed complex inspection duties in several trade specialties such as structural, electrical, mechanical, plumbing and finish trade areas; ascertained conformance to the California building, plumbing, 32 33 mechanical and electrical codes, and pertinent provisions of State and County health, environmental and oil code ordinances. Conducted field review of plans and specifications; ensured proper installation of complex building systems. Assisted in zoning, general land use and code i N T E R W E ST enforcement inspections. CONSULTING GROUP Participated in Housing Rehabilitation Program activities; conferred and provided technical assistance to home owners; performed inspections and www.interwestgrp.eom Identified deficiencies. Conferred with architects, contractors, builders, oil operators and the general public in the field and office; explained and interpreted requirements and restrictions; issued permits for work to be performed; provided technical assistance to other department staff. Building Inspector/Public Works Inspector 1981-1990 City of Los Alamitos I CA Performed skilled inspection work to building, housing, zoning, mechanical, plumbing and electrical codes and regulations governing new and existing buildings and housing construction remodeling, repair and use. inspected the methods and practices for the installation of structural components, fire and life safety features and systems, electrical plumbing and electrical systems. Inspected excavation drainage systems. Answered inquiries and maintained records of inspections activities. Made pre -site inspections for permit applications and coordinated inspections with other agencies and organizations. Inspected mobile homes and mobile home parks. Responsible for repair and maintenance of all City streets, buildings and parks. 33 4 Edward Cooke, cAm, wo, icc Certified Building Official INTERWEST Ed is a Certified Building Official with a wealth of code and building department CONSULTING knowledge and nearly 20 years of progressive experience serving municipalities in GROUP Southern California. Throughout his career Ed has successfully managed all www. 1nterwestgrp.00m aspects of building department services including plan checking, staff training, supervision of inspection staff, and inspection services. E D U G A T 1 O N Ed is dedicated to maintaining his knowledge of building codes and construction Leadership Academy, practices by attending various training seminars and workshops. He brings hands - City of Carona on experience with a proven record of maintaining a high standard of quality and Corona, CA productivity ensuring successful project completion. 2010 Organizational Leadership and Ed makes a solid contribution by developing firm partnerships with staff, Conflict Resolution Management developers, and the public to achieve the goals of our clients. He maintains a Development Certificate productive environment by delivering a high level of customer service in a 2009 professional manner. He is highly valued as a creative problem solver, as well as Construction Technology, an engaging and amiable leader. Riverside Community College Riverside, CA PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE 2008 Rockhurst University Building official, Inspector Supervisor and Plans Examiner Kansas City, Mo 2010 - Present Interwest Consulting Group ICA 2004 During his time with Interwest, Ed has served the needs of multiple clients. Most Associated Technical College recently Ed has served as Building Plan Review Manager for the City of Corona. Ed 1988 has also served the City of Pomona as a Senior Inspector and Plans Examiner and A E G 15 T R A T 1 O N S the City of Costa Mesa as an Inspection Supervisor. Ed has extensive experience C E R T I F I C A T I O N S scheduling and training staff, providing over-the-counter and complex plan review, and inspecting residential and commercial projects of all sixes. He has international Code Council 15050260 ICC Building Official also supervised schedules & workloads for inspection and permit staff; performed ICC Building Plans Examiner non-structural plan check for code compliance; and corresponded with the public ICC Building Inspector & City staff on issues or tasks needed to fulfill department duties. Additionally, Ed JCC Plumbing inspector provides continuing education for staff, public, contractors, engineers, & UPC Plumbing Inspector ICC Residential Electrical Inspector architects as -needed to provide guidance within code parameters. IAPMO Mechanical Inspector 1090505 Building Inspector II California DES Certified SAP Evaluator 2002-2010 City of Corona I CA Ed handled inspections for all phases of residential and commercial projects. He P R O F E S S 10 N A L AFFILIATIONS performed Ian check permit Issuance front counter and corresponding, p P , P , P g. IAPMO Orange Empire Chapter Chairman Customer service, planning and public works assistance pertaining to building permits, and investigative processes for code enforcement of municipal codes International Code Council (ICC) National Member and practices. Ed also trained staff and public on building codes, updates, and general information for successful project completion. international Code Council (ICC) Orange Empire Chapter Member Building inspector 1 2000-2002 SFA & Associates I CA Ed provided entry-level inspections for residential and commercial permits. He enforced all State and City codes for compliance with approved plans. Superintendent of Custom Homes Division 1997-2000 Executive Plumbing, Heating & Air I CA Ed installed plumbing for new structures including homes, tilt up buildings, and new tract model projects. Scope of work included project approval, plan drawings, product purchase, installation, completion of product, and customer service as needed. 34 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP WWW. Interwestorp.Gom E D U C A T 1 O N Architecture I Drafting, Los Angeles Pierce College PC 832 (Arrest) Modules Modules 1 & 3 (Code Enforcement), Ric Hondo College REGISTRATIONS CERTIFICATIONS International Code Council 15173156 ILC Bullding Inspector ICC Residential Electrical Inspector ICC CA Commercial Building Inspector ICC CA Residential Building Inspector ICC CA Residential Electrical Inspector ICC CA Residential Plumbing Inspector ICC Residential Plumbing Inspector Oscar Barraza, ICC Senior Combination Building Inspector Oscar brings nearly 20 years of construction industry experience with more than 15 years as a Senior Combination Building Inspector and Code Enforcement Officer. He is highly knowledgeable of Housing and Zoning Ordinances, and has worked in the both the public and private sectors. He understands the significance of project schedules, which has served as an important asset in ensuring the timely delivery of all projects. Oscar possesses excellent communication skills in both English and Spanish, and provides a high-level customer service in a professional manner. He is extremely organized which has allowed him to multi -task while providing thorough inspection services. 5 PEC I Fl C P R O J ECT E X P E 11111 E N C E Senior Combination Building Inspector 2012— Present Interwest Consulting Group) CA Performs inspections of commercial and residential construction, including building, plumbing, electrical and mechanical. Building Inspector I Code Enforcement Officer 2010-2012 JAS Pacific I CA Conducted residential and commercial inspections in Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Building fields. Investigated building standards and land usage to ensure that municipal and county laws for such works were followed. Disaster Safety ASsesSment-CA Building Inspector I Code Enforcement Officer No. SAPC51147 2003 —2009 City of Palmdale I CA Emergency Management System Institute Conducted residential and commercial inspections in Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, and (FEMA), Incident Command System Building fields. Responsible for scheduling and monitoring Inspections for single and multi - incident Management System family residences through the Residential Rental Unit program. Investigated building standards and land usage to ensure that municipal and county laws for such works were followed. Construction Supervisor 2002— 2003 California Restoration Construction I CA Responsible for supervision of restoration projects throughout the Los Angeles area. Contracted and supervised all types of trades at the jobsite. Construction Supervisor 1998 —2002 Financial Interior Design I CA Coordinated and scheduled subcontractors. Diagnosed problems of any type or trade. Coordinated services of Deputy Inspectors. 35 Eller College of Management, University of Arizona Mark Hankinsan, icc Southwest Leadership Program in Queer -the -Counter Plans Examiner I N TE R W E ST Mark spent 15 years as a Senior Plans Examiner for Pima County, reviewing CO NS U LTI N G commercial and residential plans, ensuring building plan review work is in GROUP compliance with State and local building regulations. Mark worked with Bachelor of Architecture building inspectors to resolve field related code issues, provided customer www. in torwesISrp.cam support for zoning and building questions, and performed structural ICC Commercial Building Inspector calculations for beam loads on residential projects and review of structural E D U C A T 10 N calculations submitted. Eller College of Management, University of Arizona Mark also had 19 years of experience as an Architect, working on many Southwest Leadership Program in building types; hospitals, warehouses, banks, tenant improvements, hotels, Management and Organizations, 2009 churches and residential. He is an effective team member and leader, ICC Accessibility Inspector/Plans Examiner supervising office staff or supervising individual teams, and has the proven University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota ability to communicate effectively with all other internal and external Bachelor of Architecture disciplines. Bachelor of Environmental Design Mark reviewed plans primarily for zoning and building, plumbing, electrical ICC Commercial Building Inspector PROJECT SPECIFIC EX PE RI E N C E REGISTRATIONS Plans Examiner CERTIFICATIONS 2017 - Present Interwest Consulting Group I CA International Code Council i 3111273 Mark provides diverse plan review services to multiple Interwest clients. ICC Accessibility Inspector/Plans Examiner ICC/AACE Property Maintenance & Housing Senior Plans Examiner Inspector 2001-2017 Pima County ( AZ ICC Residential Building Inspector Mark reviewed plans primarily for zoning and building, plumbing, electrical ICC Commercial Building Inspector and mechanical requirements on a five-day review schedule. He also ICC Building Plans Examiner reviewed and issued permits for assisted living homes and group homes, ICC Building Inspector Wastewater Sewer Connections permits, and Building and Zoning permits, ICC Residential Mechanical Inspector in addition to reviewing solar permits. He is familiar with online submittals ICC Residential Plumbing Inspector using Project Doxs and the County's Adobe system to review all permit ICC Commercial Plumbing Inspector submittals that have plans. iCC Plumbing Inspector Architect 1982-2001 Various Architectural Firms Mark worked at various sized architectural firms with up to 200 employees. He learned a great deal of knowledge about architectural plans and the process for reviewing plans. Mark ensured plans were complete and compiled with building codes and requirements of various states and jurisdictions. 36 Sylvia was a Nuisance Abatement Team (NAT) Coordinator responsible for effectively coordinating the code enforcement efforts of multiple County agencies, Including Regional Planning, Public Health, Animal Control, DA and Sheriff's to abate more difficult Housing Code violations and public nuisance conditions. Inspects rehabilitation projects to ensure compliance with current code requirements and zoning ordinances; assists the Permit Technician with the permit process in relations to Code Enforcement Cases, assist customers at public counters; prepares reports and maintains records related to code inspection. Building Permit Technician 2011-2012 Consultant --County of Los Angeles Sylvia advised and assisted the general public including architects, engineers, contractors, developers, and homeowners with technical information concerning building permit requirements and procedures to comply with State, County, and City laws and building codes. She performed the final review of forms, permit applications, bonds, easements, waivers, and affidavits for accuracy, completeness and compliance with all pertinent laws and codes prior to permit issuance. She also issued appropriate permits using the Development and Permit Tracking System (DAPTS) or similar computer-based program and balances daily collection transactions. Additionally, Sylvia read and interpreted portions of plans for building projects and advised the public at the counter and by telephone on matters pertaining to building codes, construction plan requirements, zoning regulations and other information that may be requested. She coordinated routing, filing, and logging of plans, permits and workers' compensation insurance certificates to appropriate sections or agencies, and computed charges for building permits using standardized fee tables and formulas. Sylvia received fees, and balanced and recorded daily cash transactions. She also trained employees involved in the issuance of building permits. Receptionist 2010-2011 Apple One (Temp) I Henderson, NV Sylvia greeted visitors, entered new students into Iris system, assisted the Marketing Secretary and Executive Secretary with tasks as needed, and helped to administer the Admissions Exam to potential students. 37 Sylvia Holloway, icc 4 ICC Certified Permit Technician I NT E R W E 5 T With nearly 20 years of experience working as a government employee, Sylvia has CONSULTING cultivated a valuable level of industry expertise, from working the public counter and GROUP issuing all required permits to owners, architects, contractors and engineers, to answering multi -phone lines and assisting public with building code requirements. Additionally, her www.interwestgrp.com 12 years as an Agency Processor/Construction Coordinator has givers her experience on both sides of the counter. This has allowed her the opportunity to analyze typical scenarios, propose creative solutions, and develop good rapport with Governing Agencies R E G I S T R A T I O N S and fellow employees. CERTIFICATIONS 20 -Hr. OSHA Certified PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE tnternatfonal Code Council 18169904 Permit Technician & Building inspector - ICC PeringInspector Technician ICC Residential Building In 2016—Present Interwest Consulting Group, Inc. I CA ICC Commercial Building Inspector Building Inspector (Code Enforcement) 2012-2016 Consultant — County of Los Angeles Sylvia was a Nuisance Abatement Team (NAT) Coordinator responsible for effectively coordinating the code enforcement efforts of multiple County agencies, Including Regional Planning, Public Health, Animal Control, DA and Sheriff's to abate more difficult Housing Code violations and public nuisance conditions. Inspects rehabilitation projects to ensure compliance with current code requirements and zoning ordinances; assists the Permit Technician with the permit process in relations to Code Enforcement Cases, assist customers at public counters; prepares reports and maintains records related to code inspection. Building Permit Technician 2011-2012 Consultant --County of Los Angeles Sylvia advised and assisted the general public including architects, engineers, contractors, developers, and homeowners with technical information concerning building permit requirements and procedures to comply with State, County, and City laws and building codes. She performed the final review of forms, permit applications, bonds, easements, waivers, and affidavits for accuracy, completeness and compliance with all pertinent laws and codes prior to permit issuance. She also issued appropriate permits using the Development and Permit Tracking System (DAPTS) or similar computer-based program and balances daily collection transactions. Additionally, Sylvia read and interpreted portions of plans for building projects and advised the public at the counter and by telephone on matters pertaining to building codes, construction plan requirements, zoning regulations and other information that may be requested. She coordinated routing, filing, and logging of plans, permits and workers' compensation insurance certificates to appropriate sections or agencies, and computed charges for building permits using standardized fee tables and formulas. Sylvia received fees, and balanced and recorded daily cash transactions. She also trained employees involved in the issuance of building permits. Receptionist 2010-2011 Apple One (Temp) I Henderson, NV Sylvia greeted visitors, entered new students into Iris system, assisted the Marketing Secretary and Executive Secretary with tasks as needed, and helped to administer the Admissions Exam to potential students. 37 Procurement Assistant/Administrative 2010 Kelley Technologies I Las Vegas, NV 4 Sylvia processed all Invoices, Packing Slips and Purchase order Receipts for payment on the Cosmopolitan Project. She issued non -check vouchers, made any corrections to I NTERW EST Purchase Orders as required and forwarded them to Cosmo/Deutche Bank for signature CONSULTING approval. She maintained the iog of all Purchase Orders processed and assisted the GROUP Accounting Supervisor in making collection calls on past -due invoices. www. Into rweatgrp.cam Document Control Coordinator 2007— 2009 Bergman, Walls & Associates I Las Vegas, NV She maintained logs for 4 Architectural teams that handled the Caesars Palace Additions, Majestic Star, Sahara Addition and Luxor T.1, s. She also maintained submittal and RFI logs; processed all submittals to various Consultants for review; scanned office copies of BFI's to our network drive; and filed office copies of Submittals and RFi's In appropriate files and books. Building Plans Administrator (Permit Expediter) 2004 —2007 CAMS Construction I Las Vegas, NV Sylvia submitted and processed Architectural Plans for Residentlal, Multi -Family and Commercial projects for approval with government agencies. She coordinated revisions with Architect and Engineers and resubmitted to agencies for approval. She also updated and maintained Permit/Tracking Logs; calculated and requested checks for Building and Sanitation permits; and coordinated all red line revisions with architects and engineers and submit for approvals in a timely manner. Finally, she notified and distributed all red line revisions to sub -contractors, entered commitments in Timberline, a tracking software, and verified that change orders would not affect plan changes. Construction Coordinator (Permit Expediter) 2003 —2004 Engle Homes/Trophy Homes I Las Vegas, NV In this position, Sylvia coordinated with engineers, plan checkers and architects to ensure plans would be approved in a timely manner. She conducted weekly safety inspections on all on-going projects and tracked plans submitted to Cities of North LV, LV, Henderson and Clark County. By better understanding agency requirements and ensure documents were complete, she reduced Plan Check processing time by more than 60% and resulted in significant cost reduction for the company. Agency Processor (Permit Expediter) 1999--2002 KB Homes 3 Las Vegas, NV Building Permit Technician II 1984-1999 County of Los Angeles — PW Dept. Sylvia processed and issued Building, Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical and Sewer, Swimming Pool and Miscellaneous Permits to contractors, homeowners and Architects. She also reviewed single story residential additions under 600 sq. ft. and verified that additions met all zoning setbacks and Building Department regulations. She assisted approximately 5 other District Offices in training employees with their computer- generated permit system, enabling a smooth transition and assisting with any complications astheyarose. Intermediate Typist Clerk 1980-1984 Los Angeles County Public Works 38 4 Mark Berg, mo, icc Riverside City College Offslte Plan Checker I N T E RW E ST Mark is an ICC Certified Building Official, Plans Examiner and Building CONSULTING Inspector with experience performing life -safety, architectural, GROUP mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and structural reviews in residential, WWW. Interwestgrp.com multi -family and commercial projects. Mark has successfully guided department staff with inspection and plan review of all phases of complex ICC Certified Building Offlclal ICC Certified Building Code Officlal construction projects. He is experienced utilizing building department E x P E R T 1 5 E permit tracking software and managing all common building department Building Plans Examination responsibilities, including plan review, multi -discipline inspections, plan Building Inspections review and inspection scheduling, field supervision, regulatory compliance, Codes& Regulations code interpretation, and project acceptance. Mark also makes a difference Code Enforcement to our clients and those he works with through his skills in complaint ICC Fire Inspector II resolution, problem solving, damage assessment and team building. EDUCAT10N Supervised staff coordination with cities, agencies and the public on CALBO— Damage AmessmentCommittee PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE Bachelors, Public Administration Building Official, Life Safety Plans Examiner & Building Inspector Minor in English California Baptist University 2017 - Present Interwest Consulting Group I CA 2003 Performing comprehensive plan review and Inspection services for client ICC—Administrative Committee NFPA—Building Systems Committee agencies. Reviews residential and non-residential plans for compliance Associates of Science, Construction Technology with California Building, Life Safety, Fire, Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical Riverside Community College Codes, Energy Standards, state and local building codes, policies, 1499 amendments, and ordinances. Associates, Physical Education Building Official Riverside City College 2015-2017 City of Redlands I CA 1483 Supervised staff coordination with cities, agencies and the public on REGISTRATIONS various Technical or legal aspects of programs. Performed the most C E R T I F I C A T 10 N 5 complex and difficult plan checks for both building and fire life safety. fnfernotfonalCode Council /0859362 Reviewed the new and existing codes and regulations and recommended revision to current ordinances, policies, and inspection methods to meet ICC Certified Building Offlclal ICC Certified Building Code Officlal new requirements. Investigated violations of building construction codes ICC Certified Fire Code Official and determined necessity for issuance of legal complaints. Prepared and ICC Building Plans Examiner responded to correspondence pertaining to code enforcement matters ICC Fire Plans Examiner including Notices and Orders to Comply, Abatement Notices, and requests ICC Combination Inspector ICC Building Inspector for Information. ICC Fire Inspector I Building Official ICC Fire Inspector II 2014-2015 City of Calton I CA A F F I L I A T 1 O N 5 Supervised staff coordination with cities, agencies and the public on CALBO— Damage AmessmentCommittee various technical or legal aspects of programs. Performed the most State Building Codes Committee complex and difficult plan checks for both building and fire life safety. CACEO Reviewed the new and existing codes and regulations and recommended CEC revision to current ordinances, policies, and inspection methods to meet ICC—Administrative Committee NFPA—Building Systems Committee new requirements. investigated violations of building construction codes IAPMO— CodeInterpretationCommitteesfor and determined necessity for issuance of legal complaints. Prepared and UPCUMC responded to correspondence pertaining to code enforcement matters IAEI including Notices and orders to Comply, Abatement Notices, and requests City of Riverside Parks, Recreations and Community Services Commission for information. Building Inspector Supervisor 2011-2015 City of Rancho Cucamonga I CA 39 Reviewed new and existing codes and regulations; recommended revision to ordinances, policies, and inspection methods when needed to meet new requirements or improve existing procedures. Developed, maintained, and I N T E R W E 5T distributed resource material, including guidelines for code interpretation CONSULTING to ensure uniform methods of inspection and enforcement. Oversaw the GROUP plan examination process, inspections, documentation activities and the development process. Provided customer service at the front counter as www.Interwestgrp.com well as on the telephone for code interpretations, plan submittal and permit issuance. Supervised entire inspection staff and reviewing the quality and quantity of work produced. Performed the most complex and difficult plan checks for both building and fire life safety. Building Official (JAS Pacific) 2010-2011 City of EI Monte & Hawaiian Gardens I CA Oversaw staff coordination with cities, agencies and the public on various technical or legal aspects of programs. Performed the most complex and difficult plan checks for both building and fire life safety. Reviewed the new and existing codes and regulations; recommended revision to current ordinances, policies, and inspection methods to meet new requirements. Investigated violations of building construction codes and determined necessity for issuance of legal complaints. Code Enforcement Officer (JAS Pacifica 2009-2010 City of Desert Hot Springs f CA Supervised the day-to-day operations of the Code Compliance Department. Monitor Code Compliance staff to make sure they have met and responded to the Department's customer service objectives, standards and goals and follows procedures and policies of the department and division. Served as the liaison between the City Departments and the City Attorney's Office regarding code compliance cases requiring legal action. Conducted field checks and monitored certain businesses and properties relative to a variety of mitigation measures imposed as part of the discretionary zoning/land use process. Prepared and responded to correspondence pertaining to code enforcement matters including Notices and Orders to Comply, Abatement Notices, and requests for information. Building Official 2006-2009 City of Norco f CA Supervised staff coordination with cities, agencies and the public on various technical or legal aspects of programs. Performed the most complex and difficult plan checks for both building and fire life safety. Reviewed the new and existing codes and regulations and recommended revision to current ordinances, policies, and inspection methods to meet new requirements. Investigated violations of building construction codes and determined necessity for issuance of legal complaints. Building Division Manager 2004-2006 County of Riverside I CA Handled difficult public relations problems, directs investigations of complaint or problems, and recommends resolutions. Assisted in arranging and conducting classroom and on-the-job training sessions for the technical personnel and counter staff. Advised the inspectors on alternate methods of construction in specific instances; provided expert advice and recommendations to both the building inspectors and public. Supervised 40 the plan examination process, inspections, documentation activities and the development process. Principal Building Inspector / Chief Disabled Access Compliance 4 2003-2004 County of Riverside j CA I N T E R W E ST Performed the most complex and difficult plan checks for both building CONSULTING and fire life safety. Developed, maintained, and distributed resource GROUP material, including guidelines for code interpretation to ensure uniform methods of inspection and enforcement. Developed and implemented www.interwentgrp.eom classroom and on-the-job training sessions for technical personnel. Reviewed technical documents for completeness; reviewed commercial buildings and all related technical documents; prepared reports and conferred with other professionals in the field of work. Building Inspector Supervisor 2001-2003 County of Riverside I CA Reviewed new and existing codes and regulations; recommended revision to ordinances, policies, and Inspection methods when needed to meet new requirements or improve existing procedures. Developed, maintained, and distributed resource material, including guidelines for code interpretation to ensure uniform methods of inspection and enforcement. Supervised the plan examination process, inspections, documentation activities and the development process. Provided customer service at the front counter as well as on the telephone for code interpretations, plan submittal and permit issuance. Supervised entire inspection staff and reviewed the quality and quantity of work produced. Performed the most complex and difficult plan checks for both building and fire life safety. Building Inspector II 2000-2001 City of Irvine I CA Inspected residential, commercial, and industrial projects to comply with the UBC, UMC, UPC and the NEC along with the State Energy codes and Disabled Access Regulations. Reviewed commercial construction plans and related technical documents for completeness; prepared reports and met with other staff members In the field of work. Performed the most complex and difficult plan checks for both building and fire life safety. Plans Examiner - Sr. Building Inspector 1991-2000 City of Irvine I CA Inspected residential, commercial, and industrial projects to comply with the UBC, UMC, UPC and the NEC along with the State Energy codes and Disabled Access Regulations. Reviewed commercial construction plans and related technical documents for completeness; prepared reports and met with other staff members in the field of work. Performed the most complex and difficult plan checks for both building and fire life safety. Plans Examiner - Sr. Building Inspector 1991-2000 City of Temecula I CA Oversee the plan examination process, inspections, documentation activities and the development process. Provide customer service at the front counter as well as on the telephone for code interpretations, plan submittal and permit issuance. Have the ability to review technical documents for completeness, ability to review commercial buildings and all technical documents for them as well, prepare reports and meet with other professionals in the field of work. Have the ability to supervise entire staff and review the quality and quantity of work produced. Performed the most complex and difficult plan checks for both building and fire life safety. 41 Ron planned, directed and managed activities for a large 120 -person building department with oversight responsibilities for construction inspections and plan review of 18,000 permitted projects annually. He planned, organized, administered and evaluated staff work. Other duties 42 Ron Beehler, SE, CBO Building Official j Pian Review Support Director of Building Safety Services N T E R W E S T CONSULTING Ron utilizes experience gained through more than 35 years of hands on GROUP experience performing life safety, accessibility and structural plan reviews www.interwastgrp.com to successfully manage building departments, building department services and high-profile building projects on behalf of public agencies E D U C A T 10 N throughout California. Ron's experience includes establishing and coordinating on-site building department services for large multi -building Gra oTechnirkiEngine projects and unique fast paced development projects. Ron has served as ringural andGeduate and Gee -Technical Engineering California State University Sacramento Chief Building Official for multiple California public agencies including Bs, Civil Engineering interim assignments. Ron has also provided building department Cal lforniaState University, Chico assessments on behalf of municipal clients to identify inefficiencies and AA, Physical Science implement best practice improvements. Butte College, Oroville, CA Licensed as a Civil and Structural Engineer in California and Nevada, R E G I S T R A T I O N 5 certified by the International Code Council as a Building Official, Plans C E R T I F I C A T I O N S Examiner and Building Inspector, Ron is uniquely qualified to evaluate and Structural Engineer manage all building department services. His background includes the State of California I SE 3632 position of Chief Building Official with the City of Sacramento directing a Professional Civil Engineer staff of 120 engineers, plan reviewers and building inspectors, Chief of State of California I CE39404 Engineering Design and Construction for the California National Guard and Structural Engineer Senior Structural Engineer with the Office of Statewide Health Planning State of Nevada I SE019992 and Development (OSHPD). Professional Civil Engineer State of Nevada I CE019992 Ron is dedicated to maintaining his knowledge of California building codes, International Code Council 180178-9 laws and regulations related to building department operations. He I CC and CABO Certified Building Official frequently lectures and presents classes an technical topics on behalf of ICC/ICBOPlans Examiner professional organizations including CALBO and multiple International ICC/ICBO Building Inspector Code Council Chapters throughout California and other western states. Lecturer on Building Code Related Topics Ron attends structural and building code symposiums, lectures, and training classes on a regular basis to ensure up-to-date knowledge of California Licensed General and Electrical Contractor building code requirements as they relate to state-of-the-art building National Earthquake Hazard Reduction design practices. Program Training PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE California Construction Law Training Director, Building Safety Services Construction Claim Mitigation Training 2006 -Present Interwest Consulting Group I CA Leadership Training Ron provides direct oversight of ail Building Safety services including A F F I L I A T 10 N S coordination of all plan review and building inspection services, ensuring A C C O M P L 15 H M E N T S timely and responsive services. Ron works with building officials for our Past President of San Joaquin ICC Chapter full-service clients to insure timely and efficient services. Ron also manages of Building Officials and provides direct oversight of plan review and inspection services for Vice president of Napa Solano ICC Chapter large, complicated and fast paced projects on behalf our public agency Multiple Term Board of Director Member clients. for the Sacramento Valley Association of Building OfficiaIs Chief Building Official 2003-2006 City of Sacramento I CA Ron planned, directed and managed activities for a large 120 -person building department with oversight responsibilities for construction inspections and plan review of 18,000 permitted projects annually. He planned, organized, administered and evaluated staff work. Other duties 42 included report writing and presentations to community groups, city 4 council and professional organizations, and planning and administering a budget of $13.6 million. I NTi R W E Si Supervising Engineer I Building Inspection Division CONSULTING 2002-2003 City of Sacramento I CA GROUP Ran supervised plan review, managing plan Intake and public counter www.interwastgrp.com functions for 2 regional permit centers, trained and mentored staff, met with architects and engineers to resolve building code related issues, coordinated plan review for high profile projects, and worked with field inspection supervisors and inspectors. Regional Compliance Officer I Senior Structural Engineer 1998-2002 CA State Office of Statewide Health Planning & Development Ron supervised regional hospital inspection program coordinating field inspection staff and approval of special inspection issues. He resolved complicated code related inspection issues, and reviewed plans, specifications and structural calculations for healthcare facilities. Ron consulted with architects and engineers to resolve complex code interpretation issues. He researched and investigated structural adequacy of building materials and manufactured products, and verified proper loads, forces and materials for the design of buildings and equipment anchorage. Chief of Facilities Engineering 1991-1998 California National Guard ICA Ron supervised and planned work for engineering design and project inspection staff, developed scope and budgets for projects, directed preparation of plans from preliminary design through working drawings, coordinated and approved project specifications and cost estimates, negotiated and approved project changes, coordinated inspection activities, resolved inspection disputes, represented National Guard/Military Department at public meetings, conducted plan review for projects designed by consultants, and presented design concepts and final designs. Associate Structural Engineer 1987-1991 CA State Office of Statewide Health Planning & Development Ron reviewed construction plans and specifications for new hospitals and skilled nursing facilities for California Building Code and UBC requirements, met with architects and engineers to resolve plan review issues, reviewed field changes, investigated and resolved construction conflicts and other administrative duties. Associate Engineer I Architect 1983-1987 Sacramento County Building Dept/Plan Review Division Ron reviewed construction plans and specifications, and structural calculations for building code compliance, reviewed plans for residential, multi -residential, commercial and industrial structures, and met with designers to resolve code issues related to commercial and residential structures. 43 EDUCATION PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE 8S, Civil Engineering University of Hawaii Assistant Engineer Manna, HI 2015 — Present Interwest Consulting Group 2013 As an Assistant Engineer, Kevin has designed a number of pavement rehab projects, Construction Project Management handled citizen requests for service, provided construction administration and inspection Prestressed Concrete Design on construction projects and worked with the team's Associate Engineer on Project Supplemental Graduate Funding including Prop C, Measure R, Gas Tax, STPL and Grant projects. Kevin has also Coursework, 2013 provided plan review on development projects and undertaken preliminary engineering REGISTRATIONS studies to address infrastructure issues. Kevin is an adaptable individual Who addresses C E R T I F I C A T 10 N S new challenges exceptionally well. CA Registered Civil Engineer 168495 Civil/Structural Engineering Intern/Civil Designer Qualified $WPPP Developer (QSD) 2013-2014 Sato & Associates, Inc. Collaborated with a team of professional engineers to develop civil construction plans for various small to large scale commercial land development projects in various counties in the State of Hawaii. Performed calculations and prepared reports for grading, erosion control, drainage, storm water quality, and water and wastewater systems as required for permit acquisition. Coordination with municipal agencies to address submittal review comments and compliance issues during approval process. Worked independently on at least five small projects (under 5 acres) simultaneously, throughout design phase with minimal supervision. Highlighted Projects for Sato & Associates include: 41 Kalialinui Bridge repair: structural analysis and reinforcement design • Kapahulu AveJKihei Place Parking Lot: Drainage, grading, site planning, and storm water quality • Lanihau Shopping Center: drainage, grading, and utilities (fire, water, sewer) • Nimita McDonald's: storm water quality • Park Lane Ala Moana: site planning and utilities (fire, water, sewer) • Puhi Warehouse: drainage, grading, site planning, and utilities (fire, water, sewer) • Puunene Shopping Center: utilities (fire, water, sewer) • Quality General Baseyard: utilities (fire, water, sewer) • Services Rentals Kona: drainage, grading, site planning, and utilities (fire, water, sewer) • Wasa Electrical New Building: drainage and storm water quality Engineering Student Intern 2011-2013 Hawaii Department of Transportation -Highways Division Assisted with coordination between branches to provide division Deputy Director with ongoing project status updates. Researched and produced documents to support Deputy Attorney Generals in highway -related litigations and for document requests granted by Hawaii's public records law. Developed GIS -like database to utilize Google Earth to store geographical information of data for traffic incident related claims. Occasionally offered assistance to other branches to expedite completion of project tasks. 44 Kevin Ko, PE, Qsu 4 Professional Civil Engineer INTERWEST Kevin has multiple years of experience providing civil engineering services. His projects CONSULTING included services for drainage, grading, site planning, storm water quality and utility GROUP projects for jurisdictions. His many years of working with others is evident in his ability to provide excellent service to clients and complete tasks in an accurate, timely and friendly www.interwestgrp.com manner. EDUCATION PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE 8S, Civil Engineering University of Hawaii Assistant Engineer Manna, HI 2015 — Present Interwest Consulting Group 2013 As an Assistant Engineer, Kevin has designed a number of pavement rehab projects, Construction Project Management handled citizen requests for service, provided construction administration and inspection Prestressed Concrete Design on construction projects and worked with the team's Associate Engineer on Project Supplemental Graduate Funding including Prop C, Measure R, Gas Tax, STPL and Grant projects. Kevin has also Coursework, 2013 provided plan review on development projects and undertaken preliminary engineering REGISTRATIONS studies to address infrastructure issues. Kevin is an adaptable individual Who addresses C E R T I F I C A T 10 N S new challenges exceptionally well. CA Registered Civil Engineer 168495 Civil/Structural Engineering Intern/Civil Designer Qualified $WPPP Developer (QSD) 2013-2014 Sato & Associates, Inc. Collaborated with a team of professional engineers to develop civil construction plans for various small to large scale commercial land development projects in various counties in the State of Hawaii. Performed calculations and prepared reports for grading, erosion control, drainage, storm water quality, and water and wastewater systems as required for permit acquisition. Coordination with municipal agencies to address submittal review comments and compliance issues during approval process. Worked independently on at least five small projects (under 5 acres) simultaneously, throughout design phase with minimal supervision. Highlighted Projects for Sato & Associates include: 41 Kalialinui Bridge repair: structural analysis and reinforcement design • Kapahulu AveJKihei Place Parking Lot: Drainage, grading, site planning, and storm water quality • Lanihau Shopping Center: drainage, grading, and utilities (fire, water, sewer) • Nimita McDonald's: storm water quality • Park Lane Ala Moana: site planning and utilities (fire, water, sewer) • Puhi Warehouse: drainage, grading, site planning, and utilities (fire, water, sewer) • Puunene Shopping Center: utilities (fire, water, sewer) • Quality General Baseyard: utilities (fire, water, sewer) • Services Rentals Kona: drainage, grading, site planning, and utilities (fire, water, sewer) • Wasa Electrical New Building: drainage and storm water quality Engineering Student Intern 2011-2013 Hawaii Department of Transportation -Highways Division Assisted with coordination between branches to provide division Deputy Director with ongoing project status updates. Researched and produced documents to support Deputy Attorney Generals in highway -related litigations and for document requests granted by Hawaii's public records law. Developed GIS -like database to utilize Google Earth to store geographical information of data for traffic incident related claims. Occasionally offered assistance to other branches to expedite completion of project tasks. 44 Responsibilities included plan review for residential, industrial, commercial and miscellaneous structures for both engineering and non -engineering issues. Worked with outside engineers, architects and other consultants to coordinate and resolve plan review related issues to expedite permit processing and field problem resolution. Helped junior engineers, inspectors and front counter staff to resolve any code related issues. Principal Engineer 1980-1983 Parsons Corporation II CA 1987-1999 Responsibilities included design of steel and concrete structures for petro- chemical plants, gas plants and industrial facilities. Prepared and checked structural design calculations, cost estimates and construction drawings. Extensive use of in-house computer programs and other structural programs in preparing calculations and drawings. Supervised four to six junior engineers and CAD operators in producing construction documents. Prepared cost estimates and man-hour estimates for future and ongoing projects. Senior Engineer 1983-1987 Sargent and Lundy I CA Work included design of steel and concrete structures for nuclear power plant buildings. Prepared structural calculations for reinforced concrete and steel structures for reactor building and auxiliary building per NRC requirements. Worked on job site for two years to resolve construction problems and coordinated field activities. Chandra Desai, PE Offsite Plan Checker Chandra has more than 30 years of experience in structural engineering, I N T E R W E ST CONSULTING which includes design of structures for residential, commercial and GROUP industrial facilities. He has designed steel and concrete structures for nuclear, petro -chemical and gas plants. His experience also includes more www.interwestgrp.com than 15 years of plan checking for the County of Riverside for engineering and non-structural plans for all types of buildings. E D U C A T I O N Chandra has a calm, diplomatic management style where he concentrates Master of Science Civil & Structural Englneering on the complicated task at hand resolving issues and solving problems University oflllinois quickly and easy to the satisfaction of all parties involved. Champaign, IL PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE R E G I S T R A T I O N S Plan Check Engineer C E R T I F I C A T 1 o N 5 2014 -Present Interwest Consulting Group I CA CA Professional Civil Engineer 147213 Chandra serves a variety of clients on a contract basis providing International Code Council J 5123683 comprehensive plan review services. His recent projects include several iCC Building Plans Examiner industrial tilt -up buildings in Mira Loma, track homes for various developers, and the Racetracks in Palm Springs. Performed Electronic Plan reviews for City of Santa Clarita and Pomona. Pian Check Engineer 1999 - 2014 County of Riverside ICA Responsibilities included plan review for residential, industrial, commercial and miscellaneous structures for both engineering and non -engineering issues. Worked with outside engineers, architects and other consultants to coordinate and resolve plan review related issues to expedite permit processing and field problem resolution. Helped junior engineers, inspectors and front counter staff to resolve any code related issues. Principal Engineer 1980-1983 Parsons Corporation II CA 1987-1999 Responsibilities included design of steel and concrete structures for petro- chemical plants, gas plants and industrial facilities. Prepared and checked structural design calculations, cost estimates and construction drawings. Extensive use of in-house computer programs and other structural programs in preparing calculations and drawings. Supervised four to six junior engineers and CAD operators in producing construction documents. Prepared cost estimates and man-hour estimates for future and ongoing projects. Senior Engineer 1983-1987 Sargent and Lundy I CA Work included design of steel and concrete structures for nuclear power plant buildings. Prepared structural calculations for reinforced concrete and steel structures for reactor building and auxiliary building per NRC requirements. Worked on job site for two years to resolve construction problems and coordinated field activities. 4 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.Interwostgrp.com EDUCATION Masters In Science Civil Engineering with specialization in Structural Engineering Design California State University, Sacramento 1988 Bachelor of Science Civll Engineering Callfornia State University, Sacramento 1985 REGISTRATIONS CERTIFICATIONS CA Professional Civil Engineer 143757 NV Professional Civil Engineer 120795 International Code Cauncii 1861125 ICC Building Plans Examiner Sal Kaddvrah, PE, ICC Offsite Plan Checker Sal is a registered engineer with over 30 years of industry and municipal experience, serving major metropolitan governmental agencies throughout Southern California. He spent 18 years of his career serving the Southern California City of Manhattan Beach, beginning as a Senior Plan Check Engineer and progressing to become the City's Building Official and filling in as the Director of Community Development as -needed. This has given him valuable perspective on and respect for working in a municipality at multiple levels. This Insight allows him to problem solve and work effectively within this environment to the satisfaction of existing City staff, the development community and the general public. Over his career, Sal has cultivated expertise and a proven track record of providing City clientele with thorough and accurate reviews on a multitude of projects scopes and scales. Sal continues to stay current and well-informed of the latest techniques and technologies to ensure client satisfaction and effective communication. PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE Senior Plan Check Engineer 2015 — Present Interwest Consulting Group I CA Sal serves a variety of clients on a contract basis providing comprehensive plan review services. Sal also, fills in as a building official, as needed. Building Official 2011-2015 City of Manhattan Beach i CA In this position, Sal supervised and managed the Building and Safety Division, including Plan Check, Inspections, Permit Processing and Code Enforcement. He ensured that construction or alteration work was being done according to approved plans and in accordance with the Provisions of Building Codes. Sal also supervised staff and provided training and guidance to perform required job duties and tasks. He prepared reports and conducted presentations for the City Council, City Manager, City Departments, Boards and Commissions, other Public Agencies, and Private Design and Development Sectors. He also performed complex plan checks for large commercial and residential projects, and worked with the design team to ensure proper code compliance for the final design. On occasion, Sal filled in for the Director of Community Development Department, which Involved running the Department operations and managing the Department personnel. Principal Plan Check Engineer 2000-2011 City of Manhattan Beach ICA He was in charge of all plan check, and inspection activities within private property of the City. The work included all construction activities, i.e.: Commercial, Industrial and Residential buildings within the City Ilmits. Sal was also responsible for building code development and other code interpretation issues. He managed and supervised permit processing staff and plan check Engineers; provided technical training for staff pertaining to construction codes; and provided technical Code interpretations for the design and construction community. Senior Plan Check Engineer 1997-2000 City of Manhattan Beach E CA Sal performed plan checks for commercial and residential projects to ensure full compliance with California State codes and City amendments. He provided the Building Official with all technical engineering and life -safety interpretations and decisions on issues related to architectural, structural, disabled access, and energy standards. 46 Associate Plan Check Engineer 4 1990-1997 City of Sacramento I CA Sal performed commercial, residential, and industrial plan checks for the City, as well as I N TE R W E ST complex construction inspections, including plan check and inspections of high-rise CONSULTING buildings and large arenas. He provided code training to plan check engineers and GROUP inspection staff, as well as members of the design and construction community. www.interwestgrp.corn Design Engineer 1995-1990 William Merkel Associates I CA In this role, Sal performed structural design for hospitals, schools, commercial, industrial and residential structures. He was in charge of design and construction projects from initial design phase to completion, including construction costs, budgeting and all related construction issues. Graduate Assistant 1985-1988 California State University, Sacramento I CA Sal assisted a professor in the Engineering and Science Department with engineering lectures, He also tutored graduate engineering students and graded homework assignments, tests, and engineering reports. 47 INTERWEST CONSULTING GROUP www.interwastgrp.com E0UCAT10N Bachelor of Science Architectural Engineering California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 2011 Master of Arts Art History UnlversityofCal ifornla, Riverside, CA 2015 Emphasis In 19th & 20th century American archltectural history, urbanism, and historic preservation REGISTRATIONS CERTIFICATIONS CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer No.83448 Internatfonot Code CouncH 18033780 iCC Building Plans Examiner Sandra Schmitz, PE Offsite Plain Checker Sandra is a registered Civil Engineer with nearly 10 years of experience, eager to continue learning and growing in the industry. She has already gained valuable experience in both the public and private sector, from performing complex structural analysis and calculations, to internally managing the plan check approval process. PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE Plan Check Engineer 2016 - Present Interwest Consulting Group I CA Sandra has been providing plan review services for the Cities of Pomona, Upland and Lake Forest. Sandra utilizes her code knowledge and engineering skills to facilitate efficient plan review services on behalf of the clients she serves. Historic Preservation Intern 2015-2016 City of Ontario, Planning Department I CA In this position, Sandra conducted research for the designation and removal of properties from local historic resource databases. She assisted with planning community outreach events including the creation of invitations, brochures, press releases, and a photo calendar. Sandra also updated the local California Historical Resources Inventory Database (CHRID) with Ontario landmark and historic district properties, and performed survey of current parking availability and building use in downtown Ontario. PROF ESS IONAL Project Engineer & CAD Draftsman A F F I L I A T 1 0 N S 2012-2014 RM Byrd & Associates Engineering I CA Adjunct Professor of Architecture, California Baptist University, Riverside, CA Sandra performed complete structural analysis and design of new wood, August 2015—January 2017 steel, and masonry construction including fire stations, office buildings, and educational facilities. She designed structural renovations for existing buildings including tenant improvements and seismic rehabilitations, and participated in construction administration. During this time, she also managed the plan check approval process for projects submitted to city building departments as well as projects submitted to the Division of the State Architect. She also produced complete sets of structural AutoCAD drawings. Project Engineer & CAD Draftsman 2011-2012 EW Webb Engineering I CA As a project engineer, Sandra performed structural calculations for wood - framed residential structures as well as concrete, masonry, and steel commercial projects. She assisted in multiple phases of architectural and structural design for new construction in addition to renovations and additions to existing structures. It was her responsibility to produce complete sets of structural AutoCAD drawings. 48 Senior Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing Plan Review Engineer 2015 - Present Interwest Consulting Group I CA Plan reviewing for Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and Energy Engineering for some of the state of California cities such as Long Beach, Pomona, Tustin, Corona, Rossville, Lake Forest, Monterey Park, Irvine, Fresno, county of Napa, and city of Sanger. Projects include midrise Residential and Hotels with subterrain parking garages, manufacturing facilities, wineries, industrial facilities including hazardous areas, shopping centers, private medical facilities, private schools, Port of Long Beach Pier and Terminal facilities including medium voltage distribution system, pump station projects and administration buildings, midrise office buildings, oil and gas facilities, regular shell and T1 for various facilities, restaurant and fast food entities, retails and grocery stores. Lead Senior Electrical Peer Review Engineer 2013-2015 FTRNV. International / SBG Jeddah I CA In this position, Hossein was in charge of reviewing and commenting on documents and specifications prepared by design consultants, as well as final construction documents and shop drawings prepared by contractors. He provided technical comments for implementation within the package before submitting them for construction. He was addltionally responsible for the review and verification of electrical loads of manufacturer material submittals for HVAC and plumbing systems; review of medium and low voltage distribution systems single line diagrams for normal and 49 Hossein Afrouxeh, ME, EE Offsite Plan Checker 1 NTE RW E 5T Hossein is a licensed electrical and mechanical engineer with a rich CONSULTING GROUP background in the industry, including over 10 years of construction experience and over 35 years of design, construction management support www.intevwestgrp.com experience, and plan review engineering. He is a well-rounded project leader with strong interpersonal and communication skills with ability to lead a design team of Electrical, Mechanical, and Plumbing engineers to E D U C A F t O N adhere to the client and code requirements. He is familiar with the Masters of Science preparation of contract documents for mid -rise multi -residential, Engineering Science & Management, commercial, industrial, and educational buildings, and he has been California Polytechnic State responsible for the electrical system design for many projects from University Pomona, 1981 inception to completion including construction administration and Bachelor of Science commissioning of medium voltage power distribution systems, Electrical Engineering substations, lighting and power, fire alarm, and security systems. Tehran Poly Technique/Amir Kabir Hossein is organized and proactive, ensuring that projects are always University, 1971 moving forward. He is able to multitask and manage several projects at R E G 1 5 T R A T I o N S varying levels of development, and has the intuitive problem solving skills C E R T I F I C A T I O N S to identify project Issues and bring them to resolution quickly and CA Registered Mechanical Engineer effectively. Hossein has the interpersonal and communication skills to keep No. 27117 the client and design community apprised of a project's status, and he is CA Registered Electrical Engineer able to work in a complex technical environment, understanding and No. 11588 interpreting the impact of changes. His wealth of experience and breadth of expertise make his a true asset to any City. PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE Senior Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing Plan Review Engineer 2015 - Present Interwest Consulting Group I CA Plan reviewing for Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and Energy Engineering for some of the state of California cities such as Long Beach, Pomona, Tustin, Corona, Rossville, Lake Forest, Monterey Park, Irvine, Fresno, county of Napa, and city of Sanger. Projects include midrise Residential and Hotels with subterrain parking garages, manufacturing facilities, wineries, industrial facilities including hazardous areas, shopping centers, private medical facilities, private schools, Port of Long Beach Pier and Terminal facilities including medium voltage distribution system, pump station projects and administration buildings, midrise office buildings, oil and gas facilities, regular shell and T1 for various facilities, restaurant and fast food entities, retails and grocery stores. Lead Senior Electrical Peer Review Engineer 2013-2015 FTRNV. International / SBG Jeddah I CA In this position, Hossein was in charge of reviewing and commenting on documents and specifications prepared by design consultants, as well as final construction documents and shop drawings prepared by contractors. He provided technical comments for implementation within the package before submitting them for construction. He was addltionally responsible for the review and verification of electrical loads of manufacturer material submittals for HVAC and plumbing systems; review of medium and low voltage distribution systems single line diagrams for normal and 49 emergency networks; review and verification of medium voltage switching 4 stations, substations, and transformer rooms for physical layout and code compliance; review of project cable tray systems for low and medium 1 N T E R W E 5T voltage distributions; review of overall lighting and power distribution CONSULTING systems; prepared technical report for project surge protection device and GROUP lighting requirements to implement; prepared method statement for construction procedures and sequence of events for medium voltage www.interwestgrp.com switchgears and transformers for site construction crew to follow; preparation of systems voltage drop, short circuit and coordination system with Schneider Eco dial and ETAP software; review of overall system for constructability and provided with required refinements; periodic construction site visits for genera; QAQC and coordination. Principal & Director of Operations 1987-2013 Procedure Engineers, Inc. i CA He was responsible for the preparation of proposals for MEP engineering fee per architectural design development package and required scope of work; preparation of contract and negotiation with client, attending kick- off meeting with client and project team to refine scope of work and overall project time line; review required electrical system design and set up procedure and general guide line for assigned engineer to follow; review and plan check of prepared electrical drawings for code compliance, project requirements and specification; quality control and quality assurance of all MEP drawings or general conformity and coordination with all disciplines; attending progress meetings with client and other project team for coordination and scheduling; supervising of preparation of final project construction documents and bid package and helping client during bid; periodic site meeting for conformity of construction with contract documents; preparation of in-house procedure and guide lines for QC and QA; general over view of company personnel requirements including hiring and lay-offs; projects cost control and monitoring based on man-hour used on a bi-weekly basis; project scheduling, project management and day-to-day operation of team of engineers and designers; preparation computer software for basic electrical calculations. Electrical Department Manager 1984-1987 Malcolm Lewis Associates I CA In this position, he was responsible for providing man-hour estimates for electrical system design for all potential projects; attending project start- up meeting; preparation of design guide and general design development sketches for electrical designer to proceed with design; day to day supervising of electrical design team and coordinating design progress with other disciplines; attending client progress meeting and coordination with other design team; plan check electrical design package for code conformity and against other disciplines drawings for electrical requirements; prepare and update department design guide lines and procedures; review design drawings and construction documents for construction codes compliance and governmental regulations; project scheduling and project management. 50 While he was with this construction company, he was responsible for the review of MEP construction documents for major equipment for project construction cost estimates; the preparation of bid submittal for presenting to board of directors for approval and submit to government agencies; attending Bid opening meetings and processes; attending to contract award ceremony for getting to know all construction team players and client representative; the preparation of equipment and material submittals and submit to consultant for approval; ordering approved equipment with opening letter of credit with manufacturers which were mostly Europe and USA; the approval of requested purchase order from construction site per drawings and spec and material tracking; attending weekly construction progress meeting with all team players and client; construction site visit and verification of work in progress per design drawings and spec; preparation of monthly pay request per work done and review with client representative for approval; the preparation of required RFI's and process through proper channels and follow up for final direction; the preparation of punch list for closing of the project and check for required corrections; finalizing of the project and hand over to user groups of client. 51 Electrical Engineer & Department Deputy 4 1981-1987 Elliot Group I CA For this architectural and engineering company, Hossein was in charge of INTERWEST the preparation of preliminary, conceptual, design development and CONSULTING working drawings for mostly commercial and industrial buildings. He also GROUP reviewed and commented on electrical designer's drawings for code conformity and scope of work. He was the electrical project manager for www. in to rw e s t g rp. c o m governmental projects and performed site investigation for existing electrical system for new renovations. He met with clients to discuss project progress in different design stages for their review comments and preparation of required answers. He also assisted the Department Manager with day to day issues and providing with required solutions, and trained electrical designers with new code requirements and electrical calculations. Technical Director & Construction site Liaison 1973-1979 Modern Osloob ICA While he was with this construction company, he was responsible for the review of MEP construction documents for major equipment for project construction cost estimates; the preparation of bid submittal for presenting to board of directors for approval and submit to government agencies; attending Bid opening meetings and processes; attending to contract award ceremony for getting to know all construction team players and client representative; the preparation of equipment and material submittals and submit to consultant for approval; ordering approved equipment with opening letter of credit with manufacturers which were mostly Europe and USA; the approval of requested purchase order from construction site per drawings and spec and material tracking; attending weekly construction progress meeting with all team players and client; construction site visit and verification of work in progress per design drawings and spec; preparation of monthly pay request per work done and review with client representative for approval; the preparation of required RFI's and process through proper channels and follow up for final direction; the preparation of punch list for closing of the project and check for required corrections; finalizing of the project and hand over to user groups of client. 51 BIII Tewik, PE, Case, CBO OffsDte Plan Checker INTERWEST CONSULTING Bill is a registered engineer and CASp professional with more than 36 GROUP years of industry experience, including 23 years serving the City of www.Intorweatgrp.com Garden Grove's Building Division. PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE EDUCATION Bachelors ofsclence Plan Check Engineer I Certified Access Specialist Civil Engineering 2016 - Present Interwest Consulting Group I CA Alexandria University, Egypt Bill performs architectural and structural review of commercial, industrial, 1979 and residential buildings for compliance with State regulations and City REGIS T R A T I O N 5 ordinances pertaining to model codes, interacting with engineers, CER T I FI C AT O N S architects, contractors, developers, and property owners to provide CA Professlonai Civil Engineer I C50505 interpretation and assistance on building code related issues and assisting Certified Access Specialist (CASA) 1 367 counter personnel with permit issuance. Inferno tionelCode Council 1863.979 Building Official ICC Certified Building Official ICC Plans Examiner 2012-2016 City of Garden Grove I CA ICC Building Inspector Bill was responsible for the planning and managing of the daily operations of the City's Building Division, including the plan check section, permit counter and inspection activities. Bill also provided technical support to various City Departments regarding building related issues. He performed a variety of complex technical work to ensure compliance with applicable codes, and educated employees on different code topics. Plan Check Engineer 1993-2012 City of Garden Grove I CA In this role, Bill performed architectural and structural review of commercial, industrial, and residential buildings for compliance with State regulations and City ordinances pertaining to model codes, interacting with engineers, architects, contractors, developers, and property owners to provide interpretation and assistance on building code related issues and assisting counter personnel with permit Issuance. Contract Engineer 1991-1993 Freelance I CA During this time, Bill prepared plans and performed structural engineering consulting services for private clients. Project Engineer 1990-1991 McLean and Schultz I CA In the role of Project Engineer, Bill participated in various office projects including the design of steel structures and reinforced concrete foundations for Industrial facilities. Other duties included checking the stability of existing structures to meet the minimum seismic force requirement and structural design work for renovating existing structures (wood, masonry, concrete) to accommodate the revised architectural design. 52 Project Engineer 1997-1990 Battaglia Associates I CA Bill's responsibilities included the design of steel and reinforced concrete I NTERW EST structures for the "Lotte World" indoor and outdoor theme park in South CONSULTING Korea. He also reviewed engineering consultant plans to ensure GROUP compliance with the architectural design intent and coordinated with contractors in the field, solving problems which arise during the www.Interwastgrp.com construction phase. Project Engineer 1981-1987 Severud Associates I New York Responsibilities include designing steel and reinforced concrete buildings using various computer software programs, developing all structural details and checking shop drawings for conformance with AISC specifications and ACI codes. Preformed field inspection and supervision services during construction of various projects. Project Engineer 1980-1981 Mecan Arbed Company I Egypt Responsibilities included field supervision and survey work for the Sheraton Hotel during construction and preparing daily progress reports_ 53 California State University Long Beach supervising Plan Review Engineer I Project Manager I Building Official Long Beach, CA 2008 -Present Interwest Consulting Group California State University Fullerton Building Official, Plan Review Engineer and performs management oversight Fullerton, CA and comprehensive plan review for various jurisdictions, including Irvine and Continuing Education in Building Codes, Lake Forest. Structural Engineering & Performing Codes G E NE RAL EXP E R 1E NC E REGISTRATIONS - 16 years of experience as a Principal Engineer Certified Inspection and C E R T I F I C A T 10 N S Code Consultant CA Registered Professional Engineer - Acting Chief Building Official for the City of Morgan Hill 031619 - 20 years as a Senior Engineer for the City of Irvine Public Works and NV Registered Professlonal Engineer Community Development Departments; responsible for a large percentage 019497 of Irvine high-rise project management from inception to completion International Code Council j 806772 - 3 years experience Public Works construction surveyor experience for the City of Garden Grove; Multiple road widening projects ICBG/ICC Certified Building official - 4 years structural design experience Bristol Industry. ICBo/icc Building Plans Examiner Certified California Access Specialist - Private structural design 39 years. CAsp-258 SAMPLE PROJECTS AWARDS - Edward's Theaters Complexes: at the Cities of Paramount, Irvine and Tony Dormanesh, PE, CASA, CBO Norwalk Engineering Contribution Offsite Plan Checker NT E R W E S T Tony brings decades of Southern California knowledge and experience to CONSULTING the jurisdictions we serve. Tony spent 31 years In the City of Irvine with 20 GROUP years in the Department of Public Works and the Department of www.interwestgrp.com Community Development as a Senior Engineer. During this time, he also City of Irvine, 1994 served as the Acting Building Official for the City of Morgan Hill. E D U C A T 1 o N - UCI Center: 500,000 square feet of retail, office and entertainment space. B5, Civil Engineering Tony has 16 years of experience as a Principal Engineer Certified Inspector and California Polytechnrc University has worked as a Code Consultant. He is licensed in the States of California and Pomona, CA Nevada and is an ICC Certified Building official and Plans Examiner. University California Irvine Management of Hazardous Tony's background and familiarity with the design process keeps his plan Materials Certificate review skills sharp and insightful. His positive and personable attitude and willingness to help make him a valuable addition to any project team. AA, Architectural Drafting Los Angeles Trade Tech PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE California State University Long Beach supervising Plan Review Engineer I Project Manager I Building Official Long Beach, CA 2008 -Present Interwest Consulting Group California State University Fullerton Building Official, Plan Review Engineer and performs management oversight Fullerton, CA and comprehensive plan review for various jurisdictions, including Irvine and Continuing Education in Building Codes, Lake Forest. Structural Engineering & Performing Codes G E NE RAL EXP E R 1E NC E REGISTRATIONS - 16 years of experience as a Principal Engineer Certified Inspection and C E R T I F I C A T 10 N S Code Consultant CA Registered Professional Engineer - Acting Chief Building Official for the City of Morgan Hill 031619 - 20 years as a Senior Engineer for the City of Irvine Public Works and NV Registered Professlonal Engineer Community Development Departments; responsible for a large percentage 019497 of Irvine high-rise project management from inception to completion International Code Council j 806772 - 3 years experience Public Works construction surveyor experience for the City of Garden Grove; Multiple road widening projects ICBG/ICC Certified Building official - 4 years structural design experience Bristol Industry. ICBo/icc Building Plans Examiner Certified California Access Specialist - Private structural design 39 years. CAsp-258 SAMPLE PROJECTS AWARDS - Edward's Theaters Complexes: at the Cities of Paramount, Irvine and City Manager's Award for outstand Ing Norwalk Engineering Contribution - Irvine Spectrum Entertainment Center: 900,000 square feet, 47 acres City of Irvine, 1991 grading and building plan check Certificate of Accomplishment, City of - Kali Center Irvine: 6 -story, high-rise building, with over 1,500,000 square Irvine Chief Building official for feet and post -tensioned parking structures outstanding Accomplishment - Jamboree Center Irvine: 2,000,000 square feet high-rise building; provided City of Irvine, 1994 grading and building plan check - UCI Center: 500,000 square feet of retail, office and entertainment space. Developed computerized plan check project for the City of Irvine. 54 55 Tom Campbell, PE, CBO,1CG 4 Offsite Plan Checker Tom has nearly 40 years of experience in the industry and has participated at I N T E R W E ST the highest level in developing and disseminating the building codes with 15 CONSULTING years in management of ICBO's Education Program. He led and directed work GROUP assignments relating to the development of technical publications based on the www.intorwestgrp.com UBC, IBC and IRC for use in classroom training of architects, engineers, inspectors and code regulators. In addition, Tom delivered classroom E D U C A T I O N instructional material to code enforcement personnel, architects, engineers Bachelor of Science and contractors, and was a staff liaison and ICBG representative to one of five Civil Engineering code development committees charged with developing the 2000 International California State Polytechnic University Building Cade. San Luis Obispo, CA His experience in the industry includes four years in the evaluation of new REGISTRATIONS C E R T I F I C A T 1 0 N S building materials and methods of construction; six years In the design, detail CA Registered Professional Engineer and plan review stages of industrial, commercial and residential structures; and No.37948 over two years instruction of fundamental building design to graduate and NV Registered Professional Engineer senior level college architectural students. No. 18414 ID Registered Professional Engineer PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE No. 14808 Supervising Plan Review Engineer LIT Registered Professional Engineer 2006 - Present Interwest Consulting Group I CA No. $314715-2202 One of our longest standing Building and Safety professionals, Tom's key role is InternatfonatCode Councfi 11999 as engineer and lead plans examiner, performing comprehensive plan review ICC Certified Building Official and client relations services for Southern California. ICC Building Plans Examiner Senior Staff Engineer 1985 -1986 12004 - 2006 International Code Council I CA Reviewed technical test reports and prepared evaluation reports on the provisions of the ICC model codes. Developed test standards for products not in compliance with ICC codes. Acquisition & Development Technical Engineer 2002-2004 International Code Council I CA Developed, reviewed and recruited authors for technical publications for ICC model code compliance. Education Programs Manager 1988-2002 International Conference of Building, Officials Supervised and directed support and technical staff of 15, established and maintained department budget, and scheduled training programs throughout the US and internationally. Engineer 1980-1985 Fred Ashton & Associates I CA Performed structural design and details of industrial, commercial and residential structures, coordinated structural design with architects, and supervised draftsman. Lecturer 1980-1985 California State Polytechnic University Developed curriculum for and instructed graduate and senior level architectural students in various aspects of structural design. 55 56 Oliver Roan, se Offsite Plan Checker I N T E R W E ST Oliver possesses over 30 years of plan review and structural engineering CONSULTING experience bringing a considerable depth and knowledge to all projects. GROUP He has provided plan review services for a variety of commercial, industrial, and residential building designs in conformance with the www.intorwestgrp.com California Building Codes, City of Los Angeles Building Codes, and County of Los Angeles Building Codes. His structural design and project management E D U C A T 1 0 N experience includes various low to mid -rise commercial, industrial, and Masters residential buildings using wood, masonry, steel, and concrete Clvil Engineering/ Engineering Mechanics construction. California State University Fullerton Fullerton, CA He is a registered Structural and Civil Engineer in the State of California, Bachelors of Science, Civil Engineering and is an ICC Certified Building Plans Examiner. His background has Chung Yaun University provided him with the knowledge of city engineering policies and procedures, which is a proven asset when providing technical assistance to R E G I S T R A T I O N S engineers, architects contractors cit public. , city CERTIFICATIONS CA Registered Professional Structural Oliver has a strong work ethic, is detailed oriented, and enjoys both project Engineer teamwork and working independently. He is extremely skilled with the No. 53173 insight required for the successful completion of projects. CA Registered Professional Civil Engineer No.C33484 PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE international Code Council 1858283 Civil &Structural Engineer I Plans Examiner iCC Building Plans Examiner 2012 - Present Interwest Consulting Group ICA Provides plan review services for commercial, industrial, and residential projects for municipalities. Engineer Consultant 2010-2012 Various Clients I CA Provided contract engineering services for plan checking, building design, land -use and construction management for various residential alteration, addition, and commercial tenant improvement projects. Principal Civil Engineer 2008-2009 City of Newport Beach I CA Managed the City's Building & Safety Department plan check staff providing technical and code support to the staff and customers. Performed plan check services on complex projects. Participated in the development of the Department Standard Operation Procedures by preparing reports and letters. Principal Civil Engineer 2008 City of Tustin Supervised the Building Division and Community Development Department plan check staff in permit counter and plan check services. Responsibilities additionally included assisting inspectors in resolving field issues and the coordination of professional consultant work. Attended Planning Design Review meetings as the division representative. Structural Engineer I Supervisor 1989-2008 City of Los Angeles I CA Responsible for the management of plan check and permit services of San Pedro Branch Office. Provided technical advice to City staff in addition to 56 homeowners, engineers, architects, and construction communities. Responsible for the plan check services of various major structures and complex commercial and residential building design. Served as Plan Check Supervisor and Department Preliminary Plan Check Engineer providing N i E RTI E technical advice to the design communities for various projects for the CONSULTINGG GROUP Metro Office. www. 1nterwastgrp.cam Structural Engineer Consultant 1979-1989 Various Consulting Firms I CA Responsible for structural design and project management of various multi-level heavy commercial, industrial and residential buildings. This included a nine-story medical office building with concrete pan joist construction, crane runway steel metal buildings, shopping centers, warehouses, retail centers using concrete tilt-up or masonry construction, mini-storage warehouses using cold formed and composite steel construction, churches, gymnasiums, schools, town homes, tract houses, and custom mansions with timber construction. 57 68 Roger Peterson, SE Offsite Plan Checker With over 30 years of experience in structural design and plan review, Roger i N T E R W E 5T CONSULTING brings considerable depth and knowledge to any project. Roger has designed GROUP and provided plan review services for multi -story steel and concrete -framed buildings, as well as one-story structures utilizing steel, concrete, timber and www.interwestgrp.com masonry framing systems. His design experience includes schools, commercial and industrial projects, micro -chip production facilities, power plant E D U C A T 1 0 N installations and multi -family residential projects. Roger's expertise contributes Bachelor of Science to the success and safety of all projects. Civil Engineering University ofWyomrng PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE 1987 Senior Structural Engineer I Plans Examiner R E G I S T R A T I O N S 2006 - Present Interwest Consulting Group j CA CE RT IF IC AT 10 NS Roger performs structural plan review for industrial, commercial and CA Registered Structural Engineer 13946 residential projects for municipalities. He is also responsible for maintaining CA Reglstered Civil Engineer 146096 client relationships. ID Reglstered Structural Engineer 18225 Senior Structural Engineer Plans Examiner Branch Manager ID Registered Civil Engineer 19225 1999-2006 LP2A Bureau Veritas CA P R b F E S S 1 0 N A L Roger served as branch manager and lead structural plan reviewer for the A F F I L I A T 1 O N 5 Sacramento Area branch office. He was responsible for the production and Structural Engineers Association Northern performance of office including maintaining Client relationships. His duties California (SEAONCi included performing structural plan reviews for industrial, commercial and residential projects. Project Engineer 1999 Power Engineers, Inc. Roger was a project design engineer for industrial -type projects. He provided structural design and construction administration services. Project Engineer j Office Manager 1998-1999 R2H Engineering, Inc. Roger was the office manager and project design engineer responsible for the structural design of commercial projects. Project Engineer 1995-1998 Rutherford & Chekene Roger was responsible for providing design and detailing for commercial and Industrial type projects, including numerous projects in the micro -chip industry. Design Engineer I Project Engineer 1987-1995 DES Engineers & Architects Roger provided engineering design and detailing for commercial, institutional, corporate and residential building projects using wood, steel, concrete and masonry building materials. 68 4 Annette Mayfield, CASA Offsite Plain Checker INTERW EST CONSULTING Annette has over 11 years of experience performing life -safety, architectural, GROUP mechanical, plumbing, electrical, fire codes, accessibility and structural reviews www.interwestgrp.com in residential, multifamily and commercial projects, including specialty reviews of CSHPD 3 licensed clinics, industrial facilities, hotel/motels, residential care, E n u c A T 10 N and educational facilities. This valuable experience is also evident in that BS, Civil Engineering, Annette specializes in working directly with applicants, designers and California State Uniaersity,Fresno,CA jurisdictions, having successfully served multiple municipalities throughout May 2008 California and Nevada, with a focus in the central valley. REGISTRATIONS G E R T I F I C A T 10 N 5 She approaches plan review with her unique knowledge while balancing the international Code CouncilX8018477 delivery of timely and accurate reviews and remaining responsive and ICC Building Plans Examiner approachable to the public. Annette is extremely skilled in all disciplines ICC CA Building Plans Examiner required to successfully bring projects to approval. State of California Engineer -In -Training EITi1130173 PROJECT SPECIFiC EXPERIENCE Certified Access Specialist FsCASp-538 Senior Plans Examiner 2007 — Present Interwest Consulting Group j Fresno, CA Lead project manager performing comprehensive plan review and client relations services for Central California. Reviews residential and non-residential plans for compliance with California Building, Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical Codes, Energy Standards, Fire Codes, Green Building Standards Code, and California Accessibility Standards; state and local building codes, policies, amendments, and ordinances. 59 4 Gabriela Scott, icc Offsite Plan Checker 1 N T E RW E ST Gabriela has over 15 years of combined experience in Plan Checking, CONSULTING Construction and various Building Department entities. She is skilled in GROUP providing pian checks, as well building and fire sprinkler inspections for residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Gabriela has worked with local www. Into rwestgrp.aam agencies for compliance with current regulations to obtain permits for construction. E D U C A T I O N PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE Master in Green Building Science San Francisco Institute of Architecture Life Safety Plans Examiner Berkeley, CA 2013 - Present Interwest Consulting Group 1 Fresno, CA In Progress Gabriela reviews residential and non-residential plans for compliance with Construction Management California California Building, Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical Codes, Energy Standards & State University Fresno California Accessibly Standards; State & local building codes, policies, Fresno, CA amendments, and ordinances. 1994 Building Official Architecture and Construction 2013 City of Sanger I Building Department I CA Fresno City College Fresno, CA Responsible for overseeing Building Department. She provided plan review as 1991 well as inspection services for residential, industrial, and commercials developments to ensure compliance with building codes, ordinances and REGISTRATIONS regulations. Processed grading permits, elevation certificates and assisted on C E R T I F I C A T 1 O N 5 site plan reviews, in addition to issuing building permits. She provided international Code Council 11132495 customer service by phone and over the counter for home owners, builders iCC Accessibility Pian Examiner and general public on a daily basis. ICC Accessibility Inspector ICC Building Inspector Plans Examiner ICC Building Plans Examiner 2008-2013 County of Madera I Building Department I CA ICC California Building Inspector ICC California Residential Inspector Performed residential and commercial plan reviews to ensure compliance with ICC California Commercial Inspector California building codes, County ordinances and regulations. She assisted CABEC California Residential Contractors, architects, engineers and the general public with problems and Energy Examiner questions concerning construction and legal requirements. Responsible for No. ROB -09.1946 reviewing zoning and planning setback requirements. She also worked with FEMA, San Joaquin Air Pollution Control District, State Agencies HCD, DSA A F F I L I A T 10 N S requirements for accessibility. USGBC Central California Member Building Plans Examiner 2005-2006 Willdan I Consultants President San Joaquin ValleylCC Chapter Residential Plans Examiner 2017 2004-2005 City of Fresno I Building and Safety Division Building Permit Assistant & Building Inspector 1998-2004 County of Merced I Building Division Draftsperson/Permit Assistant 1996-1998 Western Homes 60 Andrew Burke, mos ICC Offsite Plan Checker 1 NT E R W E ST Andrew brings more than 18 years of Industry experience in plan review, CONSULTING inspecting, administration and estimating. His formal training in ICC codes, as GROUP well as on -the -jot, experience, helps him to provide thorough and accurate www.interwestgrp.ccrn commercial and residential plan reviews and inspections. Andrew's computer and customer service skills allow him to be very helpful as a permit technician. Andrew is an excellent asset to any building department both in the office and EDUCATION out in the field. Associates in Building PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE inspection Technology Butte Community College Plans Examiner I Certified Access Specialist (CASp) Oroville, CA 2013 - Present Interwest Consulting Group J Roseville, CA 2012 Provides life safety plan review for residential and commercial projects Associates in Mathematics including residential master plans, custom residential projects, commercial Butte Community College tenant improvement and remodel projects. Inspects residential and Orovllle, CA commercial buildings for compliance with California Building, Plumbing, 2012 Mechanical, Electrical Codes, Energy Standards and California Accessibly Standards; state and local building codes, policies, amendments, and CE RTI FI CATIONS ordinances. International Code Council j 8250398 ICC Building Plans Examiner Accessibility Inspector ICC Residential Plans Examiner 2012-2013 Disability Access Consultants I CA IGC Commercial Building Inspector 1CC Residential Combinatfon Inspector Inspected various buildings for accessibility compliance. ICC Residential Building Inspector ICC Residential Electrical Inspector Building Department Intern ICC Residential Mechanical Inspector 2012 Town of Los Gatos I CA ICC Residential Plumbing Inspector worked as an intern in various areas of a building department. Performed field ICC Residential Plans Examiner inspections and worked behind the counter as a permit technician. ICC Permit Technician Certified Access Specialist (CASp-79.0) Senior Estimator/Operations Manager 2008-2010 Lambard Enterprises Inc. Andrew provided written estimates for flooring in various types and sizes of buildings. As well, he managed the estimating department and used electronic software to read building plans. He oversaw the Northern California operations. Senior Estimator 2000-2008 CFI Contemporary Floors Inc. Provided written estimates for flooring in various types and sizes of buildings and used electronic software to read building plans. 61 Randy Brumley, ME 4- Offsite Plan Checker INTERWEST Randy is a Mechanical Engineer with more than 10 years' experience in CONSULTING design, development and production of complex industrial projects. GROUP Expertise in multiple materials including composites. Recognized for www.interwestgrp.com innovative development and creative design solutions. Accomplished in project management as well as interdisciplinary team building and leadership with proven record meeting challenging timelines and budget E D U C A T I O N requirements for design and manufacturing deliverables. University of California, Davis PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE Bachelor of Science Degree Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering Mechanical Engineer Plans Examiner 2017 - Present Interwest Consulting Group I CA REG ISTRATIO NS Randy is responsible for providing quality assurance plan review services C E R T I F t C A T 10 N 5 verifying compliance with City, State and Federal Codes and Requirements. Professional Mechanical Engineer Reviews include residential and non-residential plans for compliance with State of California I M37959 California Building, Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical Codes, Energy Standards, Fire Codes and California Accessibly Standards; State and Local R E C o 6 N I T 1 o N s building codes, policies, amendments, and ordinances. Mission Success Award 12013 Mechanical Engineer Provided project leadership on defense technology demonstration programs 2016-2017 CA Energy Commission I Sacramento, CA Mission Success Award 12010 Randy evaluated Acceptance Test Technician Certification Provider (ATTCP) Contributed to qualification of propellant applications for Title 24 compliance. Reviewed training materials and tanks for missile defense program procedures for acceptance testing of installed HVAC equipment. Randy Mission Success Award 12003 also provided technical assistance to local enforcement authorities, Recognition for contributions to critical contract awards Energy Analyst 2015-2016 CA Energy Commission I Sacramento, CA Randy performed comprehensive technical evaluations of Acceptance Test Technician Certification Provider (ATTCP) applications. Responsibilities included oversight of approved ATTCPs to ensure continued compliance to Title 24. Senior Mechanical Engineer 2007-2014 Aerojet Rocketdyne I Rancho Cordova, CA Randy provided technical expertise for industrial product development. He managed project scope, timellne, costs and quality. Randy was responsible for directing multi -discipline teams of engineers including mechanical, composite, electrical, manufacturing, systems and testing. Production Project Engineer 2006-2007 Aerojet Rocketdyne I Rancho Cordova, CA Randy handled product design and graphic user interfaces, analyzing components, reviewing design merits, and reverse -engineering componentry. He reviewed manufacturing assembly process and coordinating with Quality Assurance and Production teams ensuring production requirements and standards were being met consistently. 62 Mechanical Design Engineer 4 2004-2006 Aerojet Rocketdyne I Rancho Cordova, CA Randy designed composite pressure vessels and containers for industrial I NTERW EST and military use, working with composite materials including carbon fiber, CONSULTING fiberglass, prepreg, and epoxy resin. GROUP Associate Engineer www. interwestgrp.00m 2001-2004 AerojetRocketdyne I Rancho Cordova, CA Randy completed technical documentation, prepared reports, and archived data. Conducted structural analysis and presented findings at technical symposium. 83 R E G i S T R A T 1 0 N 5 Engineering Technician C E R T I F I C A T I O N S 2003-2006 Apparatus Unlimited Inc. I CA CA Registered Professional Electrical Dirk inspected and tested new and in -use electrical power distribution Engineer I EE16365 equipment and systems, including harmonic studies, transformer analysis, relays (ground fault, overcurrent, under voltage, phase sequence), switch gear assemblies, and Circuit breakers. He enforced NETA guidelines throughout all phases of testing. Electrical Engineer 1995-2006 Independent Contractor I CA Dirk directed local and remote office associates, Including supervising and reviewing staff work. He trained and developed designers and maintained deadlines. Dirk coordinated amongst architects, end users, mechanical, structural, plumbing, and civil engineers for new, remodel and major renovations of commercial facilities. Electrician 1984-1991 D.C. Halleran Electric I CA Dirk was a journeyman electrician for all aspects of housing and light commercial work. Draftsperson - Wireman 1979-1983 H & G Engineering Inc. I CA Dirk performed all phases of construction of control panels, from drafting and wiring, to on-site installation. 54 Dirk F. Hofheim, EE Offsite Plan Checker N T E R W E S T Dirk has over 25 years of experience performing electrical designs for facilities CONSULTING in California. His background includes all aspects of power, lighting, and signal GROUP for complete buildings, offices, department stores, restaurants, schools, and www. Interwestgrp.oem hospitals. Additional work experience includes design of MDF, server rooms and data centers including EPO shut down controls. Dirk's experience includes emergency back-up power systems including generators, inverters, and uninterruptible power supplies. Dirk is dedicated to maintaining his electric skills and knowledge of California building codes, laws and regulations related E D U C A T 1 0 N to his field. His expertise also includes AutoCAD, Energy Pro. Bachelor of Sclence Electrical and Electronic Engineering, PROJECT SPECIFIC E X P E R I E N C E Emphasis in Power Electrical Engineer/ Plans Examiner California state University, Sacramento 2005 -Present Interwest Consulting Group I CA Minor, BuslnessAdministration California State University, Sacramento Dirk provides electrical plan review services utilizing CA Building Codes, Regulations and Laws for various Northern California municipalities. R E G i S T R A T 1 0 N 5 Engineering Technician C E R T I F I C A T I O N S 2003-2006 Apparatus Unlimited Inc. I CA CA Registered Professional Electrical Dirk inspected and tested new and in -use electrical power distribution Engineer I EE16365 equipment and systems, including harmonic studies, transformer analysis, relays (ground fault, overcurrent, under voltage, phase sequence), switch gear assemblies, and Circuit breakers. He enforced NETA guidelines throughout all phases of testing. Electrical Engineer 1995-2006 Independent Contractor I CA Dirk directed local and remote office associates, Including supervising and reviewing staff work. He trained and developed designers and maintained deadlines. Dirk coordinated amongst architects, end users, mechanical, structural, plumbing, and civil engineers for new, remodel and major renovations of commercial facilities. Electrician 1984-1991 D.C. Halleran Electric I CA Dirk was a journeyman electrician for all aspects of housing and light commercial work. Draftsperson - Wireman 1979-1983 H & G Engineering Inc. I CA Dirk performed all phases of construction of control panels, from drafting and wiring, to on-site installation. 54 65 David Marcum, case, icc Building Inspector Support I NTERW EST David is an inspection professional with over 30 years of relevant, CONSULTING municipal building inspection experience. In addition to his years of GROUP practical expertise, he also possesses several ICC certifications, confirming www.interwastgrp.com his ability to inspect Mechanical, Plumbing and Residential projects, Notably, David is a Certified Access Specialist (CASp), making him uniquely qualified to assist our clients with accessibility compliance. EDUCATION PROJECT SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE Associates Degree Building Inspection Technology Building Inspector I Certified Access Specialist Coastline Community College 2015 - Present Interwest Consulting Group Fountain Valley, CA 1986 David performs complex building inspections for several of our Southern Californian clients, including most recently the City of Compton's Brickyard Certificate Project, City of Costa Mesa, and the City of Buena Park's accessibility Construction Technology Orange Coast College evaluation of a City facility. Costa Mesa, CA Supervising Building Inspector 1976 2008-2015 City of Garden Grove I CA E GIIS T R A T I O N S Senior Building Inspector CRERTFICATIONS 1989-2008 Certifled Access Specialist I CASA -179 For 26 years, David served the City of Garden Grove, first as a Senior InternationalCodeCouncil 1919128 Building Inspector and then as a Supervising Building Inspector role. During sec or ICC Building Inspector ICC Mechanical Inspector UMC this time, he was increasingly responsible for all commercial and ICC Plumbing Inspector UPC residential combination building inspection and performed advanced ICC Residential Combination Inspector duties including residential tract inspection, multi -family high-density projects including podium style construction. David performed commercial CA Licensed General Contractor 1426240 inspection on projects including high-rise residential, theaters, restaurants, P R O F E 5 5 1 0 N A L places of worship, and tenant improvements. He gained extensive AFFILIATION S experience in wood, steel, masonry, tilt -up, cast -in-place and type Wone- instructor- BuildingCodes hour, wood -frame construction practices. North Orange County Community College District (Part-time) 1996-2002 Building Inspector 1986-1989 City of Tustin I CA David performed residential and commercial combination building inspection and gained varied experience including restaurants, "clean - rooms," auto dealers, R/D facilities, light industrial, multi and single-family dwellings. 65 4 Artemlo (Art) Orozco, Jr. Building Inspector Support INTERWEST Art is a bilingual certified ICC Building Inspector and brings nearly 16 years of industry CONSULTING experience working closely with cities and school districts. Art's intimate experience GROUP with these entities allows him to bring clear understanding and considerable depth to www.interwestgrp.com any project, contributing to the timely completion and safety of all projects. Art makes a difference by developing solid partnerships with contractors, construction management E a u C A T 10 N firms, school districts and city representatives, architects and engineers to achieve the Various Construction Courses goals of the clients. He maintains a productive environment by providing thorough Rio Hondo College- Whittier, CA inspections and reporting, and by making accuracy and timeliness his top priorities. Bilingual — Read and write fluent Spanish P R O J ECT SP CC I F1 C E X P E R I EN CE Building Inspector R E G 15 T R A T 1 O N S 2013 - Present Interwest Consulting Group I CA C E R T I F I C A T I O N S Preforming comprehensive inspection services for client agencies. Reviews residential and lnternotionalCode Council 152993.97 non-residential plans for compliance with California Building, Llfe Safety, Fire, Plumbing, ICC Building Inspector ICC CA Commercial Building Inspector Mechanical, Electrical Codes, Energy Standards, state and local building codes, policies, ICC CA Residential Building Inspector amendments, and ordinances. Cal OSHA 16 Hour Asbestos and Lead Building Inspector Abatement Awareness Training 2010-2013 Various Cities I CA CA office of Emergency Services Scheduled and performed various construction inspections at job sites. Addressed Certified Safety Assessment Program contractor issues in a timely manner, which enabled projects to move forward quickly. (SAP) Evaluator Reviewed blue prints to ensure buildings were built to specifications and complied with building codes. Issued building permits. Conducted energy inspection audits. Site Supervisor 2008-2009 Osborn C.M. I CA Responsible for coordination of all facets of day-to-day construction management for new Music and P.E. Building at Sierra Vista High School in Baldwin Park Unified School District (BPUSD). Planned, organized and reported project activities including updates and progress to upper management. Ensured project was built in full conformance with contract documents and BPUSD quality standards. Managed schedule and budgets, and sign -off of construction punch list and closeout documents. Building Inspector 2007-2008 Various Cities I CA Routed and scheduled inspectors and visited job sites for construction inspections. Conducted daily SWPPP field inspections providing quality control for the City of Lake Forest Sediment Control regulations. Documented, filed and reported violations and kept reports of progress. Issued building permits and assisted with plan checking. Superintendent 2005-2007 Lundgren Construction Management I CA Performed site supervision of multiple prime contractors for classroom upgrades and modernization at Danbrook Elementary & Miller Elementary in Centralia Unified School District. Provided daily construction reports for weekly progress meetings. Resolved issues that would impact completion of projects on time. Worked closely with DSA Inspector to ensure timely completion of inspections. Quality Assurance Inspector/Assistant Construction Manager 2004-2005 TELACUI Construction Management ( CA Supervised project at Segerstrom High School in Santa Ana Unified School District. Responsibilities included daily head count of all contractors on site, coordinatedowith deputy inspectors for special inspections, was accountable for documentation of dally 4 INTE RWEST CONSULTING GROUP www. interwestgrp-com Construction progress and assisted construction managers with progress checklist and updating of construction as -built set of plans. Superintendent 2003-2004 Aurora Modular Industries I CA Oversaw one to five million dollar projects for Cerritos Community College and Fillmore & Alhambra Unified School Districts. On-site supervisor that ensured all construction work was completed in accordance with plans and specs. Wrote daily field reports, ordered materials and monitored construction activities. Attended weekly construction meetings with prime contractors, construction management firm, district representatives, architects and engineers. Superintendent 2002-2003 Ionic Construction I CA Directed modernization projects for Los Angeles and Burbank Unified School Districts. Ordered materials, wrote daily field reports, submitted RFI's and attended weekly construction meetings. 67 EXHIBIT C COMPENSATION Comprehensive Building Division services for a fee of forty-seven percent (47%) of the combined monthly net building permit and plan check fee revenue charged by the City based on the current adopted fee schedule for Building Division services. The "net revenue" consists of the base plan check and building permit fees as established by the most current Rosemead Comprehensive Schedule of Fees and Charges. The net revenue does not include added fees or charges, such as fines, penalties, and others where no added service is provided by the Consultant. For example, the net revenue does not include double fee fine for construction without a permit. Any plan check or permit refund issued by the City shall be accounted in the net revenue calculation. On extraordinary case where the City requests other services not included in the Agreement, Consultant shall obtain prior approval from the City Manager or designee for services to be performed. The City shall be in no obligation to provide compensation for work performed without advance approval. The Consultant shall include the current hourly rates in the proposal. C-1 EXHIBIT D INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Prior to the beginning of and throughout the duration of the Work, Consultant will maintain insurance in conformance with the requirements set forth below. Consultant will use existing coverage to comply with these requirements. If that existing coverage does not meet the requirements set forth here, Consultant agrees to amendsupplement or endorse the existing coverage to do so. Consultant acknowledges that the insurance coverage and policy limits set forth in this section constitute the minimum amount of coverage required. Any insurance proceeds available to City in excess of the limits and coverage required in this agreement and which is applicable to a given loss, will be available to City. Consultant shall provide the following types and amounts of insurance: Commercial General Liability Insurance using Insurance Services Office "Commercial General Liability" policy form CG 00 01 or the exact equivalent. Defense costs must be paid in addition to limits. There shall be no cross liability exclusion for claims or suits by one insured against another. Limits are subject to review but in no event less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. Business Auto Coverage on ISO Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 including symbol 1 (Any Auto) or the exact equivalent. Limits are subject to review, but in no event to be less that $1,000,000 per accident. If Consultant owns no vehicles, this requirement may be satisfied by a non -owned auto endorsement to the general liability policy described above. If Consultant or Consultant's employees will use personal autos in any way on this project, Consultant shall provide evidence of personal auto liability coverage for each such person. Workers Compensation on a state -approved policy form providing statutory benefits as required by law with employer's liability limits no less than $1,000,000 per accident or disease. Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions Insurance as appropriate shall be written on a policy form coverage specifically designed to protect against acts, errors or omissions of the consultant and "Covered Professional Services" as designated in the policy must specifically include work performed under this agreement. The policy limit shall be no less than $1,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate. The policy must "pay on behalf of the insured and must include a provision establishing the insurer's duty to defend. The policy retroactive date shall be on or before the effective date of this agreement. Insurance procured pursuant to these requirements shall be written by insurers that are admitted carriers in the state of Califomia and with an A.M. Bests rating of A- or better and a minimum financial size VII. D-1 General conditions pertaining to provision of insurance coverage by Consultant. Consultant and City agree to the following with respect to insurance provided by Consultant: 1. Consultant agrees to have its insurer endorse the third party general liability coverage required herein to include as additional insureds City, its officials, employees and agents, using standard ISO endorsement No. CG 2010 with an edition prior to 1992. Consultant also agrees to require all contractors, and subcontractors to do likewise. 2. No liability insurance coverage provided to comply with this Agreement shall prohibit Consultant, or Consultant's employees, or agents, from waiving the right of subrogation prior to a loss. Consultant agrees to waive subrogation rights against City regardless of the applicability of any insurance proceeds, and to require all contractors and subcontractors to do likewise. 3_ All insurance coverage and limits provided by Contractor and available or applicable to this agreement are intended to apply to the full extent of the policies. Nothing contained in this Agreement or any other agreement relating to the City or its operations limits the application of such insurance coverage. 4. None of the coverages required herein will be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement of any kind that has not been first submitted to City and approved of in writing. 5. No liability policy shall contain any provision or definition that would serve to eliminate so-called "third party action over" claims, including any exclusion for bodily injury to an employee of the insured or of any contractor or subcontractor. 6. All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval, modification and additional requirements by the City, as the need arises. Consultant shall not make any reductions in scope of coverage (e.g. elimination of contractual liability or reduction of discovery period) that may affect City's protection without City's prior written consent. 7. Proof of compliance with these insurance requirements, consisting of certificates of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required and an additional insured endorsement to Consultant's general liability policy, shall be delivered to City at or prior to the execution of this Agreement. In the event such proof of any insurance is not delivered as required, or in the event such insurance is canceled at any time and no replacement coverage is provided, City has the right, but not the duty, to obtain any insurance it deems necessary to protect its interests under this or any other agreement and to pay the premium. Any premium so paid by City shall be charged to and promptly paid by Consultant or deducted from sums due Consultant, at City option. 8. Certificate(s) are to reflect that the insurer will provide 30 days notice to City of any cancellation of coverage. Consultant agrees to require its insurer to modify ❑-2 such certificates to delete any exculpatory wording stating that failure of the insurer to mail written notice of cancellation imposes no obligation, or that any party will "endeavor" (as opposed to being required) to comply with the requirements of the certificate. 9. It is acknowledged by the parties of this agreement that all insurance coverage required to be provided by Consultant or any subcontractor, is intended to apply first and on a primary, noncontributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self insurance available to City. 10. Consultant agrees to ensure that subcontractors, and any other party involved with the project who is brought onto or involved in the project by Consultant, provide the same minimum insurance coverage required of Consultant. Consultant agrees to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this section. Consultant agrees that upon request, all agreements with subcontractors and others engaged in the project will be submitted to City for review. 11. Consultant agrees not to self -insure or to use any self-insured retentions or deductibles on any portion of the insurance required herein and further agrees that it will not allow any contractor, subcontractor, Architect, Engineer or other entity or person in any way involved in the performance of work on the project contemplated by this agreement to self -insure its obligations to City. If Consultant's existing coverage includes a deductible or self-insured retention, the deductible or self-insured retention must be declared to the City. At that time the City shall review options with the Consultant, which may include reduction or elimination of the deductible or selfinsured retention, substitution of other coverage, or other solutions. 12. The City reserves the right at any time during the term of the contract to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the Consultant ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial additional cost to the Consultant, the City will negotiate additional compensation proportional to the increased benefit to City. 13. For purposes of applying insurance coverage only, this Agreement will be deemed to have been executed immediately upon any party hereto taking any steps that can be deemed to be in furtherance of or towards performance of this Agreement. 14. Consultant acknowledges and agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part of City to inform Consultant of non-compliance with any insurance requirement in no way imposes any additional obligations on City nor does it waive any rights hereunder in this or any other regard. 15. Consultant will renew the required coverage annually as long as City, or its employees or agents face an exposure from operations of any type pursuant to D-3 this agreement. This obligation applies whether or not the agreement is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until City executes a written statement to that effect. 16. Consultant shall provide proof that policies of insurance required herein expiring during the term of this Agreement have been renewed or replaced with other policies providing at least the same coverage. Proof that such coverage has been ordered shall be submitted prior to expiration. A coverage binder or letter from Consultant's insurance agent to this effect is acceptable. A certificate of insurance and/or additional insured endorsement as required in these specifications applicable to the renewing or new coverage must be provided to City within five days of the expiration of the coverages. 17. The provisions of any workers' compensation or similar act will not limit the obligations of Consultant under this agreement. Consultant expressly agrees not to use any statutory immunity defenses under such laws with respect to City, its employees, officials and agents. 18. Requirements of specific coverage features or limits contained in this section are not intended as limitations on coverage, limits or other requirements nor as a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific reference to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue, and is not intended by any party or insured to be limiting or all- inclusive, 19. These insurance requirements are intended to be separate and distinct from any other provision in this agreement and are intended by the parties here to be interpreted as such. 20. The requirements in this Section supersede all other sections and provisions of this Agreement to the extent that any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Section. 21. Consultant agrees to be responsible for ensuring that no contract used by any party involved in any way with the project reserves the right to charge City or Consultant for the cost of additional insurance coverage required by this agreement. Any such provisions are to be deleted with reference to City. It is not the intent of City to reimburse any third party for the cost of complying with these requirements. There shall be no recourse against City for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto. Consultant agrees to provide immediate notice to City of any claim or loss against Consultant arising out of the work performed under this agreement. City assumes no obligation or liability by such notice, but has the right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve City. D-4