TC - Item 3A - Street Name Sign OptionsROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS MARCARELLO, DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE: FEBRUARY 12, 2009 SUBJECT: STREET NAME SIGN COLOR OPTIONS SUMMARY On November 6, 2008, the Traffic Commission received an update on the City's street signage replacement program. This program is part of the City's efforts to meet recently adopted reflectivity standards through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The replacement program includes developing an inventory of existing signs, determining costs to replace these signs, and a creating a replacement plan and schedule for installing new signs. Staff has developed sample street name signs for consideration and is looking for input on colors for the new signs. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Traffic Commission review the street name sign options, select a preferred sign color and forward a recommendation to the City Council for consideration. DISCUSSION As part of the Fiscal Year 2009 budget, the City Council included funding to conduct a comprehensive audit and inventory of all existing City regulatory and street name signs. Regulatory signs include stop signs, yield signs, speed limit signs, and pedestrian signs, among others. Funding is also included to begin replacing these signs Citywide, with a goal of replacing all existing signs over the next two years: This sign replacement program is aimed at meeting minimum reflectivity standards as required by the FHWA and the State of California's Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). New standards for reflectivity are fully described in the MUTCD. Most of the City's signs do not currently meet these requirements. Replacement of existing signs will help improve driver and pedestrian safety as well as enhance the City's aesthetics in commercial and residential areas. There are several steps involved in the sign replacement program. Staff is currently evaluating vendors to conduct aGIS-based regulatory sign inventory program for the City's existing signs. The GIS-Integrated inventory will allow staff to formulate a replacement schedule, forecast budget needs, and monitor sign conditions. The inventory will also help in City Council Meeting February 12, 2009 Pape 2 of 2 future sign management and maintenance. It is estimated that work do the inventory will get underway in January and be completed in February. Once ready, the staff will use this information to develop a formal replacement plan for the City Council's consideration in late winter 2009. Staff has also worked with a local sign fabricator to develop sample street name signs. These signs are all the same design; however, five color options have been fabricated to offer different alternatives for the City's new street name signs. Samples of these signs will be displayed at the Commission's January 15tH meeting. Staff is asking that the Commissioners review these color options, provide input to staff, and develop a recommendation for the City Council's consideration. After the Commission reviews this item, staff plans to forward this information to the City Council on January 27tH Submitted by: Chris Marcarello Deputy Public Works Director 5 E M F ° ~~a City of Rosemead Memorandum r~* ~~~,A~.EO „e° To: Traffic Commissioners From: Chris Marcarello At your January 2009 meeting, the Traffic Commission reviewed several options for new street name signs. At this meeting, Commissioners requested that the sign options be posted in an outdoor environment to better measure reflectivity and appearance. The sign options will be made available outside for Commissioners to view at 6 PM prior to the February 12th Traffic Commission meeting. Our team will contact you on Monday, February 9th to provide you with more information.