CC - Item 5F - Approval of Traffic Commission Recommendations for Traffic Improvements at the Northwest Curb Ramp at the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett AvenueROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, ACTING CITY MANAGER DATE: MARCH 22, 2022 SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS AT THE NORTHWEST CURB RAMP AT THE INTERSECTION OF GARVEY AVENUE AND BARTLETT AVENUE SUMMARY At the February 3, 2022, Traffic Commission Meeting, staff presented recommendations to increase the visibility of the curb ramp located in the northwest corner of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue and to indicate that it is not a driveway and to deter vehicles from using it as such. After discussion and presentation of the item, the Traffic Commission approved the staff recommendations for the area. Public Works Field Services staff will be able to complete all the recommended items. If necessary, additional materials and supplies may be purchased at a minimal expense to complete the recommended work, and staff would utilize the approved Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Traffic Signs and Markers available funds. BACKGROUND Staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate measures for the curb ramp located in the northwest corner of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. The City received a resident request to evaluate the existing driveway access and curb ramp adjacent to the Wilson Complete Auto Repair shop, located at 8689 Garvey Avenue, at the northwest corner of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff has completed a traffic review of this location. The resident reported that drivers access the shop via the curb ramp and drive over the curb ramp thinking it is a driveway; appropriate improvements have been recommended to provide more visibility to the curb ramp, indicating it is not a driveway and to deter vehicles from using it as such. AGENDA ITEM 5.F City Council Meeting March 22, 2022 Page 2 of 3 After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgment, it was determined that the intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue would benefit from the installation of a yellow handrail along the outside of the ADA curb ramp on the northwest corner of the intersection. As well as red curb as further reinforcement of no parking areas. DISCUSSION During the February 3, 2022, Traffic Commission Meeting, staff presented the existing roadway conditions at the intersection of Garvey Ave and Bartlett Ave. The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, a review of approximately 5.5 years of available collision data, and an examination of the existing field conditions. Staff obtained collision data from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). An analysis was conducted of available collisions that were reported to SWITRS and that occurred within 250 -feet of the subject intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. The collision analysis was conducted over approximately a 5.5 -year period between January 2016 and October 2021 (available data at the time of traffic review). Per the Collision History Analysis, there was a total of twelve collisions reported within the 5.5 -year period. According to the SWITRS reports, one of the collisions involved a pedestrian. From the available collision data, it is unclear if any collisions were a direct result of vehicles using the NW ramp for access to the business. The recommendations include installing a yellow handrail behind the curb ramp and installing red curb markings. The handrail will serve to channel pedestrians to the sloping ramp and aid in discouraging vehicles from using the ramp and sidewalk to access the adjacent business enhancing pedestrian safety. Figure 4 in Attachment A provides a detail of a handrail installation. Caltrans Standard Plans for Construction, Detail B, is a diagram of the standard set by Caltrans for handrail installation behind curb ramps. A detailed traffic report and proposed recommendations diagram are included in the Technical Report within Attachment A; please refer to Figure 6 in Attachment A for the proposed recommendations diagram. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Traffic Commission voted 5-0 to approve the staff recommended improvements for the curb ramp located in the northwest corner of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. It is recommended City Council Meeting March 22, 2022 Page 3 of 3 that the City Council authorize approval for the following improvements for the curb ramp located in the northwest corner of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue.: 1. Installation of approximately 16 -feet of yellow handrail behind the curb ramp along the entire elevated step per Caltrans standards. 2. Installation of approximately 6 -feet of red curb on the southwest side of the curb ramp apron, starting at the back of the curb return to the end of slope of the ramp. 3. Installation of approximately 6 -feet of red curb on the northeast side of the curb ramp apron, starting at the back of the curb return to the end of slope of the ramp. FINANCIAL IMPACT The City of Rosemead Public Works Field Services Division can complete the recommended items utilizing approved Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Traffic Signs and Markers available funds in account 202-3010-5660. All recommended items will be carried out by in-house staff. If necessary, additional materials and supplies may be purchased at a minimal expense to complete the tasks. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT The project is consistent with the City of Rosemead's Strategic Plan Goal C - Infrastructure and Facilities, which is to enhance streets, sidewalks, and public infrastructure; coordinate with relevant utility agencies regarding safety and enhancements; and modernize facilities by expanding the use of wireless network technology and renewable energy. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: 71141 c%a o,� Michael Chung, Re Director of Public Works Attachment A: February 3, 2022 Traffic Commission Staff Report Attachment B: February 3, 2022 Traffic Commission Minutes Attachment A Traffic Commission Staff Report Dated February 3, 2022 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT FROM: MICHAEL CHUNG, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: FEBRUARY 3, 2022 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC REVIEW OF THE NORTHWEST CURB RAMP AT THE INTERSECTION OF GARVEY AVENUE AND BARTLETT AVENUE On behalf of the City of Rosemead, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate measures for the curb ramp located in the northwest corner of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. The City of Rosemead received a resident request to evaluate the existing driveway access and curb ramp adjacent to the Wilson Complete Auto Repair shop, located at 8689 Garvey Avenue, at the northwest corner of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff has completed a traffic review of this location. The resident had reported that drivers sometimes access the shop via the curb ramp and drive over the curb ramp thinking it is a driveway; appropriate improvements have been recommended to provide more visibility to the curb ramp indicating it is not a driveway and to deter vehicles from using it as such. ANALYSIS The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, a review of approximately 5.5 years of available collision data, and an examination of the existing field conditions. Garvey Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Garvey Avenue runs east and west and is considered a minor arterial road with a speed limit of 35 mph. Garvey Avenue is approximately 75 feet wide with two lanes in each direction. Garvey Avenue, through this section has intermittent landscaped medians. Time restricted parking is available on both sides of the street except where red curb is marked. On the north side and south side of Garvey Avenue, there is no parking on City Traffic Commission Meeting February 3, 2022 Page 2 of 3 certain days of the week, as well as 2 -hour parking along the north side of Garvey Avenue. This segment of Garvey Avenue is primarily commercial zoning, per the Rosemead General Plan. Bartlett Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Bartlett Avenue runs north and south and is considered a local road by the California Road Functional Classification Maps with a posted speed limit of 25 mph. Bartlett Avenue is approximately 36 feet wide, with one lane of travel in each direction and no marked center line. Parking along both sides of Bartlett Avenue is permitted except where the curbs are marked red and on street sweeping days. Bartlett Avenue has posted signage stating, "Commercial Vehicles Over 3 Tons Prohibited". This segment of Bartlett Avenue is a mix use of commercial and residential zoning per the Rosemead General Plan with a mobile home park on the east side and a body shop and auto repair on the west side mixed in with residential units. A Collision History Analysis was conducted for the subject location. Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). An analysis was conducted of available collisions that were reported to SWITRS and that occurred within 250 -feet of the subject intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. The collision analysis was conducted over approximately a 5.5 -year period between January 2016 through October 2021 (available data at the time of traffic review). Per the Collision History Analysis, there was a total of 12 collisions reported within the 5.5 -year period. According to the SWITRS reports 1 of the collisions involved a pedestrian. It is unclear from the available collision data if any collisions were a direct result of vehicles using the NW ramp for access to the business. Handrail Installation: The recommendations include installation of yellow railings behind the curb ramp and installation of red curb markings. Caltrans has provided a Detail for the construction of a fence or handrail on the curb behind the wheel chair ramp. The handrail will serve to channel pedestrians to the sloping ramp and aid in discouraging vehicles from using the ramp and sidewalk to access the adjacent business enhancing pedestrian safety. Figure 4 in Attachment A provides a detail of a handrail installation. Caltrans Standard Plans for Construction, Detail B, is a diagram of the standard set by Caltrans for handrail installation behind curb ramps. STAFF RECOMMENDATION After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that the intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue would benefit from the installation of yellow railings along the outside of the ADA curb ramp on the northwest corner of the intersection. As well as red curb as City Traffic Commission Meeting February 3, 2022 Page 3 of 3 further reinforcement of no parking areas. The railing installation should be similar to the yellow railing installed at the intersection of Ramona Boulevard and Burton Avenue. Please refer to Figure 5 in Attachment A for a sample of the existing yellow railing installation at the southwest corner of Ramona Boulevard and Burton Avenue behind the curb ramp in the City of Rosemead. The handrail at this location is channeling pedestrians to the sidewalk and ramp and also serves to prevent cars from parking too close to the curb. Please refer to Figure 6 in Attachment A for a conceptual representation of the proposed yellow railing installation at the northwest corner of the intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue behind the curb ramp. A detailed traffic report and proposed figure diagram is attached as Attachment A to this staff report, please refer to the proposed diagram (Figure 5 and 6) in the attachment. Below is a detailed list of the recommendations, these improvements are also shown on Figure 6 of Attachment A: 1. Installation of Yellow Railing behind the curb ramp along the entire elevated step as shown in the exhibit. The railing should follow Caltrans standards. (Exhibit is a Conceptual Illustration of the proposed recommendations.) 2. Installation of red curb on the curb ramp aprons starting at the back of curb return (BCR) to the slope in the ramp as shown in the exhibit. 3. Installation of red curb on the curb ramp aprons starting at the back of curb return (BCR) where the STOP sign is to the slope in the ramp as shown in the exhibit. Prepared by: Jana Robbins, Contract Traffic Engineering Division Attachments: A. Attachment A — Technical Traffic Engineering Report B. Attachment B — Courtesy Notification i TRANsTEch TO: City of Rosemead, Department of Public Works FROM: Traffic Engineering, Transtech Engineers, Inc. DATE: January 18, 2022 SUBJECT: Traffic Review of the NW Curb Ramp at the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue INTRODUCTION The City of Rosemead received a resident request to evaluate the existing driveway access and curb ramp adjacent to the Wilson Complete Auto Repair shop, located at 8689 Garvey Avenue, at the northwest corner of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff has completed a traffic review of this location. The resident reported that drivers sometimes access the shop via the curb ramp and drive over the curb ramp thinking it is a driveway; appropriate improvements have been recommended to provide more visibility to the curb ramp indicating it is not a driveway and to deter vehicles from using it as such. The recommendations include installation of yellow railings behind the curb ramp and installation of red curb markings. The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, a review of approximately 5.5 years of available collision data, and an examination of the existing field conditions. Figure 1: Vicinity Map CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 1 of 9 Traffic Review of the NW Curb Ramp at the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue EXISTING CONDITIONS Garvey Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Garvey Avenue runs east and west and is considered a minor arterial road with a speed limit of 35 mph. Garvey Avenue is approximately 75 feet wide with two lanes in each direction. Garvey Avenue, through this section has intermittent landscaped medians. Time restricted parking is available on both sides of the street except where red curb is marked. On the north side and south side of Garvey Avenue, there is no parking on certain days of the week, as well as 2 -hour parking along the north side of Garvey Avenue. This segment of Garvey Avenue is primarily commercial zoning, per the Rosemead General Plan. Bartlett Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Bartlett Avenue runs north and south and is considered a local road by the California Road Functional Classification Maps with a posted speed limit of 25 mph. Bartlett Avenue is approximately 36 feet wide, with one lane of travel in each direction and no marked center line. Parking along both sides of Bartlett Avenue is permitted except where the curbs are marked red, and on street sweeping days. Bartlett Avenue is posted with no trucks weighing over 3 tons permitted signage. This segment of Bartlett Avenue is a mix use of commercial and residential zoning per the Rosemead General Plan with a mobile home park on the east side and a body shop and auto repair on the west side mixed in with residential units. Figure 2: Existing Conditions at Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue i it LEGEND yi Stop Sign (111-1) SPEED 25 -MPH Speed Limit R2-1 LIMIT ( ) 25 Sign COMMERCIAL Commercial Vehicles Over 3 VEHICLES Tons Prohibited (1136) Sign OVER 3 TONS PROHIBITED IING No Parking due to Street ATURDAY Sweeping Sign hm FPIYC HOUR PARKING 2 Hour Parking & No Parking 7u-lipN due to Street Sweeping Joint PARKING Sign TUESDAY B SATURDA 2m -6a STREET SWEEPING CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 2 of 9 Traffic Review of the NW Curb Ramp at the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue PICTURE SUMMARY Close Up View of the NW Corner of the intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue showing the existing curb ramp. View of the NW Corner of the intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue showing the existing curb ramp. Owner has posted a small DO NOT ENTER sign. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 3 of 9 Traffic Review of the NW Curb Ramp at the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue Eastbound along Garvey Avenue at Bartlett Avenue Northbound along Bartlett Avenue at Garvey Avenue P 9� ` P Westside sidewalk along Bartlett Ave t.. Westbound along Garvey Avenue at Bartlett Avenue W - Southbound along Bartlett Avenue at Garvey Avenue Sidewalk adjacent to curb ramp along the northside of Garvey Ave Looking East CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 4 of 9 Traffic Review of the NW Curb Ramp at the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue COLLISION INVESTIGATION 1 iiw� Existing 25 MPH Signage and pavement legend located on East Side of NB Bartlett Ave A Collision History Analysis was conducted for the subject location. Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). An analysis was conducted of available collisions that were reported to SWITRS and that occurred within 250 -feet of the subject intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. The collision analysis was conducted over approximately a 5.5 -year period between January 2016 through October 2021 (available data at the time of traffic review). Based on the information provided, a summary breakdown of the number of collisions within the studied segment are listed below and shown in Table 1. Total Collisions: 12 2021— 2 collisions 2020 —1 collision CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 5 of 9 Traffic Review of the NW Curb Ramp at the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue 2019 — 0 collisions 2018 — 5 collisions 2017 —1 collision 2016 — 3 collisions Table 1: Collision Summary for the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue Per the Collision History Analysis, there was a total of 12 collisions reported within the 5.5 -year period. According to the SWITRS reports 1 of the collisions involved a pedestrian. It is unclear from the available collision data if any collisions were a direct result of vehicles using the NW ramp for access to the business. Please refer to Figure 3 for a visual representation of the collisions at the intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 6 of 9 Severlly 1 -Fetal 7 -Severe Injury Mmm Vehwe, 3-Otaer.Visible ID Date p Prime Road Printery Semldary Road Dist. Ti_Alju Day of the 'Week Ugbti"'IDag Night, Hc.l CalBslon Type PetlesWary -BIryGe [olOson Factor and DRell Desvlpdam. Primary Cnlllsloll Factor MI � Odler Allo 4. Tgmplalm 0l Pain Im Ived S-"PDam On _ _ WB THRU VEH HIT 1 8/12/2021 GARVEY AVE BARTLETT AVE 0 3:30 THU NIGHT HR OBJECT 3 FIXED OBI FIXED OBJ IMPROPTURN 1 DRIVER HOD -NUI 2 1/29{2821 GARVEYAVE BARTLETTAVE '220'W 21:15 FRI NIGHT HITOBIEGT $ FIXED OB WB THRU VEH HIT IMPROPTURN 0 N/A. FINED OBI SB LFTTRN VEH 3 3/11/2020 BARTLETT AVE GARVEY AVE 33-S 17:45 WED DAYUGHT HEAD-ON 5 OTHER MV HIT NO PARKED ORVR ALCI DRG 0 MSDMNR VEH 4 12J211/2018 BART IETT AVE GARVEYAVE 315 1450 1 FRI DAYLIGHT AUTO/PEO 4 PEO IMP SS 7HRU VEH R -O -W PED 1 MSDMNR HIT EB X-WLK PED 5 11/17/2018 GARVEY AVE BARTLERAVE a5'E 1250 BAT DAYLIGHT BROADSIDE 5 OTHER MV SB THRU VEH HIT LANECHANGE 0 MSDMNR WBTHRUVEN 6 11/1/2018: GARVEYAVE BARTLETT AVE 136'W 10:38 THU DAYLIGHT ;SIDESWIPE 5 OTHER MV EB CHANG W VEH IM PROP TURN 0 N/A HITEOTHRUVEH 7 9/19/2018 GARVEY AVE BARTLETTAVE 0 1150 WED DAYLIGHT BROADSIDE 5 OTHER MV NB LIFTTRN VEH R -O -W AUTO 0 N/A HIT WB THRU VEH a 3/14/3019. GARVEY AVE BARTLETr AVE 104'W 15:50 WED DAYLIGHT SIDESWIPE 5 OTHER MV WB CHANG LN VEH IANECHANGE 0 NIA HIT W B THRU VEH 9 8/10/2017 GARVEYAVE BARTLETTAVE 60'E 1720 THU DAYLIGHT BROADSIDE 3 BICYCLE EB THRU VEH HIT IMPROP TURN 1 N/A NB ENT TRAF BICY 10' 8{90/2016 BARTLETTAVE GARVEY AVE 15'N 17:0 TUE DAYLIGHT OTHER 5 OTHER MV IMPSR RACKING0 VEH HITSB PKD. SYATNGIOKCIJG 0 N/A IMP WB UNS TPN 11 6/19/2916, GARVEYAVE BARTLETT AVE 10'E 19:09. MON DAYLIGHT SIDESWIPE $ OTHER MV VEH HITW9 THRU IMPROPTURN 0 MSDMNR VEH 12 6/7/2016 BARTLETTAVE GARVEYAVE 0 B.,01 TUE DAYLIGHT SIDESWIPE 5 OTHER MV LFTTRN VEH IMPROPTURN 0 MSDMNR HIT T EB THRU VEH Per the Collision History Analysis, there was a total of 12 collisions reported within the 5.5 -year period. According to the SWITRS reports 1 of the collisions involved a pedestrian. It is unclear from the available collision data if any collisions were a direct result of vehicles using the NW ramp for access to the business. Please refer to Figure 3 for a visual representation of the collisions at the intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 6 of 9 Traffic Review of the NW Curb Ramp at the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue Figure 3: Collision Diagram, Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue b� a' r , sem.• a .tea. m 10 a, LEGEND ALL COLLISIONS - #of CrashType If Of (Non -Ped & alke Crashes collisions/Crashes) 0 Fatality(Death) 10 0 Severe Injury 0 0 Injury - Other . 1 Visible Injury - Complain 0 of Pain 0 Property Damage 2 onlyTotal 191 PED&BIKE -Crash #of Type Crashes Fatality (Death) 0 Severe Injury �� 0 Injury - Other 1 Visible Injury -Complaint 1 of Pain Property 0 Damage Only Total 2 l a TOTAL 12 I? k i CRASHES HANDRAIL INSTALLATION Caltrans has provided a Detail for the construction of a fence or handrail on the curb behind the wheel chair ramp. A handrail is provided to channel pedestrians to the sloping ramp that provide the greatest level of safety instead of crossing from behind the ramp. In this instance it will also aid in discouraging vehicles from using the ramp as an entry point to the garage behind it or to park overhanging into the ramp. Figure 4 below provides a detail of a handrail installation. Caltrans Standard Plans for Construction, Detail B, is a diagram of the standard set by Caltrans for handrail installation behind curb ramps. CONSTRUCT FENCE OR HANDRAIL PER CONTRACT PLANS ,_ 6" ,(150 mm) RETAINING CURB � Ir1l PAVED SURFACE DETAIL in B Figure 4: Hand Rail Installation Standard CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 7 of 9 Traffic Review of the NW Curb Ramp at the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue RECOMMENDATIONS After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that the intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue would benefit from the installation of yellow railings along the outside of the ADA curb ramp on the northwest corner of the intersection. As well as red curb as further reinforcement of no parking areas. The railing installation should be similar to the yellow railing installed at the intersection of Ramona Boulevard and Burton Avenue. Please refer to Figure 5 for a sample of the existing yellow railing installation at the southwest corner of Ramona Boulevard and Burton Avenue behind the curb ramp in the City of Rosemead. The handrail at this location is channeling pedestrians to the sidewalk and ramp and also serves to prevent cars from parking too close to the curb. Please refer to Figure 6 for a conceptual representation of the proposed yellow railing installation at the northwest corner of the intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue behind the curb ramp. Figure 5: Existing Yellow Railing at Southwest Corner of Ramona Boulevard & Burton Avenue Behind the Curb Ramp CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 8 of 9 Traffic Review of the NW Curb Ramp at the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue Figure 6: Conceptual Exhibit Showing the Proposed Yellow Railing Behind the Curb Ramp and Red Curb along the Northwest Corner of the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue OInstallation of Yellow Railing behind the curb ramp along the entire elevated step as shown in the exhibit. The railing should follow Caltrans standards. (Exhibit is a Conceptual Illustration of the proposed recommendations.) OInstallation of red curb on the curb ramp aprons starting at the back of curb return (BCR) to the slope in the ramp as shown in the exhibit. OInstallation of red curb on the curb ramp aprons starting at the back of curb return (BCR) where the STOP sign is to the slope in the ramp as shown in the exhibit. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 9 of 9 t CJS E A�Q Traffic Commission Courtesy Notification NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday. February 3, 2022, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Rosemead Traffic Commission will hold a virtual public meeting for the purpose of reviewing the following item: Traffic Review of the Northwest Curb Rama at the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. In an effort to protect the health and safety of the public during the pandemic and pursuant to Assembly Bill (AB) 361, this meeting will be held virtually. The public will have access to observe the meeting by visiting www.cityofrosemead.org and may provide real time comments by using zoom or calling the number using the meeting details below. You are being notified of this meeting because your property is within proximity to the location. We encourage your comments regarding traffic safety in this area. Citizens' wishing to comment on the night of the meeting may do so by joining via Zoom Meeting ID: 860 0310 1343 Passcode: 867015 or calling (669) 900-9128. Written comments may be submitted via email at Rubliccomment&cityofrosemead.org by 5:00 p.m. Please identify the topic you wish to comment in your email's subject line. All comments are public record and will be recorded in the official record of the City. Mailed written comments must be addressed to: City of Rosemead Public Works Department 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, California 91770 Attention: Director of Public Works Again, written comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 3, 2022. We appreciate your concern for traffic safety in the City of Rosemead. Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the Public Works Department at 626-569-2150. For information please call: Para obtener mas informaci6n, favor de llamar al: RM)N*%, ONCE De biet them chi tiet, xin ggi: 626-569-2150 Location Map Attachment B Traffic Commission Minutes Dated February 3, 2022 Minutes of the Regular ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING February 3, 2022 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7:07 p.m, in the Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Drange INVOCATION: Commissioner Escobar PRESENT: Commissioner Drange, Commissioner Escobar, Commissioner Nguyen, Vice Chair Quintanilla and Chair Masuda ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins, Director of Public Works Michael Chung, and Commission Liaison Danielle Garcia 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS Chair Masuda opened the public comment period. Resident Janet Schneider expressed her concerns regarding bicyclist on the sidewalk. She stated the bicyclist should not be on the sidewalk as there is not enough room for pedestrians to walk safely. She described her encounter with bicyclists on the sidewalk that resulted in her almost falling over from being caught off guard. Chair Masuda closed the public comment period. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Chair Masuda asked Traffic Commissioners if anyone would like to make revisions or additions to the minutes of November 4, 2021. Commissioner Nguyen made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Escobar, to accept consent calendar. Vote resulted in: Yes: Masuda, Quintanilla, Drange, Escobar, Nguyen No: None Abstain: None Absent: None Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of February 3, 2022 Page 1 of 6 3. NEW BUSINESS A. TRAFFIC REVIEW OF THE NORTHWEST CURB RAMP AT THE INTERSECTION OF GARVEY AVENUE AND BARTLETT AVENUE Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins provided a brief description of the item and presented a PowerPoint presentation of the studies that were conducted. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins explained that the resident requested the City to evaluate the existing driveway access and curb ramp adjacent to the Wilson Complete Auto Repair shop, located at the northwest corner of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. It was reported that drivers sometimes drive up the curb ramp thinking it is a driveway. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins explained as part of the traffic review, engineering staff looked at the existing roadway conditions, collision data, and an examination of existing field conditions. On behalf of the City of Rosemead, Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins provided recommendations for the installation of yellow railings along the outside of the ADA curb ramp on the northwest corner of the intersection. As well as red curb on the curb ramp aprons as further reinforcement of no parking areas. Chair Masuda opened the Public Comment period. Resident Javier Magdaleno acknowledged the issue being discussed and explained how unsafe it is for pedestrians when cars are driving in and out using the curb ramp. He mentioned a legal case involving a trip and fall at this location and expressed that the property owner should not be held accountable. He approved staff recommendations. Resident Janet Schneider expressed her concerns with the ADA curb ramp indicating that it looks like a driveway and feels the slope is a safety hazard when walking. She questioned the width of the curb ramp, how much of the sidewalk would be taken away with the installation of the railing and reiterated that bicyclist should not be on the sidewalk. She also mentioned of a broken sewer lid in that area and a raised bolt on the yellow section of the ADA curb ramp that needs to be fixed. Chair Masuda closed the Public Comment period. Chair Masuda asked if we know how much actual leveled sidewalk there is. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded that Wilson has a thirteen foot driveway next to the wrought iron fence and it is all based on right of way. The yellow railing would sit on top of the lip and would not be taking any of his property. Chair Masuda asked if we know what the width of that area is from the railing to the front. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded it should at least be a minimum of five foot because it is ADA compliant. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of February 3, 2022 Page 2 of 6 Vice Chair Quintanilla asked if the City had received a response after reaching out to Wilson Auto Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded that the City Engineer had reached out to Mr. Wilson, and although the report was not shared directly with him, believes he was amenable to installing the railing. Commissioner Drange made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Escobar, to accept Staff recommendations. Vote resulted in: Yes: Masuda, Quintanilla, Drange, Escobar, Nguyen No: None Abstain: None Absent: None B. TRAFFIC REVIEW AT KLINGERMAN STREET AND ANGELUS AVENUE, WEST OF THE ALHAMBRA WASH Director of Public Works Chung addressed to Traffic Commission to defer Agenda Item 3B to a future Traffic Commission meeting. C. TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OF DEL MAR AVENUE AND FERN AVENUE Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins provided a brief description of the item and presented a PowerPoint presentation of the studies that were conducted. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins explained that the resident requested the City to evaluate the installation of a stop sign at the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenue. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins explained as part of the traffic review, engineering staff looked at the existing roadway conditions, collision data, an intersection turning movement count with peak hour vehicular and pedestrian counts, all -way stop control warrants and an examination of existing field conditions. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins explained that after a thorough review it was determined that the intersection of Del Mar Avenue at Fern Avenue does not meet warrants for the installation of all - way stop control. On behalf of the City of Rosemead, Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins provided recommendations for additional signage and red curb installation to make vehicles and pedestrians more visible to approaching cars. Chair Masuda opened the Public Comment period. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of February 3, 2022 Page 3 of 6 The City received a Public Comment via email from Resident R Zuniga regarding the intersection of Del Mar Avenue and Fern Avenue. Resident R Zuniga described the increase in traffic over the years and how it has resulted in multiple accidents due to the street being one lane. She explained that cars are not stopping at the crossing light on Fern Avenue. She also inquired about widening the street in order to make it a two-lane street. Commissioner Drange asked if there is a traffic signal light at Highdiff Street & Del Mar Avenue. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins confirmed that there is a traffic signal light. Commissioner Drange commented on his experience with driving in that area and agreed with staff recommendation to install red curb to help with making a left turn onto Fern Avenue from Del Mar Avenue, A Public Comment via Zoom from Resident April Fung was received agreeing with Commissioner Drange regarding the difficulty of making a left turn onto Del Mar Avenue from Wasola Street. She expressed that a stop sign would not be effective and inquired about installing a traffic signal light on Fern Avenue and Del Mar Avenue, Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded that traffic signal lights also have warrants that must be met in order to be installed and are more stringent in terms of minimum volume thresholds and pedestrians. High installation cost is also considered when deciding to install traffic signal lights. , Resident April Fung expressed that she feels there is much more traffic on Del Mar Avenue now due to drivers trying to avoid traffic on San Gabriel Boulevard, She acknowledged the cost is a concern, but believes safety is more of a priority, Chair Masuda closed the Public Comment period. Chair Masuda asked about the non-functioning In -Road Lights along the crosswalk and if they are going to be made functional. Director of Public Works Chung responded that staff is in plans to repair the In -Road Lights. Commissioner Escobar made a motion, seconded by Vice Chair Quintanilla, to accept Staff recommendations. Vote resulted in: Yes: Masuda, Quintanilla, Drange, Escobar, Nguyen No: None Abstain: None Absent: None D. TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OF MISSION DRIVE AND DELTA AVENUE Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins provided a brief description of the item and presented a PowerPoint presentation of the studies that were conducted, Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of February 3, 2022 Page 4 of 6 Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins explained that the resident requested the City to review the line of sign and existing conditions at the intersection of Mission Drive and Delta Avenue. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins explained as part of the traffic review, engineering staff looked at the existing roadway conditions, collision data, and a line -of -sight analysis. On behalf of the City of Rosemead, Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins provided recommendations for upgrading the striping of the existing crosswalks and red curb installation to provide a clear line of sight for any waiting pedestrians. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins mentioned the City is also in plans to repair the non-functioning In - Road Lights along the crosswalk. Chair Masuda opened the Public Comment period. The City received a Public Comment via email from Resident Simon Ho acknowledging the City's efforts to improving the intersection and requested to add a set of traffic control lights for people turning off from Delta Avenue, Commissioner Drange if there are flashing yellow lights at this intersection. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins replied there is a LED pedestrian sign. Commissioner Escobar made a motion, seconded by Vice Chair Quintanilla, to accept Staff recommendations. Vote resulted in: Yes: Masuda, Quintanilla, Drange, Escobar, Nguyen No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 4. STAFF REPORTS - None 5. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Drange commented on the City's bicycle plan and would like to revisit the plan. Chair Masuda agreed with Commissioner Drange's comment on the bicycle plan and would like to see if it can be added as an agenda item for discussion. Director of Public Works Chung responded it will be added on to a future Traffic Commission meeting. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of February 3, 2022 Page 5 of 6 Chair Masuda recalled the public comment made by Resident April Fung and asked if Staff would consider her comment regarding line of sight on her street turning onto Del Mar Avenue a request to look into. Director of Public Works Chung responded Staff can evaluate it. Resident Darice Larson asked why the agenda item for traffic review at Klingerman Street and Angelus Avenue not discussed during this meeting. Director of Public Works Chung responded the City received new information regarding the agenda item and plan to defer it to a future Traffic Commission meeting. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:17 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for March 3, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. and will take place at the Rosemead City Hall, City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Howard Masuda Chair ATTEST: �2 Michael Chung, Director of Public Works Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of February 3, 2022 Page 6 of 6