CC - Item 7B - Discussion on the Establishment of a Public Safety CommissionROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, ACTING CITY MANAGER DATE: MARCH 22, 2022 SUBJECT: DISCUSSION ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION SUMMARY During the February 8, 2022, City Council meeting, Mayor Polly Low requested staff to research ideas for establishing a Public Safety Commission. Staff has completed a survey of neighboring cities on the topic and the item is agendized for discussion and direction. DISCUSSION Staff surveyed sixteen cities (Attachment A) and found that several cities have established a Public Safety Commission to serve in an advisory role and provide recommendations to the City Council relating to law enforcement, crime prevention, and improving the quality of life to the community. Out of the sixteen cities surveyed, four cities currently have Public Safety Commissions and twelve cities have organized public safety programs in partnership with their law enforcement agencies. Commissions are typically comprised of residents within a community; however, staff learned through the survey that a Public Safety Commission can be comprised of residents, city staff, school district staff, chamber of commerce members, business owners, and law enforcement personnel. Also found in the survey, Public Safety Commissions consisted of up to seven commissioners, but it is at the City Council's discretion to appoint the number of commissioners and its makeup. The City Council may also choose if they wish to allow commissioners to serve a two-year term or a four-year term. The Public Safety Commission may be tasked with a variation of the following in partnership with LASD — Temple Sheriff's Station Personnel: ➢ Review complaints/concerns from residents and business community; ➢ Crime incidents and trends; ➢ Life safety issues; ➢ Emergency preparedness updates and information; AGENDA 7.B City Council Meeting March 22, 2022 Page 2 of 3 ➢ Community academy; ➢ Homeless encampment issues and recommendations; ➢ Coordinate crime prevention and public awareness programs; ➢ Involvement with National Night Out, Coffee with the Cop/Chief events, and Neighborhood Watch; ➢ Make recommendations to the City Council regarding city codes, policies, services, and programs related to public safety, and emergency services; and ➢ Year-end review. Consistent with Mayor Low's request to receive feedback from Chief of Police Paul Shigo, on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, staff met with Chief Shigo to further discuss staff's findings on the prospective roles, expectations, and overall purpose of the community -oriented Public Safety Commission to oversee the well-being of our residents and business community. During this meeting, Chief Shigo informed staff that he would like to bring back the six-week Community Academy as part of the Commission and allow the Commission to encourage the community to partake in the upcoming Community Academy program to learn more about LASD's partnership with the City as well as the efforts the City takes to implement and keep Rosemead safe. The Community Academy will be revised to include presentations and training on Los Angeles County mandates, LASD patrol procedures, traffic procedures, ride -along information, graffiti and gang awareness, drug awareness, etc. If the City Council desires to move forward and approve the establishment of a Public Safety Commission, staff will need to prepare an Ordinance to establish the Public Safety Commission that would serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council and remain consistent with the current City Commission formats. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council provide further direction on the following: 1. Purpose and duties of the Public Safety Commission; 2. Provide a total number of members that will be a part of the Commission; and, 3. Provide direction for staff to prepare an Ordinance to establish a Public Safety Commission. FISCAL IMPACT There is currently no fiscal impact. However, if approved, and consistent with the Beautification, Planning, Traffic, and Parks Commissions, compensation for the Public Safety Commissioners will be set at $100 per meeting attended, as outlined in a resolution. Staff will include the projected amounts into the Fiscal Year 2022-23 budget. City Council Meeting March 22, 2022 Page 3 of 3 STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT This item is consistent with the City's 2030 Strategic Plan Goal A — Safety, which focuses on enhancing public safety by providing safe access to public facilities, expand neighborhood safety programs, and improve quality of life, which will include assisting homeless residents in our community. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: //W Daisy Gu e o, Senior Management Analyst Attachment A: Public Safety Commission Survey Attachment A Public Safety Commission Survey Public Safety Commission Survey Alhambra Area Command Program ➢ The City is divided into four (4) distinct geographic areas (Area 1, 2, 3, & 4). ➢ Each area is monitored by a Police Commander (Lt.). Each Area Commander is accountable for understanding the issues and concerns that are unique to their respective areas. The Area Commanders also act as liaisons with residents, businesses, and community organizations. ➢ The main objective of the command structure is to address crime issues and improve the quality of life for the residents, businesses, and community organizations. ➢ Residents, businesses, and community organizations contact their Area Police Commander directly (via e-mail or submit a form) with questions, problems, or requests for a meeting. ➢ Meetings are informal—no agenda or minutes. Arcadia Area Command Program ➢ The City is divided into five (5) distinct geographic areas (Area 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5). ➢ The mission is to help reduce crime, improve quality of life issues, and ensure the City receives the most efficient and professional policing services. ➢ Each Area is monitored by an Area Commander (Lt.). The Area Commanders will serve as liaisons with residents, businesses, and community organizations. Each Area Commander is accountable for understanding the issues and concerns unique to their respective areas. ➢ Residents, businesses, and community organizations contact their Area Commander directly (via e-mail or phone) with questions, problems, or requests for a meeting. ➢ Meetings are informal - no agenda or minutes. Covina Service Area Policing ➢ The City is divided into three (3) distinct geographic service areas (Service Area 1, 2, & 3). ➢ Each Service Area is being overseen by a lieutenant, with the goal of improving the quality of life and better communication for the residents, businesses, and community organizations. ➢ Residents can contact the lieutenant responsible for their specific service area directly for concerns or questions. - ➢ Meetings are informal - no agenda or minutes. Diamond Bar Neighborhood Watch ➢ In partnership with their law enforcement agency, the City offers over 100 organized watch groups that are responsible for coordinating crime prevention and public awareness programs. ➢ - - - - - ---- - - . ----- - - -- ----- No set meetings or agendas. -- - - -- - -._ _ - ---- -- ---- Duarte Public Safety Commission ➢ The commission consists of seven (7) members. Commissioners receive no compensation. 1. Four (4) members are appointed by the Council. i. Must be residents of the city ii. Four (4) year term 2. One (1) member appointed from candidates that are recommended or nominated by the City's Chamber of Commerce. i. City's business owners or operators ii. Is not required to be a resident of the City Duarte Public Safety Commission (continued) (continued) Public Safety Commission Survey 0 0 El Monte Community Service Bureau ➢ 19 La Puente Public Safety Program ➢ Montebello Community Relations Unit ➢ Monterey Park Community Engagement ➢ Bureau Pasadena Public Safety Committee ➢ li Pico Rivera Public Safety Program ➢ -- -- - San Dimas Public Safety Commission ➢ iii. Two (2) year term 3. One (1) member representative of the City's school district or superintendent of the school district (recommended by the district). i. Is not required to be a resident of the City ii. Two (2) year term 4. One (1) member representative of Los Angeles County: i. A resident of the unincorporated area adjacent to the city and within the city school district boundary, or ii. A representative from the Supervisor's office, or iii. A representative of the County Human Relations Commission. iv. Two (2) year term Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. — Commissioners, liaison Sergeant, Public Safety Director, and Recording Secretary will be present for the meetings. The Public Safety Commission acts in an advisory role and recommends to the city council relating to law enforcement, crime prevention and control, code enforcement, animal control, and emergency preparedness. Agenda prepared, and minutes are taken for each meeting. A unit within the Police Department. Responsible for coordinating crime prevention and public awareness programs (Neighborhood Watch, Coffee with the Cop, etc.). No set meetings. Resident reaches out to the Unit requesting a meeting. - Volunteers on Patrol and Crimestoppers are utilized to help_prevent and reduce crime. This Unit is utilized to unite the Police Department and the community to improve communication, increase understanding and promote_partnership to prevent crime and improve_ quality of life. This program reaches out to establish and maintain cooperative relationships with both the residential and business community. The Public Safety Committee consists of four (4) members of the City Council appointed by the Mayor. Meetings are held on the 3' Wednesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. — Committee members, City Manager, City Attorney, and Recording Secretary will be present for the meetings. Agenda prepared, and minutes are taken for each meeting. The Public Safety Committee review matters relating to public safety, police and fire services, crime prevention programs, and other related issues that the committee, chair, or city council determine are within the scope of the committee's review. Neighborhood Watch Program The Public Safety Commission consists of seven (7) members appointed by the City Council. Two (2) year term Public Safetv Commission Surve ➢ Commissioners may serve up to three (3) two-year terms; three unexcused absences (from meeting) in one San Dimas Public Safety Commission year may result in dismissal from the Commission. (continued) (continued) ➢ Commissioners receive no compensation. ➢ Meetings are held on the 31d Tuesday of every odd month at 5:30 p.m. — Committee members, City Manager, a City Council liaison, Sheriff Captain, and Recording Secretary will be present for the meetings. ➢ Agenda prepared, and minutes are taken for each meeting. ➢ The Public Safety Commission: 1. Advises City Council on matters relating to law enforcement including but not limited to policing, crime prevention, and emergency services. 2. Represent the views of the community relating to law enforcement plans, programs, and future needs. 3. Consult with staff in the development of law enforcement programs. 4. Enlist community interest in, and support for, the City's law enforcement programs. 5. Work with citizens, elected and appointed officials, and staff to support the work of law enforcement crime prevention and emergency services officers and deputies. San Gabriel 411 with the Chief ➢ This is an informal meeting between the Chief of Police and residents to discuss and answer questions regarding Public Safety. ➢ The meeting is held on the 21 Tuesday of the month, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. - no agenda or minutes. ➢ Due to the pandemic, the in-person meeting has been moved to a virtual video. All questions must be emailed in advance to the Chief of Police. The Chief will answer the resident's questions in a pre-recorded video and will then be uploaded to the City's YouTube channel for public view. San Marino Public Safety Commission ➢ The Public Safety Commission was established after the Traffic Safety Commission was dissolved in 2018. The Public Safety Commission acts solely as an advisory board to the City Council. ➢ The commission consists of five (5) members and one (1) alternate, each serving a four-year term, with a maximum of two terms, appointed by the City Council. The Commissioners receive no compensation. ➢ Meetings are held on the Is' Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. — Commissioners, Fire Chief, Police Chief, Public Safety Director, and Recording Secretary will be present for the meetings. ➢ The Public Safety Commission advises the Council and advocates for public safety, fire, and traffic matters. Agenda prepared,- and minutes are taken for each meeting. South El Monte Public Safety Program ➢ Crimestoppers utilized to help prevent and reduce crime. Temple City Transportation and Public ➢ The Transportation & Public Safety Commission consists of five (5) members appointed by the City Safety Commission Council for a two (2) year term. ➢ The meeting is held on the 2nd and 46' Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. — no compensation. ➢ The Transportation & Public Safety Commission hears appeals of parking citations, makes decisions, and recommendations to the City Council regarding City codes, policies, services, and programs related to public Safety, traffic and pedestrian safety, parking, transportation, and emergency services.