PC - Item 3A - City of Rosemead 2030 Strategic Plan PowerPointPlanning Process Overview From June to October 2021, we engaged the community, City Council, City department leaders and staff, and other stakeholders through various meetings, working sessions, focus groups, and surveys to craft this Strategic Plan. Our planning process included four phases, guided by MIG, Inc. as our strategic planning consultants. Planning Process Overview Phase 1 Assessment Define our shared outcomes for the process, and identify issues and priorities for the future through a range of engagement activities. Phase 2 Developing the Framework Refine and update the City’s values, vision, and mission, and develop goals for the next ten years. Phase 3 Strategic Plan Development Develop strategies and actions to meet these goals and develop the Strategic Plan. Phase 4 Implementation Develop an Action Plan framework to serve as a guide for ongoing work toward goals, and define performance measures to serve as milestones along the way. Elements of the Strategic Plan Values Shared beliefs that reflect what the community considers significant and important. Vision A desired end state and preferred future. Actions A prioritized list of steps needed to accomplish goals and objectives. Objectives Specific statements of action about what the city hopes to achieve. Action Plan Identifies a timeframe for completing actions, responsible parties, and required resources. Mission The purpose and associated responsibilities of the city as an organization. Goals Statements of direction toward the city’s desired future. Strategic Framework Values Vision Mission Goals Strategic Framework Safety Diversity Community Service Family VALUES VISION Rosemead is a safe, welcoming, connected, and active city, a destination with thriving local businesses, well- maintained parks and infrastructure, and quality programming and services which support the entire community. MISSION Rosemead provides quality programs, services, and support that builds community, increases opportunity, and makes Rosemead a great place to live, work, and play. Strategic Framework GOALS SAFETY Rosemead is a safe city for all who live, work, and play here. RESPONSIVE, INCLUSIVE CITY Rosemead provides quality services, programming, and events in an engaging and culturally sensitive manner that support the changing needs of our population. INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Rosemead supports a safe, active, and climate conscious community through its well- maintained streets and sidewalks, continually improving infrastructure, and use and promotion of renewable energy. PARKS AND PROGRAMS Rosemead has parks, facilities, green space, and recreational and cultural resources to meet the needs of our residents. EMPLOYEE RETENTION AND DEVELOPMENT Rosemead is an adaptable organization focused on employee growth, development, and retention, and one that promotes a culture of collaboration, support, and success. FINANCE Rosemead is fiscally solvent and is successful in leveraging new opportunities to fund the city’s programs and services. ACTIVATION AND ECONOMY Rosemead is a vibrant city with a diverse business community, and a destination which draws visitors from across the San Gabriel Valley and beyond. LAND USE AND ZONING Rosemead supports new development and local businesses, focuses on the revitalization of our major corridors, and finds creative solutions to the changing needs of residents and businesses This Plan Each Strategic Plan Goal includes five elements: 1. Objective Statement What the City of Rosemead hopes to achieve in the coming years. 2. Actions The set of activities the City of Rosemead will use to reach each goal. 3. Metrics Milestones and/or indicators used to articulate annual progress and achievements. 4. Timeline Completion target dates for each action are organized within the Plan timeframe as short-term (in years 1 and 2), medium term (5 years) or long-term (9 to 10 years). 5. Lead Department(s) The City Management Team is responsible for executing and coordinating implementation and reporting for actions under each goal. Additionally, key supporting partners for each action are identified. These are listed in the Action Plan which follows the goal areas below. GOALS GOAL A: SAFETY Rosemead is a safe city for all who live, work, and play here. GOAL A: SAFETY (Continued) GOAL B: RESPONSIVE, INCLUSIVE CITY Rosemead provides quality services, programming, and events in an engaging and culturally sensitive manner that support the changing needs of our population. GOAL B: RESPONSIVE, INCLUSIVE CITY (Continued) GOAL C: INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES Rosemead supports a safe, active, and climate conscious community through its well- maintained streets and sidewalks, continual improvements to infrastructure, and use and promotion of renewable energy. GOAL C: INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES (Continued) GOAL D: PARKS AND PROGRAMS Rosemead has parks, facilities, green space, and recreational and cultural resources to meet the needs of residents across the City. GOAL D: PARKS AND PROGRAMS (Continued) GOAL E: EMPLOYEE RETENTION Rosemead is an adaptable organization focused on employee growth, development, and retention, and one that promotes a culture of success, support, and collaboration. GOAL E: EMPLOYEE RETENTION (Continued) GOAL F: FINANCE Rosemead is fiscally solvent and is successful in leveraging new opportunities to fund the city’s programs and services. GOAL F: FINANCE (Continued) GOAL G: ACTIVATION AND ECONOMY Rosemead is a vibrant city with a diverse business community, and a destination which draws visitors from across the San Gabriel Valley and beyond. GOAL H: LAND USE AND ZONING Rosemead supports new development and local businesses, focuses on the revitalization of our major corridors, and finds creative solutions to the changing needs of residents and businesses. GOAL H: LAND USE AND ZONING (Continued) Rosemead supports new development and local businesses, focuses on the revitalization of our major corridors, and finds creative solutions to the changing needs of residents and businesses.