CC - Item 6A - Discussion on City's Graffiti Removal ProgramROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, ACTING CITY MANAGER DATE: APRIL 12, 2022 SUBJECT: DISCUSSION ON CITY'S GRAFFITI REMOVAL PROGRAM SUMMARY The City Council has expressed interest in discussing the City's current graffiti removal program and how the program can be improved. Currently, all graffiti on City properties and gang -related graffiti or profanity text/symbols visible to the public on private property are removed by Public Works staff. For non -gang -related graffiti on private property, the property owner is responsible for the removal. For the City to remove all graffiti (gang and non -gang -related) on private property, the City would need to add one Public Works staff, purchase an additional graffiti removal truck and necessary materials/equipment; or contract with a graffiti removal service provider at an annual rate of approximately $168,000. It is recommended that the City Council further discuss the City's graffiti removal program and the information provided in this staff report. DISCUSSION The City Council, including Mayor Low and Councilmember Armenta, have expressed interest in discussing the City's current graffiti removal program and options on how the program can be improved to better serve our residents and business community. Currently, graffiti removal responsibilities are as follows: On City properties (streets, sidewalks, signs, parks, facilities etc.) — Removed by Public Works. • On private properties that are gang -related or profanity text/symbol and visible to the public — Removed by Public Works. • On private properties that are non -gang -related or do not contain profanity text/symbol — Code Enforcement sends a letter to the property owner to remove. Graffiti removal is performed by the Public Works Field Services team, which includes two staff members utilizing a truck that is specifically equipped to store graffiti removal equipment. In AGENDA ITEM 6.A City Council Meeting April 12, 2022 Page 2 of 3 addition to graffiti removal, the Fields Services team implements City Council approved Traffic Commission recommendations, performs routine maintenance, including installation of signage and striping, repair of pavement, curb & gutter, and sidewalks, and maintenance of traffic signals and bus stop trash receptacles. Public Works staff actively monitors for graffiti on two daily routes, which cover the City's major and minor arterials and locations known to have high graffiti activity. Graffiti identified on daily routes are generally removed within 4 hours. The Public's request for graffiti removal is submitted using the City's website via the "Report a Problem" link, MyRosemead smartphone app, and by calling City Hall and the Public Works' graffiti hotline. The Public Works department's goal is to remove the majority of graffiti generally within 24 hours. Graffiti on private property that is non - gang -related or does not contain profanity text/symbols is removed by the property owner, and removal is dependent upon the responsiveness of the owner. In the past 12 months, the City has removed a total of approximately 2,100 occurrences of graffiti, including 1,600 occurrences of gang -related graffiti located on private property and 500 occurrences of all graffiti located on City properties. Staff estimates approximately 600 occurrences of non -gang -related graffiti on private property on an annual basis. The estimated total of all graffiti (gang and non -gang -related) occurring on private property on an annual basis is approximately 2,200 occurrences. The City Council has inquired if City staff could remove all graffiti on private properties. Public Works' initial assessment is that current staffing levels could not support the removal of all graffiti on private property. To remove all graffiti, including non -gang related graffiti on private property, the City would require one of the following: • The addition of one (1) full-time maintenance worker at an annualized fully burdened cost of $74,000 — $89,000; the purchase of an additional graffiti removal truck at the cost of approximately $120,000; and the purchase of graffiti removal materials/equipment and truck maintenance/insurance at an annualized cost of approximately $12,000. Contract with a graffiti removal service provider to remove all graffiti (gang -related and nori-gang-related) on private property at a preliminary cost of $168,000 per year, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 AM — 5 PM. Removal services include one (1) full- service contractor and truck that will be dedicated to the City for graffiti removal and performing daily routes. The aforementioned costs are preliminary and will be further evaluated and defined upon direction/feedback from City Council. Additionally, the City would need to ensure that the property owner signs a release and waiver releasing liability of any work performed by the City or City contractor. City Council Meeting April 12, 2022 Page 3 of 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council further discuss the City's graffiti removal program and the information provided in this Staff Report. FISCAL IMPACT None. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT Graffiti abatement is consistent with the City of Rosemead's Strategic Plan Goal C - Infrastructure and Facilities, which is to enhance streets, sidewalks, and public infrastructure; coordinate with relevant utility agencies regarding safety and enhancements; and modernize facilities by expanding the use of wireless network technology and renewable energy. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared and Submitted by: Michael Chung, P.E. Director of Public Works