The Nazerian groupY SECTION 00025 0 BID PROPOSAL TO: City of Rosemead attn: Chris Marcarello Director of Public Works, 8838 E. Valley Blvd, California 91770. FROM: 7HE ~~2cRiAN (I KOVT° (Name of Bidder as listed on License) 16aO0 8/~- svy,94~o (Telephone) LVU :~,t 22d Sy4-0& f (Fax) JRYLTAN IUA tC lLI/a r~ (/'R--I f oc" ) (Name(s) of Bidder's Authorized Representative(s) & Title) 0 1.01 Bid Proposal. Gn1C1410 9I v36 A. Bid Proposal Amount. Pursuant to and in compliance with the Notice to Contractors Calling for Bids, the Instructions for Bidders and the other documents relating thereto, the undersigned Bidder, having reviewed the Instructions for Bidders and all other Contract Documents and upon compliance with all requirements therein with reference to the submittal of this Bid Proposal, hereby proposes and agrees to perform the Contract including, without limitation, all of its component parts; to perform everything required to be performed; to provide and furnish any and all of the labor, materials, tools, equipment, applicable taxes, and services necessary to perform the Work of the Contract in strict compliance with the Contract Documents and complete in a workmanlike manner all of the Work required for the Project described as: For the sum of: Base Bid Amount: S 2 5, 00 0 . °o Synthetic Asphalt Trail (Bid Amount in Figures) ~)o[& t4vtj ww j PtRliy F10- rwald✓ fjeo Dollars (Bid Amount in Words) • CITY OF ROSEMEAD PARK PEDESTRIAN TRAIL STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS t/Ea-rvnA (Address) BID PROPOSAL 00025 VERSION 08-0' PAGE I OF B. Acknowledgment of Bid Addenda. In submitting this Bid Proposal, the undersigned Bidder acknowledges receipt of all Bid Addenda issued by or on behalf of the City, as set forth below. The Bidder confirms that this Bid Proposal incorporates and is inclusive of, all items or other matters contained in Bid Addenda. 4 Addenda Nos. / ~ a received, acknowledged and (initial) incorporated into this Bid Proposal. C. Alternate Bid Items. The Bidder's price proposal(s) for Alternate Bid Items is/are set forth in the form of Alternate Bid Item Proposal included herewith. The Bidder acknowledges that the award of the Contract, if at all, shall be in accordance with the Instructions for Bidders. 1.02 Rejection of Bid; Holding Open of Bid. It is understood that the City reserves the right to reject this Bid Proposal and that this Bid Proposal shall remain open and not be withdrawn for the period of time specified in the Call for Bids, except as provided by law. 1.03 Documents Comprising Bid Proposal. The undersigned Bidder has submitted as its Bid Proposal the following: Bid Proposal (00210), List of Subcontractors (00215), Non- Collusion Affidavit (00220), Statement of Bidder's Qualifications (00240), and Bid Security (Cash, Cashier's Check, Certified Check or Bid Bond - 00260). The Bidder acknowledges that if this Bid Proposal and the foregoing documents are not fully in compliance with applicable requirements set forth in the Call for Bids, the Instructions for Bidders and in each of the foregoing documents, the Bid Proposal may be rejected as non-responsive. 1.04 Award of Contract. It is understood and agreed that if written notice of the acceptance of this Bid Proposal and award of the Contract thereon is mailed or delivered by the City to the undersigned after the opening of Bid Proposals and within the time this Bid Proposal is required to remain-open or at any time thereafter before this Bid Proposal is withdrawn, the undersigned will execute and deliver to the City the Agreement in the form attached hereto in accordance with the Bid Proposal as accepted within seven (7) calendar days after notification of acceptance and award. Concurrently with delivery of the executed Agreement to the City, the Bidder awarded the Contract shall deliver to the City: (1) the Labor and Material Payment Bond; (2) the Performance Bond; (3) the Drug- Free Workplace Certificate; (4) Certificates of Insurance evidencing all insurance coverages required to be provided under the Contract Documents; and (5) the Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance. The Work under the Contract Documents shall be commenced by the undersigned Bidder, if awarded the Contract, on the date stated in the City's Notice to Proceed issued pursuant to the Contract Documents. Completion of the 1J CITY OF ROSEMEAD PARK PEDESTRIAN TRAIL BID PROPOSAL • STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 00025 VERSION 08-07 PAGE 2 OF 4 Work and all Interim Milestones shall be achieved within the Contract Time and Interim Milestones specified in the Contract Documents. • 1.05 Notices. All notices or other correspondence shall be addressed to the City and the Bidder at their respective addresses set forth herein. Notices shall be effective only if in writing and in conformity with the requirements for service of notices set forth in the Contract Documents. 1.06 Contractor's License. The undersigned Bidder is curreritly and duly licensed in accordance with the California Contractors License Law, California Business & Professions Code §§7000 et seq., under the following: License Number: Class A C-i3 Expiration Date I/-30-07 Class Expiration Date Class Expiration Date Class Expiration Date By executing this Bid Proposal, the Bidder hereby certifies that: (a) it is duly licensed, in the necessary class(es), for performing the Work of the Contract Documents; (b) that such license shall be in full force and effect throughout the duration of the performance of the Work under the Contract Documents; and (c) that all Subcontractors providing or performing any portion of the Work of the Contract Documents shall be so similarly and appropriately licensed to perform or provide such portion of the Work. • • 1.07 Designation of Subcontractors. In compliance with the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act (California Public Contract Code §§4100, et seq.) and amendments thereof, each Bidder shall set forth in the Subcontractors List: (a) the name and location of the place of business of each Subcontractor who will perform work or labor or render services to the Bidder in or about the construction of the Work to be performed under the Contract Documents in an amount in excess of one-half of one percent (0.5%) of the Bidder's Bid Proposal; and (b) the trade and/or portion of the Work which will be performed by each listed Subcontractor. The Bidder shall list only one Subcontractor for each trade and/or portion of the Work as is defined by the Bidder in its Bid Proposal. If a Bidder fails to list a Subcontractor for a portion of the work in excess of one-half of one percent (0.5%) of the Bidder's Bid Proposal or if the Bidder specifies more than one Subcontractor for the same portion of Work to be performed under the Contract Documents valued in excess of one-half of one percent (0.5%) of the Bidder's Bid Proposal amount, the Bidder shall be deemed to have agreed that it is fully qualified to perform that portion of the Work itself and that it shall perform that portion of the Work. 1.08 Confirmation of Figures. ' By submitting this Bid Proposal, the Bidder confirms that it has checked all of the above figures and understands that neither the City nor any of its agents, employees or representatives shall be responsible for any errors or omissions on the part of the undersigned Bidder in preparing and submitting this Bid Proposal. 1.09 Acknowledgment and Confirmation. The undersigned Bidder acknowledges its CITY 017 ROSE-MEAD PARK PEDESTRIAN TRAIL STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS BID PROPOSAL 00025 VERSION 08-C PAGE 3 OF receipt, review and understanding of the Drawings, the Specifications and other Contract Documents pertaining to the proposed Work. The undersigned Bidder certifies that the Contract Documents are, in its opinion, adequate, feasible and complete for providing, • performing and constructing the Work in a sound and suitable manner for the use specified and intended by the Contract Documents. The undersigned Bidder certifies that it has, or has available, all necessary equipment, personnel, materials, facilities and technical and financial ability to complete the Work for the amount bid herein within the Contract Time and in accordance with the Contract Documents. The undersigned Bidder certifies that its bid amount includes funds sufficient to allow the Bidder to comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations governing the labor and services to be provided for the performance of the Work of the Contract and shall indemnify, defend and hold City harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, liabilities and damages arising out of or relating to Bidder's failure to comply with applicable law in this regard. By: (Signa rc) (Corporate Sea]) I V~'P-SAN NPc'tr"RIPo^' (Typed or Printed N me of Bidder's Authorized Representative) Title: ~t~S END OF SECTION • CITY OF ROSEMEAD PARK PEDESTRIAN TRAIL BID PROPOSAL • STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 00025 VERSION 08-07 PAGE 4 OF 4 • O M O O O z O ~Ly V W Y O 3 `o I . g u 3, ~O Y Lo o C O L O a ~ S C W 9 1L G L F ~1 M a s L O 1«//11 ai w J O y Q N 0 0 °u a C O ` m .p h a ~ O U z O U w Gs. O F1 M L_ w ~ W O L U~J y O at.+ m cC 7 r, zd a c O TS F U i ro U f1 Q v~ o ~ o ~ o ¢U cC z 0 U w O F .a F Q w Q a Z ~ O 0.. U Q - W ~ U W W P. O q w Q O C~ F U vFi o w o O Ow C7 u: w w 0 0 N r, 0 0 SECTION 00035 • STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS 1.01 Bidder's Organization A. Form of entity of Bidder, i.e, corporation, partnership, If a corporation, state the following: State of Incorporation: Q1AI1F0k1vIA Date oflncomoration: 09, Q000 President/Chief Executive Officer: Uaa-rA. Secretary: At-1 CC N'P/r-Z&-R A - Treasure/ChiefFinancial Officer: ✓10 I?IAII,~ If a partnership, state the following: Date of Organization: Type of Partnership (general, limited Names of all general partners; if any of the general partners are not natural persons, provide the information for each such general partner requested by Paragraphs 1.01.A.1, 1.01.A.2 and 1.0I.A.4 as appropriate: 3 If a proprietorship, state the following: Names of all proprietors: 4. If a joint venture, state the following: Date of organization: Names of all Joint Venture members. For each Joint Venture member, identify the form of entity and provide the information requested by Paragraphs 1.0l.A.1, 1.01.A.2 and 1.01.I.C for each Joint Venture member as appropriate: • CITY OF ROSEMEAD PARK PEDESTRIAN TRAIL STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 00035 VERSION 08-07 PAGE 1 OI' 7 5. Bidder's form of entity is other than listed above, describe the type of entity or organization and identify all principals or owners of equity in the • entity or organization B. Number of years your organization has been in business as a contractor: C. Number of years your organization has conducted business under its present name: 1 If your organization has conducted business under a name or name style different than your organizatioIn/'s present name, identify all prior name(s) or name style(s): /t- r /VA-2 E/LIA,, l ,u Co rFL r~ - 2. For each name or name style identified in Paragraph 1.0l.C.1, state the dates during which you conducted business under each name or style: 1991- Z000 19it7_ 1991 1.02 Financial A. Attach a current audited; reviewed or compiled Financial Statement for your organization prepared by a Certified Public Accountant licensed under the laws of the State of California utilizing generally accepted accounting practices applied in a consistent manner. The Financial Statement must include a current balance sheet and income statement showing: (i) current assets (i.e., cash, accounts receivable, accrued- income, deposits, material inventory, etc.); (ii) net fixed assets; (iii) other assets; (iv) current liabilities (i.e., accounts payable, accrued salaries, accrued payroll taxes, etc.); and (v) other liabilities (i.e., capital, capital stock, earned surplus, retained earnings, etc.). B. Is the lathed Financial Statement for the identical organization as the Bidder? Ycs No. If not, explain the relationship and financial responsibility of the organization whose Financial Statement is provided (i.e., parent/subsidiary, etc.). • CITY OF ROSEMEAD PARK PEDESTRIAN TRAIL STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS • STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 00035 VERSION 08-07 PAGE 2 OF 7 1.03 Licensing • A. California Contractors License: License Number: W7_ 19 Y Expiration Date: 30- 0 $ Responsible Managing Employee/Officer: t///z-rA") /U/ &7tt IA License Classification(s): A o 31 C- / B. Has a claim or other demand ever been made against your organization's California Contractors License Bond? Yes L.-,' No If yes, on a separate attachment, state the following: (i) the name, address and telephone number of each person or entity making claim or demand; (ii) the date of each claim or demand; (iii) the circumstances giving rise to each such claim or demand; and (iv) the disposition of each such claim or demand. C. Has a complaint ever been filed against your organization's California Contractors Licenn ith the California Contractors State License Board? Yes No E If yes, on a separate attachment, state the following for each complaint: (i) the name, address and telephone number of each person or entity making the complaint; (ii) the date of each complaint; (iii) the circumstances giving rise to each such complaint; and (iv) the disposition of each such complaint, including without limitation, any disciplinary or other action imposed or taken by the California Contractors State License Board as a result of any such complaint. D. Attach to this Statement true and correct copies of the following: Your organization's California Contractors License (the copy must clearly and legibly show: (i) the licensee name; (ii) the expiration date; (iii) the classification(s) of licensure). 2. The Contractors License Bond posted by your organization in connection with your California Contractors License pursuant to California Business & Professions Code §§7071.5 and 7071.6. 3. If your organization's California Contractors License is issued by virtue of the qualification of a responsible managing employee or responsible managing officer, the Qualifiers Bond if' required pursuant to California Business & Professions Code §7071.9). CITY OF ROSEMEAD PARK PEDESTRIAN TRAIL STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 00035 VERSION 09-07 PAGE 3 OF 7 1.04 Experience A. List the categories of work your organization typically performs with your own • forces: Larp.aCon c B. Claims and lawsuits (if you answer yes to any of the following, you must attach details). 1. Have any lawsuits or other administrative, legal, arbitration or other proceedings, ever been brought or commenced against your organization or any of its principals, officers or equity owners in connection with any construction contract or construction project? Yes ~~No If so, describe the circumstances, the amount demanded or other relief demand and the disposition of each such lawsuit or other proceeding. 2. Has your organization ever filed a lawsuit or commenced her administrative, legal or other proceedings in connection w any construction contract or construction project? Yes No if so, describe the circumstances, the amount demanded or other relief • demand and the disposition of each such lawsuit or other proceeding. 3. Are there any judgments, orders, decrees or arbitration awards pending, outstanding against your organization or any of the officers, di tors, employees or principals of your organization? Yes No If so, describe each such judgment, order, decree or arbitration award and the present status of the satisfaction or discharge thereof. C. On a separate attachment, list all construction projects your organization has in progress and for each project listed, state: (i) a general description of the work performed by your organization on the project; (ii) the dollar value of the work performed or to be performed by your organization; (iii) the owner's name, name of the owner's representative and the address and telephone number of the owner and the owner's representative; (iv) the project architect's name, address, telephone number and contact person; (v) percent presently complete; and (vi) the current scheduled completion date. S ~z o t Cue D. On a separate attachment, list all construction projects completed by your organization in the past five (5) years and for each project identified, state: (i) a CITY OF ROSEMEAD PARK PEDESTRIAN TRAIL STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS • STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 00035 -VERSION 08-07 PAGE 4 OF 7 general description of the work performed by your organization on the project; (ii) the dollar value of the work performed or to be performed by your organization; (iii) the owner's name, name of the owner's representative and the address and telephone number. of the owner and the owner's representative; (iv) the project architect's name, address, telephone number and contact person; (v) percent presently complete; and (vi) the current scheduled completion date. 5.~_ ccttuc,~ E. Has your organization ever refused to sign a contract awarded to it? Yes &--No If so, on a separate attachment, state the following: (i) describe each such contract; (ii) the owner's name, address, telephone number and contact person; and (iii) the circumstances of your refusal to sign such contract. F. Has your organiza ' n ever failed to complete a construction contract? Yes No If so, on a separate attachment, state the following: (i) describe each such contract; (ii) the owner's name, address, telephone number and contact person; and (iii) the circumstances of your failure to complete such contract. G. Has your organization ever been declared in default of a construction contract? Yes L,~' No • If so, on. a separate attachment,' state the following: (i) describe each such contract; (ii) the owner's name, address, telephone number and contact person; and (iii) the circumstances of each such declaration of default. H. Has any construction contract to which your organization is a p-y been terminated for the convenience of the project owner? Yes ✓ No If so, identify the project and project owner along with a description of the circumstances under which the convenience termination occurred. 1. Has a claim or other demand ever been asserted against any Bid Bond, Performance Bond, or Payment Bond posted by your organization in connection with any construction . contract or you submittal of a bid proposal for a construction contract? Yes No If so, on a separate attachment, state the following: (i) the name, address, telephone number and contact person for each claimant; (ii) the date upon which each such demand or claim was made; and (iii) the disposition of each such demand or claim. • CITY OF ROSEMEAD PARK PEDESTRIAN TRAIL STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 00035 VERSION 08-07 PAGE 5 OF 7 1.05 References (include name, contact person, telephone/FAX and address for each reference provided) A. Trade References (three (3) minimum) -5 4 A /1-eeA&~Jw2. r/,? -.7 66_ y627 M o 6-rzov,' 9s/_ SIB = SS7 GLt-Z,.naCL ✓c n . dlro~ PIR - 7v 7 B. Bank References FR S-7 ~/}cI1--c)AVlA C. Public Works Inspectors of Record F/Lo-)vi r? Ir w D. Owner references (three (3) minimum, preferably California Cities) At RAM Qn C, 7 5 0 > Gz c~//~c-~ lra L~? DI~)yti E. Insurance Carriers (General Liability, Auto, and Workers' Compensation) F. Surety Firms (issuing your Bid, Performance and Payment Bonds) ZN G vQh 14vJ70-Lt~ c,)~ ~ ~1 04: ,00 1.06 Accuracy and Authority The undersigned is duly authorized to execute this Statement of Bidders Qualifications under penalty of perjury on behalf of the Bidder. The undersigned warrants and 0 U A u14 CITY OF ROSEMEAD PARK PEDESTRIAN TRAIL STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 00035 VERSION 08-07 PAGE 6 OF 7 represents that he/she has personal knowledge of each of the responses to this Statement • of Bidder's Qualifications and/or that he/she has conducted all necessary and appropriate inquiries to determine the truth, completeness and accuracy of responses to this Statement of Bidder's Qualifications. The undersigned declares and certifies that the responses to this Statement of Bidder's Qualifications are complete and accurate; there are no omissions of material fact or information that render any response to be false or misleading and there are no misstatements of fact in any of the responses. Executed this oZ 0 K day of v 20 U5 at P1VC 1 wt, , CA; (City and State) I declare under penalty of perjury under California law that the foregoing is true d correct. l (Signal V Pd-~/L~(J=~~.J /IIl'~LC-Z'Z /`Aim ('T'yped or written name) END OF SECTION E • CITY OF ROSEMEAD PARK PEDESTRIAN TRAIL STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 00035 VERSION 08-07 PAGE 7 OF 7 State Of California CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD ACTIVE LICENSE eA Affah 787198 CORP w_ THE NAZERIAN GROUP u••~~•M•A B C15 11/30/2008 ~lo~ PROJECTS BY THE NAZERIAN GROUP Project: Mountain Avenue Elementary School Owner: Glendale Unified School District Phone: (818) 507-0201 Project Manager: Mike Agreed Amount: $3,149,750.00 Architect: Osborn Architect Project: Alhambra High School Owner: Alhambra Unified School District Phone: (626) 308-2271 Project Manager: Mike Agreed Amount: $925,000.00 Architect: Alhambra Unified School District Project: Ynez Owner: Alhambra Unified School District Phone: (626) 308-2271 Project Manager: Mike Agreed Amount: $365,000.00 Architect: Alhambra Unified School District Project: Irwindale community Senior Center Owner: Cit of Irwindale Phone: (626) 430-2210 Project Manager: Edgar Rojas Agreed Amount: $178,450.00 Architect: Jubany Architecture Project: Loma Alta & Sierra Mesa Elementary School Owner: Pasadena Unified School District Phone: (626) 798-9171 Project Manager: Vanir Agreed Amount: $176,450.00 Architect: Jubany Architecture Project: Remodel Building B at District Office Owner: El Monte City School District Phone: (626) 852-4784 Project Manager: APM, Inc. Agreed Amount: $147,450.00 Project: Alhambra School District 7 sites Group C Only Owner: Alhambra Unified School District Phone: (626) 308-2271 Project Manager: Alhambra Unified School District Agreed Amount: $275,000.00 Architect: Alhambra Unified School District Project: Audubon Elementary School Owner: Pasadena Unified School District Phone: (626) 296-6746 Project Manager: Vanir Agreed Amount: $517,450.00 Architect: Flewelling & Moody (626) 449-6787 Project: Walt Disney'Elementary School Owner: Burbank Unified School District Phone: (818) 729-4461 Project Manager: Bernards Bros. Agreed Amount: $1,737,450.00 Architect: WLC Architects (909) 987-0909 Project: Stevenson Elementary School Owner: Burbank Unified School District Phone: (818) 729-4461 Project Manager: Bernards Bros. Agreed Amount: $47,450.00 & $334,450.00 Architect: Flewelling & Moody (626) 449-6787 Project: San Marino Public Library Owner: City of San Marino Phone: (626) 300-0718 Project Manager: Matt Ballantyne Agreed Amount: $170,000.00 Architect: Fields Devereaux Architects & Engineers (323) 965-7444 Project: Valle Lindo High School Owner: El Monte Union High School District Phone: (626) 852-4784 Project Manager: Shell Beebe Agreed Amount: $87,775.00 Architect: NTD Architects (626) 963-5771 Project: Rio Vista & Wilkerson Portable Buildings Owner: El Monte City School District Phone: (626) 444-3422 Project Manager: Shell Beebe Agreed Amount: $148,450.00 Architect: NTD Architect (626) 963-5771 Project: MSB Tenant Improvement Owner: City of Glendale Phone: (818) 548-3970 Project Manager: John Hickman Agreed Amount: $244,900.00 Architect: Design Builders Project: Adams Square Owner: City of Glendale Phone: (818) 548-2060 Project Manager: Kathrine Miller Agreed Amount: $261,155.00 Architect: Charles Walton Associate (818) 240-5456 Project: Relocatable site work Baldwin, Century, San Gabriel Owner: Alhambra Unified School District Phone: (626) 308-2318 Project Manager: Curtis E. Throngard Agreed Amount: $393,950.00 Architect: Langdon Wilson Architect (213) 250-1186 Project: Emerson Elementary School Owner: Burbank Unified School District Phone: (818) 729-4461 Project Manager: Yousef Farkhondeh Agreed Amount: $64,000.00 Total: $67,000.00 Date Completed: 08/2001 Architect: Charmichael-Kemp AIA (626) 357-9880 Project: Jordan Middle School Owner: Burbank Unified School District Phone: (818) 729-4461 Project Manager: Yousef Farkhondeh Agreed Amount: $157,000.00 Total: $173,000.00 Date Completed: 12/2001 Architect: Burbank Unified School District Project: New Stage at South El Monte High School Owner: El Monte Union High School District Phone: (626) 852-4784 Project Manager: Atta Alsaleh Agreed Amount: $87,775.00 Change Order: $5,570.34 Total: $93,345.34 Date Completed: May 2001 Architect: George Behnam Architect (714) 572-2384 Project: Council Chamber Renovation Owner: City of Burbank Phone: (818) 238-3860 Project Manager: Bob Pike Agreed Amount: $395,450.00 Change Order: $27,394.41 Total: $422,844.41 Date Completed: September 2001 Architect: La Canada Design Group (626) 795-6474 Project: District Administration Building Owner: Burbank Unified School District Phone: (818) 729-4461 Project Manager: Yousef Farkhondeh Agreed Amount: $849,750.00 Change Order: $68,724.00 Total: $918,474.00 Date Completed: March 2000 Architect: Adolph Ziemba AIA & Associates Inc. (818) 841-2585 Project: Maple Park Owner: City of Glendale Phone: (818) 548-6421 Project Manager: George Balteria Agreed Amount: $370,000.00 Change Order: $37,553.50 Total: $407,553.50 Date Completed: September 200 Architect: Jubany Architecture Project: Bret Harte Elementary School Owner: Burbank Unified School District Phone: (818) 729-4461 Project Manager: Yousef Farkhondeh Agreed Amount: $2,761,250.00 Change Order: $64,852.04 Total: $2,806,452.04 Date Completed: November 1999 Project: Jordan Middle School Modernization Owner: Burbank Unified School District Phone: (818) 72 Project Manager Agreed Amount: Change Order: Total: Date Completed: -4461 Yousef Farkhondeh $4,643,730.00 $726,515.74 $5,370,245.74 March 1999 Project: Valley View Elem. School Electrical Upgrades & HVAC Owner: Glendale Unified School District Phone: (818) 241-311 Ext.470 Patrick Kennedy Project Manager: Skip Buttler Agreed Amount: $2,032,950.00 Change Order: $139,364.62 Total: $2,172,314.62 Date Completed: January 1999 Project: Site Utility for Portable at Jefferson, Mann, & Roosevelt Owner: Glendale Unified School District Phone: (818) 241-311 Ext.470 Patrick Kennedy Project Manager: Skip Buttler Agreed Amount: $425,000.00 Date Completed: July 1998 Project: Monterey Elementary School Paving & Site Utility Owner: Burbank Unified School District Phone: (818) 558-5441 Project Manager: David Gott Agreed Amount: $192,438.00 Change Order: $17,600.00 Total: $210,038.00 Date Completed: August 1998 m c 2 m te ` o N . c N ( a ~ y a N m a ia00 N m ~ m0 d m a 0 m00 m mt LL ° ~ o r- LL m ~ oa- LL a E o N r E0) O N ° E°) ~o a ) U 0) U ) Q N Lo cr ] m C 6 N N Q N 9 C rj) N c Q , c ON ~ a0 J N OaJ N lo N N m 41 a O0OD v E L i m m m E E E a') = m m ° Ea E °)5~, t t N N co( w (0 L L N N m m (o to E L L N N Oa Q~Q (O IS cocoa N N (a U O N N Q a6 NO x a)Lo d o x .N > x (D m U) HLL d) ca cC/) HLL 3 ,N N m f LL O c O) (O r N m r N N - i m (D _ O O m O) 0 0 d U co r m u N a) U oo r 2 m (O M C7 M 0) E (o c? co Q Z U (D o ° c6 6 0 O N d L N-0 r r~ N N C m a N-0 r r d J N c> N N M N N U N d N N 'a ~ N aD C ca (~0a N (D co d (O (o0 a) )000 v m~ N > Q N O ~ C 3 U N O N ~Q o c~U)o ~ O o co c o 0 o Ern ° (DM 0) 0) m o U N J m m U W co U (`o > a W N m a d) i- `L (o N r ~ E N E _ W z E N ° L L N 0 O L NQ ( m DI CD CD ~ U C M m - (O U v LO c o co N 4) Q °CNO U rn J 2oU0 n m~ N m N m ~ C 0 3 o a ~ m O m ,U 1 n Q W (i < 0) ~ m o U 0 m C N uj m O N ~ am LO O (n N_ ~ O) Z U m x m W o O _m oN) C7 N M Q_o O mrn o mU(or° c o z~°r) ° a m a~ H m CD W r O N ((ia N r M ~ M M N N m00 co w m 0 a N O 00 a rn r U Q N E m Q -0 O) m N ~ co 5i c m ` O m ~ U Co U m O 0 C v m 2 O c o E (v I _m 2 O R (D (O ° a) rn Q m N Y c ~ O U a) O c 0 x a L ~ LL 0 r N N (00 00 W n 00 M N N N F LL O N I- 00 W rn rn Lo O O 0) m E 0 U Ul c N O C O U N - V 0_ N n c m N c N a N V Lo O M N ~ m > U O LL N CC O) m 0 ' O M N rn r C m m N U N N N n 1 c a _ > C co m c m N~.o O O O acnr CL (D E N ~(a0 m n ro d mO(O(O 0 m (D (O U) m v ° w ~ rn m U T U T O > U w > V1 m to N O) (D >_v r m O) U m c U CU c LL O 0 C N N N U M m 'O M o° ~ Q U o N co o 0 E QU) F m c6 rn r CV N s a) m F- LL O r r 00) m N N THE NAZERIAN GROUP FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2007 AND FOR THE YEAR THEN ENDED TOGETHER WITH THE ACCOUNTANTS' REVIEW REPORT THE NAZERIAN GROUP INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SCHEDULES DECEMBER 31, 2007 CONTENTS Page Accountants' Review Report ......................................1 Financial Statements Balance Sheet 2-3 Statements of Income and Retained Earnings ......................................4 Statement of Cash Flows 5-6 Notes to Financial Statements.. 7-10 Supplementary Infonnation Schedules to Statements of Income and Retained Earnings 11-12 Contract Descriptions ....................................13 Schedule I - Schedule of Contracts Completed ....................................14 Schedule If - Schedule of Contracts in Progress 15-16 WHITEHORSE & COMPANY, CPA XN A PROFFSSTONAL CORPORA'1"ION ACCOUNTANTS' REVIEW REPORT To Roard of Directors The Nazerian Group We have reviewed the accompanying Balance Sheet of The Nazerian Group as of December 31, 2001, and the related Statements of Income and Retained Earnings and Cash Flows for the year then ended in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. All information included in these financial statements is the representation of the Company's management. A review consists principally of inquiries of Company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data. It is substantially less in scope than an audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, the objective of which is the expression of an opinion regarding the financial statements taken as a whole. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. Based on our review, we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the accompanying financial statements in order for them to be in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. The other data in Schedules 1, 2, 3, I and 11 accompanying the financial statements are presented only for supplementary analysis purposes and have been subjected to the inquiries and analytical procedures applied in the review of the basic financial statements. We did not become aware of any material modifications that should be made to the other data. V2'~' g, Burbank. California February 1 .5, 2008 Phone (818) 954-8864 Fax (818) 954-8540 3316 West Victorv Boulevard, Second Floor, Burbank. California 91505-1562 THE NAZERIAN GROUP BALANCESHEET DECEMBER 31, 2007 ASSETS Current assets Cash (note 1) $ 1,022,754 Accounts receivable (note l) l 1,349,301 Due on retention (note 2) 1,115,771 Costs and estimated earnings in excess of billings on on uncompleted contracts (note 1) 82,443 Prepaid income taxes 800 Total current assets $ 3,571,069 Fixed assets: (note 1) Furniture and fixtures 15,275 Machinery and equipment 25,000 Transportation equipment 69,000 109,275 Less accumulated depreciation 109 275) Net fixed assets 0 TOTAL ASSETS S_ 3,571, 062 The accompanying accountants' review report should be read with these financial statements. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. THE NAZERIAN GROUP BALANCESHEET DECEMBER 31, 2007 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDER'S EQUITY Current liabilities Linc of credit ( note 4) S 498,460 Accounts payable 1,126,383 Billings in excess of cost and, estimated earning on uncompleted contracts (note 1) 108,747 Income taxes payable 7601 Total current liabilities 1,810,271 Long-term liabilities: Deferred income taxes (notes 1 and 3) 363,402 Total long-term liabilities 363,402 TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 2,173,673 STOCKHOLDER'S EQUITY Common stock - 100,000 shares authorized 10,000 shares issued and outstanding 10,000 Contributed capital 242,235 Retained earnings 1,145,161 TOTAL STOCKHOLDER'S EQUITY 1,397,396 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDER'S EQUITY Sj 7.1,069 The accompanying accountants' review report should be read with these financial statements. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. THE NAZERIAN GROUP STATEMENTS OF INCOME AND RETAINED EARNINGS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2007 Sales (schedule 1) $ 6,085,113 100.00% Cost of goods sold (schedule 1) 4,898.210 80.49 Gross profit (schedule 1) 1,186,903 19.51 General and administrative expenses (schedule 2) 717.094 11.79 Income from operations 469,809 7.72 Other income and (expenses) (schedule 3) (33,706) (0.55) Income before income taxes 436,103 7.17 Provision for income taxes (notes I and 3) 165,738 2.73 Net income 270,365 4.44% Retained earnings at January 1, 2007 874396 Retained earnings at December 31, 2007 $ 1.145.161 The accompanying accountants' review report should be read with these financial statements. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 4 THE NAZERIAN GROUP STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2007 INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from customers Cash paid to suppliers and employees Interest expense Net cash provided by operating activities Cash flows from financing activities: Net advances from line of credit Net cash provided by financing activities Net increase in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at January 1, 2007 Cash and cash equivalents at December 31, 2007 $ 5,666,050 (5,197,034) (33,706) 248,460 $ 435,310 248,460 683,770 338.984 S 2L2 7 4 The accompanying accountants' review report should be read with these financial statements. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. THE NAZERIAN GROUP STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2007 RECONCILIATION OF NET INCOME TO NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net income S 270,365 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities. Increase in accounts receivable $ (560,209) Decrease in due on retention 208,968 Increase in cost in excess of billings and estimated earnings on uncompleted contracts (67,822) Increase in accounts payable 358,673 Increase in billings in excess of cost and estimated earnings on uncompleted contracts 60,397 Increase in accrued income taxes 75,881 Increase in deferred income taxes 89,057 Total adjustments 164,945 Net cash provided by operating activities $~31 The accompanying accountants' review report should be read with these financial statements. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. THE NAZERIAN GROUP NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Description of Business - The Company is located in Glendale, California and operates as a construction contractor, providing services to the general public under fixed-price or cost-plus-fee contracts. The duration of the contracts vary in length, but are typically less than one year. The Company grants credit to its customers in the ordinary course of business. Use of estimate - Management uses estimates and assumptions in preparing financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Those estimates and assumptions affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities, and the reported revenues and expenses. Actual results could vary from the estimates that were used. Revenue and Cost Recognition - The Company determines contract earnings under the percentage-of-completion method. Under this method, the Company recognizes as revenue that proportion of the total revenue anticipated from each contract which the costs incurred to date bear to the currently estimated total costs. Because of the inherent uncertainties in estimating total cost, it is at least reasonably possible that the estimate used will change within the near future. Where a loss is forecast for the contract, the full amount of the anticipated loss is recognized in the four months in which it is determined a loss will occur. Contract costs include all direct material and labor costs and those indirect costs related to contract performance, such as indirect labor, materials, supplies and tool costs. General and administrative costs are charged to expense as incurred. Provisions for estimated losses on uncompleted contracts are made in the period in which such losses are determined. The asset, "Costs and estimated earnings in excess of billings on uncompleted contracts", represents revenues recognized in excess of amounts billed. The liability, "Billings in excess of costs and estimated earnings on uncompleted contracts", represents amounts billed in excess of revenues recognized. The accompanying accountants' review report should be read with these financial statements. THE NAZERIAN GROUP NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 -continued- SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) Cash - The Company considers unrestricted currency, demand deposits, certificates of deposits, and money market accounts as cash. The Company maintains cash balances at various financial institutions that are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation up to $100,000. At various times throughout the year ended December 31, 2007, the Company had deposits in excess of the federally insured limit. Accounts receivable - It is the opinion of the Company's management that all accounts receivable are collectible. Accordingly, no allowance for uncollectible accounts has been provided. Fixed assets - Fixed assets are carved at cost. Depreciation is computed using the straight-line and double declining balance methods over the estimated useful lives of the assets, which range from 5 to 7 years. Accrued and deferred income taxes - Deferred income taxes are provided for the differences in timing in the reporting of income for financial statement and tax purposes arising from the differences in the treatment of California franchise taxes, the method of computing depreciation, and the methods of computing contract revenues. 2. DUE ON RETENTION The customers of the Company retain a portion of the progress billings for construction projects in progress. Upon completion of the contracts, all retainages' are remitted to the Company. The accompanying accountants' review report should be read with these financial statements. THE NAZERIAN GROUP NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 -continued- 3. 4. 5. PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES The provision for income taxes for the year ended December 31, 2007 consists of the following: Federal State Total Accrued income taxes $ 49,303 $ 27,378 $ 76,681 Deferred income taxes 62550 26,507 89.057 Provision for income taxes -L $ 3 S~_3 88S $ 165.738 LINE OF CREDIT The company has established a $500,000 line of credit with its bank. Interest payments are due monthly at 6.50% per annum. The balance outstanding as of December 31, 2007 is $498,460. The line of credit is personally guaranteed by the shareholder of the Company. CONCENTRATIONS The Company performed 15 major contracts during the year ended December 31, 2007. As a result, the Company has a concentration of receivables with three owners, which accounts for approximately 100% of the accounts receivable and due on retention. The accompanying accountants' review report should be read with these financial statements. 9 THE NAZERIAN GROUP NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2007 -continued- 6. BACKLOG Backlog represents the amount of revenue the Company expects to realize from work to be performed on uncompleted contracts at year ended and from contractual agreements on which work has not yet begun. The following summarizes the changes in backlog at December 31, 2007: Backlog at January 1, 2007 New contracts during the year ended December 31, 2007 Contract revenue earned during the year ended December 31, 2007 Backlog at December 31, 2007 $ 1,399,939 8,812,173 (6,095,113) $ 4.126.999 The accompanying accountants' review report should be read with these financial statements. 10 THE NAZERIAN GROUP SCHEDULES TO STATEMENTS OF INCOME AND RETAINED EARNINGS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2007 SCHEDULE I - SALES AND COST OF GOODS SOLD Sales Contracts completed (schedule 1) Contracts in progress (schedule II) Total $ 2,184,914 3,900,199 Cost of Gross Goods Sold Profit $ 1,505,037 S 679,877 3,393,173 507,026 5. _6 085.1_1 $ 4.898.210 S..118 903 The accompanying accountants' review report should be read with these financial statements. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. THE NAZERIAN GROUP SCHEDULES TO STATEMENTS OF INCOME AND RETAINED EARNINGS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2007 SCI117DULE 2 - GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Auto and travel $ 47,187 0.79% Bank charges 3,112 0.05 Contributions 3,458 0.06 Dues and subscriptions 2,994 0.05 Employee benefits 6,954 0.11 Equipment rental 35,685 0.59 Insurance 39,799 0.65 Legal and professional 34,099 0.56 License and permits 1,088 0.02 Office expenses 27,709 0.46 Office salaries 92,549 1.52 Officer salaries 347,514 5.71 Payroll taxes 463 0.01 Postage 3,323 0.05 Printing 3,199 0.05 Repairs and maintenance 555 0.01 Security 206 0.00 Storage 2,633 0.04 Taxes and licenses 20,154 0.33 .Telephone 25,686 0.42 Utilities 18,727 0.31 Total general and administrative expenses $ 717.09 4 11-79% SCHEDULE 3 - OTHER INCOME AND (EXPENSES) Interest expense $ 3( 3,706) (0.55)% Total other income and (expenses) $3706) 55)% The accompanying accountants' review report should be read with these financial statements. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 12 THE NAZERIAN GROUP CONTRACT DESCRIPTIONS DECEMBER 31, 2007 JOB DESCRIPTION 2233 Park Elementary School Modernization 2238 Emery Park Elementary School New 2239 Emery Park Elementary School Modernization 2240 Garfield Elementary Modernization 2241 Garfield Elementary New 2242 Santa Susana Elementary 2244 Washington K-8 Phase I 2248 Linda Vista Road 2249 Santa Susana High School 2250 Washington K-8 and CC School 2251 Park Elementary School New 2252 Mission Building & Offices Phase 1 2253 Mission Building & Offices 2254 Marengo Building 2255 Carr Park 9999 Miscellaneous completed The accompanying accountants' review report should be read with these financial statements. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 13 C 4.1 r L a - 5 Cj J ~ V m l ~ N 7 U C L lJ •J. a r C N L r M U J' U u ~ r ~ V L L ~ n F n L o v U .a A v C C O ~ E U < C L 9 C V O G Ll - a ~ C C~ M N O P h r P h h~ M h r^ ~ W n _ r P ^ n e r v oo O l T J w` ~ v m ~n M rv N d a w w o C M .r, N d b x r N r F. O M N T Vi u N ~D O O F, e t". O ^ T r Q~ O C N d ~j . r ~D M Q r N ' h M - - V1 w w P L v1 r F n 'i0 r 9 E ag r- n •o ry rv e m vj P O Sri h r i O Q Y 11 C - _ ~ d r e P NPi rv m Ni w w g M x c o. r o 0 o c r M o m vi d Q Q Q N% h r 0 P V c` M n ~ cd'~ Sri ~ n . N N P w w m m ~1 m M h 0 0 0 O r ~D VI VI Vl M m m m Nt C O~ P 9 a p J y V V ~ O P m e b h r N L 'J D C VI w T C L G a vJ m M m N N 0 0 0 0 ? = G A ° ° P a E V e -i o H P : L am- p V1 Q N a ' b ~ U ~ V N ~ r m P ~ ~ 3' c ~ [ ^ w w n ~ J C Vt r M Q P N M N O P Q E N r C V C M h- N e e • a ' w h Ni r vi _ r d m o o - n ' O v. O ^ N M O N M N^ d : V a` d d o ~ c C ~ T m m m M vi V b m b GC vl P b b- N c m m Q h N O O O M Q O e t N O ~ U U O O Q (V ^ n $ P m v i N N r w w h r r O r d d m d O b q O `O d `O M d- O N m ~O h ~ ~ r h m ~D vi ~ M N T r r V a e i N N r O~~ N N w ~ w u rv N r b P y E q vp N A h N O m m W N E y N~ N- d d ~/1 m '/1 N m F " o a P m h r N-- N N _ [[J m N N m w w .n - r e- a O r- m ~G N- d Pb vl h r M j e t": N m h N N d x h m • + _ 0 0 o Q e 0 w h E p m V~ P N N O a ~ J ¢ ~O m v i - N N P w w a y M M e Q Q Q d Q h I ~ N N N N N N N N N = zr s •r. N r L V' r LL L v ^ cO L < ~ W 7 U - W LG C a u v c W } V O LL 0 'U a n 7 Q J N N P e o o M N o rv C CL P o ~ o w w 0 0 ~ o r ~ $ - M w w M M P V O O P n E° N O g o ~p M O o u G M- m ~D T w w P N P e C 0 e N m G O O = = Q o v w w 0 0 m r 0 0 " N P- 0 m P O O O m N U a r e h , - - e w w D M P e 0 0 N m ° a u E o~ o o C h C W ~ Q L O N w Y o e e e e e pp ~ O e N 0 0 p P P T m 0. L% O O O h N p O 8 O a Y M ,p . . y F' G o c I n . P N w r O O m O O h m H 4 a C C V R or N d N W - w w Y) m O N O O b ~ E W p Q M O W~ O e M m E P m rv . o U i v o m v i a L•.] m - - - N r M w o ~ ~ h O Q O h O U ( ' O OO O Q O C 00 N h M M N O M N 'O = P a Q m C M a - M P w N L M O N M h O M h h V1 V h N N N N N N N N N N N N v e U ~ O D C C S T u L ~ F - 'u C n 0 0 V ~ n 3 V V q P F ~ Y v t m F ^ U c h L V ~ c n ~ m ~ Fz T ° C G V C L 2 0 ~ u V Fem. 3 r C l 7 ~ ~oo ~ o ' ^~~oo 0 ~ O `m a N v~ r r a Y a, O ~ W U C L a a ~ yr an Z r p W M^ O O F ^ w ~ V r. a O . U L .C vt N P N r m N n b Q ~ K F u ^ C ~ Cp v v N w , .L v E. m ~ Cm J L G W 69 ,V - C r w ~ ~ O L o o o ~ a n ~ N ~ ~ ~ . O.J r ~O '1 V J ] N tr. bi 69 O N r', Q vi N N N N N N N N N N N N A 'ti ~ c o c0 ~ c ~ L C F 1. N V 6 o ~ a o ~ y ~ n R U v ~ f'i G u v U f/ O t 4 - n c_ e i m u _C c R _d N Y O ~ V ~ 9 3 SECTION 00060 BID BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, The Nazerian Group as Principal, and The Guarantee Company of North America as Surety, are held and firmly bound, along with our respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, unto City of Rosemead, hereinafter "Obligee," for payment of the penal sum hereof in lawful money of the United States, as more particularly set forth herein. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH THAT- WHEREAS, the Principal has submitted the accompanying Bid Proposal for the Work commonly described as City of Rosemead Park Bike / Pedestrian Trail and the .Bid Proposal must be accompanied by Bid Security. WHEREAS, subject to the terms of this Bond, the Surety is firmly bound unto the Obligee in the penal sum of TEN PERCENT (10%) of the maximum amount of the Bid Proposal submitted by the Principal to the Obligee, as set forth above, inclusive of additive alternate bid items, if any. NOW THEREFORE, if the Principal shall not withdraw said Bid Proposal within the period specified therein after the opening of the same, or, if no period be specified, for sixty (60) days after opening of said Bid Proposal; and if the Principal is awarded the Contract, and shall within the period specified therefore, or if no period be specified, within five (5) days after the prescribed forms are presented to him for signature, enter into a written contract with the Obligee, in accordance with the Bid Proposal as accepted, and give such bond(s) with good and sufficient surety or sureties, as may be required, for the faithful performance and proper fulfillment of such Contract and for the payment for labor and materials used for the performance of the Contract, or in the event of the withdrawal of said Bid Proposal within the period specified for the holding open of the Bid Proposal or the failure of the Principal to enter into such Contract and give such bonds within the time specified, if the Principal shall pay the Obligee the difference between the amount specified in said Bid Proposal and the amount for which the Obligee may procure the required Work and/or supplies, if the latter amount be in excess of the former, together with all costs incurred by the Obligcc in again calling for Bids or otherwise procuring said Work or supplies, then the above obligation shall be void and of no effect, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or the Call for Bids, the Work to be performed thereunder, the Drawings or the Specifications accompanying the same, or any other portion of the Contract Documents shall in any way affect its obligations under this Bond, and it does CITY OF ROSEMEAD PARK PEDESTRIAN TRAIL BID BOND STANDARD SPFCIFICATIONS 00060 VERSION 08-07 PAGE. 1 OF 2 hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of said Contract, the Call for Bids, the Work, the Drawings or the Specifications, or any other portion of the Contract Documents. In the event that suit or other proceeding is brought upon this Bond by the Obligee, the Surety shall pay to the Obligee all costs, expenses and fees incurred by the Obligee in connection therewith, including without limitation, attorneys' fees. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and Surety have executed this instrument this 19th day of August 1 2008 by their duly authorized agents or representatives. Bidder: (corporate Seal) Surety (Corporate Seal) (Attach Attorney-in-Fact Certificate) The Nazerian Group (P Y By: (Signature) VAfl ad PA-,rpA ✓ 6FgZe l- (Typed or Printed Name & Title) 543 Arden Ave., Glendale, CA 91203 (Address) The Guarantee Company of North America USA (Surety's Name) By: (Si tur f orney-in-Fact for Surety) William Sorkin Attorney-in-Fact (Typed or Printed Name) 1800 Sutter St. Ste 735, Concord, CA 94520 (Address of Surety's Office where Bond is issued) (925)566-6040 (Area Code and Telephone Number of Surety) CITY OF ROSEMEAD PARK PEDESTRIAN TRAIL BID BOND STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 00060 VERSION 08-07 PAGE 2OF2 THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA Southfield, Michigan. POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: That THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Michigan, having its principal office in Southfield, Michigan, does hereby constitute and appoint William Syrkin, Mattheru C. Welty Millennium Corporate Solutions, Inc. its true and lawful attomey(s)-in-fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds and undertakings, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed, required or permitted by law, statute, rule, regulation, contract or otherwise. The execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA as fully and amply, to all Intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at the principal office. The Power of Attorney is executed and may be certified so, and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority of Article IX, Section 9.03 of the By-Laws adopted by the Board of Directors of THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA at a meeting held on the 310 day of December, 2003. The President, or any Vice President, acting with any Secretary or Assistant Secretary, shall have power and authority; 1. To appoint Attorney(s)-in-fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof; and 2. To revoke, at any time, any such Attomey-in-fact and revoke the authority given, except as provided below 3. In connection with obligations in favor of the Kentucky Department of Highways only, it is agreed that the power and authority hereby given to the Attorney-in-Fact cannot be modified or revoked unless prior written personal notice of such intent has been given to the Commissioner - Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Kentucky at least thirty (30) days prior to the modification or revocation. Further, this Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile pursuant to resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company adopted at a meeting duly called and held on the 310 day of December 2003, of which the following is a true excerpt: RESOLVED that the signature of any authorized officer and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power of Attorney or certification thereof authorizing the execution and delivery of any bond, undertaking, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and such signature and seal when so used shall have the same force and effect as though manually affixed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA has caused this instrument to be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer, this 13th day ~oP"""TFEOO~, of November, 2007. ^W yE oyO~G J9 THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA 'MwMEP~ - ' STATE OF MICHIGAN Stephen Dullard, Vice President Randall Musselman, Secretary County of Oakland On this 13th day of November, 2007 before me came the individuals who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally known, and being by me duly swom, said that each is the herein described and authorized officer of The Guarantee Company of North America USA; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company; that the Corporate Seal and each signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company. Cynthia A. Takai IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand at The Guarantee yw~-' ` Notary Public, State of Michigan Company of North America USA offices the day and year above written. County of Oakland My Commission Expires February 27, 2012 Acting in Oakland County I, Randall Musselman, Secretary of THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney executed by THE GUARANTEE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA USA, which is still in full force and effect. IN WITINESS WHEREOF, I have thereunto set my hand and attached the seal of said Company this 19th day of August 2008. W, E,pNTFE OQ 1 Randall Musselman, Secretary ORrI/RMEP WP CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT - C~^ iT!'PYL- .~`f'~ .a(' ^A•.b`(`a-~.fi'~' •C'P.~C-t~'wE•.'ZY'4Y~`Q- °-Y State of California 1 County of Orange Jy On 08/19/08 before me, R. Haas-Bates, Notary Public , pare Mere Insert Name and Title of the officer personally appeared William Syrkin Name(s) of Signer(s) BATES ~ 1796169 • CAIIFORNIp +nOUNTY n PRIL 22, 2072 ame Place Notary Seal Above who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/ere subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/shMSey executed the same in his/Hefi4heif authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/keFAheir signature(s} on the instrument the person(s}, or the entity upon behalf of which the person(st acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. and official seal. WITNESS mmyhand Signature Kdl~ no ft ry Pu Sgdic OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: ❑ Individual Corporate Officer-Title(s): - ❑ Partner - ❑ Limited ❑ General 7 Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee G Guardian or Conservator Other: Signer Is Representing: Top al thumb here Number of Pages: Signer's Name: ❑ Individual ❑ Corporate Officer - Title(s): ❑ Partner - ❑ Limited O General ❑ Attorney in Fact ❑ Trustee Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: Top of (numb here 02007 Nat,caal Nora,, Assodabon•93M Do Solo AV.. P.O. em 24N-ChaLSnorm, CA 91313-2402 wmv.NabonaINm.r,., In. #59(n Reorder Call Tbf Fred 18018]0.882]