CC - Item 5B - Discussion on Use of American Rescue Plan Act State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF)ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, ACTING CITY MANAGER 'Sj—/k-� DATE: APRIL 26, 2022 SUBJECT: DISCUSSION ON USE OF AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT STATE AND LOCAL FISCAL RECOVERY FUNDS (SLFRF) SUMMARY The City of Rosemead was awarded $17.878.653 in American Rescue Plan Act State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF). The funds must be obligated by December 2024 and fully expended by December 2026. On February 22, 2022, the City Council authorized the partial use of these funds for the addition of a City Engineer and the conversion of the 3/4 Accountant position to full time. On March 8, 2022, the City Council authorized the acceptance of the standard allowance of $10 million in revenue loss due to the pandemic. This report is intended to continue the discussion, provide additional information regarding possible uses of the remaining SLFRF funds, and gain City Council direction. BACKGROUND The use of SLFRF funds has been divided into four categories: - 1) Public Sector Revenues to replace lost revenue; 2) Public Health & Economic Response to respond to the public health and economic impacts of COVID-19; 3) Premium Pay for Essential Workers; and 4) Water, Sewer and Broadband Infrastructure. Public Health & Economic Response This category includes `Responding to the Public Health Emergency', `Responding to Negative Economic Impacts', and `Public Sector Capacity'. Allowable uses in this category include expenses for COVID-19 mitigation and prevention, medical expenses, behavioral health care, and preventing and responding to violence. Also included is assistance to households, small businesses, nonprofits, and impacted industries, and public sector capacity including investment in neighborhoods to promote improved health outcomes and effective service delivery. Premium Pay_ for Essential Workers The SLFRF Final Rule includes a section regarding premium pay for essential workers and expanded the expanded the definition of an essential worker to include all local government AGENDA ITEM 5.11 City Council Meeting — American Rescue Plan Act Funds April 26, 2022 Paae 2 of 6 employees who either have in-person interaction with the public or coworkers or handle items used by others. The premium may be provided to private and public sector employees providing essential services up to a rate of $13/hour but cannot exceed $25,000 per employee. Beyond Enumerated Uses Throughout the Final Rule, summaries, and overviews, Treasury identifies specific uses of funds that are eligible, called "enumerated eligible uses" which are provided as guidance for proper spending of the SLFRF. However, the uses listed are non -exhaustive and may be expanded based on additional analysis of the use, application to the purpose and guidelines of SURF, justification of the use, and additional documentation and reporting. DISCUSSION Based on allowable use of the SLFRF under the Final Rule and operational (shown in green), staffing (peach), and capital needs (blue) of the City, Staff is proposing the following items for City Council consideration is use of the funds. The list is followed by more details identified by the reference number (Ref #). Although the list of items exceeds the amount available, it is anticipated that final numbers will fall within the available funding. Just as with the City's budget, the SURF spending plan is designed to be fluid and will be modified as costs are refined, programs implemented, and/or priorities change. The funds are subject to City Council appropriation and must be spent in adherence to the City Purchasing Code and Policies and Procedures. Ref . Description Amount SLFRF Allocation for Rosemead 17,878,700 Standard Revenue Loss Allocation Approved 10,000,000 City Engineer (through 12/31/2026) Approved 630,000 Accountant 1/4 time (through 12/31/2026) Approved 160,000 Remaining Allocation 7,088,700 1 COVID Sick Time Mandate 100,000 2 Testing / Supplies / Related Exp 300,000 3 Permit System (Planning, Building and Safety) 500,000 4 Record Database Management Plan (GIS) - Public Works 300,000 5 Public Safety Flock System 128,500 6 Additional Position - Administration - HR Analyst 485,000 7 Additional Position - City Clerk's Office - Admin Asst 395,000 8 One -Time Premium Pay Awards for Employees 150,000 9 Council Chambers / Conference Room Upgrades 50,000 10 Rosemead Walking Trail 500,000 11 Zapopan Park Walking Trail 420,000 12 Splash Park Improvements 200,000 13 Public Safety Substation - Technology & EOC 300,000 14 Wireless Broadband / Parks & City Facilities 250,000 15 Storm Drain Pump Station Replacement 3,000,000 16 Financial Tracking/Reporting - Staff Time thru 2027 100,000 Total Uses for Consideration 7,178,500 Remaining Balance (89,800) City Council Meeting — American Rescue Plan Act Funds April 26, 2022 Paae 3 of 6 Details of Recommended Capital Projects Above Operational Uses The City is required to provide additional sick leave 1 Covid Sick Leave to both full and part-time employees when the leave $ 100 000 Mandate is in relation to COVID-19. The City's cost may be ' reimbursed with SLFRF funds. The City has experiences significant expenses due to the pandemic for the purchase of goods related to safety, testing, and other supplies. A portion, but 2 Testing / Supplies / not all, of these costs were paid utilizing CDBG- $ 300 000 Related Exp COVID funding. This amount is to cover the costs ' covered by other sources and will be adjusted based on reimbursement from FEMA which has been applied for but not received. Permit System Replacement for Replacement of the current system to improve 3 Planning, Building & efficiency of operations. $ 500,000 Safe Services Estimated amount — Requires formal bid. Utility, Infrastructure and City wide survey and inventory of all 4 Facilities Mapping and infrastructure/facility assets, develop GIS $ 300,000 Record Database (GIS) maps/database, and file management system. — Management Plan Estimated amount — Requires formal bid. Continued expansion of the Flock camera system 5 Public Safety Flock within the City. This provides for operational $ 128 500 System expenses of 10 additional cameras through ' December 2026. Staffing Uses The additional of this position will increase staffing from 2 full-time and 1 part-time positions within the Human Resources division to 3 full-time and 1 part- time positions. Duties for the position include 6 New Position — Human coordinating Citywide trainings, creating the City's $ 485 000 Resources Analyst organizational succession plans and employee ' development, developing and implementing a mentorship /internship program, assist in updating and creating policies and procedures, job descriptions, and HR processes. The addition of this position will increase full-time New Position — staffing from 2 to 3 positions within the City 7 Administrative Asst — Clerk's Office. Duties for the new position include $ 395,000 City Clerk general clerical and administrative support, customer service, data entry and retrieval, public records request processing, maintaining required City Council Meeting — American Rescue Plan Act Funds April 26, 2022 Pase 4 of 6 On March 8, 2022, the City Council elected to accept the $10 million standard allowance for revenue loss provided through SLFRF. The $10 million has been transferred to a new fund to insurance files, assistance in records management, and other related duties. Would provide to current employees who worked during calendar 2021 a $2,000 one-time payment to full-time employees and $500 or $1,000 to part - 8 Premium Pay time employees depending on number of hours $ 150,000 worked in the last year (1 — 499 hours = $500; 500+ = $1,000). The Executive Team has elected to forego the premium payment and Council Members are not eligible. Capital Improvement Uses 9 Council Chambers / Conference Room Technology and logistical improvements for $ 50,000 Updates Council Chambers and Conference Room 10 Rosemead Walking Trail Replacement of current walking trail based upon $ 500,000 committee recommendation. 11 Zapopan Park Walking Replace deteriorated walking trail. $ 420,000 Trail 12 Garvey Park Splash Zone TBD — Cost is estimated placeholder only $ 200,000 Improvements Public Safety Substation Remodel of the Public Safety Center including 13 (partial funding) enhancement of technology and expansion of $ 300,000 Emergency Operations Center (EOC) uses. Replace aging SD pump station at Walnut Grove Storm Drain Pump Ave. and I-10 Fwy grade separation. The City 14 Station Replacement contracts with LA County to perform annual repairs $ 3,000,000 Walnut Grove Ave and maintenance on this pump station. LA County has reported that the pump station is near end of service life and in need of replacement. Implement wireless broadband internet service at Wireless Internet at City all City parks and facilities for public use. The 2020 15 Facilities and Parks US Census indicates that 92.3% of households in $ 250,000 Rosemead have computers and 84.5% of households have broadband internet subscriptions. Financial Tracking / This cost represents the estimated staff time 16 Reporting required for tracking, reporting, and auditing $ 100,000 SLFRF activities through FY 2026. $ 7,178,500 TOTAL On March 8, 2022, the City Council elected to accept the $10 million standard allowance for revenue loss provided through SLFRF. The $10 million has been transferred to a new fund to City Council Meeting — American Rescue Plan Act Funds April 26, 2022 Pace 5 of 6 track the use of these funds. Staff anticipates the possible use of up to $4.5 million for General Fund budget deficits through FY 2025-26. Although recent budgets were adopted anticipating deficit positions for the fiscal year, year-end actuals provided better conditions and therefore, the $4.5 million could be less than shown herein. Recommendations for consideration for use of the remaining funds is as follows: Pi-o-lect Title Desci-II)tioll Total Cost Est This is a placeholder for anticipated budget operational 1 Anticipated Budget Deficits deficits within the General Fund. The amount will be $ 4,500,000 evaluated and adjusted each year as budgets are adopted and ear -end numbers are finalized. Construction Costs associated with remodel of the Public Safety Center and addition of secured parking lot. Design 2 Public Safety Substation and preparation of construction documents are approved $ 1,700,000 under the FY 21-22 CIP budget and will be finalized by end of FY 22-23. Renovate outdated basement office area that house 3 City Hall Interior Renovation Public Works, Finance, Human Resources, Code $ 450,000 Enforcement, and Information Technology staff. Renovate City Hall elevator to serve as a passenger and 4 City Hall Elevator and ADA ADA compliant elevator and renovate basement $ 400 000 Improvements restrooms to comply with ADA requirements. (May also ' qualify for CDBG funding) 5 City Facilities Master Key Replace master key locks with card reader access. $ 175,000 Lock Replacement Parks and Facilities Master Analysis of City parks and facilities to determine 6 Plan condition, deficiencies, community needs and $ 250,000 development of projects and associated costs. 7 Garvey Park Parking Lot Reconstruct deteriorated pavement and replace striping. $ 360,000 Resurfacing 8 Rosemead Park Parking Lot Cold Mill and AC overlay of deteriorated pavement $ 275 000 Resurfacing resurfacing of two parking lots serving Rosemead Park. ' Assess city wide irrigation system, explore recycled 9 Irrigation System Master water opportunities, identify deficiencies, implement $ 460,000 Plan water efficient fixtures. 6 Parks, 2 Community Centers, City Hall City Council Meeting — American Rescue Plan Act Funds April 26, 2022 Page 6 of 6 STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended City Council provide direction on the use of the remaining American Rescue Plan Act State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impact of each item is contained within the body of this report. Final fiscal impact will depend on items approved by the City Council. Items regarding new positions and capital projects will be included in the FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget for final funding consideration. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Paula Chamberlain, Interim Finance Director