Cook Arthur Inc.C. o.okArthur PROPOSAL FOR AN ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT IMAGING STORAGE RETRIEVAL SYSTEM SUBMITTED TO CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By Cook/Arthur Inc. ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROPOSAL Enterprise Content Management/ Enterprise Document Management System Proposal CI'I'1" OI. ROSENIF.AD TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 MANAGING AND PERSERVING VITAL GOVERNANCE RECORDS AND HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS . 4 PROVIDING ELECTRONIC RECORDS MANAGEMENT CAPABILITIES TO THE CITY . 4 INTEGRATING WITH C'IT'Y HOST APPLICATIONS . S COMPETETTVE ADVANTAGE OF SYSTEM . 5 SECTION A - COMPANY PROFILE 6 COOK / ARTHUR COMPETETIVE ADVANTAGES . 6 COMPANY BACKGROUND - COOK/ARTHlTR INC . 6 ORGANIZATION CHART . 8 COMPANY LNFORNL-1TION . 9 SMALL BUSINESS CERTIFICATION 10 DRUG-FREE CERTIFICATION 10 DRUG-FREE CERTIFICATION 1 1 REFERENCES 12 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2 SELECTED PROJECTS 1 SECTION B - PROJECT TEAM QUALIFICATIONS 14 SECTION C - PRODUCT(S)/SERVICES 16 SECTION D - SUPPORT/WARRANTY/MAINTENANCE/TRAINING 17 WARRANTYAND HARWARE SUPPORT 17 SUPPORT SERVICES 17 Standard Support Services 17 Premier Support Services 18 TRALNLNG 18 On-going Training 18 End User Training 18 scanner User Training 19 System Adrninisti'atoi' ,4(iiiiliiisti'atoi-s Training 20 SECTION E - PRICING 21 PRIC'IN'G QUOTATION 21 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 21 PREPARED FOR: CITY OF ROSEMEAD PREPARED BY: COOK/ARTHUR INC. DATE: JUNE 17, 2008 PAGE 2 OF 22 ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROPOSAL SIGNATURE PAGE ...................................................................................................................22 PREPARED FOR: CITY OF ROSEMEAD PREPARED BY: COOK/ARTHUR INC. DATE: JUNE 17. 2008 PAGE 3 OF 22 ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROPOSAL EXECUTIVE SUD1b1ARY Cook/Arthur Inc., a provider of quality end-to-end electronic document management solutions, is pleased to offer a Document Management Solution to the City of Rosemead (the City). We are uniquely qualified to be the City's Document Management Solution Provider. We are a Premier LibertyNET reseller and have implemented solutions in organizations similar to yours throughout the area. Clients include the City of Norwalk, City of Monrovia, the City of Santa Clarita, the City of Burbank, the City of Chino Hills, the City of West Sacramento, City of Clovis, City of Turlock and the City of Rialto, as well as many other municipal governments and agencies. Our project team has extensive experience delivering LibertyNET EDM solutions in the area of municipal government and will bring this experience to your project. Our product, the LibertyNET system, is the most value added system on the market, providing more functionality for the price than any of its competitors. Our LibertyNET solution was designed as an enterprise document management system and not merely a departmental application. It provides the architecture and tools to design a complete, customized system for an entire City. LibertyNET's Application Builder (LAB) allows non-programmers to create custom applications for each department using the LAB's intuitive graphical user interface. Further, LibertyNET's segmented database architecture was designed to provide unlimited growth and flexible distribution of document repositories. LibertyNET supports multiple external DBMS servers such as Oracle and MS SQL Server and is set up to integrate with these Document Imaging System platforms automatically. The benefit to the City is that there will be no additional work involved in integrating with its DBMS platform, and changing Document Imaging System platforms will not require redevelopment of the application. LibertyNET will uniquely meet the City's needs by providing a rich array of capabilities within a single, totally integrated environment. The LibertyNET system provides extensive annotation, display, output, and automation features. It provides integrated workflow, COLD/ERM and Document Management/Revision Control. The result is a fully integrated suite of products and total document management within a single turnkey program that provides one view and one set of rules for all types of data. l1AAAGING A,VD PER.SERFING VIT.4L GOVERNANCE RECORDS AND HISTORICAL DOCUMEN'T'S Cook/Arthur has extensive experience designing document repositories to manage governance and administrative documents. Key features include easy access for all constituents, integrity of records and strong organization of records so that specific documents can be found or complete sets of related documents can be gathered. Reporting, e-mailing, and exporting features allow records managers to help constituents define their searches and provide them access to documents through a variety of channels. Our solution supports standard data file and media formats. As part of our implementation we will recommend those formats and media types most appropriate for the long term storage of documents. PROVIDIAG ELECTRONIC RECORDS ,VAA.-IGEVEAT CAP.aBILITIES TO THE CITY. LibertyNET contains a number of tools that can be used to implement your records management program. Among these are LibertyNET's powerful forms and rule template objects. These tools allow you to manage implement your retention schedule. Administrators can create rules that set the retention period on documents according to their classification and calculate the retention date for non-permanent documents. Administrators also create rules that will notify the records manager when documents have passed their retention period and move the documents to a review where a report can be generated for approval as part of your retention process. PREPARED FOR: CITY OF ROSEMEAD PREPARED BY: COOK/ARTHUR INC. DATE: JUNE 17, 2008 PAGE 4 OF 22 ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROPOSAL INT£GRATIAG WITH CITY HOST APPLICaTIO S LibertyNET includes a built in interface for "image enabling" existing applications. Image enabling allows a Windows or DOS application to add images, without the need to be concerned about how to scan or where to store images. Another tool is provided to image enabled Web based application. Called the URL Command, it gives access to the LibertyNET Web server. Users can call retrieval functions from Web pages and return lists of documents, as well as perform other functions. Integration with host databases for automated indexing is supported through LibertyNET's database lookup function. The database lookup function allows you to pass data between any standard query tool and a host application, with no additional coding except the scripting done in your preferred tool. LibertyNET also comes with an e-mail integration as part of its base system. Some competitors tout e-mail archiving modules that are purchased separately at a high cost. LibertyNET has e-mail archiving built in. E-mails can be sent directly to Liberty and can be auto-imported. They can also be auto-indexed and moved to an appropriate processing folder. LibertyNET also has fax import capabilities right out of the box COAIPETETIVE ADVANTAGE OF SY"STE,V1 LibertyNET's unique competitive advantage over other EDMS systems lies in the fact that it was developed as Customizable Software. That means that it has the simplicity and ease of use of an out- of- the box product, without the limitations, and the expandability and development capacity of a developer's toolkit. The benefit is an application, customized for each department, with business rules automation and other functional extensions that you can easily develop without a programmer. The LibertyNET Application Builder (LAB) allows the network systems administrator to develop, customize and maintain the LibertyNET System. It is a powerful utility that none of its competitors can match and contributes to making this product the best of its class. LibertyNET is the best-in-class, enterprise-wide turnkey information management offering available. The LibertyNET System can be configured to meet the needs of the most demanding users, from the smaller organization with only a few workstations to the mega enterprise with complex information requirements. LibertyNET does not need to link a series of unrelated products to accomplish their wide array of product features: all of the LibertyNET capabilities like document imaging, COLD, and workflow are built right in the LibertyNET code. This crucial feature makes the LibertyNET product reliable and easy to use. It's simply not possible to make multiple products interact as smoothly as a single product with the same built-in features. There is no limit to how many file formats or media types that can be accessed by the same LibertyNET system or to how big a LibertyNET system can grow. At no time must one system be discarded to incorporate a larger system. Installations consist of one seat to thousands of seats with the flexibility to incorporate change as it happens. In addition, the LibertyWEBT"l module allows documents to be accessible via the World Wide Web. PREPARED FOR: CITY OF ROSEMEAD PREPARED BY: COOK/ARTHUR INC. DATE: JUNE 17, 2008 PAGE 5 OF 22 ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROPOSAL SECTION A - COMPANY PROFILE M ?okArthur _ COOK I 'ARTHUR COMPETE TII'E ADVANTAGES Cook/Arthur Inc has been providing EDM solutions since the early 90s and has numerous installations of EDM systems in municipal and federal government environments. Our installations include many city governments such as the City of Norwalk, the City of Santa Clarita, and the City of Monrovia, as well a government agencies such as the San Diego Water Authority and Inland Empire Utility Agency. Cook/Arthur is distinguished from other VARs by its approach to Document Imaging and Document Management. Like other VARs, we provide technical solutions and integration services. Our staff has experience supporting computer networks and business applications. Unlike other VARs, however, we bring interdisciplinary professional knowledge to bear on our consulting services. We have a focus on compliance and records management. Our principle consultant is a member of ARMA and has recently published an article on Information Privacy in ARMA's national journal, the Information Management Journal. In addition, he teaches business ethics at the college level and conducts research on information compliance and ethics issues. Our organization is CDIA certified. The CDIA certification is provided by CompTIA (providers of the A+, Network+ and other computer industry certifications), and is intended to recognize competence and professionalism in all areas of document imaging. A member of our staff recently participated as a Subject Matter Expert in creating the new CDIA examination, now in beta testing. Cook/Arthur personnel have extensive experience designing and delivering LibertyNET solutions. We have over 27 LibertyNET clients, whom we have supported for a number of years and help grow their applications. More importantly, Cook/Arthur puts its most experienced people in the project to deliver and manager core elements. They do more than simply monitor the project. They are key contributors and architects of the solution, as well as members of the ongoing support team. Cook/Arthur also excels in training and documentation. Our custom training and documentation is developed by an experienced trainer with 20 years teaching experience as a college instructor and publications in professional journals. Cook/Arthur maintains an internal LibertyNET training program for its staff and plans to begin holding training seminars in special topics such as business rule automation for our clients. COMPANY BACKGROUND - COOK;ARTHC!R INC. Cook/Arthur Inc., a privately held Corporation, was founded in 1973. Since that time, we have provided Los Angeles County and the Inland Empire with innovative office technologies from leading manufacturers such as IBM and Canon. We have also provided service and support for all the products we provide that exceeds the industry norm. This, by itself, has contributed to our longevity through the accelerated business and technological changes of the last 27 years. PREPARED FOR: CITY OF ROSEMEAD PREPARED BY: COOK/ARTHUR INC. DATE: JUNE 17, 2008 PAGE 6 OF 22 ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROPOSAL Our client base has been broad and diverse. However, our main stream of business has been with municipal, county, and federal governments. The scope of services that we have provided to the government sector includes maintenance, technical support, and onsite end user training. In the early 1990s we entered the imaging/electronic document management (EDM) market as an authorized Canon Imaging Systems Reseller. As a Canon Imaging Systems Reseller, we placed numerous systems in federal and municipal organizations. Seeing that market would soon demand highly functional, scalable network based systems, we became a LibertyNET Information Management Systems Value Added Reseller. We have implemented and supported the LibertyNET system in such areas as education and city government. In 1997 we established a new division to focus on the Information Management Market. We provide total solutions that encompass every aspect of an EDM system. This includes hardware, software, system design, application consultation, training, and support. Our clients turn to us for any and all of their application needs. We do not provide hardware and software products and services outside the area of EDM unless specifically required by our clients. In this way our focus and commitment to our EDM systems remains undiverted. Our experience with and commitment to LibertyNET has allowed us to take full advantage of the unique and advanced capabilities that Liberty offers. In particular, we have experience in customizing and developing our client's application using the LibertyNET Application Builder (LAB). Through the LAB, each application is designed from the bottom up. This includes index forms, document requests, input masks, rule processing templates, workflows, folders, users, scanner set ups, and object security. In addition to dedicating a division of our company to the information management market place, we continue an ongoing process of converting our office products division to mainly digital office products and equipment. To this end we have trained our technicians in digital copier and scanner technologies. Also, we have become an authorized Hewlett Packard Service Center. Our business model is based in offering value-added services and cultivating long-term partnerships with our clients. Cook/Arthur Inc. is a privately held company and it is the policy of the ownership not to disclose financial data. Cook/Arthur has been a supplier to city and county governments for over 30 years and has always provided quality products and services. Our first imaging installations were in 1994, while our first LibertyNET installation was in 1996. We have numerous LibertyNET installations that we support and 24 of them are Municipal Agencies. PREPARED FOR: CITY OF ROSEMEAD PREPARED BY: COOK/ARTHUR INC. DATE: JUNE 17. 2008 PAGE 7 OF 22 ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROPOSAL ORGANIZATION CH.4RT Arthur Mooradian President Business Information Products Office Management Division 1~ ~1 Division Service I I Carolyn Keith I Norman Mooradian, Ph. D. EDM Consultant C.D.I.A. Mike Albert Conversion Victor Kepler Services Support Specialist PREPARED FOR: CITY OF ROSEMEAD PREPARED BY: COOK/ARTHUR INC. DATE: JUNE 17, 2008 PAGE 8 OF 22 ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROPOSAL CWIPAA I:1 FORMATION Company Name: Cook/Arthur Inc. Federal Employer I.D. Number 95-2844493 Address: 575 North Central Avenue Upland, CA 91786 Telephone No: (909) 946-1762 FAX Number: (909) 949-8654 Dunn and Bradstreet rating 2C Number of total employees 5 Number of employees dedicated to development and 2 installation Number of employees dedicated to maintenance and 2 service Number of Current LibertyNET Clients (Municipal 27 (23) Clients) The date of the first document imaging installation 1994 The number of workstations in the largest installation of 100 this software you have performed The number of concurrent licenses in the largest 31 installation of this software you have performed How long the entity has been operating under the 32 Years present business name? How long has the company been in this type of Electronic Document Management business? - Over 11 Years Disclose any bankruptcy, pending litigation, planned None office closures or any impending mergers. Describe any work related conviction or indictment of None the firm or any officer and termination of any contract for convenience within the last three years. Identify any subcontractors to be used on this project. None Prepared By: Norman Mooradian Email: nmooradian@cookarthur.com PREPARED FOR: CITY OF ROSEMEAD DATE: JUNE 17. 2008 PREPARED BY: COOK/ARTHUR INC. PAGE 9 OF 22 ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROPOSAL SNfALL BL'SLVESS CERTIFICATION State of Callfomla ' Department of General Services ' Gray Davis, Governor S PROCUREMENT DIVISION Office of Small Business and DVBE CerMaation 707 Third Street, tat Floor, Room 400 PO Box 989052 West Sacramento, California 98798-9082 • (800) 859.8529 Se APP 20030122 January 22. 2003 REF# 0031540 COOKIARTHUR INC P 0 BOX 1970 UPLAND CA 91785- 1970 Dear Business Person Congratulations on your certified small business status with the State of California Your certification entities you to benefits under the state's Small Business Participation Program within state contracting, including a five percent bidding preference and special provisions under the Prompt Payment Act CertNication period $yg Your certification period for each S Industry r~ NON-MANUFACTURER SERVICE < ` Annual Submission Requ4' am To maintain your certified status (OSDC), proof of annual receipts and Proof of Annual Receipts 1L Otr ' ; To the Office of Small Business and DVBE Certification your firm and each of your affiliates (if any). Submit to OSDC, a copy of your firm's and any affiliate firm's ENTIRE federal tax return each year following your certification. Include ALL accompanying schedules, forms, statements, and any other support documents filed with that specific tax return If you request a tax filing extension with the Intemal Revenue Service, submit to our office a copy of the extension form When your tax returns are filed. submit a copy of the entire federal tax return to our office. Proof of Employees if you have employees whose taxable wages are reported to the California Employment Development Department (EDD) on a quarterly basis, you must annually submit to our office along with your proof of annual receipts, proof of employees for your firm and any affiliates We will accept a copy of the EDD's "Quarterly Wage and Withholding Report' (Form DE6) or other format accepted by the EDD Your employee documents must cover the same four quarters as the tax return you submit for your prof of annual receipts. If you have out-of-state employees, submit the employee documentation comparable to EDD's "Quarterly Wage and Withholding Report" for the same four-quarter period Self-Maintained Online Profile PREPARED FOR: CITY OF ROSEMEAD DATE: JUNE 17, 2008 PREPARED BY: COOK/ARTHUR INC. PAGE 10 OF 22 ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROPOSAL DRC:'G-FREE CER TIFICA TWA' IM ( ,,AArthur 575 North Central Avenue, Upland, CA 91786 Toll Free (800) 294-6811; (909) 946-1762; Fax: (909) 949-8654 Webslte: www.cookarthur.com Email: info@cookarthur.com Drug-Free Certification Cook/Arthur Inc. hereby certifies compliance with Government Code Section 8355 In matters relating to providing a drug-free workplace. Cook/Arthur Inc. will: Publish a statement notifying employees that unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance Is prohibited and specifying actions to be taken against employees for violations, as required by Government Code Section 8355(a). Establish a Drug-Free Awareness Program as required by Government Code Section 8355 (b), to Inform employees about all of the following: 1. The dangers of drug abuse In the workplace. 2. The organization's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace. 3. Any available counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs. 4. Penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. Provide as required by Government Code Section 8355 (c), that every employee who works on the proposed contract or grant: 1. Will receive a copy of the company's drug-free polity statement, and 2. Will agree to abide by the terms of the company's statement as a condition of employment on the contract or grant. I, the official named below, hereby swear that I am duly authorized legally to bind Cook/Arthur Inc. to the above-described certification. I am fully aware that this certification, executed on the date In the county below, Is made under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California. Name: William F. West Date Executed: October 22. 2002- County: San Bernardino, California ~ r Signature: j~ Title: C065LIltant Federal I.D. 95-2844493 PREPARED FOR: CITY OF ROSEMEAD PREPARED BY: COOK/ARTHUR INC. DATE: JUNE 17, 2008 PAGE 11 of 22 ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROPOSAL REFERENCES City of Santa Clarita - Installed 9/99 Denise Jens - Business Analyst (661) 286-9045 23920 Valencia Blvd. #301 Santa Clarita, CA 91355 DJENS@santa-clarita.com City of Turlock Joanne Nash (209) 668-5560 x2224 156 South Broadway Suite 130 Turlock, CA 95380 JNash@turlock.ca. us City of West Hollywood Brian Ganley, IT Director IT Coordinator (323) 848-6399 Ext 6459 8300 Santa Monica Blvd. West Hollywood, CA 90069 bganley@weho.org FINA NCIA L STA TEAf£NTS Cook / Arthur is a privately held company and does not make financial statements available in bidding processes or other communications with prospective clients. We have been in business for 30 years, which is evidence of our financial longevity. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT Cook / Arthur provides a 25 % discount off the list price of the LibertyNET software to our municipal clients. That discount is a standard discount and it can be expected that we will continue with it in the future for our municipal clients. PREPARED FOR: CITY OF ROSEMEAD PREPARED BY: COOK/ARTHUR INC. DATE: JUNE 17, 2008 PAGE 12 OF 22 ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROPOSAL SELECTED PROJECTS FPPC Management Application Cook / Arthur is working with clients (e.g., City of West Sacramento) on developing an application, using the LibertyNET tools, that manages FPPC Statement of Interest and Campaign Statement filings. The purpose of the application is to manage the filing process, satisfy public access requirements, and meet records retention requirements. High level goals include the following: Public Access: Providing convenient access for the public, whether mediated by authorized persons or made directly available. Retention: Managing the documents through their lifecycle, including long term and permanent disposition. Reporting: Documenting that filings have been completed within the required period and making regular reports to the FPCC as well as retaining reports. Notice: Tracking filing and sending notification to late filers Insurance/ Contract Management Cook / Arthur will be working on an Insurance/Contract management application for one of our clients (City of Manhattan Beach) using the LibertyNET tools. We will use LibertyNET rules to notify risk managers, department managers and third party insurance providers when insurance contracts have expired. LibertyNET rules will calculate the expiration of the insurance contract and send an e-mail to interested parties automatically. COLD/Report Management Cook / Arthur will begin working on a COLD/Report Management Project for the City of Turlock. The scope of the project is to design a COLD (computer output to laser disk) import process to import financial reports created on a non-Windows computer. We will setup LibertyNET's COLD tool to find the reports on the network as they are output, bring them into LibertyNET, separate each report from the next, and auto-index. Image Enabling and Public Access Project Cook / Arthur will soon be implementing LibertyNET's content integrator in order to allow the City of West Hollywood to integrate line of business applications with LibertyNET. Using a graphical interface, system administrators will be able to associate hot keys to certain business applications. Pressing these hot keys will bring up documents in LibertyNET that are associated with the data in the host application screen. We will also be providing software and services to setup a secure Web available application for the public. PREPARED FOR: CITY OF ROSEMEAD PREPARED BY: COOK/ARTHUR INC. DATE: JUNE 17, 2008 PAGE 13 OF 22 ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROPOSAL SECTION B - PROJECT TEAM QUALIFICATIONS Name: Norman Mooradian Company Position: ED\I Consultant Project Role: Lead Developer: Will take a leading role in the, development of the LibertyNF I• application, as well as the development of administrator and end user training courses, training materials, and deliverable documentation. Education/ Experience Educational background includes a Ph.D., as well as college level courses in Visual Basic, Computer Networks and Technical Writing. years in DI/11\1 industry it the role as consultant. Over 10 }sears in education as college professor. Training/Certifications: j CDIA certified. 1 Served as a subject matter expert on the revised CDIA exam. 1 Has completed numerous Liberty IMS trtinuig classes, including LiberrtNET Standard (3 day) Administrator and the advanced (3 day) Administrator training from Liberty EMS LibertyNET Experience: 1 Played a similar role in the development of LibertyNET solutions for Cook / Arthur Liberty NET client base. •4 Designed and created LlbercvNET applications for municipal and government client base. 4 Developed technical and support documentation for clients. +l Developed training materials or delivered training for client base. Training courses include administrator, power user, and end user courses. 4 Developed customized integration applications for clients wishing to link LihertyNET's automated indexing functions with existing databases. 14 Created integration programs and documentation for import of scanned documents performed by third party conversion bureaus. 4 Has been and continues to be a key member of Cook/ Arthur DI/DM support team. ♦ Created internal training program for Cook/Arthur technical support personnel. Professional Affiliations: 4 Member of ARMA international and the Society for Business Etlucs. .L Maintains active research interests in the area of information management and information ethics. PREPARED FOR: CITY OF ROSEMEAD PREPARED BY: COOK/ARTHUR INC. DATE: JUNE 17. 2008 PAGE 14 OF 22 ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROPOSAL Name: Victor Kepler Company Position: Senior Technical Support Specialist Project Role: Will participate in the creation of the application using the Libert•NET -application Boulder. Will install hardware and software components and test functionality and performance. Education/ Experience Educational background includes IB\I training in computer hardware, software and networking. flas over twelve rears experience in Field of optical equipment and computer hardware and software. Training/ Certifications: Completed Libem\ET Standard (3 day) Administrator training from Libem- .VS. Participated in internal Cook/Arthur Libem NET training. He holds numerous other manufacturer certifications. LibertyNET Experience: ♦ Played a similar role in the development of Libert•NET solutions for numerous Cook/Arthur Libert-NET clients. ♦ Has created Libert}'NE`I* applications for a number of clients. ♦ Has provided technical support for entire Cook/Arthur client base. ♦ Has assisted client base in developing and modifying their Libert•NET applications. ♦ Helped build application servers, R.-\ID servers and workstations for client base. PREPARED FOR: CITY OF ROSEMEAD PREPARED BY: COOK/ARTHUR INC. DATE: JUNE 17, 2008 PAGE 15 OF 22 ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROPOSAL SECTION C - PRODI'CT(S)/SERVICES LibertyNET Enterprise LibertyNET Enterprise comes bundled with five (5) fixed or three (3) concurrent stations in a networked environment. The software is the same as the LibertyNET Entry platform, including the LibertyNET Application Builder (LAB), the key component for building and maintaining applications. The toolset provides an environment for easily configuring highly tailored applications. Works with Windows NT2000 Server. peer-to-peer. and other network operating systems. Includes: Liberty IMS copyrighted software in a multi-user environment Database support for the scanning, indexing and retrieval of images LibertyNET Application Builder Electronic document-to-image conversion into LibertyNET StickyNotesiMarkups Audit Trail/History Email/Print Fax Support Programmable Import (bulk import and assembly of electronic documents) LibertyNET Rule Templates includes a Business Rules Engine, which offers a complete set of tools to automate indexing and other document processes. Includes: Rule Templates; API Support; Barcode Recognition: Fax Import,-'Output: Scheduled Actions: Internal Links XML Web Services For browser-based access and control. Liberty IMS provides the LibertyNET XML Web Services. This module provides out-of-the-box user-interface templates based on XML and XSL, which can be customized to provide personalized interfaces for specific departments, groups or users. The templates allow multiple users to securely access LibertyNET services and documents, with no need for a separate publishing step. Comes bundled with two (2) connections. Multiple servers may be purchased. 25 Web Additional View Only Web Licenses 25 concurrent Web access licenses for viewing and retrieval of documents. OCR With LibertyNET OCR, you can perform full-text indexing, searching and editing to improve your document handling capabilities. Based upon the industry leading ScanSoft OCR, this technology supports full page, zone and drag-and-drop OCR. Licensed on a per workstation basis. Fujitsu 5750c Scanner Three fi-5750C scanners. Includes Basic VRS, 71ppm/142ipm Fujitsu Color Scanner Unit Warranty: 3 Month On- Site NBD PREPARED FOR: CITY OF ROSEMEAD PREPARED BY: COOK/ARTHUR INC. DATE: JUNE 17, 2008 PAGE 16 OF 22 ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROPOSAL SECTION D - SUPPORT/WARRANTY/MAINTENANCE/TRAINING 66'ARRA.VTY' AND HARRARE SUPPORT Cook/Arthur will provide the manufacturer's on-site parts and labor warranty for Scanners and other hardware we provide. The standard warranty is 90 Days, 8AM to 5PM, next day response. Cook / Arthur provides an extended warranty and maintenance contract for one (1) year. The Cook / Arthur maintenance contract includes parts and on-site labor. All software will carry the manufacturer's warranty for media. Liberty IMS warrants that the Proprietary Software System shall operate and conform to the specifications and descriptions set forth in the instructional and operational manuals pertaining to the programs, as measured by the Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP). Liberty IMS shall correct all significant programming errors, reported in writing within 90 days of loading of the software, which result in non-operation or nonconformance with the applicable specifications and descriptions as measured by the ATP. This warranty shall be contingent upon Customer's full payment for the Equipment and Third Party Software Components and Proprietary System. This warranty does not apply if the Proprietary Software System or database includes changes made by third parties or software provided by third parties. If Liberty IMS determines that a reported problem is not covered by the warranty. (Including but not limited to improper user of the computer system or an equipment malfunction, where Liberty IMS did not provide the equipment which malfunctioned), then the Customer agrees to reimburse Liberty IMS for all time, materials and expenses spent in investigating such problems. SC PPOR 7'SER VICES Cook/Arthur supports all hardware and software we provide to our clients. Cook/Arthur provides both a Basic LibertyNET Subscription and Support Plan and a Premium Plan. Both are explained below. ST_\NDARD SUPPORT 5ERVICFS Cook/Arthur Basic LibertyNET Assurance Plan subscribers can access technical support, via phone, FAX or e-mail, during our standard business hours: Monday - Friday 8AM to 5PM PST. Our customers have limited telephone support via the toll-free number to our LibertyNET Customer Support Center at (800) 474-8615 or our regular office number, (909) 946-1762. In the unlikely event one of our trained support persons is not available, we will respond back with a phone call within four business hours or less. Support is also available via facsimile transmission and email. Additionally, Cook / Arthur will make remote support available using standard industry tools and products. Using remote access, our technical support representatives can often diagnose and correct software issues electronically. End user sites may need to take measures to allow access, depending upon the remote access method used. On-site assistance is available at our normal rate of $175.00 per hour. Standard travel charges apply. Cook/Arthur guarantees a four business hour response phone call but does not guarantee that any or all issues can be resolved based on the returned phone call. Our Post Installation Support provides new releases, upgrades, and remedial support for hardware, and expert technical assistance to users for a 12-month period. PREPARED FOR: CITY OF ROSEMEAD PREPARED BY: COOK/ARTHUR INC DATE: JUNE 17, 2008 PAGE 17 OF 22 ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROPOSAL I'Rl:\IIf:R SUPPORT SERVICES Cook/Arthur Premier LibertyNET Assurance Plan subscribers can access technical support, via phone, FAX or e-mail, during our standard business hours: Monday - Friday 8AM to 5PM PST. Our Premium subscribers have unlimited telephone support via the toll-free number to our LibertyNET Customer Support Center at (800) 474-8615. Support includes remediation of technical problems as well as expert consultation on optimizing and developing your system. We will additionally provide on-site assistance at a reduced rate of $125.00 to administrators and users for remedial issues that cannot be resolved by phone or remote access. Support is also available via facsimile transmission and email. Additionally, Cook / Arthur will make remote support available using standard industry tools and products. Using remote access, our technical support representatives can often diagnose and correct software issues electronically. End user sites may need to take measures to allow access, depending upon the remote access method used. Cook/Arthur guarantees a two business hour response phone call but does not guarantee that any or all issues can be resolved based on the returned phone call. Our Post Installation Support provides new releases, upgrades, and remedial support for hardware, and expert technical assistance to users for a 12-month period. TRAINLVG Cook / Arthur's excels in training and knowledge transfer. Training materials and documentation, training classes are provided by a Ph.D. with 20 years educational experience. Cook / Arthur has been providing training services for municipal government for 10 years and is familiar with the training needs of local government agencies. Cook / Arthur uses a comprehensive approach in training and education that integrates different parts of the solution into a coherent whole. First, we design the application in partnership with designated members of each department. This gives us an understanding of the underlying goals, procedures of their application, as well the particularities of its design. It also prepares the end users for training by giving them an orientation and overview of their application in advance. We then train on the specific application, based on our mutual understanding of its design and the procedures and work routines that will be used in production. Finally, we structure the training so that it takes users through the entire work process in an order that makes sense to them. User come away with an understanding of how the functions of the system are used together and as part of a process, as opposed to being shown the various functions in isolation of each other. O\-GOI \G 'IRkI` I\G Cook / Arthur provides on-going training to clients as needed. The User/Training manuals provided as part of the End User Training will greatly assist in continuous training. The on-line help features and on-line documentation are also useful for continuous training. END USER TR1INING This course provides the End User with skills required for using the LibertyNET system to retrieve, e- mail, print and fax documents. It is recommended for LibertyNET users, sub-administrators and technical support staff. The course is typically 2 - 3 hours on-site, the maximum number of attendees is eight (8). As part of our LibertyNET solution, we will provide application specific end user training for departments participating in the City's electronic document management program. Training will be PREPARED FOR: CITY OF ROSEMEAD PREPARED BY: COOK/ARTHUR INC. DATE: JUNE 17, 2008 PAGE 18 OF 22 ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROPOSAL provided at the time the department's part of the application has been implemented. The following describes our end user training: Objectives The objective of our end user training is to teach members of each department how to use LibertyNET in the context of their application. Training will take place shortly after their application is installed. End users will be trained on their application, input and storage devices. They will be ready to use the system in production upon completion of their training session. Users will learn: • How to use the functionalities relevant to their segment of the application. • How to use the indexes, repositories, queries and automated processes designed for their system. • How to move through the entire process of retrieval, and in accordance with the procedures and polices that they will use in production. Documentation Custom manuals are prepared for each participant in a training class. Manuals cover training on their application. Graphics and instructions are based on their indexing structures, repositories, and automated functions. Instructions also reflect department's specific indexing standards and process requirements. SCANNER UtiER'1RAlN[NG This course provides the Scanner User with skills required for using the LibertyNET system to scan, index, retrieve, e-mail, print and fax documents. It is recommended for LibertyNET scanner, users, sub-administrators and technical support staff. The course is typically 4 hours on-site, the maximum number of attendees is six (6). As part of our LibertyNET solution, we will provide application specific end user training for departments participating in the City's electronic document management program. Training will be provided at the time the department's part of the application has been implemented. The following describes our end user training: Objectives The objective of our end user training is to teach members of each department how to use LibertyNET in the context of their application. Training will take place shortly after their application is installed. End users will be trained on their application, input and storage devices. They will be ready to use the system in production upon completion of their training session. Users will learn: How to use the functionalities relevant to their segment of the application. • How to use the scanners, indexes, repositories, queries and automated processes designed for their system. • How to move through the entire process of capture, indexing, retrieval and retention in accordance with the procedures and polices that they will use in production. PREPARED FOR: CITY OF ROSEMEAD PREPARED BY: COOK/ARTHUR INC. DATE: JUNE 17, 2008 PAGE 19 OF 22 ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROPOSAL Documentation Custom manuals are prepared for each participant in a training class. Manuals cover training on there application. Graphics and instructions are based on their indexing structures, repositories, and automated functions. Instructions also reflect department's specific indexing standards and process requirements. Optionally we can also integrate our custom manuals into LibertyNET's HTML on-line help system. The manual appears in on-line help as a book topic. Custom help aids such as data standards and policies can also optionally be integrated into on-line help. SYSTFNI lD\II\ISTR1TOR AI)\IINISIR VFOR` TR-UNING This course provides the System Administrator with the skills required to manage LibertyNET Systems. It is recommended for System Administrators, Sub-Administrators, and technical support staff. The course is typically 1 to 2 days on-site, the maximum number of attendees is six (6). Objectives The objective of our system administrator training is to provide system administrators with a thorough understanding of the design, implementation, and maintenance of the software system as it pertains to the specific imaging needs at your organization. Specific objectives include: • Learning how to build a custom imaging solution-using Liberty's Application Builder. • Learning how to train users on software features and applications relevant to your organization's goals for imaging. • Learning how to "seamlessly" integrate the Liberty System with your organization's current hardware software and network installations. • Learning how to spot additional opportunities within the software to implement as part of the over-all imaging solution within your organization. Documentation Participants in system administrator training will receive a system administrator tutorial manual prepared by Liberty IMS. The manual includes topics covered in the class. In addition, LibertyNET has comprehensive, on-line documentation, in HTML help books format. Many on-line books are included on administrator topics. PREPARED FOR: CITY OF ROSEMEAD PREPARED BY: COOK/ARTHUR INC. DATE: JUNE 17, 2008 PAGE 20 OF 22 ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROPOSAL PRICING QUOTATION SECTION E - PRICING DATE F. O. B. POINT TERMS June 17 2008 Destination NET 15 QTY UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1 LibertyNET Software 1 LibertyNET Enterprise (multi-user) Five Users $8,950.00 $8,950.00 1 LibertyNET Workflow Rule Templates $4,950.00 $4,950.00 25 LibertyWEB View Only User $795.00 $19,875.00 3 Optical Character Recognition $539.00 $1,617.00 3 fi-5750C Basic VRS, 71ppm/142ipm Fujitsu Color Scanner Unit Warranty: 3 Month On-Site NBD $6,995.00 $20,985.00 1 Installation and Testing $2,500.00 $2,500.00 1 Admin Training Class (Two Day Onsite 6 Hours 5 Users) $3,600.00 $3,600.00 1 End User Training Class (5 Hours Onsite 5 Users) $950.00 $950.00 1 LibertyNET Basic Administrator Class (3 days in Costa Mesa, $1500 value) ***Municipal Discount 25%*** ($8,443.75) LibertyNET Annual Subscription and Standard Support Plan $6,079.50 OEM Software Support $404.25 3 Scanner Extended Warranty $995.00 $2,985.00 SUBTOTAL SALES TAX SHIPPING & HANDLING OTHER TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $b4,4,L.UU 8.25% $3,954.49 $68,406.49 Cook / Arthur provides consulting services for the design and development of the LibertyNET application tools. Design and development services focus on creating custom objects for different departments and different business processes. The billable rate for design and development consulting is $225.00 per hour. Fixed pricing for projects can be negotiated. PREPARED FOR: CITY OF ROSEMEAD PREPARED BY: COOK/ARTHUR INC. DATE: JUNE 17, 2008 PAGE 21 OF 22 ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM / ENTERPRISE DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROPOSAL SIGNATURE PAGE This proposal was prepared by Norman Mooradian, Vice President of Cook / Arthur Inc., who, as an officer of this firm, has the capacity to enter this corporation into legally binding contracts and to act as an agent of the corporation. Signature June 17, 2008 Norman Mooradian, Ph.D. EDM Consultant, C.D.I.A. Cook / Arthur Inc. 575 North Central Avenue Upland, CA 91786 (909) 946-1762 www.cookarthur.com nmooradian@cookarthur.com PREPARED FOR: CITY OF ROSEMEAD PREPARED BY: COOK/ARTHUR INC. DATE: JUNE 17, 2008 PAGE 22 OF 22 User-friendly, flexible tool to Now does ltwork? Each LibertyNET application is meet business needs your created with a simple set of building blocks known as objects that have a set of he LibertyNET Application Builder (LAB) is a unique and powerful tool attributes in common with their that allows non-programmers to customize LibertyNET to match their T peers. There are also attributes which differentiate each object. application requirements. A Solution Provider and/or System Administrator For example, both document can use this high-end tool to design special index templates. pre-define and user objects have names, document requests, and create organizational structures and security systems. The but only a document may have System Administrator can define, modify, secure, copy, and rename these system a page number. objects with the LAB tool set. The LAB also provides the means to change the database Best way to use LAB upon which the system operates. A brief definition of each LAB object follows: Liberty IMS recommends a Documents: A document consists of an index, associated images or data, plus any four-step procedure called attachments SPEC for implementing LAB . software: Survey needs and gather information; Plot a Forms: Forms provide a template for recording index and reference information about document flow diagram; a particular type of document. Each form can contain up to sixteen user-defined fields, Equate this flow to LibertyNET four of which can be defined as fast-search key-fields. Forms also provide the means operations: Create LibertyNET to format input and display screens, as well as define the cross-reference index or objects and test. What types of DDE link to another database. documents need to be stored on the LibertyNET system? Who Requests: Requests are the complement of forms. Whereas forms are used for tiling will need access to the information? By whom and in information, requests are used to retrieve it. A Request specifics how to select a subset what locations will the records of documents, including which folder to search, which Form types to match against. be processed? Once the any fields to filter by and which field, if any, for which the user should be prompted. solution provider has the answers to these questions, it Folders: A Folder is a group or collection of Documents. In a more technical sense, is a simple matter of following a Folder is a database of documents. A Folder can be used like a traditional manila the LAB guidelines to create ' folder, but is more often used to contain all the documents in a file cabinet or file the organization s automated records management system. room. Folders can be used for Batch Control while scanning, or can be used to gather documents spread across many optical disks during retrievals. Flexible cost savings Archives, Volumes: Archives are folders which are designated for centralized, long- New image management term storage; typically on write-once-read-many (WORM) optical disks or CD-ROM. applications can be added as the organization learns the Archives include attributes which define the location of and provide access to the benefits of automating records. archived information. Volumes are the specific optical disks on which archive folders Previous applications can be can be stored. modified to meet the changing needs of each department. Users, Groups: Users are the people who use the LibertyNET system software. Even if the system database is Groups are collections of users who are assigned a common set of attributes for routing changed, LibertyNET can and security purposes. conform with an easy adjustment. The ability to make Stations, SN.stems: Stations define the actual PC's on the network which will be using these software changes without the expense of custom LibertyNET. Systems are autonomous groups of stations, which act as their own programming emphasizes imaging system, but may be connected with other sites to share common infonnation. LibertyNET's value. Scanners, Printers: Scanner setups provide a means to define the input parameters. Printer setups provide a means to define the output parameters. Building L ee Canada ' iberry Information Management Solutions, Theli LIBE14Y 4% 9262 4I 58 58 Red 13311 Avenuc, tiui[a 1 100 00 1 i:osta Mesa, C4 92G2G - '_G00 rercrrnce Matthews ( rrsccnt. Suite 2011 Cktaw•a, ON IoM 2C7 Ph-e: (-14) -51 6000 I Fax: (-14) 432-5335 Phone: (611) 599.5571 Fa.x :6111 599-5959 w%-. LibertYl M S.com salest Iiberts-ims.com 02007 Libetny 1MS. All Rights Rcs H bokArthur. Information Compliance Solutions Cook/Arthur is pleased to announce the LibertyNETTm FPPC Management Appli- cation for municipal government and public agencies. FPPC Management App is the first in a se- ries of products and services that will be of- fered under the banner of Ethical Comput- ingT"'n These products and services will sup- port your efforts to meet the many compli- ance challenges that your organization will face. Our FPPC Management App is built with the powerful tools of the LibertyNETTM platform. It allows you to efficiently and reliably manage the various kinds of FPPC statements through the filing process. In addition, it helps you manage the retention of and access to FPPC filings, such as SEIs and Campaign State- ments throughout their lifecycle. Benefits Public Access: Allows you to quickly and eas- ily meet public access requirements and re- spond to information requests Tracking: Supports tracking and monitoring of the filing process. Quickly see who has filed a given form and who has not. Notifications: Send notifications to initial and late filers. Reporting: Generate reports at end of filing period to document compliance. Retention: Manage complex retention re- quirements for the different types of filings based on such criteria as election or employ- ment status. Leverage Your Existing LibertyNET Application to Meet Compliance Requirements Your existing LibertyNET application has numerous, powerful tools that can be used to automate processes and meet business requirements. Our FPPC Management App takes advantage of these tools to auto- mate much of the paper process associ- ated with filing, access and retention of Statements of Economic Interest and Campaign Statements. By using LibertyNET as a tool to manage your FPPC filing process you will increase your efficiency, enhance your compliance efforts, and meet your records retention requirements. Further, by integrating your FPPC documents with your Liber- tyNET document repository, you will in- crease even further your City's transpar- ency and openness. A Customizable Solution for Your Compliance Needs Our LibertyNET Enterprise TM offering can scale to meet the needs of large agen- cies with millions of documents and thou- sands of users to small offices with a few employees and thousands of documents. It supports multiple repositories, distrib- uted and remote document capture, and automated import of electronic docu- ments. Cook / Arthur Inc. is a privately held Corporation, founded in 1973. Since that time, we have provided Los Angeles County and the Inland Empire with inno- vative technologies and excellent cus- tomer service. For information Contact Us at 800-294-6811 Or e-mail sales@cookarthur.com City of Norwalk Norwalk, CA City documents needed the flexibility of LibertyNET Council minutes, agendas and more are easily managed Due to development and population growth in Los Angeles County, the City of Norwalk has seen an increase in the amount of paper being processed. Among other duties, the City Clerk is responsible for indexing, retrieving, storage and maintenance of records such as Council meeting minutes, agendas, ordinances and resolutions. The public and other departments within City Hall rely on the City Clerk to be able to locate and provide documents pertaining to the City's business. To aid the City Clerk in handling vital records, the city turned to LibertyNETTM, a sophisticated document management system designed to meet the indexing and document processing requirements of municipal governments. "It is important to us to be able to respond to inquiries in an expeditious manner." said Gail Vasquez-Connolly, City Clerk for the City of Norwalk. "Using the LibertyNET has enabled my office to substantially reduce the amount of time and effort it takes to fulfill requests for documents and information." Now when there is an inquiry, the City Clerk staff does not go on a paper chase. With 'Using the Liberty NET has enabled my office to substantially reduce the amount of time and effort it takes to ful 111 requests for documents and li formation.' Gail Vasquez-Connolly City Clerk City of Norwalk the full text search capabilities of LibertyNET, researching topics and inquires has become much faster and easier. At the heart of every city there are documents that contain important information essential to the governing of the city. Therefore, it is critical that these records be kept safe, and yet still be readily accessed. By installing LibertyNET, the City of Norwalk has achieved that goal. For daily access to documents the City uses a RAID system. All agendas, minutes, resolutions and ordinances are archived onto CD, which provides the city with a legal copy of each document. In addition, should any unforeseen catastrophe occur these CDs, they provide the City with a disaster recovery backup. Storing CDs in a safe environment is more convenient and cost effective than storing thousands of paper documents in filing cabinets that use valuable floor space. Within her first four months as Norwalk's City Clerk, Vasquez- Connolly had disposed of 10,000 pounds of paper, 10 filing cabinets worth. "Document image management is the next logical progression in the continuing war on paper." she said. Having extensive experience with city government and previous experience with document imaging, Vasquez-Connolly knew exactly what she wanted the system to accomplish for the City of Norwalk. An important requirement was the desire to integrate the legislative history software, CRISYS, with the robust features of LibertyNET. The integration allows one search to be conducted for both imaged and paper documents. According to Vasquez-Connolly, "The ability for Liberty IMS to integrate the CRISYS software with the LibertyNET software was a large factor in my choice for the City of Norwalk. Having the two systems work together was not something other imaging companies could do. " For more information about how LibertyNET can help your company. contact us: (714) 751-6900 sales@libertyims.com UI_ifurry Information l mrm r the es. C• B 92626 0MY 3158 Red Hill .A Men venue. Suite ce 100. Cosa Mesa. CA `)?(2G Phone: (?14)'51-69001 Fax: (714) 432-53351 %s .libcrryims.cnm ,BE swdfidg tnt talntions Government Agencies Worldwide From air to water, public agencies choose LibertyNET Effective management of paperwork increasingly important Efficient information management is essential to the daily operations of public sector organizations. Government agencies and municipalities throughout the country utilize LibertyNET to manage a wide variety of documentation and information. City clerk offices, police departments, human resources, planning and development, and finance are among the diverse departments that have relied on LibertyNET to share information internally, as well as with constituents and customers. Integrated with legacy applications such as agenda management systems, geographic information systems (GIS), and law enforcement dispatch systems, LibertyNET is truly an enterprise- wide central repository that ties together disparate information management needs. Municipalities ■ City of Brea ■ City of Burbank ■ City of Cerritos • City of Chino Hills ■ City of Clovis It is important for its to be able to respond to inquiries in an expeditious manner. Using the LibertyNET software has enabled my office to substantially reduce the amount of time and effort it takes to juytll requests for documents and information.' Gail Vasquez-Conolly City Clerk City of Norwalk ■ City of Dana Point ■ City of Inglewood ■ City of Los Angeles ■ City of Los Alamitos ■ City of Manhattan Beach ■ City of Monrovia ■ City of Monterey Park ■ City of Norwalk ■ City of Rialto ■ City of San Marcos ■ City of Santa Clarita ■ City of Turlock ■ City of West Sacramento Agencies ■ Air Quality Management District (AQMD) ■ County of LA - DHS UBE i rrnaeian managrrrrnl talc rio n, ■ ■ Inland Empire Utilities ■ LA City Employees Retirement System (LACERS) ■ LA County Consolidated Transportation Services ■ OC Public Defenders ■ Riverside County Transportation Commission ■ San Francisco International Airport ■ Santa Ana Water Replenishment District • Water Replenishment District of Southern CA "We had stacks and stacks of paper, rows of tiling cabinets, and shelves up to the ceiling loaded with paper." said Norma Martinez, office automation manager for AQMD. "Now, if you give it to us, we've got it, and we know where we've got it." For more information about how LibertyNET can help your company, contact us: (714) 751-6900 sales@libertyims.com Libcm Infnrmrrinn Management Solunons. Thr Liberty Building 3158 Red Hill Avenue, Suite 100. Casn Mesa. C4 72626 Phone. (714) 7514,9()0 i Fax: (714) 432-5335 w Aiberryims.com