TC - Item 4A - Traffic Review on Jackson Avenue Between Emerson Place and Hellman Avenue�i TRANSTEch TO: City of Rosemead, Department of Public Works FROM: Traffic Engineering, Transtech Engineers, Inc. DATE: April 18, 2022 SUBJECT: Traffic Review on Jackson Avenue between Emerson Place and Hellman Avenue INTRODUCTION The City of Rosemead received a resident request to conduct a traffic review along Jackson Avenue between Emerson Place and Hellman Avenue due to reported speeding concerns. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate measures for Jackson Avenue between Emerson Place and Hellman Avenue. The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, a review of approximately 5 years of available collision data, Average Daily Travel (ADT) counts, and a 24-hour Speed Survey. Figure 1: Vicinity Map Ralph Waldo Emerson School J+. TRWE M, � ° 4J f ,.-r a ID-_ r LEGEND Jackson Avenue between Emerson Place and Hellman Avenue CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 1 of 12 TRAFFIC REVIEW ON JACKSON AVENUE BETWEEN EMERSON PLACE AND HELLMAN AVENUE EXISTING CONDITIONS Figure 2: Existing Conditions z S c, li ppi ;, 10 I J... aVIA+ SII NL LEGEND sveeo 25 mph speed limit No Parking with4 Weight Limit Sign Traffic Signalspec axc ified time me (R2-1) sign ^ Aa (R30A (CA)) awlwe (R12-1) ® Stop Sign (RI-1)®Stop Ahead Sign School Crossing Existing Red Curb (W3-1) xxou Sign (SW 24-1) Jackson Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Jackson Avenue runs north and south, and is considered a major collector road by the California Road Functional Classification Maps with a posted speed limit of 25 MPH. Jackson Avenue is signal controlled at the intersection with Hellman Avenue and stop controlled at the intersection with Emerson Place. Jackson Avenue is approximately 35.5' (feet) wide with one lane of travel in each direction and no marked centerline. Parking is available on the east and west side of the street except during street sweeping and areas marked with red curb. This segment of Jackson Avenue travels through light multiple family zoning, per the Rosemead General Plan. The studied segment of Jackson Avenue between Emerson Place and Hellman Avenue is approximately 1,275' (feet) in length. Emerson Place: Within the City of Rosemead, Emerson Place runs east and west, and is considered a major collector road with a speed limit of 30 MPH per the adopted 2013 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey (Speed Survey). Emerson Place is approximately 36' (feet) wide with one lane of travel in each direction, and a dashed yellow center line dividing eastbound and westbound traffic. Parking is permitted on the north and south side of Emerson Place where the curbs are not marked red and outside CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 2 of 12 TRAFFIC REVIEW ON JACKSON AVENUE BETWEEN EMERSON PLACE AND HELLMAN AVENUE of hours marked for street sweeping. This segment of Emerson Place runs through light multiple family zoning, per the Rosemead General Plan. Hellman Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Hellman Avenue runs east and west, and is considered a major collector road with a posted speed limit of 30 MPH er the adopted 2013 City of Rosemead Engineering and Traffic Survey (Speed Survey). Hellman Avenue is signal controlled at the intersection with Jackson Avenue. Hellman Avenue is approximately 39.75' (feet) wide with one lane of travel in each direction and a protected left turn pocket for traffic making a left turn onto Jackson Avenue. Parking is available on the north and south side of the street except during street sweeping and areas marked with red curb. This segment of Hellman Avenue travels through light and medium multiple family zoning per the Rosemead General Plan. PICTURE SUMMARY WCH.11M. 1 n Jackson Avenue looking Northbound at Hellman Jackson Avenue looking Northbound at Emerson CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 3 of 12 TRAFFIC REVIEW ON JACKSON AVENUE BETWEEN EMERSON PLACE AND HELLMAN AVENUE COLLISION INVESTIGATION A Collision History Analysis and investigation was conducted for the subject location. Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). The collision analysis was conducted over approximately a 5 -year period between January 2017 through December 2021 (available data at the time of traffic review) along the segment of Jackson Avenue between Emerson Place and Hellman Avenue). Based on the information provided, a summary breakdown of the number of collisions within the studied segment are listed below and shown in Table 1. 2021— 0 collisions 2020 — 0 collisions 2019 — 2 collisions 2018 —1 collision 2017 — 3 collisions Total — 6 Collisions There were 6 reported collisions with no reported collisions in the years of 2021 or 2020. Out of the 6 collisions reported, 3 were reported as improper turning as the primary collision factor, 2 due to reported speeding, and 1 due to a backing vehicle hitting a fixed object with 4 of the 6 collisions reported as property damage only. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 4 of 12 TRAFFIC REVIEW ON JACKSON AVENUE BETWEEN EMERSON PLACE AND HELLMAN AVENUE Table 1: Jackson Avenue between Emerson Place and Hellman Avenue Figure 3: Collision Diagram, Jackson Avenue between Hellman Avenue and Emerson Place F.- e Rof Crashes Fatalityloeath) 0 0 Severe Injury 0 0 Injury -Other Visible 0 im gc'ffl I,- w bm ;Jir ° Severity Property Damage Only 4 :Total 6 1- Fatal 2 - Severe Motor Lighting Injury Collison Day of Collision Vehicle, Primary IDR Date Primary Secondary Dist. Time the (Day, Type 3 -Other Pedestrian Factor and Collision Rlnj Other Road Road Night, Visible Injury Detail Info Week ,Bicycle Factor Etc.) 4 -Complaint Descriptions of Pain Involved 5 -Prop Dam Only PDO) NB THRU VEH DRVR JACKSON HELLMAN DRVR 1 6/16/2019 344'5 10:12 SUN DARK -ST SIDESWIPE 4 OTHER Ii HITNB 1 ,MINOR AVE AVE ALC/DRG PARKED VEH INl SB THRU VEH JACKSON HELLMAN IMPROP 2 1/20/2019 4275 1:00 SUN DARK -ST SIDESWIPE 5 OTHER MV HIT SB 0 N/A AVE AVE TURN PARKED VEH SB THRU VEH JACKSON EMERSON IMPROP 3 2/11/2018 132'N 12:40 SUN DAYLIGHT SIDESWIPE 5 PKD MV HIT SB 0 N/A AVE PL TURN PARKED VEH NB PARKING JACKSON EMERSON MYON IMPROP ROP 4 9/6/2017 31'N 8:30 WED DAYLIGHT SIDESWIPE 5 VEH HIT NB 0 N/A AVE PL OTHER RD PARKED VEH TU JACKSON EMERSON NB THRU VEH UNSAFE 5 8/23/2017 69'N 12:00 WED DAYLIGHT HITOBI 5 FXD OBI 0 N/A AVE PL HIT OBJ SPEED DRVR SB BACKING OTH VIS JACKSON EMERSON STRTNG/ 6 8/23/2017 54'N 12:06 WED DAYLIGHT HITOEU 3 FXD OBI VEH HIT NB 2 IN., PED AVE PL BCKNG PED 0TH VIS INJ Figure 3: Collision Diagram, Jackson Avenue between Hellman Avenue and Emerson Place F.- e LEGEND ALLCOLUSIONS -Crash Type (Non Per &Bike Collisions/Crashes) Rof Crashes Fatalityloeath) 0 0 Severe Injury 0 0 Injury -Other Visible 0 im gc'ffl I,- w bm ;Jir ° LEGEND ALLCOLUSIONS -Crash Type (Non Per &Bike Collisions/Crashes) Rof Crashes Fatalityloeath) 0 0 Severe Injury 0 0 Injury -Other Visible 0 1 Injury -Complain Pain 0 1 Property Damage Only 4 :Total 6 PEI -Crash Type R of Crashes Fatalityloeath) 0 Severe Injury 0 Injury Other Visible 0 Injury Complain Pain 0 Property Damage Only 0 Total 0 TOTAL CRASHES 6 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 5 of 12 TRAFFIC REVIEW ON JACKSON AVENUE BETWEEN EMERSON PLACE AND HELLMAN AVENUE AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (ADT) Average Daily Traffic (ADT) data was obtained from counts taken on February 3rd, 2022, for Jackson Avenue between Emerson Place and Hellman Avenue. A summary of ADT data is shown in Table 2: Average Daily Traffic (ADT). The traffic count indicates that 1,909 vehicles per day travel on this section of Jackson Avenue. Table 2: Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Location Vehicles per Day (vpd) Vehicles per Day (vpd) Vehicles per Day (vpd) Northbound Southbound TOTAL 02/03/2022 02/03/2022 02/03/2022 Jackson Avenue 1,084 825 1,909 SPEED SURVEY To assess the speed at which vehicles were traveling along Jackson Avenue, a speed sample was taken over a 24-hour period on February 3rd, 2022. Based on the Speed Survey, the 85th percentile speed of vehicles along Jackson Avenue was determined to be 33 mph. This translates to mean that 85 percent of the vehicles sampled were traveling at 33 mph or below, which is slightly above the speed limit of 25 mph. Table 3 below shows the February 3rd, 2022, speed survey results. The speed summary is attached (Attachment 2) at the end of the report. Table 3: 2022 Speed Survey along Jackson Avenue Dir. O Date/Time o Location 85%ile Speed Posted Speed Limit MPH Travel Survey Jackson Avenue NB/SB 2/03/2022 33 25 Traffic Calming Devices and Strategies Traffic calming is the process of reducing vehicle speeds using both passive devices, such as signs and striping, and physical devices such as changes in road elevation or path. As part of this study, traffic speeds, collisions and traffic volumes were used to assess existing conditions along this segment. The type, design and placement of traffic calming devices depend upon the road classification, desired traffic speed and types of traffic issues along Jackson Avenue between Hellman Avenue and Emerson Place. A single traffic calming device placed along a long stretch of road will be marginally effective at slowing down speed at that isolated location. Implementation of a series of traffic calming devices that work CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 6 of 12 TRAFFIC REVIEW ON JACKSON AVENUE BETWEEN EMERSON PLACE AND HELLMAN AVENUE together have been shown to reduce traffic speeds along the length of the corridor. There are various traffic calming measures that can reduce the flow and speed of traffic on a street. The following is a list of common traffic calming measures that can be installed to aid in slowing traffic. The below traffic calming measures and strategies were reviewed for this roadway segment. 1) Traffic Education Campaign: This consists of flyers, neighborhood meetings, banners and other notices to assist is making the public aware of the traffic conditions in a certain area. 2) Signage and Pavement Legends: Modifying the signage along the road or change the striping to narrow travel lanes to effectively slows speeds by changing the travel environment. Signs alert the Driver to their speed, such as larger speed limit signs or a speed feedback sign. Too many signs can have an opposite effect on traffic. Therefore, usage of signs should be subject to careful consideration and compliance with local and regional standards. 3) Larger Dimension Signs: Installation of larger dimensioned signage are recommended as treatments to increase the motorist's awareness and other Driver conditions by highlighting various areas of the roadway. All sign dimensions should comply with the dimensions specified in the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD) Table 213-1 Regulatory Sign and Plaque Sizes. The larger sizes are shown in the multi -lane column as 36"x36" for stop signs and 30"x36" for speed limits. Table 213-1. Regulatory Sign and Plag_ue Sizes (Sheet 1 of 4) 1 4) Traffic Striping: Roadway striping can be implemented as an option that is a low-cost alternative to Vertical/horizontal traffic calming measures. This includes a white stripe painted along both sides of the travel way or a center stripe both give the driver a perception of a narrower road. 5) Targeted Police Enforcement: The police department should be notified of speeding concerns along this segment and officers should conduct monitoring and targeted enforcement for this area. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 7 of 12 Conven onal Road 1 sign Sign or Plaque Designation Section Single) Multi- expressway Freeway Minimum Oversized Lane 1 Lane 1 Slop 1 RIA 28.05 30x30.1 36x36 1 38x36 3000' 48x48 Spmd Urnit I R2.1 2B.13 24x30'1 1 30x36 1 36x48 48x80 18x24' 30x38 1 4) Traffic Striping: Roadway striping can be implemented as an option that is a low-cost alternative to Vertical/horizontal traffic calming measures. This includes a white stripe painted along both sides of the travel way or a center stripe both give the driver a perception of a narrower road. 5) Targeted Police Enforcement: The police department should be notified of speeding concerns along this segment and officers should conduct monitoring and targeted enforcement for this area. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 7 of 12 TRAFFIC REVIEW ON JACKSON AVENUE BETWEEN EMERSON PLACE AND HELLMAN AVENUE RECOMMENDATIONS After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), based on the traffic review and engineering judgement, it was determined that the segment along Jackson Avenue between Emerson Place and Hellman Avenue would benefit from a combination of traffic calming measures and improvements. Per the analysis of existing roadway conditions, the speed survey, and average daily traffic count (ADT) it was determined that further oversized signage should be installed on Jackson Avenue to alert drivers of the speed limit for both northbound and southbound travel as well as installation of a center stripe to visually narrow the roadway and designate the travel lanes. Please refer to the Figure 4. for the proposed recommendations for this study location. The recommended items include: 1. INSTALL NEW OVERSIZED SPEED LIMIT SIGN: Install new oversized 25 MPH speed limit (112-1) sign (30"X36") approximately 23 -feet north of the Emerson Place and Jackson Avenue intersection on for northbound traffic as shown below in Figure 4. (Per CAMUTCD Section 28.13 and CAMUTCD Table 2B-1). 2. INSTALL NEW DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE (CAMUTCD 36.01) NO PASSING along Jackson Avenue between Emerson Place and Hellman Avenue. This will serve to visually narrow the roadway and designate he travel lanes, which is effective in reducing vehicle speeds. (Per CAMUTD Detail 21). DETAIL 21 POLICY a Ol Twuac.c. no nPaaaioq Perzo mr un. o0 Ncal st ets M nigh%ays ono ally usmm y D ^ local sheets and M1igM1wrys. See NOR 1. 3. REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING SPEED LIMIT SIGN WITH NEW OVERSIZED SPEED LIMIT SIGN: Remove the existing 25 MPH speed limit (112-1) sign (30"X36") approximately 10 -feet south of the Hellman Avenue and Jackson Avenue intersection for southbound traffic and replace it with new oversized 25 -MPH speed limit (112-1) sign as shown below in Figure 4. (Per CAMUTCD Section 28.13 and CAMUTCD Table 2B-1). CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 8 of 12 FIGURE 4: ROSEMEAD, CA—JACKSON AVENUE FROM HELLMAN AVENUE TO EMERSON PLACE L� .� � � �� 4 � ` D �+ f $; �!.' I a a _ �LL �{ —%iG rs �f"y a � � f 9 r f �� � � ' :ij� w /i �y�! � ��. l:� .y1/!, �� � IJiia}p , ,. \ii iii ��;��I W i `-.. R ��'3 � Y S'� � .'. int � b� 1t u' �. -1st _r � �t _ _ �'-�. .amt �. _ -ar+-+t.�' -'�,� � � �, � � _ t � .' � � te! — I � � . `���1 � � �,� ai4ny �°° I �, „f"..., , ..'� o y qU' L� �"i�wp I / I a , � i:J a c� I,,, y. wmy, ,�_�____ �, � �' s �, Jam' F � _ p � . �yi,� � � ` N--�'��� lt���. _Pi � �I ..J.: OINSTALL NEW OVERSIZED SPEED LIMIT (R2-1) SIGN APPROXIMATELY 23 -FEET NORTH OF THE EMERSON PLACE AND JACKSON AVENUE INTERSECTION FOR NORTHBOUND TRAFFIC AS SHOWN BELOW IN INSTALLATION EXHIBIT 1. (PER CAMUTCD SECTION 26.13 SPEED AND CAMUTCD TABLE 2B-1). SEE DETAIL 1. LIMIT OINSTALL NEW CENTER YELLOW DASHED STRIPE ALONG JACKSON AVENUE BETWEEN �] EMERSON PLACE AND HELLMAN AVENUE. (PER CAMUTCD STRIPING DETAIL 21. SEE G DETAIL 2. OREMOVE EXISTING SPEED LIMIT (R2-1) SIGN APPROXIMATELY 10 -FEET SOUTH OF THE HELLMAN AVENUE AND JACKSON AVENUE INTERSECTION FOR SOUTHBOUND TRAFFIC AND REPLACE WITH NEW OVERSIZED SPEED LIMIT (R2-1) SIGN AS SHOWN BELOW IN INSTALLATION EXHIBIT 1. (PER CAMUTCD SECTION 2B.13AND CAMUTCD TABLE 2B-1). SEE ' DETAIL 1. DETAIL 31 POIICY w OT uk berebee saNii Six vilm s�ioie s. JACKSON AVENUE BETWEEN EMERSON PLACE AND HELLMAN AVENUE TRAFFIC CALMING Attachments: Attachment 1 -Average Daily Traffic (ADT) taken on February 2"', 2022 Attachment 2 — Radar Speed Survey taken on February 2"', 2022 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 10 of 12 TRAFFIC REVIEW ON JACKSON AVENUE BETWEEN EMERSON PLACE AND HELLMAN AVENUE Attachment 1- Average Daily Traffic (ADT) taken on February 2Dd, 2022 Prepared by NDSIATD Prepared by National De a & surveying services VOLUME Jackson Ave Bet. Emerson PI & Hellman Ave Day: Thursday City; Rosemead Date: 2/3/2022 Prale0t0: CA22_020045_001 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 11 of 12 DAILYNB SB LB VVB I Total I I:. 825 1,909 AM Period NB SB EB WB TOTAL PM Period NB SB EB VVB TOTAL 00:00 1 1 0 0 2 12:00 8 12 0 0 20 00:15 1 1 0 0 2 12:15 30 30 0 0 20 00:30 0 1 0 0 1 12:30 16 14 0 0 30 00:45 3 5 0 3 0 0 3 8 12:45 23 57 16 52 0 0 39 109 01:00 1 1 0 0 2 13:00 15 14 0 0 29 01:15 0 0 0 0 13:15 14 9 0 0 23 01:30 3 1 0 0 4 13:30 20 7 0 0 27 01:45 1 5 2 4 0 0 3 9 13:45 12 61 20 50 0 0 32 111 02:00 2 2 0 0 4 14:00 9 20 0 0 29 02:15 1 1 0 0 2 14:15 14 22 0 0 36 02:30 0 0 0 0 14:30 26 19 0 0 45 02:45 1 4 0 3 0 0 1 7 14:45 30 79 12 73 0 0 42 152 03:00 0 0 0 0 15:00 36 12 0 0 48 03:15 0 0 0 0 15:15 20 15 0 0 35 03:30 0 1 0 0 1 15:30 14 14 0 0 28 03:45 1 2 2 2 3 0 0 4 5 15:45 1 15 85 32 73 0 0 47 158 04:00 2 2 0 0 416:00 27 17 0 0 44 04:15 3 1 0 0 4 16:15 20 19 0 0 39 04:30 2 1 0 0 3 16:30 19 23 0 0 42 04:45 3 10 1 5 0 0 4 IS 16:45 28 94 21 80 0 0 49 174 05:00 1 1 0 0 2 17:00 23 13 0 0 36 05:15 4 0 0 0 4 17:15 26 13 0 0 39 05:30 1 6 0 0 7 17:30 24 9 0 0 33 05:45 2 8 3 10 0 0 5 18 17:45 24 97 24 59 0 0 48 156 06:00 2 1 0 0 3 18:00 20 30 0 0 30 06:15 2 3 0 0 5 18:15 21 6 0 0 27 06:30 2 1 0 0 3 18:30 21 14 0 0 35 06:45 3 9 4 9 0 0 7 18 18:45 17 79 12 42 0 0 29 121 07:00 5 6 0 0 11 19:00 19 5 0 0 24 07:15 10 8 0 0 18 19:15 12 8 0 0 20 07:30 13 21 0 0 34 19:30 7 6 0 0 13 07:45 35 63 24 59 0 0 59 122 19:45 12 50 4 23 0 0 16 73 08:00 32 25 0 0 5720:00 17 12 0 0 29 WAS 23 21 0 0 44 20:15 12 6 0 0 18 08:30 16 10 0 0 26 20:30 8 8 0 0 16 08:45 14 85 12 68 0 0 26 153 20:45 10 47 6 32 0 0 16 79 09:00 16 11 0 0 27 21:00 10 6 0 0 16 09:15 19 6 0 0 25 21:15 10 3 0 0 13 09:30 19 12 0 0 31 21:30 4 5 0 0 9 09:45 12 66 15 44 0 0 27 110 21:45 3 27 5 19 0 0 8 46 10:00 18 13 0 0 31 22:00 4 6 0 0 30 10:15 25 13 0 0 38 22:15 4 4 0 0 8 10:30 15 8 0 0 23 22:30 2 5 0 0 7 10:45 14 72 15 49 0 0 29 121 22:45 1 11 4 19 0 0 5 30 11:00 15 9 0 0 24 23:00 5 1 0 0 6 11:15 22 9 0 0 31 23:15 2 4 0 0 6 11:30 11 10 0 0 21 23:30 2 1 0 0 3 11:45 9 57 11 39 0 0 20 96 23:45 2 11 1 7 0 0 3 18 TOTALS 386 296 682 TOTALS 698 529 1227 SPLIT% 56.6% 43.4% 35.7% SPLIT% 1 56.9% 43.1% 64.3% DAILY 1,084 825 0. •I• AM Peak Hour 07:45 07:30 07:30 PM Peak Hour 1430 15:45 16:00 AM Pk Volume 106 91 194 PM Pk Volume 112 91 174 Pk Hr Fador 0.757 0.910 0.022 Pk Hr Fedor 0.778 0.711 Make 7-9 Volume 148 127 275 4-6 Volume 191 139 330 7-9 Peak Hour 0745 0730 07:30 4-6 Peak Hour 1645 1600 16:00 7-9 Pk Volume 106 91 1% 4.6Pk Volume 101 80 174 Pk Hr Fattor 0.757 0.910 0.022 Pk Hr FaROr 0.902 0.870 0.800 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 11 of 12 TRAFFIC REVIEW ON JACKSON AVENUE BETWEEN EMERSON PLACE AND HELLMAN AVENUE Attachment 2 — Radar Speed Survey taken on February 2"d, 2022 SPEED Jackson Ave Bet. Emerson PI & Hellman Ave Day: Thursday Oty: Rosemead Date: 2/3/2022 Praject0: CA22_020045_001 Summary AMValumes 29 51 1] 45 9 5 0 0 0 8 0 662 %AM 2% 00:00 AM 0 1 1 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 01:00 3 1 0 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 02:00 0 0 1 3 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 03:00 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 04:00 2 2 4 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 05:00 0 1 2 4 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 06:00 0 0 4 6 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 07:00 6 6 24 43 34 J 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 122 08:00 3 14 24 49 51 9 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 153 09:00 5 4 18 43 27 10 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 110 10:00 6 11 29 40 26 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 121 11:00 3 11 22 35 20 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96 12:00 PM 5 18 24 33 23 5 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 109 13:00 5 3 20 32 36 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 14:00 5 13 39 59 30 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 152 15:00 10 12 36 55 31 11 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 158 16:00 12 17 41 62 31 9 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 174 17:00 6 14 42 56 27 9 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 156 18:00 4 17 37 45 15 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 121 19:00 5 9 24 23 9 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 73 20:00 4 7 26 22 14 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 21:00 2 4 13 16 7 2 1 0 1 0 0 00 46 22:00 1 0 9 11 5 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 23:00 2 0 5 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 %drotuH 5% 9% 24% 3s% 21% AMValumes 29 51 1] 45 9 5 0 0 0 8 0 662 %AM 2% 3% 9% 2% 01 0% 36% AM Peak Hour 07 60 08:00 00 09:00 0200 As 00 OBW Volume A 14 51 10 2 2 153 PM Volumes 61 114 b42L 232 61 13 3 1 0 0 0 0 1227 % PM 3% 6% 12% 3% 11 0% 0% .1. PM Peak Hour 16'.00 12:M 13'.W 1500 NOV 1500 21:00 ]6:[0 Volume 12 18 36 11 2 2 1 174 Directional Peak Periods AM 7-9 NOON 12.2 PM 4.6 Off Peak Volumes All Speeds volume % volume % volume % volume % 275 14% 220 12% 330 1 17% 1084 1 57% 15th 50th Average 85th 95th ADT Jackson Ave I Summary 1 20 27 27 33 37 1909 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 12 of 12