CC - Item 4B - Minutes of May 10, 2022 Regular MeetingMINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL AND REGULAR MEETING MAY 10, 2022 The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Low at 6:08 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Low, Mayor Pro Tem Dang, Council Members Armenta, Clark, and Tang ABSENT: None 1. CLOSED SESSION A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL—ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigationtu - ant to Governmei&Code Section 54956.9(d)(2): (1 potential cases) ABSENT: None,1' PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION was led by Mayor Pro Tem Dang Member Clark STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Kim, City Attorney Richman, Interim Director of Finance Chamberlain, Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking, Director of Public Works Chung, and City Clerk Hernandez City Attorney Richman reported there was no reportable action taken in Closed Session. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting AGENDA ITEM 4.B Minutes of May 10, 2022 Page 1 of 6 4. 2. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Low opened the Public Comment period. Sue Yamamoto, Rosemead Library Manager, announced the library will continue to provide PCR COVID-19 tests to residents until the end of May. Also, announced new virtual programs and the new Tool Lending Library program. The Summer Discovery program will be held virtual and will start on June 1St There being no further comments, Mayor Low cloyed the Public Comment period. PRESENTATIONS A. Introduction of Los Angeles County Acting',Assistant Fire Chief, Gerald Gonzales Acting Assistant Fire Chief Gerald Gonzales stated fie was assigned to Division 6, which includes the City of Rosen'ead. Mr. Gonzales shamed he lives and works locally in the City of Montebello and,Rosemead,area and lopks,forward to working with City Council and staff. City Council Gerald Gonzales to the City. C. Proclamation Declaring the Month of May as "Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage 1V. pnth7 the City of Rosemead Mayor Lo W presented a Proclamation declaring the month of May as "Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month" in the City of Rosemead. City Clerk Hernandez stated the Proclamation would be promoted on the City's social media and website. PUBLIC HEARING - None Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 10, 2022 Page 2 of 6 5. CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION: Moved by Council Member Armenta and seconded by Council Member Tang to approve Consent Calendar Items A through D. The motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low, and Tang NOES: None A. Claims and Demands a Resolution No. 2022-29 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, ( CERTAIN CLAIMS AND E $1,286,409.91 CHECKS NUT NUMBER 111207, DRQ THROUGH NUMBER ..,$74 51041 THROUGH NUMBED C. to Housing R C) in U .eeting i 'rs are [. be---tra y 24, 2( ce to sc! 24, CITY COUNCIL OF THE 4LIFORNIA, ALLOWING ;MANb IN THE SUM OF BERED 111102 THROUGH FTS NUMB 5711 AND EFT NUMBERED 51070 INCLUSIVELY. ty Council Meeting and Schedule a swill be,,atteiidig the International Council of q,N'ewada, from May 22 to 24, 2022. The next [uled for May 24, the same day the Mayor and back from the conference. Since most 'that day, the City Council will consider the t 'Council meeting due to lack of quorum. In Special meeting on May 31, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. at th4ity Council cancel the May 24, 2022, City Council a special City Council meeting on May 31, 2022. pdate Services Agreement for RRM Design Group - On September 22, 2020, the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with RRM Design Group for the 6th Cycle Housing Element update and companion tasks, which includes focused updates to the General Plan relating to the Public Safety Element and addition of environmental justice policies to comply with State legislation. Due to extensive comments from the California Department of Housing and Community Development on the review of the City's draft and adopted 6th Cycle Housing Element, staff is requesting an amendment for additional services from RRM Design Group to assist in the final certification of the City's 6th Cycle Housing Element. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 10, 2022 Page 3 of 6 6. In Recommendation: That the City Council approve Amendment No. 1 to Section 3.3 — Fees and Payments to the Professional Services Agreement between the City of Rosemead and RRM Design Group by increasing the not -to -exceed contract amount from $190,290 to $203,490. The amendments will be applied to 3.3.1 - Compensation and 3.3.4 - Extra Work. Resolution No. 2022-25 - Modification 21-01 Friendly Inn Appeal Public Hearing 2146 San Gabriel Boulevard On April 26, 2022, the City Council conduct Modification 21-01, to review the conditions o£ located at 2146 San Gabriel Boulevard,F,as r0 owners of the Friendly Inn. After hear ng' all directed its legal counsel to bring back a resole approval with findings. Recommendation: That the City A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, =CC STATE OF F COAL q MODIFICATION 2W WF OF APPROVAL TO THE SAN AG continued public hearing on al for the motel establishment by the business and property testimony, the City Council tth the amended conditions of ution TY COUNCIL OF THE TY,; LOS ANGELES, A, TO APPROVE REVISED CONDITIONS �1VIElID CONDITIONAL Z THE MOTEL AT ARD ("THE FRIENDLY 25, entitled: n of ;'Resolution, No. 2022-30 Amending the Revenue Estimates, -iations I. acid Authorized Staffing Within the FY 2021-22 Operating Budget Use of American Rescue Plan (ARP) State and Local Fiscal Recovery At the 1Vla ch & 2022, and the April 26, 2022, City Council meetings, staff presented f re overviews `660mmended uses of State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds as allowed under the Final Rule of the American Rescue Plan. Based on direction given to staff by the City Council, this report is to amend the FY 2021-22 Operating Budget for various activities. Other recommended uses as authorized by the City Council at the April 26, 2022 meeting, will be included in the FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget for further consideration. Recommendation: That City Council adopt Resolution No. 2022-30, entitled: Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 10, 2022 Page 4 of 6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE FY 2021-22 OPERATING BUDGET AND AUTHORIZED STAFFING LIST Interim Finance Director Chamberlain reported that Resolution No. 2022-30 would amend the revenue estimates appropriations and authorized staffing within the FY 2021-22 Operating Budget. The Resolution also appropriated $265,000 recovering the cost of COVID sick time mandates, the approval of a one-time premium pay award for employees, and an addition of two positions for the City Clerk's Office and Human Resources Division. li& approval of the Resolution also authorized the movement of the $10 million `standard revenue loss allowance from the American Rescue Plan Account (ARPAjJ6jhe secondary ARPA account and receipt of the second ARPA portion of th C1ty's allocation. Council Member Tang asked Interim Finance Director Chamber] spent any time, and the remaining $ ACTION: Moved b3i1] Armenta to adopt Reso Budget and authorized vote AYES:" Ar"enta, B. COVI" U is a X161 IN, had to replied the $10 milli6n, allocation could be nust,be spent by Decem, ;026. Tem Dang, and seconded by Council Member ..2022-30, "amending the FY 2021-22 Operating Themotion. was carried out by the following ff. Law'.' -and Tana"=NOES: None agenda to update the City Council on items City Council discuss and provide further direction. City Manager KxmTeported fhe Los Angeles County Department of Health continued tb`require maskskon all forms of public transportation within the County. Masks continue, to be required in healthcare settings, state and local correctional facilities, detention centers] shelters, cooling centers, and any other location where a business or venue `has`,a policy. The current statistics in the City of Rosemead are 11,081 COVID-19 case§ with 187 deaths. 89.5% of Rosemead residents have had at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. 82.7% of Rosemead residents are fully vaccinated. Mr. Kim announced the City of Rosemead was partnering with Chinatown Service Center to continue to provide a COVID-19 vaccination clinic at the Rosemead Community Recreational Center on Wednesday, May 11, and May 25. As for City employees and the public, it's no longer required to wear a mask but is highly recommended. Reiterated that City staff would continue to monitor the health and safety protocols recommended by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health to decrease the spread of COVID-19. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 10, 2022 Page 5 of 6 7. 8. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL Q ADJO Council Comments Council Member Armenta announced that the City of Azusa partnered with the nonprofit organization, One Legacy to host a fundraising bowling game. She encouraged City staff and residents to participate on May 26 at the El Monte Lanes. Mrs. Armenta stated she was attending WELL'S next annual conference on June 11 in Pico Rivera. The conference includes topics in water conservation, water quality, and discussion on water restrictions due to the drought. Lastly, she spoke about the increase in street racing and drivers speeding. She stated that in speaking with Public Works Director Chung, he was actively looki ' g into ideas to help mitigate the speed problem in the city. In addition, asked staff to loolc,further into helping resident Velia Navarro's ongoing issue of speeding vehicles on hefastreet. Council Member Tang expresses Artesia, Melissa Ramoso. The tools to fight the theft of catalyi caught with a fine or jail time. something similar that' the City o: Council Member Arme that target the catalytic Mayor Low adj6t on May 24, 2022, ai Polly Low, Mayor Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of May 10, 2022 Page 6 of 6 the meeting 7:30'1 )0 mm in the Ros for the letter f in the Mayor of the City of i an ordinance giving law enforcement the iters. The ordinance ,allows for the thieves d Cifv ,staff to lookAnto., an ordinance or want to do to hell) aw enforcement. Sacramento are working on bills The next City Council meeting will take place 10 City Hall Council Chamber. Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk