CC - Agenda - 09-13-2022CITY OF ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL AND REGULAR MEETING AGENDA City Hall Council Chamber 8838 East Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Tuesday, September 13, 2022, at 6:00 P.M. - Special & 7:00 P.M. - Regular Meeting City Council Sean Dang, Mayor John Tang, Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Armenta, Council Member Margaret Clark, Council Member Polly Low, Council Member Pursuant to Assembly Bill 361 Members of the City Council and Commission may teleconference into the meeting without noticing each teleconference location from which a member is participating in a public meeting. Brown Act Pursuant to provisions of the Brown Act, no action may be taken on a matter unless it is listed on the agenda, or unless certain emergency or special circumstances exist. The City Council may direct staff to investigate and/or schedule certain matters for consideration at a future City Council meeting. Public Comment from the Audience • Public may offer comments via zoom by using Meeting ID: 849 4036 5023 and Passcode: 290997 or • By phone: Dial (669) 900-9128, enter Zoom meeting ID and Passcode. • Written comments may be submitted at publiccommentAcityofrosemead.ore by 5:00 p.m. • The City Council will hear public comments on matters not listed on the agenda during the Public Comments from the Audience period. Opportunity to address the City Council (on non -agenda items) is limited to 3 minutes per speaker. Americans with Disabilities Act In compliance with the ADA, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk's Office at (626) 569-2100 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to allow the city to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the meeting or service. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Rosemead City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office during normal business hours. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Agenda September 13, 2022 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL 1. STUDY SESSION A. Consideration of Resolution No. 2022-52 Reauthorizing the Need for Teleconferencing Option for City Council and Commission Meetings Pursuant to Assembly Bill The City Council will consider reinstating provisions of Assembly Bill No. 361, providing an alternative to the public meeting teleconferencing requirements of Government Code Section 54953(b)(3) as long as there is a state of emergency, and the Legislative Body makes certain findings regarding the state of emergency. Resolution No. 2022-52 makes the required findings under AB 361, and if adopted, it will allow the City to reinstate teleconference accessibility for public meetings to help mitigate the current increase in community transmission of COVID-19. Recommendation: That the City Council approve Resolution No. 2022-52, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING THE NEED FOR TELECONFERENCING OPTION FOR CITY COUNCIL AND COMMISSION MEETINGS PURSUANT TO ASSEMBLY BILL NO. 361 AND MAKING FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS REGARDING THE SAME B. Review and Discussion of Proposed City User Fee Study The City Council will review and discuss proposed updates to the City User Fee Study Report. The study was conducted and compiled by consultant Willdan Financial Services, encompasses a review and calculation of the user fees charged by the City of Rosemead. Recommendation: That the City Council review, discuss, and provide direction to staff. The special meeting will adjourn, and the City Council regular meeting will reconvene at 7: 00 p.m. 2 Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Agenda September 13, 2022 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Low INVOCATION — Mayor Dang 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Opportunity to address the City Council (on non -agenda items) is limited to 3 minutes per speaker. Public may address comments via zoom using meeting ID: 849 4036 5023 and Passcode: 290997 or by dialing: (669) 900-9128, enter meeting ID and passcode. Written comments may be submitted at publiccomment@cityofrosemead.org by 5:00 p.m. All comments are public record and will be recorded in the official record of the city. 3. PRESENTATIONS A. Proclamation Declaring the Month of September 2022 as "National Preparedness Month" in the City of Rosemead 4. PUBLIC HEARING A. Public Hearing to Consider Fourth Substantial Amendment to the FY 2019-2020 Annual Action Plan for Community Development Block Grant — Corona Virus (CDBG-CV) Funding Allocation At the May 31, 2022, City Council meeting, Council requested staff to review if a local non-profit, Wealth By Health, would qualify for funding from HUD's Community Development Block Grant — Corona Virus (CDBG-CV). Wealth by Health currently assists Rosemead residents with routine healthcare services related to the prevention and/or response to the COVID-19 pandemic. After several discussions, Wealth By Health was determined to qualify for the CDBG-CV funds and has agreed to all HUD requirements. Therefore, a Substantial Amendment to the FY 2019-2020 Action Plan is required to resource their activities in the community. Recommendation: That the City Council take the following actions: 1. Conduct a Public Hearing and receive public testimony on the Substantial Amendment; and 2. Approve the Fourth Substantial Amendment to the FY 2019-2020 Action Plan. 3 Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Agenda September 13, 2022 B. Public Hearing to Review and Approve the FY 2021-22 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) for Submittal to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) The City of Rosemead's Housing Division has completed its Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) (Attachment A) for the period July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022. The CAPER describes the overall use of Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) funds received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in relationship to the needs of the community as outlined in its Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 Annual Action Plan. The City's overall objective in the CDBG and HOME programs is the development of viable communities by providing decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expansion of economic opportunities primarily for low -to -moderate income persons. Recommendation: That the City Council conduct a Public Hearing to receive community feedback on the FY 2021-22 CAPER and approve its submission to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. 5. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Claims and Demands • Resolution No. 2022-49 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $2,082,559.58 CHECKS NUMBERED 111919 THROUGH NUMBER 112226, DRAFTS NUMBERED 5922 THROUGH NUMBER 5967 AND EFT NUMBERED 51208 THROUGH NUMBER 51256 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2022-49. B. Minutes Recommendation: That the City Council approve the regular meeting minutes of September 8, 2020, and regular meeting minutes of July 12, 2022. C. Walnut Grove Avenue Street Light Installation Project — Authorization to Reject All Bids and Re -Bid As part of the City's Fiscal Year 2022-23 Capital Improvement Program, the City Council approved the Walnut Grove Avenue Street Light Installation Project. The Project consists of furnishing and installation of solar powered street LED light fixtures with concrete poles, construction of pole foundations, anchor bolts, and all related appurtenances. The Project is located on Walnut Grove Avenue between 4 Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Agenda September 13, 2022 Marshall Street and Guess Street for atotal distance of 1,480 feet. On June 22, 2022, the City received and publicly opened eight (8) sealed bids. Staff conducted a comprehensive bid analysis to determine the apparent lowest bid and found that none of the bids received met the bid and/or Project requirements and are considered non-responsive. Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the City Manager or his designee to reject all bids received for the Walnut Grove Avenue Street Light Installation Project and direct staff to re -bid the Project. D. Adopt Resolution No. 2022-50, Approval of the City of Rosemead Local Road Safety Plan The Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP) is a road safety planning document that provides a holistic analysis of vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle crash data, and provides a roadmap for implementation of safety improvements. Beginning in 2022, Caltrans requires that all state, county, and local agencies complete an LRSP to be eligible to receive Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) grant funds. Furthermore, Caltrans recommends cities have their LRSP approved by City Council through an adopted resolution. The HSIP grant funds are used for planning documents, preliminary engineering documents, and construction improvements to mitigate safety-related issues at intersections and roadways. In August 2022, staff completed the preparation of the LRSP in conformance with Federal and State standards. The preparation of the LRSP was funded with State Funds in the amount of $48,000, which also required a local match of $5,334, for a combined budget of $53,334. Staff is requesting the adoption of Resolution No. 2022-50, approving the LRSP for the City of Rosemead to improve eligibility for Federal and State grant opportunities. Recommendation: That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2022-50, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, TO APPROVE THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD LOCAL ROAD SAFETY PLAN (LRSP) E. Adopt Resolution No. 2022-51, Approving the Application for Caltrans Local Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 11 Grant Funding The Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) is one of the core federal -aid programs. The purpose of the HSIP program is to achieve a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads, including non -State-owned public roads. To apply for the HSIP funds, an agency must have a completed Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP) or an equivalent of the LRSP. The City of Rosemead has completed its LRSP and has identified a potential project for HSIP grant funding consideration. The proposed project includes safety improvements to signalized intersections including traffic signal retroreflective backplates, high visibility crosswalks, and pedestrian countdown signal heads. The estimated cost of the project is approximately $3,384,400 and there is a required 10% local match of $338,440. 5 Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Agenda September 13, 2022 Recommendation: That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2022-51, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR CALTRANS LOCAL HIGHWAY SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (HSIP) CYCLE 11 GRANT FUNDS F. Award of a Professional Services Agreement for Solid Waste Consultant Services The City of Rosemead is in its final year of afranchise agreement for solid waste and recycling collection services with Consolidated Disposal Services (CDS), the agreement is set to expire on July 31, 2023. At the July 13, 2021, City Council meeting, Council Member Ly requested to discuss the City's current franchise waste hauler agreement and inquired about the timeline and process to procure a new agreement. Based on City Council discussion, it was determined that due to the highly regulated and specialization of the solid waste collection industry, the use of a solid waste consultant would be beneficial for the City to assist in procuring a new waste hauler agreement. Furthermore, Council Member Ly requested staff to agendize an item at a future City Council meeting to further consider the use of a solid waste consultant. On August 8, 2022, staff released an RFP for solid waste consulting services to provide assistance with the procurement of a new solid waste franchise agreement and associated consulting services and received one (1) proposal from R3 Consulting Group Inc. (R3). After review, staff determined that R3 submitted a qualified proposal to provide solid waste consulting services in the amount of $139,745. Fees related to the solid waste consulting services are proposed to be recovered within the negotiations of the new franchise agreement. Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute a professional services agreement with R3 Consulting Group, Inc., for full-service procurement and solid waste consulting services in the amount of $139,745. G. Memorandum of Understanding with the El Monte Union High School District for School Year 2022-2023 School Resource Deputy Funding The El Monte Union High School District ("District") contracts with the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department for a School Resource Deputy ("SRD") that is assigned to Rosemead High School. Through an annual Agreement, the City of Rosemead ("City") has shared the cost of the SRD with the District on an equal allocation. The proposed Agreement between the City and the District is for the SRD Program for the 2022-2023 school calendar year. Recommendation: That the City Council approve and authorize the City Manager to execute the Memorandum of Understanding with El Monte Union High School District for School Year 2022-2023 School Resource Deputy funding. 6 Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Agenda September 13, 2022 6. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. Discussion on FiberCity At the March 8, 2022, City Council meeting, SiFi Networks (SiFi) provided a presentation on their FiberCity brand. FiberCity is a privately owned fiber optic network that provides gigabit speed internet service to every property within a city. Through FiberCity, SiFi constructs and maintains fiber optic infrastructure and leases the infrastructure to internet service providers (ISPs), creating additional broadband internet service options for the community. At the March 22, 2022, City Council meeting, Council Member Dang requested staff to agendize the FiberCity item for further discussion. Staff has performed a preliminary evaluation of FiberCity and the services provided by the City's current ISPs. The results of the evaluation include a comparison of current ISP broadband internet services rates and proposed FiberCity rates, and a summary of the potential benefits and costs for the City to implement FiberCity. Recommendation: That the City Council discuss this item and provide direction to staff. B. Report and Discussion Regarding the City Manager's Office Fiscal Year 2023 Work Plan The City Manager's Office is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the City, including direct oversight over the following programmatic areas: public safety, emergency preparedness, animal licensing, code enforcement, business licensing, human resources, intergovernmental relations, information technology, and HUD programs (CDBG and HOME). As the lead department in implementing the City's 2030 Imagine Rosemead Strategic Plan ("the Plan"), the City Manager's Office has several initiatives underway to accomplish the objectives of the Plan as well as additional efforts to enhance organizational efficiency and effectiveness. This update is intended to serve as a summary of those efforts for the current fiscal year. Recommendation: That the City Council receive and file this report. C. COVID-19 Update This is a recurring item that will be on the agenda to update the City Council on items related to COVID-19. Recommendation: That the City Council discuss and provide further direction. 7 Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Agenda September 13, 2022 7. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. Street Name Change Discussion — Steele Street Between Muscatel Avenue and Ivar Avenue Council Member Armenta requested the City Council discuss a potential street name change for Steele Street between Muscatel Avenue and Ivar Avenue. Recommendation: That the City Council discuss and provide further direction to City staff. B. Council Comments 8. ADJOURNMENT The next regular City Council meeting will take place on September 27, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. POSTING AFFIDAVIT I, Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk, or my designee, hereby certify that a true and correct, accurate copy of the foregoing agenda was posted seventy-two hours prior to the meeting, per Government Code 54954.2, at the following locations: City Hall, 8838 East Valley Boulevard; Rosemead Community Recreation Center, 3936 N. Muscatel Avenue; Garvey Community Center, 9108 Garvey Avenue; Public Safety Center, 8301 Garvey Avenue; United States Post Office, 8845 Valley Boulevard; Rosemead Library, 8800 Valley Boulevard; and on the City's website (www.cityofrosemead.org) Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk 8 Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Aleeting Agenda September 8, 2022 Date September 13, 2022 MEETING SCHEDULE: Beautification Commission Meeting 4 Wednesday, September 14 @ 7:00 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting -CANCELLED 4 Monday, September 19 @ 7:00 p.m. Public Safety Connections Meeting - CANCELLED 4 Thursday, September 22 @ 6:00 p.m. Public Safety Commission Meeting 4 Thursday, September 22 @ 7:00 p.m. City Council Meeting 4 Tuesday, September 27 @ 7:00 p.m. e e September 24 12:00-1:30p.m.&2:00-3:30p.m. Location: Rosemead Aquatic Center I Fee: $7.00 ;ump in and pick your favorite pumpkint loin us for our 2nd Annual Pumpkin Dive where we transform the Rosemead Aquatic Center into a Floating pumpkin patch. After finding the perfect pumpkin, you will have a chance to decorate it. Space is limited, so register early! Ages 3.16 years (children T and under must be accompanied in the water by an adult 18 years or older. One adult per child raquired)_ A v.✓ :I !„ CITY OF ROSEMEAD ROS�EAp SEPTEMBER 11TH REMEMBRANCE CEREMI For mr ore in please visit our wobsite at Roc. r, ityofrod.org or con taotParks and eation Department at (626) 5692160