CC - Item 1B - Rosemead User Fee Study PresentationCity of Rosemead User Fee Study uusE Cin o � Why Update User Fees • Subsidies in services impact the General Fund Private & specific benefit services are subsidized by unobligated funding sources Reduces ability to fund general & community benefits • Decreased department funding typically results in understaffing and reduces service quality Cost recovery knowledge and planning Provides clarity of pressures on City resources Enables City to strategize and set fees to benefit of the City and community State requirements for reasonable cost -based fees W WILLDAN 2 User Fee Objectives & Steps • Determine full cost of providing services or programs Review fee schedules based on service delivery Identify potential new fees (not currently collected) Reduce or remove fees Using fully -burdened rates, calculate full cost recovery • Update fees for services based on cost analysis Incorporate or establish cost recovery goals Subsidies allow access to services and facilitate compliance Identify appropriate fee levels that: • Enhance reasonability and applicability • Maintain consistencywith local policies and objectives • Maintain legal compliance with state law N4 WILLDAN 3 Scope of the Study • Review and calculate cost of providing services and related fees charged by the following departments and divisions: • Finance o Parking • City Clerk 0 Animal Care and Control • Planning o Public Safety • Engineering o Film • Parks and Recreation o Civil Fines • Public Transportation W WILLDAN 4 Data & City Staff Participation • Primary types of data used: o Expenditure data o Staffing structures o Central service/Indirect overhead o Productive/billable hours o Time estimates to complete tasks o City/Department input, feedback and policies • Staff support throughout process essential to ensure analysis fidelity W WILLDAN 5 Summary Steps of the Study Full cost for services N WILLDAN Data Staff Current cost Create drak Council collection meetings recovery report Approval Build fee Update fee Target cost Staff report model schedules recovery review Overhead Staffing and Finalize and FBHR time data report Calculation Full cost for services N WILLDAN Finance • Majority of fees are set according to statutes • Suggested fee notes: NSF Check to remain as currently set per State Law New Credit Card Transaction Fee added FY 2021-22 credit card transaction cost amounted to $35,600 V✓wiuonN City Clerk • Time based cost analysis • Analysis found that flat fees were mostly set below the full cost of providing the service • Suggested fee notes: • An increase for 8 fees • A decrease for 1 fee 13 fee would remain as currently set • Average fee increase of 10% W WILLDAN 8 Planning • Time based cost analysis • Current fees are heavily subsidizing the cost of providing services • Suggested fee notes: o An increase to 48 fees A decrease to 6 fees 0 18 fees would remain as currently set as Average fee increase of 2% for flat services W WILLDAN 9 Engineering • Time based cost analysis • Current services are being provided well below the costs of providing them • Suggested fee notes: o An increase to 38 fees o A decrease to 4 fees 0 4 new fees would be added 0 1 fee would change from variable to a flat fee 0 10 fees would remain as currently set as o Average fee increase of 9% for flat services W WILLDAN 10 Parks and Recreation • Most fees are use of government property and should be set based on policy, usage, & market factors • Suggested fee notes: o An increase to 32 fees; o All other fees would remain as currently set. W WILLDAN 11 Public Transportation • Public Transportation services and fee levels remain unchanged V WILLDAN 12 Parking • A mixture of citations and one administrative fine • Citations set to deter the activity • For the administrative fine, a time -based analysis using fully burdened hourly rates and reasonable time estimates for service were utilized • Suggested fee notes: An increase to the Impounded Vehicle Admin Fee All citations are recommended to remain at their current amounts -0/W LLDAN 13 Animal Care and Control • Time based cost analysis • Suggested fee notes: 0 An increase to 5 fees 0 6 fees would remain as currently set 0 5 fees would be reinstated 0 The average fee increase based on the suggested fee would be 12% Yy WILLDAN 14 Public Safety • Time based cost analysis • Suggested fee notes: o An increase to the Administrative Fee O Live Scan are recommended to remain at their current amounts as they are set by federal agencies W WILLDAN is Film • Time based cost analysis • Analysis found that flat fees were mostly set below the full cost of providing the service • Suggested fee notes: The actual cost of staff fees would remain at full cost recovery 3 flat fees would be increased by 25% W WILLDAN 16 Civil Fines • A mixture of citations and user fees • Citations set to deter the activity • For user fees, a time -based analysis using fully burdened hourly rates and reasonable time estimates for service were utilized • Suggested fee notes: An increase to the Administrative Fee All citations are recommended to remain at their current amounts W WILLDAN 17 Policy Considerations • General standard: individuals or groups who receive private benefit from service should pay 100% of cost • In certain situations, subsidization is an effective public policy tool: o Encourage participation o Ensure compliance when cost is prohibitive to residents o Promote access to services • Recommend that City utilize inflation factor to annually adjust fees based on CPI, MOU, or another factor • Comprehensive analysis every 3-5 years W WILLDAN 18 Questions 21-D,]SI�OOR r ' RI HOU HF.SE