CC - Item 5B - Minutes of September 8, 2020MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION SPECIAL AND REGULAR JOINT MEETING SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Armenta at 6:05 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Armenta, Mayor Pro Tem Low, Dang and Ly (teleconferenced) ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda, Director of Community Development Frausto- 1. WORKSHOP A. Small Lot Division Clark (teleconferenced), t City Manageri ity Attorney Burrows, and City Clerk Hern �ez On MayQ20, Count' Memb n Datta nducted a presentation on Small I _�' , ions. A they , the City Council directed staff to co � i a works �p for � ssion a all Lot Subdivisions. Director evelop Frausto-Lupo stated this is a continuation of ��- ssion 4° ex : '- ed small lot subdivisions are a hybrid hou m $ olo t looks _° . ctrons like row townhomes but where each unit is built 1 nden n indivi "small lots". There are no commonly owned areas or ho ° "°_ er's . ciation. Noted the Los Angeles County recently adopted compact 1 Y rdin Mrs. Frausto-Lupo displayed examples of small k; ubdivision iscusse�- the advantages and disadvantages of small lot de ments; i g ated in the City of Los Angeles, small lots can only be de ve in m E amily or commercially zoned lots. If the City Council adopts a Smal ce, staff recommends only allowing it in Medium Multiple Residentia a) zone, which includes Rosemead Boulevard, Walnut Grove Avenue, Del Mar Avenue and Hellman Avenue; noted other residential zones like Single -Family Residential (R-1) and Light Multiple Residential (R-2) zones are established with single-family dwellings. Shared that staff conducted a survey of surrounding cities which included Alhambra, Arcadia, El Monte, Montebello, Monterey Park, San Gabriel, South El Monte, and Temple City; indicated that no cities in our immediate area currently have or plan to introduce a small lot ordinance. Mrs. Frausto-Lupo stated should the City Council wish to proceed with the development of a small lot ordinance, the next step would be to hire a Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2020 Page 1 of 21 AGENDA ITEM 5.13 professional land use consultant with small lot subdivision experience to identify parcels suitable for small lot developments; create the small lot ordinance and design guidelines; amend Zoning and Subdivision Codes; and to establish a review process to coordinate subdivision with other Codes. Council Member Ly asked why there is a need to hire a consultant versus having the Planning staff manage this. Director of Community Development Frausto-Lupo indicated none of the staff are land use experts in terms of this specific topic; stated we would want a consultant to help develop the standards since these rties are typically developed vertically. The Los Angeles County requi Conditional Use Permit (CUP); would we require a CUP or would we all = ` x right? What would be best for the city and is compatible in the neighbor: ? @ hasized a consultant would be able to offer their expertise and hel " to ine th rts of questions. Council Member Ly said heF cannot see how a consultantle, A Planning staff who is familiar with as he has seen consutry to pi what's best for Rose � ior ex had great land use cone fit the look of what was t nsulnts do; however, he negating what co better understand UN community than our ily 1 se requests - essed hesitation >h T think is the be m d often it's not nple, initial Garvey Avenue Specific Plan of open ` ..communal space, but did not really 1arvev Avif, Counc' lark cone ed Member Ly; indicated she is not ready oceed this bec he hig ity and the fact that they are not allowm _, ds or t , especia hen we are recognized as a Tree City USA. Opined she;- uld o ostpon s item until we look at the Regional Housing *A Alloca timbers v how we are going to implement that. Mayor Pr P4 in 'nquirednMe came up with a small lot ordinance, could we address = f' e of i1 sadvantages such as setback requirements; agreed with aff that if w " ceede 'x h this, it would have to be in high density areas only; ed Council mber Ly's sentiment on consultants not knowing what is best fob city. Exp ed it is interesting that none of the surrounding cities have a smal at rdin asked why other cities are not considering it and have staff heard fr F elopers they are working with if developers are interested in having srmn j s as an option. Director of Community Development Frausto-Lupo responded we could; however, the purpose of a small lot subdivision is to utilize and maximize the land so the land will be subdivided into spaces to allow various units. In speaking with some of my colleagues in other cities, the general consensus is that this type of tool really benefits the developer more so than a resident or the neighborhood. Elaborated that the City of LA is the one who has had it the longest since 2005; homeowners pushed for it, however the long-term residents in that neighborhood cannot afford it because the prices on those homes are very expensive. Opined based off the amount Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2020 Page 2 of 21 of ADU requests that we are receiving, there is a definite interest in small lot developments because Rosemead is a great community. Mayor Armenta expressed concern for gentrification as many of our residents are barely making it and they are renters; agreed with Mayor Pro Tem Low that this should only be in areas identified by staff; stated she is not sure if there is any provision for affordable housing with these types of developments; inquired about property taxes depending on your square footage of your lot. Director of Community Development Frausto-Lupo stated she does not have an opinion on gentrification, but it goes in line _ what people saw in LA — they hoped it would be a tool for homeownership, it was but for new residents not already within the neighborhood; asserte e a first-time home buyer program through our CDBG and HOME funds i X` egi ever, it's difficult for residents to utilize the program because of th__-; u mg cos e San Gabriel Valley. Council Member Dang thanke Frausto-Lupo for aaresentation; referenced slide 3 of the PowerPoint, whic - , lained from an avers a` w erson's perspective, that you cannot tell a typical ap t bgfrom a s lot subdivision. Opined the small 1 ubdivision o ould not change§ the impact or dynamics of the neig � � emphasize e cost of these homes is driven by the market because we are Director o _ unity D ° jopme a sto- I larified if a new developer purch 20 -unit u ° # an anted to subdivide the lot to btt, _ small bdivisio - -se ren ho were in that apartment may not be to purc a one of a homes because of the difference they were paying in r �� oun embe ang ac kn a €Here is always a struggle between those that encoura e owx hip and res 1 inventory; pointed out that the state offers a menu inri for ple, if there is a by -right of five units, if the developer volunteers to a 0 or 1 fordable housing, they will receive a density bonus. Armenta ressed she sees it as a negative when we are looking at deve 3 a 2 't apartment into a lot subdivision — we need to consider how many re e _ id be displaced with this development. Stated there are ways to ensure lan Ipr are not being absentee and upkeeping their property. Council Member Ly stated he believes there is potential for this ordinance or at least the concept, so we should not dismiss it; he agreed with Council Member Clark that we have to keep RHNA numbers in our hindsight as we have to figure out how to house 4,445 houses; if we have to find a way to build those units otherwise, we will be penalized. It's important to keep all our options on the table; establishing a subcommittee that includes a member of the Council and Planning Commission to address how we can utilize other tools to address the RHNA numbers and incorporate these ideas. How many parts of the city are zoned R-3 or higher? And if the mixed-use overlays could be added to the map shared. Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2020 Page 3 of 21 Mayor Pro Tem Low opined she would like to explore this concept further, however, she is not interested in converting apartments into subdivisions; stated she would rather like to see empty lots or areas of a lot that need to be revitalized; if we do this concept right, it will help with homeownership opportunities. Council Member Clark indicated support for Council Member Ly's suggestion to establish a subcommittee; expressed interest in serving on the subcommittee as she would really like to give input with the RHNA numbers from her experience on the Regional Council, and noted she was not able to be on the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Subcommittee as she lived too ck�eo the project. Council Member Dang agreed with apartment and convert it into a small foundation, and you cannot slice a, new structures, which is the colleagues for their attention presented information. Mayor Armenta tha • , Council mind at ease. _. _ . Council Member Ly pi would ad ftesmall a conj g By corgi . s, the meeting th , ati� Mayor F to adJWed the Ma it is not meant to take a 20 -unit 1 d1 'g n. It has to be built on its own xisting dation. These are for brand y banks woui ance it. He thanked his item and staff for r efforts to gather the for clarifymg4 t, as it put her of a subcommittee that 4A numbers as it will be staff to agendize for the next Council to the subcommittee that would address at 6:54 p.m. REGULAR MEETING 7:00 P.M. STAFF PRESENT: Citi = ti ager Molleda, Assistant City Manager Kim, City Attorney Burrows, Chief of Police Lieutenant buong, Director of Community Development Frausto-Lupo, Interim Director of Finance Miller, Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking, Director of Public Works Daste, and City Clerk Hernandez PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Ly INVOCATION was led by Mayor Armenta 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2020 Page 4 of 21 Mayor Armenta opened the Public Comment period. Mayor Armenta shared a comment received via email from Stephanie Moreno of the San Gabriel Water Quality Authority, inviting the City Council to attend a special update for city officials via an online webinar, which will be held Thursday, October 1, 2020, at 2 p.m.; topics will include new city funding for groundwater treatment and PFAS impact on the San Gabriel Valley. There being no other speakers, Mayor Armenta closed the Public Comment period. 3. PRESENTATIONS A. Presentation of Certificate of Award Interim Director of Finance Dr the Government Finance Offic Acknowledge and honor state requirements of generally ac Comprehensive Ann . inanc: of transparency and strict set of accountin` independent expert revs s. past and p ,p% Q.t did a lot T= c we in Financial Reporting tt tated the Avis presented to the city by ociation of the ed States and Canada. cal governments that - eyond the minimum accoprinciple preparing their R) showing tha have the spirit in eporting. All recipients must pass a and fi 'al statement criteria as judged by wledge _ inance Department staff, both ward city. artment for a great job to ensure services we do to the community. Finance Department and thanked them challenging times. Mayor Pro ; ., Lo , F�ed the Finance Department for all their efforts. Miller for leading the Finance team during these Eed it is a team effort to achieve this. B. Chamb z �= erce Presentation Update Ray JanExecutive Director Rosemead Chamber of Commerce (RCC) presented a PowerPoint of the Chamber's financial annual report. Shared that the city's funding of $200,000 is being used for the following projects: 1. Rosemead Visitor Center Remodeling and Upgrade; 2. Hospitality Drive to promote local small businesses; 3. New programs and new events; 4. Membership outreach and retention; 5. Additional staff to expand Chamber services; and 6. Website Upgrade through BID Zone and Whitepaper. Discussed various events, including "The Taste of Rosemead"; SGV Real Estate Synergy, which is a half-day seminar to promote Rosemead real estate, Garvey Avenue Specific Plan, and Auto Auction Lot; First-time home buyer fair; Powerhour Luncheon — a joint event with Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2020 Page 5 of 21 Rosemead Sister City Committee to welcome the new LASD Sheriff to promote public safety; Lunch N Learn Series Industry — focus learning seminars co -hosted with current members to promote their business and networking event; and the International Women's Day Mixer. Membership Drive & Member Outreach — the goal is to reach and maintain 300 active members by June 2020, RCC is at 215 members at the moment. New Members recruited from Jan. 2018- present is 56 new accounts. Council Member Clark stated I'm impressed with all the things that you've been doing even during COVID. However, I wonder about the $3,00045,000 restaurant cost for the Taste of Rosemead event; expres . _ oncern whether this is the best time to start this event with so many rest _ not being fully opened due to the pandemic; inquired if there is a be = to get more volunteers or to help reduce the cost. Ms. Jan responded the cost prow £ as an estimat ch we are trying to lower; emphasized we are exploring = Brent opportunities s partnering with PCC yT or the El Monte -Rosemead Adhool who have a grapy esign team that can help us save money on flyers, et a sta 'nce not a } 'nesses are fully reopened yet, we cusing on t. are open and -- gling such as restaurants, tea sho r " ffee shop ;z erted we will reevaluate once more businesses fully reope �, ere is a b way to help them rebuild faster. Council - er Dang t` : - ed Iia " for ter ry in-depth presentation to ensur 1 is fully are I ain er of Commerce's finances are s appla m her eff €dieing c e and really trying to make the best o pande = 3 situation % t stated he was happy to hear that the Virtual Wine Ta wa essful e t and is hopeful that the Taste of Rosemead F a er 43= r. urged the Chamber to tap into its members g an " ces tinue su ese social programs, food giveaways, and personae ecti `_: ipment (i' donations. He understands this pandemic has made thing di f but agreed with Council Member Ly that there is some turaI in 'al de = at we really need to look into. However, for now, eEked Ms. Ja; r the in ormation and details. Ma o Te w thanked Ray Jan for her efforts as she knows it is not easy to manag er. She opined that the Chamber tries really hard, but nowadays businesse - do a lot of things on their own through the internet so that means less necessity for the Chamber. Mrs. Low indicated it is hard for her to follow the profit and loss sheets; stated she noticed there is a line item called "interest from the term loan", inquired if the Chamber has a loan out and for how much. Ms. Jan confirmed the Chamber has a loan in the amount of $120,000. Mayor Pro Tem Low asked if the Chamber is still paying interest on that and if so, are you paying down the loan or just paying interest? Ms. Jan replied we are just paying interest. Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2020 Page 6 of 21 Mayor Pro Tem Low asked if the Chamber had any money prior to the city giving the Chamber $200,000 in 2017 or if that was your starting point? Ms. Jan stated we always had that loan, noting at that point that we were very, very low as well; pointed out that we keep the funding separate. Mrs. Low clarified her question — Did the chamber have a positive balance before the $200,000 was given and not counting the loan? Ms. Jan responded the loan was taken out around six or seven years ago as an equity loan, then it transferred, so we did not any money at that time. Mayor Pro Tem Low reiterated that the h er that money, then in 2017 the city gad u Rosemead, however the $120,000 money w balance. To make it clear the er started Ni $123,000 in the bank. Ms. Jan affirmed that is correct. Mayor Pro Tem negative and err. Chamber will ev $120,00 c Mrs. as Ray Jan took out a loan and were using �Q,000 at the time you came to nt and currently have a loan t0,000 and right now has t the Chamber continues to have a be done to stop this; opined the )00 n by the city and will still have L. they or the loan interest per year. MWn #heir profit and loss sheets to of numbers. 87 a month, so roughly $7,000 per year for l if WN's the case, then she does not understand why term loan" is for $15,911. 2017 through July 31, 2020. clarified so the Chamber is paying $7,000 per year with a Mayor Pro Tem Low reiterated her concern that even with the city allocating $200,000 to the Chamber that they will still have an outstanding loan. Mayor Armenta thanked Ray Jan for the detailed presentation; commended her for thinking outside the box and searching for different ways to generate revenue; stated unfortunately no matter how much planning we do, it's very hard to plan for the unknown especially with COVID-19. I share the same concern as my colleagues as to whether our Chamber of Commerce will be able to stay afloat. Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2020 Page 7 of 21 Asserted that Ray Jan has always been a great partner to the City of Rosemead by providing help to our businesses, cooperating with the city on food drives and PPE donations. I really want to thank you, the board, and its members for always finding a way to help. We must look into the numbers and make sure that you are staying afloat because the city's hands are going to be tied as we ourselves are already facing a deficit. Stated in order for the city to have thriving businesses, we need to have a strong Chamber of Commerce, so we want to help figure out how to get Chamber's finances sustainable in the future. Mayor Pro Tem Low indicated she is just thinking worst case scenario — if the Chamber spends the loan of $120,000, who i ponsible for the loan and what are the consequences. Ms. Jan replied while the Chamber h - et loss ever since they lost the redevelopment fund, they took o201he agains ouse as equity to cover the previous year's expense. Then I of our Bo A embers helped us with a with a personal loan. So, if -comes to worst, si e Chamber has a loan against the property, we will los .e property.,_ Mayor Pro Tem Lo ed is the Ms. Jan clarified it is as collateral. • - ®eqffwr or is it froom personal loan? and we used the Chamber house to a bank or will the house Ray Jan s - it : old to a son. She responded to Council Member Ly's ents rhe , E = • wled ; the numbers are very concerning right now, ho e sOL _ nt to h o sional full-time staff or contractor to help us with : ngoi ojects; a ed there are different ways to solve the loan issue as C v er is _ ate to have a property of our own — If needed, we can ake out a to r inc the loan amount but we would rather not take out 11 ther loan b " se we will eventually have to pay that back. There are other a tive opti such as renting all the back offices for $800 a month, which wil ener bout $8,000 to $9,000 income per year. We have not completed a full s • all the pros and cons or all the expenses we might incur if we were to re " 5 the building into a different property use. Mayor Pro Tem Low stated she would not recommend taking out another loan against the property to pay off this loan; asked if the house was donated by someone to the Chamber? City Manager Molleda responded I'm not quite sure, however, I don't believe the city donated it. Ms. Jan indicated back in the late 1980s with the TLT project, the chamber of health was a project. Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2020 Page 8 of 21 Mayor Pro Tem Low asked if we could look back at the history; stated her first thought is to use the remaining balance of $123,000 to pay off the $120,000 loan and deal with it afterwards. Otherwise, they won't have the money to pay it off and you're going to eventually lose the property. City Manager Molleda stated this is the first time that staff hears about this. Mayor Armenta suggested trying to renegotiate with the person that gave you the personal loan if there is any way to lower the interest rate to pay it off sooner; expressed she would hate for it to come down chamber losing the house. Mayor Pro Tem Low concurred with Armenta, stating that is why I recommended paying off the loan wit = - e ng money. Ms. Jan responded we have be . we can try to renegotiate it to want to take out another loan = more as the City has already been to work on a better a0n plan to on time,a interest rate is low, but with Mayor O m Low that we do not ,finitely do not to ask the City for ,ne o the Cham sserted we have . financials. Mayor Armenta reiterity staffer 1= help the Chamber figure out an action plan. Vff- Coun ' stated sta {- nga d with the Chamber on this, so f , it neo be the i 's resp'dlpbility to come up with this plan. The ci - more its fair s_ _ by giving a $200,000 grant; noted he was one of the bi £- oca g ush thi the Council level. So, from my perspective, e tw 1 ro" `' - itio One was that the Chamber needed to come UP Ian i inate c ., al deficit and second they need to hire staff to imp - - pro that cre value in our community, specifically business communityr-t. . so say but I don't feel that I can trust the Chamber as these Iwo items we of acc dished even prior to COVID. . Arment ted Council Member Ly's comments are duly noted; recalled ther e sti tions in place regarding the money that was given to the Ch amb = - l just trying to figure out a middle ground; asked if the City Manager y concerns or input to share. City Manager Molleda added that city staff is more than willing to sit down with the Chamber to look through these financials as we have done in the past; asserted to help them, they need to be able to give us their paperwork to provide their complete financials. Mayor Armenta replied I appreciate that information; emphasized we can only do so much if we are not given all the information. Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2020 Page 9 of 21 Ms. Jan stated she will follow up with the City Manager and be sure to provide all their paperwork; thanked City Manager Molleda and Assistant City Manager Kim for always being willing to help. She extended a sincere apology to Council Member Ly for inadvertently losing his trust in the Chamber. We just need to work harder to strive to achieve the things we haven't fulfilled yet. Mayor Armenta thanked Ray Jan again for this thoughtful presentation and looks forward to speaking soon. C. Homeless Plan Workshop The City Council will discuss the City'M21ess omeless needs and priorities to provide direction of the development of Plan. Focus Strategies, presented a P plan: understand local needs at, strategies to create a strategic homelessness; identify key stal develop action steps a identi to shift and/or reso i opportunities for coor continuum of care impl t� current n airategies a and elements of the itext; explore poten - omelessness response that advances effort ;, revent and reduce A nee cfe implemen tified strategies; I str cluding policie . hich may need may _ - to be leveraged; and to determine �trategiess a there is alignment with existing 4ritsamo—N-v, . E ized it is important to discuss askin at are the most urgent or signifi e= y' osemeaa lat - =s i I u sneer What are existing strengths and enges o City's c, spons =omelessness within Rosemead? Are th ecific p y, progr or collaboration opportunities you think could yield a si t on hom ness within Rosemead? the Council Me Dan ed Ms. Bristol and Ms. Grant for the presentation. He ted that on the ies was to identify some of the support facilities, gthen their tionslu and our responsiveness of homelessness and possibly ai T e faciliti a inquired if they have a map or location of these facilities and what ey sp ize in within the neighboring cities. Ms. Grant z I essed that they would be happy to provide the Council with information on services that are available in the neighboring cities. She indicated they met with some of the stakeholders who provide services throughout Service Planning Area 3 and across the San Gabriel Valley; noted these stakeholders either come into Rosemead regularly to provide outreach services or who have services available to people who might be in Rosemead but accessing services. Council Member Dang opined the easiest way to provide immediate help to the homeless community would be to tap into some of these services and support facilities that already exist as opposed to the City of Rosemead trying to find land and build a facility. Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2020 Page 10 of 21 Mayor Pro Tem Low understands there are different needs amongst the homeless population as some families are down on luck and just need a place to stay, and others are homeless due to drugs or substance abuse. She indicated the City of Los Angeles has built temporary housing for the homeless, however she has heard it didn't quite work because some of the homeless do not want to be in housing. Stated we can provide housing but questioned whether it would really help. Ms. Bristol explained that the research and data from the field tells us the only way to end homelessness is for each individual person to become housed. Stated people have different preferences and choices aro ousing, so they may not be interested in what is being offered. Noted a P= congregate shelter because it isa h' emphasized majority of people who ar ei offer them a non -congregate slot. Y so depei provided in conjunction with t. Wising and person's situation and challeng Mayor Pro Tem Low inquired accepting what the a is c Ms. Bristol exg experiencing ho: there not been hom Ness in Ms. Gran .= - «e,�` peo dis shelter i e 24-hour sta e a motel, o that have Br - " shared fo in ho ` and is cruci s - regain hou nes, they prefer not to be in a fictive kind of environment; will accept the housing if you ki what additional support is vary depending on the of the ho ``'ss individuals not not for a fact in relation to folks in Ro = dad but in general, yes; asserted tion eople to fit their needs has uce he amount of unsheltered nited the fed � ck received so far from the stakeholders that �" wa M:` 'ng utilized in different ways by different I the i : -. � els — the traditional model of a congregate people a aying in one building and often with ongoing t, = more popular model is staying in non -congregate sites g e ency motel vouchers, or being able to look at smaller people in a space for a period of time. She echoed what Ms. majority of people experiencing homelessness there is interest ;es, but exactly what that looks like can vary by person and it nd what an individual person's needs might be to help them Mayor Pro Tem Low noted that LA County has a lot of services available; inquired if those families and individuals who want help and are willing to go to any type of housing have been mostly taken care of by the County. Ms. Grant responded that depending on the type of service that's offered, there are data reports on how many individuals or families go into each program, reconnect with housing, and retain their housing over time; shared that by and large, the data across the County shows that that more and more people each year are finding successful outcomes through those programs and services. On the other side of that, Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2020 Page 11 of 21 even as available services continue to grow in the County, the data also shows that more and more people are becoming homeless every year. While the successes are becoming more prominent by year, the challenges are also becoming more prominent by the kind of increase in people needing those services. The overall is showing that programs and services are having results in impact. If you want more details, it will depend on the type of program, cities, and providers; noting you might see some variants based on what you're looking at. Mayor Armenta shared that the City of Rosemead started the Quality of Life program, where City staff, our local trash hauler - Republic Services, the Sheriffs Department and the LA County Department o lic Health, has gone out before to offer the homeless folks shelter, programs - ervices available, however, many of them would refuse help. She opined o reasons for the growing numbers of homeless is because our chronic ho = e_ ften overlooked. Those are the people that need the most help and t daunti th the housing in California, especially with COVID-19 wh ple are losin it jobs and homes. She appreciates the Homeless PI ever, urged staff o us more on including chronic homelessness. Mayor Armenta stated Valley Regional Hoi funding housing to ass income within the San Gabriel V�ounci be inc the Rosem services t g ah City M to Council hvor Ari S =E ut emp tool to a '= SB 751 w ize the creation he San Gabriel st, a point rs authority (JPA) — the purpose of T: less pop n and persons and families of low el Elt is a co titive grant overseen by the San ernme VCOe inquired if this could also > e he c has not voted to be part of this coa an tool for affordable housing in many pe 4 throughout the city that are not getting the NZild al h issues and once that is addressed, then there Re i in into a shelter or housing of some sort. staff can research SB 751 and bring it back ;nta ted for 1611 disclosure that SB 751 is a bill authored by Senator ► wh e works for, but she is not pushing the bill for that purpose; if t • ouncil chooses to join the JPA, this bill will serve as another s rdable housing. Council Member Clark expressed that she is very passionate about this issue; asserted that we need to get people with mental illness and drug addiction into actual treatment. She shared from personal experience that she tried to help people with drug addiction, but it did not work because they must be willing to get into a treatment. She thanked Senator Rubio for addressing this issue; opined there's a lot more people on the verge of homelessness due to COVID-19 as they lost their job and can't afford rent, so she hopes that we can utilize this program to assist people. Council Member Clark noted that she is on the Homeless Committee with SGVCOG, and the City of Monrovia has a very good program in terms of reaching Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2020 Page 12 of 21 out to people, finding solutions to help people that are down on their luck from becoming homeless. She added that she would like to see more of that. Hearing no additional comments, Mayor Armenta thanked Ms. Bristol and Ms. Grant for the presentation and looks forward to working with them on the Homeless Plan. 4. PUBLIC HEARING - None 5. CONSENT CALENDAR City Manager Molleda asserted that Item E will be and tabled for a future meeting. Mayor Armenta noted this item is being postpon 6 , t the public has an opportunity to speak on this item once city facilities open. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem -and seconded ouncil Member Dang to approve Consent Calendar Items A, and F. Council e r Dang pulled Item C for separate discussion. Motion was c d out by the followi of call vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low and Ly AB T: No A. Claims and • Resolution No. 07 TION TH T OUN`CIL OF THE O OSEM LIFO A, ALLOWING TAIN IMSA EMANDS IN THE SUM OF &76.0 BERE Q7286 THROUGH NUMBER No. -15 SA No. 2020-34. A RES TION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AS E S_ ESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD 'TY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF T Y OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAI S AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,780,165.91 DRAFTS NUMBERED 4643 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-15 SA. B. Approval of Minutes Recommendation: That the City Council adopt the regular meeting minutes of July 9, 2019 and September 10, 2019. Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2020 Page 13 of 21 IC F Approval of Traffic Commission Recommendations from the August 6, 2020, Traffic Commission Meeting for Curb Markings At the August 6, 2020 Traffic Commission Meeting, staff presented the following two items for review and consideration: 1. Garvey Avenue Line of Sight Review at the Driveway for the Palm Hotel (8463 Garvey Avenue); and 2. Review of Parking Conditions on Marshall ,, .2t between Bartlett Avenue and Muscatel Avenue. Recommendation: That the City recommendations for the following 1. Garvey Avenue Line of Si . Mviel Garvey Avenue): Installatio ;PPI driveway along the north sid based on AASH uidelines fd improve line of s' 'will allow to see vehicles ap ac estbc traveling 35 mph. T it -- e of the.Ba-km,�Motel an =11 still 2. Traffic Commission the Ltely 30' (feed curb east of the T . venue. fShilxWommendation is g Sight Distance red curb will .es exiting the Palm Motel driveway Garvey Avenue in the curb lane tely one parking space in front 5 s es to park along the curb in Musca%veru tallatio I red curb from Bartlett Avenue to Muscatel enue f M all Street. This will remove approximately nY# kin ces; it wt in o ce the existing no parking signage due to insu " t strc dth nee o allow for both parking and a travel lane in the WBs ' ction. segment from the wash to Muscatel Avenue is already posted wi : o Par - The red curb will serve to make the "No Parking" segment mo sible. stallation and replacement of the faded street sweeping ki1hang restr n sign (R30A) at the southeast corner of the intersection of ll St sand Dubonnet Avenue. City Count -'nfirmation of Designation and Appointment of Interim Finance Director/Treasurer The City has been trying to recruit a permanent Finance Director for several months. However, with the current COVID-19 issues and other factors, the City has been unable to fill the position. Until the City can fill the position, staff requests the City Council appoint a Retired Annuitant to the position of Interim Finance Director/Treasurer as authorized per California Government Code Sections 7522.56 and 21221(h) and to ensure adequate staffing during this state of emergency. Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2020 Page 14 of 21 This Item is being brought back to the Council to reconfirm its actions due to a clerical error in the agreement regarding rate of pay calculation as required by Ca1PERS. Recommendation: That the City Council take the following action: 1. Reconfirm and Approve the position of Interim Finance Director/Treasurer and authorize the position as a Retired Annuitant Position per California Government Code Sections 7522.56 and 21221(h); and 2. Reconfirm and Approve the appointment - uthorize the City Manager to sign the agreement on behalf of the Ci " Scott G. Miller as the Interim Finance Director/Treasurer. ITEMS PULLED FOR SEPARATE DIS ION C. Second Reading of Ordinance F 95 and Adoption Approval of MCA 20- 01, Amending Title 17 (zon f the Rosemead Mune al Code to Comply with New State Provisions for Acce Dw Units On August 25, 2020,1 Ordinance No. 995, t Code to Comply with for first reading, by title only, of the Rosemead Municipal ;ory dwelling units (ADU's). reading and adoption )F _ CITY COUNCIL OF THE TY OF LOS ANGELES, a R THE APPROVAL OF SIN`- ITLE 17 (ZONING) OF THE CIPAL CODE TO COMPLY WITH ZOVISIONS FOR ACCESSORY (ADUs) Court emb ang pulled this item to ask about specific verbiage from the propose,",He referenced page 4 — Section 4 C.1 of the ordinance, stating he underst is is describing the type of zoning that allows ADUs; indicated the state's language eliminates the design review process, therefore asked staff to clarify why it states ADUs are subject to "design review approval". Director of Community Development Frausto-Lupo responded it is her understanding that the design review approval was only specific to ADUs that included a second story. City Attorney Burrows stated that by right under state law, one can get an ADU up to 16 feet; however, if one exceeds 16 feet, meaning a second story ADU, there could be an additional review. Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2020 Page 15 of 21 Director of Community Development Frausto-Lupo indicated this could have derived from the previous Council discussion on stairways leading up to the second story. Council Member Dang concurred there was discussion about exterior stairways and limiting the visibility from the public right-of-way; he inquired if the ordinance would have to go back for first reading if we were to strike out that verbiage referencing a design review approval. Council Member Ly stated the way I am readi : ° s. it is in, all plans need to get approved by the _ ut their designee. As part of the administr_ oces; design review. Director of Community Develop rausto-Lupo d a design review to the Planni _ $ mmission or City Member Ly is correct that it is p the process. Council Member D s fined the understanding. It's a sari approval. Opined the plan" is fine; asked if st ou "design r _ _?pproval". ' my arc Director's g' and y go Mayor Pro estate leve C` -'Mer. belie es to reflec regardless of whatever zone ity Development Director or it requires a site plan and the intent is not to take cit, confirmed Council Na reads it, it bring bout a different V a d review, more of an administrative the Lang "subject to an administrative site hof alte =fie verbiage for the second part, )ond= desigoview is the correct verbiage as up the ign, and submit it to the Director, and it is the w and rmine if a design meets the standards. I wan - ensure design review does not mean it will we want to ensure the wording we have complies with emphasized we don't want the homeowner or architect to equates to a public hearing as many cities use that verbiage Council Member Ly replied if it were a hearing or to go before a committee, it would explicitly state so. If we make any edits it will have to go through another round of approvals, which means it will get pushed to September. Council Member Dang stated he does not want to have to push the item; he inquired if "design review" is included in the definition section of the Zoning Code. City Attorney Burrows indicated that Assistant City Manager Kim pointed out that Municipal Code Section 17.136.030 describes the process of an administrative site plan and design review approval as: 1) For residential construction over 2,500 Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2020 Page 16 of 21 square feet requires approval by the Planning Commission; and 2) For smaller buildings an administerial permit is required by the Director of Community Development, which is acceptable under the ADU law. Council Member Dang concurred that 1,200 square feet is under the 2,500; thinking in terms of an apartment that wanted to utilize 25% of conversion and is not a new floor area, would there need to be a Planning Commission review? City Attorney Burrows asserted it would be by right if it meets the minimum state law requirements. Indicated we have two options: 1) Treat this as a first reading in order to revise the language so that it exp__' states the administrative site plan and design review approval is carrie _ by the Director of Community Development, as well as reference al Code Section 17.136.030; 2) Alternatively, leave the languag - s, the understanding that the review only goes before the Co ft ty Dev anent Director and not the Planning Commission. Council Member Dang reiteral indicated support for moving made clear in the off meet Director of Community diligence by having staf do not hayo before not want to start o with a first reading; lith, purrent verm-as long as it is upo shared we can do our due it is allowed by right and they Kfib,Citv Council. Mayor A to if it d still have to be brought back for first re if � fid* an�terisk referencing the language in the afor gone , icipal cton? City Attom ow ied to be conservative - yes, it would have to come back for first readin- ang thanked Mayor Armenta for her effort to address his fine with proceeding as is with the meeting Minutes capturing what ACTION: Moved by Council Member Dang and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Low to approve the second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 995 by title only, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR THE APPROVAL OF MCA 20-01, AMENDING TITLE 17 (ZONING) OF THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO COMPLY WITH NEW STATE PROVISIONS FOR ACCESSORY Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2020 Page 17 of 21 DWELLING UNITS (ADUs) Motion was carried out by the following roll call vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low and Ly ABSENT: None E. Approval of Partial Street Closure of Olney Street and Other Traffic Engineering Counter Measures — ITEM TABLED FOR A FUTURE MEETING In 2017, the City received requests to evaluate traffic conditions and traffic calming options on Olney Street between Rio Hondo Avenue and Temple City Boulevard due to reports of speeding and pass-through tr of vehicles using this segment to access the westbound I-10 Freeway on- r n Temple City Boulevard. This item was reviewed and discussed at pr • raffic Commission Meetings. In response to various traffic concerns th e by the community at previous traffic commission meetings, staff r s= ended i ental measures that include a combination of enhanced traf E' nage and pa ' t markings. In addition, many residents also expresse ater preference to e the east end of Olney Street at Temple City Bouleva d eliminate the west a d I-10 freeway on- ramp access from Olney Street ell access ty Street from southbound Temple F: Boulevard. Based on commun' z = feedbac ? eived from the previous Traffic Commission meetings, t tem = esente ty Council for direction. Based on this at ember 11 $18 Ci a cil M , City Council directed staff to con rehensi Tr is port to review all traffic mov s impa _ Olney d exp l e feasibility of closing the east end ofy Street is An p comp d and presented to the Traffic Commission at =' emb 2019 Q ission Meeting. Based on the Traffic Analysi ort U. ney Stree etween Rio Hondo Avenue and Temple City Boulevard, raf ie ission recommended partial street closure of Olney s treet, closin tbound ey Street to the I-10 Freeway WB on-ramp as well as 5 Cling radar 3 d feed ack signs, warning signs, and larger speed limit signs oris y Street sist with traffic calming. At the 10, 2019 City Council Meeting the recommendations from the Traffic Co � sion's November 7, 2019 meeting was presented to City Council. At that City Council Meeting, City Council recommended for staff to proceed with preliminary design and estimates of the recommendations and bring back to City Council for final consideration. Recommendation: That the City Council approve and direct staff to complete the construction plans and proceed with the project which includes a partial street closure of Olney Street by closing the east end of Olney Street to the westbound I- 10 Freeway on-ramp, installing radar speed feedback signs, larger speed limit signs, warning signs and message boards on Olney Street to assist with the new traffic flow and traffic calming. Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2020 Page 18 of 21 6. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. COVID-19 Update This is a recurring item that will be on the agenda to update the City Council on items related to COVID-19. Recommendation: That the City Council discuss and provide further direction. City Manager Molleda stated the Los their order with the mandates from the which includes the following: all gather prohibited; all individuals living in th residence except as necessary to cu of maintenance or usage of critic are permitted outdoors consis critical infrastructure sectors m pursuant to the applicable sector g effect and unchange a 11 retailers capacity; outdoor re . facilit facilities may not sell 4 d honor out of state resery ins at least th um amo s a city laygro are s en tot _F _ blic; wl of toda emead 1,655 noted w feet and Angeles -_ ty Public Health has aligned Stay alifornia's Stay at Home Order irl members of other households are soon 1 stay home or at the place of c activiti - sociated with the operations istructure; world and political expressions the existing gur =:. es for those activities; ate and must contino modify operations nes; ce related s = chools remain in e indoors at n - f > ore than 20% continue to operate, however those no h I or lodging entity shall accept or essentia el unless the reservation is for uaran s. Molleda indicated we as uip ent at the parks, but the parks ed 2 � VID-19 home test kits; noted as confirmed cases and 34 deaths. questions from residents whether the city ;ping due to the new stay at home orders; not adhering to the social distancing of 6 Managerda responded we have not decided whether we are going to do t that is s thing we can talk about and will share in the Weekly Update; ow t as a concern in the beginning, but we have not had any more 7. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL A. Discussion and Approval of Letter of Support for Proposition 20 This item is presented to the City Council at the request of Council Member Margaret Clark. She would like to discuss the letter of support for Proposition 20. Recommendation: That the City Council discuss and provide further direction. Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2020 Page 19 of 21 Council Member Clark provided an overview of Proposition 20, "Keep California Safe" initiative — the purpose is to clean up the flaws of Proposition 47 and 57 related to criminal justice reforms; opined it is imperative we support this initiative as we would also be supporting our law enforcement's efforts to address this issue. Mayor Pro Tem Low indicated support for Proposition 20 as she is very disappointed with Propositions 47 and 57, as well as AB 109. Council Member Ly concurred with Council Member Clark. Council Member Dang echoed the support of_'llleagues. ACTION: Moved by Council Member econded by Mayor Pro Tem Low to approve the letter of support for R si 20. Motion was carried out by the following roll call vote A c Armen lark, Dang, Low and Ly ABSENT: None B. Council Comments Council Member Cl sked for Com cognize Emmal ey Elementary School for being in _ recipient he California Positive Behavioral Interventions & Suppo _ ity Care ard; shared the award was a result of the "Heroes Poster P ct,"tet: ainchil second-grade teacher, Brandi Matsdorf ted stude f all gr ade p honoring essential workers and th _ ing the c ay''c, -d they were posted at various sites -OWe' the tation emple heriff s office. City can agendize their recognition for a future articimte via Zoom since our facilities are Mayor Arm note uncil has been engaging in dialogue during Council omments at ast fe - etings; she emphasized if you want to ask a colleague t an item ught u during their comments, then that should be done ouf of the m g. Counci _ , y requested a status update on the Community Garden and Dog Parks project agendized for a future meeting. Wished everyone a safe period to continue our social distancing and safety measures to combat the pandemic. Mayor Armenta shared that she was just informed that Council Member Daniel "Dan" Holloway, City of La Puente, passed away today; noted she sits with him on the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control. Council Member Dang commended staff for doing a wonderful job in helping many restaurants secure the outdoor dining permits; asked if staff could advise businesses to put up signs to reserve parking spots for pick-up/carry-out, especially for businesses where parking is limited. Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2020 Page 20 of 21 Mayor Pro Tem Low stated Wealth by Health Foundation would like to see if the city is interested in partnering for a drive-by clinic and mobile dental care event; indicated the power went off by her house and she was not informed of any outages — asked staff to work with Edison to ensure residents are made aware of any planned outages in their area. City Manager Molleda stated staff will figure something out with Wealth by Health Foundation; asserted it is her understanding that Edison sends out notices to residents affected by any planned outages; indicated staff can also share any planned outages on the city's social media outlo spread the word as well. Mayor Armenta referenced the 2020-202 ual Budget book, asked where we are at with the budget's deficit. Stated t ahe Council voted on purchasing z- two new buses for our transport — th- __, sultant verified the previous provider owed money to the city ere paym SL nsurance on a vehicle that was not being used. Reques s update on whe _ we have received the outstanding money to hold the ountable. City Manager Molle a responded h presentation duled for the September 22"d mee � the Budge' _ stated she will rearch and relay the status of the outst o ment to t Council in the Weekly Update. Mayor Armenta brought the edenteNtt waves — noting a resident reached ransform lewnelectricity to go off for an exte - erio £time wh fe er elderly sister suffering from deme a indicate < e conta aff to see at they could do to assist and thanked for t g quick n to open an emergency cooling center for er 1A da th e staff for taking care of our residents by getting t ling r ready thin the hour; she noted two families showed up that day. 8. ADJO ENT Mayo en £ journed the meeting in memory of Council Member Daniel 'Dan" City of La Puente, and a Navy Veteran, at 9:58 p.m. The next r ar scheduled meeting will take place on September 22, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk APPROVED: Polly Low, Mayor Rosemead City Council Special & Regular Meeting Minutes September 8, 2020 Page 21 of 21