CC - Item 4A - PresentationPublic Hearing on the Fourth Substantial Amendment to the FY 2019-2020 Annual Action Plan for Community Development Block Grant-Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) September 13, 2022 1 Background •On May 14,2019,the City Council approved the FY 2019-2020 Action Plan.On March 27,2020, the Coronavirus Aid,Relief,and Economic Security Act of 2020 (the “CARES Act”)was signed into law to respond to the growing effects of this historic public crisis. •The City received two rounds of CDBG-CV funding totaling $972,328,to be used for activities that prevent,prepare for,or respond to the impacts of the pandemic. 2 Wealth By Health •Wealth By Health will be utilizing CDBG-CV funds towards medical equipment and supplies required to increase clinical capabilities; technology and protective equipment needed to implement proper safety protocols;program operational costs including clinic insurance, equipment transportation,and utilities. 3 Funding CDBG-CV Activity Original Funding Proposed Funding Change Food Banks Wealth by Health $200,000 $0 $140,000 $60,000 Reduce funding under Food Bank activities because not all the funds will be used. Add activity and fund with approximately $60,000 from Food Bank activity. 4 Recommendation •It is recommended that the City Council: 1.Conduct a Public Hearing and receive public testimony on the Substantial Amendment 2.Approve the Fourth Substantial Amendment to FY19-20 Annual Action Plan 5 WEALTH BY HEALTH 6 WEALTH BY HEALTH - INTRO •Est. in 2016, to improve the health and well- being of underserved communities via pop-up clinics •Free health clinic program –serves low-mod individuals who face barriers to healthcare access •Free health services include dental, vision, medical, Eastern medicine & vaccinations •International Missions –to expand health care access to global impoverished areas •Cambodia, India, Indonesia 7 WEALTH BY HEALTH –COVID-19 •Experienced a large patient population at our free health clinics who have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic •Increased barriers to healthcare access amid pandemic •Greater need in dental & vision services •COVID-19 vaccine provider organization •Ramped up efforts to increase vaccinations and ensure vaccine equity •Increased COVID-19 testing •Dispensing of FDA authorized COVID-19 therapeutics 8 WEALTH BY HEALTH –ROSEMEAD •Served over 10K patients within the City of Rosemead since founding •Over 60% of total patients served at our clinics reside in Rosemead •Over 72% patients seeking dental care reside in Rosemead •Over 92% patients seeking vision care reside in Rosemead •Delivered a value of over $5M in all health services combined •Based on approximate industry standard costs of each medical, dental, vision, acupuncture service 9