TC- Minutes- 05-05-2022Minutes of the Regular ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING May 5, 2022 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Vice Chair Quintanilla at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Vice Chair Quintanilla INVOCATION: Vice Chair Quintanilla PRESENT: Commissioner Drange, Commissioner Escobar, Commissioner Nguyen, Vice Chair Quintanilla ABSENT: Chair Masuda STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works Michael Chung and Commission Liaison Daniel Nguyen 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS None l It] il HE= 3. CONSENT CALENDAR Vice Chair Quintanilla asked Traffic Commissioners if anyone would like to make revisions or additions to the minutes of April 7, 2022, Commissioner Escobar made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Nguyen, to accept consent calendar. Vote resulted in: Yes: Quintanilla, Drange, Escobar, Nguyen No: None Abstain: None Absent: Masuda 4. NEW BUSINESS A. TRAFFIC REVIEW ON JACKSON AVENUE BETWEEN EMERSON PLACE AND HELLMAN AVENUE Traffic Engineer Robbins provided a brief description of the item and presented a PowerPoint presentation of the studies that were conducted. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of May S, 2033 Page I of 10 Traffic Engineer Robbins explained that the resident requested the City to conduct a traffic review along Jackson Avenue between Emerson Place and Hellman Avenue due to reported speeding concerns. Traffic Engineer Robbins explained as part of the traffic review, engineering staff looked at the existing roadway conditions, a review of approximately 5 years of available collision data, Average Daily Travel (ADT) counts, and a 24-hour Speed Survey. On behalf of the City of Rosemead, Traffic Engineer Robbins provided a combination of traffic calming measures and improvements along Jackson Avenue between Emerson Place and Hellman Avenue. Vice Chair Quintanilla opened the Public Comment period. Sherman Rourman, business owner of 8424 Garvey Avenue, questioned the validity of the data collected for the traffic review stating the police does not take traffic accident reports anymore, unless a personal injury is involved. Vice Chair Quintanilla reiterated Mr. Rourman's comment to confirm if he was saying that there are accidents not documented by the sheriffs. Mr. Rourman confirmed that is correct. He explained that the sheriffs either arrive too late or do not respond or take in traffic accident reports for damage or theft under $2,000. He commented that the number of accidents indicated in the traffic review does not reflect the actual numbers, which is significantly higher. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked if Mr. Rourman has personally called the Rosemead Public Safety Center or sheriffs station. Mr. Rourman replied that he just knows from personal fact and experiences. He mentioned of multiple accidents that have occurred in the area and the police do not show up. Vice Chair Quintanilla thanked Mr. Rourman for his public comments. The City received a Public Comment via email from Resident Stan Lam explaining he has witnessed cars speeding and racing on the street. He also commented that both the tenants and owners of the property should receive the courtesy notification letters. The City received a Public Comment via email from Resident Howard Thio requesting a four hour time limit for street parking from Monday to Friday between 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM along Jackson Avenue due to heavy traffic. The City received a Public Comment via email from Resident Julie Jacks expressing her concerns for safety of residents on Jackson Avenue due to speeding and cars not stopping at the intersection of Emerson and Jackson. She also mentioned an overgrown tree in front of the school Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of May S, 2022 Page 2 of 10 on the southwest corner of Emerson and Jackson that is covering the stop sign that needs to be removed or trimmed. Vice Chair Quintanilla closed the Public Comment period. Commissioner Escobar agreed with staff recommendations. Commissioner Drange asked if the center double yellow lines will be installed on the whole street. Traffic Engineer Robbins responded it will be from Emerson Place to Hellman Avenue. Commissioner Drange asked if we could paint the speed limit on the road, which he explained would be more useful than a speed limit sign as there is a lot of parked cars and trees along the street. Traffic Engineer Robbins responded a pavement legend is an option we can also include. Commissioner Drange asked if we could add the pavement legend to the recommendations. Director of Public Works Chung responded we can add the recommendation. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked if we have similar issues with the parallel streets. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied there have not been complaints received for the other streets and that Jackson Avenue would be the first street to get the double yellow center lines. Commissioner Drange commented that it would make more sense to install the double yellow center lines all the way to Garvey Avenue, instead of ending it at Emerson Place. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied that they would need to measure how wide the street is to ensure there is nine and a half to ten feet minimum of travel lane. Vice Chair Quintanilla opened the Public Comment period. The City received a Public Comment via Zoom from Resident Ken explaining that the previous homeowners of their home mentioned of a speeding car that crashed into the living room. He mentioned that he noticed cars have been driving fifty to sixty miles per hour on Jackson Avenue. He stated that the cars are speeding in the morning and afternoon while school children are present, as well as in the evenings. He expressed concerns for the safety of the children and the homeowner's property. He agrees with the recommendations, however, does not feel it will prevent speeding. Instead, he suggested to install speed bumps. Vice Chair Quintanilla closed the Public Comment period Vice Chair Quintanilla asked staff to explain the policy on speed bumps. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of May 5, 2022 Page 3 of 10 Director of Public Works Chung responded that the City currently does not have a speed hump policy, so there are no speed humps installed within the city. There has been discussion at the last City Council meeting regarding the speed hump policy and it is currently in preliminary stages to bring to the Traffic Commission meeting in June or July to discuss implementing speed humps in the city. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked if the City still contracts with the county sheriffs. Director of Public Works Chung replied yes. Director of Public Works Chung asked Traffic Engineer Robbins to confirm that it was recommended for additional traffic enforcement. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied yes, and that the City will need to contact the sheriff. Director of Public Works Chung explained when we receive recommendation for additional traffic enforcement, it is conveyed to the chief of police. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked about the motorbike patrols. Director of Public Works Chung replied there are motorbike patrols, however, he was unsure of how many and if they were patrolling in this area. Vice Chair Quintanilla commented that there used to be three motorbike patrol officers who patrolled Rosemead Boulevard and side streets such as Jackson Avenue. Director of Public Works Chung replied he can inquire with the chief of police. Traffic Engineer Robbins suggested asking the resident who provided the public comment if they noticed a specific time during the day when the speeding mainly occurs. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked Resident Ken via Zoom if he knew of a specific time the speeding occurs. Resident Ken replied usually in the morning hours when people are heading to work, around noon when the students get out of the elementary school, and a lot of speeding in the evening from around eight to midnight. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked if staff could relay those time frames to the chief of police. Director of Public Works replied yes. Commissioner Nguyen asked how the eighty-fifth percentile speed of thirty-three miles per hour was generated in the speed survey. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of May 5, 2022 Page 4 of 10 Traffic Engineer Robbins replied all cars that drove by in a 24 hour period were tracked, and the eighty-fifth percentile was used to generate the speed. Commissioner Drange made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Escobar, to accept Staff recommendations and to add the recommendation to install a speed limit pavement legend. Vote resulted in: Yes: Quintanilla, Drange, Escobar, Nguyen No: None Abstain: None Absent: Masuda B. PARKING REVIEW: GREEN CURB INSTALLATION REQUEST AT 8408 GARVEY AVENUE Traffic Engineer Robbins provided a brief description of the item and presented a PowerPoint presentation of the studies that were conducted. Traffic Engineer Robbins explained that the received a request from a business owner to install green curb in front of the new Live Work development at 8408 Garvey Avenue which is located on the southeast comer of Garvey Avenue and Delta Avenue. Traffic Engineer Robbins explained as part of the traffic review, engineering staff completed a parking review and analysis of existing conditions as well as conducted a parking study on the south side of Garvey Avenue between Delta Avenue and Earle Avenue on one (1) weekday to determine the existing parking conditions and patterns. On behalf of the City of Rosemead, Traffic Engineer Robbins provided recommendations and options for the City to determine on what type of parking and curb markings should be installed and enforced for this location. Commissioner Drange asked if the entrance on Delta Avenue for this property has designated spaces for pickups and drop-offs. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied she did not have access to the information. Vice Chair Quintanilla opened the Public Comment period. Sherman Rourman, business owner of 8424 Garvey Avenue, commented that the side street is not designed for regular entry and inconvenient to enter the subterranean parking. They would need a space for vehicles to quickly pull in for pick-ups and drop-offs, which is usually located in the front of the building. There is already no parking available along the 8400 block of Garvey Avenue and cars ignore the two-hour parking signs. Vice Chair Quintanilla closed the Public Comment period. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of May 5, 2022 Page 5 of 10 Director of Public Works Chung responded to Commissioner Drange's question earlier regarding parking spaces at the property. There are 43 at grade parking spots and 96 subterranean parking spots. Commissioner Drange asked if the City has its own parking enforcement or is it the sheriff. Director of Public Works Chung replied the City has their own Code Enforcement division. Commissioner Drange commented it does not seem like the two-hour parking is enforced on Garvey Avenue and added that installing green curb would not do much if there is no enforcement. Director of Public Works replied that Code Enforcement has been informed of the issue and to monitor and patrol this area. Commissioner Drange asked if any of the parked vehicles were ticketed when they did the parking survey. Director of Public Works Chung replied he does not have that information since it was the traffic team who conducted the parking survey and not Code Enforcement. Commissioner Nguyen asked if the medical office requesting the green curb has a location to park. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied when developments come in, they have to park to code onsite. Planning division informed that this location needed 43 at grade parking spaces and 96 subterranean parking spaces. It is assumed that the subterranean parking is for the residents. Director of Public Works Chung further explained that the 43 at grade parking spaces and 96 subterranean parking spaces is for the entire development. There is no parking in the front, only parking in the back. Traffic Engineer Robbins explained the request for green curb was primarily for dropping off and picking up patients at the adult health care facility. Vice Chair Quintanilla commented that the green curb could also serve as a handicap parking zone. Traffic Engineer Robbins mentioned vehicles parked in the space would not be cited as long as they have a handicap placard. It was also not informed how long the visits would be, whether it would be a quick office visit or all day. Director of Public Works Chung commented the developers were requested to attend the meeting, but there was no response received. Commissioner Drange commented he would not make the entire 100' of curb just green. He asked how many parking spaces is the proposed 100' of green curb. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of May S, 2022 Page 6 of 10 Director of Public Works Chung replied approximately five parking spaces Commissioner Drange suggested making a few spaces green and the remaining space as two- hour parking. He also asked whether the business is looking for space to receive deliveries, which would be yellow curb. Director of Public Works Chung replied the request was for twenty minute green curb. Commissioner Escobar asked about whether there would be inconsistencies with the parking enforcement and if individuals would be able to call parking enforcement to notify of vehicles parked longer than the permitted time allowed. Director of Public Works Chung replied there should not be inconsistencies and that individuals could report those vehicles. Commissioner Escobar mentioned that there is existing green curb in front of 8424 Garvey Avenue and asked whether it is currently being enforced. Director of Public Works Chung replied that the green curb was not installed by the City. Commissioner Nguyen asked if there is any benefit to having a yellow loading only or passenger loading only instead of the green curb. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied the yellow is for freight and passenger loading activities, typically limited to three minutes. Commissioner Nguyen asked about the 30 minute limit indicated on the yellow loading only sign used in the presentation. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied the signs used in the presentation were sample signs from California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and that the signs would conform to Rosemead's municipal code. She also explained that green curb allows vehicles to park, whereas the yellow loading only is strictly for loading and unloading. Commissioner Nguyen suggested to install one yellow and one green space, and the rest to be two-hour parking. Director of Public Works Chung replied the request was for green curb and it is assumed the green curb would be sufficient for their operational needs. Commissioner Drange asked if there is a time limit on the two-hour parking spaces. Traffic Engineer Robbins replied it is from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except Friday. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked if we could make sure to enforce the green curb once installed. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of May S, 2022 Page 7 of 10 Director of Public Works Chung replied Code Enforcement and Public Safety can handle it. Commissioner Drange made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Nguyen, to accept Staff recommendation, Option 3, to approve 40' of green curb space and the remaining available curb as two-hour parking zones during 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., with added signage to indicate time restricted hours. Vote resulted in: Yes: Quintanilla, Drange, Escobar, Nguyen No: None Abstain: None Absent: Masuda C. PARKING REVIEW: GREEN CURB INSTALLATION REQUEST AT 8424 GARVEY AVENUE Traffic Engineer Robbins provided a brief description of the item and presented a PowerPoint presentation of the studies that were conducted. Traffic Engineer Robbins explained that the received a request from a business owner to install green curb in front of the business located at 8424 Garvey Avenue. Traffic Engineer Robbins explained as part of the traffic review, engineering staff completed a parking review and analysis of existing conditions as well as conducted a parking review and analysis of existing field conditions and previously prepared traffic reports and recommendations from 2017. On behalf of the City of Rosemead, Traffic Engineer Robbins provided recommendations and options for the City to approve or deny the green curb request and if approved, how much of green curb and which location it should be installed. Vice Chair Quintanilla opened the Public Comment period. Sherman Rourman, business owner of 8424 Garvey Avenue, asked commissioners to accept the recommendations from 2017 to install 20 -minute green curb in front of the business. Mr. Rourman stated there is no parking enforcement and that vehicles remain parked for days. He presented photos of parked vehicles that he indicated was parked for 10 days and explained that the City and sheriffs department do not take any action. He explained that the reason vehicles continue to park for days is because they do not get cited or do not understand the parking signs due to language barriers. He also mentioned of line of sight issues when entering and exiting his business driveway. He reiterated that people would understand to not park if there was a colored curb. He explained that the patients for the adult health care facility would not utilize the subterranean parking for drop- offs and pickups due to the inconvenience of transporting the patients up and down the elevator. Lastly, he reiterated that there is no parking enforcement and the police do not have the time to deal with parking issues. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of May S, 2022 Page 8 of 10 Vice Chair Quintanilla asked Mr. Rourman if the police were telling him that they do not have time to deal with parking enforcement. Mr. Rourman stated that is a fact. He explained it is not a priority, therefore, we cannot rely on them to enforce the parking restrictions or even respond to accidents or theft. Vice Chair Quintanilla explained that the commission will decide on this item regarding the green curb installation and will be added to City Council consent calendar for review. He recommended for Mr. Rourman to attend the City Council meeting. Vice Chair Quintanilla closed the Public Comment period. Director of Public Works Chung asked Traffic Engineer Robbins to clarify if there is an option to accept installation of green curb at both locations, which is the applicant's request. Traffic Engineer Robbins responded that would be option 2 to approve both and indicate how much green curb to install. Commissioner Escobar asked if option B were selected, would the existing green curb in front of the business be removed. Director of Public Works Chung responded the green curb would be removed Commissioner Drange asked about driveway red tipping at the business driveway apron to help with the larger vehicles tum into and out of the driveway. Traffic Engineer Robbins responded we could install two feet of red curb at the driveway aprons and decide how much green curb to install. This would not affect the amount of parking space available. Vice Chair Quintanilla agreed with the suggestion and asked to modify the recommendation to add driveway red tipping at the driveway aprons. Commissioner Drange made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Nguyen, to accept Staff recommendation, Option 2, to approve Option A and Option B in front of the applicant's property with green curb, as shown in Figure 6, with the addition of driveway red tipping and signage to indicate time restricted hours. Vote resulted in: Yes: Quintanilla, Drange, Escobar, Nguyen No: None Abstain: None Absent: Masuda 5. STAFF REPORTS None 6. COMMISSIONER REPORTS None Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of May 5, 2022 Page 9 of I0 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for June 2, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. and will take place at the Rosemead City Hall, City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Howard Masuda Chair ATTEST: 7ewl aeChatg- Michael Chung, P.E. uO Director of Public Works Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of May 5, 2022 Page 10 of 10